#they kinda look like a pokemon trainer duo huh
micecakes · 6 months
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a cute chibi Mouse and Elf appeared ! art by: @DoremianC ontwitter
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sequel Pocky Game
(Follow-up to “Pocky Game”, which many people requested! @chumpyamigo, @miyatoriaka, @thealexxa123… Tagged because their request asks for this fic weren’t used to post it.)
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A resounding thought crashed down on her as they slowly drew apart from each other, breath so shallow she wasn’t sure it was enough to sustain consciousness much longer.
“You… didn’t know, did you?”
It was a ludicrous marvel to watch Ash scramble for his escape, doing his utmost to look anywhere except for at her as he ran upstairs, claiming he needed to use the bathroom right away. Pikachu followed loyally after his distressed trainer while Misty watched in heart-aching awe.
That was just before the earth-shattering quake of righteous fury began to overtake her - partially at Ash because wasn’t it her who should be the one to run away in mortification? And partially at the third party duo she just knew had been behind it all.
“It was you two, wasn’t it?!” she whispered breathlessly, practically hyperventilating as she rounded on Tracey and Brock. “There was no way Ash had even heard of that game before tonight and you tricked him into playing!” She would have been screeching if she wasn’t so concerned it would draw more attention from the wrong person (i.e., Ash).
“Whoa, wait a sec, Misty!” Brock shouted, backing away on his knees, hands up in front of his face to ward her back. “C’mon, it was just a joke, right? No big deal! Ash didn’t expect it but he’ll get over it by morning! Probably forget the whole thing!”
“I - I don’t want him to forget the whole thing!” she responded too quick to better phrase her response with a stomp of her foot.
“I knew it!” the future doctor exclaimed with a confident smirk and the snap of his fingers.
“O - or maybe I do! I dunno! It’s just… he didn’t ask for this and… it’s not fair it happened this way!” she attempted once more. But of course it was even more than that, though her outrage made it impossible to string the proper words together in that moment.
“But you did want it to happen, didn’t you?” Tracey pointed out next with a nod in her direction as if hoping to coax her into a confession.
His perceptive nature was enough to cause her to clam right up. She knew she would have been better off running away like Ash had done. She knew it was all too good to be true.
It wasn’t just about Ash of course, though she had felt some misguided need to defend his ignorance in this case. At the end of the day, she also had to think about herself…
“I don’t know what you two were really trying to pull, whether you thought you were helping or thought it wouldn’t really matter once it was over somehow… but it’s not a joke to me. Now I have to figure out how to convince Ash that it didn’t mean anything special to me when, even if he didn’t know about how the Pocky Game works, it definitely did.” Misty huffed, turning on her heel and launching around the couch and upstairs.
In his room, Ash’s head was abuzz, questions flurrying about so quickly inside his head that he couldn’t find the time to form a single answer.
“Pika…? Pikapi?”
“O - oh, uh, hey buddy,” the teenage boy stuttered with a resigned sigh, staring at his Pokemon through his reflection in the vanity mirror. “Thanks for checking on me. I’ll be okay, of course. That was just… unexpected.”
It wasn’t his first kiss. It wasn’t his first unexpected kiss. It wasn’t his first kiss on the lips. It wasn’t even his first kiss on the lips with an audience present. But there’d been something so entirely overwhelming about the situation, about the closeness of Misty’s flushed and freckled cheeks, about her half-lidded blue-green eyes and her fluttering eyelashes and the intimate rise and fall of her chest from less than a foot away…
“Gah!” he exclaimed in retaliation, jamming his palms over his own eyes as if that would block the imagery creeping up from the back of his mind. This was nothing, nothing new, he’d been there a few times before so why was this particular kiss so much… more somehow?
“Ash?” a familiar voice that he wanted absolutely nothing to do with at the present time drifted softly from behind his closed bedroom door. “C’mon, we gotta talk about… what happened downstairs.”
“I’m, uh… I’m sleeping!”
“Obviously you’re not!” Misty shouted immediately back, a slight twinge of ire obvious in her tone.
“I’m sick, very sick, gotta get some rest to feel better now!”
“Pikapi!” Pikachu admonished from his spot on the corner of his bed before the redhead could reply again.
“Fine!” the teenage boy groaned, caving to their combined demands, “C - come in, Mist…”
He joined his Pokemon partner on the bed, sitting stiffly, his spine straight as a lightning rod, nerves on end in panic over what would happen next. Misty cautiously opened the door, caught sight of him, stepped inside. He still couldn’t look her in the eye, instead hyper-focusing on her bare feet as she came to stand in front of him.
“Ash, I’m sorry about what happened back there. I… To be honest, I don’t know what else to say to you,” the redhead shrugged, beating back the small part of her that wanted to hone in on his cowardice and mock him for it like normal. She really missed their normal right now.
“It’s just… Tracey and Brock taught me the game but…” he wistfully shook his head, commentary faltering.
“Yeah, I figured that one out for myself, and trust me, I’m gonna get ‘em,” the redheaded girl muttered through gritted teeth, fists clenching at her sides. Then her overall posture relaxed once more as she stared down at him where he sat, Pikachu sitting bipedal at his side in support. “I promise I wouldn’t have let things go the way they did if I’d known that you didn’t know.”
There was a pregnant pause as the three occupants of the room braced themselves, steeped in silence. Misty’s face was aflush with a complicated ratio of appropriate embarrassment and unbecoming fulfillment. In the back of her mind, a part of her subconscious cheered through the guilt and anger and confusion of everything. Finally… something had happened between them, even if it hadn’t gone as planned.
Unfortunately while she was busy suppressing that part of her, Ash’s expression was pivoting over another realization entirely.
“Misty,” he began, finally looking her in the eye for the first time since the incident, “you said you would get Brock and Tracey back for what happened.”
“Uh… yeah?”
“‘Cause they put us in this position by not telling me that… the kinda thing that could happen if we both played the game to that point.”
“Right?” she responded blankly.
“But you also… when I brought up the game to you, you also asked me if I knew what the game was,” he continued pointedly, internally putting the puzzle pieces together so quick he felt a headache coming on from the pressure build up, “as if you knew how things might go at the end.”
“And then you agreed to play it with me.” He stared the magenta-faced redhead down, daring her to deny his suspicions. “So that must have meant you wouldn’t have minded a kiss with me at least. You knew it was possible. M - maybe you even wanted it. Is that right?”
You’re out of your mind! she wanted to screech at first but her sandpaper tongue wouldn’t allow the syllables to form. What makes you think I’d ever want something like that with you?! she tried next but the secondary statement fared no better past her lips than the first.
Ash Ketchum watched the poor girl struggle, so pink in the face she looked just ready enough to faint from her internal brawl. Pikachu stood gaping at his master’s side as the situation unfolded before them.
The younger of the two trainers didn’t know what he expected (nor wanted) to hear but he was on the edge of his seat with bated breath until the girl standing in front of him finally buckled and mutely nodded her head after a solid few minutes of wringing her hands out around her night shirt.
Cotton filling his lungs and throat, Ash was barely able to get the next question out of his mouth. But he was in too deep not to go the distance now.
“Why is that? Why would you wanna kiss me?”
Misty mustered a shrug of indifference while her nerves burst alive in trepidation. However even she knew the situation wasn’t going anywhere and he wasn’t likely to let the subject drop until he heard her speak.
“I just… I’m sorry, Ash.”
“I don’t want you to apologize, I want you to tell me the truth!”
He was on his feet instantaneously, his hands grabbing her fitful ones and softly turning them palm up, gliding his thumbs downward and easing her fingers open, her tangled shirt hem falling away. He swore he could feel an erratic pulse in the blue of her veins as his thumbs trailed over them but the humming faded just as quickly, replaced by a profuse need to know greater than he’d ever thought he’d experience.
Any other day, Ash would have willed such a weird, sappy topic away, choosing ignorance in a heartbeat.
“I’ve wanted it for a long time, to kiss you,” she finally confessed in a murmur just loud enough to hear. “I only did it tonight because… I thought you wanted it too, and that was why you asked to play the pocky game with me. I guess I should’ve… known better, huh?” she finished with a wry grin, cheeks splotching red after holding back her breath and tears. “It was dumb of me to think you’d figured me… my feelings out to that extent.”
It took the teenage boy far longer than it probably should have for him to decipher the emotion filling him up was joy. How was it possible he was happy to hear that Misty had wanted so long to kiss him? How long had he even liked Misty in that way without knowing it…?!
“Ash…” The aforementioned female began in an aggravated tone, “… why the heck are you smiling? That’s not… I should kick…”
Of course only Misty could follow up her confession of love (as it more or less was) with a physical threat but that seemed to impress upon him all the more how strongly she felt somehow and he reassuringly squeezed her hands in response.
“Heh, Mist, it turns out that I might like you too! And,” he paused here as the redhead went still, eyes as wide as his had most definitely been after kiss earlier in the evening, swaying unsteadily for a moment as she came to terms with his statement, “next time you wanna try locking lips we don’t gotta play a game… unless you want to.”
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musubiki · 6 years
Oh my gosh! Every time i see your hc bullets ... my head EXPLODES!! They’re sooo goood
leaf travels to (either hoenn or sinnoh i havent decided yet) and coincidentally, white is also there. 
the events of frlg/bw take place around roughly the same time, so when leaf is out journeying, white is out there looking for N(and meantime getting stronger and stronger)
ANYWAY at some point, they end up at the same place at the same time and oh look! its the regions evil team here to take everyones pokemon! so naturally leaf and white both have that kind of ‘everyone move im about to kick this guys ass’ kind of mood, so they get everyone else out of there and it ends up at like, 12 grunts vs the two of them. 
white is more of the protective type (and she has no idea who leaf even is, same vice versa) so shes like “Stay behind me, this could get rough!” and leaf is like “Oh, thanks but I can handle too.” and they both whip out their pokemon teams and they are fuckin killer duo 
whites all pleasantly surprised because wow, haven't seen someone this strong in a while!!!! what the hell!!!!!! shes only half paying attention to the battle and like, cheering for leaf
after the battle the grunts are scared shitless. “Y-you monsters!!!!!” “Who ARE you people?????” theyre shook. white spits out some arrogant jab. probably about their hair or something and they run off. she turns to leaf with a big “Not bad!!!!!! That was HELLA cool!”
after this they chat, get some food, end up hanging out a lot. they never battle each other, but they let their pokemon play around together and the way their personalities fit is great and they become best friends easily
Leaf tells her shes just a wandering explorer(this is about. a year into her journey) and white tells her shes out here because shes been looking for someone. leaf offers to help her look because hey, ive been meaning to see the region anyway, so they end up exploring (sinnoh probably) together!!!! dppt doesnt happen for another 1-2 years.
they talk a lot about…their boys.,.,.,,. and ngl leaf likes being around white bc she reminds her of green. like a slightly nicer version of him. and leaf kind of reminds white of n she likes the calmingness of being around her. 
white tells leaf a lot about N and what they went through and leaf the whole time is like wow. you guys really had something(shes also shook bc her journey was nowhere near as epic as whites)
and leaf tells white about green and white is like “oh OH I GOTTA SEE HIM YOU GOT A PICTURE” shes shocked when she sees the picture leaf has of him. “damn hes hot girl what you doing give him a call”
white actually pushes leaf to call him. leaf makes up every excuse but whites not having it HERE, i got the gyms phone, heres a dollar for the pay phone, now go talk to your boyfriend before he hooks up with someone else.
green doesnt pick up (because of timezones) but it goes to his voicemail and theres. his voice. snarky arrogant lovely green over the phone with a “Hey! You’ve reached the Viridian Gym, leave a name and number and I’ll get back to you! Smell ya!” and leaf. just kinda stands there for a while. and keeps calling just to hear his voice until she runs out of quarters
WHEN WHITE FINALLY MEETS GREEN IS.,., probably at the pokemon world tournament. or during this other story that ive been trying to develop and i havent posted anything about it yet but i kinda wanna do it
but when she first sees him hes bantering with and teasing leaf so she MARCHES HER ASS OVER(she forgot what he looks like already) AND FIRST IMPRESSION “Hey! Back off creep, what do you think you’re doing?” 
and green is. who the fuck is this. “Excuse me?” he kinda sneers out and leafs like oh no. white its okay hes my friend- and white. is white, and cuts her off with “Well that doesn’t sound like a friend” shes just concerned for leaf and shes. white shes very rash she doesn’t think
to which green just “Oh and you think you are huh?” white scoffs “Listen guy, I’ve known this girl for 3 years. I think I can call her my friend, how long have you known her, 20 minutes?”
AND GREEN WITH THE MOST SNARKY ARROGANT FACE “20 years.” and white just oh. taken aback l,ike oh my bad.leaf who is this guy. and leafs just “This is…Green…oak…” and whites like OH OH ITS THAT GUY “Yeah its that guy” 
she playfully punches greens arm “My bad dude, you’re cool.” and immediately goes back to being chill and hes “?????????”
hdjffj sometimes their interactions are so. petty. bc green likes leaf and he like wants to be around her 24/7. and whites like uhhh i havent seen her like like 2 years can we have like girl time pls.
they fight about who leafs REAL best friend is
also white is leafs #1 wingman. she purposely says shady shit and plans outtings and doesnt show up so it turns into a date for them
when leaf and white actually fight (probably the world tournament) theyre the last two. whoever wins this fight is the strongest trainer, and its actually
white wins and shes actually the strongest protagonist. leaf is in. shock bc she hasnt lost in a long time.
afterwards white goes to find leaf and she feels kinda bad. but leaf tells her its ok because she always felt like she had to live up to some sort of expectation to be the best and its kinda nice not having that anymore
(ofc leaf still lives on in folklore of being the legendary trainer, but officially, its white)
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cinnaminsvga · 7 years
Lucky Save | PKMN Trainer!Jungkook
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→ summary: In which Jeon Jungkook is a scatterbrained Pokemon trainer who cannot catch a break and you are the saving grace he needs.
→ genre: pokemon!au, fluff
→ words: 2K
→ a/n: happy bday kook lmao this is dedicated to our hopeless dreams of becoming a pkmn master someday rip
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You would think that after six months of travelling the Alola region by himself, Jungkook should have had at least 25% of his shit together.
He had thought that he had stocked up on hyper potions and revives when he had left Seafolk Village the previous morning. 
The keyword: thought. 
When in fact, he had left the center without a second thought, not noticing how his backpack wasn’t as full as he had imagined. Now that he was already halfway across the island and with no other Pokemon centers in sight, you could say without a shadow of a doubt that Jeon Jungkook was fucked.
“Aw, this is definitely my fault,” he sighed in defeat, kicking his empty backpack in anger. His Incineroar, whom Jungkook had aptly nicknamed Blaze, only watched with concern as his trainer continuously kicked a nearby berry tree to alleviate his frustrations.
“Stupid, stupid—oh shit, another fucking Crabominable?!” He yelped, realizing belatedly that the pile of berries he had just kicked was the home to the angry Pokemon who wasted no time readying to attack the still distracted boy. Luckily, Blaze was more on top of things than Jungkook, so he quickly scared the crab Pokemon away with a powerful Flamethrower.
Watching the Crabonimable scuttle away, Jungkook only sent his partner a wry grin. “Well, that was close, wasn’t it?”
“Roar!” Blaze scolded, tapping his trainer’s head lightly in admonishment. Had he been a second too late, the Crabominable could have easily punted Jungkook across the island with one well-aimed punch. Blaze already had his own problems, and his trainer being punted halfway across the island would just add to his steadily growing list of concerns. (Half of which could have been avoided if Jungkook had the foresight to plan and think ahead before setting off without another thought.)
“Sorry, sorry,” Jungkook apologized meekly, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. “I keep messing up today, don’t I?”
The Incineroar only shook its head tiredly, assuring him that it could have happened to anyone (anyone as stupid as Jungkook, but Blaze kindly chose not to comment.)
Due to not having any healing items on hand, Jungkook was now down to only his Incineroar and Lycanroc (nicknamed Rock because Jungkook was creative like that.) He had to choose his battles carefully to avoid more unnecessary casualties, which was easier said than done. Mostly because there was so much—
“Fucking hell, why is there so much tall grass here?” He screeched, narrowly avoiding making eye contact with a horde of Ribombees. “Fuck, that was close. Blaze, stay close.”
Even had Jungkook not said that, Blaze was already trailing closely behind, making sure that Jungkook did not accidentally anger any more Pokemon wildlife. Truly, Blaze wondered whether he was the trainer in this relationship.
“Don’t worry, Blaze. We’re almost at the Battle Tree. I think there’s a center there where we can rest,” he said, grunting slightly as he tried climbing a huge rock. Unbeknownst to Jungkook, the rock was actually very much alive and did not appear to be happy being disturbed of its sleep.
Faster than Jungkook could utter a quiet “Oh fuck,” Blaze quickly grabbed his trainer by the waist and sprinted away in the opposite direction, unwilling to waste precious energy to defeat the large and angry Crustle.
And that, my dear reader, was how you met Jeon Jungkook:
Jungkook, being carried by the waist Simba-style by an overgrown fire cat, while also being chased by an overgrown hermit crab.
Who said first impressions had to be perfect?
You had been on the way to the Battle Tree yourself, although you could say that you were having less trouble travelling than your would-be acquaintance. You had been perched on a (real) rock with your Primarina, both of you sharing a cool lemonade before continuing on your journey when the screams of a visibly distressed boy made you pause from taking your next sip.
You side-eyed your partner to see that she was also watching the spectacle as well. She met your glance with a look of understanding, a silent conversation happening between the two of you after almost a year of travelling together.
“Yeah, yeah; I agree. We probably should help,” you eventually sighed, your eyes now trained on the trainer-Pokemon duo still running away from the enraged Crustle.
Standing up from your perch, you commanded your partner to aim straight at the Crustle’s back. “Alright, Primarina. Use Scald!”
At once, your trusty Primarina let out a blast of blistering water. It hit right on target, making the Crustle scream out in surprise and stopping it in its tracks. 
Coming to a halt now that the immediate danger was busy shaking off the hot water, the Incineroar and its trainer had now noticed the pair of you, both of them running to meet you.
The trainer, still raised up in the air by his Pokemon, waved at you with a genial smile, as if he was not being chased by a giant hermit crab Pokemon just seconds ago.
“Wow, thanks for helping us! But uh, don’t rest yet, because I think the Crustle is mad at you now.”
Lo and behold, the trainer was right. When you looked back, the Crustle was in the midst of preparing to launch a Stone Edge at your Primarina, but luckily the huge Pokemon was no match when it came to your partner's speed.
��Let’s finish it off! Primarina, use Hydro Pump!”
The intense jet of water produced by Primarina promptly faints the Crustle with one blow, finally sating the Pokemon. You patted your partner’s head in thanks, to which it sang merrily back at you.
The male trainer had watched the quick defeat with a look of pure admiration in his doe-eyes. “Woah, dude. You’re super strong. We should fight!”
Amidst the afterglow of a successful battle, you had almost forgotten about the person you had defeated the Crustle for in the first place. You turned to look at your newfound acquaintance, who was no longer being held up by his Pokemon. He was now standing in front of you, a large toothy grin on his handsome face. He was holding his hand out to you, offering a handshake. After your initial hesitance, you found that his hands were soft and warm.
If you thought his hands were soft and warm, then you were definitely not prepared to witness his smile. His grin was blindingly cute, his eyes squinting adorably from the pure glee on his face.
Were you gaping? Yeah, you were gaping. Man, did you strike gold or something?
“Oh right, sorry. I have to introduce myself first before we battle. My name is Jungkook! You are?”
Still busy gaping, your Primarina nudged you out of your trance, eliciting an embarrassed blush on your end. Oops. “Uhh—Y/N. Yeah, that’s my name. Nice to meet you, Jungkook.”
“Oh, Y/N? That’s a cute name! A cute name for a cute trainer. Thank Arceus that my savior happened to be a pretty girl, right Blaze?” He giggled (HE FUCKING GIGGLED), turning to his Incineroar for confirmation. The fire cat nodded its head in agreement.
That embarrassed blush from earlier? Yup, you’re pretty sure the blush had spread all the way down to your ass at this point.
Coughing the slight awkwardness away, you managed to ask, "Uh, before we battle, may I ask why you were running away from the Crustle in the first place?”
“Oh shit, I totally forgot about that!” He beamed, letting out a laugh that was almost as cute as his face. His partner shook his head, sending an almost sorry look back at you and Primarina, his eyes plainly saying ‘sorry that my trainer is an idiot.’
“Well, Blaze and I were on the way to the Battle Tree and I was trying to climb that rocky area over there to find a shortcut, but I guess I stepped on the Crustle by accident. Stupid of me, huh?”
Yeah, stupid. That was kind of an understatement, but the three listening parties chose not to comment.
“Why didn’t you just defeat the Crustle then? Your Incineroar looks pretty powerful to me.” You gestured, eyeing the fire cat Pokemon with slight wariness. If you really were going to battle the dude, you weren’t sure if Primarina could defeat it, despite the type advantage.
“Oh. That’s because, uh… I’m trying not to get into too many battles right now.”
You stared at him. “Then why did you challenge me to a battle?”
“Sorry! I just saw how powerful your Primarina was that I got hyped all of a sudden! I can never resist a good challenge—“ You had to agree with that. You were sort of itching to fight his Incineroar yourself. “—but yeah, I think I have to postpone that battle for now. My team is kinda out of commission right now.”
“Why don’t you just give them some revives?”
At the mention of revives, his bunny grin deflated a bit. “Well, about that…” he trailed off, staring at his sneakers in embarrassment.
Oh my god. Don’t fucking tell—
“You don’t have revives.” You deadpanned.
The cheeky grin on his face said it all. “Uh, yeah. I sorta, kinda, maybe, could have forgotten to stock up before leaving the center this morning. Zero points for Jungkook today, huh?”
Shaking your head at the cute, scatterbrained boy, you shucked your bag off your shoulder, already rummaging deep inside to find the items you were looking for. You immediately grabbed some revives and hyper potions before handing the items to the wide-eyed boy.
“Here you go. Take them; they’re extras that I keep on hand.”
Taken aback by the sudden kind gesture, the boy spluttered at you, with a flurry of disconnected words flying out of his mouth. “What—I can’t, no—this is too much—you’ve done—no, no, you’re a girl and I can’t—“
You raised an eyebrow at the last part. “What does me being a girl have anything to do with this?”
You noticed that tips of his ears were reddening. “NO! I didn’t mean—uh, what I meant was that I can’t possibly accept! You’ve done so much already, and we’re almost near the Battle Tree! I’m sure I can make it there unscathed.”
His Incineroar snorted at the last bit, causing Jungkook to send him a glare. You giggled at the two oddballs, not noticing the way Jungkook’s ears had perked up at the sweet sound.
“No, it’s fine. I have a bunch of extras anyway; it’s no big deal. Just take them.” you said, forcibly shoving the items into his hands. He almost dropped them out of surprise, the hyper potions almost spilling before Blaze luckily caught them.
Jungkook was still eyeing you carefully. “You sure? It’s okay?”
You found his sudden shyness endearing. “Yes. I’m sure.”
If giving him a couple of revives and hyper potions could make him this happy, then you would gladly buy all the items in the world just to make him smile so gleefully.
“Wow, a pretty trainer AND she’s kind? Why did I ever think today would be an unlucky day?”
You turned your gaze away from him, shy from his flirtatious words. You pointedly ignored the melodious giggles coming from your Primarina. “Do you always compliment girls who give you free stuff in your times of trouble?”
“Nope. Just you.” He assured you, bunny grin on full display.
You continued to ignore the high-pitched squealing coming from your partner, who was now conspicuously slapping you in glee. You mentally reminded yourself to give her the ugly-looking Pokebeans later.
“Ahem, sorry about my partner, she’s just a bit excited to battle. Speaking of,” you smiled, gesturing to his newly acquired healing items. “Now that you have your healing items, how does that battle sound now?” You challenged, already sensing your Primarina ready herself for battle.
At your words, a determined glint settled in your new friend’s eyes, the fiery thirst for battle igniting in his very being. You both already felt that this was going to be a fun battle for sure.
“Bring it."
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