#they were able to bring megu back and she says 'megu is my friend. shes always nice'
mihotose · 5 months
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you are literally streaming rn
#whatever they arent even being paid#that aside i think its so cool that earlier that day the episode where they start working at the ryokan was released#i think megumi said its three days two nights? presumably over the weekend. and this was streamed on the saturday#so the friday was covered in the main story the saturday was the with×meets and the sunday will be the other half of the main story episode#gemitus#hmhm the way sayaka's talking makes it seem like their first day was saturday. so maybe the monday they were off school#tsuzuri had a stream on the monday lets see#omg sayaka and megumi conflict?#sayaka: it seems megumi-senpai has been planning this. but it isnt really going to plan... tsuzuri: megu will fix it#sayaka: oh? tsuzuri: mhm. megu is nice. sayaka: its weird that youre siding with megumi-senpai all of a sudden!#tsuzuri is feeling weird bc shes never had both megumi and sayaka at the same time#and that she talked to megumi during her break but wasnt able to bring her back like ruri was#tsuzuri called sayaka useful for beinh able to put her feelings into words and rhen said that thanks to saya kaho and ruri#they were able to bring megu back and she says 'megu is my friend. shes always nice'#sayaka gets annoyed that tsuzuri calls megumi nice but sayaka is only 'useful'. so tsuzuri tries to correct herself by saying shes both#which. doesnt help. she says sayaka understands her. and that this year shes been able to breathe#ok tsuzuri's stream: she said saya was mad at her after the last one so she asked why and saya told her its rude to call someone useful#(i think i should have translated it as Convenient) so now shes asking chat what she should call her instead lmao#'hm.. saya was making a big fuss over megu. i wonder if she wants to be friends. ah! if my friend makes friends with my friend..#thats a triangle! キンキンキン (triangle noises)#she was playing daruma-san ga koronda with chat (comments are movement) and the comments she sees when she turns around are out#but she read out peoples names when she saw them so people wanted to be out lmao#'everyone? you dont understand the rules? maybe im bad at explaining...'
0 notes
houseisekai · 3 years
House Isekai: Shadowbringers - Finale (Part 1): The Heroes’ Gauntlet
House Isekai Shadowbringers AU Masterlist Here
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With the deaths of Rhea and Thales, the merging of the worlds has been brought to an even worse condition instead of bringing peace.
Lahabrea and Sothis are left with no option, but to enact Plan B...
[Tears in the Rain - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers]
The world continued to shake violently as everyone tried to gain a footing.
None of this made any sense.
They had stopped Rhea and Thales.
What was missing?!
The School-Living Club helped up Class VII while Doomguy grabbed Ainz’s arm and pulled him up.
(Ainz) “...M-My thanks.”
Doomguy nodded in affirmation and turned to the others, shrugging.
(Byleth) “Sothis, can you hear me?! SOTHIS!”
(Sitri) “She keeps saying...stop them...what did she mean?”
(Lahabrea) “She meant Rhea and Thales right, did we not kill them?!”
He turned around and saw Thale’s body, but the Immaculate One was slowly starting to fade away, in the same manner Megumi, Minato, and Minako.
Before anyone could make a move, she shattered into light particles, the shaking finally stopping.
(Rean) “That...That tower is in our worlds! They’ll get killed if we don’t do something!”
(Yu) “The shadows attacking our world weren’t powerful enough to cause a major threat, but if the towers keep forming...”
(Yuuri) “We have to do something! The infection can’t reach your worlds too!”
(Kazuma) “Well what the fuck do we do, Wakasa?! No, LAHABREA! TELL US, WHAT’S THE NEXT BEST IDEA, HUH?!”
(Lahabrea) “...”
(Sothis) “...”
Byleth was about to say something before he was brought to his knees again, coughing out blood.
Everyone stopped when they saw what was happening.
Byleth was coughing white blood.
(Sitri) “B...Byleth?!”
(Akira) “The angel infection!”
(Edelgard) “We need healers, NOW!”
Several people ran up to Byleth and began casting physic, and it seemed to ease his coughing a little.
(Dimitri) “What’s the plan?”
(Claude) “You...You guys don’t even have one for this scenario, do you?”
(Lahabrea) “We do.”
(Yuri) “Well, we’re waiting!”
(Sothis) “You won’t like it.”
(Aigis) “Anything would be better than standing around doing nothing-”
(Lahabrea) “We reverse time while you all get the hell out of here.”
(Rean) “Didn’t you say that using your...Divine Pulse or whatever was the thing causing all of this? Why would you-”
(Lahabrea) “...That’s what I thought.”
(Sothis) “I’m preparing the portal now.”
(Yuuri) “What?”
(Lahabrea) “If we can use the energy from the Tower in Zanado, we can give you guys a way home.”
(Kazuma) “And the towers in their worlds?”
(Lahabrea) “...We’ll figure something out.”
(Byleth) “Hell no. That’s too big of a risk to gamble for everyone! What about the people left in Fodlan?! What’ll happen to us?!”
(Sitri) “There’s got to be some other way than just-”
The world began to shake again as Sothis opened up a portal back to Garreg Mach.
(Sothis) “Everyone, inside now.”
(Aigis) “Please, listen to us!-”
(Lahabrea) “This is for your own good everyone...Goodbye. Sothis-.”
She nodded and closed her eyes.
A glowing phantom of Valimar appeared behind them and shoved them into the portal.
Lahabrea and Sothis heard short screams and cursing, but they tried to ignore it as the portal shut behind them.
(Lahabrea) “...How long do you think it’ll take us?”
(Sothis) “Don’t know. We need to see the state of the tower, assuming it doesn’t collapse on us.”
(Lahabrea) sigh “Right...”
They teleported away to the Tower in Zanado...
Everyone landed in the courtyard in Garreg Mach Monastery.
(Albedo) “That damn...!”
(Yuki) “Ow...!”
(Akechi) “Quit you’re bitching, we’re alive. Though, if those idiots succeed in what they’re doing-”
(Teddie) “Everyone, look...!”
Teddie pointed ahead of them and they saw multiple portals near the dorms.
Each of them opened up to a specific area that each group recognized.
The Persona Users and Kazuma’s group had their homes, Ainz had the Tomb of Nazarick, Class VII had Thor’s Military Academy, the School-Living Club had the school, and Doomguy had his base.
(Kazuma) “That’s...That’s our ticket home...?”
It had been such a long time since any of them saw any part of their original worlds. Some had been in Fodlan longer than others.
(Byleth) “...It would seem that way.”
Yu was the first to approach his portal. It was a portal back into the Dojima residence. He poked his head around inside, and it didn’t feel like it would close. At least not yet.
He put his hand onto the nearest object to the portal and grabbed it, going out of the portal and squeezing it. It was just the TV remote, yet it felt like it had ages since he saw anything familiar that brought him comfort.
(Yuri) “So...it seems like he wasn’t playing you for fools.”
(Dimitri) “That’s something I’ve been thinking about...All this time, he’s been looking out for you all, even if it has been in a gruff manner. Even us, to some extent.”
(Edelgard) “If what he said about our past is true-”
(Claude) “Hang on now, we seriously can’t be considering just following what he says! Even if it does work out fine for them, what will happen to us?!”
(Byleth) “We could get caught in an infinite loop just like he was...Or rather, is.”
(Ainz) “And there’s no garuntee that we wouldn’t caught in it ourselves. After all, our memories are scrambled at the moment.”
(Aigis) “Data indicates we are in the same year as Yu and Akira, although we are in our past appearances.”
(Rean) “And, we forgot each time we were in the loop...What happens if we forget all of this? About the tower, about each other?”
[Rally - Red vs Blue OST]
(Sitri) “He...He has been the one with you this entire time, going by what he says.”
(Byleth) “What does that make me? A failed imitation?”
(Yuuri) “And...he said everything you know is because of him, right?”
Doomguy shrugged as the others similarly struggled for the right answer.
(Kazuma) “Wait a sec, Sitri. That voice we all heard was Sothis right, she was just saying “Stop them”. What if that meant...Lahabrea and Sothis?”
(Everyone) !!!
(Ainz) “What? Why wouldn’t she have said it sooner?”
(Sharon) “Perhaps the tower had something to do with it? The more violent it was, the more we were able to hear her, after all.”
(Towa) “I-I’m not sure if we COULD stop him. If he knows inside and out, wouldn’t he know how we fight and what our weaknesses are?”
(Crow) “Plus, he could summon those Phantom things, right? We’d get overwhelmed pretty quickly.”
(Yu) “Seems like the odds are stacked against us. That’s never stopped us before-”
(Dimitri) “But his aim is not to kill us. It’s to save us. I don’t think killing Lahabrea is the right answer-”
(Edelgard) “I sincerely doubt he will listen to reason.”
(Yuri) “And plus if we do wanna stop him, we gotta get to that tower! We’re all the way in Garreg Mach. If we use Rean’s golem thing to teleport, we could be lacking some serious heavy hitters!”
Doomguy checked the ammunition on his guns. It was low, and he shook his head.
(Sara) “Byleth...what IS our plan?”
(Byleth) “I...I don’t know.”
No one said anything for what seemed like an eternity. All of them faced each other or the ground, unsure of what to do.
None of this felt right. If they got it wrong, then it could mean the end of ALL their worlds, and not just Fodlan.
If they fought back, then they would no doubt get completely overwhelmed.
And if by some miracle they did reach Lahabrea, could they even stop him with both Sothis and his knowledge of them.
Yuki came back to the group, wielding a sword she grabbed from the armory.
(Yuuri) “Y-Yuki?”
(Yuki) “If you do go back...Thank you for being my friend.”
She had a relatively large bag on her as she moved towards the gate.
(Kazuma) “Hey, where the hell do you think you’re going?!”
Kazuma and his group ran over to block Yuki’s path.
(Darkness) “Are you-”
(Yuki) “I’m going to the Tower, with or without everyone.”
(Megumin) “What?! But you’d get killed, not even mentioning the journey there!”
(Yuki) “I know, but we have to try something!”
(Miki) “Yuki-senpai, maybe you should-”
(Yuki) “Think about it? Don’t worry, I have.”
Everyone turned to Yuki. She could feel the pressure of all their gazes on her, but she stood her ground.
(Yuki) “There was a promise I made to Megu-nee before all of this happened. Even if I’m scared, and which I really am, I won’t stop. I’m sad Megumi, Minato and Minako are...gone. But even if that’s the case, I have to keep going. For them, and the people still here.”
She blinked away tears she felt forming and straightened her posture.
(Yuki) “And for this case...we all have each other. Lahabrea may have called our meeting a mistake, Byleth an accident, and that we don’t remember everything, but I don’t care! Even if these feelings I have aren’t real, they’re real to me! I don’t care if our meeting was a mistake, you’re all still my friends.”
She awkwardly held the sword in her hands. In all honesty, she could barely hold it, but she refused to back down now.
(Yuki) “And if I can fight or scream or cry about it to change something, then I’ll do it. If I go into that portal now, I could never bring myself to tell Megumi I ran away. I ran away from the problems I’m facing, and that I ran away from all of you.”
(Yuki) “If you don’t want to go with me, I understand. But I’m going, and that’s final.”
(Kurumi) “Not without us you aren’t.”
[High Treason - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
Kurumi put her shovel onto her shoulders and nodded.
(Kurumi) “We’re the School-Living Club, we stick together!”
Yuuri and Miki stepped forward as well.
(Miki) “I can’t leave either, not now, not any of you.”
(Yuuri) “You have us, Yuki-chan.”
Doomguy stepped forward activating his wristblade and hitting his chest with his fist.
(Kazuma) grumbling “Fine. FINE. Just...ugh, be careful.”
(Aqua) “Hah...You know what? The Goddess of water can spare this kindness for you. With me, you won’t fail!”
(Darkness) “You have my sword.”
Doomguy, the School-Living Club, and Kazuma’s group stepped behind Yuki.
(Akira) “There were many times when the Phantom Thieves faced similar odds and risks. And we never backed down from them. This time, not any different.”
(Aigis) “Minato and Minako gave their lives originally for us to continue living our lives, facing whatever may come our way head on. It would be a disgrace to abandon that chance.”
(S.E.E.S) “Yeah!” Bark!
(Yu) “We’ve faced down gods before, this isn’t too different. We’ll find the truth here, as we always have!”
The Persona users stood behind Yuki.
(Ainz) “...I decreed at our first meeting you were to be under the protection of Ainz Ooal Gown. I don’t break promises.”
Ainz slammed his staff onto the floor, the Denizens of Nazarick bowing.
(Rean) “I think I can safely speak for Class VII when I say, we will never leave a classmate behind, and we won’t run away from any challenges thrown our way, especially if it means saving our friends.”
House Isekai stood united, with Yuki looking at Byleth.
(Yuki) “No matter what he tells us...You’ll always be our one and only Byleth. And you all, our friends. Edelgard, Yuri, Claude, Dimitri...All of you. We won’t leave you to your fates.”
(Edelgard) “...Hah, amazing speech, Takeya. The Adrestian Empire thanks you all for your service.”
(Yuri) “Shame you guys didn’t work for us. Would’ve been one hell of a PR.”
(Dimitri) “I do not have the words to thank you all...Instead, I can only offer you my strength.”
(Claude) “So, we got the sappy stuff outta ‘em. What say you, Teach?”
Byleth was shocked by the sheer loyalty they had. That everyone still had.
It made his chest swell with pride for the class he had the privilege of teaching. Letting this go to waste would be a crime in of itself.
(Sitri) “...I do not think we are ones to run from our troubles, are we?”
Byleth smiled and held his sword tightly.
(Byleth) “Students of Garreg Mach...We have our mission.”
(Byleth) “Our mission is to stop Lahabrea and Sothis from using the tower to rewind time. Above all else, you WILL survive together, and graduate from Garreg Mach as proper students.”
(Kazuma) “...Wow, that was really lame-”
(Kurumi) “KAZUMA!”
(Kazuma) “What? We’re about to go stop universes from colliding and all he can do is bring up school? Psh. Even Schwarzer can come up with better cheesy speeches.”
(Sara) “...He kinda has a point-”
(Rean) “Instructor Sara you are not making things better.”
Byleth rolled his eyes and cleared his throat.
(Byleth) “When he sees us there, prepare for the most extreme resistance on the way.”
(Claude) “The Investigation Team and my group have been inside the tower once. We can lead the way.”
(Byleth) “Understood.”
(Yuki) “Um...Actually, Megumin did have a good point earlier. How are we gonna get there in time?”
(Yuri) “Something tells me you got something planned other than the golem?”
Byleth nodded and turned to Sitri.
(Byleth) “They said to us before they resurrected Sitri for her connection to Sothis. What if we tried to teleport like they did?”
(Sitri) “Can...Can I do that?”
(Dimitri) “Suppose there’s only one way to find out.”
Everyone took a step back from Sitri as she raised her hand and concentrated.
She took a deep breath and clenched her hand.
(Aqua) “Nothing’s happening-”
(Akechi) “No shit.”
The world began to shake as a portal opened in front of the group.
(Dedue) “Huh. She did it.”
(Hubert) “Please refrain from calling her that-”
(Byleth) “I second that-”
(Sitri) “Um...”
Sitri examined herself and turned back to them in confusion.
(Sitri) “...That wasn’t me.”
(Akira) “...W-What now?”
[The Heroes’ Gauntlet - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
From the portal stepped out the Velvet Attendees.
(Marie) “Yu, why are you guys just standing around?!”
(Yu) “What the-What are you doing out of the Velvet Room?!”
(Elizabeth) “Worlds are being...how do you say?”
(Theodore) “Excuse the crude language, BUT ROYALLY SCREWED!”
(Aigis) “What?!”
(Lavenza) “Please stop asking questions, we are barely holding off the shadows in your respective worlds as it is!”
(Margaret) “Time is of the essence, go now. Do NOT stop.”
All 5 attendees pointed towards the portal, which led into Inaba.
(Byleth) “You heard the ladies, GARREG MACH, MOVE IT!”
As everyone jumped through the portal, the world began to shake.
The streets of Inaba had soldiers and police officers taking down Shadows, one of the officers being Dojima. The skies were the same pale white color they had seen everywhere.
(Officer) “D-Dojima, sir! Isn’t that-”
(Dojima) “What in the hell, Yu?!”
(Yu) “Dojima!”
(Soldier) “HERE THEY COME!”
Before the soldiers could open fire, Margaret brought out a tarot card and summoned a Persona with two large katanas which split them in half.
(Soldier) “What the hell did that Lady just?”
(Margaret) “Apologies for distracting you despite what I said, this is one of the only safe passages.”
She snapped her fingers and another portal opened up, this time leading into what seemed like an empty field.
Before Byleth went in, a massive robot similar to Valimar flew past, blasting apart what appeared to be glowing orange phantoms.
(Rean) “Isn’t that...?”
(Juna) “Instructor?!”
The group jumped through the portal and saw a massive tower in the field, the giant suits engaging the targets as students ran around with their weapons opening fire. The skies were the same pale white color.
(Kurt) “Instructor Rean? Why...are you so young looking?”
(Altina) “This is not an appropiate time to be asking.”
(Musse) “Oooh, he was so handsome when he was our age~”
(Ash) “Knock it off will ya?!”
Ash used his scythe to slice apart a Phantom that got too close to the group.
(Ash) “You gonna sit there or get your ass moving?!”
(Rean) “R-Right!”
They all moved past, engaging phantoms as they tried to find the next portal.
(Elliot) “Rean, we’ll stay and help these students out!”
(Angelica) “Need our strongest in that tower, we’d just slow you down!”
(Crow) “Meet ya when we’re done here, yeah?”
Rean nodded and disbanded with the rest of Class VII.
Through the next portal, Kazuma’s group was the first ones in, slamming straight into another girl.
(Megumin) “H-Hey, watch-!!!”
Megumin hit her with her staff and yelled.
(Megumin) “PORTAL, NOW!”
(Yunyun) “OW, W-WHAT?!”
Kazuma hit Megumin on the back of the head.
(Kazuma) “She doesn’t make the portals YOU FUCKING MORON! Sorry Yunyun, hold out as long as you can! Get Wiz ASAP!”
She nodded, obviously confused.
As they were trying to find the next exit, they saw several spellcasters wiping out more orange phantoms. They appeared to resemble soldiers, but upon closer inspection-
(Dimitri) “Are those Kingdom soldiers?!”
(Claude) “N-No, some of them are Alliance-”
(Edelgard) “Imperials too!”
(Yuri) “Think Lahabrea is trying to stop us?”
(Byleth) “No, he wouldn’t send soldiers to attack all of their homeworlds indiscriminately if he was trying to save us, I think the towers are just going out of control.”
(Aqua) “At least they’re in worlds we know, right?”
They stepped through the next portal and were immediately confronted by 8 foot tall soldiers heavily clad in armor with massive rifles thundering in their ears.
(Ainz) “Aqua do you ever know when to shut the hell up?”
The environment they were in was clearly a different planet, yet there was the tower and the pale white skies.
One of the soldiers turned around and spoke through his helmet.
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(Yuuri) “Y-Yes?”
The soldier stepped in front of the School-Living Members as arrows failed to pierce through his armor.
(Massive Armored Soldier) “The Librarians spoke of your arrival. Head through the ruins ahead for safe passage. We shall guard you all with our lives, professor.”
(Byleth) “T-Thank you?”
More soldiers clad in the same armor moved forward, their rifles almost deafening everyone as several accompanied them into a ruined building. Countless dead aliens littered the floor as they moved into the portal.
(Soldier) “May the Emperor watch over you.”
(Edelgard) “Uh-”
(Soldier) “Not you.”
The next portal they stepped into was resembled a tomb of some sort, luckily it was a wide enough area for them to enter.
(Giant Cockroach) “LORD AINZ, IS THAT YOU?”
Almost everyone had a kneejerk reaction upon seeing it.
A giant cockroach wielding a crown, cape, and cane ran up to him, hundreds of cockroaches skittering behind him as they tried to halt more orange phantoms.
(Ainz) “Kyouhukou! Everyone is to be on max alert until I get back! We’ll explain everything later! Floor Guardians, you are to defend Nazarick with your lives”
(Kyouhukou) “U-Understood milord!”
(Floor Guardians) “Yes, Lord Ainz!”
The Floor Guardians and Pleiades reluctantly followed the giant cockroach as they drew their weapons.
(Kyouhukou) “Milord, one of my children will lead the way to a portal from which they spawn!”
(Ainz) “Appreciated!”
(Yuri) “That...was traumatizing.”
(Byleth) “Keep moving!”
The cockroach on the floor led them to the portal as promised and everyone hopped through.
(Claude) “Ya know, why are we just hopping through other worlds JUST to get to the tower, we couldn’t have just chosen a place right outside the tower?”
(Yuki) “Like that?”
Everyone looked to where Yuki was pointing out.
The portal indeed led into Fodlan.
It was also being swarmed with orange phantoms and catastrophic shaking.
(Claude) “...Other worlds it is! Speaking of where are-”
Everyone turned to Dimitri, who had stepped on a crop. Or, rather several.
(Dimitri) “What in the-”
An orange phantom fell behind Dimitri, exploding into light particles. And where the phantom was, a young farmer was there, holding a claymore.
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(Young Farmer) “Professor, move towards the Airship landing, oh and someone else who knows you will have something for you!”
(Hilda) “How do these people know who we are if we’ve never met them!?”
(Hubert) “Did you not hear what he said, GET MOVING!”
As everyone ran off, a sword dropped off near Miki’s foot, which she turned to face who threw it.
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A small fairy floated next to the girl, and both of them ran from their stall over to the guards.
(Miki) “T-Thank you...?!”
Another portal opened up in front of them as they were moving and were almost crushed by several armored colored soldiers. All of them were firing their weapons behind the groups as they were running forward.
(Red colored soldier) “COME ON DIRTBAGS, HURRY IT UP!”
(Aqua Colored Soldier) “SWISH!”
The aqua colored one moved forward and sliced a Phantom in half with some sort of energy sword.
(Gray and Yellow accented soldier) “Shut up and focus Tucker. Hey! Portals at the end of the pier get moving! Everyone, onto the next portal!”
(Dark Blue Colored Soldier) “GOODBYE GARREG MACH FRIENDS!”
(Aqua Colored Soldier) “Caboose, shut the fuck up and get moving!”
The group thought it best to ignore...whatever that was and kept moving. Though they did appreciate the fire support.
The portal at the airship showed the Zanado Tower at long last.
(Kazuma) “Thank god, LET’S GO!”
Everyone hopped through it, only to plummet down from a cliff.
As everyone screamed in terror, giant winged creatures resembling pterodactyls picked them up with wire, flying them towards the tower.
(Sitri) “W-Wha?!”
As they looked around, they noticed a man in red armor flying next to them.
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The armored man waved enthusiastically to them, and it was only then they noticed a cat in armor holding a small club was dangling off his leg, flying back into another portal.
As they landed in front of the tower, they saw orange phantoms appear in front of the gate with weapons drawn.
(Rean) “Alright, LET’S GET THEM-”
Another portal opened next to them, and from it, what appeared to be a child came running out, expertly cutting all of them down with a sword.
When the child finished and sheathed his sword, it looked a lot like Byleth’s.
In fact, it looked exactly the same, including the child.
(Edelgard) “Uh-”
(Child resembling Byleth) “Not a word. Don’t bring up the age, and do NOT get distracted. I have no idea what you guys caused, just fix it.”
An arrow flew out of the portal, almost hitting him as he ducked down. He reached for his hilt and turned to the older Byleth.
(Child resembling Byleth) “Oh, and tell Sothis I said hi.”
With that, he ran back into the portal, which closed immediately after.
(Aigis) “Beginning door breach!”
Everyone nodded and drew their weapons out.
(Hubert) “Your majesty, enemies approaching!”
(Darkness) “Haha...that’s a LOT of them!”
(Constance) “Do NOT MAKE THAT NOISE-”
(Ann) “Final stand?”
(Yosuke) “Yeah, you guys go kick ass!”
(Mitsuru) “Leave command to us, Aigis. Go.”
(Yuri) “Think this is more of your business than mine, honestly.”
(Sitri) “Yuuri, you and the others are with me!”
(Yuki, Kurumi, Miki, Yuuri) “Right!” “Got it!” “Feel a LOT safer that way.”
When the tower doors opened there were only a handful of people entering.
The fate of all their worlds lay in the hands of Byleth, Sitri, Edelgard, Claude, Dimitri, Rean, Doomguy, Ainz, Aigis, Kazuma, the School-Living Club, Yu and Akira.
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ankyouweek · 7 years
Second Time Around
6 - Who We Are
It was cold in their classroom. Karma didn’t think it was just the weather or the hour of the night making him feel that way.
“Well, we’ll start with you, Kayano. Why were you siding with the Reaper?”
Irina kept to the back of the room, but it was clear that even though the air had been cleared between her and the class, she was still ashamed of her actions. Kayano felt no such shame.
“Because a monster’s only duty is to die.”
The rest of the class gasped and squealed as she showed her trump card while Karma was torn between being thankful for getting a reprieve from everyone’s grilling and being irritated that he was going to lose another set of tentacles. 
He ignored Kayano’s (Aguri’s) sob story. People often took him, Nagisa and Kayano as a trio, but that was simply because they both hung around Nagisa. There wasn’t bad blood between them, but they weren’t incredibly friendly towards each other either. They had an irreplaceable bond thanks to this classroom, but the same could be said for most of the class. He’d heard this before, didn’t need a repeat of the theatrics again.
She disappeared shortly after, demanding a life or death match the next day.
“I know some weird shit just went down, but do you have a minute?”
Itona shrugged. Their teacher had switched sides, as had a classmate, they’d fought against the world’s best assassin and then been imprisoned, their other teacher had gotten shot but was still intent on grilling them, previously mentioned classmate grew tentacles - and it was barely 10pm. “Today can’t get much crazier. Spill.”
Karma dragged him away from the class. Mostly everyone was leaving, though the teachers were hanging about to discuss Kayano, and a few students were comforting each other and try to make sense of what had happened. Nobody would listen to them, but better safe than sorry. 
“Alright, this is gonna sound crazy but I’m actually from the future and my world is fucked because of shit that happened in this world after we graduate and I was sent back to fix everything. Yanagisawa’s research is important. I need to talk to you about it and get as much information as possible.”
Itona blinked at him. Once, twice, three times. Stony faced as usual. The smaller boy sat down, ignoring the dewy grass. “Are we friends because we’re both weird?” The redhead made a strangled sound and shrugged. “I still think I’m stronger than you, but you’re definitely weirder.”
“That’s great and all, but will you tell me about his research?”
“Sure. He screwed me over. I don’t care about the jerk one way or the other.”
Relieved, Karma sat down next to Itona. It was honestly irrelevant whether Itona believed him or not, as long as the information was right.
They’d stayed up until the sun rose. 
Karma’s head was racing, the words on the notebook in front of him blurring, tired eyes straining. “Why didn’t you tell anyone about this stuff earlier?”
“Isn’t that the problem in your time? People knowing?”
Karma didn’t have a comeback. Itona was right; this type of knowledge was what screwed his time over. With knowledge came power, and those with power were meant to be responsible, but reality and expectations were clearly different. 
Itona had told him about all of Yanagisawa’s ideas. Karma doubted they were all of them, but Itona was sure it was, so he’d have to take his word on it. Karma learnt about the tentacle serum, about the process of making someone a real monster (apparently Nidaime was not the first attempt outside of Sensei, explaining his near perfect abilities and control), truth serums and everything else that caused issues in his time. And more that he hadn’t wanted to know about.
“Can you blame me for not wanting to talk about it?”
Karma shook his head. Itona hadn’t said as much, but the way he spoke of Yanagisawa made him think that the tentacles hadn’t been the only experiment Itona had been used for. Even if he was wrong, seeing and knowing about all this stuff would be hard for anyone to stomach.
“What are you gonna do now?”
Chewing the end of his pencil, Karma mumbled, an unintelligible train of thought to anyone but the two of them, who knew the consequences of science and it’s uses. Unable to think of anything good, quiet, that wouldn’t make a scene, he threw caution to the wind. Even small changes had some type of ripple effect in his time. And without being able to contact the Karasuma of the future, he was left guessing.
Go big or go home, right?
“D’you reckon Terasaka’s up for burning the lab down?”
Obviously, Terasaka was in. 
(“Hell yeah!”
“Aren’t you even gonna ask why?”
“Nah, this dude’s an ass and tried to use me! I wanna get my revenge!”
Karma shrugged while Itona called him stupid. Once the job was done, perhaps he’d tell him. Or perhaps getting away with such a large crime would be enough for him.)
The rest of his group was going to come along, mainly to make sure the three of them didn’t do anything more stupid than burning down a laboratory worth billions of dollars. Karma said that wasn’t possible. Muramatsu said he clearly didn’t know Terasaka very well. But that was going to have to wait. Karma figured that as long as it was wreckage by graduation and Yanagisawa didn’t have backups, he could avoid, or at least strongly delay, this shit that happens in his timeline. Other things needed to be prioritised.
Like Kayano’s and Sensei’s fight.
It had started just before sundown. He and Itona still hadn’t slept, though Itona was interested and alert, curious to see an untrained tentacle user, giving scathing and concerned commentary as he saw fit. Karma was barely awake enough to keep his eyes open. He was glad, because Nagisa chose to use his killer move against Kayano instead of kissing her, though he would have enjoyed getting more material to tease the boy with (he was nicer to Nagisa in his time, but honestly, when someone was going batshit and you were asked to distract them, kissing wasn’t often the first thing to come to mind, and Karma would never let the smaller boy live that down). He would have been far too tired to get the photos, however, and wondered if something as simple as a kiss could change the future.
If it could, he’d have kissed everyone in Tokyo by now.
She was tentacle-less before she could blink, though still incredibly pissed and needed to be restrained. Megu confiscated her Sensei killing items, though Karma thought that was stupid. 
“I’m sure she doesn’t want to kill in blind anger.”
“I’m pretty sure you’re wrong and you’re making us waste an excellent chance, but do what you need to, class rep.”
Yanagisawa made his appearance, introducing himself properly. Karma knew the speech that was coming, but he felt sick, now knowing the extent of inhuman experiments this man would perform in the name of science. He could see Itona tense slightly in front of him. Shifting, Karma moved his way to the front of the group. Itona didn’t need protecting, even without tentacles, but Karma didn’t want anyone near this guy. These were his friends, but he’d had an extra ten years of life than they had. If something was to happen to him, it would suck, but he’d made all his goals into realities in his time, so it was better than someone else getting harmed or scarred.
Maehara and Terasaka came to stand next to him, quietly creating a wall between the class and the monsters in the field. 
Karma very much doubted the Reaper would be set free now, but he’d been wrong about how things would play out before, and nobody had expected Kayano’s impaling in his first time around. Taking chances was something he’d done too much of, especially when the little information he had changed so often. 
Better safe than sorry.
Karma wondered, if tentacles could really help you become strong, or get revenge, or become weaker, whether he should just inject himself and ask them if he could become a hero.
Then he thought of the pain Itona had been in, and watched Kayano spit up more blood, and the mindless roars of the monsterised Reaper and thought better of it. 
Better safe than sorry.
The class was dismissed, leaving them to their own devices. They walked down the mountain silently, not bothering to say goodbye as they went in their various directions. Kayano was taken to the hospital, still bitter and full of rage, thought Irina was trying to bring her around. 
(“He literally said your sister changed him from being a monster to a decent person and you still want him dead?”
“Yes! He’s still a monster! It’s still his fault!”
“And Yanagisawa!”
“I’ll kill him too!”)
Karma didn’t envy her in the slightest.
Kayano and Irina both returned to class on Monday morning, and while the girl wasn’t spitting insults and death threats, she wasn’t the ball of sunshine everyone knew her as. Sensei took it as an improvement and continued class as normal, while reminding them of their career meetings.
“Karma-kun, how are things going?”
“I already know what I want to be in the future, can I go?”
Sensei shook his head, and Karma was reminded of one of those dumb bobble head things. “We have other things to discuss.”
“Weren’t we doing that as a class?”
Sensei chuckled, “Oh, we’ll still do that, but perhaps a private talk is best first?”
It dawned on Karma that Sensei hadn’t talked to Karasuma about this - Karma would have been told if that was the case. This really was just between the two of them. 
He gave in. The tiredness he’d felt earlier in the year was nothing compared to this. The redhead felt older than he ever had been, more exhausted than he’d ever felt before. He felt more like a kid than he ever had. He couldn’t do this alone, wasn’t meant to, but without anyone to talk to, he was stuck, and this Karasuma was wary and knew too little. He needed help.
“What do you want to know?”
“Just start at the beginning, and we’ll go from there.”
Karma had noticed that his meeting time had been scheduled to the end of the day, despite being first on the roll. Now the changed time slot made sense. Taking the offered strawberry au lait, he began with a brief explanation of the end of the year, before getting more in depth as things got worse and detailing Yanagisawa’s research. 
Sensei didn’t say anything for a long time after that. 
“That’s… not really what I was expecting.”
Karma shrugged. “You and me both.”
Karasuma was out for the day, business in his real office to attend to, and Irina had been putting in more effort so she could leave early. The office was theirs and time felt like it was travelling both fast and slow, Karma just wanting to discuss what to do, but waiting in worry about what Sensei would say.
Light pressure on his forehead startled him slightly. A tentacle rested there, gently, a subtle support.
Sensei was smiling at him. “You’ve done well to get this far, Karma-kun.”
When Sensei had died, he’d tried to be strong, stifling his tears and sobs. This time he was honest, letting himself bawl, as uncool and as childish as it was. 
Golden eyes were blotchy afterwards, and he couldn’t remember how long he cried for or when was the last time he’d had a good cry. Sensei passed him tissues and gave him some tea.
Nodding to himself, as though this was a good development, Sensei whipped out a notebook. Titling it ‘how to save the future’, he opened the first page. “Let’s get to work, shall we?”
Karasuma wasn’t impressed that he’d discussed the future with Itona and Sensei, but he couldn’t do anything about it now. Sensei, as much of a goof he pretended to be/actually was, wasn’t stupid, and Itona wasn’t the gossiping type. Plus, the class was far too busy preparing for the school festival than to grill them (Karma wondered how long his luck would last, but he’d have to cross that bridge when he came to it).
Unlike last time, they did poorly. Nagisa hadn’t met Yuuji, after all, and that influence had saved them. Of course, they still had their assassin friends and Karma grilled them on techniques instead of working. (He hadn’t worked much originally, and he believed being stronger was more likely to help him in the coming days than foraging for mushrooms or whatever the hell his assigned job was).
Hiromi came and went, without a shouting match this time, so Karma was glad to see that he hadn’t managed to screw Nagisa over in that regard. Of course, he’d never like the woman, nor would anyone else in their class, but Nagisa thought she deserved a second chance, so Karma could only hope things went well for them. Gakushuu bragged about his class’ results while the class seethed at their own lack of ability, though neither had much time to do so with end of term exams coming up. 
Karma got his perfect score, and many others in his class had risen through the ranks thanks to his tutoring and study guide. Sensei was proud of him, and Karma wanted him to live, wanted him to be there to continually be proud and stupid and just there in their lives. 
Sure, perhaps him being in their class was out of some weird dedication or respect for Yukimura Sensei, but a year can change a person, and Karma wanted to think that Sensei would want to stay with them, even after their forced year together was over. Looking at him protecting Gakuhou, he wanted nothing more to believe that. Watching him play an ugly peach in their bizarre version of Momotarou, he wanted to make sure Sensei was around for many years to come.
He doubted the world felt the same.
The Civil War had begun.
Karma had been pondering what to do for weeks. Obviously, Sensei’s death (or the act of murdering him in such a public fashion and his existence becoming public knowledge) was the catalyst to hell in his world. He doubted simply saving Sensei would fix things, hence the plan for Yanagisawa’s lab (they’d decided the burning would take place after they returned from space). 
But simply taking Nagisa’s side wasn’t going to help anyone. This whole event had allowed for people to be honest with their feelings, show of their skills, learn more about how each other thought. If he agreed with Nagisa, he wouldn’t be surprised if it swayed a few people. After all, he was smart, and Terasaka and Itona both knew that he knew more than he let on. He could ruin everyone’s growth just because of his feelings. That wasn’t really fair.
So he played the part, just like his first day.
Snarling at Nagisa and watching him being pitifully restrained by Sugino, while it took three people to hold him back, Sensei gave them their supplies. He would play the leader and give everyone a chance to show their mettle. This time, Nagisa had already awakened, and Karma was prepared. Karma and some of the others were still up for sparring matches in his time, but Nagisa refrained.
Karma grinned. It’d be nice to kick his ass again.
For the most part, things played out similarly to last time, though Kayano got in more shots than before, as had Itona. Terasaka was much calmer than last time, due to partial exhaustion as Karma kept grilling his team about their arson attack. Unfortunately, Hazama had stepped on a twig, alerting others to her presence. She was going to wear that paintball bruise for at least a week, it was already ugly and welting on the side of her neck. For the other team, Okuda and Takebayashi weren’t as useful as last time, and Hara’s bait tactic hadn’t worked. 
When he and Nagisa were left, Karma kept his weapons. He still went out into the open. He had the advantage out here, compared to Nagisa who fought well in the trees and darkness,  and Nagisa would look shitty if he attacked him in the open like this. Everyone knew that, though it didn’t stop some of them from encouraging the action.  
Karma was stronger, faster, smarter. But Nagisa was a stubborn little shit who desperately wanted to save Sensei’s life, at any cost. Karma didn’t think that meant biting, but alright, all’s fair in love and war. (Karasuma wasn’t impressed - they’d trained them to be assassins and assassins didn’t bite; Irina begged to differ, but someone mentioned her type of assassin was different to most peoples.) Karma was tempted to bite back, partly to be petty and partly because it hurt, but opted for an elbow in the gut. The other spluttered, wheezing, while Karma took the chance to put some distance between them.
Nagisa’s face was bruised and swelling. Karma was glad he’d gotten used to his body. It felt familiar and normal again, instead of being too small and cramped. He was confident of winning this time. Even if Nagisa got him in a chokehold again, the redhead had picked up a few knives from his fallen comrades, and made sure his team knew to drop their weapons near the forest if they were about to be beaten, or on their way to the ‘out’ area. 
This Nagisa had awakened early, and favoured extreme measures. He recovered quickly too. Darting across the space Karma had made (too small, he realised bitterly), the smaller boy landed a kick to his previously injured knee. Karma swore, grabbing a handful of dirt as he hit the ground and throwing it in Nagisa’s face.
There were no rules against playing dirty.
Rolling away, he picked himself up, Nagisa already recovering. Karma leapt toward him, favouring his uninjured leg and watched as Nagisa prepared to use his signature move, even though his eyes watered. The taste of copper flooded his mouth and Nagisa’s eyes widened at his evasiveness. He heard an impressed murmur from the class and tucked it away for later, a happy boost for his ego. Another smack to the face and Karma darted away, his hand stinging from the blow. 
Nagisa’s right eye was quickly swelling and Karma knew it wouldn’t be long before the other couldn’t use it at all. His left eye was red from the dirt Karma had thrown earlier, and Karma could see the other was moving more gingerly, keeping his left arm away from Karma. Must have been when I threw him to the ground earlier. Neither of them were going to last longer.
For himself, his knee still throbbed, his speed taken a huge blow, and constantly pummelling Nagisa in his defence gear wasn’t doing much for his hands. He’d taken all that stuff off earlier. It wasn’t heavy or hot, but he fought better without it, freer to move. It did give Nagisa an easier way of seeing his movements, which the uniform hid, and it didn’t shield him from the other’s blows (though Nagisa’s strength wasn’t in his physical strength, but his sneak attacks). Of course, since he wasn’t wearing the gear, Nagisa didn’t need to pummel him as hard to get through it, conserving energy and not damaging his hands as much.
Back and forth, back and forth. They traded blows evenly, Nagisa relying on his drive to save Sensei to keep going, while Karma wanted to make a difference for an entire planet. Karma’s nose was bleeding, his black shirt covered in dirt. Nagisa had clearly broken a finger, it was twisted at a painful looking angle and it made Karma sick to look at it. He wondered if the adrenaline running through Nagisa prevented him from realising it, and wondered if he’d ended up with any similar injuries.
Finally, it came.
A chokehold, Nagisa’s last resort. 
Karma was ready, however, and didn’t throw in the towel like last time. 
The paint splattered, Nagisa’s uniform stained with red, though it still took three people to remove the boy’s grip on the winner. Karma wheezed, body working overtime to get oxygen back to his brain, Okuda handing him water and Nagisa was forced to calm down halfway across the field. 
Karma offered to hear Nagisa’s team out, though his own team wasn’t impressed with the notion.
“We won!”
“We don’t need to listen to them!”
“We’re the winners, it’s our choice what path we take, right?”
Karma agreed with them all, but the blue team had never given them this option. Karma would lead his team, this class, to the path he thought was right, the path they’d rightfully earned, but hearing out the class wouldn’t hurt. Much like letting Isogai lead despite being more talented in more fields, this could bring more people to his side. 
So he listened. 
Unsurprisingly, their arguments were weak, based on not wanting to be killers (“you realise what class this is, right?”) and sentimentality. Karma was irritated, hoping that some of the more level headed classmates had thought with a bit more depth, but had to remind himself that they were kids. Feelings ran their actions and beliefs. They weren’t used to mind matches with government officials on a daily basis, hadn’t honed their debate skills in high school yet even. 
He shook his head. “If that’s all you’ve got, we can’t agree to saving him.” The redhead could feel his team’s pride and could see the blue team deflate. “We’ll go forward with our plan and kill him.”
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houseisekai · 4 years
House Isekai: Shadowbringers Act 2, Part 1 - Withering Flower (Continued)
House Isekai Shadowbringers AU Masterlist Here
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(Continuing from Part 1′s Intermission)
[A Promise - Fire Emblem Three Houses OST]
Byleth reached for his head and massaged it with the chaos that was erupting.
(Towa) “I-Instructor Sara, I think it’s a bit too early to start drinking!”
(Sara) “Bah, when you grow older sweetie, anytime is a good time for drinking! Besides, we’re celebrating and having fun tomorrow, so we can afford to loosen up tonight!”
(Sharon) “Shall I fetch more ale?”
(Byleth) “No do NOT do that, Sharon.”
It was the night before the ball was to take place.
House Isekai had voted Akira to be the one to represent them in the contest, and were no doubt training for that.
After the faculty meeting, the staff of House Isekai took to their classroom to discuss what they were going to do, which led to...this situation.
(Megumi) “Well, I guess she’s not wrong about that at least. It has been a while since we were able to relax, right?”
(Angelica) “Sorta makes you wonder what it’s going to be like after this one...”
Doomguy said nothing but shared the same sentiment by the way he crossed his arms.
(Sara) “Oh come on, what’s with the doom and gloom? Didn’t we JUST say we needed to be relaxing?”
Sara turned to the door.
(Sara) “And it’s pretty rude for you kids to be eavesdropping on us adults!”
Some scuttling was heard outside but then the rest of House Isekai poured into the room.
(Rean) “S-Sorry! We just um...didn’t really know when to come in.”
(Ainz) “And I am sure that some of us are older than you Sara.”
(Minato) “Hey, let’s not forget what we came in here for before we start throwing shit at her.”
(Kazuma) “Yuki, wanna do the honors?”
(Yuki) “Yup!”
Yuki ran up to Byleth and said her piece.
(Yuki) “Byleth-sensei, I overheard from the other Houses that they were planning to meet up again in five years from now for the Millennium Festival! So...I was wondering if we all could do the same!”
(Byleth) “Five years from now...Are you all still going to be around in five years?”
(Yu) “We’ve put some thought into it ourselves, but honestly? Even if we did find a way home before hand, I’m sure we’ll find a way back here to visit.”
(Ainz) “Gods above know that we aren’t done with this place by a long shot...”
(Yuuri) “I guess the real question is Byleth-sensei going to be still teaching?”
Everyone turned to him.
(Rean) “Hah, little hard to imagine Instructor Byleth teaching anyone other than us honestly.”
(Minako) “I wouldn’t feel special anymore, like...he has normal people to teach instead of us!”
Everyone laughed at that.
(Angelica) “Yeah, I guess we are a little abnormal for his standards, aren’t we?”
(Byleth) “But it wouldn’t be the same without you. Sharon scaring the heck out of everyone, Towa being our council president, hearing the bickering between you all and the other students.
Byleth closed his eyes and smiled.
(Byleth) “It’s going to be quiet without you all...That doesn’t sound too bad actually.”
Sharon giggled before clearing her throat.
(Sharon) “Regardless Master Byleth, I think we are all in agreement that we would not want to miss our class reunion for anything.”
Doomguy gestured towards Akira, and it took a moment for everyone to realize what he meant.
(Yuki) “Oh, Slayer are you asking about the ball tomorrow?”
Doomguy nodded.
(Sara) “Ohh that’s right. Have you kids gotten a dance partner tomorrow? If you can’t find someone I suppose I can take pity and-”
(Everyone) “Pass.”
Sara almost choked on her drink as the staff began to laugh.
(Angelica) “Dang, even Sylvain and I haven’t gotten rejected THAT fast before, Instructor!”
(Kazuma) “You’re gonna be too drunk to dance anyway! This is a fancy ball not some dance club!”
(Megumi) “Hah, well I suppose we’ll all find out tomorrow won’t we? That reminds me, Byleth have you ever danced before?”
(Byleth) “...Megumi, do I look like I have?”
(Yuki) “Oh, Megu-nee! You should dance with Byleth!”
Thanks to Yuki’s statement, House Isekai erupted into a shouting match of who was dancing with who, which was eventually joined by all the classmates instead of the House reps.
Though he was getting a headache, Byleth smiled.
He couldn’t have asked for a better House to teach...
Year 1, Ruins in Faerghus territory, nearing the border of the Adrestian Empire…
Byleth blinked rapidly for a few seconds, bringing him back to reality. He had been standing out in the open, staring at Sara’s pistol in his hand.
He sheathed it and shook his head.
If he continued to do that, he would get himself killed. He can’t go thinking of the past out in the open...
Byleth walked alone through the streets of this small town. He didn’t know what it was called.
All he knew was that it was destroyed in the last massive battle that took place here.
Imperial and Kingdom soldiers lay dead as he passed them by, not bothering to check if anyone’s breathing.
He stopped walking after a minute and reached for the Sword of the Creator.
Byleth activated the whip function of his sword before a voice spoke up.
(Man’s Voice) “I’m not here to attack you, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
Byleth slowly turned around and saw a man dressed in black, leaning against a wall.
It was nighttime and the area was almost pitch black, but Byleth could tell immediately what he was.
(Byleth) “Give me one reason I shouldn’t cut off your head right now, Agarthan.”
(???) “I can give you two, actually. One: Because I’m the first to actually talk to you instead of attacking, unlike the rest of the idiots who tried doing that. I doubt anyone who knew the reputation of the Ashen Demon would even come within a 100 mile radius of you.”
(Byleth) “And two?”
(???) “I can give you the power you seek to destroy the Church. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, after all.”
(Byleth) “…Just who are you?”
The man stepped forward and the light revealed that he was wearing a mask that covered his face.
(???) “You may call me…Lahabrea.”
(Byleth) “Lahabrea? Doesn’t sound like any other Agarthan name I’ve heard.”
(Lahabrea) “That’s because it isn’t. I refuse to associate myself with them more than I have to.”
(Byleth) “...So what exactly is this power you can give me to destroy Rhea and Edelgard?”
Lahabrea held up a finger.
(Lahabrea) “Just the Church.”
(Byleth) “Right. I forgot you were allied with the Empire.”
Byleth turned around and kept walking.
(Lahabrea) “They are...Well not for long anyway. We have you for that.”
Byleth didn’t respond as Lahabrea kept talking, slowly walking behind him.
(Lahabrea) “...Is that Sara’s pistol you have there?”
Byleth finally stopped.
(Byleth) “...How do you know it’s hers?”
(Lahabrea) “Hm? I thought it fairly obviou-”
(Byleth) “The Agarthans have been focusing their attention on the bigger threats like Valimar or Slayer. And plenty of my students own these weapons, and none of you ever cared enough to know anyone of our House by name, nor has Edelgard spoken much with Sara to know what her pistol looked like and report that to you.”
Byleth turned to face Lahabrea.
(Byleth) “How do you know it’s hers?”
(Lahabrea) “...Let us say for now that I know your friends a bit more than most.”
(Byleth) “...”
(Lahabrea) “It is getting terribly late, is it not? I recommend getting some sleep soon.”
With that, Lahabrea teleported away. Byleth didn’t sense anyone else, and if he would have attacked he would have done so by now.
Byleth sighed and looked at a nearby building with a roof still over it and went inside...
An explosion caused Byleth to wake up violently, eyes going wide instantly accompanied with heavy breathing.
After a few moments of silence, he slumped back and sighed.
A distant explosion brightened the dark skies as he got out of a ruined building, stretching.
He stared with indifference to the battle happening far below him.
Imperial and Faerghus soldiers clashed into each other, trying to gain this territory for the war effort.
Byleth would be long gone by the time this battle would end.
He passed by a man dressed in black who was leaning against the door.
(Lahabrea) “Finally awake, I see. And where are we going?”
Byleth walked silently past Lahabrea, holding tightly onto Sara’s pistol as he did.
Byleth did his best to try and push that memory away, but it would always come back to him. The battle of Garreg Mach had only been a month ago, so it’d make sense that they were still fresh in his head.
That fact didn’t make it any more comforting to him.
As he felt rain start to drop onto him, he thought about his plan on how to kill Edelgard and Rhea.
He was one man with a sword against 2 armies that controlled entire parts of Fodlan.
When the rain intensified, he put his jacket over his head and continued.
He heard footsteps behind him splashing in the rain but he refused to let his thoughts break off.
Even with his divine pulse, he would be severely out manned. Without help, he would die before he reached his goal.
(Lahabrea) “You’re headed the wrong way, you know-”
(Byleth) “Why are you following me?”
(Lahabrea) “I’d be lying to you, and you’d be an idiot for believing me if I said I was helping you for completely altruistic reasons. We both want to take Seiros down, but you need to focus hatred to the right people. We need Edelgard alive.”
That made Byleth stop in his tracks completely.
(Byleth) “…What?”
(Lahabrea) “Stop to think about it. Does Edelgard seem like the type to like what us Agarthans did, ESPECIALLY regarding Kronya, Remire village, and your fath-”
Byleth spun around and pointed Sara’s pistol at Lahabrea’s head.
(Lahabrea) “…Forgive my careless words. But my point stands.”
(Byleth) “…”
(Lahabrea) “Edelgard, like myself, actively voiced against attacking those innocents, and anyone of House Isekai. Why do you think she offered her hand to you so many times in the tomb?”
(Byleth) “So she could use us. We would have been tools for the Empire, just like we were tools for the church. Just like you Agarthans are tools for her.”
He stopped aiming the pistol at Lahabrea and continued to walk on his way.
(Lahabrea) “And so you think the Agarthans are completely loyal to her cause? We are to her, as I am to my own organization. We have the same goals, but different ways of achieving it. The demonic beasts that attacked the Monastery, Remire Village, and all those you encountered throughout that year was ours. Your hatred should be focused on the Agarthans, NOT the Empire.”
(Byleth) “Speak plainly of why you’re telling me this, Agarthan.”
(Lahabrea) “Because both Agarthans and Seiros must be put down before we end up blowing up this world all the way to the seven hells with the Javelin of Liberation.”
(Byleth) “…Explain.”
(Lahabrea) “Meet me at House Arundel’s territory, and I will reveal all I know.”
He began to teleport away, but looked at Byleth once more.
(Lahabrea) “Not only will you avenge your friends and family, but you can put an end to this vicious cycle of war that WE started, forever.”
With that, he disappeared.
Byleth stared at Sara’s pistol for a moment before finally holstering it, making his way to House Arundel.
A Few Days Later...
Byleth finally arrived near House Arundel, and found rubble everywhere. Strangely enough, there were no bodies or any sign of combat. Only weapons and shields on the ground where the debris was.
He slowly reached for Sara’s pistol and looked around for any other sign of what happened here.
(Lahabrea) “Ah, about time you showed up.”
Byleth kept his pistol on him as he turned around, but didn’t point it at Lahabrea.
(Byleth) “This your handiwork?”
(Lahabrea) “...No. It wasn’t.”
Byleth noticed that the levity in his voice had disappeared when he said that. He seemed to be as troubled as Byleth.
(Lahabrea) “It seems that this is the Church’s doing...Hmph. It’s worse than I thought.”
Lahabrea began examining the area as well, picking up the swords and looking around the area.
(Byleth) “The Church? But they’re still battling near the borders with Imperial forces. How could they have reached this far into Adrestian territory this early in the war?”
Lahabrea remained silent for a moment before answering Byleth.
(Lahabrea) “So you truly do not know what they’ve been doing?”
(Byleth) “How would I? I’ve always been kept out of the loop since I started teaching House Isekai.”
(Lahabrea) “Hm...Tell me Byleth, do you know about a tower at Zanado?”
(Byleth) “No, not a tower. I remember finding Class VII and the Phantom Thieves there, but no tower.”
(Lahabrea) “Perhaps that is a blessing in disguise then...”
(Byleth) “Enough with these vague answers. Tell me what are you on about, or I’m walking away right now.”
Lahabrea put the sword down onto the ground and sighed.
(Lahabrea) “Fine. Little pieces at a time then. There are weapons that the Church and Those Who Slither were never meant to have. If we do not stop them, then their conflict will obliterate our world. That’s the most immediate threat we have right now.”
(Byleth) “Then what about the other threat?”
(Lahabrea) “We can talk about that when the rest of your House has returned.”
(Byleth) “You have some means of bringing them back?”
(Lahabrea) “I do. But I need your help. Without it, we will not be able to save them.”
(Byleth) “Fine. Now, before we continue, what was that about a Javelin when we last spoke?”
Lahabrea shook his head, facing another direction.
(Lahabrea) “Are you mad? Showing him this crystal could possibly kill him!”
(Byleth) “I don’t think your...friend there is the one that’s mad.”
Lahabrea turned to Byleth. Although he had a mask on, Byleth knew he was glaring daggers at him. After a few moments of silence, Lahabrea turned to Byleth again.
(Lahabrea) “The Javelin of Liberation is a weapon that was supposed to be capable of wiping out this entire world with a single strike.”
(Byleth) “Was?”
(Lahabrea) “Yes. It failed and instead of killing us all instantly, it killed us overtime. It caused some sort of winter where it caused the temperature to drop, slowly freezing us to death.”
(Byleth) “You’re speaking as if this all happened before.”
(Lahabrea) “It did. We’re going to prevent that. Now the Church-”
(Byleth) “Hang on a moment, what do you mean it did? We’re still alive aren’t we? As far as I know, Faerghus is the only place with freezing temperatures-”
(Lahabrea) “It happens in the future, Byleth!”
Lahabrea motioned Byleth to follow him as he went towards the nearby ruins.
As he was moving the rubble aside, trying to find something in the wreckage he continued.
(Lahabrea) “The Agarthans plan to use the Javelin to wipe out the Church and most of the surface world while they continue to thrive underground. But what they don’t realize is that it will kill them too. They’ll doom us all.”
(Byleth) “...And you know for a fact that this happens in the future?”
(Lahabrea) “I was there when it happened.”
(Byleth) “...So, what was that whole bit about that war that ‘we’ started?”
Lahabrea finally cleared the rubble to reveal a stairway. He went down and Byleth followed.
It was a long hallway that they were walking down, Byleth couldn’t see the end of it.
(Lahabrea) “I will get to that in a moment. Now, the Church has access to almost the same technology the Agarthans do, but they’re using it differently.”
Lighting torches with a snap of his fingers, Lahabrea continued.
(Lahabrea) “They’re using ou...my research to modify and mutant humans into abominations that blindly follow orders, in this case, Seiros. What we saw out there is a small taste to come.”
(Byleth) “What so those monsters di-?”
It had just clicked for Byleth.
The reason why there weren’t any bodies or even sign of battle.
(Lahabrea) “They come in, strike quick, then leave as fast as they came. And this is only the beginning.”
Lahabrea finally stopped by a door at the end of the hallway and opened it.
(Lahabrea) “Good, they didn’t find these notes.”
Byleth went into the room and looked around. All there was in the room was a chair in the middle, and a table near the corner that Lahabrea was at.
(Byleth) “What’s on them, Javelin schematics or something?”
(Lahabrea) “No, crest enhancement. This will help us defeat the Church.”
Lahabrea motioned over to the chair.
(Byleth) “...Hang on a second, I didn’t agree to this. My crest is fine as it is. And I don’t trust my life in the hands of someone I don’t know.”
Lahabrea turned to his left.
(Lahabrea) “He has to know. Now, it’s this, or the hard way.”
Lahabrea brought out a small glowing crystal.
(Lahabrea) “Easy way is, I enhance your crest and tell you everything you want to know afterwards. Hard way, you listen to that crystal and experience the pain of several lifetimes at once.”
Byleth furrowed his brow and grabbed the crystal.
(Byleth) “What could it possibly contain to make me-”
“I don’t know if anyone will be seeing this message, whether that be myself or anyone else who comes into this godforsaken tower but…My name is Byleth Eisner. Son of Jeralt Eisner.”
(Byleth) ?!
[Footsteps in the Snow - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
Byleth’s mind grinded to a halt when he heard his voice emitting from the crystal.
When he looked up, Lahabrea reached for his head, softly rubbing it. He appeared to be feeling the same sensation as he did.
The moment that crystal began speaking, a throbbing feeling slowly became more and more present.
“We’re leaving this here in some hopes that this cycle can be broken, and to fix this mistake before it could ever happen…Our memories will be wiped after this, so we want to say everything we can before…before we forget.”
(Byleth) “What...What the hell?!”
As the message continued, Byleth dropped to one knee while Lahabrea did his best to shake off the headache.
(Lahabrea) “You only got yourself to blame!”
When it became clear that Byleth was experiencing the flashes Lahabrea was, Sothis appeared next to him, hands also on her head.
(Sothis) “Ya know, you-agh! Could’ve just told him?”
(Lahabrea) “Oh please, as if he’ll believe that we’re-”
(Byleth) “AAAAAAAAGH!”
Lahabrea and Sothis turned to Byleth, who had a pincer through his stomach.
(Lahabrea) “WHAT THE HELL?!”
He drew out the Sword of the Creator and leapt forward, slicing the attacker in two.
Sothis floated over to Byleth as Lahabrea looked at the thing that had attacked him.
It appeared to be a knight with a mutated pincer, cloaked in white-
Looking around, it seemed that the Knight was waiting for his moment to strike. He could hear more footsteps on the way.
(Sothis) “Damn it, I knew we should have just left! We can’t Divine Pulse either, he’s immune to it, and who knows what it’ll do to House Isekai! They’re in mid teleportation now!”
Lahabrea rushed to Byleth, putting the crystal in his pocket.
He was struggling to breathe as blood was rushing out, a white aura slowly overtaking his body.
(Lahabrea) “Damn it, we have to teleport him back to the tower!”
(Sothis) “Are you insane?! He’s in the middle of remembering WHILE being transformed into an ‘Angel’! Who knows what that’ll do!”
Sothis shook her head and helped Lahabrea teleport out of House Arundel.
Once they were inside the Zanado tower, Lahabrea began to use a healing spell.
(Sothis) “Not working, it’s starting to spread to other parts of his body!”
Byleth’s hair began to turn white, which made Lahabrea swear under his breath.
The tower began to shake violently as echoes from the past became louder.
As Lahabrea was about to cast another healing spell, the Tower flashed a bright white, blinding all three of them.
When they opened their eyes, they were back at Garreg Mach’s roof, and it felt significantly colder.
Sothis’s eyes went wide as she looked up to the skies.
It was a bright white and grey, in combination with streaks of white light raining down to the ground.
Snow was falling to the floor and it was then she realized where they were.
(Sothis) “We’re in the future where the Javelin fell!”
(Lahabrea) “Damn it, 2 Byleth’s in here in combination of us experiencing the memory is making this even more unstable!”
Byleth’s eye color began to change before Lahabrea was left with no option.
Lahabrea raised his hand up, and a dark energy flowed out of it into Byleth’s body.
The Crest of Flames appeared on Byleth’s hand, slowly transforming into a bright red color.
(Lahabrea) “Sothis, did Yu ever tell you about Marie?!”
Lahabrea grabbed Byleth’s sword and Sara’s pistol as he jumped back. 
Sothis floated over to him and looked confused.
(Sothis) “You mean that hat girl in the Velvet Room? Only a little! What does this have to do with anything?!”
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(Lahabrea) “He once told me that Marie was originally going to die, but they let whatever beast that was inside her take control, and beat that thing up to where they saved her!”
(Sothis) “Oh, don’t tell me you-”
Byleth’s body rose into the air, streams of light and dark energy mixing together.
(Lahabrea) “If this works, he’ll become our trump card against the Agarthans and Church!”
(Sothis) “But he’ll still have the angel blood in him, right?! Even if we save him, he’ll still transform!”
(Lahabrea) “We’ll find out a cure later, if we lose him, then all hope is lost!”
Lahabrea held Byleth’s sword tightly, and it powered up in response.
(Lahabrea) “Good, it still works!”
Lahabrea quickly put the pistol onto his belt before Sothis got his attention.
(Sothis) “Byleth!”
[Return to Oblivion - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
Sothis floated to Lahabrea’s side, bringing up a reflective shield around him.
Byleth stopped screaming as his clothes transformed into a dark blue, and his hair transforming back into green.
Wings sprouted from his back, tearing apart his body as he slowly turned into a bright white form, growing larger.
Lahabrea tried to shake off the voices that echoed in the distance, instead focusing on the fight that was about to happen.
“Why did you choose Edelgard, Professor?! Why did you choose to walk this savage, bloody path? I cannot shake this feeling of regret... Regret that I must kill you now.”
Byleth’s form now took on something similar to the Immaculate One’s form, which made Lahabrea hold his weapon tighter. There wasn’t any trace of Byleth in this new form.
This wasn’t going to be easy.
“Professor... I suppose you think you can defeat me. Is that right? But I will never give up. Even if my arms and legs failed me, I would still find a way to move forward. I will smash that false goddess and her minion into the ground! I will fight to free this world from her vile grasp!”
(Sothis) “Is it me, or are these voices getting louder?!”
(Lahabrea) “Ignore it, Sothis! 
Sothis tried her best to ignore it, and finally snapped back to attention seeing Byleth’s new form in front of her.
He was smaller than the Immaculate One, most likely barely half her size, but by no means did that make him any less deadly.
"Teach... You should have chosen me instead of Edelgard. No point in whining about it now, I suppose. Sorry, but I'll be taking the win today."
The angel form of Byleth roared with such force that it made the wind almost push the both of them off. Lahabrea leapt forward with both swords, making the first move.
Wanting, I lie
Too weary to die
His swords were met by a fireball, the heat melting the snow instantly as it forced Byleth back onto the ground.
Too lost to the ice for saving
My sins claim me, untame me
Sothis raised her hand and countered with another fireball that hit Byleth, making him fly backwards.
Eyes wet with tears
Her song in my ears
Byleth roared back and rushed them, claws swinging as he crashed through the railings.
Lahabrea rolled out the way as the entire roof shook, and activated the whip function of the swords.
Broken, faded, how long have I waited
To open my wings
When Byleth came back for another pass, Lahabrea swung the whips at his claws, making Byleth fly back.
Byleth’s mouth opened, shooting out another fireball.
Turn the light on
And let her in. Won't you
Turn the light on
Lahabrea let Sothis’s shield take the blow, pushing him back from the impact.
Sothis got in front  and held both her hands out.
(Sothis) “THORON!”
Turn the light on
You'll never win 'less you
Turn the light on
A stream of lightning rushed out of her hands, Byleth diving out the way and landing back onto the roof.
Turn the light on
The pain won't end 'till you
Turn the light on
(Sothis) “This is getting us nowhere!”
(Lahabrea) “We’re still in the Zanado tower, and this place was formed out of our memories, right?”
(Sothis) “Yeah, its a recreation of whatever happened before the others came into our world!”
(Lahabrea) “In that case- Heed my call...”
The soul longs for oblivion, 
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A phantom of Valimar emerged from a dark portal, and hit Byleth with its greatsword.
Byleth roared before being hit by it again, sending it flying upwards.
Valimar landed and turned to Lahabrea before fading away into the same dark portal.
Falling too far for the fear to embrace me
A voice from the past screaming there is no end (no)
A slave to my fate, ever doomed to repeat this
again and again and again and again (yeah, I'm)
(Sothis) “What in the?!”
Lahabrea sheathed one of the swords to have an open hand, the snow drawing into it as he prepared a spell.
(Lahabrea) “Take out the wings with ice spells!”
Falling too fast, no it won't overtake me
A voice from the past echoes loud like a drum (oh, yes)
no more goodbyes, though my heart is still aching
Now open my eyes, one more time, Here I come
Sothis and Lahabrea fired spear-like icicles into the wings of Byleth, making him screech and fall to the roof.
Once he got up, he started to roar.
(Lahabrea) “If I can summon Valimar like that, then we can summon the others to fight with us!”
(Sothis) “Well, it faded away instantly, right?!”
Byleth swung his tail at them, hitting Lahabrea into the railing, almost breaking it and sending him flying off.
The ice made him slide down the stairs, getting stunned for a moment.
(Sothis) “Damn it! Tch, here goes nothing, HOUSE ISEKAI, ANSWER OUR CALL!”
As Byleth walked to Lahabrea, a massive sword suddenly struck his face and made him recoil back in pain.
When Byleth turned back, a phantom of Ainz donning Momon’s armor stood in front of them.
Byleth’s claws lunged forward, Momon deflecting the hit, then each swipe he managed to dodge.
(Lahabrea) “Agh, goddess that hurt!”
(Phantom of Nabe) “Get up.”
Narberal offered her hand and helped up Lahabrea before jumping to Momon’s side.
Before she could make an attack, Byleth shot a fireball point blank, incinerating the two into a dark energy.
Lahabrea activated the whip function and swung at the arm, making a deep cut and making Byleth roar in pain.
When Byleth tried to stand on the arm, he limped over.
(Sothis) “Just how powerful did your past self make that mutation?!”
(Lahabrea) “It’s not helping that it’s enhanced by church magic, or whatever it is!”
Byleth charged up another fireball, forcing Lahabrea to strain the Tower’s energy.
(Lahabrea) “PERSONA!”
Arsene, Thanatos, and Izanagi appeared in front of Lahabrea, all casting a protective spell around them as the fireball set the entire roof ablaze.
The two couldn’t even see the snow on the roof anymore with all the smoke and fire engulfing them.
Reason resigned
Dark seasons' design
“I'm...dying for someone else? I can't believe this.”
As the Personas faded away, Sothis, Byleth and Lahabrea tried to shake off the voices that had returned.
Spring's promise of sun is honored
When winter's weighed down on us
(Lahabrea) “Come on, not now!”
Darkness erupted from Byleth’s mouth, and it seem he was stunned.
Visions in white
Raw fury in flight
(Lahabrea) “The crest enhancements created an opening!”
He sheathed one sword and grabbed the pistol throwing it up into the air.
A phantom of Sara and Sharon emerged above them, Sara grabbing the pistol.
(Sara & Sharon) “ARCUS, ACTIVATE!”
Clear as diamond, yet fragile as ice
My heart is racing
Lahabrea was about to join them before being dropped to a knee, hearing more voices yell out.
“Your Majesty, I die so that...you may seize your destiny.”
“Your Highness. Somehow you must...”
The phantoms sped around Byleth, cutting at specific locations to make him drop to the floor, unable to fight properly.
Turn the light on
And let her in. Won't you
Turn the light on
(Sothis) “H-Hey! We’re supposed to be just beating him up, right?!”
(Phantom of Sharon) “Not to worry, Miss Sothis!”
Sharon pulled the wires in her hands back, completely enwrapping Byleth in them.
Turn the light on
You'll never win 'less you
Turn the light on
Sharon bowed as Sara winked, their phantoms disappearing.
The pistol dropped onto the floor as Byleth struggled to break free, clearly on the breaking point.
Turn the light on
The pain won't end 'till you
Turn the light on
(Lahabrea) “Right, let’s finish this! DO IT!”
Sothis began to glow a bright yellow as Byleth finally broke free of the wires and was about to charge at them before a phantom of Doomguy emerged from a portal and hit the side of his head, making him fall over.
He launched an ice grenade from his shoulder cannon as a smaller phantom appeared below him.
(Phantom of Kurumi) “I GOT THIS!”
The soul longs for oblivion,
The grenade exploded, freezing his back leg into place, making sure he wasn’t able to move for a few more moments. The phantom of Kurumi struck his eye with her shovel, making him stunned for longer.
They both nodded as they faded away.
Falling too far for the fear to embrace me
A voice from the past screaming there is no end (no)
A slave to my fate, ever doomed to repeat this
again and again and again and again (yeah, I'm)
Sothis cast one last fire spell that enveloped Byleth, preparing for the final hit.
(Sothis) “We just say the move and the tower will fill in the rest right?”
(Lahabrea) “Yeah- Wait, you’re not going to do what I-”
Falling too fast, but the fall will not break me
A voice from the past echoes loud like a drum (oh, yes)
no more goodbyes, I am tired of waiting
Now open my eyes, one last time, Here I come
A bright white ball formed in front of Byleth, then erupted into an inferno that blasted the entire rooftop apart, with Sothis barely forming a shield around them.
Their vision was completely enveloped into a blinding white as they felt their bodies tumble onto a smooth floor.
When Lahabrea opened his eyes, he struggled to get up as he winced in pain, looking over to Byleth’s location.
Byleth was extremely bruised, but other than that he was fine. Though the white hair was still concerning.
Lahabrea was looking around, and sure enough they were back in the Zanado tower.
[Tears in the Rain - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
Sothis collapsed onto the floor, heavily breathing.
(Sothis) “No...No wonder she always passes out after casting that!”
Lahabrea tried to warm himself up after fighting in that cold. He finally had time to realize just how low the temperatures were in that world.
And it also made him realize that those who weren’t killed initially by the blast most likely froze to death.
(Lahabrea) “...We have to ensure that our world won’t end up like that, Sothis.”
(Sothis) “...Yeah.”
She floated over to Byleth and began examining him while Lahabrea took off his mask and began casting a healing spell.
(Sothis) “Knocked out hard. But he’ll live.”
She then turned her attention to the Angel blood inside him.
(Sothis) “...For now. Whatever we did worked.”
Lahabrea finished healing and looked at his own hands.
(Lahabrea) “To be honest, I don’t know how I managed to summon everyone like that.”
He turned around and thought of the very first person that came to mind.
(Lahabrea) “Edelgard.”
An older Edelgard appeared in front of him, standing completely still.
Lahabrea waved his hand in front of her face, but she didn’t respond. After a few moments, she quickly disappeared.
(Sothis) “The longer we’re in this tower, the more questions I seem to have. How did any of this even happen?”
(Lahabrea) “It most likely has to deal with our memories. Since our past self remembered what the world was like when the Javelin hit, we were...transported there because of it I think.”
He pulled out the crystal again and stared at it. When he did, he heard the voices of that timeline softly echo.
(Sothis) “Maybe, Byleth was overwhelmed by the flood of memories that he created an area similar to it with the tower?”
(Lahabrea) “That seems likely. But it seems having two Byleth’s in here is too dangerous. We were lucky we didn’t get the other Sothis back yet.”
Lahabrea picked Byleth up and was ready to teleport him out of there.
(Lahabrea) “In combination with the memories, this angel inside of him may corrupt him into something far deadlier...”
(Sothis) “Then there’s a chance he may die.”
(Lahabrea) “...That’s something we’re going to have to risk.”
Sothis looked uncomfortable with that answer.
(Sothis) “His Sothis won’t be happy to hear that. Neither will House Isekai...”
(Lahabrea) “One thing at a time. We’ll tell them when they’re ready. For now, we must tend to his injuries in a safer spot.”
Lahabrea put the crystal into a nearby pedestal and teleported away with Sothis.
(Claude) “I think that’s the end of that...memory or whatever.”
Everyone looked away from the crystal mirror and tried to understand what they just witnessed.
(Yosuke) “So that Lahabrea guy we’ve been seeing...He’s Byleth?!”
(Teddie) “And Sothis is with him too!”
(Ignatz) “The Goddess doesn’t look anything like that!”
(Lorenz) “I suppose the question to be asking is what DO we know? This tower has never been here to our knowledge, Lahabrea is able to materialize your classmates into existence, AND has the power of the goddess and time on his side!”
(Kanji) “In other words, we don’t know shit...”
(Rise) “Eloquently put, Kanji...”
(Naoto) “They’re right. We need to keep investigating before we make any assumptions. The most we have right now is our memories future and past being displayed with echoes.”
(Yu) “Besides, we’ve just begun the investigation right?”
(Hilda) “Hey, I found that crystal that Lahabrea guy was talking about.”
As soon as she got near the pedestal, a door opened up behind it.
(Chie) “Uh...What’s that?”
(Yukiko) “Should we open it?”
(Raphael) “Well we aren’t going anywhere by not opening it.”
(Leonie) “W-Wait a second!”
Raphael opened the door and walked in, everyone rushing in behind.
(Lysithea) “YOU IDIOT, DON’T JUST GO...and...”
(Marianne) “By the goddess...!”
Everyone was awestruck by the room they had walked into.
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The staggering heights the ceiling went to, with the crystal in the wall illuminating the entire tower. It was the most beautiful and sinister thing they had ever seen.
(Claude) “Well, it certainly won’t be a dull time that’s for sure.”
(Yu) “Everyone, let’s get moving!”
Part 1: END
[This Beautiful Cruel World - Attack On Titan OST]
Your dream is where your heart is
It’s something more fragile than life itself
No matter how many times you throw it away, you still find it
So rest in peace now
Your wish is violated by your pulsing urge
and as much as you forget about it, you recall it again
In this beautiful and cruel world
We only ask “why” we’re still alive…
Ah, what are we going to protect
with our strength and weakness? If reason no longer exists
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