#they still own the rights to VLD though that is theirs forever
spiftynifty · 3 years
so TIL that Dreamworks no longer owns the rights to Voltron cuz they opted not to renew them lol
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fangirlauthor · 4 years
vld season 8 [SPOILERS]
Okay, so these are my thoughts on voltron season eight and a little bit on voltron in general. I’m not here to hate on canon, or the voice actors, or the writers, or hate on anyone, really; they’re just my opinions. If you haven’t seen season 8 or don’t want spoilers or don’t want to read my opinions, stop here. 
I’m going to split my thoughts into sections, so here goes. Sorry this isn’t lok themed, I promise I’m still writing things for lok, but I guess I’ll be writing things for other fandoms now as well; my brain can be kind of erratic, so what I’m writing depends on what I’ve been doing recently. 
Also, if you have different opinions or thoughts or anything you want to ask about my opinions on Voltron, feel free to send me an ask. 
Hunk - Honestly, I thought he was pretty cool. I liked his ending mostly, and how he got to continue to do the things he loves while spreading peace and promoting cooperation between people and using his cooking to accent that. I also don’t have any particular headcanons or anything for him as of right now, but maybe in the future. 
Pidge/Katie Holt - I didn’t have any problems with Pidge’s ending either, I actually kinda liked it, and headcanons... she definitely pursues a career in a STEM field, and I think she goes on to do super cool science things I wouldn’t understand. 
Shiro - I didn’t hate his ending as well, I do wish they hadn’t killed Adam though, so maybe I’ll pretend he’s alive somewhere. I dunno. I’m really glad they made him happy, and let him finally find peace. I kinda have a headcanon that he’ll run a space orphanage or something that works with the Blade of Marmora humanitarian relief thing or whatever they are now. I hope he gets to take all the naps he needs.
Keith - I also liked his ending a fair amount, I think it’s cool that he’ll get to help people and I think that it’s in alignment with his character arc from what I can tell. He went from suffering to helping make sure no one else does, and that can a difficult jump to make, from what I understand. 
Lance - Okay, so this is a hot topic. Honestly, I don’t agree with him being a farmer forever; I think at some point he’s going to start to heal and grow again and that he’ll start travelling the galaxy. Maybe he’ll continue to teach about Allura, but in different places and in different ways, all across the galaxy, like I said. Maybe, at some point, he’ll discover that happiness doesn’t have to be something to remember, but that it can be something to discover once again, even if it’s different then before. At some point, he’s going to continue to grow and spread light and love and maybe even find his own. 
He could have definitely had more character development in the show, instead of them spending the last season focusing on changes due to romance rather than other forces (or even the effects those romantic feelings had on him after could have been handled better). That’s why, in case this wasn’t clear the first time I said it, I think that he’s going to go around the galaxy, maybe even with Keith and the Blades, to teach not only about Allura but about other heroes, about missions he’s been on and the things he’s learned from war. I don’t think he’s going to be a farmer forever, but I think that some time to rest before he gathers the courage to start growing as a person again will help him/is necessary. 
Allura - Okay, I’m going to say right off the bat that I don’t think she should have died. I do like that she was designed as a strong, brave character who makes her own decisions. Yeah, I really don’t like that she died and I don’t think she should have, but she did, so yeah. I think that she was smart enough to find another solution and that her death was unnecessary, like I’ve said, but I respect that her sacrifice was on par with her character/character traits/personal values. I’ve got some other things to say in a minute, but we’ll get to that. 
As a group, after the show ended - I definitely think they saw each other more than once a year, and that they all still treated each other like the family they claimed to be during battles. Bonds made in war are hard to break, and theirs is most certainly unbreakable. They’ll be a team for their lifetime, even if their jobs take them to different places for a time. 
Okay, so this is also a hot topic from what I can tell. I’ve gotta say I don’t a) ship Pidge with anyone and b) I’m not here to hate on any ships unless they’re legitimately abusive or wrong in the manner of, y’know, pedophilia and such. 
Allurance - I don’t hate this ship, and I don’t hate it being canon. I don’t actively ship it and I don’t think that, even if Allura had lived, they would have been endgame anyway. I do disagree with people who say that they don’t have any chemistry at all, because I think they have at least some. I definitely don’t ship it as an endgame ship, but I think they were/could’ve been great friends. I do feel like it was a little forced in the beginning, and I feel like it sends a slightly negative message about men being overly persistent after a woman says no and negates Allura’s individual strength a little bit. I do think that if it had been done slightly different, it would have seemed less like Allura was guilt-tripped or practically coerced into the relationship and could have shown that people don’t need a significant other to make them whole because people are their own, whole person; it could have shown that bonds between people make two whole people stronger, in a sense, with both people respecting that the other person is their own person and makes their own choices/has their own opinions. (As long as those opinions aren’t harmful to the other person or to other people.)
Klance - Okay, so if you couldn’t tell, I ship klance. I personally think they have a lot of chemistry, especially in some scenes, and I think that (in accordance with my Lance headcanon) that they’ll eventually start working together in humanitarian relief efforts/teaching trips and either end up together or even just be friends. I think they have a great relationship either way, and that they support each other really well; Lance being Keith’s impulse control guy and Keith being Lance’s confidence. Like I said, they definitely have great chemistry but as long as they end up working together some way and benefit each other, I’m good if they stay friends. 
Shay and Hunk - Is there a ship name for this? I haven’t seen one, but I might’ve missed it. Anyway, I think their relationship is pretty sweet and I don’t ship it aggressively but I really do think they’re cute. 
Shiro and Curtis - I think they’re cute as well, I’m glad Shiro’s happy and hopefully he gets lots of time to rest while still helping others.  I do miss Adam and I’m sad he’s dead; I’m also cool with a ship with Shiro in a relationship with both of them or all three of them in a relationship with each other. I’m sad we didn’t get to see Curtis and Shiro interact with each other before the wedding, but again I’m trying not to be salty even though I don’t like that we never got to see a dynamic between the two. 
The Ending
Okay, I’m a little confused on what happened at the end. I’m pretty sure that the lions are circling the planet, minus the blue lion which is not, but I can’t tell. It is a little bittersweet to me that they don’t still pilot the lions, but I understand that things have to come to an end for other things to take place. Still bittersweet though. 
Overall, I’ve gotta say I didn’t hate it. There were a few things I would have preferred to be canon (like klance or better character development for some characters) or preferred not to be canon (Allura dying) but I came in with low expectations so it kept me fairly entertained. Like I said, not here to hate on anything just my opinions. 
So that’s all I can think of right now, I might talk about my thoughts on Lotor later, maybe on lotor x allura as well, but I’m running out of time so that’s all for today. Also, sorry for the long post.
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voiceofreader · 5 years
Okey soo since u already did my 2 favorite hoes from bnha I would like to request another a-z but with Lotor (vld)(he is the best boi and he deserves the world)
YASS I AM SO HAPPY. Lotor is my love. He deserves the world. I got too excited with this. Ope. Anyways, hi there~! thank you for the request ❤
Lotor (Voltron Legendary Defender) A-Z (smut)
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after):
-Lotor is an absolute prince afterwards. -Anything you want or need is his command. -He will destroy worlds for you.
 B = Body part (They’re favorite body part as well as their partners):
-I don’t know if hair is considered a body part but it is now. -Lotor loves his hair. I mean, have you seen that beautiful mane? He works hard on it and is proud.-He loves your small and soft hands. Especially when he holds yours in his. They are so adorable to him. (Also they have been known to do some great things)
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum):  
-Due to his Galran heritage, Lotor loves to cum inside you. It’s a primal thing. -Each time he cums, there’s always a lot. -You don’t know where he stores it inside him, cause there is a lot of it no matter how many rounds you go.
D = Dirty secret  (Dirty Secret of theirs):
-While he treats you like a goddess, he wants to treat you like a dirty slut. He wants to tie you up, gag you, the works. Now, of course, he does act out some of his fantasies, he doesn’t do it all cause he doesn’t want to overwhelm you, but if you find out and surprise him, Lord, he will be the happiest boy. Also, you won’t be sleeping that night, and don’t expect to be able to walk for at least a full day. He wants to be a full on dom. But if the relationship is new, he definitely hides it because he doesn’t want to scare you away, and also this side of him has scared others away.
E = Experience (How experienced are they):
-Lotor is a sex god. -He has had centuries to perfect this art. -For your sake, he doesn’t talk about his past experiences, but let’s just say, he was a hoe in his time.
F =  Favorite position (Basically says it in the title):
-Really loves it when you ride him. -Sitting back, one hand on your hip, and the other grasping your breasts. Watching you take him so well.
G = Goofy (How serious are they? Do they prefer joking?):
-He’s usually laid back. -So he’s not a serious guy, and will smile quite often and talk to you in a soft tone. He doesn’t want to make the atmosphere tense, so he’ll make some light comments to keep you relaxed and if that means he has to make you laugh, then so be it.
H = Hair (Does the carpet match the drapes? Are they groomed?):  
-He is very well kept down there. Manscaping is on point.
I = Intimacy (How they are during the moment):
-He is the ultimate lover. -Sweet nothings, encouragement, hand holding, soft kisses. -It’s so loving and cute.
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon):
-Isn’t a fan of it. He understands the point, but it’s not a thing for him. -Not to say, he hasn’t done it. But he’d rather have someone else pleasure him than himself.
K = Kink (One of their kinks):
-He really wants to be a bdsm master. Let him be one please. He wants to tie you up, tease you, the whole works. -Seeing you bound and at his mercy, sweet lord, he might just cum right then and there. But if you’re not into it, it’s fine. He just wants what you want.-Buys you a lot of expensive and elegant lingerie cause he loves the way it feels when he runs his hands all over you.-Loves oral. Watching you take his length all the way into your mouth. Fuucckk
L = Location (Favorite place):
-Can and will do it anywhere. -He prefers the bedroom because it’s more decent than his chair in the controls room.
M = Motivation (What turns them on):
-Just you. He is absolutely in love with you and wants to prove it to you. He loves making you feel good and there’s nothing in this universe he wants more. -But, he loves watching you as an independent person. -While he doesn’t want to bother you with the whole war stuff, that’s how he met you, and so he does let you add your input. -When you use your brain and could rival him in the intellect section, boy does that get him going.
N = No (Something they won’t do):
-Doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable. He needs constant reassurance that he’s not hurting you in a bad way, and that you give him your consent to do whatever it is he’s attempting to do. -Also there is no sharing you. Unless it’s something you absolutely want. He’s torn on that and hopes to his dying wish that you never want to ever do something like that but he won’t be able to say no if you do. -Up to the challenge of something new.
O = Oral (Giving or receiving):
-He can go either way. -While it’s absolutely mesmerizing watching you wrap your gorgeous lips around his cock-he loves, and I mean, loves to go down on you as well. -He loves how he has to wrap his arm around your waist to keep you firmly on the bed, because his tongue makes you writhe in pleasure and you can’t stay still.
P = Pace (Are they fast or slow):
-He’s a slow guy. -Takes his time to do the job right. -In his younger years, sure, he might’ve been a rowdy and rough guy, but with you, he’s a slow and steady wins the race type. -Unless you want a new change of pace, then oh boy, be ready.
 Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies):
Like I said before, he likes to take his time. -Sex for him lasts for hours and he doesn’t want it any other way. -If you really need him, just whisper in his ear what you want from him, he’ll wrap that meeting up as quick as he can, or behead a guy, he doesn’t care. At that moment he has one mission and that’s to go fuck you. -If you make your desperation really noticeable, he will simply walk away from what he is doing and follow you down to the bedroom. -He doesn’t care that he was in a meeting with the coalition and they’re at a critical point in the discussion and his resources and or his input are needed. You need him more and that’s all that matters.
R = Risk (Will they be down to experiment in risky locations):
-There really is no risky locations with him. -If it’s his ship, or his castle, he just orders his men to keep anyone away from a certain place until he says so, it happens. -He will have armed men standing at the door, blocking entry from anyone.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go):
-Forever and ever. -But he knows he can’t just make love to you for days on end and he has to stop at some point if you don’t stop him yourself.  
T = Toy (Do they own toys and if they do, will they use them):
-He has all the toys for your sexual pleasure. -He’s not afraid to use them and he doesn’t think that makes him less of a “man” for using them on you, or letting you use them on your own. -He is comfortable in his relationship with you and if some added stimulation helps, he’s all game.
U = Unfair (How much will they tease):-Depends which night. If he’s soft lover Lotor, he’ll give in all you want. -But if you let him do what he wants, he’ll tease you, and take you to your limit and you might start crying. (but he doesn’t want you to start crying he’s not that unfair to you)
V = Volume (How loud are they if they even are):
-Besides his constant words of love and support, he doesn’t really make a lot of noise. -There’s the very so quiet groans, and then when he gets close it’ll get only a bit more louder.
W = Wild card (Headcanon of choice):
After long love filled nights, the day after, if he has to leave you for some reason. Be it, a mission, a visit to one of his planets, a meeting, anything, he always gives you a present from where he was if he can. Nothing extravagant, those are for another time. These gifts are simple things that he knows you will treasure far more than any jewel or dress. -Shiny rocks, wild flowers, desserts, small trinkets, games, plush toys, a new pet. -Things he sees on his journeys and thinks of you and how you would adore them.
X = X-Ray (What’s going on down there):
-Boy is t h i c c -boy is big-Those Galra/Altean genes did him good.-holy fuck
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive):
-Higher than the volume his hair has.-That boy is a sex fiend.-Just for you though.-Sex anytime all the time
Z = ZZZ (How quickly do they fall asleep):
-He’ll stay up a long while afterwards. If you fall asleep right after, he’ll lay there with you, wrapping his arms tightly around you. This boy doesn’t sleep well. But no matter how restless he is, he’ll keep at your side for as long as you need him to be.
I got excited and prioritized this one over the other three I have before it. oops. 
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casadekeith · 6 years
I've had these thoughts going for a while, and I finally decided to put them to paper. Or, digital paper. You know. Typing. Voltron shipping is difficult to discuss for a lot of reasons (fear of harassment, doxxing, death threats, you name it). But I'm going to talk about something that's been on my mind a lot.
Something that gets my skin crawling is when people supplement ATLA names for things in VLD, aka "space Sokka" or "alien Ty Lee". It's something that legitimately bothers me as a creator, that folks will only forever see this staff for creating one successful IP. I don't do it often with TV, where it's more prevalent in children's shows (Butch Hartman, anyone?), and I try to do it less often with film (though directors do tend to have their own aesthetic and narrative style that carry from film to film). 
One thing I will say that is the same though? The ship wars. The ship wars from ATLA and Korra are not actually all that different from the ship wars in Voltron, and I'll discuss my experiences with both.
Oh, you. You thought this would be like a fake essay meme? Nah.
To start with, let's get some actual facts out of the way.
Joaquim dos Santos was a storyboardist for ATLA's season 2, and director on season 3. Lauren Montgomery also came on as a storyboardist during season 3. For the Legend of Korra, its sequel series, Joaquim returned as a director and Lauren returned as storyboardist and supervising producer.
Legend of Korra was animated as a collaborative part between Nickelodeon animation; Studio Mir, a studio in Korea; and Studio Pierrot, a studio in Japan (fun note: Korra is Studio Pierrot's only outsourced animation credit! Otherwise they seem to function strictly for Japanese animation and have done some of my favorite works).
Joaquim, Lauren, and Studio Mir (and some staff, Ki Hyun Ryu for example) stepped up and wanted to do an updated Voltron adaptation/remake. They've been successfully partnered with DreamWorks and Netflix starting production in 2014 to its successful 6th season to date (summer 2018, for potential future readers).
"What does all this have to do with ship wars?"
Well... Kind of everything, to be perfectly honest.
My experience with ATLA came a little late. When it started airing in 2005, I was already in my second semester of college. I was just-turned-17, a theatre major (for my scholarship), having to take at least 32 credits to keep my grant, and working part time while also being an art student. (Advice: Don't do that to yourself. Make better, healthier choices than I did.) So I didn't get much free time to sit and watch tv. I think of that first season, I saw maybe 5 episodes. I did manage to catch the first episode when it aired, and enjoyed it! I didn't catch much of season 2 at all ("Secret Tunnel" was the only episode that I can remember of that season I caught). By the time season 3 was airing, I'd already left college and had made the first of many cross-country moves by myself. And while I didn't have cable TV where I was, I had the internet. And I had a lot of friends who lived and breathed ATLA, and subsequently its shipping culture.
I wasn't new to shipping then (come talk to me about how riled I get with the Magic Knight Rayearth anime or Sailor Moon sometime), but the level of passion in the ATLA shipping culture threw me back a bit. LiveJournal and AIM chatrooms were the place to be at that time, and I saw so much hate thrown back and forth between two specific ships: Aang/Katara and Zuko/Katara. I saw arguments, I saw some mild hate campaigns, I saw harrassment, I saw pedophilia accusations toward Aang/Katara shippers, I saw accusations that fans were "baited" for Zuko/Katara by the production staff.
This type of thing kept me from ever watching ATLA until several years later on my own when a lot of it died down. And looking at it from an older, more critical eye? It was clear to me from episode one that Aang/Katara was going to be the ship if romance were to happen. I honestly to this day don't give much care for any ships in ALTA (except Sokka/Suki those sweet summer kids), but by film language alone, I could tell. "How, Jack? How could you tell from episode one?" Because it's a very common thing in both film and television (and now video games as it progresses more into a serious storytelling medium) to have a soft lingering shot of a character's face from another's POV.
Namely, these two specific shots:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Katara being the first person Aang sees when he's rescued from the ice and wakes up. That shot alone pretty much told me "oh if there's romance, it'll be these two". I'm begging you, go back and watch some of your favorite long-series romance and pick out when this happens to any canon couple. It's very common! Film studies, it's fun, and I highly encourage folks to get into it.
So what does this have to do with VLD?
Besides some of the same staff, a lot of people have gone into VLD expecting it to be another ATLA or Korra. They came in with expectations, some that are just not being met anymore. Not much has actually changed since ATLA ship wars: I still see harassment, death threats, accusations of pedophilia. The only thing that has changed is our means of communication and how shippers put it to use, and the climate of the internet itself.
While folks on the internet have always rallied for social change, in recent years it's become more and more prevalent. The only way to safely consume a media is to make sure it has no problematic elements whatsoever, otherwise you're a hypocrite. The only safe way to be a fan of a celebrity is to make sure they've never said anything that can be construed as problematic, or you're a hypocrite who stands for the very things they believe is an issue. Nowadays, with the rise of internet being weighed down with the struggles of real life people all over the world, actions certain governments are taking that make everything seem bleak, a lot of younger folks feel the need to couch their fandom experience in purity politics. If they aren't consuming the purest media, then they're as bad as oppressors (nevermind which oppressors, or what their own personal life experience is or isn't).
What I'm saying is: the reactions, harassment, threats, the salt channels, and overall arguments of shipping for VLD are the same as they were for ATLA. The difference is how it's presented. With ATLA, it was fan entitlement through and through, interpreting some scenes to mean something, then upset when it doesn't pan out the way they had predicted. With VLD, it's still the same fan entitlement and unhappy shouting when the show doesn't follow expectations, but now with the pretense of morality.
One other factor that's changed over the years is the public connection between studio staff and fans. Before, it was maybe possible to see or speak with staff at a convention or press meeting, but you would otherwise send fanmail to the studio. Nowadays, everyone's plugged right into most social media networks together with no one to filter harassment before it gets to the staff's eyes. With that ability, the rise of attendance in large conventions, and the animation industry having more information available about its process and upcoming seasons, fan entitlement has only grown and a lot of the more vocal fans feel the series is theirs rather than a story someone is sharing with them in a visual medium.  
The reasons behind ship wars 10 years ago are the same as they are now, just dressed up in a new outfit in an attempt to be more legitimate than "I don't like that ship".
What I'm getting at ultimately is this: your ship hate isn't new, dressing it up as morality isn't profound, and literally nothing excuses harassment or death threats sent to other fans or production staff. Thanks for coming to my ted talk from an older fandom person's perspective.
*Disclaimer: In no way am I saying someone is or isn’t allowed to ship a thing. Ship it! Ship what you want! Just don’t be an asshole about it to other people, y’know? 
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raventao · 7 years
Out of Sorts
Okay, so I decided to make a series out of these little vld drabbles. This is the second one, so a sequel to Charred Ice, if you liked that one. I’ve decided to call it Suffocating Heat, so I’ll go back and tag Charred Ice with that as well to make it easier for people to find it they want to.
The thing about always being second best, was that you knew you were never quite good enough. And the thing about always being second best to Keith, was that Lance knew no matter what he did, how much he tried, or how long he spent training and practicing, he would never measure up. When Keith had dropped out of the Garrison, Lance had had mixed feelings about being moved up to fighter class. Yes it was his dream. Yes it was what he desperately wanted, no matter what. But he had wanted to earn it. To look Keith in the eyes and be acknowledged as equals. He wanted to have gotten there on his own merit, not on a fluke. So yes, he was happy to have his dream placement, but no, he wasn’t happy about the means by which he got it.
When Blue had chosen him, out of all of them, had picked him first, he had been excited. Theirs was a bond that he knew could weather even time itself. Blue and Lance, Lance and Blue, together till the end of time, forever.
Forever turned out to be a lot shorter that he remembered it being.
And he was back to replacing Keith. It seemed that was the one thing he was good for; replacing Keith. Being a substitute, a last resort. The spare tire that didn’t really fit the car, but it was good enough to get you to the auto shop to get something that did fit and then put right back under the trunk to be forgotten about until the next time it was needed. “The only reason you’re here is because the best pilot in your class had a discipline issue, and dropped out. Don’t , follow in his footsteps.” kept echoing in his head over and over again. It was like being back at the Garrison and having Iverson chew him out for the littlest things, because that was what Iverson did, all. Over. Again.
Lance found himself waking from nightmares in a cold sweat and short of breath more and more frequently since he had taken over Red. Found himself hyperventilating when her heat got too intense. Found himself crouched down in the hallway trying to remember how to breath again when he felt that familiar sense of loss at Blue’s absence. He was used to being cold. Blue was water, ice. He had gotten used to her chilling touch and the constant frost that clawed at his consciousness and crawled down his spine, numbing his insecurities, dulling his senses to anything that might cause this depression he was falling deeper and deeper into to flair. She had been his safety net. His life line. And now? Now he felt like he had been hung out to dry. He had tried so many times to talk to her, to get her to tell him what he could have possibly done to warrant such cruel treatment. To not even get a heads up, or for her to ask him what he wanted. No one ever asked what he wanted.
Because he was Lance.
He was a ‘good sport’ and wouldn’t mind being passed around like a frisbee.
Wouldn’t mind ‘doing it for the team’ or whatever bullshit they wanted to call it.
He felt his chest tighten as he left Keith’s room after they had gotten Shiro back, his throat closing up and his lungs struggling to work. His vision was starting to blur and his heart rate was skyrocketing, he was sweating bullets. Why it was happening now, Lance couldn’t have told you as he fell to the floor, clutching his chest, scratching at his flesh through his shirt, as if trying to claw the organs out of his body. He needed Blue. He needed her cold. Red tried to help, sending him waves of heat that only had him gasping and sweating more profusely. He screwed his eyes shut as he tried to calm himself, tears starting to form at the corners; 7, 3, 9, 1, 8, 4. He counted out in his head. 7 … 3, 9 … 1,8, …… 4. He felt the tight feeling start to recede, and his lungs begin working once more. It was a small trick he had pick up back home when he had had mild panic attacks back in middle school about public speaking. Counting out of sequence helped the brain focus on something other than freaking out. And while it didn’t work in every case, it at least worked here.
Lance clutched the wall, trying to pull himself back up, but his limbs felt heavier than lead and he only succeeded in softening his fall the rest of the way to the ground. The black hole was calling to him, and every time it got a grip on him like that it took longer and longer to crawl back out of it’s pull. With Shiro back, he would eventually take Black back from Keith. It was only natural after all. And without Black, Keith would of course demand Red back, leaving Lance, where exactly? Not with Blue, because Allura was actually a really good paladin. She was stronger and smarter than Lance was. She was a faster learner and she was able to make decisive decisions in the heat of the moment where Lance more often than not floundered for much longer than could be considered safe for the team.
Keith had told him not to worry about it, but that didn’t help calm any of his fears or worries. He was sure Keith had meant it to be reassuring, but really? It wasn’t. Keith himself was half the problem. Keith was perfect, chosen by Shiro, accepted by Black, acknowledged as leader by the team. Keith was determined and he was skilled. What did Lance have to offer in exchange? Self deprecating Jokes? False bravado? One liners that got him handcuffed to a tree and his lion stolen? Who was he kidding, he should have expected this a lot sooner. He should have known all those flowery words and kind sentiments that Blue would always spout were just lies to keep him content until she pulled the proverbial rug right out from under his feet.
Shiro was back now, maybe he should just leave, before it was too obvious that he didn’t belong. Before someone found him gasping on the floor like the idiot everyone already knew he was. Before he got someone hurt because the best person for the job, wasn’t out on the battlefield, because it wasn’t him. Maybe he should just go home, or find a new home. Somewhere he didn’t have to see their faces again, because seeing them would make him falter, make him regret, make him second guess a fact that was so glaringly obvious. Maybe he should just give up. Red was still sending him waves of heat, and Lance wanted to say that it was helping, but he couldn’t. Not when all he was craving was Blue’s cold. Not when he desperately needed someone to look him in the eyes and tell him all his paranoia and self doubt was baseless.
Not that he’d believe them. Even if they did say it, they probably wouldn’t mean it, his brain kept telling him. They just want to keep you around in case they need you. Who knows, maybe you’ll have to pilot Yellow next. What if Hunk gets sick or hurt and they need voltron? Having a handy dandy little replacement could be nice, right? These were thoughts that plagued his mind, they hurt, but with them, his blood ran cold and he only half disliked the feeling of despair that they brought. He hated thinking of himself like that, but these moments of self loathing were the closest he could get to any sort of relief from this incessantly suffocating heat that was Red. Somewhere deep in the recesses of his mind, there was a little voice telling him that he was just being silly and over dramatic. It told him that his friends loved him, but then, the voice was always drowned out by the louder voices that spit acid with their words. Words that he should be used to hearing by now.
How hard would it be to end things here and now? How badly could it hurt to just go back to his room and find some way to end it all?  Was he even brave enough to do that? Could he leave the team that vulnerable before Shiro took back over? It really was only a matter of time before that happened though. Could he stand waiting until it did?
Slowly he tried to stand again, and slowly his arms helped pull him back upright. He held himself close to the wall. His chest still ached from the previous lack of air, but he could handle that. It burned like everything else did. The fire in his bones felt the same as the fire in his lungs. Red hurt, but he could endure this much for now. Just for a little bit longer.
Just until they don’t need me anymore.
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