#they're just standing there.. menacingly lmao
cloudsrust · 2 years
EDIT: Heads up, this is fake. I just really wanted to do a funny bit with my fanon character since I thought the edit had come out quite good-! So uhh I think I found a new character? I finally got some free time and since I missed playing CotL I started a new save file (too stressed to do the final boss on the other rip). All normal until I get to when I should see Helob open their uhhh- "shop". And- So uhh I think I found a new character? I finally got some free time and since I missed playing CotL I started a new save file (too stressed to do the final boss on the other rip). All normal until I get to when I should see Helob open their uhhh- "shop". And-
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Excuse me who the hell are you?? Also damn they're tall-
Still! The shop is there, empty but there. I tried talking to them and apparently their (her? Might be a she but not sure) name is Crede. They offered to watch over my cult while I crusade- I mean I'm curious and this is a side file sooo- sure, knock yourself out sister mantis-! Also after I accepted I couldn't really interact with them anymore so I do be lowkey worried- maybe I should've saved before accepting.
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walpu · 5 months
Ooh imagine bodyguard reader (selectively mute + very VERY emotionally constipated)
Remember Ratio and Aven’s game of 4D chess with Sunday? Yeah, see, Aven forgot to keep reader in the loop, so after 2.1, I just can’t get the thought of reader just- getting all hissy and fussy whenever Ratio is even 10 feet near Aventurine, refusing to even speak with at all lmfao 😭
Reader thinks that Ratio actually betrayed Aven, and they refuse to let the scholar even 50 feet near either of them, imagine Reader just standing menacingly and glaring down Ratio while Aventurine’s not paying attention 😭😭
Ratio: Gambler, did I offend your bodyguard somehow? They're... glaring.
Aven, turning around and seeing reader with a natural expression: Hah? What do you mean, doc? Don't be fooled by their strict face, they're a sweetheart underneath~
Reader as soon as Aven turns hus back to them:
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restinslices · 7 days
This one's majorly because I want your funny take on it bc my mind can't decide LMAO. Could I request LKBS when their daughter or kid is being flirted with/asked out. I majorly think Bi-Han would tweak tf out but pretend he isn't buuut- I'm here for your take on it!
My bad for the wait anon. I've been sick for over a week and I was tryna wait for it to pass but it's still here sooo imma stop waiting and thug it out. My body hates me. I'm typing this on my phone and tumblr is so glitchy on here. Imma start biting my walls-
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Bi-Han is for sure tweaking on the inside
It's not even just the fact that his daughter is being flirted with. It's the fact that this is happening IN FRONT of him
That gif is what he wants to do
Now do I think Bi-Han is like "oh my little girl can NEVER date?
Do I think that he thinks dating shouldn't be their priority?
She should focus on other things he deems important before getting distracted and dating
Bi-Han would just be standing there like the Hash Slinging Slasher while this rando is flirting with his daughter
If she starts flirting back, which she probably would, I could legit see him walking over and making his presence known
The poor teenagers-
"Bàba this is Dylan" "Hi Mr-"
Bi-Han grabs his daughter by the top of the head and starts walking away
It doesn't hurt. He just has a very firm hold and is like "we're going this way"
The absolute audacity to flirt in front of him? What happened to respect? Decorum?
Back in his day, he would NEVER do such a thing in front of his father. And he let that bitch die.
"Hey! Why did you do that?" "That boy is no good for you" "You don't even know him!" "Look at his arms. They're skinny. He can't protect you. He'd be dead weight"
Wow. I always love our talks Bi-Han :D
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I don't think Kuai Liang would start tweaking, but I think he shares the same views as Bi-Han
There's just certain things he thinks is inappropriate to do in front of parents
And by "in front of parents" these two mean "in the same area". Doesn't matter if they're on the other side of the room
"Harumi, who is that boy?" "That's Dylan! Him and (name) are rather close" "Oh so she told you about Dylan but not me?
I don't think he necessarily wants to pull her away, but he would wanna make his presence known
Y'all know how some dads are with their daughters. She's his Princess and the thought of her growing up tugs at their heart
He wants to go over and stop the whole scene but Harumi tells him no
So instead he pretends he's not staring but definitely is
This mf has the most intense gaze as he's watching them. Harumi got a tight grip on him. She needs a damn leash
At some point his daughter and Dylan (idk why this name is sticking-) look over
He's just standing there... menacingly!
"Um, Dylan, I gotta go. I don't think my dad is happy"
Meanwhile "See what you did?" "I'm just standing here"
Exactly. You're just standing there and being a creeper
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If this mf dies in Khaos Reigns, y'all are never seeing me again
Moving on-
I'm not exactly sure how Tomas would react
On one hand, he's grown up with Kuai Liang and Bi-Han, so he probably shares some of the same ideas and mentality
On the other hand, I just don't see him having a strong reaction
He prefers if this wasn't happening in front of him, but he kinda knows that teens don't be thinking fr
One thing's for certain though, he better not see SHIT become physical over there
No shoulder touching, no hand touching, no kissing, no hugging for too long-
It's just a bit too much
Tries to act like he's doing other shit but his eyes keep darting
Like bitch you're never pretending to be counting leaves. Didn't think this through, did you?
I can imagine his daughter looking over and being like "Hey papa! What are you doing?
"Nothing. Me? Haha... just hanging around"
"Would you like to meet Dylan?" "Well if you insist"
Actually talks to Dylan
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muirmarie · 8 months
i do tho need to have mccoy dragged into any/all situations at all times. i need him to exist, and be sitting innocently by himself, and then be fully dragged into a Situation, be it a relationship or a girls' night or what have you.
the girls' night is my point, btw. i need:
the crew staying at a fancy hotel for a fancy work shindig
mccoy grabbing a drink by himself at the hotel bar
chapel and uhura dropping by to grab a drink (#pregaming) and making small talk with mccoy
them bullying him into coming upstairs to their room to show him something vaguely work related (looking back: this was clearly a lie)
he is now trapped in their room. they are getting ready to go out, but they're still talking to him. he is too southern gentleman polite to just leave.
his fingernails are getting painted. they actually look really great so he can't even complain. but he's going to complain anyway.
they are ignoring his complaining.
there are now five other women in this room. he's a little tipsy. someone is doing his eyeliner.
is he allowed to leave?
no, no chapel and uhura have informed him he's not allowed to leave. hmm.
oh, they're all going to a club.
uhura, he loves you, but he's a doctor, not a -
what a great point all twelve (12??) of you make. to the club he will go.
he's not a dancer, he's -
all right, he has been informed he's both a doctor and a dancer
i mean, this is actually pretty fun.
he does actually know how to dance quite well, he took lessons, he just -
chapel if you are filming this he is going to -
excuse him one moment someone is being a creep and he needs to go stand menacingly behind his girls (who will definitely clean the floor with said creep, but still.)
oh look jim kirk rushing to the rescue what a shocker
sorry jim i have been informed that i am not allowed to hang out with you and spock tonight. i am otherwise occupied.
christine, are they allowed to -
no, jim, you are not allowed to hang out with us. it's girls' night.
jim i swear to fuck this is not me not allowing you i don't even know why i am here jim i -
yes, spock, i am wearing nail polish. thank you. that's nice of you to say.
hold on, is nail polish something like???? sexy??? for vulcans???? because of y'alls hand kinks????
lmao jim look at how much he's blushing
i don't care how good i looked - if you took a video of me dancing james tiberius kirk i will end you. i will end -
oh wait sorry i have just been informed i have to go. we're going to another club.
(help me)
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disorderedcritters · 11 days
Some food for y'all because I don't think I've done a proper drawing in a little while
So , , here's all the critters having a little sleepover
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(yes I did watermark this to shit. I worked on this for so long lmao)
A few other lighting versions + a rant about making this and my thought process under the cut !!
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So, making this took SO LONG. I'm not very good at posing and this definitely challenged me. Plus I don't think I've ever drawn this many characters in one piece, so it was a good practice. (Also I may or may not be shipping Galaxy and Nebula lmao). Personally I really liked doing Aster's pose, just kind of standing back there menacingly lol. Well, not so menacingly, they're such a cutie. Also I tried to give everyone little hoodies or sweaters, a throwback to that one drawing of Solar in a hoodie (Lunar definitely made everyone wear them btw). The background was pretty hard. I'm not very good at them as I mentioned before, and I'm especially not good at perspective but I gave it a shot this time! I quite enjoyed drawing Solar too, he's definitely my favourite of them all <3 (yes I have favourites). Also Galaxy was meant to have a blanket but it was cut out because it looks weird, so yeah, sorry guys. Also LUNAR IS SO CUTE HERE, she's just, so peaceful!! All of them are meant to be relatively tired, but I really wanted at least one or two to be sleeping (Nebula and Lunar)
And for context this piece takes place in some kind of community room. It's assumed the perspective is from a door / window, which is why the lighting a circle (it's meant to be light from the window of the door, if that makes sense).
I think this would be a nice starting point for the game, but unfortunately for y'all I don't think I will go for it lol.
Speaking of the game I have designed a player character, but y'all won't see them for a bit don't worry
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heart-wit-strength · 5 months
I love how describing a character as a png has it's own meaning rather than like . an image file
they're not JUST an image, they're a PNG. Most basic pose and expression to ever exist
Lmao they're so passive aggressive for no reason xD and it's always the 'just standing there menacingly' vibe pose
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foileadeux · 2 years
Hope you okay with more questions. What are your thoughts on how Hollow knight feels about their family members? Like Little Ghost or Hornet or Pale King or White Lady or the rest of the vessels (who are ded)
yep yep all good! ill admit the questions have been a little overwhelming because ive just never really done this before, but its super fun having a dialogue with you guys!! and its just nice to ramble about hk haha
MAN hollow has a lotta feelings about their family... ive always really liked the idea of little hornet and hollow forming a bond together at her time at the white palace. she'd play games and hide under their cloak, hollow would act disinterested once the retainers passed by but absolutely play along with her when alone. theyre friends! but pk would most likely separate them most of the time as to not distract them from their Pure Vessel Duties, which would upset little hornet and pk would have to deal with her punching her little fists on his leg hollow's thoughts on little ghost hmm.... im sure theres a LOT of regret there for leaving their sibling on that ledge, that regret extending to the rest of the fallen vessels- maybe a sort of survivor's guilt? i wish we'd known as to what exactly made pk choose hollow over their siblings, but im sure the titles placed upon them weigh heavy and feel misplaced considering they do, in fact, have thoughts and feelings LMAO. but other than their shared pain i think they'd be besties, even though they're likely born from the same clutch they definitely have a younger-older sibling dynamic. hollow showing up in ghosts vicinity to just stand there menacingly and then walk away without a word. Typical big sibling behaviour hollow's thoughts on pale king.... ough. im sure theres a lotta conflicting feelings, they definitely loved, idolised and respected him, but there's also the amount of control that pk had exerted over their life that made them feel very distant and isolated, i think this would bring maybe a tinge of resentment towards him, but mostly towards themself for failing their duties. lots and lots of yearning for pk to care for them as their father (coughs at the "please make me your son" in toba the tura). pain.....pain!!! and so, so much repression
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Mega Man 2 Powered Up - Dialogue (*Mega Man route)
out of nowhere, I know. but also....please...I've been thinking abt this concept for years. turning it over and over in my head for quite literally, years. at least since 7th grade.
it needs to get Out of my system and Put somewhere...even if it sucks and plenty of people have tread this ground before.
It's not just banter either! got ideas for extra modes, challenges, bonus content, dlc....fuck man i just miss mmpu, what can I say? but i need to focus on one aspect at a time or we'll never get a thing done.
this kind of blossomed out of an abandoned project i was doing w former friends. as far as i know (unless one of them wants to step up and take it from me), it was pretty much left to my hands. we didnt get very far, but i'm fairly secure in Rock's, Metal's, and Air's exchanges, and the circumstances surrounding the Wilybots' playability.
i have plenty of thumbnails, but they're all scribbly and just for personal ref. it's hard to tell what's going on in some of them so i decided not to include them. i might do the ones i scrapped up for the opening cinematic and ending, but eh. only if anyone gives a shit lol.
further apologies if these characterisations don't agree with you lmao. you must understand going in that ive got my own ideas of how ppl sound and act and it reflects in the way they're written.this may lead to Cringe. please contact your health provider if you feel an acute sensation of Cringe lasting longer than five hours after reading this script. other side effects such as dizziness, nausea, dry mouth, and diarrhoea have been rep
Narrator: The year is 200X. Dr. Light's former lab assistant, Rock, has since been modified into a super robot named Mega Man. Mega Man was built to stop the evil desires of Dr. Wily. As such, he rescued his fellow creations of Dr. Light from his clutches and saved the people of Earth. After his defeat, Dr. Wily retired to the cover of shadow…only to return boasting eight new robots of his own…
[Mega Man runs across a terrorised city street in the middle of the night.]
[His COM unit begins to ring as he's running. It rings twice before he picks up, still running.]
Mega Man: Professor? Is that you?
Dr. Light: It is. Roll and I have gathered some intel for you: We have the approximate locations of Dr. Wily's robots.
Mega Man: Right. I'll be back to the lab as soon as I can.
Dr. Light: Don't be reckless, Rock. The maps show danger on the roads ahead of you. Please be careful out there.
[Dr. Light hangs up. Shortly after, an explosion is heard. Mega Man narrowly avoids bullet fire and proceeds to the right, beginning the tutorial stage.]
(VS. WILY - 1st TIME)
[Dr. Wily approaches from the background in his new capsule. The top opens, and he steps forward. His irises are distinctly red.]
Dr. Wily: Nu-ha-ha! You are too late, Mega Man! My robots are already busy conquering every major institution in your country! Soon, nothing will stand between me, and a seat at the top of this world!
Mega Man: Dr. Wily, why are you doing this?! You told me you were a changed man!
Dr. Wily: And you truly believed me? You are worse than the idiot human who constructed you! But enough talk -- I have business to attend to!
[Dr. Wily retreats into his capsule, and flies vertically out of sight. A cumbersome red battle mech named PLAT-4M stomps in menacingly from the right side of the screen.]
Dr. Wily: Fare-well, you insignificant little helper robot! Nwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!
[PLAT-4M is totaled, but still present after the fight. Mega Man's COM unit rings, twice again, before he picks up.]
Dr. Light: Rock! Are you alright?
Mega Man: Yeah…I just beat the mech Dr. Wily sent after me…
Dr. Light: Let's have a look…oh, that's very interesting…do you think could you do me a favour? Please, send this machine back to the lab. I have an idea.
Mega Man: What is it, Professor?
Dr. Light: Its moving parts in isolation may be useful to you, if reconfigured. I don't know precisely how quite yet, but I'll keep you updated on future developments as I work.
Mega Man: Understood, I'm on it. Over and out!
[PLAT-4M is sent off to Light Laboratories in a beam of red and white light. Mega Man follows shortly thereafter.]
[Mega Man touches base and stops in front of a large, idle monitor. Dr. Light and Roll are waiting on the left.]
Roll: Welcome back! Oh -- here's the location data Dr. Light was talking about!
[The screen cuts on, showing the eight robots available on the stage select.]
Dr. Light: They may not be exact, but the readings show they are stationed in these general areas. A quick search may turn up results.
Mega Man: Thanks, Professor. I'll head out as soon as I can.
Roll: Good luck, Rock! We're counting on you!
[A Metal Blade flies across the room just over Mega Man's head. Metal Man flips himself up on the belt from below to catch it, and pose.]
Metal Man: Sorry kid, no access past this point. Afraid I'm gonna have to cut you off here.
Mega Man: I'm not leaving until you give up control of the recycling plant, Metal Man!
Metal Man: Stubborn, are we? Heh…if you wanna get sent home in shreds, that's fine by me.
[Similarly to his appearance in Mega Man: The Power Battle, Air Man emerges from the eye of a developing tornado.]
Air Man: HARK! The vagabond rapscallion appears! What wind blows you here?
Mega Man: The winds of change! I'm here to stop you!
Air Man: FORSOOTH! The great AIR MAN will not be defeated by an insolent whelp such as yourself! Have at you, MegaMan!
[Similarly to his appearance in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters, Bubble Man rises up in a giant bubble. When it pops, he performs a backflip stroke.]
Bubble Man: Buh, what was it…oh! Ahem... Welcome, Mega Man, to Davy Jones' Locker!
Mega Man: Aww, a bubblemaking robot, he's totally harmless... We don't have to fight, do we?
Bubble Man: B-buh? Harmless?! I…I'm dangerous I tell you, super dangerous! Take me on, I'll make you eat craw!
[Quick Man dashes across the raised floors in a blur. At the peak of his third jump, he flips into a pose on the room's right end.]
Quick Man: What took you so long? Waitin' on slowpokes really drives me crazy, y'know?
Mega Man: Quick Man, hurry and shut this place down! You're gonna wreck the city's central power grid!
Quick Man: No way! Now that you're finally here, I'm runnin' you into the ground! Don't blink -- you'll miss me!
[The pipes on the right end of the room explode violently. Crash Man is blasted in, but recovers with a roll and stumble to a stand.]
Crash Man: You're Mega Man…the evil monster Dr. Wily warned me about…
Mega Man: Evil…? No, you're wrong! I'm fighting against world domination!
Crash Man: I WON'T FALL FOR YOUR TRICKS! For the sake of Dr. Wily, and all my brothers, I WILL DESTROY YOU!!
[Everything freezes until there's a sudden burst of white light. As it clears, Flash Man materialises on the right end of the room in a pose.]
Flash Man: Oh my…even from here, I can see your heart's been blinded by the light…isn't it sad?
Mega Man: Huh? What are you talking about…?
Flash Man: Forced to fight to protect those close to you…hasn't it clicked that we're one in the same?
[Heat Man's box sits plainly on the floor until it jumps. His arms and legs pop out, and the lid opens in a flare of fire once he's fully standing.]
Heat Man: Ugh. Guess I don't get my five minutes…hang on, I'll get ignited.
Mega Man: If you don't have the fire, we don't have to fight…
Heat Man: And get roasted by Dr. Wily for ignoring orders? How stupid do you think I am?
[The trees and their leaves above shake vigorously. Wood Man falls to the ground in a crouch, with a resonant rumble.]
Wood Man: The air, trees, water, animals, all innocent, all ruined…what kind of hero are you, man?
Mega Man: I…I didn't want to, but if I don't weed you out of here…
Wood Man: I can forgive a lot, but messing with the natural world…you just barked up the wrong tree, little dude.
[Mega Man returns to the laboratory. The room's lights are lower. The screen is idle and no longer reflects the stage select.]
Roll: Rock! Look at this!
Dr. Light: We've finally managed to tag Dr. Wily's ship.
[The screen settles into a clouded sky. The camera zooms into it until the perspective is from the sky itself, which is tracking Dr. Wily's capsule as it moves through the growing storm.]
Mega Man: That's him, alright, but…where's he going?
[Dr. Wily flips open the lid. His irises are still red. He briefly acknowledges/teases the camera by pulling a face and waggling his eyebrows. He shuts it again, and tries to outpace the camera.]
Dr. Light: A building mysteriously appeared from underground on a South Pacific island just recently…we have reason to believe it's his base of operations...Wily Castle.
[While Dr. Light is speaking, Dr. Wily vanishes through the clouds. When the camera catches up through the fog, it focuses at the bottom of the fortress. Cue prelude. It tilts up just in time to see Dr. Wily retreating into the eye of the skull. There is a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder.]
Roll: It's under super tight guard...
[The monitor then comes back into play as the view of the fortress becomes a grid map.]
Roll: The only way in, is to break in.
[The camera pulls out and fades back in to Light Labs, where the three are standing, facing the screen.]
Roll: If you climb around the outside wall, you might be able to sneak through the air ducts.
[The three turn to face each other.]
Dr. Light: We'll be geotagging you to build a map of the area as you proceed, so you won't get lost.
Mega Man: Then, I can find Dr. Wily and figure out what's throwing me off about him...
Dr. Light: Throwing you off?
Mega Man: ...N-no, forget it, there's no time. Thank you both -- promise I won't let you down!
Roll: Give it your all, Rock! You can do this!
[The map then becomes selectable, per fortress stage.]
[Mecha Dragon's body lurches bit by bit. She then roars out a blaze of flames.]
Mecha Dragon: Rrrrr...chaarrrrrrr…
Mega Man: I-I've been tailed into a corner...there's no backing out now!
[The eyes in the walls peek before flashing various colours in quick succession.]
Mega Man: Who's talking to me...? Where are you?!
[Guts Tank rolls onscreen, then straightens up, punching its fists together.]
Guts Tank: I'VE...GOT...GUTS.
Mega Man: G-Guts Man? As a tank?! Where does Dr. Wily come up with these things...?
[The eyes of each cannon rove about and glow until they fix on Mega Man. They then blink in unison.]
Boobeam: Mega Man is here? Mega Man is here! He is? Here! Where? There!
Mega Man: Who's controlling this room...? Can you hear me? Please, let me underground!
Boobeam: Request? Negatory! Invalid? Failed check! Fire? At will! At will? We will!
*Conditions for this one being, only the first robot you encounter here is the one you have any dialogue with. The WARNING! also only shows up once.
[The robot you're rematching appears in the same manner and pose as they did when you first fought them. Their textures appear somewhat holographic.]
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[The mech descends on screen with just a bit of puffing steam. Dr. Wily then drives his capsule into it, and pushes the windshield open. His irises are still red. His skin is now very slightly discoloured.]
Dr. Wily: Ack! You, are still alive?! My robots were better than that human Dr. Light's, so much stronger, and not a one of them could put a stop to you?!
Mega Man: Enough is enough, Dr. Wily! You're finished! Come out of the ship and turn yourself in!
Dr. Wily: I am "finished", am I?! We will see about that! My Wily Machine #2 is bigger and better than ever! One can only get lucky once, Mega Man! Say good-bye -- this is game over! Nu-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!
[He shuts the windshield and prepares the guns.]
[The face of the ship breaks off, revealing Dr. Wily in the cockpit.]
Dr. Wily: RAGE!! No-no-no-no-no-no-no! Now you've gone and done it! But I am not defeated just yet!
[He improvises a temporary solution, shedding any extra broken parts. Wily Machine #2's HP refills.]
[Wily Machine #2 fully breaks down. While it does, the floor begins to rumble.]
Dr. Wily: Irritation...it appears I must rely on my true form after all...if you can break your fall, that is!
Mega Man: What? True form...?
[The floor gives way from underneath of Mega Man before Dr. Wily is seen getting away. This transitions the player directly into the secret final stage.]
[Quietly, Dr. Wily's capsule descends. He jumps out of it and floats idle in the darkness. It spins away on autopilot without him. Roll is not heard giving a warning.]
Mega Man: What...what is this? Dr. Wily, where are we?!
Dr. Wily?: Tear down my robots, will you? Meddle with my perfect plan, will you? You have no idea WHAT YOU'RE DEALING WITH, MEGA MAN.
[Halfway through the last sentence, his body begins to transform. Mega Man takes a step back, horrified.]
Mega Man: N-no...there's no way...!
[The vast starscape fades in around them once the Alien is fully transformed.]
[Mega Man looks around as everything begins to deteriorate.]
Mega Man: It was...just a hologram...?
[Dr. Wily is seen trying to get everything back in good working order behind his terminal. He looks quite ragged.]
Dr. Wily: Guh...uh-oh! ...Please, have mercy?
[The machine that generated the alien hologram falls at Mega Man's feet. He shoots it, causing it to explode. The projector atop the room then powers down to dormancy.]
Dr. Wily: YIPE!!!
[Dr. Wily jumps out from behind the terminal, and proceeds to bow frantically.]
Dr. Wily: M-Mega Man, please forgive me! I-I had no intentions of going any farther, really! I'll pay reparations! [Cue fanfare.] I'll even make amends with Dr. Light, alright?! You win! I give, I giiiiiiive!
[The camera is focused on the now black stage select screen. Light Laboratories, shrouded in darkness, is then dimly illuminated by it whirring to life. Dr. Light and Roll meet up in front of it from opposite ends of the room. Its display shows Wily Castle billowing with smoke, and returning underground.]
Dr. Light: It's over...it's all over, he's done it! Rock's defeated Dr. Wily!
Roll: Oh, thank goodness he's out safely! So, when can you get him back home?
[Dr. Light immediately gets to work trying to locate Mega Man's signal. The monitor cuts to static.]
Dr. Light: If I can get a read on him, he's...ah...
Roll: Professor? What's the matter? What's wrong with Rock, is he okay?
Dr. Light: ...This...may take a bit longer than I thought...
**[Ending cutscene will be fully animated. There's more than 30 thumbnails. Will need to be a separate post in the future.]
[The screen is black.]
Dr. Wily: I know all the harm I've done. You don't have to forgive me, Thomas.
[The light lifts marginally. The two doctors are silhouetted, sitting in what looks to be a detention center. Cue music: a slow, melancholy remix of Dr. Wily's final boss theme from the original Powered Up.]
Dr. Light: I wouldn't have if I didn't get a chance to see you like this. To punish a man already deep in remorse…that isn't me. I only wish I could help you build a better future.
Dr. Wily: …We could start over.
Dr. Light: What do you mean?
Dr. Wily: Let me join you again. With our strengths combined, I can do what I've always wanted: show the world the true power of robotics.
Dr. Light: If your intentions truly are honest…then working towards everlasting peace is the only way.
Dr. Wily: That's it! A peacekeeping robot! We'll build one so supermassive, no evil could ever threaten it! We could retire MegaMan's hero act for good!
Dr. Light: He has always hated fighting…but to build a guardian for the entire planet…
Dr. Wily: It would take materials beyond what's available on Earth, but that's a non-issue in our modern times! If we work together, I believe all things are possible…don't you?
Dr. Light: …I do.
Dr. Wily: I knew you'd come around. But…I can hardly do anything held captive by the state.
Dr. Light: That won't be a problem. I'll post your bail by tomorrow and hire you back at Light Laboratories ASAP. Your robots, too. For such a big project, we'll need all hands on deck, possibly another set altogether…this is going to be revolutionary. I'm proud of you, Albert, truly.
Dr. Wily: I can't thank you enough. You're making the right decision, Thomas. From now on, I promise…we won't speak anymore of war.
[The player is prompted to save once more before being returned to the company logos and opening cinematic.]
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Season 1 Episode 2
Locker roooommmm
Stiles not knowing how to help and just tells him to focus on lacross
Also Scott's break down over it lmao
God I hate lacross
Lmao give Greenberg shit
"My grandmother can move faster then that. And she's dead."
Glowy eyes!!
Mcalls gonna do it again Mcalls gonna do it again Mcalls gonna do it again
Derek ominously standing. Judging
nuu dont hurt stiles.
Fire extinguisher smart!
Stiles just casually saying you tried to kill me after spraying him with a fire extinguisher is amazing.
Stiles is being responsible and reasonable
Title screennnnnnnnn
H o u s e
She's so supportive taking Saturday off because he's playing aw.
Her saying that however may cause major issues.
Her face God she's so concerned and confused lolol
Stiles is a dork lmaooo.
Because he's a tool.
Stiles saying they're counting on him is an awful thing to say at this point in time.
He's a golden retriever
Fair but dude this is a child who doesn't know what they're doing.
Tone it down a bit der
Is stiles still on call?
Coach is hilarious
Love him.
Having problems with agression? Play lacross.
We don't care if you hurt someone.
What you did to Jackson doesn't matter.
Coach if fair to say this. You can't show commitment, you can't play.
"My mum, she's nothing."
Also the look of concern Allison gives when he says that.
She included stiles!! She's so real for that.
If you date someone you gotta be nice to their friends too.
Spooky how'd that get there.
wait is it scott?
Also why is the hallway empty???
Lydia real.
Spy on his dad.
Yeah you Sass him for dissing your friend who's been nothing but kind to you.
Scott you're being so creepy.
Like. Ew.
Good job Allison he's showing so many red flags stay clear of him.
Scott don't be so mad
Also love how Derek get ominous noise and then just. Appears.
but I guess fair you don't know him.
Saying he's doesn't know it yet but your looking out for him???
Maybe explain???
How does he do it???
I need to know.
So cool.
Stiles is so awkward lmao.
Scott not judging him for these things is such good friend behaviour.
Stiles you are giving major creep vibes.
Please stop.
Honestly that Was the nicest thing.
Cause he just made a total fool of himself and instead of giving him shit for it she pretend she heard nothing.
And you know she did. Like did you see her facial expressions?
You are so not inconspicuous Scotty boy.
That was so sus.
Ah dead people place.
This is so sus.
Why you looking at a dead body?
please don't kiss.
They kissed..
Stiles looks so done.
Stiles asking the real questions.
Also that was deflection Scott.
Answer the question.
He's in his car that was not there last time.
J e e p.
Too perfectly timed.
Sassy Stiles yippee.
Fl ow e r
Real stiles, he is so unprepared.
Take the flower.
That's alot of rope
Dead girl now.
Judgy stare is back
Also why is he here. Dude. Have a better place.
P l e a s e
Scott is so done with stiles recklessness.
"I'm not afraid of you. Okay maybe I am."
Stiles sweetie
Derek that was hot.
The dad is here!!
Smartass lmao.
I love him so much.
How is the house standing up that well by the way?
Wasn't it burnt down?
Stiles I love you.
He's so curious about this.
Bag yeeted.
No more Scott.
Oh gross.
Where are his eyebrows??
Sees his face. Freaks out.
Also jumping off the roof like that was so dumb.
Chris is so confused and like fair. I would be too if a teenage boy just appeared and rolled off my car.
Also Allison was upstairs how'd she get there so quickly??
But good excuse.
Chis is also so concerned.
Lacross. Ew.
✨️ Sensory overload ✨️
He really should swear.
It feels awkward that he doesn't.
Stiles. Stiles you are making it worse.
But I feel your anxiety.
God I hate lacross.
Couldn't have been any other sport.
Coach your lack of care for his health is concerning.
Stiles is anxiety in a bottle.
I'm so uninterested in watching sport.
In team fighting yippee
Oh God his anger is gonna be bad nooo.
But Allison support your friend yeah
Jackson in asshole mode.
But he did like fuck up your shoulder so.
Glowy eyes again.
Ref he is not okay take him off.
Other team so confused and scared lmao.
Stiles is the only one who knows what's up.
How many signs does Lydia have????
Allison looks so done with lydia
Off his shoulder he goes.
Stiles is so happy for Scott this is great.
Love coach doing to talk to stiles.
Scott's mum is so confused but happy.
OOo breakdown scene??
Red visionnn
Shout out to him Allison please.
Or just talk that works too
Again stiles being excited for his friend.
He's having a panic attack and chis is putting the pieces together.
Glass break.
Here is my breakdown scene.
Allison is concerned for him sweet.
Also he's on the beams
He looks so dumb I can't
And Allison why are you in the boys locker room? Pervert.
How's he good at pretending he ain't wolf?
Probably denial
This is so cringe.
Maybe it's not that bad?
Derek is freeeeeeeeee
G l o v e
Jackson got glove!!
Jackson is sus of glove
0 notes
hiii! are you taking requests atm? if you are, can i request for a jake fic where he and reader are married, they're both pilots and they got called back to top gun. reader's preganant but she doesn't tell jake til after the missions coz of whatever reason you want for the fic
thanks! and i lovee your work! keep it up!
AN: ok, so I changed the request a little I hope you don't mind. I didn't want to send the reader on the mission if she knew she was pregnant:) gif cred @hxneyhxrts
WC: 3.4K. got a lil carried away LMAO
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Two letters sat in your mailbox, both stamped with the same sticker. You tried not to pass out when you read the return address, your heart dropping while standing in your driveway. You had gotten the mail when coming home from a quick grocery run, and the two letters from TopGun were staring menacingly back at you. You didn't open them, instead choosing to ignore that the letter could only mean one thing. You bit your lip, remembering that your period was still painfully late, and the thought jarred you. Jake still didn’t know you were 3 weeks late and you were still too scared to tell him about it. His car wasn’t in the driveway, and you clenched the letters in your hand tightly before getting back in your car.
You unloaded the groceries by yourself, not daring to ask Jake where he was through a text. Lately, he had been pretty inconsistent about telling you where he was. Maybe it was just your mind, but it was beginning to put you in a painful mindset of insecurity. You finished putting the new tin of butter in the fridge when your phone rang from the pocket of your leggings. You huffed and pulled it out, seeing Jake’s name flash across the screen. You slid the button across, trying not to put an annoyed tone on your voice.
“Hello?” You asked impatiently, realizing you did not succeed in not having a bite in your tone. Jake was quiet for a moment, probably taking notice of your tone. “Hey honey, did we get any letters today?”
You grinded your teeth, trying to think quickly of a response. Why would he be asking if he didn't know that TopGun was calling them? You shifted your weight from one foot to the other, but remained silent. He asked you if you were still on the line after a beat and you sighed heavily. “TopGun wants us back,” you told him, feeling like a weight had been lifted off your chest.
“Holy shit, it’s true!” He exclaimed, and you heard some rustling in the background. It sounded like he was at a bar, but you pegged that up to you just being paranoid.
“Listen, hon, I gotta go. I’ll talk to you when I get home.”
The call cut off then, leaving you with a can of tomato sauce in your hand dumbstruck. He had just fucking hung up on you. The audacity. You were seething in anger as you shelved the rest of your groceries in the pantry, ignoring the incoming texts from Fanboy. He was freaking out about getting a letter from TopGun as well, and you breathed a sigh of relief knowing he would be there at least. You were only three weeks late, and you still didn’t even know if you were pregnant. You were banking on the fact you weren’t, because you and Jake had always used protection. As well as the fact you weren’t having regular pregnancy symptoms. You decided to just call Fanboy, and he instantly dove into why you guys could be called back. The possibilities were endless with him.
As he was talking, you opened your own letter. It had given you all the information about your dorm arrangement and you grinned at the fact you had got your previous bungalow from your original days at TopGun. You nodded along with Fanboy’s theories and ramblings, debating whether you should text Phoenix. “Have you talked to Jake about this?” He asked inquistively, the sound of him munching on pretzel sticks filling the silence as you thought about what to say.
“Sort of?” You began, choosing to be honest. “He called me and asked about us getting letters, but then hung up on me. He’s been super weird about where he’s been with me recently, it’s starting to scare me.” You hated the vulnerability in your voice, feeling the need to get out of your suddenly cramped kitchen. You trudged into your shared bedroom, shutting the door behind you. Fanboy was trying his best to give you advice, but it was clear even he was struggling with what to tell you. Jake had never acted like this towards you before.
“It’s not like we’re even married,” you grumbled with a salty tone after he finished talking. You put him on speakerphone, popping the wine cork. You poured yourself quite the hefty glass and waited on Fanboy to comment on how long you were pouring for. When it didn’t come, you listened to him try to justify Jake waiting a year to even bring up dates for your wedding after the engagement. Your lips pressed into a thin line as you stared at the band on your dainty finger, debating if you should take it off and leave it on your nightstand for him to see whenever he got home. Not like you knew what time that could be.
“Today’s the third night he’s been gone for more than three hours and has not told me where he’s been. He barely even talks to me on the phone.” Verbalizing your thoughts made you even more angry, and you gulped down your wine as fastly as you could. Before you knew it, a second glass was being poured, then a third.
You had fallen asleep in your wine-drunk state, the glass fallen over on the duvet. Little bits of white wine sploshed around at the bottom, and the bottle rested on the nightstand. You had taken your ring off before going to bed, because of how angry Jake not showing before you fell asleep had made you. The time was one in the morning when he walked into your shared home, the eerie quietness of the house putting him on edge instantly. Were you ok? Jake knew he had been doing a bad job communicating with you, but he needed his space right now. Or, at least, that’s what he was telling himself to justify his shitty behavior.
He opened the door to your shared bedroom, his eyes locking on to the wine glass. He furrowed his eyebrows, and his eyes darted around the room, observing. The bottle of wine rested on your nightstand, basically empty. It was a new bottle, too. He shifted over to your nightstand, holding the bottle up. His thoughts were confirmed when he realized you hadn’t bothered with the price tag, meaning it was new. You drank an entire bottle of wine by yourself? He reached for the glass, taking it off the bed and placing it beside the bottle. When he went to place it down and it hit something, he was even more confused.
His heart sank as he looked at the O-shaped object in the dark. There was your engagement ring, sitting beside the bottle of wine by itself. Not on your finger. Had he really pissed you off this much?. He reached for your phone next, which was in your hands. He carefully removed it, trying his hardest to not wake you up, and the bright screen made him groan softly. His eyes adjusted to the light, grinning at your lock screen. A selfie of you and him after a hike you had suggested. Fanboy had sent you three text messages thirty minutes ago. He bit his lip, only able to read the top one unless you unlocked your phone for him. It read, “I’m sorry. Every couple has their struggles, sleep tight. Hope the wine doesn’t give you that bad of a hangover.”
You both were due to return to TopGun tomorrow, and yet you won’t tell him why you’re mad. He was of course, thinking in a confused state of mind, not realizing he hadn't given you any time to explain our frustrations. So it was about me, he thought. He locked your phone and plugged it in your charger, and quickly stripped himself of his clothes. 
He turned his brightness down as he climbed into bed beside your sleeping frame, and he settled on his usual side. It was especially odd for him to be awake when you were asleep. He had been with Rooster the past three nights, trying to figure out how the hell he was going to pull off the best wedding of his life. He had been putting it off due to your inconsistent jobs, but had decided the time was now. Then, the letter came in Rooster’s mail, and then yours. He hadn’t told you about him and Rooster because he wanted his effort to be more of a surprise to you. He wanted to woo you like he used to do all the time back when you were dating. He sighed, texting Rooster back that he had gotten home safe, and realized how shitty of a fiancé he had been the past week.
Jake couldn’t sleep, his inner voice rotting his brain. What if you chose to break off the engagement? He had to stop thinking, so he made his way into the kitchen and made himself a snack. When that didn’t help distract him, he packed his duffel bag for both of your departures tomorrow, and laid out your favorite clothes to make your packing easier. He had eventually fallen asleep in one of the living room chairs around 3:30, your favorite book open in his lap.
The bed was cold when you woke up, and you instantly thought of Jake not coming home. You grabbed your ring and selfishly slid back onto the finger, feeling disconnected without it. You pulled the duvet back and slid on your slippers, and padded down the stairs. As you made your way, your eyes caught sight of your handsome fiancé completely slouched over in your favorite reading chair. Not to mention your favorite book, To Kill A Mockingbird, lies in his lap. You smiled at the sight, making your way over to him carefully. As you made your way into the living room, you saw his Navy duffel all packed up, and your heart stopped. It resumed to beat when you looked over and saw your own lying beside it, your favorite clothes folded neatly in a pile beside it. You crossed your arms over your chest and gently shook Jake’s shoulder to awaken him. He slowly opened his eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them, his eyes falling on you. You stood about a foot away, wearing his Naval Academy T-shirt and a pair of plaid pajama shorts that were hidden because of the shirt. A closed smile grew on his lips and you cocked your head to the side.
 “Hi, handsome.”
“Mornin', honeybee.”
You blushed at his use of the nickname, and gave him a quick chaste kiss on the cheek. When you pulled back he grabbed your wrist, holding you close to him.
“I’m sorry about me closing out on you, just been really caught up. I wanna marry you, baby, and I was talking to Rooster about good venues and dates. I didn’t tell you because it was supposed to be a surprise, which was poor planning on my part.”
You reassured him it was okay a plethora of times, due to his inability of believing you. You gave him a kiss on the lips to seal your promise, which was quickly deepened by him. You tsked and pulled away from him, “You have morning breath, J.” He rolled his eyes and made his way upstairs to brush his teeth, pouting like a child as he stomped up the stairs.
  You both made your way to the TopGun base together in his truck, and you sighed contently at the scenery. Your house was only forty five minutes away from this naval base, because it meant so much to both of you. As well as the fact you’d both fallen in love with the area itself. Jake had profusely apologized for his askew actions the whole car ride, and you had finally shut him up by cranking the radio up over his voice. He took no offense, chucking at your antics. You took the time to look at his features in the outdoor light for the first time in a while. A white t-shirt gripped his muscled body, and his naval academy windbreaker was thrown casually over it. He wore one of his favorite pair of gym shorts, and his running shoes on his feet. His hand was stuck out the window, casually drumming along to the beat of the song blasting loudly. He was biting his lip in thought and not a blonde hair was out of line. Why were you so enthralled by him now?
TopGun had not changed one bit when you arrived, and Jake had been a chivalrous gentleman by carrying your duffel to the bungalow. The gesture was enough to bring you to tears, weirdly. He gave you a long kiss goodbye, which was broken up by Phoenix sliding her window open from the upstairs level. “Get a room!” She shouted jokingly as she stuck her head out the window, her bun slickly in place. Jake gave you one last kiss before slipping away from you and walking down to his shared bungalow with Rooster. Phoenix ran down the stairs quickly after, embracing you in a bone crushing hug. “I missed you, honey!” She gave you a platonic cheek kiss, before bounding off to show you her room. She had brought suprisingly a lot of decorations, and she was extremely proud to show it off. Yeah, maybe you did miss TopGun. 
Pete Mitchell stood in front of the lectern, blabbering about how the F-18 manual was not going to help the pilots at all. You were distracted, watching as Jake gave Rooster a reassuring nod from beside him. Rooster was completely tensed up, practically staring daggers at Pete. His call sign was Maverick, and he had quickly hurried a crew onto the jets. When he called your sign and not Jake’s into the first group, you didn’t miss the way he threw glares at Pete. He knew you guys always flew together, and even the Navy wasn’t stupid to break your extremely talented duo up. You shrugged and walked by him, smiling when you heard Jake let out an almost undetectable whistle. 
Maverick’s training exercise was gruesome, and you were feeling especially sick as your jet hit the ground. You were notorious for always being the last one to throw up in g-force exercises, but at this moment you felt like your liver was going to come up. You stumbled out of your jet, which was parked next to Phoenix’s and fell to your hands and knees, Your vomit spewed everywhere on the tarmac, and Phoenix quickly rushed to your side. She put your hair in a makeshift ponytail, her worried eyes flashing up to meet Rooster’s. You were nauseated, dizzy, and running a fever. “You’re ok,” she cooed comfortingly as Rooster ran to grab Jake. Maverick had landed his jet but was yet to notice your condition.
“I’m gonna pass out,” you told Phoenix before your head hit the tarmac abruptly, before she had time to catch you. Your fainting cancelled out the splitting pain that erupted from your head hitting the ground.
You woke up an hour later, hooked up to an IV. You woke up with a startled gasp, Jake’s eyes instantly meeting yours. He had his head in his hands, his foot tapping impatiently as a nurse checked the results of her test. He squeezed your hand and rose to stand over your hospital bed. “Can we have a moment?” He asked the nurse, and she nodded her head quickly before slipping out of the room. You didn’t miss the surprised expression on her face as she thumbed through the results. “Hey honeybee,” Jake greeted you with a soft tone, reaching to brush a hair out of your face. You melted into his touch and he slid his hand down to grasp your face before pulling a chair out. “Fuck, you scared me, baby,” he said. You looked up to meet his eyes for the first time, and it was a moment full of firsts. His flight suit was disheveled, which was never a thing for Jake. He prided himself on having the most pristine flight suit in the squadron, even around just you. His blonde hair was ruffled and hairs were sticking out in every direction, which was an inconceivable conception. Most shocking of all, his eyes were filled with dewy tears threatening to spill out.
“Baby, they think your pregnant,” he announced and a tear rolled down his face. Your heart thudded in your chest and you stopped breathing. Jake squeezed your hand, bringing you back to the moment at hand. “I’m crying fucking happy tears, just so you know,” he said through a throaty chuckle as he wiped tears from under his eyes. His long lashes were wet as he leaned in to place a kiss on your chapped lips. You were speechless and you went down to instinctively rub your belly. “I want you to go on this mission,” you told him as you pushed yourself up using your elbows. His eyebrows knitted together, going to protest. You held your hand up to stop him.
“This mission means the world to you, J. The squadron needs you. Rooster can’t do this without you. Besides,” you sent him a loopy grin, “I know I married the best aviator, I don’t need to worry about anything.” Jake’s cocky demeanor instantly took hold of his face at your ego boost, and he raised an eyebrow. “Oh is that now, sweetheart?” You nodded your head and sat in comfortable silence with him.
The nurse came back in a couple moments later and confirmed that you were actually pregnant. Jake grinned at the floor as you thanked the nurse for all of her help and signed your discharge forms. You were told to simply rest tonight, and the Navy was sending you back to the bungalow. After tonight, an escort would take you home to your house where you would spend the rest of your time until the mission was over. Penny’s house was only twenty minutes from yours, and you knew you could call her if problems arose. She had her own daughter, so you knew she would be happy to help with any issue. You two had hit it off when you and Jake originally graduated from TopGun, but had lost contact when you were stationed. But now, you had all the time in the world to hang out with her.
The rest of the squadron came to see you tucked into your bungalow bed. Phoenix was on her self proclaimed guard duty, claiming you needed to be in the maximum amount of comfort possible. You rested your head on Jake’s shoulder, as he had slid into your bed before the group stopped by. Fanboy brought you a bouquet of flowers, and placed a kiss on your cheek before wishing you the best possible pregnancy. Jake stared at him after the kiss, and you quickly elbowed him for his antics. Coyote and Payback showed up at the same time, Coyote with a chocolate heart box and Payback with a stuffed small teddy bear. Rooster brought you a card with an olive garden gift card inside, knowing how hard pregnancy cravings could hit. Of course, Phoenix had spoiled you with chocolates and flowers, knowing how shitty you felt. Bob, the sweetest human that society has, brought you two boxes of chocolates and a heating pad. “My sister suggested it,” he said nervously as he put it down in front of you. You instantly broke into tears at the gesture, and Hangman aggressively sprung towards you when he saw the interaction.
“Why the fuck did you make my fiancé cry?” His protective streak rose up from his chest, and Bob instantly paled at his angry face. His blue eyes were narrowed and he sized Bob up. Jake had always been protective over you, but it was like it had intensified when he knew you were pregnant.
“Jake, I’m crying because he got me a heating pad,” you told him as you feebly held it up for him to see. 
“Oh.” Jake said, instantly backing down from his size up. “Sorry Bob!”
Bob nodded and quickly moved to get himself a large glass of water, frightened from Hangman’s tone. Deep down everyone admired how much he cared about you, and they were glad that you had someone who was like that. He was the perfect man for you.
“Thank you for everything, ‘Tash,” you said as the night settled down and the aviators all talked amongst themselves, and Jake had fallen asleep on your shoulder. The soft in and outs of his breathing was enough to comfort you and get you to relax, because the fact that you were carrying a child was enough to put you into a tizzy. She smiled and gave you a soft hug before retreating to her own bed upstairs. Jake stirred, before waking himself up. “Let me hold you,” he whispered lovingly as he shifted you into his arms. “I love you,” he said before crashing back into a content sleep.
826 notes · View notes
dr4kenlvr · 2 years
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bonten!kakucho x fem!reader - fluff, crack (1.7k+)
request: your request are open, nice to see :). for my request i’d like a bonten!kakucho x fem!reader where nobody in bonten knows the two of them are dating but somehow figure it out? i hope this doesn’t go against your rules or something you’ve done before.
a/n/cw: i LOVE this idea my goodness. kakucho + this concept + the other bonten members is so fun, thank you for requesting! cw: tokyo revenger manga spoilers - bonten timeline and ahead, gross jokes because it's ran LMAO, swearing
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kakucho is calm as he stands up from his chair, and excuses himself for the second time within the span of 20 minutes. he quickly exits the large room, his large steps echoing sharply against the cool, tile floor.
sanzu's emerald eyes squint suspiciously, as they follow kakucho's leaving figure. they're trained on his movement, only relaxing when kakucho's back disappears behind the marble wall. sanzu leans back against the plush cushion—kokonoi's most recent purchase—and stretches his legs up and over one another with a dragged groan.
there's a pause as sanzu thinks. "oi," he suddenly says, loud enough for everyone to hear—and everyone does hear.
however, mikey doesn't respond. he finds his warm, chewy doriyaki much more appealing than sanzu's shrill voice. and he's not the only one: takeomi is smoking a cigarette with mochi in the corner, too absorbed in a conversation to bother with his younger brother. kokonoi is sitting at the round table, occupying himself with paperwork. he growls frustratingly, harshly punching in the respective numbers.
the only one that pay sanzu any snippet of attention, is ran. his brother, rindou, sits next to him on his phone, reviewing documents and signatures. the older haitani seeks interest in sanzu's sudden call; "yeah? what's on your mind?" he responds.
sanzu stands up, and places his hands on his hips as he leans forward towards ran. "you notice kakucho's been leaving the room often, right? that was the second time, and it hasn't been long since the first." he says, eyes blown with peculiarity. "it's odd, eh?"
ran just shrugs, not completely convinced with the big deal of it all. "and? why are you all up on the guy, maybe he needed to take a fat leak. or maybe it's a number two." he laughs to himself, shoving rindou only to receive a scowl in return.
"can you idiots speculate about kakucho elsewhere? and quit revolving it around his washroom needs." kokonoi shudders. "rindou and i are doing work, can't you tell?" he adjusts his platinum locks behind his ear. rindou just sighs in agreement.
mikey turns around at the commotion, silently listening as he finishes up his snack.
"no, no! you guys don't get it, because i saw something else." sanzu's voice gets excited, and he pulls a chair out next to ran for himself. he rubs his hands together menacingly, and in a loud whisper he confesses: "there was a lipstick mark on his cheek! he has a fucking woman, guys!"
ran physically gapes, eyes twinkling in surprise and eagarness to confront kakucho about such accusations. he sits up in his chair, propping his elbows on his knees. "no fucking way, why didn't you point it out earlier?"
rindou is now looking at sanzu with slight interest, as well as kokonoi, his fingers now hovered above the calculator in ignorance. although the two have better, more important matters at hand, gossip about their fellow comrades was always invited.
mikey's eyes widen at sanzu's claim, and he hops off the squeaky-clean countertop with ease to walk over to the huddled group. takeomi and mochi continue to disregard the racket, puffing airs of smoke in unison.
everyone's eyes turn to their boss, who's now leaning against the table with a glimmer of enthusiasm. ran and rindou share confused looks, kokonoi straightens his posture, and sanzu's grin only widens at his, usually-stoic, boss showing some emotion.
mikey gestures for sanzu to continue, crossing his arms in wait. sanzu's smile falters, "what's up, boss?"
"so what are you gonna do about it? this kakucho lipstick situation. we gonna follow him or not?"
kokonoi's eyes bulge out at the suggestion and ran bursts out a laugh, "m-my bad." he awkwardly coughs.
sanzu, on the other hand, beams: ".. now i like the sound of that!"
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rindou doesn't know how the fuck he got into this situation: him and everyone had snuck through the halls of the building, staying caution of kakucho's presence. maybe it's cause his brother wouldn't quit nagging him to come along. the group (sanzu, ran, rindou, kokonoi, and mikey—takeomi and mochi truly did not care enough to join) received odd glances from the occasional secretary or assistant, who immediately looked away at mikey's dismissive wave.
now, in the front foyer, the five of them cluster themselves behind a pillar. they had spotted kakucho sitting on the sleek cushioned couch, glancing at the bathroom doors every now and then. he seemed nervous, a light jitter noticable in his right leg.
"he's definitely waiting for someone!" ran whisper-yells, nudging the back of his brother's shoulder. rindou just groans and curses at him.
the pillar they seeked purpose to hide behind didn't serve well, so they (and by "they"—sanzu) prompted to level themselves atop of one another. the order from bottom to top went: rindou, ran, sanzu, kokonoi, and of course, mikey. rindou found this unreasonable, considering mikey was the shortest. but whatever the boss wants, the boss gets.
as the ran and sanzu begin to banter and bounce theories off one another, kokonoi notices a woman exit the bathroom and make her way towards kakucho in a brisk manner. "shush! guys—look, there's someone there." kokonoi declares sharply, fed up with the behaviour of the men below him. all eyes shoot towards kakucho and the mystery woman, all five pairs keenly watching for what will happen next.
they watch as kakucho immediately stands, and reaches for the woman's hand, which she accepts with a smile. sanzu nearly squeals, and mikey has to reach down to clamp his mouth shut.
the two converse something amongst themselves, the woman pouting with her big doe eyes as kakucho's shoulders eventually slump in defeat. she seems to be asking for something, and kakucho searches around the area a few times. the five little heads slip behind the pillar's protection from his lingering eyes.
by the time mikey deems it a safe amount of time, each of the men inch their heads back into position, only to find kakucho and the woman—who is clearly now his girlfriend—kissing.
"I FUCKING KNEW IT!" sanzu blurts suddenly, and obnoxiously loudly. all eyes in the foyer dart towards the pink-haired man like lasers on a target; including your's and kakucho's. he instinctively grabs onto your hand, and unsubtly situates himself infront of your body on reflex.
"i knew you had something going on, kakucho!" sanzu pauses for dramatic effect, eyes swtiching over towards you with a (somewhat?) friendly grin. if you were being honest, he just seemed a little eagar. was 'insane' a rude word?
sanzu continues, "but who knew a quiet one like you had so much game!" he removes himself from the group's god-awful disguise and struts towards you and your boyfriend, whos jaw is clench incredibly tightly.
"well, maybe if sanzu talked less, he'd find someone too." kokonoi suggests, eyes rolling. the others call sanzu back, but to no avail. therefore the next course of action, was to simply follow the man out.
the closer the group approaches kakucho and you, the more livid kakucho's facial expression becomes. he barely has enough time to process that he and his girlfriend had just been caught kissing, meaning, his job and love life would slowly but surely intergrate with one another whether he wanted it to or not. (he definitely didn't want it.)
"kaku'," you chime from behind him, a slight tug on his sleeve. you sensed his anger bubbling. he peers behind you from his shoulder, and is met with a calm glance and gentle smile. his eyes soften at you, as they silently ask you for permission. you nod slightly; a wordless sign of consent for this new chapter of your relationship with him.
kakucho tried his absolute hardest to keep you separate from his job's responsibilities. it was far too reckless, dangerous, and troublesome for you. he'd never dare to put you in unnecessary danger, just because he was apart of bonten. and you wholeheartedly appreciated his efforts, they only proved how much he cared and loved for you. however, it was certain now that the two of you could not hide any longer, but you were okay with that.
kakucho takes a deep breath, and nods back at you. it had to happen at one point, right?
he turns to face the other men, and moves himself away to reveal you. "hello sanzu," he glances around, "...ran, rindou, kokonoi... boss?"
mikey shrugs, before giving you a curt nod. you mirror his actions, smiling at him. in all honesty, kakucho is taken aback to see mikey tag along with the others, but doesn't question it further. "so please meet my, uh," he coughs awkwardly, making you laugh.
"—his girlfriend, i'm kaku's girlfriend. it's nice to meet you all." you bow politely, then tell them your name.
sanzu coos, "you call him kaku? he doesn't let me call him that ever!" your boyfriend glares at him, and sanzu sticks his tongue out before introducing himself to you properly.
the haitani brothers are next, ran making effort to compliment your outfit while rindou nods in agreement. "oh! thank you! your hair styles are quite cool as well!" you attempt to return the compliment, making the duo grin at you.
kokonoi is last, and you find him to be much nicer than you initially had thought. the way he spoke was proper, but his outfit had particularly drawn you in. he sends you a genuine closed-eye smile when you comment on the intricacies and beauty of it.
kakucho watches as you get along smoothly with his comrades (dare he say 'friends'); talking, complimenting, and even laughing with them. this was only the first time you have met them, and he finds himself imagining many other encounters. a longing smile appears on his face, as the conversations become white noise. the only thing he can focus on is your pure expression of joy: your crinkled eyes as you laugh, and the slight flush of your cheeks at meeting so many important people at once.
"oou!—kaku, you've got a little love-sickness on your face there!" sanzu exclaims, pointing straight at him. "need me to help 'ya wipe it off?" he giggles, and ran looks at the floor out of decency. in reality, he's laughing at kakucho's face as well.
"h-huh?.. man, can you fuck off already!" kakucho sputters, "a-and do not call me that ever again." everyone—even you and kakucho—chuckles at the wholesome moment; a sweet contrast to the dangerous lives of these men.
kakucho could get used to this.
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taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @kazuhoya@gwynsapphire@sscarchiyo@reiners-milkbiddies@smileyswifeyy (send me an ask or dm to be added!)
reblogs and comments are very appreciated <3 !
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Lover, The Archer, and You need to calm down for you and sephiroth? :>
Lover Album Romantic Self Ship Ask Game
Lover: What is your favorite part of the life you’ve built with your f/o?
Once the main plot is over, Meteor has been destroyed and Sephiroth has learnt to stop being an idiot dumbass, Malachite begins building their life with Sephiroth and essentially domesticating him so he stops trying to kill people LMAO.
They live far out in Corel Valley, the best place for dealing with mean catboys, and choose to live there for the rest of their lives. Malachite would consider it one of their favourite parts of their life because they can now live peacefully with no more surprises (other than Sephiroth making them jump by standing there. Menacingly. bc he still needs more deprogramming from being a dick but he's getting there!).
The Archer: Has your f/o had a positive or negative relationship with love in the past and how has that affected their relationship with you?
Malachite and Sephiroth's relationship is fairly complicated, to say the least. They have their good moments but they also have their bad moments, with the latter being caused by Sephiroth's delusions of believing he's Jenova's son and wanting to summon Meteor.
He views the relationship as entirely positive with no flaws. He wants Malachite to become a god with him (he won't dare leave them behind as he does genuinely love them, but ofc his way of showing it is terribly skewered), believing that no matter what he does or says that Malachite will always pick him like they used to when they were children.
Malachite, however, after the events in Nibelheim, views everything as negative and does become incredibly angry and bitter with Sephiroth and him wanting to prepare for Meteor, prepare for becoming a god, but not spending time with them now that they no longer have ties to Shinra. They want to pretend things are OK and they want to cling to the relationship they had when they were younger, but after Meteor is summoned, they realise how wrong they were and actively tell him they're rather die to Meteor with their new friends (eg. Cloud and the gang) than live alone with only Sephiroth.
Naturally, that gives Sephiroth a MASSIVE kick up the ass and makes him realise he was never truly putting Malachite first, only wanting to further his own goals.
You Need To Calm Down: Do you have any lgbt+ headcanons for your f/o?
Sephiroth is Asexual Aromantic with a preference for non-binary people! He's also a Trans Demiboy but he isn't overly fussy about gender, just as long as people use the right pronouns for him.
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tinkerjink · 3 years
Out of all the games I've played this has to be my absolute favorite, even though I just started lmao. The visuals is what I've always wanted, cartoonish but yet so real and filled to the brim with life.
I love how the game isn't complex with the buttons, easy for people to grasp in a matter of a few minutes or so.
The Ai isn't really bad of what I've noticed so far at the very least. (They're still really glitchy which is normal for any game but I like it, it's humorous for me.)
They heal you, fight, and the details put into them is very nice. I honestly didn't expect them to be able to wonder when you stand for a decent while. I'm used to them always standing still menacingly along side the player.
(I have only really started the first kingdom hearts and decided to randomly try this one out of order, so perhaps the AI changed during the second game and I just didn't know yet)
2019 game? Probably seen it? Don't care, I want to gush about how absolutely pretty this is.
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voodoochild002 · 3 years
Arthur Morgan: (no reader insert) one shot. Halloween special.
"Who's There?"
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Trigger warning: mention of blood and gore
Happy halloween, everyone! This was originally a drabble. But then, it got longer and it became a one shot. 😂
P.s.: I'm kinda worried that there's a specific character here that might be to OOC? Lmao. Anyway, for the sake of plot. 😂
Anyway, enjoy!
The sound of the fire crackling keeps Arthur accompanied as he scribbled away on his journal writing about events that transpired earlier that day in camp.
Sean's a fool. Got himself almost killed back in Rhodes if it wasn't for me who was fast enough to spot the gun man at the roof top. The Braithwaites hired us for some sort of security related matters-- only to turn out as a priced idiot's chase.
Dutch's been talking a lot about one, last big score. I trust Dutch and all. But his plans seems to be getting too high for his nut as time goes by. It's not like I don't trust him. Just worried about our family, that's all. Hosea's been getting more worried and I honestly don't know any consoling words no more. Especially in times like this. But we'll try. We always do.
He closed his journal as he cast a glance into what's left of the campfire. He watched as the embers flown away; like dusts in the wind. Most of the gang members had retired to their own sleeping quarters and tents to get some sleep. He let out a deep sigh as he decided he wanted to grab a bottle of moonshine right before he sleep in hopes of drowning his thoughts and of course, some shut eye he badly needed nowadays. He stopped in his tracks as he immediately heard a rustling sound.
"Sean? Javier?"
No response. He shrugged his shoulders thinking it might be just some small animals wandering on and about around the camp since no one really is in the vicinity right now as Javier and Sean are the only one who are currently in charge of patrolling and guarding the camp.
He flinched as he opened the crate. Because instead of bottles, a severed head is what it contained. Who's head? He didn't know as he immediately and instinctively took a couple of steps back as the crate instantly leaked of blood. He doesn't usually feel alarmed at the sight of blood as he often sees it. But the sight of it crawling towards his direction akin that to a lava frightened him.
Suddenly, the leaking had stopped running. He closed his eyes, muttering affirmations to himself. Maybe he's just dreaming or maybe it's the fact that he barely had a decent shut eye for a few weeks now. Yeah, that might be it. After a few moments, he opened his eyes again. Only to be greeted by the severed head, crawling out of the crate with the help of its arachnid-like legs attached to the decomposing neck filled with maggots as some of them peeked and fall off.
"Kieran?" He stuttered, managing to miraculously utter Kieran's name despite his shocked state.
He didn't answer. Instead, he let out a creepy smile. His eyes, despite its rotted state manages to convey an emotion: anger.
"You will fail, Arthur. You all will." He croaked out with contempt. He laughed as Arthur tried to ran away from him, only to bump into Sean.
"Sean, what the hell is going on-" he let out a choked scream as he see Sean's face; bloodied with a hole just at the side of his head. He laughed menacingly as he tried to get away from him.
He looked back into the camp only to regret it. There at the camp, the gang seems to be all fully awake, standing side by side. Including Jack, seemingly. And they're all laughing. The sound of their laughing seems like it came straight out of a six feet under dugged hole. One by one, everyone of them starts running towards him. He sprinted as fast as he can, the gang hot on his heels as he tried to look for his horse only to be greeted with empty hitching posts. He muttered a profanity under his breath as he tried his best to sprint away from his gang members.
He looked back and he swore the neck on his hair starts rising. They're already close. They look like a pack of cayotes hunting for their prey. Oh, how he wished he didn't looked back. He tried and tried, sweat dripping on his forehead and to his eyebrows. He feels like he can't run no more but he pushed himself more only to be greeted by a dead end-- a cliff.
He tried to catch his breath, feeling as if he's going to collapse anytime soon. He looked around, looking for his gang members. But a couple of minutes waiting, nothing came. Not even Javier nor Sean. He sigh in relief.
Suddenly, he felt someone touched his shoulder. He recoiled from the touch as he come face-to-face with a man he didn't know. He's wearing a top hat with a handlebar moustache. He oddly resembles Trelawny. But he isn't. He tried to reach for his gun, only to find the holster empty. And so is his knife. But just like his guns, the absence of it makes him more vulnerable than ever. He had no other choice but to fight by hand, just in case a fight will ensue.
"Who are you?" He asked cautiously.
"I'm afraid I can't answer that question. But they call me the 'Strange Man'."
"'Strange man'?" He asked, perplexed.
"Yes. And I'm afraid you will never avoid the fate that lies ahead of you, Arthur Morgan." The way the Strange Man said his name runs a shiver down his spine. He didn't know the man. And that's what make him more dangerous.
"How did you know me? Are you one of them damn Pinkertons?" He asked passive-aggressively. He might be a lawman. But the way he dressed and carries himself says otherwise. But he didn't to trust the man. Not one bit.
Instead of answering, the man grabbed him and managed to throw him off at the edge of the cliff. Due to shock, he wasn't able to reaction as fast as possible. And now he finds himself hanging for his dear life, grunting amd cursing under his breath. He was surprised at the man's strength. But the thing he's basically flabbergasted with, was how did he managed to materialize out of nowhere?
The Strange Man only looked at him stoically as watch him struggle to hang on. He's getting tired and he feels like this will the end of his life. So with the last ounce of his strength, he asked the Strange Man, "what are you?" he grits his teeth.
"I am no one." And by that, he finally fell. His life flashed before his eyes as he anticipate the pain and the cold hard ground. He closed his eyes.
Arthur bolt up gasping, cold sweat coasting his face down to his neck. It was all just a dream. A bad, fucked up dream. He inspect his sorroundings. He's currently in his tent. He inhaled deeply and huffed as he tried to shook off that horrible dream in his mind.
After a few moment, he finally decided to get off of his bed and start his day, the familiar scent of coffee and Pearson's stew wafted on his nose. He got out of his tent only to be greeted by a familiar scenery.
He's in Horshoe Overlook. Aren't they currently holing up in Beaver Hollow? Something went through his peripheral vision as he was suddenly attacked from behind.
"You think you already escaped?" The menacing voice of Javier greeted him as he stabbed him in the chest. He groaned in pain as he fell down to the muddy soil.
He slowly opened his eyes; every part of his body feels numb, his throat parched. He slowly get up and tried to pinch himself this time to see if he's still dreaming or not. A cough suddenly invaded his lungs, wracking and hacking his lungs out like there's no tomorrow.
"Well, at least now I know I'm not dreaming anymore." He humored himself as he let out a cough again. He gathered himself, physically and mentally as he went out of his tent.
He greeted the gang. Others greeted him with somber tones, while the others paid no attention. Javier didn't greet him like he always did. And so is Bill. It did broke his heart a little. Now, he doesn't seem to mind. They've already shown who's side they were on. And seems like there's no changing that.
He was thrown out of his stupor as another fit of coughs wracked his body, hearing a faint laughter in the distance. And he knows who it belonged to but he paid no attention to it as he went on with his daily life, Reverend Swanson's heartfelt conversation with him ringing in his head.
"Save who you can. And leave the rest to rot. And look after yourself... You've lived your life like a man. And you become a good man."
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scheppke · 4 years
Can I just say how much I love Artemis' design?? Like... Her silver skin, dark short hair, her little bone earrings (I think they're earrings?) It's just so unique :00 also absolutely love her thick eyebrows, desperately need more characters with thick eyebrows! They look so expressive!! 💞💞 Looks like the kind of gal to beat up bitches behind a Denny's right in front of you before walking up to you menacingly and petting your dog, and then your dog starts loving her more than you so you're just left there feeling lost and confused. I love her.
Wow, what a compliment! And you really nailed her down to a Tee, lmao
And yes they are earrings, tooth earrings, to be precise. I want my designs to be... Unique. I mean I know I can’t be 100% original but I would hope Artemis at least stands out. That was the hope~ 
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