#they’re both just… FCK
kithtaehyung · 2 years
I just know OC and 3tanYoongi is one fine ass couple haha
I can practically see it. They put the bisexuals in a frenzy. They're so hot to the point where you just don't know what to do with yourself. A true "Bisexual Panic" moment 😩😭
Shit...... I would want them both too 😈💀
The power that they hold. I feel like the energy surrounding them would be very magnetic and captivating and there's always this underlying intensity between them that you can just feel if you were to be in the same room with them.
They're so attractive lmao
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FUUUUUUU YOU KNOW IT‼️ Like I literally don’t know who I would rather be, Yoongi or Reader💀And I’m pretty sure people have said the same!! Both is right😩 Both of them are their own people—they’re just stronger together oh sheesh!
Side note: I adore how even though reader has no stated physical attributes, the energy surrounding them is literally enough. We all acknowledge this. WHICH IS THE POINT YOONGI IS MAKING YALL😤 like confidence is It and if you can hone that? Limitless in what you can be.
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s-4pphics · 8 months
first vi brainrot
… heyyyy arcaners 😋
getting back into writing after like a month LOL art by lottie-lot :3 @trackinglessons
fck you free palestine. 
WORD COUNT: not eem 1k just some plotting 
CONTENT: rugbyplayer!vi, femcel!oc… is she deranged or is she in love who knows fr, a lil horny, brief mentions or familial death/grief
rugbyplayer!vi who’s loved dearly. . . 
shines brighter than the sun whenever she enters the room; makes every person she comes across glow with her charisma, her laughter. she’s so polite and gracious. people can’t help but gravitate towards her radiance. 
no one would’ve ever guessed the turmoil she experienced before moving to her college town. loneliness was no longer comforting. the silence she was once eased by brought forth distress she couldn’t control. 
rugbyplayer!vi who moved through university like a ghost who never crossed over. only left noticeable tracks in the smiles she gave people before vanishing to nothingness in her room. 
rugbyplayer!vi who had no idea what rugby was. only got introduced to it at a bar where matches played on the tv screen above as she sipped her drink in silence. it seemed like watered-down football and made her nose turn up. 
who would’ve thought she’d be at her university’s rugby tryouts a few months later. one poorly made sign with every single one of her crushes in shorts and she ended up with her heels in the wet dirt, nerve wracked in front of both coaches. only then did she realize how out of shape she’s gotten. sports were her escape in high school, but the loss of her sibling destroyed her. crumbled every aspiration she ever had into dust that buried her baby sister. 
when she first got recruited, she was fearful. how would she ever be able to focus on practice when she’s surrounded by people she’s desired to emulate? they’re strong and resilient and quick; she’s leagues behind them in terms of skill and she knows it. her brain discourages her like no other. 
rugbyplayer!vi who was relentless the first few months of training. the aches in her thighs and the salt leaking from her pores and into her eyes did nothing but motivate her, distract her, drive her to do more. to reach where her peers sat comfortably at the top. she pushed so much that she called out of class multiple times; she couldn’t fucking walk. 
it took seven ruthless months to get where she wanted to be. seven months of self-doubt, of quitting and forcing herself to retry. her teammates believed in her more than she believed in herself. whenever she struggled, they were right behind her, carrying whatever weight her limbs couldn’t support. 
her teammates swiftly became her family. . . not a day goes by where she doesn’t miss her sister. 
it’s been a year since her recruitment. . . her exhaustion finally paid off in wins and meticulous tackles of her opponents. the sport aids her aggression, keeps her attention off of her damaged past for hours as she rides the high of a successor. whenever she walks onto the field she’s cocky, ego blasted to the clouds because she knows people are there for her; every time her cleats sink into the dirt, she’s home. 
it’s a rush she can’t explain. she loves this fucking game. 
. . . but you love her more. 
it’s not an obsession. you’re observant. you enjoy watching people. . . do things. you feel socialized whenever you study the joy, the grief, the yearn individuals exude through their behavior. you don't feel as lonely. almost connected to yourself through other people. 
when you first met rugbyplayer!vi, it was through a window during sophomore year. 
sat on a beanbag on the second floor of the library, completely distracted from your coursework, you gawked down as she conversed and smiled and laughed with people you didn’t know but wished to. rugbyplayer!vi captivated you like no other. education be damned. you’d drop everything for her at that moment if she asked. 
you’re not stalking her. it’s not your fault that wherever she is, you are. call it fate. you never say a word. simply stand off to the side and crave and think and fantasize. your mind is sinister. 
rugbyplayer!vi is the sun. you’re a moth, shadowing wherever light trails. 
witnessing her rugby career develop was a blessing. you’re always in the stands, hiding in plain sight from her. the muscles in her legs and arms are much larger than when she first started; they flex whenever she snags and throws the ball. pummels other women to the ground. lifts her shirt to wipe her sweat. clenches her fist when she’s angry. what you'd give to ease her tension. 
how can you not love her? everything she embodies is perfect. every cell that crafts her being is godsend. 
you crave to be in her presence. but you can’t. 
people are turned off by you. you’re not sure why, but you’re always alone, comforted by the repulsive compartments of your brain. the voice that encourages you to detach. 
so, you go where there’s no judgment. dump all your thoughts of the love of your life where no one can find you. where she can’t find you. forever undiscovered. forever anonymous. 
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lovecaitlined · 9 months
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On KaySun Parallels + Trauma Bonding (aka Suna’s Lack of Self-Worth and Kaya’s Abandonment Issues)
I think it’s established very early on that Suna is traumatized by her abusive father, Kazim. She’s perpetually anxious and shaky about never being good enough; in fact, on the day she’s supposed to get engaged, her younger sister is chosen over her for the arranged marriage. This manifests in her difficulty in standing up for herself. All her life, she has been downtrodden, plodded on by people who think she is less than. She guards her heart because she’s been heartbroken way too many times—treated as less than by her father, sister, and even the Korhans. She thinks she’s unloved; therefore, she lacks self-worth.
Once she gets her confidence, though, whether it’s thanks to Kaya’s warm words and Ifakat’s manipulation, or through the power and financial protection Kaya can give her through their marriage and being a member of the Korhan family, Suna is able to stand up for herself. She feels worthy and loved thanks to Kaya. Why? Because, for the first time in her life, she gets chosen. He chooses her to love. To be his bride. And she no longer feels like an afterthought, nor a second choice full of flaws. So when she realizes that Kaya might not actually love her and just feel pity for her, she’s devastated. For it means she wasn’t chosen and loved after all.
But what about Kaya? Well, Kaya has trauma too. But a different kind—abandonment issues, stemming from his add!ct father leaving them and his mother’s health problems meaning she could die any moment and leave him without his real family. He thinks he’s not enough since after all, his dad abandoned him.
So it’s no surprise that Kaya clings on to Suna. Yes, it’s love so strong that he can’t admit it yet—attraction that is so real that it unfortunately gets muddled and blurred between the lines of revenge and necessity—but it’s also their trauma bonding of rejection. Suna and Kaya have found themselves in each other. Suna can’t lose him, the same way Kaya can’t lose her. They’ve both faced similar issues in their lives; they both know what it feels like to be a pawn in a losing game, or just not the main character of their own story.
When Kaya thinks Suna doesn’t trust him, especially because she heads off to find Seyran with that fck@$$ driver without telling him, he’s understandably heartbroken. At this point, they’re married, and loved up, but now he thinks she’s going to leave him. And he can’t deal with that. He can’t accept someone he loves abandoning again. That’s why he flips out completely. And that’s why Suna’s arms are there to comfort him in the end.
(Plus, as my Twitter moot Alice pointed out, that’s why the first time KaySun meet, as he says goodbye, he tells her, “I hope you will always be there for me.” This says so much about his character; it unlocks his deepest fears as well).
Suna is used to people overlooking her, and Kaya is used to people walking away. Both of them have been abandoned for not being “enough” to care about. Both of them know what it’s like to be avoided and unloved. Both of them have the shared trauma of REJECTION. And that’s why they both find love in each other now.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐑𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐫𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
⭑ Oh my god you guys are a little family! Well, not so little... even though Rhaenyra is married to Laenor, she is still in a secret relationship with you and Harwin. 
⭑ Her sons are like your own, and you treat them with so much love and respect. 
⭑ But they probably see you as an Aunty/Uncle (I guess the same as Harwin)
⭑ You’re probably legally married to Harwin? And he fell in love with Rhaenyra, and so did you. If you present as male, then I think you would be their guard.  
⭑ Rhaenyra calls you ‘my love,’ 
⭑ And Harwin calls you ‘my heart.’
⭑ If you’re quick to anger, Rhaenyra will be by your side, stroking your arm:
        “It’s okay, my love,” she’ll coo. 
⭑ Harwin is like a rock for both you and Rhae. He’s always ready to pick you up when you’re down.
⭑ And he loves making you smile. He would degrade himself in all ways, just to see the side of your lips quirk up. 
⭑ You love to tuck the boys into bed and tell them bedtime stories. Their favourites are ones with dragons and knights (of course-)
⭑ Alicent would be outrageously jealous - I think the big thing with her is that she wants the same freedom. But because of her standing, and her family, she feels as if she cannot do what Rhaenyra does. Alicent firmly believes that actions have consequences. 
⭑ You can usually find Rhaenyra with her sons - she watches on as Jacaerys and Lucerys train. 
⭑ Harwin is with them training, and you’re either helping or watching on as well. 
⭑ Viserys really likes you; it’s because you take the time to look at his model of the city. He does love his family, and although he might not be the greatest king, he is a great father and grandfather. 
⭑ Harwin likes to steal kisses when no one is watching 9if you’re not married) but if you are, then his lips aren’t far from your own
⭑ Rhaenyra isn’t jealous - she understands, but you try not to do it in front of her
⭑ You and Rhaenyra are like best friends with benefits; you love talking with each other and find that you understand each other on a deeper level 
⭑ You and Laenor get on well too - you don’t care about his preferences and sometimes wonder if Harwin could be attracted to him? 
⭑ Harwin always does this sneak-attack thing where he’ll creep up behind you and jump on you, or pick you up
⭑ And you’ve gotten so used to it, that you know exactly when he’s about to pounce
⭑ Rhaenyra always listens intently whenever you have something to say 
⭑ And you love reading to her. She finds your voice very calming 
⭑ All three of you are very sarcastic and witty. Humour is a big part of your relationship!
⭑ Relationship Tropes: 
  ✧ Dumbass (Harwin) x Dumbass In Training (You) x Oh Fck I Guess They’re My Dumbasses (Rhaenyra)
  ✧ Tall (Harwin) x Smol (Rhaenyra) x Slightly Taller Than Smol (You)
  ✧ The Adventurous (Harwin) x The Hyperactive (You) x The Unheeded Voice of Reason (Rhaenyra)
  NSFW🔞minors dni!
⭑ Rhaenyra likes to watch you and Harwin. When she’s alone, she’ll imagine your hands untying Harwin’s pants, pulling them down and freeing his hard cock. 
⭑ Harwin loves the cowgirl position, and the other behind the rider, kissing and nipping at their breasts. 
⭑ Harwin is a switch, but mostly a sub
⭑ Rhaenyra is mostly a dom, but will gladly give the reigns to anyone 
⭑ If you want the princess to be putty in your hands, then nibble on her ear
⭑ And Harwin loves to take advantage of an empty corridor
⭑ He also adores face-sitting, especially when Rhaenyra is bouncing on his cock and you’re on top of his face. 
⭑ But Harwin’s favourite sexual act is bondage; 
⭑ You’ve tried mutual masturbation but it doesn’t last for long. Harwin usually gives up and wants to touch you both. 
⭑ Harwin is very thick, veiny, and in length - around 9.5 inches when fully erect. 
⭑ If you’re able to have children, then you would have a tonic that prevents pregnancy. But if you and Harwin do wish to have children - then that’s a different case. 
⭑ I do think Harwin has a breeding kink ... and he loves stuffing himself deep inside you, his cum filling up your cunt. 
⭑ Rhaenyra likes anal, but likes to eat your ass especially 
⭑ And she adores her hair being pulled 
⭑ You would have a drawer full of toys; dildos, strap-ons (GoT versions of course, maybe out of a special material in King’s Landing?) paddles (for spanking), ropes, cloths for tying around one’s eyes etc,.
⭑ The aftercare is especially lovely - sometimes all three of you are too tired so you cuddle in each other’s arms until someone has to leave. 
⭑ Or when you do feel especially dirty, you and Rhaenyra will hop into a warm bath while Harwin cleans the both of you. 
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stormyoceans · 3 months
Jimmy continues to help you with the 100 plots post.
Jimmy is Kevin Costner. Sea is Whitney Houston. Fck I'd watch this!
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but leaving that aside. god i would LOVE a bodyguard/celebrity series for jimmysea. i feel like we're getting a lot of BLs with one half of the pairing being famous (actor, idol), but all the bodyguards seem to be reserved for mafia bosses and rich people with wealth of dubious origin. which is fine!!!! however with GMMTV trying to do some kind of commentary on the idol industry (first with only boo and soon with thamepo) i think it would be very interesting to approach it on this side as well, especially since stalkers and fans getting a little bit too up close and personal with actors while they walk around the building is too much of a common issue
and jimmysea would fit SO WELL as the stoic bodyguard with a heart of gold who gets hired to protect the spoiled stubborn brat of a celebrity who loves his fans and doesn’t want to alter his lifestyle and stop seeing them just for a few bad ones, even after he starts getting death threats!!!!!!! and at first they can’t really stand each other because sea finds jimmy too suffocating and paranoid while jimmy is just trying to make sure this kid gets alive to the end of the day which is proving harder and harder considering that sea won’t listen to him. but then sea gets harrassed by some ‘fans’ who start to get a little violent or something like that and jimmy is able to bring him to safety but gets hurt in the process and it’s just a scratch in the end but that’s the thing that finally brings them closer. and eventually they start developing feelings for each other and they’re both aware of it because there is just SO. MUCH. TENSION. every time they interact however jimmy keeps taking a step back when it seems like they might finally kiss, so sea starts flirting with other people to provoke jimmy or something like that
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akkivee · 1 year
has everyone listened to the songs??????? how we feeling????? i’m just going to ramble about them lol
i went back and revisited otome’s backstory after listening to the tracks because i recalled otome and mikado’s reasons for dice’s name and rivals encompasses what they wanted for dice ;w; he really did grow up well ;w; also lmao at crazy doppo
osaka big up and white and black take inspiration from the same era of music and it makes me cry actually since rei stayed alone for the entirety of this track. like…… at least they’re connected by music in some way ;w;
get busy needs to calm the fck down i have to act like i have some decorum when listening to it and it’s genuinely impossible at this point lmao it’s my top song out of both albums lol but you know what about it that’s really funny?? kuukou and jiro like spoke only two sentences to each other in the track so they pumped out that banger thru vibes only lmao
that part in yume no kanata where gentaro says ‘there is nothing more worthless than giving meaning to life’ and it distorts at the end of that statement completely distorted my brain chemistry it’s so good
unironically rio’s boot camp is a delight LMAO it’s great he put them thru a workout and gave them a meal plan as well of his own delicacies lol
hiphoppia is like The poster boy song for ichiro lol it’s inspirational it’s hopeful and he said the thing guys!!!!! rap is!!!!!!!! tano-C!!!!!! lmao
i could cry about how delightfully creepy omamagoto is i’m glad it’s a rap song to contrast hiphoppia and honobono seems to be having the time of her life giving it to us good for her fr 🥺
by the end of the drama tracks, the game plan for the music fes was so thoroughly ruined that improvisation was necessary for it to run which is why tho originally they intended to perform by divisions, we got argo orchestra, old school dh, etc. that means white or black, the absolute banger of hoods, doesn’t actually exist since rei never showed up to the festival 😔
devil’s flower is such a classically made vkei song it was an absolute delight to listen to and i love it when rock songs drop the title of the song as part of an alternative chorus like the way devil’s flower did lol!!!!!!!!
viva la liberty is so adorable omg 😭😭😭
closer is a love song fr like holy cow lmao 😭😭😭 tho i was surprised upon listening to it in full, once we got to the part of the first drama track where hitoya and jakurai were three steps away from going ‘you hang up ~’ ‘no you hang up~’ i realised that’s just how it is between them now and good for them ;w;
samatoki’s song is very lovely to hum along to as you pretend you aren’t crying to it lmao
i don’t think i have ever laughed to a song as long and as hard as i did listening to bounce back, like i was brought to tears and that has to count for something. idk what!!!!! but like the song itself it is something LMAO
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ladymorghul · 2 years
Complete and utter karma that Rhaena, the child that Daemon ignored due to not having a dragon ends up having six daughters with a Hightower husband. 😂
it’s annoying. daemon doesn’t care about rhaena. and barely cares about baela because she, in daemon’s view, is closer to what a targaryen should be (with her having her dragon). and he still doesn’t have a single scene with them where he even remotely resembles a father figure
also, we both know that deep down daemon is all about targaryen excellence so he somewhat tolerates rhaenyra’s kids by harwin because they’re her kids, he is a distant father to his daughters, one of whom felt neglected by him for not fitting the targaryen standard from day one, and when otto comes with the terms daemon makes sure to only speak on behalf of his sons. 
i’d be willing to bet that daemon’s favorite children are aegon iii and viserys ii because he was obsessed with both rhaenyra and targaryen excellence. 
but rhaena’s legagcy probably made him turn in his grave. as he should. fck that guy.
it’s also annoying because the show does not give baela and especially rhaena the right to have some mixed feelings about their dad since he, you know, married their cousin rhaenyra on the day of their mother’s funeral just as laenor died violently. 
i mean to me that’s proof enough they’re only presented as props to rhaenyra
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jeanmoreaux · 11 months
I am loving your recent flood of AFTG posts, I have never been the same since I read that series and Captive Prince a few years back
Anyways I saw the one compiled with quotes about rage and Andrew and I almost cried
I really really love Nora for being like, fck it and she just wrote the characters she wanted and the story she wanted and nothing comes close to that experience
I really appreciate how Andrew fully is an unhinged and violent person and there’s no ‘redemption arc or forgiveness’ nonsense that most writers (I’m looking at the recent YA sickness and booktok monstrosities) —- would intent to write in or be forced to do so by their editors or whatnot.
He is unapologetically himself and even though in reality I would probably avoid someone like that (I am smol. I have all the rage of the world but I would snap like a twig in 2 seconds if he decided to just end me—-ala Allison and Aaron situation WHICH I HAVE SOME BEEF WITH IF YOU’LL HEAR ME OUT) —-I just appreciate his character so much I can’t explain
Neil is myyyy boyyy though I definitely experienced the series the way he also develops across the books. When he’s shookt I’m shookt, when he’s snarky I’m also feeling snarky, and when he’s driving into a conversation like knives I’m also with him (the scene after the assault in book 2, at the hospital where Neil confronts him about ‘doing nothing’ still sends chills down my spine)
I just love AFTG it’s tattooed into my brain
ahhhhh you have noooo idea how much joy this ask brought me. even after all these years i still get excited when people come talk to me about these books and the characters in it. i am all with you in the opinion that this series is made special by nora just writing what she wanted to write. it’s so unapologetic in that approach as well, which is why the story and the characters and the dynamics work for me. and omg don’t even get me started on andrew or neil, they are my sons. i have soooo many feelings about them it’s awful. i actually appreciate how messed up they both are and how they both don’t really lose that by the end of the story. they do get better in their own ways without fundamentally changing as people and that just feels so right for them (to me at least). for me, this story has always been about the after of trauma. it’s about the coping mechanism to deal with it and the adjustment you have to make to survive it and also that even when you’re never gonna be what society considers “normal” again you can have a life that’s worth living and full of love and accomplishments and success. a life that lets you be okay most of the time. in my opinion, none of the characters needed a redemption anyway. ((but you’re right, popular sensibilities often push editors to demand that from their writers. which is so stupid to me but another discussion entirely lol.)) like, with these characters, it’s all about perspective. you simply cannot meet them on a level that insists on “healthy” notions of ethics and morals because they operate on such other principles. principles that make sense for the characters based on their psychology and circumstances. and that’s where you have to meet them and the point from where you have to judge them, in my opinion. ((that’s also why i think aftg is not for most people because i get not wanting to stray from one’s own set of sensibilities when it comes to the stuff in this series.)) personally, these characters (and especially andrew and neil) are so interesting exactly because their brains are so different from mine. i find that fascinating. and nora characterises them well enough to give it all a coherent internal logic that works out for the story. so YES OMG i appreciate these characters so much as well. they’re truly so different in a way that i eat up. and PLS full-on shit-stirrer, people-dragging, truth-spitting neil is my FAVOURITE!!! love it when he lets lose and verbally attacks people like there is no tomorrow. makes me so proud in the weirdest way.
also. what’s your beef with the allison and aaron situation? 👀 i am so curious and i’ll gladly hear you out
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eleni-cherie · 2 years
lonely hearts club ✨ || kth au - chapter 1.2
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“lonely hearts club // do you want to be with somebody like me?”
maybe single parents are meant to be members of the lonely hearts club.
masterlist: here
— genre: single parents au, romcom, humour, fluff, angst, strangers to friends to lovers s2f2l
"Like this?"
"A bit more."
"A little bit more."
"If I stretch myself more I'm gonna fall," Hoseok whined. Arms already hurting from holding the garland up all this time. "I'm sure it was high enough here," he said then, lowering his hand and steadying himself on the metallic ladder.
Taehyung became sulky, Hoseok could tell, but he eventually nodded. "Okay, hang it there," he agreed with a nod. It wasn't his friend's fault. He simply wanted everything to be as great as possible for Ari's party. He knew perfection could never be reached and some chaos was meant to take place. Especially with his friends attending. But at least when it came to the overall appearance he wanted it to be perfect for her.
It was irrational in a way. She was still a baby and wouldn't remember anything. Let alone understand it. However, considering her actual parents weren't able to prepare this party for her or even be present for their daughter's first birthday, he wanted to at least give her the best party possible. Even when she wouldn't remember it.
Hoseok climbing down the stairs interrupted his train of thoughts. Both inspecting their work of half an hour. "I'd say not bad," the older guy patted his shoulder. Beaming with joy. "I especially like those paper flowers on the curtains. They're cute."
Taehyung nodded in agreement. Satisfied with the result as well. The living room covered in pink and purple garlands, balloons and flowers.
"Let's see if the birthday girl likes it as well," Hoseok said then and went to pick up Ari from where she was crawling around her play yard. "So, what do you think?" he cooed while carrying her to his previous spot. "You like it?"
Ari was just staring at him, grabbing his cheeks then with a giggle. While she seemed to like all his friends, Hoseok had to be her favourite one. Maybe because he was always beaming and smiling widely when holding her. "Not me, the decoration. Look what your dad and I did for you," he laughed. Not noticing Taehyung's expression falling. "I-I forgot something," he quickly mumbled then and left the two in the living room. Once he was in the kitchen, he dragged out the breath he was holding.
In a way, he appreciated his friends seeing him as Ari's dad. But truth was he wasn't. He knew and felt that. And it broke his heart a little when knowing he could love and care for her as much as he could and it would still not be enough. Inhaling deeply, he took a look around. Everything was ready. Only the cake was missing, which Jimin was supposed to pick up.
Sliding his phone out from his pants' pocket, he decided to check on him.
Tae (5:26pm): did you get the cake?
chim (5:28pm): just wanted to call you
chim (5:28pm): i don't think I can make it in time
chim (5:29pm): im running late & traffic is wild
Tae (5:29pm): are you serious now? D:
chim (5:31pm): im sorry :(
chim (5:32pm): maybe one of the others can pick it up??
He ran a hand through his waves, biting down on his lip as he went over to their groupchat, asking if anyone else could take care of it. However, since everyone lived even further away.
"Well, fck," Hoseok yelled from the living room, having read the messages. "Should I quickly go grab it?"
"Not sure if you'd make it in time," he sighed frustrated. Remembering someone else then. Someone who lived close by the conditory. And after quickly dialing the number, he pressed the phone against his ear. Anxiously waiting for her to pick up.
"Yeah, hello?"
"Cassandra? Hey."
"Hey, Tae." She was audibly smiling from the other line.
"Could you do me a huge favour? I know it's too much to ask but no one can pick up Ari's cake an-"
"What's the address?"
He smiled at her interrupting. "It's the conditory in the mall. The cake is under my name and already paid."
"Alright, I'll go get it now." A huge weight left his shoulders when hearing her words.
"You're my savior, Cas. I owe you."
"You really don't," she giggled, "We'll be there soon." And with that she hung up. Relieved, he returned to the living room seeing Hoseok sitting on the carpet with Ari. Building a tower from her wooden bricks with her. Looking up when noticing Taehyung's presence. Anticipation in his eyes. "So? What about the cake?"
"Cassandra is picking it up," he explained. Noticing Hoseok's eyebrows raising in a surprised manner when hearing her name. "Your friend from daycare?" He sounded slightly irritated, however, Taehyung chose to ignore it and simply hummed. "So she's coming, too?"
"Uh, yeah." Letting himself plop down on the couch, Taehyung rubbed his tired eyes. All the preparations had exhausted him. He only hoped everything would go smoothly from now on.
"Huh." He faced the baby in front of him who was about to push and destroy the colourful tower he had built. "You'll get your cake!" he grinned at her.
She obviously didn't understand what was going on, but still clapped her hands happily. Hoseok's cheery voice having that effect on her. And Taehyung observed her with a fond look.
It had been worth it after all. For her.
"Where do you know each other from?"
Cassandra perked up from the plate with pralines in front of her. She had eaten at least three already and couldn't seem to stop.
To say she had been hiding in the kitchen would be an exaggeration. Because she didn't. At least not intentionally. However, the living room had been quite packed with people. Especially when she felt like an outsider.
Sure, everyone was incredibly nice and welcoming, but it was still too packed and too loud and some seemed equally as socially awkward as her. Which in a way was comforting, but also made things difficult. It wasn't anything uncommon for her though. It hadn't been any different at her own family gatherings. Twelve people in a medium-sized apartment were too much. Whether it was her aunt's birthday last month or Ari's birthday righ now. Much to her surprise, however, the other two 'outsiders' of the group, Seokjin's wife and Yoongi's girlfriend, had joined her in the kitchen. So she wasn't sitting there totally alone, like the loser she sometimes felt like.
"The daycare," Cassandra eventually answered Yongsun's question. "We both take our kids to the same one." She saw the older girl nod to herself, plopping another grape to her mouth.
Yongsun was fascinating to Cassandra. She was probably one of the most beautiful women she had seen in real life. And still, when she laughed she was reminiscent of a cute cartoon character. And considering the way her husband looked like, it was no surprise. The two must've been the best-looking couple she had ever laid eyes on. Even if they didn't actually behave like it or how someone would expect it. Both being rather loud and joking a lot.
The younger woman could still not quite believe they were parents of three-year-old twins since they both looked so young but apparently were over thirty. Cassandra almost choked at that thought. She had a baby face herself, people not believing she'd be a twenty-seven year old mum. However, the genes Yongsun and Seokjin had passed to their children must have been a genetical fountain of youth.
Soyeon was also quite beautiful, Cassandra had noted. She had a cool, almost fierce aura and with her cat-like eyes she could intimidate someone, despite her height. Although that didn't seem to suit her actual personality at all. She was quite cheeky and friendly. Similar to her boyfriend. Cassandra thought they also made a very interesting and good-looking couple.
All of Taehyung's friends were attractive and Cassandra felt so out-of-place. Even if she never had a total low self-esteem and did consider herself somewhat cute, being in a room with so many handsome men -and the two pretty women- made her nervous. Perhaps another reason why she had relocated to the kitchen.
Nevertheless, she did find it nice of Soyeon and Yongsun to keep her company. Even if they themselves seemed to be a little shy and socially awkward just like her. Making the whole situation quite ridiculous. Like the beginning of a joke. "Three introverts sit together in a room.."
Although the two looked quite familiar and comfortable with each other, which was no surprise since they must've known each other for years, adding Cassandra, basically a stranger, brought their own awkward personalities out. And she didn't like that. She didn't want to make them feel uncomfortable.
So she decided to easen the situation for them. "How about you guys? H-how did you two meet?"
Yongsun peeked at Soyeon next to her with a small smile. "We two met at a birthday party. Whose was it again?"
"Wasn't it JK's?"
The older girl nodded. "Yeah, right. It must've been Jungkook's. I remember I was wearing a sweater because of the sudden temperature drop."
Soyeon laughed out at the memory of this. "True. And I found it funny how someone could go to a birthday party with a sweater."
With a shrug, Yongsun leaned over and grabbed another grape from the plate. "I knew the guys wouldn't care. And it wasn't some fancy party anyway."
"Right, right. Rather a chill gathering at a restaurant."
"And weren't you wearing a sweater, too?"
The younger girl gasped, vigorously shaking her head. Her short black waves sliding over her shoulder. "That wasn't a sweater!"
"It looked like one though.."
"It was just a large fit. You know I prefer large fits," Soyeon protested. Flashing a small grin to Cassandra. "I swear it wasn't a sweater." Cassandra giggled at their bickering. Seeing she had been indeed right with them being actually close to each other.
The kitchen door suddenly burst open. None other than Yongsun's husband standing at the frame. Looking at them puzzled. "Why.. why have you all gathered here?" he eventually laughed with furrowed brows, "Are you hiding?"
"Yeah, maybe," Yongsun rolled her eyes playfully, "And has your little game with Jungkookie ended?"
"Woman! You can't just call Mario Kart a 'little game'," he said sulky, "And no it has not. Quick, drop me some grapes before the next round starts."
"Five seconds before I press start!" they heard Jungkook yell from the other room. Making Seokjin seemingly fuzzy. "Grapes, quick!" he demanded and opened his mouth widely. Yongsun groaned. "You could just eat on your own. No need for me to feed you like a baby," she mumbled then half-amused, half-annoyed as she started placing grapes into his mouth. Him munching happily when it was filled. "Tastes much better when you feed me though," he grinned before rushing out at Jungkook's anew warning. She watched him disappear behind the door and shook her head embarrassed.
"When he's with the guys, I feel like taking care of three toddlers, not just two," she giggled awkwardly. Seeing Cassandra and Soyeon giggling along with her. "He and JK surely share a braincell sometimes," Soyeon added.
"It's funny though," Cassandra smiled then, "And you two really look lovely together."
Yongsun pursed her lips, blushing. "Thanks. It's still a little awkward when he does that in front of others though. Thankfully not in public, but still.." An affectionate smile spreading over her red lips then as her gaze fell onto the grapes. "But I've almost got used to this."
They heard Seokjin's outcry then, clearly having lost that round to the younger guy. And Yongsun sighed, knowing she'd have to listen to his rant about their game on their way home later.
"I feel you though," Soyeon spoke up then, "If Yoongs did anything like that in front of others, I'd probably die."
"I think he'd die himself," Yongsun giggled.
"True," Soyeon laughed under her breath. Agreeing with Yongsun. Yoongi would indeed rather die than ever have her feed him in front of anyone. "He does cute things, though," she said then, before taking a sip from her drink, "Just not in public. Except holding hands."
"I'm almost envious of you guys." Cassandra mumbled then. Giving them an apologetic smile before taking another praline and placing it into her mouth.
The two other women exchanged a glance before Soyeon's lips parted. Sensing a shift in mood in her tone. "Why? Aren't you and Izzy's dad -"
"Oh, god, no. We aren't together," she laughed dryly, "We were just.. sleeping with each other."
Both their lips shaping a small 'oh' and Cassandra quickly waved her hands. "No, no. It's alright. I'm sorry for even bringing this up and ruining the mood."
"Don't say that," Yongsun said with an encouraging smile, "And you don't necessarily need a man anyway." Cassandra nodded, thankful for her words. The door opened once again, startling the three. Eyes round when staring at Taehyung who seemed equally startled as them. "W-what are you doing here?"
Soyeon shrugged with a sly grin. "Nothing. Just gossiping about you guys." He nervously laughed under his breath. With Soyeon he could never be entirely sure if she was only messing with someone or if she actually meant it. "Ah, really? Don't wanna disturb you then."
Grabbing a bottle opener when stopping in his tracks. Noticing Cassandra staring at her daughter in his arms with wide eyes. And he realised she must be surprised. "Oh sorry, she was a bit whiny and I figured out she just wanted someone to hold her," he explained, smiling at the baby who was gripping his shirt and looking at him with big eyes.
She nodded slowly, remembering Isavella's new habit of getting attention. And yet, she was stunned. The sight of him carrying her baby so casually in his arms being a sight she could get used to. But before she could even thank him and take her, he had already rushed out. Leaving them alone again.
Soyeon noticed her eyes lingering on the door and giggled. "At least you still got Taehyung if you can't find anyone else." She was expecting to hear a laugh or joking reaction. However, much to her surprise, the curly-haired girl only pursed her lips. Looking away shyly. "Ehm y-yes, right," she laughed out. And for a moment Soyeon bought it. But only for a moment. She had only been joking but it looked like she had hit a nerve. "Cassandra, could it be that you like him?"
The young woman remained silent. Fumbling with her fingers under the table.
She liked him, didn't see?
It was quite obvious she did and that it wasn't just some small, superficial crush like she had thought first. And that right from the beginning, like the fool she was. However, she would surely not admit that to his best friends' partners.
"Maybe I have a tiny crush on him," she quietly said then. Feeling like a teenager all over again. Cheeks burning when speaking it out loud for the first time. "But it's nothing special, really. And he's busy with Ari anyway. And I don't even think I'd be his type.. So it's all good. I'm content with just being friends with him."
"Sounds like lots of excuses to me," Soyeon countered, arching a brow.
"To me it sounds like you're actually head over heels for him," Yongsun grinned widely, leaning over the table. Cassandra's plan of acting casual and not letting them find out obviously having failed. "I get it in a way though. He's a handsome and nice guy." She paused, thinking for a moment. "And sure, I just met you, but you're very pretty, too!" Cassandra mumbled a 'thank you', knowing Yongsun was only trying to be polite. But next to her and Soyeon, she felt like a potato. "I think the main issue might be Taehyungie," Yongsun continued then, "This boy's quite the mystery to me sometimes. I can't even tell you if you're his type or not 'cause I got no clue what he's into. Probably someone like a best friend I guess."
Soyeon nodded agreeing. "He isn't really the flirty type either. Not that Yoongi was but.. I don't know how to explain it. If Yoongi wants something, he doesn't beat around the bush. He's straightforward. Even without flirting. While Taehyung.."
"Yeah, Taehyung never seemed interested in relationships. In all the years I know him, he never seemed crushing on anyone. So honestly, I'm not even sure how he'd show his interest to someone. He's more the buddy type. He likes befriending people instead."
Cassandra sucked in a breath, nodding understanding. So just as she thought. Her chances with Taehyung were zero. Proving again that there wasn't any point in having hope of any type.
"But," Yongsun said then, "This might be the key. Because he isn't friends with any women, as far as I know. Well, except us -" Her index finger wiggling between her and Soyeon. "-but I don't think that counts here. So the fact he calls you a friend and even invited you to the birthday of his daughter, should definitely be a good sign."
"I think so, too," Soyeon agreed, "He's a bit of a strange guy sometimes. Strange in a good way. So maybe.. I don't know.. Maybe he's showing it in a different way."
Cassandra hummed. Taehyung wasn't an ordinary guy, that she agreed with Soyeon. And to her it had always been obvious this was one of the reasons she felt so attracted to him.
The door opened again, interrupting them for the third time. This time Jimin standing there. Eyeing them with a frown. "Here you are!" he exclaimed. His features softening into a smile. "Was wondering where y'all had disappeared to."
"Speaking of flirty," Yongsun giggled then, "Here we got a prime example of flirty attitude."
"You mean me?" The guy looked seemingly taken aback but also flattered. Smiling shyly then, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm not flirty."
"Boy, you look flirty just now."
Yongsun's remark made him burst out laughing. "You're exaggerating a little," he smirked, making Yongsun gasp. Pointing at him frantically. "See, see! Just look at how he smiles now!"
"It's not my fault I got such a cute face," he whined and grabbed a glass from the counter. The initial reason he went to the kitchen for. "Oh, by the way," he faced Cassandra then with a wide smile, "Thanks for picking up the cake for me. I felt awful for not being able to do so, but you saved the party." And Cassandra had to agree with Yongsun.
"Eh, yeah, n-no problem," she quickly said and offered him a smile as well. Watching him disappear into the living room once again.
"You saved Ari's party?" Soyeon smirked then, "If that's not a bonus point-" She was about to say more when she got abruptly interrupted by Seokjin's fretful calling for his wife. "Yong~~! Yong, help! They're trying touching the cake!"
Yongsun dragged a sigh. The twins were obviously acting up again and he had trouble to contain them in bay. So she pushed back the chair and hurried out to help him. Almost bumping into Namjoon who was about to enter the kitchen. He peeked inside, spotting Soyeon and Cassandra there giggling. "We're about to take a photo," he annouced to them, pointing behing him with a dimpled smile. "You coming?"
Soyeon instantly nodded and followed him out. Her boyfriend already pointing to the spot next to him with his chin. Cassandra, however, didn't move. Awkwardly shifting in her seat instead, unsure of whether to follow them or not. They obviously wanted to take a photo with Ari and the cake. And somehow she didn't feel like fitting in there. She might be a friend, but she wasn't one of Taehyung's closest ones like the rest. So being on the photo with them, would probably be weird. A sad sigh escaped her lips.
Why was she always being like this?  Her train of self-pitying thoughts was interrupted when seeing Taehyung standing at the door frame. His prominent brows raising when spotting her there. "Are you coming? We're waiting for you."
Taehyung closed the door behind the last of his friends. Thankful for the now lasting silence. Even if he loved hanging out with them, it had been quite late by now and he rubbed his tired eyes. Hearing footsteps behind him then.
"We should probably get going, too." He glanced over his shoulder, seeing Cassandra faintly smiling at him. "You're probably drained from the whole evening."
He nodded, yawning. "I'm probably gonna clean the mess in the living room first though." He made his way to the sleeping girls then. Making sure they were covered by the blanket.
"They sleep so peacefully," Cassandra whispered and he sensed her standing beside him.
"Yeah," he whispered back. Glancing at her with a smile as they left the crib behind them. "I-if you want you can stay, you know," he muttered then, scratching the back of his neck. "I mean, it's quite late and not to wake up Izzy now that she sleeps."
Cassandra glanced at him for a moment with narrow eyes. "You just want me to help you clean the mess, don't you?"
He laughed out, biting his lip. "So you noticed," he joked along, "I could use some help after all."
She sighed dramatically, flashing him a smirk then. "Fine. I'm gonna help you, but only 'cause I got a big heart."
"So I owe you again," he chuckled as they went to the living room. Starting picking up empty glasses and dirty napkins. "Why do you think you'd owe me?" she asked, stapling empty plates on one hand. "If anything I owe you for all the times you helped me out."
"I'm glad if I could be of any help," he responded, "But I doubt it was that often."
A soft smile ghosted over her lips as she continued cleaning the coffee table. "It was more than you think."
"I didn't do it for you to owe me though," he frowned and placed the glasses next to the plates.
His voice deep. He almost sounded offended.
"Same goes for me."
"Well then," he said and looked down at her with a soft yet firm expression on his features, "Let's just forget about it. Let's do nice things, without thinking we'd owe the other. Friends do nice things for each other all the time after all."
She gave him a nod, accepting his suggestion. And they returned to tidying up in silence. Slowly cleaning up everything, when Cassandra spoke up again after awhile. "So, any plans for tomorrow?"
"Probably sleep, if Ari let's me," he lightly chuckled, plopping tiredly onto the couch. His gaze laying on the white ceiling above them. "It's kinda weird, you know. How could a year pass already?"
"It sounds so cliché, doesn't it?" Cassandra sighed, understanding exactly what he meant. Taking a seat next to him, she let herself sink into it. "People say time flies and they grow up so fast. But it's the truth." He nodded quietly, not averting his eyes from the ceiling. "I don't want Izzy to grow up," she admitted then and he slightly turned his head, glancing at her. Her eyes held something gloomy in them and he knew instantly why. "It's just.. when she grows older, she'll ask questions. And I don't know if I can answer them."
"You mean about her dad, right?"
She nodded silently. Her expression blank.
His gaze went back to the ceiling. "What am I supposed to tell Ari why her uncle is raising her?"
She looked at him briefly before exhaling deeply. A half-hearted laugh escpaing her lips. "We gotta tell them the truth, don't we? Just in a nice way."
"How am I supposed to make 'your parents died in a car crash' sound nice?" he laughed out sarcastically.
"I don't know. How am I supposed to make 'your dad was a jerk and doesn't even know you exist' sound nice?" They exchanged a glance, breaking into a fit of giggles. "We're quite pathetic."
"But we try our best." He pushed himself off the couch then. Giving her a warm smile. "I can clean the rest alone. Don't worry. You can go home."
"Sounds like you wanna get rid of me," she scoffed jokingly and stood up. Grabbing the bag with torn gift wraps from Ari's birthday presents.
He arched a brow at her as he picked up the plates. "You were the one wanting to go home earlier, weren't you?"
She simply shrugged, dumping the bag next to the entrance door. "Maybe I changed my mind."
He hummed, disappearing in the kitchen. "There's still cake left. You want some?" she heard him ask. Making her blink at his random question. "Really? I thought with so many people nothing but crumbs would be left."
"That's why I ordered an extra big one." He was leaning backwards, peeking his head out from the other room, "So do you want some?"
Yeah, maybe being just friends with him was enough.
Even if her heart was telling her otherwise. She wouldn't dare risking it and putting it all at stake. Some day she would surely get over her feelings. And until then she simply had to stay patient and endure it.
next chapter: 1.3 here
---- small crossover based on my jin and yoongi stories!
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pdrrook · 2 years
I'm literally obsessed with all the brats you write (Reed, Modesto/a... Malitiose, it seems???) 🙈 apparently I like problems and drama always LOL. May we please have some Mal crumbs??? I would love to know more fun facts about them!!
Ohhh I am glad you like the brats, turns out I actually really love to write them, so you can expect more brats to come asadasd I was gonna say sorry about that, but since you like it, you’re welcome? xD cRUMBS HERE THEY COME:
Mal has a weakness for genuinely good and nice people (cough Saltire cough), but they’d rather die than admit it (even tho it’s rather obvious bc the way they handle them is different), and old people (bonus point if it’s both), because of their late adoptive aunt.
Mal always had a hard time getting close/used to people, so they never really bother to learn people’s names, they use the titles or other descrptive words, or just ‘you’. Because of that it’s also easy to guess who Mal favors, if they use your actual name, you have to mean something to them.
Mal isn’t actually shrewd in the sense that they hide their motives, people just assume that they’re a liar by the way they carry themselves. They tend to use white lies and misdirection a lot, but they don't mind to tell you they're going to fck you up to your face.
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theskyexists · 1 year
gundam ep 18, 19 20
didnt want to watch more gundam bc i was so pissed and i didnt think that the writers/narrative were going to treat what they had miorine do to suletta with enough weight.
i start episode 6 after waiting to let myself calm down.good call on my part. but
why the fuk does miorine feel beholden to prospera when prospera didnt do shit lol
miorine’sover the top anger is no longer adorable. it’s just childish and annoying. a sign of her being stupidly out of her depth. the politics are also so ridiculous. is shin sei now miorine’s subsidiary? when did that happen? WHAT IS OWNERSHIP EVEN IN THIS UNIVERSE. DID MIORINE INHERIT SHARES?????????
this was the ONLY way it could go yeah for suletta to think that i guess. but damn im glad i waited
‘ive no intention of fighting you you saved my life’BUT i will insult your friend.
what an idiot. starting to dislike how this is all about literal children
are we punching miorine. we doing this?
so martin got hurt by a mob and they’re like hey why dont u stay behind to protect the base from the mob. lol
miorine never rescinded earth house’s rights to the ship with which they can just dump suletta at her place? ????? god its so japanese
fuck. chuchu is NOT punching miorine? ‘talking things out’? what the fuck. why are we getting all these fun lil group dynamics after something so shit. why are they still working for gundarm at all. ‘WHEN the bullies come back, dont try anything crazy’  literally leaving the hurt member for the bullies to kill iguess. what the fuck
how is this elan so good at fighting he can stop a terrorist pilot witch from stabbing him in the eye
‘i did not expect him to team up with peil’ why the fuck ever not
wow that went fast. suletta didn’t even fight for aerial. god. the most doormat to ever doormat. not even AERIAL. did prospera arrange for suletta to find aerial because eri wanted to see her?
what the fuck dude i mean. why.... WHY.
ok so why didnt eri ever do this before though like - could have talked to her in this mindspace all along. ok so...uh. they dont need the key which is suletta anymore. and...wait. so there were a lot of children. but surely not so many. what with the timeline. but hold on. and score eight, thats when eri doesn’t need a pilot. you’re telling me there was no way of tweaking the software or hardware for the AI inside to take control of the suit. beyond a score 8 datastorm. why the fuck is eri being so nasty to suletta. i thought she cared about her
what the fuck. literally like. what the fck. why would eri do this to her right after miorine did this to her. what even goes on in their minds
simply ejects her into the vacuum of space with limited air supply. ok.....? i mean. and aerial cannot be steered by herself either we were just told so they’re both just in space i guess.
prospera and eri literally just told her: actually use you were also just a cog in a machine that we were using and we dont need anymore bye
???????????????????????????????????why the fuck would eri do that
‘suletta deserves to live freely’
are you fuckign serious. are you fucking serious. really. you’re fucking serious. you are telling me that. prospera and eri care about suletta as well but they just lied to her again and told her they don’t just to let her ‘live freely’.. all these people are completely insane and psychopaths and completely unforgivable. completely fucking insane and unforgivable. the writers just made it worse. i CANNOT forgive this. i literally cannot.
if suletta does not go apeshit i will kill somebody and that somebody will be the whole writing team
ep 19
let me just say that i saw some ‘oh we all good now’ fanart and i am absolutely not about it. jezus christ.
wow they really skimped on the animation for miorine
suletta is going further and further into a depression spiral and earth house is jus like: hmmm sucks . and the people who love her are like: lol bye better off without us! fuck yoU!!!
this rando side character from a mid-level company who for some reason does the counselling at the school (???)  or hijacks it is like a total ......like. player. reallyjust playing around . its great
what IS benerit group’s jurisdiction? is miorine ever gonna see the terrible circumstances that her friends came from? too bad Nika and Chuchu aren’t along to point out: yeah i worked here as a nine year old 12 hours a day lol
who the hell is miorine negotiating with? and why is she going if she doesnt speak for the group. what can she even promise
this spacian and not-elan and nika have been in thisroom for what. a week? and somehow elan is capable of holding her TWICE. how theFUCK is he not dead. his superior male strength apparently. hate this part. its boring. it’s sexist. it’s stupid. but i guess its nice that theyre doing a fucked up emotional bond between the shitty spacian and the shitty earthian bc they’re both gundam pawns
miorine thinks she can get some goodwill for developing prosthetic limbs....(which by all accounts ALREADY EXIST LOL LOOK AT PROSPERA). wow that went surprisingly well. goodthing the guy’s a doctor. and recognised she means well. might be a way to change things etc.
general guy surely must have been responsible for the 1500 earthians disappeared and tortured huh....
god i cant stand the earth house-suletta dynamics. everybody is so annoying. suletta for being her same old self and earth house peeps for being like: oh but just have a meal with us we’re friends :):):):) shut the fuck up
it’s like these writers have never experienced grief at all
oh she just gotta have a nice soup and a cry and a meal with friends. shut the fuckup
‘even when you know it’s not the right way, sometimes it’s the only thing you can do’
uh. no. what? martin didn’t have to sell nika out just bc he was sure she was a terrorist. miorine and eri and prospera didnt have to stab suletta in all the worst places just to ‘set her free’. that like saying: oh i killed a couple of people but eh, meh, eh, so what?i just fucked around abit and now we’re finding out. so it goes!
seriously this kid actually reveals all this shit to guel??? lol!!!!what an idiot!!! these people almost killed you!!! guel doesnt even care enough to get a you a spot in the academy (’you should ask somebody else’WHO GUEL. WHO IS HE GONNA MEET)
this story went far off the rails
this kid just sold out his people’s best chance of becomign indpeendent and free from benerit group. what idiot adult never told this complete dumbass to keep his fucking mouth shut.
prospera. what the FUCK. how is THIS necessary for anything? Eri. Why are you doing this also. Im looking at all the fanart thats like ooooo we all good after ep 22 we a happy family.
Suletta is a psycho. Prospera is a way worse psycho. Miorine is a bitch. Guel is a total bastard. Even Eri is a total psycho.
oh ok it was an excuse to leave miorine behind with no guards at all. LOL. the guards all left and prospera was like byeeeeeeee
the high council (?) (who the fuck are they then) have been funding the earthian ochs earth corporation gundams....ok thats one mystery solved. so why did prospera attack the gundams there. and was there an implications that there are multiple sophies and noreas or were they simply associated in teh system. but also what. they corrupted GUND principles? you care about those prospera?
Miorine seriously has no direct control over her men or gundams? why is she so......DUMB. i know shes only seventeenbut like.
‘oh we didnt give orders’ that is no excuse. check your lines of command. get your goddamn intel directly. there are like three fucking robot pilots. you can speak to them DIRECTLY. now they’re blowing up shit because theyre getting shot at. soldiers and cops are such cowards. oh ill just laserblast everybody. instead of idk. listening to ORDERS and simply evading
‘guel, you’ve defiled her’
what. lol. shaddiq maybe you should have helped her. idk. always being such a stupid dick
‘prospera mercury was onto us.’ ok so he knows that shes destroyed the stored gundams.
aerial did NOT do the only thing she could. in fact, she could have just said: suletta, our mother is a total pschyo, shes going to fuck everyone over just so i can live again. you shouldnt be part of that. with her actual voice
literally.what is this japanese fucking bullshit. it’s like they literally have different neural pathways. like LITERALLY. every anime has this to some extent. where there’s these contrived mantras based on idiotic non-communciation. as though it is impossible to be truthful or straightforward about anything. its better to stab someone than be straightforward.
really hate the tempo, the futility, and most of all the heart of the emotional conflict. it’s fake. it’s extreme. there’s no payoff. and in the end it is unrelated to any of the earthian suffering. 
i predict: suletta is not going to go apeshit
chuchu did not punch miorine and will not
prospera and  eri will also not get any comeuppance
‘its all my fault. i did this’
uh yeah. because you didn’t prepare. you didn’t consider that everybody had their fingers on the triggers. you didnt control your soldiers. YOUR SOLDIERS. just let the commander fly off. didn’t intervene in communication. didn’t tell  the commander that THOSE robots also needed to be disarmed. yeah. people died because you’re an idiot. fuck you
ep 20
shaddiq is angry at guel for no reason. guel is angry at shaddiq for important reasons like he accidentally killed his dad at the plant quetta incident that shaddiq orchestrated
what is this ‘comedy’ low-stakes shit between martin and these two leftover student council idiots
‘our mobile suit wrecked havoc while we claim to be a  medical company’ maybe shouldnt have a mobile suit. ‘even lilique is angry’ WHY AREN’T THEY.
why is earth house so completely apathetic? Miorine kicked suletta to the curb like its nothing. they didnt much care. Miorine seems to have attacked a major Earth city. they dont much care. fucking hell dude lol
he really thinks guel (who is definitely a dumbass) was the one to taint miorine’s name and soul? he KNOWS prospera was behind it. jezus christ. can they just kill  each other already. fucking hell. how did the writing tank likethis.
shaddiq deliberaely wants to have the school demolished....
wow those cathedra guys are terrabad at responding to attacks and protecting civilians
how does shaddiq knowthat. right bc he has connections with. ok its a way to freak him out but cmong guel. SHADDIQ SET THAT UP ACCUSE HIM OF THAT RIGHT NOW. didnt
the weird thing about the gundam fights is why their conversations are always boosted from enemy to enemry to the entire fuckign public
comms just said: dont get involved leave it to security
house jeturk instantly sends out a student. who almost got killed last time. didnt even lift campus restrictions. SURELY thats a single fucking switch
Burion House doesnt have a single pilot with them in the bunker ?
chuchu really going for Nika right now? Martin the rat stopping her and asking Nika to help out? after ratting her out? my god
Nika: ‘this is all my fault’ what the ever living fuck are you talking about. what arrogance
shaddiq was hoping guel would protect miorine from all this shit but he didn’t i mean fair enough. guel is such a fail-man
shaddiq is for sure not. and his idea is pretty good. too bad he keeps having people murdered left and right. if he’d simply ordered his people in dawn of the fold to help miorine out but noooo
ah he wanted spacian losses at asticassia to poke the league....but....then why was he running for president. and also. surely he hasn’t been able to transfer many of the assets yet. just grassley’s
i like how norea’s grief is fuckin realhere alright
wow elan doing his: i hold your arms so you cant hit me move here again. even works in mobile suit form. lol
yap. norea too. i mean. who can care about suletta or miorine or fuckin guel when sophie and norea be imploding right here. the war oprhans, the exploited unprivileged drafted children.they’re mercilessly mowed down by the ‘good guys’ cathedra. who’ve been doing that shit for twenty years.
I HATE earth house lol
i also hate suletta. dont like her shounen shit anymore which isnt shounen shit anymore. thats because all of this is just so.....who cares.who cares. truly who cares.
thing is. this show really likes to do dramatic moments but all the dramaticmoments this past season have not been satisfying. they have been really frustrating narratively. shaddiq and prospera and miorine and the league all fucking shit up. miorine really SHOULD have chosen shaddiq it turns out. they might have actually made a good pair, if shaddiq had been truthful at all
suletta isnt gonna do shit about earth. she really doesnt give a fuck. miorine is too stupid to do anything about it. guel ABSOLUTELY is. and everybody else is infinitely dumb
to be honest, why did prospera destory earth ochs gundams when it destroyed miorine’s chances of becoming president. unless she didnt need quiet zero after all. but then why bother with her AT ALL
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kittsu-and-company · 10 months
How do people not understand that demonizing Pokémon, both mortal and Divine, for causing chaos is just adding to the imbalance that causes more dangerous chaos.
It does nothing to claim that anything is the master of the other. “Order triumphs all” is bs.
Without the occasional mayhem, what’s the use of order? What is their purpose if not to keep these “evil creatures” in check?
It’s like when people say that [ iris antlers of shared life ] is good and [ achromatic wings of inescapable end ] is evil. They’re parts of life, and I swear on my life that you wouldn’t enjoy the “beloved immortality” that the former grants.
The difference between chaos and order is meant to add balance. Too much of one of the other and everything falls apart. Stop demonizing Pokémon that are known for causing chaos.
Fck this isn’t really comprehensible I’m just. Really annoyed.
I’m going to bed
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tiodolma · 1 year
So, as you're watching Camelot, who's the better Merlin? 😗 Physical appearance, character, magic, the way he behaves?
As of writing this, i have only been finished watchcing 5/10 episodes of Starz Camelot (2011). I’m going to just answer with what I know for now.
Will contain some spoilers.
I love Colin Morgan but without a doubt, Joseph Fiennes’s Merlin is the best Merlin adaptation I have seen so far. (tbf i've only seen like 3 arthuriana adaptations or 4 if u include monty python)
Physical appearance: I wish his Starz Merlin wasn’t bald. He looks too modern. But BBC Merlin is still more modern-looking compared to him. Starz Merlin’s baldness could be a dealbreaker to some. I know because I had been skeptical at first. Anyway. This Merlin is OLD. No one knows his true age (im still at ep5). This is key because he’s a lot more famous, respected and feared not only coz of his magic but because he knows and has seen things.
Character: It’s like Starz Merlin popped straight out of Prose Merlin. Starz Merlin has the madness, the mystery, the wisdom, the experience. This one is a proper kingmaker, strategist, and an actual tutor to Arthur. He is still very protective, caring and watchful for him not in a “i am your servant” kind of way but more like in a “you better not fck this one up, kid. I placed all my bets of the future in you so can you pls live up to your birthright and pendragon name ffs.”
Magic: He’s as powerful as BBCMerlin (i think). He does not flaunt his magic because the consequences are too great. He’s a proper sorcerer tbh. He’s witchy and etc. His logic and motives are mad and you better just say yes to what he will say. This Merlin is plagued by visions. He can scry effortlessly and without the use of magical objects like waterbowls or crystals. If u watch the show u can see how he does it. He uses his scrying to his advantage tho (which is frkn great i love it.)
The way he behaves: if BBC Morgana has her trademark smirks then Starz Merlin is kinda the same lol. Starz Merlin is crazed and barely holding it together and yet still getting things done. He masterminds a lot of the organizing, the propaganda, the political maneuvering... just to prove arthur’s legitimacy, claim and worthiness. It’s very close to Merlin from the legends I think.
Power Comes At a Cost
What’s important is that Starz Merlin’s main thing is “power comes at a cost”. This is vital in the characterization and what I had been looking for in the entirety of BBC Merlin. Both Starz Camelot’s Merlin and Morgan get hurt or suffer terribly from using their powers. I think it’s also why Starz Merlin has a lot of other skills. Unlike BBC Merlin who rarely shows any regret when he kills/hurts somebody using his magic or just for the sake of “destiny”, Starz Merlin does feel remorse and is afraid of the fact that he can kill people if they dont give him what he wants. This makes his character a lot more nuanced and compelling.
The Plot and Other Characters
I have to admit though Starz Camelot’s storyline is more solid. The characterization of Arthur, Guinevere, Morgan is also strong and goes on par with Merlin’s. They’re not caricatures imho. Plus they act In the age they are supposed to be in the show. Arthur and Guinevere are the youngest but they slowly grow out of impulsivity and into maturity and assertiveness. Morgan Pendragon shows the result of 15 years stuck in a nunnery while stewing in magic, knowledge, revenge and hatred against Uther and Igraine. It’s not a Monster of the Week kind of thing so there is not a lot of senseless killing involved —make no mistake, there is killing involved but it’s not the main focus....unlike in the BBC Show where the story at its core is to “secretly eliminate every threat to the pendragons” due in part to the Monster of the Week format.
The main focus, as of ep5, for Starz Camelot is Arthur growing to be A King with and without Merlin’s constant guidance and protection. This makes the plot and writing better and more coherent (in this first 5 episodes anyway). Moreover I do not think the good vs evil plotline is rubbed in one’s face. In fact there is no blatant mention of good vs evil (which is a relief gdi, everyone in Starz Camelot have a bit of asshole energy in themselves).
BBC Merlin vs Starz Camelot Merlin
I do understand though that BBC Merlin and Starz Camelot were two different stories. BBC Merlin told the storyof Merlin growing into his power whereas Starz Camelot’s Merlin already has power but just refused to use it. In the BBC show Arthur is 2 years older than Merlin and was already trained as heir-apparent and kingdom administrator. In Starz Camelot, Merlin’s age is uknown while Arthur was basically a teenager who he just plucked out of the countryside right after Uther was assasinated. We can already see the power dynamics and scope of influence just between their ages alone. Moreover In BBC Merlin, the magic ban, the genocide, and kilgharrah/gaius, all influence and dictate a lot of BBC Merlin’s secrecy and life. They’re both very lonely characters but Starz Camelot’s Merlin has more freedom and has more control of his own life because there is no magic ban. As expected, BBC Merlin has a more uphill battle.
They both have their idealogies and act in extreme and atrocious ways to getting there but... I know I’ve said this before but BBC Merlin acts more like an indoctrinated bioweapon secret service agent rather than an actual person. Starz Camelot’s Merlin is a lot more nuanced, more grounded and more complicated. Starz Camelot’s Merlin is not the extremely self-righteous-i-am-holier-than-thou-as-the-Emodiment-of-Love-Light-and-Loyalty-creature we know as BBC Merlin Emrys.
Starz Camelot’s Merlin is A Sorcerer and A Kingmaker, in every sense of the word:
smart, tactful and resourceful
Cautious but still cunning
Knows how to handle and manipulate people
has seen things,
Has meltdowns when overwhelmed,
still sad and caring in his own way and
...most of all have a certain degree of prickly and dangerous madness (and i think he is aware of it)
This one is more faithful in spirit to the basic arthurian legends compared to BBC Merlin.
Conclusion: BBC Merlin (the character) has his charms, but he can be extremely frustrating to watch because he underperforms constantly. What I am trying to say is that everything I complained about BBC Merlin had been fulfilled/achieved/fixed by Starz Camelot’s Merlin in just 5 episodes.
I do not know what is going to happen yet but as for now I am impressed and quite satisfied.
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lawmane-enthusiast · 2 years
how would L react if light tried to manipulate misa again? 👀
Ooh… L and Misa dating means that L becomes Le Nombre Un Misa Protector (that man has the most intense attachment issues, truST ME).
L would not allow this to happen.
He already has reasons to dislike Light, and I guess Light would just be trying to lengthen the list if he ever tried to manipulate Misa into doing his bidding again.
She wouldn’t fall for it, though. Well… She wouldn’t fall for it as quickly. When L agreed to be Misa’s boyfriend he gave her a good lecture about how she should start thinking for herself, and how she should sometimes put herself first before blindly jumping into something that might hurt her, and he only told her all that because he cares. So… If Light ever came back and tried to fck with Misa, he would have to get through L first.
Light would probably try to make up for being such a shitty boyfriend to Misa, and she might buy it for a little while, but then L would talk some sense into her.
Think of it like ‘they’re both manipulating Misa, but their intentions are very different’, like that.
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cheolhub · 2 years
i think i will forever be in my mingyu rut like it’s been a month and i still daydream about him but cheol is so cute 😭😭 they’re both my bfs
and i read ncteez’s hoshi fic and that also got me thinking 🤔 i might be beginning my caratification process 🌵
no ur real bc gyu is just !!!!!!! yeah like i get it (this doesnt make any sense bc every time i think abt him i go a tad bit crazy and stop having coherent thoughts ❤️)
ALSO YES CARAT OMG . ive been waiting for u to join me 🫶🏽 hoshi is also 🥹!!!!! i think all of svt is just really !!!!!!!
(and thank u for reminding me charity fck is in my tbr)
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akkivee · 2 years
hyped up 02 was a blast!!!!! here’s an absurdly long liveblog post lol:
i think the biggest thing i noticed was how much cleaner the character animations were!!!! like, there were a lot less excessive movements for the sake of making the characters move and they geared movement to actually suit the characters more!!!!
something that was sending me the entire time all 18 rapping boys were on stage was how saburo had to like duck into eyesight lol he’s too short to be behind both ichiro and juto like that lmao
during hangout, we had bb and mtc on stage for their two verse ofc and bb were going hard dancing to mtc’s verses like SAME bros lol
the first group of mcs were rosho, gentaro, ichiro, rio, jakurai and hitoya and yes hitoya was grumpy for the majority of it lol
i felt so bad for rosho tho lmao!!!!! he got stuck next to gentaro and gentaro made sure to troll the everloving fck out of him!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭
rosho was feeling nervous like usual and gentaro was ramping up to give him likely terrible advice lol but rio the king interrupted him (gencha was miffed lmao) and suggested gaining hype from the crowd and the six of them had the crowd raise their lights at their call
so ichiro: alright!!! let’s see that buster bros red!!!!!
the crowd: *raises their light wands changed to red*
and each person did that for their team
jakurai compared the changing lights to magic wands 🥺🥺🥺
hitoya’s impressed whistle afterwards 😳
lol!!!! and then rosho absolutely snapped and went into teacher mode and commanded that stage and got his dh orange 🤗
and jakurai after rosho was done: but being scolded by a teacher felt very nostalgic 🤗🤗🤗
dh’s turn was right after that and we got to see rei swoon because of rosho’s teacher mode and then he and sasara did a lame student/teacher bit using toilets as the pun and i hate the both of them
the full bodied laugh rei and sasara did was adorable btw 🥺🥺🥺
rei’s 3d model makes me mad because obviously he has a big 🍆 he’s a big man. but his model makes it very obvious lmao 😭😭😭
btw!!!! by the end of this live, rei will have scammed two people
bat were up next and jyushi and hitoya sure were ready to ignore their leader this time as well lmao
they sang batfs next and you know the part before the last chorus where kuukou brings in jyushi and then hitoya next??? well with jyushi, kuukou did that thing where he crouches low and slithers up like the dragon he is but he did it practically along the length of jyushi’s body and i!!!!!!!!!!!!! i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it’s probably just older men simping hours from me rn but hitoya’s model help!!!!! his hips and butt help!!!!!!!!!!
hifumi was the first victim to a rei scam as he walks out on stage without his jacket from word by rei 😔✊
hifumi’s dancing is so much cleaner 😭😭😭 like last live his moves were visibly dated and now they’re like,,,,,, idk how to say it but the way he moves feels more like hifumi ;w;
hifumi: *magical girl transforms into his jacket*
jakurai: 😊👏👏👏
the way hifudo be moving across the stage while jakurai gracefully gestures is always just nice to watch lol
posse were cute today too 🥰
gentaro is another one whose character animations were improved 😭😭😭 he’s graceful like the jakurai parallel he is but significantly more animated with that gentaro flare of his i’m sorry i don’t have the words ever to articulate this 😭😭😭😭
idk what it was they added to torima get on the floor but whatever it was made the song even cuter lol
they did some choreographed moving for shibuya marble texture and my heart was screaming crying throwing up help
i will never stop laughing at the way juto struts with his mic out lmao
RIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥰🥰💕💕💙💙💙💙💕💕💙🥰🥰🥰💙💕💕💕🥰💙💙💕💕💕🥰🥰🥰🥰💙💕💕💙💕🥰🥰💙💕💙🥰💕🥰
rio moves like an action superhero lmao i love him
the way samatoki would swipe at his bottom lip and then grin at the crowd 😭🙏
scarface was fantastic to watch btw samajuto after the first chorus were a VIBE and the way rio put his whole body into his singing verse YALL
bb played iwbp and iwgp for their first set and i wasn’t okay lol that is a criminal back to back 😩👌
he’s also still just incredibly cute in these lives he’s so happy!!!!!! happy saburo here to give us jams and jam with us!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏
it’s not weird ichiro’s the least animated out of his bros but it was an adjustment lol
do not think ichiro wasn’t getting down tho because he was lol
there was some excited jumping in iwgp and their jumping height from highest to shortest was: jiro saburo ichiro lol
there was also some synced moving from jiro and saburo when ichiro was center that was really cute i think saburo’s coming into his dancing era soon lol
the second group of mcs were jyushi, ramuda, saburo, juto, doppo, and sasara!!!! ramuda got them to play charades telephone where one does a movement and the next person has to imitate the best as they can and then the cycle repeats
sasara started them off and did this rapid waving thriller dance that doppo felt embarrassed by but did it perfectly LOL
juto: i am NOT doing that
doppo: iruma-san…….!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺
lol and after juto gets scolded by jyushi and ramuda in the front he taps saburo and does the movement very incorrectly but with gusto LMAO
saburo: wow that’s cringe how are you not dead from embarrassment rn
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lol so they get the crowd to copy their individual chanting and doppo explodes after his. no i will not elaborate
songs started back up and after naniwa paradaishu, rei does another full bodied laugh at rosho’s expense that had him hopping back a few steps at its force 🥺🥺🥺
idk if was just the camera not focusing on hitoya at that exact moment or not, but because of it, it looked as tho kuukou kept drifting over to jyushi during his scared verses 🥺
kuukou after rip: 😈🙏
me: 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫👋👋👋💕💕💕💕💕💜💜💜💜💜💕💕💕💜💜💜💜💜😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫👋👋👋👋
sensei’s movements were more powerful in tomoshibi 😭😭😭
and his bow at the end 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
there were no frills no nothing they jumped straight into hunting charm and it was HYPE
re:start had the bros at their most mellow 🥺
lol our last set was kuukou, dice, jiro, samatoki, hifumi and rei
dice is the second person to fall to rei’s scam as he goes on about sending energy waves to the crowd
jiro was vibing hard tho and threw a wave of energy at hifumi and hifumi, like the chad he is, actually stumbled back at the force lol
kuukou was like ❓❓❓ the entire time lol
samatoki, who had been very quiet throughout dice’s thing, finally snapped at dice to shut up and calls rei out lmao
except it’s fun so hifumi sends love energy at the crowd and jiro kicks energy out like a soccer ball lmao
kuukou, despite thinking it’s kinda stupid, caves to everyone having fun and throws out energy with a bunch of flips and kicks and energy sound effects behind him lol
rei eggs samatoki on and samatoki puts his foot down and flexes he doesn’t need to do all their extra stuff and gets the crowd hype with his words alone lol
mayhaps be crying once again that rei’s resting pose is him with his hip cocked lmao
tdd legend was up next!!!!!!!!!!!!! samatoki and ichiro scoffed at each other and ramuda and jakurai focused on the crowd rather than each other lol
AND THEN!!!!!!!!! UNITED EMCEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*slaps myself* lol they were really hype y’all
the pairs had some parting words for each other as they left the stage 🥺🥺🥺 ramuda and jakurai weren’t very nice lol sasara expressed how it was more fun with them all there and samatoki agreed it was fun with him in his bad boy way (sasara: 😲‼️) and ichiro and kuukou expressed how dope they thought each other’s lyrics were with enthusiastic pointing and fist pumping 🥺🥺🥺
and then the longest encore call began lmao i swear the audience was clapping for like three minutes straight
but summit happened lol
sasara was pretty close with fp in the closing comments 🥺🥺🥺 he and gentaro were playing off of each other and he was chatting away with ramuda 🥺🥺🥺
idk what the conversation was but jyushi and kuukou were chatting to each other during rio’s final speech 🥺🥺🥺 AND!!!!!!!! JYUSHI DID ONE OF HIS FLOURISHES AND KUUKOU TILTED HIS BODY ALONG WITH HIM AND!!!!!!! THEY BOTH SLOWLY SLID BACK INTO PLACE IT WAS SO CUTE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
*coughs* it was a fun time lol
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