#they have my graditute for the rest of my life
sonic-adventure-3 · 2 years
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these are both sequences where shadow is on a mainly hero/neutral path until the end where he betrays sonic. what the fuck do you mean “destiny for two” and “a pair of shooting stars” what do uou mean by that
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truehandspottery · 28 days
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A grey cloud swirl carries the Earth wind mysteries as a light-rain falls while I slept, dreaming of their practices A new day of Dawns comes for us all. Opens our own reception of unlimited gifts by memories softening The ebb, brightening late evening breathes life back into your awakening as this slow illumination contacts each curve of day The dream time is finally speaking as echoes scan the first filled lungs as we whisper another surrender to the veils of natural support Wake then... in queit release so the messages linger long enough to enjoy life surprises of what might be held in a gliding offering We turn in the pillow as our first sigh welcomes us back to the acceptance of simple miracle of Being Allow the spaces to close the infinite distances of celebrating and owning the first breath as a prayer reaching out on the return to the endless journey Lay there with me.. taking my hand with your eyes as we touch each others dream which becomes part of our connected embrace Roll over gently towards me as I do the same giving our lips our first calling kiss Reflect all the radiant heat you have stored, as I do the same, we reignite promised passions of our physical surface in balanced graditute in need, that plays with the universe We open slowly from rest, softly to be trusts unfolding moment in our perfect room of boundless insights come to guide us through the futures doors already blessed with faiths generous gentle play We stay inside eachother, awareness redifining what it means to truly be the flow of our unified pulse, being so close to each others crystal heart become sighs of connecting light Sharing visions where one breath emerges reception, we quicken the bodies desire to Ignite what we love in the others emotional form laughing in the life of loving dimensions, now at the edges of generous giving grace. We rest again and again holding true echoes become waves, to what so often comes when we seek our full hearts through the fields of an aware body of eq
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spellcastinq · 3 years
🔮Pick a card reading ~ What do you need to hear right now?
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✨ Pick a group 1, 2 or 3 (from left to right) with your intuition and scroll down for messages. This is a general reading, so not everything may resonate, take what does and leave the rest behind. If you enjoy these, since this is my first one, we may do them more often from now on. I also offer personal readings which you can book here. ✨
Pile 1 (Solitude, Karma, Strength, Activation) 
What is asked from you now is to spend some time alone and just be by yourself. The outside world might affect you easily and you might be one of those people who pick up on energies quickly. Now is the time to slow down, and practice solitude, even if it’s just for a few hours. Observe your emotions and feelings, there is a chance of going deeper here and activating parts of yourself that you haven’t come in contact with just yet - including what’s archetypal and what has been within you since birth. This won’t be an easy process, it will take strength, will and diligence, but it is certainly possible. Going within and exploring the deeper parts of yourself can lead to Individuation and self development, if you find the strength to do it. Be the rock of strength that you are capable of becoming. Time to envolve and connect with who you really are. Emphasis on the Crown chakra. 
Pile 2 (Grounding, Reflection, Effortless) 
Recently, you might have been feeling like you aren’t quite present, or feeling like you are out of your body or not exactly there in the moment - the message I see for you is to reconnect, plant your roots again and get grounded. For some of you this could be through yoga, and practicing the tree pose (Vrksasana) or something very simple as including the mountain pose (Tadasana) more often in your practice or just doing it on your own when you wake up or before bed. I feel like once you become more grounded you’ll also be able to do some reflection. For some of you I think this could be done through meditation or something similar. However, I also feel like this won’t come easy to you, for some reason you might resist sitting down with yourself and reconnecting as well as balancing your enegry, emotions and thoughts. Try not to fight it, you might not want to think about something or deal with it, but the key is really to allow those thoughts or feelings to emerge and to approach them with awareness. Some of you might find meditation a scary expensive or it might make you a bit tense, but I feel like in order to really experience it you will need to let go and just surrender, and once you find that tranquil place within you, you will feel how calm and still the waters there actually are. Reflect on the things you haven’t processed yet, and forgive the things that need forigivng, before letting go - so you can continue to focus on the present. Honor your experiences and feelings with graditute and forgiveness when needed. Emphasis on the Root and Solar Plexus chakra. 
Pile 3 (Wake-Up Call, Focus, Blessings)
Tsunami (Wake-up Call) card is asking you to snap out of it and get moving. Some of you might be going through a hard time, and for those of you please remain focused on what really matters, stay as realistic as possible, drag your intention to what really deserves it, don’t let this situation rule over you - this is your wake-up call, this is a sign to let go of something or perhaps get some things into action. Trust your intuition and remain focused, you will know what you need to do, and blessings will follow. For some of you, this is a sign that all the plans you have been making, all the ideas in your head, all the things you are passionate about, whether that is a career, a personal project, a relationship will be a blessing and will bring you blessings, if you put your full awareness and focus towards them. Eliminate the distractions, use the life force that’s on your disposal and be fully present. Emphasis on your Crown and Third eye chakra. ‘Where attention goes, power flows’‘.
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harlekin6 · 3 years
Cinema is life
Yesterday I was out for cinema to watch Shang-Chi.
First: Amazing movie! Really💕💕💕
But what this post is really about..... I really cried in the theatre room....cause...I was able to go to cinema....I know....I know....there so horrible things in this world....More horrible to not be able to go to cinema but, Cinema is a big deal in my life🙈 It means a lit.....Covid killed it almost wholy.....But when I was back in the big room, all those seats and rows...the big screen, the moment the bass music turns on....I had tears in eyes.😢 And when the Marvel Logo showed up...I was done. I cried of Joy, for a moment of peace and normality in that turbulent time. I was able to rest for a bit...Covid makes my Job so much more stressful....I know i only sell bread and make breakfast...but the people...sorry but the people are horrible...without respect...no hello, thank you or bye....Always demanding. Beeing mean, cause we have to check the shot documents and status cause the government wants it like that....But yesterday....it was just like breathing through....live again for a short moment...I realized how messed up the situation made me, so stressed.
I don't wanna cry about...or shame anyone... but please people....think of how you treat other ones in this already harsh times....spread some love and kindness...and please...be thankful for even the smallest things, we think that are normal. 💕💕🌞🌞 Covid showed us...it all can be over so so soon.
Thank you dear actors, who made the amazing movies to help us relax and forget a bit. Thank you, dear cinema worker for beeing so nice and keep the show going and all the other people, that keep the small things still working💕💕💕🙈You all have my graditute
But I don't wanna end this post sad. Please guys, enjoy SHANG-SHI or any other movie 😄have fun, live a bit as it is possible for you💕💕💕💕🌞nice days for you all
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