#they literally just answered to val for their appearances n missions
moontours · 3 years
I’m a bit lost on what it is exactly that X factor do. I know in hickmans run they’ve been turned into this investigative and scout team for mutant interests and I actually really like that concept but have they always been like that? I also know that they’re usually government or corporate sponsored so different from the x men who kinda just operate independently from xaviers bank account but why the need for a sponsored mutant team? Especially in the 80s where they were explicitly working alongside the government I mean that’s gotta be pretty serious, a mutant team partnering with the government?? When the whole premise of mutants was that they’re systemically disadvantaged by governments. So was X factor meant to be just as much for public relations as it was for .. well whatever they were handling? Which leads me to my next question what exactly was it that they were handling? What were they doing that they couldn’t just call the x men or avengers for???? Sorry if I’m dumping a bit here you just seem to know about this especially because of lornas long iconic history on the team
the first iteration of x-factor i think with jean and scott were like just another division of the x-men but the next iteration with lorna and alex etc were formed by valerie cooper as a team for the government. like i dont really rmbr why they were working for them but it helped with public relations, better appearance etc. they didnt really have like special missions or anything like x-force like they fought their villains worked as a team etc and ig bc they were government affiliated it was easier to dispatch them ? and then after that in the 2000s i believe is when they started the investigation branch
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WhatsApp?, Part 17. (Steve Rogers x reader)
Description: You’ve never been lucky with guys. You just wanted to catch someone’s eye, to be loved. One day, that’s about to turn completely - with one fake, completely imagined number a guy gave you.
A/N: We will be wrapping up soon, folks. Let's have two last chapters and were done!
Warnings: Reader being a paranoid silly dummydumdum and angst and angst and fluffiness. I have u guys, alright?
Word count: 3.1 K
Tagging: @missdictatorme, @songforhema, @mikariell95, @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
Read the rest here: Part One  Part Two  Part three  Part four  Part five  Part Six Part seven  Part eight  Part nine  Part ten  Part eleven  Part twelve  Part thirteen  Part fourteen  Part fifteen  Part sixteen
If you like to have your readings in order :):  H E R E  
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Four months after the last chapter:
You sat on the toilette for what seemed like forever, in a complete shock, gasping for your dear breath. You felt as you were crying, sobbing, being a hot pile of mess. Pete was sitting next to your small cabin on the ground, hugging his knees, listening to your heartbreaking sobs.
You and Steve were together just for a few months, four and a half to be exact and you couldn't think of anything more perfect. When he was at home, he was literally the sweetest guy around.
He knew his way around with cooking and preparing just the best baths, nobody was able to make the bed like him. Every time he cleaned up the place, you couldn't recognize it. And you didn't know if he used some forties tricks when it was his turn doing the laundry, but it smelled so good every damn time he hung the clothes.
It was more than fair to say that Steve Rogers was living at your place basically. He moved his clothes there, so you could basically wear them as yours, he was buying the groceries and taking care of the flat.
Your relationship grew stronger and stronger, but with that, you needed to count on the paparazzi sniffing around your private life. They exposed you and Steve many times and you only giggled when you read the articles out loud to Steve when he was in the shower. Sometimes you were reading it with Peter when Steve was out of touch.
You were making fun of that, but Steve got fed up after a while. He was under the public microscope for a long time at that moment when your relationship started, so he talked with Tony (IT WAS TONY STARK HIMSELF, YOU LITERALLY FREAKED OUT WHEN STEVE SAID THAT IT'S JUST 'TONY') and Tony made some steps to keep the newest Avenger lovebirds out of the public eye.
Everything was awesome... Until that one evening.
How to put it right? Let's just say it how it was - you both absolutely loved sex, let's be honest here. Steve adored and loved your soul, but your body was just gorgeous for him. He was a boy from the eighties who didn't have a proper lovemaking session for seventy years, maybe even never.
So, naturally, when Steve got home after three weeks lasting mission, you took a day off at work, just to be with him at home all day, basically not leaving bed all day. That was maybe the day you just got... Pregnant.
Yep. That's right. A baby was inside growing inside of you and your heart was beating loudly at that moment. What the hell should you do? What were your options? Your brain couldn't exactly think when you were a crying mess sitting on the toilette.
Steve told you one time that the family man who lived in the forties died inside of him when he got out of the ice.
So you were worried that Steve will not take it too happily, even though you knew that you were seriously paranoid.
"Is everything ok out there? You're freaking me the hell out." - Pete knocked on your cab lightly, which actually reminded you of his presence. You weakly pulled yourself together, dried your cheeks and stood up. When you opened the cab, he almost jumped right into your face. - "You're not pregnant, right? That's why you're crying."
You didn't answer, just gave him the test and leaned your hands to the sink to watch your face in the mirror.
A mom. You'll be a mom. Was that even real? Were you even ready for that? You had a small bean inside of you. Your mind was splitting into two different people - one of them was optimistic and the second one was depressed like hell.
A strange warm feeling surrounded your heart and you smiled at yourself. Hormones were making you a bit crazy, like riding on a rollercoaster. The fear of telling him was sitting on the back of your head all the time, but for a moment you focused on happiness.
"You'll be a mom." - Peter whispered. He was in shock, but you could feel that happiness is written down in his voice. - "That's great! I will be his or her uncle and we will be best pals... Y/N, what's wrong?" - Peter asked worriedly and hugged you, nursing you slowly. His lips kissed your temple gently and his fingers smoothed your hair.
"I'm just so fucking afraid, Peter. What if he tells me that he doesn't want it anymore? He's at least a hundred years old. He doesn't have a much stable life, his job is dangerous and... I don't know." - You cried out to his shoulder and hugged him even tighter. You had a grip of a tiger or a bear that surprised Peter.
"Are you even listening to what you're saying, you weirdo?" - Peter took your face to his palms and smiled at you. A fifteen-year-old boy was nursing you because you were afraid of a baby. Your own baby. You were going to be a mom. You were acting like Ana in Fifty shades said, you had a little bean somewhere out there.
"Steve will be out of his mind when he's gonna find out. That man was designed by God to be a dad. Whether it will be a boy or a girl, you will be great parents. And May and I will be the best uncle and aunt duo." - He kissed your temple again, but someone interrupted you. It was Deena. She screamed, put her hand on her heart and closed the door with a loud bang. Then she opened the door again, looking at you, crying your eyes out and Peter, with his arms, circling around your shoulders. You both watched her, Peter with a big smile and you with your eyes hurting a bit.
"Okay, you two. I know you have a strangely friendly relationship, but this is fucking wild. What the fuck is going on?" - She just strode there, putting her hands on her hips, frowning at you and Pete. She had a primadonna attitude until Pete turned towards her with a pregnancy test in his palms.
"Oh my fucking God. You cheated on Steve with... Don't you fucking tell me." - She tried to tell a joke, but a small smile appeared on her lips. Her face was gentle all of a sudden as she watched the positive stick in her hands. You would never say that Deena could be a family type, but that situation totally wrecked her family-cold facade. She looked at you with a graceful smile, and ten hugged you. Then, she put her palm on your belly, slowly caressing you with his fingers.
"Hey, little baby. We know about you, honey. Oh my god, Y/N." - Deena looked into your face with a loving gaze. - "I think I'm gonna cry. Jesus fucking Christ, what have you done to me?" - She smiled and winked at you to get the tears away. - "Steve will be so happy. And Buck will probably cry. He's a sensitive pussy these days."
"But how the fuck am I supposed to tell him?" - You stared to the side, leaning your ass to the sink, watching both of them. - "I'm so afraid now."
"What are you thinking about, dummy?" - Deena looked at you with an ironic face, laughing. - "Just tell him. He's an honest man and he will most probably explode with euphoria. You know what? I have an idea." - Her palms held your shoulders, so she couldn't look away from her.
"You'll try it on Bucky, the whole telling thingy. Hell. He'll order you his fucking plum diet. Just be cool, you'll tell him, test it out. Buck will not tell Steve a single word if you ask him to. And now, get the fuck out. Both of you. I need to pee." - She smiled and kissed your cheek in a motherly mode. You could feel that she's so proud at that moment, so proud she couldn't even express it.
"Hey. Heads up. You'll do great. Wow. A baby. That's wonderful. In a few months, you'll be so big. Like, I mean, a big tummy, there will be a baby and I can chat with them." - Peter was so excited that it made you smile. Yeah. You'll be big. You'll be huge. Like a balloon. And you'll fart a lot. But that will be alright. Cause there will be a baby inside of you. - "You can't even guess how proud and happy I am."
"Yeah. Stop grinning so much, dummy. The whole office doesn't need to know that I'm pregnant the first day I found out that. So shush." - You shoved the little stick into the back pocket of your jeans and went there with a big smile.
Bucky was already in the office, leaning next to Val's shoulder and watched some video. Suzie watched you with her silent stare, feeling that something's off about you. But she just nodded and didn't ask. You loved that Suzie was the silent friend. She didn't ask unnecessary questions at all. But just as Suzie knew instantly that something happened, May could feel it in the air.
"Okay, you moron. Don't furrow at me like that and just tell me. What's wrong?" - May leaned her ass into your desk and looked at you with her motherly state. She had warm eyes and a kind smile, soothing the back of your head. But you just wiggled your head and decided on not telling her, not just now.
"You're like another child to me, baby. Just as protesting as Peter at the start of his puberty." - She leaned down and kissed your forehead. - "Remember that whatever happened, it's going to be good. When you feel like telling me, you'll. I larb you so, so much." - And then she left. You looked at Peter with a surprised face and he shrugged his shoulders. You were so glad that you may don't turn her NCIA attitude on just left it be. But then you saw Deena, looking like a little devil, leading Bucky to you. He looked really scared and surprised.
"Okay. She told me that you have something to tell me. And I'm not going to lie, I am a bit afraid what the hell is going on because she was deadly serious." - Buck said in a guessing tone. Deena frowned at him.
"Who the hell is some 'she', Mr. Burnes?" - She put her arms on her chest. Deena was just joking, but her face was deadly serious.
"She is my lovely girlfriend who is the best in the whole world, miss Green." - Bucky smiled, leaned onto her body, kissing her from her cheeks down to her collar bones, making her laugh. - "But let's talk, miss Y/L/N, soon to be Mrs. Rogers." - Bucky told you and take you away from the rest of your coworkers.
"That's not too far fetched." - You whispered back and Buck opened up his mouth with a surprise before turning his expression to a big smile.
"So that little jackass wants to marry you? I know that he's really in love with you, but this is a pleasant surprise." - He leaned into one of the windows, watching you nervously biting his lower lip.
"No! No! We're not having a wedding, Jesus. We're only for not even five months, Buck. You're crazy. I need to tell you something different." - You leaned next to him and put your head on Buck's shoulder.
"Okay. What's it, baby girl? You can tell me anything. I'm your and Steve's friend. I'm curious about what has happened." - Buck hugged your shoulder with his arms, bringing you closer to him. He was just the greatest friend, he made you feel safe and fooled to tell him almost everything. So you felt as you relaxed when the little, quiet sentence just got out of your lips.
"We're going to have a baby." - You whispered and looked at Buck with an innocent look.
"Doll, are you serious?" - He asked silently and his face leaned down to look at you.
"Yeah, my magical assistant Peter helped me to do three to four tests this morning. All of them were positive." - You smiled at Buck. His reaction nicely surprised you and made you feel sure about having a baby with Steve. Your emotions and hormones told you that it's going to be all right. Buck was a bit tougher Steve from what you could tell. And his reaction was like someone has lit up a fire inside of him, his smile felt warmer and lighter, his eyes shined with excitement. - "But I'm a bit worried about Steve's reaction. Like... He told he ain't that family man anymore. So..."
"Okay. So I'm an experiment. You think he's going to freak out, or that he'll be rude or he's going to pack his things and leave?" - Buck asked you honestly, he exhaled out loud, ending it with a giggle in the end. - "My pal would never. He'll be out of his mind, I swear in the name of God. It will make him love you even more. Hey. Let me tell the thing like this: every man, especially the two of us, want to have some small princess or a tough small pirate. It's a dream we think we can't reach. But you're the example of fulfilling that dream."
"What dream are you two talking about? Can I join the discussion?" - Steve's voice freaked the living hell out of you. Bucky felt how your body began to tremble, so he smoothed your back calmly. Steve took you to his arms and hugged you, kissing you tenderly on your lips, making you smile. - "You've been crying, sweetheart. Something's wrong?" He held you in his hug and you hugged him even tighter. Steve could sense that something's up, he could tell every time you cried or felt down. It was just like his sixth sense.
"I brought you some tea for your sickness, I heard that it helps a lot. Also, I have some food from the restaurant you like, some tomato soup and some lasagna." - He showed you a travel teacup and a bag in his hand, smiling excitedly. - "You told me that you will not have enough time today, so I took you something good to eat, doll. I will not let my girl starve, will I?" - Steve played with your hair and kissed the back of your head. Bucky disappeared in the meantime, leaving you two in a loving bliss moment.
"What would I do without my big guy, right?" - You tiptoed and kissed his lips. But then sickness took hold on your belly as you began to realize that you should tell him before you'll lose your courage completely. He wasn't blind, so he could do the math when the time came, seeing your growing belly and tired attitude. - "We, like you and me, have to talk. Right now and right here otherwise I would not tell you." - You left his side and left the bag on the floor under the window.
"Doll. Before you'll tell me anything else, just let me tell you that I love you and if you want to leave me..." - Steve played with your fingers and he looked like he's about to cry. You immediately took his face to your palm, shushing him with a passionate kiss.
"Shut up for a minute, you dummy. This is stressing me the hell out and I really want you to know." - You smoothed his wide shoulders with your nails and you still held him close. - "Especially when you and I need to go through all of this together."
"Is something wrong? Are you sick? What happened?" - Steve was smoothing your face with his thumbs gently and lovingly and his face was really looking like a lovesick puppy. Before he could guess any other option, you burst out.
"I'm pregnant. I'm... Pregnant." - You said twice, slowly and more scared for the second time. You couldn't even believe what you were telling him. Your face was pale and scared, you looked tired and sick. Steve just froze in one place, his mouth shut and his gaze was piercing through you, his arms around your shoulder.
"And are you... Sure? Like deadly sure? Seriously?" - Steve asked in a low, emotionless voice. You trembled in his arms, beginning to cry and your lower lip curled. You slowly nodded and first tear left your eye, falling down on your face.
"So... A baby. Wow." - Steve said with his expression slowly lighting up. - "We are going to have a baby." - All of a sudden, why you still cried, he was crying too with a sweet smile on his lips. He took you, carefully, at your waist, hugged you and carefully twirled you around. - "Y/N, I'm doing to be a dad." - He exclaimed with the happiness of a little boy.
"So you're not angry with me?" - You beeped quietly and looked at your boyfriend crying and you started to cry even more after that. You both stood there and cried like little children, hugging each other.
"Are you serious? Y/N, this is most probably the best day of my whole life." - Steve dropped on his knees, put his palms on your tummy and kissed it with a loving expression. Your fingers ran through his hair as he spoke directly to the baby. The tone of his voice was sweet and loving, he was mumbling and he held your waist in his hands.
How could you be so terrified? Why were you so paranoid? Steve took it the best way he actually could, he really was out of his mind completely, shining like a star. You loved to see him like that. A proud daddy-to-be. You could feel that he's happy, happier than ever before.
"Isn't it a bit too soon for you?" - You whispered after a long, sweet make our session. Steve was passionate and he was showing you all the love he had inside.
"It could happen a bit later, that's true. I'm amazed and surprised because this is a serious miracle. But I know you, you're my best girl, my loving and supporting girlfriend no matter what I decide to do. So we have two things on our list now, what do you say?" - He hummed in a pleased tone, being all-loving and caring for you.
"Two things?" - You opened your mouth, being surprised.
"First things first, we will prepare our home for this little angel." - He whispered and stole another kiss from you. - "But we can't bring him to a world where their parents aren't married. And I'm serious about that."
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goldstonegolem64 · 5 years
Book1 Hope returns  Chapter 36 talking the day away By goldstone Golem 64
on the castle of lions 
The Valkyrie had returned to the hanger bay after a solo mission to stop a Galra commander named Morvok from Stealing an engine from a race called the taujeer. To be honest it was by random chance that they stumbled upon the scene  but it did make jay feel a little better to help someone out when they needed it. But he still felt a pit in his stomach after what had happened to the others. As he got up from his seat and was head toward the cockpit door Val started talking to him
“ Are you alright my pilot you’ve been unusually quite as of late?” There was a bit of worry in her voice
“ I’m fine Val no need to worry” Jay replied 
“ Joseph I've been your partner  for nearly two months and I know when your lying “ Val said 
“ First of it’s been five weeks and four day . Second only my dad and siblings can Call me Joseph and third yes I am lying because I'm feeling guilty about what happened to the other “ 
“ Why do you feel guilty there was nothing we could have do to help them “ Val replied 
“ I Know but still I hate myself for not being there “ Jay said as he walked out of val’s mouth as he walked out into the hanger he notice the lack off sound and the lights were off which made jay uneasy “ Boy , Guys are you here” Jay yelled to an empty Hangar. Jay grabbed his Phone and Called fitz’s phone he wait a few seconds before he answered 
“ HEy Jay how was the mission “ Fitz asked
“ It went well i saved any entire race from being melted and destroyed another war ship . But that's not the point where are you and are your brothers with you?” Jay asked as he looked around the dark hanger
“ I’m studying with coran and Usamu and Bastion are with me Say hi guys “ fit said 
“ Hi Dad”Usamu said happily
“ Hello Father” Bastion said a little sheepishly 
“ Hello Jay how was the mission?” Coran asked 
“ it went well and now we have a new allie. now how are the boys doing with their studies?” Jay asked 
“ Their doing fine Fitz is having some trouble with reading, bastion is excelling in math and sciences And usamu has taken to art.” Coran said 
“ Good to Know now Coran i need to ask why are the lights in the the hanger i and the others call home not turning on “  Jay asked as turned on his helmet night vision on to double check the hanger bay  
“  Well that does make any scents we haven’t had that problem before you left i will come down there to see what is the problem as soon as possible “ Coran said 
“ Alright see you when you get here and you three better do whatever homework you get before doing anything game related “ Jay said 
“ Yes Jay ” Fitz groaned along with Bastion 
“ Ok “ Usamu said 
“ Bye dad “ all three boys said as fitz’s unhung up the phone 
Jay’s cheek marks started to glow and a smile came across his face as he heard that he felt a weight being lifted of him as he walked toward the prometheus as he did the lights turned back on. He didn’t know why the lights were off but he just thought it was because of what had happened a few days back and didn’t pay it no mind  as he walked into his ship he checked the clock on his phone and saw that it was two pm . He had time before dinner to feed his pets,shower and rest for a bit. 
First Jay walked over to the two terrariums and found that both of their food bowls were full. which was nice to see that the boys were  doing their chores before going to class that was nice before leaving he gave his two little lizards a good old head pats and a belly rub before taking a short shower.He walked into the living room and laid down onto one of three reclining chair and closed his eyes. But before he could fall a sleep he heard the sound of two sets of feet walking towards him he looked up and was Adam and Matt waking into the ship 
“ Hi Jay did we wake you ?” Adam asked 
“ No you didn’t So what do you two need ?” Jay asked 
“ We just wanted to hang out with the only other person from the milky way that was in a healing pod .”Matt said 
“ Ok what do you want to talk about “ Jay asked again
“ What is Mars like cualter wise we know that their hiding away the other race but what doing do for holiday what new holidays are there  ?” Adam asked
Jay sat up from his seat and started to think about home” Well i grow up with Galra and my family never really celebrated any Altean Holidays because my dad had a falling out with his parents because he wanted to marry mom and most altean holidays revolved around family and we never talked to them even after mom die. But the holidays we did celebrated are christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving but it has a new meaning on mars. Freedom day where we celebrate the day we got are independence from Earth and when the Arcs was opened it’s basically the four of july for two weeks. Some crazy Galra holidays that revolve around battle i lost a few teeth and collected a few as well. “ a small smile came onto Jays face as he remember all the good time “ Any weird Holidays on your world that do appear on my “
“ No seeing as we don’t have any other races other than humans so we don’t” Adam replied  
“ Ok seeing how you said that you don’t talk to you dad’s parents what is your mom’s family like ?” Matt asked
“ Well Grandma Diana and Grandma Vivian are fun to be round and Great parents tell me story of their lives on earth before the moved to mars Also my mo was and lonely child so i don’t have any cousin on her side. But her personal trainer Roofus is the closest thing to any uncle i will ever have.But enough about me what abut you guys what was your family lives like before all is madness” JAy said 
“ Well My parents kicked me out when they found out i was gay but before that it was like another family before that.i learned how to hunt and how to fly from my dad and i learned how to cook from my mom. So not to impressive. Your turn matt” Adam said
“ Well being the Son Of the Garrison Top scientists and was best friends with the two best pilots  I surprisingly had a normal family life. Well that was until the kerbors Mission. My mom didn’t want me or Shiro to going. Seeing as i was only nineteen and Shiro was getting married in a years time.Sometime i think she was right about not going and sometimes i’m happy i did. “Matt said with a smile on his face.
“So what happened in that years between your capture and now?” Jay asked
“ I was a slave for three months i was lucky enough to be in the same camp as my dad for a few day before they took him to a different camp. I don’t know what happened to him after that and that scares me. After that i was put through hell i was made to work every hour of everyday give just enough food to keep me alive. It sucked but i survived on the hopes i would see my family again. After the three month of working in the camp i was being moved and that was when the rebel came and freed me and the other slave that were with me. “Matt went onto explained how he meet Rolo ,Nyma  N-7 ,Ace and Beezer. How he had gone on dozens of mission to disrepute the Supply lines, Free work camps and free small outer rim worlds that the galra wouldn’t care about. 
“ Woah that was one hell of a year Man  not going to lie” Jay said wide eyed  
“ How did you survive all that” Adam asked 
“ a whole all of Skil Hope deturantion, Fear ,dumb lucky and the will to see my family again ” Matt said
“ Well that was a good way to kill a few hours” Jay said as he stood up from his seat 
“ Where are you going ?” Matt asked 
“ i’m going to start cooking dinner You guys want to Stay and help we can keep taking. “ Jay said as he walked towards the stairway.
“ Ok “ Adam said following Jay 
“ I have nothing better to do beside watch my sister being healed So why not  “ Matt said following his to friend 
In the kitchen 
“ Was what are we cooking today master chief?” Adam asked 
Jay grabbed the cookbook Hunk had made for” I’m think about a smoked salmon with a side of Yellow rice.” as he grabbed the Rice cooker and placed it onto the stove “ Ok Adam you're with me were cut the onions the peppers and garlic.” Jay said as he grabbed  the ingradenset   
“ What do you what me to do ?” Matt asked 
“ fill the Rice cook will water then add Half a bag of rice  and after twenty minutes able the Sazion   . After that Help us “ Jay said as he started to cut the onions .
A few minutes Late 
“ So Adam anything new Going on with your life “ Jay asked
“ Nothing really But that tree you gave me and Shiro is growing pretty well i was going to ask if we can have another” Adam asked 
“ How are you ready for any kid the first one hasn’t even been born yet “ Jay said casually not looking up from his cutting board 
Adam stopped cutting and looked toward Jay  “ Wait what do you mean the first kid hasn’t been born yet “  
Jay froze up and remembered that he never told them about the Gain tree he gave them
“ What do you mean JAy What the fuck do you mean” Adam watched as Jay started to literally get smaller
 Jay started to laugh nervously “OK you can’t hurt me when i tell you promise “ Jay looked up to Adam While Matt pulled out his Phone and Started to record  what was about to happen.
“Promise but you are on thin ice “ adam said with a imtimateing looking in his eyes 
“ Ok i Accidently gave you and Shiro the wrong seed and i never got around to tell you. And before you ask the seed are called Gain and they give birth to a child after a few weeks after being planted” Jay said as he started to slow get closer to the door 
“ How do you do that on Accident and how long have you know?” Adam asked as anger started to bubble up in him.
“ The closet there were in was the same as the Aphrodite tree and after you got shot down it made ever seed fall to the floor and both seeds look the same” Jay said laughing hard 
“ How long Jay How long “
 “ An hour after your wedding. Fitz pointed it out to me that night i meant to tell you but again I forgot about it” Jay said with a smile on his face 
Matt was losing it As Adam leapted toward Jays. Jay let out a Small scream. the to rolled around on the floor neither were throwing punches. Jay was just screaming As Adam put him into a headlock and nudged him. After a few minutes the kitchen door opened And Allura ran in
“ What is going on here” Allura asked As she looked around the kitchen Matt was doubled over laughing madly As both Adam and jay looked embarrassed as the both got up from the floor and Jay turned back to his normal size 
“ Nothing that important just to friend messing Around” Adam said Punching Jay in the should jokingly 
“ HAAHAHHA Yeah just bro being Bro” Matt said 
“ YEah just dudes being dude” Jay said 
Allura looked at each one of the man before Talking Again “ Ok if your not going to talk me what really happened i don’t care. I came here to tell you that the boys are doing their Homework with Coran so they will be back before dinner “ 
“ Ok they could have just texted me but thanks Allura do you want to stay for dinner ?”  Jay asked 
“ No i’ve eaten Already. But thank you for asking “Allura said as she left the Kitchen 
Three men stayed quiet for a few minutes before they return to working on dinner 
“ So why didn’t you tell Allura About my Fuck up?” Jay asked 
“ Because I know how Allura gets when you brought the boys on board the ship So i’m not going to have her lost it on you because of a mistake and huge life changing mistake But a mistake i had a hand in when i crashed you house “ Adam said rubbing the back of his head 
“ Thank man and when the ki is born i will try my best to help where i can” Jay said the to friend bumped fist 
“ But your buying All the clothes no matter how much it is  when we find a trade moon ok ” Adam said 
Jay rolled his eyes “  Alright   alright you got yourself a dealt and Matt you better not send that video to anyone ok” Jay said
“ To late “ Matt said with a nervous smile on his face  
As Both Jay and Adam looked at each other Before the sound of multiple foot steps coming toward the kitchen 
“ I hate you “ Jay and Adam said together as the door to the kitchen opened letting ever crew member in
Three hour later Adam walked into his room and walked over to the pot with the gain tree was and looked at it. Adam didn’t know how to feel about become a father in a few weeks. But he had done some crazy thing the passed few weeks so how hard could parenting be right? 
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