#they were his brochacos…
haddonfieldwhore · 1 year
look after you - mjf
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mjf x gender neutral! cole! reader
word count: 2.9k
warnings: injury (concussion), mostly fluff, probably ooc for max idk i’m trying. for simplicity i’m using ring names, slightly nsfw at the end
summary: when you sustain a concussion during a match, someone has to watch over you. who better than your older brothers new bff?
your vision blurred as you were slammed onto the canvas, your head hitting it harder than it was supposed to. you were supposed to get up and move to do the next spot- supposed to kick out of the pin, but you couldn’t find the strength to move, instead you eyes fluttered closed as your chest rose and fell heavily with each breath.
it should’ve been like any other match- it was only a power bomb- a simple move that just went slightly wrong. you couldn’t even remember who your opponent had been, your head was spinning so fast. you heard the bell signalling that the match had been ended prematurely, but it sounded like it miles away.
officials rushed over to check on you, and you could feel their hands carefully lifting you onto a stretcher and taking you out of the ring to medical. you could tell people were talking around you, but couldn’t hear what they were saying as you drifted out of consciousness, and everything around you went black.
when you woke up, you were in your hotel room, the bright lights had been turned off so that the only light in the room was lamp on the side table. your head was pounding, but you managed to sit up on your own, albeit slowly, and take a look around. to your surprise, you weren’t alone; none other than maxwell jacob friendman sat in the arm chair in the corner of the room, his head on his shoulder as he slept. max had become friends with your older brother adam in the last few months, and while you were still wary of max due to his reputation as a bit of a scumbag - how much of that was his character you weren’t sure- you had no personal issue with him. if you were correct, he was around your age, maybe a year or two older, and you had been a little surprised at how fast he and adam had become friends.
max seemed to notice that you were awake, as he stirred in his seat.
“hey- how’re you feeling?” he asked, walking over to the side of the bed to check on you.
“i have a headache but i’ll live,” you sighed. “don’t take this the wrong way but-“
“what am i doing here?” he laughed, and you nodded, regretting the decision instantly as pain shot through your head. max placed a hand gently on your shoulder, before seemingly realizing what he’d done and removing it.
“take it easy. the doctor said you need supervision for 48 hours, and your brother asked me if i could keep an eye on you since he’s at home with britt this weekend,” he explained. “but if you’re uncomfortable with it i’m sure we could find someone else to-“
“no not at all. i just didn’t expect to see you when i woke up you know? we’ve hardly talked,” you replied, and then realized that may have come across as rude. “but i am grateful, it’s nice of you to do this for adam.”
“we’re brochacos for life,” he smiled, and you couldn’t help but think that he looked cute when he had a genuine smile on his face instead of the usual cocky smirk.
“i’m assuming if i’m not in the hospital i can’t be hurt too bad,” you thought aloud, and max nodded, pointing to the end of the bed silently asking permission to sit. you pulled your feet up under you to sit cross legged and he took it as a yes.
“yeah, somehow just a minor concussion. you should be back to kicking ass in a few weeks. just gotta take it easy and avoid bright lights for a few days.”
“i can do that,” you sighed contently, relieved to hear it wasn’t a more serious injury.
“we were all really worried about you. that bump looked really fucking scary,” he admitted, and you felt even more grateful that you were in as good a condition as you were. a smile crossed your face.
“maybe it has something to do with the wonderful nurse i have,” you teased, gesturing to max, who mocked offence.
“please, you wish you could see me in one of those little nurse outfits- i would look fantastic,” he joked.
“i don’t think they really wear those anymore. or you just have a perverted idea of it.” you both laughed, and you found yourself enjoying his company more than you expected. you trusted you brothers judgment, and if he was friends with him you knew that max must have some redeeming qualities. it also helped that he was so handsome,
“you should get some sleep, it’s late,” max said, and you glanced over at the clock, seeing that it read 2:05 am. even though you had just slept for almost 4 hours, you were exhausted. your eyes landed on the uncomfortable looking arm chair in the corner of the room, and you felt bad thinking about max having to sleep in it. your room unfortunately didn’t have a couch or pull out bed but it was a king sized bed, so there was more than enough room for two people.
“you don’t have to sleep in that chair. it’s probably terrible for your back and i would feel bad making you sleep there after you’re being so nice and taking care of me,” you offered.
“it’s not a big deal; and i don’t know how much adam would appreciate-“
“adam doesn’t have to know. besides, it’s not like that,” you rolled your eyes, and max smiled.
“thanks,” he said softly. he stood up, pulling his hoodie over his head, leaving him in a black tank top, a good chain around his neck. he walked over to the other side of the bed, and sat down before switching off the lamp, leaving the room dark. you both laid down, the large bed leaving a comfortable amount of space between you as you found yourself drifting off to sleep with ease.
“goodnight, y/n,” you heard max softly say, but you were too tired to reply, already nearly asleep.
sometime around 10 am, you began to stir awake, not yet conscious enough for your brain to register the feeling of arms around your waist. your head hurt significantly less than it had last night, and you shifted slightly, before you felt yourself being pulled closer to max, who you realized had at some point in the night, pulled your back against his chest and caged you safely in his arms. you knew you shouldn’t, but you found yourself enjoying it; he was so warm that you couldn’t help but turn over in his arms, curling into his chest as he hummed slightly, still asleep as he tucked you under his chin. you couldn’t have got up if you wanted to now, tightly in his embrace as he koala hugged you, and you felt yourself fall back to sleep.
max woke up about an hour later, and looked down to see you securely in his arms, and his heart sped up. this wasn’t supposed to happen- what would adam think if he saw this? of course nothing like that had happened, it was just sleeping; but would adam believe that? would anyone? the worst part is how much he enjoyed waking up next to you. while agreeing to watch over you had not been an elaborate attempt to get in your bed, but he would be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about it before. he knew it was wrong, your brother being his best and only friend after all, but he couldn’t stop himself from the growing attraction he had to you, and it was only getting worse the more time he spent with you. how the hell was he supposed to survive 24 more hours alone with you? max felt you move slightly in his arms, but rather than waking up, you nuzzled into his chest more, and at that moment he realized just how screwed he truly was.
max placed a soft kiss to your forehead, and this time you did wake up, and he was worried he had fucked up. but as your eyes opened and you looked up at him, he was relieved when you didn’t freak out. instead, you mumbled a soft ‘good morning’, and max let you out of his grip.
“how’s your head?” he asked, and you smiled before responding.
“i haven’t had any complaints,” you smirked, and it only took max a second to get the joke. he laughed, rolling his eyes as you sat up against the headboard.
“very funny.”
“i feel a lot better. i think sleeping definitely helped,” you gave a real answer now, and he smiled a genuine smile again as he looked up at you, still laying with his head on the pillow. “is the bed more comfortable than the chair?”
“definitely,” he scoffed. “it could have something to do with the cute teddy bear i had.” you felt your cheeks heat up, and you grabbed the pillow from behind you and whacked him with it. he laughed again, the pillow over his face before he moved it to his chest, and a comfortable silence fell over the room.
“adam…” you started.
“doesn’t need to know,” he finished the thought you were having. you nodded, thankful that it didn’t hurt your head this time.
“do you want to order breakfast?” you asked, carefully standing up for the first time since the match. max noticed you wobbling, and rushed out of bed to offer a shoulder to you. “i guess chivalry isn’t dead,” you teased.
“what can i say i’m a gentleman,” he smirked, helping you over to the chair in the corner.
“thank you,” you said, as he passed you the room service menu. “i was right - this chair is awful,” you laughed, confirming your suspicions having now actually sat in the rock hard piece of furniture.
“yeah, i think i might’ve lost years off my career if i slept in it,” max laughed, rubbing the side of his neck as if imagining the stiffness he would’ve felt. you continued reading the menu options until you found something you wanted, and then extended the paper to max.
“do you know what you want?”
“do i,” he mumbled. he was distracted looking at you and hadn’t meant to say it out loud. you looked at him funny, assuming you had just misheard him and honestly thinking nothing of it. “uh no i have to look at the menu.” he cleared his throat.
“here,” you smiled, and he took it from your hand before sitting on the end of the bed. as he looked over the food options, you couldn’t stop yourself from admiring him. how did he look so good first thing in the morning? his brown curls were slightly messy, and his sweatpants hung low on his hips. you were sure you looked horrible in comparison, and decided to try to walk on your own to the bathroom. max looked up at the movement in his peripheral vision, and offered to help again.
“i’m okay - i’m gonna have to figure out how to stand on my own at some point. unless you’re going to help me shower?” you joked, and max raised his eyebrows, and you swore his cheeks turned a light shade of pink.
“i mean if you NEEDED me to i-“ he teased, grin on his face. you had much better luck walking on your own this time, and managed to make it all the way to the bathroom door, grabbing a change of clothes from your suitcase on the way by.
“nice try, friedman,”
“just trying to be helpful,” he smiled, and you shook your head.
“you can go ahead and order the food; i’ll just have whatever you’re having. they should just charge it to my room but if they don’t my card is in my wallet,” you pointed to your bag on the dresser, before stepping into the bathroom.
“just yell if you need anything,” max offered, before grabbing the phone to order the room service. he heard the water turn on, and after he had ordered gave his credit card number - no way in hell he was using yours.
after he hung up, max flopped dramatically onto the bed, landing on his stomach with his face in the pillow. he noticed it smelled slightly of your body spray, and groaned softly. get it together, he thought to himself, but the thought of you in the shower was doing nothing to help his brain from thinking all too much.
you turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, feeling a lot better after letting the hot water relax your muscles. you wrapped a towels around your body and dried off before putting on your clean clothes, a simple t shirt and some shorts since you would be staying in the hotel room all day. deciding in the mirror that your appearance was acceptable, you walked out of the bathroom to find max laying face down in the bed.
“what are you doing,” you asked, laughing slightly.
“i’m relaxing- what does it look like i’m doing?” he replied, and you walked over to the side of the bed next to him. he rolled over so he was looking up at you, and sat up with his back against the headboard. “the food should be here soon.”
“awesome. want to find a movie to watch? you can pick since you’re stuck here with me,” you offered.
“you feel up to staring at a tv screen for 2 hours?” he asked, and you realized you hadn’t really thought about that.
“good point. i think i’m fine, if my head starts to hurt i’ll close my eyes,” you promised. max looked at you unsure, but sighed.
“fine, but don’t push yourself. come here,” he said, gesturing for you to sit next to him, and you resisted the urge to curl into his side. what had gotten into you, you thought.
the food had arrived and been eaten, a movie playing on tv that you weren’t really paying attention to. it wasn’t really bothering your head thankfully, but the constant thought of how close max was to you was plaguing your mind, the scent of his expensive cologne driving you crazy. you decided to make the most of the opportunity, and rested your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes. he looked down at you, immediately wrapping his arm around your back to hold you close.
“you okay? is it bothering your head?” he asked. “i’ll turn it off.”
“it’s okay, can you just turn it down a little? i’m just gonna close my eyes for a minute,” you mumbled, and max turned the sound nearly to mute, before you felt him pull you into his lap, your legs over his sideways. you were a little surprised, but nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, a without thinking, placed a gentle kiss below his jaw. you both froze, and you pulled back to read his expression. you began to apologize, when his finger reached forward to gently hold your chin. you nodded softly, before max leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours. he tasted sweet, a hint of maple syrup on his tongue from breakfast, and you felt your heart skip a beat. he kissed you so gently, like you were made of glass, and when you finally separated, you both stared at each other, catching your breath.
“i’ve been wanting to do that for a while,” max admitted, his cheeks flushed, and you were sure yours matched.
“really?” you asked, surprised.
“uh, yeah?” he said, like it was obvious. “god, adam would kill me if he could read minds.” you laughed, leaning forward to kiss him again, gently nibbling at his bottom lip. his hands landed on your hips and adjusted your position to straddle his lap, the blanket gathering around your waist.
“adam’s not here,” you pointed out. max screwed his eyes shut.
“i’m starting to think that you’re a very bad influence,” he groaned, his voice a little deeper than usual.
“how can i be a bad influence on someone who calls themselves the devil?” you asked. his fingertips dig into your sides,
“i’m trying really hard to behave myself right now, but you’re not making it easy….” he trailed off, looking up at you as he breathed heavily.
“i don’t know what you’re-“ you played dumb before he interrupted you with another kiss, rougher than the previous ones. his teeth tugged at your bottom lip, before his tongue slipped past and explored your mouth. you moaned into the kiss, and max bucked his hips upwards slightly at the sound. he pulled away, breathing heavily as he apologized.
“i’m sorry- i don’t think we should do this right now. i really don’t want to hurt you.” he admitted, and you could tell that it pained him to say it. you kissed him one more time, gently again, as if to say you understood.
“you’re probably right. i’m sorry.”
“it’s okay. don’t think i don’t want to,” he assured you, and you nodded. curling into his side again, you rested your head back on his shoulder, kissing him on the cheek quickly before you closed your eyes.
“thank you for taking care of me,” you mumbled, feeling sleepy again. max pressed a kiss to your forehead, and you hummed softly.
“anytime. although, maybe next time you don’t have to get a concussion to convince me to spend time with you,” he teased, and you playfully punched his ribs. “okay, okay, sorry.” his hand rested on your thigh, his fingertips drawing little shapes and patterns on your bare skin.
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mjfass · 9 months
I keep staring at your gifset of the reveal and the "not you, man. I never wanted it to be you" hurts. It also slightly makes me wonder if Max thought about it at one point but threw the thought away and convinced himself that it wouldn't be Adam because they were brochacos and he'd never do that to him after everything. Convinced himself it would be different this time
He knew Adam wasn’t trustworthy, he knew his past (literally things he did in AEW), but he recognized Adam as cut from the same cloth as him, because he has done questionable things in the past, as well. I also think at some point he thought about it but no, he trusted him, he let his guard down for the first time in his life… He really thought this time was going be different FOR BOTH OF THEM. Literally they tried to betray each other so many times but they never did it! Because it was different. At least in Max’s head... goddamn.
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thebussynotes · 2 years
Edit : I started this last night and finished it today, this is the longer version of the previous post under this one*
Ugh, I’m having midnight thoughts and I feel myself wanting to cry every second so imma just share
(Post Byers Move)
I personally feel like Argyle plays guitar in his free time. He was the guitarist, Heather was the singer and Billy was the drummer. They always performed in Argyles house, they enjoyed themselves and after they would go to the beach and collect seashells or just mess around. Those were the good times. So imagine him walking around in Lenora, it was almost the end of fall, around December seeing none other than Neil Hargrove strolling past.
He was quite hesitant to go up to him because the last time he talked to him they ended in bad terms…not that they were in good terms in any way… he goes up to him and says hello, Neil looks confused at first but then it clicks to him at some point and a look of disgust creeps up his face. Argyle wanted to end this conversation as soon as possible so he quickly shot out the question, “is Bil-”… he was cut off, Neil looked at him straight in the face and spit out the news “he’s fucking dead” “w…wha?…huh?!” “He’s.fucking.dead. Don’t makes me repeat myself….” “dead?…hes…h-hes?…no…no…what did you do? What did you do?!” He assumed it was Neil’s fault, he assumed that Neil finally beat his best friend to death but Neil replied, “I have nothing to do with it, I don’t even know how he died…if you want to see him, I suggest you don’t, it will just be a waste…” “I don’t believe you!!!” “Stop your fucking yelling, and fine you don’t believe me but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s dead…now have a good life, I’m off…” he walks away into the endless road and Argyle is left shocked and he feels himself starting to shake “I…I can’t believe this…” he just couldn’t…a few days later he sets up a flight to go to Indiana, get driven to Hawkins and visit the cemetery Billy was buried at. He packs his things, notably his guitar and surf board… Jonathan stopped by his house the day before he left, Jonathan noticed he was packing a bit(he wasn’t gonna take much over to Hawkins since he was going to stay there for at least 5 days), he asks where he was going and Argyle excused it as him going to visit his other family members that were still currently in Mexico, Jonathan didn’t think much of it and gave him the okay.
Time skip to when he arrives to Hawkins, it’s probably really late so he stays at the local hotel. It’s very quiet in Hawkins, he feels homesick considering he can’t hear the crash of waves like he usually could in Cali, but he will only stay here for a few days. Argyle is still very much in denial and that denial has kept him up all night. In the morning, he gets ready to visit the graveyard, the only thing he takes is his guitar, he goes downstairs after safely locking his hotel door, (I’m not really sure how Taxi services worked in the 80s so please correct me) he whistles for a taxi. It’s doesn’t take long before a Taxi appears before him, he tells the driver to drive to the local cemetery. He makes it to the cemetery a few minutes later, it felt like forever but he was finally there, he slightly hesitated to get out of the Taxi but he had no choice so he thanked the driver and made his way into the gates.
He feels his heart racing a bit fast, he was nervous and he didn’t want to admit what was said to him, especially by none other than his best friends piece of shit father. He didn’t know exactly where Billy’s grave was, he never asked so he spent a very long while looking for his grave. After an hour of walking around, he saw a grave that had the name “William Hargrove” carved into it and his heart drops to his ass… “it…really is true?…shitshitshitshitshitshit-” he starts to freak out and starts pacing around in front of his grave, “you gotta be shitting me man!!!”. He feels tears starting to form in his eyes, his childhood best friend is gone, all the hopes they had that he will one day return to Cali was all in vain. To make matters worse he looks to the grave stone next to Billy’s and he gasps in disbelief as he read the name carved into it.
“Heather Holloway”…she’s gone too, just like Billy…another childhood friend gone. Argyle let’s out a few sobs as he gave up holding back his tears. It’s no wonder he hasn’t heard Heather in months. Heather sent letters to Argyle because Neil found out that Billy was sending letters to Argyle and got punished for it so Heather was now in charge of it. After 4 months(a month of the Byers moving to Cali), he started to worry because Heather usually sent letters every week and all of a sudden it just…stops.
He tried to drown that worry many times but today is where all that worry turns into immense sorrow. He sits down in front and in between their graves and is still sobbing his heart out. He calms down after a while but is still crying a bit because the pain of these losses is unbearable to him, he picks up his guitar and thinks shortly before letting himself play the strings with his fingers, playing a lovely tune that made have flashbacks to memories he had with them, how happy they were despite their personal struggle. That’s all Argyle wanted, wanted his friends to feel relaxed and happy around him and be comfortable with each other. He continues playing his guitar for a long while and before he knows it, the sun started to set.
He sighs sadly as he slowly stands up and looks at their graves one more time before saying “goodbye…I-…I’ll see you two tomorrow”. Eventually he makes it back to the hotel by pure luck because he was sure he got lost despite this town being as small as the palm of his hand. For the next 3 days, he goes back to their graves, play them some tunes, talks to them for a bit, heads back to the hotel. It’s the same for the next day but instead he stays at the graveyard until late at night, he wanted it to feel like how it felt back in the 70’s where Heather, Billy and himself would stay up late at night, near their personal bonfire and laying on a worn out couch with no concern and just chatting their minds off before drifting to sleep like three little bears. Despite talking to literal stone, he felt deep inside that Billy and Heather were listening to him, acknowledging his presence and appreciating that he was there which made him chuckle a little at the thought.
He said his final goodbyes to them, he looks over at his surfboard, “oh shit, I almost forgot”, he picks up the surfboard and places the surfboard horizontally infront of both of their graves. “Now you guys can share it, to make it feel a bit like home…” he smiles sadly at the graves and gently places a kiss on both stones as if he were giving them both forehead kisses “Hasta Luego, Brochacos…” he gets up, picks up his guitar and goes back to the hotel again. The feeling of homesickness was overcomes by the need to stay but he knew he couldn’t stay, he couldn’t… the next day he packs up, checks out of the hotel and leaves to the Indiana airport and flies back to Cali. He’s still very upset that his best friends are no longer alive, but is relived at the fact that he was able to say goodbye to them in his own way with no interruptions…he will never forget them, never.
*im sorry for this being way to long but it’s a longer explanation to the last post and since I’m going back to back on angst y’all are gonna suffer I’m so sorry :’D also I’m not very fond of writing so this might be as good as I thought but I still tried. Also If you have any questions feel free to ask*
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smallghostcorner · 2 years
Little Eddie x cg reader (masc version)
Cw: mentions of Argyle being high and weed
Summary: you and the gang (including Argyle and Johnathan) come over to smoke but Eddie is regressed and you all baby him instead.
You and the gang walk up to Eddies trailer, you knock but get no answer.
You try the door and its unlocked.
"That seems kinda weird dudes" Argyle points out already high.
You just nod and head inside.
You notice the tv on and playing cartoons and you can hear shuffling and slight giggles coming from the back of the trailer.
"You guys wait here I'll find eds"
You scurry off to Eddies bedroom, you see him sitting on his bed in a pair of shorts and a soft band tee shirt with some knee high socks and before you even see the pacifier hanging out of his mouth you know he's regressed.
"Papa!" he shouts excitedly when he sees you and makes grabby hands for you.
"Hey little guy" you say as you pick him up and set him on your hip.
"The others are here is that okay?" you want to make sure your baby is comfortable before bringing him out.
He nods at you and you exit his bedroom.
When you come back out to the living room the gangs a little confused as to why you're holdong him.
You quickly explain age regression to them and they surprisingly seem to catch on quickly.
Steve is the first one to get it and offers to get Eddie a snack and a sippy cup of juice.
You thank him as you set Eddie down on the floor and rush back to his room to grab a few toys for him to play with.
When you return from his room for a second time you see Eddie enjoying the bowl of cup up fruit and cereal Steve made him while Nancy lets him play with her fingers.
"Hey little man i brought you some of your toys to play with when you finish your snack" you say to him as you set down his favorite stuffie (a pink teddy bear named rarity) a teething ring and a set of soft blocks.
He looked over at you but seemed more interested in his game with Nancys fingers.
------time skip-----
Everyone was having a good time despite the night not going how they planned, Nancy had brought a book to read, Robin and Steve were arguing about something or another in a friendly banter kind of way and you and Jonathan were entertaining Eddie.
You didn't know were Argyle went but you have a feeling he went outside for some purple palm tree delight.
When Argyle came back in his eyes were red rimned and he seemed a lot more chill.
When Eddie saw him again he made grabby hands towards him.
"What's up my tiny brochaco?" Agyle asked him.
"Haiw pwetty" Eddie responded touching Argyles hair.
"You wanna play with it my little dude?" Argyle asked taking off his hat.
"I can?" Eddies eyes lit up like a chirstmas tree.
Eddie stars to run his fingers through Argyles hair being careful not to pull on it.
He does a few braids before he starts to rub his eyes and yawn.
"I think it's nap time for a little somebody" you say starting to stand up.
"I could go for a nap right now too" Argyle says also yawning.
"nap togefer papa? Please?" Eddie gives you his best puppy dog eyes and you give in this time after all he's still gonna nap.
"Ok but only this once"
Eddie and Argyle both cheer. Argyle gets up on the couch and lays down, Eddie crawls over and lays on top of him.
They're both out in a matter of minutes and you just laugh at them.
words cannot express how underrated Argyle is
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haddonfieldwhore · 1 year
look after me - mjf
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part 2 to look after you
mjf x gender neutral! cole! reader
word count: 3.4k
warnings: scripted violence, injury, sneaking around, angst, language, hints of nsfw, language
summary: you and mjf have been sneaking around behind your brothers back for weeks. when max gets hurt, it’s your turn to take care of him
needless to say, it was not easy keeping your relationship with max a secret from adam. he had been even more protective than usual since you got injured, and you had barely been able to go anywhere without your brother following you since he got back to aew. no matter how many times you had assured him that you were fine, he still treated you like you would break if someone breathed too close to you. it was fine for the first few days, but after two weeks it was getting more than annoying. it also meant you had no time to hang out with max without your brother being there, which was making things difficult for both of you. the three of you spent a lot of time together, and you began training to get back in the ring now that you had been cleared. while adam was happy to see you and max getting along; he had no idea just how close you had became in just 48 hours together.
the three of you were in the gym at the hotel, when adam received a call on his cell, and he stepped away to answer it. once he was out of the room, max out his hand gently on your shoulder.
“hey there’s this cool new machine over here,” he said, and you followed him around the corner, only to be gently backed against the wall, his lips on yours in a heated kiss. his hands rested on your waist, fingertips threatening to slide underneath the hem of your shorts. he kissed your neck softly, and you had to use all of your willpower to push him away.
“we can’t do this here,” you sighed, defeated. his forehead rested on yours, a thin layer of sweat from working out covering his skin. “i want to-“
“i know. my brochaco for life is becoming a pain in my-“ you interrupted him with one more kiss, before you pushed his chest lightly, and he started walking back over to the main area of the gym.
“i’m just running to the washroom,” you said, and noticed adam walking back into the gym. good timing you thought. it wasn’t the first time you and max had almost been caught. you honestly weren’t sure how adam would react, besides the usual older brother protectiveness; this was his best friend. you checked over your appearance in the mirror, not really needing the washroom, just needing an excuse to why you were around the corner.
when you went back out in to the main area of the gym, adam had returned and was spotting max on the bench press. you tried no to make it too obvious that you were admiring max’s physique as he finished his rep and sat up on the bench.
“hey,” adam said, noticing you had returned to them. “that was britt- i’m a total idiot and forgot we had plans for our anniversary tonight. i gotta head out or i won’t be ready in time.”
“no worries,” you smiled. “you better suck up big time for forgetting your anniversary.”
“i know,” he sighed. “see you guys later.” he waved as he ran out of the gym in a panic, and you couldn’t help but laugh. once he was gone, max pulled you into his lap by your hips.
“gross- you’re all sweaty,” you giggled and tried to pull away but he laughed.
“shut up, you seemed to be enjoying watching me work out a minute ago,” he teased, and you felt your cheeks heat up. he kissed your lips, before you pulled back.
“do you think adam could tell?” you asked nervously. max shook his head.
“no, he’s oblivious. and he’s too worried about forgetting dinner to night to think about anything else.” you leaned forward to kiss him again, his teeth gently tugging at your bottom lip.
“you’re probably right.”
“of course i’m right- “ you rolled your eyes. he released his hold on you allowing you to stand up. “that does mean we have an evening without him for once.” max was right. this was the first time in weeks you and max even had the opportunity for alone time.
“did adam say what time he would be back?” you asked, and max shook his head, standing up off the bench.
“no - i’ll text you when he leaves though. i’m sure we’ll have at least a few hours,” he kissed your forehead, and you smiled. of course max and adam were sharing a hotel room, so max would know when he was gone. you just hoped you didn’t get caught.
somehow, three months flew by without any suspicion from adam about what was going on between you and max. there had been a few instances where you almost got caught, but only because max had started being increasingly bold and taking more risks; and it was driving you crazy. whether it was kissing you when adam turned away, or holding you hand while walking behind him, it was almost as if he wanted to get caught.
currently, you and max were grabbing coffee from the hotel breakfast bar, surprisingly void of any other talent considering it was still morning. adam was in a meeting with tony, giving you a few moments alone while you grabbed breakfast for the three of you.
“we have to tell him eventually, or he’s gonna figure it out on his own.”
“i’m not sure which would be worse,“ you admitted. “i don’t know how happy he’s gonna be that-“
“that i’m banging his little sibling?” max laughed.
“it sounds worse when you say it like that,” you sighed. “i mean.. we’re together.. aren’t we?” you asked nervously. max set down the two coffees he was holding and turned to you.
“of course we are, babe. i didn’t mean it like that,” he said, sounding genuinely sorry. his kissed the top of your nose and you smiled, any doubts in your mind disappearing at the sweet gesture. a few seconds after you pulled away, adam rounded the corner, and smiled at both of you.
“morning,” he smiled, which you returned as max handed him his coffee. you and max went to sit at one of the table scattered around the courtyard while adam grabbed his food.
“that was close,” you mumbled.
“of the things he could catch us doing that’s probably the best case scenario-“ you punched his arm lightly and he smiled. “okay. i’ll be more careful.”
“who needs to be careful?” adam asked, sitting down next to max who was sat across the table from you.
“max. during his promo tonight with joe,” you covered. it wasn’t exactly a lie- max had injured his neck at a recent ppv and knowing how promos often ended, you didn’t want him getting more hurt, especially in the ring with someone as powerful as samoa joe.
“i’ll be fine,” max rolled his eyes.
“they’re right - a neck injury is serious business, buddy,” adam agreed with you, and you were thankful that your lie had been believable enough. you were worried about max getting in the ring at all with a neck injury, but you knew you couldn’t talk him out of it.
“i know!” max groaned. “i promise, i will be fine.” you felt him gently tap your leg with his foot reassuringly under the table, and you sighed, just hoping he was right.
you were pacing back and forth just backstage as max and joe were in the ring, promoing their asses off. as the segment neared it’s end, things started to get physical, and adam looked at your nervously.
“you okay?” adam, who was also backstage, asked you. you nodded your eyes not leaving the screen in front of you. “you guys have gotten to be good friends, huh?” he asked innocently, and you simply nodded again, when joe slammed max onto the canvas, and he instantly grabbed his neck in pain. your eyes went wide and you looked at adam.
“please tell me that’s in the script?” you asked, panicked, and when adam didn’t reply you both ran out to the ring. adam slid under the ropes to keep joe away from max, and you ran around the ring to help him out of harms way.
“i can’t feel my arm,” he repeated over and over as he winced in pain, his eyes wet with tears.
“i can’t feel my left arm,” he repeated, as adam and the medics rushed over to help get him out of the ring. adam looked at you, a worried expression on his face, but it was nothing compared to yours. you were letting max use you as a crutch, when the medical team took over, and you and adam stared at eachother for a second before following after them. max stopped halfway up the ramp, obviously in unbearable pain as he fell to a knee. you crouched in front of him, gently holding his face in your hands.
“it’s okay, you’re almost there, okay?” you assured him, and he nodded with teary eyes, powering through to stand again and continue the rest of the way backstage. roderick strong came out yelling about something, but you honestly couldn’t hear anything, your adrenaline was racing so much; the only thing you cared about was max.
medical staff managed to get him backstage, you and adam following behind as he was taken to the medical room. you and adam waited outside, and you leaned against the
wall, your eyes closed as you tried to calm down your breathing.
“he’ll be okay,” adam tried to reassure you. you shook your head.
“he looked scared, adam. i don’t know,” your voice wavered, remembering the look in max’s eyes. adam stood in front of you and you looked up at him with wet eyes. a look of realization came over your brothers face.
“you really care about him don’t you?” he asked, and you nodded, and adam pulled you into a hug. you buried your face in his chest, unable to stop from crying. you pulled back, wiping your eyes and trying to compose yourself.
“i’m glad you guys have become friends. he doesn’t really have any besides me.”
“yeah,” you spoke softly, unsure of what else to say, your mind focused on max, who was still being checked over by the doctor.
“there’s not … anything else going on is there?”
“are you really asking me that right now? your best friend maybe broke his neck and you wanna know if i’m sleeping with him?” you snapped, the stress of the situation getting the better of you.
“relax! just the way you looked at eachother i thought-“
“maybe now isn’t the time for this conversation,” you pleased, rubbing your temple, and adam laughed in disbelief.
“so you are sleeping with him?” he scoffed. “i can’t believe this.”
“i can’t believe you care more about that than your best friend right now!” you yelled back.
“i can’t believe you two would go behind my back like that! why didn’t you just tell me in the first place?”
“i don’t know - it just happened all of the sudden,” you pleaded.
“..what?” you stuttered, your thoughts all over the place.
“when did it just happen? how long have you been sneaking around and fucking my best friend behind my back? i should kill him-“ he began to reach for the door to the medical room, and you pushed him back hard, your hands against his chest as you put yourself between him and the door.
“are you kidding me? what’s wrong with you- that’s your best friend!”
“i thought he was! but i guess he was just using me all along!”
“are you even listening to yourself? he is your friend! this wasn’t some long con to get in my pants - if it really matters i kissed him first!” you yelled, the two of you in a screaming match now. it had been a long time since you had fought like this, but you were siblings after all.
“whatever; you two really are perfect for eachother. how long until he starts going around behind your back?” he spat, before storming off.
“adam!” you called, tears falling again. when didn’t come back, you slid down the wall to sit in a slump on the floor.
you heard the door open next to you a few minutes later and one of the medical staff stepped out. you practically leapt off the floor, dusting off the seat of your pants.
“is he okay?” you asked.
“he’s asleep right now. but yes, he will be okay. we gave him some medication for the pain, but there’s no severe damage. the bump just agitated the injury and caused him to temporarily loose feeling in his arm. some advil and a few days of rest and he’ll be feeling much better,” the doctor explained, and you breathed a sigh of relief. “you can see him now.” you nodded as the doctor stepped aside to let you into the room. max was asleep on the small hospital bed, a white blanket over his torso and a thin layer of sweat covering his forehead and arms. you sat in the chair next to his bed, gently taking his hand in yours.
“hey max,” you whispered. he stirred slightly in his sleep but didn’t wake up, and you smiled, glad he was getting some rest.
“are you okay?” a nurse asked you, and you gave her a puzzled look. “that sounded like an intense conversation,” she clarified, and you became embarrassed realizing that everyone in the room could hear your argument with adam.
“i’ll be fine. we’re family, he’ll come around. thank you,” you smiled sadly, and the nurse returned it, patting you on the shoulder softly before exiting the room, leaving you alone with max. you breathed out a heavy sigh, exhausted after everything that had happened, and rested your head on the edge of the bed, quickly falling asleep.
you woke up a few hours later to max gently drawing little patterns on your hand that previously had been holding his.
“hey,” you mumbled sleepily, rubbing your eyes with your other hand, and he smiled softly at you.
“hey,” he replied. his voice deep from just waking up as well.
“how are you feeling?” you asked, sitting up more, your back stiff from hunching over.
“better. my neck is still sore, but i can feel my arm again,” he laughed lightly.
“that’s good. i was really worried about you, max.”
“i know, baby. i’m gonna be fine.” you stood up to gently kiss his lips. you sat back down, and max looked at you nervously.
“is adam…”
“he’s-“ you sighed. “i don’t think he really wants to talk to either of us right now. i’m sorry max.” he grabbed your hand reassuringly.
“i should kick his ass for yelling at you like that.”
“how much did you hear?” you asked.
“bits and pieces; enough to know he doesn’t get to talk to you like that.”
“you’re right. i am trying to see it from his perspective too though. i get why he’s mad, i think he just overreacted because he’s also worried about you. he kinda found out the worst possible time.” you both sighed. “he just needs time to cool off. he’ll come around.” you sat in comfortable silence for a moment before max changed the subject.
“when do i get to get out of this place?” he asked. you looked around for one of the nurses as max sat up in the bed. you found the nurse, who checked max over one more time and decided he was cleared to leave, you helped him out of bed. max was mostly fine to walk on his own, but had an arm over your shoulder just in case. as you headed to the parking garage to drive the two of you back to your hotel, you almost ran in to samoa joe in the hallway, and he walked over.
“hey, max; how are you doing?” he extended a hand to max. joe was one of the most well respected talents you had ever met, and you knew he was being genuine.
“i’ll be okay,” max smiled, shaking joes hand.
“seems like you’ll be taken good care of with this one,” joe smiled, gesturing to you.
“yes sir,” you joked.
“take it easy.”
“you too,” max replied, and the two of you continued to your car.
you arrived at the hotel room, deciding max would stay with you rather than risk adam ripping his head off. max had brought his bag from the venue that had a change of clothes with him, as well as his phone and other essential items, so there wasn’t a need to go to his room anyways. you noticed he was still having a bit of difficulty moving his left arm, and you walked over to help him out of his clothes. he had thrown a zip up hoodie on the leave the venue, but otherwise was still shirtless and just wearing his jeans from his promo with joe. max was trying to shrug off the hoodie, when your hands lightly slid underneath the fabric and over his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor.
“what are you doing?” max whispered.
“i’m helping you. you can barely walk, don’t get any crazy ideas,” you smirked. max couldn’t help his breath catching in his throat as your fingers found the buckle of his belt, before undoing the button of his jeans.
“you’re doing this on purpose-“
“do you want to sleep in jeans?”
“i don’t care what i’m wearing as long as you’re there-“ you cut him off with a kiss, a smile on both of your faces when you pulled away. you finished undoing his jeans and slid them down his legs, letting him step out of them and leaving him just in his black boxers.
“this seems unfair,” he pouted, and you rolled your eyes, but took your jacket off, tossing it aside with the rest of the discarded clothing that had begun to pile up on the floor. you began to undo you pants but max pushed your hand aside with his good arm. he pressed his forehead to yours as he focused on undoing the button with one hand.
“you don’t have to-“
“shh,” he kissed you lips softly. “just let me help.” you nodded, and he got them undone and let you slide them down your legs before removing them completely. you pulled your shirt over your head, leaving you both in just your undergarments before you wrapped your arms around his waist.
“let’s go to bed,” you said, pressing featherlight kisses to the side of his neck, not wanting to hurt him anymore tonight. he groaned softly, his hands gripping your hips.
“you’re being a tease.”
“you love it,” you smiled, kissing his lips. he hummed in response, and let you drag him by his good arm to the bed. you switched off the light before you laid down next to eachother, and max pulled you on top of him almost immediately, his lips roughly on yours in a heartbeat.
“max….” you pushed away. “trust me; i want to. it sucks that we’re in this situation again, but i really don’t want to hurt you.”
“i know,” he sighed, kissing you softly this time. “thank you for taking care of me this time.”
“anytime. but let’s not make this a routine okay? i’m tired of one of us being hurt,” you laughed, curling into his side and nuzzling into his neck.
“deal,” he agreed, kissing the top of your head. you were silent for a moment before you mumbled softly something that had been on your mind all night.
“i love you, max.” you knew it was a risk; you had only been together for a few months, but after seeing him in so much pain tonight, and how it affected you, you knew it was the truth. “you don’t have to say it back if you don’t feel the same. i just wanted you to know.” he tightened his grip around you with his good arm, and kissed your forehead one more time.
“i love you too.” you smiled contently, safe in the embrace of the man you loved. you knew it would take time for adam to come around, but you were relieved that max was okay, and at least for tonight, thats all that mattered to you.
🏷️ taglist: @frodhoebagginit
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smallghostcorner · 2 years
Little Eddie x cg reader (fem version)
Cw: mentions of Argyle being high and weed
Summary: you and the gang (including Argyle and Johnathan) come over to smoke but Eddie is regressed and you all baby him instead.
You and the gang walk up to Eddies trailer, you knock but get no answer.
You try the door and its unlocked.
"That seems kinda weird dudes" Argyle points out already high.
You just nod and head inside.
You notice the tv on and playing cartoons and you can hear shuffling and slight giggles coming from the back of the trailer.
"You guys wait here I'll find eds"
You scurry off to Eddies bedroom, you see him sitting on his bed in a pair of shorts and a soft band tee shirt with some knee high socks and before you even see the pacifier hanging out of his mouth you know he's regressed.
"Mama!" he shouts excitedly when he sees you and makes grabby hands for you.
"Hey little guy" you say as you pick him up and set him on your hip. (buff fem reader cuz i said so)
"The others are here is that okay?" you want to make sure your baby is comfortable before bringing him out.
He nods at you and you exit his bedroom.
When you come back out to the living room the gangs a little confused as to why you're holdong him.
You quickly explain age regression to them and they surprisingly seem to catch on quickly.
Steve is the first one to get it and offers to get Eddie a snack and a sippy cup of juice.
You thank him as you set Eddie down on the floor and rush back to his room to grab a few toys for him to play with.
When you return from his room for a second time you see Eddie enjoying the bowl of cup up fruit and cereal Steve made him while Nancy lets him play with her fingers.
"Hey little man i brought you some of your toys to play with when you finish your snack" you say to him as you set down his favorite stuffie (a pink teddy bear named rarity) a teething ring and a set of soft blocks.
He looked over at you but seemed more interested in his game with Nancys fingers.
------time skip-----
Everyone was having a good time despite the night not going how they planned, Nancy had brought a book to read, Robin and Steve were arguing about something or another in a friendly banter kind of way and you and Jonathan were entertaining Eddie.
You didn't know were Argyle went but you have a feeling he went outside for some purple palm tree delight.
When Argyle came back in his eyes were red rimned and he seemed a lot more chill.
When Eddie saw him again he made grabby hands towards him.
"What's up my tiny brochaco?" Agyle asked him.
"Haiw pwetty" Eddie responded touching Argyles hair.
"You wanna play with it my little dude?" Argyle asked taking off his hat.
"I can?" Eddies eyes lit up like a chirstmas tree.
Eddie stars to run his fingers through Argyles hair being careful not to pull on it.
He does a few braids before he starts to rub his eyes and yawn.
"I think it's nap time for a little somebody" you say starting to stand up.
"I could go for a nap right now too" Argyle says also yawning.
"nap togefer mama? Please?" Eddie gives you his best puppy dog eyes and you give in this time after all he's still gonna nap.
"Ok but only this once"
Eddie and Argyle both cheer. Argyle gets up on the couch and lays down, Eddie crawls over and lays on top of him.
They're both out in a matter of minutes and you just laugh at them.
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