#they're brats your honor horrible brats
xappetites · 8 months
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jouissance (2)
Phillip Graves x Reader | political marriage, Graves is down bad and buys an engagement ring, reader gets shy about her personality being taken into account to choose said ring, Graves' older brother continues to be an asshole | word count: 2,033
Phil’s always been smart, so it’s never really been a problem to see why Pete’s his father’s favorite. He’s the eldest, salt of the earth rancher following in daddy’s footsteps, obeying the old man to the letter of the law. While Phillip himself, well, he’s been a fighter his whole life.
School was a struggle, since he's never liked being told what to do, but he was just too damn efficient at acing his tests for any teacher to do shit about his attitude. They did call home to complain, though; got his dad good and fired up for when Phil made it to the house. Where he found himself doing everyone's chores for months on end before he backed down. Which is why, he figures, the old man was actually real pleased when he enlisted and got his ass into West Point.
Phillip Graves Sr. probably thought the military would straighten out his problematic namesake son, and maybe it would’ve, if Phil hadn’t run into the same problem, made even worse by a much stricter hierarchical structure. Thing is, he’s smart, he can pinpoint better ways to do shit, if you let him look at it long enough, and it gets on his last fucking nerve when people don’t even try to listen to what he has to say.
So he waited his contract out, poaching as many worthwhile guys as he could along the way, set his own private army up; and ended up exactly where he promised himself he never would: folding to his father's designs.
Except, it doesn’t fucking feel like it.
Here, heat drunk and mostly horizontal, lounging on a recliner as the senator’s girl swims laps from the dock to the property’s edge, he feels unburdened.
It’s nice, being this relaxed with someone he thought he was going to fight with for the rest of his life, or at least the first couple years. The way Pete did so famously with his oil heiress that even Phil overheard them have a go at it during one holiday or another, before she resigned to the particular blend of manipulation and pettiness his mother is so fond of.
No, Phil’s never had a fight in the few months he’s been traipsing around through weekly breakfast dates, being fed waffle bites and smoke tasting kisses.
He tells himself that it’s because neither of them care enough for it, but truth be told he just likes this girl who’ll gladly ride him at ten in the morning when he shows to pick her up, so he can play footsie at the restaurant table knowing how she sounds when she comes around him. 
Likes her to the point of requesting a safe link to call her from half the world away, probably making a weird face about it, since more than one shadow commented on it, ribbing him about it being ‘suspicious’. And that’s after he swore Vance to secrecy for hearing her answer with a surprised chuckle and sleep in her voice.
So now, he’s in town for Pete’s birthday with the folks, senator’s girl in tow, and the engagement ring he finally settled on burns a hole in the back of his mind. Nothing in his heart but the rabid, acidic satisfaction of doing what he can to ruin his brother’s event. He’s quite proud of it, too. Having spent months looking for a ring that encompassed all those things he’s come to associate with his soon to be wife —the glint of the thin chain she always wears, the lines of her clothes over her body; being warm and naked under her, chasing shapes across the overcast morning sky that looked endless from the giant windows of her apartment in the city.
“Your mother hates me”
Phil isn’t exactly expecting her, so he almost flinches when she drags herself out of the water, reaching to brush wet fingertips against the overheated skin of his arm. And since he doesn’t expect it, he can’t think before reacting. The shock of temperature and the instinctual violent response he’s trained in himself have him pulling her down over his thighs in a second.
She laughs high at being suddenly straddling his torso, crushed against his chest; it makes him pause long enough to look at her, sun kissed and shining water droplets hanging off her lashes.
“If she liked you, I wouldn’t.”
Phil can’t help but smile at how she isn’t afraid of him, even now; can’t stop the way his cock hardens under the pressure of her hips. But the impulse of brutality is still there, motion and strength, flesh on flesh. So it’s a rough, clumsy thing to get his mouth on her, clacking teeth and bruising fingers on the back of her neck.
Her gasp tastes of the Bellini she’d been sipping before her swim. And her hands come up around him for purchase, sliding delightful and drenched and cool against his flanks. Until she finds the curve of his ass and tugs with the same sort of fierce compulsion he’s lost to.
It jolts him enough to pull away, panting like a fucking dog against her. She’s out of breath too, but chuckles again, peach sweet, and she doesn’t let him go, just nudges her body a little further into his half chub. Her flushed face fills Phil’s chest with the sort of pride he feels for his shadows; amused and startled at the fucking stones on her.
“Marry me.”
It comes out of him as a demand, with one palm steady over her thigh and the other dipping into the chill of the cooler for the tiny square box he stashed in there just in case. 
“I thought that was a given.”
“Not until I’ve given you a ring,”
“You’re going to propose to me at your brother’s birthday dinner?” the look in her eyes is sweet fucking poison, shines like there’s nothing she’d rather do with her night but cause a good bit of chaos.
“No,” Phil flips the lid open and offers the ring to hopefully soothe the sting of disappointment that furrows her brow, “no one’s gonna yell at you during your proposal. But we’re gonna make damn sure everyone sees it tonight.”
He expects her to laugh, go along with it, because he’s used to having her on his side by now, in a way that suddenly seems incredibly dangerous. Hell, he’ll even take her complaining, but she just stares down at the ring in his palm in complete silence, expression unreadable.
“You don’t like it? Want it bigger?”
That gets him a giggle, higher pitched than anything he’s heard from her, even in bed. So he leans into the innuendo, even waggles his eyebrows, dumbstruck at how much he wants her to like this stupid thing. She has to like it, Phil’s not gonna have her wear something of his, that marks her as his, and not be fucking proud of it.
“I love it,” she says, in the end, looking like she can’t fully put into words whatever’s going on in her head, “it’s mine.”
“Damn right it is, baby.”
She has the gall to come off shy —when he slips the ring on and it fits as right as he knows it would—, sitting over his cock in her little bathing suit, kissing him like she means to make them late to this damn dinner.
“Your mom’s really gonna hate me now.”
“And why would that be?”
The playfulness finds its way back to her smile, squeezing relief into his bones until he’s pretty much hanging off the lounge. She follows, pressing her body onto his, tilted sideways so her body blocks the view from the lake as she gropes him over his shorts. And Phil needs this conversation to move away from his mom, expeditiously.
“‘Cause you’re her favorite and she doesn’t want you to be anyone else’s”
“Yeah, well, too fucking bad.” And he’s gonna let go for now that she doesn’t clarify if she means he’s now her favorite or just hers, which in a way are one and the same with that goddamn pleased cat look she keeps giving him. “Now, you’re gonna stop talking about my mom, you’re gonna get this ass in the house and I’m gonna bend my wife-to-be over the first surface I find. How’s that sound?”
“Like we’re gonna be late, husband-to-be.”
It’s been a hell of a long time since Phil’s had a family event like this. Generally he comes in, shotguns a drink or two, plays with the kids for an hour and dips with a bag of leftovers and the annoying opening notes of a headache. And he honestly thinks he could hardly be blamed, when the conversation revolved around either cows or school districts, or Marnie’s —Pete’s pretty blonde wife— friend’s struggles to express milk, of all fucking things.
Occasions at his folks’ saw him show up already tense, looking for his way out even before he made it in the house.
Well not today. Today Phil’s excited.
He feels it in every muscle, bubbling as laughter in his chest, easing his joints with the residual afterglow. So he breezes past the birthday boy, and the nephews and Mama Graves, keeping his senator’s girl tucked to his side out of a compulsion that’s borderline need.
She laughs under her breath at the ugly look his mother gives her, she pours his drinks and perches on the armrest of his single seater for cake slices in the den, like she did the first time, close enough to smell his aftershave on her skin. Therefore, Phil has no choice but to pull her all the way into his lap, abandoning his plate so he can play with her free hand. And he presses a deliberate kiss to the diamond on her finger just to see the glint in her eyes when he shit-stirs on purpose.
Her smile is the sharp one he likes the most, for a second that feels stretched huge like sugar syrup, before the gesture sends his father roaring into a mess of congratulations. Shouting and clapping shoulders, the old man rushes out for the champagne from the cellar; while Mama Graves follows close, most likely to slam a couple cabinets with the excuse of breaking the good glasses out.
“You know he’s only marrying you so dad won’t cut him off the inheritance, right?”
Pete’s voice rises, mocking, in the silence that’s left, because of course it is. Pete isn’t dumb either, he can pretend to behave when he’s got their parents eyes on him, but he has no compunction being a fucking asshole when it’s just someone he considers beneath him in the room.
It’s got Phillip’s skin itching in a way that’s also quite nostalgic. Their last physical altercation’s been a few years in the past, too, and he’s got a whole host of new tricks to keep Pete from thinking he can ever talk to his girl like that again. But she shifts, while he’s still considering it; chuckles into the skin of Phil’s neck, leaning so far back that she’s looking down her nose at the rest of the room.
She doesn’t elaborate, doesn’t justify a goddamn thing. She simply stares at Pete as if she’s waiting for him to explain why he thinks he has any right to question her decisions.
The question floors him, Phil can see it in real time, how there’s no possible answer for it that doesn’t involve admitting that the effort to humiliate her failed so badly, that Pete’s probably gonna be resenting it for months to come.
She waits a minute for a response and then giggles when it doesn’t come, gloats so deliciously that Phillip has to cling to her; has to kiss her. He has to sit there and pretend to pay attention to his parents when they come back, because against all the odds he ever thought he was going to have to deal with, he can’t wait to call this girl his wife. He can’t wait to make sure no other man ever gets her in his ranks.
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yanfeisty · 2 years
Can i request again? sagau reader with a little sibling or sagau reader that is a mother of twins can you pls make them interact with the travelers since the travelers are the reader's first vessel ok bye.
Genshin imagine | God's little twins
━━━ ՙ  𓄼 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : Genshin x Creator!Reader
━━━ ՙ  𓄼 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 : Reader get Isekaid with their siblings/kids.
━━━ ՙ  𓄼 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : Religious theme.
━━━ ՙ  𓄼 𝐀/𝐍 : You can always request again! I didn't specify if they were reader's siblings or kids so you can choose. I hope you don't mind that I put others characters too, I really felt inspired on this one.
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. The twins are in heaven, or more like the best playground they ever had, they can go pet and even adopt slimes or rishboland tigers, and create an army with them. They have their own teapots and can do whatever they want in it. They are treated like Queens and Kings, people offers them toys and candies they never ate before, because after all they share the same blood as the Creator, and people think that if they gain the children's affection, they would get yours as well. You're quite busy in Teyvat, but luckily you have many candidates for babysitting.
. The Traveler looks at them with a heavy heart, it may be cheesy but it reminds her/him of her/his twin when they were both younger. She/He really hopes, those kids wouldn't get separated, it's a horrible feeling to experience, but she/he is sure with someone like you, they will always be happy and safe. She/he shares a lot of stories about others worlds she/he visited to them, and if they want they can come with her/him and Paimon on adventures, of course, the less dangerous ones. Even if Paimon disagrees with it because they're trying to cook her and she is scared be alone now.
. Characters who are so sweet around children, Thoma, Itto and Childe would love to play with them, especially since they are part of your family, if you're busy you can count on those boys to look after them and have a great time. If they're brats, lucky for them because Childe is way worse, and tease the absolute heck out of them because they're small and not as strong as him while still acting sweet, totally spoil them, and will take them to Mr. Cyclope. While Itto might pout at them because they can't stop trying to touch his horns and mock him when he looses, but he is so fun to play with, that the kids want to be around him all the time. And for Thoma, he doesn't mind cleaning the mess they make but he turns desperate of the kids bulling him constantly, but don't worry, he will find a solution to make them like him, he might need the help of Taroumaru though.
. Zhongli will be honored to take care of them, but the kids will get bored with his neverending stories, even if it's about a topic they like, however, he is the greatest for putting them to sleep. He'll hide his disappointment about the twins not being interested in their relative's impact on how he shaped Liyue and its economy, truly a pity. However, they can listen to Venti all day, he has the funniest stories and let them play with his lyre, he really is the best babysitter as he takes fun playing with the children. He also always has a bottle with him which they were curious about it, and he told them it's "the delicate liquid fluttering the butterflies in my chest, making me obsessed with its sweet taste." before passing out, they wanted to drink it but you stopped them before they did and scolded Venti later.
. Also, don't let them with Klee if you want to keep Teyvat safe, Jean can't survive the 3 alone, even Kaeya wouldn't try to let them go. They like playing with Qiqi but last time they played hide and seek together, the twins stayed half of the night alone while everyone was panicking and searching for them.
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wardog-of-the-endless · 11 months
War? Be Normal? About THEM?
You're Joking.
It's a PhayuRain in Wedding Plan post! I can't contain myself.
To Start With: HE? My angel? MY LITTLE GOLDEN DARLING?
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Phayu how could you leave him for even an instant, honestly.
He's shining.
Also: I am NEVER over Phayu's little signature. NEVER.
Does my darling want flowers? Give my darling flowers!
How could you say no? He Is? The Most? ANGELIC?
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Seriously give him everything. Look at him.
Well, I mean you are, obviously... Because you have stellar taste, don't you, Khun Phayu?
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Yeah you do.
An Angel. The importance of looking reassuringly at your boy even though you're about to propose and might be freaking out a little bit.
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I'm Gonna Scream.
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Living in This Moment ETERNALLY, thanks.
Also, Phayu looking at Rain like he's going to cry? GOODNIGHT. GOOD. NIGHT.
Totally ok with Phayu literally gazing at Rain while glitter falls over them. Totally not chewing through walls at how he just.. looks... softly... at his boy.
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Composure? I don't know her.
Oh look, the brat is back and Daddy is so ready to indulge him. Your Honor, They're HORRIBLE. They're Everything. T.T
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Kiss me just to mess with my best friend, not because we're madly in love or anything.
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Thank you.
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perfectiondarl1n · 8 months
hb headcanons for a FtM trans person obsessed with impact play in a poly releationship with Julius and Killian?
My honor~ 18+ stuff under cut
I'm very sorry this isn't great, please send more!
Julius and Killian are both incubi, and Sanity (the Creator) has confirmed Julius is in fact a switch!
It should go without saying, once Killian and Julius are turned on, they become feral animals demons and lost control very fast
Julius and Killian will both be your doms, you are their sub.
Julius realized you got off on impact play after you'd been such a brat all day.
It all started when Killian smacked your ass that evening and you let out such a lewd moan.
just the slap had your dick hard and throbbing.
You always melt over the way both your boyfriend's always call you 'clit' a dick, because that's what its!
They're horrible but oh so loving and accepting you you
You're hard as hell when Killian shoved you on the bed. Julius shreds your pants without a care.
Killian is the first to start whipping you, your ass is up high in the air
You're crying, tears of pleasure from the pain. God you love it. You can't stop moaning already close
Especially as Julius starts to praise you
Julius crawls underneath you firmly, commanding you to hump his leg and demanding you make yourself cum
You are more than happy to comply and once you do, Julius gives you a bit of prep with his fingers before....
he pushes his large dick inside your entrance and begins to fuck you hard, slapping and paddling and whipping you
No words exist to explain your pleasure
The entire ordeal is all of 15 minutes
you and Julius are both out of breath
but the show isn't over yet, not even close. This is going to all night long.
"Take a break,"Killian tells you
Julius wraps you up in blankets and hands you a sex toy
"Catch your breath, darling" Julius kisses your lips, "Killian is gonna fuck me...~ and then, we're gonna give you the kinkiest night if your life, baby~"
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theyhaveacavetroll · 1 year
tagged by @iamdexter123. Thanks!
Rules:  A challenge to give your Top 10 favourite characters, based on their ESSENCE. They have to be favourite characters that also have a deeper literary value, where you enjoy their specific role in the story, and this means that the list also should exclude characters that would normally count as favourites if for purely nostalgic reasons. They can be from film, tv, or written media, anything
Oh gods. Um. This is going to be Hard isn't it.
James Flint, Black Sails
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I have loved and will continue to love James "Flint" McGraw both for his place in the story and just in general. His was the story that took me by the shoulders, shook me briskly and whispered "it doesn't have to be like this, the world doesn't have to be this cruel but it is and aren't you tired of it? Aren't you tired of pretending that the status quo is ok? Aren't you ready to make it change?" And he was the main voice for that sentiment that shook me down to my bones.
Farah Dowling, Fate Winx Saga
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Farah is a character who has done horrible things. She's been the unthinking protegé of a monster and still came back from the edge. She's someone who took all the pain she experienced and has decided to be kind, even if she struggles with that sometimes, and I love her for it. And she's not motherly, she's more of a wine aunt, but she still cares so deeply about people and that's refreshing too. And of course I love it when I get a female character who is allowed to be complex and also in charge.
Saul Silva, Fate Winx Saga
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I love Saul for being arguably the most responsible adult in the room at all times and also so deeply, deeply defined by tragedy that I don't think he knows who to be without the guilt he's carrying around with him (I'd love to find out, though). He's got a life that's been deeply shitty in so many ways but he keeps trying to do the right thing, and then there's the way that despite everyone else around him caving and doing things that are questionable or just outright wrong, he's the one with the moral center and the conviction to say "no, I'm not doing this and I wish you wouldn't either" even in the face of danger. Oh - and he's a damsel in distress, which I don't get to see in male characters much.
Daud, Dishonored
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*looks at Daud* *looks at Saul* uhhhh, I appear to have a thing about guilt-ridden men who also adopt every kid in sight and who end up getting forgiven by the people they hurt. I just think they're neat, ok?
Charles Vane, Black Sails
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Look. This character has - oh, so many flaws. He's a piece of shit in so many ways, but he's also got some of the rawest lines in this entire damn show, the ones that I'd willingly get tattooed on me so I don't forget them. If you ever need to know what radicalized me, it was probably this guy and everything he said and did from 2x10 on.
Tiago Rodriguez/Raoul Silva, James Bond
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I'm sorry, was I not supposed to like the most stylish villain in a Bond film since...idk, I think the last one with this much personality was probably Elektra King. The brat energy. The little bit of crazy underneath it. The fact that the man had a really valid point and actually succeeded because he set achievable goals. The way he's... not quite sexually aggressive with Bond but also definitely wants to get railed. Fascinating.
Simon Torquill, October Daye
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Simon. My darling, best idiot who needs to have someone wrap him in a blanket for about a century and make him as much honey-sweetened tea as he can stand and above all else not allow him to make major decisions until he's had a chance to process the clusterfuck that is his life up til now. I love him, your honor. I love that I get a male character who's allowed to be his own worst enemy but also the kindest, most caring father anyone could ask for when he's not flinging around transformation spells and shooting people with elfshot while being puppeteered by a megalomaniac. And of course I love an actual redemption arc that for once doesn't end in death. Right, Seanan? RIGHT? (jk, I trust her. Mostly).
Rosalind Hale, Fate Winx Saga
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Ok, so. I both hate Rosalind and love her as a character. It's a complicated thing, but I think what I really love about her as a character is that she's a female villain who is creepy as fuck and I wish that the writers had not immediately turned her into... whatever the fuck they were going for in s2. I was much more fond of s1 Rosalind who was an absolute monster who broke the adults in the series so badly and so completely that they're still a pack of emotional wrecks twenty years on. I wanted her to stay that monster instead of being written as a butch lesbian who's just very done with everyone's shit and occasionally given to a bit of torture. I wanted a better look at what she did to Farah, and to Ben Harvey, and for someone to spell out in great detail that she took Andreas and broke him down to be her attack dog from the time he was sixteen.
Basically I love the potential of the character but if she turned up in front of me I would be compelled to stab her quickly.
Javik, Mass Effect
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There's something about Javik that I keep coming back to and I think it's the sheer weight of what he represents. One individual out of trillions still alive. Shepard's mirror image, but his mission went to hell and his people all died and now he's awake again and it has to feel like a kind of torture. And yet, for all that, Javik's character arc is about hope. It's about picking yourself up, or rather being picked up, and figuring out how to live again. If you do everything right, Javik gets to see the end of the Reapers and the end of the carnage. He gets to live, and grow, and maybe finally put down his gun and write a book or something, and that's important. We all need a character to remind us that as long as you're alive, there's hope.
Nomi, James Bond
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I love her, your honor. If there's one thing the last film got right, it was having three women of color, none of whom had the slightest inclination to fuck Bond, and of the three of them, Nomi is my favorite. I love that she's the new 007. I love that she's there to drag Bond's ass and warn him off her assignment. I love her "Double-0 what?" and I love her "I'll shoot you in the knee. The one that works." I love that she gets to murder racists, and I love that she's got fully as much style as any other 007.
Honorable mentions who didn't make the narrative weight cut or who I just ran out of room for:
Garrus Vakarian, Mass Effect
Mordin Solus, Mass Effect
Anders, Dragon Age
Thomas Barrow, Downton Abbey
Miranda, Black Sails
Madi, Black Sails
Max, Black Sails
Alec Trevelyan, James Bond
Moneypenny (Samantha Bond and Naomi Harris), James Bond
Andreas of Eraklyon, Fate Winx Saga
Tagging anyone who wants to do this, as well as @skloomdumpster, @septemberrie, @djino04, and @penflicks
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strangefellows · 1 year
Oh yeah, i'm gonna add Thancred, Hythlodaeus, and Zero to the list
First impression
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my first post about him on my blog should tell you.
Hythlodaeus: Oh! Oh no! This shade is very sweet!
Zero: Holy shit, it's Vampire Hunter D. Damn that Amano flavor, girl.
Impression now
Thancred: That's my husband your honor. My first love my eternal love the best XIV boy, Hades may have stolen my heart the last couple expacs but Thancred is forever.
Zero: I'm enjoying her character arc!
Favorite moment
Thancred: I can't say everything can I? But no, his intro in the Ul'dah starter quest line, his saving you in Ifrit, the bit where he rogues out in 2.2, his return in 3.1, his farewell to Minfilia in 3.4, EVERYTHING IN SHADOWBRINGERS...
Hythlodaeus: WOW, AMAZING, IT'S COMPLETELY USELESS! but every time he's onscreen is a delight.
Zero: Her and the Meat Dumpling was cute as fucking hell.
Idea for a story
Thancred: cocks gun you WILL talk about your trauma more, but also I want to see shithead street kid brat in Sharlayan now that we've seen Old Sharlayan.
Hythlodaeus: More ancient shenanigans of course, but I'd love to see A Day In The Life of the Chief Architect.
Zero: Check back later when we've seen more of her~
Unpopular opinion
Thancred: I WILL PERSONALLY FIGHT EVERY SINGLE THANCRED HATER AND I HAVE HELD THAT OPINION SINCE ARR, I'VE SURVIVED THE TRENCHES. But also, I'm not as big a fan of ThanUri as popular as it seems to be lately.
Hythlodaeus: It frustrates me sometimes to see people focus solely on Hythades and nudge Azem to the side a bit.
Zero: Uhhhhh, nothing yet! I love her awkward fidgety hat tip though and people seem not to like it?
Favorite relationship
Thancred: THANCRED AND MY WOL AKHEMI IS MY OTP AND HAS BEEN SINCE 2013 YOU WILL PRY THEM FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS. But also I adore Thancred and his daughters. But also also Thancred and my WoL Bran are horrible shithead brothers to each other.
Zero: Look I'm shipping Zero and Jullus now thanks to 6.2
Favorite headcanon
Thancred: He's asexual. This man is a deeply repressed asexual and possibly demiromantic, given his backstory he has a fucked up relationship with sex and romance to be sure, he's absolutely a sex neutral ace who just fucks for the job.
Hythlodaeus: He has fucked at least half the Convocation and WILL brag about it, except for that time Altima and Emmerololth almost tossed him out a window. He also didn't fuck Themis because he'd get murdered by his boyfriends. He also didn't fuck Nabriales because they're twin brothers.
Zero: No HEADCANONS yet but given the voidsent=hollows similarity she's basically Ulquiorra transplanted into XIV give me a heart speech STAT.
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aoneee · 1 year
Lucid Dream: Chapter 5
After two years, I see him again coming back from another country. In those years, I guess Mama has been contacting Papa frequently. But not with me. I mostly ignore his message. Or when having a conversation, I try to finish the small talks as quickly as possible.
"Mano po, Papa." Big Sis and I went to Papa as he arrived.
"Thank you, girls." He proceeded to carry his luggage and boxes. Just like when he arrived 2 years ago, he also had this large balikbayan box full of souvenirs.
I quietly watch him unpack. Would you look at that? He brought the same things as last time, chocolates, perfumes, lotions, name it.
"Francine." Papa called me.
"Yes, Papa?"
"Remember when I told you that next time you'll get a laptop?"
"Here you go." He gave a what seemed to be a brand new gray HP laptop.
"Thank you, Papa."
"Take care of it, okay? I won't buy you a new one if you don't."
"Yes, I will."
Well, I guess he's not that bad. He even remembered about his promise years ago. Maybe he does care. Besides, maybe I was just a brat years ago, and became angry at him. Or maybe he changed? I hope so.
Days after his arrival, it was lunchtime. We were eating. Papa suddenly asked,
"Roseanne, Francine, I noticed you're on your room all day, with you laptop and phones. Didn't I told you to help your mama in house chores?"
"You're always on your screens. Even just a bit of help, you can't provide? You're useless in this damned house."
"But darling, they're using their phones and laptops for their assignments and projects. You can't just say that they're useless because they're always on their room doing what they need at school." Mama protested.
"And besides, I want them to focus on their studies, even if it means that I'll do most of the housework." Mama added.
"Ah, whatever. You two, you should cook dinner everyday so that you'll have any use. It's up to you how you'll exchange chores, whatever." He stands from his seat indicating that he has finished eating.
I was clenching my fist, trying to contain my anger. How dare he call us useless? Does he even know the hardship we have to do at school just to achieve the academics with honors? Even if I am only a 14 year old, I can't even get a proper sleep due to many writings, assignments, and projects, much less Big Sis who has bigger and harder projects. I became so dejected and furious about his insensitive statement.
A few weeks later, Mama was acting strange. She was in her bed the whole day, with her back facing whenever I check up on her.
"Francine." Mama called. I saw her swollen eyes and wet face, like she went from crying. I proceed to ignore it as I don't want Mama to worry because of me worrying about her.
"Yes, Mama?"
"Can you or your Big Sis cook your meal tonight? It's up to you to cook what food you want. And you should eat first, don't wait for Mama and Papa, okay? I just want to talk to your father for a while."
"Okay, Mama!"
Big Sis and I cooked a meal and went straight ahead to eating. We were talking as we eat until we heard some things continue falling and bumping. We also heard a faint noise of our parents arguing. So we went to check what's up.
Mama slapped Papa in the face. And in fury, Papa pushed Mama to the ground. He grabbed the glass bottle near him and threw it on the ground. The glass shattered into pieces, as broken as this family and our feelings. I was horribly crying and I feel helpless. I want to stop them but I can't. I'm scared. I take it back Papa didn't change at all. He is nothing but a venom that has poisoned our hearts all throughout the years.
I heard Mama scream while he hits her. Papa kept going with a fuming look on his face. I can't help but think,
"Bad Papa. Stop hurting Mama."
To be continued...
Book 1 END.
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milasartblog · 4 years
Demons' fight (part 3)
Echoes of fallen warriors. A lullaby to some people, and a horrific music for others. Endless sounds and screams of those that will not find their peace in Inferno Arena, despite the place being closed centuries ago. And yet, echoes of souls will wake up again as Algaron arrived at this place, bloodlusted demon, who did nothing but being a monster, cruel and horrible. He was carrying a little tied unconscious nephilim to the middle of Arena, where the meeting was supposed to be. When he stopped, he inhaled and exhaled deeply.
Algaron: Home sweet home~ How I missed those times when this place was active~ Of course this Lucifer still tried to keep it only for "so cruel and horrible" demons and souls, but how much blood was here, fights all over the arena, strongest against weakest~ Just thinking about it gives me chills~
He held his cheeks, caressing his hands down in maniac pleasure, then he looked at his victim with smirk.
Algaron: Well, wakey wakey time~
He shook Nazeel's shoulder as little nephilim began to wake up slowly, trying to open his eyes.
Nazeel: Where......am I? What happened?
Algaron: Good morniiiing, sleeping beauty~
A voice astonished Nazeel as he turned around and looked at unfamiliar person to him. Remembering what happened, he felt that he was tied up as tried to escape.
Nazeel: H-Hey!! Let me go!! Mommy!! Somebody!!! HEEEELP!!!
Algaron only smirked evily as kneeled to Nazeel.
Algaron: Shout as much as you like, my little prey~ Nobody will come after you. We're here aaaaallll alone~
Nazeel looked around in horror. Place was so unfamiliar to him, but some sculptures and things helped him guess that it was not human world. It was Hell.
Nazeel: W-What's going on??! Who are you??!
Algaron: Oh, so your precious Lucifer didn't tell you about me?~ How rude of him~
Nazeel: Uncle Lucifer knows you??! Then he will definitely come and save me!!!
Algaron: Hehe, that's what I'm hoping for, little brat~
Suddenly the anxiety crowled on Nazeel's back. He kept trying to escape, but ropes were tight and seemed like a strong magic blocked him to do anything. Tears were coming from his eyes.
Nazeel: What do you want from me??? Why do you need uncle Lucifer??? And where are we???
Algaron: Oh, Lucifer didn't show you this place?~ But of course, he is too soft to do it even to their own demons. Here, my little brat, lies a place, honored by every demon, who enjoys fights and bloodlust, a place, where strongest fight with weakest one, - Infreno Arena~
Nazeel: A-Arena???
He got even more scared. So demons were cruel in the past, he thought to himself. But why didn't Lucifer tell him about it? While Algaron spread his arms wide to show how huge the arena is, he laughed evily.
Algaron: That's right~ Can you hear it? The shouts of the pleased audience, desiring more and more blood shows~ Oh, what a waste of such place~
Nazeel's body shook a lot, like trees under the earthquake. He tried to crowl backwards, doing it with his legs, but it was useless as he fell on the ground.
Algaron: What's wrong, little mouse?~ Too tight to run?~
Nazeel: This is a non-sense!!! Uncle Lucifer would not create such place!!!
But it only made the demon laugh even more wildly, not believing how naive was the boy.
Algaron: You're naive little piece of shit~
Suddenly his expression changed as he grabbed scared Nazeel's face with his one hand strongly, pulling him close to his face.
Tumblr media
Algaron: Want to know the truth about your so called Uncle Lucifer? This scars, do you see them? They're all from Lucifer, the King of Hell himself. Wonder why? For being the true self. That's right, a "true" demon, can you imagine it?~ Of course you can't! You were under an illusion all the time! Believeing that demon can be redeemed and be nice. "Oh, LuCIfeR mAkeS HeLL a BeTTer PlAce. HoW it'S so SweeT oF Him!". This is all bullshit!! Demons will never fall under such useless trap!!
Nazeel's eyes cried even more, no words were coming from his mouth. His soul only cried for help, screaming with desire to get back home, to Anoli and Liya. Algaron let go of his face.
Algaron: You wonder why I'm telling you this, even tho I'm not supposed to~ Well, I don't care what consequences of it will be. My only desire is to let every creature know that we will never fall under angels or humans influence. I want Lucifer to show his "true" self~
Nazeel: T...True self??
Algaron: That's right~ The true King of Demons, the one, who would never indulge God, His angels and humans~ Ah, how long since I last seen his form~ Thinking about it drives me mad~
He put his hands around his arms, caressing them. Nazeel couldn't believe his ears. Lucifer had true form? What did this guy mean under it? What was Lucifer hiding all this time? So many questions ran inside him, trying to convince himself otherwise at the same time. Algaron looked up at the bloody sky, smirking.
Algaron: Well, seems like he is not going to come for the rescue~ Oh well, better for me~ Seems like we're here on our own, little brat~
He grabbed Nazeel by the hood as lifted him. Nazeel waved his legs, punching Algaron's stomach as strong as he could, but it was nothing to him. Meantime, Algaron's free hand shaped into claws that was ready to strike.
Algaron: It's been a long time since I played with innocent and pure soul~
He shouted so loud as echoes spreaded around the arena and tears ran from his eyes. Suddenly a big spear came out of the ground and stroke Algaron's arm that held Nazeel's hood, making him let Nazeel go and shout from pain.
???: Don't you dare to touch him.
Both Algaron and Nazeel turned around and looked at familiar figure, standing in front of them. Algaron gritted his teeth from pain, but still smirked.
Algaron: Look who finally came for the rescuse~ Lucifer Morningstar~ Or should I say.....Samael Morningstar~
And that's the next part for the story^^ Gosh, that was hard to write c': I want to punch Algaron's face now c': But what will Lucifer do? What is his next step?
Lucifer and Algaron belong to @wildstarfan and @milasartblog (both me)
Nazeel belongs to @captainthane
Okaria et Feria belongs to @wildstarfan and @captainthane
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gyakutengagotoku · 4 years
GS4 vs AJ:AA - Episode 2, Part 5
Here’s the last court segment of this episode! It’s also relatively shorter than the usual posts, but there’s a lot of dialogue I captured for context, so it doesn’t look shorter. There’s not too much deviation between the source and localized after we covered all the changes made to the Kitaki’s previously.
For once I started earlier today and got through it pretty quickly, but for the sake of a consistent posting schedule, I’ll stick with around midnight PST every other day or so. Seems like the best rhythm for me that I can keep up with.
> Court Lobby
6月17日 午前 9時52分 地方裁判所 被告人第2控え室 June 17, 9:52 AM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 2
<Trucy> いよいよ、ですね! ゆうべはよく眠れましたか? This is it, the big day! Did you get any sleep?
<Apollo> あ。うん。ゆうべ、 1時にはフトンに入ったから。 Yeah, I went to bed at 1:00 AM or so.
<Trucy> で? 今日は何時に 起きたんですか? Oh? What time did you wake up?
<Apollo> 午前3時、かな。 ...3:00 AM.
<Trucy> ‥‥ゼンゼン眠れてませんね。 That's only two hours, Apollo...
でも、大丈夫。 みぬきがついてるし。 But, at least you have me!
<Trucy> ボウシくんだって、 いつも見てますよ。 ...And the Amazing Mr. Hat!
<Mr. Hat> いつも見てますよ、キミ。 Here's looking at you, kid.
Originally: "Yes, I'm always keeping an eye on you." (It's supposed to sound supportive, I swear.)
<Trucy> ね。パパ! 今日は、どんな証人を 用意してるの? ガリュー検事! Daddy! Do you know who Prosecutor Gavin's witness is today?
<Phoenix> さあね。当ててごらん。 Take a guess!
<Trucy> んーとね。 小梅さんとか! Hmm... How about Little Plum?
<Phoenix> あっはっはっ。キモっ玉かあさんか。 ハズレだよ。 Ah ha ha! That Sherman tank of a mom? Nope, guess again.
<Trucy> うーん、ザンネン。 でも。みぬき、思うな。 That's too bad. You know, speaking of moms...
パパも、早く新しいママ、 見つけないと! You need to find me a new mommy one of these days, Daddy!
<Phoenix> お。コイツは朝からイッポン 取られちまったな。 It's barely morning and you're at it already, Trucy!
あっはっはっはっは。 Ah ha ha ha ha ha!
<Apollo> (だから、ウソっぽいんだよなあ、  この親子) (OK, see, this is why I don't buy their "father-daughter" relationship.)
I commented previously that Apollo questioned their father-daughter relationship and legitimately forgot that he also says this, and this time it does match what he originally said. So, my bad.
Also, Naruhodou describes her as "キモっ玉" (kimottama), meaning she got "guts" or "pluck" to her. I appreciate the "Sherman tank", though.
> Courtroom
<Judge> 少なくとも、 ハッキリわかったことは‥‥ We did find out one thing for certain.
事件が起こったとき。 やはり公園には、被告人と被害者、 There were three people in the park at the time of the murder:
‥‥そして目撃者の3人しか いなかった、というコトです。 The witness, the victim, and the defendant.
<Klavier> ‥‥そういうコト。 そこで、今日は‥‥ ...Correct, Herr Judge. And today, I'd like to do something a little new age.
あのザンネンな事件を、 外側から見てみようと思ってるんだ。 I'd like to look at this horrible crime... from the outside.
<Apollo> “ソトガワ”‥‥ですか? The "outside"...?
<Klavier> “凶器の入手経路”‥‥ “犯行準備”‥‥ The acquisition of the murder weapon... The preparation for the act...
被告人クン。ウカツにも ゼンブ、しゃべっていたんだよ。 Our poor defendant told all, you see.
‥‥フィアンセにね。 ...To his betrothed.
<Judge> ふぃあんせ‥‥? His... bee trove?
<Klavier> ‥‥婚約者さ。 人生の共犯者ってヤツかな。 ...His fiancée, Herr Judge. His partner for life... with no chance for parole.
<Judge> それでは、その‥‥ いいなずけを入廷させてください! Very well, you may show the erm... "lucky" lady to the stand.
Once again, the judge struggles with words outside of his language, and Kyouya, being the resident English expert, has to explain. That being said, "bee trove" is suspiciously apt as a metaphor to describe her...
<Klavier> ‥‥それじゃ、キミ。 名前と、職業を。 ...Your name and occupation, Fräulein.
<Alita> 並奈 美波と申します。 今は、花嫁修行中というか‥‥ Alita Tiala. My occupation... is future wife.
<Judge> ふむう‥‥ いいココロがけです。 Ah, traditional values! I respect that.
最近は、温泉タマゴすら作れない ムスメさんも多いですからな。 Too many brides these days can't even weave baskets blindfolded... underwater.
しかし‥‥今日は、検察側の 証人として出廷したわけですな? Yet you're here today as a witness for the prosecution?
<Alita> わたし‥‥最初は、 証言したくありませんでした。 To be honest, I didn't want to testify at first.
でも、やっぱり。 かくしておくことはできなくて。 But... I couldn't hide the truth.
<Judge> ふむう‥‥やはり、 リッパなココロがけです。 Hmm. Honesty! Another admirable trait.
Originally, his "underwater blindfolded basket weaving" standards were about soft-boiling eggs so that the yolk hardens while the white remains soft. They're called "onsen tamago" because these eggs were traditionally cooked in a hot spring, but can be cooked in any ol' pot between 70-80°C (158-176°F). It's one of those old-timey signs that a soon-to-be-wed would be a good wife because she could cook. Now, the only time I'd ever see these eggs is when I don't boil them hotly enough.
On that note, nowadays there are underwater basket weaving Olympics. Thanks, Rio 2016. Maybe Tokyo 2020 (2021?) could include a special event category for egg-boiling.
> 1st Witness Testimony, press 3rd statement
<Alita> ちゃんと管理されてるから、 フツウの組員じゃムリだと思います。 Not really, I think. There's a system in place to limit access.
でもね。滝太クンはトクベツ。 なんたって。アトトリ息子ですから。 But Wocky's a special case, being the next-in-line.
<Klavier> 少し、甘やかされていたところは あったんじゃないかな。 Perhaps his treatment was a bit too special, ja?
<Alita> たしかに、“おぼっちゃん”な トコロはあったかもしれません。 Well, maybe he is a bit spoiled...
誕生日に、スゴいプレゼントを もらったって話もきいてるし。 I hear he got amazing presents for his birthdays.
ガムでできた“ドス”とか、 チョコレートの“花札”とか。 Last year was a switchblade made out of chewing gum and a chocolate gravestone!
<Apollo> (アブナイものが好きなのか、  アマいものが好きなのか‥‥) (Sounds like he has a taste for sweets... and danger.)
Originally, they were a rubber dosu and a chocolate hanafuda card. Danger AND gambling, but the kid-friendly kind!
Though, I can accept "chewing-gum switchblade" here because "ガム" (gamu) can also mean that kind of gum or the gum material of rubber.
> Press 5th statement, present Alita, present chart or sandals
<Judge> ちょっと待ちなさい! Ms. Tiala!
あなたは“被害者とはなんの 関係もない”と証言しています! You testified that you had no connection to the victim!
<Alita> なんの関係もないわよ。 ‥‥今となっては、もう。 And I don't. Now.
<Apollo> 今となっては‥‥? "Now"...?
<Alita> だって。半年前に、やめたんだから。 もう、無関係でしょ。 I quit half a year ago, didn't I? So there's no connection.
‥‥アナタたち、もしかして。 Let me guess, you're the kind of guy...
コイビトのムカシのコト、ぜんぶ 聞かないと気がすまないタイプの、 ...who can't rest until he knows every last detail of his girlfriend's past.
ちっぽけなオトコ、なのかしら? Am I right?
<Judge> そんなコトはないですぞ! 私は、その。 Th-That's not true at all! Why, I...
愛しい��トの、ちょっとした過去も まとめて抱きしめるタイプの、イキ I embrace the ones I love, past flaws and all, no matte--
<Apollo> “今はもう”無関係‥‥ それは、通らないんですよ。 "There's no connection now" doesn't fly in a court of law.
<Alita> ‥‥どういうこと、かしら? Doesn't... fly?
<Apollo> (さすが、キモっ玉が座っている) (She's one tough nut.)
(キタキツネ一家にヨメ入りしよう  とするだけのコトはあるな) (She probably feels right at home with the Kitakis!)
Fyi, the judge responded here because she called them all out, not just the defense.
And yep, here it is again: "キモっ玉". So, a Sherman-tank mom and a tough-nut fiancée; no wonder she fits right in. (I still think "bee trove" is more apt, though.)
> Present more evidence to tie her in but present wrongly
<Judge> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ そうですね。私としては ... Well, I suppose I could see--
<Klavier> おデコくん。キミのたぐっている 糸は、真実につながってない‥‥ Herr Forehead. This trail you think you have found, it doesn't lead to the truth.
ついでに、キミの弁護士生命も 断ち切ってあげようか? Nor to a long career in the legal profession, ja?
<Apollo> け、けっこうです。 Gee, thanks.
<Klavier> じゃあ、かわりに。 いつものヤツ、やらせてくれるかな。 Perhaps you will allow me to do the honors?
<Judge> ふむう‥‥ まあ。たまには、よいでしょう。 Hmm... Why not? It might be nice for a change.
<Klavier> ‥‥それじゃ。遠慮なく。 Let’s Rock! Most excellent... Let's rock!
<Apollo> (なんだか‥‥  いつもの何倍もクヤシイ) (I'll take the usual penalty next time, thanks.)
<Judge> それでは、弁護人! もう一度 提示していただきましょう。 Very well, Mr. Justice. Try again.
Look, guys, the JP script does have English letters and it has them for a good reason. Kudos to the loc team for that most excellent reference too.
> 2nd Witness Testimony, present medical chart at 4th statement, Perceive at new (6th) statement, present wrong evidence about the "threat"
<Alita> ‥‥その証拠品が、どうかした? ...Because of what?
<Apollo> え‥‥ Um...
<Alita> アナタ。目はいいかもしれないケド。 アタマはクモの巣が張ってるみたい。 The eyes of a hawk... and the brain of a toad.
<Apollo> (‥‥ここで引っこむ  ワケにはいかない!) (Ribbit! I mean, ack! I can't lose this now!)
(アタマのクモの巣を払え!  もう一度だッ!) (C'mon toad brain, one more try!)
Originally, the metaphor was "brain full of cobwebs". So Odoroki tries dusting his attic.
> Press newer (7th) statement
<Apollo> その証言の“ウソ”は、さっき 見抜いたじゃないですか! We already know you're lying about having no reason!
<Alita> わかってるわよ! エラそうに言わないで! I know you know! Don't look at me like that!
<Apollo> え‥‥‥ Huh...?
<Alita> ヒトをトンでもない目つきで ニラんでくれちゃってさ。 Like I'm some two-bit washed up good-for-nothing...
コワかったじゃないの! You scared me!
<Klavier> ‥‥たしかにね。 ...I concur.
ぼくですら、そこまでアツい目で 見つめられたことはないよ。 Even I am rarely treated to such a... hot gaze.
<Apollo> す。すみません‥‥ S-Sorry...
(‥‥そうとうスゴいカオを  さらしているらしいな、オレ) (Maybe I need to do some face training, too...)
"Hot gaze"... Yeah, sounds about right.
Last line was simply: "(...I guess I made quite the face at her.)"
> Present bullet in safe
<Judge> まさか! それでは、その財産を 狙って、その。婚約をしたと‥‥ Nefarious! So she planned to marry him just to get her hands on this fortune?
<Wocky> イイカゲンなコトを 言い散らかしやがってェ‥‥ You keep talking trash about my Alita...
訴えてやるぞッ! このクサレ弁護士がァッ! ...and I'll sue you, lawyer-man!
<Apollo> ‥‥えッ! お、オレですか! ...Huh? Me!?
<Wocky> アンタ、今、言ったな‥‥ Yeah! You said...
オレのみなみちゃんに‥‥ オレのみなみちゃんに‥‥ You said you'd... You'd...
コクハクするとッ! You'd abuse my Alita!
<Apollo> いやいやいや! “コクハツ”ですよッ! Um, I think you mean "accuse"...!
<Wocky> おんなじコトだッ! みなみちゃんはわたさんぞッ! Same difference! Well you can't have her! She's mine!
It was "kokuhaku" (confess, usu. love to someone) vs "kokuhatsu" (accuse).
<Alita> ‥‥滝太クンさあ。 ...Wocky.
イイカゲン、 現実と向かい合いなさいって。 Wake up and smell reality!
<Wocky> み‥‥ミナミちゃん‥‥? A... Alita-baby?
<Alita> カルテのサイン‥‥ 退院を待って、婚約‥‥ The signature on the chart, the engagement...
わかるでしょ? フツー。 I mean, come on! It's so obvious.
いくら、頭のカラッポな お坊ちゃんでも。 Even for a brainless, spoiled brat such as yourself.
<Wocky> みなみちゃん‥‥ Alita...
<Klavier> どうやら‥‥ホンネが 聞けそうだね。おじょうさん。 Your honesty is like a breath of foul air, Fräulein.
<Alita> まあ‥‥このぶんじゃ、ね。 無傷じゃア、済みそうもないし。 Hey, I wasn't getting out of this clean, anyway.
I think I'd prefer if Klavier here used a sound-based metaphor given how his entire character design is based on music. In the JP, he also used a sound metaphor: "It seems... we now hear your true voice, young lady."
Granted, "honne" also just means "true nature", but I like the hidden pun there.
> 3rd Witness Testimony, press 5th statement, point out "another place", point anywhere within the area of attention (double penalty)
<Apollo> 犯人が被害者を撃ったのは、 このポイントです! This is where the killer shot from!
<Judge> そこから、被害者の右のコメカミが 撃てないのは、立証済みです。 But then the killer couldn't have shot his right temple.
<Klavier> ボケるには早すぎるよ。 おジイさんじゃないんだから。 So young, and already senile. How unfortunate...
<Judge> 私はボケておりませんぞ! I'll have you know I'm not senile!
事件が起こった日の朝、何を 食べたか、ハッキリと‥‥ Why I remember exactly what I ate the morning of the crime!
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ..............................
<Judge> とにかくッ!  ペナルティを与えます! Ahem! Penalty!
<Apollo> (‥‥ズルいや) (...No fair.)
<Klavier> それじゃあ。 もう一度指摘してもらおうかな。 You seem intent on digging your own grave. Here, have a shovel and try again.
Odoroki suddenly dropping in Kansai accent out of the blue caught me off-guard. (It's his last line here.) Man was so devastated by that double penalty he got sent out west.
10/21/20 edit: Whoops, my bad. That wasn’t Kansai accent and wouldn’t have made sense if it was. He’s just sighing to himself, really, and I mistook that last ‘ya’ as a copula.
> Point to noodle stand, present slippers & bowls
<Judge> わかっていると思いますが。 現在、この法廷で‥‥ I would like to remind the witness of her current status.
あなたを完全な“潔白”と 考えている人間は、おりません。 This court does not consider you entirely innocent.
<Alita> ‥‥完全にまっ白な人間は おとぎ話の中に住んでるものよ。 Show me an innocent... I'll show you a fairy tale.
<Judge> ‥‥とにかく。 ...In any case.
いつのまにか、弁護側は 提示してしまったようです。 The defense has, somehow, made its point.
この証人に、宇狩院長を殺害する 動機とチャンスがあったことを。 The witness had both a motive and an opportunity to kill Dr. Meraktis.
<Alita> そんな不条理な“逆転”‥‥ おとぎ話でもお目にかかれないわね。 More fairy tales! This whole trial is a fairy tale!
<Judge> 最後に、一度だけ。 あなたに説明のチャンスを与えます。 Then please, pull us back down to reality, Ms. Tiala.
証言をおねがいしましょう。 I'm giving you one last chance to explain yourself.
Her last line here: "An absurd 'turnabout' like that... wouldn't even be seen in fairy tales!"
> 4th Witness Testimony, Perceive at 5th statement, point wrongly
<Apollo> 美波さん。‥‥そこだッ! ...Gotcha, Ms. Tiala!!!
<Alita> 聞こえてるわよ。 大きな声で2回も言わなくても。 I heard you just fine the first time.
なに? ゴキブリでも出たの? What, I wasn't aware we were playing paintball.
<Apollo> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
<Trucy> きわめて冷静ですね。 ‥‥みなみさん。 She's one cool cucumber, that Alita.
<Apollo> (‥‥どうやら、  ややハズしたみたいだな) (...Hmm. Maybe I spotted the wrong spot.)
Originally, she suggested "Cockroach", which iirc is a playground game with a mix of "Hide'n'Seek" and "Tag". For some reason, I'm struggling to find a source online for this, but I swear I remember looking it up before...
10/21/20 edit: Welp, I guess I was overthinking it. She just asks him if he spotted something icky like a cockroach.
> Point correctly, present lamp
<Judge> それでは! この証人に対する 尋問を終了いたします! Very well! This finishes the cross-examination of this...
<Klavier> クッ‥‥クックックッ‥‥ Heh. Heh heh heh.
何を言ってるのかな‥‥ アツいギグは、これからなのに。 Not so fast. This party's just getting started!
Let’s rock, guys! Now, we rock!
<Apollo> ど。どういうコトですかッ! W-What!?
<Klavier> やはり‥‥ 弁護士というのは、ツメがアマい。 Those spikes on your head are softer than they look...
なぜ、最後までジジツを 追求しようとしないんだい? Or do you not have the stomach to go all the way?
...Come on, loc team, you had one job and you were doing so well with it up to here. At least dress up that "Now, we rock!" a bit with some German or Eurorock flair.
> Present bowls in clinic again or noodle stand, point out the river
<Apollo> そ。そうか‥‥! Th-That's right...!
事件の起こった、あの晩。 成歩堂さんをハネ飛ばしたのは‥‥ That night, the car that hit Mr. Wright...
宇狩 輝夫のクルマ、だった‥‥ ...was that green sports car!
<Judge> な‥‥なんですと! Oh, yes! I-I'd nearly forgotten about it!
<Klavier> その後、ガレージに戻ったのだから、 クルマには、故障はなかったんだ。 Afterward, he drove it back to that garage. It ran fine.
<Alita> ‥‥そのとおり。 それなのに‥‥ ...That's right.
その、自慢のクルマを 使わないハズがないでしょ? So why didn't he use his beloved sports car, hmm?
<Apollo> ぐ‥‥ッ! Urk...!
<Klavier> このムジュンが、キレイに 説明できないかぎり‥‥ A glaring contradiction, to be sure.
きみのスイリは成立しないのさ。 ‥‥おデコくん! More glaring than your forehead.
<Apollo> そ‥‥‥そんなあああああああッ! No... Nooooooooooo!
The first time I played this part, I found it a lot funnier than I should have because I thought Apollo was screaming about how his forehead was so "glaring".
That's it. I just wanted to share. The JP lines are just the usual "With that contradiction gone, your conjecture won't stand... Odeko-kun!"
> Select "He couldn't use the car", present Magic Panties
<Apollo> そして、オレはきのう。そのときは 気がつかなかったケド‥‥ By the way, I learned something yesterday...
ものすごく重要な“情報”を 聞いていたんです。 ...A very important piece of information.
‥‥そう! 牙琉検事。あなたからね! ...And I learned it from you, Prosecutor Gavin!
<Trucy> あの! 捜査ですか? Um, so you were here investigating?
<Klavier> まあね。帰ろうと思ったんだが‥‥ バイクがイカれちゃってね。 And I was on my way home... when my hog gave up the ghost.
<Apollo> バイクが‥‥? Your hog...?
<Klavier> エンジンがかからないんだ。 排気パイプがつまっちゃって。 My motorcycle won't start. A clogged exhaust pipe...
<Trucy> へえ! 高そうなオートバイなのに、 Too bad! It looks like such a nice bike, too.
そんなコトで こわれちゃうんですか? Hard to believe that it could break just from that!
<Klavier> クルマもバイクもいっしょさ。 どんな理由であれ‥‥ Cars, motorbikes, they're all the same.
排気パイプをふさがれると、 エンジンがかからなくなる。 Clog the exhaust, and they won't run.
<Alita> エンジンが‥‥かからない‥‥ My, how interesting.
"My, how interesting", indeed. It sounds so out of place that I wonder if this was supposed to be a temporary line that they decided to keep in the final draft. For reference, it was just "The engine... was clogged...!?"
> Court Lobby
同日 午後 4時12分 地方裁判所 被告人第2控え室 June 17, 4:12 PM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 2
<Trucy> やりましたね! オドロキさん! おめでとうございます! Great job, Apollo! You did it!
<Apollo> ああ、やったな! ‥‥なんとか、ね。 Yeah, we did, somehow...
<Trucy> 滝太さんも、無罪になって‥‥ Wocky's off the hook...
キレイな身体で極道の世界へ 羽ばたいていくんですねー。 ...free to become the gangster he's always wanted to be!
きっと、オドロキさんに カンシャして‥‥ And he has you to thank...
<???> テメエこのヤロウくそ弁護士がッ! Hey! Attorney-man!
<Wocky> よくも! よくもオレの! よくもオレのミナミちゃんをッ! You're gonna pay for what you did to my Alita, homes!
<Trucy> ‥‥まったく、カンシャ されてないみたいですね。 ...Or to blame, I guess.
<Wocky> テメエこのヤロウくそ弁護士がッ! You give my Alita back!
返してくれよ! オレのミナミちゃんをよおおおお! Stupid pointy-head attorney with a death-wish!
Ahaha, the full list of punk swears. I wonder if the loc team had the choice to use even more colorful words here, what would they have come up with? I mean, sure, Wocky is super childish in a way, but he totes would be that one kid in CoD screaming expletives and something about Apollo's mom.
<???> コラッ! 滝太ッ! Enough, Wocky!
<Apollo> あ! 常勝さん‥‥ Ah! Mr. Kitaki...
<BigWins> ‥‥滝太。いいかげんに、 目を覚ましたらどうなのだ。 ...It's high time you opened your eyes, Wocky.
<Wocky> テメエこのヤロウくそオヤジがッ! What do you know, old man!
目を覚ますのは キサマの方だろうが! I think it's 'bout time you opened yours!
極道のミチ踏みはずして、 カネ儲けに走りやがって! Givin' up the life, tryin' to become some kinda businessman!
<BigWins> 滝太ッ! オマエは なにもわかっとらんのだッ! Don't talk about what you don't understand, Wocky!
<Trucy> ‥‥そのうち、つまみ出されますね。 この調子だと。 ...I'm afraid the guard is going to throw them both out.
<Apollo> めんどくさい親子だな、 マッタク。 ...If not in jail. Wouldn't that be a happy ending.
And then he'd throw the same kind of insults at his dad too, but with less about moms, I'd hope.
<BigWins> オマエをこんな目にあわせたのは、 極道という生き方のせいだ。 It was the gangster life that did this to you, Wocky.
‥‥オマエを助けたい。 キレイなカネで‥‥な。 ...I want to help you, and I want to do it clean.
わかってくれないか。 ‥‥滝太。 Please understand. Wocky...
<Wocky> オ、オヤジ‥‥ D-Dad...
ば。バカにしやがって‥‥ いつも‥‥いつも、こうだッ! M-Man, I see how it is, old man! Always you looking out for... out for...
<Trucy> た。滝太さん‥‥? Wocky...?
<Wocky> いいか、くそオヤジ! オレだって。オレだってなあ! Listen good, old man! One day... One day...
いつか、きっと! キサマをケリオトしてやるんだ! I'm gonna take you out! Then we'll see who's the O.G.!
どこの世界に逃げてもな! クビを洗って待っておけッ! You try to hide in your business suit, I'll find you!
テメエこのヤロウくそオヤジがッ! Stupid ol' geezer!
<Trucy> あ! ‥‥滝太さん! My! Wocky!
<BigWins> ‥‥コレでいいのです。 ...No, it's as it should be.
<Apollo> オヤジさん! (その目で見つめないでほしいな) Mr. Kitaki! (I liked him more without the puppy dog eyes.)
...Wocky, ya big tsundere. I love this father-son relationship.
And it's contagious. Even Odoroki here is calling him "Oyaji-san" after all the times he was polite.
<BigWins> アンタたちに会えてよかった。 ‥‥ワシは、コトバがニガテです。 I'm glad... to have met you. I'm not so good with words...
やはり。プロに任せるものだね。 But I know a professional job when I see one. Thank you.
<Apollo> そ。そんな‥‥ Who? Me? I don't think...
<BigWins> ‥‥いつか‥‥ Someday...
新製品・《キタキツネもなか》を 持って、お礼にうかがうとしよう。 I'll bake you one of our latest... The Kitaki Lime Pie.
<Apollo> (‥‥お菓子屋さんにでも  落ち着くつもりなのかな) (...He's opening a pie shop!?)
Not just a pie shop; all the sweets you could find, with their specialty "Kitakitsune Wafer"! Technically, it's monaka, which is a wafer cake usually filled with asuki bean jam. It's also among the things you can see in the credits (exclusive to the JP version, anyway) when we see this happy family again.
<Trucy> あ! そうだ。 帰る前に、行かないと! Oh, that's right! We have to go someplace first!
<Apollo> え? ‥‥どこに? Huh? Where?
<Trucy> “報酬”ですよ! ムギツラさんの! Why, to claim our reward from Mr. Eldoon!
<Apollo> ‥‥ああ。しょっぱいラーメンか。 もう、屋台は戻ったのかな? ...Ah, salty noodles. Right. He got his stand back already?
<Trucy> そのあとは、みぬきのステージも 見に来るんですからね! Oh, and after that, you can come see my show!
ぼうしクンスペシャル。 みぬきからの“報酬”です! With a special appearance by the Amazing Mr. Hat!
<Mr. Hat> じつはコレ、 めったにやりません。 Oh, it's special alright!
<Apollo> ‥‥だから、もういいよ。それ‥‥ Please... anything but him.
Originally the gentleman said: "It is going to be a rare sight, indeed."
Next up, the most infamous episode of this game for its unintentional earworm... Though honestly, I never really found it all that bad. That said, thank goodness SoJ had a skip button for certain scenes, even if I didn’t mind watching them over and over anyway.
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