bluelem0ns · 3 months
giggled like a little girl censoring this 😭😭
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aimeenationarts · 4 years
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Wifes are lifes.
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edithvanhopper · 4 years
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♡ Family time ♡ and Pink being tiny~ I don’t get enough notes to draw them whole
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sunray-and-moonbeam · 4 years
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White just doesn't get sleeping 😴
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aki-bean · 4 years
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*template is not by me*
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cerezsis · 4 years
Pastels and Mobiles
Polydiamond Family AU
Chapter Four
Summary: In the wake of the birth of their twins, the diamonds are forced to face the elephant in the room.
           Yellow couldn’t stop herself from shaking, her eyes locked onto the knife in her hand. The pounding in her ears was so loud it nearly drowned out the cries of the newborn diamond. The reflective glare shining off the gemstone on the pillow below was near blinding, but Yellow still couldn’t bring herself to move. She could still hear White screaming at her to “DO IT NOW!” and “Her form could dissipate at any moment!” She was certain she’d never forget the sound that escaped White’s lips as she plunged the medical tool into the larger diamond’s shoulder. It needed to be done – there was no other choice – but knowing that didn’t make it any less harrowing.
           Seemingly without warning, Yellow felt a gentle touch on her shoulder. Snapping back to the present, she turned around to see Blue holding a screaming, pale yellow baby.
           “It’s ok, Yellow,” Blue tried to assure her, “Champagne is ok.” Taking her hand off her shoulder, she gently loosened Yellow’s grip on the medical tool. Once it was safely resting on the side of the bed, she placed the baby in Yellow’s tense arms.
           Yellow stared down at her daughter, still unable to speak. Like the elder twin, Champagne’s gem was on her forehead, though, unlike Hope’s, its shape was akin to the four-sided gem of her sire’s. Her hair also resembled Yellow’s in color, but its fluffiness and slight curl were features that neither of her mothers possessed. While taking a half-second break from screaming, her eyes peeked open, revealing pale yellow irises and black pupils.
           Yellow knew she should be beaming with pride, but the thoughts racing through her mind were too much of a distraction. They’d known from the scans that Champagne was breeched. They’d spent cycles reading every document on pregnancy and birth, and obtained every piece of equipment they could possibly need to deliver a breeched baby. Even with all that planning, they were woefully unprepared for Champagne to turn onto her side once her twin left the womb. That was never an outcome they expected.
           Seeing her fellow diamond’s continued unease, Blue wrapped her arms around Yellow.
           “It’s ok,” she repeated, “Champagne is ok.”
           Yellow’s only response was to rest her forehead against Blue’s. At least that much was true; aside from some slight swelling in her arm, Champagne appeared to be healthy. Both babies were healthy. Both babies were here. All that was missing was…
           Yellow couldn’t stop herself from looking back at the gem resting on the pillow. The light coming in from the rising sun was still reflecting off its surface, in turn causing streams of rainbow-like light to reflect onto the bedding and walls.
           “White should return to us shortly,” Yellow finally spoke, though her voice was riddled with uncertainty, “The bedding should be changed. I’ll tend to the baby.”
           Blue nodded and let go of Yellow. The two of them were silent as they did their tasks, the only sound to be heard being the whimpers and soft cooing from the two newborns. It was almost unsettling how quiet it was, but neither of them could bring themselves to speak.
           As she spread fresh sheets onto the bed, Blue suddenly noticed how much her hands were shaking. It was so jarring how quickly the mood had shifted. Just moments ago, they were all full of joy, and now… She looked up at Yellow, who conveniently had her back turned.
           “Do you think White will be ok?” she asked, “She already had such a horrible experience when she had Mint, and now–”
           “I don’t know,” Yellow interrupted, placing the now swaddled baby in the unoccupied cot. She stared down at the babies, not saying anything else for several minutes.
“It should’ve been me,” she said through gritted teeth, “I should’ve insisted on being the one to carry. I shouldn’t have let her go through this again.”
           Blue could’ve laughed, had there not been so much tension in the air. “You know White. Your insistence wouldn’t have made a difference.”
           Yellow suppressed a sigh. Of course she knew this – White always did what she wanted – but it didn’t stop her guilt.
           The room fell silent again. The babies were tended to, and the bedding was stripped and changed. Unless the babies started crying, there was nothing left to do except wait for White to return. In spite of Yellow’s earlier statement, neither had any idea how long she’d take to reform. She could be back in minutes, or she could take days. The uncertainty of it was incredibly distressing.
           Finally, after the longest hour of their lives, a bright, glowing, white light caught the attention of Blue and Yellow. Looking to where they’d left White’s gem, they watched as it levitated off the bed and began emitting an even brighter light. Her form appeared within seconds, her body back to how it was pre-pregnancy, and her leotard drastically different from how it was before; the neckline being much lower, and the sharp edges of the design now much softer.
           As her consciousness returned to her, White immediately noticed that despite having repaired herself, she still felt the fatigue from the delivery. She could only conclude that the chemical changes in her body weren’t to be done away with so easily, and the affects of pregnancy and birth would still be running its course for the next several days.  
           As soon as her feet touched the ground, White could hear her lovers exclaim her name, and, before she even opened her eyes, they surrounded her. Under normal circumstances, White would have lavished in their welcome, but right now she only had one thing on her mind.
           “Champagne! Is she –!”
           “She’s fine,” Blue assured her, “We got her out with plenty of time.”
           Feeling an immediate wave of relief, White hurried over to the cots. Seeing both her babies, swaddled and sound asleep, she smiled.
           “Thank the stars,” she quietly uttered. Without even thinking, she gently lifted Champagne up out of her cot. The little one soon stirred and began to fuss.
           “Have they been fed?” White asked, turned back to Blue and Yellow.
           “Not yet,” Yellow said, “We were going to try to give them a bottle if you took longer than an hour, but you just made it.”
           White nodded and went and sat down on the bed, leaning back against the pillows. Pulling the front of her leotard down, she exposed her breasts and started nursing Champagne. She gestured for one of them to bring Hope to her, and quickly started nursing her too.
           As they watched White nurse the babies, Blue and Yellow were suddenly hit with a wave of relief. White was back. The family was together. All was well. Suddenly drained from the past hour’s emotional rollercoaster, they sat down on either side of White, looking down at the babies as they rested their heads against her shoulders.
           While Blue and Yellow finally felt a sense of calm, the quiet gave White too much room to think. Her worst fear had been realized; something had gone wrong. It went so wrong so fast. What was supposed to be a wonderful moment would forever be tainted with horror. She tried to push these thoughts down, telling herself to just focus on her babies and not make things worse, but she couldn’t stop the words from spilling out.
           “I’m sorry for what happened.”
           Hearing this, Blue and Yellow sat up straight, their brows furrowed in confusion.
           “Why are you sorry?” Yellow asked.
           White hesitated, instantly regretting that she said anything. She was too tired for this, but it was too late. The floodgate had been opened.
           “It was supposed to be better this time,” she explained, still looking down at the babies, “Our daughters’ entrance into the world was supposed to be a happier experience this time, but my body failed us. If I–”
           “White, no,” Yellow interrupted, she and Blue suddenly on full alert.
           “It’s not your fault. It’s no one’s fault,” Blue added, “None of us could’ve predicted what would happen.”
           “Even so, I still failed you two. I put you through so much when Mint was born. The least I could’ve done was give you a better experience this time.”
           Blue and Yellow stared at her.
           “Is... is that why you were so insistent on being the one to carry?” Blue asked.
           “How else was I supposed to fix things?” she asked, still not looking up, “You’re always telling me that Mint doesn’t even remember what happened, but I do, and you two do too. I needed to–” She stopped herself, but a quick glance at Blue and Yellow told her they weren’t going to let her drop it. “… I needed you two to forgive me.”
           No one spoke for the longest time. Blue and Yellow continued to stare at her, trying to find the right words.
           “Who said we hadn’t already forgiven you?” Yellow asked.
           White finally lifted her head. Her mouth fell open, but no words came out.
           “She’s right, White. You never had anything to prove to us.”  
           “What happened when Mint was born is over and done,” Yellow continued, “You’re so great with her now, and you’re going to be great with Hope and Champagne.”
           “No one’s upset with you, especially not because of what happened today. It got scary there for a moment, but you and the babies are ok. That’s what’s important.”
           White still couldn’t speak. Her vision began to cloud as tears filled her eyes. She couldn’t stop herself from smiling as she felt a huge weight being lifted from her shoulders.
           “Thank you,” was all she was able to say.
           If it weren’t for the babies on her breasts, Blue and Yellow would’ve hugged her tight. Instead they settled for kissing her on the cheek and cuddling with her until the twins were done nursing.
           “I believe it’s time for Mint and Spinel to join us,” White said as she covered herself.
           Agreeing wholeheartedly, Blue and Yellow sent out a message for them. Within minutes, Mint came sprinting into the room, and the sound of Spinel’s springing footsteps could be heard some yards away.
           “Mommyyyy!” Mint happily cried out as she ran over to White’s bedside. The diamonds smiled, and Yellow lifted her onto the bed. Mint gave White a hug, and in return, White gave her a kiss on the forehead.
           “Meet your new baby sisters.”
           Mint’s eyes widened as she laid eyes on the bundles in her mother’s arms. Very gently, she moved the blankets away from their faces, wanting to get a better look.
           “They’re cute!” Mint said, her eyes sparking with joy. She looked up at White. “Can I hold them?”
           Trying to hold back tears, the diamonds had Mint sit closely next to White. Yellow took Hope from White, and very gently placed her in Mint’s arms, helping her hold her properly.
           “Her gem’s like mine!” Mint proudly pointed out. She gave the baby a gently kiss in the top of the head. “I love them, mommies!”
           Before they could shed any happy tears, they were finally joined by Spinel. Extending her arms to pull herself onto the bed, she let out a happy squeal as she saw the babies.
           “They have your gem placement, White!” were the first words out of her mouth.
           White grinned. She glanced around at her family, so happy they were finally all together, or rather, as together as they could be. As uncertain as the future looked sometimes, in this moment she truly felt the journey ahead was bright.
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longlostlobster · 5 years
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Gemlings Drawn in MS Paint just be hitting different, you know?
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hayden963245 · 4 years
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They need a rest
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futile-latty · 4 years
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I love them, and I loved drawing this. Still probs gonna work on it, so consider it a wip.
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polydiamondsmonth · 4 years
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Hey there everyone, this is a new idea concocted to battle the boredom of quarantine. Please join us in celebrating Polydiamonds Month!
The entire month of May we have 31 prompts where you can create anything you want in regards to the polydiamond ship. Fanart, fanfic, video edits... whatever strikes your fancy! Take part in as many prompts as you want.
Post them here on tumblr, on Twitter, or on Instagram. Please use the hashtag #polydiamondsmonth on all platforms so we can find your works.
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crimson-r · 6 years
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edithvanhopper · 4 years
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Late Christmas drawing~ Click for better quality Hey, follow me on my new instagram ;)
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sunray-and-moonbeam · 4 years
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This has probably been done before but oh well
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luckys-shitartposts · 7 years
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Damn guys…
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cerezsis · 4 years
Pastels and Mobiles
Polydiamond Family AU
Chapter One
Summary: The diamonds wish to expand their family.
           The happy shrieks of human children rang in the ears of everyone in attendance of what Steven had called a “backyard birthday party.” The small gaggle of adolescence chased each other through the grass, past the two large trees with the colorful balloons tied to the trunk, and the large banner that hung between them that read “Happy Birthday Lisa!”
           White watched everything unfold from the comfort of the otherwise empty party table. Yellow had shrunken them down so they could attend the party, but she felt so out of place that she might as well have stayed her natural size. Blue and Yellow had gotten swept into a conversation with a pair of humans she didn’t recognize, and Spinel was having the time of her life with the children, leaving White to feel even more isolated in the sea of humans and Crystal Gems.
           A small but sudden tug on her skirt brough White out of her thoughts. She looked down just in time to see the light green toddler climb onto her lap. Before she could ask what she was up to, Mint grabbed a handful of the nuts that were set out on the table, shoved them into her mouth, and ran off without ever uttering a word.
           White chuckled as she watched her daughter run back over to the human children. Seeing her next to Steven’s two children, it amazed her how quickly humans aged compared to gems. Lisa and Dominic were only eleven and nine, but despite Mint’s older age of twenty-five, she was physically and developmentally at the stage they were at the age of three.
           While she watched Mint play, White saw out of the corner of her eye that someone had sat down at the table with her. She turned, expecting to see Yellow or Blue, but was surprised and delighted to see the half-diamond man who invited her to this party.
           “Oh, Steven!” White grinned.
           Steven smiled, politely, back at her.
           “You know you don’t have to sit here all day. You could join the party.”
           Of course she knew that. Of course she knew she knew she could, but the thought of leaving her little corner filled her with a sense of dread.
           “Oh, I’m perfectly fine right here,” White said, masking her anxiety with a smile, “I enjoy watching the children have their fun.”
           She looked back over at the group of kids, noticing that Mint and Dominic were no longer with the group. While the older kids playfully hit each other with balloon swords, Dominic had taken Mint aside to sit in the shade and blow bubbles.
           “Your Dominic is such a kind child,” White grinned, “He reminds me so much of you when you were younger.”
           Steven smiled. “I think he’s still shy around Lisa’s friends. She’s a bit caught up in her birthday right now, but she usually tries to help him feel better.”
           White nodded and grinned. She loved hearing him talk about his children, and she especially loved the bond the two of them shared. Ever since Dominic was born, Lisa had been very protective of him. Steven had loved to tell the story of how when he’d brought Lisa to see Connie and baby Dominic in the hospital, she had the most starry-eyed look upon seeing her baby brother for the first time. The way he told it was so precious, and White hoped to see something like that for herself one day.
           The day went on, and the party began to wind down. The diamonds gathered Mint and Spinel, said their goodbyes to Steven, Connie, and the children, and boarded their ship, where Yellow restored them to their natural size. From the monitor, they could see the humans that were still at the party staring up as the ship began to take off. Blue and Yellow put their hands together to make their ships form a heart shape, and then they quickly took off, much to the amazement of the small crowd.
           White breathed a sign of relief as they began to leave the stratosphere. As much as she loved seeing Steven and his children, she was elated to finally be heading home.
           “Mommyyyyyy,” a tiny voice came from behind.
           White turned around to see Mint staring up at her.
           “When can we go back to Earth?” Mint asked.
           “As soon as Steven invites us next.”
           “When will that be?”
           “Mint, come here for a moment,” Blue gently urged, knowing that Mint would just keep spouting off the same questions she always did if she wasn’t distracted.
           Mint turned and ran over to Blue. Blue picked her up and took her to sit by the controls. White watched as Blue explained what all the controls did, and every now and then having to stop the toddler from pressing buttons.
           A few hours later, they were finally back on Homeworld. White looked at the view of the world from the screen as the ship landed. The sun had almost completely set, but many gems were still walking the streets. A certain gem caught her eye; a howlite that she recognized as once belonging to her court, happily pushing a pram down the street. White couldn’t help but smile to herself. Just a couple decades ago, seeing a juvenile gem was considered to be a once in a lifetime experience. Now, you could hardly turn a corner without seeing a gem with an infant in her arms or holding hands with a toddler. Seeing the old-fashioned method of gem production becoming popular again was wonderful, both because it meant their population growth wouldn’t fall too much now that they weren’t using kindergartens anymore, and because it meant Mint wouldn’t be short on playmates.
           As the diamonds and Spinel exited the ship and entered the palace through White’s bubble, Mint let out an audible yawn. Looking down at her, her mothers took note of her droopy eyes and sluggish movements.
           “It looks like someone’s ready for bed,” Blue said, gently patting Mint’s head.
           The little diamond’s eyes snapped fully open as she looked to her mothers with the most hurt and betrayed look on her face.
           “Nooo!” Mint whined, “I’m not tired!”
           “It’s already past your bedtime, Mint,” Yellow pointed out, “And you look very tired to me.”
           “Noooo! I’m not tired!”
           “How about this, Minty,” White offered, crouching down to her level, “If you just get dressed for bed, you can stay up a little longer while I tell you a story.”
           Mint nodded, excitedly agreeing to the deal. Blue and Yellow glanced at each other as White scooped her up in her arms.
           “We’ll meet you in the common room after she falls asleep,” Yellow told her. White nodded before carrying Mint up to her room.
           Mint’s bedroom looked like it was plucked out of a fairytale forest. Artificial leaves and flowers clung to the walls, and a shallow pond reflected the light given off from the starry ceiling. Wooden shelves in the shape of freshly chopped logs lined the walls with dolls, books, and toys, many of which were also scattered across the shiny, wood floor. Against one of the flowery walls sat a set of drawers in the shape of a large tree, which, once opened, revealed all the clothes that Mint was not yet able to project onto her form. Once White helped Mint pick out nightgown, she carried her over to the little nook of trees that cozily surrounded her leafy-green bed. Sitting down on top of the luxuriously soft bedding, White stroked the little diamond’s hair as she began her story.
           “Once upon a time, the Gem Homeworld was ruled by diamonds,” White began, “White, Yellow, Blue, and the littlest diamond–”
           “Pink!” Mint tiredly but proudly finished.
           White smiled and ruffled her hair a bit. For the next hour, she wove a wonderous story about the time Pink had managed to sneak an organic creature off one of Yellow’s newest colonies, and tried to keep it hidden in her room. She told of how Pink didn’t even make it a week before entering her room, only to find White Diamond waiting for her, asking what the alien creature was doing there. Of course, Pink looked down at her feet and claimed she didn’t know. In telling the tale, she left out all the begging and pleading, and a few tears Pink shed before White reluctantly agreed to let her keep the creature, reasoning that Mint didn’t need to know that part of the story right now.
           Finally, Mint had fallen asleep. As carefully as she could, White placed her under the covers and gave her a gentle kiss goodnight. Quietly making her way across the room, she spared one last glance at her little girl before dimming the lights and leaving the room.
           As promised, she met Blue and Yellow in the common room. The two of them sat across from each other in their cushioned chairs, in the midst of idle conversation, which stopped once the third diamond entered the room.
           “I take it she’s finally asleep?” Yellow asked her.
           “Yes, it turns out she was tired after all,” White said, taking her usual seat across from them.
           “We’ve talked about this, White. You need to stop coddling her.”
           “She’s old enough to put herself to sleep,” Blue agreed, “If we want to nip this attitude she’s developed–”
           “I know, I know,” White admitted, not meeting either of them in the eye, “I just… I like making her happy.”
           “We know you’re trying, White,” Blue assured her.
           “But if we’re going to have another baby, we need to get Mint used to having limits,” Yellow added.
           White nodded. She could almost laugh at the irony of Blue and Yellow telling her to stop spoiling their child. Finding a balance between not repeating the past and not having Mint end up a spoiled brat wasn’t an easy task for any of them, but the added difficulty of the lingering guilt White felt for the rocky start she had with Mint made finding that balance all the more harder.
           Not wanting to linger on that thought too much, she decided it was time for a subject change.
           “Only a few more cycles until we can start trying,” White perked up, meeting their eyes once again.
           “And you’re still certain you want to be the one to carry the baby?” Yellow asked.
           “We understand if you’ve changed your mind. You had such a… less than ideal experience last time.”
           “I can assure you both that I have not changed my mind. If it means getting a baby sooner, then I want to carry it.”
           “Two years isn’t that long of a wait until I have my cycle,” Yellow pointed out.
           “I appreciate your concern, both of you, but I assure you this is what I want. I want another baby. I’m in a better place than I was when I was pregnant with Mint. I’m confident in my abilities as a mother now. It’ll be a better experience this time.”
           Blue and Yellow looked at each other, before turning back to her and grinning.
           “Alright, but if you change your mind before your cycle starts–” Blue began.
           “I won’t, I promise you.”
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renegade-diamonds · 7 years
Can I make a fanfiction request of the diamonds celebrating their wedding night? 😊
OK, so I kinda went a little overboard with this one. I covered pretty much all the wedding, so it’s a bit more than just their wedding night. (BTW it’s SFW. I’m not sure if I’m gonna write NSFW yet for this fandom, so I hope you don’t mind the PG-13 vibe). And as much as I love polydiamonds, it’s hard for me to write them since we don’t know what White and Pink are like yet, so excuse any vagueness that may occur. However, please feel free to send in some polydiamond prompts or any other Diamond couples. I can’t write too much right now cause of finals coming up, but I’ll definitely try to fill some prompts out. :) Enjoy! (PS. Excuse any typos it’s late and I’m lazy)
Originally, the idea had been pitched by the gem hybrid, who had happily told the newly restored Diamond Authority of the human ceremony.
“What exactly would be the significance of this ‘wedding?’” Yellow had a skeptical look in her eyes, but still tried to listen to what the young Steven had to say, “And why would it benefit us when we’re not even on Earth?”
“Well,” Steven nervously smiled up at the four diamonds seated in front of him. “I know that part of the deal was that you would all abolish the caste system and try to incorporate more modern ideals of society throughout the gem empire if I restored Pink Diamond’s gem.” He hastily held his hands up, “Which don’t get me wrong, you’ve all done wonderfully at. However, this ceremony is kinda considered sacred to a lot of people on Earth. Including the gems who’ve moved there and fell in love. It would be a good way to show your dedication to the pact if you four did it yourselves.”
“It’s not a bad idea,” White murmured. “However, you are among the very few who know the exact details of the relationship we as diamonds have. If we performed this ceremony, then everyone in the empire will know.” She pursed her lips, “I’m not sure it’s a good idea.”
“But isn’t it about time we came out?” Blue sighed and looked towards where White sat, “We’ve been hiding for millennia. And with the way society is changing right now, maybe it’s for the better if we made our relationship public. At the very least, it will show us in a more relatable light to the rest of gem kind, since even we fall in love just as others do.”
“No.” The voice cut through the room like a knife through butter, and everyone turned in Pink Diamond’s direction, as the matriarch decided to speak up, “If we do the ceremony, we have to do it for the right reasons. Maybe Blue’s right, maybe it is time we came out. However, this ceremony means more than just a publicity stunt. It’s a declaration of love and commitment for all to see. It shows your dedication to your partner, or in our case partners. I will not go through with it if it is used as simply another form of propaganda.” She looked pointedly at each of her lovers, “After everything that’s happened, all the time I spent on Earth for my recovery. The only thing I would want out of this would be the happiness I get from being with the gems I love.”
Steven made a noise of approval before looking over at the other diamonds. Yellow and Blue seemed to think it over for a moment, before sharing a look and nodding in agreement, “For love then.”
Pink clapped her hands together near her mouth, smiling widely as she turned to White.
The eldest of the four diamonds seemed lost in thought, staring down at her lap as she pondered the situation.
There was a tense silence, and for a minute Steven was scared she would reject the idea.
“In all my existence,” White seemed to struggle with her words, emotions making it hard to articulate what she was feeling. “I’ve never loved as much as I’ve loved with you three. If this is done for love, then I suppose I would be a coward to turn away from it.”
A rare smile graced her lips and she looked down at Steven, “Very well. We will do as you suggest and have a wedding.”
“I suppose then we’ll actually need to learn what we’ll need for the ceremony,” Yellow drawled as she leaned back in her seat. “Considering it is a foreign tradition, and we’re certainly no experts.”
“I’ve learned some things about it during my stay on Earth,” Pink beamed at her lovers. “And there are hundreds of books and planners for this type of thing on the planet. It would be no problem to educate ourselves on what to expect.”
“Oh! Oh!” Steven jumped excitedly, “I can be the officiator. You know, the one who pronounces you all married! They have lots of stuff on that!”
“I see no problem with that,” Blue chuckled as Pink hurriedly agreed and Yellow shrugged. “As long as you don’t embarrass me.”
White was the last to speak up, sighing as she fell back into her chair, “Why the hell not?”
The ceremony hadn’t been as much of a pain as they’d originally thought. Several planners had been contracted from Earth and smoothed out the schedule for the wedding, although they’d certainly been surprised when they saw there were four brides to be.
Not to mention the fact that they were also 30 foot tall aliens.
Besides the initial shock, everything else ran smoothly. Decorations were set up, food was ordered for the humans and gems who choose to eat, and the venue was magnificent to behold.
The only real issue occurred when Yellow freaked out when she learned they’d have to kiss in front of pretty much all of Homeworld and Earth.
Luckily, the ceremony was short, sweet, and to the point.
Leaving only the wild reception to occur afterwards.
A reception which hosted hundreds, if not thousands, of guests.
Clearly, it became apparent this wasn’t to be one of the prim and proper balls Homeworld was previously used to.
Pink howled with laughter as the Famethyst took the dance floor, watching as her precious gems danced and roughhoused with each other, putting on quite the show for everyone watching.
The Crystal Gems were seated off to the side of where the newlyweds table was located. Looking closely, there were even several humans within the group. Including the swordfighter, Connie, and the resurrected human Lars.
As the subjects of honor, the Diamonds were seated on a raised platform a few feet above everyone else- ensuring everyone would hopefully be able to get a look at the four gems.
They were all dressed lavishly in elaborate dresses- even Yellow, who had threw the mother of all fits about it.
However in the end she relented, and with their pearls acting as bridesmaids- the four Diamonds had a wedding to remember.
Blue giggled loudly as White whispered something in her ear, mirth dancing in her eyes. Pink continued cheering on the Famethysts as they continued their wild dances, throwing in some suggestions every other second.
Yellow was simply looking at the crowd that had gathered around the dance floor, scanning their faces and naming all the ones she recognized.
Her eyes drifted to the dancing quartzes when loud cheers alerted her to Steven and the human girl Connie joining the fray, watching as they spun around each other in some kind of dance.
“It’s nice isn’t it,” Pink’s voice broke her concentration. “Seeing all of them so happy. Being able to look in their eyes without fear on their part.” She hummed quietly to herself, “It’s nice to rule through trust, even if we still have a long way to go.”
“I know,” Yellow offered a slight smile her way. “It’s nice to see genuine respect in their eyes. Not respect derived from fear.” She frowned as a thought crossed her mind, “I just regret I wasn’t able to realize it sooner.”
Pink grabbed the golden diamond’s hand and gave it a caring squeeze, before turning her attention back to the dance floor as the Famethyst started throwing the small Carnelian in the air.
A slight chuckle escaped her, and she listened as Pink started yelling encouragement to the wild quartzes. Looking to the other side she noticed how Blue and White were now whispering conspicuously and shooting playful looks in her direction.
A shiver of something akin to excitement ran down her spine.
Well, she definitely knew what that look meant.
The colony were they decided to spend their honeymoon was definitely one of the more beautiful ones Homeworld had.
Due to the fact that it had only been recently discovered, the natural vegetation and beauty of the planet was preserved. The pact made with Earth ensured that Homeworld could no longer completely colonize planets, so only a small portion of this one contained Kindergartens.
The settlement they were staying at was situated on top of some mighty cliffs, and overlooked a gleaming blue ocean that stretched on as far as the eye could see.
They had reserved a large villa-like building that was spaced a bit farther from the settlement, as the four currently valued their privacy and peace of mind following the wedding they’d had the day before.
The building was designed for gems of all sizes to pass through, so the Diamonds found no trouble navigating the villa. They weren’t far from the beach, which Pink and Blue were sure to take full advantage of.
However, at the moment all thought was on basking in each other’s presence and it was only after some very pleasant activities, that the four calmed down enough to really discuss the nature around their abode.
“It’s really quiet pretty,” Pink gushed from where she stood by the window, a silky pink robe preserving her modesty. “Actually reminds me of Earth a bit. Doesn’t look that far off from where I stayed during the recovery.”
“We did take into consideration your fondness for such sights when choosing a destination,” White stated. She was spread comfortably across Blue’s exposed back, as the long haired diamond was laying flat on her stomach. “This place seemed like the closest place we could agree on.”
Yellow grunted in agreement as she read through a holopad, catching up on whatever news might’ve needed her attention in the past few hours.
Blue clicked her tongue, “Do you ever stop working?”
Pink laughed, “It’s impossible for her to stop. Don’t you know Blue? She’d probably poof from inactivity!”
Yellow glared in her direction as her new wives burst out in laughter, “I would not!”
“Whatever you say, my love~”
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