#they haven't played any video games since we were kids so it's been so fun to see them react to something like inscryption
256gb · 9 months
i've been playing through the entirety of inscryption with my parents this holiday break and it makes me so happy to see their minds blown at every little plot twist
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Am I the asshole for not stopping to hang out with my ex-friend's little brother? 🫠 ← so I can see it later
So, I (19M) have been friends with Z(20M) for about 3 years at this point. However, about 2 months ago we had a fight, mostly caused by his unwillingness to work on his anger issues and my unwillingness to be vulnerable and other problems in our personalities that ended up clashing with eachother in the worst way possible. Both parties are responsible for the falling out here.
Now, we are both in the same friend circle, and when the fight happened I made it clear to all our mutual friends that I didn't want anyone taking sides, neither did I want people to stop talking to him because of said fight, and I thought he did the same since his younger brother J (15M) didn't stop talking to me.
I know the kid since he was 12, even baby sat him a few times over the three years I was friends with his brother. We don't talk regularly, but I do try to hang out with him here and there (usually playing video games or taking him and some of his school friends to whatever movie they wanna to watch).
I thought Z knew I still hung out with his brother because J sometimes posts stuff on social media when we go out, but since I don't have any other social media aside from tumblr, I don't know if these posts have me in it or not.
Yesterday, I went to pick him up so I could take him and his friend to this robotics/technology event my uni was doing, he begged me for almost a whole two weeks to take him when I mentioned it was going to happen and that I was gonna be presenting stuff (I'm part of a project that builds a race car and he Loves cars). When I got there, Z had just arrived as well and got Really pissed to see me there, he got even more pissed when I told him I was just there to pick J up.
He told me to stop talking to his brother and that I should stop being obsessed with him and that we were done. Now, I'm like a Really avoidant person when it comes to fights, like, to the point of if someone came to punch me I would just let them in hopes of the fight ending quicker (it has happened before, not exactly a pleasant experience I must say).
So all I did was say "ok" and got into my car to leave. However, since J was really excited about the event, I sent him a message asking him and his friend to come to my apartment cause "stuff" that I had to deal with had come up and I wouldn't be able to get them in time, and then sent him some money so they could grab an uber.
I get home and like, 20-30 minutes later J and his friend get there as well, but J is crying really hard, just bawling his eyes out. He was really really upset cause Z had yelled at him of me and threatened to tell their parents that he was "associating with his stalker" (I haven't seen nor talked to Z since the fight) and he was scared that his parents would make him stop hanging out with me (which I doubt they will since I'm the only reason the kid wants to go to uni, he Will regret that decision the moment he steps foot in the mechanical engineering building of my uni, so rip).
We got him to calm down and we went to the event, which went terribly but in a funny way (the car caught on fire when we turned it one, nobody was hurt physically, emotionally however is another story) and we had a lot of fun.
I gave him more money so he and his friend could go home, I didn't know if his brother was still there but I didn't wanna take any chances.
Today I woke up to a message from Z, again telling me to stay the hell away from his brother or else he would punch me in the face (he wouldn't, I know that for a fact, he would rather die than hurt me or anyone physically, emotionally again is another story). I didn't reply and blocked his number. I asked some of my other friends about it and the opinions are a bit divided, some say it's weird to still hang out with J, others say it's fine, so the most logical conclusion is to obviously ask strangers online what they think about it (which, it kinda of is, since no one knows either of the parties involved which means less bias or whatever)
Anyway, what's the verdict
What are these acronyms?
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sakuraharuno156 · 1 year
Hi! So while normally I don't indulge in anti... I can't help it, it's fun XD People are so sensitive about some things, but anyway... I'm on board with you since I realized later in life that yeah, Sakura is absolutely brilliant and Hinata is... SO not. I can't say I enjoy her character one bit anymore after she's done nothing but disappoint me. BUT! What I wanted to let you know was something else that kinda pisses me off.
Now we know that it's obvious that Studio Bones and the animators have this insane and somewhat misogynistic favoritism towards Hinata (because's quiet, submissive and kind), given how much to flanderize Sakura's temper to make her look like that's all she is.
Well I think even whoever made the video games favor Hinata too. I used to play this old-ass game called Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2. Very old lol but there were some joke/unique versions of characters.
Example: "Sealed Orochimaru" in reference to how he couldn't use any jutsu thanks to 3rd Hokage's Seal. And "Nine Tailed Naruto" with Naruto as the Nine Tailed Fox.
And then there's "Byakugan Hinata" I'm not kidding you, they have this... badass version of Hinata who is a competent fighter, has a strong disposition and seems to actually care about her status as a Hyuga. Even though in canon there hasn't been a single moment where Hinata's shown to be competent in fighting (she hasn't won a single battle in combat), strong (any bold moment was just so she could look cool in front of Naruto) or given a damn about her clan or her status given that she spends every moment on panels or screen gushing and thinking about Naruto.
Now here I am thinking... how pathetic is that?
That the creators of this game made up such a farfetched and dare I say fanfic-ed version of Hinata that you can find in any badly written fiction where Hinata is suddenly a badass when she's shown repeatedly in canon that she is NOT.
Hinata is no badass. She just isn't. I thought she had potential once upon a time, and then the fillers (which aren't canon) go out of their way to make her look badass when in canon, she isn't.
So it's not just the anime, the games were guilty of this too.
Okay I'm so sorry this got long lol, but I just thought it'd be neat to tell you this because it's a game many have forgotten because it IS pretty old lol. But... looking back on it, it disappoints me.
Sakura is the true badass female of Naruto. That's a fact.
Hey, there is nothing wrong with being an anti, as long as you are anti-fictional character and not anti-real preson, then you are good! 💕
So let me welcome you to the datk side, and let's go.
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(BTW we clarified that it was supposed to say "studio pierrot", a mix-up, it happens ❤️)
100% true and the worst part is that they don't see they do her an injustice.
Like studio pierrot made Hinata a healer:
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But when it mattered she couldn't do anything, because she can't heal, so she looks just stupid.
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Neji is dying? Better let him die. People are dying all around during war? Better not heal them because why would she? 🤷‍♀️
They made her meet Naruto when they were children in The Last:
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But then Naruto at 12yo calls her a "weirdo" or in that translation "a freak who won'teven look me in the eye"?
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They make it seem like "she was always there for Naruto", but when Naruto is thinking about his first bonds she's nowhere to be found?
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And I tried to like Hinata too, I even talked about it here, so i understand, but she's such an awfull character to be shown to younger audience that it's painful.
She's selfish and rude, her whole life revolves around a boy, her whole ambition is to be with Naruto and to cook and clean for him.
And now to the games, I had to Google it, because I haven't played it, but:
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This is another injustice towards her, because it hypes her character out to be strong and hype her potential just to leave her weak and without accomplishing a thing.
And don't get me wrong, I know that games are supposed to allow the player to decide who wins and who loses based on players skills, but...
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That game came out in 2004, by then the manga was at the end of OG Naruto, so looking at how the games are trying to portray her, we (as viewers or players) can assume that she will be strong someday, and yet she never was.
We were led to believe that her father will see her as strong and with "great potential", but Hanabi is still the one that will be the head of Hyuga clan, and Neji was the one who is the strongest (and we know it, it was stated).
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"Surpassing the main branch" and "For the brilliant blood of the Hyuga to be flowing within a child who cannot become an heir what natural talent".
And then, Hiashi that had pure hatred (or at least the thought about them as a less than/slaves to main family) towards the branch PREFERRED TO TRAIN NEJI AND HINATA WAS THERE TO BRING THE TEA.
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It's pure embarrassment. 🤷‍♀️
It's an injustice to her character and I'M THE ONE WHO IS SAYING THIS, WHEN I HATE HER GUTS 🤷‍♀️
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blackhakumen · 4 months
Mini Fanfic #1204: Exciting News!~ (Persona 5 x Sonic)
Futuba: Great news, everyone!~
Futuba: Gotta enough money to buy a brand new video game today!~ Which will go lovely for our upcoming sleepover at café later on tonite if any if u lovely people are interested~
Mona: Sure
Lavenza: We'd love that very much~
Omega: Invite accepted
Tae: That depends.
Tae: Will my dear Sae be there too?
Futuba: U know it!~ I already asked her join
Futuba: And u know as well as i do that she couldn't say no to this face~
Futuba: Puppy Dog Oracle.jpg
Tae: Lol nice~
Yusuke: What game have you purchased this time, Futaba?
Futaba: The sequel of this masterpiece of a gem!
Futaba: Hades 2.jpg
Futaba: Really good thing I got it in time too. It was last one they have in the shelves lol
Tae: Wait time out.
Tae: You kids used to play Hades at one point?
Mona: Yeah a long time ago actually
Mona: It was so much fun~
Futaba: So much fun~
Lavenza: And the artstyle and the soundtrack the previous game has offered are both equally as breathtaking~
Yusuke: Yes, indeed.
Yusuke: That game, to tis day, has inspired me into bettering my skills in drawing and painting
Yusuke: It even got me to creating a portrait of Lady Aphrodite of my interpretation.
Yusuke: Goddess of Love & Beauty.jpg
Tae: Impressive.
Lavenza: Very lovely indeed~
Omega: Your artwork continues to not disappoint the eyes of many beholders
Yusuke: Thank you.
Yusuke: It's still a Work in Progress, but I refuse to rest until I could completely capture the beauty and elegance the goddess herself, has effortlessly grace upon the screen.
Futaba: Wow, Inari!~ I didn't know u find the Goddess of Love affective~ 😏
Yusuke: I do to some extent.
Yusuke: But she could never reach the status of true beauty and magnificence as you do in my very heart, Futaba Sakura.
Futaba: iyggbtt ft jgchj ft ykjghikndfonnf
Yusuke: Futaba!?
Tae: I wouldn't worry about her too much, kid.
Tae: Texts like that mostly indicates your partner blushing up a storm right now. Common occurrence really.
Mona: You made Sae blush during a text before, haven't you?
Tae: Guilty as charged~ 😉
Omega: Common occurrence is an incredible understatement considering the fiftieth times Rouge would make Knuckles blush in their texting conversation
Lavenza: I've made Mona-Chan blush twentieth times on our texts!~
Mona: Sufeeszxgy Lavenza! They don't need to know that here!
Lavenza: Oops!~
Lavenza: Sorry my love!~
Futaba: At least warn a girl before u start making her cheeks flare up like that!
Futuba: I nearly dropped my phone on the floor cuz of u!!
Yusuke: Apologies, Futaba.
Yusuke: I never realized my text would give you that much of a reaction. Hope you are well.
Futaba: Yeah, I'm fine don't worry about it.
Futaba: I feel a lot better now knowing our favorite lover kitty boi here is wayyy more of a blushing mess than I am~ 😏
Mona: Oh shut up!
Mona: At least I don't carelessly drop my phone on the ground after receiving a compliment!
Futaba: Better than getting flustered over twenty times in the row!
Futaba: Press D for Doubt!~
Omega: D
Omega: How else do you expect me make Futaba feel better more than she currently is?
Futaba: AWWWW!~ Love u Big Guy!!~ 😊 😊
Omega: 👍 👍
Mona: Oh barf.
Lavenza: Morgana, be nice
Lavenza: So Futaba-Chan, how exactly were you able to afford this game?
Tae: Yeah, I heard they're crazy expensive
Futaba: Oh I just saved a few money I have left on pocket
Futaba: Add thay with the money I've earned winning another bet Sojiro and I made a while back ehehehehe!~ 😈
Mona: Oh god. What did you two bet on this time?
Futaba: Well, u see, my kitty bro, to answer that question, allow me to present u all the second of the spendid news we have today
Futaba: Guess who about to get hitch in the near future?
Futaba: Here's a hint: it's the one couple who's been acting like a married one since the day they became a thing!~
Tae: Is it who I think it is?
Lavenza: Ren-Ren and Makoto are going to get married!?~
Futaba: Ren-Ren/Makoto AND Ann/Shiho are both getting hitched!~
Futaba: And the best part about all of this is.....Makot.and Shiho are the ones gonna do the propose!~
Tae: Damn really? And here I thought Guinea Pig would be the one to do it lol
Mona: Wait, is that what you guys been betting on?
Mona: See who gets to propose first?
Futaba: Yeeeup!~
Futaba: Victory couldn't be any sweeter
Omega: Congratulations and wedding gifts will be in order when the time is set to motion
Futaba: Ooh Omega! Wanna share a gift with me to give?
Futaba: I wanna consider this thx for being the best robot bro ever!~ ☺
Omega: I would be honored ☺
Lavenza: Awwwwww~
Tae: Adorable
Mona: Still barf
Lavenza: Mona!
Yusuke: Just to be certain. Makoto and Shiho-san are the ones that are going to propose, yes?
Futaba: That's what i said!~ Possibly later this year actually. Why?
Yusuke: Oh I was planning on informing the others on this glorious news.
Futaba: Sweet!
Futaba: Just don't mention any of this Ren and Ann. It's a secret for them to find out on their own
Yusuke: Roger.
Meanwhile at Okmura Residence.........
Ryuji: (Immediately Gets Up From his Seat Along With his Girlfriend, Haru) HOLY SHIT!
Haru: (Clasps her Hands Together With Happiness and Excitement in her Eyes) They're getting married!?~
Ryuji: It's finally happening!~
Haru: I'm so happy for all of them!~
The couple hugs each other before hopping around and cheering in rejoice over the exciting news.
Haru: This is truly wonderful!~
Ryuji: I know, right!? About damn time those lovebirds get hitched!
Haru: There's so much to plan and prepare for- ('GASPS') (Grab Hold of her Boyfriend's Shoulders) RYUJI! We need to find ourselves the perfect wedding gifts for both parties ASAP-
Ryuji: (Gently Place his Hand Onto Haru's Arm, Helping her Calm Down a Bit) Woah, woah. Easy there, hun, relax. They said they'll propose later this year, right? We have all the time in the world to get ready by then.
Haru: ( Sigh in a Bit of Relief') If you're certain. I just hope the presents we pick out for them will be at least presentable. (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) I wonder if Yusuke is doing an open art commission at this time......
Ryuji: It's possible. If not, I could always try convincing him to- (Etes Suddenly Begins to Widened Before Facepalming Himself and Groaning) Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit.........
Haru: (Starts Getting Worried) What's wrong?
Ryuji: I just remembered the bet he abd I made a while back on which is gonna propose. And guess who now owes the guy fifty bucks?
Haru: How much do you have now? I could help you pay it off.
Ryuji: (Takes His Wallet Out of his Pants Pocket and Opens it Before Looking For Something Inside) I got like....twenty bucks left I think? (Turns to Haru) But you really don't have to go out of your way to help me.
Haru: (Gives Ryuji a Reassuring Smile) True, but I don't mind at all. (Forms a Playful Smirk on her Face) If you so something for me in return~
Ryuji: Up! (Smirks Back) There's that catch I've been looking for. What you want in return?
Haru: Ohh nothing grand~ (Hugs Ryuji Again) I just want to spend the rest of the evening here with the love of my life~ Talk over dinner, movie, under the stars..... (Starts Smirking Seductively) Maybe doing something more sensual afterwards if you behave well enough~
Ryuji: ('Heh') Sounds like hell of a good compromise to me. You got yourself deal, gorgeous~
Haru: Good~ (Gives Ryuji a Kiss on the Lips) Pleasure doing business with you my dear~
Ryuji: Ditto~
The couple resume back to their making out session, having it yurn more passionate real fast.
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lifblogs · 6 months
Tagged by: @sindar-princeling
Are you named for anyone? Nope, not really. I have a name I might switch to irl, which is my name here, Lif. So really I just named myself after the human woman who survived Ragnarok by sleeping through it.
When was the last time you cried? Last night at midnight. I had to hold in my sobs so hard, and it was literally just over a character death. It really hits me.
Do you have kids? Does a very needy kitty boy count? I'm on mom duty with him for hours every day, and I lost sleep in high school doing all the mom stuff: feeding him, burping him, giving him medicine, giving him baths, reading to him so he could sleep okay, singing him to sleep (these were all vet recommended, and they helped his temperament a lot [he's mentally ill]). I do want kids someday. Almost had one in 2020. I still think about her, especially as May is coming up, and she was supposed to be born then. I don't bring this up to make anyone sad, or feel pity. It's just, part of my life, you know?
What sports do/have you played? Archery!! I haven't been able to do it since an injury in 2013 (yes, I realize this happened forever ago at this point), but it was fun. I should maybe try getting back into it. The lanes are expensive though, and I would need a lot of good places to sit down in between shooting.
Do you use sarcasm? That I do.
What's the first thing you notice about people? Same as sindar-princeling, I think. Probably the facial expressions. Next I look for something to compliment them on.
What's your eye colour? Really dark brown.
Scary movies or Happy endings? I feel like these are not opposite ends of a spectrum or anything. I want to say happy endings, but my favorite Star Wars movies are the tragedies: Revenge of the Sith, Rogue One, The Siege of Mandalore.
Any talents? Oh heck yes! I can play the clarinet, sing, compose, act, write, cat photography (trust me, it is a talent and a skill), edit pictures, and bake (I'm better than average at decorating though, but still kinda suck at it).
Where were you born? New England, USA.
What are your hobbies? Right now it's mostly reading, watching TV and movies, listening to music, playing video games, and writing.
Do you have any pets? I have 2! A maine coon girl named Alley Cat who will be turning 17 this Saturday! She's so silly, and a sweetie, and just full of love. Sometimes she annoys me because she thinks I'm her littermate (we were kids at the same time). She also still snurgles (suckling while kneading at the same time)!! And she loves food. She’s just so stunning and adorable. And then there's Loki! That's my baby boy. He picked me to be his mommy when I was 15. I've been there for him through almost everything (sadly couldn't be there for a scary hospitalization when I was in college a few states over). He's silly, he's lovable and loves giving love, he loves kissies, he likes to be brushed, he loves making biscuits. He loves playtime, and he loves getting into trouble. I have the best kitties.
How tall are you? 5'4 (I still want to cry about somehow growing an inch in my early twenties)
Favourite subject in school? PHYSICS AND BAND!!!
Dream job? I really don't know anymore. I wanted to be a professional clarinet player, but that couldn't happen, I wanted to be an actor, but that wasn't able to happen, I wanted to be an editor: again, nope. Screenwriter? Maybe? Author? I don't know anymore.
And here are my kitties!
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Alley is on the left, and Loki is on the right. I forgot to mention that he’s an American Ringtail.
Tagging: @miss-mouse99, @feeling-uncomfy, @evilwriter37, @cascigarette, @knowerofuselessfacts, @err404r, @poisonedyouth, and @vanillachip101.
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kato-neimoidia · 7 months
15 questions for 15 friends
Thanks @willameena and @somethingsteff for the tags!
1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried?
About an hour ago! Just a little cry, my parents and brother have been visiting me over the weekend as it's my birthday soon and they'd just left so I'm back to being here on my own!
3. Do you have kids?
No, and I don't see that in my future, but am honorary auntie to my friends children
4. What sports do you play/ have you played?
Currently playing field hockey. I've been playing for 11 years now. I absolutely love it, playing in defense and in goal, and also coach and umpire (umpiring only when they reeeeally need me to though!).
Have played - would be easier to list what I haven't 😂 I've played football, cricket, basketball, netball, volleyball, to name a few.
While being able bodied myself, a friend of mine who works with local charities for disabilities organised some wheelchair basketball tournaments that I'd been invited to play in. Quite an experience! Don't think I embarrassed myself too much, but a bunch of us from my hockey team put a team together, and we had fun and a laugh with the other teams involved.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yes, to my detriment. I once sarcastically agreed to be a hockey team captain one year, the sarcasm wasn't picked up and a couple of months later I see a facebook post advertising me as one of the captains :| I followed through and did the year, but never again!
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Eyes, mouth, facial expression, gauging their interest in the current situation
7. What's your eye colour?
Blue and brown - brown around the pupils, kinda starbursting out into blue towards the edges (central heterochromia o.O)
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies usually, I'm a bit cynical and like it when there's a twist at the end where the bad guy wins!
9. Any talents?
Not especially, I'm reasonably good at as sports and crafty things. My 'weird' talent would be that my fingers are hypermobile, so my fingers bend a bit backwards at the knuckles, and I can bent the finger tip joints while keeping the rest of the finger straight
10. Where were you born?
Oxfordshire, UK. Moved to Bedfordshire/Hertfordshire area before I was 1 and have stayed here since
11. What are your hobbies?
Playing hockey, video games, reading, crafting and making little things, such as reconfiguring and painting funko pops, and recently made myself a Sabine Wren mando armour costume for halloween
12. Do you have any pets?
13. How tall are you?
5' 1.5"
14. Favourite subject in school?
I was quite partial to maths, biology, and PE
15. Dream job?
Not really sure.. I was always interested in computing and ended up with a job in the IT industry, but it's more in the 'business' side than computing. I've gone vegan and got an electric car over the last 2 years, and have been trying to be more 'green' in general. So it would be cool to be able to do something in that realm, making steps in that direction more accessible and financially viable for businesses and the general public. If money wasn't an object I used to want to work in Game or HMV so I could just play games all day and mess about with merch, while somehow not getting fired
No pressure tags (sorry if you've already been tagged, but enjoy another if so!) @briliantlymad, @isthisfree, @lesbianakins, @underacalicosky, @grapenehifics, @starwalkertales, @piecesofeden11, @trannakinskywalker, @sashkalive, @billowypantss, @mars-attacking, @bolshoiromanova, @vaderborn, @veloursdor, @tideswept
And anyone else who fancies doing this, open invite!
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pvccblog · 2 months
Another wonderful day in Oregon!  Our day started off with the breakfast of champions - spam and eggs!!
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The wind seems to have shifted a bit and the wildfire smoke was pretty heavy today.  It didn't stop the campers from having an excellent time at sports camp! It was interesting though, they were complaining about the heat today.  To us, the weather was perfect!!  Around here, if the temperature hovers near 80 degrees it is too hot.  Quite different from the destinations we usually travel to for these trips!  We are used to triple digits so this weather is quite pleasant for our team.  
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Axel taught the lesson today and it was about Jesus healing the paralyzed man.  The kids seemed pretty engaged.  We are praying that the lessons will sink in and that the kids will remember them and be able to apply them to their lives.  We are also praying for any of them who do not know Jesus - that they would come to know him in a real and personal way!  
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At BARF Night, we played a new game.  Pastor Fred's son Josiah had a birthday today and he wanted play wiffle Ball tonight.  We ended up playing "Extreme Ultimate Wiffle Ball" and it was a blast.  It seemed to be just as fun for those watching us play, they were quite entertained. 
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We also played Rabbit Sticks and it was a very tiring, competitive, even match.  Axel ended up winning for his team with a dive across the line that left him bruised, cut, and with dirt all over himself.  Keep in mind that this was after he slid into home plate during the wiffle ball game and blood was drawn.  He's a beast!
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Martina is such a great young woman of God.  She shared her testimony tonight and it had an impact.  Her story resonated with many in the crowd.  Even the parents came over to hear her share and they were very impressed that someone her age would be so brave to share in front of a crowd like this.  Nicole and I are certainly proud of her, but we are not surprised.  Martina has come on our Intergenerational Mission Venture for years and has even shared her testimony on that trip.  Way to go Nina! 
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After BARF Night, we went over to Pastor Andrew's house.  He is the pastor of the Baptist church I mentioned previously.  He and his wife Tonya served us ice cream and we played games and hung out with their family and David's family and a couple of the local teens.  It is pretty cool to see them invest in their community.  David and his wife actually grew up in Glendale and have been serving in local youth ministry pretty much since they graduated from the local high school.  It's been over 20 years!!! Praise the Lord for their long term commitment!  
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I also want to share how pleased I am with the unity of our team.  We have never combined with another mission team and it's pretty amazing how they have merged together so well.  Part of it is that some of our students grew up with Phin for a few years while he lived in Pine Valley, but I think it is also a testament to their upbringing and their relationship with Jesus and their desire to serve him and share the gospel with others.  This is the smallest team we've ever had at PVCC, and some of our biggest years our teams had over 20 students.  I am noticing this year that a small team that is so "locked in" can have incredible impact in a place like this.  We are praising God that He knew who would be here this week and that he is using us to accomplish His mission!  
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Please continue to pray.  We know that you are because God is working!  There were a few great conversations at BARF Night with some teens and we are hoping this continues to develop.  Tonight at Family Time we talked about how we can take longer breaks between games to allow for more opportunities to chat with people.  I am not going to share a lot of details about these conversations but please know that they are happening!      
We are looking forward to another great Wednesday!  If you haven't already, scroll back and check out our video from our rafting trip on Sunday!  Thanks everyone!
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just-in-case-iloveyou · 8 months
get to know me tag 🌻
@sugarcoated-lame my darling🧡 thank you so much for the tag 🥰
1. were you named after anyone?
i'm pretty sure y'all can guess my real name, but yeah, i was. my name means "she who will rise again," which was neat, because my parents read about an American Indian woman who worked closely with an ethnologist to record hundreds of hours tapes cataloging her tribe's language. a language that no one spoke, until a cardboard box containing those tapes was found in the Smithsonian Institution the year before i was born. my parents loved the name and were blown away by the story.
2. when was the last time you cried?
two days ago, it's been a rough month
3. do you have kids?
no kids, but i do have a fur baby 🥹 ditto, Kricket
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
i did dance and gymnastics a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. 🩰 after that, i played basketball and softball in middle school, and volleyball from middle to high school. 🏀🥎🏐
5. do you use sarcasm?
at this point, i'm pretty sure it's a coping mechanism for me.
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
smile first, then eyes (mostly because i'm nearsighted, so eyes are a little harder)
7. what’s your eye color?
hazel, i guess. they're green on the outside and brown on the inside.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings, for sure. i'm too chicken for scary movies 🐔 and i like to feel happy 💖
9. any talents?
Kicket, babe, i feel like we're kind of the same person.
i can sing, and if i'm comfortable enough with you, i'll sing along to things in your presence. i used to take voice lessons and do musical theater, but since my anxiety developed later, that's a big no-go nowadays. i'm also a solid advice-giver (but i can't take my own), and i used to stress-bake a TON in university. i suppose i'm pretty good at random trivia! and i'm okay at painting, but i only really do it at those paint and sip places lol.
10. where were you born?
Orange County, California 🍊
11. what are your hobbies?
again, same person, different font
PUZZLES!!! reading, watching movies, singing, baking, thrifting, playing video games (i'm a sucker for the Nancy Drew mystery games). i'm trying to get better at cooking. i used to do creative writing and write poems, but i haven't in a very long time. i feel like i should try to get back into that. and like i said, paint and sip is also fun lol
12. do you have any pets?
at the moment, my sister has a pittie mix named Moose, we've got a lovebird named Peach, and a tortoise (African desert maybe?) named Shelley (we didn't name him). we lost my sweet girl Bell and my baby boy Percy not too long ago 💔💔
13. how tall are you?
5'2" i'm almost pocket-sized!
14. favorite subject in school?
English and Social Studies (history, geography, psych, etc.)
15. dream job?
this is gonna sound insane, but ever since i was 11, i've always wanted to work for the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). it sounds squirrely, but long story short, i started watching NCIS and CSI: Crime Scene Investigation around that age, and i just got SO interested in criminology and forensics.
no pressure tags: @lewmagoo @laracrofted @seresinhangmanjake @withahappyrefrain @roosterforme @ohtobeleah @mamachasesmayhem @bobgasm @bobfloydsbabe @attaboylew @attapullman @mjskeletons661 @lostinthefandoms11 @pinkdaisies1106 @mandylove1000 I’m a little late to this so sorry if you’ve already done it 🧡
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itsbowbi · 3 months
tagged by @penglue
Are you named after anyone?
A saint I think. Or my parents just liked the name and came up with that reason after.
When was the last time you cried?
I cry a lot I think I cried watching the new Godzilla movie because I'm easy and a sucker. Like CRIED cried? I think my birthday but it was actually a pretty great night.
Do you have kids?
Hell no.
What sports do you play?
None. Too busy and tired. Been thinking about finding a baseball league or something to play in because I miss it. I was a terrible hitter tho. I'm in better shape now and I learned about my fucked up eyeballs so maybe I'd be better.
Do you use sarcasm?
I don't think so. I have a very cynical sense of humor but sarcasm to me just comes off as being mean. Pretty sure I avoid it almost always.
What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
Looks? I mean literally first thing I notice is what they look like. And yeah I usually decide if I think they're hot right then but that doesn't change much about how I treat them. Otherwise just general vibes I guess. Sense of humor, manners, etc. Ooh I guess I really notice if someone is being at all superior or condescending. I fucking hate that immediately.
Eye colour?
Baby blues.
Scary movies or happy endings?
I like both, but I definitely watch horror movies more often. I think it's funny when movies get the super happy ending like Wayne's World, which seems to be happening more and more often in the movies I watch. I do think I've been avoiding dramas because they can be draining to watch and I don't feel like putting myself through that sitting here alone in my room. And bad horror movies are easily the best thing to watch with friends.
Any talents?
I'm very good at guessing people's middle name. Also I have insane memory when it comes to movies. You can name like one small detail about a movie you can't quite remember and I can probably name it. Good at trivia too.
Where were you born?
Bay Area. Zero memory of California since we left when I was a baby.
Uuggghhh this is where I really start to feel like a nolife degen. Video games mostly. I'm decent at overwatch. Have a quitar but haven't had the energy or motivation to practice in a while. I really want to pick it up again. Just got an iPad with the stylus so that's been fun getting back into art. People say I can draw good so that's cool. Also I technically got my first commission since my buddy gave me $10 to recreate a doodle I made for him at work in a full piece because he loves it so much. Gotta get around to that soon.
Any pets?
My leopard gecko Heybaby! I love her. Also my mom has 2 cats that I still consider mine and I love visiting them. Yoyo and Mimi.
Favourite school subject?
I guess history. I think history has better stories in it than any fiction so I love reading about it and listening to audiobooks and podcasts. Chose that as my major in college since I didn't know what to do with my life and it was the one subject I was able to tolerate. That was a very bad decision and I honestly should've never gone to college or just gone to a community college while I figured out what to actually do. Still waiting on that last part.
Dream job?
I really don't have a realistic one. I have hated every job I've ever had and any work that was assigned to me in school or therapy or whatever instantly made me hate it. I have crazy fantasies about what I could still do with my life but most of them involve doing little to no actual work. Like being a streamer. But I guess I'll go with what I would've said 20 years ago and say baseball player or rock star.
GET TAGGED @conkedcrete @spylarman (or don't sorry to bother u)
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abrahamvanhelsings · 5 months
thank youu for tagging me @zaegreus 💙🐳
not really, i believe my mother happened to know someone, a colleague or something, and she liked the name so on the baby name list it went. as far as my new chosen name which ive been trying out here and there, it's just the male version of my legal documents name, but since that's dorian it always makes people go 'ooo like from oscar wilde's dorian gray?' OR they go 'oh like in dragon age' and both of these things. queer. lmao.
hmm i don't quite remember, i think i cried about palestine a couple of weeks ago bc i was very stressed abt work and my emotions were very close to the surface so to say, and this genocide happening right in front of our eyes while the world acts like it isn't makes me feel incredibly powerless and lose my faith in humanity. to see suffering and ignore it - to refuse to see these people as people, with lives and dreams and feelings that are each worth the universe, at all. just inconceivable to me.
no. and despite what my mother likes to think i do not want them and i never will.
i played football for a couple of years as a teenager. i also did horse riding for a year or two as a child, but then the timing of the lessons got awkward in regards to dinner so i had to stop. i still kind of miss it every once in a while though, because i really love horses and riding is very nice. uhh i also did archery for two years or something. and when i stopped playing football when i was 15 i went on to rowing and i haven't stopped doing that since! honestly a pretty important part of my life, there's a lot of time that goes into practice alone and i also have to volunteer at the club (common courtesy as a member), but i really love it. don't think ill ever stop doing it if i can help it.
uh yeah all the time lmaoo which sometimes people do not catch on to and then it seems like i've just said something incredibly rude or patently insane but we roll with life's punches. which in this case is failing a 'have a normal conversation' check.
hands! im very peculiar about hands and i will commit a felony for a beautiful pair of them. this goes for eyes too but looking straight into people's eyes is, like, more intimate than sex so i tend not to do that very much even if i think someone's eyes are beautiful immediately. and also, people's shoes, bc i honestly believe that if there's any piece of clothing that can tell you a lot about a person it's shoes lmao
hazel, they kinda go from brown to green depending on the shirt im wearing and the way the light falls into them
kind of depends on your definition of scary? i don't like horror at all but i can enjoy a good thriller. generally i think i prefer happy endings though. still, a good tragedy every once in a while... in fact one of my favourite movies of all time (in the mood for love) has a very bittersweet ending. and also i am terror crew of course
i used to be decent at drawing but i haven't really done that for years bc academia sucks the life out of you. same goes for writing - i so wish to take up writing fanfic and original works again and i have so many ideas, but then whenever i have the time i do not feel the energy. oh but im very good at public speaking! has always come naturally to me which is quite a stroke of luck
provincial town somewhere in the north of the netherlands
rowing, playing the piano, and the usual stuff i.e. reading, watching things (including sports) and playing video games. idk if id classify climate activism as a hobby? im not doing it for fun but bc it's necessary, but we do try to have a good time of it bc it's not sustainable mentally/physically if you don't. i also play board games with some of the climate activism people in my city every once in a while
no! my parents used to have cats but when they died they didn't take new ones and im away from my own apartment more often than im there bc of work and sports and activism and friends blah blah blah so it isn't really a good idea for me to take a cat or something if we can't even be proper companions
ehh 169 cm or so
even though i studied history i think latin and ancient greek were my favourite subjects in high school bc that's where i actually learned things. the history teacher just let me do whatever bc it was all too easy for me anyway, but latin/greek were actually challenging even though i was good at them. in fact my highest mark on the big national high school exams was for greek! also i told you about my amazing latin teacher :')
man i don't even know anymore. for the longest time i thought i wanted to work in academia but now im doing a phd and im seeing all the uni politics up close im like... man... all of you people and your made up rules and your cronyism and toxic power dynamics and your hierarchies suck ass for real. but then idk what else id do bc even though i like museums that whole world is impossible to get into without literal nepotism so yeah. marry rich and set up something cool to popularise opera among younger generations? lmfao
tagging @garlandgerard @boogiewoogieweeb @croziers-compass @burrowingregg @tadpal @tideswept if you feel like it 💚🐢
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purplesurveys · 6 months
What did you have for dinner tonight?: It's only 10 AM, but last night we went to Solaire to watch Miss Saigon and we went with an Asian spread. I got bao, rice paper rolls, and pad thai.
If you were given a million dollars, what would you spend it on? I'd keep a good portion of it as savings and not touch it until I'm like, 65; the rest I would give to my parents.
Have you ever cried in front of your parents over a boyfriend or girlfriend?: Nope.
What does your bedroom smell like right now?: Like coffee, I'm guessing.
Have you ever shaved off your eyebrow before?: I've never done that but I did have trichotillomania growing up so I had phases where I was missing chunks of my eyebrows.
Do you want to have a boy or girl whenever you have kids?: Girl.
Your pregnant with twins: What do you name them?: Definitely not similar names like Kaye and Kate as it would only make me more confused haha.
Describe your outfit.: Only in loungewear today as I'm at home, but last night I had on a dark green halter dress that went down to a bit above my knees. It also had a slit on the left leg side. I wore black heels and a small black shoulder bag as well.
What gigabyte is your memory card?: I haven't had a hard drive since high school, even though I know I really should invest in one.
What brand is your digital camera?: I don't own a digicam but damn if those things aren't seeing a resurgence lately. I might be the only one in my age group left who still doesn't have one.
When was the last time you hung out with your best friend?: Angela came over last month just to hang out and have some heart to hearts here and there.
What is a movie you're waiting to see?: I've been meaning to watch The Iron Claw. It's not all the time that a movie centered around wrestling gets to be produced and becomes critically-acclaimed at that, so I'm looking forward to seeing it.
Who was the last person to cook something for you?: Apart from the crew at Solaire lol, my mom.
Do you ever sit and think what if about something?: Sure, I think it's inevitable to come across those thoughts every now and then.
If so, what is it?: It's always very different. Like what if we're one of those families able to migrate, what if Kimi was still alive, what if I chose to be a journalist...there's a million scenarios with a million possibilities and how actively my mind runs I could be thinking about anything.
What’s on tv right now?: My own TV isn't it but I know my sister is watching some streamer play video games in the living room TV.
Do you ever stop and smell the roses?: Sure, if I remember to.
Where do you download music from?: I listen to music on Spotify but never download cause it'd take up so much storage if I were to download all the albums I like.
How many channels do you have on your tv?: Don't really throw around the word 'channels' anymore, but as for apps we have subscriptions to and regularly use it'd be Netflix, YouTube, Disney+, Prime, Apple TV, and quite recently this local sports channel since it's the only one in the country that airs WWE live.
What are you most scared of?: Getting cancer or dementia. < This, but these circumstances happening to my family. I honestly don't think I'd care as much if it happened to me.
If you were given a chance to bring someone back to life, who would you choose?: No one. If it's their time, it's their time; and I don't want to fuck around with grief.
Do you talk to any of your ex boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nope.
If so, which one?:
What is your mom doing right now?: I think she's on her phone just reliving our Miss Saigon experience last night haha. I'm glad she really enjoyed it! She watched the 2000 Manila tour – it was still Lea Salonga playing Kim - and I call out Lea cause she set such a high standard for Kim; and it made me worried that her Gen X self might end up simply comparing the 2024 show to what she watched 24 years ago.
I was happy and relieved it wasn't the case and she had so much fun. As for me my soft spot was hit all evening knowing that she originally watched with my dad, and now she got to watch the play with her three kids.
Are you currently listening to music?: I'm not.
What is the weather like right now?: I mean it's your typical weather in the Philippines in April. Approaching 40C, humid, uncomfortably and nearly painfully hot.
Do you like new music or older music?: I think it's a good mix.
Do you agree that abortion is wrong?: No.
If you could make a law, what would kind of law would you make?: I just wanted to get rid of e-bikes on highways but the government has already been on that so yay hahaha.
What was the last video game you played?: Mario Kart 8 on the Switch.
What is currently going on in the room you're in right now?: Apart from me taking this, noting.
Do you know where your best friend is?: I'm almost certain she is at home as it is still quite early.
Who was the last person to comment you on Facebook?: Angela, I think.
What is your display picture of on Facebook?: Me posing in front of the Impact Arena in Bangkok a few hours before Yoongi's concert.
Do you ever sit and think about the past?: Just occasionally.
If you could relive any moment in time: what would it be?: Let's go with a recent memory – Wrestlemania Sunday with 200 Cody-crazed fans watching the ref count to three.
Are you a talker or a listener?: Listener.
What is one food you will not eat?: Mango.
Do you eat anything now that you never used to eat?: Curry and wasabi.
Have you ever kissed the same sex?: Yes.
When does school start this year?: Haven't been in school since 2020.
What genre of music do you refuse to listen to?: Country. Which is why it's taking me forever to take on Cowboy Carter hahaha.
Do you ever shout for absolutely no reason?: I don't think so. If I scream it's always for a reason lol.
Have you stuck with your new years resolution?: I don't make em.
Do you need to lose any weight right now?: No. If anything I need to gain some. I was well under 100lbs at my last physical exam and the nurses also told me I had low blood pressure which had to do with my weight, so it might be healthiest to gain a few pounds.
What is something you want right now?: I wish I can just stay at home but alas I've been booked the last few days haha. Saturday - Work event Sunday morning - Wrestlemania Saturday Monday morning - Wrestlemania Sunday Tuesday - Miss Saigon Wednesday - Afternoon out with Bea and Kata Thursday & Friday - Work Saturday - Rest Sunday - Work event
Even then it's still kinda hard to be excited about Saturday because I know it's sandwiched between two busy days anyway.
Do you hate when you see teachers in stores?: I don't hate it but I also don't wish for it to happen.
What always puts a smile on your face?: My dogs.
Where can I find you on a Saturday night?: At home with a cup of coffee.
What is the best thing about Sundays?: The free time - for the most part, at least.
What is your music provider (itunes, windows media player): I just use Spotify.
How many songs do you have?: I don't download songs.
When was the last time you had a period?: Two weeks ago.
Why do you think the sky is blue?: Idk.
If you could change the sky to any color which would you choose?: I wouldn't change it. We get different colors already anyway.
Is there anything wrong with you right now?: I mean I'm running on 2 hours of sleep so I don't super particularly feel my best rn but I think I'll manage.
Do you hate when people stare at you?: It bothers me a little bit, yeah.
What always makes you angry, no matter what?: Toddlers throwing a tantrum.
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cat-esper · 11 months
15 Questions Tag Game
I was tagged by @maskedemerald and finally got around to filling it out. The rules are to answer these 15 questions as either your OC or yourself and tag up to 15 people.
Gently tagging @awleeofficial, @ahordeofwasps, @void-botanist, @chauceryfairytales, @fire-but-ashes-too, and open tag.
Since I'm planning to write book 3 for NaNoWriMo, I'll be answering these for Chelsea and Shay from Project Paladin.
Are you named after anyone? Chelsea: Sort of? My mom knew someone named Chelsea and just really liked the name. Shay: Nope.
When was the last time you cried? Chelsea: Uh...probably a few nights ago. I just had a bad day trying to practice magic with this stupid cast on and then Ferric texted me to say the lead he was following regarding my parents was a dead end. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing all of this for nothing and I'll never find them and I just...I really miss them. I'm gonna stop talking so I don't cry again. Shay: I don't...I don't know. I don't remember. Maybe a month ago? It's personal.
Do you have kids? Chelsea: No! I'm only sixteen! Shay: Nah. Never really had the opportunity. Being a Paladin keeps me busy so it just never really crossed my mind. Do you use sarcasm? Chelsea: Sometimes with friends. We goof around a lot and tease each other and that's when the sarcasm comes out. Shay: I'm never sarcastic. Chelsea: He actually is but his sarcastic voice is the same as his non-sarcastic voice so it's hard to tell if you don't know him. What's the first thing you notice about others? Chelsea: Ummm, probably what they're wearing. If they have a cool outfit or a backpack or, oh, if they have really cool hair. Shay: I focus on faces. I talk to a lot of people in this line of work. I help them out and they give me information in return. I study their expressions, try to tell if they're lying to me. I see a lot of grief too and it's better to look them in the eye so they know you care. I see a lot of gratitude too and it's...nice. Seeing that I made a difference. What's your eye color? Chelsea: Blue Shay: Brown Scary stories or happy endings? Chelsea: I'm a sap for happy endings. Like, give me all the drama and angst for sure, but in the end, I just want my faves to be happy. Shay: I used to think scary stories for sure. Anything that could actually creep me out, that was good stuff. But now...now I wouldn't mind a happy ending. Any special talents? Chelsea: I can play the trumpet but not, like, super good or anything. Um, I learned magic recently if that counts? Shay: Why the hell would that not count? Chelsea: I don't know! I'm not very good at that either! Shay: It counts. I also know magic and can play the guitar. Where were you born? Chelsea: Sable, Utah. I've lived there my whole life and hopefully I'll get to go back when all this Paladin stuff is over. Shay: Bray, Ireland. Haven't been back in a long time and I don't know if that's going to change. What are your hobbies? Chelsea: I love camping and hiking. Riding my bike. Roller skating. Hanging out with friends. Spending too much time on the internet. Shay: Being a Paladin doesn't give me much free time, but like I said earlier, I play the guitar. That's how I unwind whenever I can find the time. Do you have any pets? Chelsea: No, which is tragic. I got to babysit some baby dragons recently but sadly, we had to give them back :( Shay: No. I wouldn't have the time or energy to take care of one if I did. What sports do you play/have played? Chelsea: I play softball sometimes. We don't have an official team or anything, but a bunch of kids from my school like to play against kids from Kane Heritage. It's fun and we don't take it too seriously. Shay: I was more into video games than sports before I became a Paladin, so I haven't really gotten into any. Although my sister kept suggesting I join a track team since I'm a fast runner. Didn't help to tell her I was mostly running away from things. How tall are you? Chelsea: 5'3" Shay: 180 cm Chelsea: ...I don't know what that means Shay: *does not translate*
Favorite subject in school? Chelsea: Band class. Our teacher's pretty chill and we get to play fun music. Need I say more? Shay: History. Dream job? Chelsea: Oooooh, I don't know! Being a park ranger could be cool. Or maybe I could be a Foley artist; that's what my Aunt Linda does. Or I could set up a really niche little hobby shop and sell weird knickknacks to tourists. Or since I have magic now, I can be a magician! Or... Shay: The only thing I ever wanted to be growing up was a rockstar. Corny, I know, but I loved the idea of that life. Getting to go on tour and do concerts. I do a lot of traveling now, but it'd be nice if it was for something simple like concerts and not to solve some horribly convoluted mystery that would most likely end in disaster.
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ladynoirist · 1 year
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
thanks for the tags @cakemousse, @emsylcatac, and @little-mari-on-a-roof !!!! ♥️
1. Are you named after anyone?
i am not! my parents very specifically wanted to find a unique name for me, which then became extremely trendy when i was in my late teens. so now every time i meet a girl under the age of 10 there's a 50% chance we have the same name, but on the other hand for the first 15 or so years of my life i'd only ever met one or two people who shared my name (lisa is not my real name)
2. When was the last time you cried?
umm i honestly don't remember specifically, probably a few months ago?
3. Do you have kids?
god, no
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
5. What sports do you play/have played?
i played a lot of badminton and tennis and loved swimming as a kid and i would occasionally play basketball and volleyball! i wasn't very good at any of them, though, but i had fun! on the more adventurous side i've also done rock climbing, rappelling, hiking, and scuba diving and probably some others which i'm forgetting
6. What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
eyes and... vibe for the lack of a better word.
7. What’s your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
i haven't been scared by a scary movie in fifteen years so happy endings i guess? i don't seek out horror content (but i've been meaning to so recs are welcome!!) but when i did, i generally found horror novels and video games much scarier than movies
that being said i do love a good tragic ending, i love catharsis
9. Any special talents?
girl i WISH
10. Where were you born?
[redacted], asia
11. What are your hobbies?
i got into a rhythm of drawing regularly for a couple months this year but completely lost my flow since i've been really busy for the past couple weeks 😭 apart from that i just read lmao. and simp for my dog
12. Do you have pets?
a dog! her name is eclair, she's five years old, and she's the naughtiest craziest cutest babiest little thing in the universe
13. How tall are you
168 cm (5'6)
14. Favorite subject in school?
french and math in middle school, math and economics in high school, macroeconomic theory and international finance in college.
15. Dream job?
probably a travel blogger. being able to travel the world and write about my experiences and be paid for it sounds like a dream. but failing that i would love a career in like finance or consulting where i get paid a lot and get to travel and work with a lot of clients but also with numbers
Tagging (feel free to ignore) :
i think all my mutuals have done this already so throwing this out there for anyone who wants to try!
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maguro13-2 · 1 month
Shattered Hero Rekindled ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Episode Maka Pt.20 ~
*Somewhere at the DMV (Washington Metro)*
"Prince George's County, Maryland"
[Mother's Caption (Pause Menu Theme) by Hirokazu Ando]
Winry : There. That should do it. Haven't felt like this since I left Japan after the show and movie, I haven't received any calls from Edward since the movie. In the show, the video games, I just don't understand why is he into other women than me all the time? The Writers back at the studio had no idea that he was into other women.
*Winry Sighs*
Winry : Can't wait for losin, oh well, perhaps that I'll get him next time for fall for me in the next six years of our story's lifespan. It'll be the last of us for sure.
"Winry Rockbell : Automal Mechanic and Childhood Friend"
Winry : So...I guess we're in the bottom of this world, do we? I did a little exercise, staying fit and active, I hope that this would be perfect for some spare parts, if only the king was making some tarts. The people of this state could get really exciting. It'll be fun at Japan like old times since we were kids.
*wipes sweats off*
Winry : Voila, all finished! I finally fished it in about a week. This is should be perfect for your disability coverage. So, my friend, how are you feeling today? You look pretty sturdy.
Lan Fan : Umm, are you sure about that. It only took me a day to get army replaced. This is...really a good piece of arm you want me to replace?
Winry : Yep. I did it all by myself.
Lan Fan : Well, yes. This is quite the perfect opportunity to have my arm fixed.
"Lan Fan : Mercernary Assassin of Xing"
Winry : Hand crafted, new automail arm for you, and we're getting it somewhere.
Lan Fan : Well, thanks. I kinda like this new arm.
Winry : Truly fantastic, I am automail mechanic expert and I always get the job done, except when you're a mechanic that service things for automobiles or even some wild hogs.
Lan Fan : So you really sure about that. You say that you're finding interesting place where we first made contact eye-to-eye in Montgomery County.
Winry : Thanks! Yeah, Montgomery County...that's sounded like an interesting play, there are lot of fun things to do in the state of Maryland, we could do some fishing, go camping, and...we could see the amazing sights of the Chesapeake Bay.
Lan Fan : Oh lovely, hope you give me a souvenir from Annapolis.
Winry : I could make it a gift to you, it would be lovely if you really like it.
Lan Fan : Hope it's a fair welcome for the naval academy.
Winry : Right, the naval academy. I wonder what it's like to be at this state?
*Imagines of Winry and Lan Fan fishing at the docks*
Winry : This is a perfect place for us to fish.
Lan Fan : Yeah!
Winry : Nothing like a good fishing at the harbor.
*fishing rod moving*
Winry : Hey, I think I caught one!
Winry : Aha!...Uh-oh. Who's clothes are these?
Blair : Hey! Those are my pair of clothes!
*imagnary scenario ends*
[Fishing Vibes by Tomoya Ohtani]
Lan Fan : I don't mind any fishing stuff at the Chesapeake. But I do little hike and training in the wilderness of Frederick County and Montgomery County. How about you?
Winry : Well, a hiking and training is a good exercise, that's why I stay fit and active. Take a look, see these guns. *flexes her arm* I've been doing a lot work since 2001 and I'm always in shop.
Lan Fan : *blushes* Oh...Well, it kinda blushes me out. So anything good after the incident?
Winry : Well, honestly. About Roy destroyed my parents, he was actually mistaken for someone else, It was that man named Scar. I tried to kill him at Gun point for attempted but...I felt so sorry. It's not revenge that wanted to us to serve a dish best served cold, it was those jerks that is responsible for everything.
Lan Fan : You really think he's the one that destroyed your parents.
Winry : And now, I'm with always needed and you, of course. I thought revenge would be the answer, but...Revenge could never be the right answer, it feels like that we've got ourselves involved with someone else's mess. I thought I...*voice breaking* I thought...I...
Lan Fan : Winry, no need to fret. This is how we felt, if only revenge is thought to be the wright answer, than the only kind of revenge is what we needed, the mastermind that set up the events. We could overthrow someone, someone like a homunculous. Yeah, it's those guys, they're the ones responsible for the conflicts and they're the ones who made that Ishvalan guy kill your parents. Except for the Nina Dog part, that Nina turning into a chimera thing, is really traumatizing. *comforts winry*
Winry : Thanks. I'm glad that I have somebody with you, somebody as a friend. Thanks for comforting me.
Lan Fan : Any time, Winry. Any time.
*Garbage Can Hit*
Winry : What was that?
Lan Fan : Could be some intruder.
Winry : Whatever it is, I do not like surprises, and especially, I think we have some uninvited guests. I'm gonna go take a look. You stay put, okay?
Lan Fan : *nods*
Winry : *haves her wrench in her hand* Alright, a-hole. Stop playing around...
*cues Graveyard Shift Title card theme*
Winry : Show your faces here and I'll blow a landing your noggin head!
Lan Fan : Huh? Wait a sec. Winry, there's a heartless shadow with glasses.
Winry : Arakawa?....Is that you?
Winry : ....Oh...You can talk?
Lan Fan : It's weird to see a heartless with glasses that could easily find out about the problems. But, ummm...do we know a heartless with glasses like you don't know?
Heartless : Of course, I wear the glasses. Ever since I was killed by that envy person, strange occurrences happening over manipulating the events of this situation. Those heartless had sure contact the that the homunculus had their supicious eyes out of it. I told Roy that he was not the one who killed your parents. It was an Ishvalan named Sccar the whole time and therefore, those bastards were responsible for that and who says revenge is not the right answer, but a dish best served cold.
Winry : *gasped in shock*
*images of Hughes flashing*
Winry : Mr.Hughes?
Heartless (Hughes) : Well, what did you know? It looks like you finally found out who I am. I did survived, after I lost my own body to that homunculus is where they put my body in a funeral, it's where my family came to mourn at, I am so gonna get that guy for what he did to me!
Lan Fan : Wait a sec. So this talking heartless with glasses is...*about to say something*
*Scene then cuts*
[Frequency Current by Hideaki Kobayashi]
Heartless (Hughes) : Well, umm, I was going to show everyone the truth but the cocky Homunculus were too stubborn for their own ways and then this punk decided to shoot me down at gunpoint! It's not like that I was gonna live forever, look at me, I'm a small shadowy being called a heartless and I don't have my own size, my original life sized me! If only I could get back to my wife and daughter, I'd still be seeing Alicia's face right about now. But I'm still a shadow.
Lan Fan : I felt sorry for your loss.
Winry : Here, have a chocolate chip. It'll make you feel better.
Heartless (Hughes) : I just hope that you didn't get from these fast food joints, I always go to a fancy restaurant for paying my bill.
*absorbs cookie*
Winry : Woah! Did It just...You absorbed it!
Lan Fan : Can a heartless floss like that? It's munching alright, but I wonder if he tries to absorb juices?
Heartless (Hughes) : Mmm, that hit the spot. I haven't eaten anything for a week, a month, or year to eat some good food since I lost my body. You give tasty treats to humans, but I'm concerning that we heartless absorb real food since we don't have any mouths to feed on.
Winry : Sounds like you got yourself quite a deal on whether you want revenge or you could have your revenge to do it for you.
Heartless (Hughes) : How come? I'm still a shadow, I'd probably miss my wife and kid, and I'll have plenty of Good Memories of--PLEASE DON'T TELL COLONEL MUSTANG, THAT I'VE BECOME A SHADOWY CREATURE LIKE THIS! I'M A MONSTER!....But I do like wearing these glasses on my face.
[Gaia Manuscripts by Takahito Eguchi]
Winry : So...How did you knew that Envy was the one that kept you from unveiling the truth.
Heartless (Hughes) : Villains like him, they're the real monsters. I know it's a harsh reasoning of why Dark Fantasy stories were considered to be edgy as hell. Ever since Amestris was created, the country got every human race involved because of the homunculus plan of wiping out every living being on the planet in exchange for hearts and souls like they smuggle to take candy from a baby. But this candy will not be their last, their hungry power selves was to consume the race and would make Amestris to monopolize political power. They weren't going to help Amestris to monopolize the entire world, they were helping them to destroy the world and the human race itself. Unlike that Harry Potter stone, the philosopher stone of our world was the beginning of everything.
Winry : Ehh?
Heartless (Hughes) : Everyone who got their selves involved have been losing their lives in exchange for science, but taking out the heart and soul for the use of alchemy, yeah right. Now we understand why we can't have nice things. I thought that there is an easy way to solve this problem, we might have the solution to end our world's suffering.
Winry : That could be us, if Heroes like Edward would solve everyone's problem, then he might find the solution that would save the country. I get it, the heart and soul was the power of everything what Sora told us. No wonder we found out on what's been causing all of this nonsense from Soul Eater.
Heartless (Hughes) : Ever since that Chao from the garden was possessed by the soul of Shinra's Resurrection, Shinra wanted to see Maka's face from both existing times in the Ohkuboverse that goes from Past to Future, the reason that they live in the same universe, because the Ohkuboverse was in a time loop until it was destroyed by the Time Eater and expunged everyone from their stories or tales.
Lan Fan : And let me guess, Winry gets involve of sacrifices that only happens in a dark fantasy setting?
Heartless (Hughes) : Yes...which is a plot twist orchestrated by the man responsible for the outcome and creating the Homunculi, all he wanted was to absorb truth and crave all the knowledge he wants to destroy all life in the world of FMA.
Lan Fan : So that's why the bad guys were after us, they have manipulating because of the problem in a dark fantasy setting. Unveiling the truth would be the key to everything.
Heartless (Hughes) : Remember, these guys were attempting keep truth out of the public eye, but we are spreading it like wild fire, I hope you must find Maka Albarn, they're located at a coastal area called Emerald Coast.
Winry : Don't worry, Mr. Hughes. We'll find a way to get our revenge and solve the problem with the solutions we have, after all there can only be one Winry and who knows that something from the past would come up with a better idea.
*Meanwhile at Emerald Coast*
Inky Albarn : What a shocking coincidence. I never thought that you would be born outside of this world, and found yourself born light years away from Earth, we discovered that we had any grudges against those who told everything a lie to you. So were you eventually born on Jupiter.
Maka Albarn : I figured, of course that would be--hold up did you say I was born at Jupiter?
Moirai : There was a sanctuary that created after the Phantonian race has colonized the solar system.
Sir Halberd Knight (Tsugumi) : A sanctuary at Jupiter?
Moirai : Yes, that sanctuary which was established a long time ago before we were born, Actually I was modeled on the same Maka Albarn that disappeared from the 1930s, and that Maka Albarn is you, you regret nothing but we do alike, it's like were identical to another, but what costs?
Maka Albarn : At the age of 3, I was born from the DNA of the original, I am her "copy", a human copy from the past. Born from the cells Inky Albarn who was formally Maka Albarn from the past itself.
Sir Halberd Knight : You're a copy, created by who?
Maka Albarn : Lord Phanto of the Phanton Empire, created me.
Sir Halberd Knight (Tsugumi) : Created, you are a copy of the original? A man known as Phanto created you? I see. But on what costs did you expected to believe that your future was to defeat Demon God to bring peace to this planet. Why do you want to go against the Kishin and bring end to the Ohkuboverse's order? Why do you gotta hide from this.
Maka Albarn : Alright, I'll unveil you the truth.
[cues Unveiled Truth by Fumie Kumatani]
"It all began over a year ago...After the Ohkuboverse was erased by the Time Eater, Phanto and his people the Phantonians have conquered the Solar System to bring conquest over from to Jupiter to Earth."
Seto : This whole Maka Albarn thing, was what's left from the Phantonians
Solva : They're the relatives of Phanto and the Shy Guys, the Mask minions of Mamu and Bowser.
Maka Albarn : After being born from Lord Phanto's wish, I was given with extremely powers called the Shattered Resonance, a deadly force that has the power to destroy people's hearts and bring massive destruction. It is a combination of both anger and sadness that becomes one known as Frustration.
Seto : Frustration? As in an emotion that combines Anger and Sadness together? That makes something very interesting about one's power. But wait, I am missing something from this time around. If there was something in the 06. If Shinra forgot something in the 06, who created that Yona person in the first in which used everyone to let the planet be destroyed by Demon Vibe. Who created him?
Inky Albarn : Despite all of his efforts of rejuvenating himself as a hero, I discovered that we found something different from us Ink Demons, I know someone who is a manipulative bastard that tricked Shinra into letting his old world die at the hands of Demon Vibe himself, there was some kind of Sun God that the inhabitants of the Ohkuboverse's past wasn't a Sun God and all religion in the Ohkuboverse was a massive ploy. Someone who wanted to drown in darkness.
[The Resurrection of Mephiles by Hideaki Kobayashi]
Maka Albarn : No...I don't believe it, after all of that in the Ohkuboverse. All religion were a massive ploy, the prayers, the Sun God, all of it, it was all a somebody's acting alone. I know who made religion as a massive ploy in the Ohkuboverse. It was some kind of recolor who lays waste on the planet for mass genocide and disruption of time and space.
*flashing images of Mephiles*
Maka Albarn : A recolored shadow! That's it! Someone is setting the stage in Shinra's story from the Ohkuboverse's past, that's why he wanted to become a hero, he fooled him and his comrades from the start. His plan was bring not only a person to fall with despair, but everyone involved to it! That's why Shinra's story happened in the first place before he created my world and story.
Solva : Then who's idea was it to manipulate Shinra and his people of the first place.
Solva : Woah! An earthquake?
Seto : What's that written in the sand?
Seto : "The Fault of Mephiles"? Wait a sec, that name sounded familiar before...More importantly...I just don't put my finger to it.
Solva : Whatever that is, I'm sure master Grim would probably know the details about this...
Eve : Huh...?
Seto & Solva : *realizing* ....WHO THE HECK IS MEPHILES!?!
~ Level 19 : THE BROKEN TRUTH ~
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eldritchsurveys · 3 months
Thoughts on Pokemon Go? >> I think it’s a neat concept. I don't play it, personally, because I'm not into the gameplay aspect of Pokémon (I just think the creatures are fun).
What podcasts do you listen to, if any? >> I don't, it's not a form of media I feel like I have any time in my life to devote to (considering all the other media I interact with already). The only podcast I ever listened to more than like 3 episodes of is Welcome to Night Vale, back when that was new and popular. I would still listen to it but I'm just so far behind in it by now that I can't be bothered. But who knows what the future holds. I do keep up with another podcast through its transcripts (I've actually never listened to it, only read it; I might go back and listen to at least a few episodes eventually now that I'm already invested, but we'll see) -- The Silt Verses.
Which period of history was your favorite to learn about in school? >> I didn't enjoy history in school at all. Which makes sense, since in most USAmerican public schools, "history class" is more like "memorise a bunch of dates and historical figures, most of which are related to all the wars the US has started or escalated, whilst we fill your heads with a bunch of patriotic atrocity-whitewashing nonsense class".
If you’re a tea drinker, what’s your tea of choice? If not, what’s your favorite beverage in general? >> Lapsang souchong is my top favourite, but that's hard to get a hold of so mostly I drink my other faves -- various herbals and such.
What was your most recent binge watch? >> I don't binge-watch things. The most episodes of something I'll watch in a day is 4, and that's for shows that run 20-30 minutes per episode, like anime.
What’s the oldest thing currently in your house? >> I have no idea.
What’s something silly you believed as a child? >> Nothing comes to mind.
What’s the last thing you cooked or heated up? >> The last thing I heated up was a sandwich in the toaster oven. The last thing I cooked was rice cooker fried rice.
Are you excited at all for the upcoming Olympics? .
Last video game you played? >> FFXIV.
Which of your parents’ birthdays did you last celebrate? What did you do? .
If you use Snapchat, do you post to your story or send individual snaps more often? .
Have you ever used a power tool? Which one? .
Is your favorite color the same as when you were a kid? >> I don't think I had one when I was a child.
Can you see a picture frame from where you are? What’s in that frame? >> The picture frame on the shelf across the room from me has a Dark Tower art print in it. The one next to it has a stylised drawing of New Orleans.
What is your go-to summer outfit? >> Cutoff shorts and a t-shirt is the easiest thing right now. I really need more clothes. The cutoff shorts technically don't even fit, they're too tight.
If you have Facebook, what is one of the topic trending right now? If you don’t, what is the most recent news you heard? >> I use the Facebook Purity extension, so I don't see any of that other shit. My feed is strictly people and pages I follow. I also haven't heard any recent news from any other source. Who was the last person you know to graduate? .
Think of the farthest place you’ve traveled to. Do you have any souvenirs from there? >> The farthest I’ve travelled is from NY to Colorado (and back). I don’t have any souvenirs from either place.
Does your town put on any fireworks displays for the 4th of July and/or other holidays? >> There is a formal display that the city itself puts on (it's Saturday the 6th, this year), but fireworks are legal for regular people to purchase too, unfortunately, so basically I've been hearing fireworks for the past week and will continue to hear them until midmonth.
Do you know the number of the fire truck/engine closest to your house? >> I do not.
Have you ever met anyone the EXACT same age as you (some birthdate and year)? >> I don't think so.
When was the last time you or someone else said/used your middle name for something? >> Whenever I go to a food place where you give your name so they can call for you when your order is ready, I use my middle name. It's easier to parse than my first name, which saves everyone time and saves me an annoyance.
Do you own anything covered in glitter? >> I do not.
When was the last time you rolled your eyes? At what? >> I did watch some Riverdale earlier so I probably comically rolled my eyes at something on there, lol. Oh you know what, it was probably when Veronica said "mobsplain". Dialogue in this show really cracks me up sometimes.
Have you ever helped plan a wedding? >> Mine, yeah. Do you get overwhelmed easily? >> You have no idea.
Do you like mozzarella sticks? >> Eh. I get the appeal when they're piping hot but as soon as they cool down even an iota they turn into like... fried glue.
What was the last blue thing you touched? >> There's a body pillow next to me that's blue, and I'm sure I've touched that at some point today.
What was the last email you sent about? .
If you had to name one of your children after a friend, solely based on their name alone, who would you choose? .
Do you like caramel? >> I do, but I'm really picky about it. I don't like the caramel you'd find in most common candies. It's like a cheap imitation of the actual thing.
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phantomfitzroy · 8 months
I got caught and tagged like a wild animal by @cromerholt AND @noellevanious :-) quastions time
Are you named after anyone? Technically yes. When I listened to TAZ:Graduation I was really caught on Fitzroy Maplecourt, Knight in Absentia to the realm of Goodcastle 's name for some reason. Don't get me wrong, Griffin made a very fun character but I really don't associate my attachment to the name to him at all. It was more like inspiration, you know? Also my middle name, Aleksandr, is from an old ass youtuber I used to watch religiously in high school. If you know you know. I still use it as a first name, though, Fitz and Aleks are both good names I will respond to. Fun fact, my best friend called me Aleks through our junior/high school before I knew I was trans. I guess it just stuck.
When was the last time you cried? Yesterday. I watched a vid of an older woman with Alzheimer's talking with her daughter. She repeatedly asked her daughter to stop calling her mom, which did get to me, but what got to me most was her gradually remembering her daughter as the video went on while she looked at old photos and trinkets from her past. It really got to me.
Do you have kids? Nope :-) I fluctuate between not wanting kids and maybe wanting kids. I'm sure I'll have a better idea when I'm older and actually can take care of myself first.
What sports do you play/have you played? I used to play basketball in junior high. Also if you count marching band? Our director had us doing laps around the football field before practice and shit.
Do you use sarcasm? A very hesitant yes. I hardly use it, the closest I could say I get to sarcasm most of the time is just telling silly lies to people, but there's never any ill will behind it ever. I just like seeing what I can get people to believe, but I always let people know I lied after.
What's the first thing you notice about someone? In a physical sense their smile. I'm drawn to people's mouths for some reason. But in a broader sense the first thing I notice is usually the way they interact with other people.
Eye color? Hazel. I've got this cool ring of orangeish gold around my pupils.
Scary movies or happy endings? Depends on the day. I usually like scary movies though. As long as the ending is satisfying, it doesn't have to be happy for me to have enjoyed the experience.
Any talents? I don't like talking myself up but I am pretty good at acting and singing. Admittedly, I think I'm a better singer now than before my voice dropped from HRT.
Where were you born? Midwest. Minnesota. You're not getting anything closer than that, I shant dox myself.
Hobbies? Art. I draw and have been trying to get back into painting. I also technically do theatre as a hobby currently, since I don't get paid for the performances I'm in. And viddy games :-)
Any pets? I do not legally have pets, at least not in my own home, but I consider my dad's dogs my dogs since I take care of them as much (if not more) than they do lmao. Also one of my mom's dogs is technically mine, since I did pay for him when we got him, but I haven't been able to have pets anywhere I've lived since I moved out so he stays with my momma.
Height? 5'4"... I thought I was 5'5" until I was 18 years old.
Favorite school subject? I liked most science classes in school. The graphic design class I took in high school was fuckin awesome. Currently, though, I'm trying to teach myself to code and I'm enjoying that immensely.
Dream job? Professional acting!! Ideally I'd do live theatre, musical or otherwise. But I think I'd also be happy doing film. I would also be very happy as a live theatre director, though I'd need more experience directing first. I would also love love love to be a part of a professional improv troupe. Because I'm a dweeb. And good at improv.
Now I get to tag people. @genderkiller @gravellymistaken @nilovalentine @thesexiestlobster if you guy wanna do this :-) also anyone else who wants to, this was fun smiles
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