#they have conversations about ‘the Big One of September 87’
corrodedcoughin · 1 year
So Steve eventually thinks about going back to swimming and shaves his chest of course eddie mourns the thick and luxurious hair pillow on which he rested his weary head. But he’s also a filthy gutter cat so he delights in picking any ingrown hairs Steve gets. He calls it ‘excavation time’ and has made a whole song about it and everything
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lassodreams · 1 year
So as we know Zach is in New Zealand until September. Before we dated I used to be a whore lmao like having 3 guys on rotation having sex 4-5 times a week. When Zach and I started dating it went to 1-2 times a week and then we're he's away at school I only see hime once a month. Now I'm going on 1 month, no dick :( so sad for me. I really enjoy sex and even as an ~emotional woman~ I never get too attached. Casual is okay with me.
Instead of cheating I'm just going to fantasy about this one guy who lives in my neighborhood, who I keep running into. The following is a false situation. The only things that are true are how we get and when I saw him again (I did not share my phone number with him). Lol for legal reasons I feel like I need to state that.
One of my favorite antique stores is closing, they have been in the city for 28 years and the owner decided to sell the building. This was the last weekend they were open and it was also my payday weekend. I budget $50 to spend on whatever I wanted. I put on a red polka dot dress that was a halter top and a white cardigan and walked out to the bus stop. My dress was long and it was windy, I sort of felt like Marylin Monroe but I had biker shorts on so I wouldn't flash anyone. I held my dress down while waiting for the bus about 10 more minutes.
A guy was walking over, wore all black, 5'11, dark blonde hair and a five o'clock shadow. He was attractive. If say he's in his mid to late 30s. He sat on the bench I was standing next to. I was reading all of the event posters to see if there was anything that looked worth going to.
"I hate working nights, but ya know gotta make money" he said, his voice was a little raspy but not like a traditional Pittsburgh accent.
"oof nights do suck, I hope it's not slow for you" I replied.
"no, it's actually going to be one of our busiest days"
"well then it should go back fast."
"I hope so, I also work as a carpenter most days but this is the season to make money because I don't like to work in the winter time."
God I wish it were me I thought, im living from paycheck to paycheck.
"good for you" I said with a smile I wasn't sure how else to contribute to the conversation.
"you smell good, I like that perfume and I see you took a shower and all that jazZ, where are you headed off too?"
I felt myself blush, my boyfriend can't smell so he never compliments me and I get gifted expensive perfumes from my parents.
I laughed, "yeah all the jazz, thank you--"
"of course, you're welcome"
"I'm heading to an antique store in the strip, they are closing and having a huge sale so I want to see what's going on"
His eyes got big when he looked at me, " oh my god, that one in the strip is closing? If I would have known I would have gone! I like collecting mid-century things"
I smiled, "that's so cool! I collect Jeanette glassware and the occasional wedgwood."
"I live in the towers and have an extra garage space for my collections plus when people move out they tend to leave a lot of cool things behind and I just take those"
"oh good to know, I am moving in August maybe I'll see if there's something I want."
"where are you moving to?"
"oh uhhh just a half mile away from here, there's an apartment with a balcony"
"I'm Scott by the way, and you are?" He stuck out his hand. I saw that we had a wound on his thumb
"My name is Meg" I shook his hand, he had a firm grip.
"Pretty name" he got up and that's when I heard a bus rolling up. 75, I was waiting for 87. "Well this is my bus. See you around."
"Bye Scott, have fun at work!" I smiled and waved. He looked back at me and smiled. He got on and the bus drove off.
I was smiling, men don't approach me often and so I felt giddy. I'll probably never see him again but nice to meet someone in town.
Thursday rolled around and I decided it was going to be in the 60s today I will wear a skirt and a long jacket. I missed the first bus so I had to wait for the next one at 7:13. Even though I am wearing a long jacket I'm still afraid of flashing people when though I do have booty shorts under so it's not like anyone will see my hole. Lol
I pick up a free newspaper to see what is happening this weekend. I looked up a saw a white pick up truck slow down and roll down the window. Oh God a cat call at 7am, I'm too old to deal with this (I'm 25 lol). I see it has supplies and tools on the back as well.
The truck comes up to me, I recognize it's Scott.
"Hi Meg! How are you!" He says in the passenger seat and a big grin.
I smiled back, "getting ready to go to work Scott, how are you?"
"Much better since I get to see you this morning."
"you're so cheeky"
"I bet you like that about me." And sure he was right, but I'm dating someone so I can't just agree. I smiled.
"meg, what are you doing Friday? Give me your number." I mean my bf is in new Zealand. I don't have any plans with my girl friends...is it wrong to want to make a new friend? Probably because we both know this flirting. But I enjoy the validation, I rarely talk to my bf. I know I'm in the wrong and yet I find myself giving him my phone number.
The light turned green, "I'll text you. Dress something like you are right now." He looked me up and down and waved as he rode off. I blushed and waved back.
Fuck, I'm in trouble.
Although I'm not all of the blame, this skirt makes my boyfriend go insane. He can't keep his eyes or hands off me. I love when he undresses me, he put so much care into appreciating my body. He's so gentle. I miss him.
After work I walk to the bus stop and I see three guy behind me. This time I don't have a jacket on. I check my make sure my skirt is pulled down and look back at them. All of their hands turn down and they look so guilty as if they weren't playing attention to my hands running over my curves.
Maybe it's just my whore mentality but every now and then I enjoy being looked at like a piece of meat. Especially corporate men. They all had hands in their slacks, one looked up at me and made eye contact and immediately looked down. God, I want to be fucked so bad. I need to go on a walk when I get back.
-- for clarification and legality the following did not happen--
Unsaved number text me "Hi Meg, this is Scott. I'm thinking dinner at J. Tambellini maybe gelato after, and if desired a night cap at my place."
I'm wet already, what is this guy reading my mind? Italian, gelato and walkies and drinks?? That's all I need to be a happy girl. I need to control myself. I have to tell this guy I have a boyfriend, a good one, he just...far right now. I close my phone. I'll text him when I'm on the bus to back home.
4:15 on the bus.
"Sure, I'll be home around 5:15pm, what time is dinner?" I sent, that looked detached right? Like ugh sure whatever, right? God I can't believe I'm over thinking a tone of my text. I taught myself better than that. I didnt save his number.
I look down at what I'm wearing, it's cute. Red two piece with a black cardigan. But the restaurant we are going to see nicer. I'm probably just going to wear my black date night dress that Zach loves.
" 7pm is the reservation do you need a ride? I know you take the bus. Just let me know I can come get you. Don't worry I don't drive a truck." He texted me back 2 minutes after. I cannot give this man my address. Also bold of him to assume I just ride the bus bc I don't have a car. It's actually that I have a car but hate waiting and paying attention in traffic. Especially bc I travel during rush hour. Nice to know he doesn't drive a truck. But the restaurant is a 10 minute walk and I'll be fine. I will be a little chilly so I won't sweat, the streets are well lit too.
5:15pm I get home.
"thanks Scott, don't need a ride. See you then." I texted back . Oh and ps I have a boyfriend. I should have said this but I catch myself shaving my legs and trimming everything else. I'm delusional. And I believe in karma. My boyfriend doesn't deserve this. But nothing will happen...right?
I set an alarm for a 45 minute nap. Before I shut my eyes I send my boyfriend a quick miss you and love you message and some memes. It's Saturday afternoon and I know he's going hiking with his friends over there so he'll be busy. I send him a picture to show him how hot I am. My eyes and face are from a 90s inspired makeup video, he loves that look and my hair is natural but half up and it frames my face perfectly. Kiss kiss I caption it.
6:50pm I wake up. With heels one it will probably take me 15-20 minutes to walk there. I'll be late which I hate doing but I want to make him nervous. I'm so evil. I see a text from him and send a heart. He asked if I was on the way. I'm sure he will understand.
I walk making sure I hold my skirt down. I'm wearing shapewear this time and there this cute lace that is at my mid thigh to smooth out my whole look. When I sit down it saves around the edge of my dress. I know a lot of men like a little tease.
I get to the restaurant at 7:05. Scott is sitting at the patio with two chairs next to each other facing the street as if we will be people watching tonight as well. I see he has flowers, hydrangeas I might add, blue and white ones, my favorite. God, maybe if I just give him head it won't count.
"Meg! Hi! You're here. Did you walk? You look amazing!" He said is raspy voice pulled on my heart strings, I love men who are expressive. Stoic men are great in anime but not in real life. He grabs my hand and kisses it. Our eyes meet. He smiles, I feel myself blush. His lower hand gently rests on my lower back and he guides me to my seat.
"I've always wanted to go here" I said, " just haven't had the time"
"I'll be sure to show you a good time then for your first experience." He smiled, I noticed he hasn't let go of my other hand. His hands feel rough compared to my smooth skin. I feel the callous as he's tracing my fingers.
"I don't want to break your heart," I said, he gave me a questioning look. "I can't eat gluten, I don't want my tummy to hurt" I said in a childish way.
He laughed, " well respectful I have no idea what that means but I know the chef so I'm sure we can get you something."
Our waitress came over. He order escargot as our appetizer, I was surprised not many people like snails. And ordered a bottle of French Sauvignon Blanc. God, this man is speaking my love language. When he left he looked at me.
"You don't have to eat the snails, it's one of my favorite dishes here. I hope you do like white wine." He smirked.
"I like snails and Sauvignon Blanc. You got lucky this time." I smiled.
"oh" he held the flowers toward me, "I got these for you. It was the closest flower that compared to your beauty."
I didn't want to tell him they were my favorite flowers, his ego is already at the amount I like. " Thank you, that's so sweet of you."
The wind blew and I smell a hint of cologne. If my nose serves me right that Ralph Lauren Polo Black. I hope he's got a back up tonight. This Man deserves to be fucked.
"now you are the one the smells good, is that Ralph Lauren?" I asked, tilting my head a little and gazing into his deep green hazel eyes. He smiled, "it is actually. I wanted to match you on your level of class."
I laughed, "Don't mistake me as a classy girl. I can be silly too."
Our waitress came over with the bottle of wine and showed him the label, he approved. She was about to pour him a glass.
"May I have a sample before I commit?" I asked. She poured me about two shots of wine. I swirled and smelled and notice there was a lot of legs. It was crisp, refreshing and a lovely flavor palate. This was a dangerous scene.
"Is this one okay?" She asked looking a little panicked.
"it's lovely, perfect, thank you so much." She poured both of our glasses. And set the bottle in between us.
"I'm guessing you drink wine often then?" He asked raising his glass.
"yes, I'm also just...uhh... particular in what I drink. I prefer old world wine compared to new world." Our glasses clinked.
"To wine and new relationships" he said.
"To wine and new relationships." I agreed with him. Our escargot came out, I haven't eaten it in a while. So I watched him and did the same. We started talking about collecting things. He also goes to the goodwill and gets a lot of wall decor there. His ex comes over every now and then to see the dog they have and apparently compliments him on his taste. He found this mid century kitschy bowl that he found and a painting over his headboard both at Goodwill. His ex...so he is also attached to someone else. That's a good sign for me.
"my ex also collected things when we were moving just like you."
I smiled, "I know it's a bad habit but it was only because of the sale."
Another glass of wine was poured.
"I think it's an endearing habit." I wonder what his ex looked like. Similar to me? I do that too. Look for people who remind me of the one I first fell in love with.
"to be fair I have gotten rid of a lot but I am a collector"
"I understand, like I said my second garage is filled with antiques and china. I always make sure it's organized too. We should go see it afterwards." He said putting his rough hand on my inner thigh rubbing my knee. I'm surprised we aren't getting a flood warning. I'm soaking. We looked at the menu. I should get fish. That way I will get insecure about the smell and won't do anything stupid.
"What do you get here?" I asked him flipping my hair back and resting my hand on his shoulder rubbing his shoulder and dancing on his collarbone. He smelled so good, intoxicating, forbidden.
"usually whatever the special is. But she didn't say so I was thinking of getting the handmade mafalda Giancarlo. What can you eat?"
"I was just going to get the summer salad" I said without thinking, what happened to my fish plan??
"oh so you can't eat the pasta?"
"well maybe a steak or chicken or veal would interest you? He makes it perfectly. I promise. A Scott guarantee."
I smiled, "I promise I'll be okay, salad is perfect." He nodded.
Our waitress came over and he order for me and made sure to no gluten, that was nice. Cute but not necessary, there was no croutons on the salad. Another glass of wine was poured.
"How often do you come here?" I asked
"I used to work here, he taught me a lot. Now I'd say once a month. Usually just for pick up though. I don't enjoy eating alone in public." So he knows how to cook...that's a plus.
I felt his hand move up and flirt with the edge of my skirt. I gasped a little. He learned into my ear and whispered, "I see your sensitive." I felt myself blush, with the wine, his smell, the perfect weather. I succumbed to temptation. I wanted to fuck him, hard. The type of sex that makes you question God's existence and your own purpose. He kissed a corner of my jaw. If we weren't in public I probably would have moaned.
"So you think another bottle of wine or..?" He asked.
"I wouldn't mind having a red, a cab would be great."
"You understand me, Meg. I like that." He smirked and signaled for a waiter. A different one came over and went to go grab a Cabernet Sauvignon. A perfect pairing for my salad. Scott made sure it was Italian. That was nice of him. The waiter took the bottle away and our glasses and brought us new ones with wine in them and set the bottle down.
"So you don't work at all in the winter?" I questioned.
He laughed, "Well I'll say this. I don't need to work everyday but I pick up odd jobs. Travel. Spend time with family. How about you?"
"I work in corporate and unfortunately make work the validation of my life."
"that is unfortunate, pretty girls shouldn't have to work." He said removing his hand from my thigh and putting a hair strand behind my ear.
"I'm not sure I can stay in the house and craft all day. I'd get bored."
"I'm sure I could find a way to entertain you." His hand slid under my skirt. His thumb messaging close to the warmth.
I should tell him, but God I want to be touched.
His hand goes back up to my knee. I'm so flushed right now. Our food is being set down and another glass of wine has been pour. 4 glasses already? And I have to walk home? I'm setting myself up for trouble. Wine makes me so horny already. And now I have this man treating me and touching me the way I want and crave. Nothing will happen. You are better than this.
"oh my god, yours smell so good." I grab a fork full of salad.
He slowly removes the fork from his mouth. I wish I was that fork. My salad is delicious. The leaf's are crunchy and smooth and flavorful, it truly tastes like summer.
He tells me a story about growing up in downtown Pittsburgh and how different yet same it is. He said that liberty Ave used to be filled with sex shops and porn videos, he and his friend would sneak peaks walking home. His mom would always yell at them. He wasn't sure how she knew but she knew. And I replied mom's just know. We clinked our glasses and a laughed, mom so always know.
Towards the end of our meal I notice he had a little bit of sauce on the corner of his mouth. I grabbed his chin, "Stay still" I whisper. He froze. I licked the sauce and gave him a kiss where it was. I saw the goosebumps on his arms and I wasn't sure this that was the wind picking up or me. He grabbed my thigh.
"Your going to be trouble for me, aren't you?"
"your favorite worst nightmare, probably." I replied.
Final glass of wine was poured.
Scott asked for the check, "So how are you feeling? Gelato? If not I have some at my place we can eat later. We can check out the antiques in my garage."
What if I just blew him in the garage?
"ummm" I really should have said something. But also maybe he would give me antiques. God I'm such a whore. But I love history. "can I run to the restroom quick and then we can go see antiques?"
He grabbed my hand, " Of course, it's through the door to your right" and kissed it. His lips weren't chapped. Zach's are an I always have to remind him to use chapstick or something. It's not fun kissing chapped lips, it hurts. I stand up slowly. I am drunk but I am not a fool. I make my way to the restroom, hopefully I looked graceful. Well maybe when I get out he will have left because he decided that I remind him too much of his ex and he needs her now. And then I can return to my apartment. Faithful.
I take my rings off and put them in my purse. I check my purse, wallet with ID and cards, phone, keys, and lip gloss and my saving grace: baby wipes. I piss. And stretch, okay just for antiques nothing else. Your mother didn't raise this way. But then I thought. My mom knows that I'm kinda in love with someone besides Zach. And she's just like no worries, you're young it's okay. And that's probably what she would say too. God, meg, now here you are justifying and assuming. Get a grip.
I clean myself up, put on some deodorant and a little refresh.of the perfume. And walk out.
He's waiting outside by the gate. He looked so handsome. A knot Polo, probably a good will find, with slacks and brown leather loafers. His hair was styled. He looked down at his watched and pressed a button.
"I set the timer for 5 minutes and then I was going to check I'd you were alright." Oh God that probably means I wasn't graceful going to the bathroom.
"oh, thank you. I feel better." This is true. Being full of liquids and good food. I needed to get something out. He held out side hand and I took it. We walked to his apartment. About 5 minutes.
"Wait, this isn't your antiques are?" I said. Frowning.
he laughed, "Don't worry I promise you'll see them. I have go up to my apartment and get the key."
Oh, I should stay down here then.
"is it okay if I stay in the lobby? I can't to elevators right now." This was a lie. But I cannot be in a private place with him...though I want to.
He kissed my hand again, "don't miss me too much then"
I was suddenly cold, his warmth left me. I looked around the lobby. Much better than my apartment....which did not have a lobby. It has some work stations, art fixtures, pretty lights, funky chairs. I wonder how much rent was here..and I'm pretty sure he has a 2 bedroom. He worked hard for it, that's for sure. I felt like Lana. In love with possibilities but faithful to herself.
I felt a hand and wrap around my waist and pull me close. Scott lifted my chin to his attention, he smelled so good. I wanted to mess up his hair. "Did you miss me?"
"Every second felt like an eternity." I said, on autopilot. How cheesy, me admitting that I miss a man of any sort. He kissed my nose and grabbed my hand. "Let's go then"
We walked down a hill, next to the building. And into the garage. It was so wild to be inside of here. Outside it looked grunge, no windows. But inside felt like I was inside a car show. I wondered which one was his.
"my car is on the floor below, in a private section. The garage is just right here." There was a row of 5-8 storage looking unit. I was nervous to go in. A private and small place is not where I should be with him. He opened the door a led me in.
"Oh my god" I said, he was worse than my mom. Lots of collections and bowls and china sets. "Dude! This is so cool!!" He really did keep it clean and organized. He had so many colors and eras. I was so impressed. He also have a lovely green couch. This area felt bigger than it was on the outside. I let go of his hand and walked around the shelves. I heard him sit on the couch. This space was climate controlled too.
"Scott, you have an amazing eye." I said looking to him through the gaps.
"thank you."
I spun around the aisle. Ugh I wanted everything! This is a new goal of mine now. To make money and be still organized. I returned back to Scott but didn't sit down. I was wearing shapewear, yes, but it has a purposeful crotch hole big enough to do anything without take anything off. That's where I probably made my Mistake.
"Come, sit down with me, Meg, will you?"
I went to sit in the middle section and he moved over and guided my legs and hips to where now I was sitting on top of him, facing him, legs straddled on both sides of him. His hand rested on my lower back, messaging. My arms wrapped around his neck. He was eye to eye with my cleavage and a golden cross. He kissed it. I let out a deep breath I didn't realize that I was holding my breath. I looked around to see if there was a camera or something.
"Don't worry, I won't fuck my girl here. I just want to be close with you." He said placing his hand on my jaw and guiding it to his attention. I felt myself get wetter with each moment. My girl? Me?
I relaxed my hips on top of his cock, I felt it pulsating beneath his clothes. I was going to be in trouble. My trace his ear, down his neck and on her collarbones. His arms were study and tones.
"So you're telling me there is a camera in here?" I leaned into his palm.
"Yes, I gotta make sure my things are safe." Makes sense. But it would be kinda hot to fuck in here with a camera even.
So I asked, "well, who monitors the footage?"
"Now look who's the cheeky one is now," he smiled and kissed me deep. I felt his hand grabbing my ass and controlling my hip movements. His other hand made it's way to my breast. I felt my nipples getting harder. He tasted of wine and desire. I ran my hands through his hair, he moaned. I kept kissing him only breaking for small breaths. His hand made it's way to my long hair, he grabbed it and pushed me in closer. His other hand went to my neck and turned my head and he started to kiss down the side of my throat to my chest.
"you said you couldn't go on an elevator but I can tell you want to ride."
"I lied" I said
"about which part" he asked kissing my wrist. I grabbed his hand and did the same thing. I started suck on his finger.
"Fuck, meg." I felt his cock jump, like it was going to break the zipper it's contained behind.
"I can go on an elevator, but I'm allergic to dogs." I said moving his hand down my dress into my bra.
"hmm, so it's good news that I don't have the dog this week? And that I cleaned?" he said gently rubbing my breast and pinching my nipple. I left out a soft moan.
" I guess that makes you the luckiest guy in the world."
He smiled and pulled me in for another deep and longing kiss. My lips felt plump and I felt dazed. He kissed me as if I was the one he's been looking for, as if I was his girl forever.
We made our way to his apartment. No kissing or touching on the elevator. I made him stand opposite of me and we just looked at each other, undressing one another with our eyes. He lived on the 10th floor. And again his apartment was clean. I will never let him come into mine, I'm so messy.
"Drink? Gelato? Your call."
"Water would actually be great."
"sparkling or still?" Wow maybe...I died and this is heaven. Everything is so perfect.
"Still is perfect"
He pours from a glass bottle he had in the fridge. He just like me for real. I looked around his apartment, it looked like an interior decorator was here. He had a lot of antiques here too, including that one bowl he was talking about when we first met.
Again his arm wraps around my waist and he hands me a glass of water. It's Jeanette glassware..not the style I have but another line. He kissed me forehead and I see him make himself a drink. I walk over to his bedroom, we exchange glances as I walk in. He does have a head board. I take off my shoes, leave them besides his. The carpet is rich and luxurious.
I lay down on the bed on my side. This duvet cover is a light olive and probably the softest one I have ever felt. It basically just called me poor.
"Enjoying yourself?" He said holding an old fashioned in his hand.
"Yes, you make one strong glass of water." I smiled and took a sip. I noticed he untucked half of his shirt.
He started walking over to me, rubbing my ankle, he took and sip and said, " I like how you look in my bed. I hope it happens more often." He was still holding a hard-on. I sat up and set my water down on the bed side table, he followed.
"Scott" I said in a sweet voice.
"I don't think I ever said thank you for the meal it was--"
"oh there's no need" he started to say, I stood up and pressed my finger to his mouth.
"Don't break my eye contact." I kissed him and started undoing his belt. He hands went for the strings of my wrap dress. I looked up him and got down on my knees. I moved his pants down. I started to rub his shaft before I removed his underwear. I could barely touch my fingertips together when I pulled him into my mouth. He gathered my hair but didn't do anything thrusting or pushing. I spit on his cock and sucked on the tip and with every forward motion I went a little deeper until I was able to reach my hand at the base.
"Fuck ...Meg..you can't do this to me like that" he moaned
I sped up a little until I felt I got sloppy enough then I went back to just sucking the tip for a little bit and then deep throating him completely. He moaned and I felt him shake like he was holding back. I moved back and looked up and him and kissed his tip. I saw his heart melt.
He whispered, "Can I fuck the pretty face of yours?"
I smiled, still rubbing his shaft, he lowered my chin and said, " open wide" I did and stuck my tongue out. I felt him hit the back of my throat. I didn't have a gag reflex but I faked it, he helps with a man's confidence in bed. And I wanted to be fucked good.
"Jesus" he cursed. Still holding my hair white slamming the back of my head into the side of the bed where the duvet still fell. I wanted him to finish in my mouth but not yet. And I guess he read my mind because he stopped.
He held his hand out, "stand up, I want to show you something." I nodded and grabbed his hand to stand up. I reached the bottom of his shirt and he immediately pulled it off. He took off my dress slowly admiring the lace, and each seam. God I wanted him inside me. He grabbed my legs and lifted me on to the bed, I was sitting on the edge. He kissed me passionately and undid my bra one hand while the other was rubbing my thigh.
I grabbed his left hand and sucked the two middle fingers.
His other arm secured my back and move me further on the bed and him on the bed. He's so strong I thought. Those two fingers travelled down.
Before inserting he asked, "May I?"
I nodded and he slide inside me, "God your drenched." And kissed me. His thumb gently rubbed my clit. I felt myself lose control. He started kissing my neck, "Scott, fuck me please." His switch his finger for his cock. He was bigger than most, he entered gently and looked at me as if to make sure I was okay. And the truth was, I was in ecstasy. I started to moan a little louder with each thrust.
"Do me a favor and take a deep breath." He said.
I did and as soon as I was about to exhale he started to choke me. I think I came just from that motion. He kissed me and said "now exhale" I got such a rush. He hand went from my throat to my breast.
"That's a good girl, now you can have a taste." He put his fingers inside my mouth and we kept making eye contact. He started to thrust slower and whispered in my ear, "I'm going to cum soon... Where do you want it?" I wanted to say inside me, but I recently just got off birth control. And his current movements made me cum again.
"Scott," I gasped, "I want it on my chest."
He smiled, "of course." He went hard into me and grab my hand and held it has a grip the sheet. I felt myself going numb, I came again. He pulled out and finished on my chest. I pulled him into my mouth and he moaned deeply and collapsed to the side. We both were taking deep breaths. I giggle.
Oh God. I'm in so much trouble.
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87 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
People with miles long DNIs have quite some nerve interacting wily nily with my posts without checking and realising I fall in their dni category like, ten times over. Babe if you need such a huge list of people to not even look your way, one would think you would be more careful about not interacting with such people yourself yet here you are, putting horrid tags on my posts and subjecting me to rancid takes in the dni if I click further.
92 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
It bothers me still that Andy Samberg and Jack Black amongst others fully participated in the Color the Spectrum campaign even though autistic adults who have followed these figures tried to bring to their attention the fact that fundraisers promoting ABA are ableist conversion-therapy funding bullshit that don't even involve any actual autistic people having any say in it. And it bothers me further that supposedly progressive people keep hyping up these figures and these seems little backlash that's big enough for them to even notice. This isn't to shame people who admire these celebrities, there's always going to be some "unproblematic white man" celebrity or another that the internet latches onto, and I'd go so far as to not even immediately assume anything other than ignorance on the part of these two men, but the fact is that the most influence that can be had is from their own fanbase.
I wish the people who post so much about Black and Samberg hyping them up all the time and bring up School of Rock in every other conversation would devote some time at least to join in those autistic voices that had tried to reach out to these very influential men. People like these who are seen as paragons of virtue while having a huge following could make a huge difference in ending the honestly torturous techniques that these ABA therapies are developing. Y'all talk a big game about holding people accountable but it only ever follows after someone already pisses you off and it's always about punishing people rather than trying to change their behaviour in a way that actually benefits marginalised folk.
Calling out ableism isn't just for vague old tweets from some small creator whom you found cringe, it's also for celebrities you actively like whose involvement in these movements has major impacts. Read what autistic people have said about ABA if you aren't aware, but surely if you believe these idols to be the good people that they are, they would be willing to learn to be better? Or do us autistics have to wait for them to do something cringe till you will get mad enough to bring it up?
272 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
Me, hyping myself up to stop zoning out just long enough to get in bed: come on, come on, be brave, come on, we can do this, please, it has been thirty minutes and it's cold, look at the blanket it will be so nice there, come on,
273 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
🍂This user is always happy to see ao3 surpass their donation goals btw.🍂
This user is glad to see publically-funded archives of all kinds and especially those with a history of standing against censorship, especially fully volunteer-run ones with artists generously sharing their works for free, especially well organised ones that I respect the hell out of.
2,327 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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firstdegreefangirl · 1 year
September 2023 Reading Wrap-Up 
Total books read: 87 
Total pages read: 2,826 
Days read: 26/30 
Average star rating: 4.31/5 
Challenge Prompts Filled: 14 in July; 99 total. Popsugar: 3(31)/50.   Romanceopoly: 6 (30)/39. CRAD: 1(9)/12. BTBL: 4(29)/52 
In the Weeds by B.K. Borison  ⭐⭐⭐⭐(¾)  I know what they say about “don’t judge a book by its cover,” but I’m also proud to admit that I regularly pick up books just because the covers are eye-catching. That was the case here, and it ABSOLUTELY paid off. The *only* thing I somehow missed – and this was absolutely, 100 percent user error – was that it’s the third book in a series. It worked well as a standalone, but I could feel a couple places where my prior knowledge was lacking. That said, I’m ABSOLUTELY planning to go back and get the rest of the series, because this was FANTASTIC. It’s all the best parts of Hallmark movies (small towns, big city exec learning to slow down, you know the routine) with the fun bonus of unlikely animal friends.  Prompts filled: Romanceopoly – Farmers Market/MC is a farmer or rancher or cowboy;  
The Last Word by Katy Birchall  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  I love a good journalism romance. And let me tell you, this was a GOOD journalism romance. Cute, fluffy, laugh out loud funny, the whole nine yards. I grabbed this copy on a library run, but it was good enough that I might have to add it to my shelf sometime soon. The best books get me funny looks from guests when I’m cackling to myself at the front desk, and there are definitely some people questioning my sanity over this one. Hands down, will likely read again. Prompts filled: Romanceopoly – The Office/The characters meet at work 
The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren  ⭐⭐⭐⭐(½)  I read this one on a recommendation from @sgtbradfords and it lived up to every work of her hype! Christina Lauren books are always feel-good and funny, we know I love annoyances-to-lovers, AND we got to watch adults have actual, real conversations about their feelings? What’s not to love? (Other than the very last chapter/epilogue, which just isn’t in my favorite style for a book to end.) There are shenanigans and complications all around, handled perfectly to create something wildly entertaining and attention-grabbing from the very first page. This would be a perfect travel read, but it was excellent from the comfort of my daily routine too.  Prompts filled: BTBL – Giving an author a second chance; Popsugar – A book your friend recommended; Romanceopoly – A book that has been recommended to you 
The Librarian and the Spy by Susan Mann  ⭐⭐⭐⭐(¼)  After reading this, I’ve got books to buy. Apparently it’s the first in a trilogy, which is SUCH GOOD NEWS, because I’m not done loving these characters, OR this universe, just yet. Usually, I don’t go so much for the mystery/intrigue books, but I’d picked this up at a library book sale somewhere along the way, and it caught my eye on my shelf so I brought it along for a couple overnight shifts. Mann perfectly balanced the mystery and the romance, delivering a spy/librarian fake relationship that slid into the best cliffhanger ending I’ve read in a long while. When I finished the last page, the story felt complete and tied down, but I was also DESPERATELY wishing that Amazon would do 20-minute delivery at 4 a.m. so I could jump right in on the next installment.  Prompts filled: BTBL – The heist plot tho; Romanceopoly – book with a clench cover 
The Switch by Beth O’Leary ⭐⭐⭐⭐(½)  If I’m honest, I probably wouldn’t have picked this book up from a shelf on my own. But I signed up for monthly “experience bags” at the local library, where they take my questionnaire answers and set aside books they think I’ll like and this was in the first bundle I got to pick up. It’s … also the book I’ve tried to foist upon the most people this month, without a doubt. The premise (grandmother and granddaughter switch lives for six weeks) is unlike anything I’ve ever read before, and it was FANTASTIC. I laughed, I cried, I bashed my head against the pages when people wouldn’t just talk to each other. It’s equal parts women’s fiction (where they wouldn’t freaking communicate, in the wake of unspeakable family tragedy) and romance (where I saw the BEST conversations about feelings and boundaries that I think I’ve EVER read), with a delightfully happy ending.  Prompts filled: None
You and Me on Vacation by Emily Henry  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  I’ve been meaning to get around to this one for ages. No idea why I put it off for this long, but I’m SO glad I made time for it now. I won’t be surprised if this lands in my Top 10 at the end of the year. But before we get into that, let’s talk titles. Y’all might’ve seen this one as The People We Meet on Vacation, and I see where they were going with that for US bookstores. That said, I specially ordered my copy from the UK (RIP Book Depository) because I liked the British cover design and title better. I just think this title fits the plotline better – we're not meeting anyone on vacation; the MCs have known each other for years. Yeah, sure, it’s about the versions of themselves that they become, but it’s my home library and this is the version of it I wanted to keep. Now, for the actual story. I read this one, as I do many books, working overnight shifts. A few pages in, my trainee commented that I’ve got different books every day, surprised that I read as quickly as I do. I told her it’s easy for me to read this much when the books are this good, and filled her in on the basics of the plot. Annnnnnd … had to give her updates every so often until I finished the book. She's not a big reader, but the story was engaging enough that she badly wanted to know if these hooligans worked themselves out by the last page (spoiler alert: they do). I love it, I love it, I love it, I can’t wait to work my way through the author’s other books, and probably read this one a dozen or so times more.  Prompts filled: BTBL – It's a trope! (your favorite); Popsugar – A book you wish you could read for the first time again; Romanceopoly – BFF's House/Friends to lovers romance 
Life at Hamilton by Mike Anthony  ⭐⭐(½)  I wanted to like this one. I REALLY wanted to like this one. And it was … fine? I guess? I dunno. Maybe I had too clear a vision of what I was expecting, but I was ready for this to be a behind-the-scenes look at working FOH in a Broadway theatre. I love musicals, I love memoirs, this should have been perfect. Instead, it was … mostly a lot of name dropping. Also, politics. Which isn’t necessarily something that keeps me from reading a book – hell, I seek out political books somewhat frequently – but it wasn’t what I was looking for here. We get it, everybody and their brother has seen Hamilton, and that includes famous people; good, bad or otherwise. There were some cute moments, but not really enough to make the rest of it worth it, in my opinion.  Prompts filled: CRAD – Turn to page 50, one of those words is in the title; BTBL – All about music or the arts 
The Baby-Whisperer and the Brute by Tru Taylor  ⭐⭐⭐⭐  A Stuff Your Kindle freebie! After DNF-ing a thriller 20 pages in, I needed something that was sure to be cute and fluffy. This was almost exactly perfect, except for my pretty standard issue with characters having problems that could be solved with one (1) honest conversation, instead of running away as a plot device. They figured it out in the end, though, and with a lovely lead-in to the next book in the series. The girls were written to actually feel like the ages they are – no small feat in writing, sometimes – and I loved watching Sully embracing the harder parts of parenthood, willing to put his daughters’ wellbeing ahead of his own, even when he didn’t know quite how to do that. Angelina was truly a perfect match for his little family, once the two of them learned to use their words and talk things out.  Prompts filled: Popsugar – A book based on a popular movie; Romanceopoly – Passion Place/slow burn or instant heat 
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arcticdementor · 4 years
On September 18, Ruth Bader Ginsburg died at the age of 87. At once, this country was filled with the sound of progressives weeping and gnashing their teeth.
From what I could gather, none of them knew Ginsburg personally. Most likely, none of them paid her much notice until 2016, when it dawned on the Democrats that Donald Trump might be able to replace the most pro-choice justice in American history with a pro-life conservative. That would potentially signal the death of Roe v. Wade. In 2017, when Ginsburg’s health continued to decline, lefties began offering to give up their own vital fluids to sustain her until the Democrats took back the White House. An editor at The Washington Post penned a column memorably titled, “Dear Ruth Bader Ginsburg: If you need anything—blood, organs—take mine.”
Seeing progressives in a manic-depressive state over Justice Ginsburg’s death, I remembered watching my middle school classmates going to pieces when Michael Jackson died in 2009. None of them listened to his music, but the phony mourning made them feel like they were part of something. How little has changed.
In his new book, Live Not By Lies, Rod Dreher warns us that the Hitlers and Stalins of our age will not wear funny mustaches and slick uniforms as they did in the 20th century. “The totalitarian temptation presents itself with a twenty-first century face,” he writes. Here, ladies and gentlemen, is that face. It’s the face of grown women screaming in anger and disbelief into the cameras of their iPhones over the death of their fallen hero. It’s the face of grown men who tweet about collapsing on the floor, sobbing, on hearing the news of Ginsburg’s death.
So long as Millennials remain dominant in American politics, this will remain the prevailing mode of discourse. My generation was abandoned by our parents and our teachers. We were never given a moral education for fear of stunting our “individuality.” We were never taught to reason. We were never taught to control our emotional or carnal impulses.
That’s why there isn’t one real “individual” in America under forty. We all became slaves to peer pressure, and to our own base appetites. That’s the great danger of this moment in American history. We are being ruled by children—children who can’t tell right from wrong, and who lack all self-control. Like all children, our new ruling class won’t hesitate to punish any deviation from their the latest infatuation with ostracism, abuse, and perhaps even violence.
The new totalitarians are overgrown children, which is why the new totalitarianism will be defined by these three characteristics: emotivism, hedonism, and conformism. It will look less like Nineteen Eighty-Four and more like Lord of the Flies.
Live Not By Lies is at its very best when describing our “pre-totalitarian culture.” Many right-wingers, for instance, would almost entirely dismiss the role that Big Business will play in enabling the new generation of fascists. They’re locked in a Cold War mentality, which sees communism and capitalism as antithetical. In fact, we’re developing a unique economic system—“woke capitalism”—which serves as the very engine of that coming revolution.
Virtually every major corporation has bowed to the successive demands of the pro-choice lobby, the LGBT movement, and lately Black Lives Matter. Amazon will refuse to sell books that conflict with progressive orthodoxies. Google will modify search results to promote “diversity.” Twitter bans users who “misgender” people suffering from gender dysphoria. Bank of America has vowed to no longer do business with gun manufacturers. PayPal defunds users they consider far-right.
The rise of woke capitalism, Mr. Dreher writes, is accompanied by the rise of surveillance capitalism. American consumers have actually paid corporations to place the mechanisms of the surveillance state in our homes. Take “smart speakers,” like Amazon’s Alexa and Google Home. These devices record every conversation within earshot.
For now, that data is being used to help Silicon Valley more effectively micromarket their products to consumers. Yet what if the government were to seize that information and use it to implement a Chinese-style Social Credit System? Or what if those corporations were to ban any customers from using their products? So many of my generation would be lost without Google search, Google Pay, their Gmail account, their Chromebook laptop…
Following the publication of The Benedict Option, Mr. Dreher was accused of being a “retreatist,” even a “defeatist.” Why? Because, as he says in In Live Not By Lies, Mr. Dreher believes that “The culture war is largely over—and we lost.” That seems to be the central thesis of his work. He made the assertion early in The Benedict Option but didn’t spend much time defending it. The first half of Live Not By Lies is devoted to proving that thesis; the second half, to surviving the coming anti-Christian, totalitarian regime.
Now, one might argue that Christians are just one election away from reclaiming total control over this country’s political, religious, economic, and cultural institutions. So far, nobody has tried—probably because they can’t. After reading Live Not By Lies, there can be no shadow of a doubt that Mr. Dreher is right. He isn’t a pessimist, but a realist.
All of that notwithstanding, Live Not By Lies is indispensable for any Christian hoping not only to survive the fall of the Empire but to see a new Christendom emerge from its ruins. Those who are optimistic about the future of liberal-democratic capitalism will be thoroughly disillusioned—and they’ll thank Mr. Dreher for it.
Having realized that things are, in fact, much worse than they seem, they must then read The Benedict Option with fresh eyes. They must prepare for total war against modernity. Modern Man, in all his infantile fury, is surely gearing up for total war against us Christians. Those who don’t heed Mr. Dreher’s warnings and study his writings will not survive the coming Dark Age.
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1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? NO.
2. You talked to an ex today, correct? Nope.
3. Have you taken someones virginity? No.
4. Is trust a big issue for you? yEp
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? At school, yes.
6. What are you excited for? Panther Cup! (on the last day before winter break, my school does a competitive field day called the Panther Cup. Go team yellow! :D) And going to NY during winter break. 
7. What happened tonight? I pretended to study for my physics exam.
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? No, as long as they’re safe.
9. Is confidence cute? Hell yeah, unless it’s arrogance.
10. What is the last beverage you had? Starbucks Thingy (idk how to spell) 
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Trust no one.
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? Yee.
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? Hopefully have a sleepover because that’s the first day of winter break!
14. What are you going to spend money on next? Can’t spend what I don’t have \_( ; . ; )_/
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? No.
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? Yeah.
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? rgeyuwiksjfh no.
18. The last time you felt broken? Yes.
19. Have you had sex today? No, I haven’t had sex ever. 
20. Are you starting to realize anything? Mhm, I should have studied a lot more.
21. Are you in a good mood? Not in a bad mood so :)
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? YES! I’ve done it before but the water was pretty foggy. 
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Yep! Blue eye gang wya?
24. What do you want right this second? Watch Nerve / Learn the choreography to Carrying the Banner / Go on my roof and look at the sky / Sleep.
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another person? Do whatever you want, m8! I don’t control what you do, you can make your own choices.
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Yep, boring old blonde. 
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? Nope.
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? Yesterday I hung out with my friend Sam and he accidentally sang the lyric (of Santa Fe from Newsies) “Santa Fe, *where I stay*” instead of “my old friend” bc he didn’t know it and I- HHHHHH I’m having a nice conversation with my friend now  and they make me so happy:))
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? Barack Obama.
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? And a third! Unless you did like genocide or something.
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? Not at all! 
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? Mhm.
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? I love soda!
34. Listening to? My broken fan that keeps making funny sounds.
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? Sometimes, when required.
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? Kinda? My first (and second and third) kisses were all from truth or dare games so I really haven’t had an actual first kiss? But yeah, shoutout to my three best friends...
37. Do you believe in love at first sight? Bleh, no.
38. Who did you last call? My friend who did not answer. 
39. Who was the last person you danced with? Myself to “In The Heights” yesterday. 
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? I don’t turn down dares. 
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? Uhhh, November?
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? My dad gave me a hug before he went to see a football game :) 
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? Not just a crush. My friends, best friends, parents, teachers, classmates, family, I’m an embarrassment. 
44. Do you tan in the nude? I don’t do anything in the nude besides shower and that’s a given.
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? No cause it was a Truth or Dare game. To me, those don’t mean anything. 
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? I mean I said goodbye when I realized I was too tired to stay up anymore so kinda?
47. Who was the last person to call you? My mate, Cait, yesterday while I made dinosaur oatmeal :)
48. Do you sing in the shower? Is that even a question? I HAVE FULL ON CONCERTS!!
49. Do you dance in the car? Not really, but I sing a LOT.
50. Ever used a bow and arrow? Yep! At camp.
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? School pics, September. 
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? MUSICALS ARE FREAKING GREAT!!
53. Is Christmas stressful? Yeah kinda.
54. Ever eat a pierogi? Ngl, had to look up what it was and no.
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? Apple!
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Broadway performer and still do but more realistically, a performer at Universal Studios or Disney.
57. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes!
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Yes! It’s so strange but cool.
59. Take a vitamin daily? Melatonin when I can’t fall asleep but luckily I don’t need it much anymore!
60. Wear slippers? Nope. :/ Though I’d love to!
61. Wear a bath robe? No, but also would love to.
62. What do you wear to bed? Light sweatpants and a T-shirt 
63. First concert? The fresh beat band. It started raining but they just kept singing so-
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? TTTTTTARGETTT
65. Nike or Adidas? flip flops
66. Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetos!
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? never had either
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? Haven’t really listened to her recent stuff but all her old music slaps. 
69. Ever take dance lessons? YES! Tap, Hip-Hop, and currently ballet. 
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? ??? I don’t care??? They can do whatever they want??? 
71. Can you curl your tongue? Yes!
72. Ever won a spelling bee? Never got in one!
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Can’t remember but probably.
74. What is your favorite book? Right now? I’m not big on reading tbh.
75. Do you study better with or without music? Bold of you to assume I study. I usually like silence but I love music for anything else.
76. Regularly burn incense? I never have.
77. Ever been in love? Anyone who’s heard me speak one word of Ben Cook knows the answer is yes. (He’s so talented!!!) 
78. Who would you like to see in concert? Anything broadway really.
79. What was the last concert you saw? I forget XD
80. Hot tea or cold tea? Hot.
81. Tea or coffee? Tea! I’m a singer XD
82. Favorite type of cookie? Anything homemade at 3am. 
83. Can you swim well? I can swim
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Not for long
85. Are you patient? Sometimes.
86. DJ or band, at a wedding? I’d like to play one (1) soundtrack manned by ME and ME only. (linked)
87. Ever won a contest? A basket of books by raffle in the first grade. 
88. Ever have plastic surgery? No.
89. Which are better black or green olives? Black.
90. Opinions on sex before marriage? Do whatever you want.
91. Best room for a fireplace? On the top floor balcony in winter with hot cocoa/tea and a light snow. 
92. Do you want to get married? Fucking NO.
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September 1, 1989, first day back in hell…nope, not hell, just high school. Dear Diary, why is it that when I look at these kids I’ve known since kindergarten I can only see the assholes and bitches they grew into instead of the friends we all were?
Why are the weak to suffer through humiliation by the strong when in reality it is the strong ones who are weak?
Who allowed this to happen to us? Who allowed jackasses such as Hoseok Jung and Jeongguk Jeon to reign as lords of the school?
You guessed it…the Kims. They are the rulers of this school as if it were their own kingdom. They decide who’s hot and who’s not. Taehyung Kim, as leader of the pep squad, he’s known for his boxy smile despite his shady personality. Namjoon Kim, his façade of being the studious nerd has granted him an all-access pass to the secrets of Westerburg High. And above all, the one and only, Seokjin Kim, he is the mightiest dick. Like Kevlar, they are bulletproof to the bullshit.
God, I would kill to be one of them.
Anyway, I have to go to school now, so we’ll talk more after I’ve suffered another horrifying day at Westerburg.
                                               Sincerely yours,
                                                      Jimin Park
“Jimin, you’re gonna miss the bus,” Jimin’s mother called up the stairs to his room.
“Coming, Mother,” he sighed as he made his way down the steps. Clad in his usual oversized sweater with distressed jeans, he grabbed his overstuffed backpack and left the house. On his walk to the bus stop, he was tackled into a bear hug by his best friend since diapers, Taemin Lee.
“Hey, Mini Min. Ready for another year of torture at the hands of the Kims,” he asked.
“Who’s ever ready for them,” Jimin scoffed. “They shit on whoever they want with no regard to the people they demolish. Remember when they absolutely tore into that substitute creature last year?”
“That was brutal, but hey, at least we all agreed it was necessary. We don’t call him the Substitute Creature for nothing,” Taemin snickered just as the bus reached them.
As they entered the Carriage to Hell, slurs and insults were immediately thrown their way. Having been through this gauntlet three years already, most of the insults rolled right off like oil in a gulf. “One more year of this and it’s off to college for us,” Taemin remarked as they sat down.
“That’s if I don’t off myself before graduation.”
“Well, maybe the new kid we’re supposed to be getting will help curb your suicidal urges.”
Standing at the front gate, the two best friends stood side by side as students hurried to greet their friends after three long, depressing months of isolation. “Do you ever just wanna strike a match and watch it go up,” Jimin questioned as they walked up the front steps.
“Can’t say that I have, my little homicidal maniac,” Taemin denied, ruffling Jimin’s raven hair.
“I’m not that short,” Jimin rebuffed.
“Whatever you say,” Taemin chuckled before getting shoved by Varsity quarterback, Hoseok Jung.
“Watch it, Twink,” the jock hissed as if Taemin was truly the bane of his miserable existence.
“Ah, Hoseok Jung, how’s your third year of being a huge dick,” Jimin shouted after the hurried jock. Hoseok stopped to face the shorter with a scowl on his face.
“What’d you say about me, whore?”
Just as Jimin was about to tell the jerk off, Taemin stepped in to protect his friend. “Nothing. He said nothing, Hoseok.”
“That’s what I thought, nerd,” Hoseok sniffed before going inside the building.
Jimin was fuming as he smacked Taemin’s hand away from his mouth. “How could you just let them get away with this kind of stuff?”
“I remind myself that if I suffer now, I can only be happier later in life. The best revenge after all is to live your best life despite what they might say.”
“Ugh, you’re such a sap.”
“Who cares, we’re seniors now. We’ve survived this long, we can make it one last year.”
Jimin conceded with a roll of his eyes and a fond smile on his lips. They continued into the building, practically numb to the insults being thrown their way. Before either could speak again, Hoseok’s asshole best friend, Jeongguk, decided to plow through the two of them, causing Taemin to drop the books too big for his backpack.
“Hey,” Jimin called after the jock. “Pick that up right now.”
“Are you talking to me,” Jeongguk growled out.
“Yeah, I’m talking to you. What gives you the right to just push us like that? You’re a high school has-been waiting to happen. A future gas station attendant,” Jimin ranted.
Jeongguk hesitated for a moment before speaking, “…You have a zit, right there.”
Jimin took a moment to compose himself once more before he exploded on the other. “This is complete bullshit. I mean, why do they get to act all high and mighty when they’re dumber than a box of hair? Who says that we’re the bottom and they’re the top,” at Taemin’s slightly affronted expression, Jimin backtracked. “Sorry, poor choice of words.”
“No, I get it, but it could be worst. They could be the Kims.”
“Oh, please, I’d rather the Kims than Dumb and Dumber.”
The warning bell rang, cutting their conversation short. “I will see you tonight,” Taemin bade his farewell, walking in the direction of his homeroom. Jimin continued down the hallway, stopping when he heard the telltale signs of vomiting coming from the bathroom just ahead.
“Ugh, grow up, Joon. Bulimia is so ’87,” the unmistakable voice of Seokjin Kim sighed from the crack in the door.
“Maybe you should see a doctor, Joon,” Taehyung Kim soothed as he rubbed his best friend’s back.
“Yeah, Tae, maybe I should,” Namjoon Kim rasped, throat raw from the expulsion of stomach acid.
“Well,” a voice drawled out from the door to the boys’ bathroom, prompting Jimin to hide around the corner. “If it isn’t Jin and Tae,” the teacher was cut off by Namjoon hurling once more into the toilet, “and Joon. I don’t know if you heard over all the vomiting, but the bell’s already rung. You’re late.”
“Mr. Choi, Joon wasn’t feeling well. We were just helping him,” Jin explained in a saccharine tone.
“Not without a hall pass you’re not,” Mr. Choi smirked. And there it was, the blissful opening that Jimin had waited for since sixth grade. His chance to get into the most popular clique in Westerburg. Quickly, he scribbled up a forged pass to give to the teacher.
“Uh, actually, Mr. Choi, we’re all out on a hall pass. Yearbook,” Jimin lied clean through his teeth. Choi snatched the note out of the smaller’s hand, looking it over.
“Mm,” he hummed, “You’re all listed. Hurry up and get to where you need to go.” Mr. Choi all but shoved the forgery into Jimin’s chest, brushing past and leaving the quartet to themselves.
Snatching the note from the smaller’s hand, Jin took a closer look. “This is an amazing forgery. Who are you?”
Jimin opened his mouth to respond, but Namjoon beat him too it, “Jimin Park, not really well known, has one friend, doesn’t really do much in terms of extracurriculars. A nobody.”
“Uh, yeah, what he said. Basically, I crave a boon,” Jimin began fiddling with his fingers, a nervous tic of his. He was truly starting to regret this.
“What boon,” Jin clipped.
“Could you please let me sit at your table at lunch? Just once, please. You don’t even have to talk to me. It’s just, if people think you guys like me, hell, just tolerate me, they’ll leave me alone and by extension, Taemin,” after Jimin’s long explanation, Jin smirked deviously. “Oh, also, before you answer, I happen to also do report cards, permission slips, and absence notes…equivalent exchange,” Jimin chuckled softly at the end, hoping the Kims would agree to his terms.
“How good are you at prescription notes,” Taehyung asked, hand still rubbing the back of Namjoon.
“Shut up, Tae,” Jin commanded.
“Sorry, Jin.”
Jin gripped onto Jimin’s chin tightly as he examined the other’s face. Finding nothing obtrusive or immediate, he let the smaller go. “I mean, if you’re going to sit with us, you’ll have to look the part. It’s a good thing a greasy nobody like you has such a good bone structure.” Jimin’s eyes widened at the implications. He was actually going to do the impossible.
“And an almost symmetrical face,” Taehyung piped in. “If it weren’t for that tooth, I could take a meat cleaver straight down your skull and have matching halves. At least the crooked tooth gives you character.”
“Plus, you are slightly chubby, but I guess we can work with it,” Namjoon inputted. Ok, so maybe Jimin had a slight pudge, but it’s not his fault he’s attached to it. It hasn’t bothered him before, but he knew it was going to come up eventually.
“Hey, you know what,” Jin questioned his friends. “This could be the start of something beautiful. Add a bit of mascara, maybe a bit of blush on those cherub cheeks. Tae give me your lip gloss; Joon, let me see your pomade. Let’s make him hot.”
“Let’s make him gorgeous,” Tae squealed in excitement.
“Let’s make him beautiful,” Joon tagged on.
“Do you agree to our terms,” Jin asked. Jimin nodded so fast, he was pretty sure he got whiplash.
The following lunch, the Kims walked into the cafeteria in their usual triangle formation, not to showcase their power but to hide their newest addition.
“Hey, who’s that with Tae,” Hoseok asked Jungkook as they watched the quartet move through the cafeteria. “Looks like a fresh piece of ass.”
“I don’t know. Think it might be a new kid?”
“Nah. That title belongs to dark and broody over in the corner. Wait, Taemin the Twink is walking up to them.
Just as Hoseok observed, Taemin moved closer to the intimidating quartet. “Um, hi, Jin, I know you probably don’t know me, but, um, I was wondering if you had seen Jimin around? Last I heard from him, he said he was catching a ride with you.”
Jin smiled warmly at the blonde, reaching a hand up to tousle his hair. “Oh, Minnie,” he sang, “Your friend is looking for you.”
From behind Jin, Jimin stepped out sporting a new blue outfit. That wasn’t all that was new with Jimin. In fact, Jimin had been used as the Kims’ personal dress up toy and sported new accessories courtesy of the three. From his blue hairclip to his black Doc Martens. “Hey, Taemin. Sorry for canceling last night. I hope it’s okay that I sit with these guys today,” his innocent eyes looked up at his best friend for the past seventeen years, hoping the other would understand that he was doing it for them.
“Uh, yeah, sure. I’ll just, um, I’ll just go to the auditorium,” even though Taemin gave his approval, Jimin could see the hurt in his eyes. Not giving Jimin the chance to explain further, Taemin took his lunch to the auditorium in some hopes of escaping his rumors.
“Taemin,” Jimin whimpered out as he watched his best friend leave.
“Come on, Minnie. Lions don’t lose sleep over the opinion of sheep,” Jin said, steering the smaller towards their table. A deep unsettling feeling began to burn within Jimin’s stomach. He had probably just made the biggest mistake of his life.
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thisstylesguy · 7 years
Harry + 2017:
Released his debut single, Sign of the Times, which went platinum in the U.S. and broke the record for fastest time to hit #1 on U.S. iTunes at 19 minutes
Was featured in and was on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, where he was interviewed by Cameron Crowe and talked about the importance of his largely female fanbase
Performed on the Today Show, where he requested that the stage be lowered so he could create an intimate show for the fans
Was the musical guest on the first episode of SNL that was broadcast live from coast-to-coast in the U.S.
Sold out his first solo worldwide tour in a record-breaking 29 seconds
Released a documentary, ‘Behind the Album’ on Apple Music, which shows him playing some of his songs at Abbey Road Studios. Full-length performances of all his songs would later be released on ‘Behind the Album: The Performances’ 
Released his debut self-titled album, which was well received by critics and was #1 in 87 counties. It is the highest first week sales for a British male’s debut album since 1991 and has been certified gold in six countries.
Did a week-long stint on ‘The Late Late Show with James Corden,’ where he participated in Carpool Karaoke and other skits, delivered one of the opening monologues, and performed a different song every night 
Covered The Sunday Times Magazine, where he personally reached out to the writer to arrange the interview
Announced a second tour in arena venues for 2018
Held secret shows in London, LA, and Mexico and donated all the proceeds to charity
During the LA show at the Troubadour, he performed with Stevie Nicks and they sang Two Ghosts, Landslide, and Leather and Lace together
Dedicated his show in Mexico to the victims of the Manchester attacks by doing an intimate acoustic set
Performed ‘Two Ghosts’ on ‘The Late Late Show with James Corden in London’ on a rooftop overlooking the city
Made his acting debut in the Christopher Nolan-directed film Dunkirk in a role for which he auditioned. With its success, he became the first person to have a #1 debut single, #1 debut album, and #1 debut movie
Performed in the BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge during its 50th anniversary special, where he covered ‘The Chain’ by Fleetwood Mac and ‘Wild Thoughts’ by Rihanna, DJ Khaled, and Bryson Tiller
Performed at the Grammy Museum, where he was also interviewed on his songwriting process
Began his debut tour in September in front of a sold-out San Francisco crowd 
Recorded acoustic versions of ‘Two Ghosts’ and a cover of ‘Girl Crush’ by Little Big Town for the first ever U.K. version of Spotify Sessions
Released a music video for Kiwi, which features young kids, a food fight, and puppies (lol). He was reportedly heavily involved in the creative process of the video
Had his own hour-long special, ‘Harry Styles at the BBC,’ where he sang his songs and had fun roaming his hometown with his good friend
Performed ‘Two Ghosts’ at the Industry Trust Awards honoring Sony CEO Rob Stringer  
Returned to his roots, the X-Factor stage, to perform Kiwi
Opened the Victoria Secret Fashion Show and performed twice
Was nominated for two MTV VMAs 
Was announced as a performer at the 2018 MusiCares Person of the Year tribute where Fleetwood Mac will be honored
Was in conversation for multiple Grammy Awards (among other music awards), while Dunkirk was nominated for 3 Golden Globe Awards, including Best Picture - Drama
Announced that he is scheduled to perform at Madison Square Garden twice in 2018, with the second show being added due to high demand 
Added more seats to his 2018 North American tour dates to create a 360 setup and added an extra show at Hersheypark Stadium in Pennsylvania
Won the ARIA for Best International Artist, his first award as a solo artist, and performed at the award show     
Performed his first arena show at Auckland’s Spark Arena in New Zealand
Hosted an entire episode of ‘The Late Late Show with James Corden’ with just three hours’ notice after Corden’s wife went into labor
End of year accolades:
#2 on Spotify’s Biggest Breakthrough Artists
#1 on Rolling Stone Magazine’s 50 Best Songs of 2017 - Sign of the Times
#87 on Pitchfork’s 100 Best Songs of 2017 - Sign of the Times
#8 on Billboard’s 100 Best Songs of 2017 - Sign of the Times
#27 on NPR’s 100 Best Songs of 2017 - Sign of the Times
#10 on Billboard’s 50 Best Albums of 2017 - Harry Styles
#5 on Rolling Stone Magazine’s 20 Best Pop Albums of 2017 - Harry Styles
#13 on Fuse’s 20 Best Albums of 2017 - Harry Styles
#4 on GQ’s Best-Dressed Men 2018
#1 on Rolling Stone Magazine’s Reader’s Poll: 10 Best Albums of 2017 - Harry Styles
#33 on Complex’s 50 Best Albums of 2017 - Harry Styles
#21 on Consequence of Sound’s Top 50 Songs of 2017 - Sign of the Times
#6 on TIME Magazine’s Top Ten Albums of 2017 - Harry Styles
#8 on The Most Shazamed 2017 Songs - Sign of the Times
#17 on Rolling Stone Magazine’s 50 Best Albums of 2017 - Harry Styles
#11 on The Genius Community’s 50 Best Albums of 2017 - Harry Styles
#3 on Rob Sheffield’s Top 20 Albums of 2017 - Harry Styles
#13 on Rob Sheffield’s Top 25 Songs of 2017 - Two Ghosts
#10 on Billboard’s 25 Best Rock Albums of 2017 - Harry Styles
#1 on Billboard’s 25 Best Rock Songs of 2017 - Sign of the Times
#9 on Interview Magazine’s 10 Best Songs of 2017 - Woman
#4 on Affinity Staff’s Top Albums of 2017 - Harry Styles
#6 on Billboard’s Best and Worst Album Covers of 2017 (BEST) - Harry Styles
#20 on Yahoo!Sports’ Best Music Videos of 2017 - Kiwi
#2 on FashionBeans’ Best Dressed Men of the Year 2017
Variety’s Best Albums of 2017 (no ranking included) 
Most importantly, he achieved all of this while promoting kindness (and being kind himself), embracing love in all forms, encouraging originality, being authentic and unapologetic with his music and stage presence, pushing the boundaries of pop music, never ceasing to show love to his fans, working extremely hard and making no excuses, and having a bit of fun. 
You’ve got a bright future ahead, kid, and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish next 
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colinandezra-blog · 6 years
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The Lobster interview Thrillist NY | September 9th 2016
Colin Farrell talked to me about love, longevity and lobsters by Matt Patches
‘God, love is still as confounding as ever. Just, what is it? It's unquantifiable.’
Manhattan's Baccarat Hotel is an old-fashioned luxury establishment where pleated silk drapes the walls, cafe tables are cut from immaculate white marble, and anything that could be crystal is crystal. But its bar is more like a cavernous speakeasy -- a chillingly empty one when I arrive to my interview with actor Colin Farrell to discuss his new movie, The Lobster.
Everything's a little off at the timeless setting -- Farrell himself, who appears to have walked off the cover of a fashion magazine; the view out the window, with mist drifting along the city block, just to make this feel as much like The Shining as possible; and the surreal conversation, which focuses on a movie about true love, carnal instincts, futuristic dystopias, and transforming human beings into animals. The venue for the chat with Farrell about The Lobster was so perfect that we didn't even notice that lobster rolls were on the menu.
This place is extravagant. C. God, it really is, isn't it? It's so empty.
Have you shacked up in any peculiar hotels over the years? C. The Parknasilla, the place we shot The Lobster, was pretty spooky not to just take the opportunity for some free publicity. Beautiful, but it was just old. It was on the west coast of Ireland, in a town called Sneem.
Is it close to where you grew up? C. About three-hours drive. From one coast to the other. Dublin is on the east coast and then Sneem is kind of southwest on the lip of the Atlantic Ocean.
In the movie, society threatens to turn your character into an animal if he doesn't fall in love within a 45-day window. Your brother had already been turned into a dog. Do you have a new sympathy for animals? Have you gone vegan? C. No. I am a carnivore, yeah. Or, omnivore. Every now and then I get a hankering for a piece of red meat.
What were you shooting when you learned about The Lobster? Did you experience dramatic whiplash? The movie is idiosyncratic in every way imaginable. C. I was in-between jobs and I don't think I had anything lined up. Had I lined up True Detective? I'm not sure if True Detective was on the cards because that came after The Lobster. I had seen Dogtooth, [director] Yorgos Lanthimos' previous work. I hadn't seen Alps yet, but I heard that the same director who did Dogtooth is making his first English language film. I thought this should be interesting, based on what an experience I had in the theater watching Dogtooth and how overwhelmed and assaulted my senses were. So I read the script of Lobster and I found it head-scratchingly good and beautiful and absurd and violent. A kind of kaleidoscopic experience.
Do you go to the movie theater often? C. I love going to the movies. Yeah, all the time. I'm a fan of film, first. I would hate just because I'm involved in the making of films for that to cut into my enjoyment of them as a cinema-goer. Room had a really kind of strong effect on me, when I saw Room. That moved me because of the writing and particularly the physical situation in the first hour of the film, it felt like there was a particular cinematic [experience] that was created, represented by the unusualness of the world that she presented to the child. I think that Brie Larson is amazing, but just to see a kid go through what you see that child go through in the film, I thought was incredibly moving.
The Lobster speaks universally about love, but do you think the idea of people scrutinizing romantic relationships satirizes Hollywood in a specific way? C. Not at all. I think the filmmakers have bigger sights than having a poke at Hollywood or any of those conventions. Yorgos and his co-writer start off with whatever the idea is they start off with, whether it's to do with romantic love or relationships. Then it branches out and becomes bigger and bigger and, as it needs to, the story involves.
So you didn't binge-watch The Bachelor to prep for the movie. C. No, never. That's my sister.
You and she attended the Met Gala together the other night. What the hell is that event like? C. Crazy, man. You stand there and you go on the red carpet and then you walk around the museum and then you sit down and have dinner and then you leave. It was my first time there. It was easy, actually -- it wasn't as overwhelming as I thought it would be. The red carpet was a bit of a big affair, but it was all incredibly well-orchestrated. Jesus, it was like a military mission.
The Lobster swings for the fences with its exploration of love. Did you walk away from the movie with romantic enlightenment? C. No, no. God, love is still as confounding as ever. Just, what is it? It's unquantifiable.
Though there are reporters who scrutinize your love life on a daily basis. That must be relatable. C. Yeah, there's that. Through the years you learn to try and turn a blind eye to that. It's not always possible to ignore what's being said or what's being spoken of in regards to you life. I live in Los Angeles, but I don't feel like I live in Hollywood. I truly don't. I'm not outside of it in a negative way. I'm not not part of the community. I go to the Golden Globes or whatever and I see people that I work with or people that I've gotten to know a little bit through the years. Outside of that or outside of the twice a year where I may step on a red carpet, I have no part in that world. I have a couple of kids and I have a couple of mates.
A big shift from a decade ago. C. Ah, yeah, ten years ago I was more... Life was just different. Just tipping 40 now, so life is very different than it was ten years ago.
Your character wants to become a lobster because he'll live for 100 years. Share the feeling? C. I wouldn't mind living for 100 years.
Really? What would you want to see? C. I don't know, whatever year 87 provides for me.
What will they think of Minority Report in 100 years? It's kind of a bit dated already! No, no, but shit's just moving very quickly. Retinal scans and tube stations and shit. Things are happening very fast.
Is that scary for you? C. No.
Now a moment of reflection. It's been a year since you jumped to HBO for True Detective. How was that experience, in retrospect? C. I loved it. I did, I loved that character. I loved playing Ray Velcoro. I really, really did. I could have kept going with it for a while. I know the receipt of it was sketchy. The first year was so strong, across the board, and it was such a shock to people. It came out of nowhere, seemingly, so the expectation was high and also the expectation of disappointment was present and all that kind of stuff. But I loved, from the inside, telling that story. I loved it.
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Biggest world events in 2020
So 2020 is about to end with a lot of remarkable events, but I'm not sure if it's optimistic or not, let alone pessimistic. When I was a child, I often heard my grandparents tell me about the difficulties in the past, how they lived hard in the past so that today we can have enough food and warm clothes. Heartbroken. I admire the old people so much. However, suddenly looking back at what happened in the past year 2020, I tapped my forehead and thought… and then unconsciously patted my thigh with pleasure because finally, I also had something to later "converse" with my children and grandchildren that I had How can we survive this year of calamity?
World events in 2020 to tell later on
The year 2020 has passed, gently leaving the Wuhan flu epidemic to continue raging with the strong rise of the global "cholera" pandemic. The public went crazy watching the politicians "go to solve" the crazy political affairs. People praising the smell, people pouting and criticizing. Meanwhile, the media invited the Weasel Foxes to play the game of hiding cats 💩 to hide their "hunter" nature. Faced with that gray prospect, suffering humanity raised its face to the sky and asked God, what could be more tragic? At the end of the year, God looked down and said, "Biden!" then banged on the table and cursed at the father who crossed his face.
Sorry for the rambling, but I like to sarcastic before I get to the post. Because rarely have the opportunity to experience with readers on the last day of the year. Here are some notable events in 2020 of the world that I would like to share again.
1. Wildfires in Australia and California (USA)
2020 witnessed two intense wildfires in Australia and California (USA). In Australia alone, it can be said that this is the most fierce wildfire disaster in the country's history, when forest fires continuously lasted from December 2019 to 2020 and destroyed nearly 20 million hectares of forest. , displaced thousands of people and killed at least 34 people.
Taking this opportunity, "radical" suffragettes immediately sounded the alarm about climate change, that global warming is the cause of forest fires, despite the fact that the number of fires Forest occurrence is much less this year than the average in previous years, according to the European Union's (EU) Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS). I think climate change also knows how to "distinct regions" because it only chooses forests in capitalist countries to burn, not other countries.
2. The US killed Iranian general Qasem Soleimani
On January 3, 2020, amid rising tensions between the United States and Iran, the United States carried out a drone strike on a convoy near Baghdad International Airport that was carrying some The passengers included Quds Force commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Major General Qasem Soleimani and Iraqi People's Mobilization Forces (PMF/PMU) commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, and soldiers. senior officials of the two sides.
From the scene images, Soleimani's body was identified by the ring he wore on his finger and the sausage bar (100% meat) that fell off but was still intact. At the same time, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps also confirmed the death of General Soleimani.
3. Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan Markle abandon the British Royal Family
Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan shocked the Queen in particular, and the world in general, when they announced they were relinquishing their status as senior members of the British Royal Family on January 8. Royal officials fear this will seriously damage the monarchy's future. It is interesting that while the world views this as an important political event, only Vietnamese people approach it as a showbitch comedy.
4. Wuhan flu (aka COVID-19)
On January 9, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced about a deadly virus that appeared in Wuhan, China. In just a few months, the virus has spread rapidly globally to more than 20 million people and caused at least 750,000 deaths. However, thanks to the relentless efforts of WHO Director-General Tedros and the effective support of the media, the Wuhan flu (Wuhan Virus) finally succeeded in… in turn changing the name Wuhan flu. into Coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2. Currently, this Wuhan Virus has many new strains, it is expected that the new name may be COVID-19 Pro or COVID-19 Pro Max.
5. Impeaching President Donald Trump
President Donald Trump faced an impeachment trial in January initiated by Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, with the aim of removing his presidency in January 2020. Democrats have repeatedly accused Trump and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani of abusing their power to press the Ukrainian government to investigate the corruption scandal of Hunter Biden, son of Joe Biden. According to the indictment, Mr. Trump (probably) committed bribery by asking for political favors in exchange for official action.
Finally, President Donald Trump was acquitted on February 5 due to the lack of evidence of impeachment.
6. Stock market wobbles in 2020
The Wuhan pandemic not only caused heavy loss of life, but also greatly affected the world economy. Many countries were forced to close down (lockdown), causing a serious decline in consumption. The Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 2997 points as investors panicked about the impact of the continued spread of the coronavirus, a record since 1987.
7. Oil prices went negative for the first time in history
Also because of the Wuhan flu, the US WTI oil price for the first time in history fell to a negative level on April 20, with a selling price of -37.63 USD/barrel. That is, the seller must pay the buyer. Fortunately, that ridiculous thing did not happen in Vietnam, people at that time only had to fill up with gasoline at a "stable" price of about 16,000 VND per liter.
8. Black Lives Matter protest for George Floyd
In fact, Black Lives Matter protests are still as common as usual in the US, but the case of the black brother George Floyd died after being pinned down by the police, along with the viral saying "I can't breathe" (I can't breathe). breathe) has sparked a wave of powerful protests and riots across the United States to demand an end to police brutality and anti-racism. That movement was enthusiastically supported by the left everywhere, with Biden's knees on all fronts in memory of this "national hero".
However, the death of George Floyd was later revealed that he did not die of asphyxiation, and also that "no life-threatening injuries were identified at the autopsy of George Floyd". In addition, the cadaver nasal swab was tested and determined that George Floyd was positive for the Wuhan virus (which often makes it difficult for the victim to breathe). At the same time, the black man was also found to be positive for many other banned substances and drugs.
The video of the police arresting George Floyd was also posted and showed that this young man was accused of using fake bills, being drunk, showing signs of being high and opposing the police many times when he was arrested.
9. Joe Biden Becomes Democratic Presidential Candidate
Joe Biden officially defeated more than 20 other Democratic candidates (including Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren) to become the 2020 presidential candidate.
10. Twitter hacked by a 17-year-old
A young weitei-age in Florida, named Graham Clark, has successfully hacked the Twitter accounts of famous political figures, artists and businessmen - including Joe Biden, Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Kanye West - to commit bitcoin fraud.
11. Explosions in Lebanon in 2020
A massive explosion at the port city of Beirut occurred on August 4 due to the accidental detonation of 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate, equivalent to 1200 tons of TNT, which was confiscated by the state from the abandoned ship MV Rhosus and stored at port for six years without any precautions. The explosion killed 190 people and injured thousands more.
12. Kamala Harris Selected as Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate
On August 11, Biden announced he had selected California Senator Kamala Harris as a co-conspirator in the office of president. Thereby Harris became the first black and Asian woman to serve as Vice President. Many predicted that Ms. Harris could become the legitimate president of the United States when Biden once said he would cede his presidency in case his health was not guaranteed. That belief was further strengthened when two days ago, on December 29, Biden continued to "confoundly" call Harris the President-elect of the United States.
13. Ruth Bader Ginsburg passes away
United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died on September 18 at the age of 87. Amy Coney Barrett was later appointed to take the place of former Judge Ginsburg. Mrs. Barrett was an outstanding jurist, a pious person and known as a woman of traditional values. Barrett's appointment strengthens the Supreme Court's constitutional majority (6-3). Currently, the new Supreme Court Justice is only 49 years old (born in 1972), so she is facing the opportunity to influence US law for decades to come. It can be said that this is such a big political shift that it may have a deeper impact than the outcome of the 2020 US Presidential election.
14. President Donald Trump infected with Wuhan virus
President Trump announced on October 2 that he and first lady Melania Trump had tested positive for the Wuhan virus. He was hospitalized for three days at Walter Reed National Army Medical Center before being discharged to continue his recovery at the White House.
15. Joe Biden becomes US president on suspicion of election fraud
Joe Biden can be said to have almost become the 46th President of the United States with a questionable victory in Pennsylvania, among many other battleground states. Thereby ending one of the most controversial elections in American history.
16. Successful trial of Wuhan flu vaccine
The first Americans were vaccinated against the Wuhan virus on December 14 after the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) approved the emergency use of Pfizer's COVID-19 shot on December 14. The second US vaccine, developed by Moderna, was approved by the FDA a week later on December 18. The emergence of two vaccines, developed in less than 12 months. one year, which is considered one of the greatest scientific achievements in human history, proving the leading role of the United States on the world map of science and technology.
17. President Donald Trump becomes the most respected person in America
According to a new survey published on December 29 by Gallup (a consulting and data company, specializing in global surveys), US President Donald Trump for the first time surpassed former President Barack Obama to become the first US President to become the US President. The most respected man for the American people. Notably, up to 60% of people were satisfied with the way Mr. Trump handled the epidemic. This position was previously held by Obama continuously for 12 years.
Meanwhile, President-elect with the highest popular vote Joe Biden received only 6% of the support (one-third of Trump), reflecting the opposite of the current election results. Looking at it, if one had any conscience left, they would definitely question the last election.
All credit goes to trantuansang.com.
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stephenmccull · 3 years
As Pandemic Eases, Many Seniors Have Lost Strength, May Need Rehabilitative Services
Ronald Lindquist, 87, has been active all his life. So, he wasn’t prepared for what happened when he stopped going out during the coronavirus pandemic and spent most of his time, inactive, at home.
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“I found it hard to get up and get out of bed,” said Lindquist, who lives with his wife of 67 years in Palm Springs, California. “I just wanted to lay around. I lost my desire to do things.”
Physically, Lindquist noticed that getting up out of a chair was difficult, as was getting into and out of his car. “I was praying ‘Lord, give me some strength.’ I kind of felt, I’m on my way out — I’m not going to make it,” he admitted.
One little-discussed, long-term toll of the pandemic: Large numbers of older adults have become physically and cognitively debilitated and less able to care for themselves during 15 months of sheltering in place.
No large-scale studies have documented the extent of this phenomenon. But physicians, physical therapists and health plan leaders said the prospect of increased impairment and frailty in the older population is a growing concern.
“Anyone who cares for older adults has seen a significant decline in functioning as people have been less active,” said Dr. Jonathan Bean, an expert in geriatric rehabilitation and director of the New England Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center at the Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System.
Bean’s 90-year-old mother, who lives in an assisted living facility, is a case in point. Before the pandemic, she could walk with a walker, engage in conversation and manage going to the bathroom. Now, she depends on a wheelchair and “her dementia has rapidly accelerated — she can’t really care for herself,” the doctor said.
Bean said his mother is no longer able to benefit from rehabilitative therapies. But many older adults might be able to realize improvements if given proper attention.
“Immobility and debility are outcomes to this horrific pandemic that people aren’t even talking about yet,” said Linda Teodosio, a physical therapist and division rehabilitation manager in Bayada Home Health Care’s Towson, Maryland, office. “What I’d love to see is a national effort, maybe by the CDC [U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention], focused on helping older people overcome these kinds of impairments.”
The extent of the need is substantial, by many accounts. Teodosio said she and her staff have seen a “tremendous increase” in falls and in the exacerbation of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, congestive heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
“Older adults got off schedule during the pandemic,” she explained, and “they didn’t eat well, they didn’t hydrate properly, they didn’t move, they got weaker.”
Dr. Lauren Jan Gleason, a geriatrician and assistant professor of medicine at the University of Chicago, said many older patients have lost muscle mass and strength this past year and are having difficulties with mobility and balance they didn’t have previously.
“I’m seeing weight gain and weight loss, and a lot more depression,” she noted.
Mary Louise Amilicia, 67, of East Meadow, New York, put on more than 100 pounds while staying at home round-the-clock and taking care of her husband Frank, 69, who was hospitalized with a severe case of covid-19 in early December. While Amilicia also tested positive for the virus, she had a mild case.
“We were in the house every day 24/7, except when we had to go to the doctor, and when he got sick I had to do all the stuff he used to do,” Amilicia told me. “It was a lot of stress. I just began eating everything in sight and not taking care of myself.”
The extra weight made it hard to move around, and Amilicia fell several times after Christmas, fortunately without sustaining serious injuries.
After coming home from the hospital, Frank couldn’t get out of a chair, walk 10 feet to the bathroom or climb the stairs in his house. Instead, he spent most of the day in a recliner, relying on his wife for help.
Now, the couple is getting physical therapy from Northwell Health, New York state’s largest health care system. Just before the pandemic, Northwell launched a “rehabilitation at home” program for patients who otherwise would have seen therapists in outpatient facilities. (Medicare Part B pays for the treatments.)
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The program is serving more than 100 patients on Long Island, in Westchester County and in parts of New York City. “The demand is very strong and we’re in the process of hiring another 20 therapists,” said Nina DePaola, Northwell’s vice president of post-acute services.
Sabaa Mundia, a physical therapist working with the Amilicias, said Mary Louise can walk up to 400 feet without a walker, after doing strengthening exercises twice a week over the course of three weeks. Frank had been using a wheelchair and is now regularly walking 150 feet with a walker after more than a month of therapy.
“Older adults can lose about 20% of their muscle mass if they don’t walk for up to five days,” Mundia said. “And their endurance decreases, their stamina decreases, and their range of motion decreases.”
Recognizing that risk, some health plans have been reaching out to older members to assess how they’re faring. In Massachusetts, Commonwealth Care Alliance serves more than 10,000 older adults who are poor and eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid, the federal-state program for people with low incomes. On average, they tend to have more medical needs than similarly aged seniors.
Between March and September last year, the plan’s staffers conducted “wellness outreach assessments” by phone every two weeks, asking about ongoing medical care, new physical and emotional challenges, and the adequacy of available help, among other concerns. Today, calls are made monthly and staffers have resumed seeing members in person.
An increase in physical deconditioning is one of the big issues that have emerged. “We’ve had physical therapists digitally engage with members to coach them through strength and balance training,” said Dr. Robert MacArthur, a geriatrician and Commonwealth Care’s chief medical officer. “And when that didn’t work, we sent therapists into people’s homes.”
In California, SCAN Health Plan serves a similarly vulnerable population of nearly 15,000 older adults dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid through its Medicare Advantage plans. Care navigators are calling these members frequently and telling them “now that you’re vaccinated, it’s safe to go see your doctor in person,” said Eve Gelb, SCAN’s senior vice president of health care services. Doctors can then evaluate unmet health needs and make referrals to physical and occupational therapists, if necessary.
Another SCAN program, Member2Member, pairs older adult “peer health advocates” with members who have noted physical or emotional difficulties on health risk assessments. That’s how Lindquist in Palm Springs connected with Jerry Payne, 79, a peer advocate who calls him regularly and helped him come up with a plan to emerge from his pandemic-induced funk.
“First, he said, ‘Ron, you should try getting up every hour and taking a few steps’ — that was the start of it,” Lindquist told me. “Then, he’d suggest walking another block when I would take my dog out. It was painful. Walking was not pleasant. But he was very encouraging.”
A month ago, Payne had a Fitbit sent to Lindquist. At first, Lindquist walked about 1,500 steps a day; now, he’s up to more than 5,000 steps a day and has a goal of reaching 10,000 steps. “I’m sleeping better and I feel so much better all around,” Lindquist said. “My whole attitude and physicality has changed. I tell you, this has been an answer to my prayers.”
Coming Monday: Tips for Older Adults to Regain Their Game
We’re eager to hear from readers about questions you’d like answered, problems you’ve been having with your care and advice you need in dealing with the health care system. Visit khn.org/columnists to submit your requests or tips.
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
As Pandemic Eases, Many Seniors Have Lost Strength, May Need Rehabilitative Services published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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gordonwilliamsweb · 3 years
As Pandemic Eases, Many Seniors Have Lost Strength, May Need Rehabilitative Services
Ronald Lindquist, 87, has been active all his life. So, he wasn’t prepared for what happened when he stopped going out during the coronavirus pandemic and spent most of his time, inactive, at home.
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“I found it hard to get up and get out of bed,” said Lindquist, who lives with his wife of 67 years in Palm Springs, California. “I just wanted to lay around. I lost my desire to do things.”
Physically, Lindquist noticed that getting up out of a chair was difficult, as was getting into and out of his car. “I was praying ‘Lord, give me some strength.’ I kind of felt, I’m on my way out — I’m not going to make it,” he admitted.
One little-discussed, long-term toll of the pandemic: Large numbers of older adults have become physically and cognitively debilitated and less able to care for themselves during 15 months of sheltering in place.
No large-scale studies have documented the extent of this phenomenon. But physicians, physical therapists and health plan leaders said the prospect of increased impairment and frailty in the older population is a growing concern.
“Anyone who cares for older adults has seen a significant decline in functioning as people have been less active,” said Dr. Jonathan Bean, an expert in geriatric rehabilitation and director of the New England Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center at the Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System.
Bean’s 90-year-old mother, who lives in an assisted living facility, is a case in point. Before the pandemic, she could walk with a walker, engage in conversation and manage going to the bathroom. Now, she depends on a wheelchair and “her dementia has rapidly accelerated — she can’t really care for herself,” the doctor said.
Bean said his mother is no longer able to benefit from rehabilitative therapies. But many older adults might be able to realize improvements if given proper attention.
“Immobility and debility are outcomes to this horrific pandemic that people aren’t even talking about yet,” said Linda Teodosio, a physical therapist and division rehabilitation manager in Bayada Home Health Care’s Towson, Maryland, office. “What I’d love to see is a national effort, maybe by the CDC [U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention], focused on helping older people overcome these kinds of impairments.”
The extent of the need is substantial, by many accounts. Teodosio said she and her staff have seen a “tremendous increase” in falls and in the exacerbation of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, congestive heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
“Older adults got off schedule during the pandemic,” she explained, and “they didn’t eat well, they didn’t hydrate properly, they didn’t move, they got weaker.”
Dr. Lauren Jan Gleason, a geriatrician and assistant professor of medicine at the University of Chicago, said many older patients have lost muscle mass and strength this past year and are having difficulties with mobility and balance they didn’t have previously.
“I’m seeing weight gain and weight loss, and a lot more depression,” she noted.
Mary Louise Amilicia, 67, of East Meadow, New York, put on more than 100 pounds while staying at home round-the-clock and taking care of her husband Frank, 69, who was hospitalized with a severe case of covid-19 in early December. While Amilicia also tested positive for the virus, she had a mild case.
“We were in the house every day 24/7, except when we had to go to the doctor, and when he got sick I had to do all the stuff he used to do,” Amilicia told me. “It was a lot of stress. I just began eating everything in sight and not taking care of myself.”
The extra weight made it hard to move around, and Amilicia fell several times after Christmas, fortunately without sustaining serious injuries.
After coming home from the hospital, Frank couldn’t get out of a chair, walk 10 feet to the bathroom or climb the stairs in his house. Instead, he spent most of the day in a recliner, relying on his wife for help.
Now, the couple is getting physical therapy from Northwell Health, New York state’s largest health care system. Just before the pandemic, Northwell launched a “rehabilitation at home” program for patients who otherwise would have seen therapists in outpatient facilities. (Medicare Part B pays for the treatments.)
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The program is serving more than 100 patients on Long Island, in Westchester County and in parts of New York City. “The demand is very strong and we’re in the process of hiring another 20 therapists,” said Nina DePaola, Northwell’s vice president of post-acute services.
Sabaa Mundia, a physical therapist working with the Amilicias, said Mary Louise can walk up to 400 feet without a walker, after doing strengthening exercises twice a week over the course of three weeks. Frank had been using a wheelchair and is now regularly walking 150 feet with a walker after more than a month of therapy.
“Older adults can lose about 20% of their muscle mass if they don’t walk for up to five days,” Mundia said. “And their endurance decreases, their stamina decreases, and their range of motion decreases.”
Recognizing that risk, some health plans have been reaching out to older members to assess how they’re faring. In Massachusetts, Commonwealth Care Alliance serves more than 10,000 older adults who are poor and eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid, the federal-state program for people with low incomes. On average, they tend to have more medical needs than similarly aged seniors.
Between March and September last year, the plan’s staffers conducted “wellness outreach assessments” by phone every two weeks, asking about ongoing medical care, new physical and emotional challenges, and the adequacy of available help, among other concerns. Today, calls are made monthly and staffers have resumed seeing members in person.
An increase in physical deconditioning is one of the big issues that have emerged. “We’ve had physical therapists digitally engage with members to coach them through strength and balance training,” said Dr. Robert MacArthur, a geriatrician and Commonwealth Care’s chief medical officer. “And when that didn’t work, we sent therapists into people’s homes.”
In California, SCAN Health Plan serves a similarly vulnerable population of nearly 15,000 older adults dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid through its Medicare Advantage plans. Care navigators are calling these members frequently and telling them “now that you’re vaccinated, it’s safe to go see your doctor in person,” said Eve Gelb, SCAN’s senior vice president of health care services. Doctors can then evaluate unmet health needs and make referrals to physical and occupational therapists, if necessary.
Another SCAN program, Member2Member, pairs older adult “peer health advocates” with members who have noted physical or emotional difficulties on health risk assessments. That’s how Lindquist in Palm Springs connected with Jerry Payne, 79, a peer advocate who calls him regularly and helped him come up with a plan to emerge from his pandemic-induced funk.
“First, he said, ‘Ron, you should try getting up every hour and taking a few steps’ — that was the start of it,” Lindquist told me. “Then, he’d suggest walking another block when I would take my dog out. It was painful. Walking was not pleasant. But he was very encouraging.”
A month ago, Payne had a Fitbit sent to Lindquist. At first, Lindquist walked about 1,500 steps a day; now, he’s up to more than 5,000 steps a day and has a goal of reaching 10,000 steps. “I’m sleeping better and I feel so much better all around,” Lindquist said. “My whole attitude and physicality has changed. I tell you, this has been an answer to my prayers.”
Coming Monday: Tips for Older Adults to Regain Their Game
We’re eager to hear from readers about questions you’d like answered, problems you’ve been having with your care and advice you need in dealing with the health care system. Visit khn.org/columnists to submit your requests or tips.
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
As Pandemic Eases, Many Seniors Have Lost Strength, May Need Rehabilitative Services published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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1. What is you middle name? elizabeth 
 2. How old are you? 27
 3. When is your birthday? september 
 4. What is your zodiac sign? virgo 
 5. What is your favorite color? i have 3.. red, blue, black 
 6. What’s your lucky number?  7
7. Do you have any pets? in the house there is an african grey, 2 budgies, a dog, and a tortoise 
 8. Where are you from? england 
 9. How tall are you? 5″3 
 10. What shoe size are you? 6/7
 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?  7 pairs 
12. What was your last dream about?  something that isn’t worth repeating 
13. What talents do you have? i don’t have any 
 14. Are you psychic in any way?  psycho yes psychic no 
15. Favorite song? my current obsession is.. drivers licence by olivia rodrigo 
 16. Favorite movie? don’t have a favourite 
 17. Who would be your ideal partner? my girl is my ideal partner
 18. Do you want children?  i have one but want one or two more 
19. Do you want a church wedding? its going to be apart of a conversation i think 
 20. Are you religious? no 
 21. Have you ever been to the hospital?  yes 
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? no 
 23. Have you ever met any celebrities? yes 
 24. Baths or showers? showers 
 25. What color socks are you wearing? grey 
 26. Have you ever been famous? no 
 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? no 
 28. What type of music do you like? bit of everything 
 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?  no 
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? two 
 31. What position do you usually sleep in? either on my stomach or my right side 
 32. How big is your house? its a 3/4 bedroom 
 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? coffee
 34. Have you ever fired a gun? yes 
 35. Have you ever tried archery? yes 
 36. Favorite clean word? don’t have one 
 37. Favorite swear word?  fuck 
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? a week 
 39. Do you have any scars?  a lot 
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?  no idea 
41. Are you a good liar? depends on the situation and who i’m lying to 
 42. Are you a good judge of character? not really 
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? no 
 44. Do you have a strong accent? i have a british accent 
 45. What is your favorite accent? either irish or australian 
 46. What is your personality type? i’m not sure 
 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?  my armani hoodie 
48. Can you curl your tongue? kinda 
 49. Are you an innie or an outie?  innie 
50. Left or right handed?  left 
51. Are you scared of spiders?  no 
52. Favorite food? don’t currently have a favourite 
 53. Favorite foreign food? italian 
 54. Are you a clean or messy person? bit of both 
 55. Most used phrased? depends who i’m talking to 
56. Most used word?  fuck 
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? about 15 minutes 
 58. Do you have much of an ego? no 
 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?  both 
60. Do you talk to yourself? sometimes 
 61. Do you sing to yourself?  yes 
62. Are you a good singer? no 
 63. Biggest Fear?  been abandoned 
64. Are you a gossip? not really 
 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? not really sure 
 66. Do you like long or short hair? long 
 67. Can you name all 50 states of America? i don’t live in America so i don’t think so 
 68. Favorite school subject? it was p.e 
 69. Extrovert or Introvert? introvert 
 70. Have you ever been scuba diving? no but i’d love to 
 71. What makes you nervous? a lot of things 
 72. Are you scared of the dark?  no 
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? no 
 74. Are you ticklish?  very 
75. Have you ever started a rumor?  don’t think so 
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? i’m a parent so yes 
 77. Have you ever drank underage? yes 
 78. Have you ever done drugs?  yes 
79. Who was your first real crush? someone i used to know.. until we met in person 
 80. How many piercings do you have? none 
 81. Can you roll your Rs?“ nope 
 82. How fast can you type? a bit fast 
 83. How fast can you run? not as fast as i used to be able to.. when i  was in school it was home time and i was at the top of the hill where my school was and my bus was getting to the bus stop at the bottom of the road where i needed to be so i bolted it and managed to catch that bus and didn’t have to wait for the next one 
 84. What color is your hair?  brown 
85. What color is your eyes? brown/green 
 86. What are you allergic to? nothing 
 87. Do you keep a journal? not really i write how i’m feeling sometimes in this book but i wouldn’t call it a book 
 88. What do your parents do?  my dad is a security guard and my mum has physical illness’s which makes her quite poorly 
89. Do you like your age? its alright 
 90. What makes you angry? a lot of things 
 91. Do you like your own name?  no 
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? yes my boy is called Charlie and when we more kids we want to call the girl/s either amelia or elsa/anna.. and boy we have braden 
 93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? i’ve got a boy so i want a girl next 
 94. What are you strengths? i have no idea 
 95. What are your weaknesses? my emotions 
 96. How did you get your name?  my parents gave me it 
97. Were your ancestors royalty? my brother knows my family history i don’t 
 98. Do you have any scars? yes 
 99. Color of your bedspread? light blue 
 100. Color of your room? patterned feature wall and white the rest of it 
0 notes
Azumaya Sakurai (ENG)
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LIFE IS a constant battle between Sakurai and God. Ever since he was born, nothing good served on his plate. On Monday, it would be pain; on Tuesday, it would be despair; on Wednesday, it would be violence; on Thursday, it would be regret; on Friday, it became milder, shame; on Saturday and Sunday, Lord gave him a little bit mercy and fun with lust. 
Had Sakurai plead for more mercies, God might send him a packet of blessing every day. But no one ever taught the man how to kneel down or to slosh in tears, asking for forgiveness and hoping the heaven belonged to him. But for once, he saw and heard his parents shouting: “God! Oh, God! Forgive me. God!” while raising a kitchen knife. Later, they thrusting at each other with it, still calling out for anybody’s God.
When the shouting stopped and the red river claimed the lifeless builds, Sakurai crawled on top of them. His dark hair which inherited from his mother and his sharp strong-willed eyes gifted by his father, shaped him like a vulture in a huntㅡready to devour the corpse before flies and maggots joined the feast.
For days, he sucked on his mother’s stiff nipples, but no milk calmed his hunger; all left was dried blood and maggots eddying around him. They nudged his weakened cheek and hand several times as if inviting the boy to play. But he was too hungry to move and his mother’s warmth had gone, so he did what a three years old would do: crying. And when the vocal cords couldn’t support another weep, he fell asleep.
Days passed, Sakurai was saved. He didn’t know who and when, but what he faced once he woke up was a woman dressed in white, carrying him while feeding something unfamiliar. A year later, he learned that he fed from a cow and he loved it. He loved it more than his mother’s which he couldn’t recall the taste anymore. 
Everything became blurred to him. How his parents look like? What nickname did they give him? What was the title of his favorite bedtime story? All those memories dead along with his parents.
Fighting over flower scented blanket or new donated toys was the usual activity. Some kids would use their fist and the others would cry. The strongest got the blanket and the toys while the weak ones bawled together in the corner of the room. Sakurai believed they shouldn’t cry because later, once someone took them away, they would have their own toys and bedroom. Just like Nanao who left with an uncle who had big belly, she sent some pictures where she went to the Disneyland and stuffed her pink bedroom with dolls from there. 
Soon, Sakurai figured that not every child who left the orphanage could have a beautiful life like Nanao. He remembered he held hands with his fellow orphans, dressed in all black, following the caretakers who cried while hugging a photo of a kid named Genta. They said Genta was beaten and starved until he passed. The police arrested his adopted parents and threw them into jail. 
After Genta’s death, everyone became murky. None of them excited whenever they were told to line up or to hear: “The parents are here!”. Sakurai saw them and himself like the goods being sold in the market. And it was just his luck that a woman dressed in kimono took interest in him. She said he looked handsome and not so Japanese; that his records showed he behaved well.
For a week, Sakurai who lived for only six years on earth, felt nervous. Would he end up like Genta? But did he have anything to lose? He didn’t even know how the future would like.
So he left with Makoto, the woman’s name. She took him to Gion, Kyoto, where she worked as a geisha in her early twenties. Now she in her middle thirties, no one interested being entertained by her. And with her charming mind, Makoto opened a restaurant which serving her hometown delicacies to tourists and the tea houses’ visitors. 
Sakurai didn’t end up like Genta and didn’t end up like Nanao. He ended up as Azumaya Sakurai, the adopted son of Nakamura Makoto. Every morning he helped his mother to clean the restaurant and went to school with his friends from the same neighborhood. He grew up bright and playful. Everyone loved him, but some couldn’t help to tease him for being parentless and for being adopted by Makoto.
One afternoon, Sakurai got home with cuts and bruises. Makoto asked him if he were falling or fought someone. And the answer was the latter. “I defeated them,” he said. “Then, I’ll make sure to visit your school tomorrow,” she said.
After Makoto patched his wounds, Sakurai asked her if she didn’t want to know the reason of his fight. And with a motherly smile, she said, “I know the fight is for me. Thank you, Saku-kun. If I were born as a real woman, you wouldn’t need to through this embarrassment.”
And Sakurai yelled in rage: “What was the purpose of the sentence?” For him who left by his parents and knew nothing about how warm a mother’s love could be, Makoto was the most beautiful mother in the universe. Even when she turned into ashes.
Sakurai forgot how to count. He forgot how to count the times he had cried over Makoto’s full name on a tiny jar. It was unreal how he could feel a great sadness in his heart.
The aching, the yearning, and the emptiness he experienced, every single of it were for Makoto; for his mother. That day, Sakurai had his first conversation with God to condemn Him. My mother would still alive if You didn’t allow those drunkard yakuzas came in. I hate You! 
An eleven years old boy who grew up with manner didn’t know how to cuss properly. Even when a stranger held him in his arms, Sakurai got nothing to say but to ask: “Who are you?”
His dark long silky hair swayed beautifully as he walked. And his droopy but keen eyes stared at him tenderly, just like Makoto’s. “I’m Makoto’s little brother. So, you are my responsibility now. But because Makoto didn’t have a good relation with our family, you should work harder than everyone else to gain the Oyabun’s favor.”
“I’m sorry, but who is Oyabun?”
Nobody said anything. Not even the men in the front row of the car, they were as quite as the dead. But once the car stopped and a grand gate appeared behind the tinted window, the man opened his mouth: “The Head of Sui-kai, my father.”
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General Information
Name: Azumaya Sakurai (東屋櫻井)
CV: Howl
Place and Date of Birth: Tokyo, September 13 1991
Gender: Male
Height and Weight: 188 cm and 87 kg
Blood Type: A
Education: Bachelor of Science Communication University W
Job: Yakuza mentor to Hanase, Vice President of Celestial Entertainment, (former) kindergarten teacher
Outfit: Simple modern black suit, tracksuits, and hoodie
Pants: Anything that's comfortable
Shoes: Classic shoes (Oxford/Chelsea), sneakers
Tattoo: Irezumi style (on the back)
Accessories: Watches, earrings, and a belt
Perfume: Gentleman by Givenchy
Weapons: Daggers, swords, knives, and fists
Favorite Food: Anything
Favorite Drinks: Whiskey, tea
Favorite Cigarette: Camel Wide
Group: Murakami-gumi, Sui-kai (former)
Pets: Kyosuke, Hanase, Otsuka, You.
MBTI: INFP Alignment: Lawful Evil/Good Keywords: Analytical, intelligent, reserved, critical, helpful, conscientious
Usually, Sakurai is a good-hearted man. He is sensitive to his surroundings and tend to help his peers in need. Generally, he is respectable, hard-working, and bright in knowledge and practical matters. Everyone will search for him when they need advices.
Sakurai doesn’t enjoy spotlight. He prefers standing in the background as long as he is appreciated for doing things well. He may brush off people’s compliment harshly which leads to uncomfortable situation, but honestly, he’s just shy.
Not everyone knows that Sakurai is honestly a playful and has mischievous sense of humor. He’s a bright person who enjoys life and freedom; he loves to travel the world and meeting new people, creating many lovely memories.
Sakurai doesn’t like to hold back due to his temperamental nature. He’ll dealing with his problems right away so he can get on with other things. He secretly enjoys trouble and confrontations, stagnant life isn’t for him. And some people can’t hate him deeply because of his childlike innocence. 
Even so, Sakurai used to live as a soldier; the knight in fairytale stories. He lives listening to the Lord’s command, not the one in command. He’ll submit and do the tasks bestowed upon him, bringing the victory for his Lord. 
He is chained by the destiny. He is forced to do what his heart refused to do. All the blood, the suffering, the dying souls in the battlefield, he must weight them on his shoulders for years to come; eating up the little light inside him.
How to trigger him? Anyone who breaks the rules and creates a chaos will not live peacefully until they pay for their actions. Sakurai doesn’t get along with people who have bad manners and direct or abrasive expression of feelings. Not only they’ll keep fighting, but Sakurai has tendency to give in (avoiding conflict) and let the person always bullies him.
Physical Statistics
STRENGTH (2,205lb/1,000kg)
stamina: 100%
endurance: 100%
vitality: 100%
recovery: 85%
resistance: 90%
fortitude: 100%
resilience: 85%
agility: 90%
accuracy: 97%
Mental Statistics
presence: 100%
charm: 100%
social skills: 100%
awareness: 100%
interrogation (4/5)
firearms (3/5)
hand-to-hand combat (5/5)
intimidation (5/5)
manipulation (3/5)
skilled acrobat (4/5)
multilingual (English, Korean, Japanese) (4/5)
technology (4/5)
He has affectionate nature.
He has more networking with older people than younger ones.
Stamina King.
Twitching his eyebrows and gripping his buckle when he’s mad or irritated.
Changing his home or office interior regularly.
Controlling his sensitive side with working out and cleaning home (loves domestic works).
Discount Maniac, he knows when the supermarket will have great deals.
Contributed to society as a health instructor for the senior citizens. 
Yes to extreme sports, not much scared of anything; even the dark side of human nature.
Love music and art, Makoto taught him.
Can’t sleep alone, he collects bear dolls to accompany him or sleeping with someone instead.
Cover Up Tattoo
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1. Who was the last person you held hands with? yao
2. Are you outgoing or shy? depends how I feel and the situation usually lean towards outgoing but I have my moments of shyness
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? my friends and my mum
4. Are you easy to get along with? I like to think so
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? I don’t like anyone but I’m sure my friends would
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?                                                charming and witty
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? doubt it
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? Jesus......???? haha no one
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? nah it is perfectly natural
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? yao
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “Yeah it’s insane”
12. What are your 5 favourite songs right now? Taylor Swift - betty                                                                                              Taylor Swift - The last great american dynasty                                                    The Heads and the Heart - Rivers and Roads                                              Rusted Root - Send Me On My Way                                                                  Machine Gun Kelly & Halsey - forget me too
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? eh sometimes it can be nice sometimes I can only think about dirty hands on my hair
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? yeah sure
15. What good thing happened this summer? I finally started my driving lessons and overcame my fear
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? eh if it happens it happens but if not I’ll live
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? I hope so
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? nope
19. Do you like bubble baths? yep
20. Do you like your neighbours? yep they’re chill
21. What are your bad habits? nosiness
22. Where would you like to travel? Hawaii, Japan, China, Vietnam, Philippines, Australia, America, Canada literally EVERYWHERE!!! 
23. Do you have trust issues? ehhhh I have issues but idk if trust is my main one
24. Favourite part of your daily routine? making lunch and a smoothie yum
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? my hips and thighs like why are you so big!!!!
26. What do you do when you wake up? check my phone for the time
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? just a lil tan wouldn’t hurt... a nice golden glow yenno
28. Who are you most comfortable around? myself
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? nope! whoops haha
30. Do you ever want to get married? possibly
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? yes 32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Saoirse Ronan and Timothee Chalamet 
33. Spell your name with your chin. bnzrerejketr (no where near)
34. Do you play sports? What sports? netball
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? surprisingly tv... music has been a solace in the pandemic and can’t give it up
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? ofc
37. What do you say during awkward silences? nothing just let the awkwardness seep in 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? thinks I am witty and charming ahah
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? asos... I guess I shop on instead of in
40. What do you want to do after high school? go to uni. check! now what? who knows
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? depends if there are people waiting for their first
42. If you’re being extremely quiet what does it mean? I’m daydreaming
43. Do you smile at strangers? more like I try to have a neutral face
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? ocean forever
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? daylight
46. What are you paranoid about? being boring
47. Have you ever been high? yep
48. Have you ever been drunk? yep
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? no???
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? pink
51. Ever wished you were someone else? Jane Fonda
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? my metabolism, it is so slow
53. Favourite makeup brand? nars and urban decay
54. Favourite store? asos
55. Favourite blog? ?????
56. Favourite colour? red
57. Favourite food? chinese
58. Last thing you ate? chocolate covered raisins
59. First thing you ate this morning? fish finger wrap
60. Ever won a competition? For what? yes!!! I won tickets to see hamilton in 2018 for my friend and I (!!!!!!) when I got the notification that I won I was shaking with excitement
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? nope
62. Been arrested? For what? nope
63. Ever been in love? I have loved, but in love? who knows
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? I don’t remember it tbh haha
65. Are you hungry right now? I’m chilling
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? nope
67. Facebook or Twitter? Twitter
68. Twitter or Tumblr? Twitter
69. Are you watching tv right now? nope
70. Names of your pets (If any)? used to have rabbits called, bonnie, pip and Barnaby but the first two past away and we had to re house the latter
71. Craving something? What? nah
72. What colour are your towels? sandy brown and pink
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? uno
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? nope
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? i used to have around 20 but now they’re down to 5 kept in a memory box
75. Favourite animal? dolphin
76. What colour is your underwear? black
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? coffee
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?                                                              pink
80. What colour pants? navy blue
81. Favourite tv show? gilmore girls, grace and frankie and the office (us)
82. Favourite movie? Bridget Jones’s Diary
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? Mean Girls
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? Mean Girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Kevin G haha
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Bruce
87. First person you talked to today? padre
88. Last person you talked to today? padre
89. Name a person you hate? my old estate agent
90. Name a person you love? family
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? nope
92. In a fight with someone? nope
93. How many sweatpants do you have? one purple pair and they’re so baggy and comfy I love them
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? 2 - first is pink from glossier and the second is purple from hilfiger 
95. Last movie you watched? easy a
96. Favourite actress? saoirse ronan
97. Favourite actor? timothee chalamet
98. Do you tan a lot? not as much as I’d like
99. Have any pets? only fish
100. How are you feeling? sleepy
101. Do you type fast? ish
102. Do you regret anything from your past? that I didn’t learn to drive at 17
103. Can you spell well? I like to think so
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? nah
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? hmmm don’t think so
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? maybe
107. Have you ever been on a horse? yes
108. What should you be doing? sleeping
109. Is something irritating you right now? my back
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? yes
111. Do you have a full length mirror in your room? yes
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? my family probably
113. What was your childhood nickname? H
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? yep
115. Do you play the Wii? not anymore
116. Are you listening to music right now? yep - Taylor Swift, the archer
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? yep
118. Do you like Chinese food? love
119. Favourite book? Ian McEwan Atonement
120. Are you afraid of the dark? not anymore
121. Are you mean? I try not to be
122. Is cheating ever okay? nah
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? yep
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? no more like lust at first sight
125. Do you believe in true love? for sure
126. Are you currently bored? ofc
127. What makes you happy? socialising, shopping, drinking
128. Would you change your name? probably not
129. What your zodiac sign? aquarius
130. Do you like subway? yep 
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? he wouldn’t, he is 110% gay
132. Who’s the last person you called? Betty but she didn’t answer 
133. Favourite lyrics right now? “I’m only 17, I don’t know anything but I know I miss you” - betty, Taylor Swift
134. Can you count to one million? nope and I wouldn’t care to try
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? that I owned a horse, no I didn’t, I just went riding
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed
137. How tall are you? 5′5
138. Curly or Straight hair? wavy
139. Brunette or Blonde? blonde
140. Summer or Winter? winter
141. Night or Day? night
142. Favourite month? september
143. Are you a vegetarian? nope
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? dark
145. Tea or Coffee? tea
146. Was today a good day? it was average
147. Mars or Snickers? snickers
148. What’s your favourite quote? “Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay then it’s not the end” - Best Exotic Marigold Hotel movie
149. Do you believe in ghosts? nah
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “Two years later, in spite of her doctor’s warnings, mother took a final stab at having a son” My Life So Far, Jane Fonda 
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losbella · 4 years
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