#they give me one molecule of serotonin each
ndostairlyrium · 1 year
✨ Tropes Tier ✨
I was tagged by: @greypetrel @n7viper @demandthedoodles & @shivunin
(Link to the Tiermaker here)
Guys, the most stunning stars in the sky, you have no idea how much I needed this hahah 💛
also huge shoutout to @greypetrel who came to my rescue today while I was stressing over the challenge. She's one of the most interesting human being walking on this planet and the care she shows towards others is unmatchable. I'm just super grateful she's in my life ;; thank you so much dear!
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I'm tagging (no pressure but also warn me if I'm being annoying, I'd be more comfortable if I'm being told to stop rather than not knowing I'm making you uncomfortable): @underneathestars @sparatus @gvnseylike @idolsgf @layalu @palipunk @star--nymph @daggerbean @jellydishes and everyone whose name starts with O
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longlostlobster · 5 years
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Gemlings Drawn in MS Paint just be hitting different, you know?
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aacaywood89 · 3 years
How long does LSD stay in your system
One common question around this drug is, How much does LSD stay in the body? If you've found yourself asking about this question and how to finally end drug addiction, let me help you out here at North Jersey Recovery Center. We have quite a few pages on our website dedicated specifically to the issue of drug addiction recovery, and one of those pages is "How Long Does LSD Last in Your System?"
First of all, we must address the physiological effects of taking LSD. Here's what we think happens: When taking LSD, your brain releases a substance called serotonin (2 receptors in humans are located on each of your cerebral cortexes). This serotonin molecule attaches itself to a specific site in the brain and it actually becomes a kind of a GPS for your brain-this is how you become addicted to drugs in the first place!). When you come down with an addiction problem and you stop taking LSD (for example by rehabbing or after receiving treatment for your disease), these brain chemicals somehow "get back" into your system. This may make you feel good for a short while (recreational chemical substances often have this effect), but it can also give you a real "high" that can be extremely addictive.
The question "How long does LSD remain in your system?" is important because of the many treatment options available to someone who is an addict trying to get clean. Prescription medications such as Methadone, Suboxone, and Vivaxa can help a person stabilize their condition and can even keep it from getting worse for a period of time (as Methadone does a great job at this), but these types of treatments are not for everyone-and especially not if you are taking any sort of drug abuse drug such as LSD.
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mcatmemoranda · 4 years
Going through questions:
The most common pediatric leukemia is acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). T cell or B cell ALL can occur. In T cell ALL, mediastinal masses occur.
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma causes B symptoms (weight loss, night sweats). Epstein Barr virus infects B cells and is associated with NHL. HIV infection is associated with NHL.
Multiple myeloma - plasma cell cancer-> monoclonal immunoglobulin (M-spike); presents with osteolytic lesions. Radiolucent bone lesions will be seen. Metastatic prostate cancer causes blastic bone lesions.
Bleeding time tells you about platelet defects. Von Willebrand disease-> prolonged bleeding time and PTT. vWF is needed for platelet adhesion and it is needed to stabilize factor 8. So No vWF-> no platelet adhesion (causing increased bleeding time) and unstable factor 8 (which is part of the intrinsic pathway, so increased PTT). I remembered that Von Willebrand's disease is the most common heritable bleeding disorder, which is why I got the question right. But now the increased bleeding time and PTT going with it make sense. It's AD.
Blood loss, not decreased nutritional intake, is the cause of iron deficiency anemia to rule out first in post-menopausal women. It could be an occult GI bleed.
LMWH binds to factor Xa and prevents it from converting prothrombin to thrombin. Unfractionated heparin can bind to factor Xa and to thrombin. So LMWH (e.g. enoxaparin) doesn't bind thrombin like unfractionated heparin does. LMWH is like heparin, but has fewer molecules than heparin.
Pyruvate kinase converts PEP to pyruvate in glycolysis. Pyruvate kinase deficiency-> hemolysis. Pts with pyruvate kinase deficiency have splenomegaly because cells in red pulp have more damaged RBCs to filter out.
I didn't know what a minor red blood cell antigen was. It's an antigen on the RBC that may not be screened for, thus a week later, pts have a reaction to it in delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions. He didn't mention this one in OnlineMedEd. The pt was initally exposed to the minor RBC antigen and developed memory B cells. The next time the pt is exposed, the B cells release antibodies (anamnestic response). Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction occurs more than 24 hours after transfusion. Anamnestic response = delayed response
G6PD deficiency is X-linked recessive. I knew that's what the pt had in a question, but I forgot it's inheritance pattern. D: Heinz bodies are the hemoglobin that got damaged by oxidative stress because G6PD wasn't around to help regenerate the NADPH that is needed to make reduced glutathione, which prevents oxidative damage.
Herditary spherocytosis has AD inheritance pattern.
Schistocytes = hemlet cells. Thes occur in microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and in pts who have had heart valve surgery, which damages the RBCs. Artificial heart valves can damages RBCs-> schistocytes on blood smear. HUS, TTP, and DIC cause fibrin stands in small blood vessels-> schistocytes.
LMWH (e.g. enoxaparin) can be given for DVT in pregnant women. I remembered that heparin doesn't cross the placenta. But it is renally cleared, so if you have renal insufficiency (creatinine clearance less than 30 mL/min), then LMWH is contraindicated and you can give unfractionated heparin instead.
Azathioprine is a prodrug of 6-mercaptopurine. It gets metabolized by HGPRT into active 6-thioguanine, which is a purine analogue that disrupts DNA synthesis and thus prevents cell proliferation. 6MP is inactivated by xanthine oxidase and TPMT. Xanthine oxidase is inhibited by allopurinol and febuxostat. Some people have genetic deficiency of TPMT. If neither xanthine oxidase nor TPMT can inactivate 6MP, more of the 6MP gets converted to active 6-TG-> toxicity and increased immunosuppression. So some pts get genetic testing for TPMT before starting azathioprine and some pts need to avoid being on 6MP and allopurinol or febuxostat simultaneously.
Sickle cell is autosomal recessive, so you need 2 bad alleles to have it. If each parent is a carrier, then 1/4 kids will have it and 24 kids will be carriers. 1/4 kids will be normal. Glutamic acid (polar) is replaced by valine (non-polar) in sickle cell anemia. A point mutation in one of the codons for beta globin causes this substitution. This causes HbS.
One of my classmates mentioned rasburicase to me last year and I know it was between two answers in this question, but I chose the wrong one. D: It makes uric acid more soluble. In tumor lysis syndrome, more cells are being lysed by the chemotherapy. Since cells have high levels of K+ and phosphate, this can lead to hyperkalemia and hyperphosphatemia. Also, more protein needs to be broken down. Therefore, there's more purine catabolism. And purines end up as uric acid, which can precipitate in the kidneys and cause kidney injury. Rasburicase turns uric acid into allantoin, which is more soluble than uric acid and can be eliminated in the urine. Yeah, I remember my friend telling me that rasburicase is in certain animals. Rasburicase is recombinant urate oxidase. Animals have urate oxidase, but humans don't. So rasburicase turns uric acid into soluble allantoin, which is eliminated in urine. Allopurinol prevents formation of uric acid; it looks like purine and prevents xanthine oxidase from breaking down hypoxanthine. Febuxostat inhibits xanthine oxidase and has fewer adverse effects than allopurinol.
I didn't know heat stroke causes increased procoagulants. But it does and that leads to DIC due to increased coagulation factors; then you get increased fibrinolysis to get rid of the clots that form. Because the platelets and clotting factors all get used up, pts will bleed.
Multiple Myeloma = B cells become plasma cells that make a ton of useless immunoglobulin light chains. Treated with bortezomib, which causes increased apoptosis of plasma cells. Multiple myeloma causes lytic bone lesions, anemia, AKI, fatigue, constipation, weight loss. Myeloma kidney = light chain casts. Tons of kappa and lambda light chains being filtered by the kidney combine with Tam-Horsfall proteins (pretty sure I never heard of that) and cause casts that damage the tubules-> AKI. 24 hour rine protein is elevated.
Myeloma cells makes RANKL and destroy osteoprotegerin, which cause more activation of osteoclasts, hence the lytic bone lestions. I already reviewed RANK and RANKL and I know it pretty well. Glad I posted about it before. Multiple myeloma cells also release IL-3, IL-7, and Wnt pathway inhibitors, which inhibit osteoblasts.
I knew that this baby in this question had dactylitis, which occurs in sickle cell anemia, but I didn't understand what they were asking. If you have sickle cell, the sickled RBCs get destroyed, releasing hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is toxic and needs to be bound to haptoglobin. So the haptoglobin leven in the baby would be abnormal (decreased) because it would be all bound up by the Hgb coming from the hemolysis of the sickled RBCs. It had mentioned the baby's brother dying from an infection and I wasn't sure how that was related. It was because the brother also had sickle cell and therefore he probably had autosplenectomy due to the sickle cell. No spleen leaves you susceptible to encapsulated bugs like strep pneumo and the brother died from strep pneumo sepsis.
Hepcidin is an inflammatory mediator and it also decreases absorption of iron. So in anemia of chronic disease, hepcidin plays a role.
I knew this pt had beta thalassemia minor, I just didn't know what initiates it. It's a problem with mRNA. You see target cells and hypchromic, microcytic RBCs on blood smear. Pts have increased HbA2 (2 alpha chains and 2 delta chains; an alternate form of adult Hgb because they lack beta globin chains) and sometimes increased fetal Hgb (2 alpha chains and 2 gamma chains). If you try to treat these pts with iron, it doesn't do anything because they aren't iron deficient. Beta thalassemia is due to mutations that affect the transcription of mRNA for beta globin. Usually, there's messed up splicing of pre-mRNA or premature translation termination.
In obstructive sleep apnea, the kidney doesn't get enough oxygen, so it releases erythropoitein-> polycythemia (increased hematocrit).
Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV) can be treated with 5HT3 receptor antagonists (ondansetron) and neurokinin-1 receptor antagonists (aprepitant). Early CINV is due to release of serotonin from enterochromaffin cells in the intestine that are damaged by the chemo. This leads to stimulation of 5HT3 vagal fibers-> vomiting reflex. Delayed CINV is due to substance P in the blood and CSF-> substance P binds neurokinin-1 receptor in the nucleus tractus solitarius and area postrema-> vomiting. Aprepitant can block the neurokinin-1 receptors and is therefore used for delayed CINV.
Low oxygen level leads to sickling of HgbS. High acid or dehydration also trigger the cycling. 2,3-BPG stabilizes the taut form of Hgb, which also would cause sickling. Low 2,3-BPG would increase Hgb's affinity for oxygen and thus decrease sickling. So high oxygen, high pH, and low levels of 2,3-BPG would prevent sickling. The opposite causes sickling. That's why pts with sickle cell anemia can't do as much strenuous activity--their HgbS starts sickling when they have less oxygen, more acid (from working muscles), and more need to unload oxygen to tissues (facilitated by 2,3-BPG) during exercise.
Fetal Hgb has replacement of histidine (positively charged amino acid) for serine, which is less positively charged. This prevents 2,3-BPG from binding for fetal hemoglobin, thus fetal hemoglobin has higher affinity for oxygen than adult hemoglobin. This helps baby take O2 from mom's hemoglobin in utero.
AML = Acute Myloid Leukemia = blasts (large nuclei, little cytoplasm) with Auer rods (rods seen in the blasts; not present in acute lymphoblastic leukemia, so look closeley to see if there are Auer rods--if there are, it's AML). Pts have pancytopenia. More than 20% myeloblasts in bone marrow. Chronic myelogenous leukemia = more mature cells.
Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization (FISH) = cytogenetic test; finds deletions, translocations, and chromosome duplications in cells. FISH probes = ssDNA; they're added to the cell and combind with complementary DNA. FISH is more sensitive than karyotype.
Abixaban is a direct factor Xa inhibitor. It prevents conversion of factor II (prothrombin) to factor IIa (thrombin). I got the question wrong and so did 58% of respondents. It doesn't prevent conversion of factor X to Xa--it prevents factor Xa from converting prothrombin to thrombin. Wow. -_-
You need mitochondria to make heme. The precursors for RBCs have nuclei and mitochondria. After a certain division, they lose their nuclei, then they lose the mitochondria. So if they're at the point where they lack mitochondria, they can't make heme. Heme is made in the liver and in the erythrocyte precursors in the bone marrow.
Polycythemia can be relative (due to dehydration or diuresis), in which case plasma volume is decreased, but RBC mass, SaO2, and EPO levels are normal. Primary polycythemia = polycythemia vera; increased plasma volume, increased RBC mass, normal SaO2, and decreased EPO level. Secondary polycythemia can be physiologic or inappropriate. Physiologic = due to hypoxia; normal plasma volume, increased RBC mass, decreased SaO2, increased EPO level. Inappropriate = tumor that make EPO; normal plasma volume; increased RBC mass, normal SaO2, and increased EPO level.
Polycythemia vera = myeloproliferative disease of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC); mutation of JAK2 wherein valine is replaced with phenylalanine-> HSC are more sensitive to growth factor (EPO and thrombopoeitin, growth factors that stimulate erythrocyte and thrombocyte production). Pts can have itching after they shower due to release of histamine from basophils; plethora (red face), splenomegaly. Dx with low serum EPO and bone marrow study that shows the JAK2 mutation. Tx: phlebotomy.
I got confused about hepcidin. I know how it works and made a post about it before. I thought it came from the intestinal cells, but it doesn't. It comes from the liver and it can affect intestinal cells by preventing the absorption of iron from the gut. Hepatic parenchymal cells secrete hepcidin, which controls the storage and release of iron from other cells. Hepcidin is high when there's already enough serum iron. Hepcidin is also an acute phase reactant and is elevated during inflammation. Increased erythropoiesis and low oxygen lower hepcidin levels. Ferroportin-1 allows iron to come in on the basolateral side (the side of the intestinal cell that faces the blood) of intestinal cells. Ferroportin-1 is also located on macrophages. High serum iron or inflammation causes hepcidin to increase and hepcidin causes breakdown of ferroportin-1, preventing iron from coming into the blood. On the apical surface of intestinal cells (the side facing the gut lumen) is Divalent Metal Transporter-1 (DMT-1), which allows Fe2+ to be absorbed from the small intestine into the intestinal cell. Inside the enterocyte, the iron is either maintained inside ferritin, or it goes through ferroportin-1 into the blood, where transferrin binds to it and carries it to whatever cells have transferrin receptors, which allow the iron to be taken into said cell.
Nephrotic syndrome = loss of protein in urine; can lose anticoagulation factors, like antithrombin III in the urine-> hypercoagulable state-> renal vein thrombosis. Renal vein thrombosis-> hematuria, flank pain, increased LDH. So nephrotic syndrome is a hypercoagulable state.
Heparin is found in mast cells. LMWH enhances the effect of antithrombin III and inhibits factor Xa. Unfractionated heparin not only inhibits factor Xa, it also inhibits thrombin.
Ugh! There was a question about cancer and I knew breast cancer was more common in women but also knew that lung cancer has higher mortality. Most common cancers (by incidence) in women are breast, lung, and colorectal cancer. Breast cancer is more common in women, but not as deadly as lung cancer.
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Keto Power Boost – (Boost Metabolism) | Burn Fat Fast Without Exercise!
There are hundreds of men and women in this world who are struggling with weight and the problems associated with it, but no one is blessed enough to get an effective formula to overcome all such annoying health problems. Such weights issues can certainly affect you very badly and thus people generally prefer to buy expensive beauty treatments to maintain their figure but the time has changed a lot. We’re going to introduce a valuable weight loss SUPPLEMENT named as Keto Power Boost. This product will help you to Slim and Smart Figure in just 30 days.
In this review of this supplement, we are going to expose the fact that why this product is currently No. 1 in the market for weight loss. This product is exclusively developed by health expert that’s why it is the emerging supplement in the market. It is designed to suppress appetite for fat burning and to maintain body weight, to accelerate physical metabolism and reduce body fat. If you have doubts about these diet pills then do not worry because this supplement is manufactured in FDA approved laboratories.
What Is Keto Power Boost?
Keto Power Boost is a ketogenic supplement that not only cuts fat, but also reduces waist fat and provides you with amazing result. The supplement is designed to Thermogenic and Ketosis process in the body. This process stimulates the function of weight loss by helping to increase the body’s energy and energy resources and controls the process of converting carbohydrates into fat molecules.
What Is The Working Process Of Keto Power Boost?
It is one of the most used natural fat burner that works from the inside and cut out the fat from its deep roots. Essential feature of this supplement is that it lifts the ketosis system that helps to lose weight naturally. With ketosis, the preparation of carbohydrates is diverted, as it limits the formation of free radicals that form fat cells.
In addition, the regular use of supplement boost the thermal genesis system, which speeds up the metabolic process and allows the body to eliminate weight gain with extra power.
The main function of the product is to inhibit glucose utilization in the body. Therefore, your body depends on fat for the source of energy. It quickly burn fat and converts it into fuel that keeps you motivated and energized and also offers weight loss simultaneously. In research, it has been found that BHB has to increase metabolism rate and digestion rate simultaneously. If your body provides these functions correctly, then no one will stop you from losing weight.
How To Get Fast Result With Keto Power Boost?
The weight you want to lose depends on your efforts and if you decide to try the Keto Power Boost. You can lose 3 to 5 pounds of weight each week. It’s like anything “The more you work on something, the better you will see results.” However, don’t try too hard from the beginning you can start with light exercises during the first week. This could help you to lose gradually that had been accumulated over a period time.
To gain a healthy body, try to change your diet by replacing junk food better vitamins and much less fats and sugar foods. You wouldn’t trust me that how much difference this makes in the diet. One of the most important errors I see mostly with people weight-reduction plan is starving. I can’t stress enough people that this method is extremely bad for the body.
Always keep this thing in mind that nothing in this world is free and you always have to work, no matter what you want. Do not let anything get in your way, if you want to gain a healthy weight loss, just do what I have advised you to work hard with the regular use of this #1 supplement.
How To Use Keto Power Boost Diet Pills?
Read the manual instruction provided on the label with a bottle of this Keto Supplement and eat at least Two Tablets every day with plenty of water and some nutrient-rich foods. Stay away from sugars and oils that promote body weight gain. In case of an inflammation, discontinue use and consult a physician.
Ingredients Used In This Slimming Product
Hydroxycitric Acid: This ingredient begins the weight loss process that is ketosis in your body. When your body is in ketosis, it will easily eliminate unnecessary fat. Moreover, it boosts your metabolic process that also helps you to lose weight.
Ashwagandha – It is an incredibly healthy medicinal herb used in many weight loss supplements due to its special working mechanism.
Omega-3 – The omega-3 has anti-inflammatory action, which makes it a powerful ally to weight loss. However, its consumption should be done in a moderate manner, without exaggeration and under the guidance of a nutritionist.
Green Tea Extract – It is used to inhibit fat storage, allowing you to use the calories you consume immediately instead of storing it for later use. In this way it keep you alert throughout the whole day.
Lemon Extract – Lemon is an ingredient that really stimulates your body to burn fat that it has already stored on the major body areas. It breaks down fat, which is then dispersed into the bloodstream and used as energy.
Benefits Of Keto Power Boost
Burn unwanted Fat from the body
Increase Serotonin Level
Boost Metabolic Rate
Improve Your Stamina
Controls emotional eating by decreasing your hunger
Provide you amazing body figure
Is There Any Side Effect Of Keto Power Boost?
No! This weight loss supplement is 100% excellent and legal. This formula offers genuine results according to your requirements. With the time, consumers are increasing day by day in the United States because it is accredited by the FDA and contains 100% natural ingredients. So, you can use this # 1 top trending supplement as well.
How To Buy Keto Power Boost?
We have provided you all information related to Keto Power Boost. So, if you found it beneficial for your health then don’t wait for another. Grab your bottle before it sells out. Click the provided below image that will take you to official website. There fill the boxes carefully because if you provide wrong information then you will not get this supplement. Our delivery boy will provide you this supplement at your home safely!
Customer Reviews
Jennifer Ponder:
I have tried multiple diets and nothing has measured up to the results then finally I order Keto Power Boost. This is an awesome product weight loss product. I have currently down 10 pounds in only 1 month. Now I feel super healthy! This is an amazing product and I will definitely buy again.
Linda Greenwood:
The product works very well and is so much easier than drinking the salts. Has me sweating when I exercise or workout. It really helps me to stay in ketosis without any effort!!
Melinda West:
I’ve ordered this supplement just a month ago but in first week I have not notice and satisfactory result but when I start taking keto diet with it then it provide me sexy figure. Now I have lost 18 pounds in just 2 months, even with 2 pills the result is great. It is fabulous!
Dania Martinez:
I am really pleased with this supplement, I’m done 8.4 lbs in two weeks. This supplement supports my fat burning and gives me day-to-day confidence to deal with my long term goal.
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msmillionaires · 5 years
Research finds healing your gut heals depression and anxiety
When we want to express a deep, core feeling or inner knowing — which part of our body do we instinctively mention?
It’s gut-wrenching. My gut tells me. A gut feeling, gut instinct, gut reaction.
These common expressions all center around one thing — your gut.
Would it surprise you to know that according to scientists, your health and even your happiness stem from your gut, too?
Your gut (called the “microbiome”) comprises more than 70% of your immune cells. Not only this, but your microbiome has a billion plus neurotransmitters that scientists have deemed “the second brain.”
This complex nervous system in your gut communicates with your brain and controls your mood, hormones, and how well your brain works.
Your gut health connects to depression, because the organisms that live in your gut (called microbiota) directly influence anxiety and depressive-like behaviors.
Your microbiota creates chemicals and hormones that are identical to the ones your brain uses to regulate mood — dopamine, serotonin, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).
The regulation of serotonin in your body is a key factor in managing depression, anxiety, and overall mood. Not only is the gut responsible for manufacturing almost 90% of your body’s serotonin, but your microbiome and brain are also in constant communication about how it is used.
In other words, any disruption to this process (like with a gut that is out of balance) will affect how your body makes, stores, and utilizes serotonin. This in turn directly affects mood and plays a role in developing depression.
Scientists are also finding distinct patterns inside the microbiota of Alzheimer’s patients.
Why Your Gut Health is So Important
The microbiome is a delicate ecosystem made up of trillions upon trillions of microbiota (intestinal flora). You actually have more microbiota in your body than you have cells. Combined they can weigh almost four and a half pounds!
This huge variety of organisms ranges from fungi to viruses to bacteria. In ideal cases, this diverse system of microbiota lives in harmony — each playing a specific role in balancing your gut.
However, when the amount of one type of microbiota is allowed to get too high or too low, either by “overgrowth”, or by dying off, your gut is said to be out of balance.
Probiotics for Depression
You probably already know, that “probiotic” means “for life”. The dictionary definition is: a substance which stimulates the growth of microorganisms, especially those with beneficial properties (such as those of the intestinal flora).
Current research shows how rebalancing your gut with probiotics can actually reverse disorders like anxiety and depression.
However, this idea is not new — it’s been around since 1910 when probiotic pioneer, Dr. George Porter Phillips, saw that a probiotic formula that included Lactobacillus strains, improved symptoms of depression.
A century ago, many scientists already knew that toxicity from gut imbalances created a state of continuous infection. They believed these imbalances were directly connected to anxiety, depression, and even psychosis.
More recent research backs up Dr. Phillips’ findings. More and more studies are showing how helping the gut with probiotics directly supports depression relief.
More exciting, studies demonstrate that probiotics have distinct “antidepressant properties.”
Here are some highlights from just a few:
A daily dose of probiotics is shown to reduce “psychological stress” in humans, and helps manage anxiety, stress, and depression.
A 2007 study concluded, “Human subjects with poor mood at the beginning of the experiment exhibited a significant improvement in mood after the probiotic treatment.”
A 2013 study demonstrated probiotics directly affects brain activity that controls emotions. Their findings demonstrate how taking probiotics helps your brain and mood.
In 2015 a study found Lactobacillus acidophilus could reduce gut inflammation, which has been directly connected to depression.
Another 2018 review of several studies reported probiotic supplements offer significant improvement in mild and moderate depression.
The same 2018 review stated that probiotic benefits for depression had no adverse effects.
Putting Your Microbiome Back Into Balance with Probiotics and Prebiotics
One of the best ways you can ensure balance is through a diverse, high-fiber diet. However, this often is not enough to do the job.
So, experts recommend daily supplementation with really good probiotics and prebiotics. These include Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus paracasei, fructooligosaccharide (FOS), Bifidobacterium lactis, and marine polysaccharides.
Taking a good probiotic formulation with enough CFUs (colony forming units) helps ensure there is an abundance of the “good” life-giving organisms your gut needs to be in balance and to combat depression.
Prebiotics are food for your probiotics. They help the good organisms flourish. This is a piece many formulas and people already supplementing with probiotics miss... The addition of prebiotics allows for better colonization of good bacteria (probiotics), putting your gut into better balance.
So what do you need to look for in a good probiotic and prebiotic formula?
Not All Products Are Created Equally
There are thousands of probiotics available. They range from the curiously cheap to ridiculously expensive. You definitely need to be an informed consumer.
Here are a few basic factors that can help you choose a really good probiotic formulation. Choose a product with:
Both probiotic and prebiotic strains.
Probiotic strains include: lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus plantarum, lactobacillus paracasei, and bifidobacterium lactis.
Prebiotic strains include: fructooligosaccharide (FOS) and marine polysaccharides.
A high number of CFUs (colony forming units). Consumer Labs states 1 billion daily is the absolute minimum.
No refrigeration needed. If the bottle doesn’t say you need to refrigerate, it’s made from the more stable form of probiotics that come from plants, not dairy.
High quality. You want to buy from a manufacturer you trust — and a formulation that is gluten free, GMO free, hormone free, sugar free, and binder free. A vegan formula is likely safer for anyone with food sensitivities, too.
Bio-shielded. While prebiotics are near indestructible and usually survive the long trip through your stomach acids and digestive system, probiotics are more fragile. A truly excellent probiotic formula will include bio-shielding, which encases probiotic strains to protect them until they reach the lower intestine, where they can colonize. (MAKTrek® 3-D is a good bio-shield system to look out for.)
Bio-shielding also allows for slow release of the microbiota you want to flourish in your body. Slow release allows extra time for them to grow and repopulate.
Keep these points in mind when choosing a probiotic formula to help balance your gut, manage symptoms of depression or anxiety, and improve your overall health.
Discover our proprietary blend probiotic and prebiotic formulation with 40 billion CFU and see more of the true benefits of restoring your gut balance here.
We have highlighted the important role probiotics play in increasing healthy gut bacteria and, in turn, the correlation between having a balanced gut and maintaining stable moods and good mental health.
But if you are like millions of busy, often on-the-go Americans, you may notice a lack of energy when getting out of bed in the morning, or have difficulty getting through your day without feeling like you are “crashing” in the afternoons.
This may be due to poor absorption of nutrients, which are key to helping you feel strong and vibrant throughout your day.
This is where digestive enzymes can make a positive difference.
In addition to supporting gut health, digestive enzymes help your body break down the foods you eat, enhance nutrient uptake, and are essential for healthy weight management.
If you are not properly absorbing the food molecules you eat, your body needs to work harder to break down the particles — leading to more energy being spent and less energy to continue with your day.
Think about it. When your energy is low — even after you have eaten — your mood changes, your patience levels are lowered, your focus is affected, and your self-talk becomes more critical. Your brain sends the message that additional fuel is necessary to continue, and we reach out for a quick, often sugary or caffeinated, snack or beverage.
Improper nutrient absorption hinders the use of energy produced from a healthy meal and can lead to overeating or binging. We’ve all heard the proverb, “You are what you eat.” However, it’s more accurate to say, “You are what your body absorbs.” You can eat the healthiest foods every day — but if your body isn’t absorbing them, you’re not reaping the benefits.
This combination of enzymes and probiotics supports digestive health and ensures nutrients are delivered to the body.
In fact, there are just so many benefits to digestive enzymes... ranging from promoting healthy inflammatory responses to ensuring your metabolism is running well (converting calories to energy)...and much more.
Click below to discover the list of natural healing ingredients you’ll find in Digestive Enzyme Blend with Makzyme-Pro™:
Want even greater results in the FASTEST time possible? Go here to discover how
To create a complete Gut Renewal package and offer a myriad of benefits, we’ve included Super Fulvic Minerals. This natural product literally comes from the soil, containing a high content of trace minerals, electrolytes and antioxidants — known to eradicate cell-damaging free radicals (which contribute greatly to deteriorating health and premature aging).
When minerals and trace elements from food come into contact with Fulvic Acid, they are dissolved into a form that makes them more bioavailable (usable) by the body. That’s why Fulvic Acid is often called “the ultimate nutrient booster.”
In addition, Super Fulvic Minerals are highly effective at neutralizing and detoxifying harmful toxins and pollutants, including heavy metals such as lead and mercury. All of these benefits make Fulvic minerals the ultimate addition to our Gut Renewal protocol.
Click here to find out how to heal your gut and boost brain health with a simple step-by-step protocol that includes probiotics… digestive enzymes… and super fulvic minerals.
Make sure to click the banner below to see our exclusive special offer to help you achieve total gut renewal!
We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below - we read each and every one of them!
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For the fic writer's meme - 7, 8, 20?
Thank you! Questions are from this post and are answered under the cut (minor spoilers for an ongoing fic of mine) because they are very long answers (I’m so sorry!)
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
[From “The Devil’s Keeper”, chapter 12]
“Youknow, it actually takes just a few seconds to fall in love withsomeone.”
Mariachuckled. “Really?”
“Yeah.After that first few seconds, it just takes a really long time foryou to catch up and realize it,” Natasha explained. “Somethingthat has to do with how your brain starts producing dopamine,serotonin and noradrenaline the first time you meet someone. Everytime you interact with them those levels get higher and higher andyour reaction to them gets stronger, until you finally recognize whatyour brain has been trying to tell you all along. That is was them,that it's always been them.”
Mariawas silent, she kept stroking Natasha's back gently, but under herpalm on Maria's chest, the redhead could feel her heartbeat increase.
“Whyare you telling me this?” Maria asked her carefully.
Becauseyou've been producing dopamine and oxytocin for a year and I've beenproducing dopamine and noradrenaline for four days and I wish I couldtell you this is simple chemistry but I can't explain you why ourtimelines are all screwed up.
Natashacouldn't tell her why she was talking about neurophysiology. Shedidn't know herself why she neededMariato know that the reason they were feeling different things for eachother was nothing but mere chemistry. That her brain just didn't havethe proper time to start producing the right molecules, yet. Shewished she could tell Maria “Iwill get there, too”,butshe wasn't sure she ever would.
This is a story about a time traveler, and I was just a little over-enthusiastic to insert this knowledge about neurotransmittents into the chapter. Some say love is a choice: it is. It’s a positive rehinforcement your brain gives you every time you think about someone that makes you feel good; that is why love takes time. This is why those two people, who have seen each other on the same amount of occasione, who have spent the same amount of time together, because Natasha is still trying to keep their timeline as straight forward as she can, are not on the same page. Because those little, powerful molecules take time, because love isn’t just the time is you spent with someone, it’s also the time you spend apart. I’m quite proud of this consideration!
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
[Also from “The Devil’s Keeper”, chapter 27]
“How long was it for you?” Maria asked.
“Since my first assignment. On the 16th of this month, when Furysent me-”
“Fourteen days.”
Natasha shut up at Maria's interruption and just nodded, “Fourteendays.”
“How can you say your loyalty is with me? You loved me for, what, aweek?  Two and a half years I've been in love with you. You only had twoweeks and you have the guts to stand here and tell me you're stayingbecause of me?”
“All those moments you lived, I lived them, too. All the things wedid together, all the places we saw, every-”
“We weren't just that, Natasha!”
“-every kiss, every 'I-love-you', everything you felt, I felt it,too. I was there, too.”
“We weren't just that,” Maria said again. “We were- we were the gapsand the waits and the days I spent wishing for you to come back safe!”
Since I don’t actually have a favorite dialogue I wrote that I can think of on the spot, I’m using this to rehiterate the previous point. This is what pushed me to write this story in the first place: the very concept that two people could live the same moments together but have completely different experience of their time apart, so that they end up being on a very different page.
20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
It’s quite outside, maybe night, I have a cup of tea on my left and the chair is comfy. The room is quiet, too, or there is a piano song playing softly. And I can just write for however long I want, because I don’t have anywhere to be in the morning.
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rivier · 7 years
so yeah 2017
here’s the thing.  
This time last year, pretty much everyone was throwing up their hands in horror: Brexit, Trump, rise of the Alt-right everywhere, and famous death after famous death, not just the usual 80-something novelists and politicians, suddenly it was a whole armful of people many of us have loved deeply, gone way too early - from Bowie to Carrie via Prince and George Michael and Alan Rickman, Gene Wilder, lovely Anton Yelchin.  So everyone was big on “roll on 2017!” and it duly rolled on and for many, many people I know, 2017 was even more craptacular and despair-inducing, and now it’s “thank god that shithole of a year is done, let’s drink to 2018!″ 
Which I understand.  But for me the truth is 2017, compared to 2016 and indeed at least four or five years before it, this has been a pretty damned good year for me, all told.  
Oh, it started terrible: work, that had been hard and grisly but was at least intellectually satisfying, work flipped on its end and by the end of my first week in January I was abruptly, utterly demoralised, destabilised, facing a real battle for the next few months.  It was as shitty and enervating as anything I’ve ever done, right up to 31 March, in fact (the day I escaped from Terrible Job).  Boy, there are people I worked for - because in no way was it ‘with’ - during those three months and the year or so before, that I hate now with cool, diamond-hard marrow-deep irrevocable and absolute conviction.  In both career and personal senses, I sincerely hope to live to see their coffins walk, every last one, and when they do I’ll raise a glass of champagne every damned time.  They did me quite deliberate harm, at a dreadful period of my life, and I’m a West Ham girl at heart, we hold our wrongs close and we are short on forgiveness, huge on vengeance.
At about the same time things happened in my personal life that no-one outside my close family knows anything about, and it’s staying that way but they were truly horrible and almost totally out of the blue.  If nothing else, they prove that depression for me is a chemical thing not circumstantial, because I got through those first few months of 2017 without going mad, breaking down or killing myself and no word of a lie, if I’d been clinically depressed at the same time, I doubt I’d have been here now.  It was all too much to bear with wonky brain chemicals on top.  As it was, my brain was stressed but fighting hard every which way, my body wasn’t pissing all its serotonin up the walls: we all survived.  Though again, one person in particular caused so much hurt for me and mine that I would literally and eagerly beat this individual to death if the chance fell my way, without hesitation or scruple, if I had the slightest chance of getting away with it.  Sorry to be so nasty but it is the truth.  They’ve sowed so much deliberate harm... well, their day in the dark will come, that much I do know.
That’s really the point of this post - not that I’m an axe murderer, but that things do change.  When you’re at your worst you don’t stay there forever, not in all things.  After April my life (my luck?) started to turn.  I moved jobs, then moved again, and each time I’ve been very fortunate in having supportive managers who give a shit about all their staff, and work I seem to have an aptitude for.  The domestic badness hasn’t really been resolved, but we’ve learned to reshape ourselves around it, we’re all getting in with things anyway.  
But here I am, end of 2017, in a better place all round than I’ve been for several years.  I’m reasonably healthy, as are most of the people I care about (and the Overlords).  I’m reasonably solvent, albeit with a fair bit more debt than my family has any idea about, but if the worst happens my house will more than cover all that and then some.  I like my job - actually I really love it right now, even when it’s running me into the ground (mostly).  I’m happier in fandom terms than I’ve been in years, maybe even the best part of a decade?  I’m writing again too, when I can tear myself away from the terrible procrastination. I’ve met people whose company (online and off) I really enjoy, which for a bad-tempered misanthropic old fucker like me is not to be sneered at.
Compared to 2016, the Grim Reaper has had a piss-poor year in terms of people whose deaths mean something to me personally.  Politically - well, I’m a hateful Tory cunt who voted Remain, but who has been so repulsed by the bullying politics of most of the EU bigmouths I’m now not just willing to accept democracy’s decision, I positively champion it: ready to pull up the drawbridge tightly and take our chances, that’s me now.
And what Rose McGowan and the NYT kicked off in October has turned out to be seismic in terms of exposing the endemic, entrenched omnipotent sexism that rules every single part of our world.  I’ve used the mantra ‘miles to go’ for years now, blogging about anything feminist / equality-oriented, because I think it’s true.  We have so far to go before gender equality is any kind of reality, it might as well be infinity.  Not in my lifetime, not in yours, not in any children you have or may have, that is a certainty.  Half the population hold implicit power over the other half - in work, at home, in public and private and in every single sphere of social existence, and don’t kid yourselves they've got the slightest understanding of what it’s like to be on the non-dominant side, let alone the slightest appetite for evening things out, for handing over one molecule of their power.  
But Weinstein’s downfall and the ripples from that turd sinking in the lake - they have started to change perception in a way nothing else maybe even in my lifetime has.  It’s the good fortune of this happening in the internet’s era of editorial-free transparency.  #MeToo wouldn’t have stood a chance in male-oriented mainstream media - but here, on online social media platforms, finally we started to see that the sexist oppression and hatred and casual, barely-worth-mentioning everyday abuse isn’t unique to me, or you or you or you, sisters.  We have all been there on the receiving end, all our lives to date - we’ll continue to be, but knowing we aren’t in any way outliers, odd or unusual in that respect is one big fucking beautiful, powerful stride down that infinite road.  
So the point of this big screed is - if you’ve had a shitty 2017, no matter how bad it is or where you’re at now, it WILL change for the better.  Nature, karma, balance, the roll of time - all require that anything that is how it is now will change. At some point, the things that are panning out well for me will stop - I’m hoping not for a while, because the last few years have been enough of a shit-parade for me to feel I’m owed a little bit more of an easy path, or so I hope.  
But things change, everything changes.  If you’ve had a good 2017, I hope it continues as long as possible, or that the roundabouts and swings don’t dip too much in 2018.  If you’ve hated this year with the pure indecent spleen of my ancestors - I hope you’ll see things changing to better times, and soon.
Happy 2018 peeps.
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vsplusonline · 5 years
Unived B12-Veg, 1500mcg Methylcobalamin (99%), with 500mcg Methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF), Brain Cells & Nerve Tissue Support, 60 servings, 60 Vegan Caps
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/unived-b12-veg-1500mcg-methylcobalamin-99-with-500mcg-methyltetrahydrofolate-5-mthf-brain-cells-nerve-tissue-support-60-servings-60-vegan-caps/
Unived B12-Veg, 1500mcg Methylcobalamin (99%), with 500mcg Methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF), Brain Cells & Nerve Tissue Support, 60 servings, 60 Vegan Caps
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Price: (as of Jan 01,1970 00:00:00 UTC – Details)
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Product Description
Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in some foods. It is a nutrient that helps keep the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy and helps make DNA, the genetic material in all cells. Vitamin B12 also helps prevent a type of anemia called megaloblastic anemia that makes people tired and weak. Unived’s B12-veg is formulated with the active form of vitamin B12, methylcobalamin in what is the industry’s highest potency at 99% purity. The formulation also includes L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate, which is the most biologically active form of the B9-vitamin, folic acid.  B12-veg is 100% vegan and is beneficial for both men and women.
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Unived is a natural products company that is passionate about helping people live healthier lives.
Our products are a result of uncompromising research, and are formulated to deliver the optimal, most bio-available, and required dosage of the active natural molecule to you.
We do not make miraculous products with magical claims. We believe that good health is achieved through a balance between a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and the right supplementation of the highest quality. With the best of nature and science, Unived’s products are designed to support your active & healthy lifestyle & optimize your health regimen.
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Vegan Bio-available & Active Form of Vitamin B12
Simply put, cynocobalamin is the inactive form of Vitamin B12 where as methylcobalamin is the active form of Vitamin B12. Cynocobalamin is found in various food sources, but once consumed the body needs to convert it to methylcobalamin. Methylcobalamin has a methyl group (just carbon and hydrogen) while cyanocobalamin contains a cyanide molecule. Although the amount of cyanide in is too small to be harmful, your body will still need to remove and eliminate this compound. As it has no use for the cyano-compound itself, it will set about converting any cyanocobalamin you take into methylcobalamin as soon as possible – it requires the methyl-compound that the human body needs to function properly. B12-veg provides 1500mcg of B12 as methylcobalamin.
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Active Form of Vitamin B9 as Folate
L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate (L-5-MTHF) is the most biologically active form of the B-vitamin folic acid, also known generically as folate. 5-MTHF functions, in concert with vitamin B12, as a methyl-group donor involved in the conversion of the amino acid homocysteine to methionine. Methyl (CH3) group donation is vital to many bodily processes, including serotonin, melatonin, and DNA synthesis. L-5-MTHF is instrumental in reducing homocysteine levels, preventing neural tube defects, and improving vascular endothelial function. Research on folate supplementation suggests it plays a key role in preventing cervical dysplasia and protecting against neoplasia. Folate also shows promise as part of a nutritional protocol to treat vitiligo, and may reduce inflammation of the gingiva. B12-veg provides 500mcg of folate, as L-5-MTHF.
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Beneficial Dose
Unived’s B12-veg offers a dosage of 1500mcg vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin 99% purity) and 500mcg of L-5-MTHF in each vegan capsule. We recommend taking one capsule, daily, preferably after breakfast in the morning. 
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Boost Energy Levels & Metabolism
Individuals with vitamin B12 deficiency experience fatigue, amongst other symptoms. B12 directly affects your metabolism and energy levels, as it is required to convert carbohydrates into useable glucose in the body faster and more efficient. Glucose from carbohydrate foods is used as a for of energy. Vitamin B12 also needed for neurotransmitter singling that helps muscles contract and gives you energy throughout the day.
Supports Nerve Function & Cognitive Health
Vitamin B12 also plays an important role in the nervous system. Adequate levels of B12 positively impacts cognitive health and can lower the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. B12 also has the ability to help regulate mood disorders, and along with folate, it helps regulate stress levels.
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About the Startup
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Amit Mehta
Founder & CEO
Describe your products in three words.
Plant-Based. Scientific. Bio-Available.
How did you come up with the idea for this product?
I have been a passionate sportsman since my school days. Having grown up in a family of athletes, I was thrown on the field at a young age, and in my teens developed a keen interest in nutrition and the role that food plays in our life. After spending many years researching this topic, I took the plunge and founded Unived in 2010. Product ideas come naturally, and usually the best ideas come to me while I’m trail-running in the mountains.
What makes your product special?
Unived is a pioneer in India with plant-based vegan nutrition products. All our products are originally researched and developed, in-house, at our own facility, and we have complete control right from the product ideation stage all the way to end consumer delivery & post-sales service. Being able to manage everything in-house enables us to ensure stringent quality control parameters and superior customer support.
What has been the best part of your experience?
To have a dream, to chase it, to experience it manifest into reality, to overcome insurmountable challenges, to turn breakdowns into breakthroughs, to find paths in pure darkness, to hustle each day for survival, to learn to keep moving through tough times, to rise from every failure, and to allow myself a short smile every once in a while – it has been an incredible adventure and I have cherished every moment of it.
Each Serving Provides 1500mcg of bio-active Methylcobalamin (99% purity) long with 500mcg Methyltetrahydrofolate 5-MTHF (bio-available Folic Acid, Vitamin B9) Vitamin B12 supports cognitive health and energy production and helps in the formation of red blood cells 5-MTHF is the most biologically active form of Vitamin B9 – Folic Acid Suitable for Vegans packed in 100% vegan capsules
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mynameistruble · 7 years
New Post has been published on Set To Fit
New Post has been published on http://settofit.com/2017/05/18/the-30-day-happiness-challenge/
The 30 Day Happiness Challenge
The goal of ‘being happy’ can be overwhelming. Culture Trip has broken this mission down into 30 easy steps, one you can take each day for a month, to work towards everyone’s ultimate life goal.
Go outside
Exposure to sunlight is thought to increase the brain’s release of the body’s happiness hormone, serotonin. Even 10 minutes of sun on your skin is associated with boosting mood and helping you feel calm and focused. Just don’t forget your SPF!
Make some art
We’re not asking you to create a masterpiece. You don’t even need to show anyone (this will remove the pressure you might put on yourself). Creating art provides a distraction, giving your brain a break from your usual thoughts. It also makes your neurotransmitters work, creating dopamine, the feel-good chemical in the body – sometimes known as the ‘motivation molecule’.
Watch a performance
The majority of our entertainment comes from screens, so make the effort to go and see a performance live. Whether it’s a gig from your favourite band, the opera, or performance art, being surrounded by people who are interested in the same thing will enhance the enjoyment even more.
Have an early night
Sleep is crucial to our well-being. Deprivation alters activity in some parts of the brain, so if you’re sleep deprived, you may have trouble with decision making, problem solving, processing emotions and coping with change. You should be getting at least 7 hours per night, but try going to bed early, not setting an alarm and treating yourself to a lie in.
Plant a seed, buy a plant, or weed your garden. Gardening is often recommended to those with mental health issues, because it ticks so many boxes when it comes to improving the well-being of those who struggle psychologically: it’s a form of exercise, it allows you to interact with nature, and it’s a meaningful activity as well as a creative outlet. So get those green fingers dirty, and nurture something you can watch grow.
Talk to a friend
And make sure they’re a positive one! Reach out to people that you love spending time with, making sure that they’re the type to leave you feeling inspired, enriched, and connected. By surrounding yourself with inspirational people, you’re setting yourself up for a sunnier outlook on life.
Work up a sweat
You don’t have to be scared of this one. We’re not asking for a long, intense workout. It could be a five minute run for a bus, or bowling with friends. Anything that gets your blood pumping is a sure-fire way of boosting your mood.
Get crafting
Cross stitching, knitting, emboridery, papier mâché, pom-pom making… Learning a new skill boosts self-worth, and you could even meet new people by joining handicraft groups.
Starting your day with a few minutes of purposeful silence has been proven to change your brain chemistry. Meditation is about being present in the moment, and makes you more resilient against life’s hardships. There are lots of apps you can use that can help guide you through the process.
The practice of stretching and breathing with purpose dates back over five milennia, and has been proven to improve mood and physical health. Studies have shown that the brain’s gamma-aminobutyric (GABA) levels spike after just a single hour of yoga. There are lots of different types to try, so even if you don’t think you’re a natural ‘yogi’, there is sure to be a practice to suit you.
Work on a puzzle
Whether it’s an old-school jigsaw with missing pieces or a brain training app, puzzles relieve stress by engaging our minds deeply in a lighthearted, ‘low-stakes’ way. Completing a puzzle also gives us a sense of accomplishment, boosts confidence and increases our self-esteem.
Listen to music
Skip that sad song and turn on something upbeat. Science has shown that as well as boosting your mood, happy music can benefit your body too. Music has an effect on the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for controlling blood pressure, heartbeat, and the limbic system (responsible for feelings and emotions).
Play with an animal
Stroking a pet has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety. Find a furry friend to spend some time with and see if you feel happier after. If you’re still in doubt, just ask the people in care homes, hospitals, or disaster areas, receiving affection from specially trained therapy animals.
Cook a meal from scratch
Avid cooks have long recognised the therapeutic power of time in the kitchen. Think of it like meditation, but with the promise of a nourishing, homemade meal at the end. If you can feed someone else too, all the better for those happy feelings.
Read a book
Stephen King once said, ‘Books are uniquely portable magic’. A 2008 study at the New School for Social Research in New York backed up his romantic prose, confirming that reading fiction can enhance theory of mind and develop the skill of understanding other people’s mental states. This in turn helps navigate complex social relationships, all leading to a happier existence.
Listen to a podcast
What better way to escape from the trials and tribulations of your commute than to tune in to any of the thousands of podcasts available. Learning something new is a core need to psychological well-being. It helps us build confidence, because humans have a natural desire to learn and progress – something that psychologists refer to as ‘mastery’.
Spring Clean
‘Tidy house, tidy mind’, the age-old adage goes. Cleaning can be an outlet for removing dust, dirt and clutter, but also removing negative emotions and energy too. A cleaner, more comfortable atmosphere will make you feel happier and more relaxed.
Make physical contact
Whether it’s hand holding, hugging or getting frisky between the sheets, skin to skin contact floods us with oxytocin and feel-good endorphins.
Take a bath or shower
A bath filled with bubbles, essential oils, candles, or a even a five minute shower before work has proven the positive effects of cleansing on well-being.
Stop procrastinating
Crossing something off your to do list will give you a sense of accomplishment and relief, especially if you’ve been putting a task off for ages. It might even motivate you further to do something else you’ve been delaying for ages and provide you with a sense of relief when it’s finally done.
Keep a diary! Writing everything down helps stop you overthinking. Get it all onto paper and you’ll feel much better for it.
  Get dressed up
Make yourself look your best for no-one other than yourself. Take control of how you’re presenting yourself and put on your favourite dress for that trip to the supermarket.
Learn a new skill
New skills boost our self-confidence and sense of worth, while keeping us curious, and, of course, helping us learn how to do something new. Join a choir, learn a language online, and take yourself out of your comfort zone. You’ll thank yourself for it later.
Treat yourself
Don’t be afraid to treat yourself. Whether it’s a daily pick me up such as a pastry from your favourite bakery or some savings that you use once a month for something more special, make sure you treat yourself.
Whether it’s wearing a bold lipstick, spray tanning those wintry legs, a blow-dry, or a slick of your favourite nail polish, if you feel good on the outside, you’ll feel better on the inside.
Create a gratitude log
With so much complaining , it’s important to take a moment each day to reflect on what you have to be grateful for.  Culture Trip’s Wellness editor Esme Benjamin writes about the importance of giving thanks in more detail here.
Write a list of what you love about yourself
Relationships and family may come and go, but you’re going to be stuck with yourself for as long as you live, so you may as well get on. Practice some self-love in its rawest form and write down all the reasons you’re really, really great.
Confide in someone
Someone once said, ‘A problem shared is a problem halved’. We can’t guarantee your problem will be halved, but sharing a problem you’ve been worrying about or a secret that’s been eating away at you lessens your burden. Your confidante can help you sort through your feelings, and may even provide a new perspective.
Help someone in need
From volunteering on a regular basis t0 a random act of kindness, giving is a scientifically proven pathway to personal growth and lasting happiness. After all, giving is always better than receiving.
  Visit a new place
Discovering a new place makes people happier. Travel makes people happier. Whether it’s a new neighbourhood in your home town or a backpacking trip across the globe, discovering a new place will broaden your horizons and make you realise how beautiful the world can be.
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Have a Good Trip is a gateway drug to de-stigmatizing psychedelics
Sting, Sarah Silverman, Ben Stiller, and the late Carrie Fisher and Anthony Bourdain are among the celebrities interviewed for the new Netflix documentary Have a Good Trip: Adventures in Psychedelics.
Carrie Fisher had a psychedelic-induced encounter with a talking acorn.  Grateful Dead drummer Bill Kreutzmann recalls the time he dropped too much acid and his cymbals began melting mid-set, forcing him to leave the stage. Ben Stiller admits he only dropped acid once, and had such a bad trip that he called his parents, Jerry Stiller (who died just this week) and the late Anne Meara. These are just a few of the celebrity psychedelic experiences recounted in the entertaining new documentary film, Have a Good Trip: Adventures in Psychedelics, now streaming on Netflix.
(Mild spoilers below.)
Psychedelics get their name from the Greek root words for “mind revealing,” since they can alter cognition and perception. LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is perhaps the best known, along with its popular siblings psilocybin (the active ingredient in magic mushrooms); 3,4-methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine (MDMA), aka ecstasy (or molly); peyote, made from the ground-up tops of cacti that contain mescaline; and ayahuasca, a bitter tea made from a Brazilian vine with the active ingredient dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Most are classified as Schedule 1 substances by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, meaning they are not deemed to have any potential medical benefits. But this is largely a remnant of the “culture wars” that raged in the 1960s and 1970s.
The Swiss chemist Albert Hoffman discovered LSD while working with chemical compounds derived from ergot, a type of fungus that grows on rye, because he was interested in potential drug therapies. The fact that LSD’s molecular structure is similar to serotonin means that it can bind to serotonin receptors in the brain. A pharmaceutical company called Sandoz launched an LSD-based drug called Delysid in 1947 for the treatment of psychiatric disorders, and from 1950 to 1965 some 40,000 people were treated with LSD, including such Hollywood luminaries as Cary Grant.
The CIA also notoriously experimented—unsuccessfully— with LSD as a possible mind-control drug during the Cold War with the MKUltra project. And over time, fears began to grow about the unpredictability and safety of psychedelics. Stories of bad trips, temporary psychosis, and traumatic flashbacks began to proliferate, and the drugs became negatively associated with the counterculture Beat movement of the 1950s. Harvard psychology professor Timothy Leary was dismissed from his position in 1963 for conducting experiments on students by giving then LSD and magic mushrooms. He set up his own private research program, and drew the attention of the FBI, culminating in his arrest and imprisonment. Then-president Richard Nixon declared Leary “the most dangerous man in America.” And ultimately LSD and its fellow psychedelics were classified as Schedule 1 under the 1970 Controlled Substances Act.
The ideal dinner party
It’s within this historical context that Have a Good Trip director Donick Cary decided, some 11 years ago, that he wanted to film a documentary of famous people telling stories about their experiences with psychedelics. “I thought, wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a long dinner party where you go around a giant table with all your favorite people and they share a story about hallucinogens?” he told Ars.
Cary was just a little ahead of the curve, since this was a period where many people were still pretending that they never experimented with such substances. “That’s where pop culture was for the 1980s and 1990s, unless you were at a [Grateful] Dead show or something,” he said. Nonetheless, he started filming celebrities telling stories in his spare time—which was limited, given his work on The Simpsons, Parks and Recreation, and Silicon Valley, among other projects—fitting them in whenever everyone’s schedules lined up. And because the project took so long, public attitudes toward psychedelics began to shift, and the stigma associated with those drugs started to lift, as word about the potential therapeutic benefits began to spread beyond academic circles.
The stark honesty and deeply personal nature of these celebrity stories of being under the influence of psychedelics provide a big part of the film’s appeal. “They’re sober when they’re telling their stories, so it’s real reflection,” said Cary. “They’re very intimate, because this is a taboo subject, but they’re also doubly intimate because they’re revealing what their brain reveals on this powerful substance. It’s like their subconscious is being revealed.”
Nick Offerman schools us in the science of psychedelics.
Adam Scott plays devil’s advocate as the host of a mock anti-drug after school special.
Unsuspecting teens don’t know there are DRUGS at this party.
Time for a magic carpet ride
Pro tip: it’s probably not a good idea to look in the mirror.
Rob Corddry playing Paul Scheer
A re-enactment of Carrie Fisher’s encounter with a talking acorn.
Chill out and just become the Kelp Monster, Nick Kroll.
For AS$P Rocky it was all about love, man.
Full disclosure: like Stiller, I have dropped acid exactly once, as research for a chapter in my 2014 book, Me, Myself, and Why: Searching for the Science of Self. (I am hardly the first writer to do so, nor am I the last. Michael Pollan wrote an entire book, How to Change Your Mind, about his exploration of psychedelics and the ongoing research renaissance into their properties.) I experienced many of the same things related by the subjects in Cary’s film.
Boulders seemed to breathe. When I laid down on an Oriental rug, the patterns laced up my arms like a fluid tattoo. Closing my eyes and listening to music produced an explosion of vibrant colors and patterns. At one point my spouse morphed into a giant purple dinosaur. I tried to take notes, but my hand kept melting into the paper, and what little I did manage to scrawl was embarrassingly inane, because things only seem to be more profound when you’re tripping. The real insight comes later.
And as we discovered when my spouse tried to capture part of the trip on video, it’s incredibly boring to watch someone on acid, because you can’t see what they are experiencing. I literally spent ten minutes staring fixedly at a wooden slat in a deck chair, before sagely pronouncing to the camera, “You have to go into the wood, down to the molecules.”
New realities
That was also a challenge for Cary. Since he didn’t want to just have a bunch of talking heads in his film, Cary opted for an eclectic mix of re-enactments and animated sequences to illustrate the various stories. “I wanted to bring each story to life in different ways, giving each person their own little short film with their own style and tone,” he said. “I also wanted to play with the transition between this reality, and the reality that your brain reveals on psychedelics. Animation was a really good way to morph between those.”
Nick Offerman appears, clad in a white lab coat, to offer occasional science-y tidbits. There’s also a recurring skit featuring a deadpan Adam Scott playing devil’s advocate as the host of a 1980s-style anti-drug After School Special, in which strait-laced teens accidentally ingest psychedelics at a party, freak out, and repeatedly jump through windows. (Spoiler alert: They get kicked out of the party after breaking one too many.) It’s an amusing send-up of a classic anti-drug film, Desperate Lives (1982). “That was my impression as a kid growing up, if you take psychedelics, it’s 50/50 you’re going to jump out a window,” Cary said.
A visual tribute to Albert Hoffman and “Bicycle Day”
Sting recalls encountering a dragon during an ayahuasca ceremony.
Ben Stiller had a bad trip and called his parents, Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara.
Road trip! Channeling Hunter S. Thompson
Grateful Dead drummer Bill Kreutzmann once had to leave the stage mid-set after dropping a bit too much acid
Sarah Silverman is ready for a psychedelic adventure.
Rosie Perez melded with her mattress.
It might sound like Have a Good Trip is just a random collection of celebrity psychedelic stories, but Cary is too skilled a professional for that. He sifted through more than 70 interviews, looking for recurring themes and potential through lines to connect the various segments and set up new ideas, whittling it all down to just 10 or 15 interviews. “The good side of having 11 years is that we could try different things, see if they worked, what was entertaining, what kept you interested,” he said.
That meant leaving a lot of amazing footage on the cutting room floor to keep the documentary to a reasonable 90-minute running time. “I talked to Carrie Fisher for two and a half hours,” said Cary. “She shared incredible stories, and it was hard to let those breathe, because we weren’t doing an hourlong special about Carrie.” The vast majority of those interviewed didn’t make it into the film at all. (One could envision many of those being turned into a spinoff half-hour animated series on Adult Swim or similar outlet.)
The overall scientific content of the film is relatively light, mostly provided by UCLA psychologist Charles Grob , who has been involved with FDA-approved research into potential therapeutic benefits of psychedelics (MDMA and ayahuasca). For instance, a compound found in ayahuasca called banisterine shows potential for treating Parkinson’s disease, since it latches onto dopamine receptors in the brain—the same receptors that Parkinson’s destroys. LSD and psilocybin can be used to treat cluster headaches and severe migraines. Peyote has shown promise as a treatment for alcoholism. MDMA has been used to treat PTSD and terminal cancer patients; the latter subjects reported feeling less fear and anxiety about their approaching death as a result.
Only a fraction of this is mentioned in passing in Have a Good Trip. But that’s okay. It’s not that kind of documentary. With its breezy conversational tone, perhaps the film is best viewed as a gateway drug for learning more about these complicated substances. Not that Cary is suggesting everyone should be dropping acid or other psychedelics. He is a fan of Grob’s vision of licensed professionals walking people through the experience, determining the correct dosage in a carefully controlled setting. “It’s powerful stuff, so don’t just blindly take one, because it could lead to some really bad things,” Cary said. “Go cautiously and do your work. But I hope, in a weird way, that we came away with a very practical user’s guide for anyone even considering this stuff.”
“I think the real message for me was, let’s not live in a world where there’s just scare tactics [surrounding psychedelics], where we dismiss them just because they make us uncomfortable,” Cary concluded. “Let’s talk about them and figure out what the good is we can take from them as a society, and remind people that these are powerful tools that can be used in positive ways.”
Have a Good Trip: Adventures in Psychedelics is now streaming on Netflix.
Listing image by YouTube/Netflix
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from World Wide News https://ift.tt/3bAhqfz
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courtneylrodriquez · 5 years
Review Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner
NEWS FLASH – Complete review of Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner. Discover if it has made the top 10? Does it work? How much weight can you lose? And find out about the side effects.
For those of you who are busy bees I have included a quick overview of the most common questions before I tell you about this Keto Veto.
Can These Keto Pills Help Me Lose 10 to 14 lbs Per Month?
No there is another supplement with 2 unique ingredients that is currently taking the diet world by storm. Many readers have reported losing up to 14lbs per month using the no.1 rated supplement read our top 10 guide to find out more. ps there is also a new keto supplement that many interest you.
Can Any Diet Pills Guarantee Weight Loss
Featured in the top 10 list are 2 supplements which give you a full 60 day no question asked guarantee. You can even return the empty bottles.
Are Diet Pills Safe?
Yes and we go further health-info.org is the only website that checks the FDA warning list so we can tell you whenever a supplement is unsafe .
<![CDATA[ { "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": " Can These Keto Pills Help Me Lose 10 to 14 lbs Per Month?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "No there is another supplement with 2 unique ingredients that is currently taking the diet world by storm. Many readers have reported losing up to 14lbs per month using the no.1 rated supplement read our top 10 guide to find out more. ps there is also a new keto supplement that many interest you." , "image" : { "@type" : "ImageObject", "contentUrl" : "https://health-Info.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/best-fat-burner-pills-1.jpg" } } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Can Any Diet Pills Guarantee Weight Loss", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Featured in the top 10 list are 2 supplements which give you a full 60 day no question asked guarantee. You can even return the empty bottles." , "image" : { "@type" : "ImageObject", "contentUrl" : "https://health-Info.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/best-fat-burner-pills-guide-1.png" } } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Are Diet Pills Safe?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": " Yes and we go further health-info.org is the only website that checks the FDA warning list so we can tell you whenever a supplement is unsafe ." , "image" : { "@type" : "ImageObject", "contentUrl" : "https://health-Info.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/bg_1.png" } } } ] } ]]>
What Is This Supplement?
The Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner is a stimulant-free fat burner and sleep aid that is designed to help give both men and women that extra push to achieve their weight loss goals.
Find the exact diet pills best suited for your lifestyle and body shape.
How Does It Work?
This fat burning supplement is designed to work on the same principles as the popular ketogenic diet.
So instead of burning glucose from the food consumed, your body will burn off your stored fat reserves in a process called ketosis.
Find out if Keto Vita made the top 10 is it the amazing supplement that can help you lose 14 lbs per week?  CLICK HERE
What Are The Benefits?
 According to their product listing on Amazon this fat burner is claimed to offer the following user benefits:
Increased fat burning
Boost metabolic function
More restful and deeper sleep
Improved recovery
Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner is made using a proprietary formula, which means that the manufacturer does not need to disclose what dosage it uses when listing its ingredients.
I am personally not a fan of proprietary formulas as there is no way of knowing what the actual benefits on offer are.
If we knew the actual dosage we could look at the ingredients and compare them with clinical studies of that dosage. Therefore allowing us to gauge how effective this fat burner truly is.
Regardless, the ingredients found in Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner include White Kidney Bean Extract, Green Coffee Bean Extract, L-Theanine, L-Tryptophan, Valerian Root Extract, Lemon Balm Extract, Passion Flower Extract and Melatonin.
Can It Help You Lose Weight?
Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner contains some ingredients that can help with your fat loss efforts, along with some ingredients proven to aid with any sleep problems.
Our issue with this supplement is that while the ingredients are listed, there is no dosage available so it is just guesswork what effect it will have on you.
It is not too expensive to buy, but without any money-back guarantee you may be wasting your money.
What Is The Science?
To verify the claimed benefits we will need to look more closely at the scientific facts of each ingredient:
White Kidney Bean Extract (Phaseolus vulgaris) has been shown to promote fat loss although there is insufficient evidence to support any weight loss benefit.
Green Coffee Bean is full of chlorogenic acids that offer numerous health benefits due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Research has found it to be effective at reducing body fat.
L-Theanine is an amino acid that promotes relaxation without drowsiness. It has been proven to help improve sleep quality too (read the science).
L-Tryptophan is another amino acid that can be converted into a molecule called 5-HTP, which helps make serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin helps influence your sleep, cognition and mood (read the science), while Melatonin is involved in your sleep-wake cycle.
Valerian Root Extract contains a number of compounds shown to promote good sleep, while also reducing anxiety. Research has found that valerian root contains antioxidants such as hesperidin and linarin that have sleep-enhancing properties.
Lemon Balm Extract has been shown to relieve stress, reduce anxiety , boost cognitive function , minimise menstrual cramps and relieve indigestion . It has also been shown to ease insomnia.
Passion Flower Extract has been shown to improve the quality of your sleep.
Side Effects
There are some potential side effects you should be aware of when using this fat burner:
Although White Kidney Bean Extract is likely to be safe, there have been reports that it can cause side effects such as gas and bloating.
Green Coffee Bean Extract naturally contains caffeine, which is a stimulant. So the claims that this fat burner is stimulant-free may be incorrect.
Side effects of using Valerian Root Extract are rare, but it has been reported to cause headaches, stomach pain and dizziness in a few cases.
There are numerous side effects associated with Lemon Balm Extract (headache, painful urination, increased body temperature, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, dizziness, wheezing, skin irritation, allergic reaction). This is why it is recommended that you only use it for a short period of time.
While Passion Flower Extract is considered safe, there are some risks involved including sleepiness, dizziness and confusion. It is recommended that it is avoided if you are pregnant, this is because it can induce contractions.
How Do You Take The Supplement?
The recommended dosage for Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner is 2 capsules daily.
Unfortunately, there is no other information available, so we do not know whether the capsules should be taken with water, or if you should have it around mealtimes or on an empty stomach.
Cost And Where To Buy?
The only place you can buy the Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner is via Amazon, where it is priced at $23.10 for a bottle of 30 servings.
Return, Refund And Guarantees
Disappointingly there is no mention of any money-back guarantee on the listing itself, so you will need to rely on Amazon’s own policy on returns.
“You may return most new, unopened items sold and fulfilled by Amazon within 30 days of delivery for a full refund.”
This means that you will not be able to return any open bottles of this fat burner.
Burn XT Review 2020
The Pros And Cons is it legit?
The pros and cons of Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner are as follows:
Proven fat loss ingredients used
Ingredients are shown to aid with sleep issues
Proprietary formula, so no dosage available
No money-back guarantee
Customer Reviews And Complaints
At the time of writing this review the Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner holds a 5 star rating on Amazon, with a host of positive customer reviews:
“This product definitely decreased cravings and when I work out I sweat through all three of my shirts. I have not taken the pills every day and I have lost 8lbs since taking them.”
“I’ve been taking it for a few weeks and lost a few pounds. Didn’t even change much of my diet or workout, it also has help me stayed asleep and not wake up so many times like before. Going to continue with second bottle.”
“I love this product!!! I have noticed a huge amount of difference! I am not hungry to the point where I tell myself I need to eat! I lost 5 pounds in one week! I even had a cheat meal and still lost weight.”
These reviews seem genuine too, so there is hope that the claimed benefits of this fat burner are realistic.
There were very few customer complaints about this fat burner.
Fat Burning Pills For Belly Fat | The Ultimate Guide – 2020
The post Review Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner appeared first on Health-Info.org.
source https://health-Info.org/nutrition/review-keto-vida-night-time-fat-burner/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=review-keto-vida-night-time-fat-burner from Health Info Org https://healthinfoorg.blogspot.com/2020/03/review-keto-vida-night-time-fat-burner.html
0 notes
susanjmiller89 · 5 years
Review Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner
NEWS FLASH – Complete review of Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner. Discover if it has made the top 10? Does it work? How much weight can you lose? And find out about the side effects.
For those of you who are busy bees I have included a quick overview of the most common questions before I tell you about this Keto Veto.
Can These Keto Pills Help Me Lose 10 to 14 lbs Per Month?
No there is another supplement with 2 unique ingredients that is currently taking the diet world by storm. Many readers have reported losing up to 14lbs per month using the no.1 rated supplement read our top 10 guide to find out more. ps there is also a new keto supplement that may interest you.
Can Any Diet Pills Guarantee Weight Loss
Featured in the top 10 list are 2 supplements which give you a full 60 day no question asked guarantee. You can even return the empty bottles.
Are Diet Pills Safe?
Yes and we go further health-info.org is the only website that checks the FDA warning list so we can tell you whenever a supplement is unsafe .
{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": " Can These Keto Pills Help Me Lose 10 to 14 lbs Per Month?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "No there is another supplement with 2 unique ingredients that is currently taking the diet world by storm. Many readers have reported losing up to 14lbs per month using the no.1 rated supplement <strong><a href=\"https://health-info.org/nutrition/guaranteed-weight-loss-pills/\">read our top 10 guide to find out more. ps there is also a new keto supplement that may interest you." , "image" : { "@type" : "ImageObject", "contentUrl" : "https://health-Info.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/best-fat-burner-pills-1.jpg" } } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Can Any Diet Pills Guarantee Weight Loss", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Featured in the <strong><a href=\"https://health-info.org/nutrition/guaranteed-weight-loss-pills/\">top 10 list are 2 supplements which give you a full 60 day no question asked guarantee. You can even return the empty bottles." , "image" : { "@type" : "ImageObject", "contentUrl" : "https://health-Info.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/best-fat-burner-pills-guide-1.png" } } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Are Diet Pills Safe?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": " Yes and we go further health-info.org is the only website that checks the FDA warning list so we can tell you whenever a supplement is unsafe ." , "image" : { "@type" : "ImageObject", "contentUrl" : "https://health-Info.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/bg_1.png" } } } ] }
What Is This Supplement?
The Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner is a stimulant-free fat burner and sleep aid that is designed to help give both men and women that extra push to achieve their weight loss goals.
Find the exact diet pills best suited for your lifestyle and body shape.
How Does It Work?
This fat burning supplement is designed to work on the same principles as the popular ketogenic diet.
So instead of burning glucose from the food consumed, your body will burn off your stored fat reserves in a process called ketosis.
Find out if Keto Vita made the top 10 is it the amazing supplement that can help you lose 14 lbs per week?  CLICK HERE
What Are The Benefits?
  According to their product listing on Amazon this fat burner is claimed to offer the following user benefits:
Increased fat burning
Boost metabolic function
More restful and deeper sleep
Improved recovery
Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner is made using a proprietary formula, which means that the manufacturer does not need to disclose what dosage it uses when listing its ingredients.
I am personally not a fan of proprietary formulas as there is no way of knowing what the actual benefits on offer are.
If we knew the actual dosage we could look at the ingredients and compare them with clinical studies of that dosage. Therefore allowing us to gauge how effective this fat burner truly is.
Regardless, the ingredients found in Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner include White Kidney Bean Extract, Green Coffee Bean Extract, L-Theanine, L-Tryptophan, Valerian Root Extract, Lemon Balm Extract, Passion Flower Extract and Melatonin.
Can It Help You Lose Weight?
Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner contains some ingredients that can help with your fat loss efforts, along with some ingredients proven to aid with any sleep problems.
Our issue with this supplement is that while the ingredients are listed, there is no dosage available so it is just guesswork what effect it will have on you.
It is not too expensive to buy, but without any money-back guarantee you may be wasting your money.
What Is The Science?
To verify the claimed benefits we will need to look more closely at the scientific facts of each ingredient:
White Kidney Bean Extract (Phaseolus vulgaris) has been shown to promote fat loss although there is insufficient evidence to support any weight loss benefit.
Green Coffee Bean is full of chlorogenic acids that offer numerous health benefits due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Research has found it to be effective at reducing body fat.
L-Theanine is an amino acid that promotes relaxation without drowsiness. It has been proven to help improve sleep quality too (read the science).
L-Tryptophan is another amino acid that can be converted into a molecule called 5-HTP, which helps make serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin helps influence your sleep, cognition and mood (read the science), while Melatonin is involved in your sleep-wake cycle.
Valerian Root Extract contains a number of compounds shown to promote good sleep, while also reducing anxiety. Research has found that valerian root contains antioxidants such as hesperidin and linarin that have sleep-enhancing properties.
Lemon Balm Extract has been shown to relieve stress, reduce anxiety , boost cognitive function , minimise menstrual cramps and relieve indigestion . It has also been shown to ease insomnia.
Passion Flower Extract has been shown to improve the quality of your sleep.
Side Effects
There are some potential side effects you should be aware of when using this fat burner:
Although White Kidney Bean Extract is likely to be safe, there have been reports that it can cause side effects such as gas and bloating.
Green Coffee Bean Extract naturally contains caffeine, which is a stimulant. So the claims that this fat burner is stimulant-free may be incorrect.
Side effects of using Valerian Root Extract are rare, but it has been reported to cause headaches, stomach pain and dizziness in a few cases.
There are numerous side effects associated with Lemon Balm Extract (headache, painful urination, increased body temperature, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, dizziness, wheezing, skin irritation, allergic reaction). This is why it is recommended that you only use it for a short period of time.
While Passion Flower Extract is considered safe, there are some risks involved including sleepiness, dizziness and confusion. It is recommended that it is avoided if you are pregnant, this is because it can induce contractions.
How Do You Take The Supplement?
The recommended dosage for Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner is 2 capsules daily.
Unfortunately, there is no other information available, so we do not know whether the capsules should be taken with water, or if you should have it around mealtimes or on an empty stomach.
Cost And Where To Buy?
The only place you can buy the Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner is via Amazon, where it is priced at $23.10 for a bottle of 30 servings.
Return, Refund And Guarantees
Disappointingly there is no mention of any money-back guarantee on the listing itself, so you will need to rely on Amazon’s own policy on returns.
“You may return most new, unopened items sold and fulfilled by Amazon within 30 days of delivery for a full refund.”
This means that you will not be able to return any open bottles of this fat burner.
Burn XT Review 2020
The Pros And Cons is it legit?
The pros and cons of Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner are as follows:
Proven fat loss ingredients used
Ingredients are shown to aid with sleep issues
Proprietary formula, so no dosage available
No money-back guarantee
Customer Reviews And Complaints
At the time of writing this review the Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner holds a 5 star rating on Amazon, with a host of positive customer reviews:
“This product definitely decreased cravings and when I work out I sweat through all three of my shirts. I have not taken the pills every day and I have lost 8lbs since taking them.”
“I’ve been taking it for a few weeks and lost a few pounds. Didn’t even change much of my diet or workout, it also has help me stayed asleep and not wake up so many times like before. Going to continue with second bottle.”
“I love this product!!! I have noticed a huge amount of difference! I am not hungry to the point where I tell myself I need to eat! I lost 5 pounds in one week! I even had a cheat meal and still lost weight.”
These reviews seem genuine too, so there is hope that the claimed benefits of this fat burner are realistic.
There were very few customer complaints about this fat burner.
Fat Burning Pills For Belly Fat | The Ultimate Guide – 2020
The post Review Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner appeared first on Health-Info.org.
from Health-Info.org https://health-Info.org/nutrition/review-keto-vida-night-time-fat-burner/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=review-keto-vida-night-time-fat-burner from Health Info Org https://healthinfoorg.tumblr.com/post/613158601462366208
0 notes
healthinfoorg · 5 years
Review Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner
NEWS FLASH – Complete review of Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner. Discover if it has made the top 10? Does it work? How much weight can you lose? And find out about the side effects.
For those of you who are busy bees I have included a quick overview of the most common questions before I tell you about this Keto Veto.
Can These Keto Pills Help Me Lose 10 to 14 lbs Per Month?
No there is another supplement with 2 unique ingredients that is currently taking the diet world by storm. Many readers have reported losing up to 14lbs per month using the no.1 rated supplement read our top 10 guide to find out more. ps there is also a new keto supplement that may interest you.
Can Any Diet Pills Guarantee Weight Loss
Featured in the top 10 list are 2 supplements which give you a full 60 day no question asked guarantee. You can even return the empty bottles.
Are Diet Pills Safe?
Yes and we go further health-info.org is the only website that checks the FDA warning list so we can tell you whenever a supplement is unsafe .
{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": " Can These Keto Pills Help Me Lose 10 to 14 lbs Per Month?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "No there is another supplement with 2 unique ingredients that is currently taking the diet world by storm. Many readers have reported losing up to 14lbs per month using the no.1 rated supplement <strong><a href=\"https://health-info.org/nutrition/guaranteed-weight-loss-pills/\">read our top 10 guide to find out more. ps there is also a new keto supplement that may interest you." , "image" : { "@type" : "ImageObject", "contentUrl" : "https://health-Info.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/best-fat-burner-pills-1.jpg" } } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Can Any Diet Pills Guarantee Weight Loss", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Featured in the <strong><a href=\"https://health-info.org/nutrition/guaranteed-weight-loss-pills/\">top 10 list are 2 supplements which give you a full 60 day no question asked guarantee. You can even return the empty bottles." , "image" : { "@type" : "ImageObject", "contentUrl" : "https://health-Info.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/best-fat-burner-pills-guide-1.png" } } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Are Diet Pills Safe?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": " Yes and we go further health-info.org is the only website that checks the FDA warning list so we can tell you whenever a supplement is unsafe ." , "image" : { "@type" : "ImageObject", "contentUrl" : "https://health-Info.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/bg_1.png" } } } ] }
What Is This Supplement?
The Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner is a stimulant-free fat burner and sleep aid that is designed to help give both men and women that extra push to achieve their weight loss goals.
Find the exact diet pills best suited for your lifestyle and body shape.
How Does It Work?
This fat burning supplement is designed to work on the same principles as the popular ketogenic diet.
So instead of burning glucose from the food consumed, your body will burn off your stored fat reserves in a process called ketosis.
Find out if Keto Vita made the top 10 is it the amazing supplement that can help you lose 14 lbs per week?  CLICK HERE
What Are The Benefits?
  According to their product listing on Amazon this fat burner is claimed to offer the following user benefits:
Increased fat burning
Boost metabolic function
More restful and deeper sleep
Improved recovery
Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner is made using a proprietary formula, which means that the manufacturer does not need to disclose what dosage it uses when listing its ingredients.
I am personally not a fan of proprietary formulas as there is no way of knowing what the actual benefits on offer are.
If we knew the actual dosage we could look at the ingredients and compare them with clinical studies of that dosage. Therefore allowing us to gauge how effective this fat burner truly is.
Regardless, the ingredients found in Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner include White Kidney Bean Extract, Green Coffee Bean Extract, L-Theanine, L-Tryptophan, Valerian Root Extract, Lemon Balm Extract, Passion Flower Extract and Melatonin.
Can It Help You Lose Weight?
Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner contains some ingredients that can help with your fat loss efforts, along with some ingredients proven to aid with any sleep problems.
Our issue with this supplement is that while the ingredients are listed, there is no dosage available so it is just guesswork what effect it will have on you.
It is not too expensive to buy, but without any money-back guarantee you may be wasting your money.
What Is The Science?
To verify the claimed benefits we will need to look more closely at the scientific facts of each ingredient:
White Kidney Bean Extract (Phaseolus vulgaris) has been shown to promote fat loss although there is insufficient evidence to support any weight loss benefit.
Green Coffee Bean is full of chlorogenic acids that offer numerous health benefits due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Research has found it to be effective at reducing body fat.
L-Theanine is an amino acid that promotes relaxation without drowsiness. It has been proven to help improve sleep quality too (read the science).
L-Tryptophan is another amino acid that can be converted into a molecule called 5-HTP, which helps make serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin helps influence your sleep, cognition and mood (read the science), while Melatonin is involved in your sleep-wake cycle.
Valerian Root Extract contains a number of compounds shown to promote good sleep, while also reducing anxiety. Research has found that valerian root contains antioxidants such as hesperidin and linarin that have sleep-enhancing properties.
Lemon Balm Extract has been shown to relieve stress, reduce anxiety , boost cognitive function , minimise menstrual cramps and relieve indigestion . It has also been shown to ease insomnia.
Passion Flower Extract has been shown to improve the quality of your sleep.
Side Effects
There are some potential side effects you should be aware of when using this fat burner:
Although White Kidney Bean Extract is likely to be safe, there have been reports that it can cause side effects such as gas and bloating.
Green Coffee Bean Extract naturally contains caffeine, which is a stimulant. So the claims that this fat burner is stimulant-free may be incorrect.
Side effects of using Valerian Root Extract are rare, but it has been reported to cause headaches, stomach pain and dizziness in a few cases.
There are numerous side effects associated with Lemon Balm Extract (headache, painful urination, increased body temperature, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, dizziness, wheezing, skin irritation, allergic reaction). This is why it is recommended that you only use it for a short period of time.
While Passion Flower Extract is considered safe, there are some risks involved including sleepiness, dizziness and confusion. It is recommended that it is avoided if you are pregnant, this is because it can induce contractions.
How Do You Take The Supplement?
The recommended dosage for Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner is 2 capsules daily.
Unfortunately, there is no other information available, so we do not know whether the capsules should be taken with water, or if you should have it around mealtimes or on an empty stomach.
Cost And Where To Buy?
The only place you can buy the Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner is via Amazon, where it is priced at $23.10 for a bottle of 30 servings.
Return, Refund And Guarantees
Disappointingly there is no mention of any money-back guarantee on the listing itself, so you will need to rely on Amazon’s own policy on returns.
“You may return most new, unopened items sold and fulfilled by Amazon within 30 days of delivery for a full refund.”
This means that you will not be able to return any open bottles of this fat burner.
Burn XT Review 2020
The Pros And Cons is it legit?
The pros and cons of Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner are as follows:
Proven fat loss ingredients used
Ingredients are shown to aid with sleep issues
Proprietary formula, so no dosage available
No money-back guarantee
Customer Reviews And Complaints
At the time of writing this review the Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner holds a 5 star rating on Amazon, with a host of positive customer reviews:
“This product definitely decreased cravings and when I work out I sweat through all three of my shirts. I have not taken the pills every day and I have lost 8lbs since taking them.”
“I’ve been taking it for a few weeks and lost a few pounds. Didn’t even change much of my diet or workout, it also has help me stayed asleep and not wake up so many times like before. Going to continue with second bottle.”
“I love this product!!! I have noticed a huge amount of difference! I am not hungry to the point where I tell myself I need to eat! I lost 5 pounds in one week! I even had a cheat meal and still lost weight.”
These reviews seem genuine too, so there is hope that the claimed benefits of this fat burner are realistic.
There were very few customer complaints about this fat burner.
Fat Burning Pills For Belly Fat | The Ultimate Guide – 2020
The post Review Keto Vida Night Time Fat Burner appeared first on Health-Info.org.
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What Rhetoric Means to Me
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        “Within this semester in comm 380, Rhetorical Traditions, we have covered many topics and studied many theories of communication. In this essay, I will discuss how my own definition of rhetoric has changed and stayed the same over the course of the semester. In the first few days of class, we were asked to write down our own definition of rhetoric. I wrote down “I’m not 100% sure. I think it has something to do with the words we choose to convey our point the way we want it to be received.” Now, I have a clearer definition of rhetoric, although rhetoric is so many things it is hard to give it an exact definition. Today I would define rhetoric as messages, ideas, and symbols that we use to effectively communicate with others verbally and non-verbally.
         One theorist that contributed to my definition is Kenneth Burke. He claimed that men (and women) are symbol making animals. We look for meaning in all things that we look at, “the aim is to get as essential a set of clauses as possible and to meditate on each of them” (Burke 56). An example I used in a previous paper is wedding rings. Burke would say that because we are symbol using/making animals, we have assigned the meaning of love and commitment to the wedding ring. This is why I included symbols in my new definition of rhetoric. Prior to studying Burke, I had only thought of rhetoric as the words we use to communicate and not simple things like the clothes we wear or the way we style our hair. This is also what lead my to choosing my personal artifact that I will be discussing later.
         Another rhetorical theorist that had an impact on my definition is Jurgen Habermas. Habermas had the idea of the public sphere and counter publics. The public sphere is made up of people who follow the dominant ideology, whatever that ideology may be. As he puts it perfectly in the first sentence of his article, “By ‘the public sphere’ we mean first of all a realm of our social life in which something approaching public opinion can be formed” (Habermas 49). The counter public is made up of people who do not follow the dominant ideology. An example of this that we discussed in class is feminism. Feminism is the counter public because the “dominant” ideology is that men and women are not equals. This ideology is a bit dated and one may argue that feminism is the dominant ideology in today’s society, but it stands as a good example for this idea. This theory is the reason I added ideas to my definition of rhetoric. We use our ideologies in much of our communication and therefore is important to include in my definition.  
          My personal artifact that I believe is a good representation on my definition of rhetoric is one of my tattoos. This tattoo is on my right side on my rib cage and is of a serotonin molecule made from vines and forget me not flowers in a mauve shade. I got this tattoo when I was eighteen and was my first big tattoo. I saved up all summer to get it done and it ended up being 220 dollars. The serotonin is important to be because I have struggled with anxiety and depression my entire life and it is a reminder that I can be happy even with these illnesses. I chose mauve forget-me-not flowers to remember my grandmother who died the year before. I wanted to include her in this tattoo because she was one of the strongest people I knew and she inspired me to fight my mental illnesses when things got bad. I believe this is a good representation of my definition because I have assigned meaning to the tattoo, making it a symbol. It also communicates my idea of tattoos being meaningful and important, unlike many people who look down on tattoos. These are conveyed non-verbally, which is one of the reasons I chose this artifact because it is easy to identify verbal messages as rhetoric. Before this class I would not have realized that my tattoo is a form of rhetoric and it shows that my understanding of rhetoric has changed. 
       As stated above, my new definition of rhetoric has changed and evolved into what it is today. Rhetoric is messages, ideas, and symbols that we use to effectively communicate with others verbally and nonverbally. Rhetoric is more than just words we say, but how we say it and what kind of messages we want our listeners to take in. It is how we display ourselves, and how we dress to give off a message about ourselves to the people around us. Lastly, it is the people we surround ourselves with that have ideas that are in line with our own. Rhetoric still has so much more to it, but this semester has really shaped my understanding and definition that I have for now. 
Habermas, Jurgen. “The Public Sphere: An Encyclopedia Article (1964).” New German Critique, No. 3, 1974, 49-55.
J.R. Gusfield, (ed.), Kenneth Burke: On Symbols and Society (pp.56-74). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.”
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ghaw2007 · 6 years
6 Banana Benefits
6 Banana Benefits
1. Boosting Energy
Bananas are a great pick-me-up snack because they provide carbohydrate in the form of quick-releasing sugars which your body can use for energy. After a workout, your body uses carbohydrates to refuel and repair muscle fibers that have been broken down.
After exercising, banana nutrition contains sugar molecules that are able to reach muscle tissues fast right when they are needed most. This helps restore glucose reserves quickly, which is vital for giving your body the energy it needs to build muscle and strength. Bananas are useful either before exercise or immediately after, providing your body with the sufficient carbs and nutrients that it needs.
Instead of relying on sugary snacks or sports drinks surrounding your workouts, or during your afternoon energy “slump”, try having a banana instead. At just 100 calories, bananas make a great pre or post workout snack choice, especially considering they are a whole food and contain no processed or artificial ingredients like many packaged snacks do.
2. Loaded with Potassium
Bananas are one of the richest sources of potassium in the world, with about 500 mg of potassium per banana. Potassium is another nutrient that is crucial for those who are physically active, but also for everyone else too. Potassium acts as an electrolyte and promotes circulatory health, helps to manage blow flow and hydration levels within the body, and helps oxygen to reach your cells (1).
Potassium is useful in preventing high blood pressure and decreases the risks for heart disease and strokes because it regulates circulation, sodium, and water retention within the body (2). Potassium helps to lower high blood pressure because it counteracts the effect of sodium within the blood. Fortunately, studies have shown that the best way to benefit from potassium is to consume more of it naturally though whole food sources, especially fruits and vegetables (3).
Potassium also assists in the prevention of muscle cramping following exercise and helps you to heal and build muscle. This makes it an important nutrient for anyone who is especially physically active or who is recovering from an injury.
Additionally, the high amount of potassium found in bananas has been correlated with helping to decrease symptoms associated with kidney stones, gout, ADHD,  back pain, headaches, and more.
3. Helps Improve Digestive Health
Each banana contains about 3 grams of fiber, which is roughly 10% of the daily fiber you should be consuming. The fiber in bananas helps to prevent constipation, bloating, and other unwanted digestive symptoms. Fiber helps to regulate restoration and maintenance of regular bowel functions because it binds to waste and toxins within the digestive tract, helping to pull them out of the body.
Dietary fiber also importantly helps you to feel full for longer. This is another reason why bananas can make a great snack, especially when you’re on the go and need something portable to throw into your bag. Another benefit of banana’s high fiber content? Studies have found that a diet high in dietary fiber is protective against heart disease, cardiac arrest, and stroke.
Fiber helps to reduce inflammation as it removes waste and toxins from the body, keeping arteries clear from dangerous plague build-up (4) (5). Additionally, bananas are easy to digest and can help prevent cases of diarrhea. This is because of their starches and fiber which can help to bind waste within your digestive tract, while their potassium facilitates in balancing water retention in the gut and keeping you from becoming dehydrated.
4. Can Help Boost Your Mood
Bananas contain an amino acid called tryptophan, which is facilitates in the regulation of serotonin, one of our main “happy hormones” (6). Healthy levels of serotonin work to lift your mood and prevent mood disorders including anxiety and depression. Banana nutrition also includes antioxidants that help with the release of dopamine within the brain, another mood enhancing hormone (7). Regularly consuming bananas can help to increase your energy, prevent fatigue from over-exerting yourself, and to keep a positive mindset.
5. Good Source of Brain, Skin, and Bone Health-Boosting Manganese
Banana nutrition can benefit your brain, skin and bones because just one banana contains 16% of the manganese you need for the day plus it is a good source of Vitamin C (about 14%DV) that aids in collagen production to keep you looking young.
Manganese is important for many functions within the body, including maintaining healthy skin, keeping the skeletal structure strong, maintaining proper brain function, and reducing free radical damage.
Studies have shown that manganese can help with healthy brain function and to prevent conditions including epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease (8) (9). Some animal studies have shown that low levels of manganese contribute to poor bone health and possibly even conditions like osteoporosis.
Manganese benefits the health and appearance of your skin by contributing to the production of collagen, an important structural component that maintains skin’s youthful appearance and elasticity. Manganese also acts as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, two crucial properties that are useful in naturally slowing aging since they reduce free radical damage and oxidative stress.
6. Affordable, Portable, Low in Calorie Snack Choice
Bananas are low in calories with only about 100-110 calories for one medium size banana. Compared to many other processed or high calorie snack choices, bananas make a great healthy snack because they are pre-portioned and full of nutrients and fiber. This makes bananas a good choice for anyone who is watching their calorie intake in order to lose weight.
Because bananas contain high amounts of fiber and have a high water content, they can help to fill you up and keep you from snacking on other processed foods between meals. This makes bananas a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth with something completely unprocessed, without derailing your weight loss efforts too much.
While it may be difficult to clean something like berries, put them in a container, and take them along with you as a snack, bananas are easily portable and don’t need to be refrigerated.
Try keeping them at work on your desk, in your gym bag, or even in your car as an “in case of emergency” snack to ward off hunger between meals and lessen the chances of you later overeating. Another benefit of bananas? They are one of the least expensive varieties of fruit you can buy; even organic bananas are usually very affordable.
I do however caution people to consume bananas in moderation if weight loss is your first health priority, since the sugar content of bananas can impact your blood glucose levels and potentially lead to food cravings or energy spikes and dips.
If you are going to have a banana as a snack, try combing with it a source of healthy fat or protein to slow down the release of its sugars into your blood stream. Adding some almond butter, coconut, or protein powder to your banana snack can make it even more filling and impact your glucose levels less abruptly.
http://musicbanter.com/song-writing-lyrics-poetry/79770-ghaw2007s-lyrics-collection.html http://futureproducers.com/forums/production-techniques/songwriting-and-lyricism/ghaw2007s-lyrics-523656 http://musesongwriters.com/forums/index.php?/topic/65827-ghaw2007s-lyrics http://boards.soapoperanetwork.com/topic/55799-ghaw2007s-lyrics http://justusboys.com/forum/threads/435561-ghaw2007-s-Lyrics http://gayheaven.org/showthread.php?t=536605 http://allthelyrics.com/forum/showthread.php?t=159439 http://writerscafe.org/ghaw/writing http://songwriterforum.co.uk/index.php?topic=11560.0
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