#they even went to the official grounds fancy
gtsdreamer2 · 5 months
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"Ahhh~ We're here!" Your step-sister exclaimed, bursting through the threshold of your home. She leaped towards you uncharacteristically, as if hoping for an embrace. You instinctually wrapped your arms around her thin frame, eliciting a happy squeal from her lips.
"Welcome to my house" you said meekly to your sister and parents. It was the first time you had invited them over officially, and there was no better time than now for Christmas. You got them seated in your living room and made sure they had access to all your appetizers and beverages.
"So what took you so long to have us over?" Your step-mom started. "And how come you missed last Christmas?" You father finished for her.
"Well, truth be told, we've been working on a massive project at work, like literally years long, but we're finally nearly finished. I can't really get into specifics, but it's for the military and it's going to help the ground troops. It's really cutting edge stuff. Literally the reason I went to college for." You were beaming with pride and filled to the brim with want to tell them all about the project, but the only one that seemed to look even semi-interested was your step-sis.
She had never made much of an impression on you when you two were living together, and she was far from any step-sibling fantasy growing up. But it had seemed like she had finally come into her own since moving out on her own. She was still rail thin, for the most part, and her face cleared of all her teenage acne. She HAD developed a rather sizable rear, but you could tell that it was from hard work rather than being inactive... not that you were staring. Looking back now, you realized that you hadn't been keeping in touch with your sis or your family much since you started your job at the military research facility.
"It hasn't been from lack of wanting to reach out to you guys, the job has just been really demanding since the get-go." Your excuse didn't seem to work too well on your parents.
"Well, I missed you and I'm glad you're here now." Your sister chimed. "And look at this big fancy house you live in now thanks to all the hard work you're doing! I bet they're paying you really well too!" Her praise was scratching an itch in your brain that was undeniably inflating your ego a little bit. This was very awkward coming from someone who mostly kept to herself when you two shared a house. She did seem interested in the same research that you were and seemed passionate about your dreams and goals, but she for sure didn't pursue the same dreams or actually understand the science behind it. She was always supportive of you reaching your goals though.
As the night wore on, your parents finally decided to bow out and head home, leaving just you and your sister, facing each other on opposite couches. She leaned in closer. "So tell me," she whispered, as if anyone else was in the house to eavesdrop. "what's really going on with your research? I know when we were younger, all you would talk about was making tech to make 'super soldiers'. but did you actually do it? You did, didn't you? You can tell me." Her words seemed almost manic, as if begging for information. You couldn't hold it back any longer.
"We did! It's so exciting. Like, you don't even know. All my research, all the grants, my whole team, it all came together perfectly as a culmination of my dreams and hard work. What we've created and what it can, in theory do, are just mind blowing." You were beaming and gushing at this point, like a parent, boasing about their child. "I can't wait for you to see the practical applications of it in a few years after it had gone through all the safety testing and red tape." She seemed defeated after hearing that last part. 'It's always the waiting' she thought to herself.
"Whaaaat?" She sighed, audibly protesting. "I don't want to have to wait years to properly see my brother's hard work! I want to see it now!" You sister whined like a child when she wanted to get her way, and now was no exception.
"The tech is solid, and the prototype is finished, but there's still lots of hoops to jump through and safety tests to perform before we can just start putting people in it, silly. I still wish you could see it, but it's just not there yet." Her ears perked up at the thought of her opportunity presenting itself.
"Well clearly I've had too much to drink to be able to drive myself home tonight. I think I just need to spend the night on your couch and then I can go home tomorrow." She turned on her side and laid her head on the arm rest, feigning fatigue.
"I have to work in the morning, so you need to be gone before I am, I don't have any spare keys or anything like that." You told her sternly.
"Maybe I'll just come with you to work then, so you can show me what you've been working on and I can praise you properly." Your sister said, filling your cup with more alcohol. You hadn't noticed, but clearly she was trying to get you drunk.
Morning came in a flash as you could barely hear your alarm from your bedroom. You awoke on the couch, not sure of how the night had gotten away from you. "Morning sleepyhead." Your sister teased. "I couldn't move you from the couch since you're too heavy, so I slept in your bed, I hope you don't mind. Also, since your alarm is going off, I assume that means we have to go to work now." She slid a cup of coffee into your hands as the brain-fog began to lift.
"Huh? We? What are you talking about? I can't take you to work with me." Clearly you hadn't been tough enough on her last night.
"What do you mean? You told me last night that I could come see it! You said you were happy to show it off to me and that no one would be there so there shouldn't be any issues! You promised!" You sister started to huff and pout, crocodile tears filling her eyes. Had you promised her that? It WAS true that you were going to have the lab to yourself.
"Did I really promise? I mean, I guess..." You trailed off, knowing already by the smile growing on her face that you had lost and she had won. Grab your things, let me get ready. It'll be a short day and then I'll treat you to lunch." She giggled to herself at your suggestion of buying her lunch. 'That's right you will. It's working!' She thought to herself giddily.
As you strapped into your car, your sister did the same. Turning the air off and making sure the windows were rolled up as she did. The drive was short, but the air was stifling. You moved to turn the air on, but your sister cut you off, blocking the knob. "I don't want to get chilly. Leave it off." She said it as a command, and your body froze. You nodded your head and reluctantly returned your hand to the steering wheel. 'That was a weird reaction.' You thought to yourself, remarking that as the drive wore on the stale air seemed to get sweeter and sweeter. Suddenly, you became hyper aware of your step-sister. You had never been attracted to her in any physical capacity, but suddenly, her feminine charms seemed to be turned up to eleven. The heat rising in the car and your increased heart rate suddenly made you break out in a sweat, and the outside world seemed to fade to grey as you continued driving to your place of employment on autopilot. All the while, you couldn't help but steal glances at your sister. She wasn't oblivious to this in the slightest as she adjusted her low-cut top, revealing her small amount of cleavage. She rubbed her legs together in her fuzzy leggings that clinged to her just tightly enough to leave nothing to the imagination. You started to pant from the blood boiling under your skin.
"What's wrong bro?" She asked teasingly. "You seem kind of hot and bothered." She put a hand on your thigh and electricity jolted through you. You could feel yourself growing hard only inches away from her hand as thinking became harder and more frustrating.
'Focus on the road' You thought to yourself, unable to vocalize any thoughts out loud between pants and stifled moans. Moans? 'Why am I moaning? What's wrong with me?' As you approached a red light, your step-sister grabbed the back of your head and shoved your face against the nape of her neck. As you breathed in her heavly scent, you were sent nearly over the edge.
You could feel your member surge longer, reaching maximum length. Your heartbeat throbbed through it, resonating at the tip, and you felt ready to burst at any minute. Suddenly, your sister pulled you away and turned your head back to the road. "It's green, dummy." She said cheekily. "Are we almost there?" You nodded, trying not to dwell on the fact that you were almost there in more ways than one.
Finally you pulled up to the facility, the gate cam scanning your registered plate and swinging open. You pulled into your parking spot and finally were able to shut the car off, throwing the door open and clamoring out for some fresh air. As you took deep breaths out in the open, you could start to feel the fog in your mind lifting ever so slightly. You were just starting to regain some composure when your step-sister came from behind and put her arms around you, forcing herself too close to you and refilling your lungs full of her alluring aroma.
"Let's go inside, it's chilly out here." You nodded, your eyes clouding over and her control over you reasserting itself. You flashed your card at the door and it clicked open. Your sister opened the door and ushered you through. You shambled after her with her leading you by the hand. It seemed like she knew exactly where she was going. Suddenly you found yourself in the testing room with the tech safely on display in its glass case. Right in the center of the room was a jet black suit that looked like latex. Although very unassuming and more than slightly lewd looking, this was the culmination of you and your team's hard work.
Upon seeing the black suit in the case, Belle immediately dropped your hand and sprinted up to it, placing her hands and nose right against the glass. The suit seemed to shimmer and shiver in response. "So while you're getting everything ready, how's about you tell me what exactly this is and how you made it?"
You cocked your head to the side before trying to shake out more of the fog that was clouding your thoughts. "Get what ready? I'm still trying to figure out how I agreed to bring you here. And what happened to me on the way over." You took this chance to slump into your chair at your control desk and take in some more air away from Belle, who was already quickly rushing over to you.
"What do you mean?" She said in her whiny voice as she perched herself on your lap, throwing her arms around you and placing her neck, once again, in range of your nose. "You told me last night that you'd bring me here and show me your lab and the tech and tell me how it works! You even told me that I could try it out!"
That didn't sound right to you. You wouldn't compromise your project that hadn't even been tested on humans yet. You especially wouldn't risk harming your step-sister...and yet. "Did I say that?" You asked, half slurring your words while reentering your trance."
"That's right. You told me that I could be the first super soldier and that you'd make your little sister grow big and strong." She pouted and snuggled against you, rubbing her scent on you and forcing another wave of arousal to surface. You could feel your bulge pressing into Belle's thigh, and she giggled knowing that she had you back under her spell. "Be a good boy for me and start getting it set up while you tell me all about your project." She whispered in your ear, her hot breath sending chills through your body. She got off you then and walked back over to the case as you turned to your control panel and started pushing buttons and entering codes.
"So basically we found this organism. It's unlike anything from our dimension." you began, telling a speech that you'd been rehearsing for months just for this big reveal "So we theorize that this thing came through a Mandela hole, which basically is a crack in our dimension that leads to a parallel one...but that's not important." As you were speaking, your sister quickly got naked, leaving her clothes in a messy pile on the floor. You were far too engrossed in your trance to notice. You pulled a lever and the glass of the case receded into the ceiling, leaving the suit exposed to your sister's quick clutches. She immediately grabbed it and started to put it on while you continued your procedures.
"So we quickly found that this organism was still tethered to its home dimension and that by binding it to some cutting edge technology, we could channel that energy into a host that the organism more than willingly bonded with." Your sister didn't seem all that interested in the science of it all as she was sliding into the suit that seemed to vibrate and slither further onto her.
"Why is this thing so tight if it's meant for big strong men to put on?" She asked, trying wriggle herself into it. You instinctively pushed a button that sent an electrical pulse through the tech, causing it to immediately expand and envelop Belle, covering her just like an inorganic body suit would. This, however, was not inorganic and seemed to quiver and purr in the satisfaction of being united with other living tissue. "That's better!" Your step-sister squealed, checking herself out and feeling herself up.
You pressed a few more buttons and twisted a big red dial as the screen lit up with your step-sister's biometrics. The screen displayed her vitals and the organisms output, showing just a measly tenth of a percent. As the suit fully bonded to your sister, she made an uncomfortable noise. "OW! It feels like i just got poked by needles all over my body and...and...oh. Now I feel better. Now I feel...kinda good."
"I just need to...need to...Why am I doing this?" With the suit covering your sister's skin, the scent in the air began to quickly fade. You finally looked away from the panel long enough to realize that your sister was fully bonded to the suit. "Shit, Belle. What the fuck? We need to get you out of that right now!"
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"I think it's a little late for that, bro...mmmph. I can feel my body being fed that energy that you were talking about. It's ever so slowly entering my skin through those little needles that I got pricked by. And it's just making me feel so good." You could see now that the suit that had coated your sister was pulsing as it was being fed and, in turn, feeding her, forcing its host to absorb the energy that was being transmitted. You looked from her to the screen. All vitals were improving rapidly. 'This is valuable data,' you thought to yourself. 'but this is way too dangerous to continue.'
"I think we might need to pump the breaks here, sis." You said, trying to be the voice of reason. "You got to try it out. You're super healthy and strong now already according to the vitals monitor. It looks like you're already way stronger than me judging by the muscle density scanners."
"Is that so?" Your sister said, enthusiastically. She sauntered over to you, making sure to sway her wide hips with every step, the fluorescent lights of the lab creating a sheen against the body suit as she did. She was suddenly sitting in your lap again. The suit being on her combined with her increased muscle density made her noticeably heavier than when she sat on you only minutes before. But it was more than that. Her whole form seemed larger. This was a theoretical side effect of the tech, but you still were in awe of getting to see and feel it first hand. "You know..." She started, putting a hand on your chin and forcing eye contact. "I worked really hard to save up the money to get the pheromone concoction that I used on you last night to get you here. Sneaking it into your drink and downing the control agent myself. Forcing you to be in the car with me on the way over to make you even more susceptible to it. It wasn't cheap and it wasn't easy, but it got me here. It's just a little hiccup that my body stopped pumping it out when I bonded with this suit." She gestured to the pulsing blackness that coated her body, running her hands up and down herself as she grabbed two handfulls of her tits. "God, even these feel bigger and better. You have no idea how long I've fantasized about this. ever since you told me about your dreams of making big strong soldiers. Maybe even before that. I've always wanted to be bigger. And now you're making it happen!"
She readjusted herself in your lap as she stalled you with her speech while the energy continued to flow into her. "I can feel my body changing by the minute. becoming more and more and more and...mmmm...I'm so much stronger than you now and growing bigger and stronger still...I could just make you do what I want now." For the first time in your life, you had become genuinely afraid of what used to be your little step-sister.
"Belle, let's talk about this. It's true that you're bigger and stronger than me now, but that's enough right? How tall are you now? Six? Six and a half feet maybe. That's huge. And your muscles are so tight and toned now that-
"I know!" She cut in, flexing her muscles which rippled and defined themselves against the suit as she did. "I can FEEL how strong I'm getting! It's amazing! This truly is marvelous technology that would have revolutionized modern troop warfare. But it's mine now. And it feels way too good to stop. And your definition of huge and mine are way different. So I need you to be a good brother and turn up the juice. I'm tired of being drip fed this energy. I need you to flood me with it." With that, she got off your lap and skipped back to the center of the room, before twirling around to face you. "And before you even think about trying to say no, just know that even if you were to shut off the whole machine now, it's too late. I'm warning you. I'm so much bigger and stronger than you that you wouldn't have a chance, and I would be far too angry to hold myself back. So it's really your only option. I'm counting on you bro."
"Right..." You uttered, completely defeated by your newly monstrous sister. 'the fucking pheromones' you thought to yourself as you started to play with the controls again. 'that's how she got in my head and made me give her everything she wanted. I wonder if I have any other options here.' You looked at all the controls and came up with only too paths to choose. Path one would open the flood gates like your sister asked and make her an extra bulky bitch in no time, side effects be damned. Option two would be to reverse the energy flow and drain all of her new power back into the organism. That option came with too many risks to calculate. What would happen to the organism with that much energy in it? Would your sister return to how she was, or would she waste away? You were running out of time, and all the while your sister was still being pumped, albeit ever so slowly, full of energy. "Ok, fine. You win. I'll turn up the output. I'll make you stronger. I don't know what else will happen to you though...we haven't even run simulations on this kind of output. Are you sure you don't want to stop?"
"Come on! I need it! Hurry!" She was growing more and more impatient by the second and you didn't want her to end you, so you started to type in codes ignore warning screens and type in more codes to get to the most advanced settings.
"Here goes." You said, voice quivering with fear, and admittedly a little excitement, about your project being used to its full potential. You cranked up the dial from one tenth of a percent to ten percent all at once.
"Oh fuck!" Belle cried out, falling to her knees and then lying down on her back. She immediately started to convulse as the suit pulsed and purred around her, pumping massive amounts of energy into her already enlarged form. "I feel like I'm going insane! There's so much being forced into me! It feels amazing! Umph! Bigger!" You watched as your sister began to pulse larger and larger with each pulse of the suit. As you looked back at the screen, the instruments for her vitals were completely nonsensical. She was literally off all the charts and growing fast. eight, ten, twelve feet went by as she moaned in pleasure. "More more more! Turn it up higher! I can take it!" You cranked the dial to twenty percent and your step-sister doubled in size, orgasming as she did. She felt herself gush hard, her whole cunt clenching as her clit rubbed against the suit while she bucked her hips in ecstasy. Every part of her seemed more sensitive in the most pleasurable way. She felt herself up reveling in the sensation of her nipples protruding against the suit. She rubbed her fingers over them and felt them grow even harder in response. As she twisted and pulled and squished them against her already bigger breasts, she could feel them swell under her fingers, growing faster than the rest of her and evening out her hourglass figure. "That's it! I love this! I feel like I'm ascending! Like I'm finally going to be as big as I've always meant to be!" As your sister became more in tune with her growing body, she could feel the pheromone concoction still in her system. Forcing tiny holes in the neck of the suit to open, she told her body to produce more of the pheromone, and it complied. Immediately, you were overwhelmed.
"Turn it up. All the way." Your sister commanded, still writhing on the ground in growing bliss between constant climaxes. unable to resist, you cranked the dial all the way. Rapidly running out of room, Belle ballooned up to an impressive eighty feet and exploded out of the building, her giant suited foot shielding you from the rubble as it plowed right through your control panel, destroying the connection to the suit. She hardly noticed outgrowing your lab, but the feed of energy being severed left Belle with a sense of longing. She lifted her foot and the surrounding debris away from you before scooping you up into her hand. "Fuck you're tiny." She said, standing up to her full height of one hundred feet. "Everything is tiny. But it could be smaller. I could be bigger. I should be." Using her connection to the suit, free of tech, she reached out to try and find a source of energy. She could feel something in the distance, outside the city. "Where did you say this thing came from? A Mandela hole? I think I can sense one. I want to drink from it." Your big step-sister opened a hole in her suit exposing her vast cleavage and dropped you in. "Lets go 'little bro' I wouldn't want you to miss the show." She began walking towards the source of energy, all the while her suit purring and hungry, just like its host.
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nctsplug02 · 2 years
Always waiting for another fic from u bcause u always be my favorite~🎶 recently i feel so insecure, like im not worth existing, i end up pushing away the closest ppl around me. Really reaally need my baby daddy johnny, with super angsty plot yet ends with super fluffy soft smut 🥺 appreciate it so much if u dont mind writing my request 🥺💖💕
GENRE: fluff, angst and smut
WARNINGS: dilf johnny, shit talking, body shaming, age gap (24-34), mentions of bullying, kissing, flirting, fingering, mentions of pregnancy, unprotected sex, praising, and spanking.
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you glance over at the buzzing phone that was blowing up with constant buzzes and notifications. you sigh as it buzzes, again so, you reach over to power it off only to accidentally read what the first notification said.
deloris: she sounds like a whore haha
you bite your lip, you shouldn’t be that nosey step-mother but, you didn’t want your own step-daughter and her friends cyber bully someone?
so, you click on the notification which lead to a group chat.
me: ikr
me: she literally can’t go a day without nagging and calling my dad babe. or touching him.
why was jamie texting back? more likely, how? she’s grounded so, how does she have access in texting them back?
sha’nyra: TOUCHING??? nah, she’s definitely got a problem with keeping her hands to herself!
and, who were they talking about?
me: she’s definitely using my dad for his money.
annalese: i forgot your daddy is a rich man.
me: wtv anna
were they talking.. about you? it’s clear that they were.
me: everyone in my family calls her my mom.. she isn’t. she’s just a fat pregnant bitch who my daddy decided to knock up and marry.
you were on the bigger side but, that didn’t stop your husband, johnny, from loving you and marrying you.
you swallow the huge lump in your throat and wipe the tears from your cheeks.
is that what she thought of you? how embarrassing.
you met your husband, johnny, four years back. you were stood up by your tinder date and johnny saw you sitting at the bar by yourself. he ordered a drink for you and came up to you shortly after. you and him talked all night and he offered you a ride home which you took.
once outside your apartment complex, he took your number and you took his. you and him texted all night until deciding to meet up for a date the next morning. he took you to this fancy area where he paid an hour later.
several more dates and you and johnny finally got together, officially.
you walk downstairs to find your husband returning from work. “hey, honey. oh, no. what’s wrong?” johnny walks up to you and cups your face. “i..” you could barely finish before his worried eyes make you burst into tears.
“oh, baby.” he sighs and brings your head to his chest, rubbing the back of your neck and cooing. “what happened?” you shake your head and johnny taps your thigh, signing you to jump.
he catches you by your thighs and brings you over to the kitchen. johnny sits you on the counter and cups your face. “tell me, what’s wrong, baby?” you look around to calm yourself.
“earlier.. i took jamie’s phone like you said to and her phone was blowing up.. so, i went to power it off but, i accidentally saw what one of the notification said and they were whore-shaming someone— and, you know how much i hate when people do that so, i.. snooped?”
johnny sighs and gulps. “what did you find, baby.” you frown and bite your lip.
“they were whore-shaming me, johnny.” his stare stayed blank. “they were saying how i only married you for your money— fat-shaming me— and, jamie was mocking me for calling you ‘babe’ and how i can’t stop nagging or, or touching you!”
johnny brings his arms around you, again and comforts you. “i’m sorry, baby. i’ll have a talk with her, okay?” you shake your head. “that’ll just make her hate me even more!” you push at his chest. “she doesn’t hate you, baby—?” you shake your head, wiping your nose. “she does— stop lying to me!”
johnny sighs and frowns the corner of his lip to one side. “she said how she couldn’t believe you married me— a fat pregnant bitch.” you mimic her words with a shaky tone.
“no, baby,” he coos and tucks your hair behind your ears. “i married you because i love you,” he makes you hold contact with his eyes. “the moment i saw you sitting by yourself in that bar— i fell in love. your gorgeous face, your gorgeous body— the way that dress hugged those pretty curves. i love you for you. you have an amazing heart that cares so much for me. and, that amazing heart that didn’t care that i was a single father with a 13 year old— you try your hardest to get jamie to like you and you try your hardest to bond with her— you try and try and try but, the truth is.. she isn’t used to another women taking her mothers place. she isn’t used to her father seeing someone else other than her mother. she’ll come around, baby. she will and, i promise. and, that baby growing in your belly— my baby. i will always love them, no matter what. so, what i knocked you up. jamie doesn’t get a say in wether i knock you up or not. so, whatever she says, don’t listen to what she says. i love you for you. you’re perfect for the way you are. i love you and that baby growing in your belly.”
your eyes water, tears burning to fall. “i will not let jamie get away with shaming my wife. she may be my daughter but, she does not have the right to shame my wife, okay?” you slowly nod as johnny rubs your cheeks.
“is jamie home, right now?” you shake your head. “she had her mom pick her up before i took her phone.” you frown and johnny smirks a bit.
“that’s perfect.” he mutters. “that gives me the perfect opportunity to let me show you how beautiful you are, baby.” he brings his lips to your lips and slowly slides his tongue over your bottom lip. “j—johnny,” you whimper, feeling his hand slip up under your silk night gown.
he pushes you back just a tad bit and hooks his fingers under the stretchy band of your pantie, he slowly pulls down your pantie and lets it tighten around your knees. johnny lifts up your legs and looks down at your pussy that dripped.
“fuck me,” johnny sighs with a lip bite. “i just., can’t believe this pussy.. is mine.. all mine.” he whispers and brings two fingers to his lips, he sticks out his tongue and swipes his fingers over them.
you whimper and tilt your head to the side to watch as he slips the two fingers into your wet cunt. you moan and toss your head back against the cupboard, letting your head thud against it. “johnny,” you whine as he curls his fingers.
“ahh—?!” you gasp and johnny fastens his pace, his fingers covered in white cream. “j—johnny!” you wail and tighten your pussy around johnnys fingers as you cream around his thick, slender fingers.
johnny groans with you as he slows his wrist movements. “good job, baby. good job.” he coos and pulls out his fingers, bringing them to his tongue and sucking on them. groaning around his fingers as he sucks your sweetness off his fingers.
“do you think you’re stretched out enough to take my big dick?” johnnys fingers tease your slit making you whine. “it’s a yes or a no, baby.”
“yes, johnny!” you nod, arms wobbling as they hold up your upper body. “see, wasn’t so hard to answer.” he chuckles and kisses your bump that was hidden under your gown.
johnny smirks and undoes his belt with one hand while the other plays with your slit. he pushes down his jeans and frees his cock. it springs up hard with precum.
johnny holds up your legs and uses his hand to slap his tip on your folds. “fuck, im so dying to be inside you.” he hisses and runs his cock between your folds. “p—please, fuck me, johnny.”
“oh, i’ll fuck you, alright.” you let out a noise as johnny pushes into you. you grip the counter top and moan loudly, feeling his cock stretch you out.
you gasp repeatedly as johnny hits your sweet spot several times perfectly. “does it feel good, baby?” you nod and let out a wail. “of course it does— i always make you feel good, don’t i?” you nod, again— whimpering this time.
johnny was the first man to make you cum several times in one night. it was magical. you could barely make yourself cum by yourself after.
“don’t doze off on me, baby.” he mumbles and lightly slaps your cheek. “i—im not.” you pout and shake your head as he cock drowns you out.
johnny chuckles sexily and rubs your clit making you jolt. “b—baby,” he nods with a hum. “can we cum together?” he bites his lip and nods. “i’d love to, baby.” you clench as johnny fastens his pace— pushing his hips faster just like he always did for rough sex.
you whimper as your orgasm gets closer. “don’t worry, baby. i’m close, too.” yeah, you could tell by the way his thrusts became sloppier, the way his cock twitched in you and the way his face scrunched.
“j—johnny—?!” he nods and holds your frantic hand, that was begging to be held.
johnnys last slam causes you to go silent. your throat closes as you attempt to moan. you and johnny both whimper. he filled you to the rim and you applied tightness around his dick.
“f—fuck.” johnny pulls your pantie off your ankles and spreads your legs, pulling himself closer and connecting his forehead with yours. “ay,” you wince as he buries himself deeper.
after a few minutes, johnny finally pulls out and brings his eyes down to your cunt that pushed out his cum and piled onto the countertop.
“do you wanna take a shower or should i—?” your chest heaves as you shake your head. “grab.. the cum towel and.. clean me off..” you huff and puff. “if you say so, baby.” johnny rubs your cheek and rubs upstairs.
johnny comes back with the cum towel and wipes your cunt and your thighs— plus the countertop.
“ready for bed?” johnny asks and you nod. “think you can walk?” you think for a second before nodding. “hopefully.” you say with your fingers crossed.
johnny chuckles as he helps you off the counter and watches as you wobble towards the kitchen door. johnny spanks you making you wince. “ay,” you wince, again and clutch onto the kitchen door frame. johnny chuckles behind you, watching with heavy eyes.
you turn back and smile with repeated blinks. “already on it, baby.” johnny smirks and carries you, bridal style.
once to the room, he sets you on the bed and climbs in next to you. “goodnight.. and, i love you. very, very much.” he presses the longest— most fattest kiss on your temple.
“and, i love you very, very much!” you press your face more into his plumped lips.
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withlovewriting · 2 months
All I Ever Knew, Only You 15: The Pickle Theory
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Chapter Fifteen.
I'm stuck on you, I've got this feeling down deep in my soul that I just can't lose, Guess I'm on my way, I needed a friend, And the way I feel now, I guess I'll be with you 'til the end, Guess I'm on my way, I'm mighty glad you stayed
Summary: Hawkins was your typical quaint, mid-western town where nothing ever happened. People were born here, lived their entire lives within the town limits, and eventually died here, peacefully in their sleep. But one cold November evening in 1983 would change everything.
Despite a child with psychokinetic abilities and ravenous monsters that lacked faces, stranger things had definitely happened in the small town in Indiana. One of them being your reluctant and slightly imposed friendship with Hawkins High’s own King Bee, Steve Harrington.
Characters: Steve Harrington x Non-descriptive F!Reader (eventual)
Words: 6,354
Chapter Warnings: Fluff. Is this the beginning of the pining? Who knows... Not me... Mentions of a funeral/Barb's death/survivor's guilt. One scene in this was based on the actual scene of Steve singing 'Old Time Rock and Roll' by Bob Seger into the bat to Nancy. I also genuinely don't think I even wrote a curse word once in this chapter. Baffling, I know. Also possibly an absolute lie, too. I cba to re-read through and check.
Series Warnings: Strong language, mentions of underage drinking, mentions of drug use, canon-typical violence, mentions of alcohol abuse, mentions of possible mental health disorders, child abuse, slow burn, kinda enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, I like to call it ‘two idiots who begrudgingly befriend each other only to realize… ‘wait a damn minute…’, eventual sexual content, no use of y/n, canon-typical time-period bullshit. 18+. Minors DNI.
Previous Chapter
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Chapter Fifteen: The Pickle Theory.
News around Hawkins traveled fast, especially when said news was a released recording of the U.S. Department of Energy admitting involvement in the death and cover-up of Barbara Holland. That news, in fact, went nationwide.
'Exposure to an experimental chemical asphyxiant' had been the official cause of death on Barbara’s death certificate, and even now, as you stood at her graveside, eyes practically penetrating the expensive, white, and empty coffin, guilt still nipped at your ankles. It was a feeling you were sure would remain with you until you ended up in your own — albeit, nowhere near as fancy — coffin, the shadow of guilt lurking around every corner, always in your peripheral vision, never quite able to look it in the eyes.
The ghost of Barbara Holland would haunt the town of Hawkins forever, would haunt you forever.
Standing next to your mother, you watched as the coffin was lowered into the ground, the uncontrollable sobs from Mr and Mrs. Holland, who now knew that no amount of money, and no type of professional or investigative journalist would find their daughter alive. She was dead, lost to the Upside Down forever.
Maybe believing that she had simply passed out and suffocated was the kinder, lesser of evils.
Either way, you were unable to look them in the eyes as they pulled you into a tight hug, Mr. Holland patting you awkwardly on the back as your mother — showered and relatively sober — comforted Barb’s mother, reassuring her that she too had been through the loss of a daughter, and to take it day by day. That with time it will get easier. If they needed anything, then they had her number. All of the things you’re supposed to say to someone who is burying a loved one.
Horse shit, you thought, watching them interact.
You, hell, the entirety of Hawkins knew your mother was still lost in the storm of losing a child. Of having her husband walk out. Of being condemned with a child that she wholeheartedly blamed for the death of her firstborn.
It didn’t get easier, your mother just became more inebriated.
Mr and Mrs. Wheeler had already excused themselves, the latter placing a gentle hand on Nancy’s arm as she passed. She stood shoulder to shoulder with Jonathan, downcast expressions as they spoke quietly between themselves. Steve stood a foot or so away, brows pinched together as his eyes remained on the framed picture of Barbara.
Sending a quick apology to Mr and Mrs. Holland, you made your way toward where the smaller group stood, hands in your pockets to keep the cold December chill from your fingers.
“You’re gonna tear that if you hold it any tighter,” despite your quiet mumble, the boy still flinched, eyes darting away from the picture of the redhead to meet your own, one brow now raised, “the memorial card. I don’t know what it ever did to you, but…”
“Oh,” Steve swallowed as he loosened his grip, eyes peering down at the paper, “didn’t realize.”
“Hey, we’re uh… We’re gonna head out now. Will we see you later?” Nancy questioned, her small hand on your forearm, just as her own mother had done to her.
A small huff of laughter forced its way from your chest as you shook your head, “Yeah, I don’t think so. Not really my kind of scene.”
Nancy’s forced smile matched your own as he nodded, an awkward ‘bye’ as she and Jonathan made their way toward the latter’s Ford.
“You got plans tonight or something?” Steve questioned as he shoved his free hand in his pocket.
“Uh, no. Just Nancy trying to get me to join her do-gooders club.” When Steve’s head tipped slightly to the side, you sighed and explained, “The Snow Ball is tonight. They needed volunteers but I don’t really wanna spend my evening with a bunch of middle schoolers. Plus, I have plans with Hopper. Did she manage to rope you into it?”
“Understandable,” Steve nodded, “And no. We, uh… We haven’t really spoken much since, you know…”
Whilst you and Steve had managed to keep your friendship on track the past month, the same couldn’t be said for Steve and his ex. Although Nancy didn’t explicitly tell you any information regarding herself and Jonathan and the time they spent together with Murray, it was evident that something had happened between the two, and whatever it was had put a permanent pin in her on-again, off-again relationship with Steve and even though he’d been dealing with rumors circling around the school since Tina’s Halloween party, it was obvious that Steve's feelings were still a little hurt.
“-Plus, I already have plans.”
Cocking your brow at the boy, your face remained otherwise stoic, “You have a hot date or something, Harrington?”
The boy seemed to stutter, and suddenly he found the grass under his shoes much more intriguing than he did just a moment ago before finally shrugging and repeating himself, as if you didn’t hear him the first time, “I just, uh… I have plans. You need a ride home, or…”
“Uh, no. Thanks. I drove. I’m just waiting for my Mom to finish up so I can take her to work.”
“How’s she been?”
Steve knew it was a peculiar question, and one he’d never bothered to ask before, but there had always been rumors swirling around the town of Hawkins, and he’d seen — or rather, heard — only a small portion of your mother’s drunken behavior for himself.
Your brows pinched as you watched him for a moment, almost expecting a cutting jeer to fall from his mouth as they often did with most people around town. A backhanded compliment or worse… a pitiful stare.
“She’s fine,” you shrugged, pulling down the bottom of your dress. The same dress you’d worn to Will’s fake funeral when the Upside Down was nothing more than a hypothetical, half-assed drawing on a napkin.
Steve’s mouth opened and closed, his brow furrowing as he tried to decide how to respond, but it was obvious you weren’t willing to talk about it.
“Steven, right? You’re the Harrington’s boy?”
Steve’s head turned, and a forced but nonetheless polite smile spread across his lips, one that had been enforced into him since childhood, “Yes, ma’am. Nice to meet you.”
As he shook your mother’s hand, Steve tried to ignore the cold, yet somehow clammy skin that pressed against his, and the reason it shook despite her being wrapped in an oversized coat.
Your family had been a talking point of the town ever since your grandmother lost her mind and was sent to stay in Pennhurst in 1958 before eventually being let out only to end her own life a few years later. He’d heard his mother gossip about it with her book club, joking about taking bets on when your mother would finally lose it, and if that had contributed to your father’s leaving. Although he had empathy for your mother and was trying hard to become a better version of himself, something about the way your mother gripped your bicep once she'd released his hand made him bite the inside of his cheek. It wasn’t a protective grip, it was possessive.
“It was nice to meet you, Steven” your mother quickly turned her attention toward you, “but we should get going.”
You nodded, and sent Steve a tight-lipped smile as you began to escort your mother toward the car, “Enjoy your date, Steve.”
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Although your mother was at work this evening, you remained silent as you tiptoed into her bedroom, as if she would pop out at any moment and catch you red-handed.
It wasn’t often that you entered your mother's room, typically only sneaking in to borrow a piece of clothing that she wouldn’t notice or to put the laundry away. But this was an emergency.
You’d visited El — who was now legally, kind of, adopted by Hopper — after she’d called you through the radio. She wanted to talk all things Snow Ball and for some reason, she assumed you’d have all the answers.
You’d told her what you knew, but couldn’t help feeling a little rejected when you mentioned that you hadn’t actually attended any of your middle school dances, and watched the way her face fell. Changing the subject, you’d asked her what she was wearing, and she mumbled that Hopper offered to take her shopping for a dress, and although you loved Hopper, you didn’t trust his fashion choices for a teenage girl.
So here you were, carefully searching through what was maybe the only pristine thing left in this house. A simple cardboard box that housed the memories of your sister, the only place they were allowed to stay. Every picture of your sister, any real proof that she was a living, breathing person and not just a figment of your imagination lay in this one box.
Taking a deep breath, you took a moment to calm yourself, your heart feeling like it was going to burst out of your chest, ribs be damned. Unpeeling the barely sticky packing tape and gently folding back the flaps of the box, your nose wrinkled subconsciously as the musty smell of dust clouded your senses for a moment.
There, laying atop some folded clothes and items of your sisters, sat a framed photo. Your sister’s first school photo of middle school, and ultimately, her last.
Familiar eyes peered back at you, a smile so bright that it could’ve lit the world on fire if your sister had so wished it. She was like sunshine; bright and soft and warm, the saccharine to your acerbic. And when she died, she left your family with nothing but the frigid chill of your moonlight, never quite enough to defrost your mother's icy heart or to make your father stay.
You allowed your eyes to run over the picture once more before moving it to the side, pulling up the edges of the few fabric pieces that were folded neatly in the box until you found the familiar blue dress, tiny pink dots sewn onto the fabric and a matching belt loosely tied around the waist still as if it’s owner would eventually come back to claim it.
Replacing everything back the way it was — sans the dress — you pushed the box back into your mother’s closet before rushing back to your room, the door shutting with a slight slam.
Gently laying the dress over your bed, you grabbed a near-empty body mist from your desk, spraying the ‘Love’s Baby Soft’ that you'd received last Christmas over the blue dress, hoping it would cover any lingering smells that made it a little too obvious that it had been hidden away for years.
In fact, the last time you saw this dress was the evening of what would’ve been your very first Snow Ball, when your mother was trying to mangle your tiny body into it.
You were 12, and she was drunk as always, deciding that the only way you would go to the dance, was if you wore your dead sister’s dress. You screamed, and she shouted, fighting against her and the fabric that she had half pulled over your head, the thin, pink-rimmed collar almost choking you as you wrestled against her cruel hands.
Eventually, she gave up, her vision too blurred to follow you as you ran from the room, from the house… from her.
And since then, you’d had no interest in school dances.
Staring down at the fabric that linked to so many different and conflicting emotions, you chewed on your bottom lip for just a moment before moving toward your desk, hands fumbling as you moved items out of your way, eventually grabbing a blue hair clip.
Releasing a long sigh, you swallowed down any incertitude and packed the dress and the clip, into your backpack, slamming the front door behind you before grabbing your bike, and heading to Hopper’s cabin.
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“I still don’t like it,” Hopper sighed, the same glare on his face that had been there since Eleven walked sauntered out of her bedroom, “You should’ve checked with me first.”
Rolling your eyes, you unbuckled your seatbelt and sent him a glare of your own, “It’s a tiny bit of make-up, Hop. You can barely even see it. But you like it, right El?”
The younger girl nodded, eyes darting across the middle school's parking lot as she tried to find a familiar face in the loitering kids that mingled about outside.
“Hey,” turning in the passenger’s seat of Hopper’s Chevrolet, you caught the girl’s attention, noting her bouncing leg, “You gonna sit out here all night, or head in, have fun, and dance the night away?”
“You want me to walk you in?” Hopper asked, his own seatbelt already unbuckled as he began to open the door, only stopping when your hand fell to his forearm.
“I’ll take her,” you told the man, lips forced into a tight smile as he watched you for a moment, only to sigh and nod.
Leaning out of his window, an unlit cigarette hanging from his mouth already, Hopper called out, “I’ll pick you up at 10, sharp.”
“Got your ticket?” You asked, stopping outside the door as El turned toward you, the crumpled paper gripped in her clammy palm, “Hey, you're gonna have a great time, alright?.”
You rubbed your hands on her shoulders reassuringly before patting down her dress. Your chest somehow felt lighter, and a little heavier at seeing it again.
“I don't know how to dance,” the girl blurted out, brown eyes full of fear as if she'd only just realized, “You said I would have fun dancing. But I don't know how to dance.”
Despite her sudden desperate outburst, you couldn't contain the laughter that escaped you, “Please, I don't think Mike Wheeler of all people is gonna be a ballroom genius either.”
When El's frown remained, the only change in her was the soft pink blush over her cheeks, you let out a deep sigh, bending slightly to look her in the eyes,
“Don't overthink this, okay? You don't have to impress anyone. You don't have to prove yourself. Dance, don't dance… It doesn't matter. Do whatever you wanna do.”
A sweet smile graced her features before El pulled you in close for a hug. Squeezing her back, you fluffed her hair one last time before sending her on her way, “C'mon, you don't wanna spend the whole night out here talking to me. Go, have fun.”
You watched as she pushed through the large doors, holding out her ticket for Mr. Clarke who was manning the welcome table, only turning once to send you a quick wave, but you could tell by the amazement on her face that she had never witnessed a night like this.
Folding your arms over your chest, you watched her for a moment longer until she was fully out of sight.
"Thought you didn’t wanna spend your evening with a bunch of kids?"
The familiar voice made you swivel around quickly, eyes wide in confusion, “I know most of your friends are like, middle schoolers now, but it's kinda lame to turn up to their end-of-year dance. Newsflash, Harrington: you won't win Winter King.”
Rolling his eyes, Steve leaned over the passenger seat a little more, his now removed seatbelt allowing him to almost pop his head out of the window, “Very funny. Who are you to talk, anyway? You literally have no other friends.”
Scoffing, you feigned a glare, “Thought you said you had a hot date tonight?”
“You assumed I had a hot date. I just said I had plans.”
“And your plans were…”
“I promised Henderson a ride.”
Nodding, you checked over your shoulder just to make sure Eleven had entered the building. Although you could no longer see Eleven, you could see the familiar smile of Nancy, standing not too far from the entrance doors pouring what you assumed were cups of punch. When you returned your attention to the boy still idling in his car, you realized Steve too was watching her, “You still giving him bad advice?”
“Hey, don’t fix what ain’t broke.” Steve smiled as his eyes returned to you, but it felt a little too forced.
“I’m not sure Laurie would feel that way. Or Becky, or Amy, or-”
“Yeah, okay. Got it, thanks.” Sending you an exasperated look, Steve let out a long sigh before leaning a little further over the passenger seat, “You uh… You got plans for the rest of the evening? I said I’d drop off some of the kids after but… I’m free ‘til 10 if you wanna go get something to eat, or… whatever?”
Your face remained stoic, bar one brow raising up, “You’re not gonna drive me to the middle of nowhere and murder me, are you Harrington?”
“God, you’re so dramatic. Just… Get it. Or don’t. Whatever.”
Despite your best efforts, a smile pulled at the corners of your mouth, causing you to bite your bottom lip, “Let me go tell Hop. He’s waiting for me.”
“Yeah, okay, cool. I’ll uh, I’ll wait here, I guess…”
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“Harrington?” Hopper questioned, the half-smoked cigarette hanging from his mouth as his stare turned toward Joyce.
“Yes, Hopper. Harrington. What about it?”
“And you’re just, what? Getting food? Going for a drive? I didn’t even realize you two were... friendly.”
Squeezing your eyes closed for a moment, you released a mumbled groan, “Yeah well, fighting two interdimensional demons from Hell kind of forces a bond, you know? Look, I wasn’t asking for your permission, Hop. I was just letting you know that I’ll pick my bike up tomorrow.”
Hopper’s frown deepened, his eyes seeming much darker against the night sky as you two stood in a silent standoff. Joyce’s elbow knocked into him, and the man offered out the cigarette to her, cringing slightly as she sent him a look that you couldn’t quite decode. They peered at each other a moment longer before Jim finally turned his attention back to you,
“I’ll uh, I’ll drop it at yours on my way back through. Just… Be careful, okay?”
“Thanks, will do. Night, Joyce.” You sent the woman a polite wave as you made your way back over toward the burgundy beamer, unaware of the mumbled conversation and prying eyes from the two adults behind you.
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Steve almost jumped from his seat when you practically wrenched the handle from his door, gracelessly bundling yourself into the passenger seat and warming your hands on the heater as quickly as you could, his hands fumbling on the radio volume, knocking it up a little too high in his unnerved state.
Quickly lowering it back down, Steve sent you a silent glare as he started the engine, only to be met with a shit-eating grin.
Since Benny’s had closed down, The Hideaway remained one of the only places in town that served burgers. Enzo’s was way too upmarket for a greasy burger, and Steve wasn’t prepared to drive out of town just to eat, so instead he grabbed his now usual order from the Hideaway, your milkshakes, and a to-go bag with both of your burgers in — and a side portion of judgment and disgust when you ordered extra pickle in yours — and handed you the bag to rest on your legs as he started the car back up,
“We’re not just eating in the parking lot?”
“No food in the car,” Steve’s voice was monotonous, as if he’d heard, or said, the same sentence a thousand times before, “Henderson will smell it a mile away if we so much as open the bag. And then he’ll bitch about it and demand that I drive him to get his own. Which he’ll expect me to pay for.”
As Steve continued along Mulberry, you could barely keep the amused smirk from your face, “You always let a thirteen-year-old dictate your life?”
Scoffing, Steve took a sharp turn, your grip on the brown paper bag tightening just in case you lost your dinner before you were able to eat it.
“You’ve met the kid. No isn’t in his vocabulary.”
“Thirteen, Steve” you reiterated, “I’m sure even you have half a chance of winning against him in a fight.”
“Half?” He choked out, eyes darting from his windshield to you, and back again, “Please. I could kick that little twerp's ass if I wanted to.”
Scrunching your nose, you sent him an unsure glance, “I don’t know. The kid seems kinda… scrappy, you know? Like, his fighting tactics definitely include biting. Especially now he's got teeth.”
Steve hesitated for a minute, his lips pursed together as he considered your words, “I mean, yeah. I could totally see it.“
The rumble of Steve’s engine died down, turning off completely as he unbuckled his seatbelt and all but ripped the bag from your hands, exiting his car and making his way toward the trunk. Once seated, Steve pulled open the bag, waiting to hand you your own burger and shake as he watched you all but clamber onto the back of his car.
Unwrapping your burger and taking a bite, you finally took in your surroundings, a frown settling on your forehead, “Steve, did you bring me to Lover’s Lake?”
Almost choking on his too-big of a bite of burger, he scrambled for his milkshake, finally sending you a glare when he’d managed to dislodge the patty from his throat, “Oh my god. Not for that reason. Get your mind out of the gutter. It’s just quiet up here, you know? Pretty at night, too. I come out here sometimes to clear my head.”
“Just know that Hopper taught me three different ways to rupture a testicle-”
“Jesus, I’m not… That wasn’t my intention, alright? So please, for the love of god, leave my testicles alone,” Steve cringed, his legs instinctively shuffling closer together, “Plus my spot is Skull Rock. I kind of invented it, you know?”
Taking a sip of your milkshake, you sent him a dubious glance, “You invented a rock?”
“No, obviously not. But I, you know… It’s a popular make-out spot because I made it popular.”
“Wow, what a legacy.”
After rolling up the paper his burger had been wrapped in and throwing it back into the bag Steve cleared his throat as he looked up to the night sky. It was a relatively clear night, allowing the stars to shimmer brightly against the dark sky,
“You remember the 1979 Snowball?” When you remained silent, Steve continued, “Missy Goldstein drank way too much punch and threw up all over like, half the dance floor.”
A small chuckle escaped your chest, imagining the poor girl — hair in bunches and a nose that seemed to always be blocked — and the embarrassment she must’ve felt that night. You weren’t even there, but you’d heard the giggling about it even after the winter break.
“Oh my god, do you remember-”
“Steve, I’ve never been to a school dance, so no I don’t remember anything.”
The boy’s face scrunched slightly as if he was trying to wrack his brain for an image of you at any of the school dances, but you knew no matter how hard he’d try, the boy didn’t even know of your existence two years ago. As if he’d also come to this conclusion, Steve’s face returned to a more neutral expression,
“Not your kind of scene?”
You felt your shoulders tense slightly as you shrugged them, “I mean, I only really had two friends. Barb always went away to her grandparents over the holidays, and Jonathan wasn’t really the biggest fan of dances. At least, I guess, he wasn’t.”
Steve nodded, his face falling slightly at the mention of the boy and how quickly Jonathan was willing to change his habits for Nancy. Steve thought about how he’d originally signed up with Nancy back in mid-October to volunteer at the Snowball, and how he’d willingly offered to sacrifice his evening to hang up middle school kids' jackets and coats and listen to Madonna on repeat just to spend a little more time with the girl.
The quiet sounds that trickled out of the open front doors of Steve’s car caught his attention, the familiar lyrics of Madonna's ‘Holiday’ playing from his radio already half-way through by the time he'd pushed himself from the trunk of his car and made his way around to the front, turning the volume up.
As he made his way back, your eyes darted between his own and the outstretched hand awaiting yours. When you didn't move he rolled his eyes, “Get your ass off the car and dance with me.”
In stunned silence, you allowed Steve to lead you toward the front of the car, headlights dimmed but still on as you watched him move, imagining his lanky pre-teen limbs doing the same dance movements, albeit probably a little more awkwardly back then, “Oh my god, I… No. I'm not doing this-”
You could barely step back toward the car before he grabbed your wrist, pulling you a little closer to him as he waved your limp arm around in the air, “C'mon, don't be a party pooper. Dance with me! Holiday, celebrate!”
Despite the secondhand embarrassment that flooded your veins, you couldn't hold in the laugh that crawled up your throat, listening to him sing with a spirited fervor you'd never witnessed from the boy before.
Passionate enough, that after animatedly rolling your eyes, you finally gave in to his ridiculousness, your embarrassment still evident in your timid moves, but you were moving nonetheless.
As the song began to die out, you could barely keep your laughter in. Steve had spun you, shook you, and yanked at your arms until you were moving on your own accord.
By the time the next song began to play — Lionel Ritchie's ‘Stuck On You’ crooning through the open doors of Steve's car — you were both out of breath, your hand still held in his loose grip.
Feeling his thumb graze the back of your hand before his grip eventually tightened, he pulled you toward him almost bashfully, close enough that you could smell the familiar remnants of fabric softener.
Never in a million different lifetimes would you predict this to happen tonight.
“You okay?” His voice was soft, barely audible over the sound of Lionel as he sang about leaving on a midnight train, but somehow still made you jolt slightly, cringing when you felt his shoe underneath your own.
“Uh, yeah. Fine. I'm… I'm fine. Just not really used to… this kind of dancing, I guess.”
Your eyes screwed shut at the wobble in your voice. God, you were so embarrassed. Yet here he was — Steve Harrington with all of his charm — and suddenly you had no doubt as to why he'd won homecoming king, or how he’d won the attention of the girls of Hawkins High.
“It's my favorite kind,” the vulnerability was so evident in his voice that you were surprised he didn't shove you away and make a dash for his car, leaving you behind.
“Somehow, I can't imagine King Steve slow dancing at prom like this.”
You didn't even need to explain, because although his fingers gently gripped your waist and your hands rested over his shoulders, they were the only parts of you that were touching, “Gotta leave room for Jesus, right?”
Trying to cover up your laugh with a cough you shook your head, finally staring into his coffee-colored eyes, “Didn’t take you for the God-fearing type. You're a whole new man, Harrington. Who'd have thought?”
Pulling back slightly, Steve watched you closely, his soft eyes glancing over your features as though he was mapping them into his memory. Apparently, he wasn't too upset with his personality change. Before he could speak, the radio host cut in, his voice all too peppy for your liking as he announced the time.
“We, uh… We have to go get the kids.” You moved away from the boy’s embrace, trying — but failing — to stop staring at his soft, winsome smile before stepping back toward the trunk of the car, grabbing the brown bag now full of empty paper and cups and throwing it into the foot well of the passenger seat.
“Maybe a little tardiness will help Henderson be more grateful about all the free rides he's getting.”
Laughter fell from your lips as you buckled yourself in, “Possibly. But do you really wanna deal with an annoyed Max?”
“She can't be much worse than you, can she?” Smirking despite his words, you gave him a half-hearted swipe on the arm.
It turns out, Max wouldn't be the issue.
She stood happily chatting with the group, the icy tension between herself and El finally seeming to thaw, partially thanks to the way Max's eyes would consistently flicker toward Lucas who looked more like a lovesick puppy as time went on.
Dustin, however, furrowed his brows the moment Steve's beamer came into view. Steve had agreed to drop back any of the kids who needed a lift, but between Hopper and Joyce it was barely necessary, and only Dustin and Max made their way to the car.
“Took you long enough,” the boy heaved himself into the car, leaving the door open for Max to climb in after as she made her slow departure from the group.
“Please, you've barely been waiting five minutes-”
“Hairs looking great, Dustin,” you interrupted, hoping to stem their inevitable argument in its tracks.
“Between you and Harrington, I think we have the world's supply of hairspray in one car-” Max joked, her cheeks slightly flushed.
Cutting her off, you caught Dustin's side-eye from the door mirror, “If it's so unbearable, why didn't you get a lift home with Lucas?”
“Hey, man, not cool-”
The car remained silent for a moment before the boy finally sighed out an apology that Max begrudgingly accepted, her sapphire eyes glued on the window though clearly not paying much attention to the passing neighborhoods, any sense of joy she’d had getting in the car now completely diminished.
Pulling up outside 4819 Old Cherry Lane, you all turned toward the house when Max let out a frustrated huff, noticing the light on in the lounge. As Max clambered out of the car, a quick thank you on her tongue, the front door opened revealing Billy, a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and a puff of smoke surrounding him as he stared out toward the car, barely dodging Max's body as she prepared to shoulder past him.
“God, what is his deal?” Steve asked, his voice low as his dark eyes darted between you and the boy who continued to peer into the car.
Tearing your eyes away from Billy, you shook your head, “Hell if I know.”
Steve stared down Billy for just a moment longer before pulling away and heading towards the Henderson household.
“So,” Steve began, thumbs casually tapping the steering wheel, “the whole outburst earlier? Not okay, dude.”
“I know, I just…” Dustin's face fell as he tried to find the right words, “It didn't go exactly as planned. I mean, I treated her mean, and it definitely didn't keep her keen.”
Whacking Steve's upper arm, the boy hissing dramatically at you as if it had hurt, you turned in your seat to face Dustin, “Your first mistake was listening to Harrington.”
Blinking a few times, the boy remained quiet, causing you to huff and turn back around, ignoring Steve glancing toward you every now and then, “Plus, the prehistoric and misogynistic notion that treating people you like badly is normal, is stupid. It's not gonna make them like you back.”
“Like… Like pulling a girl's hair in the playground?” Dustin asked, the clogs in his brain finally starting back up.
“Pull my hair in the playground, and I'll punch you in the throat. But… yeah. Just like that. Or, you know, acting like you don't care.”
The latter of your sentence was aimed at Steve, along with a sharp glare. He at least had the decency to look ashamed, “Look, I'm sorry Henderson-”
“No, no… It's fine,” Dustin waved off his apology, “Turns out she already likes someone else anyway, so I never really had a chance.”
Your brow furrowed, eyes softening at the boy's words, “Look, Dustin. I know it totally sucks right now, but you'll meet someone. And I'm sure they'll be totally psyched about whatever interdimensional creature you show her.”
“I guess…” Dustin was quiet for a moment, eyes staring out of the window to his left before they met Steve’s in the rearview mirror, this time accompanied by a deep glare, “Did you guys get burgers without me?”
The drive to Dustin’s house passed by in silence. Mrs. Henderson’s downstairs light was off, but you could see the light from her television set casting the room in a soft glow.
“Can you walk me to the door?”
Steve’s face pinched, a mixture of annoyance and confusion flashed across his once soft features, “Uh, no-”
“Not you,” the boy stressed as if he were offended before peering around the console to see you a little better, “you.”
Your brows were in your hairline as you unbuckled the seatbelt, Steve’s frown only deepening, “Henderson, it’s literally right-”
“-Thanks for the ride, Steve.”
You trailed after the boy, confusion still etched on your face but Dustin didn’t give you a moment to question his ulterior motive, “So you and Harrington hung out tonight?”
Blinking a few times, as if that would help you understand the underlying tone in his voice, you kept your eyes to the ground, watching your shoes as they led you up the familiar path, “Uh, yeah. I dropped El to the dance so we had time to waste.”
Rolling your eyes your hand shot out, gently halting his movements as you grasped his elbow, “Seriously, Dustin. Whatever it is, just spit it out.”
Biting his bottom lip as he took the time to inhale — and exhale — deeply, his eyes shot toward the maroon beamer, noting Steve’s curious gaze on you both, “I just… Everyone knows what Steve’s reputation with the ladies is like, and Nancy only broke it off with him like, barely two months ago, and I know she’s with Jonathan now, but-”
“I just don’t want you to get hurt, alright? And I don’t want him to get hurt either.”
You remained quiet for a moment, but your eyes softened as you looked down at the boy, “Dustin… It’s sweet that you’re concerned for me, and for Steve. But we’re just hanging out as friends, alright?”
When he cocked a brow at you, you couldn’t help but hold in the small huff of laughter that escaped you, “Seriously. Nothing is going on here.”
“I just… I like when we all hang out, and I definitely like the free rides he gives us to the arcade. And I just… I don’t want anything to mess it up, or anyone,” he sighed, sending a pointed look toward the car.
Turning, it was clear Steve was trying his best to lip-read one-half of your conversation, and you were certain if you stayed out here any longer he’d be hanging out of the car in an attempt to satiate his inquisitiveness.
“C’mon, Dustin. We’ve all seen the girls he’s dated before. I mean, Nancy Wheeler? I’m definitely not his type."
“Hey, don’t sell yourself short-”
You, at least, realized this wasn’t a conversation you intended to have with a thirteen-year-old and cut him off quickly, waving a hand dismissively, “Yeah, yeah. Keep your pep talk for another time. If you stay out here any longer either your mom or Steve is gonna have an aneurysm.”
Dustin pulled you into a tight hug, one you couldn’t help but reciprocate before bidding you goodnight.
All but falling back into the BMW, Steve was already questioning you before you’d even shut the door, “God, he really chewed you out over those burgers, huh?”
Trying to glance at him as inconspicuously as possible as you buckled up, you watched as the lights from passing vehicles danced across his features, the soft glow causing his honey eyes to appear hazel, “Yeah, he uh… He definitely had some opinions to share.”
Rolling his eyes, Steve sighed, “God, he really needs to tone down the dramatics.”
Ten minutes ago, you would’ve laughed. Told him that he had some audacity to call anyone else dramatic. But ten minutes ago, Dustin hadn’t questioned you over your blossoming friendship. Ten minutes ago, he hadn’t practically called you a rebound for Nancy. Hell, a rebound for Tommy and Carol, too.
It stung to think that there was a high possibility that Steve was only hanging out with you because he’d ditched — or been ditched by, once Billy Hargrove had come to town — his friends. Jesus, a little over a year ago he would barely blink at your existence, and you were fine with that. King Steve and his group of followers weren’t people you wanted in your life. You didn’t want to be his friend back then, either.
So, why now, did he suddenly want to be yours?
“I can see the smoke coming from your ears.”
Releasing a small laugh, he pulled up outside your house, the once peaceful silence of the car now feeling suffocating.
“Your brains working overtime. What’s got you frying your mind?”
Sending him a tight-lipped smile, you shrugged, “Nothing, it’s… It’s nothing. Thank you for tonight, Steve.”
His mouth hung open, half ready to respond but you’d exited the car a lot quicker than he’d expected. Turning in his seat, he watched as you ran toward your front door, quickly unlocking it and slipping away into the dark house.
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mercurygray · 3 months
I know you said you were feeling your MotA girls, but maybe #28 turn the page for Molly and Rosie, please. Only if you're feeling it. Thank you!
The last time he'd been here, he'd been bombing the place.
Nuremberg certainly looked different from the ground, though the sight of so many crumbling houses and rubble strewn streets wasn't enough to change how Rosie felt about anything he'd done for the last three years. War was war and war was hell, and that was all there was to say about that. They were at the end of it now, and they would move forward.
The address he'd been sent to find was a still-standing warehouse - something of a marvel in this city filled with ruins. A soldier outside nodded in greeting, and he instinctively opened his wallet to show his pass, the official ID card they'd given him for the Palace of Justice.
"I'm looking for Sergeant Mahoney. I was told I'd be able to get a tour."
The soldier nodded him inside, and in he went, facing down huge racks of crates that seemed to go on for miles.
A woman was standing next to a desk, clipboard in hand. She was wearing a very beat-up field jacket and what looked to be jump trousers, her pockets baggy with extra equipment. Rosie suddenly wished he'd brought his bomber jacket, and not the wool overcoat that made him look like - well, a lawyer. (At least he'd left the briefcase back at the hotel.)
"Are you Sergeant Mahoney?"
She looked up from the clipboard. "I was told I might expect a Major Rosenthal this morning. Are you him?"
Rosie wished again for the jacket. "It's just Mister, actually, Sergeant. I officially got out of the army a few months ago."
What she thought about that he really couldn't tell - she was studying him with a long and patient look. "They told me you were a pilot - a rather good one."
Rosie tried to bite back a smile about what counted as 'rather good' after 52 combat missions and a list of awards so long even he couldn't remember what they all were. "It has been said."
That was what made her smile. "Most pilots wouldn't let you forget that."
He shrugged and smiled. "I'm not most pilots, Sergeant."
She nodded. "Well, Major. What would you like to see? I have a wide variety of Europe's finest all at your disposal. What's your fancy? Landscapes? Pastorals? Portraits? Sculpture? A favorite artist I can find for you?"
It sounded overwhelming, less like a museum and more like the private tour he wasn't sure he wanted. He couldn't say, exactly, what had brought him here, but it wasn't that - the mindless acquisition. "I didn't come to see anything in particular. Just mentioned I wanted to get out of the office for a bit and they sent me here. Show me ...show me your favorite, Sergeant."
She looked at him for a moment before giving half a smile. "All right."
"So how does a museum curator find herself in Europe?" He asked, trying to be collegial as she walked him down a long aisle, boots echoing in the half-dark.
"Not a curator," she corrected. "I'm an archeologist. I had a brother at Pearl. Joined the WAC after…you know." She turned to look at him, hardly breaking a long stride. "How does a lawyer get into the business of flying airplanes?"
"He decides he doesn't like bullies. How does an archeologist decide she wants to jump out of them?" He pointed to the patch on her jacket, the Airborne patch she still hadn't removed from her shoulder. "Screaming Eagles is a paratrooper outfit, isn't it?"
Another smile - a real one, this time. "She decides she doesn't like bullies either. And the pay's pretty good. After we got all the way to Germany they decided they could use someone like me and I stayed on here." She checked the number on the end of a shelf, counted in a few boxes, and removed a frame from the shelf, pulling it down and setting it onto the floor. "Well. Here we are, Major. This is my favorite."
The painting in question was a portrait, done in a plain, workaday style - a simple head-up view of a woman with a reddish cast to her hair, wearing a black dress and a string of pearls. The pearls gleamed from the canvas, easily the most noticeable thing about the piece. Rosie wasn't much of an art critic but nothing about this was ringing any bells. "Anyone I should know?
"Nope. Artist is unknown," Mahoney said with a vague smile. "I don't know what her name is, either. I've been calling her Ruth, after a friend of mine. We've got all sorts in this warehouse - Rembrandts and silver that belonged to the Rothschilds. And we have a hell of a lot of this - bits of people's lives that they'll never get back. She's not important on her own - but she's...she's someone's wife, or sister, or aunt. She's important to someone. There's a note on the back about the framer - that'll give me a town to start in. Maybe I can get her home." She gave a long hard look at the painting, her gaze thoughtful. "I spent…eighteen months taking away lives, and now I get to give them back."
And isn't that why I'm here, too, he thought silently. A warehouse full of treasures, and she shows me this. Most curators wouldn't let you forget what they've got.
But she's not a curator. "Sergeant, are you free this evening?" He asked suddenly. She looked up. "I'd like to take you to dinner, if I may."
She let out a surprised laugh. "I'm not sure that would be regulation, sir. Sergeants can't be seen out to dinner with Majors."
"We could start with you dropping the Major and calling me Rosie."
Another smile - wider this time, like she was turning a page on something, letting it come into full view. "Oh, so you're that Rosenthal." The way she said it made him smile - she'd known the whole time, and was just stringing him along to test him. The desire for dinner increased.
"I did say I wasn't like the other pilots," he offered with a shrug. "Should we say...six o'clock? I promise I'll do a better job of blending in."
'Not too good a job," she said with a smile that charmed him entirely. "I'm not sure I can be seen out with a pilot, either."
Molly Mahoney joins us from The Darkening Sky where she is a paratrooper, an academic, a memoirist, and somehow usually always in the middle of an argument about ethics.
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mermaidgirl30 · 5 months
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This is Epilogue: Pt II for my fic Look for the Light but can be read as a standalone. I was not done writing sappy POV’s from Joel. He deserves to be happy, and I wanted it to be super romantic because I just love soft Joel so much 🥹 Joel on his wedding day is so OMG, I cried writing it 😭🥹🥰 (18+ Only)
Inspired by the one and only TS ✨
Joel’s POV
The summer came to an end as the hint of fall brushed over Jackson. Hot summer days turned into breezier autumn evenings. Deep orange, red, and golden colors encased the leaves as the crisp scent of October entwined with the end of September.
It was now September 28. Your wedding day. The one year anniversary of when you met the love of your life, Alyson Harper. The day your entire life changed forever. Because of her. Your special, sweet girl.
You were standing in the middle of the flower field that you planted for her. Deep purples surrounded you as the lilacs and violets swayed in the cool breeze, the afternoon sun rays shining down, making the flowers almost glisten in the warmth. Maria, Dina, Jesse, and a few other folks from town sat in the audience in white wooden chairs, patiently waiting to see you marry the girl of your dreams. Tommy was standing behind you, the wedding officiant, just waiting to marry you off. Who better to do it than your brother.
Ellie stood off to the side in her baggy jeans and Converse shoes as she twirled the rings in her hands carefully. You weren’t going to force her to put on anything fancy. In fact, you told everyone to just dress casual. Except you. You had to look nice today because today was the most important day of your life, and you wanted to impress Aly.
As you stood waiting, you fidgeted with your hands and tried to stop the nerves that raced through your body. You put one of your hands inside the pocket of your slick, black dress pants and pulled on your black tie that was pressed against your button-up white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to your elbows.
“Joel, stop fidgeting,” Ellie whispered to you in a harsh voice.
“Can’t help it,” you answered back as sweat covered the inside of your fisted palm.
“Just try to keep it cool. Aly’s about to be here. You’re fine. You look good so stop worrying. She’s gonna say yes,” she said with a small laugh.
Aly. You couldn’t wait to see her, couldn’t wait to officially call her yours.
You ran a hand through your slicked back hair nervously and brought it down to your mouth as you raked it through your scruff. You still couldn’t believe this day was happening. You were going to marry the love of your life.
Out of the corner of your eye, a ray of white caught your attention. You flicked your eyes up and gasped at the angelic beauty that was coming closer to you. You saw Aly walking towards you as she made her way through the thick brush of violets. Your heart stopped and your eyes went wide as your mouth dropped open at the vision that stood in front of you.
She was a ray of sunshine. An angelic presence that was sent down from Heaven just for you. And she was exceptionally beautiful. Your perfect treasure.
Your eyes slid over her as you took in her entirety. She was wearing a long, white satin dress that flowed effortlessly down to the ground. The thin, satin straps across her shoulders barely kissed her skin, and the whimsical material shined against the sunlight. Her hair was in long, flowing waves with lilacs attached to her waterfall braid. She was holding a small bouquet full of purple lilacs spilling over the sides, effortlessly gorgeous.
Her face was glowing as she smiled up at you with her deep red lips, blushing crimson as she walked up to you slowly through the crowd. Her vibrant blue eyes were staring intensely at you as those beautiful sapphires knocked the wind out of you. She looked just like an angel. She was an angel. Your angel.
You felt dizzy and disoriented as you watched her walk up right in front of you as you took her hand and brought her next to you, slowly turning to face her head on.
She was so goddamn beautiful. A perfect, delicate lilac that stood out amongst all the rest of the flowers. A flower that would never wilt or fade, not when she was with you. Because you’d keep her alive and thriving from the love and care you would forever give her. Your perfect, rare lilac.
“Hi,” she said nervously as she bit her lip, staring up into your awestruck face.
“Hi.” You gulped, looking at the stunning girl in front of you. “You look breathtaking, darlin’,” you breathed out as you drank in her beauty, barely able to keep your mouth closed.
She blushed and smiled up at you. “And you look so handsome, my love.”
My love. You’d never get tired of hearing that.
“You two ready?” Tommy asked.
The two of you nodded as the short ceremony began. Tommy started off by saying a quick introduction and got to the important part quickly. He read a few lines from a piece of paper, and then you said your confessions of love to each other, devoting yourselves to one another entirely.
Aly’s words sounded like a sweet melody as it carried through the wind. Saying how much she loved you and how she’d forever take care of you in sickness and in health, promising forever and pouring her heart out to you.
“Joel, my love, my favorite person. I can’t put into words how much you mean to me. You are truly the best man I have ever met. You’ve been so careful with me, so loving. You’re the only man for me. And I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Because you saved me, in more ways than one. You are my everything. And I’m going to spend the rest of my life loving you,” she smiled as a tear fell down her face. You caught it just in time as you wiped it away with your thumb and caressed her cheek lovingly as you stared at her with admiration.
You leaked a few tears listening to her and quickly wiped them away as you said your speech next, promising forever and always to the love of your life in front of you, being completely vulnerable as your heart was now hers.
“Alyson, my love, my light. Thank you for loving me, for showing me what patience and selflessness was. You’ve changed me, showed me what it was like to live again. You pulled me out of the darkness and have been nothing but a ray of sunshine that never lets me fade away. You are the absolute love of my life. And I’m going to spend every day of my life showing you just how much you mean to me. Thank you for showing up to the Boston QZ, for I would be utterly lost without you. My love, my precious lilac. I love you,” you said with tears filling your eyes. Aly cupped your face and ran her fingers through your scruff, her blue, watery eyes beaming with love.
Ellie took the lilac bouquet from Aly and handed the rings to you as she went to find a seat, watching the two of you exchange them as you slowly slid the purple diamond ring onto Aly’s finger. She took the gold band from your palm and slid it on your left finger, promising herself to you.
“Aly, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Tommy asked as he flashed a smile to Aly.
“I do,” she responded as she looked up at you with a huge grin on her face.
“And Joel, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
“You’re damn right I do,” you said energetically as Aly quietly laughed at you.
“Then I pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride!” Tommy announced excitedly.
“C’mere, baby,” you said as you pulled Aly to you, dipping her back in your arms as you leaned down and kissed her passionately, staying in her embrace for as long as you could.
The crowd erupted into loud applause as you pulled Aly back up and took her hand in yours. You placed your forehead on hers as you smiled down at her, giving her your best smile.
“Everyone, please welcome the newly wed Mr. And Mrs. Miller!” Tommy cheered as he loudly clapped behind you, the rest of the audience following after him.
“How ‘bout that? I can finally call you Mrs. Miller. My wife. Mine.” You were beaming from the inside as your chest felt like it was about to come out of your throat. You’d never been this happy before in your life.
“I could listen to you say that all day long,” she lulled gently against your ear as she grazed her hand through your scruff, sending electric vibrations through you.
“We’ve got plenty of time for that. C’mon, let’s get out of here.” You took her by the hand and led her through the crowd as the wind whipped gently across your face and carried over Aly’s silky dress, blowing up the ends of it just faintly.
You nodded at Tommy and waved goodbye to everyone else. It was time to go home. With your wife. Time for that honeymoon phase to kick in. Ellie was staying at Dina’s for the next week so you had plenty of alone time with Aly. And that was good because you were about to christen the entire house with her. Consummating and making sweet love to the love of your life in your forever home.
You lifted Aly up on Shimmer and sat her down sidesaddle. You hoisted yourself up and got into position on the saddle and then you pulled Aly to you, placing your arms around her and kissing her head gently.
“You ready to go back home?” You grazed your lips down her face and softly kissed her cheek.
“I’m already home. Home is where you are. That’s where my heart burns.” She smiled up at you and ran her fingers gently through your scruff in an affectionate way, making your heart quake with desire.
Home. She said home is where you are. And that made you want to completely surrender all of yourself to her. But you already had. You were hers, devoted and unwavering. Forever and always. Hers.
“I love you, my morningstar. My sweet girl.” You kissed her softly on the lips as you pulled her face to you as you tasted cherries and sugar, breathing in her deep lilac scent. Completely drowning in her already. “Let’s go home. So I can make love to my wife.”
She beamed up at you as you brushed your lips over hers again, then you took the reins and sent Shimmer on her way. She galloped through the lilacs and violets, sending a burst of fresh floral scents through your nose. You kept Aly close to your chest as you kept one hand running along her arm. Your fingers sliding up and down her as you breathed in her intoxicating lilac smell. You would never, ever get tired of this. Never tired of her. Never tired of holding her in your arms. You would keep her there forever. Till death do us part.
When you got back to the house, you carried Aly in bridal style as you slammed the door and crossed the living room threshold, you and Aly laughing together in sync. You climbed up the narrow steps and went straight into the bedroom where you set her down gently on the bed.
“Can you believe it? We have the whole house to ourselves for an entire week!” Aly gleamed as she kicked off her heels and kept a hand tightly in yours.
“We’re gonna need an entire week ‘cause I’m gonna make love to ya on every square surface of this house,” you stated adamantly.
“Oh, is that right?” she asked as she laughed, sending a beautiful smile your way.
“Mhm,” you answered as you kneeled down in front of her and placed your hands on her thighs, on the silky white material of her wedding dress.
Aly ran her fingers through your slicked back hair, making some of your curls become disheveled. You groaned at her touch as her other hand hooked around your neck, pulling your face up to meet her lips as she leaned down and kissed you softly. Her lips were silklike. Creamy and glossy. And she tasted like summer.
When you pulled apart, you hooked a finger under her thin strap and tugged it down her arm, doing the same to the other. You slowly skimmed it down her body and let it drop to the floor, leaving her only in a white, lacy pair of underwear.
You trailed your eyes up and down her body slowly, committing to memory the picture of your perfect girl. Your gorgeous wife. Yours.
“God, you’re beautiful,” you said, gawking at the angelic vision in front of you.
She blushed and grabbed your tie, pulling you to her. She slowly untied your tie and threw it to the ground, carefully unbuttoning your white shirt and then pulling it off your shoulders, letting it fall to the floor in a heap.
She ran a hand meticulously over your chest, gliding it all the way down to your belt as she unhooked it from the belt loops, guiding her hand to your zipper as she unzipped your pants and slid them down to the floor, leaving you only in your boxers.
“Joel…my husband, my darling.” She ran a hand over your scruff as you placed your hand on top of hers, leaning into her as you enjoyed the warmth of her touch.
“I like the sound of that. You callin’ me your husband.” You smiled at her and leaned your weight into her as you pulled her to the edge of the bed, where you could reach every part of her.
“My sweet husband…” she purred, sending waves of warmth into your chest, feeling like your heart was illuminating for the entire town to see.
“Oh, my sweet lilac. My gentle girl.” You placed a kiss gently on each cheek, then one on her soft lips, then down to her neck, sucking and nipping the further you went. She let out a soft moan as you found that sensitive spot on her neck that always got her.
Her hand explored the back of your neck as you went down lower, ghosting over her breasts with your hot breath blowing on them, making them pebble right before you. You leisurely ran your tongue over each, feeling them harden as she twisted her fingers into your messy curls.
“Gonna make you feel so good, baby. Gonna make sweet love to my wife, Mrs. Miller,” you groaned low from your throat.
“Please,” she begged.
You teased at the waistband of her lacy underwear, her entire front already sopping wet underneath for you. Your eyes started to dilate as you felt your pupils expanding, turning darker. A burning hunger started in your throat and traveled down to your lower regions as you felt yourself start to harden. Wanting to bury yourself in her for hours. Wanting to feel her walls constrict and tighten as you made her come for you again and again.
You lifted her leg over your shoulder and started to kiss her ankle, her calf, her inner thigh unhurriedly. Wanting to tease until she was so wet that she couldn’t stand it. You wanted to lap her up and savor the sweet flavor on your tongue as you got lost in her.
You moved to her clothed center carefully as you placed a kiss on her drenched lace. You could feel a wave of slick drip down, and it just turned you on even more.
“Joel, please…” she begged, bucking her hips up in the air, trying to get some release from the tension.
“Don’t worry, baby. Gonna take good care of ya. Gonna make you feel so good.” You ran your thumb up her center, putting pressure right where her clit was. She groaned as you hit that sweet spot.
“Already so wet for me, sweetheart,” you praised, hooking your fingers over the lacy edges and pulling them down as you dragged them to the floor. You got in between her legs and pushed her thighs apart, getting in position to drink her down.
“This what you want? Want me to kiss you here?” you asked as you planted your lips against her wetness, smelling the sweet arousal pooling at her insides.
“Mmm yes, please,” she groaned. “Want your tongue, your fingers, your everything,” she breathed out in rushed breaths.
“Don’t worry, baby. Gonna give you everything. Gonna give you my all.”
You smirked up at her and then licked all the way from her dripping hole to the top of her folds. She dropped back on her elbows and watched you devour her nice and slow. You spread her folds and connected with her clit as you flicked meticulous circles around her, pulling her into your mouth as you sucked on her gently, sending pulsing vibrations through her body.
“Fuck, that feels good,” she moaned. “Don’t stop, please. Keep going,” she gasped out.
“I’m not gonna stop, darlin’. Gonna make you come so hard your legs will be shaking and squeezing around me,” you teased as you plunged two fingers inside her, hooking them just enough so you could hit that sweet spongy spot that drove Aly crazy.
“Oh, God,” she moaned as she squeezed her legs around you tightly.
You gave her your best smoldering eyes and continued. “Eyes on me love, that’s it. Such a good girl,” you purred as you brought your tongue back to her clit, gently massaging her most sensitive spots as another shot of slick ran down her dripping hole.
“Joel, I’m gonna…I’m about to…” she whined, squeezing her legs even tighter around your back.
“Let go, baby. Come for me,” you cooed. And that’s exactly what she did. She clenched around your fingers and then relaxed, opening up the flood gates as her slick went everywhere. Her moan was loud and desperate, and when she called your name it sounded like angelic music to your ears.
You lapped up every bit with your tongue and praised her, gently massaging her thighs with your hands, easing her from her orgasm. “Such a good girl. Did so good for me, sweetheart.”
She slowly sat up and reached for you as she tugged on the waistband of your boxers. You lifted an eyebrow in question of what she wanted. “Need you, please,” she begged.
“Such a needy girl,” you laughed. “You want me?”
“Yes, I want you. All of you, my husband,” she purred. She was smoldering the dark blues of her eyes at you, showing you just how much she needed you, and you about came undone at the sight.
She pulled down your boxers as your erection sprang free of its constricts, planting firmly against the base of your stomach. She reached up and softly stroked you back and forth, up and down, spreading your precum down your entire length. Her hands were like magic as heat started building at the base of your spine.
She leaned forward and slowly licked at the tip, swirling her tongue in all the sensitive places as she hit every single one. A low groan sounded from your throat as she took you in deeper in her throat as her head began to bob up and down, slow and steady, making that gagging sound as she took you as far as she could.
“Christ, feels so good, baby. Fuck,” you growled as she released you from her mouth. She tugged up and down as you heard the slick noises from her hands melt in with the stickiness of you.
Another bead of precum spilled down and mixed in with the rest of your slick, messy cock. You took her hand and stopped her as you gently backed her down on the bed, slowly spreading her thighs as you inched your way in between them, nuzzling your scruff against her neck, slowly kissing up and down her collar bone.
“Gonna make love to ya now, my sweet girl,” you whispered. “My angel.” You kissed her again, making your way up her neck and tugging on her soft earlobe. “My love.”
You ghosted your lips over her soft skin and to her mouth, gently kissing her as you brought your tip right against her folds. “My precious lilac.” You plunged your length into her and started nice and slow, pumping in and out as her walls clenched around you.
She bit her lip and wrapped her legs around your back, caging you into her as she reached up and raked her fingers through your tousled curls. And it felt so fucking good that you wanted to get lost in her, let her run her gentle fingers through your hair all night long.
You sped up your tempo and bottomed out in her as she whined and took her other hand and scratched it down your back, sinking her nails into you. And fuck it felt amazing.
You thrusted in and out of her, reaching that soft, spongy spot over and over as she moaned your name, squeezing her legs tighter around you as you knew she was almost there. So close for you.
“Let go, baby. C’mon. Here, let me help,” you cooed.
You took your thumb and pressed it hard over her clit, drawing tiny circles at just the right pressure as you felt her walls clench up around you.
“Fuck, darlin’. Squeezin’ me so tight, feels so good,” you groaned as you continued thrusting in and out, hitting that spongy area, and working at her clit meticulously.
“Joel, fuck, I…” she moaned as her eyes were fixed intently on you. Those dazzling, deep blues. The way she was looking at you was so intense, so loving. You swear you could see galaxies in those sparkling eyes. Could even see your own reflection in her eyes as she pined for you, burned for you, loved you.
“Go on, darlin’. Come for me, love,” you encouraged her softly.
One more press to her clit and she was done for. Her walls tightened up around you and then released as white slick coated your cock, dripping down the insides of her thighs.
“God, I love you,” you groaned as you cupped her face and kissed her passionately as you picked up your tempo and thrusted faster, harder into her.
“I love you, Joel,” she whispered against your lips. And that was it. That’s what made you come undone.
“Fuck, Alyson…” you growled as your jaw clenched tight. Your breath hitched as you thrusted once more and then spilled all of you inside her, feeling your seed fill up her tight walls as you stayed inside her for just a few more seconds. As you slowly slid out, you felt your seed spill out all over her thighs as the white, sticky substance coated over her.
You grabbed the closest thing you could find which was your boxers and cleaned her off, gently wiping all the slick from her thighs and center. You threw them over the edge of the bed and plopped down beside her on the mattress in exhaustion, pulling her to your chest as you took your hand and gently caressed her cheek, pulling her in for another kiss.
Her lips felt as soft as a rose petal, tasted like sugar and honey, something you wanted to drink down, consume for eternity. “Alyson, baby, I love you. I wish I could paint your eyes in the stars so I could stare across the ocean and still see those beautiful blue eyes. They’re like galaxies, and I can see my future etched in every single star. Your heart and mine entwined together, forever,” you hummed out as you tucked a brunette wave behind her ear.
She was looking at you with the most serene, loving expression you ever saw as her eyes sparkled and watered. “Joel Miller, my love, that has got to be one of the most romantic things you have ever said to me.” She smiled and kissed you again as she crawled on top of your chest and leaned on you, her eyes staring longingly into your soul, making your heart beat that much more for her.
“What can I say, darlin’. You bring out the soft side of me. I’m so immensely in love with you. Just call me a hopeless romantic now. Never been one until I found you. Then you changed me. Showed me what true love looked like. And it’s you. You’re the complete picture of love, and I’ll continue to show you every single day how deeply and desperately I am in love with you. My sweet girl.”
You brushed a tear away from your eyes and then caught a falling tear from Aly’s eye, gently caressing her cheek slowly. There was so much love in the room that your heart was nearly bursting at the seams. Tugging on you so hard, telling you that you were so in love. Because you were. You were in love with your wife. Your lover. Alyson Miller. That beautiful, delicate lilac that you’d love and cherish forever.
“Joel Miller, my husband. I love you, and I will forever love you,” she whispered as she planted a soft kiss on your lips.
“Alyson Miller, my wife, my sweet girl. From this day forward, you are my forever. My best friend, my partner, my one true love. And I’ll spend the rest of my days fully loving you and protecting you. You have made me the happiest man in the world, and I am so lucky that you chose me. My sweet, beautiful girl. My favorite lilac.”
You spent the rest of the night consummating your love and christening the entire bedroom, ending the night with her in your arms as you soothingly ran a hand up and down her back as she slept soundly wrapped up in your side with her head against your chest.
You languidly stroked her waves as your fingers ran up and down her scalp, breathing in that fresh lilac scent that fully intoxicated you. You laid there thinking how lucky you got, how absolutely blessed and fortunate you were. You got the girl of your dreams, the one thing that had been missing in your life all along.
It was her. Alyson. Your wife. The love of your life. She was your forever and always, your constant, your future, your everything. And you loved her. You loved her with every breath in your body. For she was an ocean of love, and you’d forevermore drown in her. Drinking in all her ecstasy as you intertwined with her soothing waves, crashing all your love into her. Just two souls colliding into one for eternity, never letting the other disappear into the dark abyss of the waters. You’d keep each other in the light.
Alyson was your light, your way home. She was your home.
Your love, your peace, your ray of sunshine.
And now, your wife.
Tags: @janaispunk @amyispxnk @itsokbbygrl @tuquoquebrute @dugiioh @ladamari68
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stromuprisahat · 1 month
Siege and Storm- Chapter 17
After some deliberation I've decided to put almost everything from the first part of this chapter under a single post, because all of it is thematically intertwined. It paints a picture of the state in which Ravka finds itself, its treatment of Grisha, all the reasons Aleksander attempted the Coup, and how he's about to get repaid.
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Wow, I wonder why would anyone mind being perceived as no more than (annoyingly) living, breathing furniture...
... at best.
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Why is Ravka so behind in military development?
There wasn't an involved Tsarevich to sweet-talk the Royal Couple into letting the Fabricators work on ~that~, because let's be honest- it certainly wasn't Alina, who persuaded them.
And the best mind they have doesn't want to create tools of destruction (and apparently the big, bad Darkling didn't MAKE him, if David's so shocked by use of Alina's powers to spread the Fold).
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As if he'd never done that before... as if the Darkling were a stranger to battle...
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Shadow and Bone- Chapter 10 & Rule of Wolves- Chapter 33
Yeah, he sounds exactly like the kind of general, who stays in the rear...
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Look, I know Sikurzoi are supposed to be uninhabitable or whatever, but let's be honest- which mountains (in mild climate) are completely uninhabited? Why wouldn't Aleksander- a lives-long student of survival- use otherwise hostile place to hide?
I know ~I~ would.
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Do you mean "Are there any living Grisha left, stationed there?".
Zoya truly doesn't acknowledge the First Army massacres, does she? And the word ~would~ have reached them at this point, even if we ignore the dead from Grand Palace. Fedyor's group's in Little Palace!
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Remember, children: It doesn't count as war, if they only regularly attack your villages, draw back, and their government claims it knows nothing!
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He’s never faced the might of the First and Second Armies working in tandem... I wonder why... Could it be because your precious First Army hates his people so much they went to slaughter them the moment the Darkling's out of the picture?
I know this is Naïve Nikolai, but the way he puts it... as if otkazat'sya working alongside Grisha weren't exactly, what's Aleksander trying to achieve for centuries. As if he didn't manage it on smaller scale with his oprichniki. As if he should be surprised by mere possibility of it!
The weapons will be only a cherry on the top, the reason he keeps using nichevo'ya even though it costs him dearly. It's the kind of weapons he fears, because he knows, what it can do to his people (aside from rendering them strategically useless). He's seen massacres, he caused massacres, he cannot prevent them. And let's not forget he might be in the front line, but it will be those remaining 80 % of Grisha right behind him. And Nikolai's fancy new machine guns won't miss them more than his Army's weapons did.
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This is horrifying.
They intend to slaughter the man for the crime of standing up to their regime and finding a way to substitute his people with canon fodder of magical variety, completely disregarding whys, or bothering to check if they're not living in a glasshouse first.
Why is no one asking about the pogroms? Why is no one questioning Grisha safety FROM FIRST ARMY?! Why do they act as if another massacre of Grisha should solve all their painfully obvious issues?!
Why am I supposed to wish THEM success?!
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In a way...
How is your victory gonna ensure Grisha a place in Ravkan society, Alina?!
You murder the Darkling together, good... then what? Ya'll get a nice house in the country and your neighbours won't burn it to the ground? Stone you to death next time something bad happens? Never again- Grisha being dragged out of their beds in middle of the night?!
THAT'S what Aleksander feared- once Grisha are no more necessary for the wars, there's no place for them in THIS Ravkan society! Unlike otkazat'sya, those weapons don't make them vulnerable only physically!
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This makes my head hurt.
Are they truly this blind?!
There's not a single voice raised against cooperation with the very same people that have been murdering theirs mere weeks ago, but the Darkling is some sort of ultimate evil on word of one (1) girl and the remains of her semi-official ménage-a-trois?!
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Rocky x Socialite!Reader Headcanons
Hello my friends, I have more headcanons! CW for mentions of abuse, as your dad in this one isn't the nicest guy. Antways, please enjoy!
• Since the day you were born, you had everything you could possibly want.
• You were born into a rich family, and from day one your job had been to look pretty and keep the investors happy and entertained.
• Expensive outfits, exuberant parties, once-in-a lifetime opportunities and an amount of money a family of four could live off of.
• And good lord was it boring.
• Sure, it's a bit selfish to hate your perfect life, but that didn't mean you'd stop hating it!
• For everything one thing that went well, two more went horribly.
• No college education because you didn't need it, no relationships because it made you "less approachable."
• It didn't help you had to talk good about your father when he regularly beat you for disobeying him.
• Life was miserable, until you met Rocky.
• You don't even remember how you first met, but he was so kind to you.
• Sure, he was most likely insane, but he was breath of fresh air.
• Plus when the two of you became friends, he'd climb up to your window and help you escape that damned house!
• How could you not develop feelings for him?
• Sure, at first you thought of him more as a novelty, but now that you had spent time with him, you were genuinely in love.
• Turns out he felt the same, which you learned when he climbed into your room and sang you a love song.
• It's a shame father wasn't exactly... thrilled about this.
• Yeah, when he caught the two of you about to kiss, he damn near killed Rocky.
• You helped him get out the window, keeping him safe.
• You, however, were not. The next night, you escaped from your room and made your way to the place he worked at.
• He was there with his friends and colleagues as you walked in.
• Rocky almost lost it when he saw the bruises.
• You managed to calm him down, telling him it's just a sad part of your life, and although he wasn't happy, he tabled his arson plans for the time being.
• Rocky held you in his arms that night, and the of you had been officially together since.
• You started sneaking out to the Lackadaisy regularly, and before long you became a part of their big old family.
• It was so different from your own. It felt so good.
• Rocky did make occasional visits to your home when your father calmed down, just this time with no song to serenade you.
• He also snuck around the house a lot, apparently.
• Whenever he helped you sleep, he snuck out of the room while you were unconscious.
• You trusted him, though, and so you never questioned what he was doing.
• One of the people you knew from those fancy parties, Wick, was also at the Lackadaisy a lot and he... actually empathized with you?
• Not to mention he also started talking with Rocky.
• Eventually, you found out why.
• One night, while you were cuddled up in Rocky's arms at the Lackadaisy, your father burst down the door, demanding you come home with him.
• And you felt angry for the first time since, what, that asshole Dillon Abernathy?
• You stood up to him, and he did the only thing he knew he could do in a place full of criminals.
• He threatened to call the police on them and get rid of the Speakeasy for good.
• You were so confused when you saw Rocky's evil little smile, but then things made sense.
• Him and Wick approached your father, and had physical evidence that not only was he having an affair, but he was also embezzling funds!
• Apparently Rocky had been sneaking around looking for dirt on your father, and boy did he find some.
• With Wick backing Rocky up, your father ended up leaving in a huff.
• After, of course, Rocky made sure you could make your own decisions.
• You couldn't help but leap into his arms after the fact, which ended up causing both of you to crumble to the ground.
• You gave him a quick kiss, and you felt so free and happy.
• And that was enough for you.
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tessa-liam · 9 months
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It’s A Dream Come True
– Chapter 7
Choices – The Royal Romance, AU
Series Premise – An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobility, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret?
Marabelle Series Masterlist
Main Pairing – Prince Liam Rys x F!OC Sophia (Sophie) Taylor
Other Pairings – Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC Daniel (from NYC), Drake Walker x F!OC Melanie Smithson
Most characters belong to Pixelberry.
Series Rating – M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, crude language & innuendo.
Not Beta’d - Please excuse all errors.
Category – Alternate universe/on-going series/angst/fluff
Words: 2393
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It’s A Dream Come True
Chapter 7
Chapter Summary – It’s the evening of the Masquerade Ball. Bertrand and Maxwell formally introduce Sophie to King Constantine as Lady Sophia of House Beaumont and officially joins the court as a noblewoman. Prince Liam and Sophie spend more time together and reach a milestone.
Music Inspiration:
When You Walk in the Room, Sanne Saomonse
A/N1: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the U.S. and is Barthelemy Beaumont’s second wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) is Bertrand’s mother.
A/N2: ‘Social Season’ in this AU series refers to a traditional period in the spring/summer for royalty and members of the court to take part in Balls, dinner parties and charity events.
A/N3: My submission for Choices Flashfics @choicesflashfics, Week #52, prompt 3 - “Well...that was/this is unexpected.”
A/N4: My submission for @choicesseptemberchallenge2023, @midnightmelodiz, Day 4 – Dreams, Day Dream, “I’m in love with you!”
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It’s A Dream Come True
Royal Gym, Cordonian Palace
In the heart of the palace, Liam and Drake were in the midst of an intense workout session. The Royal gymnasium was within an imposing chamber with high, vaulted ceilings, adorned with paintings of legendary battles and noble ancestors.
Liam adjusted the weights on the bench press and began to lift, his muscles straining against the resistance. Drake, spotting him, supplied encouragement.
“You’ve got this, Li! Remember, every rep gets you one step closer to looking dashing in that masquerade outfit.” Drake chortled with a grin.
Liam chuckled, grateful for Drake’s support. “I don’t know how I’d manage this without you, my friend. It’s not just about looking good at the ball, though. I want everything to be perfect for Sophie. This is a big night for her.”
Drake nodded, understanding all too well the pomp and circumstance of court events.
“Yeah, I feel you, buddy. Melanie has been talking about this ball non-stop. It’s like the Super Bowl of fancy parties, and I am determined not to embarrass her.”
Their conversation paused momentarily as they continued their workout, their thoughts on their respective relationships. While Drake thought about Melanie and their commitment to each other, Liam’s thoughts went back to his conversation with Sophie after the garden party.
‘Sophie, I’m glad you could make it.’
'Thank you for inviting me, Liam.’
'I hope you don’t mind my asking, but is everything all right? You seemed a little ... disturbed earlier.’
‘I must admit, running into your chest was not exactly how I envisioned starting a conversation today.’
'Nor I, but it was a pleasant surprise nonetheless.’
Sophie opened up about the events that had troubled her that day. She spoke about the pressures of court and the weight of expectations, and her encounter with Madeleine.
Liam knew and understood that the palace and the court can be overwhelming; even at times, for himself. He found that they had ‘common ground in unexpected places.’
This was why he was determined to get to know her better. He felt a connection with her and a shared understanding that went beyond their titles. Liam wanted to find out everything about her.
After finishing their sets, they retreated to the terrace to grab water bottles and fresh fruit. Liam sat down with a towel and wiped sweat from his brow. “Have you chosen your mask for the ball yet?” he asked Drake.
Drake scratched his chin thoughtfully. “Not yet, but I’ve been thinking something mysterious and intriguing. Melanie loves a good mystery, so I want to keep her guessing all night.”
Liam grinned. “All night, Drake? Really?”
“Yeah, maybe not all night,” Drake winked with a grin. Liam laughed taking a swig of water.
The Masquerade Ball
“Awe, Sophie... look at you!” 
Maxwell blurted excitedly, as he twirled her around to appreciate her gorgeous red ball gown.
Sophie blushed at Maxwell’s enthusiastic compliment, feeling a warm flutter of happiness in her chest. Her ball gown, with its intricate lace details and flowing skirt, had taken her hours to choose with Aunt Bethany, but it was worth it to see the delight in Maxwell’s eyes.
“Thank you, Max,” she replied, her voice soft and touched by his admiration. “You don't look too shabby yourself in that dashing suit.”
Maxwell chuckled and gave her a playful wink. “Well, I had to step up my game to match your elegance tonight. Wait until Liam sees you, little blossom,” he teased.
“Are we ready?” Bertrand inquired, stepping beside Sophie and his brother, offering his arm for her to take.
As Sophie slipped her arms with her cousins, Maxwell exclaimed, “let’s do this.”
The doors to the grand ballroom are opened, and the herald announces,
“Lady Sophia Taylor of House Beaumont, accompanied by Duke Bertrand Beaumont of Ramsford with Lord Maxwell Beaumont of House Beaumont.”
The Introductions continued, as each noble or noble couple made their entrance into the ballroom.
King Constantine and Queen Regina, seated on the raised dais, exchanged polite greetings and nods with each noble as they were presented, their regal presence commanding respect and admiration from all in attendance.
As Sophie, Bertrand, and Maxwell approached the royal dais, Sophie executed a graceful curtsy, her gown billowing elegantly as she lowered herself before the King and Queen.
Bertrand and Maxwell, the brothers by her side, performed deep and respectful bows.
King Constantine and Queen Regina acknowledged their gestures with warm smiles and nods of appreciation.
Prince Liam, who was standing to the right of the dais, could not help but smile as he caught Sophie’s eye after she had finished her graceful curtsy as she moved towards him. His smile was warm and friendly, a silent greeting that conveyed his pleasure at seeing her once again.
"My lady, you are a vision of beauty."
Sophie, her cheeks tinged with a subtle blush from his attention, returned Liam’s smile with a gentle one of her own. It was a small, private moment amidst the grandeur of the ballroom, but it spoke volumes of their connection and friendship in the midst of the royal event.
A soft gasp escaped her lips as he gently lifted her hand and pressed a tender kiss to it. Her heart fluttered at his chivalrous act, as she felt a rush of warmth and attraction towards him.
With a charming smile, Liam offered his arm to Sophie in invitation to join him in the ballroom. She gracefully accepted, her hand resting delicately on his arm as they entered the grand hall together, the music and festivities swirling around them.
Melanie, watching the pair stroll into the ballroom, could not take her eyes off them. Their presence captivated her completely.
“Do you want another drink, Mel?” Drake asked, trying to get her attention. His voice broke through Melanie’s trance, and she turned to look at him, momentarily torn between her fascination with Liam and Sophie and the offer of another drink.
“Oh, uh, yeah, sure,” Melanie replied, her gaze reluctantly leaving the couple as she refocused on Drake. “Thanks, Drake.”
As Drake shook his head and started to walk to the bar, Melanie could not help but steal another glance at the couple now across the room. Liam and Sophie looked so comfortable together, their laughter heard from across the hall. It was hard for Melanie to ignore the pang of jealousy that tugged at her heart.
Drake returned with a fresh drink in hand, offering it to Melanie with a warm smile.
“Everything okay?” he asked, concern clear in his eyes.
Melanie forced a smile, trying to shake off her feelings of longing. “Yeah, just lost in thought, I guess. Thanks for the drink, babe.”
He nodded understandingly, his stare lingering on her for a moment longer before he turned to talk with his sister, Savannah. Melanie took a sip of her drink, determined to enjoy the evening despite the twinge of heartache.
Melanie watched as Liam gracefully guided Sophie across the ballroom floor, their waltz a mesmerizing display of elegance. The couple moved with such synchronized grace that it seemed as if they were the only two people in the room. She could not help but feel a pang of envy at their obvious connection.
As they waltzed towards the French doors and stepped out onto the balcony, Melanie’s curiosity got the best of her. She decided to follow discreetly, making her way through the crowd and out onto the balcony as well. The cool night air greeted her, and she saw Liam and Sophie standing at the balcony railing, gazing out at the garden maze.
From her vantage point, Melanie could see the intricate pathways of the garden maze lit by soft, romantic lighting, when she felt a tap on her shoulder.
Startled, Melanie turned to see a royal guard standing behind her. She immediately straightened up and offered a polite smile.
“I’m sorry,” she said apologetically. “I didn't realize. I was just admiring the view.”
The royal guard nodded, his expression stern but professional. “I understand, Miss, but for security reasons, we need to keep this area clear. I’ll have to ask you to return to the main ballroom.”
Melanie nodded in understanding. “Of course, I didn’t mean to intrude. Thank you for letting me know.”  She turned to leave the balcony, casting one last glance at Liam and Sophie, but they were no longer there.
The Garden Maze
Sophie’s laughter echoed through the hedges as she darted around corners. Her gown billowing behind her. The scent of blooming flowers filled the air, and the distant sound of music from the palace mingled with the symphony of nature. Liam pursued her with playful determination, his eyes alight with mischief as he turned a corner.
He found Sophie, cheeks flushed with eyes sparkling, standing at a small clearing where a stone bench rested beneath a canopy of Ivy. Sophie, breathless but with an impish grin hiked up her gown, revealing her shapely legs and slipped off her heels.
“A lady must do what a lady must do,” she declared, her voice teasing. Liam couldn't help but chuckle, charmed by Sophie’s unpretentious spirit. He approached slowly, allowing himself to savor the moment.
“Well, this is unexpected,” Liam remarked, his voice laced with amusement.
Sophie's eyes twinkled mischievously. “You didn't think I let you catch me so easily, did you?”
Liam shook his head, feigning innocence. "Of course not. I just did not expect you to resort to such …  tactics.”
With a playful glint in her eyes. Sophie stepped closer. “Desperate times call for desperate measures, don't they?” She winked.
Their continued banter dissolved into shared laughter, filling the garden with an infectious joy. Liam took a step closer, his fingers lightly brushing against Sophie's as he reached for her.
“Well then, Lady Sophie, I shall have to employ my own tactics.”
As if in response, Sophie took a step back, her eyes dancing with anticipation.
“And what tactics might those be?”
With a sly smile, Liam lunged forward, but Sophie was quicker than he anticipated. She dodged his outstretched hand with a graceful pirouette, her laughter ringing out like a sweet melody.
 Their game of tag continued, each chase and evasion bringing them closer together, the connection between them growing stronger with every shared moment. The palace seemed a distant world, forgotten in the enchantment of their own private garden.
They finally paused, breathless, and flushed from their game of tag.
Liam’s gaze met Sophie's, and in that moment, the world seemed to fade away leaving only the two of them.
Their newfound love, unspoken yet palpable, hung in the air like fragrance of the surrounding flowers. It was a love that was blossoming amidst the twists and turns of the garden maze, a love that had taken root in their hearts.
Without a word, Liam took a step closer, his hand gently cupping Sophie’s cheek. She leaned into his touch, her eyes fluttering closed. Their lips met in a tender, unhurried kiss. Sophie's blue eyes met his as Liam wrapped his other hand around her waist to pull her closer. Their lips met again, this time with an urgency as Liam deepened the kiss; his tongue searching hers.
Beaumont Estate
It was early morning when Sophie awoke in her bedroom at House Beaumont. The dreams she had experienced that night were like fragments of a beautiful story unfolding into reality.
As the soft light filtered through the gauzy curtains, Sophie could not help but smile. She lay in bed, the memories of her adventures with Liam in the garden maze still fresh in her mind. The way he chased her, the laughter they had shared, and the kisses that had ignited a fire within her heart.
With a contented sigh, she pushed back the covers and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She couldn’t linger in bed all day, no matter how tempting it was to stay in bed with her daydreams. ...but she knew Marabelle was waiting for her morning ride.
Sophie picked up a brush and began to brush her long, chestnut hair. Her reflection in the mirror seemed different now – happier, more alive. She remembered the laughter they had shared, the way Liam’s eyes sparkled when he looked at her, and the warmth of his embrace. In her thoughts...Liam, I think, I’m in love with you!
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📌@ao719 @txemrn @queenmiarys @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @alj4890 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @harleybeaumont @busywoman @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @imjusthereforliam @lovingchoices14 @kyra75 @tinkie1973 @emkay512 @malblk21 @kristinamae093 @charlotteg234 @irisk12 @walkerdrakewalker @choicesficwriterscreations @midnightmelodiz
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banannabethchase · 1 year
20 and 24- Percabeth
Glitter - also on AO3
Percy gets home and sees a trail of glitter. He's used to Annabeth's unusual, but this seems different.
Oooh a challenge! It went so fluffy I'm gonna die! I hope you enjoy love <3
Percy is, well, he's not confused, exactly, because he's learned after this long that expectations of normalcy do not bode well as Annabeth Chase's boyfriend. But he's a big confused about the trail of glitter on the floor, leading to their bedroom.
"Uh, Annabeth?" he calls, hesitantly. "Everything okay?"
"Um. Yes!" She sounds more high pitched than usual, and Percy picks up the pace. He immediately goes for the worst: someone broke in, a monster has her hostage, she slipped on the glitter and hit her head.
“I’ll be right there!”
"Wait,” she says, and the panic in her voice makes him even more concerned, “don't come -"
He doesn't catch her words until the door is open.
Annabeth is on the bed, tangled in a pair of what appear to be stockings.
"Don't you dare laugh," she says sternly. "This was supposed to be, like, a birthday thing for next month, and then I realized if I put the blue glitter trim on while they were off it would get ruined, so I started putting them on and then I tripped and had to roll to the bedroom - I said don't laugh!"
"I'm trying not to, I promise!" He really is trying, too - his chest hurts with how much he's trying not to laugh. "But, really? Stockings? Blue glitter stockings?"
"I thought it would be fun!" Annabeth wails. "We've been together a million years. I've given you practically every present there is." Her face crumples. "I didn't want you to get bored."
Percy feels like an idiot for not getting it sooner. "Oh, Annabeth, never," he says. He sits next to her on the bed, the glitter poofing up in the air and onto his clothes. He doesn't care. "It's impossible to get bored of you." He yanks her close since she’s not going to be able to move well herself, and she rests her head on his shoulder. "You know that, right?"
She shrugs. "Maybe. We're just, like. We're older now, you know?" She shifts so she can see him, look into his eyes. He's still always so disarmed by her eyes. "I want to be able to have surprises still."
Percy presses his lips together. "I mean, I was saving this one for the fancy dinner on your birthday, but if you want surprises." He pulls the brand new box out of his pocket, the one that he'd just picked up today, and kneels on the ground. He pops it open to reveal the gold band inset with emerald and diamond. "How's this for a surprise?"
Annabeth, still wrapped in the nylon tights, glitter in her messy hair, mouth agape, has never looked more beautiful to Percy in his life. "You little shit," she laughs. "No way. I thought - your mom said she was thinking you’d do it on Christmas!"
"And you are to blame for the one lie I've told Sally Jackson," Percy laughs. He lifts the box a little higher. "Annabeth Chase, we've made life ours as partners since we were twelve and you hated me. And made fun of my drooling."
"Well, you still do that."
"Don't interrupt my proposal," Percy says, grinning. "Annabeth, will you make us permanent?" He chokes on the last few words. "Will you marry me?"
Annabeth nods. "Yes. Oh, my gods, yes. I just." She wiggles her left hand, and it's only then that Percy realizes that's the biggest problem with the tights. "I wasn't kidding. Two engineering degrees, and I'm bested by tights."
Percy doesn't laugh this time. "How about we get you out of those, okay?"
Annabeth's expression changes so quickly it's almost startling. "Oh, if that's how you want it to be."
Percy laughs as the two of them get her tights off. He thinks they're lucky to be in bed, but, now, the glitter is really going to be everywhere. He slides the ring on her finger after, when there's tiny specks of blue across their skin and the sheets.
"Now it's official," he says, nuzzling into her neck. "I'm never letting you get away from me."
"Together," she says. "Always."
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mothxmoons · 2 years
Into you
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Transported au/ yandere themes
When you first arrived in the resident evil universe, you weren’t expecting to be involved at all with the story. But then you were. And now you have to deal with the consequences of the universe’s actions. One of said consequences was the main villain for a long time being absolutely obsessed with you.
From day one as a STARS member, Wesker just seemed to be watching you. Constantly. You’re pretty sure he put a tracker on you, because when you went to your new home, ahem- given by the government to keep your secret that you’re from another world, he just so happened to walk by. Then you’re at a restaurant you enjoyed, and he just so happened to walk in. Next you’re at a cafe, enjoying your morning, and guess who walks in….
Yeah so you’re pretty sure this man has a tracker somewhere in your clothes. You haven’t felt it yet though, but at the same time. You find it strange, you can’t let him know that of course. But why did he take such an interest in you? Big enough interest to hand pick you from the training grounds onto his team. It rose a lot of red flags, and you couldn’t help but watch him as well. To which, he took great delight in.
He spent lots of time getting to know where you lived, where you liked to frequent and what stores you go to, just to get to know you a little better. It delights him so that you are also interested in him just as much.
“You have beautiful eyes.” You said to him one day, out of the blue really. You two were just walking around the city together and talking about activities in the city. The compliment made him flustered for a second before he regained his composure and smirked back.
Perhaps that was the beginning of your relationship? Since the next day you were asked out on a date by him when everyone else had left the office.
You agreed of course, who would pass up an opportunity like that? And it was a good way to keep an eye on him.
Wesker proved to be a surprise on dates, some nights you two would stay in and enjoy each other’s company while watching a bad movie, others he would invite you to a fancy restaurant, even helping you pick out an outfit, sometimes you two would just walk around in the rural area nearby, and just talk, and rarely when you two had work, you two would train together and laugh.
He was such a romantic as you got to know him. Flowers when you two went out on dates, chocolates as a gift in the office, he even loved to hold your hand. It was odd to see a side of him many others will never even catch a glimpse of, weirder still that he didn’t want to tell anyone on the team. You didn’t ask, you think you already know. Should his actual employer be revealed, you could very easily be suspected as an accomplice.
Months went by like this, you two never officially said what you two were to each other, but it never needed to. The shared kisses in the morning, the hugs during work hours, the shared nights together, it was obvious what you two were.
You two went on missions together alone as you two were close, the rest of the team also complimented how well your two worked together, god if only they knew.
You were still a mystery to Wesker, but at the same time, god did he love you. Perhaps you would be open to marrying him, you would make the perfect spouse for him, and then you couldn’t leave him, even if he was discovered as an umbrella higher-up. Discovered or not, you would be his, till death do us part.
Like that would happen.
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Being Used – Joe Keery
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Wattpad request by minty-fox-candyyki
Joe and I got to Italy last week. He's out here filming a movie and asked if I'd come with him. We had only been dating for a month but I was honored that he invited me with him. I thought it was going to be romantic but it felt like. . . nothing.
Joe rolled off of me, sighing in satisfaction. He rolled over and instantly fell asleep with his back to me. I tried to sleep, but that pit in my stomach kept me awake. The first time Joe and I slept together it was butterflies I felt in my stomach after. Not dread.
I spent the next month roaming around Italy while Joe filmed. He'd come back to the hotel and sometimes we'd order room service or take out. We rarely went out. After dinner, he'd shower and come to bed. We'd fool around a little until he was ready. Then he'd lay me down on my back and bring himself to orgasm.
It was a daily routine. Most girls would love to be in Italy with their boyfriend where they spent every night together. To be honest, I've imagined it. Haven't we all? But I never imagined feeling disgusting after I had sex with my boyfriend.
Joe and I met at a bar. I was at my friend's bridal shower. He was trying to get over his ex-girlfriend, Maika. We started drinking and dancing. Eventually, we went back to his place. That was the only time I didn't feel like garbage after sleeping with him.
The next day, I went back to my regular life. After my shift at the store, I looked at my phone to see several missed calls and texts from a number I didn't have saved but kinda recognized. When I read through the messages, my heart flipped.
Good morning, gorgeous.
I know. I know. I'm not supposed to text you for three days, but I had an amazing time last night.
I'd like to see you again.
I can't stop thinking about you.
I ended up calling him as I left work. We talked my entire drive home. We went on our first official date that night and have been together ever since.
Our relationship didn't start feeling forced until the second week. He stopped calling or texting me first unless he wanted sex. I was the one who planned our dates and he either canceled or was late.
Tonight was our three-month anniversary. I decorated the hotel room and went to get supplies so I could make a special dinner. I got everything ready and even put on a fancy dress I found at a boutique a few days ago.
I sat on the couch, waiting for Joe to come back. The longer I waited, the worse I felt. I finally gave up waiting for him at midnight. I didn't bother to clean up. I left the decorations and our uneaten dinner. When I got in the shower, I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. They didn't stop until I fell asleep.
                                * * * * *
I woke up, feeling just as horrible. I sat up and looked around. My stomach sank when I realized the bed was empty. When I left the bedroom, I instantly saw the decorations I put up last night and our untouched dinner.
I froze when I saw Joe passed out on the couch. The second I walked closer, I could smell the alcohol coming off of him. With my heart in my throat, I slowly started cleaning up the food. I was doing the dishes when I heard Joe wake up.
"I'm in here," I called out.
"Not so loud," he groaned. I looked over my shoulder to see him shakily walking into the kitchen.
"Quite the night?" I asked.
"It was awesome," he chuckled.
"Did you forget something?" I asked as I turned around and wrapped my arms around myself. I watched as Joe checked his pockets.
"I don't think so."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course I am," he snapped.
"Joe, I didn't mean. . ."
"I know you don't like me drinking," he said, his anger building, "but work has been stressful. The cast and I wanted to blow off some steam. There's no harm in that."
"Actually. . ."
"It's not a big deal!" He cut me off again as he stormed by me.
"Joe. . ." I stuttered.
"Enough, Y/N!"
I gasped when he pushed my shoulder, trying to move me aside but ended up pushing me to the ground.
Joe and I looked up at each other, neither one of us knowing what to say. Time felt frozen as we tried to wrap our heads around what he just did. I snapped out of it when Joe took a step toward me. I jumped up and ignored his attempt to get my attention as I ran out of the hotel room.
                                * * * * *
Even though I knew Joe was filming, I slowly opened the door in case he was there. When I was sure he wasn't, I walked into the room and immediately started packing my things as quickly as I could.
I threw my clothes into my suitcase, not bothering to fold them. I quickly gathered my bathroom stuff, tossing it all on top. I didn't care about organizing my suitcase. I needed to get out before. . .
I quickly spun around, my heart beating against my throat.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"I'm leaving."
"I see that," Joe stuttered. "Why?"
"Because I. . . This is. . . I can't do this anymore."
"Do what, darling?"
That nickname used to give me butterflies our first week. Now it made my blood freeze.
"Y/N," he sighed before I could say anything. "I know I've been working a lot and I haven't been a very good boyfriend, but I brought you to Italy so we could spend time together. We are together and we can. . ."
"Last night was our anniversary," I cut him off. He sighed as he shoved his hands into his back pockets.
"I know," he sighed.
"You what?" I asked, my anger snapping. "If you knew it was our anniversary, why the hell didn't you come home last night?"
"I didn't remember," he stuttered. "I got to work this morning and my manager asked how our dinner was. I didn't know what he meant so he reminded me. It's not a big deal."
My heart sank lower than it ever has. My mind raced as I tried to piece it all together. I finally realized what he was doing and why I felt so horrible.
"I get it now," I mumbled.
"What are you. . ."
"I get it now," I repeated. "You've been using me."
"What?" Joe stuttered. "No, I wasn't."
"You were," I cut him off. "And you don't even realize it. You don't actually care about me, Joe. When we first met, you were upset. You and Maika had just broken up. You needed a distraction. That was me."
"Y/N. . ."
"You don't actually care about me, Joe. You were using me. Admit it."
"I wasn't."
"You were," I corrected. "And I can't take it anymore."
"What are you saying?" He asked. His question dropped when he saw my full suitcase. "Where are you going?"
"Y/N. . ."
"No," I cut him off again. "I can't do this anymore, Joe. I'm leaving."
"Y/N, please," he begged. "I wasn't using you. I care about you."
Tears streamed down my face as I shook my head and backed up, closer to the door.
"I don't believe you."
                                       A Week Later
After I walked away from Joe, I got a job at the smoothie shop in the mall. Joe tried reaching out to me but I couldn't bring myself to answer him. Every time I saw that I had a message from him, my stomach turned sour. I tried to remember the good times but there weren't many.
My job wasn't fun but it was a good distraction. We were at the end of the normal mid-morning shopping rush. I was just finishing up an order when I saw another customer out of the corner of my eye walk up.
"I'll be right with you," I said over my shoulder as I finished the smoothie I was working on. I turned around and handed it to the customer. I quickly cleaned the counter and grabbed a new blender. I turned around to help the next customer but froze when I saw who it was.
"What are you doing here?"
"Please give me a chance," Joe said quickly.
"Why should I?" I scoffed.
"Because you were right," he said as he walked closer to the counter. I stayed where I was with my arms wrapped tightly around myself. "I didn't even realize it at first and I'm so sorry."
"Joe," I sighed.
"I know," he said quickly. "I know me saying 'I'm sorry' means nothing. But I am. I'm sorry. You didn't deserve it and you were right to walk away. If you hadn't. . . I may never have even realized what I was doing."
"And what were you doing?" I asked. I needed to hear him say exactly what he had done to me.
"I was using you to help me get over Maika," he said, not missing a beat. "When we first met, I was drunk off my ass. I was drinking to try and drown my sorrow and I wasn't thinking straight. And then I met you and we were flirting and dancing. That first night I spent with you, I wasn't thinking about Maika. You distracted me. After you left that morning after, I kept thinking about you. But eventually, my mind went back to her. So, I grabbed my phone and started texting you. It happened once. Then it happened again. I started getting into this weird and horribly unfair routine. When I thought about Maika, I called you."
I couldn't look at him. Him admitting this was so much worse than I thought it would be. I wrapped my arms tightly around myself and looked at my shoes. They were ugly but comfortable.
"Y/N, I am so sorry about. . ."
"Don't," I cut him off. I looked up at him, no longer hiding how angry and upset I was with him. "Why are you here, Joe?"
"To apologize," he stuttered.
"And you think you deserve that?" I couldn't help but scoff. "You think, after everything you've done to me, you deserve that relief of being forgiven?"
"It's not about what I deserve," he said, his voice dropping. "It's about what you deserve."
He paused, giving me a chance to say something. I didn't. I just tightened my arms around myself and kept staring at him.
"You deserve to hear me apologize, whether you decide to forgive me or not," he continued. "You deserve to hear me grovel and beg for your forgiveness. You deserve to see me making an ass of myself for you. You deserve to see me on my knees asking what I can do to make up for forgetting our anniversary. You deserve to hold this over my head, making me do whatever you want for as long as you want until you feel satisfied that I've made it up to you. And more importantly, you deserve a guy who would never use you the way I did."
"And you're here to tell me that you think you can be that guy? After everything?"
"No," he said quickly. "I guess. . . Well, maybe."
"Maybe?" I sighed. "I'm going to need something better than 'maybe', Joe. I need to get back to work."
I turned around but Joe spoke up. "It changed."
I cleared my throat as I turned back to Joe, still keeping my distance. Part of me wanted him to leave me alone. The other part wanted to hear what he had to say.
"What changed?" I challenged.
"Us," he said, dropping his voice. He cleared his throat and corrected himself. "Me."
"What are you talking about?" I asked, my voice changing too.
"I changed, Y/N," he said, taking a hesitant step toward the counter. "I know how cliché that sounds, but I mean it. Sure, the first few weeks of our relationship I was using you. But as time went on, I didn't think about Maika as much. I thought about you."
"Joe," I stuttered, not sure if I should believe him.
"Yes, our relationship started as a way for me to forget about Maika, to distract me from her," he continued, getting closer to me. "But soon our relationship became about you and me."
"I don't believe you," I whispered, trying to build back up the walls around me that he was starting to tare down.
"I don't blame you," Joe said with a small chuckle. "I wouldn't believe me either, but I'm telling you the truth, Y/N."
"How am I supposed to believe you?" I asked, my voice still a whisper as I went back to looking at my shoes.
The next time Joe spoke up, he was closer. I glanced up at him through my eyelashes to see him right on the other side of the counter.
"There's one other piece of the truth that might convince you," he said.
"I'm listening."
"I didn't invite you to Italy with me so I could keep distracted. I invited you because I wanted you there with me."
I held my breath as he pulled something out of his back pocket. He looked down at it, hesitating to give it to me.
"After you left, I was going to a bar to drink and distract myself," he said, still looking at the box in his hands. "On my way there, I passed this jewelry store and I found this in the window. The second I saw it, I knew it would be perfect on your neck."
I slowly took the black box from him and hesitantly opened it, my heart jumping into my throat when I saw the necklace. The necklace was a small silver heart, no bigger than the size of my thumbnail. It was simple yet perfect.
"Flip it over," Joe whispered.
When I did what he said, I gasped. On the back, our initials were engraved next to each other in an even smaller heart. The engraving was so small you would miss it if you weren't holding it, looking for it.
"Joe," I said, barely audible, "this is. . . I can't. . . I don't know what to say."
"You can either take this as an 'I'm sorry I was such a horrible boyfriend and I promise to make it up to you' present or a 'your ex-boyfriend was an ass and tried to buy you off but it didn't work' present. I had to give it to you, Y/N. I know this means nothing but I need to say it at least one more time. I am so sorry I hurt you, Y/N. And if you could possibly give me another chance, I would never hurt you again."
I couldn't find my voice. I tried to force myself to say something, but nothing came out. He took this as a bad sign. He nodded and shoved his hands in his back pockets. I felt weird as he turned around and started to walk away from me.
"Wait," I finally got out. Joe instantly froze and turned around, nothing but hope in his eyes. I opened and closed my mouth, still not sure how I was going to voice what I was feeling.
"You swear that things changed?" I asked. "You swear that you aren't using me anymore?"
"I swear," Joe said instantly as he stepped as close to the counter as he could get. "I swear on my life that I'm not using you anymore. I'm crazy about you, Y/N. The thought of walking away from you glues my feet to the floor. Please don't ask me to walk away. Please let me make it up to you. I'm begging you. Just tell me what I can do to. . ."
As he asked me what he can do to make it up to me, I jumped over the counter, grabbed his face, and pressed my lips to his. Joe instantly wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back. I smiled against his lips as I felt those butterflies I haven't felt since the first night we met. I broke the kiss, both of us breathing heavily.
"You better mean it," I threatened.
"I swear," Joe insisted, "I will never use you for anything ever again. In fact, for the rest of our relationship, you are allowed to use me any way you want."
"Joe," I said softly.
"I mean it," he said when I didn't continue. "Use me, Y/N. Use me until you're sick of me."
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justreckin · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
alright @emonydeborah said hey there's a thing and i say yes (ages later)
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 6
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 28,070
3. What fandoms do you write for? Honestly, whatever's catching my fancy in that moment. Of the things I've posted, The Librarians is the only fandom that I've ever even posted more than one fic for.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Raising Harry (Harry Potter/Underworld) Where Selene comes across Harry playing at the park alone at night and decides that the best idea is to sorta adopt him.
Never Say He Isn't Grateful (Agent Carter/Captain America) Howard realizes he owes Peggy big time and the best way for him to repay her is to go rescue Steve.
5 Times Ezekiel Called Eve Mum and the Time They Made it Official (The Librarians) 5+1 what it says on the tin.
Second Time Around (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) Coulson went in on the Bahrain mission, May died. Oneshot re-write of the first episode that I considered expanding and have actually written other chapters for but... 🤷‍♀️
How Apep got Ezekiel Grounded for the Rest of his Natural Life (The Librarians) Season 3 Finale in the same universe as the previous Librarians fic that has a second chapter I have yet to write...
5. Do you respond to comments? I certainly try to. I'm not the best at it, but I love getting to have a conversation with anyone who likes the same things I do.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Heh probably I'm Not Your Mother but even then it's a) not really all that angsty and b) mostly that I dropped a mean bomb on characters and then ran away because I have no idea what else to do with it.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? ...everything else? Look, canon is already regularly very mean to characters. I am here to live in my happy little fantasies where everything works out.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not hate per se but I'd left up an unfinished multi-chapter fic at one point and someone commented that I was the reason they'd lost faith in authors with unfinished works and is maybe more responsible for me not posting any of the myriad of things I have on my computer than I want to admit.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Nah. I write more family than relationship stuff, really.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Yes. Uh... it's not posted, but maybe the Harry Potter/Song of the Lioness that I hashed out at one point.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Don't think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?  Don't think so.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Ha! @emonydeborah and I spitball all the time (it's wonderful) and she absolutely gets credit if that parent trap fic ever gets finished, but I don't think I'm up to the group project that would be co-writting a fic.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? the Enterprise NCC-1701 dash nothing! All jokes aside, it genuinely is the only ship I go back to on a regular basis.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Uh... honestly, I don't know that I'll ever finish half the things in my WIP folder.
16. What are your writing strengths? Probably dialogue. I feel I'm pretty good at getting the character's literal voice down.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Anything happening around the dialogue. In my head these people are always moving around and doing things, but it always feels so clunky if I try to put that onto a page.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Maybe an individual word or two for a curse or endearment. I know enough Spanish I'd probably be comfortable writing in it. But that'd be about it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Uh.... Star Trek? One sec, must check files. Yeah, pretty sure it was a short TOS thing. Hmm might need to take a look at that again, clean it up, repost...
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Posted? Probably Ezekiel calling Eve mum. Not posted? Nah, actually, don't know that there is one that's not posted.
.... @the-redhead-in-a-dress and @sun-lit-roses did you do it yet, did you do it? I wanna see 😁
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nuri148 · 5 months
My Trip to Japan! ⛩️Part 1
LONG post. All of these series will be long AF.
9.12 ➡️ all dates are dd.mm
When we arrived at Tokyo-Haneda, I was down with a terrible cold. I dozed off quite a bit during the flight, but I was still exhausted. We left our luggage at the hotel near Shinbashi station and, after a rather forgettable lunch we strolled around fancy Ginza for a while. I soldiered on, but as we approached the Imperial Palace gardens, my body gave up, and we returned to the hotel. I stayed sleeping all afternoon. Husband, after a nap, went out to continue exploring the area and had dinner around there. Around 9 pm I ate some chocolates I happened to have, only to avoid taking the cold medicine on an empty stomach, but I wasn't hungry and went back to bed almost right away.
I had a relatively good night, with only a bit of coughing. We had breakfast at a nearby cafe and went to Ueno. We walked around the park a bit and visited the National Museum, as well as a couple of temples on the park grounds. From there, we walked to the Okachimachi area, where we had a very tasty and cheap fish lunch. Then, we took the Yamanote Line to visit the stairs of the Suga Temple: the ones at the end of Kimi no na wa. There were plenty of fans taking pictures, of course—though we were easily the eldest. (The stairs do not belong to the temple; the temple entrance is right there after you climb them)
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After that, we headed to Shinjuku, and went up to the (free!) observation deck of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building. It was already dark, so we were treated to the beautiful views of the the lit-up city.
On the way back, we passed by a Don Quijote. "Donki," as they call it, is a chain of cheap stores where they sell all kinds of things: snacks, drugstore, stationery, electronics, household items, accessories, even a sex shop section. It's a good place to get items from brands or characters at more economical prices than in the official stores of those franchises. I bought cute Ghibli and Sanrio stuff here, and in fact, the variety of Sanrio items was on par with some official brand stores I visited, and the letter sets I got here were better. Donki is a perdition: ontop pf price and variety, it's absolutely packed, and its labyrinthine structure makes it too easy to get lost inside, so getting out is more complicated than getting in.
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We took the subway to Asakusa and visited Sensō-Ji, the oldest, they say, Buddhist temple in Tokyo. Plenty of souvenir stalls, amulets, and omikuji (fortunes). I left my omikuji tied to the bars set up for that purpose, as tradition dictates if the oracle is not favorable to the wish made; Husband asked for the same, but he got a good omen; looks like it's set up so that the gods always look good.
Also, I got my first goshuin. Goshuin is not a regular stamp; it consists of one or more stamps plus a calligraphed text bearing the temple name, date, and the deity there enshrined or a fragment of some sacred text. Depending on each location, they write it in front of you in a moment (and it'beautiful to see how they work) or make you leave your notebook while you do the tour, and they return it sealed at the end. I used the blank pages of my travel journal, but there are specific notebooks for collecting goshuin, and some temples only do the stamp on those. In those cases, they already offer the goshuin pre-stamped on loose papers. Prices range from ¥300 to ¥500; some more important temples offer several models and also special goshuin, double both in size and price.
From there I dragged Husband to the Solamachi shopping center for me to raid the Ghibli store. Don’t ask me what other shops are there. The mall itself being quite a maze, I didn’t have time to check for anything else. Since we were already there, we decided to go up to the Sky Tree tower. At ¥2000, it’s the most expensive entrance ticket we bought (save Ghibli Park). Despite the shitty weather, the view from 350 meters high was amazing.
Since the tower was out of schedule, we were a bit tight on time to get to the Ghibli Museum. It's on the outskirts of Tokyo, in a place called Mitaka.
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We lunched some overpriced sandwiches and then went to the museum: What a beauty! The building, in the middle of the forest, has a distinct  Hundertwasser vibe. The entrance ticket contains a freaking, actual piece of film! Ours were from Ponyo and Howl’s moving Castle.
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Photos are not allowed inside the museum, only in the gardens; while it’s a bummer, I can get it. Everything looks so amazing, circulation would be impossible if everyone was caught up taking pictures. The exhibit about the creative process and the colouring of the animation cells is so full of detail, you could spend the whole day inside. There’s also a room where they explore different animation techniques. if you’ve been to a ciname museum, you’ll likely know about most of them, but the fact that here they’re made with Ghibli cuteness in all its glory makes it absolutely wonderful. The Saturn cinema features shorts made especially for the museum. On the day we went there we got "Pandane to Tamago-hime," a beautiful fairytale whose MC, the supercute Egg Princess of the title, forever stole my heart. I bought a keychain doll of her in the shop (aptly named "Mamma, aiuto!," as one does want to just loot it all) and hung it from my backpack for the rest of the trip. We had tea in the Tuscany-inspired museum's cafe.
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We returned to Tokyo and headed to Shibuya. We went up to an ridiculously expensive (¥1500 entrance with a drink – beer or soft nothing fancy) bar on the top floor of the Magnet building. Except for the views, the place had zero vibe, but well, that's what you get if you want to take a picture of the famous crossing from above.
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On the sixth floor of the same building there’s was a One Piece store, I got the stamp, but I didn't buy anything. I'm not a fan of the post-time skip aesthetic, tbh. I think it’s worth mentioning that many train stations, businesses, and tourist spots in Japan have commemorative stamps available for visitors. A simple and totally free way to have a souvenir.
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I was also floored by the overwhelming commercial density of the city. Any middle-of-the-road, six-metre-wide building hides a mini shopping centre inside, not like, a mall, but one or two businesses on each floor. Some even have businesses on the lower floors and residences above. It's mind-blowing.
We also passed by Daiso. Daiso is a famous ¥100 store chain. Real ¥100, not like pound stores, where half of the items cost more than that. They have everything, and everything costs ¥100. Cute stuff, too. Real licenced merch, not bootlegs. Plus all kinds of nice house and kitchen stuff. It's extremely difficult to resist buying everything.
The rain frustrated our morning plans; didn’t fancy getting wet when I was just recovering from the cold. At noon we went to Shinjuku, had lunch at inside the station and, 1:15 sharp, we departed by bus to Yamanakako, at the feet of Mt. Fuji. After settling into our Japanese-style room, we went to the private onsen we had reserved during check-in. This was the only bath we were in together, as public onsen and sento are segregated.  
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The next day was cold but sunny. We took the bus to Oshinohakkai, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Oshino is the village, and the hakkai are a series of eight natural springs, hence the name (八海 combines the kanji for "eight" and "sea"), which have been revered since ancient times as sacred places where various gods reside. The place is beautiful, peppered with ponds from which tiny streams emerge, with carp and trout swimming, and Mount Fuji in the background, truly delightful.
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We went back, bought some food at the konbini to have lunch in the hotel room, and then we hiked to a Shinto shrine on Ishiwari mountain. It was grueling for a couch potato like yours truly, but the struggle paid off, and the small shrine up there is an almost magical place, next to a sacred rock with a narrow crack through which, they say, if you pass three times, your wish will come true. We went down a different path that took us straight to the village onsen, perfect for relaxing after the physical effort.
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After breakfast, we said goodbye to Yamanakako to take the bus to Mishima, from where we took the Shinkansen to Nagoya. Nagoya, however, didn't welcome us with open arms. The signage to the Sakuradori metro line was poor and and without a damn elevator or escalator, which is baffling in a station of that magnitude. After carrying the suitcases to the platform, we saw, by the signs for the exit for disabled people, that there was but one (1) elevator. To make matters worse, it was noon, and the restaurants were full, so went to the hotel to leave the suitcases first and then went out for lunch, already starving.
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Belly full and content hearts, we walked to Nagoya Castle. The castle consists of two main pavilions, the castle itself (the defense tower, which was closed) and the Honmaru palace. The original was destroyed in World War II. Many paintings, however, were saved, although for preservation reasons, the ones exhibited are identical copies. The current castle was rebuilt in the fifties. The rooms were beautiful, with a minimalist luxury that stands out more when you think the castle is from the 17th century, and Europe was in full-on Baroque mode then. The city is very different from Tokyo. Wide, grid-like streets, downtown more aesthetically cohesive. More breathing room.
After the castle, we paraded through the main shopping streets of the city and briefly passed by Osu Kannon Temple; it was already dark, so we walked back, looking at shop windows, and had dinner at one of those places where you put coins in a machine, hand over the ticket, and they prepare the corresponding dish. Decadent vintage vibe, the food just passed, but it was an interesting experience.
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Back at the hotel, we used their onsen, or rather sentō. As washing before entering is a requirement, and they provide soap, shampoo, and conditioner (ofc you may byo), we came out spick and span, and it meant we did not use our room shower at all either here nor later in Nara where we also had a sentō. Sounds like a smart move for the hotel to save water if you ask me.
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tameodesza · 7 months
🍓Strawberry Prince
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₊˚⊹♡ Prince!Shawn Michaels x Commoner!Bret Hart ♡⊹˚₊
masterlist | AO3 link
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Summary: Prince Shawn begins his courtship with Bret, but all it takes is one day for them to fall for each other.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ a/n: meant to get this out sooner, but I’ve been sick all week. but anything for the people 🫡
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Bret stood outside of his humble home, feet shifting restlessly against the ground as he anxiously awaited the prince’s arrival. It felt like it was just yesterday that he received his letter of courtship, a messenger from the palace hand-delivering the official document folded neatly into a thick white enveloped, sealed in gold metallic wax imprinted with the McMahon family’s crest.
Bret had been giddy with glee, but a bit disappointed that the courting date on his letter was two months away. For two months, not a day went by that he didn’t think about the prince – their conversation at the palace, the kindness that was shown to him, how beautiful the prince was. He could only anticipate the day he’d be graced with Shawn’s presence again.
But as delighted as Bret was to see the prince once more, he also grew more concerned as the date approached, often questioning how he, a common man, could impress the young prince, a person who had everything he could ever want at his fingertips. 
It was without a doubt that Duke Mark and King Ric could spoil Shawn with all of their riches, both men coming from nobility and wealth. Unfortunately, Bret knew he wouldn’t be able to do the same. And seeing Shawn on his outing with King Ric certainly hadn’t helped to ease his worries.
After an encouraging pep talk from his family, Bret decided the best thing he could do was be authentic. Show the prince the real him and hope his personality alone would be enough to capture the prince’s heart.
Shawn looked out the window of his carriage in awe as he neared Bret’s home, feeling a sense of peace he’d never experienced in the confines of the royal palace. He admired the nature they were surrounded by, the beautiful landscape where animals roamed free, and the simple cottage homes they passed by as they ventured further down the dirt road.
As the carriage slowed to a stop, Shawn’s peace evolved into a nervous excitement once his eyes landed on Bret. He thought the man looked so handsome in his simple attire, the older man wearing a white linen shirt, loose brown pants, and thick work boots.
Shawn looked down at his own attire, feeling a bit overdressed in his white button-up long-sleeved shirt, gold cufflinks, tailored tan pants, and fancy loafers. Just before his guard could open the carriage’s door, Shawn quickly rid himself of his too-tight hair tie, freeing his golden locks before unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt in an effort to look more casual.
Bret’s heart dropped upon seeing Shawn descend the carriage’s steps, hair blowing gently in the wind, the light breeze carrying his sweet-smelling cologne towards Bret’s nose. The blond looked ethereal as the sunlight reflected off the diamonds in his necklace, his blue eyes having their own twinkle under the rays.
As Shawn neared Bret with a soft smile on his lips, Bret’s nerves seemed to melt away, the butterflies in his stomach reminding him that there was no other man he’d rather spend his time with.
“Prince,” Bret said in a breathless whisper, not even knowing how to start a conversation with the beautiful man.
Shawn said lightly, “Please, just call me Shawn. If you are to be my betrothed, you shall call me by name.”
Shawn’s guard on duty, Sebastian, tilted his head at the odd request, noting that the prince hadn’t given his other suitors the same privilege. Alarmed, Sebastian proclaimed, “My Lord, if I may, it is customary for commoners, such as Mr. Hart, to address royalty by the proper title-”
“And being that I am royalty, I can choose how others address me. Can I not?”
Under Shawn’s pointed glare, Sebastian immediately backed down, saying, “Yes, of course. My apologies, young prince.”
Bret could only look on in astonishment at Shawn’s power play, impressed that the blond could make such a high-ranking guard squirm from a mere look.
Shawn’s smile returned as said to Bret, “It’s nice to see you again, Bret. You look rather dashing.”
Bret thought otherwise, his attire being put together at the last minute as the rest of his clothes were still air-drying. But he kept that to himself, instead choosing to compliment the blond. “You as well,  Pr- I mean Shawn,” he corrected himself.
“You think so,” Shawn asked insecurely, hoping for the first time in his life that he didn’t look as dolled up as he had when he’d first arrived. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” Bret answered before holding his arm out in invitation. “Shall we?”
Shawn stepped forward, wrapping his hand around Bret’s arm without a moment’s hesitation. “We shall. Lead the way.”
Bret led Shawn inside of his home, giving him a small tour of the two-story wooden structure. Though he thought it wasn’t much to brag about, he thought it was a good way to show Shawn where he came from.
He was surprised to find that as they walked through the modest home, Shawn seemed infatuated in the place. There were no rooms full of pointless furniture sitting as decoration or overpriced décor hanging about. It felt cozy, lived-in, and not soulless and cold like the palace.
As they reached the back door of the house, Shawn noticed a pile of shoes strewn haphazardly across the floor, prompting Bret to explain, “I have a lot of siblings, as well as a hoard of nieces and nephews. The house is usually filled with my family, but they’re all out in the market right now.”
Shawn said in concern, “I hope I am not impeding on your duty to work today.”
“It’s fine. I have plenty of family to cover for me. Besides, missing a day’s work is worth spending just a moment with you.”
Shawn couldn’t hide his blush, bashfully looking away from Bret’s tender eyes. While doing so, his eyes landed on a swing located in the backyard. He lit up, excitedly asking, “You have a swing? We were never allowed those at the palace.” Another consequence of never being allowed to be a kid under the monarchy’s watch.
Bret raised a brow as he observed Shawn’s longing look, asking, “Would you like to give it a go?”
Shawn nodded enthusiastically, as he said, “May I?”
Bret didn’t know if it was the fact that Shawn, a member of the monarchy, asked him for permission or the fact that Shawn looked absolutely adorable, but his heart melted at the question, answering, “Of course, you may.”
Shawn barely fit on the swing, it being meant for children the size of Bret’s nieces and nephews. But that didn’t stop the prince from squeezing onto the wooden plank. After Shawn was settled, Bret stood behind him and gave a gentle push.
Sebastian abruptly warned, “Remember that physical contact is limited only to the holding of the arms, Mr. Hart.”
Bret instantly pulled his hand away, not wanting to get in trouble with the guard. However, Shawn nipped that in the bud when he said flippantly, “Nothing harmful will come of a light push, Sebastian. It is fine.”
Sebastian stood there puzzled, conflicted between enforcing the orders given to him by the palace officials or following orders given to him by the prince. But with no officials in sight, he inevitably decided to give in to the prince’s demands as long as no harm came of it.
Seeing that Sebastian ceased his protest, Bret gave another push, his heart warming at the joyous laughter Shawn let out as he was pushed higher into the air. It was sweet to know that something as simple as a swing could bring the prince so much happiness.
Unbeknownst to them, a smile also made its way onto Sebastian’s face before he quickly straightened his expression.
Once Shawn was satisfied with the swing, they headed over to the stables located just a few feet from the Harts’ house. Shawn led the way almost too eagerly as Bret and Sebastian struggled to catch up to the young man.
Upon reaching the stable, Shawn was immediately enamored when his eyes landed on a beautiful brown horse that neighed at his arrival.
A smile graced Bret’s face as he entered the stable, approaching Shawn as he said, “So, I see you’ve met Lucy.”
“Lucy? That’s a pretty name. Hey, Lucy,” Shawn gently greeted as he held up his hand, allowing Lucy to get acquainted with him. Shawn’s smile widened as Lucy brushed her nose against his hand, prompting the blond to softly brush his hand alongside her neck. “How long have you had her?”
Bret was slow to answer, shocked with Lucy’s interaction with Shawn being that she was one of their grumpier horses. “For quite some time. She’s one of the horses we use to pull our crops to the market.”
“One of?”
“Yes, we have two in total, Lucy and Bo. But we swap them out. Don’t want to overwork them especially with how heavy our crops can get on those carts.”
Shawn nodded, chuckling lightly as Lucy leaned her weight closer against his hand. “That’s very thoughtful, Bret. Your family must take very good care of them.”
“Most certainly. Without them we wouldn’t have a business. So we try to treat them like gold as much as we can. Even though this one doesn’t like me very much,” Bret said as he attempted to pet the horse, but Lucy sneered in his direction. “I don’t know why she always does that.”
“That’s because you’re doing it wrong,” Shawn softly quipped. “Don’t be so heavy-handed. Here.” Shawn grabbed Bret’s hand, the touch making both of their hearts flutter, before lightly placing Bret’s hand onto Lucy, guiding it slowly across the horse’s neck.
“It can’t be,” Bret whispered in astonishment.
“See? You must be gentle.”
Bret was stunned into silence as Shawn lifted his hand from his, Lucy allowing him to pet her without putting up a fight. After receiving a satisfied whinny from the horse, Bret said to Shawn, “Wow, you’re good at this. Do you have experience with horses?”
It was a simple question, but one that unknowingly took Shawn back to a place he tried so hard to forget. Bret noticed Shawn’s sorrowful expression, fearing he’d somehow offended the prince. Just as he was about to apologize, Shawn said with a distant look in his eye, “I had a horse once. Biscuit.”
Bret was unsure on if he should pry into a topic that seemed to be quite sensitive for the blond. But he was curious, wanting to gain an understanding on what made the prince who he was. He asked gently, “What happened to Biscuit?”
Shawn sighed, looking at Lucy as he answered, “My father got rid of her. I…I don’t really want to get into the details.”
“Then we won’t,” Bret promised, concluding that whatever happened to Biscuit must’ve ended tragically. He instead asked, “What was she like?”
The question brought a sudden smile to Shawn’s face, the blond turning to Bret as he answered, “She was a feisty one, but sweet. And very intelligent. I’d won so many tournaments with her, and I even taught her a few tricks. She was the closest I had to owning a pet as they’re not allowed in the palace.”
Bret blinked in surprise. “No pets? Not even dogs?”
Bret’s surprise shifted to disappointment once the prince shook his head no. Much of Bret’s joy during childhood came from the various pets they had growing up in the Hart house. Out of curiosity, he asked, “Did you ever get another horse after Biscuit?”
“No, I quit riding after I hurt my back. No horse could replace her anyway, so there would be no point in getting another.”
Bret sympathized with Shawn, sad to know that the prince had such a strict upbringing. He knew royals were pressured to present themselves a certain way to the public, but he hadn’t realized how the expectation may have impacted Shawn’s childhood. It was no wonder to him now why Shawn seemed so excited at seeing the swing.
After a final goodbye to Lucy, they headed away from the stables, Shawn looping his arm around Bret’s as the man led them miles away to their crop fields, the land expanding miles into the horizon.
Along the way, their comfortable silence was filled with idle chatter as Bret commented, “I must say, I was quite shocked to learn that you wanted to travel all this way to Beauville for our courting.”
Shawn shrugged, tightening his hold onto Bret’s arm as he said, “Why not? It’s just as fine of a town as any other. If not, better.”
Bret beamed, “It pleases me that you think so highly of my small village. Many wouldn’t share your kind sentiment.”
“Well, I must admit that I am a bit biased. I’ve had some fun times in your village. Though my fun has often turned into troubles for the palace.”
Bret snickered as he nodded, “Yes, I remember the headlines. ‘Young Prince Bares His Crown Jewels at Local Beauville Pub.’”
Shawn gasped, playfully tapping Bret’s arm, Sebastian silently scrutinizing the touch behind them. Shawn said with a laugh, “Hey, that was one time!”
One time, but a wild time. The blond had convinced a newly hired guard, Kevin Nash, to take him to the village past curfew, bar hopping until the wee hours of early morning. Kevin was closer to Shawn’s age than the other guards and was easily persuaded to let the blond engage in debaucherous acts, Kevin sometimes joining in. For that reason, along with rumors of the two screwing around, Kevin did not last long on the job.
After their laughter died down, Shawn said, “Beauville has always treated me well. It’s a place that has brought me great joy. And potentially, has gifted me a great husband.” Bret couldn’t help his wide grin, trying to hide his blush, but failing as Shawn said triumphantly, “I saw that!”
“You saw nothing.”
They continued their walk, sometimes chatting about nonsense, and other times allowing the comfortable silence to float between them.
Their walking slowed to a stop upon reaching a particular spot, Bret announcing, “This section of land is reserved for our strawberry fields.”
Shawn gasped, excitedly squealing as he looked around, his eyes landing on the strawberries sprouting from the stems along the ground. “This is really where it’s grown?!”
“Yes, and these here are just about ready for picking.”
“Really? How can you tell?”
Bret stooped down to the ground, looking for a good example. After finding a good strawberry, he plucked it off the stem, placing it in his palm before standing to show Shawn.
Shawn leaned over Bret’s palm, listening intently as the man explained, “The biggest thing to look for is a consistent color. We like for our strawberries to be red from the top to the tip. The leaves at the top should be a healthy green, not brown or dried. Also, the fruit should be firm, not hard. With all of those conditions present, you should have a sweet, delicious strawberry.”
Shawn broke his attention from the strawberry to look at Bret, wondering how a man’s knowledge about strawberries could be so attractive. He looked back to the fruit, asking curiously, “Am I allowed to eat it?”
“I’m afraid not. It needs a good wash before it can be consumed. But if you’d like, we can pick some for you to take back to the palace.”
Shawn said with a doe-eyed expression, “That would be lovely.”
After gathering a basket, most of their afternoon was spent in the strawberry fields talking casually as they picked strawberries that were ripe enough for consumption.
During their conversation, Shawn learned more about Bret’s background - his large family, his activities in the market, and his efforts to help the community. Shawn found it admirable that not only was Bret a hardworking man making an honest living, but he cared for his fellow villagers, helping out wherever he could.
Shawn also asked Bret more strawberry-related questions, Bret informing him of the appropriate climate and soil needed to properly grow strawberries.
Bret hoped the knowledge he shared would allow the prince to grow his own at the palace, to which Shawn responded, “The staff would have a fit if they ever saw me doing manual labor. Besides, my strawberries wouldn’t be as good as yours.”
“If you closely follow my instructions, they will.”
Shawn answered cheekily, “You know, I’ve never been one for following the rules, Bret.”
Bret gave a sly smile of his own saying, “That’s apparent, Shawn.” Bret then glanced over his shoulder, eyes landing on Sebastian who’d been following from a safe distance, too far to hear their conversation but too close for comfort. Bret asked, “Do they always follow you like this?”
Shawn looked over at Sebastian as well before looking to Bret, answering, “Usually. I’m used to it by now, but it does get rather annoying. I understand that it is for my safety, but I yearn for a moment where I can be truly in private.” Bret would like that as well, not comfortable with the way he felt Sebastian’s eyes on them throughout the day.  
Shawn took a moment to observe their surroundings, noticing that just ahead of them stood the cornfields with grass that towered above their heads. He then turned around seeing Sebastian momentarily distracted as he tried to readjust his hold onto Shawn’s strawberry basket.
Then Shawn got a wild idea.
He leaned close to Bret, keeping his eyes on Sebastian as he whispered, “We ditch him on three.”
Bret’s eyes widened as he asked, “What?”
Shawn took off running towards the tall grass, Bret trailing behind puzzled as he tried to catch up to the younger man.
After hearing the shuffling of feet and seeing that Shawn and Bret had taken off, Sebastian followed in a panicked sprint, struggling to hold the basket of strawberries as he ran shouting the prince’s name. But he was no match for their speed, the guard losing sight of the men as they entered through the tall grass.
Shawn ended up leading them away from the cop fields, veering off path into the trees of the nearby forest. Once Shawn was certain they’d lost Sebastian, he came to a stop, laughing wildly as he rested his back against a tree.
Bret rested next to him, panting heavily trying to catch his breath before joining Shawn in laughter, saying, “You’re insane.”
“Maybe so, but that was so exhilarating! Ugh, I just know Sebastian’s going to give me an earful when we get back.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“You’ll be fine. It’s me he doesn’t have to save face for.”
Shawn sank down onto the forest floor, not caring of the dirt rubbing against his expensive clothing. He beckoned for Bret to sit next to him which the older man happily obliged. Bret asked, “You think the palace will hear of this?”
“Not if I bat my eyes innocently at Sebastian. He’s always had a soft spot for me, so I don’t think he’d tell.”
“Why? Are you scared?”
“No, but I’d rather not have anyone thinking I’ve kidnapped the prince.”
“But is it really kidnap if I’m willing to go,” Shawn asked, causing them both to chuckle.
“I’m afraid it’s whatever the palace deems it to be.”
“Well, you’re not wrong about that.” Shawn shifted a bit to sit more comfortably, resting his head against the tree as he sighed, “This day has been so fun. I don’t want it to end.”
Bret said in relief, “I’m happy to hear that. I know it’s not a royal outing but-”
“It’s perfect. Simple. Like you,” Shawn answered as he lifted his head from the tree to get a better look at Bret.
Bret curled a brow, playfully asking, “You think I’m perfect?”
Shawn snickered, “No, you silly man. Simple. Everything about you is simple. Your profession, your family, your lifestyle. It’s nice. I’m actually quite envious.”
Bret said with a shrug, “You make it sound better than it really is.”
“Because it is better. Trust me, being this kingdom’s beloved prince is not all it’s cracked up to be,” Shawn muttered as he brought his knees into his chest, wrapping his arms around his shins.
Noticing Shawn’s change in demeanor, Bret apologized, “I didn’t mean to upset you-”
“You didn’t,” Shawn said, resting his head atop his knees as he looked blankly at the ground. “It’s just…it sucks sometimes, you know? Living a life where no one sees you. Where they only see the status. The power. The money. No one sees me.”
It saddened Bret immensely to know Shawn felt that way about himself, the blond being much more than royalty to him. Bret hesitated before putting a comforting hand on Shawn’s shoulder, the blond lifting his head to face him.
Bret said tenderly, “I see you, Shawn. When I look at you, I don’t just see a prince. I see a young man with aspirations to freely live his life, to break the social norms, to unapologetically be himself. I see a man who appreciates the little things, who is great with animals. You’re a good person, Shawn. You’re nice, funny, kind, and not afraid to get your hands dirty for some strawberries.” 
That got a laugh out of Shawn, the blond saying, “Well, they are worth getting dirty for.”
Bret nodded with a smile before saying sincerely, “Look, I know I’m not the most…ideal person for you. I certainly wouldn’t be the palace’s top pick, and I can’t promise you a life of riches. But what I can promise you is a life where you’re put first, Shawn. Where your feelings matter, and not the opinions of some old aristocrats. But a life where you’re seen. I see you.”
Tears pricked at Shawn’s eyes, touched at the sincerity behind Bret’s words. Shawn wiped at his eyes, chuckling, “Don’t mind me. I’ve always been a crier.”
Bret stretched out the sleeve of his shirt before moving Shawn’s hand away, using his sleeve to dab away Shawn’s tears. After seeing that Shawn’s eyes were dry, Bret said with a warm smile, “There.”
A quiet moment passed as they sat looking into each other’s eyes, both aware of how close they were. Shawn whispered, “You know, there’s one thing you got wrong.”
Shawn’s cheeks reddened, eyes shifting away before returning back to Bret, shyly answering, “You are the ideal person for me, Bret. Any man that’s willing to go out of his comfort zone to be with me, to deal with the bullshit royalty brings when he could just continue living a simple life is an ideal man for me.”
Bret’s heart quickened at the admission, Shawn’s words seeming to confirm his own feelings. Bret asked, “But what about the opinions of the monarchy?”
“Fuck the monarchy.”
Bret was surprised to hear the bold statement coming from the member of the royal family, but he was even more relieved to know that the prince felt strongly about him. “Do you really mean that?”
Shawn scooted closer to Bret, whispering, “I do. And I know it’s probably too soon to say this, especially with the courting process still ongoing, but I like you, Bret. I really do. No other man has made me feel the way you have. And what I’m about to do is going to get me in a world of trouble if anyone ever finds out.”
“What do you me-”
Before Bret could finish his question, Shawn leaned forward, closing his eyes before planting a soft kiss onto Bret’s lips. Bret quickly reciprocated, not caring of the courting rules as he melted into the kiss, applying pressure against Shawn’s lips.
Shawn was also aware of the rules they were breaking, but that’s what made it even more exciting. With Bret, there were no rules. Shawn could truly be himself around him, not caring of the consequences. Yes, Mark was nice. And yes, Ric spoiled him in riches. But they were royals, too afraid to even breathe the wrong way around Shawn.
But Bret wasn’t afraid to show Shawn how he felt. And that became even more apparent as Shawn felt the older man slip a tongue past his lips, to which the blond gladly welcomed.
Shawn placed a hand on the side of Bret’s neck, deepening the kiss as he drew them closer together while Bret placed a hand onto Shawn’s waist in a firm grip. Shawn let a light moan slip out, the sound being a turn on for the older man.
It’s no telling how far the two would have gone had it not been for them hearing the faint sound of Sebastian shouting, “ Prince Shawn! Where are you?! Please come out!”
They broke away from the kiss, breathing heavily as they looked into each other’s eyes, a smile gracing both of their lips. Shawn dipped his head into Bret’s neck groaning, “Damn his bad timing.”
Bret snickered, rubbing a soothing hand across Shawn’s back as he relayed, “He is only doing his job. What if the big bad commoner snatched away the dearest prince?”
“Then the big bad commoner would be doing this prince a favor.”
They sat there for a short while enjoying each other’s embrace until there was another frantic shout from Sebastian. Shawn reluctantly pulled away, saying, “I guess we should go before he loses his head.” 
“Agreed,” Bret nodded about to get up, but was stopped when Shawn pulled him into a light peck. 
Shawn pouted as he whined, “I want to stay with you.”
Bret nodded, rubbing gently on Shawn’s shoulder saying, “I know. I want to stay with you, too. But I don’t want you getting into any more trouble, ok?”
“Ok,” Shawn moped.
After one more long-lasting kiss, they made their way back into the crop fields, meeting Shawn’s distressed guard halfway. It was obvious that Sebastian was on the verge of demanding the prince of his whereabouts, but remembered his place, saying politely, “Welcome back, young prince. I have been awaiting your arrival.”
Shawn stopped himself from smiling before saying, “Sorry, Sebastian. We got lost.”
Sebastian didn’t seem to believe them, saying to Bret, “Need I remind you, Mr. Hart, that it is a security breach to take off with the prince without supervision.”
“It’s my fault,” said Shawn, not wanting the blame to be put on Bret. “I asked him to race me and we got lost. That is all. Please do not blame him for my mistake.”
And as expected, Sebastian folded under Shawn’s plea. “Of course, my Lord. But may I request that you not run off again for it causes me great worry.”
Shawn felt a little bad at that, not meaning to stress out his guard. He answered, “You have my word.”
As the sun began to set, their day had sadly come to a close. Shawn needed to head back to the palace before dark and Bret’s family would be back home soon. But that didn’t stop the men from taking their time walking back to Shawn’s carriage, neither man wanting to part.
As they neared the carriage, Sebastian announced, “Well, we best be off. The prince has a few duties that must be taken care of tonight.”
“Can you give us a minute,” Shawn asked Sebastian with a hopeful look in his eye.
Sebastian was hesitant but agreed, saying, “Sure, my Lord. But I implore you not to get lost again.”
Shawn smiled awkwardly, waiting for his guard to get out of hearing range before whispering to Bret. “Thank you for today. I really enjoyed myself and… I meant what I said back there. I really do like you, Bret.”
Bret grinned, “I like you, too.”
“Good. I’m glad I didn’t scare you away yet.”
Bret chucked, “You could never scare me away.”
“I’m glad to hear that. Royal life can be a bit…overwhelming. So I’d understand if you’re having second thoughts.”
Bret grabbed Shawn’s hand but pulled away at hearing Sebastian clear his throat in the distance. He and Shawn smiled sheepishly at each other before he reassured, “I knew what I signed up for since the day I arrived for suitor selection. I know I’m not from your world and will likely get judged for it, and I know how shallow and vain royals can be. No offense.”
“None taken.”
“But you’re nothing of the sort. As long as I have you by my side, I’ll be able to get through it.”
“You’re saying all the right things,” Shawn said in a sing-songy voice, to which they both chuckled. “They’ll have no choice but to respect you if we marry. Prince Bret. Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
Bret stalled, “I…actually haven’t given that much thought.”
It was the first time he realized what marrying Shawn meant. He’d be marrying into wealth. His status would be elevated. His life would never be the same. But as he looked into Shawn’s beautiful blue eyes, he knew the change would be worth it.
“Well, think on it because the reality may be closer than you think.” Shawn then sighed, saying sadly, “My heart’s heavy that we must part.” Being with Bret had brought him comfort and he couldn’t help the empty feeling inside at him leaving.
“Likewise,” said Bret.
Not wanting to end their night on a sour note, Bret peaked at Sebastian before turning back to Shawn, daring to plant a light kiss on his cheek.
“I saw that,” Sebastian said in an annoyed grunt.
Shawn snickered, saying teasingly, “You’re in trouble now.”
They laughed in tandem, neither wanting the sweet moment to end. But they had no choice as Sebastian neared, announcing, “Sorry to interrupt, my Lord, but we must leave now to make it back in time for supper.”
It was a melancholy parting of ways, both men unwilling to leave each other’s side. As Bret watched Shawn’s carriage pull off into the sunset, he could only hope that the other suitors hadn’t captured Shawn’s heart the way Shawn had captured his.
Little did he know, Shawn grinned the whole way back to the palace, knowing he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Bret.
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youkaigakkou-tl · 1 year
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Chapter 97 Extended Translation Notes
first off here's the spread without the text at the top. the stuff at the bottom, well..... see if i feel like it
this is mostly just unorganized thoughts nothing like my analysis posts
(future op after writing the whole post: this got kinda long lol)
ok now that im hidden in the readmore i can act insane. RAHHHHH AMAAKI ON THE COLOR PAGE RAHHHH WAHOOOOOO WOOHOOOOO BIG WIN FOR AME NATION ok got that out of my system im normal now
Rain or shine
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In case you forgot, ame = rain, haru = sunny. I lose my mind every time this is relevant, like the ending of renren arc.
Whose mom is this
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the other 3 are pretty obvious, but the 2nd one isn't immediately recognizable.
(also, 2 checks for "the couple's parents are meeting" for fujiogo and momo and gida)
just for fun, i process-of-eliminationed this
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(cover page of chapter 57 my old friend)
everyone greyed out's parents statuses are confirmed, (other than akibe and koizumi, but given the physical features...)
though, i say i did this "just for fun", because i already kinda knew who's mom it was
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(from this tweet)
it's mujina's mom. she's beside tamao's mom, the appearance matches, it makes sense.
Haha Sano what the fuck does this mean
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the japanese says he "分からん" (wakaran), meaning "i dunno", and the chinese translation outright says "i don't have parents" which SEEMS to be what the jp is implying anyway
sano get back here you're not dunnoing your way out of this one
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Also renren realised they don't share a surname. ebisu explain that you're not :>ing your way out of this one either
Shrines, huh
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the plate over the torii just says "abe shrine" back in chapter 9, but given my google street view sleuthing and like, story details, even if its not the big fancy one in kyoto it is still an abe no seimei shrine. so on some level, haruaki, you're the god! what a coincidence, the "gods" are exactly as shocked as you are!
Tale of the bamboo cutter
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This page was a damn nightmare to translate. (Mame's mistakes, not the actual story in grey. it's a well known classic that's been translated, no need to reinvent the wheel)
I tried to get the "hamuhane" part exactly like the jp, but mame's mistake on the 3 "sun" big child in the first 2 panels is a little different
He interprets "なる人" (naruhito) as "成人" (also naruhito); "hito" means person, the first "naru" means grow (like a plant) or contain (i think), the second one means "adult person".
I suppose I could have also went for "grown" person vs "grown person", but in any case, haruaki's explanation for what a "sun" is on the bottom 2 panels is almost exact, and i thought the "soon" comparison was a good way to get across that's how "sun" is pronounced
(also here's my "hamuhane" tl note)
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anyway. nightmare page. looking forward to how the official tl does it when it comes out in (checks watch) like 2 years?
Ame and Ebisu interaction real
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dunno if it gets across, but I think he has a height complex...
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pretty weird thing to say, huh, Ebisu? to someone you just met? how do you know that anyway?
the only times Ame appeared has been ch8 when the gang went to Haru's house, ch23 when he pretended to be Haru (the rest of the class should be none the wiser) ch39 in the hospital (none of the class was there to see)
and then Ebisu gets introduced in ch 53, after that he hears firsthand that Haru has a twin in ch58, and then Ame is there in renren arc and outright says he's scared of youkai in ch76
Notice how Ebisu wasn't present for any of Ame's appearances prior. he wasn't involved in renren arc, and the person i think is his spy was turned to stone on the ground floor while the reveal on the roof happened.
of course, this could just be a combination of him projecting on Ame, and seeing him visibly scared of youkai a few pages prior. but "hate" is a fairly specific and strong word to use, and i also think he's too smart to not know Ame hates youkai, just a matter of where he got the info from.
The person I think is his spy
after doing some thinking (furigana reads: seeing this post), I think there's someone who's fairly likely to be the spy.
observe, the chart for "people who we've seen the parents of" and "people ranmaru might have seen in ch62"
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we've narrowed it down to one man. (ok well there's a few in common here, but satsuki doesnt get screentime ever and ogata twins are too obvious for how much emphasis the ranmaru scene was given)
the kudan, Kurahashi.
but wait, you say, we know he's a youkai. he's got horns. we've seen him use his abilities.
but consider everything else. how often he interacts with Ebisu. how often he sticks his neck out for Ebisu
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(i also have a lot of Thoughts abt the part timing incident, specifically his prediction
in his first appearance, he mentioned he couldn't see Haru's future well (because of his exorcism power, which, mind you, still don't know how that works exactly)
wouldn't be a stretch to think that his prediction wouldn't/can't take a god's interference into account. the thug was going to say "the customer is god" either way, but there's also the possibility that the moment kurahashi stepped in, his prediction of "toubyou get punched" couldn't play out exactly so the totally different thing of Ebisu stepping in happened. anyway)
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it's not like any individual event incriminates him, rather how frequently it happens. in fact, kurahashi has been involved almost every time Ebisu appears. (put it another way, Ebisu's only major appearances where Kurahashi wasn't involved in some way was this chapter, and the youkai train)
adding on to that, we don't have any info on what his personal life is like, odd considering the amount of screentime he gets. (all of this is relevant to this chapter bc this would have been the perfect opportunity to show his parents, IF HE HAS ANY) the only things we know about his personal life is he's in the basketball club??? and that he was "raised to help people in trouble" whatever "raised" or "help" or "trouble" means
and now, the final nail in the coffin: this alternate cover that came with the 2021 december gfantasy issue
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(oh yeah its also my blog header)
none of the official images of it included the flap with ranmaru, and previously i was willing to believe it's just a coincidence for 4 characters related to gods and kurahashi to be on the back cover together, but now that i've seen the whole thing, i feel like ranmaru being there seals the deal that it's intentional
count em, 5 whole characters, basically every major character that is/was a god, and one kurahashi yuuta, who we know nothing about despite his frequent appearances? kinda sus
and now, to return to the first question, isn't he a youkai? horns and youkai powers and all?
and to that i say: he could be another creature. we've just seen an example of this, suzaku, divine fire bird, becoming a tengu, which is also a bird
looking up kudan, it has been theorized that it's based off another mythical creature: the Bai Ze (or Hakutaku), a divine cow-like beast from china, who shares many characteristics with the kudan, only difference being it's associated with good luck instead of misfortune
ok this is kind of a nonsense theory but can you imagine. at the very least, theres a lot of very sus things about kurahashi specifically regarding ebisu. on the off chance he is a bai ze, it would make this image very funny
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beniko the zashiki warashi, an auspicious youkai; sano the god of pestilence, but as a person brings haruaki good luck; and then kurahashi, whats his deal man?
thats all i have to say! lemme paste this into google docs for a word count-
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oh. oh no. what the fuck how did this happen wasnt this a tl note
anyway hope u enjoyed this tl-note-turned-ebisu-kurahashi-analysis post! there's still way more i could analyse of ebisu and i'll probably do that someday. i could pick apart every word he says and still not know what his deal is
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Yandere Imposter: Azul Ashengrotto
The trend of the yandere imposter I feel was too shortlived so I’m reviving it 
Every character I’m gonna do is what they’d be like as a yandere imposter 
It's just that this time i'm doing Azul~
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Azul would be purple of course
This dude as you’d believe would be immediately suspected
If he wasn’t especially good at what he does
His job is probably chief financial analyst and financial ambassador
Which a fancy way of saying that he’s making business and marking opportunities on the different planets you visit
And maybe dealing with the finances that come with the giant ship
As an imposter he might be seeing a contract through
Or making sure it doesn’t 
Offing the crew that a reckless oil tycoon bet on surviving? 
Or even a grand official at Innersloth needing to cover up a discovery?
He’s probably working with the twins on this one
And if that's the case this probably isn’t the first one
But this one would be where he meets you
When you two meet its because your the random helper that just gets passed around
File a couple profiles, organize some old receipts, check some numbers
You’ll be spending quite a lot of time with him
You’ll have to instigate conversation 
Pushing past his slimy exterior before he finally lets you in
And once you’re in your never getting out
He takes a silent hold on you 
Working your friendship patterns so you stick with him 
When bodies start turning up he takes a tactful approach 
Being the one who often points fingers and is relied upon to give honest suspicion
But everyone knows he’s got an ulterior motive
Its just that not many know its you
Of course the twins know and they’ll tease him
But they all know not to let you discover their true motive
So to be safe one of them is usually in the vicinity so you can vouch for them 
Mentally clearing them as definite friends in your mind
But when it comes to finding the imposter~Azul
You can’t be sure until you know:
“Azul? Are you in here? Azuul?”
From twenty-seven to eight members, the ship was barely running and now more than ever you were supposed to stay close with one another. The maintenance of the inside of the ship was damaged the most making the temperature of the ship drop. You left your group of Azul, Jade, and Floyd to get blankets. They insisted they didn’t need them but they were just being modest! Even though you’ve only spent a month or two with these guys and you know none of them are the most honest of the bunch, they are definitely your friends; so of course you have to take care of them! When you returned back to the room you left them with blankets piled high you found none of them left and thus you began your search.
“Jade! Floyd! Azul! Where’d you guys go?”
You decided you’d make your rounds near the sleeping quarters thinking that maybe they just decided to sleep early. Even if they didn’t at least they’d have it when they went to sleep. You found yourself at Jade and Floyd’s room first knocking and hearing nothing. You strolled in dropping off the set amount of blankets before going to Azul’s. Arriving at the door to see Azul’s and Jamil’s stickers on the door and a heavy weight set on your chest. At the last meeting he was quite frantic claiming it was Azul even yelling at you when you recalled how much time alone you’d spent with him. You didn’t want to take it to heart especially considering he so frequently lost his master. When Kalim was found everyone was in denial it seemed totally unreal that the happy-go-lucky heir that was cheering us on only the day before was suffocated to death. Jamil was the suspect for a long time but we had CCTV footage proving it couldn’t have been him and as soon as the blame was off him he nearly ran himself into the ground trying to find out who it was. We all voted as the evidence presented itself to be Ace. It hurt and in the end you couldn’t even bring yourself to vote but it didn’t matter the majority had done it for you. Since then no one had died, now granted you didn’t see everyone as much as you used to but you trusted that everyone would find you if they were feeling too lonely. 
Letting out one last breath you knocked on the door, listening for any sound you opened the door to come in immediately hit with an unfamiliar scent and the extremely dark state of the room. The ship had automatic lights that came on with the pressure of your footsteps so this was weird you jumped, trying to regulate this issue but no dice. 
Chalking it up as another faulty system you opted to just feel your way in the dark. Making out the curvature of the wall leading to the metallic arching bed frame and the squishy slimy…what was this? You continued to fondle whatever the slimy thing was and it felt like–
“--a tentacle? Why is there a tentacle in here? Did he swipe this while we were on that seaworld or something?” You were chuckling to yourself as you followed the length of the tentacle to more tentacles? You expected it to end here if it was a souvenir but instead you feel the weight of many more as you try to find the end. You commence in feeling around trying to see if either of these roommates actually brought a dead sea-creature into the ship. You felt along until you felt heat emanating off of something you felt once again to feel the lines of a human face covered by some tentacles? Swiping your finger across the nose feeling air come out making you realize that this person was alive. 
“Azul?! Jamil?! Are you okay? What is this thing with the tentacles? Did you sneak on one of the poor octo-sharks from that planet we visited? What-”
“Wait what?”
With swish and a groan of pain you could hear the ignition of a flare and as the red light illuminated the previously dark room you finally could see everything. Azul towered high, held up by the newly added octo-mer tentacles swallowing the room with his size alone. For a moment you locked eyes with your friend who seemed to curl in fear at your recognition. He looked as if he wanted to apologize or defend himself but before he could Jamil used the spark of the flare as a weapon jumping from his restraints. 
Totally caught off guard you meant to back away in hopes of at least getting some help you slipped expecting to feel the harsh impact of the floor but instead feeling the cradle of a tentacle. Appreciating the care you attempt to stand up once again only to find that you can’t because the same limb that saved you was also wrapped around you. By now the flare was going out and in flashing the room filled with violent movement, muffled groans, and pained noises. But in the blinking light you could clearly see Jamil being held up choking by one of Azul's tentacles. 
“WAIT! Azul don’t please!” 
You struggled against his tentacle which continued to tighten as if trying to warn you. You tried to shout again but were stopped when the tentacle end gingerly curled over your mouth. 
The following thud brought you to a cold sweat. The room returned its pitch black state and the sound of something more like someone sliding across the floor to readjust themself. Dragged along with him you couldn’t help but try to reason how this could be you had defended him so fervently whenever your other crewmates came for him, all to find that he was playing you for the fool. This left one question…
“Why? Is that what you wanted to ask?” 
He taunted bringing you up close to what you could ony assume was his face. You could smel his cologne or was that his natural scent of the ocean and something musky. Which used to bring comfort now unnerved you as all you could do was wait and settle within his coil. 
“(Y/n) I’m sure you know how important contracts are to me…one client wanted the ore we were transporting, another wanted the Asim heir dead, and in the end I needed to touch homebase for some…extra enrichment.”
You could only let out a muffled plea.
“I’m not going to kill you if that's what you're asking. The only reason so many of the crewmates died was because they got in our way…and unfortunately Floyd was in a trigger-happy mood.”
He sounded so professional like he was just talking about some contract falling through. And why had you escaped this fate?
“I know I’m not what you thought I was but…I know you’d be fine with that, its the killing you’d have a problem with…But I know it’ll probably be easier for you if you just forgot about all this…y-yeah..that would work.”
You wiggled and made noise as you tried to protest.only to feel the feeling of arms wrapping around your tentacle-tied form. You only stopped when you felt the press of a cold cheek against yours. 
“I love you (Y/n).... I’ve got everything under control…just leave everything to me…
You won’t have to worry ever again…Not while I’m here.”
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