#they're /telling/ me that they're in danger how bout we show some of that
ofswordsandpens · 8 months
this is a nitpick but honestly im really gonna need to see these kids run at some point how has every "monster chase" pretty much been a hard cut to the kids just strolling leisurely down the street, where's the urgency, where's the panic, where's the alarm
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usertoxicyaoi · 2 years
I think its already established that Daemi don't know how to write shit to save their lives. This just further cemented it.
I also think it's funny that one of the authors' favorite character is Vegas, so why the hell they would just make him suffer more and more... I don't know what to tell you. They just suck and I will not accept this as canon. Like there is just no reason to kill off Macau wtf... like, you leave fucking Venice (who provides very little to the plot) and kill off Macau??? Wtf wtf wtf wtf??? Nobody wants that fucking baby ffs, not even Vegas.
I think the authors may have a grudge against the cast/fandom considering all the controversies that have happened concerning them 2 so I think they're like "let's kill someone everyone cares about and actually like as payback! *evil laughter*" and everyone else KP, VP, KC are too important to the plot and the bodyguards aren't that much so they decided on Macau... oof
I think that if we get a S2, they will keep Macau's death, just make it better or have him die a noble death (just like how they changed it for Big- who ended up dying for Porsche- who was the actual traitor in the book instead of Ken) since I do think BOC may be obligated to follow the broad strokes of the novel and I don't think they have bought the rights off Daemi...
hiiii anon!!!
god i am MAD. like. idgaf about venice NO ONE gives a flying fuck about venice and YET!!!!!!!
they absolutely do not know how to write for their characters nor do they care much. so they kill off macau ... can you imagine the PAIN and ANGUISH that vegas would feel? at that point, knowing vegas as We know him, he himself wouldnt wanna live anymore, no matter if he has pete beside him or not. he was gonna blow his brains out just at his DAD dying and pete talked him down. i dont even think pete could talk him down if he saw macau comitting suicide in front of his eyes. like. what?? they wanna play the misery porn card on vegas????
and like. thats just vegas. who's a secondary thought rn. to me its more about macau. like. yes okay he is clinically depressed and on meds in the novel. and you know all this time since kp ended ive gone on and on and onnn about how much of a blank canvas macau was on the show and how if we ever got a s2, i wanna see macau be given depth and be explored more bc theres SO MUCH room and scope with him to do so. and like the novel, i'd wanna see macau go through these bouts of depression bc ... hell ... his entire life has just been one trauma after the next after the next laid upon him. its GOT to get to him. and i could just. so clearly picture what the plotline for macau can be if we got a s2. i could write it myself and do a better job!! and that would include not killing him off just to dump more pain on vegas and to give macau hope in wanting to live bc he has his big brother and his big brother has him!!! and he'd graduate from school and go to uni and make something of his life!!!!
but like. i just dont know. IF. we ever got a s2, would they write macau as being clinically depressed like in the novel. and of course there has to be (a) death involved in the show and WHO BETTER to kill off than macau, who's only attachment is with vegas and then pete and is a well-loved character. like i would Hope they would rewrite it all and Not have him die but then im like ... well someone has to die and whose death would twist the knife in more than macau's for the sake of Great Plot Writing and Advancement. i said it once before that i could so easily see a future scenario where pete and macau are both in some sorta danger and only one makes it out alive or vegas has to choose and that ties in with your idea of the Noble Death trope and macau probably dying that Noble Death. so either that, or they DO write macau as clincally depressed on the show and have him commit suicide, which idk if they will write him as that.
but yeah im just so ... Mad at this all. i wanna say yeah that yeah if we did get a s2, that they could rewrite this all and macau doesnt die but then ...... like. duh. its pretty obvious that macau's death would trigger and offset so much for the plot and facilitate it going forwards.
and fuck that. bc i LOVE macau so much and theres SO MUCH that can be done with him and explored with him that I COULD DO A BETTER JOB AT. like i said, yes, i wanna see macau be written as clinically depressed on the show just like the novel and for that and his headspace and character to be properly explored, BUT AT THE SAME TIME, be given hope of a hopeful ending for him!!!!!!!! ITS REALLY NOT THAT HARD TO DO YOU SICK FUCKS!!!
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tsuki-sennin · 3 years
We are now within the second third or so of Kamen Rider Revice! It's been a pretty wild journey so far, and I'm glad ya'll enjoy these liveblog/recaps/review hybrids, even if only mildly. I've only done something like this once before, when Chuggaaconroy remade his LP of EarthBound a few years ago and I gave my own thoughts/additional commentary as I watched along.
Because I don't know how to tag, they're basically lost in an endless sea of reblogs, so I can't find them, but I had a very fun time doing it anyway, so getting to do something similar to it again feels like a fun way to spend my time. And since these're weekly rather than daily, I can give myself a bit more breathing room! How bout that, eh?
Now, without further ado... Spoilers, I guess...
-Probably not the exact time frame, but comic book time is weird like that.
-And here we see Kudo eating a juicy steak. Yes, I finally remembered Lawyer Guy's name too, shush.
-Ohhhh, those girls are dressed like Aguilera-sama. That's... that brings up a lot of questions. Does he have a type for Japanese women in flamenco dresses?
-How does he select who is worthy to undergo Giftex process? I mean, aside from summoning the contracted demons, I haven't seen Olteca do much. Hell, Julio's been doing more underhanded stuff! Is it seniority?
-Dude, don't stab your steak like that, plates are expensive!
-Amahiko's like "Oh, fuck, I didn't sign up for that."
-Ohhhhhhhhh, the Mammoth! I just thought they could directly summon it like they do with the Gifu Juniors, and even after we learned more about how they work, I just figured they stamped somebody directly. That's some subtle-ass foreshadowing!
-Hey, don't tell Hiromicchi to shut up, George. You just dropped that on him!
-Y'know, I'd tell you to smash the Gifu Stamp and be done with it but my years of experience dealing with cursed artifacts in video games and comic books made me aware that this is an extremely risky and terrible idea.
-I'm absolutely certain that George has worked for the SCP Foundation at some point, in which case that'd explain a lot about him.
-Oh my god, Commander Wakabayashi's literally doing the Jerma sus face. ...also, I love that extremely blurry Zero-One figure.
-See, this is why we double check our alarms and schedules Sakura.
-5 AM, JESUS CHRIST GEN WHAT KIND OF PANCAKES ARE YOU MAKING!? ...and more importantly, can I have some?
-No, don't run from the pancakes, come back!
-I don't really have room to criticize anybody's sleeping habits, I somehow always wake before at 7 AM and lie in bed struggling to get up.
-It's a lovely morning in the village, and you are a horrible Vice.
-Ooooooh, there he is!
-Ahhhhh, wow, that Kamen Rider Jeanne sure is cool, huh Sakura~? ...for some reason, I keep forgetting that Kamen Riders are like... actual superheroes in-universe in these shows. I never really got that vibe in Saber because of how few extras there were because of the pandemic, so I kinda just assumed that the Sword of Logos controlled all the media about them to keep people out of danger, or because it's Isaac, hog all the power of the Wonder Ridebooks to himself.
-"Yabai" indeed.
-I'm curious now, how often does a Kamen Rider find themselves on World Star Hip Hop? I know Tomoko became a Kamen Rider fan in Fourze by watching low-res recordings of the Showa Riders, there was a running gag early on in Saber about Mei recording and posting fights, Gaim was basically all about that for a while, Drive was on national TV during the Nira arc, and of course the Riders of each season inevitably end up all over the news for one reason or another, but...
-Like, is it possible that Eiji once intervened during a brawl at an influencer convention and then had to see himself trend on Twitter as "Transforming Asian Hobo"? Does Sento deliberately try to invoke this every chance he gets because he absolutely would. Is there like a whole branch of Kamen Rider-based cryptozoology and subsequently a whole genre of Creepypasta, YouTube clickbait, and pornhub tags? Do Trevor Noah and John Oliver dedicate whole segments to them? Is there a reason why I'm asking all the wrong world-building questions?
-Mmmm, public transit. Delicious.
-Don't worry Vice, sometimes I forget about important villains too. But no longer!
-I assume he just mopped those floors, he has every right to be pissed!
-Ah, so... does the glue on the eggshell shield last forever? Cause that's some powerful-ass glue if it does, it'd almost be too good for home projects.
-Wow, none of Sakura's friends have any faith in her taste in men. If I were her, I'd be mortally offended.
-Oh hi, Wakabayashi. ...is it seriously only behind a hologram?
-You get the bag and fumble it, George gets the bag, flips it and tumbles it.
-Are you proud of yourself?! You made Hiromicchi cry!
-I'm sad now :(
-This show is heading to some really dark places, holy fuck. I... I feel uncomfortable, I think I'm gonna fast forward a little bit.
-Okay, Kudou, I'm sorry you've gotten cucked out of your hopes and dreams by the extremely unfair Japanese criminal legal system. But like... I'm still reeling.
-Y'know, you guys seem way too calm for an active school intruder situation.
-Yeah, punch that motherfucker!
-Jesus Christ, this show.
-Did nobody notice the weird mariachi guy walking around!? I think that'd be a lot more noteworthy than a random creeper like Amahiko.
-Nothing wrong with a fast lane life once in a while!
-Ooooooh, the shield can be used for the OsutoderuHammer50! That's cool!
-Kick his ass Sakura!
-Oh my god, the Remixes can become one big abomination. ...I absolutely shudder to imagine what it'd look like when they all combine.
-Oh God, I almost forgot about Hiromicchi!
-Hiromicchi :(
-We were too late, Ikki-nii. Didn't help that George threw him the fucking stamp!
-Ah, so Chameleon Guy doesn't like his original body?
-Everything I learn about the Deadmans makes me wanna take a shower.
-It kinda surprises me how Olteca is the bigger asshole between himself and Julio, since Colonel Zol/Golden Wolf Man was a Nazi and Dr. Shinigami/Ikadevil was just some guy, comparatively speaking. I still don't buy into the idea that Julio wasn't in on Aguilera's role in the Giftex plan, given his past sadism and how he forced Amahiko into becoming a Phase 2 Deadman, but hey, maybe we'll get an explanation next episode.
-So, Aguilera's not the Great Leader, got it. On the one hand, we don't really have female main villains, so I guess I can get mad at Toei and Kinoshita for cucking me out of a #Girlboss final villain. On the other, this means that there's a chance we'll get a deeply compelling redemption arc or some kind of agreement between her and the Igarashi fam, or some sort of genuine self-sacrifice from Julio for her life that makes her re-evaluate her beliefs, or... something I'm not expecting, who knows?
-Wait, Final Showdown? Is the season over already? I'm absolutely kidding, but hey! Looks like I'm finally getting that nightclub fight I always wanted! Hell yeah! ...but at what cost?
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rhymingtree · 3 years
Hi! hope you’re doing well i was just wondering if for your Ghost in Westview story(love it so so so much btw) do you have any pictures of inspo for what ghost wore through the decades?
HI!! I'm doing okay how bout u?? Thanks for reading Ghosts in Westview. Yes, I do have pictures for her wardrobe, but they aren't strictly what you could imagine her to wear and that's okay! I also have a few notes, but they're more like rambles.
~Darke had very little input in what Ghost wears in Westview, so all of these are my interpretation and how I think her clothes tell her part of the story.
If anyone has any feedback or suggestions or anything, I'd love to hear them!
In Chapter 3, when Ghost and Danny reunite, I've always imagined them to be dressed like Audrey Hepburn & Gregory Peck in Roman Holiday:
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There's a certain disorderliness in her wardrobe while they go around Rome that makes me think of Ghost, but in a calmer, more youthful way. She's also a lot happier right now. She kind of has a feeling something's wrong, like how Anne kind of realizes that Joe is acting weird the whole time they're hanging out in Rome.
But when we see her in Wanda's show, I thought she'd look a bit more like this:
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Fitting with Wanda's wardrobe, as if Ghost was given her own wardrobe by Wanda. It fits her style, but it still wasn't her choice of clothing, hence a dress that follows Wanda's silhouette and style. Of course, we don't see the colors of her clothes because it's all in black and white, and that I think, makes Wanda's control over Ghost's life in Westview more solid. She fits better in the sitcom that way.
In the 60s, Ghost gains a bit more control over her own style as she slowly regains her memories.
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I think Ghost would lean towards a more fitted silhouette, but still somewhat comfy and practical instead of stylish the way everyone else in Westview, or Wanda might dress.
And since we see her at the pool, for some reason I see her wearing this:
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I'm aware that High Society is from the 50s, but I couldn't help it.
Finally, colors.
I don't think Ghost would be as colorful or psychedelic as people dressed in the 70s. She and Wanda have very similar color palettes in this episode, but the difference is in the shape and silhouette. Then again, Wanda's clothes are looser because she's pregnant.
Ghost's silhouette is similar to Geraldine's but a bit less bright. Although, I think she'd rock eyeshadow too.
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Earthy tones and fall colors. Greens because green is a nice color. It also means reassurance and safety, which is a role that Ghost has played in Wanda's life so far. Though, she's kind of repaying that but also doing the exact opposite of safety and reassurance in this case, because she yeeted Monica straight out of Westview to protect her family and Ghost, but the role she made Danny play in Ghost's life was to keep her safe and be her reassurance. So I guess her clothes mirror Wanda and Danny, but also towards the end becomes an irony?
Ghost during the 80s is kind of trying to break the pattern of going with Wanda's flow. But, what's sort of anchoring her to that flow are Billy and Tommy.
She's more nurturing at this point, kind of pulling away but staying because she loves 'em. And she wants to figure out who she is and what Danny is hiding from her.
That arc reminded me of Princess Diana. So... she's wearing Lady Di's casual fits now I guess 😅
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Sweaters and piggy-back rides. Yes, these are from the 90s but shhhh
Basically what's going on in my head right now is, she's trying to beat the system, whatever game Westview is, she's trying to win. But she's got too much at stake. She could lose Danny or she could lose the bond she has with the twins. She also knows that there are dangers both pulling her out of Westview, and trying to push her further in.
Princess Diana is now Ghost (im kidding im sorry)
I know I asked @darke15 about this... but I went the other way hehehe. I gave the zombie thing to our dear boy Ollie (for obvious reasons. He's undead right now)
If you're wondering about Danny's costume... I don't know where I thought of the Peaky Blinders costume. I guess I thought he'd look good in a coat like that...
The gunslinger costume comes from Red Dead Redemption's character designs.
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At first I was going to give her a pirate costume, like Mary Read in Assassin's Creed IV. Because Mary is also a master at lying and trickery, managing to convince everyone that she was a dude pirate. In the same vein, Ghost has managed to keep up so many appearances, lying to a shit ton of people throughout her life.
But I thought, considering her upbringing and her marksmanship, a Gunslinger cowgirl would be a better fit for her. No specific characters, and it's not too obscure. She'd also look great.
Another one I was considering was Coraline. But Coraline's a child and it was literally just a raincoat so I thought, nah. But Coraline and Ghost were both trapped in fantasy, too-good-to-be-true worlds, with replicas of people in their lives that are eerily like the real ones, but aren't.
So far those are the only ones I can give examples of, since in the next chapters we're entering the modern era, so she can wear whatever comes to your mind.
One of the reasons why I was so excited to write this was because I wanted to play dress-up. I geeked out with these.
Hope this was helpful!
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A few months ago I typed up some comments about the anime-only scene between Otogi and Honda on the blimp. Found here.
Well... now I'm here to talk about what happened before that scene. Because I read so much more into it.
Let's take a walk.
Please keep in mind that a great deal of this speculation comes from the belief that, despite Mr. Clown not being seen in the anime, he still exists and his relationship to his son is very similar. Also please keep in mind that this is all speculation from someone who has spent waaaayyyy too much time looking into everything Ryuji Otogi says/ does.
We join our heroes shortly after Yugi's Duel with Bakura. Ryou has fallen unconscious and the stab wound he sustained earlier has re-opened (unless you're watching the dub where blood doesn't exist.)
Otogi's first line comes after Shizuka has asked Kaiba to land the plane, and the camera cuts to her making a pose that demonstrates both uncertainty and discomfort. Kaiba stares at her and Honda and Otogi both get between them... to Honda's annoyance.
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More on this in a second.
Kaiba ignores this and turns his attention back to Jonouchi and Yugi, telling them that it was Bakura's choice to Duel and that he will not be held responsible for the repercussions of another's mistake.
This causes Shizuka to shout (probably for the first time in her life.)
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Otogi makes this face. Personally, I think it looks like a combination of surprise and concern. But why would he be concerned?
Because Shizuka is a lot younger, a lot smaller, and a lot less powerful (both physically and financially) than Seto Kaiba.
He is fearful of what Kaiba will do in retaliation, ans so.
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He gets between Shizuka and Kaiba in hopes of transferring whatever Kaiba's about to do to him instead of her.
Because Ryuji Otogi is an abuse victim that knows what happens when you challenge someone bigger and more powerful than you. They put you back in your place.
Also Honda continues to not like this. Otogi is cutting him off each time he tries to speak, and while this could be seen as Otogi trying to one up Honda (and the dub absolutely took it that way) I can see it taken a number of ways. There's a chance he's trying to team up with Honda and hope that Kaiba won't start anything if it's two against one. It could also be that Otogi's not paying a lot of attention to Honda. He does see Shizuka and start moving in front of her before Honda moves into the frame the second time.
Going on a small tangent here but...
Keep in mind, Otogi stepped into a fight against four other guys and got himself involved in the fight against a cult to protect Honda and Shizuka. Sure, you can say that he did that to have a chance with her, but that's a lot of risk to have a chance with a girl he knows nothing about... especially for a guy who could have any number of girls with minimal effort. He will also shortly after this put up his own body as a gamble to protect Shizuka from a creepy old man that wants to wear her body like a suit. Personally, I don't think Otogi has any romantic feelings towards Shizuka at all, since each time they interact, he isn't so much flirting as he is trying to protect her. He treats Rebecca in a very similar way when he joins the duel between her and Varon under the assumption that Mai is also dueling, and that Rebecca will be outnumbered (and the correct assumption that a 12-year-old is about to pick a fight with a cult member who has the power to steal her soul. I've heard critiques that Otogi is very sexist because he won't let Rebecca nor Shizuka fight their own battles, which, yes, that's one way to take it... or you can take it as him stepping in when people significantly younger than even he is (Shizuka is 13) are put into incredible danger.)
That was lengthier than I meant for it to be, I'm sorry, back to the actual post.
So, despite everyone's best attempts, Kaiba's not landing this plane. Now get out.
Shizuka makes this face as they leave.
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She's not having a good time.
Again Honda tries to talk to Shizuka and again Otogi cuts him off. He also grabs her hands and makes a very dramatic show of himself.
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He makes this ridiculous face (that the dub skips because right after it, Shizuka blushes, and the dub really wants to portray Duke as the bad option in this love triangle. So we can't let it be known that she's happy he's doing this.)
This. This is not a face you use when you're trying to be suave and impress a girl. Heck, this is not a face we'll ever see him use again. We've seen him be suave and flirtatious, we know what it looks like, and folks, this ain't it.
To me, he knows he's being ridiculous and over-the-top. That's the point. He's trying to make Shizuka smile or at least stop making that face.
Now... this is where things take a turn.
Disclaimer: This might come across like I don't like Honda. I don't dislike Honda at all! It's just the nature of this scene.
Honda volunteers to go look for the Millennium Ring. Yugi agrees that they should all look. Honda says no, Jonouchi and Yugi should focus on their duels.
We cut to Otogi (still holding Shizuka's hands, I think she's okay now buddy you can stop) and he asks if Shizuka wants to help him search (he does not speak for her like he does in the dub.)
Honda insists Otogi come with him and very forcefully shoves/pushes Otogi away from Shizuka (who does, admittedly, look relieved.) When Otogi tries to protest that this isn't what he wants, Honda grabs his face to silence him.
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This is not the first time someone has silenced Otogi by forcefully touching his face.
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And this is not the expression of someone who is at all comfortable with the person touching him.
Honda then proceeds to drag a flailing Otogi away from the group while covering his mouth.
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Otogi is doing everything in his power to communicate that he does not want this without being able to speak or break the guy's hold around his neck and no one is recognizing this as a sign of distress... or they are and they're just not stopping it. Heck, Jonouchi thinks Honda is being nice.
We can also see in this still that Honda's got a few inches on Otogi. Not a lot, Honda is 5'11 and Otogi is 5'8, but that's a considerable difference when you're intimidated.
Honda drags him to the top of the blimp and, while Otogi is looking about the blimp for the ring (what Honda claimed they were going up here to do) Honda stays still. Directly in front of the door. Blocking Otogi from being able to get away. (I can't post any more images in this post I'll have to rely on hyperlinks now.)
Otogi can't get away and he's been pulled away from the group. He is very aware this guy has a problem with him and can very easily overpower him.
So Otogi does what I've dubbed activates smug mode.
I'm going to make another post elaborating on activate smug mode (this one's long enough as it is) but, basically, Otogi only acts this way when he's trying to get the better of someone or when he's feeling threatened. He is also incredibly smug when he approaches his father to tell him that he lost to Yugi, knowing full well how his father will react to that news. It's a defense mechanism. Honda's taller and stronger than Otogi, all Otogi can really do is badmouth him and make him feel smaller in hopes that that will make Honda back off.
He then makes this pose.
I'm no body language specialist, but I worked as a counselor at a battered women's shelter for a while, so I was taught a few things.
1. He turns to his side. When you're intimidated by someone, you don't face them directly. You tilt your body away to give the illusion of distance, and to keep your vitals out of their direct reach.
2. He folds his arms in front of his stomach. Remember, Shizuka crossed her arms in front of her stomach when she was facing down Kaiba. Otogi is masking it a little by pointing and propping his elbow on his hand, but folding the arms over the chest or stomach remains a typical sign of insecurity/fear.
3. He is clutching his arm. This is something people do during severe bouts of anxiety in an attempt to ground themselves.
In conclusion, yes, Otogi sounds very confident and like he's egging Honda on. He sounds confident. Because that's the only thing he really has over Honda. Honda seems insecure about his appearance when compared to Otogi, thus why he gets deeply irritated whenever Otogi gets close to Shizuka. Otogi taps into that and uses it because it's his only defense in this situation. Maybe Honda will get fed up and leave to go lick his wounded pride.
It doesn't work. They throw hands. Well, Honda throws hands. Otogi stays in a very defensive stance the entire time. Fun fact: Keeping your arms raised close to your face and blocking your chest is one of the main stances in the more defensive based martial art of Tae-Kwon-Do.
In conclusion, my name is Axel and I think about this way, way, waaaay too much. I am of the belief that Otogi is very intimidated by Honda. I was going to attach images here of all the times Honda grabs Otogi's shirt/ threatens to punch him in the face but since I can't attach any more images and hyperlinks are a pain, I'll save it for another post. There are at least five instances.
No, I don't hate/dislike Honda, in fact, I'm pretty sure if Honda knew about Otogi's background, he'd feel terrible. The fact is they're both insecure teenage boys, Otogi because of his home life and Honda because of his family's social status and perhaps his lack of success as a duelist.
And... while I've thought about this scene a lot ever since posting that other post, I never realized how sad it makes me. Otogi's not hiding that he's not okay with being manhandled and dragged off, and his friends just sorta. Let it happen. Again, I don't blame any of them. Both Yugi and Jou have a lot on their minds and they don't seem to notice that this is a problem. Probably because 1. Honda and Jou are very physical/ playfully threatening people, that's just how they are. 2. No one knows about Otogi's homelife. They have no way of knowing he would have issue with any of this. They do it to one another all the time.
I have a lot of feelings.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk.
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etlunainmorte · 5 years
✒ P.S. I Love You ✒
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"If there are any spirits here, say HHHOOOEEE!" Nico wailed as she tried once more to communicate with the Lancaster mansion ghost. She was holding up the voice recorder she invented just for V's paranormal mission in great hopes of picking up any sounds from beyond the grave.
"As if they will answer to that!" Griffon, who was perched on top of one of the Grecian statues, mocked. "Are ya even sure that will work?"
"Yes, I' am!" Nico shrieked at the Demonic bird, almost making him fall off the statue in surprise. "Any questions, little chicken?"
"If you are to do that, then you might as well do it on the second floor." V suggested as he leaned on his cane, observing her actions from a safe distance. "Maybe you'll be able to,... record something."
Just a few moments ago, his familiars showed him a single photograph they found stuck in the stool facing the grand piano. It looked like a stolen photograph of (Y/N) concealing her smile behind her fan as she offered her hand to a dark - haired gentleman whose face V could not see. And when he flipped it,...
"Do you think I should go up there, though?" Nico asked V, rubbing her arms up and down as she suddenly felt goosebumps on her skin. "The ghost might kill me up there!"
"Well, ye wanna hear ghosts on that thing, yeah? Then, go to the source and get yerself killed!" And Griffon was right.
"Say that again and I'LL COOK YOU IN A STEEL POT!"
V made his way through all the wires cluttered on the floor and handed Nico the photograph the familiars found. Nico stopped plucking Griffon's feathers, let him go, and pushed the rim of her glasses up her nose bridge. She, then, took the photograph and studied it, herself.
"This looked, like, super old." The tattooed woman muttered as she took a good long look at the photograph.
"Turn it." The poet told her. And as she did so, she finally saw the messages written at the back of it.
May 11, 1898
The Angels bow down to your grace and beauty, my Evening Star.
And I will forever be your humble servant.
~ V ~
"V?!" Nico practically shrieked in shock. "Is that - " she flipped the photograph once more and pointed at the man bowing down to the lady. "Is V that man or - ?"
To this question, the poet only gave her the journal. She took this and opened it. "But, there's nothing written in it, is there - ?"
The woman's eyes widened. For she could clearly see, as bright as daylight, the words that just manifested on the first page of the journal as soon as V received the old photograph from Shadow and Griffon.
At first, there was only her name and the date she wrote it. But, now,...
May 1, 1898
I could not believe what father said earlier this day:
He invited Victor Blake to our annual summer gathering! THE VICTOR BLAKE! My favorite writer, and also the best poet who ever existed in this world!
My heart...
I just could not stop the rapid beating of my own heart! I feel so excited! I wanted so much to meet him in person! For I thought for such a long time that I could only see him in my dreams, and hear his voice in my head. Now, I finally have the chance to actually talk to him!
My chest feels so painful right now, but with a happy kind of pain! ( Is there even a kind of happy pain? ) What should I wear for the month - long gathering? Would pastel suit me more, or dark palettes? What would I tell him when I finally get the chance to talk with him? I cannot just stutter in front of him! ( Which I do a lot when I'm nervous. ) What would he tell me? Would he quote some poetry for me?
I'm over thinking, I know! But, I'm just so, so excited! I could not contain it! I wanted to scream my excitement at the top of my lungs!
This is the happiest day of my life!
I hope Victor Blake turn out to be the same man in my dreams. For if he does, then I could finally die with a large and silly smile on my face
Someone's coming!
"Victor Blake?! So that's the V who wrote on that photograph, I assume?" Nico mused out loud as she closed the journal and gave it back to V.
"Must be."
"Wait, wait, wait a second here!" The woman grabbed fistfuls of her hair as realization came down on her. And some more questions. "Did those words just pop out on that journal like a pimple or somethin'?! Because if it did, that's totally crazy!"
V didn't answer her question. Instead, he related to her every single thing that happened to him on the second floor last night, of the locked rooms on the right, of that ghost bride, of being locked in (Y/N)'s room, and of him actually seeing her in person.
"... and it only led me to believe that this lady," V pointed at the photograph on Nico's hands."... and (Y/N) are the same person. And that she, indeed, was able to meet Victor Blake that 11th of May."
"So, if this is (Y/N), then who is that woman in the portrait that Avery showed us?"
"They're the same person." V admitted with much bitterness in his voice. He just couldn't accept the fact that she changed drastically for an unknown reason.
"Damn!" Nico swore as she collapsed on a chair facing the monitor she set up earlier during the day. "Avery said (Y/N) died in 1899, right?"
"She did. Yes."
"Then," Nico went silent for a while, and when she finally gained the courage to speak out her mind, V could not help but agree to what theory she came up with. "... that tragic thing, whatever version that was, that led to her death happened a year later! The journal and that picture said 1898! And whatever tragic reason that was, it also led to that clear change she went through as a young adult! Either that, or the artist they commissioned just did a really bad painting of her."
"Seems like the former, as much as I want to deny that fact." V replied distastefully.
Nico's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the poet's clear discomfort with the topic. "Hey, ya looked bothered. Wanna spill the beans fer real? Ye looked like ye're hiding somethin' other than (Y/N)'s journal."
V chuckled as he sat on the chair next to her. "There are no beans to spill and no other secret to reveal, I assure you."
"And I assure ya that I can tell ye're lyin'!" Nico answered as she booted up the PC.
"I'm not. Well,..."
"The first time I met her, she looked radiant, and happy. She was clearly in love." V confessed, feeling a strange lump growing in his already dry throat. "And she was,... the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire existence. To see her like that - depressed, and sick,... and hopeless, it just," The poet paused as he let out a deep sigh that seemed to rattle his very core. "... it felt wrong. It felt sad. Whatever happened to her, she doesn't deserve it. That death of hers, I must know about it."
Nico hummed as V finished talking. "The most beautiful girl, eh?"
"Then!" Nico slammed her palms against the table and turned towards V, her face leaning uncomfortably close to his. "The reason you stayed up so late!"
"What?" V simply asked, getting more and more confused with the woman's odd behavior.
Nico smiled mischievously as she pointed a single, perfectly - polished nail at him. "Ya fantasized 'bout her!"
"I,... come again?"
"Admit it! Ya did the thing while thinkin' of her!" Nico teased even more.
"What thing?"
"Oh, come on, man! No need to be shy 'bout bein' horny for a young and beautiful gal! Just admit it!"
"Admit what?"
V truly has no idea what Nico was talking about, so Griffon flew down next to her and joined in the teasing. "My, my, V! Don't tell us ya don't know what jackin' off means!"
"Jacking,... off,..."
"Yeah, ya know!" Griffon teased even further as he cleared his throat. Making his voice sound small and ridiculous, he recited, "Ya look so good, (Y/N)! So beautiful! Hmm, hmm, hmm!"
"Such beautiful face! Such curvaceous body! I want you,... AH,... so much!" Nico joined in as she made lewd sounds and inappropriate gestures with her arms.
"Oh, my beautiful, sexy (Y/N)!" Griffon imitated Nico's moves and started caressing his own feathery body with his wings. "YE'RE M - M - MI - AAAHHH - NNNEEE!"
All of a sudden, they heard a really huge explosion outside the house, and a few seconds later, Roman came crashing in the house.
"¡DIOS MIO!" Roman howled.
"Roman, sweetheart, what is it?! What happened?!" Avery called as she came running immediately from another room.
"THERE'S A HHHUUUGGGEEE ONE - EYED GOLEM IN THE GARDEN!" Roman screamed as he pointed at the said thing outside. "RUN! ESCAPE! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!"
"One - eyed,..." Nico muttered.
"... golem?" Griffon stuttered.
And to their complete and utter horror, they realized V's hair has turned white and his left hand was raised up, his fingers in a snapping gesture.
But, the most dangerous of all was the poet's eyes that changed from soft, emerald green to bloody, murderous red. And he was staring emotionlessly down at them,...
"Hehe, s - sorry here, Shakespeare. I mean, M - m - m - master!" Griffon cowardly apologized thirty minutes later when V's rage diminished and when Nightmare finally went back to where he came from.
"Okay, okay, I get it. You're not in love with (Y/N)." Nico cautiously said as she opened some programs on her PC.
"I' am not." The poet answered, stressing out each word.
"But, surely ya must be at least smitten by her! I mean, to think of a girl you haven't actually talked to or met like that?" The woman was right. Maybe he was infatuated with her, after all? But, then again, how could he not? How could anyone not? "Lucky for ya, though. Ye won't have to deal with her super creepy husband."
"Husband?" Griffon asked as he landed back at the Grecian statue.
"Yeah. Mr. Christopher Lancaster? Duh."
That Doctor. I almost forgot about him. V thought as he slightly glanced at the hallway where the intimidating Doctor's life - size portrait was located.
"There we go!" Nico happily announced as she finally gained access to the videos of the security cameras she set up on all corners of the entrance hallway. And as V and Griffon came closer to her to have a look, they saw themselves at that exact moment.
"Hey, that's us!" Griffon exclaimed, astounded upon seeing a live feed of himself. "Wait, why are there no sounds?"
"Duh. That's just a security cam. Call it a spy cam, if ya like." Nico answered. "Now, setting the date to yesterday!"
The woman typed some words and numbers on her keyboard, and a few seconds later, they saw V on the monitor as he was about to go up the stairs.
"That was last night." V confirmed as he saw himself call back the frightened Shadow.
"Now, let's see what else happened." Nico spoke as they all watched V ascend to the second floor.
And after staring at the screen for more than fifteen or so minutes, they realized that nothing was, indeed, happening.
"I should be back around ten or a few more minutes." V said, his confusion growing ever so strongly.
"And you came back down in the morning." Nico answered. "Let's set the time to about, hmm, seven - thirty, then." The woman did the same process, and when the video fast - forwarded to the time she set, they saw V finally going back down to the first floor and met with the frizzy - haired Nico. "See? Told ya ye're gone for a long time."
"But, that's impossible!" Griffon yelled, turning back to V. "Didn't ya say ye're only gone for a few minutes?”
"And now you believe me." The poet simply answered.
"Alright! Alright! So, the ghost could not only manipulate things, it could also stop or control time, or something like that." The tattooed woman happily declared. "How very fascinating that is!" And she was, once again, getting more and more excited.
"I need to go back up there." V told her. "But, I'm not sure how long I'll be gone. A few minutes may mean a few hours up there."
"Ye're right. Hmm,..." Nico mused as she tapped on her lips. After a few seconds, she stood up, went over to one of the speakers she set up yesterday, and opened it, letting Mister Sandman on again. "How 'bout this: V, you do yer thing and investigate the second floor, and I'll be pulling an all - nighter for ya down here to monitor yer movements. I'll even make sure ya don't get lost for too long."
"How do we do that?" The poet asked.
"Simple!" Nico answered as she gave V the radio she was holding on to yesterday. She, then, pressed something on the speaker, and when it finally went quiet, she pointed at the radio on his hand. "Can ya turn it on?"
V complied by turning the dial on the radio clockwise, and a few seconds later,...
"...then tell me that my lonesome nights are over! Sandman, I'm so alone. Don't have nobody to call my own - "
"That song runs for two minutes and thirty - six seconds." Nico said as V and Griffon listened to the music on her radio. "I'll sync that song there and play it for ya for every hour ye're up there. Kinda like an alarm clock. Ya can also turn the voice recorder on to record any sound. And lastly, if anything goes wrong, like anything at all, and ya can't call yer familiars," the woman came closer to V and pointed at the red button at the lower right corner of the radio. "... think of nothin' else and press that button. Do ya understand?"
"I do. Yes. Thank you." V answered as he nodded several times, actually grateful for his decision to let Nico tag along with him.
And when the woman was finally satisfied with his answer, she cracked a toothy smile and suddenly took Griffon off V's shoulders, hugging him and twirling him around like a stuffed animal.
"Aren't we the best paranormal team around?" Nico happily asked. "Like, Red Grave's Finest Paranormal Team ever?"
"Sorry." Nico apologized as she let the bird go. "So, ready for another night?"
"Ready - " V was about to stand when he collapsed all of a sudden.
"Hey, V! You okay?" Griffon flew down and helped him to his feet by clutching onto his arm with his talons.
"Ya look like ye need some rest. Ya haven't actually slept!" Nico suggested as she came and helped him as well by grabbing his other arm.
V could not agree more. "A nap will do. Thanks."
✒ @la-vita and @micaelagua . ✒
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isopale · 6 years
Here is my entry for @covered-byroses turning 1 writing challenge!
This is my first time writing anything for others to see, and it kinda got away from me... Had to cut it off where i did for now because it juat kept going and going and going..... And next thing i know wow.
Summary: You have a secret you've kept hidden all this time. Until something kills your husband and threatens to expose everything. Just so happens a couple hunters get more than the case they signed up for.
Pairing: none (yet 😘)
Warnings: character death (vaguely/generally discribed)
A quiet normal life was obviously too much to ask for. The past few years had been a lot of running around from place to place, ducking monsters and hunters. Was there nowhere that didn't have some kind of monster in it? How hard was it really?
The monsters never bothered you, they all seemed to know something was off and to stay away. You don't bother them, they don't bother you, simple as that. But some the hunters that came after them were different, these humans that have made it their duty to protect the clueless ones could be dangerous. Some of them have let the jobs get into their heads, and it's changed them. That's why you always left any town they came to, just to be safe.
Angels and demons on the other hand were absolute nightmares. You had spent more than your fair share with them and fighting them. If an angel was in a town, it was drop everything and run before they see you. Demon, leave before a hunter comes since most demons topside were too young go recognize you.
With all the constant moving, you were alone.
Until you met your (murdered) husband. He was a self proclaimed free spirit. Loved to move from place to place and rarely stayed anywhere for more than a few months. You had been hesitant but eventually warmed up to him and before long married, and fell in love. Since he just sooo happened to show up in the same places as you, he was a risk you wanted to take. He was your guilty pleasure, and his death was your fault.
He never knew what hit him. But obviously some demon went looking for the legend not even your dear old dad believed.
After your husband was murdered, you made it your obsession to find and kill it. Someone was talking and it wasn't going to end well.
You had been looking around and discovered that there was apparently a pack of wolves living in town. Small pack, looks to be exclusively family unit. Mother, father, and 2 girls (possibly nearing their 20s) and a teenage boy.
Of course… never a dull moment.
Not too surprising being in the middle of nowhere texas, but in the weeks you had been watching them they only fed on their livestock.
Which makes other murders in town very strange. What ever was responsible made sure to make it look like a werewolf attack.
Sam and Dean had been interviewing the investigators and witnesses all day for these “animal attacks”.
“Sounds like a werewolf Sammy,” Dean said opening a beer from the mini fridge.
“Yeah. Where is it hiding though?” Sam mused leaning back in the ratty bedside chair. “No one i touched was bothered by the silver ring today.”
“Good idea of Bobby's by the way. I might have to go check the local talent with it,” Dean said with a smirk lounging on one of the two small beds in the motel room.
“oh Lighten up Sammy. I was gonna let you go first this time”
“Do whatever you want. I'm going to bed.” Sam rolled his eyes before moving to the other bed, that was a few inches too short for him “Remember we have to talk to the widows tomorrow so try not to have hooker glitter on you this time.”
“That only happened once.”
You didn't like to make a habit of being near hunters but you couldn't leave town now. It had only been a few months since you were married and less than a year since you and your husband had known each other. But that didn't make it hurt any less. It had been so long since you had had someone close to you.
You had visited the wolfs farm, this time to talk instead of spy, this morning before work at the small second hand clothes shop downtown. The Hensen's, you should probably remember their name. They were nice and accommodating once convinced you weren't there to harm them. Josh, the husband, wide and sturdy man was willing and ready to end any threat to his family. (Oh those hunters are going to have fun with this one) Amelia, the mother, tall woman towering over you although extremely soft spoken due to then she was turned her throat had very nearly been ripped out leaving a large angry scar. (You wondered if the big one of the two hunters was taller than her) The girls were twins, Anna and Marie, simple small town girls. And the son, Rich, solid country muscle farm boy.
They had been living there for years, long enough to build up that farm and to have the stock numbers to cover their feeding habits. They always sold or gave away what they didn't need. Most of the town thought they ran a home butcher shop and over the years that's what it turned into. But now with the murders and the hunters in town they were all on high alert.
Those hunters were going around town talking to the other 3 widows. Now you could see them through the store window across the street parking that vintage beauty. Both of them were way too sexy to be whatever government agents they were pretending to be. Sex with your husband (the few times it did happen) was great it was meaningful, but he would rather sleep under the stars or not leave the couch unless absolutely necessary to binge on something. But these two hunters made you think sinful thoughts.
Oh if only boys.
Putting on your customer service voice “Good afternoon gentleman. How can I help you?”
“We're federal agents in town working the recent animal attack cases,” the shorter of the two stated as they flash very nice but very fake FBI badges. “We were wondering if there was a (y/n y/l/n) here.”
“That would be me.” not even trying to remember the names on the ids, they wouldn't be real anyway. “Are you going to find out what happened to my husband?”
“Yes ma'am, we are very sorry for your loss,” now it's the taller ones turn “but we were hoping we could ask you a few questions?”
Giving them a sad smile before turning back to arrange new rack of clothes “Sure but i'm the only one here until closing at 6. You can ask here or wait until then.”
The tall one narrowed his eyes slightly. He seemed to want to say something else.
I don't even know what I'm not supposed to know. Normal people don't think werewolf right?
“How 'bout you meet us at the diner down the street when you get off? You can help us out over a quick bite,” he stepped around the small rolling rack of new clothes to make you look at him.
“Sure,” you try your best to hold back fake tears “I'll be there about 15 after.”
Too bad you didn't have time to creep on them before the diner, you have to admit they were nice to look at.
They're waiting in a booth in the back, both on one side with backs against the wall to watch everyone else. The tall one with long hair politely waves his hand when you enter. The shorter one has beautiful green eyes, he stands and helps you into the benchseat across from them. The had already ordered you a coffee and a glass of water.
“Thank you for coming Ms (y/l/n),” says the tall one
“How long were you and your husband living here before he was attacked?” Asks the green eyed hunter
“We only came here about a month ago. We didn't plan on staying, we wanted to travel around the country. You know live on the road,” You say not entirely lying “we just pick somewhere to go and get some small jobs around to hold us over for a bit.”
“Wait you don't live here?” Asked the tall one, he was trying to hide his suspicion with empathy.
“No, I'm still staying in the little motel,” you say “I was going to switch rooms but… i couldn't bring myself to…” you say fake holding back tears, you've shed all the tears you needed. Now you want the thing that killed him to suffer.
“We're sorry.” Says the tall one, his features soften and he gives you a look of genuine sympathy. “Why did you stay? Couldn't you have gone back home?”
“Neither of us have any family anywhere, we’re alone.” Now you hold back real tears, suddenly very interested in that coffee.
Taking a sip you realize why it was there before you were. Holy water. It stings some now when it usually doesn't, but you hold your composure. These two aren't playing around, they legitimately think you're the killer.
When green eyes shifts his hands on the table you notice why he helped you into the seat.
Holy water and silver rings, these two are a lot more interesting than i thought.
You sigh and decide to tell them what they want to know… sort of.
“I'm not the one who killed those people or my husband.” you whisper. They glance at each other and some unspoken thing goes between them but before they can feed you more BS you continue. “It wasn't a werewolf either. I know it looks bad but the bodies should have been more tore up, when has a wolf ever ripped out a heart without leaving any other marks?”
“Ma'am werewolves don't exist. We know traumatic experiences like this ca--” the long haired giant begins but green eyes stops him.
“Sam she knows.” He whispers to him “I guess we can cut the act for you then.” He directs to you this time. “What do you know?”
Mmm like to be incharge do ya not-sam.
“I'll tell you what I know but it's not much, and not here. I'm leaving in the morning,” You say “meet me at the butchers farm outside town in an hour.” You get up to leave not waiting for an answer.
After the 15 minute walk back to the motel you enter your room. You spare one last glance at the first bed and your heart clenches. You just need to pack the few clothes you have in your backpack and the essentials and be on your way to the farm. You plan on staying with the wolves until the hunters leave and your mind is too preoccupied with things to take and things to leave you didn't notice the rug was moved. Then you bumped the barrier reaching for the moon necklace your husband had given you. You had been so hurt and angry lately you hadn't been careful enough.
“Told you Sammy.” You heard from the doorway
You had not been pissed before but you were now. Hunters, always shoot first and ask questions after. Between angels, demons, and hunters you couldn't catch a break.
“Why'd you do it? Was he even your husband or just some poor sap that happened to be passing through town at the same time?” Sam asked accusingly
“It's not what you think” you say taking a breath to calm down and try and get out of the circle. But green eyes cuts you off.
“Why do you demons think you can just kill whenever you want and we won't find you,” he opens a small leather book “ now were going to save that poor girl you're wearin--”
“I LOVED HIM! LOOK AROUND YOU IDIOT!” So much for calm. You raise your hand and they both are flung against the headboards. You shut your eyes and take another breath.
You feel the darkness fading and with it the circles hold as you step over the barrier, careful to keep your hold on the men before you. You open your eyes to see them staring wide eyed and speechless. Their eyes locked on yours, you know they see the black they are used to but yours also have the familiar blue-white glow as well.
“What are you?” Sam breathes
Striding to the nightstand between the beds you slowly take your necklace before answering “I WILL find out who killed my husband, with or without your help. You have 20 minutes to be at the butchers now and I'll tell you what i know.” You say firmly making your way to the door making sure to walk through the circle again for them to see.
You spare one last look at them. “You know if i was into being on this end of things you two might be in trouble like that”
You release your hold on them as you slip out the door on the last word.
Something was different about the boy when you had ran into him that morning before the hunters came to the shop and you were hoping you were wrong.
Even if I'm right I can just fix him when I'm done.
You had been running since you left the motel, you're not going back to that little car you had since someone probably will recognize it again.
You skid to a stop in front of the Hensen's gate, trying to slow your breathing and heart rate after the 2 mile run.
“(Y/N)!” It must be one of the twins running up the drive yelling for you.
“Please. There's something wrong with Rich.”
Just then you hear the roar of the hunters car coming up the road.
“Get the rest of your family and hide. DO NOT come out until i come get you.” You grab her shoulders and make her look at you “Where is he?”
“He- he's in the barn. Mom is went after him, please don't let them hurt them.” She sobs
You shove her toward the house “GO!” Then tear off to the barn in the light of the hunters impala.
Just before you reach the barn a body is thrown through the doors, you manage to stop it in the air before it smashes into you. It's the mother, you lay her gently at your feet never touching her. It's been so long since you've used your powers it feels good to do it again.
“Don't you touch her!” The green eyed hunter yells gun drawn on you.
You hover your hand over the mother and let the healing white light do its job. Both men stand above you guns at the ready.when When you're done you snap your fingers and send her to her own bed far away from the hunters, still unsure if they will leave this family alone.
Dean and I argued the whole way to the farm about (y/n). He thinks it's some kind of demon trick that she got out of the devils trap, that she must have broke the circle before stepping in it. But i saw her run into it, it stopped her from reaching the nightstand when she reached out.
Then her still using her powers on us while trapped shouldn't be possible. And those eyes. Cas’ eyes only glow blue-white in the iris’, and no other angel has black around them. Whatever she is we've never seen anything like her.
'Into being on this end of things…’ more arousing than it should be coming from a possible demon.
'Into being on this end of things…’ more arousing than it should be coming from a possible demon.
Before we could act she snapped away the wife.
“You people are always shoot first and answers later.” She stood us to her full height, barely coming to the middle of my chest before swinging around to face Dean.
“MOVE” she shoves past my brother and i have to hide a laugh
“Wait! We don't know what's in there.” I try to stop her but she's already opening the doors before either of us can stop her.
“Ugh. Just stand still and I do everything. hunters…”
What must be the farmers son is standing in the middle of the loft above us cocky smile and black eyes.
"I didnt think you were real little one"
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zorkaya-moved · 4 years
🎵🎵🎵🎵 ( because four is a nice number )
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Four is indeed a good number, I approve of it~ Thank you for this, Kuro! You’ll see some Russian songs, so I made sure to post both Russian and English lyrics. :)
1. Lilith by Ellise
This song speaks of Zarina’s innermost nature, the one she hides behind smiles and clownery. The behavior she actually shows off when she doesn’t hold back to uphold her reputation as the gremlin. The teeth made of razors, being seen as open and warm but it��s not exactly true, apathy towards those who do not matter. 
Comfortable enough to think you'll take her But when she smiles, all her teeth are made of razors She doesn't care about your words Or how you'll save her Where she comes from, there's no saviors.
Worry 'bout what you got yourself into She doesn't like it when you tell her that she's sinful You better watch your back 'Cause she can see right through you Knows exactly how she'll kill you. 
2. Shapeshifter by Melnitsa (Оборотень)
This is more connected to how Zarina grew up. This is also her Russian VA, so basically it’s her singing. She enjoys folk and it’s something akin to old tavern songs, which she greatly enjoys. However, the words ‘They called you a bear cub - Your grew up a savage beast’ and ‘Who was a wolfling will be a wolf’ is something that’s connected to her being a part of mafia. She was a kid, she was a child, but she grew up into being the way she is: dangerous.
Ох, встану, выйду, хлопну дверью я - Тишина вокруг села - Опадают звезды перьями На следы когтистых лап.  Пряный запах темноты, Леса горькая купель, Медвежонок звался ты, Вырос - вышел лютый зверь.  Выпей — может, выйдет толк, Обретешь своё добро, Был волчлнок, станет волк, Ветер, кровь и серебро...
I'll get up, go out and slam the door - Silence is around the village - Stars fall off like feathers. On the footprints of clawed paws.  A spicy smell of darkness, A bitter fount of the forest, They called you a bear cub, You grew up a savage beast.  Drink - maybe something will come of you, You'll regain your worth, Who was a wolfling will be a wolf, Wind, blood, and silver...
3. Rumors by Jake Miller 
Try to tell me this is not these two. ‘I want to start rumors with you’ and ‘But I’m not mad if tonight it comes true’ because she does want it to be true, yet again she’s also wondering if Caesar will understand. I doubt she’ll wait too long and will confess herself, straightforwardly. This is more playful, hinting at the real answer and just wondering if he’ll take a hint because it’s interesting how long it’ll take. 
I don't know where they're getting their news But I'm not mad if tonight it comes true Ooh, let's start some rumors I'mma start some rumors with you, with you I wanna start some rumors with you Yeah, rumors, I wanna start some rumors with you Yeah, rumors, I wanna start some
Man, how the hell they spread so fast Yeah, my homie called and asked "Have you heard the rumors?" Wait what? Rumors Yeah, we the topic of the town We might as well just own it now It ain't no rumor, no, it ain't no rumor They caught us hooking up all in my whip Man, I needa tint that shit Now your cell is blowing up like "Oh my god tell me everything"
4. Siren by Kailee Morgue
Now speaking of some darker undertones because Zarina is Not A Good Person but she adores Caesar, but then she’s also ready to call him out and also show her fangs that she’s hiding. For her, being so close to Caesar makes her want to call him out to see how he’ll react and she wants to see when she’ll stop clowning with him and show a more possessive side. Plus, this just screams her bad (villainous/ruthless) girl to his good (heroic/honorable) boy vibes. 
There's a pleasure in hidin' from the sun No, I was never one for pretty weather I'd rather be a creep, baby, follow me into the water I'll take you to the darker
This could be perfection A venom drippin' in your mouth Singin' like a siren Love me while your wrists are bound You've been seeing me in your dreams but I'll be there when your reality drowns
You can pretend That when you hear my voice Darlin' it's a choice not to fall in But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wantin' You know it's what I'm wantin' Boy, I know what you desire Oh, you're such a bad, bad liar
0 notes
Rio & Buster
Rio: Out and only got spotted by your nosiest neighbour Rio: 👋 Doris, don't give Nance my deets and we're sweet, babe 😙 Buster: 😂 Buster: Didn't doubt you could handle it Buster: I've had girls do it still off their heads, like so Rio: Yeah, but they probably wanna be seen Rio: think they hot shit out here laying claims by getting caught Buster: They do like to try and leave shit behind Buster: I ain't gonna call you back babe I'll just throw it out Rio: Cold 😂 Rio: Hope they ain't leaving anything worth having Buster: Feel free to go through it next time, babe Rio: 😑 Buster: Come on, we got some Chanel, YSL, all the classics Rio: I told you before, I don't want your sloppy seconds Rio: even if they branded Buster: Suit yourself Rio: That's the idea, yeah Buster: 😂 Buster: You going home? Rio: Yeah, I got hoes of my own to kick out, apparently Rio: Picking up food first 'cos priorities Buster: I would've fed you if you let me Rio: Just checked her snap and she's been having a feast so fuck it Imma treat myself Rio: No need, plus if Nance saw two lots of stuff going up, she'd wanna peep the talent coming down Buster: She don't do sloppy seconds either, don't worry Rio: Charming, not gonna insist she'd make an exception for me though 'cos weird Buster: Don't take it personal, ain't never seen her with a girl since she said she wanted one Buster: That's weird if you ask me Rio: Well, it's not like she's got unlimited options Buster: Dublin's well gay what you chatting Rio: The clubs aren't really her scene are they Rio: so that leaves her with whatever gay girls are at School, maybe they're ugly idk Buster: How does she know she doesn't like clubbing if she's never even been? Rio: I get you, but I think you can imagine being in a room with loud music and lots of sweaty drunk people without doing it, you know Buster: Whatever Buster: It's not like there's only clubs as in clubbing anyway Rio: She'll find someone, in her own cute, dorky way Rio: You should tell her 'bout it, she might not be in the know Buster: Yeah that's a convo I wanna have Rio: I'll tell her then, always in other people's business me, idc Buster: At least you said it Rio: It isn't a bad thing wanting to help people, you know Rio: if she don't want it she can tell me to fuck off, like, if she appreciates, i'll give you the credit Buster: I never said it was Buster: Well, only when I didn't mean it Rio: I mean, it's not a bad thing about you Rio: grant you, Nance probably would be weirded out on this score but you can show you care still Buster: I can't show what I don't feel Rio: Sure Buster: I get that you're about your sibs but me and her aren't like that Buster: Got more in common with the cleaner and see her more when we're both around Rio: You've not always been like that though Rio: Do you miss it? Buster: I've not always been fucking you either but that was then and this is now Rio: Yeah, things change Rio: doesn't exclude changing back, that's all Buster: There's nothing to change back Buster: We aren't kids anymore, that's all Rio: Okay Buster: I can't still hold her hand through everything and she doesn't want it, yeah? So it is what it is Buster: What are we talking about my sister anyway for? Rio: Of course not Rio: but it doesn't have to be that or nothing, like Rio: 'Cos I just had to play hide and seek with her, duh Rio: Still shook Buster: You love it Buster: Dangerous woman, like Rio: And you don't, I suppose? Rio: Everyone likes the idea of being caught, as long as it doesn't actually happen, lemme enjoy it 😜 Buster: We can let it happen, just not by her Buster: Plenty of strangers around you can get the thrill from Rio: You make it sound like it was my idea to go back to yours Rio: not my plan Buster: You make it sound like you want me to regret it Buster: I'm not sorry I can't get enough of you Rio: Me either Rio: You can be obsessed with me if you like, I won't complain Buster: I know you wouldn't Buster: You'd be moaning but not like that Rio: Promises, promises Buster: When haven't I kept one? Rio: Your records pretty good, can't lie Buster: 😏 Rio: As for the sex Rio: all wins there, spotless, like Buster: I'll put you down as 10/10 in my little black book, like Rio: I'll call you out if you give me anything less Buster: I don't need to lie to motivate you, don't worry Rio: your usual tactic, is it? Buster: I've done it Buster: Not like I've got a set strategy though Rio: Tailormade Rio: You do spoil us Buster: Aiming to please, as standard Rio: Well you've got my review now Rio: Use it as you need Buster: Cheers, babe Buster: Stick it on my apps Buster: Dates will be rolling in Rio: You're so welcome Buster: Yeah Buster: How's Inds? Rio: She's loving life but grilling me on mine Buster: What's the story now? Rio: I figured don't tell any lies but be vague Rio: not gonna get caught out Rio: never gonna assume it's you, we're golden Buster: Good Buster: Don't need her to be the one catching us for you to live you fantasy either Rio: Oh hush Rio: not totally fucked my brains out, please, make it sound like I've got some sense Buster: You better turn back around then Buster: I'll do you again Rio: Don't worry, babe, not gotta be braindead to want you 😉 Buster: Too kind Buster: Must be why I miss you already? Rio: Must be Rio: nothing to do with how great I look morning after 😜 Rio joined the chat 7 hours ago Buster: You're never gonna look as good as you do when you cum but you don't look bad, like Rio: I'll take it Rio: since we couldn't round 2 before I left and really 🏆 Buster: Since you couldn't trust yourself to stay quiet any longer, you mean Buster: When can I see you again? Rio: Didn't reckon you'd wanna risk Nance OR the cleaner hearing those adorable lil noises I get you to make Buster: Babe, come on, we both know it's really about how you want me to say your name Rio: 😳 Buster: So answer my question Rio: I've got work at 4 Rio: but sounds like I'm going to need to clean up the flat so Rio: tomorrow, maybe? Buster: I'll send the cleaner over when she's done here Buster: She's seen worse Rio: Boy, no Buster: Babe I'm joking I ain't got her as well trained as you Buster: She's not just gonna do what I tell her Rio: She better not Rio: and you better stop Buster: Stop what? Rio: I don't know Rio: stop being so distracting Buster: If I was trying to be distracting you wouldn't be able to ask me to stop Rio: Buster Buster: Yeah, baby? Rio: You're making me wish I never left Buster: Then come back Buster: Whenever you can Rio: How am I supposed to wanna get anything done when you exist and I could be fucking you instead? Rio: Might still have a brain but I got no sense Buster: When your break? Call me and I'll come find you Rio: Usually take it like 8, before the night crowd comes in and shit gets hectic Buster: Alright Rio: just me and the 'quick one after work' knobheads 'til then Buster: Is that you saying you need me to entertain you? Rio: Don't let it go to your head Rio: but sure even you've got better craic than the bankers, christ 🙄 Buster: I can easily promise it's not my head it'll go to Buster: Especially if you keep giving me compliments like that 😂 Rio: 😂 Rio: Watch this Guinness be ALL head if you're gonna make my thoughts wander like that Rio: soz lads Buster: I can't help it, you're such a sweet talker, Cavante Buster: The punters won't blame me, sure they know it Rio: You know Rio: If I'm gonna serve shit pints, gotta be the best barmaid some other way Buster: Nobody can take that from you whilst they're also taking those shit pints Rio: Exactly Rio: Tell me we should share the tips out evenly again, Tina Rio: put in half my work and we'll talk, babe Buster: I've seen her, she's got no room to be trying to tell you anything Rio: Ain't heard I'm 👵 obvs and reckons just 'cos she's got 20 years and double the pounds on me she can tell me shit Buster: 😂 Rio: God, I can hear myself btw Rio: Not the moaning anyone is after but at least I'm saving a poor punter by doing it digitally Rio: you can always leave me on read Buster: you wish, babe Buster: You think you're suffering now wait until I properly start distracting you Rio: Please Rio: Wait 'til you go Home and I'm racking up airmiles like no one's business Buster: Technically I am home, just the 2nd Buster: I can stay as long as I want Rio: Well, 'til September Rio: really got me out here feeling like a pervert, McKenna 😏 Buster: The uniform not one of your fantasies then? Got it Rio: Not's a bit strong Rio: all about that role reversal, doing it for my sistas, obvs Buster: I'll just bring the tie then Buster: See I can't make you change your mind Rio: 🤤 Rio: One way to make me stay, babe Rio: 👀 you Buster: I've got plenty of others too, like, you'll see Buster: There's no way you'll be ready to go anywhere Rio: I wasn't ready today Rio: Stupid life and other people Buster: You can say it, sisters. who'd have 'em, right? Buster: Couldn't let me be an only child, like Rio: 😂 Chat to me when you've got 5 Rio: Poor Nance, I can't kick her out her own gaff and you couldn't kick her out the womb, like Buster: I did try, on both counts so it's your turn to be fair Rio: I'm good, not sure I'm THAT good Rio: arrange a playdate for her and June like 👋 Buster: She'd love it Buster: Those two sneak around together more than us Buster: Never out the corners at fam functions Rio: Bless them Rio: Gutted they ain't straight so they can't do it forever, like Buster: They might Buster: Not like either of them are hooking up with anyone Rio: How do you know? Rio: Sneaky, like you said Rio: didn't bump into any babes on the stairs but Buster: Shut up Rio: Awh babe Rio: 😚 Buster: Don't Buster: Anyway you're at school with her, you'd know Rio: Yeah but I've been slipping lately Rio: well out the loop Buster: I can get her and put her on if you want a catch up, like Rio: Didn't say I was mad about it Rio: love her like but, you're more fun Buster: I better be Buster: Don't be trying it on with my twin, cheers Rio: Don't be gross 😂 Buster: Thank Christ I don't have an identical brother Buster: Still the hot one, like, but closer race Rio: Willing to kick it that cliche, not too proud Rio: maybe he'd have a great personality tho Buster: Yeah 'cause who wants a shy ginger lesbian Buster: Unlucky Nance Rio: Stop being rude, honestly Rio: She's beautiful, I just don't fancy her myself, like Buster: Shut up, she looks like my mum, you gonna say you would? Rio: So do you though 😂 Rio: Strong genes and a strong lewk 👌 Buster: Seriously, draw the line at working your way through my fam, yeah? Buster: Stop yourself Rio: I think I'll manage Buster: Cheers Rio: You're still my favourite, don't worry Buster: Good Buster: 'Cause you're mine Rio: 😋 Rio: Gonna be smug about it Rio: not just 'cause it means i get you all to myself but 'cos that makes my odds shit hot, like, damn i'm 🔥 Buster: You can be Buster: You know I don't wait for anyone, they come to me Buster: And I don't jump through this many hoops to fuck a girl either Buster: I'm breaking all my rules for you Rio: Yeah, not to mention the unspoken one we both are Rio: Worth it though, yeah baby? Buster: Yeah Buster: You know it Rio: Yeah I do Rio: I still want reminding Buster: Me too Buster: Nance may have done it first but still tempted to play her game and leave my London life like Buster: You'd miss the uniform, obviously, but I'd make it up to you Rio: 😏 Rio: The pipes are calling, boy 🍀 Rio: What Unis are you applying to anyway? Buster: The best of course Rio: Expect no less Rio: Could end up anywhere then Buster: Yeah Buster: If only to piss Nance off like Buster: I'm tempted to be here 😂 Buster: No other reasons Rio: 'Course Rio: Whatever motivates you 😉 Buster: 😏 Buster: I won't be getting top marks if I keep letting you distract me though Buster: Well, not at school at least Rio: We already got plans for you, me and your desk Rio: You got this Buster: Don't put them in my head when you haven't scheduled them in yet Buster: Fuck Rio: Gotta, then you'll be wanting to study ALL the time Rio: not gonna give you room to say I drag you down, boy Buster: But I wanna give you all the room to drag my head or my hands down if that's how you want it Rio: Baby Rio: you're killing me Buster: Not yet Rio: You are though Rio: don't even have to touch me and I'm there Buster: I'm there with you, babe Rio: Good 'cos my break ain't long and I want to cum with you Buster: It'll be long enough to me to cum with you and make you cum again for me Buster: Don't worry Rio: I'm not Rio: You're so good to me Buster: You're just so good, end of Rio: Do my best Buster: I know Rio: Only for you, though Buster: Good Buster: I'll fight for you if I have to but Buster: You're all about this cute face so Rio: Yes, boy! 😍👏😂 Rio: Keep it in the ring Buster: Should hit the gym today really Rio: Think I've worked you out enough you don't need to be too worried Rio: do it for the 'gram tho Buster: It's better than the one at home too, one thing Dublin does right Rio: You love it Rio: so 💚 Rio: get sweaty Buster: 🍀 Buster: Shame you won't be with me Rio: Honestly Rio: no chance of me keeping up on that score but catch me out here like 🤤 you want me to spot you??? come bench press up on me daddy! 💦😍 Buster: Well now that's all I want Rio: Same Rio: Gutted Buster: Fuck tomorrow, give me tonight Buster: I don't care how late you're working Rio: Fuck Rio: Yeah, okay Rio: Can be home before Inds wakes up, that Summer life got her sleeping 'til tea time basically so Rio: why not, I need it Buster: If you don't want to come back here again, I'll book us a room Rio: I don't care either way, down to sneak and be good for you if I have to Rio: but if you wanna hear how you're making me feel properly then Buster: Christ Buster: You're so fucking sexy Rio: It's how you've got me Buster: I wanna hear everything. I don't know how I got this far not having you any time I want Buster: We should've been doing this for so much longer Rio: I know Rio: now all I wanna do is be your little fuck doll Rio: make up for the lost time and then some Buster: I need it Buster: I need you Rio: Go get all worked up for me, baby Rio: then you can come and take all your frustrations out on my body Buster: You're gonna be the death of me, Cavante Buster: You know that, yeah? Rio: If that's how I gotta go Rio: I'm not mad about it Buster: I'm only mad when I can't have you Buster: And nobody can blame me for that, like Rio: I'll keep you smiling Buster: 😏 Rio: Welcome, world Rio: that little face 😚 Buster: You're an idiot Rio: Ha, you love it Buster: Yeah Rio: Drew's here Rio: What does Ro think he does all day, genuine question? Buster: What? Buster: Are you joking? Rio: No? Buster: Embracing that sad old man stereotype Buster: What's he want? Rio: Just a drink, I guess Buster: He can get a drink anywhere Buster: And with Indie, like Rio: Not if I'm serving 😂 ain't getting the sack for her Buster: You know what I mean Buster: He's there 'cause you're serving Buster: Without her Rio: Nah Buster: Babe, yeah. How are you looking today? Catch yourself on Rio: Not special enough to make a point of it Rio: no doubt got loads of customers 'round here Buster: We'll see Buster: I bet he'll come at you with his chat Rio: It's chill Buster: Says you Rio: What? Buster: Don't you want you and Indie to stay good Rio: Of course Rio: but she don't need me to be drama about it Rio: it's fine, I've got it handled Buster: She don't need her dad staring at your tits but it's still happening Rio: So that's my fault is it? Rio: Find my cardigan hold on Buster: I'm not saying it's your fault Buster: I'm just saying tell him to fuck off Rio: and I'm saying I can't Rio: not when he's just being friendly Buster: Bullshit is he Rio: Please don't make a fuss Rio: I'll just pretend I've gotta go change barrels or something, sure he'll be gone before I'm back Buster: I ain't, I'm reacting how you should be Buster: If one of your friends was like this with Indie you'd lose it and he's a grown man Rio: That's different, not like he's a random Rio: it's just Drew, s'what he's like Buster: Yeah it's different, it's worse Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: It doesn't matter, it doesn't worry me Rio: just forget I said it, yeah Buster: No Buster: If he was like that with my sister he'd be fucking dead Buster: And I don't even like her Rio: Yeah, he's a bit of a dick but Rio: what can we do? He's always gonna be around, like Rio: just gotta deal Buster: I could tell my aunt, for a start Buster: Or my mum Buster: Or yours Buster: I can't kill him but they would Rio: Well, don't do that Rio: Nothing's happened, I can't be out here saying it has Buster: Yet Buster: And look where saying nothing about Ryan got you Rio: That's completely different Rio: and has nothing to do with this Buster: Yeah but the point's valid Buster: How bad to you want things to be before you admit it is Rio: Nothing's going to happen Rio: I'm not going to let it, even if that is what he had in mind Buster: I know you don't want it to, that's what I'm saying Rio: He's not that dodgy Rio: we're fine, trust Buster: It's not you I don't trust Buster: He shouldn't even be looking at you like that Buster: It's fucked Rio: Can't expect him not to, yeah? Rio: kinda my vibe, how I dress Buster: Don't Buster: I mean it, it's not your fault Buster: It's mine for being jealous Rio: Nah, you've got some points Rio: I just don't know what to do with them Rio: and idc if you're jealous, just get to prove you don't have to be Buster: I just hate him thinking of you how I do Rio: I know Rio: I don't want that either Buster: Why can't he just leave? Do everyone a favor like Rio: Go where? Rio: Only leaves to go Prison, like Buster: I don't care and who else would, anywhere that ain't here Rio: Indie would Rio: still her Dad, even if he don't act it Buster: Yeah but you know it'd work out better for her in the end if he wasn't around Buster: She'd smoke less if nothing else Rio: Yeah Rio: I know Rio: you reckon he'd've been kneecapped by now Rio: definition of 🍀 Buster: Tempted to do the honors for him Buster: Cunt Rio: I know you're being serious right now Rio: but it's hot Buster: I know you don't need me to but I'll still protect you, babe Buster: Like you said before, there's so much lost time Buster: If I'd got my act together before you wouldn't have to deal with Ryan Rio: Babe Rio: You don't need to feel bad about that one, not like you could've done anything about that Buster: I know Buster: Sorry Rio: Shh Rio: You don't need to be sorry either Buster: We'll just forget it, yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: Already have Rio: Only you on my mind, I've told you Buster: Thank fuck you can't tell anyone what a twat I am Buster: Secret's safe like Rio: Promise Rio: I like having it just for me too much Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: Show me all the shit no one else gets to see Rio: I want it all Buster: You've got it, babe Buster: Can I come and see you if I promise not to knock Drew out Buster: I know it's ages until your break but Rio: 'Course Buster: I'll fit right in, won't I 😂 Rio: Totally Rio: so in touch with your roots rn, babe 🍀 Buster: Is that why you're so hot for me? Buster: I'll do the accent if it helps Rio: Nah, sick of locals Rio: I like yours, can close my eyes, pretend it's Prince Harry 😉 Buster: Fuck off Buster: I knew you had a thing for gingers Rio: 😂 knew you'd say that Rio: it was that or having a thing for receeding hairlines so Rio: i made the best choice i could tah Buster: You've already made it, just keep your eyes open and be with me Rio: 😍 Rio: can't even be mad Rio: that was smooth Buster: Yeah, well Buster: I am Buster: And I'm getting ready so what do I wear for this shithole? Rio: Since you've promised no fighting, don't have to worry 'bout blood stains Rio: Just jeans and a button-down would cut it, no need to go OTT Buster: Unless you've got some kind of vampire fantasy on your list, like Rio: It ain't 2009 Rio: though you've got the hair and the abs Buster: Fuck off Buster: I'm way sexier than that twat Rio: 😂 Rio: You gonna be jealous of Edward Cullen now? Buster: Like I said, I don't need to be Rio: What happened to him anyway Buster: Maybe he'll stop buy for a pint of your finest Rio: Ooh Rio: I can only hope so Buster: 😒 Rio: 😘 Buster: Alright I look good Buster: On my way Rio: 🙌💃 Buster: [Sends a selfie that's not as posey and just generally better than his insta snap] Rio: okay you cannot be coming in here looking like that Rio: imma die 😍 also have to jump you immediately sorry Buster: Babe, I'm out the door I can't be running back to change now Rio: Don't you look so fine Rio: gotta practice being stealth appreciating Buster: Practice all you want but how you look at me is already perfect Buster: I don't care if a few old blokes know how that I wanna bend you over the bar Rio: PLEASE Rio: So sad I ain't closing now but not 'cos we're still gonna have fun Buster: You'll forget all about what could've been in a second 'cause I'm not far
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