#they're my og pookies
mangotelevision · 5 months
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phoenix drop guard redesigns :)
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priceofreedom · 4 months
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Midgar mission! FF7 replay 77/?
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If I spoke about it... If I did... what would I tell you? I wonder.
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The princess without voice.
Drakgo x The Shape of water by Guillermo del Toro. If you haven't seen this movie, go watch it! This is also semi my take on the whole Drakgo mermaid AU that started way before I got on Tumblr. @gothicthundra is one of the OGs that started it and knows the most!
I based Drakken's sea creature design of the Glaucus Atlanticus aka the blue dragon slug (as far as I am aware they don't glow in the dark but I took creative liberty).
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Don't touch them, they're venomous!!
And this is a rough sketch on what he looks like from the front
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Will comeback and revise this one day...
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Hii, sorry if you aren't willing to write for Voltron anymore. But I discovered your blog cause of the name, so I thought why not try? So here is one of my yandere ideas.
Yandere Voltron with isekaid reader? Basically, the reader was from real life, till they died. Either by truck-chan, or to a disease. But given their life was already very shitty, they didn't really care much. At least. Till the reader wakes up in their favorite show. Not as a main protagonist, or not even as a side character in one of the many episodes. Nah, the reader simply wakes up as an unknown character on some random planet. A planet that hasn't isn't a part of the Garla Empire, and reader paln to kept it that way. Eventually, Voltron starts to get on the move, and main characters meet reader. Except, reader doesn't really realized that they are now the main character of the story. So despite, being very perceptive of everyone and everything, they some how don't know that the characters are becoming yandere. One by one.
Again, sorry if you don't write about Voltron anymore, if you want you can ignore this completely. I just thought you might want to hear the idea. Don't let the Karens bite you, fight them off with the power of the shows you like if needed, and remember to take care.
Yandere Voltron with Isekaid!Reader
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OMG STOOOPPPP I LOVE THIS SMMM!!!! AND THIS BEING A YANDERE ASK?? It's like all those batfam fics i read, i'm so happy you thought of this. I will always write for voltron, don't worry pookie
This might be long, hope you enjoy😅
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A series of very much unfortunate events, readers life goes from crap to ok to crap again. Readers death was very short and brief on their end. In your world, Voltron was just a silly little show that you watched to get away from reality, a show you loved so dearly. So never did you imagine to be isakei'd into that same very world.
I like to think this was caused due to voltron traveling through different dimensions, like that one Altean reality. Kind of like an event that perfectly aligned, readers death and them escaping the reality.
Of course at first reader doesn't know where the HELL they are. Exploring this new place, its not hard to convince yourself you miraculously made it to heaven with how beautiful everything was. But it isn't long until they find the residents of this strange world. You live a good and easy life the weeks after your arrival as the townspeople openly accepted you into their world.
Reader has many similarities to these aliens, yet its very obvious that you take on a more humanoid appearance compared to them. Perhaps you share a similar skin tone, like green or blue. Maybe your eyes are the same shade as theirs. Despite this, your physical appearance is more human than alien without a doubt.
Reader only knows they're in the Voltron universe due to how often the townspeople talk about the Galra and Voltron rescuing imprisoned planets. Like I can imagine reader immediately jumping into someone's conversation to get more info, only for them to get weird looks
"Galra? Voltron?! Like from the show?? They're real?"
*Cue confused faces*
"Show? Um, I don't believe they're based off a show. They've been doing a lot of good for the universe!"
Its easy to put two and two together, but have no fear! Reader, being SMARTTT, already knows that they're in the Voltron universe. And if anything happens to the plot causing it to go astray from the og, it'll most likely have devastating consequences, so its a good thing that they're stuck on this unknown planet!
Especially one they don't remember ever being on the show!
Until some divine intervention wrecks that very idea one day with a giant mechanical lion falling from the sky.
You make sure to keep your distance from whatever paladin is staying in the village. It's not hard to do so with how many people lurk the streets to see a paladin of Voltron
But of course nothing ever goes Isekei'd!Reader's way when they bump into the one person they've been avoiding. It's as if time literally stops as they're eyes meet.
He's surprised to see someone almost like him after seeing all the townspeople's appearances. Shiro's seen some pretty wacky looking aliens so its almost like a slap in the face to find someone so human in the village.
Before he can even say anything though, you quite literally run away from him, leaving the black paladin in a state of confusion and curiosity. And since you're running AWAY from him, he figures you probably know the reason why his lion crash landed on this specific planet when it was fine before.
Cue to you trying to outrun him. Emphasis on TRYING. Cuz there's no way you could ever outrun him.
Once he catches you, its safe to say you're now permanently apart of their story. You, however, fail to realize that. It's hard to not reveal everything to the man in front of you, but some things may or may not have slipped out your mouth.
"HELLO STRANGE PALADIN! Welcome to our, um, planet? Uh, if you could get off of me Shiro, that would be amazing cuz I currently am freaking out right now!
"Keith is probably looking for you so get that black cat working and get outta here haha!"
With all of readers rambling and bad avoidance, Shiro can't shake off a growing feeling in him. Was it endearment? Pity, annoyance? Protectiveness? Possessiveness? Shaking the dark thought quickly, the man already knows you know more than what you're letting on.
"How do you know Keith?"
"Ummm we're cousins?" You're internally smacking yourself as the man in front of you raises an eyebrow.
Being introduced to the team, they all seem to be drawn to you. Like there's some invisible force dragging them to your very being. It's sort of like an inner battle for them, allow themselves to get dragged into whatever this is willingly, or fight against it and fall harder into it.
Reader is kind of their unofficial prisoner, but not really a prisoner? So while it is very cool to meet some of their comfort characters, they accept the fact that they are now living in their world. They have no idea what the others are feeling or thinking, so they're kind of on their own from now on.
Some paladins I think that would willingly allow this divine obsession take place in their hearts are Shiro, Lance, and Allura.
Shiro was the first to find them, so it only makes sense that his obsession would take place first. He would mistake this new feeling as a need to protect. If reader is younger than him, then get used to being treated like a child. He doesn't mean to coddle you, but with how you seem to have ZERO survival skills and an air of childlike amazement at everything, he can't help but want to keep that to himself.
Lance is an easy going person, and very open to meeting new people. He's the easiest to fall into his yandere tendencies. He's basically a puppy whenever reader is around. He doesn't see anything wrong with his feelings ignoring how twisted they get the longer he's around them. You capture his attention as you don't necessarily push his overbearingness away like he's used to with everyone is. It's not like you can with how he's practically glued himself to your side.
Allura is a bit more on the umm condescending side? I don't want to say condescending, but she does feel like she has to help you learn space life. She enjoys teaching you about the ship and her planets history, of all the planets they've visited. Allura might actually see herself above you as she believes she holds more experience and knowledge of the universe than you do due to your previously mentioned childlike amazement. I think she might even see herself as your teacher, a master, and you her student. Little does she know that you are much familiar with the things she speaks of.
Now for the paladins that would be hesitant in the growing obsession, Hunk, Pidge and Keith.
Hunk is naturally a wary person when it comes to new people. Especially if he feels the vibes are off. I mean, here comes in a new person on the team that happens to know a little bit too much about them, about him! Like how do you know his name before meeting him? He's hesitant on being near you but seeing how kind you are to Lance of all people causes his a rift in his feelings. Maybe you aren't a bad person after all? He'd start growing a bit more protective of you each day the longer you guys hangout. Is this a good thing or a bad thing; only time will tell.
Pidge is standoffish to anyone who seems to know more than what they're letting on. She can tell it on you face when you look at her with a sense of familiarity despite her never having met you. She tries her best to block off the feelings of wanting to get closer to you, to hear you laugh at her jokes the same way you do with Lance and Hunk. There's not much she can do (does she even fight it anymore at this point) when you begin approaching her, mentioning some of her interests to continue talking to her. You seem to know exactly what to say to lower her guard, and she honestly doesn't know how to feel about that.
Keith is a double edged sword tbh. He'd be hesitant to get near you with these unfamiliar feelings flooding him. So he would either awkwardly get used to your prodding or he'd be quite aggressive with your presence. If we're talking about earlier season Keith, than I think he would most likely be the latter. He'd try interrogating you when know one's around. He'd try to get you to admit to something, anything to confirm his growing emotions are of suspicion instead of interest. He's immediately conflicted though once you turn emotionally at his barad of questions and accusations. He apologizes in a quiet voice and leaves, but one things for sure. He never wants you to look at him with the same fear you just did moments before.
Reader is just trying to get the plot to continue because hellooo?? The universe needs saving??
Reader knows EVERYTHING about the show and about the people they are now personally familiar with. However, they fail to realize the dark turn of events their presence brought to the team.
Sure they're acting a little unusual to how they normally would be on the show but it's not that big of a deal, right? Right?
Unrelated, but can you imagine how they would react to finding out reader is from another universe?? Even if you were to reassure them that you wouldn't be able to go back anyways, their paranoia would skyrocket.
If you were to die in their universe the same way you died in your universe, there's a chance that you'll get transported to another world! A world where you'll live without them. A world they'll never be able to reach. A world without them.
That thought alone terrifies them, so that's honestly when the true horror kicks in. BUT THAT'S FOR A DIFFERENT TIME!!!!
Everyone is wary of you at first, but with the strange emotions growing in them, they can't deny that your presence brings them an overwhelming sense of peace.
Their possessiveness will definitely set some alarms in your head but you stay in denial. You don’t want to believe that you may have, irreversibly, changed the Voltron universe.
A big question to think about is if you're gonna regret being isekai'd into this universe because they won't stay sweet for long.
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OKAY HI! This post will either be long as fuck or irritatingly short for how much I want to say.
Gonna do it under the cut so you can opt out of reading this...
As you can probably guess, my favourite character in Hazbin Hotel is Lucifer. He's so pookie.
But I also like to think about my own headcanoned lore. Because that's fun and silly. So. Here goes...
(yes, this has probably been touched on before, but let me yap okay...)
Why I think that Lucifer didn't intervene with the battle with Heaven immediately.
As we learn from the get-go, Heaven are pretty stuck in their ways. Adam is very much firm in his belief that sinners = inherently bad, despite the fact that he, as a human, should understand the intricacies of humanity. Immorality isn't black and white, it's a spectrum. And Adam should understand that.
Yet, he doesn't really. In fact, he quite literally says:
"'Cause Hell is forever / Whether you like it or not / Had their chance to behave better / Now they boil in the pot / 'Cause the rules are black and white / There's no use in tryin' to fight it / They're burnin' for their lives / Until we kill 'em again!"
The key words here are "forever" and "black and white."
Adam is very clear in the way he addresses Charlie. Heaven believes that Sin is irredeemable, so to speak. They don't want Charlie to pursue her idea of the Hazbin Hotel, because they don't think it's even plausible.
But how does this relate to Lucifer?
Now, pay attention to Lucifer's words at the beginning of More Than Anything. "Charlie! You don't understand, Heaven never listens! They didn't listen to me, they won't listen to you."
Heaven Never Listens.
When Charlie presses him, he tells her that he does know. That Heaven never listens. Because, as we know, he wanted humans to have free will. We also know that Lucifer hates that he gave them free will, because of the sin they showed.
But what if Lucifer actually wanted to try redeem them? We know that his dreams were crushed by Heaven (see: More Than Anything lyrics), and that he doesn't want the same for Charlie. What if this was to do with the fact that he also believed in redemption, once upon a time?
Hear me out.
So, Lucifer knows that sinners come to Hell for being "bad." We all do. He also knows that Winners go to Heaven for being "good."
I'm sure he also knows that the two standards are very subjective. One interaction with the OG misogynistic asshole himself (Adam) would tell him this. And Lucifer's had plenty, if we assume that they have regular meetings after Exterminations. (how else would Charlie be able to meet with Adam like that?)
So, with all of this in mind, we can conclude three things:
Lucifer is very disheartened by Heaven and the causes he used to believe in.
Lucifer would be aware of the way Heaven operates and how it isn't as perfect as it seems.
Lucifer knows how subjective the meanings of right and wrong are.
But what does this have to do with anything?
Let's consider that Lucifer did, in fact, have a dream of redemption. He knew that "wrong" wasn't necessarily an easy to pinpoint thing - especially because he used to be an angel and now is associated with sin, and that he was the first to experience firsthand just how cruel Heaven could be.
He believed in redemption because he didn't want anyone, especially sinners, to experience anything negative in the afterlife. He felt responsible - they couldn't be sinners if he hadn't interfered.
All this considered, wouldn't it be natural for Lucifer to want to find a way to help humanity? I believe so.
Let's relate this back to his relationship with Heaven. Lucifer obviously has a negative relationship with them - he is a fallen angel that condemned the world to sin. Lucifer still has angelic power, just look at his words in Hell's Greatest Dad. "Pure Angelic Power." Additionally, we know from the Hell's Hierarchy that Lucifer is the most powerful being in Hell. So why couldn't he stop the extermination in the first place?
Well, what if he had an obligation not to. We know, from soul deals (e.g. Husk's soul is owned by Alastor, Angel's soul is owned by Valentino, etc, etc), that contracts are very easy to make in the Hellaverse. They can be binding - such as the way all VokTek employees are bound to Vox - and enforced very easily, like when Husk was intimidated by Alastor or when he infers that he physically didn't have a choice in working at the Hotel.
If you apply this logic to Lucifer, you can reason that maybe he isn't as free as we think. Heaven probably want to control him, to make sure that he doesn't start a revolution or overthrow them, or something. He would be well in the physical capability to do so, his power appears to be almost limitless.
What if Heaven had a contract with Lucifer? Prohibiting him from doing certain things?
In a slight detour from what I'm getting at - let's look at Adam's rules for getting into Heaven.
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Specifically the rule that says "stick it to the man."
Now, from the show, we learn that Heaven don't actually know what gets you into Heaven. What we also know is that Adam was actually right, and Sir Pentious did all of the things on this list.
Think of it this way - if Heaven didn't want Lucifer to revolt, they'd avoid giving him opportunity to. Perhaps by literally banning him from it. In Lucifer's story, the man is Heaven.
To summarise, Heaven could have a contract with Lucifer that explicitly states that he cannot interfere with Heaven, and their actions, until they breach the contract.
So, how does this relate to my original point?
Well, if Lucifer cannot interfere with Heaven. Whatsoever. Then he cannot interfere during Exterminations. Or during battles against Heaven.
Now, if we consider that Lucifer probably negotiated with a clause, saying that Heaven couldn't fuck with Charlie and/or Lilith. Linking this to More Than Anything, Lucifer claims that Charlie is the only thing he cares about now.
So, let's think about the battle with Charlie and Adam:
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Immediately after this, Lucifer appears.
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Coincidence? I think not.
Adam hurts Charlie -> Lucifer appears.
So, how does this breach the contract?
If Charlie is protected by it like we're assuming, then Adam hurting her is breaching the contract, because she's been hurt.
Meaning that Lucifer can finally intervene. Think about what he says: "I'm sorry I couldn't be here sooner."
He couldn't physically be there - due to his contract.
To conclude, Lucifer couldn't be there until an Angel broke the contract that Heaven held over his head, at the risk of hurting the cause of the Hazbin Hotel. Because if he did, Heaven could have cracked down on them and shut down the hotel - or worse, especially because he would be unable to do anything because he had broke the contract first.
Thanks for reading! I'd love to hear your take on this!
TLDR: Lucifer couldn't do anything, because of a contract, until Adam hurt Charlie.
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Sleepy pookie, what do you think? Do you think writers will change Ghost's backstory from that of OG or keep it somewhat similar? If so, what would you like to see? Thoughts and all that, i always enjoy what you have to say about these characters ^^
Hello anon! (。・∀・)ノ゙
I don't know what the devs and narrative devs are going to do with Ghost or whether or not they're gonna reveal the reboot!Ghost's backstory (Some of the devs have revealed that they do want to make a Ghost arc and I LOVE THAT). However, the fact is, the decision lies with the execs.
I'm betting that one of the devs DO have Ghost's backstory in mind, of course, AND, I think that it'll be different from the og comics' backstory, yes. I mean, it's a rebooted timeline after all. I'd be quite disappointed if they don't make his backstory different from the original. That's quite lazy, isn't it.
Of course they're gonna make it traumatic and full of tragedies (at least that's what I'd want (I still love you Ghost)). I mean, we literally don't know jack shit about the reboot!Ghost. All we know is he's from Manchester, joined SAS doing missions with his mask, and that he was at the same unit with Mace. THAT'S IT. Reboot!Ghost's backstory at this point is majorly fannon and just the OG!Ghost story recycled (that's what I do, too).
Anyway, do I wanna know reboot!Ghost's backstory? Yes. Do I think the game's going to reveal it in the near future? No. I think they're gonna keep the edge going for as long as they can, and I've read a few people not wanting to know Ghost's backstory as it will "un-brand" him from the "Ghost" title. Like "Dude's name is Ghost, but we know more about him than Gaz and Soap and Price.", and they do kinda have a point, ngl.
So yea, I want to know and I do think that they will reveal it at some point in the future, but the devs need to tweak on how they're gonna reveal it. A whole game? A few lines in the campaign? A season event? Just an added paragraph in his bio? They can like, tease us bit by bit like puzzle pieces to make the edge going. That might be better than just BOOM here's his backstory.
So yea that's my thoughts. I just woke up so I'm sorry if I'm kinda spewing nonsense I'm still on my bed.
Thank you! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
Hi hello pookie
:glancescutely: Your Highly Unconventional KC.
Gimmie gimmie.
jk i just wanna know the science/reason behind KC's "cold to the touch even when overheating" function teehee
is it just cz he's a lunar model, or could be his magik?
either way, gimmie gimmie omnomnom
(me literally having been pulling up your account *while* walking out of work cz i was thinking about this when doing closing duties, im hungry, feed me Peepaw Alex)
Okay so actually there is reason to my whimsy. I have very specific temperature headcanons for the DCA, and it's generally due to being a solar or lunar model. It just is my own little teehee, but I'll list them out from hottest to coldest (I'll even include the AUs (and mine), and also the computers bc they're modeled after DCA.). Degrees are in Fahrenheit.
Also, this post is gonna be fucking long. The temperature reactions are based on a human reaction, for reference of just how hot/cold it is.
115 and above: Extremely hot. It would feel painful to touch almost immediately, risking burns with prolonged contact. Kronos (Lord Eclipse)
110: Very hot. It would feel almost painfully hot, like touching something straight out of a hot bath. Francis - Helios (Dark Sun)
105: Very hot. It would feel very hot to the touch, and uncomfortable to touch for too long. Eclipse - Dawn (Swap Sun)
100: Hot. It would feel very hot, like holding a hot water bottle. Milo and Ilo (OG Computer AIs) - Dolus (Supernova - Eclipse)
95: Hot. It would feel hot, like touching the side of a mug of hot coffee. Solar - Moros (Servant Eclipse) - Morpheus (Supernova)
90: Warm to hot. It would feel hot but not painful, like touching warm skin. Spaniard - Chips (RESET - OC Eclipse) - Helios (Supernova - Solar)
85: Warm. It would feel quite warm, similar to touching something that has been in the sun for a while. Sunrise - Solstice (Swap Eclipse) - Eos (Lonely Sun) - Sol (Supernova - Sun)
80: Warm. It would feel comfortably warm, like a warm bath. Solar Flare - Jack - Apollo (Ruin's Sun) - Freyja (Supernova - Sun)
75: Warm. It would feel slightly warm, like touching something that has been sitting in a warm room. Angel (Solar's Sun) - Cruis (Servant Sun) - Nebula (Supernova)
70: Neutral. It would feel neutral to slightly warm, very close to average room temperature. Cora (Swap Solar Flare) - Charon (Supernova - Sun) - Caeli (Supernova - Solar Flare)
65: Neutral. It would feel close to room temperature, neither warm nor cool. Ruin - Earth - Gaia (Evil Earth) - Geb (Supernova - Earth) - Janus (Supernova) - Vixen (Supernova)
60: Slightly cool. It would feel mildly cool, a bit cooler than room temperature. Lulu (RESET - OC Lunar) - Space (Swap Earth) - Artemis (Ruin's Moon) - Khonsu (Feral Moon) - Lola (Supernova - Lunar)
55: Slightly cool. It would feel cool but not unpleasant, like touching something kept in a cool room. Moondrop - Selene (Swap Lunar) - Sanguine (Supernova - Bloodmoon) - Aporia (Supernova) - Ariadne (Supernova)
50: Cool. It would feel refreshingly cool, similar to touching a cold drink can. Bloodmoon (Blood/Harvest) - Nexus - Clementine (Supernova - Bloodmoon)
45: Cool. It would feel noticeably cool but not uncomfortable for short periods. Crescent (Solar's Moon) - Sentry (Swap Killcode) - Haze (Supernova - Lunar)
40: Cool. It would feel chilly to the touch but not painful. Prolonged contact might make your skin feel numb. Lunar - Vanth (RESET - OC Lunar) - Equinox (Swap Moon) - Eris (Supernova - Bloodmoon) - Luna (Supernova - Moon)
35: Cold. It would feel brisk and unpleasant but not unbearable for brief contact. Your skin would start to feel numb after a few moments. Styx (Lord Lunar) - Luctus (Supernova - Lunar) - Phobos (Supernova - Moon)
30: Cold. It would feel uncomfortably chilly, and your skin would quickly start to feel numb. Killcode - Huntermoon (Swap Bloodmoon - Hunter/Wolf) - Rigel (Supernova)
25: Very cold. It would cause an immediate shock to the skin, feeling like a sharp, biting cold. Bloom (Vanth/Moon) - Deimos (Supernova - Killcode)
20: Very cold. It would feel very uncomfortable, and your skin would start to go entirely numb after a short period. Frank
15 and below: Extremely cold. Touching this would cause a stinging pain almost immediately, and prolonged contact could lead to frostbite. Nyx (Evil Lunar)
To specifically answer why certain animatronic's outward temperature doesn't change, regardless of if they are powered off, overheating, in a freezing environment, etc. Yes it does have to do with their composition, which might be affected by magic or even star power.
RESET Characters shared with @polaris-stuff @dragoncxv360
Supernova Characters shared with @turbotasthick @itzholly2
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This is just me rambling about the lotr musical I just saw spoilers for the watermill theatre production of lotr!!
In no particular order
First off I was expecting a new musical (for context there was another musical first performed in 2006 I think) BUT IT WASNT at least the songs weren't I'm not sure about the script since its insanely hard to find anything on it APART from the songs, they can be found online even on Spotify! Point is I thought it was a new one BUT THEN THEY STARTED PLAYING ROAD GOES ON AND MY ASS FELL OFF ISTG Seeing that og musical has been a DREAAAM OF MINE BUT THEY DON'T PLAY IT ANYMORE OR SO I THOOOOOUUUGHT
The music is insane actually it's so good!!!
When I saw the elves and realised they wouldn't have long hair unless the actor already did I was a little nervous since I just find its difficult to portray elves without the iconic long hair BUT MY GOD THEY'RE GOOD I don't know what these guys did compaired to the short hair elves of lotr prime BUT IT WOOOORKS legolas was perfect and GALADRIEL the actress has stage presence if I've ever seen it!!! She had this for lack of a better word fuck ass bob with a gold wreath thing and a PANT SUIT SHE'S MENTAL I LOVE HER!!!
Her voice is insane there was a moment where a group of people all sang together and they seemed to be singing at the usual stage level right but here voice just boomed iver the whole group it was amazing! She was so loud but she did it well!! I find often when people sing that loud it's like shouting but not in a good way, she was SINGING it was beautiful. She captured galadriels aura and power so well every time she was on stage I just wanted to stare at her.
aragorn was so GOOOOD he also sounded a lot like Orlando bloom to me lmao. His outfit was actually perfection and his haircut??? HE HAD this shaved sides thing going on and???!?!?! I THINK I LIKE IT MORE THAN MOVIE ARAGORN DARE I SAY???
Don't even get started on arwen dude. THE COSTUME DESINERS DID AMAZING WITH HER DRESS AND THE ACTRESS CAPTURED HER SO WELL her ethereal feel with a slight bit of young wonderUUuGGHHhHh screams. Her voice is also actually insane I'm chewing bark.
Frodo was done so wellLLLLLLL the moments when he got taken over by the ring were so distinctly not Frodo!! The actor switched between the two moments so flawlessly!! It was like he was playing two people.
AND SAAAm what a sweetheart he is he's perfect in every way can do no wrong ever ever!! His voice was so pretty I'm gonna goble him up for real. Also I think he got slapped in the face?!? I couldn't see it perfectly but that slam sounded very real with the noise so I wouldn't be shocked. Dedication woa.
GIIIMLI meow meow meow he's so good bald king<<<3333 HIS OUTFIT?? punch me in the face please thanks. Bro his face when legolas was being sassy to him MF said >:000 I LOVE HIS PORTRAAAAAAIIIL UGggghhhHHH he's perfect in every way everyone stay back from my bald king RAAAA
Boromir my pookie gone too soon <333 his outfit was so good his actor was so good EVERYTHING WAS SO GOOD UUUGH Meow when he held frodo wrists to get him to stay I was like 🤨🤨🤨🤨😏😏😏 LOTR MUSICAL IS JUST FULL OF HOT PEOPLE
OMGOD GANDALF UUUGH HE WAS AMAZING idk why I thought he's be played by a younger guy in makeup?? Getting an actually older actor makes way more sense and HE WAS AMAZING
Saruman, elrond and golem were all played by this one guy and it was so good?? You could tell visually like his face that it was all him but he differentiates the characters SOOO well!! Bald elrond will haunt my dreams though..
MERRY AND PIPPIN UUUGHGHHG I love I love they made a tiny tweak to pip which was that since he was played by a lovely actress pip was referred to as a girl, but it was done very well! Nothing about the character changed, personality, story beats, outfit, everything was still pippin the only difference was a few she's here and there which is very much how this thing should be done :)) if you do need to or want to switch and characters gender it's good to keep them the same in other aspects otherwise they just come across as a new character with a familiar name! But that didn't happen here at all, the actress portrayed pip amazingly
Merry was also so good! His voice was amazing and he was so charming!
THE OOOORCS they were amazing. They were so unsettling!! I wasn't sure how they were going to play them but they had this gassmask type thing on it was so good! Everytime they came in I was excited to see them.
The way they did the nazgul was so fun. They were these skeleton horse head puppets!! They opened their mouths so wide it was really unsettling!!
AND THE SPIIIIDERRR everyone gasped when the spider came on. They opened these big doors in the back of the theatre right and she didn't even walk on she was right there! She was huge. She's this big puppet maned by like it's gotta be six or seven people SHE WAS AMAZING
AND OH OH OH THE FIRST AND LAST SCENES WERE OUTSIDE bilbos party was out in the garden!! We all got to sit around and the hobbit came and spoke to us all like we were invited to the party! Bilbo came out and asked me if I had eaten today if was great!! Speaking of which he was SOO GOOOOD
ANNNNDD they mentioned Tom!! WOOO at the end gandalf spoke about going to speak with Tom bombadil! We all had a giggle it was fun
It was just generally amazing all round
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sqtorux · 2 months
Hi pookie wookie, giving out TY notes to the amazing JJK creators that have inspired me since the beginning🥺
Sending you so much love bc I absolutely ate up everything you posted when I first learned about SMAU content. I would spend hours on Tumblr reading these type of content, and you always posted something I would IMMEDIATELY stop my scrolling to read your work as SOON as I see your name. Thank you for being one of the people who's been making SMAUs in the community which eventually made me so obsessed w them that I accidentally got promoted from SMAU reader to SMAU creator😔 I consider you as one of the OGs or big creators that make them too you're like that big and inspiring to my eyes (IDC WHAT ANYONE HAS TO SAY ABOUT THAT IT'S CANON🤺) Truly, thank you for being one of the people who showed me how fun SMAU content could be!It's been a few months in already and I'm happy making them🫶 Just wanted you to know! (Also I try my best to not have any similar posts or details in the SMAUs w u or other creators out of respect to my seniors as a junior creator I try😭) Sending you much appreciation and heart warming love ❤ Love your works they're just soooo good and I just absolutely love how incredibly sweet you are, hope you have a great day!! :3
Perfect time to also drop extra lore that I'm actually also🔅anon but I'm not really hiding it LMAO and the emoji a dead giveaway anyway but I still want to be your anon pls😭😞🥺
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baey.bie. omfg you're so sweet this gave me so much happiness im so sooo proud of your promotion too hahhaha welcome to the creator part of this fandom i wish nothing but the absolute best for your blog . sending so much love to you right back i hope you have the bestest day ever!! <33
oh yes you're still my anon regardless so don't think of leaving hehe mwah luv u sm !!!
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rating ships cuz why not
percabeth: 1127374784/10 my parents. the og it couple. my otp. there is nothing i love more than them.
solangelo: 9/10 or on a good day 10/10 canon 8/10 fanon 11/10 y'all write them better uncle rick (+add some depth to will cuz rick has made will's personality as nico's boyfriend)
frazel: 9/10 the age gap is a bit weird but they are outcast weird adorable powerful pookies in love
jiper: 8/10 nice while it lasted
caleo: -128828737488494993030303/10 hate it. get it out of my eyes please. repeat after me: LEO DOES NOT NEED A GIRLFRIEND.
shelper: 7/10 haven't seen much of them but i support women so GO GIRLS
pipabeth: 8/10 honestly rick made them SO gay then didn't make them end up together like smh
lukabeth: -1/10 no
lukalia: 6/10 potential WAS there. but thalia is gay and he's dead
lukercy: -1/10 percy had a admiration crush thingy but no
ruegard: 15/10 the patrochilles parallels mwah
jercy: 9/10 they're powerful pookies with trauma and in love. i support
jasico: 9/10 honestly jason is everything nico needs although the age gap would be weird but its like frazel so yeah GO FOR IT
pernico: 8/10 ANGST POTENTIAL>>> but the break up is inevitable
perleo: 7/10 best bros no homo
valdangelo: 8/10 nice? it has potential
valzhang: 7/10 hahahahahhahahahahahhaha
hazleo: 1/10 don't like it can't see it
pipercy: 9/10 troublemaking losers (/aff). more platonic potential.
pipleo: 8/10 besties in love? again more platonic potential
reynabeth: 3/10 can see it but they'll break up. would be nice while it'll last
jeyna: 8/10 the potential is there although i can see the break up
theyna: 9/10 would give it 10/10 if i wasn't SO jealous of thalia like girl leave my wife alone smh
me x reyna: 18227738839399922838388382881991/10 we're perfect <3
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socialbunny · 1 year
BOLD THE FACTS: My OG pookums >:3
I was tagged by this by some people actually, but I'm going to do it like. two more times (in two more posts with Darleen and Darren & Skip and Brandi and ??? maybe some other premades who're relevant in the DCU (dirk cinematic universe)) who really knows I might forget about doing the rest right after I post this so 😭
Starting with my pookies Dirk and Dustin, because I love copying nixie they're my original loves. these aren't concrete i change stuff a lot and a lot of these questions (?) i wasnt so sure on so whatverrrr :)
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$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other
✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
*i guess there's no place for parental relationships which whateverrrrrr. dirk and darren have a complicated relationship to me, one that's right in-between the pleasant's and the broke's. the death of darleen affected both dirk and darren greatly, of course, but it hit darren especially hard. darren did some shit that traumatized dirk badly and it left their relationship on the rocks up to present time. i don't think dirk takes darren seriously as his actual parent At All, and sees him as more of a liability than anything. THAT SOUNDS VERY MEAN BUT YOU NEED TO GET INSIDE MY BRAIN.
◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
♦ disorganized / organized / in between
♦ close minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ leader / follower / in between
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦ traditional / modern / in between ??? dont really get this one
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown ??
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown (his "loyalty" is highly debatable. he's definitely not disloyal but the bar is kinda low)
♦ reliable / unreliable / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic ?
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious ?
❀ Philosophical: yes / no
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
the last two bullets that were here are irrelevant to me he's bisexual ;)
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / alcoholic
☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker
✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess *he does not take his meds lmaoooo
☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
$ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
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$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other
✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
♦ disorganized / organized / in between
♦ close minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ leader / follower / in between
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦ traditional / modern / in between ??? dont really get this one
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown ??
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
♦ reliable / unreliable / unknown / DEPENDSSS
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / n/a ??
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
❀ Philosophical: yes / no
the broke's are ethnically jewish (brandi's side), but aren't really religious to me.
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
the last two bullets that were here are irrelevant to me he's bisexual ;)
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / alcoholic
☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker
✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
$ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
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murdrdocs · 4 months
“pushing and pulling on his locks like they're nothing but a joystick on a controller.”
oh okay!! creamed!!!
anyways pookie it’s the anon that submitted the og ask and OH MY GOD? i’m sat honey that was crazy
anyways in lieu of this whole situation can i be 🎾 anon? 😔🙏
yes plz i like talking 2 u
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fortheb0ys · 5 months
Btw i had a dream
Here is list of random charakter i seen in there :
Andrei Nolan, Og Makarov, Greta Evans(the boy), random girl, policeman from one of tv shows i dont remember name of, my English teacher
+ like 13random people and girl im gonna Call "girlymotherfucker" and girl im gonna Call 🐢 because i dont have any name ideas for her
So my dream started with that i was messaging some girlymotherfucker and that i wanted to eat her(like on this canibal creppypasta) and later we Meet up in bushes next to craftstore in my town but i'm reality we didn't Meet up and i just have halucinations in my dream. And later i have time skip like A week later that im in my room from 2021 looking into my phone and i get flashbacki that i killed her or something but then i get confused and that i didn't killed her and i get that she killed herself and i eaten her but then i get that its imposible because im vegeterian
Then i wake up and fall asleep again .
And i continue my dream , i wake up in some abadoned hause that looked just like from cod mobile "crossfire"map and that i was there with 🐢 and with Greta and that my father locked us in there and we couldnt get out. Them i had some time skip where i was siting on passanger seat of the car, Andrei was driving and Makarov was talking with this policeman from tvshow. Then Andrei looked at me, smiled in weird way and put him hand on my thigh( if i could do anything i would fuck him already). And then i had another timeskip where i was in some weird room that looked just like music room from school from show "Black summer" but the window was bigger and there was huge ass bed,teacher desk and this thing to show computer screen on the wall.
Then i notice random people from my class siting on bed and special spot for me to sit, my English teacher(i have drama with him but he doesnt know) and as i get on this huge ass bed he asked me
ET:" *my name* so you like art right ?"(Im art kod in my class, long story with that)
And then IT get that they were watching some horror movie and i was only person who didn't get scared and he asked me
ET"*my name* you areny scared?"
Me "i love slashers, i dont fear stuff like that"
And then i wake up
Because i need to write here so you gonna have something to read and im gonna have place to give infodump to , choose what story you want me to write here next
A) my drama with my English teacher but he doesnt know about that
B) dream with my teacher(who is also my neithboir) and my two pookies
C) another fanfiction idea where i want to make big russian men pregnant
Hahaha your dreams are so random😭 I wish I had fun dreams. I don't dream much!
Honestly I had such a beef with my English tutor. For some reason they're always absolute ass holes. I think that might be one of the qualifications to teach.
Honestly message whenever, I don't really have a set time I look at my account. My day's are always all over the place. I usually answer them whenever I get the time unless I have a little drabble or fic that hoes with them.
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