#they're absolute fucking idiots
Cop: What are your names? Aziraphale: Don't tell them, Crowley. Cop, writing: Crowley... Aziraphale: Crap. Crowley: Nice going, Aziraphale. Cop: Crowley: Uh oh
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 8 months
every time i rewatch the miracle aligner music video i am just flabbergasted. FLABBERGASTED. like. they really chose to make it like THAT. and by 'like THAT' i am specifically referring to:
1) “an attempt to extract the truth... approximately" *cue rosepetals and intense eye contact*
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2) THIS being the opening shot of the two of them
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3) miles legitimately spending the first minute of the entire video blatantly checking alex out
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4) literal rainbow lighting around them
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5) endless hand holding and twirling
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6) that moment where miles's hand reaches ever so reflexively for alex's neck
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7) the fucking closing scene?????????
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beigale-shtuchim · 25 days
Look at me I am boycotting eurovision!!!!11! #eurovision #eurovision2024 #eurovision24 #esc #esc24 #esc2024 #israel eurovision #look at this #look at eurovision #israel #eurovision singing contest #did i mention eurovision #antisemitism
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carlyraejepsans · 2 months
hey look, it's the kid protagonist that was hugely formative to your identity as a child! wouldn't it be fun to try to imagine how their life would be now if they grew up like you and they were also in their 20s? (<- words of a man about to step on a rake)
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faloverfae · 1 year
The saddest part of the Titanic submarine contents being dead is that they'll never know how badly they got clowned by the rest of society
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Spoilers for the new digital circus episode
THE NEW EPISODE WAS SO GOOD OH MY GOD AAAAAAAA!!!!!!! They totally teased us with that Jax angst, but it was still amazing! They better bring back Gumigoo in a future adventure. Man did not deserve what happened to him. He had his entire reality crushed and just when things were going well for him again, he got deleted. And of course it was Pomni who had to get close to him. My poor girl just can't catch a break. ALSO, THEY HAD A FUNERAL FOR KAUFO. THEY HAVE FUNERALS. I AM NOT OKAY. THE ENDING WAS SO FUCKING SWEET MY GOD!!!! POMNI HAS FRIENDS NOW AAUGDKDVAJSG!!! All it took was for her to get trapped in a digital hell hole. Good for her! Also there's a Kinger plush. I must have it. I need to cuddle him.
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lyril · 10 months
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CALVIN: I'm gonna miss that pier... and, being alive. And you, my friend. FELIX: Aww— CALVIN: Gotcha! FELIX: Ow! CALVIN: You owe me a thousand dollars. FELIX: Let's play for two — switch! I'm gonna miss you too, pal, I've always looked up to you— Got you! Poop it! Ah, God! CALVIN: Play for three? ...Gotcha! FELIX: Ow! I hope you suffocate first.
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gohandinhand · 1 year
Right at the very beginning of 2x01, when Ava gets to the bar late for her shift and Hans tells her she’s late? And her reply is “my roommate forgot to set the alarm” and Hans’ reply is that super sarcastic “yeah, okay”
The somewhat hidden layer here is Ava incorrectly uses the masculine form of “my roommate” - mein mitbewohner instead of meine mitbewohnerin
So maybe Ava just has bad beginner German (highly possible) but also maybe her German is decent and she’s trying to hold up some ridiculous cover story about her and Beatrice not living together. Except Hans has 0% fallen for any of this and clearly knows who actually runs Ava’s life schedule and now it’s turned into an inside joke because Bea still doesn’t want to break the cover story
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arcademyth · 25 days
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something doesn't feel quite right
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I have reason from the dead (sleep) to drop more lore.
The start of MiniMegs, which has been building in the background.
Rodimus's six months depressive isolation moment that no one talked about in which he worked solely from his bedroom is interupted not by his corpse but within a month of departing Cybertron they get hailed by the Peaceful Tyranny and he, Megatron, and Ultra Magnus are freaking out preparing for a fight staging the landing platform like a fre for all battle like they did with Overlord.
Only instead of fighting, Tarn and the DJD in a synchronized and definitely practiced movement (except the small blue Minibot, that's new who is slightly slower) drop to one knee in front of him, declaring they are here to follow their Lords example and wise words and as he has seen fit to seek out the Knights of Cybertron to seek their Wisdom in judging him and that these mechanisms are apparently worthy of sharing in his journey they will of course escort him and the Lost Light while learning from his and the Autobots assembled here, clearly the best of the best of they are escorting their Lord, how to move on and make Peace not War.
It is clearly very rehearsed, incredibly theatrical like something from a period drama and both not at all what anyone was expecting and very damning for Megatron who is supposed to be person non grata to Decepticons now. So he doing some quick mental gymnastics on how to handle this and reject them without setting anyone off when Rodimus comes barrelling forward having smelled weakness, missing his own former Decepticon, senses they are sincere if definitely shady (his exact type), and having not slept since Cybertron.
He graciously excepts citing that they aren't the first former Decepticons or neutral agents on the ship, but, of course, the ship is under Autobot Law and they would need to pass the same test any defector passes to prove they can do it and then looks at Ultra Magnus, who is horrified but automatically starts citing requirements to qualify.
Which Tarn counters quickly, offering up datapads and citing lines within the Tyrest Accord that legalize his Squad under Decepticon Law, offer some intel, and is confident they can pass the test which UM is familiar with given he'd worked within it before as both sides were under the TA.
What follows is a very tense hour of the DJD sitting taking the Autobot SATs while everyone stands their tense. Every comment, including Helex singing a stufy song under his breath and Vos muttering to himself, or movement, Teserus counting with his fingers as he figure out and answer and Tarn tapping to the rhythm of their theme song, makes everyone flinch.
(This is of course after Whirl mutters, "You're fucking joking." When Magnus brought out the test papers.
Tailgate meanwhile is sympathizing with Helex's struggle on Question 17 with Cyclonus noting the song would have been useful to learn.)
Finally they pass and are tenporarily shown to their ship to wait while its graded and a surprise Command Meeting ensues.
MiniMegs are actually yelling and arguing because Ultra Magnus is utterly convinced this is a plot against them as he doesn't trust Megatron yet and Megatron is defending himself trying to explain the DJD are genuinely just like that and overzealous while Rodimus watches the ping pong conversation with relish and then grinning asks if they passed.
Ultra Magnus, through clenched teeth admits, "Yes. And Tarn's essay on certain elements was particularly inspired, especially the portion on self-identification and removal of leftover protofunctionalist language I will be quoting to the board as he has eloquently risen concerns I have attempted to cite before. Nickel, the Minibot, has also supplied a scathing essay on bodily autonomy not being accurately covered that I will be asking be submitted to the Medical Board."
Megatron doesn't quite understand UM ironclad rules are rules and attempts to convince, all silver words and charm, them to allow him a moment to persuade the DJD to leave but then UM locks down that they are required to accept anyone requesting asylum and as they have passed they are considered proto-Autobots and will need to be assessed by Rung and mentored.
They follow procedure unlike some.
(Ultra Magnus's bitterness over Drift and Megatron's inclusion in their ranks does in fact come from a place of them not having gone through proper onboarding.)
Thus they start at each other's throats.
And then Nickel mentions the Autobot they "found" and everything goes even more tits up because that's Minimus's perfect big brother.
Cur bluescreen.
(MiniMegs Part 1)
Wait yes this so yesssssss
"(MiniMegs Part 1)"
This is a wild ride and I feel like it's gonna continue to be because holy shit yes
Poor Megatron is wondering how he'll explain so hard that this isn't some plot of his to start the war again when Roddie just damn swoops in like a Lightning McQueen flavored phoenix.
Tarn held so many study sessions to prepare for the autobot test, damn I'm actually wondering how good of a study buddy he would be because you're certainly gonna learn the topic.
Ohhh Mags, Megs... You two are gonna be dragged under just like the rest of us— no mech will be unaffected by the end of this lmao.
Everyone is bluescreening and Tarn and Roddie are sitting in in the corner making goo goo optics at each other
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antisocialxconstruct · 2 months
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navree · 2 months
Let's be honest, and I say this with full offense, Lucerys Velaryon is the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of the Dance of the Dragons. He is meant to be a sacrificial lamb to kick off the entire war proper. If we had gotten a full season of development with him like we did with the younger cast in Game of Thrones, I guarantee more people would've felt something. The only reason I personally feel bad is from a baseline level of empathy, because he was a child who was placed in an unwinnable situation due to his mom being completely irresponsible with him and his brothers.
The comparison between Lucerys and Aemond is no contest. Love him or hate him, Aemond has an actual personality and goals when we first meet him. There's enough dimension in Aemond as a child to showcase the potential for sympathy between him and Jace at the funeral, a scene they didn't need to put in, but they did, which emphasizes his own innocence. Even before he breaks bad fully in S1E10, he's still far more compelling to watch due to the number of scenes allocated to him and his dynamic with other people.
This is where you and I are going to disagree just a bit, because Lucerys does do something in S1E07 and S1E08. He gouges out the eye of a family member and petulantly whines that he “didn’t do anything!” when confronted with the possibility of getting in trouble for it, then years later has the nerve and complete lack of sense to giggle at the person he permanently maimed only hours after his legitimacy was publicly called into question (again) and resulted in a murder. The narrative (perhaps unintentionally) glosses over these moments in favor of portraying him as good, whereas if you read between the lines, you can see that as being an oversimplification. The problem is that because S1 was truncated, secondary characters like Lucerys don’t receive screentime dedicated to portraying anything other than a single personality trait. Unfortunately, because of his role in the text and the way it was adapted for television, there was never a chance that Lucerys would be interesting.
I don't even have anything to add, this is just objectively correct.
#personal#answered#anonymous#and yeah lucerys refusing to take any responsibility or even show a hint of remorse for what he did is so galling to me#i could never care about him after that#like first of all you were in the wrong in the fight period#aemond did nothing wrong he claimed a free dragon who let him bond with her#i get why rhaena and baela were acting irrationally upset their mother died and they're young#grief makes you act weird#jace and luke had absolutely no reason to act the way they did#like it's not your fight and also again aemond literally did nothing wrong#but because he made a nasty comment after already being yelled at for doing nothing wrong y'all decide to gang up on him#with your cousins#and then this little idiot decides to take a whole knife to someone's face and refuses to ever feel bad#luke could have KILLED aemond#aemond could have DIED#not just from the immediate wound but also any issues that arose during a really long and arduous healing process#it's why fics with luke where he feels bad or contrite don't work for me#because he literally doesn't???#he doesn't care at all#he doesn't care he almost killed a person for no reason and left them with lifelong issues as a result of his fuck up#out here kicking his feet and giggling over maiming another human being#again vhagar eating him was too easy#he should have gotten his eye poked out first anyway#literally only feel kinda bad for rhaenyra cuz i'm neutral leaning positive towards rhaenyra and losing a child hurts#luke himself can rot i feel nothing
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eff-plays · 6 months
Came up with an idea for a scene in my fic and I'm trying to find a balance between letting Astarion show the same sort of care and emotional maturity for Hira that he shows for a Durge character without making it too twee and OOC 🤔
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teatitty · 1 year
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tasmanianstripes · 10 months
People need to practice minding their own damn business
Don't come into people's inboxes giving unsolicited advice or criticizing their personal stuff. Don't reblog somebody's posts saying how much you hate it and their opinions.
Don't like somebody's characterisation, AUs or the kind of art they post? It might even annoy you?
Okay, cool. Go make your own post. Block them. Be a little hater about it to your friends. It's good for your soul!
But don't be goddamn rude to people. Don't make it their problem.
"I don't like what this artist likes mah mah mah"
Here's a wild idea;
Artists...don't need to cater to you. You are not entitles to their work. Nobody on the internet should coddle you and post only stuff you like.
Shocker, I know.
#thylacines can talk#Yes this is about PK#When you like an antagonist people expect you to be a negative nancy 24/7 and put a disclaimer everytime you make something with them about#how much they suck as a person#Guess what! Having to shittalk your fave all the time to not risk being 'that kind of fan'...isnt fun. It's miserable even!#Anmoying as fuck too! Yes I know he did this unforgivable thing. I'm not an idiot. That's why I like PK. Fucker's got nuance#Is he a bad person? Absolutely. Will I talk about him being a bad person and the horrible things he did? Also yes. When I want to. It's#very fun to explore that part of the story and how it influenced their victims. Will I give you a fucking essay on why he's a bad person#everytime I want to post something funny or lighthearted about him? No. Piss off.#I cannot only focus on angst and heart-wrenching part of the story. I also like to make stuff of the lighthearted parts of my AUs.#And I don't feel like writing down an entire disclaimer and breakdown of how PK's and WL's redemption arcs went to justify it#Having to constantly put disclaimers to justify you liking a morally grey and bad characters is EXHAUSTING. Only being able to talk about#this character with someone when it proteins to how awful they are is EXHAUSTING.#YES they're bad people. But going into peoples dms or inbox or tags and talking to them about how ugly and bad and evil their fave is#exhausting to deal with and NOT fun. Like I. KNOW. LIKE LET ME LIKE A DEEPLY FLAWED NUANCED FUCKED UP CHARACTER IN PEACE WITHOUT HAVING TO#ALWAYS PUT A DISCLAIMER OUT THERE ABOUT HOW AWFUL THEY ARE. GOOD GOD.#It's especially annoying because I like characterisation of PK that is very morally grey. To me purely evil and not compassionate PK is#fun...in a short run. I much prefer a man whos riddled with guilt over what he did even if he believed it to be necessary evil and who dies#Because of his regret. I love the idea of a father who sacrificed his own children so that no parent had to lose their own. And the tragedy#of him deeply loving PV and still doing what he did. A good person who was faced with an impossible choice and committed unspeakable#cruelty for what he believed to be the greater good. A man who doesnt believe he's deserving of redemption not forgiveness and who doomed#himself. I like a nuanced morally grey PK with LAYERS. Treating him as a purely evil uncaring person who never loved his children sucks ALL#the fun out of him for me. And don't get me wrong I LOVE villains who are evil for evil's sake. I LOVE old school Disney villains who are#scumbags just because they can be and have a little bit a swag to it. But PK just. Isn't that kind of villain to me.#I don't even like calling him a villain. An antagonist? Maybe. A morally grey character that kicked off the entire story with his one act#of unspeakable cruelty? Yup. But I don't see him as the villain of HK.#Wow that was a long rant#Well I got that out of my system at least#I love the Pale King and I could talk for HOURS about why I love him as a character and about his actions. It's just tiring when I have to#do it to justify myself and my lighthearted content of him.
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asterdeer · 3 months
video called "pirate shirt tutorial that actually makes sense" with a thumbnail clickbaitingly copying bernadette banner's style, which does the exact same thing as bernadette banner's video but more confusingly and without a diagram in the video itself, also failing to understand that bernadette banner's channel is primarily a history channel and not a sewing tutorial channel so telling people they don't have to hand-sew the pirate shirt or they don't have to thread-pull is unnecessary because bernadette banner literally said "do this however you want, i just do it this way because it's how i learn about historical dress practices" in her own video. couldn't ask for better youtube entertainment
#source: i'm an idiot and i've made two of bernadette's pirate shirts and they're fantastic#understanding that her diagram is not a pattern but a guideline on how to make your own pattern#is like. not that hard to get. she gave her measurements and then explained how to get your own#to be fair!! everyone learns differently! there are many comments saying that this other video made sense and helped them#which is absolutely fair and good. more knowledge is never a bad thing#it's just the presentation of this other video that i find so funny#'yes i CAN explain how to make a historically accurate men's shirt better than the actual historical dress historian'#[footage not found]#just the way of explaining the shoulder seams...........so much more confusing than bernadette's diagram#also calling the reinforcement patches on the neck/cuff splits??? useless/pointless??????#sorry i want my garments to not fall apart because i can't afford really nice fabric lmao i will be reinforcing those points. thanks tho#also 'no one is talking about neck gussets i couldn't find any info' HUH ???#i just want to know if they looked anywhere besides youtube because there are absolutely people talking abt neck gussets#i should not be such a bitch about this. it's not that big a deal. again in the end: more people sharing knowledge is Good#but my friend!!! come on now!!!!#aster chat#ah fuck lads i want to make another poet shirt because that's exactly what i need going into what i'm sure will be a blazing summer#another long sleeved shirt with three yards of fabric to smother myself in#that do Not go with any of my work appropriate trousers
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