#(i think i should have translated it as Convenient) so now shes asking chat what she should call her instead lmao
mihotose · 2 months
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you are literally streaming rn
#whatever they arent even being paid#that aside i think its so cool that earlier that day the episode where they start working at the ryokan was released#i think megumi said its three days two nights? presumably over the weekend. and this was streamed on the saturday#so the friday was covered in the main story the saturday was the with×meets and the sunday will be the other half of the main story episode#gemitus#hmhm the way sayaka's talking makes it seem like their first day was saturday. so maybe the monday they were off school#tsuzuri had a stream on the monday lets see#omg sayaka and megumi conflict?#sayaka: it seems megumi-senpai has been planning this. but it isnt really going to plan... tsuzuri: megu will fix it#sayaka: oh? tsuzuri: mhm. megu is nice. sayaka: its weird that youre siding with megumi-senpai all of a sudden!#tsuzuri is feeling weird bc shes never had both megumi and sayaka at the same time#and that she talked to megumi during her break but wasnt able to bring her back like ruri was#tsuzuri called sayaka useful for beinh able to put her feelings into words and rhen said that thanks to saya kaho and ruri#they were able to bring megu back and she says 'megu is my friend. shes always nice'#sayaka gets annoyed that tsuzuri calls megumi nice but sayaka is only 'useful'. so tsuzuri tries to correct herself by saying shes both#which. doesnt help. she says sayaka understands her. and that this year shes been able to breathe#ok tsuzuri's stream: she said saya was mad at her after the last one so she asked why and saya told her its rude to call someone useful#(i think i should have translated it as Convenient) so now shes asking chat what she should call her instead lmao#'hm.. saya was making a big fuss over megu. i wonder if she wants to be friends. ah! if my friend makes friends with my friend..#thats a triangle! キンキンキン (triangle noises)#she was playing daruma-san ga koronda with chat (comments are movement) and the comments she sees when she turns around are out#but she read out peoples names when she saw them so people wanted to be out lmao#'everyone? you dont understand the rules? maybe im bad at explaining...'
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Bonjour vous deux- Hello you two
      “ I’m only asking so you can get it off your chest: do you hate her? For what she’s done?” 
Rouen immediately shook her head. “ Well-” she said right after, “-maybe a little bit. I understand why she left and everything, but-you’ve seen him-Lion’s a fucking mess and Icarus is upset and-” She shrugged before going quiet again. “ I was assigned to CBRN, I’ve been working with Lion-but I’m not Finka nor am I Gorgon so…”
“ Doesn’t make you any less important to the unit, and who cares how Lion feels about you compared to the other ladies anyways?” Luna asked, nudging the brunette’s shoulder with her own. “ You do your jobs-that’s what’s important. If he isn’t complying because of his mental state, then he needs to speak with Six. Or you should.”
“ You’re right, you’re right.” Rouen said as she nodded firmly at the pilot’s last statement. “ It’s just…” The image of a distraught Olivier appeared in her mind and she glared nastily at the floor. “ I understand why Gorgon joined Nighthaven-but she must know she broke Lion’s heart. Knowing she would do anything to reach her goal over-over being a part of Rainbow, she’s human like the rest of us. And Lion is too-so how could she just leave like that? I couldn't even hurt someone like that.”
It was Luna’s turn to shrug. “ I’m not Joshua, but as human beings, we all make different decisions.” She stated, her tone giving away the fact that she experienced a situation similar to the current one. “ I know this isn’t the best time to say this, but I’m glad you’re being so open about all of this. I couldn’t imagine you keeping it all pent up when so much has happened.”
Rouen could have made up a sorry lie and said it was because she was speaking to Luna, who had no issues absorbing Rainbow changing so much like it was nothing.
“ Oh-bonjour vous deux!” Hayat squeaked as she almost walked past the women. As per usual, there was some kind of machinery in her hands; she used to have her pad in her hands and her face buried near the screen, however with the learning of basic engineering and the opportunity to grow-the Frenchwoman was often seen tinkering around with Twitch or even Mira. “ This is a lovely hiding place-I hope you don’t mind if I borrow it some time.” 
She squatted down near the Canadians, who moved so she could sit in the tight space. Or at least, what was a tight space for them. 
Hayat set the computer board in her lap and folded her arms to get comfortable. “ What are we talking about? I witnessed the improvements Mira made to your net, Rouen-I think it suits you much better now.”
“ Well I hope so…” Rouen muttered, unable to keep from smiling since she still recalled the day she and Mira worked together. 
“ I also saw you working with Lion-I think the new suit looks good on you, I know that isn’t exactly appropriate to say but it’s true.” Hayat gestured with her head toward the awkward yellow and black hazmat suit the brunette was still wearing. “ Lion looks so sad though, he really tries hard to hide it, doesn’t he?” She continued to ramble. “ Augustin said that Lion is the type of person who tries to hide his emotions when he feels it is necessary or convenient-but he’s so emotional that he’s very unsuccessful at it. You can really see it in Lion’s eyes. Not that I look into his eyes that often.” 
Hayat paused when she realized what she just said, only to also realize she was talking quite a bit more than usual. “ I’m sorry, it’s been awhile since I’ve been able to chat with you guys.” She admitted. “ I really miss when it was just all of us at the base.” 
“ I second that.” Luna agreed, “ It’s hard not to get caught up in everything here.”
“ Ain’t that the truth,” Rouen commented, “ But we’re here now, aren’t we? There’s-” She felt her heart rise straight into her throat and almost couldn’t finish her sentence. “ There’s no point in getting upset about it. We make the best of what we can, I should’ve realized that in the first place.” 
Luna and Hayat mumbled in agreement with her. “ What’s that you brought with you? It looks like a really big computer board.” Rouen noticed, which successfully set off Hayat once again as she started going on about the experiment she was working on with Twitch.
The more the Frenchwoman spoke, the more Rouen thought about how she couldn’t simply make the situation with Lion her own problem; whether it was selfish or not, she didn’t care. But she tried hard to actually fix something that could not be fixed all because she felt she and Lion were more similar than she wanted to admit, somewhere in there she’d come to worry about him as if he were family-something Lion would be adamant that he was not. 
Except it wouldn’t be in the silly way the two insisted, not this time. Until she could get a hold of herself in the chaos, Rouen would worry about her new position in the CBRN unit as well as her own team. No matter how bad it hurt and no matter how much she wished Gorgon hadn’t left Rainbow.
Tag list: @poisonedtruth (with special mention of your perfect gorgeous Gorgon)
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tempenensis · 3 years
Jujutsu Kaisen Light Novel #2
Firstly, @bonsai62​ provides me with raw text of this - so thank you very much! This is the first eight pages of the first chapter from the second light novel. That being said, I don’t know how much I get this translation right, but enjoy anyway. Though this is cut at bad point lol
The title of the light novel is Thorny Road at Dawn. Text in bold means that it is spoken in English. 
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Chapter 1: Nobara and Toge
“About Toge?”
August has begun.
Under the overlapping form of trees in the schoolyard, Panda asks back to Kugisaki who he has been holding on his arm and turning over 180 degree.
For the upcoming exchange event, Fushiguro is also working hard to train as participating first year.
He is in the middle of training with assumption that one-vs-one sorcerer combat can break especially during the fight.
Even though she is training, Kugisaki is now thrown towards Panda – repeatedly thrown towards him in a stage. But because it seems that her motivation is high, she’s become into it, as long as in the end she can be successful facing Todo and Mai even just a little bit.
“Yes. I understand Maki-san is worth of my respect. I also know that Panda-senpai is sorcerer with ability.”
“I also want you to say the same thing about me like Maki.”
Kugisaki answers as she stands up and brushes away leaves attached to her jersey.
“I respect you. I’m not saying bullshit about Panda-san.” (1)
“Well, if you become able to chat while being blown away, I’ll praise you.”
“My body can easily remember just blown like this.”
“Hooon. Then”
Panda looks around, confirming that Toge who went to pharmacy has not come back.
“What about Toge?”
“What kind of senpai is he?”
“Eh, you don’t know from talking to him?”
“Not that I don’t understand. Well, I know he is not a bad person, but if all his vocabularies are riceball fillings, talking with him will be limited, right?”
“We already get too used to it, right Maki?”
“Aah. Now that you say it, it naturally becomes question.”
Maki is spinning around a staff, sending a sympathetic look to Fushiguro after she lightly avoids Fushiguro’s attack and land a small hit on his head.
“It hurts…”
“You are thinking too much again with your head.”
Maki joins the conversation as she glances at groaning Fushiguro. Out of breath but clean of dust, she circles around Panda calmly.
“Among us maybe he is the best at taking care.”
“Yeah, he has a bright personality (2). If you exclude Yuuta, then he is the number one good person in our year.”
“His flaw is that he can get carried away a little.” (3)
“Is he?”
“You are the one who always get carried away when we are together, that’s why you don’t know.”
“That’s unexpected. We are not like that though. We like to join in the fun.”
Kugisaki’s body fitness is finally reaching that point where she can chat while doing her training. Even then, the second years who are lightly talking among them without difficulty remembers existence of Kugisaki of August (4) in the nearby stage.
Just a bit when Panda’s attention is at Maki as they converse, Kugisaki tries to do a feint from the side and mixes it with an upper but—
Panda sways easily, then he hesitates a little before swipe Kugisaki’s feet in sobat-like (5) kick.
Kugisaki, whose pivot foot collapses, falls down rolling. Her body becomes totally irresponsive. In several weeks here, it’s a movement that she kept thought she could do.
That said she becomes irresponsive and she can’t win the match.
As he looks down at Kugisaki who makes a discouraged face, Panda opens his mouth.
“Toge is a good guy. That alone you should know.”
“….I see.”
More than that, her body has become irresponsive and her back is hurting.
The frequency of her falling down sloppily has not reduced, also buying a replacement jersey have also becomes necessary -- Kugisaki at summer time thinks with melancholy.
The story continues when it has turn to fall.
After the incident of Yasohachi has passed, there’s a brief spare time.
At that day, Kugisaki is alone in Shibuya.
Fushiguro is locking himself up and reading in his room as he is still exhausted after he overexerted himself.
Itadori has gone out to watch a maniac movie in a cinema currently doing a whole-building screening.
Maki is currently on a mission different from Yasohachi bridge, so she can’t meet her conveniently in a while. Kugisaki who completely doesn’t have a plan, aims to go shopping to make-up and clothes shops which are hard to go with boys, then buy daily necessities.
“Winter clothes set, winter shoes, inner and foundation and…”
Grasping paper bags in both hands, she lifts them up as she confirms her haul today.
She doesn’t think she bought too much, but she has walked more than she had planned. Maybe wearing the pin heel boots she bought the other day is a bit mistake.
But it is a rare chance that she gets to go out and shop alone. There’s a lot she still needs to buy.
Kugisaki is thinking to go looking for bags next as she walks in traffic jam.
When she had just arrived in Tokyo, it all seemed to be glittering scenery. After around three months has passed, she gets used to it a lot, used to hearing noisy sounds.
That being said, it is a backside of being busy and lively. It’s a thing that’s called taste of convenience.
“And that, it is really a masterpiece.”
“Doesn’t it make you angry?”
“Hey, hey. Girl, are you alone? Are you free?”
“I’m in a hurry.”
“We’re opening a new shop! Please take care of us.”
“Are you not going to eat?”
“How much are you going to eat?!”
“It’s damned boring, how about we skip work today?”
“Mama, buy me that!”
A lot of voices. It’s an intersection where a lot of life collides.
There are daily life as many as the number of people, there are worlds as many as the number of people. In the city where many wills and voices flying around, of course there will be a lot of people who is feeling gloomy – but not Kugisaki.
For her who has a firm sense of self, she understands that everyone has their own way of living in the hustle bustle of the city, it even feels like a kindness.
Now that she thinks about it, the village where she comes from was suffocating.
An exclusivity that imitate the people who had come before (6). An ecosystem long existed that doesn’t recognize individuality of a person. A closed world that gently rot — exists there in that village, Kugisaki thinks.
Compared to the crowd of the city, it is tough yet she can live with freedom.
In the city, someone says that the concern towards other people is weak. Kugisaki laughs, thinking that is wonderful. She has her own way and won’t blame anyone over it. She will stand and walk with her own foot.
However, mixing in the city crowd during the holiday, a mysterious chance can happen.
Kugisaki who walks towards the direction of Shibuya Hikarie (7) in the lane across the street, makes a face of remembering something as she found him. It is the only one of her acquittances who hides lower half of mouth with closed overly long collar.
It’s Inumaki Toge.
There is also another one. A male foreign tourist with thoughtful blue eyes who can’t be someone familiar. Kugisaki becomes interested on the exchange between the foreigner and Inumaki.
“What are they talking about?”
Kugisaki changes her destination, then crosses the road when the traffic lamp changes at the right timing, and strolls towards Inumaki. When she is near them, she overhears their talk.
“I’d like to go to SHIBUYA109.” (8)
“Salmon salmon.”
“Could you tell me where I can get a taxi?”
“Salmon roe.”
“Ah… Which way should we go?”
“Ah…I, want to go. 109 (9). Please. Ok?”
“Shake?” (10)
“….Salmon?” (11)
“….Salmon!? Why?”
“Okaka…..” (12)
For some reason, in Kugisaki’s guess ten times over, it has become a troublesome situation.
She knows that Inumaki, who is a cursed speech user, only speaks in onigiri fillings to avoid sudden outburst of curse. How come that he is asked by foreigner tourist for direction.
No, Inumaki can use Inumaki’s way of showing the way – he points his finger and gestures using his body and hands. With that, she wonders if the foreigner becomes impatient (13) as Kugisaki decides to get in between the two of them.
“What are you doing, senpai?”
“It can’t be ‘tunamayo’. Jeez.”
“Oh! Geisha girl!”
“Who the heck is geisha girl?!”
--- tbc (hopefully can do more)
(1) More literally, she is saying things about Panda that “doesn’t smell like fairy tale” (2) “His root is bright” is the literal translation (3) 悪ノリ (akunori) is a bit hard to be translated. It’s like, getting carried away in mischievous manner. (4) Overheated Kugisaki lol (5) Sobat : back kick in wrestling (6) literally “To follow the right” (7) A skyscraper in Shibuya (8) A department store in Shibuya (9) Spoken in broken Japanese lol. (10) Shake = salmon. He repeats what Toge said to him. In Inumaki’s language means “yes” (11) Salmon, as in engrish lol (12) Okaka = chopped katsuobushi, in Inumaki’s language means “no” (13) literally, “becomes hot”
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b-na · 2 years
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PAIRING: karina x gn/afab!reader
GENRE: fluff, angst?, some smau
DESCRIPTION: y/n takes jisung on a bestie date to make it up to him that they didn’t invite him to the cat cafe the day before.
a/n: this is kind of a filler chapter but also Kinda unexpected right??🤭🤭 we will see how this works out for our lovely protagonist. this has quotes from the english translation of ‘In & Out’ by Red Velvet
I walked into the cafe with Jisung in tail. He texted me last night and begged me to get coffee with him because I “abandoned” him by going to the cat cafe without him. We looked at the menu and went to order.
“Hey, what would you two like to order? Wait, Y/N?” The cashier asked with a shocked tone. I looked up and saw someone I didn’t think I would see again.
“Gaeul? Oh wow it's been so long.” I laughed awkwardly whilst I tried ignoring eye contact with her persistent stare. Seeing your ex girlfriend working at your neighborhood cafe wasn’t really what I planned.
“I haven’t seen you since we broke up. How’ve you been?” She said before adding “Is he your, boyfriend?”
“Yes I am. We would like an iced coffee and a hot chocolate, thank you.” Jisung replied before leading me to the nearest table.
“It’s just like you to not show people when you're uncomfortable. You shouldn’t be kind to everyone you know.” I looked up at him and smiled.
“I know. Thank you for lying to help me.”
“You would do the same for me.”
After chatting awhile, aka me getting scolded for not bringing Jisung to see the cats, Jisung went to the bathroom. I decided to scroll through Twitter but before I could pull up my phone I noticed someone walking towards me.
“Y/N, listen, I miss you. Like so fucking much. And I know you’re seeing him now,” Gaeul paused for a second, taking a deep breath before I interrupted.
“Then why did you break up with me? If you’re going to come back to me as soon as you see me again?” She gives me the look that shows emotions she possibly couldn’t put into words suddenly making me hesitate. I sighed before continuing
“I can’t trust you anymore, so please get away from me?”
“Just, can you please just take my number. You don’t have to text me, heck you can even throw it away but please just think about it. Even just being friends again is enough for me.” Gaeul begged before exiting the cafe.
When Jisung came back he sensed a shift in the atmosphere. He gave me a concerned look before asking me if I wanted to go to the convenience store to “browse” meaning, Jisung is gonna buy ramyeon to fulle his addiction.
We entered 7-Eleven and Jisung immediately be-lined for the chipsisle. When I caught up with him I saw him staring at a bag of imported cucumber Lays.
“Jisung just get a normal flavor. I bet those won’t even taste good. Kinda like ketchup chips.”
“Fine, you pick then. I bet you won’t pick a better flavor miss foot fungus.” He stated with a proud smirk
“WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME” and before I could say anything more he ran away with a bag of BBQ chips in hand.
“YA! DON'T RUN AWAY FROM ME!” I shouted as I ran after the 6 foot tall man child.
Jisung paid for his chips and got a discount from the nce lady behind the counter just because “he reminded her of her son”.
As we walked back to my place I couldn’t help but think about Gaeul. Had she really meant what she said? Does she actually miss me? I don’t know what I want her to feel but what I do know is that I shouldn’t be thinking about this. Gaeul broke me once, I won't let it happen twice.
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I don’t know why but you’re entering and leaving my heart. Over and over again. Maybe I should text her.
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←prev. masterlist. next→
SYNOPSIS: Y/N has been in love with her best friend, Karina, for the past 6 years. They had basically given up on the idea of Karina ever liking them back. Suddenly this changed after a beach day with their best friends.
TAGLIST: @chaewandz
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Ryuu to Sobakasu no Hime (Belle) Novel | English Translation | Chapter 4
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**This is a machine translation. I put it together by extracting text page-by-page from a .pdf version of the Japanese novel, and running it through Google translate. I have only minorly edited some of the more confusing lines to make it more read-able. It is still a very rough translation, but it’s good enough to understand what’s going on. If there is anyone out there who wants to properly translate the novel, I am more than happy to edit it, if you’ll contact me.**
Chapter 4: U
I went home and opened my MacBook. While shivering in the cold, I clicked on the link sent by Hiro-chan. The letter "U" slowly emerges on a pitch-black screen with a wave-like sound. ".......U?" My tattered face covered in vomit was illuminated by the light of the monitor. The invitation page will be launched and a message will be displayed.
[ "U" is another reality
"Az" is another you
Reality cannot be redone
But with "U" you can start over
Let's live another you
Let's start a new life
Let's change the world ]
I forgot about the cold and was looking forward to it. The smartphone placed next to it was linked and the app started automatically. A registration screen appears on my MacBook monitor. It says "NAME".
I hesitated. There was a feeling of resistance. However, contrary to my feelings, I reach out towards my keyboard.
"S" "u" "z" …….
I type in steadily.
At that moment, a strong anxiety arose. I impulsively press the delete key. I slammed the keys to erase it and closed my MacBook.
I curled up and sighed, shivering. "I'm next to Luka" I found Luka on the bench in the courtyard. The girls are gathering together and surrounding Luka-chan. The first grade is almost over, so it seemed like everyone was going to take a picture.
"Mr. Watanabe's Yokozaro"
"Eh~? No fair!"
"I like Luka-chan's soba." Ako was envious of the shining Luka-chan from behind the pillars of piloti. I was jealous of the girls who could be photographed with Luka.
"Mr. Watanabe, look over here. I'll take a picture," urged the girl who played the role of the camera, and Luka looked in front of her. Then she waved towards us as she suddenly noticed.
"Ah. Suzu-chan!"
"Eh?" Luca beckoned to me, who was scared.
"Suzu-chan is also included!"
The girls looked at me all at once. Why? Is written on the face. I'm in a hurry
I hid in a pillar, then I looked a little and turned my palm.
"No, no, I", but Luca continued to beckon me.
"It’ll be fast!” Later, the image was sent. A group photo of girls with cute V signs, centered on Luca. There is my face full of freckles mixed with it. The position just behind Luka. Like the spirit behind her, I have an awkward V sign. When I tried to register for "U" again, I was asked for a photo of my face. I don’t have a photo of my face. I don't bother to point the camera at myself.
So, I used the image at this time for registration.
Face recognition markers are displayed on everyone. Which one are you? I moved the cursor and selected the freckled face behind Luka.
The text "A / I automatically generates a new Az" appears. At the same time, there is an annotation, "What is Az?". << The name of the avatar in "U" and another you >>
Another you.
Soon, the rendered Az was displayed.
"That ...?" There was a terrifyingly beautiful Az, far from me. You can say it's just like Luka-chan, not me. "Luka-chan? Why ..."
AI was confused with Luca, who was right next to my image. If so, what an awkward artificial intelligence! While the difference must be corrected. I hit the back button repeatedly.
"No. Back, back. Cancel ...", but suddenly I stopped pressing the button. Red spot-like patterns were clearly drawn on both cheeks of the Az.
"Freckles ..." I put my hand on my cheek. Isn't it my freckles? "Maybe I .....?" I slowly typed in each character in the "NAME" field of the registration screen. This time it's not "Suzu".
"B" "e" “l” “l” “e”
"Bell" = “Suzu”
When I decide on the name "... Bell", the Az in front of me suddenly seems to be adorable. "Cancel" and "OK" buttons are displayed on the screen, prompting you to make a selection.
"What should I do..…"
To make this beauty Az me, I'm not courageous and I'm afraid. On the other hand, no matter how far she is from me in reality, I also think. Rather, it is the world of the Internet that is far away. There are many examples of flashy names and icons on SNS.
"U" is a virtual world and Az is a virtual personality. Privacy is strictly protected. It claims that anonymity is strictly guaranteed. Then no one should blame you. Then, at the next moment, I'm at a loss. In the first place, why did AI of "U" automatically generate such a beautiful Az for me? Is it just a coincidence created by uncertainty? Or is it deep inside my heart? Are you seeing through your true desires? Or ...
It's time to select "Cancel or OK".
A late-night study room with only desk lights. In front of the MacBook screen, I decided to take a slow breath and trim. --Now, let's live another you-in my head, the message of "U" was refrained. "Click" I clicked OK.
At that moment, as if you were preparing, the "U" app on your smartphone started automatically. You can hear the announcement of a calm tone voice.
"Please attach the device"
As per the instruction screen, take out the earphone type device from the case and take it out. I put it on my ear.
"I'm reading your biometric information ..."
The letter "U" on the device glows blue and shimmers. With just one vise, you can get all the information about human beings as living things. It seems that you can do it. And in a very short time. "Done," the announcement said. Then I continued as if I was checking.
"Start body sharing"
It sounds like something is spinning at high speed. Head circumference. There was a feeling that the surroundings were covered with dense air. It seems that it was brought about by the strong magnetic field developed by the device, and perhaps because of that, the hair lifts up softly as if it were in a weightless space.
"First, vision comes under control."
The feel of the magnetic field seemed to concentrate on the back of the head. I slowly open my eyes. "Ah!" A dazzling white light rushed into my eyes.
It's a cloth. White cloths that were more than 10 meters long overlapped, fluttering and fluttering in the wind. I looked at my body as if I were checking my body, and was shocked. My feet are floating in the air. The announcement echoes, as if it were an announcement from heaven.
"Other cognitive functions and deep limb sensations come under control."
What do you mean? There were no words in that unrealistic space. Sweat gushes from the whole body, and the heart beats.
"The feeling of physical independence and physical possession moves to your registered Az." Something slowly approaches from behind. Pink hair. It was the "shadow" of Az that I registered earlier. However, it’s face is flat and white like a plate with nothing on it.
I'm just stunned. "Shadow" overlaps. The feeling that another body gets inside me is unpleasant. The shadow of Az was fine-tuned by moving the position back and forth so that it would be in focus, but it fits perfectly immediately. Immediately, the discomfort I had just disappeared somewhere. Beyond the fluttering white cloth, I saw a large white door. I reach out my hands as I slowly approach. The announcement announced. "Welcome to the world of 'U'"
I pressed my hands against the door and opened it vigorously. When I jumped out, I saw a group of skyscrapers that filled my view. "Ah!" On the bustling boulevard that intersects three-dimensionally, a large number of people, not humans, Az-- are floating in the air. Az that imitate animals, insects, marine life, vases and set squares, Az that imitate bicycles, half-beasts and goddesses that are likely to appear in fiction, Az that imitate warriors ... , Az in all kinds of shapes are flying around while chatting loudly. When I look up at the night sky, the lights of countless windows blink, not from the twinkling stars, but from the skyscrapers hanging upside down. Another reality. Another world. Is this "U"? Powder snow is dancing. It's a little chilly. When I opened my hands to take the powder snow in the palm of my hand, I saw a white arm and long, thin fingers in my eyes.
I was surprised at the difference in physical sensation and looked as if I was checking my body. Her slender body and long legs are wrapped in a white dress that looks like a newborn.
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Is this me?
Let's live another you.
The message of "U" was refrained in my head.
There, I noticed multiple eyes and looked forward. Some Az in the crowd are looking at me. However, as soon as I glanced at it, I went there. You may be a little beautiful, but this is "U". To that extent, nothing is unusual here. That was convenient. No one cares. Then you might be able to do what you've always wanted to do. When I raise my face, I take a deep breath and try to speak out.
The voice was undeniably my own voice. It's much more relaxed than I expected. I tried humming so that the nasal cavity would resonate instead of stretching. Sounds smoother than I imagined. Is it conveniently corrected because the body is virtual? But I don't feel that the sound is far from my consciousness. Is it because the scanned biometric information is accurate? Anyway…
I can't believe it. "I could sing ...!"As the powder snow dances fantastically, my voice rebels against the skyscrapers. It is echoing. How many years has it been since you sung properly? It was irresistible that I could immediately make a voice as I imagined, even though there was a blank and I hadn't done any preparatory movements. It feels like I've got a lot of freedom, and at the same time I'm a little scared. How is biometric information transformed into this output? What is Az? Anyway,
"Oh, I finally sang ...!"
I was very happy about this. I decided to sit down and sing a song with the lyrics properly. Of course there is no accompaniment, but is it okay?
[ I want to see a world where such a small melody pierces through a happy song
I wake up every morning and look for a future without you
I don't want to imagine the unpleasant singing ]
The lyrics translated into various languages ​​around me. Many languages, it surrounds me as a belt. Gaelic, Thai, Persian ...
All languages ​​overlap. If a song is detected, will it be displayed automatically without any settings? In addition, the synthetic voice singing in some languages ​​sounds faint, although the types are limited. Maybe because of that, "Hmm ...?"
Az and others who should have ignored me, suddenly look back and look at me.
"Ah ...?" Many Az in the building area are standing in the air one after another. I didn't mean to do that. I was just trying to check the condition of the technology called body sharing. However, it seems that more Az are gathering and listening than I expected. It's very embarrassing to think of myself as a street musician in a virtual world. However, it cannot be stopped on the way. Let's sing to the end, for myself. I continued thinking so.
[But I don't know the correct answer anymore.
It seems that it's going well except for me. Will it still come tomorrow?
Song, guide me, whatever happens, song, beside me, love, approach ]
From the Az who were listening, balloons displaying comments one after another appeared.
"What is this?" "Who is singing?" "Mysterious song"
At first, the content was cautious, as if watching the situation.
However, it gradually became less reluctant. For some reason, the only people who made comments such as "noisy", "strange songs", and "don't be pretentious" were Az with a cute appearance that I couldn't say such a thing. Wearing a frilly pink dress, a little animal, or a baby holding a teddy bear.
"Her looks aren't bad" "What's that freckled face (laughs)" Various tweets fly while singing. I do not mind. I'm singing for me. However, I was hurt by the words thrown at me. It ’s hard to say that only a small number of people will say
You can see it from here as well. hard. It may have appeared on the face. Furthermore, the words escalated. "I feel bad" "Stop it!" "Stop it!" I managed to finish singing before my feelings broke down. The noisy Az sighed and sighed, sighing and leaving. I had no choice but to see them off with disappointment,
Called my name, I looked up.
Something slipped in, "Eh? ... Ah," once I sprinkled the glittering scales, and once I went all the way down, it slowly stopped on my hand. It was a mysterious Az, like a white fairy, like an angel, like a clionidae. If you look closely, you can see that the body is transparent with the delicacy of warabi mochi. While swaying the wings of both hands, he said in a slightly traumatic tone.
"You are wonderful. You are beautiful."
That said, I felt saved.
"....... Fufufu. Thank you."
When I woke up, it was morning. Before I knew it, I was lying on my bed. Was last night a dream? It still has a fresh feeling. I looked at my smartphone to make sure. I have a profile page for Belle. It wasn't a dream. If you look under the bell icon, there is a column showing the number of followers.
《Belle: 0 followers》
That number is zero.
"There are no followers ....." I muttered while staring at the screen. "The world doesn't change anything." I didn't ask for it, but I felt a little disappointed.
When I thought, a beep sounded. The number of followers became "1" in front of me. That angel Az. A comment balloon appears. It was a blank space with nothing written on it. I laid down my smartphone, lay on my back on the bed, and remembered last night. There were many unplanned things. However, "But I finally sang ..." Above all, my heart was refreshed. The light of the winter morning looked dazzling. It's been a while since I've had such a refreshing feeling. Then there was a second follow-up notice. It was Hiro-chan. A cute bird-shaped Az with a round hat.
In the comment of "Re: I tried it for the first time"
<< This is Hiro. Belle is the best. I'll do anything >>
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dcx2NedPVBEdbfQaU-WC0pJMRmn20ASn7HSC0KY9R7E/edit?usp=sharing ~ Google Doc of the English-translated novel.
ryuutosobakasuhime.wordpress.com ~ English fan-site for Ryuu to Sobakasu no Hime where translations, scans, and other content is posted.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
hello !! may i request billy trying to "woo" steve but hes oblivious to it ? and it gets to a point where nacy is Tired of billy looking like That when steve plays offs his advances and she just decides to help him out with a relucent jonathan ? robin is there too but she isn't gonna say anything bc she loves a good show. thank you !!!
Jonathan was sitting on the counter, Nancy leaning on his legs when Billy walked in.
He smiled sheepishly at them, heading towards where Steve was behind the counter, chatting as he rewound tapes. He ducked over into the horror section, re-emerging quickly, obviously knew what he was comin’ in for.
“Oh, Exorcist. I haven’t seen this one. Steve was all smiles as he stood up to help Billy.
“It’s pretty good. Lots a’ gore, and stuff.” Billy side eyed Jon and Nancy, leaning a little further over the counter. “We could watch it together, if you wanted.”
Billy had gotten a nice studio apartment in downtown Hawkins with the government cash out he had gotten from the whole Starcourt ordeal. Steve had helped him move in, hadn’t been back since.
“Sorry, man. Don’t really like horror movies.”
Nancy noted how dejected Billy looked when Steve looked down to punch in the amount on the register. Billy left with a small wave and Nancy reached over to whack Steve in the arm.
“What the hell was that for?” He was pouting at her, rubbing his arm.
“You’re an idiot, Steve Harrington.”
“What’d I do this time?”
“Billy just asked you out!” Steve’s eyes were wide.
“No, he just invited me over. He does that a lot. usually he rents movies I don’t think I would like, though.”
“He wants you to come over and get scared so he can protect you, or whatever.”
“Yes. He wants to sit on the couch, and put his arm over you, and he wants you to hide your face in his chest when you’re scared literally all guys use that move.” She considered Jonathan for a moment. “Current company excluded.”
“I still don’t think he was asking me out.”
“Billy!” Nancy just so happened to be loitering near his apartment building as Billy was returning from his weekend job at the garage near family video.  Billy started when she called his name.
“Uh, hey Nancy.” He was fidgeting with the buttons on his coveralls.
“Look, Steve is sweet, but he’s the most oblivious person on the planet.” Billy tightened his jaw, a shadow of his rough self, his rough pre-Starcourt self.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He tried to push past her, but she just followed him up the stairs.
“I know you were trying to ask him out yesterday.”
“Wasn’t tryna do shit.”
“I don’t care that you’re into him. I want to help you.” She rolled her eyes.
“Help me?” He raised one eyebrow as they crossed into his little apartment, appraising her. “Help me do what?” She turned to him, grinning wide.
“I’m going to help you get him.”
“He likes movies with a lot of adventure. A steady rise and fall of events. So, Indiana Jones, or Conan, or James Bond, all of those. And he loves westerns. He made me watch so many fucking westerns.”
“Sounds like he just likes hot guys.” Nancy rolled her eyes.
“He likes Barbarella, too. He doesn’t have much in the way of an attention span, so things need to be constantly happening. He took me to see Gremlins three times when it came to the Hawk.”
“Okay, so action adventure. Easy enough.”
“Well, he’s also got a big soft spot for sappy romances. And I’m talking the real sappy ones, not like Sixteen Candles, I mean Gone with the Wind, and Breakfast at Tiffany’s, and Cleopatra. He’s a big mushball, and he loves love.” Billy kinda felt like he should be taking notes at this point. “He has all these Italian films from the forties, and he says that’s what he grew up watching, and they’re all very romantic. He loves watching those, because then he’ll translate the whole time, and I think that makes him feel romantic, it’s a whole thing.”
“Wait, he speaks Italian?”
“His mother was born in Italy somewhere. It’s his first language.”
“Shit, I didn’t know that.”
“He’s quite proud of it. He was raised by his grandmother, his nonna, and still knows all of her recipes.”
“That’s cute.” Billy thought for a second. “So, I should invite him over for a movie he’d like, and if I conveniently had all the ingredients for some complicated Italian dish, just like, around, he could be into that?”
Nancy stared at him.
“Wow. You’re just as mushy as he is.”
“Don’t hate.”
“You need to help me.”
“Nance, I just don’t feel like we should get-”
“Of course we should get in the middle of this! Our friends have a chance to be happy, together.” Jonathan huffed.
“Nancy, be honest with me. Are you just trying to do this because you genuinely want Billy and Steve to be happy, or because you still feel guilty about everything that happened with Steve?” Her mouth dropped open.
“I, I don’t-no.” She shook her head. “Of course not.” Jonathan raised an eyebrow at her. “No, Jon. I want them to be happy.”
“Okay, but I still don’t think we should interfere.”
“Of course we should. You saw them the other day, they cannot do this themselves. I’ve already talked to Billy.”
“You already-Nancy.” He gave her a look.
“What? I’m helping.” He rolled his eyes.
“Nancy’s making me talk to you.” Jonathan kept his voice monotone.
“Um, about what?” Steve was reshelving tapes, Jonathan following behind him with the box full.
“About Billy.”
“What about Billy?”
“She wants to help you two get together.” Steve laughed.
“I know she means well, but he does not like me like that.”
“She seems to think he does. Apparently, she’s already talked to Billy. They’ve got a whole plan.”
“A plan? What do you mean?”
“She told him all of your favorite movies and they’re idea is that you’ll go to his place and you’ll cook dinner together and watch a movie.”
Steve’s eyes were big when he looked up at Jonathan.
“Wait he, there’s actually a plan?” He was picking at the peeling sticker on a Cinderella tape. “What are we gonna cook?”
“I don’t know. Billy said he’s just gonna get a bunch of vague Italian shit, his words, and he’s hoping you’ll take over from there.” Steve smiled to himself.
“Um, you think you could get him a list? So he doesn’t just have to buy stuff.” Jonathan furrowed his brows.
“Wait so, you’re good with this?”
“I mean, it’s kinda, it’s kinda sweet.”
“So, her plan worked?”
“Well, I still gotta go on the date.” Steve returned to shelving tapes.
“But, you’re going?”
“Yeah. If he asks.”
“Get me a grocery list. And believe me, he’ll ask.”
Steve had picked one of his favorite recipes, giving Jonathan a list to casually slip to Billy.
He had been waiting all week for Billy to come back, rent some movie he loves, and ask him over.
But it had been days since he had spoken with Jonathan.
And he was losing hope.
“What’s up, Mopey?” Robin was fake pouting at him.
“Billy hasn’t been in in a while. Is all.” Steve shrugged, tried to act all casual.
Robin rolled her eyes.
“Missing your boyfriend?”
“Shut up.” His face was red as he mumbled. “Nancy and Jonathan kinda, they kinda made a plan, and I think he’s just, I think Billy’s not actually gonna go through with it.” She sighed.
“Look, I told Nancy I was not gonna get mixed up in this, but, he likes you, Dingus. He’s not backing out, he’s not blowing you off. Take a breath.”
“I’m just, I care about him, you know? He’s been through a lot. I don’t wanna fuck it up.” Steve was scuffing his foot against the ground, watching it intently. “I always fuck it up.”
“Hey, it’s just one date. And maybe there’ll be a next, and a next, but for now, take the date. Have a good night.”
Jonathan was back on the counter, watching Billy psych himself up outside.
He was hoping from foot to foot, obviously practicing everything he was gonna say.
Steve was being very good at not making eye contact with everyone.
The bell above the door made a loud sound as Billy shoved it open.
He stared at his feet as he hid himself in one of the aisles.
Steve gave Nancy a panicked look.
“Breathe,” She hissed at him. He took a few deep breaths in and out of his mouth, his eyebrows scrunched together.
A few minutes later, just as Steve had calmed himself down, Billy came back out of the aisle, a few different tapes in his hands.
He set the tapes down, giving Steve a nice smile, a real smile.
“Hey, Bill.” Steve wasn’t even looking at the tapes.
“Hi, Pretty Boy.” Steve flushed. “What’re you up to tonight?”
It was painful, watching the two of them dance around one another. Billy didn’t know Steve was in on the plan, didn’t know Steve was fucking vibrating and the speed of sound for Billy to ask him out.
“Um, nothing much. Just gonna go home.”
Nancy slapped Jonathan’s leg, pulling him into one of the aisles, spying on the two from around the shelf. Robin stayed sitting behind Steve, snapping her gum.
“You could come over, if you want. Watch one a’ these.” Steve finally looked down at the tapes, brightening up right away.
“I love Barbarella.”
“That’s ‘cause you’re a human.” Steve laughed as he punched in the amount. There were beginning to fall into a rhythm, Steve picking up the next tape.
“Oh shit.” He was holding the Sound of Music tape like it was made of gold. “I used to really love this movie.”
“We can watch it, if you want. I’ve never seen it.” Steve looked at him like he had an extra head.
“You’ve never seen it? Billy, what the fuck? We’re so watching this tonight.” He picked up the last tape.
“That one I got for me.”
“I uh, I didn’t even know this movie existed.” He was staring wearily at the mutant on the front, tracing the font spelling out Forbidden World.
“Oh Pretty Boy, you’d hate it.” Steve laughed. He took Billy’s neat bills, practiced hands made quick change.
Their hands brushed as Steve passed over the coins.
“You want me to bring anything? Tonight?”
“Just yourself.”
“Nothing for dinner?”
“I mean, I got some stuff. If you wanna, like, make something.” Billy was fidgeting with the tapes.
“Yeah, I, uh, I really like cooking. We could, like, cook together.”
“I’d like that.” Steve gave Billy one of his sunshiniest smiles. Made Billy melt a little. “What time you get off?”
“Be over as soon as you can, then.”
“Okay. Yeah, I’ll be there.”
“It’s a date then, Stevie.” Steve was grinning like he had won the fucking lottery. Billy gave him a stupid little two finger salute, nearly ramming into the glass door on this way out.
Steve waited until Billy was safely out of view of the storefront windows before he lost his shit.
He was wiggling around like the happiest little worm, Nancy coming out of hiding to give him a hug.
Robin snapped her gum at him when he tried to get near her, so he hugged Nancy again.
“Hey, thank you guys. For, for everything.” Jonathan clapped him on the back.
“No problem, man. Just do us all a favor, and get laid.”
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cynergy-laughter · 4 years
Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All! Fanfic #3
Garlic Tomato Bisque
(MC x Levi) (MC x Lucifer) (fluff, comedy) (mild language?) [inspired by one of the boys’ D.D.D. Chats where Lucifer was sick]
By: @cynergy-laughter
Word Count: 4,187
You really liked Lucifer, besides all the drama that happened between you two, he was a very sweet, dependable, charming guy. A bit of a sadist yes, but adoring. But now, you hear that Lucifer was sick, in bed, so that’s why he wasn’t at breakfast right now.
“Pfftt Hahahaha! Lucifer is sick?! Oh my gosh, this is too rich!” Mammon chuckles over his food.
“But Lucifer never gets sick, I don’t even think he’s had a cough.” Asmo said, frowning. “I guess there’s a first time for everything…”
“Just knowing that our brother, our eldest brother, is so vulnerable right now… it… shakes me…” Satan said, balling up his fist.
“Yeah, with mirth. You and Mammon are probably the ones taking the most joy in seeing Lucifer suffer…” Belphegor pointed out, “Not that it isn’t interesting to see our brother in such a state… interesting and worrying.”
“And on top of that, Beel is standing guard over Lucifer, it’s both adorable, and sad… to have the second youngest brother protect you… it’s entertaining all on its own.” Mammon snickered as he kept on eating his breakfast.
“Mammon, let’s not forget, Beel works out because of how much he eats, he could twist you into a pretzel and eat you if he wanted to.” You pointed out, making Mammon gulp a bit while Asmo straight up laughed.
“Ahahaha! Chalk one up for [MC]!” He giggled. “But Lucifer’s lucky we’re having a weekend off, otherwise he’d have to miss student council meetings.”
“Well, I’m gonna be playing my game if anyone needs me, which I doubt.” Leviathan said, finishing his breakfast, and getting up.
“Uh-uh-uh, Levi, you are on dishwashing duty this morning.” Satan reiterated. “Dishes, then you can go up to your room.” Earning a groan from Levi.
Soon, everyone finished breakfast, while Asmo and Satan went to go and deliver the leftovers to Beel standing in front of Lucifer’s bedroom door.
But while you were heading back to your room, you couldn’t help but think about Lucifer sick in bed. You wanted to do something for him, and then an idea occurred to you. You headed for the kitchen where Levi was still washing dishes and you looked in the fridge.
“Beel, shouldn’t you be watching over Lucifer’s room? Oh, [MC], it’s you… you come to laugh at my failed attempt to get out from doing the dishes?” Levi said, turning around.
“No, I was just seeing what we have, I was gonna make something for Lucifer for lunch.” You say.
“What? You do know Lucifer is sick, right… like if it’s a cold strong enough for someone like him to catch, you might catch something stronger if you catch it…” Levi tried to warn you.
“Well, he’s not gonna be visited by anyone if everyone is so scared of catching it… I wanna help him feel better.” You say, “I’m thinking about making him soup… but I know it won’t be enough…”
“Well… I heard that Beel’s gonna be taste testing anything that is for Lucifer.” Levi said.
“Yeah, I figured I would make Beel some too…” you trailed off and then you got an idea… “My grandmother’s famous garlic tomato bisque, and a patty melt, with 3 cheeses…” you say with a smile.
Levi blinked. “Patty melt?”
“It’s like a hamburger, but make it grilled cheese style…” you explain.
“Oh… oh wow… that sounds pretty good actually…” Levi said, “something that sounds so normie… sounds delicious.”
“Do you know if Lucifer has any allergies, or does he not like beef?” You asked, excited.
“Umm, not that I know of… I’ve seen him eating steak before…” Levi thought about it. “I think…”
“Close enough! I’m gonna make him and Beel a get-well lunch they will never forget!” You say clenching your fists. You then turn to Levi who seemed to be sneaking away. “Levi! I need your help. Would you come shopping for the ingredients with me?”
“W-What?! Why me? I have streams to do today!” Levi leaned back a bit because you were so close to him.
“Please? I really need your help, I’ll owe you some game time, it’s been a while since we did a livestream together.” You say, you held your hands together pleadingly. “If you help me, I’ll make you your own patty melt too…” now you tried bargaining.
Levi blinked. “W-What? You think I would wanna try one of your weird meat grilled cheeses? Just how old do you think I am?” Levi grumbled, folding his arms and turning his head away from you.
You frowned and sighed. “Okay… I understand… I guess I can ask Belphie or Asmo if they want to go food shopping…” you said as you turned to go and find Belphie or Asmo, when you were suddenly stopped by an exasperation from behind you.
“W-Wait! Gosh, don’t you know a dramatic pause when you see it? U-Umm… Will I get to be the first one to try one of your patty melts?” Levi blushed a bit as he crossed his arms and looked down.
You gave a small smile and held his hands, looking into his eyes. “I promise you’ll have the first melt I make.”
Levi blushes more as he was sharing this tender… normie… moment with you. He pulled his hands away in a huff. “Well, I guess I can spare some time and get to gaming later tonight… but next time, you’re gonna be helping me with a video game release livestream.”
“Deal! Alright, let’s get ready to get shopping to get ready to cook!” You say triumphantly as you grabbed Levi’s hand and rushed out the door with him.
-One Grocery Shopping Montage Later-
You spent a good amount of time shopping for the ingredients, you were happy that Levi had agreed to help you, you weren’t sure how helpful Asmo would have been, but you also knew that Belphie would have slumped down and took a nap while you began cooking. But there was a reason why you wanted someone to really help, and why Levi would be perfect for this.
“I also need a witness, a documenter of sorts.” You said as you put the groceries down on the counter.
“A documenter?” Levi rose an eyebrow.
“Well, this morning, Mammon and Satan were talking pretty mercilessly about Lucifer… I don’t know about Satan, but I wouldn’t put it past Mammon to try and sabotage this and make Lucifer more sick…” You explained.
“Well, in the group chat, Satan was talking about a book about poisons for demons…” Levi said, “So, I wouldn’t put it past either of them…”
“Now that you put it that way, I definitely need you to be my witness. I’m counting on you, Lord of Shadows,” you said, smiling to Levi.
Levi blushes and smiles, “You can count on me, Henry!” He said, clenching his fist, “I’ll go get my camcorder!” He said, heading on upstairs.
You smile as you took out one of your notebooks, and you flipped to a page that had your grandmother’s garlic tomato bisque recipe in. You learned your cooking directly from your grandmother on your father’s side, and she had helped you to keep her recipes alive. She always used to say that her ancestor’s cooking was like a love letter, it had a beautiful presentation, and was full of emotion in every part from beginning to end. You just hoped you could translate the recipe well without her this time. Suddenly, you jumped a bit, feeling a hand around your waist, and someone was pulling you in close.
“What’cha reading? Grandma’s Garlic Tomato Bisque?” Mammon read over your shoulder to which you closed the book.
“Mammon! Don’t do that!” You held your notebook over your chest.
“Heh, sorry, so, what’s all this? You making lunch or something?” Mammon asked, picking up some of the ingredients.
“As a matter of fact… yes, I thought about it, and I wanna make everyone lunch.” You say, “I’m making Patty Melts and my Grandma’s Garlic Tomato Bisque.” He said.
“Patty Melt?” Mammon asked, leaning on the counter, “Excuse me for living but what is that?”
“Picture a hamburger cooked like grilled cheese.” Levi said from the doorway of the kitchen, holding his camcorder.
“Oh? Well then, can’t wait to try it. You will let me know when it’s ready? You know, cause I am your first guy.” Mammon said, trying to get a rise out of Levi.
“Actually, I promised Levi he would be the one to have my first patty melt.” You said, earning a smirk from Levi, and a stunned look from Mammon.
“Ha! Now I don’t regret doing the dishes.” Levi smirked.
“No! No! I asked you to switch dishwashing shifts with me, I demand we switch back!” Mammon growled. “It should be me in your position!”
“You don’t get to change the game when it’s convenient for you! And plus, I got [MC] owing me a hangout day~. So that’s what you get for pawning off your duties!” Levi smirked back.
“Levi… the camcorder?” You ask as Levi set the camcorder up and pressed record on it as he continued the insult match with Mammon.
You sigh and shake your head as you began to start your cooking, starting with the forming and seasoning of the burger patties, making sure they were shaped like ovals so they would fit on the wide bread slices you had. All while you were cooking, you felt someone watching you, and felt someone’s warmth behind you, which you figured out was one of the other brothers, but you were too busy focusing on the patties that you didn’t acknowledge whomst was behind you.
“... And that’s why your feet stink!” Levi fired at Mammon. “They stink so bad, you got a Venus fly trap hacking!”
“Oh those are fightin’ words, your feet stink so bad, when you take your shoes off, the flies die!” Mammon growled as he got into Levi’s face.
“Could you two take your stinky feet somewhere else? [MC]’s trying to cook.” Satan said calmly as he was standing right behind you as you worked on prepping the soup.
“O-Oh… right, sorry [MC]…” Mammon said as he began to leave the kitchen.
“Oh! I’m sorry, Satan…” Levi shied away, following Mammon out the kitchen.
It only took a few seconds before the footsteps came rushing back into the kitchen.
“SATAN?!?!” Both Mammon and Levi shouted in unison.
“You two really are idiots. Letting [MC] cook all by themself while you’re having a little insult fest.” Satan said, smirking, trying not to laugh as he had almost got them to leave.
“You’re the one just standing behind [MC] just watching them cook!” Mammon growled.
Levi realized that they were in the presence of the last two people they wanted in the kitchen right now, so he had to be diligent. “Y-yeah! If you’re gonna be in the kitchen, you’re gonna have to do something to help with lunch.”
“Like saying how badly both of your feet stink?” Satan turned to them crossing his arms.
“THEY DON’T STINK!!” Both Mammon and Levi shouted again. It was at this point of your cooking that you had enough, you hadn’t even started on the bisque yet, and the three of them were standing around having a quarrel.
“ALL OF YOU!” You shout, causing them to turn their attention to you. “I’m already done shaping and seasoning the patties, and I need to start making the soup, if none of you are going to help me, then I need you all to leave the kitchen.”
Mammon, Levi and Satan looked taken aback, they didn’t see this side of MC before.
“Well, I wanna help, what do you want me to do?” Levi asked, walking up to you.
“H-Hey, I wanna help too!” Mammon followed Levi.
“... You know, if you didn’t make a pact with anyone here, you probably would have been in danger of getting hurt…” Satan began, “But… I guess we aren’t earning your cooking if we didn’t help… So you’re making tomato bisque? That’s pretty ambitious, especially for a house of seven.”
“Well, this is my grandma’s recipe, and I wanted to give a lunch that warms the heart as well as your mouth.” You said, softening your smile as you recruited two more brothers to help cook. “I wanna keep my family’s recipes alive.”
“Ah… that is noble of you. Well, I can start chopping the vegetables.” Satan said, smiling.
“Yeah, I’ll start cutting the cheese for the patty melts.” Levi said.
“Umm, I can start buttering the bread, and cook the patties!” Mammon said as the boys started getting everything ready.
It warmed your heart to see that you all were working together. You felt like the head chef, supervising the next three eldest brothers after Lucifer, and you all came together to show how you made the garlic tomato bisque. Eventually, you cooked the patties and started to make them melts.
“Thank you all so much for this… I really do appreciate your help, by the way, Mammon, Satan? Could you go and tell Belphie and Asmo that lunch will be ready shortly?” You asked.
“Why can’t Levi do it?” Mammon asked.
“Because I’m trusting you with this task, Mammon. And you too, Satan.” You replied, smiling.
“Understood, come on.” Satan said, walking out of the kitchen, with Mammon.
You smile and look at Levi. “Thank you so much, I think they were pretty behaved, but check the footage, just to be safe.”
“Of course. Oh, and don’t forget that the first melt and soup bowl is mine.” Levi mentioned as he began to play it back.
You kept your eye on Levi’s patty melt, not wanting to flip it too late or too soon. And at the first flip over, it was a delightfully toasted brown. “Yes!”
Levi smiles as he saw the joy on your face, but then as he played back the video, he noticed you had only made 7 patties… it should have been 8… were you not gonna make one for yourself?
“Oh Levi, here you go, fresh and a perfect toasted brown and cut in half, I hope you like it.” You say, handing him his sandwich and the bowl of garlic tomato bisque.
“Oh wow, it looks so good… thank you, [MC]!” Levi said, closing the camcorder. “And you’re in luck, I didn’t see any sabotaging, but maybe taste the bisque before you try it…”
“Oh right…” you said as you went over to the bisque and tasted it, and you got transported back to when you were sick in bed, and your grandma made you this soup. It made you fall asleep easier, and helped you feel better the next day. You remembered going down to grandma’s kitchen and giving her the biggest hug, cause you felt the best you had felt in your life.
“Hey… [MC]? What’s wrong?” Levi asked, lowering his head to meet your eyes, which he grew misty.
“H-Huh? O-Oh nothing… It just… tastes just like how grandma made it…” you shook your head and wiped your eyes.
“Well, now I’m sold and I haven’t even eaten yet.” Levi smiles, “By the way, how are you going to get past Beel with those sandwiches? He’s eating anything that comes in for Lucifer…”
“Well, I’m gonna cook Lucifer’s and Beel’s at the same time, but then, I’ll cut them both in half, and swap out one of the halves for another. So Lucifer can have some of Beel’s, Beel can have some of Lucifer’s, and They’ll both still have a whole sandwich.” You explained. “And I can show the footage to Beel to back it up.”
Levi blinked, surprised that you thought it through. “It’s pretty scary that you are this thorough… I don’t think even Satan is that thorough…”
You blush and chuckle. “Well, go and eat, everyone will be down soon.” You say, nodding as you shoo Levi off. Eventually, one by one you cooked the patties and grilled cheese’d them, and served them with bisque to brothers who also came down. Soon, you made the last two at the same time, cooking them side by side while the camcorder recorded you. You finally made a beautiful presentation, two halves of each sandwich indicated by ornate toothpicks, two colored red, and two colored orange surrounding but not touching the bowl of garlic tomato bisque. You put it on a tray and made your way up toward Lucifer’s room, where Beel stood guard.
“Oh, [MC]. How are… what is that?” Beelzebub said, giving you a smile, but then it dropped into longing. You swear you could hear his stomach growling.
“Oh, I made everyone lunch, and I made one for you and Lucifer.” You explained. “Four cheese patty melt with garlic tomato bisque, and water with lemon slices because… hydration.” You listed, giving a smile
“... You do know I gotta eat both because of Mammon and Satan. Right?” Beel asked, frowning with an eyebrow raised.
“Well, not necessarily, I cut the sandwiches in half, and swapped the left halves, the soup was made in the same pot and I tasted it. I have recorded footage as well. And even though Mammon and Satan helped, Levi and I made sure that nothing wrong happened.” You say.
Beel blinks, and took one of the plates offered to him and began to eat the sandwiches, he nodded impressed, and then dipped a half of the sandwich into the soup and his eyes widened in joy. “I need more of this soup… and this… patty melt… it’s like grilled cheeseburger… [MC]... I didn’t know you could cook this good…”
You blush as you saw Beel enjoying it so much. Suddenly, Beel opened the door. “Lucifer, [MC] made you lunch, you’ve gotta try it!” He said into the room.
“... Send him in.” Was all you heard.
“Go on in, I’m gonna see if there’s more.” Beel said, running off excitedly to the kitchen.
“There’s more soup, but there’s no more… beef…” you called out but stopped halfway because Beel was already gone. You went into Lucifer’s room, closing the door behind you.
“[MC]... what’s this I heard about you making food?” Lucifer asked from his bed in his dimly lit room, he sounded like he was suffering. He had never had a cold before, and it must have come as a shock.
“Oh, I wanted to help you feel better, so I made you a patty melt, which is basically a grilled cheese-burger, and some of my grandma’s garlic tomato bisque. She made me this when I was younger whenever I felt sick. And I always felt better after.” You said, sitting down on the bed next to Lucifer.
“Oh… I appreciate it, but I heard that Mammon and Satan helped you make it… I hope you understand…” Lucifer said, solemnly.
“Well, I served everyone else before serving you, and I don’t think Mammon and Satan would have eaten something they sabotaged.” You explained. “Please? I’ve been worried about you all day ever since I heard you were sick this morning…”
Lucifer looked at you and his face softened. “Well, if you insist that nothing’s wrong… it does smell good… although I’m not a fan of greasy food…”
“Don’t worry, the grease adds flavor to the bread, here…” you gave Lucifer a fork and knife, to which he started laughing.
“You know me so well.” Lucifer said, smiling, as he took the utensils and began to cut into it.
“You just strike me as the kind of person to eat everything with a fork and knife, you’re not exactly a hands-on eater… oh, and if you want, try dipping the bites you cut into the bisque.”
“... Well maybe I’ll try them separately first before marrying them.” Lucifer said as he was given a spoon as well and began to eat his soup. “Ooh… and you said this was your grandmother’s recipe? Your grandmother knows her flavors, this is delicious!”
“Oh good, I’m glad you like it…” you sighed in relief.
“I don’t like it, I love it…” Lucifer said, smiling at you, “Your grandmother would be very proud of you...”
You blush as you start to feel pretty warm yourself, it felt like Lucifer was holding your hand, or holding you close even though he continued to eat.
After Lucifer has finished his food and his water, he smiled at you, and slightly sniffles.
“Thank you for such a delicious lunch, [MC]. And thank you for such great company… didn’t you make some for yourself?” Lucifer asked, tilting his head.
“Oh you’re welcome! And no, I had a taste of the bisque, and I think that Beel might have eaten the rest of the soup… I’m just glad that you all had yours.” You say, shaking your head.
“I see… I suggest you eat as well, after all, you made us all lunch, you should enjoy your cooking as well.” Lucifer said, holding your hand. “You deserve yours.”
You blush and smile. “I will, don’t worry… now get some rest, and give me a message if you need anything else, okay?”
“Of course, I hope I feel better fast.” Lucifer said, but before you left, you went over and gave him a kiss on his forehead before leaving his room. Lucifer was blushing now, “Heh… I hope I feel better for your sake…” he said after you had already left.
You came out of the bathroom a few minutes after leaving Lucifer’s room to wash your hands, and your lips. Levi was right, you didn’t want to catch the Common Cold 2.0: The Sequel. You smile as you walk back down to the kitchen, and pull out your D.D.D. You were about to call for delivery when you went to the kitchen and you heard;
“Surprise!” The other brothers said as you gasp and almost drop your D.D.D. Mammon was holding up another patty melt while Levi held a bowl of what looked to be fresh garlic tomato bisque.
“W-Wha? What is this?” You ask, going up to them, not sure what to say.
“Well, Beel went Gaga for your soup, and he finished it off.” Belphie said as he pat Beel’s back as Beel blushed and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
“I’m sorry, it was so good…” Beel said, biting his lip.
“And Levi noticed that you didn’t make a patty for yourself, so, he naturally told us, and we decided to go and get the ingredients to make YOU your lunch to us~.” Asmo winked.
“I-I just thought it wasn’t fair for you to make us lunch and not get your own lunch to enjoy…” Levi blushes a bit, looking down.
“You left your notebook in the kitchen so we kind of looked through it… sorry for snooping around your things… but we made you some fresh bisque as well.” Satan said, smiling.
“I hope this is up to your standards, and I hope we did your grandmother’s recipe proud…” Mammon said.
“Yeah, even though Mammon suggested we make this and make a market out of it.” Belphie smirked at Mammon.
You didn’t even hear what Mammon said to that because you were touched that the brothers had come together to make lunch for you. You smile sweetly and took the dishes from the brothers, set them down on the kitchen island and gave them all a hug.
“Thank you, all of you. You don’t know how much this means to me… thank you all so much! Especially you, for all of your help today, Levi…” you said, giving Levi a kiss on his cheek.
“Wha-WhoooOOOOAAA!! What was that for?!” Levi blushed madly.
“H-Hey! Why did Levi get a kiss?!” Mammon’s eyes widened and bared his teeth.
“Cause no one wants to kiss you, scummy Mammon~.” Asmo teased.
“No one asked you Fifty Shades of Pink!” Mammon growled. “And everyone wants a piece of The Great Mammon!”
“Yes, especially those three witches you still owe a debt to.” Satan smirks.
“You know what Satan, I’m getting sick and tired of your mouth, you always got something smart to say!” Mammon stepped up to Satan.
“Well someone has to cut through the idiocy that comes out of your mouth.” Satan crossed his arms.
Belphie snuck your food to you from behind their fussing. “You’d better eat while Beel doesn’t try to grab it.” He said, winking at you.
You smile and head to your seat in the dining hall, and you chuckle as heard them fighting as you are carefully.
“You know what?! I don’t need to take this from someone whose feet stink!” You heard Mammon throw out.
“What does that have to do with anything, Mammon?” Beel asked.
“My feet don’t stink!” Satan growls. “And that statement is irrelevant to the topic at hand, and is proving my point!”
You chuckle a bit louder as you try to calm yourself down to continue eating. “Oh I love it here… Never a dull moment with these brothers…
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wovenstarlight · 3 years
YWBK update: chapter 25 + liner notes
yesterday will be kinder has updated! you can read chapter 25 here, or start from the beginning here
okay, on to notes and commentary! first time i’m doing these, let’s hope this works out. commentary under the cut to save people’s dashes
Hamin laughs. “Given how bad you are at not being suspicious, that’s understandable.” “Oh, come on, I’m not that bad.” Hamin screws up his whole face in a squint. “Okay, so maybe I’m a little bad.”
this part was really funny to me when i wrote it because i was like “hmm reasons for DHM to understand why HHJ wouldn’t work in the guild” and then i was like Wait. Their Whole First Meeting, Dude. DHM was lowkey convinced for the longest time that HHJ was like, on the run from the KR version of the mafia, and got plastic surgery to look like his little brothers, and is possibly in some sort of witness protection program??? or something??? how else does he not have cops on his ass this man is so suspicious all the time
“I don’t think… They said the dungeons were, like, different worlds? Did they find people there?”
mafia theory second place. dungeon theory first place
“Like, humans? Um. No, no humans.” “So then you can’t be from there. Okay.”
dungeon theory shot down. mafia theory back in the running
“Hey,” he says cautiously. “I’m— I’m gonna go get us some water, okay? Why don’t you… take a minute.” “Okay.” “The bathroom is over there, if you need it.” “Okay. Thank you.”
after four years working alongside a guy you start to notice when he’s feeling a little out of it and needs a bit of a break... but as JHW mentions later you also learn to be a little subtle about giving him one
jung heewon What’s with your typing? It reads like Jihye’s [HYJ]’s fine. Very energetic Too energetic? He’s going to burn out. How do I make him calm down
Epic Burnout Man makes a reappearance! when translating sclass one of the things that makes me want to shake HYJ most is his habit of constantly adding things to his to-do list while he already has 1 billion things on his plate. and all the time he’s whining about “UGH there’s SO MUCH WORK to do” No One Asked You To Do It
Anyway. the point is. HYJ isn’t about to be beat by HHJ at Developing Issues 😔
jung heewon I haven’t spoken to him directly about this because if he’s anything like you he’ll take it as an insult You wtf whts tht supposed 2 mean quit typing jung heewon Better not say shit, mr “No, I can’t take days off and cater to my interests or go out with friends or on a date, I’m too busy taking care of the kids and making sure their needs are met, no I don’t care that there are thousands of people out there balancing personal enjoyment and romance and work AND kids at the same time, are you suggesting I be a BAD GUARDIAN to MY KIDS?”
see above re: not being too direct with pointing out when HHJ’s having Issues because he doesn’t react well
You wht but our eyes r fine jung heewon Even if having glasses doesn’t run in the family, you should still get him checked, just in case
top 10 funny time travel moments: referring to you and your past self as “us” (our = my eyes are fine), but other people think you mean “our family” (our eyes are fine = no family history of long/shortsightedness)
Also. Sooyoung-ie says hi [Attachment: 20XX1213_144516.jpg] 
ok no lie this was one of the parts that pissed me off the most, even though it’s Literally One Line, because. i love chat exchanges. i really do. when done right they’re a lot of fun to read. But Do You Know How Long It Took Me To Figure Out A Calendar For The Events In This Fic. now everything’s TIMED i have to count HOW MANY DAYS IT’S BEEN since XY event so i can CORRECTLY NUMBER the FILE ATTACHMENTS!!! this sucks!!! it took me fucking forever to pin down a timeline just so i could write this chapter plus the few before and after it!!!!
anyway i gave up when i reached year. i just put 20XX. fuck it. we are running on fairy tail time now. (actually i think that’s XXnumber number? XX76? or was it X796. something like that. Who cares i stopped watching fairy tail forever ago)
Fuck it! Hamin will understand!! “If you Awaken you should come work with me,” Han Hyunjae says all in a rush. 
“HAMIN WILL UNDERSTAND” => he literally was cool with me giving zero context for half a dozen absolute balls to the wall nonsense bullshit things i’ve done before. he’ll be fine with this too. dog_in_burning_house_this_is_fine.png
“You already know about the guilds, those are going to be for dungeon Hunters, but I was thinking of forming something like an independent group of contractors. Awakened people with skills that aren’t useful for combat, but that might… that will be generally useful. It’d be you and me, and maybe one other guy I met recently. Probably more in the future.”
given that HHJ has no idea currently that peace exists (i’m so sorry baby i’ll find a way to shoehorn you in soon i miss you so much) he’s got no intentions to start a kiseungsu business yet! he mostly wants to live quietly while just acting as a manager for other Awakening-related services, like YMW’s forge and DHM’s tracking service, along with the information exchange/lowkey spy ring that he’s planning on setting up with JHW and the bar. since HYH is fine associating with him in this timeline, HHJ’s thinking he can get a foot in the door that way, then eventually spread out into dealings with most major guild leaders
RIP to this plan. you were well-made but you will not last long.
“Please, I can’t tell you how I know that, I really can’t, it’d put me and my brothers in danger if it got out. But—” “No need.” Hamin looks slightly alarmed, and Han Hyunjae feels himself settle at the obvious concern in his eyes.
“I spoke to the Task Force Head and she said that there’s been discussion about hosting a meeting for the nearby high-rankers, where they’ll announce the guild proposal and see who else is interested in trying it out.”
“they’ll announce” i’m sorry king 💔 you deserved a nap
(OH ALSO FUN FACT choi eunyoung is a canon character, not an OC of mine! she appears in uhhh i think late 140s? 150s? something like that)
“I think there’s… probably only one other S-rank who’s Awakened right now?”
Hamin beams. “No, they’re doing great! Spookie’s taken really well to the new housing situation, but I think Spots might miss the store…”
shoutout to @daemonic-dawn​ for letting me borrow a pet name, love u king. i had a much longer ramble about pet names here but i finished typing and realized it was all entirely off topic so i removed it for convenience
Hyunjae makes an annoyed noise in the back of his throat. “Don’t— I mean.” He huffs, visibly taking a deep breath, and Yoojin frowns reflexively. [...] “Is everything alright?” Yoojin kind of wants to be annoyed at his tone on principle, but he forces his shoulders to relax, matching Hyunjae’s posture. Though he can’t stop himself from being a little short when he answers.
things the brothers have learned in four years living together: getting confrontational often leads to arguments that just fizzle out anyway, so it’s way fucking easier to consciously tone down their combativeness in advance when talking to each other about things they have problems with, instead of screaming their heads off and then having to calm yoohyun down afterwards to boot
“I guess. Whatever.” Yoojin slumps. “Can I…” “Hm?” Hyunjae blinks at Yoojin as he gestures to the spot on the bed beside him, then jolts. “Oh! Yeah, sure, c’mere.” He opens his arms, and Yoojin goes over and flumps on the bed, head in Hyunjae’s lap. Almost immediately, Hyunjae starts stroking fingers through his hair, and Yoojin relaxes into the touch, listening as Hyunjae continues speaking.
cuddles 🥺🥺🥺 sorry i don’t have any other commentary here just. cuddles. extremely and overwhelmingly comforting for a man who spent the better part of 8 years(?) with no major positive relationships, and a kid who spent 12 years of early life basically abandoned by his parents. you had best bet they gave up on not hugging each other 1 year into this whole mess
Yoojin hums in acknowledgement. It’s not like he’d ever let himself get hurt; he has too many responsibilities to his family and friends. If he wants to be good enough to keep up, he can’t afford to fuck up like that. But… hyung will worry if he keeps working so hard. He can slow down a little for him. 
Problems disorder man when will you stop. the way he sees “getting hurt” as an inconvenience and an obstacle to his duties rather than a danger to himself. the way he doesn’t really care if he himself gets hurt, but if it’ll worry his family, then it’s a no-no. it’s just. wow. i know i wrote this but i hate him
“Not really. I talk to Myeongwoo about it sometimes.” “Ah, right, Myeongwoo.”
haha gays
“Don’t be weird about him,” Yoojin warns[...]. “I won’t, promise.”
if the “i won’t” line had a dialogue tag it’d be “Han Hyunjae lied”
“Is Eunwoo still in his relationship?” “Mhm, happy as ever. Apparently they’re trying long-distance, now that Eunwoo’s gone off to university abroad.”
three guesses for who eunwoo’s dating and you won’t need the first two
Hyunjae raises his hands like he’s going to deny the accusations levelled against him, so Yoojin seizes him by the collar and shakes him until he cries for mercy
oh my o/rv ass struggled so bad with not writing “shakes him like a man betrayed” here. it killed me not to. but in the end i prevailed (against, uh, myself. don’t think about it too hard.)
“Jeez, okay, he’s an F-rank!” “Eh?! Then why—” “He’s also got an SS-rank potential skill,” Hyunjae admits[...].
play-by-play of this scene because god if i draw any scene in this fic it would be this one just for the sheer hysterical nature of HYJ’s reaction:
HYUNJAE: he’s also got an SS-rank skill,
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secretpeachtea · 4 years
Onigiri Miya Tidbits Ch 2
Title: the duplicate
Genre: gen fic, reader insert
Word Count: 3.1k
Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.
disclaimer: manga spoilers
A/N: I know the twins (or anyone from Hyogo for that matter) have a very specific accent, but I have a bit of trouble translating that into my writing, so I hope you guys can still use and hear that accent when you read their dialogue!
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It’s been a little over a week since you’ve started working at Onigiri Miya, and thankfully, things have been going well. There have only been a handful of problematic customers, but you were able to handle them quite efficiently, much to Osamu’s satisfaction. You’ve even been able to get acquainted with your boss much more since it’s only the two of you working long shifts together. You can definitely say that things have been working out really well at your job.
Today is another typical day for you as you walk towards the entrance of the shop, ready to start another day of work. You had actually left your apartment a lot earlier than usual, so you were a bit surprised to see that the door was already unlocked since Osamu usually arrives on the dot. You’re a little concerned that you might’ve jumbled up your alarm this morning and was actually late, but your phone displayed the right time. Not wanting to prolong your anxiety, you slide open the door and meet an unexpected sight. 
Sitting at the counter is a man who looks like a carbon copy of your boss but with blonde hair. He’s sporting a mustard-colored tracksuit and is carrying a confident aura.
The stranger looks up and makes eye contact with you. There’s a brief air of silence before he breaks out into a wide grin. “Oh! Hey, new girl!” 
Not knowing how to respond, you just lift your hand awkwardly. “Um...hi?”
“I heard from a friend of mine that ‘Samu hired a new worker.” The blonde runs a hand through his hair. “Didn’t think you’d be such a cutie though.”
Before you even had time to react, your boss walked out of the storage room with a bag of rice on top of his shoulder. “‘Sumu, you got rice all over your chin.”
Miya Atsumu flushes red from embarrassment and proceeds to grab a napkin to clean his face. Now that you’re paying more attention to your surroundings, you notice that there’s an empty plate on top of the counter and you can assume that Osamu gave him food prior to your arrival.
“I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that this is your brother.” You shrug off your jacket as you walk further into the building and address Osamu casually.
“What gave it away? The nose or the ears?” Osamu jokingly teases as he shoves the bag of rice off his shoulders to one of the lower shelves. 
“You never told me you had a twin,” you respond with an equally playful tone.
“Never asked.”
You briefly glance to check the clock on the wall. “You’re here pretty early. Did I miss something?”
Your boss shook his head as he straightened up. He then pointed towards his brother who was just watching you two converse with intrigued eyes. “Nah. He’s here to eat something before practice and wouldn’t stop nagging me to make him something, which is why I’m here earlier than I should be, sleep deprived and all.”
“Sounds like you had a rough morning,” you laughed.
“Um, hello? I’m still here,” Atsumu interjected with a slightly sassy tone. “By the way, I didn’t catch your name, and your boss kept telling me to figure it out myself.”
You take a mental note at how petty your boss could be with his brother and stifle a laugh. “It’s (Surname) (Name).”
The corners of Atsumu’s mouth lifted upward. “Glad I could finally put a name to your face, (Name)-chan.”
Okay, you were definitely not used to someone calling you by your first name in such a casual manner, so you couldn’t stop yourself from getting a bit flustered. This did not go unnoticed by both twins, their eyes taking in the pink tint on your cheeks.
Not wanting to expose yourself any more than you already have, you look away and head towards the back room. “I’m just gonna go get ready really quick!”
Once you’ve put your things down and secured the apron around your waist, you walked back to the main room. The brothers have occupied themselves with other things in the meantime. Atsumu is scrolling through his phone with a bored expression, while Osamu is prepping the display case to get ready to open soon. You figured you should stay productive too and make your way to the fridge. You peek inside through the glass door and notice that there’s a shortage in beverages. 
You’re at a loss of words when both brothers set their gazes on you once again.
“Atsumu’s fine by me, sweetheart.” The blonde man smirks at your conflicted expression.
“Stop flirting with my employee. And, she wasn’t talking to you, you scrub.” Osamu sighed and brushed his hands on his thighs before turning his body to face you. “What’s up?”
“I think we forgot to pick up some drinks yesterday.” You pointed towards the bare shelves in the fridge. There were a couple green teas and carbonated drinks, but it definitely wasn’t enough to last the rest of the day. The last thing you’d want to do is disappoint any of the customers.
“Ah, shoot. You’re right. I was supposed to take care of that last night.” Your boss looks up at the clock and sees that there’s still some time before you have to open. “I’ll head out and bring those in really quick. You think you can babysit this guy for a bit?”
“Hey! I’m not a little kid!”
“Yup! Leave it to me!”
“Woah, woah! Hold up now!”
Completely ignoring his brother’s protests, Osamu leaves the shop in your hands to bring in the drinks from a convenience store a couple blocks down. This left you and Atsumu in each other’s company for the time being. Not really having much to do until the drinks come in, you just position yourself in front of the register as usual, checking to see if everything is set up correctly. Atsumu seems to take this as his cue to have a one-on-one chat with you. 
“So, what’d you do to get the job? Bribe? Save a life? Cast a spell?”
You tilt your head in confusion and blink once. “Huh? What do you mean?”
Atsumu raises his arms in emphasis. “‘Samu doesn’t just let anyone work here. This place is practically his child. Protects it at all costs. It’s the reason why it’s just been him for so long even though it can get pretty busy around here”
“Oh, uh, I just applied and he accepted me.” You would be lying if you said that you weren’t surprised when you found out that he was the only other worker when you got the job.
Feeling a bit uncomfortable over how Atsumu was practically trying to analyze you and borderline interrogate you, you try to switch topics. “Seems like you know your brother pretty well.”
“Yeah, it’s kind of inevitable when we share the same face. Although, I personally think I am the more good-looking twin.”
You sweatdropped. “Well, despite the way you look, you guys are definitely different in a lot of ways.”
“For sure! Sometimes we can be complete opposites!” Atsumu nods his head in agreement.
“Does that mean you’re a bad cook?” You take this opportunity to tease the blonde, but start to regret it after you see a competitive glint in his eyes.
“No way! I’m a great man in the kitchen! Just watch! I’m gonna whip up an onigiri that’s on par with that fool!” Atsumu stands up from his stool and marches over to the other side of the counter.
“That’s probably not a good ide-”
“Relax! I got this!” Famous last words.
As soon as Atsumu was in reach of anything on the work space, all hell broke loose. As he placed some sticky rice into his hands, his elbow knocked over an entire container of sesame seeds, while his other arm ripped a couple sheets of nori* during his attempt to catch the tumbling seeds. A couple eggs fell out of a carton that Osamu had left aside due to the ruckus, painting the floors with yolk, and somehow the rice on Atsumu’s palm had ended up splattering onto his chin. 
You watched everything unfold with distressed shock. “What are you doing?! Are you trying to get me fired?!”
“I didn’t mean to do that, I swear!” The clumsy man just furrowed his brows as he frantically tried to stop anything else from going wrong. Trying your best to calm him down and avoid making more of a mess, you closed the distance between you and held onto his forearms.
“Hey, calm down, or you might trigger something else. Let’s just clean this quickly before your brother comes back or we’re both good as dead.”
That surely got Atsumu’s attention and the two of you quickly began to clean up the mess. You grabbed the nearest cleaning cloth, while he took a hold of the trash can. In just a matter of minutes, the workstation was already starting to look as neat as it was before. If it wasn’t such a ridiculous situation, you could honestly say that you and him were a pretty good team when faced with Osamu’s potential wrath. 
It wasn’t until you were finished sanitizing the counter space did you notice the pieces of rice that were stuck on Atsumu’s face. “Hey, you still have some rice on your face.”
“Again?” He tries to wipe off his face with a napkin like he did before, while he occasionally asks you if he got everything. You point out the ones he misses, but he keeps missing one rice grain on the corner of his mouth. 
Feeling a bit impatient, you lean towards Atsumu and he stiffens his movements. “Here, let me help. Hold still.”
You cup his cheek with your fingers to make sure he doesn’t move. Using your other hand, you gently remove the last rice piece, your fingers lightly brushing over his bottom lip unintentionally. Atsumu just stays completely quiet as you do wonders to his poor heart. He even unconsciously leans into your touch, but you’re too focused on the task at hand to notice.
“Got it.” You give him a triumphant smile, but falter as you notice Atsumu’s expression which held a certain softness to it with something else you can’t quite pinpoint.
Atsumu snaps out of his trance when you let go of his cheek and his entire face heats up, red crawling up to the tips of his ears. You pull away and discard the rice into the trash.
Atsumu quickly turns his back towards you and wipes a small smudge on one of the containers, willing his heart to calm down from its fast beating. You think he’s acting a bit strange, but brush it off for now.
The only thing left to clean was the sticky floor. You’re about to mop up the egg remnants when you hear a voice call for your name at the front of the restaurant. “Hey, (Surname)-san! Can you open the door? My hands are kind of full.”
You and Atsumu look at each other with wide eyes, both realizing that you haven’t finished cleaning and Osamu was right outside the door. You hunch over and Atsumu mirrors you. Cue the furious whispering.
“What do we do?!”
“What do you mean, what do we do?! We gotta scrub the floor clean until he sees it!”
“But, he’s right outside!”
“Well you better figure something out, ‘cause if I don’t open that door right now, he’s gonna get suspicious!”
With that, you straightened up and made your way to the entrance, making sure to take your time with each step. You hear quite a bit of shuffling behind you but choose to pray that everything will work out. Once you reach the door, you slide it open for Osamu to enter. He was holding three boxes of drinks, the bulging veins in his arms indicated how heavy they were. 
“You sure took your sweet time.”
You laughed nervously. “Sorry about that. I was in the back room.”
When the two of you walk back to the counter, the blonde is nowhere to be seen. Thankfully, it seems like he was able to get everything done. The floor was spotless, maybe even a little too clean.
Suddenly you hear the bathroom door slam shut and turn your head towards the sound. Atsumu is walking out with slightly wet sleeves, so you assume that he just washed his hands. 
“You’re still here?” Osamu just gives his brother a blank look as he places the drinks down next to the fridge. “Don’t you have to go to practice soon?”
The other twin just shrugs his shoulders. “Eh. Not for like another hour.”
“Then, why the hell did you make me wake up so early to make you food?” One of Osamu’s eyes started twitching.
“I was hungry.”
Ignoring his brother’s bitterness, Atsumu sat at one of the stools near you and leaned his head against his arm. “(Name)-chan, you should try my favorite onigiri flavor!”
Your eyes light up at the mention of the first onigiri your boss made you. “Oh! The Minced Tuna and Spring Onion one right?”
Atsumu looked a bit surprised. “Yeah...how’d you know?”
“Your brother let me try it about a week ago after my shift.”
“Wait,” the man in front of you paused for a moment before a realization hit him. “You’re the reason why I had to eat cereal for dinner that one time?!”
You’re a bit stunned for a moment and direct your next question to Osamu who’s not even trying to hide his smirk. “I thought you said he’d get takeout?”
“Not my fault. This idiot dropped his wallet in the toilet and couldn’t remember where he kept his credit card.” Your boss just casually crosses his arms. “Turns out I conveniently forgot my wallet at the shop that day too.”
“Yeah, you made up for that today, you scrub,” Atsumu scoffs. You just watch the petty banter between the twins, discreetly enjoying their strange way of communicating.
Their conversation was interrupted when Atsumu’s phone vibrated indicating an incoming message. He checks his phone and quietly reads its contents before abruptly standing from his position and stretching. “Well, this was nice and all, but Bo-kun is asking for some extra spiking practice, so I’m gonna head out. I’ll be back soon, (Name)-chan, so don’t miss me too much!”
As Atsumu pocketed his phone, he leaned against the counter where you stood and held out a fist. “I had fun today.”
You laughed softly with a small smile on your face and reciprocated the fist bump. “See you around, Atsumu-san.”
The blonde just waved an arm at his brother, who couldn’t care less, and left without another word. Although, Osamu did nod his head in acknowledgement.
You didn’t think you’d have to deal with so much drama before the shop even opened, but at least you got to meet the brother with good taste.
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Today had been another successful day at work. There were quite a few customers and all of the onigiri sold out by closing time. You stretched your arms to relieve some of the tension from standing in the same position all day. Osamu seemed to be doing the same as he rolled his shoulders back and forth.
There was a lingering question that you’ve wanted to ask him since this morning. “Just out of curiosity, is your brother a volleyball player too?”
“Yeah. Do you remember that owl-looking guy from last week? They’re on the same team.”
“Oh, so that’s why you were pretty familiar with him.”
Osamu nodded his head. “I’m surprised the whole team hasn’t come in yet. They frequent this place since it’s convenient and has decent prices. You’ll probably meet all of them pretty soon.”
You just hummed at his words.You were ready to start sweeping and moved your arm in the direction of the broom. 
“My turn to ask, then.” Osamu stated. “What’d you guys talk about while I was gone this morning?”
You hand froze in the air. “With Atsumu-san?”
“The one and only.”
“Oh...um…” You tried to think of something to cover up any suspicions Osamu may have, but he was already on to you.
“He did something stupid.”
You looked at your boss in the eye and sheepishly laughed. Might as well just tell him the truth. “Maybe crack some eggs and ruin some rice?”
Osamu sighed. “I figured. I did think it was a little weird when I saw the trash half full when we hadn’t even opened yet. There was also a very conveniently placed newspaper at the very top covered in yolk. Not to mention the eggs shells tangled in the mop.”
You silently cursed at Atsumu’s carelessness, but didn’t hold it against him since you both were in a rush to get everything clean. Before you had the chance to defend yourself, Osamu spoke up once again.
“Glad you told me the truth though, or I might’ve fired you.”
Panic. You are struck with panic at the mention of possibly getting fired. Your mind reels with everything that could possibly go wrong in your life if you were to lose this job, but Osamu’s amused laugh cuts off your thoughts.
“I’m just messing with you. I know how insufferable ‘Tsumu can be when he sets his mind to something.” He pats your head lightly. “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on letting you go so easily.”
“Thanks, Miya-san.” You silently let out a small sigh of relief. There’s a short pause as the two of you just stand in place facing each other. Osamu looks a bit tense and turns his head away to look at the fake plant on the counter to his right.
You pause with bewilderment and look up to catch his eyes. “...what?”
He moves his arm to rub his neck and avoids your gaze. “You can call me Osamu.”
You hesitate a bit and take in Osamu’s shy attitude. “But, you’re my boss…?”
“I wouldn’t mind if you called me by my first name. P-plus my brother shows up way more than he should, so it’ll probably get confusing,” He quickly rationalized, but his red cheeks said otherwise.
At this point, you’re both a bit flustered. In any other situation, something like this probably wouldn’t be that big of a deal, but this conversation seems oddly intimate.
“O-okay. Then, you can call me by my first name too, O-Osamu...san”
“Sound good, (Name)-san.”
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Nori = the seaweed stuff
A/N: I know this is supposed to be a gen fic, but I couldn’t help but add in a bit of fluff when it involves the twins
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the-moon-prince · 3 years
The Last Of us~Kurapika x Reader ~Chapter IX
AN: Hi my lovely fellows!
I’m sorry for the delay! Thank you so much for your patience and support! I love you all! This chapter is very long. In fact, this and the previous one would be one, but it already had more than 5000 words and I had not finished yet, so it seemed exesive to me. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!
I wish you a pleasant read, and I hope you’ll enjoy the new chapter of my story.  (Chapter I) (Chapter II) (Chapter III) (Chapter IV ) (Chapter V) (Chapter VI) (Chapter VII)(Chapter VIII) (Chapter X coming soon!)
Paring: Kurapika Kurta x GN! Reader
Word count: 5 498
TW: None! Pure Fluff
They were both impatient and excited for that night. It gave (Y/n) a warm nostalgia to share something so close to their heart with someone they loved. It gave Kurapika the feeling of not only being appreciated but of belonging. He perfectly understood how important traditions were to people in their position. It was something that, in a way, connected them with who they once were and with those who once loved them. At the same time, it could bring grief and yearning for it.  That (Y/n) invited him to be part of one of their traditions meant two things, which were essential to Kurapika: the first, they were contented enough to carry out the celebration; the second, those sorts of events are held with family, and (Y/n) considered him sufficient bosom to show him their traditions.
The hours until check-out seemed tediously long for both. But everything comes sooner or later.
The two kept close to each other as they prepared to leave. 
Melody saw them from afar. She hadn't seen Kurapika so happy and delighted regarding something. It was so pleasant to see her friend gleeful after so much.
They were the last to leave the Nostrade Mansion, checking that none of their co-workers were present to go through the door holding hands. They did not let go during all the traject to (Y/n)'s automobile.
"I propose that we go to your house so you can prepare changes of clothes if you'd wish."-they orated, a clear eagerness on their voice. A tone that wouldn't leave their voice through all that night.
"That would be very convenient, thank you"-He too was happy but better at hiding it behind his calm tone.
They drove Kurapika to his residence, chit-chatting during the entirety of the route. Kurapika had promised him that he would not be long-drawn and they could wait for him outside to speed things up. However, once alone at home, a wave of insecurity hit him. Something not proper in him. He began to question himself. It was something important to both of them, and he didn't want, for whatever reason, to ruin it. He was afraid of saying something perhaps inappropriate, hurting his feelings, or insulting his culture by accident. There was a whole list of things that could go through carelessness and were annoying. If someone did such actions referring to some tradition of the Kurta, he would sure be mad. Above, (Y/ n) had not been very specific with the type of event it was. He did not know if he would have to dress formally, or in his traditional clothes. He began to get distracted and discredit the decisions he made. Finally, he changed into his Kurta clothing, packed in a sack another change of his traditional clothing, his white loose pajamas, and one of his black suits.
When he returned to the car with his belongings, (Y / n) was distracted on their phone. For someone who liked playing on his cell phone so much, he responded very little to messages and calls. When he put his bag in the back of the car he noticed some grocery sacks. Which he was sure weren't there before.
"Did you went to the supermarket while I was inside?"-Kurapika inquired. They looked away quickly solely to return their sight to him.
"Yes... I did."- They thought it was a bit explicit.
Kurapika felt bad about the time he must have taken-"Did I really took so long?"
(Y/n) shook their head-"No, no, no, I mean, it was a bit lengthy, but I took the opportunity to go buy what was required!"-they reassured with a smile.
"I'm sorry for being overdue."-he apologized with a sigh, holding his forehead.
"No no! Don't apologize! It's fine! We only gained time. Plus you avoided the dull line at the store."- they also started to shake their hands. Truly seeking to comfort him, they even found it handy.-"Please don't worry, it's perfectly fine."
Kurapika sat in the passenger seat, put the seatbelt on, and headed to (Y/n)'s residence.
"I hope you don't have any allergies to almonds, since I purchased to make an almond dessert."-their expression suddenly changed to a deadpan one. Realizing they didn't even ask beforehand that important detail.
"No no, I don't."-he notified. Curious about the variety of sweet it would be.-"Will you make desserts repeatedly?"-His sweetheart maybe literally was a sweet heart.
"Yes!"-they cheered-"Are you good at cooking by any luck?"-another question, but this one with a blameworthy tone and a somewhat ashamed smile.
"I master the basics, why that question?"- were they planning on cooking together?
"Because I am terrible when it comes to cooking. It's no coincidence that I only have cookies or candy in my cupboard."-They admitted with rectitude. That person sometimes had brutal honesty about some things. Kurapika was very sure that they were capable of feeling shame and shame, even seldom they seemed not to be ashamed of some things that most people would be ashamed of.-"So more or less I depend on your abilities for this to be successful."
When they arrived at the house, a comforting smell filled Kurapika's lungs. It was so pleasant and familiar by now. He felt at home and relaxed. (Y/n) put the shopping bags in her kitchen and started pulling out a wide variety of pastry supplies. If it weren't for their earlier confession, Kurapika would think they know what they're doing. In fact, he doubted if they even had any clues.
"What are we doing, then?"- he questioned, wanting to make sure they at least had a plan.
"We are making Frangipane! It is a sweet almond-flavored custard patisserie!"-when they mention dessert, they immediately smiled-"it is exquisite! I like it a lot, although I have not eaten for a long time. I hope you will enjoy it too!"- they flapped their hands with emotion as they explained. At first, it was somewhat difficult for Kurapika to decipher what they were feeling, however, there were moments where their happiness and emotion were clear. That was adorable to him.
"It sounds heavenly! How do we make it?" his excitement seemed to have infected him as well. But she couldn't help it! If his lover was so smiling, he was as well.
"I don't know!"-they said it was still content.
Trouble hit Kurapika. Even if he could tell what they were feeling, their mind was still a mystery.
"How do you plan to prepare it in that case?"-he pleased, worrying all the event will fail. He didn't want to see their excitement and joy crushed.
"My mami- mami is how I referred to my grandma- taught me how to make it. Though I forgot."-they calmed and tilted their head."-Except, that's no problem at all. Do you mind waiting for just a miniature moment, please?" they added directing to their bedroom. They allegedly had some solution to the problem. But Kurapika still wondered how they could be so forgetful and brilliant at the same time. 
(Y/n) returned shortly afterward with a little book in hand. The book seemed to be handmade, the cover was made of fabric with a flower pattern, except there was no title on it.
"My mami made a cookbook for me!"- they sang as they showed him the book. Kurapika took it and started leafing through it. Why didn't they mention that part earlier?-"Recipes are nothing further than a sequence of instructions. And in general, I exceed in following commands. So everything should be under control."
Kurapika might know a lot about many things, but the language the book was in was not one of them.-"Darling, I cannot comprehend what is written." 
"I know. The exact reason why I will be translating it."- they explained like the most coherent thing ever. He returned the cookbook. They started reading it, looking for the recipe they needed.
Both traveled to the kitchen and (Y/n) started to read out loud the recipe.
"Let's start with the dough! This is the longest of the processes, and you would want to start with it. It's an inverted puff pastry. For it, a base dough is needed. Which you are going to envelop in butter multiple times..."-the safety of their voice dispersed as they read.-"How does she expect me to do that..."-they mumbled for themselves, although Kurapika was able to hear it. It was just the beginning, and they were already distressed.
"But don't stress (Y/n) even if it appears complicated said like that, it's easier than you might think. You just have to follow the steps I'll be giving you."-they seemed surprised at that encouragement.
"Did... did your grandma wrote that?"-even he was surprised.
"Yes... I... I guess she knew me extremely well."- it even seemed their mami was in the room, knowing exactly how they were feeling.
"For the base dough, you need to mix 15cl of water with 18 grams of salt and one teaspoon of white vinegar." (Y/n) started to measure said ingredients while integrating them into an ample aluminum bowl and stirred. "With the wet ingredients already prepared, append 350 grams of white flour and 115 grams of melted butter and mix until homogeneity... I can do that."
They melted the butter in the microwave and added the flour, followed by a quick stir.
"Spread the dough on a surface with flour and form a tiny square."-they weren't bad at following instructions. Kurapika stayed next to them, admiring their focused face while passing ingredients and supplies. He was somewhat nervous they were going to miss the recipe by accident and feel bad, but they were having so much fun he ignored it.
"Behold! Our base dough is finished! It was simple!"-(Y/n) looked so proud of their achievement.
"It is a well-done dough!"-It was the first time that both of them prepared something similar, he couldn't help but feel equally satisfied.
The dough was placed into the refrigerator. The succeeding step was to mix 150grams of flour and 375 grams of butter until obtaining a paste. The two of them were having fun with the preparation of the dessert. Serenely conversing added joy at the night.
"Earlier this day, you mentioned today was important. Is there a celebration?"-the blonde wondered, aspiring to know more about his beloved's traditions.
Their smile softened-"It is. Today Vere Solstitium starts. It was a big celebration for the Uniliums taking place during spring. It lasted 12 days."-they informed while spreading the butter mixture into a bigger square and placing the dough inside, enclosing it.
"What was intended to be celebrated?"-he continued, as he saw the dough being spread and folded two times in half.
"Being alive and together. We were a small clan. The fact that they were all good and united made us fortunate."-they explained with a soft voice and a kind smile as they placed the dough in the fridge again to let it rest. There was a sad undertone, the object of the celebration sure was warming and pretty, but given the fact (Y/n) was the last alive, it turned to be dark. Both sat on the couch to wait.
"I see. Is there a reason why it was feasted in spring?"-Kurapika continued to ask, even if once reflected the circumstances were sad, it seemed to be a topic close to their heart.
"Because that's when all the flowers are in bloom."- (Y/n) unexpectedly rested their head on Kurapika's shoulder. Not that it was unpleasant, totally the opposite. He loved their contact and affection, it was just that (Y/n) was peculiar with physical contact. Not because they didn't love him with all their heart, they just needed to get used.
"My people had a close relationship with nature in general, but especially with flowers. Each flower has a meaning for us. And each of us had an assigned flower. That flower symbolizes your soul. Your entire aura lived in your flower and was part of it."-their voice was sweet and nostalgic. It did it good to share aspects so dear to them with someone they cherished. Similarly, Kurapika was glad to be capable of grasping that kind of information. When you lose your home, sharing your memories is complicated and beautiful at the same time. It felt less lonely.
"Do you have a flower?"- he guessed. Having the opportunity to hear about the culture of (Y/n) made him feel comforted. And if he didn't listen to them, who else would?
They looked up at him with a smile and nodded-"I do! I'm the poppy!"-they exclaimed-"It has a mixed meaning, a small wildflower often perceived as childish and frail. It's often related to dreams, daydreams. Besides is a flower formerly used as an analgesic and sedative. The poppy is a flower of comfort and hope, particularly comfort in times of penury."-they cocked their heads to the right a little-"Although it has not helped me much."- chuckling a little to hide their sadness.-"The other one, I don't fancy it that much, although I terminated up growing used to it. It also contains a meaning of aggressiveness and fury. There's why it's a flower surrounded by mysteries."
Possibly they do not see it, or they still grieving, but they had brought Kurapika hope and lessened his pain in the lowest moments. He adored their mystery. Having someone by his side loving and supporting him was like a dream. While they could be childish at times, it was invigorating to him.
How long has he not laughed? 
How long has it been since he felt blissful?
 How long has it been since he felt emotion ticking his senses? 
How long has he not felt any hope for the future?
One of the mysteries of (Y/n) was how they remained innocent and well-meaning after extremely much. Kurapika had no idea how they were so impassive, but he was so glad that they did. To him, the poppy suited them pretty great.
"I think it is a tad funny how the poppy is related to medicine and I ended up in this career!"-they joked. Maybe the flowers were connected to their soul after all.-"We better keep working on the cake."
Not even themselves knew the time that had elapsed since they started talking. Kurapika was amused by how (Y/n) could at times be quiet for hours, and listen with all the attention that each fiber of their body allowed them to give; in others be so talkative. In any case, he loved talking with them and listening to them.
"Now the fun part! The filling!"-they grinned, really radiant, even if it was a simple cake. And it was a simple cake. Only it went further.
"Isn't it a little early to make the filling?"-he asked, starting to worry about the resolution of their experiment once more. He had taken, perchance, the part of "I rely on you to succeed" far too literally. They shook their head and whimpered in disagreement.
"It may seem that it is, however it is more useful to have it ready to spare time. And if you let it rest it will taste greater."- they explained, the idea was not foolish so discussing it would lead to nothing.
"Let's boil milk! We need 150 milliliters and a hint of vanilla!"-they pronounced vanilla a bit weird, yet Kurapika did too. It was perhaps a shared trait in nonnative speakers.-"I absolutely savor milk! I believe it to be the superior beverage."-they stated pouring the milk into a saucepan, it looked never used. 
"Because you're a cat?"-A hint of a tease as well as a bit of genuine interest in the question.
"Probably! When I was little, I used to give choccy milk to my cat each time I had."-another weird frank response-"Next, whisk two egg yolks with 25 grams of sugar."
"You had a cat? As a pet? Considering that you are a cat, it would not be bizarre to have one as a pet?"-He had no idea that (Y/n) had former pets, even fewer cats. A bit uncanny to own a miniature version of yourself as a pet.
"Mmm..."-they shook their heads from side to side in uncertainty-"Not really. Humans make friends with other humans. An accompaniment animal is just a friend or an adoptive member of your family. The difference is that since it is another species, humans treat it as inferior."- they exposed their point of view, as they quickly whisked.
"I think you are right."-he mumbled, feeling a bit ridiculous. After all, wasn't that the reason why they had been exterminated? The person in front of him was not even human; and yet they seemed to possess a more comprehensive notion of humanity than many humans.
"Sunshine, would you mind passing me the cornstarch, please?"-their request pushed kurapika out of his reflection.
"Sure, how...how much?"- he vacillated.
"15 grams, please."-he poured the cornstarch into a small jar and passed it to them.
"Thank you!"-they continuously added the starch into the mixture. It felt so homely to cook together.
Kurapika remembered seeing his mother cook, accompanying her in the kitchen and sometimes passing her some things. (Y/n) remembered how they liked to sit in the breakfast nook's chairs to read while their grandmother prepared meals that they still remember nowadays with affection.
"Now that the milk is boiling, we add it to the yolk mixture, and we return it to the saucepan!"-they announced.-"It says we have to be careful and to stir continuously until the custard thickens."
"At the Solstitium celebrations, what different activities did you used to do?"-the blonde continued to ask with a soft smile. He loved to hear his beloved's memories.
"Oh! We had a lot of activities! Some carried out by the different groups for the rest: Dogs and wolves had a chorus howling to the moon, rabbits, and deers their dance. I participated in the ball of cats and mice, but I was the only cat, which converted it rather the cat and mice dance."-they gushed, happy words flowing like honey.-"At those parties, we wore beautiful and distinctive gears. They were bright and full of embroidered flower decorations. We all got united to dance and roar around bonfires, the children drew pictures, made flower crowns, and presented plays, music was played. But what I loved the most was the spring dance. The participants gathered around a noble flower decor and we danced holding hands and ribbons until we could no longer stand. The last one to hold, for enduring all the dance, he was named spring's royalty! And had an honored seat during the rest of the celebration."-They continued to whip the cream until cooked, a soft expression never leaving their face. Once removed from the heat they added a tablespoon of butter and left to rest in the refrigerator.
Kurapika would have loved to see (Y/n) dance. A real shame. At least he already knew why they always used some embroidered flower decoration.
"Are you ready to make the almond cream?"-they continued, persistent in their crusade for the dessert.-"Kurapika, please put two entire eggs in a bowl, 100 grams of sugar, 125 grams of almond powder, and 100grams of soft butter, please. I'll mix it."-(Y/n) requested as they washed their hands. You couldn't tell they cooked poorly, but some practice was lacking, resulting in some spattering. Kurapika obliged their request, it was not uncommon for one to ask the other to do things. They didn't usually argue about "who was in the lead"; it was stupid. They just helped mutually.
"Hunny bun!"-another pet name (Y/n) liked. But how couldn't they? Kurapika was sweet as one! Hearing the honeyed name he came to them -"Here!"-The container with the almond cream was brought to his face. A very sweet smell filling his nose.-"It smells good, doesn't it?"-they bragged with a bright smile. 
He smiled too, seeing someone you love happy, spreads happiness.-"I can't deny that it smells delightful! We made nice work, darling."
"And we have not finished yet! The final result is even more scrumptious."-they announced.
(Y/n) stared a moment into the sticky sweet cream filling. They then directed silently towards their lover, resting a moment, supporting his weight on the counter. they took some of the mixture with two of their fingers and smeared it on his face.
"Boop!"-they started to laugh at the boy's face of surprise. They had already made some plays, but never pranks before. Oh! It was better for him to get accustomed to it, they were mischievous sometimes!
"Hey! Why did you do that?"-he of course faked some anger, but couldn't hide his smile.-"Come here! I will get revenge on you, sneaky cat!"
They screeched covering their smile with both hands. Kurapika started chasing them around the kitchen, as they slipped away and they avoided his grasp. They were there for a while. At one point, (Y/n) even got on all fours in their cat form as they jumped and ran from side to side just to complicate the situation for him. They eventually ran out of air and ended up getting caught.
"No, no, no, no!"-they started producing noises between hissing and laughing. Having them already in his grip, Kurapika cleaned the almond cream from his features with his hand and stamped it on their face. (Y/n)'s first reaction was to shrug their shoulders executing a grimace, wrinkling their face with a weird smile to next shook their head to the sticky foreign sensation.
"You asked for it (Y/n)! I told you I will get a payback!"-he mocked. It felt so gratifying to play a little!
"Jokes on you, my dear. I'm a cat!"-they snickered back, with their wands on the hips. They proceeded to wipe the candy with the back of their hand and lick it.-"Mouthwatering!"
They both laughed out loud, forgetting for a brief moment full of joy all their sorrows and desolations.
"You got fortunate. I want to taste it too. Let's finish the tart."-he smirked after giggling.
"It appears perfectly fair to me! We just have to incorporate the custard into the almond cream and the filling will be ready."-they continued to chuckle.
"And then we bake it?"-he inquired, really wanting to taste the dessert, it was merely the filling, but the smell was appetizing.
"I wish that, my love. But in the book, it says we must leave the dough rest some more time."-was the answer, accompanied with a light head shake. They had already calmed down completely.
"In that case, I will go sit down a moment."-Kurapika was starting to feel drained. It was late at night, and they had had a heavy day.
"Then I will prepare tea, is that okay?"-they said softly, realizing their weariness.
Between the warmth of the tea, the comfort of the armchair, and the feeling of peace the sleepiness grew in him. It was good at home. He didn't even realize he fell asleep.
Kurapika felt a poke on his right cheek and a sweet smell.
"Kurapika."- a whispering voice sang.-"My love, the frangipane is ready!"
His head was resting on the back of the chair. When he opened his eyes, he discovered a (e/c) pair with dilated pupils looking at him tenderly. He raised his head and looked around. As he looked down, he observed a padded blanket covering his body.
"You feel asleep."-(Y/n) whispered to him so as not to stun him.-"But the cake is ready and warm."-their eyes looked a bit tired too. A patisserie sitting on the coffee table in front of him. The cake was round, golden, and shiny. The crust had some simple flower-carved motif.
His lover was sitting by his side, waiting with an impatient stare and a smile. Kurapika sat back in his spot. (Y/n) approached the pastry and cut two pieces, placing them in round candy plates, passing him his share. It was two layers of golden puff pastry with a light almond luscious filling in-between. It had a sweet, buttery aroma. 
He grabbed the spoon and took a taste of the desert. The top was crispy and buttery, and the interior creamy, sweet and soft, a little fruity. It was a delicious homey and beloved flavor, as from an unknown childhood.
(Y/n) watched him waiting impatiently for his answer.
"It's deletable."-he smiled.
Then, they took a spoonful of cake. "Yummy!"-Immediately flapping their hand in happiness while savoring the candy.-"We did it! It tastes just like I remember."-they approved with a smile.-"My mami always doing what I can't, even believing in me when I don't."-they laughed.
"She left you a good recipe."-he assured.
"I'm certain she's proud of us in this precise moment."-they added, looking down at their plate.
"Did you do the flowers?"-Kurapika wondered, examining the crust of the tart.
(Y/n) hummed and nodded in confirmation-"With a scalpel!"
It made sense that they were skilled with blades, they were doctors after all.
"I used to eat this very often with my brother."-they mentioned taking another nibble of cake.
"You had a brother?"-he was surprised, they never had suggested the existence of siblings before.
"Not as such."-they tilted their heads, reflecting a way to describe it-" We were offsprings from different parents. Though we were both only children. In our community, in these cases, we were assigned a symbolic sibling. The fraternity was for taking care of each other."-The Kurta Clan didn't have something equivalent, but from what little they had mentioned, the Unilium were also a tiny community. Depending on their unison to preserve and care for each other. That practice, within its private Clan's rules, made sense.-"His name is Julian, he was a dog. As I was raised by wolves, by right of blood, I belonged to the order of wolves. Canis Lupus and Canis Lupus Familiaris, by proximity. Moreover, as we were from litters of just two years apart, we got joined."
Of the two, perhaps it was (Y/n) who spoke less about their origins and Clan. Kurapika had already mentioned, albeit vaguely: Pairo, his grandfather, and some adventures of the Lusko province. It also cannot be overlooked that (Y/n) liked to ask questions about it and always listened to him with application and interest in the subject. They generally cared about learning about the Kurta.
"And the cats? Didn't you had your order?"-he pondered, it was his turn to learn.
"Something similar. I was the only cat... I mean, not because it's something special, there just hasn't been a cat in a while. Finally, it was my turn."-they shared.-"The method of organization was somewhat tricky. If your parents were of a different race than yours, you belonged to their order; having been raised by them. Like a blood right, in that manner, no one was left without an order."-they specified once more-"The proximate orders were united. It was not a caste system, only that rabbits did not have the same abilities and dilemmas as wolves, for example. Having someone who had been through the same or similar as you eased."
They were silent for a few seconds, remembering. Kurapika wanted to ask more about their brother although he wasn't sure if it was convenient.
"Julian was a nice dog."-they looked down and stared at the tart piece a moment, with a trembling smile. Maybe they felt Kurapika's curiosity about the case. Perhaps they just wanted to remember him, who knows. But he started talking as if he knew accurately what was on the other person's mind.
"Poor him, they forced him to babysit me!"-they laughed, easing again-"His favorite food was egg sandwich."-they snickered-"Isn't that weird? One would expect something else..."-they continued to chuckle-"I don't know, something special. Some pasta, some stew, but no, just that. I mean, it was beneficial for me. Extorting him with food was pretty easy."- They always had been sneaky and playful after all! 
After that joke, they were silent for another moment. Kurapika wanted to say something to cheer them up, he had to. They continuously did. But they got ahead of him, speaking just as he opened his mouth.
"Kurapika, please wait here, I have something for you!"-they begged, heading to their kitchen. It didn't take long for them to come back with a large bouquet of beautiful flowers of different colors. The flowers were placed in several layers in long stems. They sat down next to him and offered them to him with a gentle and bashful smile. Kurapika had a surprised expression. He was not expecting a gift, less so unexpectedly.
(Y/n) avoided his gaze looking at the bouquet and tilting their head.
"They are gladioli."-they stated softly-"Its general symbolism is that of innate elegance. Its structure resembles that of a sword, recalling victory and strength. As well as the sources of ideals and honor."-they began to explain-"I also selected certain particular colors. White gladioli besides symbolize remembrance; oranges to others furthermore are an invitation to love; reds are for passion and strength of the spirit; finally, pink are a sign of good wishes. Gladioli are also known as the flower of victory."-their face was burning.-"I offer them to you as a genuine symbol of appreciation and love." Kurapika took the flowers and stared at them. He carefully touched the fragrant petals; they were fine. He was extremely touched by the gesture. He felt accepted and supported. The gift was overflowing with love and care, it was honoring. 
"Thank you (Y/n), they are precious."-he was not sure how to express all the warm feelings that were flooding him at that moment, and the drowsiness did not do him any favors-"thank you, dearly."- He had an immense desire to hug them, to hold them close and never let go.
"Kurapika, you're exhausted."-they delicately remarked, smiling lovingly-"We should go to bed, sorry for keeping you awake."-They got up and gathered the supplies before Kurapika could respond.
"No, it's okay. I'm fine."- he tried to reassure them when they came back.
"It's still 2:43 am. the most suitable thing is to go to sleep."- they couldn't deny they were tired as well.
"I suppose your right..."-he didn't had much force left, the tiredness was taking over.
They both marched to the bedroom. The bed was full of stuffed animals like last time. (Y/n) directed themselves to the bathroom.
"I'll use the restroom a moment if you don't mind."-they announced. 
"Are you taking a shower at this hour? Is it needed?"-he asked astonished. It was quite late and they seemed fatigued.
"Mmm... something alike, is intricate to explain. Although I promise I'm not going to delay."-they explained getting into the bedroom. Kurapika took advantage of that time to change clothes and put on his loose white pajamas. 
As promised, they didn't took long. When they came back with slightly damp hair, the blonde had barely had time to arrange all his belongings and was getting into bed.  (Y/n) got into bed on the same side as last time. This time they took the initiative and approached Kurapika, cupping his face. It was one of those rare moments when they looked into his eyes. He took those opportunities to admire their (e/c) catlike eyes. They were special and wonderful to him. They said nothing. (Y/n) slowly approached him and gave him a shaky kiss. It was the first time they had kissed him on the lips. The order of events in the relationship may not be the conventional ones. But Kurapika was aware that close physical contact costed them. He didn't mind taking it carefully either, it was worth it to him. It was a quick kiss. He leaned forward and kissed them again. They tasted sweet. Both finally leaned on the bed, close to each other, putting their faces together. (Y/n) slightly rubbed their cheek against his before snuggling. Holding him tight, they started to pet Kurapika's soft blonde hair.
"Goodnight darling." He whispered, feeling so loved, and being overcome by sleep.
"Goodnight sunshine"-they muttered back-"I'm assured they would have too loved you..."
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Summary of the new dates
🍒Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for dates which have not been released in English servers!🍒
I received an ask regarding what’s in Gavin’s Surprise Date, which is part of this collection:
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I’ll be translating them properly eventually, but only in mid-July because I still need to clear the dates that came out earlier 😂
In the meantime, if you’re really curious, I’ve created bullet-point summaries for the dates! They barely include dialogue and I cut out certain parts of the plot, but they’re still pretty substantial.
Update: Full date translations are up! You can find them in my masterlist :>
BEFORE WE BEGIN, I should temper your expectations - in this collection, MC and the boys are still getting to know each other. It’s a huge leap backwards in their relationship, so don’t be surprised if they don’t seem as close as we’re used to!
Gavin’s Surprise Date
MC and Gavin agreed to meet in a cafe to discuss work-related issues
While MC is waiting, Gavin calls and tells her an accident cropped up so he would be late
MC feels uneasy, but it gets worse when she overhears two ladies, who just entered the café, talking about a “tall and handsome man” protecting a small boy who was being bullied
Hmm sounds like Gavin
MC goes out to find him, and sees Gavin pummelling the daylight out of the bullies
[Cue the CG]
After the bullies run for their lives, Gavin takes her to an elderly woman’s house. But not before nagging at how dangerous it was for MC to be at the scene
The elderly woman is the grandmother of the boy who got bullied
Precious little boy sees Birdcop as his role-model
The elderly woman thanks them with something called “糖人” – it’s a sugar-molded candy on a stick
After they leave, they decide to sit on a bench to eat the sweet before it melts, but one part of the bench is wet
Gavin, always the gentleman, offers to stand so she can sit
MC feels bad so she convinces him to sit anyway
So they squish together on the bench
She laughs at how Gavin is utterly destroyed because he doesn’t know how to eat the sweet
Blushy Gavin makes an appearance
MC finds it interesting that she saw many sides of Gavin today - a fierce Gavin during the fight, a tender and respectful Gavin when they visited the elderly woman and the boy, and the Gavin who can’t eat a sweet properly
It’s a peaceful evening
The end
Lucien’s Seminar Date
Brace yourselves
MC prepares to attend a “Children’s First-Aid Knowledge Seminar” in school
Lucien is the guest speaker
She arrives early, goes to the library, and sees Lucien is sleeping so she sits in front of him and quietly observes
He wakes up eventually and they head to the seminar together
Cute innocent kids!
Lucien gives the cute innocent kids their first existential crisis!
He tells them about how life is a complicated question in which we gain the answers as we grow older...
After that, MC and Lucien teach the kids how to do CPR
No, they don’t kiss. He brought a dummy model.
And then he dives into an angsty dialogue about death…
All the children start bawling
Lucien gets out a first-aid kit and we dive into another angsty dialogue about how birth, maturity, aging, and death are all part of life…
The children calm down because Lucien’s voice is smooth
Then he takes out sweets from his angst-filled pocket and hands them out to the children, including MC
[Cue the CG]
After the children leave, Lucien dives into yet another angsty dialogue about how humans are constrained by the rules of life and death…
MC gets sad because she thinks about her dad
Lucien hugs her in a platonic manner and pats her back
Lucien says his usual cryptic stuff
“Having someone to miss is a happy thing.”
MC gets curious about Lucien
The end
Kiro’s Sweet Date
To prepare for an upcoming shoot, Kiro needs to build up more muscles
He invites MC to train together with him
Kiro’s logic: Just as they eat tidbits together, they should suffer together as well
As they work out and chat, MC realizes that Kiro is much more hardworking and dedicated to his work than she thought
“When I think about my fans and about how I decided to take this path, I will keep persevering no matter what. I have to do it.”
The shoot arrives, and MC finds out that the theme is sweets
MC thinks it’s going to be all cutesy and innocent
But she’s in for a big surprise.
“Could you be… slightly sexier?” says the photographer
[Cue the CG]
Kiro licks cream off his finger instead of using a tissue like a regular person
MC turns into a blushy mess
After the shoot and interview are over, Kiro splits the cake with MC as an award for their strict training regimen
The end
Victor’s Warm Date
MC and Victor have gone overseas for a business exchange program. Goldman was supposed to accompany Victor, but couldn’t make it due to plot convenience
There’s a heavy snowfall. The road is blocked so they’re stuck at the meeting location
Remember, these dates are happening when MC and the guys are still getting to know each other
So the Victor in this date is pretty merciless with his remarks, and isn’t as tender or close to MC as we’re used to
They decide to walk out to the main road in the mini blizzard so they can board the car
MC and Victor each carry an umbrella
But both MC and the umbrella are weak so Victor gives up and literally bundles her up in his coat instead
In the car, MC thinks about how Victor actually has a soft side -gasp what a surprise-
After MC returns to her hotel room, she discovers she forgot to pass Victor a document
When she visits Victor, MC literally pauses to enjoy the view of a messy haired Victor with his top buttons not functioning the way they should
Victor tells her to wait inside while he pores over the documents
He also pours her tea after she sneezes
Victor sent his coat (the one he bundled MC up in just now) to be washed, so MC gets worried about his health
She runs back to her room to get the Bunny Blanket™
After some cute banter, she sets her inner Shaw loose and boldly drapes the blanket over Victor
Victor acts on reflex at the suddenness of her action and accidentally pulls MC onto his fine c h e s t
“You are very bold”, Victor says
They lapse into a comfortable silence and MC ogles at Victor just like how we all ogle at the CG
[Cue the CG]
“What are you looking at?”
“At you… I mean, the snowy scenery outside the window!”
Victor hears it
“You’re looking at it so seriously. You must really like this snowy scene.”
The end
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tang-wei · 4 years
ONS Guren LN Vol 1 Chapter 5 Part 1 translation~
Title: War and Convenience Stores
Translator: @tang-wei​
Raws: Chinese
If you feel the need to re-read the whole series again, the masterpost is here
Important note: Because the previous sources for Volume 1 have been taken down/ made unavailable, I am translating this for the sake of fans who are not able to purchase a copy of the official English translation that is available. If you enjoy Guren’s story, then please support the author by buying the novel!  
“Nooow now, from tomorrow there will finally be the start of the weekly Academic Acceleration Examinations!” The female teacher said as she wrote on the blackboard.
The Academic Acceleration Examinations is in summary, “that”. It seems to be an exam where students fight their classmates directly, and the strong and weak are separated. This of course does not determine everything, but plays a large component in the evaluation. Thus, some of the people in class became a bit more flustered. 
Shinya, who was sitting next to Guren, said. 
“That’s great... for the people who don’t fight seriously but manage to avoid expulsion, this must be relaxing.” 
Hearing this, Guren turned toward Shinya and replied.
“Is the guy who tried to kill me with one strike, also feeling restless?”
“Haha, who asked you to not dodge it? Speaking of which, you really didn’t avoid my attack?”
Shinya looked over, and slowly inched closer.
“You staunchly took my attack. You must really be that stupid, if not you must be…”
“Powerless trash? Truthfully, I’m the latter. You’ve overestimated my power.”
“People who say that about themselves are the scariest, though that’s just me talking from experience.”
“You’re too cautious. Do you really think that a monster that you can fight on par with you would appear? Aren’t you the one that was chosen by the Hiiragis — to be Mahiru’s fiance?”
“But, at least I didn’t get chosen. If we’re comparing this, there’s nothing about me worth your attention, no?
So Guren had said it.
And Shinya laughed.
“You… If you really weren’t acting, then you are really too negative.”
“That’s how I am.”
“Haha, looking at you, which part does Mahiru like about you?”
Unable to understand, Shinya asked Guren.
Guren took one look at Shinya, before turning his attention back to the teacher.
The teacher was still explaining the situation with the examination. If even one person from the class got eliminated, it would affect the teacher’s evaluation, so everyone needed to do their best.
At this moment, Shinya said again.
“Ah, right, I heard you and Mahiru met again?”
“Ah, what happened? Patched things up with her?”
Regarding this question, Guren replied without looking at Shinya.
“Nothing much.”
“Ah, you don’t need to worry about my feelings. Even though we’re engaged, we aren’t lovers.”
“By the way, let me tell you something, since she has met with you, she hasn’t been seen much and her mood isn’t good. What happened?”
It seems that Mahiru and Shinya had already met.
To this, Guren smiled a little and then replied,
“……She was disappointed with how weak I am.”
Shinya looked at Guren with a look of helplessness.
“You really are negative, aren’t you?”
“Really? If you find it detestable, then you can stop talking to me about it?”
Shinya smiled helplessly.
Guren chose not to see it.
The female teacher was still tapping the blackboard,
“Whatever it is, you must not lose to the students in the other classes! Dismissed!”
Just nice, the dismissal bell rung.
At the same time, all the students stood up. Some went home. Some chatted with friends. Some cleaned the classroom.
This school didn’t have any club activities. If there was free time, everyone would choose to engage in learning and practicing various spell casting techniques.
When the class ended, guren unhooked his bad from his table, and stood up.
And Shinya, who was next to him,
“Ah, shall we go together?”
He extended an invitation,
“Go die.”
Guren respectfully refused.
And then he looked out the classroom door. His two attendants could be seen, quietly looking over.
Sayuri noticed Guren.
“Ah, ah, Guren-sama!”
She said as she waved her hand.
Shigure, who was by her side, said.
“Don’t be like that, Guren-sama has said that if we attract too  much attention, he would kill us. You’ll make him angry again.”
Shigure furiously stopped Sayuri. She then looked over at Guren, head bowed in apology.
Without even trying, they had already caught everyone’s attention.
“When we get back I’ll give you a lecture...”
Guren muttered under his breath.
Seeing this, Juujo Mito who was still in the classroom, looked over with a glare.
“Gosh, you really brought two women to be your attendants, the Ichinoses are really cowardly.”
The other students laughed.
Then Goshi Norito spoke.
“That's right, that's right. And such beautiful women. Anyways, you should introduce them to me.”
He said as he walked over.
The students at the side had an expression where they didn’t know if they should be laughing or not.
Because in this class, Hiiragi Shinya, Juujo Mito, and Goshi Norito, whether it’s ability or family standing, they are all within the top four.
Speaking of the top four, there was another girl from the Sangu Family, Sangu Aoi. Her personality is quiet, and once class was over, she immediately went home.
Not speaking of that now, as the three from distinguished families reacted differently to Guren’s cheeky attitude. The other students didn’t know what kind of attitude to adopt towards him.
Of course, the students from the other classes, the seniors, and the teacher’s attitudes didn’t change much from before, so the level of harassment did not decrease.
Goshi came closer with an air of frivolity.
“I say, Ichinose. Of the two, which one do you have a relationship with?”
Hearing that absentminded question, Guren looked at Goshi.
“What? I thought you guys would not associate with the low and dirty Ichinose family?”
“Beautiful women are another story.”
“What kind of logic is that?”
“Just be honest. So which of them? Your followers? The ones that are always being talked about? Do they also serve in the bedroom?”
Mito’s face turned extremely red in anger.
“Goshi! How crass! Don’t say such disgusting things in the classroom?!”
Sayuri, who was standing outside the classroom also said anxiously,
“Y-yes! Please don’t say such strange things! Guren-sama hasn’t even done anything to me!”
Sayuri shrieked indignantly.
The classroom became absolutely silent.
Then, a look of surprise appeared on Goshi’s face.
Mito was looking over with an expression on her face that was as if she saw a terrifying animal.
However, Shinya looked like he was enjoying this.
“Hey, Guren. This matter, can I tell Mahiru about it?”
Guren sighed loudly, and walked out of the classroom.
“Ah... I’m going home first.”
At this time, Goshi’s voice floated from behind.
“Oi Ichinose. The Ichinose are really very sly. If you’re going to be playing with women, you should bring one for me too.”
All these slanderous things were said, but Guren ignored it.
He left the classroom.
Shigure lifted her head to look at Guren.
“About that, I will make sure to properly teach Sayuri a lesson……”
“As you should.”
Guren replied.
As for Sayuri,
“Eh? Eh?”
She was looking around in a confused manner, and Guren walked past her on his way out.
But as soon as Guren walked out into the corridor, he realised that he couldn’t just easily go home.
Because opposite the corridor, he could feel a strong killing aura.
However, Guren didn’t react to this aura. He still needed to act the part of a weak, useless, stupid character.
Without a doubt, any bystander would have felt it too. Irregardless if it were Sayuri or Shigure, they who trained relentlessly in order to protect Guren, would have definitely felt it.
Therefore they reacted to the killing aura.
But Guren said quietly,
“Don’t anyhow move. Let me.”
He ordered
“Ah? But-”
Shigure, who was standing behind him to the right, was surprised at his words, raised her head to look at Guren.
But by that time, someone aimed a kicked at Guren’s head.
He yelled out, tumbling down in a sorry state. He rolled on the ground. And then held his head and looked up. He looked in the direction of his attacker.
As far as he could see, a man who led a group of followers was standing there.
Beneath his tea-coloured hair, a pair of narrow snake-like eyes. His lip was pierced. The guy joked in a condescending manner,
“Ah, sorry sorry, my foot just slipped.”
In an instant, the bystanding students laughed.
Shigure was unable to control her anger,
“You bastard!”
She stepped forward angrily. With clenched fists, she threw a punch at the guy with the pierced lip.
Guren wanted to stop her, but at that moment, her fist was grabbed by a girl who was standing behind the guy with the pierced lip.
Shigure was a little shocked. Of course she would be. That punch was considered fast. But yet, it was stopped by that female student. That student said,
“Hey, do you know what you’re doing? That person standing there is Hiiragi Seishiro-sama!”
Looks like the guy with the piercing is someone with the Hiiragi name.
At this school, he is someone with an almost god-like status.
The female student continued.
“You dare to raise a hand to Seishiro-sama, the nerve……”
But, Seishiro interrupted her.
“Enough, Yumi. Either way, the trash from the Ichinose probably won’t be able to understand you. Livestock like these should be taught though our fists.”
Saying this, he raised a hand.
Shigure reacted instantly. She wanted to deflect Seishiro’s hand, but,
“Haha, too slow shorty.”
Seishiro’s fists were faster.
To be honest, it was impossible for Shigure’s speed to beat.
Guren stood up, ready to stop Seishiro’s fists, but all of a sudden, he froze.
Because, Seishiro’s fist was grabbed by someone else.
Looking over, it turned out to be Shinya, who had just walked out of the classroom.
Shinya, still holding on to his fist, said.
“Seishiro-sama…… with your high status, making such a scene in public by beating up delicate ladies from the Ichinose, if such news were to spread, it would embarrass the family name..”
Seishiro glared at Shinya.
“Hah? You bastard, how dare an adopted son object to my actions.”
“…… I deeply apologise. But......”
“No buts.”
Seishiro withdrew his fists. Then raised them again. And hit Shinya squarely on his face.
Shinya didn’t dodge it. With a loud thud, his lips started bleeding.
Seeing this, Seishiro laughed.
“Haha, what a good choice. No matter what, you couldn’t have beat me.”
“Only because of your sensibility, my father chose you to be Mahiru’s fiancé. You had better realise this.”
“…… Yes.”
“That’s right, since you two are in the same class, tell me. Is that Ichinose rat really powerful? In the second stage of the sorcery exam, my opponent is him....”
So this was the reason.
So that was why Seishiro was here. To test Guren’s strength before the exam.
Shinya replied.
“…… Initially, I thought he would be very powerful…… Since he is the next candidate for the head of the Ichinose family, he must hold a certain level of ability.”
Then Shinya looked over. His stare was harsh and cold.
“But I’m afraid I overestimated him. Whether it was his female attendants being hit…… or that his comrades had gotten injured, like trash, he doesn’t do anything. Basically, it is the decline of a second-rate family.”
His voice was full of disdain.
Hearing this, Seishiro laughed.
“Haha, what is this? So this is the result. Turns out the Ichinose are all trash. I heard when your father studied at this school, he always trembled in fear when he walked these corridors…… You’re just like him eh.”
Seishiro’s followers also laughed.
The people in class also came out to laugh at Guren. Perhaps when they saw the sudden turn in Shinya’s attitude, they finally understood what kind of attitude they need to have towards Guren.
Seishiro lifted his leg and started to walk away.
“Ah, whatever. How lame. Weak to the point it’s not even fun to play with. Let’s go.”
All the students laughed again.
Calling the Ichinose weak and useless, they continued to laugh mockingly.
As expected, Goshi who was standing in the corridor, looked over with pity in his eyes.
“Oh dear oh dear, you’ve become such lowly trash. Turns out someone who can’t even protect ladies is unreliable.”
Furthermore, Juujo Mito,
“…… Not even one bit of reaction.You were humiliated to that extent, but you don’t feel any shame?”
She shouted angrily.
But the one who replied to her was Guren, who had a look of turmoil on his face.
“…… The people in my family said to never go against the Hiiragis.......”
“Then, if they told you to die, are you going to die too ?!”
There was no reason why she was speaking so loudly. Then, with this look of frustration, Mito left angrily.
Guren blankly watched her walk away, and then stood up.
At this time, the surrounding students, perhaps having lost interest in this messy affair, slowly began to leave.
Except for one person.
Only Shinya, still looking at Guren, spoke.
“It looks like you really are an uninteresting person.”
“My bad for having expectations.”
“…… Don’t hold your breath.”
“Ah, you’re right. Towards someone with no ability, a lowly piece of trash, it was wrong for me to have any expectations.”
“Forget it. Don’t ever come looking to talk to me again……”
Guren interrupted him.
“The one who first came looking to talk to me, was you.”
Shinya stared at him coldly, and replied
“Ah ah, that seems to be the case. Then, not just me, but don’t approach Mahiru as well.”
“You don’t have that right. Originally, this school isn’t a place where people with no awareness or ability could come. With Mahiru at this school…… those who don’t even have the strength to fight, shouldn’t be here.”
A lecture.
A guy who doesn’t even try, is completely unworthy of appearing before Mahiru.
Guren also agreed with this.
People with no strength are unable to raise their heads proudly. Because in this world, to get what you want, one needs to have sufficient strength.
Even to laugh without worry, one needs to have enough strength.
And now, there is still insufficient power.
At least, he didn’t have it yet.
The power to defeat the Hiiragis, he did not even have one drop.
So, Guren replied.
“Then what should I do? I also don’t want to be here. I knew that in this place, there won’t be a moment for me to be at ease. But the Hiiragis called for me to come. So I followed the order. If that was wrong, then tell me, what should I do so that you guys will be satisfied? What do you want me to do?”
He spat out these foolish questions.
He showed his weakness in front of Shinya.
And then, he saw Shinya, from the bottom of his heart, show an expression of utter hopelessness.
But, that was all to it.
Without a word, he turned around and left.
The only ones left in the corridor were Guren, Shigure, and Sayuri.
The will no longer be anyone else who would take notice of Guren and his friends. All they turned out to be, are the trash they originally were. Turned out to be dirty Ichinose rats that had no right to associate with Shinya, Mito and Goshi.
At this moment, Shigure opened her mouth to speak.
“This, this was because I was too weak…… I apologise.”
Sayuri also asked, embarrassed,
“B-but, is there really a need to endure these kinds of things? Guren-sama actually.......”
And Guren replied softy,
Hearing her name being called, she stopped.
With a look of intense concentration, Sayuri was trying to control her expression, but in the end, she couldn’t control it, and tears started to come out.
Guren watched all of this,
In the situation where the master was being made fun of, and the subordinate was crying as they could not take it,
“…… I’m sorry.”
That was all he could say.
However, Sayuri anxiously shook her head.
“Ah, ah, no, no this……this is only because some sand got in my eye……”
By the side, Shigure looked on with astonishment.
“No one would believe that kind of excuse.”
“Uwah uwah uwah, but-”
“Alright alright, I understand. The master you idolised has been constantly made fun of, I feel the same way as you.”
“Yu, Yuki-chan.”
“But, we must endure. Our master who suffered more than us did not cry. We attendants ended up crying first, how can that be?”
“Uwah uwah uwah uwah, but……”
“Must I report this?”
“Alright, don’t cry. We are here for Guren-sama’s protection and comfort.”
As Shigure finished speaking, somehow Sayuri’s crying face brightened up considerably.
“Ah, so that’s it! So that means tonight’s service……”
Guren smacked Sayuri’s head.
“Ah, it hurts!”
Looking at Sayuri holding her head, Guren smiled.
“But, looking at you guys being carefree, it’s my best source of comfort. Alright, let’s go back.”
Saying this, he pushed Sayuri’s back and started walking forward.
The two attendants said in unison.
But at this time, in his head, Guren was thinking about something else.
That being the things that he just saw, about that guy.
Hiiragi Seishiro.
Probably someone who, like Mahiru, is a full blooded member of the Hiiragi family.
Because he never heard that Mahiru had a male twin, so if they are in the same year, it must mean that they are half siblings, sharing the same father but different mothers.
Deep in thought about Seishiro.
Seishiro’s actions.
Thoughts about the blows exchanged by him and Shinya, and Shigure.
Seishiro’s actions were exceptional. Even though he could not determine his true strength from that exchange, but,
“Of course he’s from that family — the Hiiragi family.”
Guren muttered to himself.
“Then, with my power at this level, what kind of moves can I make?”
The opponent in the second stage of the sorcery examination, is that Hiiragi Seishiro.
And that exam, it would begin tomorrow.
T/N: My patience in the past...truly exceptional....part 2 coming! 
<<Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 part 2 >>
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Episode 37 Review: The Message in the Sand
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{ Synopses/Recaps: Debby Graham | Bryan Gruszka }
Last episode, Jean Paul Desmond’s attempt to contact his late wife Erica via séance came to a crashing halt (literally) when the chandelier hanging directly over the glass-top table fell, knocking medium and Conjure Woman Vangie Abbott into a zombie-like catatonic state. Although the séance ended before anyone could establish contact with Erica, the prisoners on Maljardin did receive a message from the beyond in Quito’s writing box. Unfortunately, the only one among them fluent in the ancient language is Vangie herself, who is unable to communicate due to the spell cast over her by THE DEVIL JACQUES ELOI DES MONDES. Raxl has some knowledge of the ancient language, but it is only enough to get the basic gist and not the whole message, which means that another mystery ferments the brew of darkness on the Island of Evil.
According to Raxl, the grains of rice warn of more accidents and spirits whom Jean Paul has angered, but that is not the entire message. Will she learn what the entire message says before Jacques causes even more disaster on Maljardin?
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Jean Paul cannot believe, after all his playing God and tyrannical behavior on Maljardin, that the spirits could possibly be angry with him.
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Don’t act so shocked, Jean Paul.
Like the last episode, this one picks up where the last left off--meaning, in this case, right after the cliffhanger ending with the writing box. This time, there is no mention of another impending accident, but instead of a much dire consequence of the next séance. “The ancient symbols, the ancient tongue of my people can be translated in many ways, but they all warn of death!” Raxl proclaims.
But Jean Paul doesn’t care. In front of almost the entire cast, he begins a soliloquy about he was so close to making contact with his dear, sweet Erica, and that matters to him far more than either Vangie’s life or his own. But then, along comes SCENE INTERRUPTING DAN, asking him again about the falling chandelier:
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Colin Fox is way overacting in this scene, even by Strange Paradise standards. I don’t think I’ve ever seen even Cosette Lee or David Wells overact this hard.
He marches away to his bedroom and Raxl tells Quito that they need to keep the message intact so that Vangie can read it when she recovers from her trance. Once again, she has forgotten the name of the spirit who is meddling in the affairs on the island:
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Jacques: *pouting* “Oh, Raxl, you forgot about me already? I thought for certain I was far more memorable than that.”
Meanwhile, Jean Paul clutches a bedpost in his fabulous bedroom and ponders who could have stopped him from making contact with Erica:
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Really, Jean Paul? Dan says you have an IQ of 187. You should be able to figure this out.
While Dan recaps to Tim all about the chandelier and about all the suspicious things that happened on the island during the previous week and a half, the master of Maljardin enters his hidden monitor room through his bookcase and records a message to his dead wife:
Erica, you must be near tonight. For a fleeting moment, the séance seemed to have brought us together. When you are alive again and hear this, you will know that I have risked everything to bring you back from your long, lonely sleep. Oh, Erica, I knew the risk, but I must be stronger than that devil on Maljardin! I will win, because nothing must prevent you from joining me again in life! If I lose, I will join you in death, my Erica, and anyone who interferes with us being together again will die!
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Yandere Jean Paul once again.
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Just before this scene, we get a really good shot of the bookcase that disguises the entrance to Jean Paul’s monitor room. I have a weakness for both this bookcase and the ones in the drawing room at Desmond Hall, because the books on them look like the ones in the older sections of the stacks at the library where I work. How I wish I could read their spines and see what kinds of books he’s into!
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This shot when he enters the hidden room makes him look tiny.
His recording to Erica is unusually long in this episode, probably to make up for the lack of tape recorder journal scenes in Week 7. While Tim (who seems to believe Dan’s theories) tells Holly that he believes that Jean Paul slashed Erica’s portrait, the recording continues:
No one will touch you, Erica, or the instruments of your preservation. No man living, no man dead. Oh, my Erica! I can say no more today; I’m tired, but no one must know this, only you because-
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Taken out of context, the dialogue in this scene sounds rather rapey.
Usually, I think of Jacques’ attempts to take over Jean Paul’s body as fantasy metaphor murder. He wants to steal his body and his entire identity, becoming the new Jean Paul Desmond and leaving the old one’s soul either trapped in Hell or suspended in time as indicated in Episode 60. (That is, if we assume that they’re not different sides of the same man and Jacques isn’t just the evil side to his own personality.)
This time, however, all Jacques’ talk of wanting to “use” and “enter” Jean Paul’s body in that menacing yet smarmy tone make me think instead of fantasy metaphor rape. Vampirism may be the most popular fantasy metaphor for rape in fiction, but this scene with its sexual undertones presents demonic possession almost in the same light, at least in this scene. We already know that Jacques isn’t above sexual encounters with questionable consent and that he’s more than willing to seduce women while impersonating Jean Paul (which would equal rape by deception if it led to sex), so it really isn’t much of a stretch.
“Jacques Eloi des Mondes is coming aboard,” THE DEVIL JACQUES ELOI DES MONDES announces, and he takes over once again:
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Jacques grabbing Jean Paul’s face seems to be the show’s new way of indicating his possession.
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Jacques after he has taken control. His hair even looks a little messy, too, like Jacques’’ in the flashbacks.
He catches a glimpse of Raxl and Quito in the crypt and decides to spy on them. Conveniently, they happen to be discussing the message in the writing box, which we now learn contains symbols meaning “conjure doll” and “silver pin.” She tells Quito that she can’t read the rest of the message, which directly contradicts what she said about it telling of accidents and death last episode and at the beginning of this one. Assuming that this is just a continuity error, we know the following about the message so far:
Another accident is going to take place.
The spirits on Maljardin are mad at Jean Paul. We don’t know which spirits, but I would hazard to guess Dr. Menkin, the Conjure Man, and Erica.
Something involving the conjure doll and the silver pin.
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Raxl reading the message. It looks like a complicated script to read, even compared to the Aztecs’ pictographic writing system and the Incas’ quipu.
“Now I know your secret,” Jacques smirks, “so I can turn you off, Raxl--perhaps someday soon for good.” I’m confused: what secret of hers did he just learn? He already knows that she’s a voodoo priestess and that she’s been searching for the missing conjure doll and silver pin ever since he hid them back in Episode 2. It can’t be the Temple of the Serpent, either, because they go back upstairs instead of entering it at the end of the scene. So, by process of elimination, the answer can only be that he just learned that she can read the ancient language of her people! And, if Jacques doesn’t also know how (and he most likely doesn’t), then the Conjure Man can still communicate with her from beyond the grave!
Back in the Great Hall, Tim and Holly are chatting and he suggests that there might be a hidden tunnel somewhere on the island where they could escape. Just then, Jacques interrupts their conversation and leads Holly away for a private discussion--which turns out to not be so private, because it’s in the dining room, but that’s probably why Quito is standing off to the side of the doorway.
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Sorry, Tim!
While they’re together for their little semi-private meeting, Jacques decides to promote underage drinking:
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Jacques pouring out some wine for himself and Holly like the cool stepdad who lets you drink at 20.
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I love the epithet “prince of the sea” for both Jean Paul and Jacques. It fits both of them so perfectly with their elegance and outwardly regal demeanors.
Quito blocks Tim from entering, but then leaves to visit Raxl again--and yet Tim does nothing while he’s gone? Seriously? Has even Ian Martin gotten bored with Boring Artist Tim now? Or did he just forget about him during his hasty rewriting spree?
Meanwhile, Jacques pressures Holly to reveal the subject matter of her and Tim’s conversation, and she reluctantly agrees after he starts carrying on about secret tunnels:
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More confirmation that Jacques did not build Maljardin. (Remember the Raxl line from Episode 32 where she mentioned that kings inhabited the château before him?)
“I heard Matt Dawson speaking about secret places in the crypt,” she says. “I don’t know where or what; he wouldn’t say! He said it was a secret, that he had given his word.” This is a major change from Martin’s original plans for this episode, which we can see in its Lost Episode summary.
The summary indicates that originally, instead of asking Jacques about secret passages, Holly would have told Jean Paul about the Temple of the Serpent. The version of the summary published in the Cleveland Plain Dealer (October 31, 1969) indicates that “she does not know it is a Temple,” but she probably wouldn’t tell him about the room if she didn’t sense that it was important in some way.
Yet another version--this one from the Fitchburg Sentinel (November 4, 1969)--states that the Temple “could be used to destroy Jacques Eloi des Mondes,” which is fascinating. I won’t analyze this bit, though; Curt has already done a brilliant analysis of this summary and how it connects to one of Jacques’ lines from Episode 2, and it’s better and more in-depth than my analysis would have been. I highly recommend it, but beware of spoilers through the end of Maljardin if you’re worried about those.
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He calls himself “Jean Paul Desmond” three times during this scene, as though he’s desperate to prove to her that he’s not Jacques Eloi des Mondes, but Jean Paul Desmond. It’s hilarious.
But back to the broadcasted version of the episode. Jacques is intrigued by what Holly says and tells her to search for the passage with him in the crypt. Once again, she agrees, being as captivated by Jean Paul Desmond as she is.
On their way down to the crypt, Jacques tells Dan that he can leave the island when he wants to, and Dan responds by threatening again to tell the cryocapsule. Needless to say, Jean Paul is going to reverse this when he finds out what Jacques said, thereby making him look even more insane than before.
When they arrive in the crypt, Jacques asks Holly where she thinks the secret room is, but she doesn’t know. Somehow neither she nor he has ever found the glaringly obvious door on the crypt wall. I have a headcanon that centuries have gone by without anyone discovering the not-so-hidden door on their own, simply because Raxl and Quito haven’t pointed it out to them. Somehow no one notices the doorway, and it stretches my willing suspension of disbelief farther than anything else on Maljardin.
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Jacques tampering with the Conjure Man’s message.
But he drops the subject of the secret room as soon as he finds the writing box. He crosses his hands on top of it, lifts them, and poof! The message is rearranged. And then, through the power of Headache Faces™, Jean Paul regains control over his body:
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This is his ugliest headache face so far.
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Here, have a photo of Jacques smiling from earlier in the episode to wash out your eyes.
Jean Paul chases Holly out of the crypt and tells Quito that he must stay in the crypt and guard the capsule. He pronounces it the British way (”cap-syuel”) instead of how he normally says it (”cap-suhl”). Since normally only Alison and Vangie pronounce “capsule” that way, it appears that their pronunciation of the word is rubbing off on him. (It’s already rubbed off on me. I’m not kidding. The more time I spend re-watching this show instead of socializing, the more I start to talk like these characters--and I don’t even mind.)
Raxl and Quito--who came running back to the crypt when Jean Paul shouted at Holly--go to retrieve the writing box and bring it into the temple, which they decided not to do earlier when they really should have done so. But then she opens it and discovers that most of the message is gone!
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Raxl: “There is only one message now: death!”
Coming up next: Alison discovers more clues to the mystery of Erica’s death.
{<- Previous: Episode 36   ||   Next: Episode 38 ->}
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graglithans-library · 4 years
Welcome to Paris Fur-ance Ch 6: Panic, Rematches, and Comfort
I apologize for the delay. I have the organizational abilities of a newt, and my boss switched up my schedule thanks to Thanksgiving.
Ladybug rushed through the air towards where the explosions had been coming from, panic warring its way to making itself known in her eyes. She found it all too convenient that they had stopped so shortly after she’d left to find any comfort in the silence.
She had to figure out what had happened.
She had to know that everyone was okay.
She had to make sure Chat was okay.
Startled a bit by the last thought, Ladybug landed on a rooftop and started running. She didn’t have much time to ponder it, as her worry was somewhat abated by the very same hero leaping up from an alleyway and catching up to her. “Evening, My Lady. You seem to be in a bit of a rush.”
Ladybug scowled for a moment before sighing as she stopped her run. “Chat, now isn’t the time for jokes! There’s an Akuma still out-”
“About that.” Chat pulled out the launcher from behind his back and handed it over to Ladybug. “Friend Finder is currently tied to a light post. All that’s left is to purify the Akuma.”
Ladybug fumbled a bit as she was handed the launcher and blinked in confusion. “R-really?” She just looked between the device and her partner with a look of surprise.
A slightly hurt smile flashed across Chat’s face, but he shrugged it away before she could notice. “Well, My Lady, I did have some help.” Ladybug’s eyebrow rose as she looked at him. “Remember our tanuki friend? She helped me with distracting the Akuma long enough that I was able to subdue them.”
“Wait, did you say she helped you?” Ladybug frowned in thought as she put a hand to her chin. “Interesting.”
Chat looked back to where the fight had been with a frown himself. “I’m starting to wonder if they’re actually being affected by Hawk Moth at all. There’s no way he’d willingly let anyone go against him.”
“You’re right.” Ladybug pondered for a moment as she pulled out her yo-yo. “The wolf from earlier didn’t know who Hawk Moth was either...”
“Wait, you met him?” Chat looked surprised.
“More like he tackled me into a roof.” Ladybug grimaced as she started to twirl the launcher for a moment. “Now, let’s get this over with.” Ladybug took the launcher in both hands and brought it down on her knee. The launcher split in two with a crunch, pieces of hardened foam littering the ground.
And nothing coming out of it.
“It wasn’t the launcher!?” Chat reeled and looked back to where he’d come from with panic.
Ladybug put a hand on his shoulder, and his attention snapped to the serious look on her face. “Chat, this isn’t the time to panic. We should head over to where you left Friend Finder to keep them from hurting anyone.” Both heroes rushed off towards where Friend Finder had been left, a sense of urgency bleeding into their movements.
An urgency that affected none more than it did Chat.
Shirou had dealt with many situations across his long life. Terrorists, assassins, muggers, murderers; you name it, he’s probably fought it.
But this... was new.
“So you’re telling me, you’re all guarding someone who’s been possessed by dark magic, and waiting for these superheroes to show up to purify them, with absolutely no means of stopping them should they break free of the only bindings they have?” Shirou asked the four assembled teenagers with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms.
Michiru and Nazuna both looked a bit sheepish as they shared a glance, and the former started rubbing the back of her head. “Well, when you put it that way...”
Alya just looked confused until Kagami translated, in which confusion transitioned into being a little bit indignant. “Je ne vois pas quel est le problème.”
Shirou felt his eye twitch as he turned to her. “Le problème est qu'ils pourraient se libérer à tout moment et mettre votre vie en danger.”
Michiru’s eyes lit up as she gasped dramatically. “Oh my god, you speak French!?”
Shirou gave her a deadpan stare before sighing and pinching his muzzle again. “Michiru I’m over a thousand years old. Is it that surprising that I know more than one language?” Alya didn’t get a translation for that one, as Kagami’s eyes were about to fall out of her head. Well, as close as they could get with her.
So maybe a centimeter wider than usual.
As they kept talking, Friend Finder was messing with the bindings on their arms. It was as a feral grin started to spread across their face that their arms came free, and they reached a hand into their raggedy cloak and pulled out a blue sphere. Shirou’s ear twitched, and he quickly looked over to see the blue ball landing near his feet.
The explosion sent all five of them flying back. Michiru and Nazuna landed against the brick wall of the building behind them, while Kagami and Alya were sent down the sidewalk. Shirou, however, had been standing practically on top of the ball when it landed, and he was sent flying into the air, landing twenty meters away with a sickening thud.
Friend Finder just laughed and started to walk over to where Nazuna and Michiru were. They pulled out a spray can from behind their back and started making a glob of foam on the ground, before reaching in and pulling out a brand new launcher.
Michiru got ready to fight back but noticed something was off.
She stared into Friend Finder’s uncovered eye, and there was a shift. If only for a moment, burning red was replaced with a terrifying blue. The change even made Friend Finder flinch before they growled and gripped their head. A purple mask in the shape of a butterfly formed over their eyes before the blue changed back into red. “Fille stupides! Tu n’as pas ton mot à dire sur ce que je fais!” Friend Finder hastily shoved the spray can back under their cloak as they turned to the four stunned teenagers.
Alya hesitantly stepped back away from the Akuma, horror in her eyes. “L’akuma... se bat tout seul?”
Nazuna looked at Kagami, and the fencer shook her head. “I’m not sure what is happening.”
Michiru’s eyes moved past Friend Finder and landed on Shirou. His body had a small pool of blood starting to form around it, and she gulped. Come on, Shirou. Get up! The Akuma however, kept their advance, making the four girls back into the building behind them, back to the glass display. “We need to get out of here...”
A snarl from behind Friend Finder made Michiru and Nazuna perk up with a smile.
“Hey.” Shirou’s hand grabbed Friend Finder by the back of the head and lifted them off the ground. “Est-ce le mieux que vous puissiez faire?” Friend Finder kicked and struggled as they dangled in the air. Shirou reached behind them and pulled out the can of spray foam, before dropping the Akuma to the ground. The moment they landed, Shirou’s foot fell onto their back, and His free hand grabbed their arm as he pinned them to the ground. “Rester.”
Michiru’s eyes were filled with smug satisfaction, as was her smile. She leaned forward and got in Friend Finder’s face, relishing in their irritation. “I have no idea what he said, but you’re not going anywhere.”
That was when Friend Finder punched Michiru in the muzzle.
“OW!” Michiru flailed as Nazuna and Kagami grabbed onto her and started to pull the two apart. Alya ran over and stomped on the Akuma’s hand, making them yowl in pain. Michiru glared and scooted away from the villain. “Who does that!?” Friend Finder just snarled in response.
Shirou’s foot got just a touch heavier on the villain’s back, making them wince. “Essayez à nouveau quelque chose comme ça. Je te défie.” He looked to Michiru and frowned. “Are you alright?”
“The only part of me that’s hurt is my pride.” Michiru pouted and hissed a bit as she let go of her nose. A small trickle of blood started to trail down and dripped onto the sidewalk. “And maybe my nose.” Alya reached into her pocket and pulled out some tissues, handing them over. “Thank you.”
“Pas de problème.”
Nazuna frowned as she watched Michiru stuff a tissue up her nostril. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Michiru waved a hand and shot Nazuna a quick smile. “I’m fine! I’ve had worse than this.” Kagami noticed how Nazuna stiffened a bit but didn’t ask.
It wasn’t long after that they all noticed two more teenagers, this time in spandex, land nearby.
Ladybug dropped from her swing and found that she had more surprised faces in stock than she’d known. She had been expecting that she’d have to figure out a way to save a possibly large number of hostages.
She wasn’t expecting the wolfman from earlier to be pinning the Akuma down with his foot. More so, she noticed how there was now a fox girl involved, as was both Kagami and Alya. All three of them were helping the tanuki- Michiru, get to her feet, and there were quickly reddening tissues sticking out of her nose. It just had to be Alya again. Why doesn’t she listen when I say this is going to get her hurt one of these days!?
Chat, equally surprised, looked over at her with a shrug. “Well, I think it’s safe to assume they’re not with Hawkmoth.”
She glanced over at Chat and nodded before the two walked over to where the wolfman was standing. He was still pinning the Akuma with his foot, glowering down at them. His turning to look at her made her stop for a moment before she steeled her nerves. “You never answered my question earlier. Who-?”
“Ladybug!” Alya practically teleported over to where they were, and Ladybug had to blink a bit to shake away the shock. “Where were you during the Akuma attack? Is there a reason you left Chat on his own earlier? Who are these new heroes? Is their appearance a side effect of using a Miraculous?” The last question sounded slightly nervous, but considering she’d been Rena Rouge, it was understandable.
Chat gently put his hand over her phone and pushed it down. “We’ll answer any questions you have after the akuma has been purified.” Blushing a bit, Alya backed away and stepped out of their way. It didn’t stop her eager eyes from locking onto the two the entire time.
The wolfman held up a can of spray foam that was off-colored, before tossing it to Ladybug. “I take it you were looking for this?”
Ladybug looked at the can in her hands with a hint of surprise, before glancing at the Akuma. “I was, but could you please remove your foot from them? Once the Akuma is purified, they’ll go back to normal, and I don’t want a civilian to be injured as a result.”
Lifting his foot off of their back, the wolf nodded before Ladybug handed the can to Chat, who used cataclysm on it. As the can fell into dust, a purple butterfly flew out. “No more evildoing for you, little Akuma.” With a flick of her yo-yo, the Akuma was captured and purified. “Bye Bye, little butterfly.”
A purple cloud of smoke washed over Friend Finder, making Michiru’s group jump slightly. The cloud widened until not one, but two people were left on the ground, rubbing their heads. Both Rose and Juleka were groaning and disoriented.
Rose gasped as she looked around and stared at her hands. “Was... Was I akumatized?”
Juleka put a hand on Rose’s, and when she looked over, the two hugged as Rose started to cry into Juleka’s shoulder.
Ladybug walked over and put a hand on Rose’s shoulder, making Rose look up to her. When she had both of their attention, she gave them a comforting smile. “Can you tell me what happened?”
“We... we were in class when the last Akuma alert had gone off. Everyone was getting worried when Marinette went missing, and... And Lila said something about how suspicious it was, and how she could be working with Hawkmoth.” Juleka’s grip tightened a bit around Rose. “I... I just can’t believe...”
Ladybug shook her head and helped the two stand. “I can guarantee to both of you, Marinette is not working for Hawkmoth.” At their shocked reaction, she continued. “One of the reasons it took me so long to get here was because I had to help Marinette hide somewhere far more reasonable than where she’d managed to squeeze herself.” Ladybug couldn’t tell what she hated more at that moment. How she had to lie or how she was getting better at it. Marinette getting stuck somewhere was something that Rose and Juleka would believe, considering it had happened before when she was ten.
Though she since made them swear never to tell a soul about the Haunted House Incident.
Rose hesitantly looked up from Juleka’s shoulder, “R-really?”
“Really.” Ladybug stepped back a bit and pulled out her yo-yo, before tossing it into the air. “MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!”
Michiru’s eyes widened at the sight of thousands of ladybugs flying through the air. Everywhere they passed, the damages caused by the fight were being repaired. When they passed over her face, she had to blink in surprise at the sudden lack of pain. Pulling the tissue out, she gasped and beamed at the fox. “Nazuna! Hana ga naotta!”
“Hontōni!?” The fox girl (Nazuna?) grabbed Michiru’s head and narrowed her eyes as she inspected for any injuries. “Sugoi...”
Turning away from the two, Ladybug went back to Rose and Juleka. “You two should head back to the school and let them know you’re okay. I’ll go and let Marinette know it’s safe.” As the two walked off, her earrings beeped, as did Chat’s ring.
The wolf raised an eyebrow at the two as they walked off, but his attention mainly fell on Michiru and Nazuna. “Daijōbu?” Nazuna looked over and gave him a nod, making a cute ‘un’ noise as she did.
Chat put a hand on his chest and groaned a bit.
Rolling her eyes, Ladybug lightly smacked him on the arm. “This isn’t an anime. You’re not going to have a cute fox girlfriend. Besides, don’t you already have one now?” As Chat sputtered, Ladybug walked over towards the group and frowned. “I’ll ask one more time. Who are you, and what are you doing here?”
The wolf looked at her with a raised eyebrow before facing her. “So you don’t know how we were brought here.” He sighed a bit under his breath before shifting back into human form. “My name is Oogami Shirou. I believe that we have a lot to discuss.” Behind him, Nazuna and Michiru both shifted to human form, with Michiru complaining as she did.
Ladybug smiled until her earrings beeped again. “I would love to, but I’m unfortunately running out of time. Can I meet you tonight at the Eiffel Tower?”
Shirou examined her earrings for a moment before nodding. “Alright.”
With a nod in return, Ladybug spun her yo-yo, and Chat readied his staff. “Bug out!”
After they had all left, a gloved hand reached into the garbage and pulled out the bloody tissue. Strikingly red eyes scanned over the blood before a chuckle escaped the individual. “A roundabout way of getting what I needed, but I suppose this works.” The tissue was swiftly placed in a test tube and pocketed as they walked away. “Let’s hope the sample is large enough to make a usable dose.”
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Size doesn’t matter, buddy (Felix Volturi) part 2
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Word count: 2039 You made your flight with mere seconds to spare, and then the true torture began. The plane sat idle on the tarmac while the flight attendants strolled so casually up and down the aisle, patting the bags in the overhead compartments to make sure everything fit. The pilots leaned out of the cockpit, chatting with them as they passed. Alice's hand was placed on Bella’s shoulder, holding her in her seat while she bounced anxiously up and down. "It's faster than running," she reminded her in a low voice. Bella just nodded in time with her bouncing, making you roll her eyes. Humans, you never fully got them anymore. 
At last the plane rolled lazily from the gate, building speed with a gradual steadiness. Alice lifted the phone on the back of the seat in front of her before you'd stopped climbing, turning her back on the stewardess who eyed her with disapproval. Something about Bella’s expression stopped the stewardess from coming over to protest, making you chuckle. “If looks could kill, right Bella?” you said, giving her a playful smirk, earning you a glare from the human. You chuckled louder and held your hands up in defence, turning your head to look outside the window, listening to what Alice was murmuring to Jasper. "I can't be sure, I keep seeing him do different things, he keeps changing his mind. A killing spree through the city, attacking the guard, lifting a car over his head in the main square, mostly things that would expose them. He knows that's the fastest way to force a reaction." You rolled your eyes. Really? There was nothing more original he could do? "No, you can't." Alice's voice dropped till it was nearly inaudible. "Tell Emmett no. Well, go after Emmett and Rosalie and bring them back. Think about it, Jasper. If he sees any of us, what do you think he will do?" She nodded. "Exactly. I think Bella is the only chance, if there is a chance I'll do everything that can be done, but prepare Carlisle; the odds aren't good." She laughed then, and there was a catch in her voice. "I've thought of that. Yes, I promise." Her voice became pleading. "Don't follow me. I promise, Jasper. One way or another, I'll get out. And I love you." She hung up, and leaned back in her seat with her eyes closed. "I hate lying to him." "Tell me everything, Alice," Bella begged. "I don't understand. Why did you tell Jasper to stop Emmett, why can't they come help us?" "Two reasons," she whispered, her eyes still closed. "The first I told him. We could try to stop Edward ourselves if Emmett could get his hands on him, we might be able to stop him long enough to convince him you're alive. But we can't sneak up on Edward. And if he sees us coming for him, he'll just act that much faster. He'll throw a car through a wall or something, and the Volturi will take him down. "That's the second reason of course, the reason I couldn't say to Jasper. Because if they're there and the Volturi kill Edward, they'll fight them. Bella." She opened her eyes and stared at Bella, beseeching. "If there were any chance we could win if there were a way that the five of us could save my brother by fighting for him, maybe it would be different. But we can't, and, Bella, I can't lose Jasper like that." You bit your lip. Even though you were the strongest of the Cullens, even stronger than Emmett, you knew you didn’t stand a chance against their other gifts. Bella truly was the only way to save your brother. Alice was protecting Jasper, at your expense, and maybe at Edward's, too. Bella nodded. "Couldn't Edward hear you, though.'" She asked. "Wouldn't he know, as soon as he heard your thoughts, that I was alive, that there was no point to this?" "If he were listening," she explained. "But believe it or not, it's possible to lie with your thoughts. If you had died, I would still try to stop him. And I would be thinking 'she's alive, she's alive' as hard as I could. He knows that." Bella grounded her teeth in mute frustration. "If there were any way to do this without you, Bella, I wouldn't be endangering you like this. It's very wrong of me.” "Don't be stupid. I'm the last thing you should be worrying about." Bella shook her head impatiently. "Tell me what you meant, about hating to lie to Jasper." Alice smiled a grim smile. "I promised him I would get out before they killed me, too. It's not something I can guarantee not by a long shot." She raised her eyebrows. "Who are these Volturi?" Bella demanded in a whisper. "What makes them so much more dangerous than Emmett, Jasper, Rosalie, (Y/N) and you?" You took a deep breath, deciding to mend into the conversation, while Alice abruptly levelled a dark glance over Bella’s shoulder. You turned in time to see the man in the aisle seat looking away as if he wasn't listening to us. He appeared to be a businessman, in a dark suit with a power tie and a laptop on his knees. While Bella stared at him with irritation, he opened the computer and very conspicuously put headphones on. Bella leaned closer to you. Your lips were at her ears as you breathed the story, trying to not be distracted by the blood that flowed through her veins, which made the fire in your throat burn.
"I was surprised that you recognized the name," you said. "That you understood so immediately what it meant when Alice said he was going to Italy. I thought we would have to explain. How much did Edward tell you?" You asked. "He just said they were an old, powerful family like royalty. That you didn't antagonize them unless you wanted to die," she whispered. "You have to understand," you said, your voice slower, more measured now. "We Cullens are unique in more ways than you know. It's abnormal for so many of us to live together in peace. It's the same for Tanya's family in the north, and Carlisle speculates that abstaining makes it easier for us to be civilized, to form bonds based on love rather than survival or convenience. Even James's little coven of three was unusually large and you saw how easily Laurent left them. Our kind travel alone, or in pairs, as a general rule. Carlisle's family is the biggest in existence, as far as I know, with the one exception. The Volturi.” You said, watching Alice closely for any signs any of the other humans tried to listen in on the conversation. “There were three of them originally, Aro, Caius, and Marcus." You continued. "I've seen them," Bella mumbled. "In the picture in Carlisle's study." You nodded. "Two females joined them over time, and the five of them make up the family. I'm not sure, but I suspect that their age is what gives them the ability to live peacefully together. They are well over three thousand years old. Or maybe it's their gifts that give them extra tolerance. Like Edward and Alice, Aro and Marcus are talented." You continued before Bella could ask. "Or maybe it's just their love of power that binds them together. Royalty is an apt description." "But if there are only five." "Five that make up the family," you corrected. "That doesn't include their guard." Bella took a deep breath. "That sounds serious." "Oh, it is," you assured her. "There were nine members of the guard that were permanent, the last time we heard. Others are more transitory. It changes. And many of them are gifted as well with formidable gifts, gifts that make what Alice can do look like a parlour trick. The Volturi chose them for their abilities, physical or otherwise." Bella opened her mouth, and then closed it. "They don't get into too many confrontations. No one is stupid enough to mess with them. They stay in their city, leaving only as duty calls." "Duty?" Bella wondered. "Didn't Edward tell you what they do?" you asked, wondering how much your brother actually told the human sitting next to you. "No," Bella said, a blank expression on her face. Alice looked over Bella’s head again, toward the businessman, nodding towards you to keep on talking. "There's a reason he called them royalty the ruling class. Over the millennia, they have assumed the position of enforcing our rules which actually translates to punishing transgressors. They fulfil that duty decisively." Bella’s eyes popped wide with shock. "There are rules?" she asked in a voice that was too loud. "Shh!" Alice said. "Shouldn't somebody have mentioned this to me earlier?" Bella whispered angrily. "I mean, I wanted to be a- to be one of you! Shouldn't somebody have explained the rules to me?" You chuckled once at her reaction. "It's not that complicated, Bella. There's only one core restriction and if you think about it, you can probably figure it out for yourself." You said, letting her think about it for a moment. "Nope, I have no idea." You groaned in annoyance. She was supposed to be clever. Cleary not. "Maybe it's too obvious. We just have to keep our existence a secret." Alice explained, clearly having more patience than you did at the moment. "Oh," Bella mumbled. "It makes sense, and most of us don't need policing," you continued. "But, after a few centuries, sometimes one of us gets bored. Or crazy. I don't know. And then the Volturi step in before it can compromise them, or the rest of us." You continued. "So Edward-" "Is planning to flout that in their own city the city they've secretly held for three thousand years, since the time of the Etruscans. They are so protective of their city that they don't allow hunting within its walls. Volterra is probably the safest city in the world from vampire attack at the very least." You filled in. "But you said they didn't leave. How do they eat?" Bella asked. "They don't leave. They bring in their food from the outside, from quite far away sometimes. It gives their guard something to do when they're not out annihilating mavericks. Or protecting Volterra from exposure." "From situations like this one, like Edward," Bella finished yout sentence. "I doubt they've ever had a situation quite like this," Alice muttered, disgusted. "You don't get a lot of suicidal vampires." The sound that escaped out of Bella’s mouth was very quiet, but Alice seemed to understand that it was a cry of pain. She wrapped her thin, strong arm around her shoulders, while you leant back against your seat, watching the clouds pass by. "We'll do what we can, Bella. It's not over yet." "Not yet." "And the Volturi will get us if we mess up." Alice stiffened. "You say that like it's a good thing." Bella shrugged. "Knock it off, Bella, or we're turning around in New York and going back to Forks." You threatened. "What?" Bella shrieked. "You know what. If we're too late for Edward, I'm going to do my damnedest to get you back to Charlie, and I don't want any trouble from you. Do you understand that?" Alice threatened, knowing what you were doing. "Sure, Alice." Alice pulled back slightly so that she could glare at Bella. "No trouble." "Scout's honor," Bella muttered. I rolled my eyes. "Let me concentrate, now. I'm trying to see what he's planning." Alice said letting her head fall back against the seat and closed her eyes. She pressed her free hand to the side of her face, rubbing her fingertips against her temple. The minutes passed, and if you didn't know better, it would have seemed as if she'd fallen asleep. After an eternity, the plane began to descend toward New York City. Alice remained in her trance. Bella dithered, reaching out to touch her, only for you to pull her hand back again. This happened a dozen times before the plane touched down with a jarring impact.
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pandawritespoorly · 4 years
A Shy ‘Sparrow’: Chapter 3 - Caught On Camera
Author’s Note: Aaaaaah! It's been so long I'm sorry! The chapters I wrote are directly related so I didn't want to post one without the other, but somehow my mind forgot the fact that those chapters are 4 & 5, and I've only posted 1 & 2, which leaves 3 available to me to post.
I just realized that, and I felt bad, so I'm trying to post it now, though I've got to go somewhere quick so I'm on a bit of time crunch.
Chapter Summary: Sparrow's existence is finally confirmed publicly.
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Another akuma attack over. The hooded heroine follows her usual routine at this point. She brings back her crane sentimonster, waving as it goes to fly over the city as usual. The girl floats across the rooftops as she makes her way back home. She does her best to stay out of sight.
She doesn’t see the blogger on the streets below her, camera raised.
Attention CatChroniclers! I have some big news!
We’re all aware of the theories regarding Chat Noir’s potential partner. People have been insistent that the distractions that have been appearing during battles are the work of someone behind the scenes, despite the fact that Chat Noir insists he knows nothing about them.
I myself certainly think that many of these occurrences seem almost too convenient.
Well, after today’s battle, I saw a brown figure jumping away on the rooftops. I got a clear picture, and I personally think that they look like they could be a hero!
Clearly they aren’t Ladybug themed, as the prevailing theory claims, but the animal theme is there!
Paris, I’d like you to meet Sparrow!
(Name open to change once they give me an interview 😉 ).
 “Plagg? Alya posted something about me having a partner?” Adrien calls to his Kwami cautiously. He’s not sure what to make of this.
“And? What’s new? That’s all those morons talk about on there anyways,” Plagg retorts disinterestedly from where he’s eating his camembert.
“No, like, she got a picture of some bird person jumping across the rooftops.”
“Bird person…?” Plagg floats over to sit on Adrien’s head, he reads the accompanying text quickly. “Pull up that picture, kid.”
“So, like, I know you mentioned that a Ladybug hero might join me, but is there a Sparrow miraculous…?”
“No, but…” Plagg narrows his eyes suspiciously, “Zoom in on the thing holding their cape together.” Adrien does as he’s told, “What is it?”
Plagg shoots forward, hovering in front of the screen before turning to Adrien seriously, “That’s the Peacock miraculous.”
“What? But I thought that was lost! And peacocks are blue!”
“I guess someone found it. Peacocks are blue, yes, but peahens aren’t. See how their neck is blue? Definitely a peafowl.”
Adrien frowns in confusion, pulling up an image of a peahen to compare the two’s coloring.
“So they’re a girl?” “Not necessarily, they just… don’t want to attract attention,” Plagg pauses, thinking, “Alright Kitten, there’s someone you need to meet.”
“Plagg, this better not be another cheese shop.”
“Kid, as much as I love tricking you into taking me to cheese shops, this time I’m actually taking you somewhere miraculous related,” Plagg assures his chosen.
Adrien mutters under his breath bitterly as he knocks, “If you tell me that that their cheese is a miracle I’m throwing out your camembert.”
The door opens, revealing an old man in a hawaiian shirt, “How can I help you young man?”
Adrien tries to think of a way to respond without revealing too much to this man. He’s not sure if this stranger knows about the miraculous or not.
Before he can answer, Plagg shoots out of his pocket, “Ugh, we are not doing this whole thing. Adrien this is the Guardian of the miraculous, so you don’t have to worry about revealing things, and Fu my kitten is here because I’ve decided he’s ready and blah-de blah all that jazz.”
A turtle Kwami floats into view, “Plagg, there is nothing wrong with being cautious.”
“It always takes forever though, we’re here because we found something important,” Plagg groans.
The Guardian (Fu, Plagg had called him?) leads them into what is presumably the main room.
“Before we begin, Adrien, I’d like to introduce myself. I am Master Fu, and, as Plagg stated, I am the Guardian of the miraculous. This is Wayzz, he is the turtle Kwami.”
“The Guardian?”
“Yes, I am in possession of every miraculous, and am in charge of distributing them as I see fit. That said, the Butterfly and Peafowl were lost long ago, so finding out that the Butterfly was in Paris was quite the relief, if only it weren’t being used for evil,” the man shakes his head regretfully.
“Actually, we found Duusu,” Plagg interrupts, “She’s in Paris too.”
“What? Where is she?” Wayzz asks excitedly, leaning closer.
Adrien pulls out his phone, showing them the photo he had saved. He passes the device to Fu so that the pair can get a closer look.
“My friend Alya posted it to her blog. She said that they were leaving the attack after the akuma was defeated,” Adrien adds, “I’m pretty sure they’ve been causing distractions during the fights and healing the damage.”
“Healing damage to that extent must be tiring. On top of assisting during akuma attacks, it is impressive that they have been able to keep out of sight,” Fu remarks.
“What should I do? Should I try and get the miraculous back?”
“No, that won’t be necessary yet. For now, they are not a substantial threat - especially in comparison to Hawkmoth. If they continue to assist you, there is no harm in allowing them to continue. Perhaps you should speak to them though.”
“I tried to once, but they ran away.”
“There’s no reason not to try again,” Wayzz comments, “It is good that you have assistance now.”
“Yeah, I want to know why you decided to send out my kid alone,” Plagg glares at the two.
“Ah, yes, that. I apologize,” Fu frowns, “I did not want to send out both of Hawkmoth’s desired miraculouses-” “So why not a Bug?”
“I incorrectly assumed that once Hawkmoth saw that the damage to the city was permanent, he would stop, or perhaps calm down enough to be reasoned with.”
“Yeah, ‘cause when I think of Hawkmoth, I think ‘reasonable’,” Plagg drawls. 
“Nooroo?” Gabriel summons his Kwami from its hiding place, “I have some questions regarding the peacock miraculous.”
“Yes, Master?” it doesn't meet his eyes, bowing as it is supposed to.
Gabriel enlarges the image on his screen. It’s a zoomed in portion of who is supposedly a new hero. ‘Sparrow’. It looks as though they have the peacock miraculous, but that doesn’t make any sense.
He has the peacock miraculous.
“Is this the peacock miraculous?”
“It certainly looks like it, Master.”
“Explain to me how someone else has it, when I have been under the impression that it was safely locked away?” he snaps.
“Perhaps there was robbery, Master. Someone could have taken it from you. I do not know how that person got it,” it answers meekly.
“Hmm,” the man accepts this answer, “We’ll have to draw them out. I assume it is still broken, so if I can wear them out…”
He trails off, a plan forming. If he increased the amount of akuma attacks, and targeted this ‘Sparrow’ specifically, it wouldn’t be long before the side effects started getting to them. With them in a weakened state, he’d be able to retrieve it easier.
Perhaps Chat Noir would become distracted if his fellow hero began being sick, which would be even better.
Whoever this is must think they have the upper hand, having stolen a magical artifact from under his nose.
How very wrong they are.
The hooded girl quickly ducks behind a chimney, head spinning. Definitely an akuma. She’s confused, there’s usually 2-3, maybe 4 attacks a week, but now there’s another. The last one was only 2 hours ago. What’s going on?
“Chat Noir! Sparrow! Give me your miraculous!” the akuma calls.
She frowns, murmuring to herself, “Sparrow? Who’s that?”
“You’re Sparrow,” a voice says from beside her, “Did you not know?”
She startles, which doesn’t really help her lightheadedness. Chat Noir is sitting on the roof, looking at her carefully, his face guarded.
When she recovers from her surprise, she hesitates slightly before speaking, “I-I am?”
“Yeah, Alya Césaire got a picture of you after the last battle.”
Oh. That’s probably why her phone had been blowing up. She had wanted a break after the battle and ignored it.
“Oh dear.”
“I’d like to speak with you.”
The girl can translate that - he has questions and he wants answers. It’s really only fair.
“Uh, yeah. Give me a minute,” she plucks a feather from her fan, concentrating to make it an amok. She holds it out to him slightly, “Uh, can I…?”
He looks confused, so she elaborates, “I uh, was going to make a sentimonster, to distract the akuma, but I wanted to make sure you were okay with it? I didn’t want to make you think I was threatening you...”
“I-”, he clearly hadn’t been expecting this, “Uh, okay.”
“It’s not dangerous or anything” she assures him. It’s only half a lie. It’s not dangerous to anyone but herself, seeing as using it on herself will tire her more.
She can feel the sentimonster beginning to form, but she interrupts it. She has a specific way she wants it to look, so it can’t just go the natural route.
Closing her eyes, she concentrates on the intended form. She doesn’t notice the way her hands close into tight fists, or the way she begins to sway slightly.
Chat frowns. He has expected their meeting to be odd, but this is kind of worrying.
The thing he assumes to be the sentimonster is forming slowly, taking shape in a cloud of dark bubbles eerily similar to akumatizations. It didn’t seem to be making much progress, and Sparrow seemed to be struggling? In pain? He isn’t entirely sure.
The bubbles fade, revealing a perfect copy of himself, and at the same moment Sparrow collapses.
He catches her instinctually, but before he can wonder what he’s supposed to do, her eyes open and she sits up.
“Are you okay?” He may be somewhat suspicious of her, but she’s still a citizen of Paris, which means she’s under his protection. She clearly isn’t entirely well.
“I- uh, yeah. Just tired,” she smiles awkwardly. He’s not convinced, but doesn't say anything, “Okay, what do you want to know?”
He frowns, “Shouldn’t we deal with the akuma first?”
“He can do it,” she gestures to the copy.
Copycat gives a two finger salute and jumps away. It’s a strange feeling.
“...Alright then?”
Chat turns to the girl, trying to think of how to go about questioning her. She sits before him stiffly, and with the social circles he grew up in, he’s well versed in the look of someone who does not want to be here. She’s fidgety, and her smile is too wide.
“So, who are you? What do you want?” He’s direct, not well versed in how to question people.
“I want to help my city. I’m not going to let Hawkmoth come after my city and not do something when I can. At first… I didn’t want to, but she wasn’t going to take ‘no’ for an answer. At this point, I wouldn’t pass this off to someone else,” she looks off to the side, thinking for a moment before continuing, “I’m not going to tell you who I am. I understand that you’re the real hero here, and I’m not going to try to replace you or steal your miraculous, but you need help, and I can’t not provide that.”
Chat Noir keeps his face emotionless, but can’t help the warmth that fills his body. It’s not often that someone is so willing to help him just to help him. People that help Adrien in shows are paid to do that, and he’s only recently made unconditional friendships.
He doesn’t comment on it, trying his best to seem like someone who knows what he’s doing. Someone in charge - a leader. “When you say ‘she’ wouldn’t take no for an answer, you mean your Kwami, right?”
“Uh, yeah. Duusu.”
“My Kwami recognized the miraculous in the picture,” he adds, seeing her confusion, then he comments “I don’t get how your Kwami could stop you from giving it up.”
“She uh- I don’t know. She just has more backbone than me I guess,” she can tell he finds her answer odd, but it’s honestly the truth.
Of course, there’s also the whole ‘slowly-dying-from-the-damage’ factor. She doesn’t want to pass that on to someone else.
“Where did you find the miraculous?” After they had talked longer, Fu had brought up the possibility that where the peacock came from could be a clue to Hawkmoth. “How did you get it?”
“In my room. It was in a pile of papers I hadn’t touched in a while-” she pauses, something occuring to her, “Actually, I’d last touched them the day the akuma attacks started.”
That strikes him as odd. Sure, his miraculous just showed up in his room that day too, but that was because Fu gave it to him. Fu could not have given her the miraculous, and Hawkmoth certainly wouldn’t have.
“That’s… strange,” he considers his next question for a moment. It’s looking less likely that he’ll get a useful answer, “What about Nooroo?”
“Hawkmoth’s Kwami? Duusu has mentioned him before, but I don’t know where he is. I think they used to be together, but they’ve been separated, o-obviously.”
“And, just to be sure, how have you been using your miraculous to help?” He’s careful not to provide the answer in the question.
“I’ve, uh, been trying to make distractions during the attacks, or other things to maybe make it easier. I’ve been making sentimonsters to repair the damage too. Duusu says it’s because I’m a Bug, and I’m not really using it the way a natural peafowl would. Though she also says that it’s for the best in this situation. No Bug helping you, and all that.”
She avoids mentioning the fact that this extra healing is damaging. It’s only her, so it’s worth it. This is her city, and there’s no way she’s going to let it be ruined.
He nods, accepting her story. Standing, he says, “I’m going to go deal with the akuma now, maybe we’ll talk another time.”
Sure enough, the akuma is soon defeated. As usual, she makes a sentimonster to clean up and heads home, ignoring the bone-deep exhaustion.
“Marinette! What were you doing yesterday, you missed my biggest scoop yet!” Alya rushes up to her as soon as Marinette is on school grounds.
Feigning ignorance, Marinette responds, “Really? I just got so caught up in a project. What happened?”
Alya rolls her eyes fondly. “Oh course you did-”
“She got a pic-” Nino is cut off when Alya covers his mouth.
“My story! I got a picture of another hero! My theories were correct!”
“Congrats!” Marinette cheers.
Adrien joins them, fist bumping Nino as usual. “Yeah, congratulations, Alya!”
They make their way up the steps, but Marinette isn’t really paying attention anymore. Everything is spinning, and it’s taking all her concentration to stay upright and walking.
She misses a step, and it all comes crashing down - or rather, she comes crashing down.
“Mari!” Strong arms catch her before she makes contact with the ground, and she blinks a few times to clear her vision, putting her hand to her head.
“Are you alright, girl? That could have been a really bad fall!” Alya checks. Everything comes back into focus, and she sees her three friends standing around her, looking concerned. Adrien is the one holding her, and when he sees her eyes focus on him, he lets go of her carefully.
“Y-yeah. I just tripped.”
“You sure, ‘Nette? You can go t’ the nurse…” Nino assures her.
“No, I’m good.” She smiles awkwardly.
“Okay…” Adrien concedes.
Author’s Note: There!
Thanks for reading! Feel free to leave any thoughts, theories, constructive criticism, or anything really in my ask box, in replies or through reblogs. I love seeing what you think!
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