#they're my babies :33
leonenjoyer69 · 3 months
Your honor, they're holding handssss :33
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Some self indulgent fan art I did, inspired by chapter 4 of my fic, A Little Identity Never Hurt Nobody, with Elias and Hyde being adorable 😌
Closer pics under the cut
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akitasimblr · 15 days
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1 (maria) hello clarence 2 - 3 (laurence) you're my favourite, granny
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briar-oses · 1 month
ok back on track with this baby au that unfortunately got wayyyy too long for under @ge's post... so sorry😞 (sorry if it's the wrong link also) so im moving it into a different post. honestly ge talking about it first just gave me the chance to explore this au (thank you ge!!!) that's been in my friendand i's head for a while now LOL shoutout to blue my bff
(maybe i should make a tag for this au now?)
with adoption came the responsibilities of a parent. altho tang bo and chung myung were already the little girl's parents by that point, they realized that they never really got to name her with anything. tang bo went on and mumbled about how stupid he was being to forget naming his now-child of all things and went full-on spaced out mode to think about possible names.
chung myung, holding the little energetic bundle in his arms, looked down when the said girl tapped him on the chin. his daughter (oh my god) babbles at him. quite the talker, she is. he then turns to look at her other father, who's in his own world and looks back at his babbling daughter.
chung myung huffs. definitely her father's daughter.
the little girl, currently being held by tang bo, stares at her father blankly. “You don't like that either? Alright.. how about Ha-eun?”, tang bo says, to the baby. said baby just drifts her attention off to some butterfly that passed by, reaching for it.
tang bo whines helplessly. “Hyung-niiiim! she's not liking anything!”, he complains. chung myung, training nearby, walks back to where tang bo and their daughter (the thought makes him feel warm? hm.) are staying, shielding themselves from the heat.
“She's a year old, Bo” chung myung made it a habit of not swearing or calling tang bo names whenever he's around with the baby. so he resorted to calling the other by his name often.
(the first time it happened, tang bo slipped. luckily he wasn't holding the baby at the time or chung myung would've beaten him to a pulp)
“She's a very picky one-year old.. she probably got that from hyung-nim”
chung myung huffs an amused breath. he is by no means picky but it's amusing how tang bo recently picked up a habit of relating the little girl's quirks to both their mannerisms.
We're not even blood-related, punk..!
chung myung sat beside tang bo once he's near. “What names did you come up with?”
“I already said Min-ji and Ha-eun... There's also Yu-jin, Jiah, Soo-ah...”
“That's too many!”
tang bo turns away, hiding the little girl as he shirks away from chung myung. “Is it my fault that I'm good at names! Hyung-nim can't possibly know how that fee.. I'm joking! Just joking!”
chung myung retracts his hand back. “Any other names?”
“Hm.. There's Min-ho.. Seo-joon.. Soo-ah....”, tang bo goes silent for a short while. “.. Maybe I did think of too many”
You think? You could name your entire set of daggers with all that
“What about you, hyung-nim? Maybe you thought of something”
chung myung hums, lost in thought as he stares at tang bo, and then to the face of the now drowsy little bundle of joy in tang bo's arms. chung myung reaches for the round cheek of their now-sleeping daughter, all soft and precious.
tang bo watches, mesmerized, as his hyung-nim that's known to be all things brash and rough being so gentle towards a little girl that's not his own until just recently. his hyung-nim wears a smile so soft and rare, so unlike his usual mischievous ones that tang bo's mouth remains slightly open until chung myung notices his prolonged silence.
clearing his throat and backing away for some space, chung myung turns to look at the suddenly interesting floor of the training grounds.
tang bo, silent for a few more seconds until he lets out a soft chuckle. “Auspicious omen.. Tang Seo-ah...”, he says, turning to look at the sleeping girl— Seo-ah— in his arms.
“It's a great name, hyung-nim”
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lotus-pear · 2 years
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rewatched kny and am suffering from tanjiro trio brainrot
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lavend3r-stardust · 1 month
You know you're down bad for someone when you see the funniest, most cringe-worthy, candid picture of them where they think they don't look good, but you still swoon over them and giggle like a little kid because they always look good
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cinnamon-phrog · 3 months
#it was SO contradictory too ugh. and a mutual liked it!#you disrespect me. you disrespect my whole family#you call us 'stinky poopy babies'#you punched my wife. you kick mah baby you KICKed my FOCKin BABY#you ate our dog. YOU ATE OUR HOUSE#/ref#it's always the people i like too. everytime i want to find a d/ hmis artist or mutual BAM they're mean petty and even a nonce#and mean to peoples with hc's like mine. yes yes it happens in every fandom but not to the point where literally everybody sucks!#aside from my mutuals who are casually into the show you guys are boss <33#a d/ hmis artist will tell me they don't care/ even like my hc's and i'll feel great#a couple months later and they're talking shit about it or liking posts about why people who have said hcs are somehow predatory#as if there aren't actual predators in the tags and their little supportive minions running amuck. who draw LITERAL cp of Yellow#i'm not mad anymore i've become very numbed to this. i end up losing 'friends' to the point where i don't know how to make them anymore.#'course that doesn't mean i'll stop trying though. but give benefit of the doubt and be MASSIVELY let down.#or assume the worst. be RIGHT and yet still be somehow worse for assuming.#so i'm just gonna not interact. i'll still put my s/elfship stuff in the tags though i am above guilt or shame now. Look At My Post Boy#cuz like if all these people can get away with being petty and two faced then i can get away with smooching puppets#make Love not War
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monay-monn · 2 months
My Current Pcs
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Monay the False Saintess
✦| Angelic Cow-girl ✦| Current Li: Sydney (Fallen) > Avery ✦| Playstyle: Defiant ✦| Mission: Perfection (feats collecting + max skills)
Summary of File:
Very first 'normal' save + current longest running save, focused on playing through as much content as possible and achieving as many feats as possible. Accidentally got Angel tf after hyperfocusing on making money for an entire month by spamming the spa (wanted to make sure she could take on Robin's debt and still have extra money on the side to not get punished by Bailey). Very school + reputation focused (all reputation is positive), visits mickey and landry as much as possible to lower fame + buy pepper spray. Worst world corruption out of all the saves (stole ivory necklace + rite of defilement).
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Mammon the False Prophet
✦| Demonic Cow-boy ✦| Current Li: Sydney (Faithful) > Robin ✦| Playstyle: Defiant ✦| Mission: Become the Ultimate Lewd Priest (infamous reputation + Max lewd skills)
Summary of File:
2nd save + 2nd longest running save. Focused on doing all the things that Monay's save couldnt do. Playstyle is a little more risky with trying to get money using the lewder job options and trying to raise his lewd fame. Currently the save is almost exactly the same as Monay's save except they're less restricted by the way they can actually fuck around. Mostly made just to see the difference between rite of promise faithful!sydney vs rite of defilement fallen!sydney. Also supposed to be the save focused on romancing Whitney but ended up liking Robin and Kylar more.
Lowest world corruption out of all current Pcs (never stole the ivory necklace + rite of promise).
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Nene the Entropic
✦| Demonic Harpy ✦| Current LI: Great Hawk > Eden ✦| Playstyle: Submissive lewd ✦| Mission: Fuck around and Find out
Summary of file:
3rd save file, initially started to rack up Harper's love by repeatedly getting sent to the asylum, now turned into pregnancy save.
Currently the most chaotic save out of all of them. Restricting myself by not fighting the lewd encounters + not focusing on school and instead fuck around the outskirts/forest.
Explicitly made to dismiss/reject all the school/town lis.
World Corruption is currently unknown since I made her explicitly to stay the fuck away from the temple.
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??? the ???
✦| Fallen Fox-girl (intended) ✦| Current Li: Sydney (fallen) > ??? ✦| Playstyle: Defiant Crossdresser ✦| Mission: Get all virginities taken by Sydney (failed)
Summary of File
Created on a whim because I wanted a crossdresser PC. Has the most amount of Feat boosters out of all my starting PCs (mf used all 259 coins I had). Also created just to fuck around with Rite of Promise and trying to corrupt Syd. Current goal is to try and achieve fallen forgiven status + getting the other transformation feats I hadnt gotten yet (namely fox + cat + wolf).
Dont really have a name for her or for what kinda direction I wanna take her save file...
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cebwrites · 2 years
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if oda won’t give me heart and/or kidd pirate content that makes me happy thEN I WILL
quincy and firs belong to @shipshinablog 💕
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spiralsandeyes · 10 months
I loved reading the Magnoliaverse and especially playing with matches, and one thing that I ended up very curious about was more about Michael's backstory in this au? He's one of the characters who shows up a lot and has a lot of backstory vaguely referenced but never gets a perspective to explore that so I was wondering if you'd be down to share what ideas you had for his backstory while you were writing. Thanks in advance!
omg thank you so much for this! :')) answer got long so i'm putting it under a cut <3
it's actually kind of funny that you ask this... playing with matches has always been the heart of magnolia verse to me, and future installments were/are going to focus on the characters in that fic (particularly agnes, oliver, julia and gerry, with some others). most of them have pretty detailed backstories in my mind but michael was one of the ones whose history i've actually thought less about!
i did have a few things in mind - michael had one particularly shitty relationship when he was ~16/17 that he still carries a lot of baggage from. he had crushes before that but never anything he was brave enough to act on, so it was pretty formative for him wrt his expectations for relationships. he was basically being strung along and used by a guy who didn't have strong romantic feelings for michael the way michael did for him. michael also didn't have a lot of friends growing up, or at least not since childhood, so he really wants to be loved (in any capacity, but he's particularly insecure about the romantic). going back and forth with his divorced parents didn't help with this - he stays with his mom most of the time and had to move when he was ~13-14, uprooting most of his life to a different school where he knew no one, and he never really settled in and found friends there. he's also pretty socially anxious and until meeting gerry, hasn't quite figured out how to get out into the world. he's a homebody mostly because he doesn't know how to be anything else (yet), and though he has art school friends, they aren't very close. too much of his impressions of queerness and college life were formed by the internet/popular media and he has a bit of an inferiority complex about it - he's very aware that he doesn't Do Much aside from art and feels like a loser because of it. (this is an unfortunate combo with his body image issues, insecurities about what he can offer in a relationship, and him being very much starstruck by gerry's band, leading to some of the conflict you see in playing with matches). some other random details: he's out to his parents but has a slightly strained relationship with both of them (he's closer with his grandma on his mom's side!), he has severe adhd but i don't think he knows it yet, he's been drawing for basically his whole life but recently focusing on art forms that involve more physical processes because it's good for his mental health (atm it's various forms of sculpture).
but honestly i've thought a lot more about michael's future than his past! at this point i've been telling people for years that magnolia verse is still in progress and feeling more and more guilty when a completed work fails to materialize, but i still can't stand the thought of leaving it as-is and have to believe in my ability to finish one more fic, so... there Will be one more... but probably not anytime soon and it probably won't be gerrymichael centric. so i'll just tell you about the gerrymichael fic i DID have planned lmao.
so: ex altiora goes viral and gets very popular very quickly when they finish school and release a full album. the speed of it is great for their careers and bad for their mental health. agnes and gerry really struggle with it. gerry in particular starts getting a lot of fans which makes him REALLY nervous because he's going stealth, trying to hide from his mom, and just generally not super interested in being a public sex object! this is a little bit Weird for his relationship with michael. he gets pretty (reasonably) paranoid and wants to keep his personal life very private, but michael Does Not Get It and is hurt because he feels like he's being kept a secret. he's also a little bit jealous of the attention, though he won't admit it, and is overall experiencing new depths of insecurity that he will (eventually) Finally get to process because he still thinks of gerry as the Cool One with all the power in the relationship. meanwhile gerry is so anxious and trying to cope with the spotlight of sudden internet fame/irl fame in certain contexts (i.e. shows) and feels like he can't confide in michael about it. the tension in his and julia's friendship is also reaching a breaking point around then and they have a huge fight which leads to them (gasp) speaking honestly about thoughts and feelings they've had for years! but anyway. everything gets sorted out in the end, and michael and gerry end up much happier! michael resolves his issues, gerry comes out to the world, they work out boundaries together, everyone becomes closer :)
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jaguarys · 11 months
Good morning! I see you are also a fan of Killer B's (as well the Sannin, and Sakura, but those are topics for another day)! If you please, when you have the time, share your full essay about what makes B compelling to you as a character. I'll help spread the word! 🐝🐙🦬
RUBS MY GRUBBY LITTLE HANDS TOGETHER I love talking about Killer B!!
I think that Kumo's system for Jinchūriki is far better than the other villages. The idea of choosing an 'A' and a 'B' is really interesting, and I'm also just a fan of the inherent found family of choosing your own sibling. With that B then becoming the Jinchūriki, it provides far better support because there's a pre-existing love there. (On the other hand, I do think it can create a bit of a mortality crisis for the pre-existing B to know that this child is gonna replace you, but that's a topic for another day. None of the systems are perfect.)
I think that Killer B is what the rest of the villages were trying to achieve. He's the perfect Jinchūriki, and I would argue the First Real Jinchūriki in that he's really perfected it! He has control, he has a good and healthy dynamic with Gyūki, and he's really fucking powerful. And I think he was able to become this because Kumo's system encourages it.
Kumo's system both allows him more safety, given his closeness to the Raikage, and allowed him to become familiar with the idea of being a Jinchūriki and learn about it from Blue B before he inherited it. It's just... a conducive environment towards being able to approach it without being scared, which I think is absolutely imperative. (I'm not saying it was easy, by any means, but I think there's just a difference to be made when it comes to being supported by your family vs them trying to assassinate you like a certain someone.)
I really, really wish Killer B's character hadn't been one of comedic relief because I truly think he has one of the most interesting perspectives to explore, and I also just think that's he's. Really fucking cool.
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lycheeloving · 4 months
I love bodyguard aus but I'm terrible at coming up with specific ideas... I just think somebody (who's smart and strong and devoted to their job) risking their life for me is incredibly hot. What if we had sex about it.
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texas-bbq-pringles · 5 months
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prismatoxic · 6 months
hanamusa artist: (puts screenshots of the wiki pages for jessie and delia under several comics to prove their ages are 25 and 29)
me: surely this isn't necessary. it's in your FAQ, and people can't really be--
me: (looks at the comments of one such post)
me: (look at the comments of yet another one)
me: i think i give the internet too much credit sometimes
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keeps-ache · 7 months
ohhh my lucks and misfortunes
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pirateswhore · 11 months
not all older fans have a christian mom view of cs and see killian as a macho man, ur over generalizing and being a bit ageist.
hi !! I never said that all older fans hold that view, it's just the vibe I've picked up on since *checks calendar* mid 2019. I also never stated it was a negative thing, just a fun little observation I've made of how differently some people engage with the ship relative to my own headcanons of them !! <3 you definitely have older fans that align more with the younger headcanons and vice versa !
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fairy-farmer · 9 months
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this was before i adopted Grape but look at them!!
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