#they ruin it for themself before anyone else can (because they firmly believe it's never going to end well & at least it hurts less when
byanyan · 2 years
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ㅤon byan's past experiences with family & the foster care systemㅤ—ㅤas byan's modern verse has effectively become their main verse, at least for the time being, it seems about time to expand a bit on their backstory. in this case, on one of the main sources of their trauma, distrust, & inability to let themself get close to people: their unfortunate history with family.
ㅤbyan doesn't know their birth mother's name (aside from her surname, of course, which they share) and, frankly, they don't care to know. all they've ever known about her is that she put them up for adoption the moment they were born. they've never met her, never spoken to her, and haven't seen her since they were born; why should they want to know anything about someone who never wanted them in the first place?
ㅤthey were actually adopted quite quickly as a baby by a korean couple who were unable to have children of their own, and they were raised by these two for their first few years. however, when the couple was unexpectedly able to have a child of their own, byan fell to the backburner until the couple ultimately decided they couldn't handle two children. thus, byan ended up in a group home for children and was put into the foster care system. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ»ㅤthis would be the first major influence (of many) in the way byan has come to view families. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ»ㅤbyan doesn't remember the names of these parents. having spent such significant developmental years with them, they only remember the two as "엄마 / mom" & "아빠 / dad" — a fact they've come to hate. it's painful, after all, to only be able to remember people who so easily abandoned you as mom & dad.
ㅤthe first family who fostered them after this, unfortunately, ended up just not being a good fit. byan was only with them for about six months.
ㅤanother couple with several other foster & adopted children took them in when they were about 4. never feeling like they got enough attention with so many siblings though, byan began to act out. eventually, they would become too much of a handful with all the other kids and would end up back in the system.
ㅤby the time they entered elementary school, byan only continued to act out. they were disruptive, caused all assortment of trouble in school and among other kids, which would have them in and out of many foster homes during this time. they were always deemed too difficult to be properly accepted into any family, and their behaviour would only continue to get worse because of it.
ㅤthe first time they ran away from a foster home, they were 8. it was their first experience in an abusive home; the father would regularly beat them for doing or wearing anything he deemed to be "for girls." byan would try everything from hiding what they were doing/wearing/etc. to fighting back. things only got worse with time and, eventually, they couldn't handle it any longer. for lack of any other option, they ran away from home. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ»ㅤduring this time, they lived on the street, finding themself shelter wherever they could and relying on theft, lies, begging, and the occasional trash rummaging in order to feed themself. after spending a few nights in a homeless shelter several weeks later, they were brought to the attention of a child welfare agency and put back into a group home and, of course, back into the foster care system.
ㅤafter this experience, they would run away from many more homes, though not always because of any abuse. the reasons would vary and, while they were sometimes serious enough to warrant running away, most of the time they weren't. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ»ㅤthis is about the point where it really started to sink in just how unimportant and unwanted they were to the world around them. from here, byan would more or less stop trying to fit in with families who fostered them, deciding it to be pointless, as it wouldn't last.
ㅤat 14 they were kicked out of a home for the first time. byan introduced their foster brother to the world drugs, which was not something the parents were about to tolerate. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ»ㅤthey ended up on the street for a while again here, though they did sneak back into the family's home to collect as many of their own belongings as they could carry (as well as a couple hundred bucks from the spot they knew the parents stashed away spare cash). ㅤㅤㅤㅤ»ㅤthis was not the last time byan would get into trouble with foster families over drugs, nor the last time they were removed from a home because of it. in some instances, things got violent and, in a few other cases, the families would even call the police on them.
ㅤby the time they're in their teen years, byan has a lengthy record racked up, from problems at school to problems caused with previous foster families, along with trouble with the law and less than positive psych evaluations. naturally, they've found fewer and fewer families willing to foster them over the years as the list of issues has grown and, when a family does take them in, it rarely lasts more than a couple months — often due to byan's own actions.
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some other, less specific tidbits:
ㅤthere have been more than just one family who wouldn't acknowledge or accept their gender identity (and sexuality, for that matter). several of these homes were very forceful in their insistence that byan is a boy and should look and act like it. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ»ㅤthat said, they have also had plenty of homes that were very accepting and supportive of them and their identity.
ㅤthey have had a few foster parents who have tried to give them an english name. much as byan hates the name yeong-hwan, they still prefer it to any of the bs these parents tried to stick them with. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ»ㅤsimilarly to above though, they have also had families who have tried learning to speak korean and/or learning to cook korean meals in an effort to make them feel more at home.
ㅤbyan has had several physical altercations with foster families — most of the time with foster siblings, but they've gotten violent with a few of their foster parents as well. many of these they caused themself, but several instances have merely been them responding & simply defending themself.
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burning-fcols · 10 months
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“Why do you still follow me? Why do you still worship me?” ( 👀 For in between earlier stuff? MammonFizz ) - ✧ ˖ ˙ 「 @Qᴜᴇꜱᴛɪᴏɴᴀʙʟᴇᴍᴜꜱᴇꜱ 」 ˙ ˖ ✧
「 ☆ 」 Fizz isn’t sure if this is a genuine concern or if Mammon just wants to hear them say what is already known. Insecurity doesn’t feel like an emotion the Deadly Sin is capable of. If he’s ever experienced it, Fizz certainly doubts they’ve been witness to it. Unapologetic in a way that some might find exhausting, Fizzarolli always admired the clown’s brashness. His utter confidence in himself, whether it was earned or not. Rose-colored as their gaze may be, even they had to admit to… doubts creeping in from time to time. Wondering if the faith they put into Mammon should be as pure as they fervently insisted.
But, wavering as even the most desperate faith could be, Fizz clung to their hero nonetheless. NEEDING to have something, someone certain in the utter chaos of their life. Even if that certainty is circumstantial, they have remained in Mammon’s good graces long enough to feel somewhat comfortable again. Risk is far greater than it was when they only had to worry about falling from grace in a meager Imp Circus, but at least the main event only happens once a year. It’s easy enough to stay on top of the merchandise deals, performing in other venues, jumping through whatever hoops Mammon requires of them. Once a year, THAT’S when the Deadly Sin feels more… intense. Like one mistake could finally be the mistake.
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But until it’s time to truly prove themself again, they ought to be able to keep from ruining everything… Even if questions like THIS send an apprehensive chill down their spine, Fizz debating between offering comfort or flattery. Settling on the safer ( if still truthful ) option, the Imp focuses on themself. Their shortcomings as they echo near-constant thoughts. ❝ Because... I owe everything to you. ❞ Tail loosely wraps around themself, Fizz fighting against the instinctive show of unease. ❝ Why would I ever stop, after what you've helped me become? What you've turned me into. ❞ Words are somberly breathed, Fizz's gaze downcast, ❝ Before I met you... I was NOTHING. I didn't even fully realize it at the time. How pathetic I was. ❞
Fizz had always suspected. Had known on some subconscious level how they could never escape the shackles of their situation... but like a fool, they dared to hope otherwise. Spurred on by the words of someone they thought cared about them to the point of BELIEVING it too. Pretty lies that, painful as it was, led Fizz to the less glamorous truth. Fizz will never truly be more than a mere broken Imp... but they can still strive to get as close as possible. Close enough to fool others into thinking they are. Sometimes, they wonder if even Mammon has been fooled.
Or if he's just as good at putting on a show as they are.
❝ I've always worshipped you. Was inspired by you... and getting the chance to be here— with you putting as much faith into me as you do... I was right to do so. I know it. ❞ Sounding as though they're talking to someone else— a lingering scar from their past that isn't around to hear it —tail firmly wraps around themself, arms following suit as they vehemently spat, ❝ If I'm going to follow anyone, it's YOU. ❞ 「 ☆ 」
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nyamyoshi · 4 years
Based off that post i saw where they said that the discs might be tied to tommy's existence
I have two versions of this.
1st Version (better one for me):
Tommy and Tubbo sat at an edge of a cliff away from the chaos as they watched the world rain with the chunks of the once great city. At this point they didn't care anymore, it pained them to see their home be destroyed but they know a losing battle when they see one. Even if they did fight any of them, two kids wouldn't stand a chance to Techno, Dream or even Philza.
So by the sidelines they watched, the sky turned grey from the smoke and the explosions continued loudly as the ground shaked.
"Tommy, I know this is not the right time to say this, but, I want to ask, why do you want the discs so much?"
Tommy started but recovered and stared at him quizzingly, "It doesn't matter the reason or why I want it, the only thing that matters is that I should have it back."
Tubbo narrowed his eyes, "Of course I have a right to know, I'll be risking my life for this and before you can say why obviously it's because you're my best friend!," he exclaimed.
Tommy's face softened at his words, "Yeah, I know, even if you heard it, it won't change much, we'd get it either way or die trying to."
He grinned at him, "But if you really wanna know I can tell you, I would have to anyway," he giggled nervously, "I'm sure you wouldn't like it though maybe even hate it."
Tubbo looked at him confused, "I'm sure I wouldn't go that far, I know you're a good person, my best mate too, so I'm pretty sure it's not that bad," he grinned as he leaned earnestly towards him, "Try me then, say it."
Tommy laughed softly and said, "Just wait a bit, I need to collect my thoughts." He shifted his gaze to the destruction below, it was ridiculous, how they could even laugh as the world below them burned but I guess that's an effect of living in a non-stop war since your childhood, you'll never learn how to not care but you learn to get used to it.
It was a miracle actually, how they even could be sane after losing everything they have, rebuilding it and losing it all over again. It was a damn cycle that they could never escape.
The explosions sounded below and with a deep inhale he said affirmingly, "I'm ready."
"You wanna know why the discs are important to me?," he asked not really expecting a response.
Tubbo nodded his head keenly.
"You see Tubbo," Tommy said, " the discs are-those things- they're related to me "
He heaved a breath and continued, "Those discs are connected to my life force, once they're gone I'll die along with them." He looked at Tubbo and saw his wide eyes.
"Tubbo! Quiet down, you're being too loud, someone might hear us."
"Just stop Tubbo-"
"No, let him continue Tommy," a new voice interrupted him.
The both of them jumped up quickly and shifted to attack the strangers only to see the people behind them.
It was Techno and Phil.
Techno with tnt and sword still in hand and Phil with his black wings now free from Dream's restrictions as they both teamed up with that damnable bastard.
(Tommy might not say it but the only real reason he felt hurt was because they allied themself with Dream, his manipulator, if it was any other one he might have forgiven them but not on this)
Phil stepped forward while Tommy and Tubbo backed up until they reached the edge of the cliff and the rocks crumbled behind them.
Phil raised his arms and said lowly, "Techno put those away and you boys come forward, we won't hurt any of you."
The both of them narrowed their eyes disbelievingly at that sentence.
Tommy barked up angrily, "Like hell we'll believe you! You already destroyed our home, Wilbur's country and everything we have! Why not kill the both of us while you're at it!?"
Gentler, Phil pleaded, "Tommy, we won't hurt any of you or even come closer, we just want to ask you something." Phil folded his wings and Techno perked his ears, both of their weapons were gone and it seems they were trying to make themself look harmless.
"What did you say about the discs?"
2nd Version (more of a draft, dont like):
Tubbo paced around, his eyes darting around and hands grabbing fistfuls of his hair every second.
"I just don't understand!," Tubbo exclaimed loudly and turned to look at the startled blonde, "Tommy, you know the discs is what Dream is using to get you, right?"
Tommy quickly averted his eyes and shifted at his gaze.
"Without the discs, we could do so much more! We could run away together! We could leave it all and be free from-" he gestured to the blown up ruins of L'Manberg - "all of this!"
Tubbo walked up to him grabbed Tommy's shoulder firmly and asked, "Why is it so important to you?"
Tommy continued to look at anywhere other than him and muttered, "It doesn't matter why it's important all I need to do is get it back from him "
"The discs- what- doesn't matter!?," Tubbo sputtered out his hands tightening its hold of his shoulders, "And what do you mean "I"!? Sure, to you it may not matter but to me it does! I'm risking my life for this!"
He took a few deep breaths and said more quietly, "Tommy, I just want to know what I'm getting into, I mean, I will help you its just I have a right to know too, you know?"
He stared in pleadingly at his face which was still turned away from him and heard a sharp inhale.
"Okay-" Tommy turned back and looked at him- "I had to tell you anyway, just make sure you don't tell anyone else about this, all right? Promise me this."
Tubbo nodded, a bit confused and put off by how serious he was being, "I promise."
"Tubbo, the reason why the discs are so important to me," he heaved in a breath, "they're important because the discs- it'- they-" he growled frustratingly as Tubbo continued to watch him patiently.
"The discs are important because it's connected to my life force," Tommy finished quietly. He met his gaze and added another statement, "Once it's destroyed, I die too Tubbo."
Before Tubbo could even say something or process what he just said properly they heard a loud gasp behind them
They looked back to identify the people who bore witness to the scene and saw Techno and Phil gaping at them sword and tnt still in hand.
"You what!?"
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Holy Hands
Fandoms: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!   Not Rated Graphic Depictions Of Violence F/M, Other Complete Work
Chapter List
Chapter 13
MC stood outside Lucifers door once again. After 2 straight days of not talking to them, he'd texted them to meet him in his room. They hadn't brought Acacia this time because they had a suspicion this wasn't going to end well. Stealing themself they knocked curtly. Three short raps.
"Come in" came the muffled reply.
Opening the door they found Lucifer waiting for them. He was well dressed and groomed as ever, but there was something tight about his expression. Something off kilter about the way he stood.
"You wanted to see me."
"Yes, MC I've noticed you and your sister have been unusually well informed about the affairs of Earth. How is that?"
They didn't answer right away. They knew he wasn't actually asking.
"You know how, please spare me your games and get to the point." They replied tiredly.
"Hmm" he narrowed his eyes. "Are you eager to leave? In a hurry to get away from me MC?"
Ordinarily MC would look for excuses to spend more time with Lucifer, but they didn't like the road he'd been on lately. They didn't want to be in his room while he was like this.
"You're still avoiding what you actually want to say." They countered.
##TW possessive behavior##
"Fine." He replied shortly "since you seem awfully intent to cut this short. I want Acacia's phone. You were never permitted to have it and it is only spreading fear."
MC stood silent. They'd expected something like this but it was still sickening.
"You can't just take her phone away, she pays for it herself."
"I can do whatever I want so long as you live under my roof"
"Then we'll leave, this place is in ruins anyway."
"No." He commanded a little too forcefully. "You will stay here where I can keep an eye on you."
MC took a deep breath to avoid making a retort. They assessed the man before them. His eyes were too wide for a normal conversation. His skin was so pale it was almost like paper, and the dark circles under his eyes indicated his lack of proper rest.
His gloved fingers tapped almost obsessively against his opposite arm.
"Lucifer...you can't keep us prisoner." They spoke calmly. "We need to rest and regroup to think about this properly."
"You must be confused MC, the only one who will be figuring this out is me. The rest of you are to stay out of trouble here in the house."
"But they're being suffocated! I know it's dangerous and you're scared but we can't--"
He was in full demonic form now. His hair fell into his face as he stared in wide eyed anger at MC. His fingers stretched like claws at his sides. "You are MINE to keep and you will do as I say."
He approached MC with supernatural speed. Wings spreading to make him look much larger. MC did not back up.
"I do as I think is right." They spoke calmly, they did not fear Lucifer no matter how big he tried to look. A peacock's feathers were only a display after all.
##end of TW##
His face turned cold and he stood up straight. Staring down his nose at the pitiful human before him. MC did not look away.
"Then leave," he said tightly.
"I have no need for a disobedient pest. Take your sister and go." His voice was pure dismission, as if he'd only met MC that day and cared nothing for them.
They didn't argue, there was no point.
Spinning on their heel they left the room with their head held high.
Lucifer clutched the back of his sofa, his whole body trembling with rage. There was nothing he wouldn't give for that human, nothing he wouldn't do. He had offered them the world and his love and they'd refused him cold.
He didn't care, they were only human after all.
He moved back to his plans, trying to make sense of something. To gain control of some aspect of the situation.
If the human did not want his guidance, his protection, then they could die out there with the other cattle for all he cared.
0"I'm sorry." Acacia almost whispered as MC packed the rest of their essentials.
"For what?" They looked up, concerned.
"For making the wrong decision…" she pet Chester's head sadly.
MC thought for a moment. "Don't be sorry, you're not the one who chose wrong" they said firmly. Acacia believed them, they had never lied to her. "Ok let's get going" they said, tossing their sister a backpack.
She took it silently and slipped it on, still unbelieving that they actually had to go. That they lost all that could've been here in the Devildom. It had all moved so fast, where did it go?
They'd learned to travel light after all their moving. First from their moms house into foster-care. Then when MC turned 18 they both scraped together as much money as they could to put a down payment on a house. Because they never wanted to be uprooted again. Now here they were moving, Acacia wanted to cry.
MC took her hand and led her through the halls of what they'd hoped would be their last home. Their face was dark but they were gentle as they led their sister back out into the unknown.
0Everything was in motion. Michael was sinfully proud of himself as he surveyed the good he'd done. As he stood atop the building in hell he looked up. Knowing above him the humans were drawn together in defense. Turning away from their sin in fear of their very lives. They were repenting as they should and retaliating against the demonic threat Micheal had opened their eyes to.
Below him the demons of this unholy world grew weak. Without the humans patronage their strength dwindled to pitiful crawls. Even the seven sins themselves had slowed to never leave their rooms much less their lamented home. Everything was set for heaven to reclaim the souls they'd lost in the war, to take over and welcome home the wayward criminals.
All he needed now was leverage.
He had his eye on a potentially perfect bargaining chip. The two humans traversed the dangerous land with their belongings on their backs. He had waited days for them to leave the house of Lamentation. Finally MC had shown themself to him.
Swooping silent as the wind he landed gracefully behind Lucifer's pet. Surely weakened from the humans rejection and with his precious human in jeopardy he'd relinquish himself with no issue.
Yes, Michael was very proud for he had done well.
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nelvana · 5 years
First [ARC 1]: In which the human is transformed First [ARC 2]: In which a present is prepared Next: In which two allies return from their journey together Previous: In which the judge is spoken to
    Temporal Tower stood out far away from any of the continents, though closest to the Grass Continent. This structure was built on a single, floating stone island. A few other of these islands surrounded it, but none of them had the same mass as the one that had to support the Temporal Tower.
    Standing at the top of this tower, was the legendary pokemon of time, Dialga. They slowly looked over their home, leaning down to peer down the sides to make sure everything was holding strong. This was a routine they had developed for themself; only after they were certain that the Temporal Tower wasn’t going to crumble and that all the time gears were in place that they would allow themself to relax.
    With that morning task out of the way, Dialga was able to breath out a breath of relief and simply stare out into the horizon. If they completed this early enough, there would still be time to watch the sunrise. Staring out into the peaceful morning always brought ease to their very being, so they would often stand still in place until the sun had fully risen.
    However, this morning there were some difficult thoughts plaguing their mind. In fact, as much as they disliked admitting it, this had been worrying them for many days now, and they had just elected to ignore it. As selfish as it was, they had just wanted to be able to relax for just a little bit longer. It was absolutely irresponsible, and they knew it, but part of them had been hoping the problem would fix itself. At this point though, it was becoming painfully obvious how much of a danger this could become.
    Dialga let out a sigh, “Celebi, it’s time we speak about the world’s balance,” they announced.
    From behind Dialga, the green pixie pokemon fluttered over to the much larger pokemon. Celebi wasn’t even anywhere near the size of the god’s head, but they still made sure that they were noticed by their companion as they moved. Celebi did not make eye contact with Dialga, instead choosing to hover beside them and stare out into the horizon as well.
    “Ah, finally,” Celebi murmured, “where would you like to start?” they asked.
    “As I’m sure you’ve noticed,” Dialga began, “the world’s balance has not been properly restored. It should have restored itself with the flow of time righted, however something has been delaying it. Something, or someone, has been keeping the world still out of balance.”
    Dialga spoke aloud in a hushed voice, as to not be deafening in comparison to their smaller friend. In the past, the pair would communicate through telepathy to solve this problem, but in recent times Dialga had come to prefer speaking out loud. It was comforting to them to hear themself able to properly speak softly, instead of hearing abysmal roaring. While they had not said so, Celebi seemed to agree, and begun speaking as well to avoid it sounding like a one-sided conversation.
    Celebi nodded courtly, “yes, I have noticed that. It is Palkia’s doing.”
    Again, Dialga sighed, turning away this time, “…I knew that,” they admitted, “I had just hoped that it would not be the case.”
    “Denial will not help us any,” Celebi told them, “Palkia is most certainly the cause.”
    “The question is… why?” Dialga questioned.
    “That, I am not certain of quite yet…” Celebi now turned to look at Dialga. “I assumed you would have known. Can you not sense anything from your kin?”
    Dialga slowly shook their head, “no, I cannot. It would seem as if Palkia has found a way to completely block me off.
    “I… didn’t think that was possible,” Celebi commented, blinking. “They must be aware of what they’re doing then. Revenge, perhaps?”
    “Palkia isn’t the sort to go for revenge. And even if so, their quarrel would be just with me,” Dialga replied, “no need to involve anything, or anyone else. Seeing as they’ve been delaying the restoration of the world’s balance, this must be more than just revenge.”
    “What do you suppose then?”
    Dialga opened their mouth only to close it. Their throat was dry. They looked down at their feet, which were the same as ever. Blue, just blue, no orange, no glowing. The tower still stood solidly under them. As a quietness from the lack of either of them speaking crept in, Dialga could listen to their heartbeat. Always keeping the same rhythm, the same strength. They took in a deep breath, slowly exhaling as they sorted out their thoughts.
    “I believe… Palkia may be going primal,” Dialga finally answered.
    Celebi paled, “you think so…? But how come? Nothing has happened to prompt that.”
    “It’s just… it’s just a theory. I’m not sure if it’s the case,” Dialga responded all too hastily. “I’m not sure why that would happen, but there aren’t that many other possibilities.”
    “I see.” Celebi swallowed, looking away again for a moment, but their gaze was drawn back to the worried legendary. “Either way, there is not much we can do about that at the moment. We shall have to see how this all goes,” they continued.
    “We cannot just sit back on this for much longer though,” Dialga murmured.
    “Agreed. For now, we will collect more data on the situation. You know that if Palkia has gone primal… you won’t be able to beat them in a fight,” Celebi replied, “you may need to collect more allies if it comes to a fight.”
    “I have you,” Dialga pointed out, looking back up.
    Celebi laughed, but it carried no joy with it, “you and I both know that I am not much help against a primal legendary,” they said darkly, their expression creasing back into a small frown.
    Dialga’s throat felt dry again, “you would still be a help.”
    “Hm, I suppose so,” Celebi hummed, crossing their arms behind their back.
    There was a pause between the pair; the strain of their relationship hanging in the air. Dialga knew what Celebi meant with those comments. Celebi had died in the other timeline to Primal Dialga, after all. The both of them were connected to the flow of time, they both clearly remembered what happened. And no matter how many times they could apologize, they would never have the same friendship as they had had before.
    Again, Dialga opened their mouth to speak, but then reconsidered and closed it again. They opted to stare out into the horizon again, which had long since faded into the plain blue of the sky decorated with puffy white clouds. Celebi, however, kept their gaze focused on the temporal pokemon, working up the courage to speak instead.
    “There is something on your mind. Speak up,” Celebi instructed firmly.
    Dialga chuckled quietly at themself; of course it would have been foolish to try hiding their feelings from a psychic-type, especially one that knew them so well.
    “You said that we should be considering gathering more allies… truth be told, I have been thinking over that myself,” Dialga began.
    “And?” Celebi prompted.
    “There is someone… from the other future, who I’d like to bring back here for a second chance,” Dialga told them.
    Celebi furrowed their brows with displeasure, “him?” they questioned, already knowing who this “someone” was. “You think that he deserves another chance on this plane?”
    “Yes, I do,” Dialga replied confidently, lifting their head up. “Dusknoir was not the best person in the time he got to live, but that was because he had the misfortune of being under… my influence. He could become a better person if given the opportunity.”
    “Mm... Sure, let’s say I believe that. Why bother bringing them back? We can find allies elsewhere; without risking ruining the world’s balance more than it already is,” Celebi huffed, bringing their arms up to cross them in front of their chest.
    “Because,” Dialga sighed, “they were incredibly loyal, and they got nothing out of that. I feel that I should repay that somehow,” they told them, “and, while your concern is understandable, bringing him back won’t destroy the world’s balance completely. I know how to do that safely. There have already been four pokemon brought back from that realm; he won’t tip everything over.”
    “Four?” Celebi repeated, “I thought there had only been three.”
    “Ah, you are thinking of the time travelling heroes. Yes, there were three in that group. The human, the grovyle, and… your successor. They were all brought back, but that was weeks ago,” Dialga responded, “recently, a fourth was brought back. Not someone from that timeline, but a cursed spirit guide. The curse was broken ahead of its time, and they have been brought back to life.”
    “Hmph, so you’re certain then that bringing Dusknoir back would not harm the world’s balance?” Celebi asked.
    Dialga nodded, “I am.”
    Celebi paused, thinking this over before shaking their head, “I still do not agree with this. He should not be brought back, even if you think he should be blessed with such a second chance,” they told them, “this is a bad idea.”
    “What makes you think that?” Dialga questioned, leaning closer to their companion. “You are my advisor; I’m always willing to listen if you think.”
    “I…” For once, Celebi seemed to be having difficulties forming together their thoughts into words. “He’s a murderer, Dialga. Have you forgotten? He felt no guilt for killing hundreds, directly or indirectly, just because you told him to. You may not have been in your right mind, but he always was,” they spat.
    “He can change,” Dialga insisted.
    “How do you know?” Celebi snapped, whirling to fully face Dialga. “How do you really know? He was just a servant to Primal Dialga, you don’t know him.”
    “Neither do you,” Dialga responded.
    “I know enough to know that this is a bad idea,” Celebi growled, turning away again and letting out a sigh. “But you know what? Fine. You do what you want. I can’t really stop you. I never could.”
    “Celebi.” Dialga stepped over to have the smaller pokemon be facing them again. “I don’t appreciate you trying to manipulate my decision by guilting me.”
    Celebi barely noticeably stiffening at being called out, but slowly relaxed again. Dialga sighed, reminding themself to relax again as well. They didn’t want to lose their temper.
    “However,” they continued, “I do want to respect your opinion on the subject. I will think this over some more. You are right, it is an important decision to make. And… if it does turn out poorly, know that I will accept the consequences of that and do my best to fix it,” they assured them, “I’ll add as well, that if Palkia really does go primal… being picky about our allies won’t help us any.”
    “…fine. I’ll trust you on this,” Celebi finally replied, “and I apologize for acting in such a way. I just…”
    “I know. It’s alright; I understand.”
First [ARC 1]: In which the human is transformed First [ARC 2]: In which a present is prepared Next: In which two allies return from their journey together Previous: In which the judge is spoken to
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