#they’re like. blorbos in law. how do I put it.
locallyloathed · 1 year
Ted from I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream and John Ward from Faith: the Unholy Trinity both seem to scratch the same little itch in the back of my head. Excited to get weird about it.
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dathen · 3 months
Hmmmm I have a lot of Thoughts on Catherine Moreland as an autistic character.
It’s clear right from the start that her special interest is gothic novels and she hyperfixates on them: she’s practically in pain that she can’t talk about them in regular conversation or that those she can talk to don’t care as much as she does. The earliest contrast between John Thorpe and Henry Tilney is that the former ridicules her for her interest and the latter celebrates it and even playfully competes for obsession level. She GLOWS when this happens and we actually get to see her socialize outside of anxiety and self-doubt. She has dozens of deeply relatable “just like blorbos from my novels…” moments.
Most of all though is her social interactions. Her completely missing instances of flirting alternates between relatably funny and sad. Early on she’s constantly confused by the Thorpes’ blatant insincerity, partly because of trying to extend good faith, but largely because she interprets it so literally. I loved the scene where John Thorpe is going off about how the other carriage sucks so much compared to his, it will probably fall apart any minute, and she panics about the others getting hurt and tries to get him to turn around to help them. It’s a brand of naivety that is less childish than it is “unscarred neurodivergent person who isn’t used to people constantly saying shit they don’t mean and expecting you to figure it out.” It’s sad when she slowly learns to distrust the literal because of how many times they’ve abused her goodwill.
She also gets what feels like RSD whenever she steps out of line; it’s the end of the world if she praises something that someone else puts down, or if she disappoints someone, and smothers herself in shame for what others would do without a thought.
At the same time, I’m reminded of like Dungeon Messi’s compassion for an autistic protag in that realm, both for the struggles and values of it. Her bluntness, sincerity, and goodwill is what breaks through Henry’s cynicism and makes him fall in love with her. She never learned to play the insincere game that even her family friends like Mrs. Allen are caught up in, and that earns her a trust that is worth being cut off by his father for.
These lines sum it up so well:
“Prepare for your sister-in-law, Eleanor, and such a sister-in-law as you must delight in! Open, candid, artless, guileless, with affections strong and simple, forming no pretensions, and knowing no disguise.”
“Such a sister-in-law, Henry, I should delight in,” said Eleanor.
BOTH Tilney children love her deeply because she’s everything they’re deprived of in their oppressive home life. They value all of these traits that make it hard for her to socially navigate her world. And even as she gets more world-wary and experienced herself, that never changes. (And this practical-proposal goes completely over her head as being about her ghskfjkdjf bless)
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disappointingcabbage · 3 months
TMAGP 20 thoughts, spoilers under the cut!!
The original title of the episode was Skin Deep, but they changed it to Social Stigma. Inch Resting… giving Ink5oul vibes…
Sam wants to talk to Alice and Celia Away From The Computers about the Magnus Institute. Smart but ineffective, though to be fair he doesn’t know they can listen on, like, every piece of technology imaginable lmao
poor Alice is Done With This Shit, understandable after her chat with Colin tbh
Oh shit Sam figured out the Protocol equals arson shenanigans…
The OIAR had the institute destroyed by Starkwall? I hate that that makes sense, I very much wanted Gertrude to have done it. Gobsmackingly uncommon L for arson grandma I guess.
Wait, not only did Starkwall burn the institute down, they also killed all the employees? Damn, seems like overkill but makes sense if that just means Elias wasn’t bluffing in TMA about how killing him kills everyone at the Institute.
I guess that means Jonah Magnus is super dead in this universe. Nice.
Also Gertrude either never worked for the Magnus Institute in this universe or she was able to quit before the Protocol was enacted and the institute was destroyed.
Alice makes a good point about not wanting to piss off the government by exposing real conspiracies, judging by the extreme nature of Arson Protocols, if Sam keeps digging deeper he could put himself and perhaps also Alice and Celia in serious danger
I love that Celia is advocating for Sam
But this time the email address that sent it was gibberish… I don’t think that was the case for the one that sent him Gerry’s address… inch resting…
The fact that they know they’re working for the bad guys this early on in comparison to TMA is really cool tbh
Celia is definitely not beating the universe hopping allegations with her “are we sure destroying the institute was a bad thing? They wanted to end the world” take
Alice is pulling a Georgie and noping out. Fair enough.
Celia’s still down to investigate, hell yeah
Why are they tattooing in a warehouse? Odd choice of venue lmao
Oh, they’re tattooing a corpse. Sounds about right for them tbh.
The fact that they’re commenting on how Gwen has “nice skin” is giving me Nikola Orsinov vibes
The OIAR wants Ink5oul to be an external? Neat. Why weren’t they one already?
Oh shit Ink5oul seems to be in the middle of becoming an avatar and they don’t understand what the fuck is happening
They didn’t originally want to be Spooky, just wanted social media fame. Oof. Also doesn’t help that the first time they went viral it was a complete accident.
Oh shit the statement for this week is just Ink5oul talking to Gwen.
Lmao they accidentally stumbled into the spooky while looking for inspiration (and/or tattoo designs old enough to steal without getting caught)
So Oscar Jarrett was basically the original Ink5oul, and “adapting” his supernaturally flavored designs is the only thing that gets them fame
Ink5oul, bestie, I think your friends were right to be worried about you, not just jealous.
Oh shit Jarrett tattoos don’t decay? Funky!! That explains all the grave robbing.
It’s kind of hilarious that constantly changing venues due to running from the law just kind of helped with Ink5oul’s branding online like no one thought it was suspicious at all, they were just like “ooh spooky blorbo”
Oh damn, emulating Jarrett’s work changed Ink5oul’s own work and made it Spooky? AND it made them want to see people afraid? Yeah this is some avatar shit.
Ink5oul does not in fact want to be an external. That tracks tbh
Gwen do Not talk town to the spooky ink person
“This is the part where you start running” Gwen pissed off the wrong one lmao
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haleigh-sloth · 8 months
What are your thoughts on Hazbin? Also, fav song? 👀
Favorite songs: Stayed Gone, Loser Baby, Hell is Forever
But seriously all the music slaps hard. It’s so good.
Thoughts: many
I’ll start with the smaller thoughts and leave the longest (Alastor) for last.
Vaggie is pleasantly explored. I’m surprised in a good way. I also love Charlie and feel like her strength isn’t really on full display yet lol. Exciting.
Angel Dust—my son. Husk—my son in law.
Angel Dust and Husk—I didn’t catch the vibe the first watch through but the second time? Oh they’re gonna be in love later if they aren’t already. I rarely care about ships but I LOVE this one. Good job Hazbin.
I really do like the Vees. They’re clearly antagonists and represent negative effects of social media and technology influence among other things. I mean no they aren’t likable as people, but I certainly like them as characters. I’m excited to see them more.
Everyone else is just fun. I love the found family/home vibe of the hotel. It’s so comforting to me.
Now really, my favorite is Alastor. Shocking I know.
Currently I can’t take my focus off of him. My gut told me he’s a good character to latch onto, and I feel like my gut was right.
I always want a happy ending for my blorbos and I feel like I hit the jack pot here bc he seems like a chaotic “control the game board” type of character (like Izaya, Shigure, Mephisto, etc.). But I think he’s ultimately going to be a benevolent force in the story for what the story is showing (redemption and salvation!).
I’m obsessed with his relationship to Charlie the most, but also I’m just very honed in on how his attachment to the hotel will change throughout the series.
Alastor is hard to read. He’s just a fun little guy. He seems sadistic and uncaring. Emotionless and like an overlord with pretty much no other motive besides power and freedom (regaining what he had before his fight with Vox 7 years ago is what his surface level motive seems to be).
But I cannot take my eyes off of how he’s puts a lot of effort into Charlie and what she wants.
In the pilot he says it’s for shits and giggles, and I’m sure he tells himself it is. But the way he is in the main series (meaning after the pilot) is just very questionable when you remember what he said his motive was. He does a whole lot more than someone who doesn’t actually give a shit.
Sure, it’s nothing for him to defend the hotel really. A mindless chore. But I started getting like ???? when Lucifer showed up. Lucifer clearly bothers Alastor (the frame was deliberately showing Alastor’s eye twitch when Lucifer showed up at the hotel and hugged his daughter). Then of course there was the hilarious “I’m a better dad than him” bit that made me lose my mind. Then in the second to last episode Alastor said “it’s not like you’ve ever failed to inspire before”—obviously meaning himself, has me even more like ???!!!! Something about Charlie inspires him and gets him up and moving and I just love that and want to explore it more and see what that brings for him.
The finale episode shows him starting to crack. He laughs at the thought of almost dying for his friends—the notion hilarious to him. Except he DID ALMOST DIE FOR HIS “FRIENDS”. And I think the reality of that freaks him out. I don’t think he’s very in tune with how he really feels about the company he has right now. Not yet. I really do think right now he’s focused on revenge against Vox, bc he’s openly competitive against him and clearly has a vendetta. I think that clouds everything else with him right now and it’ll be a problem later.
I’ve also gotta give it to a couple of other pals who basically confirmed for me that Alastor’s character is heading for redemption. The kind of redemption the hotel aims for (whether that ends with a place in heaven or not idk or care bc I just want him to have a happy ending with everyone). He doesn’t know this, or acknowledge this. But Charlie’s influence is contagious and Alastor is already infected by it a little. It’ll become more obvious later I think as everyone else around Charlie finds love and happiness in the hotel. We’re already seeing it with Angel and Husk and we saw it with Sir Pentious. Alastor won’t be immune from this I’m sure. Which is what I’m the most excited for. I want to see that man change—and he already is but I want to see more. I can see Alastor accepting salvation/redemption as a major obstacle or barrier and probably something very important for Charlie to accomplish, but I think it’ll be one of the best things in the series too.
Alastor is clearly the creator’s baby. He’s obviously the most complex and has the most going on internally. She’s said he’s existed since she was in high school. He’s important to her and important to the show and I can tell the show will take good care of him. I’m very, very excited for it.
I haven’t felt this excited about something in a while so it’s nice and refreshing. I love the show as a whole but I’m so down for Alastor and his arc. I don’t think I’ll be disappointed.
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jumpscaregoose · 1 year
x laws propaganda time
alright this is the big one buckle in nerds
@ungodly-amounts-of-godly-trauma poll crash course in x laws and also lyserg diethel. all encompassing longpost, tangents included
this is probably going to be too monolithic to work as propaganda but I can do what I want
(read more for courtesy because. abomination)
we’ll begin with some light housekeeping!
Shaman King 101 real quick for those unaware: shamans are people who can see and communicate with ghosts and spirits. every 500 years there’s a big tournament to decide who gets the biggest, bestest spirit, the Great Spirit. there are two versions of SK, 2001 (a heavily manga divergent anime adaptation considered to be better on both nostalgia and writing principles) and the 2021/manga version (written by this guy hiroyuki takei who’s really not the best at writing plots and tends to forget important details. this one’s his intent for better or worse and is more canon).
IMPORTANT TERMS (that I use here but forgot to explain first oops)
spirit ally: a shaman’s primary spirit they use for combat and various tasks
over soul: putting a spirit into a physical medium to allow them to interact with the living world
mana/furyoku: interchangable english and japanese terms for a shaman’s power level. can be measured numerically
shaman king: the person who has the great spirit as their spirit ally
the original shaman king manga was written by a man named hiroyuki takei. takei is. certainly a writer ever. he’s very good at writing fun characters and character dynamics. he character designs and art are very nice (when he’s not being stupid with them. there are some CHOICES). he is very bad at most other things. like remembering timelines and plot details. or research. I will be referring to him occasionally
my area of expertise is the manga version, so assume anything I mention is from that one unless otherwise stated (most general statements do apply to both). HOWEVER, there are some x laws related things that are SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT (more traumatic) in 2001, and I will bring those up as well.
the main antagonist is this guy hao, an onmyoji from 1000 years ago who reincarnated himself to become god (the shaman king). also btw an onmoyji is a type of spiritual leader person who practiced the traditional chinese wuxing (five element) concept, that’s important later. the main protagonist is his twin brother/split part of his soul yoh. they’re really interesting but not the point of this post so 
enter lyserg diethel, blorbo no. 1 for this poll (I highly recoommend starting to type his name into your search engine and clicking on the first chemical looking thing that comes up in autocomplete. I could just tell you but it’s way funnier if you find this out how I did)
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when we meet lyserg he’s 14 years old (I think. the SK timeline is very broken around this part of the story and dates can vary by a couple years) and he’s joined the shaman fight (big plot tournament) to get revenge on hao, who killed his parents and burned his house down when he was 6. also he’s british, uses dowsing with a pendulum, and his spirit ally is the fairy morphine (funny if you looked up the thing from before), who’s been his friend for his entire life (comes up in trauma later keep notes). he’s also frequently depicted with poppies in the manga (infuriating when combined with the name thing and morphine. why. why is he named that. why he not opioid. this makes me so irrationally upset). lyserg meets the protagonist gang (yoh, this gay emo kid, gay emo kid’s shonen rival boyfriend, and this other guy with a hilarious running gag of summoning this guy billy with magic hitchhiking powers all the time in 2001. it’s implied hitchhiking guy and billy make out once. this show is insane). lyserg’s goal at this point is to find strong allies to beat hao, so he tries to invoke the let’s-fight-to-become-friends trope and it does work but not until he gets decked in the face for being an idiot and pays for everyone’s hospital bills. which are a thing because btw everyone got dropped out of a plane into new mexico breaking bad style for a tournament test.
while journeying with the protagonist gang, they encounter one of hao’s minions, a man named boris tepes dracula. boris is able to use his spirit ally to possess people and temporarily turn them into his vampire minions. the concept of becoming a servant to hao is so horrific to lyserg that, in the 2001 version, he begs yoh to kill him if he ever becomes one. with 100% sincerity. spoiler alert he does at one point, does not get killed, and is confused. this is also when the main event of this poll shows up.
back in the day there were these two dudes luchist and marco lasso. marco was an orphan who grew up at luchist’s family orphanage and they had a very close paternal relationship. so close that they founded an independent supercar dealership together. enter hao, here to find minions for the shaman fight in what was at this point probably about 10 years! arson and murder! the car dealership and orphanage get burnt down, and luchist and marco swear lifelong vengeance on a kid who couldn’t have been more than 5 years old and form the x laws. they gather more people who also think a small child is the ultimate evil, including… who’s that? our next competitor!
iron maiden jeanne, blorbo no. 2 for this poll!
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jeanne was a young orphan girl on the streets of mont saint michel in france (my high school functions teacher claimed to have almost drowned in quicksand there writing his name during low tide), that marco and luchist picked to become their ultimate weapon and convinced her she was sent from god to defeat hao. key point here: iron maiden jeanne is genuinely just some random little girl, no divine connection beyond that of the average shaman of her power level. and about that power level. manga/2021 shaman king has this weird little detail, where if a shaman dies or is gravely injured, their numerical power level (I’m glad 2001 only brought in numbers to surprise us with hao’s strength later on, because aaaaaaa) will increase drastically. the x laws exploit this system by having jeanne swear and oath on an iron maiden (the fake medieval torture device, not the band) and stay inside it almost 24/7. real spikes, too. blood pours out of it during her introduction.
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being so close to death for probably half her life has given her immense power, and her spirit ally is shamash, the god/spirit who… issued the first laws to the babylonians in mesopotamia? wasn’t the x laws supposed to be a catholic thing?
don’t. worry. about it. normal Takei things.
real quick on religious imagery: the x laws’ over souls are “angels” these robot things (think eva unit but #aesthetic #angelcore or whatever) that they activate by shooting guns. can range from small handguns to bazookas. the second ed of the 2021 anime is also this:
take it as you will (I love the 2021 eds so much btw, my favourite pieces of shaman king animation. ed 1 for the win)
jeanne’s over souls are all also medieval torture devices (of various levels of accuracy), for example guillotines, gibbets, and the statue of apega
(also, when I say “god” in this, unless I’m referring to hao, the great spirit, or winning the shaman fight, I just mean a powerful spirit ally. it’s weird and confuses even me)
and while we’re talking about jeanne, she’s clearly named after joan d'arc, the revolutionary who heard visions from the archangel micheal on mont saint michel. jeanne wholeheartedly believes she was sent by god to defeat hao, and in the x laws’ twisted views of justice
all those who stand in their way are irredeemable sinners who deserve their gruesome deaths. the x laws are justice incarnate. hao is the ultimate evil who must be defeated at all costs (hao is spotted doing such things as. hanging out with his adoptive little sister/daughter on top of big rocks. engaging in polite conversation with his brother at coffee shops and hot springs. eating a baguette at their match. taunting his brother’s fiancée over a book)
returning to the timeline, the x laws appear and immediately kill boris (turn him into actual dust and all). resident good boy yoh and the other protagonist guys are obviously icked out, because they’d just shonen battled boris, learned his tragic backstory, and taken him out as a threat. lyserg, however, is entranced by the x laws and their gun angel robots… gun angels… angels with…
*I am pulled away from my computer and executed by the comedy police*
anyways, this is the start of a somewhat out of place shakespearean tragedy for our boy. is comparing hiroyuki goddamn takei to william shakespeare a stretch? yes. so much of a stretch. does it feel right in this case? also yes. this is the start of a beautiful, fascinating, deeply frustrating spiral (this character arc has made several people I know hate lyserg diethel at some point lol)
our guys make the final walk to their destination awkwardly walking behind the x laws, who are pissed they didn’t do a murder. eventually they separate and we randomly meet god in southwest colorado. god as in the great spirit in this case. some plot shit happens and lyserg ends up separated from the rest of the protagonist gang, and he wanders into the x laws. there’s this absolutely heartbreaking scene of lyserg, this young boy mourning his parents, crying into marco’s shoulder to ask him if, just maybe, the x laws can defeat hao. and because this is a cult he says yes.
the reveal of lyserg joining the x laws is another very nice and painful scene. it’s been heavily implied to have happened (see above) but had not yet been confirmed. it’s a really good scene but I think you can only really catch the ~Vibes~ by seeing it so
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important context: the guy getting sliced was lyserg’s opponent in an officially sanctioned tournament match, where you absolutely do NOT have to kill people. this is after around 3 months of being with the x laws (in the dumb manga timeline. holy shit I hate the manga timeline. in 2001 it’s different, I think it’s even less time)
so, in roughly 3 months with this group, our boy went from “standard anime revenge plot” to “actual cult member. who will kill people”. like he was fucked up before but not in a godly way. also there’s more fucked up now.
real quick jeanne thing. in the manga, most of the x laws get killed by hao (either in a tournament or while shooting a giant space laser at him, setting off a criminally underutilized subplot). some more shit happens, and jeanne ends up discovering that she’s not sent from god, but just and ordinary girl. she is surprisingly unfazed by this. I blame takei
the 2001 and manga versions both have a mutually exclusive godly fucked up thing about them so we’ll be going over those after a quick word from our sponsor: child abuse! yeah lyserg gets slapped around a lot. for not being 100% murder cult 100% of the time. it’s fucked up in a godly way yeah.
in the 2001 version, the spiral is even worse, including lyserg abandoning morphine (best friend fairy who he had a whole filler episode getting back from some goons. that morphine). and he doesn’t really stop being culty and the worst until the very end. and he’s also a lot MORE culty and the worst. he straight up kidnaps someone to use them as bait in an elaborate plan to send hao’s soul to the shadowrealm called the Gate of Babylon, this thing that’ll send everyone in a small vicinities’ souls there. I’m gonna be honest I forgot the details and the wiki was really unhelpful but that’s the gist. he does eventually get less cultish in 2001 though.
in the manga lyserg goes to hell. this isn’t actually that weird for shaman king, I haven’t mentioned it yet but at this point in the manga death has kind of lost all meaning (this comes up with a jeanne thing later. do I need to touch on red crimson jeanne in here? not really. but I’m gonna. “world is mine” -hatsune miku). 4 other guys go to hell at the same time as him he isn’t special. BUT. the hells in shaman king are pretty clearly tied to past events of their beholder’s lives, or worries they might have. for example, a character who’s hometown was flooded when they were young goes to a flooded forest (for THREE PANELS. justice for the hororen hells). lyserg’s hell is london, what looks like some weird time dilated tudor/modern london crossover (or someone not knowing what london looks like). in weird london, lyserg is attacked by a demon he calls Mastema (who, according to my beloved wikipedia, is a fallen archangel and the personification of hatred) takei clearly did at least that much research for once, because Mastema follows lyserg wherever he goes and only attacks when he thinks of his parent’s deaths and his hatred for hao. at one point, he does this to try and defeat it…
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…and immediately gets pummeled
now, I’m not entirely sure this was intentional, but like. becoming an “angel” to defeat something. and that doesn’t work. 2+2, people. he comes back from hell btw. death has no meaning and all
in 2021 there’s also this scene where yoh comes to visit lyserg (because he’s the goodest boy ever and is worried about his friend) and jeanne shows up to ask yoh to join the x laws. he refuses, and she immediately switches from hello friend join us to well. murder
and we should also probably talk about zeruel. zeruel, according to google and evangelion, means “arm of god”. zeruel is the angel lyserg recieves as part of the x laws (and who he ditches morphine for in 2001). zeruel itself isn’t really that relevant overall but I felt I had to bring it up. in the manga he uses zeruel (car form) and morphine to form his armoured over soul, mastema dolkeem (flames of enmity)
oh right
five warriors
is a thing
in the manga, they introduce this concept of the five warriors, each representing one element (annoyingly, not the actual wuxing elements but instead water, earth, fire, air, and lightning?). hao’s spirit ally throughout the series has been the spirit of fire (there are spirits for each element btw) so it’s poetic that lyserg gets the flames of enmity and fire, or something.
let’s talk about the impermance of death in shaman king real quick. for most of the second half of the manga, death has basically no meaning
oh shit I just realized I forgot to mention jeanne can resurrect the dead. she can do that btw
the death-has-no-meaning train gets started when jeanne brings this one emo guy who died for emo reasons back from the dead and it’s introduced as a concept. over the course of shaman king that emo guy dies. four times. the entire main cast has died at least once (we will get to that later). by the end there is no reason to leave someone dead at all, and doing so would be really fucking stupid. guess what happens to jeanne in red crimson (shaman king spinoff manga. also the best shaman king spinoff manga my beloved)? she dies. permanently
(this screenshot was apparently what broke the post? jeanne dying too powerful for tumblr?)
it’s an ok (?) ending to her character arc (and shows how fucked up she got from the whole child cult leader thing) but it irks me somehow (there’s also a scene in the manga after jeanne discovers she’s not sent from god where she refers to suicide as “there being no act more wicked”)
resurrect my girl
jeanne’s whole thing in red crimson annoys me to no end and if I went off about it here you wouldn’t believe that red crimson is Good Actually. so I won’t. but just know that the wasted potential is off the charts
and now, for what feels like a technicality to me: asakura hao kills everyone!
at the end of the manga, hao becomes god. he also proceeds to attempt his genocide of the human race and offs the entire main cast almost instantly. it is my favourite scene in shaman king ever and I love it dearly. what matters here is that both of our guys here got killed by god himself. that’s also godly trauma. the fact that THAT’S in a lil footnote shows how fucked up everything else is tbh
and uh that’s all I can think of for lyserg and jeanne religious trauma. if you’re curious just ask me somehow and I will be glad to infodump
but really you should just go shaman king (I recommend reading the manga first and then watching 2001. the reboot anime too if you really like the story but it’s just the manga but worse)
do it
there’s some bullshit and bad writing in there but it’s still pretty good (and stupid)
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alittledizzy · 2 years
i don’t know how new you are to dnf but i started reading your dnf fics recently and they’re just so good!!!! you seem to have great grasp of their characterization. i wanted to ask what your first impressive of dnf was like?
My first impression was Aw those are @jestbee’s new blorbos they are my blorbo in laws now and I like that they make my friend happy
Then I hung out with @jestbee and @ckk-ta in real life in September and within a week was a changed person
My first impression of the ship itself was that dream seemed head over heels for George but I wasn’t sold on it being mutual until I realized George just isn’t expressive but if you look at his actions he literally spent three years of his life wanting nothing more than to live with dream and that dedication is wild to me and makes me adore him so much like these boys really just want to do life together and put everything on hold until they could. in whatever way you want to interpret the relationship it’s just beautiful
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skinnamon39 · 1 year
For the Oc/Creator ask: multiples of 6 and B,D,E,G Love, fluffyapathybunny
thank you for purchasing a ticket to my improv show <3. I will be basing answers off of one of my four main blorbos (Em, Marine, Thymus, or Savitri) based on whoever fits a question the best.
OC Questions
6. Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
I think Savitri, having grown up in a high-ranking noble house and thus being forced to learn rules upon rules upon rules, would definitely think of the law as a cold, ruthless weapon used by the top dogs. She's set to inherit a position that puts her very close to the royalty of Lechtera (that's the name of the kingdom she lives in), so she'll likely have a not-insignificant amount of influence over the law-making process. She benefits from the current king's laws, since she's an aristocrat and all, but all the same, influence is not the same as having the final say, and she will always resent that.
12. How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
In the event of an elusive itch, Marine uses one of her knives to give herself some extra reach. More recently, she lets Em scratch the spot, since the knife thing makes him nervous.
18. What embarrasses them?
Thymus gets amazingly embarrassed when people catch him talking to the dirt.
24. Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom?
Marine is willing to talk about or explain sex in general to anyone, but asking about how it pertains to her personally will get you a big fat "fuck off".
30. Who do they most regret meeting?
Every so often, Marine thinks about that girl who taught her how to muffle her footsteps, how to hide in rafters, how to effectively distract people. Would she have clung to her teachings so zealously had she not been so hungry?
36. Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap?
Thymus is quite the romantic, and will try to worm his way into a conversation with people he thinks are cool and interesting. Since he's from Tiny Village, Middle of Nowhere, that includes basically anyone in his age group, but he never really gets anywhere.
42. How badly do they want to reach their end goal?
Em is slowly discovering that he will do anything if it means he can wake up to see the sun pouring through a window, sit in a circle with some other people eating soup together, and never have to feel cold again.
Creator Questions
B) What inspired you to create them?
"Inspired" is a bit of a strong word. It was originally just Marine and Em in my whumpy daydreams, and it took almost a year for them to even get names. Thymus and Savitri came about when the daydream started getting specific enough that I realized I had to make it into A Thing or I would explode.
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
Truth be told, I am still editing how they look. Despite being the OGs, Em and Marine have actually gone through the fewest changes, only having their eye colors change one time each (green to gray and purple to blue respectively).
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
Narrowing it down to just one of them, I'd probably get along with Thymus the best since he's 13 and, more importantly, is the only one of the four who hasn't experienced Backstory Horrors. I actually really like interacting with kids and am only held back by my doubt in my ability to care for another living being (taking care of myself alone is a handful as is). Would love to help him churn butter when his arms get tired and let him show me cool rocks he found while plowing the fields.
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
Savitri is a real stickler for the rules, which means I get to spend minimum-4-hour google sessions on aristocracy and etiquette to have an idea of what rules she's stickling to.
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brigdh · 2 years
Tagged by @mysterybees, thank you! :D
Rules: tag 9 people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the questions below!
Last song: Jackrabbit by San Fermin. I’ve listened to this three times in a row attempting to make it fit my blorbos, but I don’t think it quite works, alas. 
Three ships: Let’s do an all-OFMD edition this time around: Ed/Stede, Ed/Calico Jack, and Olu/Jim
First ever ship: Drizzt Do’Urden/my Mary Sue. Look, we all were 13 once. 
Currently reading: I finally finished Babel, thank fucking Christ. That book was not worth the time I put into it. I felt like some nonfiction, so I’m splitting my time between Dress Codes: How the Laws of Fashion Made History by Richard Thompson Ford and The Pirates Laffite: The Treacherous World of the Corsairs of the Gulf by William C. Davis. I’m not very far into either, but they’re both already causing me to have some raised eyebrows. Dress Codes because it has the same problems that plague all history books written by non-historians: a general simplification and allegiance to the easiest explanations. The Pirates Laffite has some questionable word choices when referring to enslaved people – and like, I do realize that the default vocabulary on this matter has changed extrememly recently, but the book’s from 2006, it’s not that old. Also I looked up the author and he’s written multiple books on the Confederacy, which is certainly a valid area to research but I’m still :/
I’m not always so picky about books, I swear! I’m having a streak of bad luck.  
Currently watching: The Last of Us – though I still haven’t seen the final episode, gotta catch up on that. 
Currently consuming: a croissant and cup of lapsang souchong tea
Last movie: One of my local theaters has been showing all of Keanu Reeve’s old movies, so I saw The Matrix last weekend. Which was pretty exciting, so I don’t think I’ve rewatched it in twenty years! I’d forgotten so much. 
Currently craving: I kind of want spaghetti and meatballs, but since I had that for dinner last night I probably should think of something else for tonight. 
Tagging: @menaceanon, @louciferish, @napneeders, @naryrising, @scary-flag, @thewalrus-said, @pearwaldorf, @likethehotsauce, and @why-worry-do-it-later.(No pressure!)
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artemissoteira · 2 years
after recent comments from SOME PEOPLE about dappled turning out to simply be moss and ithren, despite explicitly setting out to make her not that, I thought I'd look back through my major D&D characters and see how they compare in terms of the top 3 traits that keep coming up in my recent blorbos.
namely: actively putting dirt in their pockets; being extremely down with murder; and placing similar or greater value on animals compared to people.
behold, a wildly self-indulgent list. spoilers: dappled wins lmao.
tony the tabaxi (baby's first blorbo. swashbuckler rogue):
dirt: not particularly? tony has no feelings about dirt either way. murder: not particularly, but DOES have my strong predator instinct when enemies try to flee, and also will unhesitatingly die and kill on any hill if we have a fight about it. so. animals > people: yes, probably. did talk at length with an octopus despite having no particular ability to speak with animals. also taught several cats to wield knives.
tetra (merfolk druid):
dirt: ehhh water more than dirt so I'm going to go no. murder: arson more than murder. she was suspected of murder! she seems very much like she would commit murder! but she didn't. she doesn't care enough about people to bother murdering them, mainly. animals > people: 100%. ideally would never talk to people, only birds.
medea (yes, greek myth medea):
dirt: no. she gardens without getting dirty because magic. murder: manifestly yes lmao animals > people: yes but more from misanthropy than particular animal affinity. however also is canonically a dog person, unlike literally everyone else I've ever played.
moss (blades blades blades):
dirt: YES. that's it that's the character murder: very yes, according to what the dice had to say animals > people: YES. that makes moss our first 3/3 woohoo
ithren my beloved (reforged):
dirt: when relevant. which is to say, yes. murder: when relevant. which is to say... yes lmao. (not maliciously! just, the soldiers who got in their way. so far.) animals > people: NO?? ithren is somehow the biggest fan of humanoids out of all my characters?? Wild but true. i was going to say ‘when relevant’ again but I think animals are entirely beyond ithren’s notice and they just would never interact with an animal in the way this trait is meant to capture. the most difficult thing about playing them is not reacting to animals.
dappled with sunlight (oops all dwarves):
dirt: YES. actively and preferentially. murder: YES. actively and preferentially. animals > people: YES. plants > people also. actively and preferentially lmao.
chick (gallus roosterfolk druid):
dirt: eh. mostly just to the extent that the humblewood world is more dirt-based. murder: I'm gonna say largely no with the caveat of. convoluted internal rules for the Lawful Neutral moral compass on this one. animals > people: again complicated by everyone being animals in humblewood setting. chick would probably vibe with non-person animals more than most people, but also places high value on community and helping people, so I think this comes out to a wash.
final rankings
most likely to have dirt in pockets: moss/dappled (both actively do at literally all times, so they’re tied). ithren. chick. tony. tetra. medea.
most likely to murder: dappled. medea. moss. ithren. tetra. tony. chick.
most in favor of animals over people: dappled. moss. tetra. tony. chick. medea. ithren.
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sweetums0kitty · 2 years
Things that I think have Edward Nashton ✨Vibes✨ or like random headcannons for him.
The Early Fall Out Boy albums.
Mainly I think he’d love Take This To Your Grave (he’s big into Tell Mick he just made my list of things to do today) and From Under the Cork Tree (Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner, I Slept with Someone in Fall Out Boy and All I got was this song) and Folie à deux (mans screams 20 Dollar Nosebleed driving home after a murder)
Has a beat up to hell DSI he saved a bunch of money up for. Is the undisputed king of Brain Age. Has that DS game that’s just a bunch of public domain classic books.
The DSI itself is like really beat up from riding around in his book bag. He’s changed the battery multiple times so it’s basically running on spite and coffee fumes! Just like him!
I think Eddie would also be an MCR fan, Mama makes him cry his eyes out. Legit heartbroken when they broke up. Absolutely lost his (already gone) fucking mind when Foundations of Decay came out.
Has a deep buried desire to be loved and held and cared for. Does not know how to express it or attain it. Poor guy is the definition of touch starved.
When he does order food at the diner he keeps it pretty simple. Like a sandwich maybe a BLT if he’s feeling fancy. Mostly it’s pie time bay-bee! Also too much coffee
Pretend to hate Starbucks, says Frappes are just milkshakes with like a drop of coffee in them. Loves to play the Coffee Snob™️. But this motherfucker would inject Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Frappes into his bloodstream if he could!
Speaking of Fall things favorite season right there. He loves Spoopy stuff!
The air getting colder, the leaves changing color, it’s crisper and Gotham is allllllmost a tolerable place to be in. Not when you’re right in the center of the city, that’s dank and nasty. But go to the parks or the outskirts and yeah he can vibe with that.
Is strangely enough a master at hair braiding. He picked up the skill from the Orphanage.
Really loved Roald Dahl books as a kid. Back when he was still innocent and idealistic (before everything went to shit and even a little after in the Orphanage) he would try really hard to see if he had Matilda powers.
Like he’s stand in the bathroom and give himself a migraine trying to flip the switch with his mind. It never worked! 😔✊
Shockingly don’t think he’s an Incel, is he dismissive of other people and outwardly rude? Yes, yes he is! But he just can’t give enough of a fuck about other people to give a shit about who’s having sex and who’s not. Still lonely tho…
I think his parents (to make him sadder, who doesn’t wanna kick around the Blorbo a lil) were/are a Rich Girl who was studying at Gotham University with a Law Degree and the son of her Landlord’s who was also studying. A joint study session or two and they had their little fling and boom! Eddie.
His birth mom is from Metropolis actually! His birth dad disappeared under mysterious circumstances. (Rich Girl’s dad paid him a bunch of money to fuck off out of Gotham and never talk to Ed or his mom ever again)
Neither of them have his last name and his records are hella obscured. Trust me, Eddie tried to find out something, fucking anything.
Rich Girl Mom went on to marry some Rich Boy and she ended up with a MRS. Degree and had two half siblings. She often wonders about him. Saw what happened in Gotham and felt terrible and responsible for how he turned out. Just uh… not enough to like actually reach out and help him.
Eddie hates people but will never be mean to a child. Especially not the children in his building. He likes kids, they’re honest and non-judgmental.
Deep down he still wants a spouse, a nice 4 (one room is his office/man cave) bed and 3 bath house on the outskirts of Gotham with 3.5 kids and Golden Retriever or some shit like that.
Watches/watched too many movies and thinks relationships are supposed to be like a rom-com.
Is in a few Discord servers, has his own for the Riddler but also has like a group of internet geeks he plays D&D and like Jackbox or TF2 with.
He is the D&D Dungeon Master thank you VERY much! When he’s not in charge (he will fight tooth and nail on this) he likes to play Wizards, he’s a classic Elven Wizard guy. Always super high intelligence and Wisdom stats. Has the worst fucking luck on charisma throws, even worse luck when it’s a saving throw.
He had/has friends he just self isolates into a pile of hatred for the world and self loathing so his relationships are shaky.
This dude fucking loves the Sims, Sims 2 is his Nostalgia fave but he really got into the Sims 3 and had played that one the most.
I think he smells nice and doesn’t use like 3 in 1 shampoo. It’s still shit like store brand generic green man soap. But he takes care of his skin and his hair.
Avid wearer of sunscreen, will burn if he doesn’t wear it. Objects majorly to going outside during the summer.
Has one faintly chipped tooth from when he got slammed into a toilet in Middle School.
Was a Library TA in high school. Mainly his senior year since he really didn’t need to take anymore classes other than like an elective (shop class and one more language course. He picked German)
Likes the smell of spearmint, vanilla lotion (especially on a pretty girl), leather, old books and the metallic smell of fresh blood. Also coffee but that was a given.
Can technically cook but chooses not to.
Okay, I really should fucking stop this is already so long. 😖😫 But I love him.
By god I have to add onto this post!
My dude is a raging pansexual, like you all saw how feral he was for Batman.
He has such a weird way of getting crushes on people. One time a cute guy was vaguely nice to him when he got his coffee order and this poor guy already planned out their entire wedding and what they’d name their kids.
Cannot initiate to save his life in those situations. Gets too up in his head and his mean ole brain is like “A you’re disgusting, B. You’re getting distracted from your mission you fucking loser and, C. We gotta circle back to what a gross loser you are.”
If someone showed interest in him he’d short circuit and then assume it was some kind of prank. Please reassure him, he needs it.
As for mental health stuff ima project onto the husband here.
Has BPD, why? The outbursts, getting unhealthy attached to Batman without even knowing him, the mood swings. He just seems like the type.
ADHD my dude lives in organized chaos. Nobody else knows where anything is in his place and that’s how he likes it. He’s got his hyperfixations! Riddles and puzzles being one. Numbers too! He seems like the type of person who would bounce their leg a lot.
Pens are his stim toys, you can bite em, you can tap them, you can click them and they write! 
Tried to go to a gay bar once, he did not make it through the door, mostly sat in his car trying to hype himself up.
Once he got his Riddler outfit tho…. Ooh he was in there and it still freaked him out. Mostly it was him sitting in a corner trying to blend in and lowkey drooling over every hot person that passed him by.
Watched/watched Gravity Falls. He liked Dipper, kinda hates Mabel but not really and full on loves Ford
He’s always hated Harry Potter, thought it was stupid and whenever someone asked him what his house was he’d be like “I don’t have a Hogwarts house because I’m not a child.
Green Apple and Lime are the best flavors fight him.
He used to drink like way too much Monster and other energy drinks but they kinda give him heart palpitations now so he sticks to coffee.
He likes arcades, there’s one that’s been around forever by his place. The folks who own the place are pretty nice to him.
Very pinchable cheeks. You knew tho!
Wears socks in bed! His peets get cold.
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dear-kumari · 2 years
How about Witch Hat Atelier for the ask meme?
I heard it's getting an anime, so I will definitely be checking it out once it airs ^^
Wonderful choice!  In the spirit of really hoping you pick up the series someday, I will also provide a little context for my blorbos, skrunklys, et al. :3  All you need to know going into these is that there’s a society of witches that’s regarded as helpful and altruistic but also hides the secrets of magic from the rest of the world, and the series is about a young outsider entering this society and wrestling with the cognitive dissonance therein.  The Pointed Hats follow the law, the Knights Moralis are a subset of Pointed Hats who enforce the law (they have the power to memory-wipe and exile people), and the Brimhats are any witches on the fringe who reject Pointed Hat laws and practice dangerous forbidden magic.
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most):
Coco, the main character!  It’s my opinion that main characters must be incredibly hard to write well, considering how often I’m underwhelmed by them.  Coco is a fantastic protagonist, though, and I really love how we get to see her worldview grow and/or shrink in real time with every harsh reality she faces.  A lot of the tension in WHA hinges on the possibility that she’ll join the Brimhats, which I would really love to see.
Also tied with Coustas, who started as a seemingly inconsequential bystander/casualty who would be forgotten in most manga and is now arguably the most important vehicle for the story’s themes.  Don’t want to spoil anything big here, but the way his arc has played out so far is just … intensely cathartic in a way I haven’t experienced in a while.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):
Iguin, the main Brimhat antagonist!!  He’s aggressively Shaped, honestly, and all because of the cool/scary/somewhat goofy costume he wears.  I adore his vibes.
Also Sasaran, a minor ally of Iguin!  He’s also very Shaped, but not really by choice; he accidentally permanently transformed himself into a cat-man with forbidden magic. :/ it happens
Coustas again — wonderful character design, really
Tetia (one of the girls Coco’s learning magic with, basically loves making people happy and has curly pink hair), she’s soooo cute and endearing
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave):
Tartar!  I wrote a whole impassioned post about it already, but yeah, he’s really the best.  I love when characters actually surprise me, and Tartar might be the most surprising character in the series with how much depth he brings to the story.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week):
Cheating a bit here, but I also absolutely obsess over this depiction of random Brimhats, even though most or all of these representations probably aren’t specific characters we’re going to meet.  (You never know, though …)  I love the idea that there is a large and vibrant (and honestly, probably very chaotic and #cringe) Brimhat subculture out there waiting to be explored.  I just think they’re neat :)
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poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave):
Who could it be but Sasaran?  Really, look at him.  He’s a literal pathetic wet cat.  He’s a goofy little meow meow.  He loves hurting random people, including innocent kids, with forbidden magic.  He has no redeeming qualities as far as I can tell, but that doesn’t make him any less deserving of my affections.  Honorable mention for Iguin ofc, but no one is doing it like Sasaran.
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horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason):
Easthies :) To put it diplomatically, Easthies is solely dedicated to his job as a witch cop and the ethical principles it’s built around, so ofc he deserves the horse plinko ^^ (tbh I am Not opposed to “““redemption””” for any or all of the Knight Moralis in whatever form that might take, but only if this guy gets plinko’d)
Also Beldarut (a whimsical and politically important Pointed Hat guy), though I really have nothing specific against him.  I mean I think his worldview is kinda cowardly and ultimately harmful, but like. he has a fine personality.  I shouldn’t want to torment him for fun, but I do.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell):
Uhhh any of the minor characters who are obviously shitty to kids (Sasaran gets a pass bc he’s a skrunkly little meow meow, ofc)
Thanks for the ask!!  I really like talking about this series and I hope the anime brings in new readers ^^
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melongumi · 3 years
MDZS for the blorbo ask meme!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Being full of Headcanons and Opinions and Opinions on Headcanons and also, you know, multiple WIPS (and also a tendency to try to make every AU idea About Him sooner or later), I think I'm obligated to admit that this one is Wen Ning. Wangxian also, because I Am Their Target Audience.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
I have no idea... maybe Sizhui because Zhen Fanxing did a very good job making expressions that say “i am a Nice Young Man :)” A+ would pinch his cheeks like an obnoxious auntie and put too much food on his plate. Also, from a doylistic standpoint, am always down to see him go off to destroy people with dark magics or bangin’ qin solos or whatever else. A good boy.....
Also Fairy, who is after all a fat and also very fluffy dog.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Wen Qing and Jiang Cheng....... my beloved blorbos-in-law. Outside of very specific scenarios, I find them underutilized in fandom. Also, when they do appear, that doesn’t guarantee that they’re being written with the full Jiang-Cheng-Wen-Qing-ness that they deserve >:0 !!! (also, the concentration of jc-bashing in newer fics on ao3 just keeps... rising. hey what the fuck. @ the responsible parties how does it feel to be history’s biggest cowards)
Honorable mention for Every dead wen and jiang that isn’t part of the ruling family, plus a particular shout-out to Wei Changze because canon characters also forget that he exists.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Whenever I am looking for a reference in the original novel by searching for Wen Ning's name, I realize all over again how infrequently and briefly he actually appears in text despite spending basically the whole book within a mile or two of our heroes. Unfair.
Also, if anyone ever actually Did anything with Yanling Daoren, I would lose it tbh. [points] i wanna know what’s up with THIS asshole
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Lan Xichen and Xue Yang, not because Lan Xichen is particularly controversial, but because these two are the most enjoyable to look at and think “you are the ultimate architect of this problem you are having. poor little meow meow”
Mind you--Lan Xichen isn’t the ultimate architect of his own problems, but he is the project manager so like. You know.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
If meow meows are for making their own problems, plinko is for outside problems being inflicted upon them. Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao are both so good for this in such very different ways. They are such stinky bastard men. Jin Guangyao is god's perfect killing machine but can't stop anyone from picking him up and messing his hair. Usually does make half of his own problems but makes sure they're everyone else's problem too. Honestly, the less in-control of a situation he is, the better off his long-term happiness is likely to be. That he hates every second of it when it's ultimately good for him? Funnie.
Nie Mingjue, meanwhile, needs to be shrunk in the wash and felted in the dryer. Its character building,
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
I don’t think saying Jin Guangshan for this is creative or funny, but like... it’s true.
Also Xiao Xingchen, but in his case because casting him as Castiel and literally sending him to literal superhell would, in fact, be hilarious. 🙏
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jellykinss · 2 years
order in the court please
official intro post, let’s go!
my name is jelly, but you can also call me things like yanfei, patty, melbie, or whatever names you happen to wanna call me. as long as it’s me, it’s right!
i have the tism. yippee!
i’m mixed (black + samoan), and i identify as a demisexual-omniromantic mintgender demigirl. i’m also polyamorous. put it all together and try saying it 5 times fast, i dare you. my main pronouns are they/she, fey/fem, and law/laws.
my main, overall interests are drawing, playing video games, selfshipping/waifuism, making music, and writing stories (however unfinished they remain to be.. ahem.)
my more specific, media-related interests include most nintendo franchises (especially splatoon and kirby), genshin impact, identity v, indie games (especially hollow knight and helltaker), and many others… too much to list here. this is also where my otherkin spirituality comes in… certain characters i refer to as me are me and will always be me. please don’t call them “d/as”, it’s overused by now. just refer to them as my “irls” or simply: me. :)
speaking of selfshipping, why don’t i talk more about that? i have been in dedicated relationships with many fictional characters since 2015, the year of our lord and savior undertale. over these years, all my current ficto-partners have come to live alongside me in the little wonderland in and out of my head. I love them all very much. if anyone asks about me, they’ll probably call me “the (insert character here) guy”, or “the girl with all the blorbos.” and they’re right.
with that, you must be wondering: “jelly, if you’ve managed to score all these cute video game babes, haven’t you gotten a chance with anyone real?” and the answer is yes, i have. @mocharaycookie​ is my darling, most treasured girlfriend who i’ve been with for a bit over a year. funny how time flies when you meet the love of your life… and with that, i extend a very warm welcome to anyone who happens to come across this little haven on their own, or by being shilled here by nephro. either way, get comfortable. grab some popcorn and a non-brand specific, carbonated beverage of your choice, and get ready for the ride!
court is adjourned!
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