#yandere Allura
Platonic Yandere! Voltron x Reader
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These are my first headcanons I’ve uploaded so they might be a little all over the place and unorganized💀💀 but anyways hope you guys enjoy?
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I don’t know if having all of them obsessed with you is a good thing or a bad thing
On one side, they’d be willing to do anything in order to protect you
But on the other, there’s literally no way you’re ever getting away from them, not with the defenders of the universe being your personal guard dogs
You had to have been friends with at LEAST one of them before finding the blue lion and I’m feeling Pidge was the first one to have been the starting catalyst
So once you’ve met everyone else, something just clicked in their brains
Your whole being was just so comforting and familiar for them that they didn’t even realize their feelings towards you becoming twisted
You wouldn’t be able to go anywhere by yourself
Feel like eating something? Good thing Hunk’s tagging along, maybe he’ll make you a tasty meal
Need to train in the training deck? Well, Keith feels like his fighting skills are getting a little rusty
Want to look over the star chart? Luckily Coran and Pidge are right there to help you understand some of the patterns
Want to get some rest in your room? Allura’s already suggesting you guys should have a slumber party in her room!
You won’t get any time to yourself, not with one of them breathing down your neck
There will always be one of them right next to you wherever you are
Like they’re clinginess is unreal💀 some will make their clingy needs obvious (LANCE, Hunk, Coran) while the others will be a bit more discreet about it (Shiro, Keith, Pidge)
I feel like Allura would be in between
But despite this, none of them are willing to take the risk of you roaming around outside the castle
You could try and run from them, maybe the aliens on the planets they visit will want to keep you for themselves, or the galra might show up and start attacking!
Because of that lingering fear, missions are usually done with you back in the safety of the castle with Coran and Allura (if she hasn’t begun piloting the lion yet)
They’re usually left on babysitting duties with you which they don’t honestly mind…
All of them would be SUPER overprotective of you to the absolute MAX, telling you the castle was the only place that could keep you safe
If they aren’t around that is
Being around them in the castle begins to feel more an obligation, and you feel more like a prisoner
Which is why you prefer Shiro out of all of them because he’s the only one who gives you some amount of freedom
Shiro understands what it’s like to be kept as a prisoner and understands just how restricting your situation is
He definitely tries to work out some negotiation with you
To make up for the others obsessive need to constantly be around you, he forces them to chill out and just let you be
Kind of like a schedule of some sort
With Shiro’s light supervision, you can finally take a moment for yourself without having to worry about the lingering eyes you’ve felt since leaving earth
Just don’t take advantage of Shiro’s kindness because the little privacy he’s given you can easily be taken away and you’d be back at stage one with the group hogging for your attention
Because this group is diverse in personalities, it can be extremely draining having to deal with them all on a daily basis
Lance and Keith fight for your attention, Lance being more loud and open about it
It’s like a tug of war situation with them, constantly having them bicker over who gets to hangout with you and fighting for that right
“Hey y/n, I say we make a break for it. You, me, we’ll make a great pair just saving the universe!”
“You really think they want to spend time with you?? I think y/n was on their way to the training deck right?”
It’s exhausting to say the least
Having Pidge run on and on about programs she’s working on can be draining and you often find yourself dozing off until she wakes you up, forcing you to listen to her rants and programs she’s currently working on again
(Definitely has some sort of tracker on you, everybody knows about it except you)
I feel like Hunk wouldn’t be as bad as the others but he does force you to cook with him in the kitchen, constantly wanting your inputs and needing compliments, not allowing you to leave until you’ve taste tested all of his new dishes
Manipulates you into staying with him by saying no one appreciates his cooking💀 makes you feel bad so you reluctantly stay in your seat
Allura and Coran…
They have never felt such intense feelings for a person before, so it really throws them off once they’ve developed their twisted version of affection for you
Their planet was destroyed and now that they finally found a home in you, they’re both willing to do anything in order to keep you in the safety of their arms
“Y/n just the person I was looking for! I need your help in running some tests for me”
“Ah y/n there you are! I was starting to get worried when I didn’t find you with the others,,”
Shiro plans on keeping and protecting the innocence he saw in you when you guys first met
Definitely gives overprotective dad vibes
He’ll be forceful with you if you try and do anything dangerous, like trying to go out on missions or even trying to escape them
I don’t think escaping is even possible tbh, they all kinda desperate ngl💔
Overall, this group is dead set on keeping you with them
It doesn’t really matter what you want because you don’t really understand the true dangers the universe can throw at you
They just want to keep you safe and happy
As long as you follow along with their rules and requests, living in the castle with this group won’t be as terrible as compared to you constantly fighting against them
That won’t be well received by either of them, especially Allura and Shiro
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yandere-voltron · 11 months
Strange Things
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Summary: You are forced to go underwater to fix a hole in the bottom of the ship, but your eye catches sight of some strange things Translations at the end
You felt ridiculous. The people on the Cruise Ship were partying and relaxing, not knowing the potential danger they could be in. The captain had told you to go fix a massive hole under the ship and to do that you needed to assess the damage underwater.
You jumped in, with the ridiculous outfit, and began to swim under the moving boat. You were quick to spot torn metal and quickly swam over to it. When you got closer, you realized that it looked very much like claw marks.
You frowned, examining the damage before pulling out your camera to take pictures.
"Everything okay, Y/n?"
"There is some minor damage to the ship's lower deck, but it's an easy fix."
There was a loud banging sound causing you to freeze and look below you. It was dark, but you could see a fish-like thing moving. You clicked the light headset and started to swim lower. It was a bad idea, but not like you wanted to fix the ship to be honest.
You catch the sight of something blue, but before you can investigate your headset goes off again.
"What's taking you so long, Y/n? I thought you assessed the damage?"
You froze, before shaking your head, "Yeah, I'm coming up now..."
"That was close," Lance sighed, hiding behind a rock. He watched as you swam away, doing whatever you humans do. He knew Allura would be mad at him for watching the humans and getting way to close, but he couldn't help himself, and it seemed he wasn't the only one.
"It's not what it looks like," Lance held up his hands, trying to defend himself. But ultimately sighed when he saw that the Princess wasn't amused.
Pidge and Hunk hid behind Allura as she scolded the brown haired male. "What if she had seen you, Lance? You would be putting us ALL in danger." She gestures to the other merpeople who had been drawn by the commotion.
He groaned, looking away from her. "What are you so scared of? They're just humans." He crossed his arms and everyone gasped at his tone towards the princess.
She straightened her back and held her self high, "Exactly, they're humans. Selfish, Greedy, No good humans. They'll kill us all."
"You're just being dramatic," He remarks as he swims away, Allura watching him in anger.
You shook your head before heaving the tools behind you. You groaned, rubbing your head. You hated being on cruises when you were working, so many people on one tiny boat. It gave you shivers thinking about it.
You looked out one of the windows when you see a red tail and quickly rub your eyes before going out the window again.
"Mon Dieu! J'ai cru voir une grosse queue de poisson¹!" You shook your head, before heading off again. You go toward the engine room, and begin to work on the damages. "Ugh ça va être une longue nuit²..."
Keith hold his breath as he waited for the girl to leave. He had almost been caught and he knows he'd be a hypocrite if anyone found out what he was doing.
He looked back through the window to see that she was gone. He sighed and quickly swam away before he really did get caught.
Lance sighs, turning a fork over in his hands. He didn't know what the problem was, he loved the humans. They were so interesting and had such funny stories. He leaned his body onto a rock, not noticing the eyes on him.
Lance quickly whipped around to glare at the perpetrators. It was his so called friends Pidge and Hunk.
"What are you traitors doing here?"
They both rubbed the back of their heads and sighed. They looked at each other, before swimming towards an angry Lance.
"We didn't mean to make you take the blame for you."
"yeah, we were totally going to tell her we were also there, but..."
"But what? You guys left me out to dry!"
"We're sorry, Lance. How can we make it up to you."
Lance thought for a moment, before his eyes widened, "I want to go on land!"
There was silence for a moment, before the two busted out laughing, which caused Lance to glare at them.
"Sorry Lance, we didn't mean to laugh, but be reasonable. We don't have legs, we have tails."
"There might be a way..."
They all looked back, surprised to see Keith. Then they looked at each other, "How?"
"The Witch."
"Keith, this is a really bad idea-"
Keith ignores Pidge, who was tweeting in his ear. Lance was far ahead of them both, excited at the possibility of getting legs and being part of the land world.
"Oh, what do you think it's like," Lance begins to fantasize about the world above. Little did they know, it was burning to ashes.
You watched as all the passengers left the cruise ship. You were ecstatic to finally get off the boat for a few hours. You liked the water and all, but it wasn't nearly as predictable as land. You walked down the towards the dock, but your captain called out to you.
You turned around, him giving you a dark look. You looked at him confused.
"Be back by 15 hundred."
You nodded and took off. You went to a nearby cafe that was on one of the docks and decided to take your break there. Or at least that's what you wanted to do, but you were intrigued by a group on the beach.
"We want legs!"
"Legs you say?" The banished Prince, Lotor, looked at the group, before swimming through his lair and finding a potion bottle. "I may be able to help you..."
The group watch Lotor swim around and drop things into his cauldron. There was lights and the mushrooms glowed brightly on the walls. The group huddled up over the cauldron and looked into the bright glowing liquid.
They then looked at eachother. Pidge, being the voice of reason, finally spoke.
"Guys, I don't know if this is a good idea..."
"Of course it is!" Lance exclaimed excitedly. He holds out his hand as Lotor hands him the bottle.
Lance then hands it to Pidge. "Well, what do I have to lose?" And then Pidge clugs, before tossing it to Hunk.
Hunk looked over at Keith, who was examining the bottle on the shelves.
"Hey, Keith, how about you take it before me?"
Keith turns around towards Hunk, before eyeing the bottle. "I don't know. I like my tail."
"I guess you'll never know what the human world is like," Lotor taunts. "Or that one person... Oh what's their name?"
Keith's fist clench at the mention of the girl he had not been spying on... well, maybe he did, but he knew that's what Lotor meant.
"Fine," Keith grabs the bottle and gulps it down, leaving a tiny bit for Hunk.
"I can't believe I let you guys talk me into this," Pidge groaned, trying to step over a rock, but ultimately falling.
"At least we're not naked."
"Bonjour? Est-ce que vous allez bien là-bas³?"
They looked towards the voice; Keith and Lance's eyes widen recognizing the h/c haired girl. You walked down the slippery sand and towards the clumsy group. They were holding on for dear life as they didn't know how to use their new feet.
"Peux-tu marcher⁴?"
They looked at you confused, before the tall, brown-haired male speaks-
You shook your head, before going up to help them, "Are you guys okay?"
"Uh, yes. We've never walked before," The bigger male speaks.
"What does that mean?" you ask him confused, by the brunette quickly covers his champion's mouth.
"He's stupid. I'm Lance." The brunette takes your hand, shaking it hard, "That's Pidge and Hunk," He points to the big male and then the smallest guy, "And that grump is Keith. What's your name beautiful?"
"Y/n," You look Lance up and down, before rolling your eyes, "You're not from around here are you?"
"No," Pidge says, shaking their head. "Actually," Pidg steps towards you, "Where are we?"
"Are you ship wreck survivors? I know there was a crash up west-"
"Yes!" Pidge stands straight, but still leans on the rock. Infact, they were all leaning on the walk, like they didn't know how to stand.
"Well, we need to get you to a doctor, make sure you're okay-"
"No, it's fine. We'd really just want to... Uh," Pidge looks towards Lance, who had been insistent on turning into a human in the first place.
"We wanna get back home!" Hunk burst out and you're taken aback.
"Are you sure you can handle going on a ship after what happened?"
"Yes, nothing can stop our hopes and dreams-" Lance speaks but you interrupt him.
"Okay Patriot, I'll go speak to my captain, see what I can't do. Come on," You gesture for them to follow you.
They look at each other, before Pidge takes the first steps, trying to walk towards you, before falling. Pidge groaned, face full of sand. They reminded you of babies learning to walk.
"All that time in the water, you may need to sit down for a while." You went to leave but Lance calls out to you.
"No! She's just being dramatic-" He pushes himself off the rock and slowly walks towards you, the other's soon following. When Lance reached you he jumped, fist bumping the air, "Oh my god, I did it!"
"You walked?" You shook your head, but didn't speak anymore on it.
"Je ne pense pas qu'ils soient d'ici. Ils agissent étrangement⁵…" You whisper to your captain when he asked about the people you were with. He looks at the group and back at you as you continue. "Ils ont dit qu'ils étaient des survivants de l'épave à l'ouest⁶."
"If you swear to keep an eye on them, they can work with you. They really want to get on a boat so soon?"
"They were adamant. I've never met people like them before." You look back at the group. Lance and Keith were fighting and Pidge and Hunk were trying to break them apart.
"Okay, make sure to keep them occupied."
"Coran, have you seen the others?"
The orange-haired male turned towards the blue-haired princess. "Not since you yelled at them a few hours ago."
"I just want to protect them, I wish they'd see that."
"I know you are princess, but... Well, they love an adventure."
"Yes, I can see that."
My God! I thought I saw a big fish tail
Ugh, it's gonna be a long night
Hello? Are you okay there?
Can you walk?
I don't think they are from here. They act strange...
They said they were survivors from the wreckage to the west.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Ooh how would Yandere romantic Allura treat a altean reader vs galra reader ? Or would she treat them the exact same way ? 👽
I'll explore this concept a bit.
Yandere! Allura with Altean! Darling vs Galran! Darling
Discussion/Comparison Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Delusional behavior, Manipulation, Dubious/Forced relationship, Slight angst, Kidnapping, Brainwashing, Implied torture, Racism against Galrans I guess (?), Stockholm syndrome.
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I feel it makes sense that an Altean! Darling would be treated differently than a Galran! Darling.
Allura would feel more at home with an Altean darling.
You two understand your culture and she can take comfort in knowing that she has another Altean to look after and care for.
Allura would feel conflicted with a Galran darling.
After all, your race of people are known for being bloodthirsty conquerors and traitors.
Allura's obsession over a Galran darling would be more delusional than with an Altean darling.
She holds resentment towards Galrans which would cause her obsession to feel more forced.
With an Altean darling, Allura tries to make her obsession slower.
It feels more natural to her.
With a Galran darling it's like Allura is trying to indoctrinate you onto her side.
With a Galran darling Allura wants to believe you're different from the rest of your race.
Regardless on if you actually are or not.
I'd say the Galran obsession is more intense than the Altean one.
With an Altean darling, Allura tries to court you by the usual Altean means.
She'd take her time with you when trying to make a relationship with you.
Surely you're charmed by the idea of the Altean Princess choosing you as an Atlean partner, no?
With an Altean darling Allura would take her time, putting little thoughts in your head and making you confide in her.
She's playful and full of smiles.
You two share similar ideals and lament the same issues.
Allura would admit that she feels comforted by a fellow Altean as her darling.
You almost have no idea she's setting you up to be the perfect Altean partner.
Not until she finally admits her intentions and coaxes you into a relationship.
When it comes to a Galran darling she's more... aggressive in her obsession.
She doesn't bother using the gentle and caring tactic of slowly planning manipulation.
She'd kidnap you.
That's not all, either!
Allura is under the belief that you have the potential to be different than the rest.
Despite what her Paladins say, despite what Conran says, she uses violence and punishment to make you hers.
It starts as her just venting her frustrations about your people verbally and maybe a bit physically.
Although once she's empty of her resentment and anger, she tries to brainwash you.
The others think what she's doing is cruel, even if you are Galran!
Allura doesn't care, she claims she knows what she's doing.
Allura would force some sort of stockholm syndrome onto a Galran darling.
She's brainwashing you to betray her people and love her.
After all... if she says you're different, you will be different.
A Galran darling makes Allura reveal a darker side while an Altean darling keeps Allura in her usual happy and playful behavior.
If you are an actually good Galran then she may shift her behavior over to her kinder persona at first after some distrust until you betray her or something.
In the end she plans to have formed you into a proper partner for her, Galran or not.
Besides that... when you are "properly dating" the yandere behavior is the same.
She's overprotective and obsessive yet super affectionate.
If others tell her what she's doing is wrong, she ignores them.
If you're threatened she's prepared to defend you.
The two species will be treated the same during a relationship, but before that it's much different.
If I make a general concept for her I'll elaborate more on her basic yandere behavior, this was just to decribe how she'd feel about these two darlings.
Allura is dedicated to her darling.
Altean or Galran... she'll promise to be the best partner for you.
Even after a bit of manipulation.
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magicaldonniella · 1 month
JJBA x Voltron AU "The Rivals Story"
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Inspired by a vocaloid song "I am the Celebration of Two People"
Basically, Jolyne is jealous at her rival, Allura for being Karuki's true love and that Karuki is always giving Allura a lot of attention like what she did when she was with Jolyne back then. So, Jolyne killed Allura and disguised herself as her in order to obtained Karuki herself. Months has passed after Allura's passing and nobody knew that Jolyne murdered her, until Jolyne realized something was wrong...When she looked into the mirror, Jolyne saw that she has pink altean marks. But she knew that she can't possibly earned Altean marks because shes a half galra, half human...When she tries to revert back to her old self, she saw that her back hair had become white and curly which looks exactly like Allura's hair and some of her original hair which are her two buns hairstyle. And then, Jolyne realized that Allura was inside of her and that her soul possessed Jolyne's entire body in order to fused their souls into one...Fear of losing herself and losing Karuki, Jolyne would have no choice but to try to find a way to get rid of Allura before its too late. But, it did not go as planned...Allura moved Jolyne's body and then stabbed Jolyne's stone and then stabbed themselves before Jolyne could even react. And now, Jolyne is dead...thanks to Allura's possession...
Anyway, here's a music video about that song:
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d4n1elll4 · 6 months
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→ I don't own any of these works here. I just collected them in a single place so I (and maybe others) can find them easier. All the credits go to the authors. → Don't hesitate to notify me if any of the links don't work or anything. I'll make sure to solve the problem as fast as I can. → Check my Masterlist for more fandoms and recs. → Thank you and enjoy :) ❤️
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part 1
touch by @the-kerberos-mission
ticklish by @space-lions-and-imagines
dating app by @itzlinhwritesnerdythings
secret's out by @vnmpior
afraid of thunder by @deliciouslyswaggytrashcan
i'm not emotional unattached by @yandere-voltron
i won't let you fall by @quillvvie
fluffy hcs by @keiffeine
confession hcs by @keiffeine
rivals to lovers hcs by @keiffeine
cuddling hcs by @keiffeine
kisses hcs by @keiffeine
allura's younger sister hcs by @keiffeine
james griffin's sister by @keiffeine
flinching in an argument hcs by @keiffeine
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kelthebarb · 1 year
hello hello !!
i’m kelian, keli, or kel (feel free to call me either), i’m 19, and i write fanfiction :)
here are some of the fandoms & characters i write for
genres: angst, fluff, smut, platonic, headcannons, oneshots, alphabets
carl grimes, rick grimes, daryl dixon, michonne grimes, enid rhee, maggie rhee, henry sutton, rosita espinosa, glenn rhee, tara chambler, ron anderson
genres: angst, fluff, smut, platonic, headcannons, oneshots, alphabets
hangë zoe, eren yeager, levi ackerman, jean kirschtein, armin arlert, connie springer, mikasa ackerman, sasha braus, annie leonhardt
genres: fluff, angst, platonic, headcannons, oneshots
pidge gunderson, lance mcclain, keith kogane, matt holt, princess allura
genres: angst, fluff, smut, platonic, headcannons, oneshots, alphabets
mezo shoji, hitoshi shinsou, shoto todoroki, katsuki bakugou, touya todoroki/dabi, izuku midoriya, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, tenya iida, hanta sero
genres: fluff, angst, platonic, headcannons, oneshots
lucas friar, farkle minkus, riley matthews, maya hart, shawn hunter
genres: smut (only for some characters), fluff, angst, platonic, headcannons, oneshots
tanjiro kamado, inosuke hashibira, zenitsu agatsuma, giyuu tomioka, rengoku kyojuro, tengen uzui, obanai iguro, sanemi shinazugawa, himejima gyomei, muichiro tokito, gyutaro shabana
genres: smut (only for some characters), fluff, angst, platonic, headcannons, oneshots
[nga yawne lu oer - lo’ak sully]
[mean - neteyam & lo’ak sully]
lo’ak sully, neteyam sully, kiri sully, jake sully, neytiri te tskaha mo’at’ite, aonung, tsireya, rotxo
genres: angst, fluff, smut, platonic, headcannons, oneshots, alphabets
[if i could tell her - john “soap” mactavish]
[my future - simon “ghost” riley]
simon “ghost” riley, john “soap” mactavish, kyle “gaz” garrick, john price, alejandro vargas, keegan russ, alex keller, könig
genres: angst, fluff, smut, platonic, headcannons, oneshots, alphabets (only platonic for the girls because i’m gay)
[mountaindew angst blurb]
swiss, sodo, mountain, phantom, aether, rain, cumulus, cirrus, aurora
dom/sub dynamics
pet names
pretty tame kinks (also piss if ya filthy) (i am)
character x reader
odd kinks, shit, age regression, etc
yandere characters/readers
requests that make me uncomfortable
n that’s pretty much it ! my requests are open, so feel free to send in some !
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romaritimeharbor · 4 months
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"ohh? now, who do we have here? a visitor... and for addiel, no less! i am lyney, fontaine's very own great magician. say, while you wait, would you like to see a magic trick? but! you have to follow the rules while you're here~"
✧— requests are open for mutuals only. if you are not a mutual, you can still send in your thoughts! however, think of my inbox as a suggestion box. you can send me your ideas, but do not expect me to create an entire fic about them.
✧— i only write platonic, safe for work content. do not send me romantic or nsfw requests; if anyone sends me the latter, it will result in an instant block. do not do it.
✧— i only write for gender neutral!reader, who is almost always meant to be interpreted as non-binary (but can be viewed in any way; anyone is welcome and encouraged to imagine different pronouns for the reader if they want to). do not request fem!reader. male!reader requests are welcome, but may take longer than gender neutral!reader requests.
✧— please be patient! i am a full-time student and only have so much freetime. furthermore, i have adhd and tend to work most on the requests and ideas that interest me more. i may not post any fics for a few months, or i might post multiple in a week. there's no way to know, so please be patient and kind.
✧— if your request contains triggering content, please be sure to put a tw & cw at the top. my blog is a safe space, and i will not tolerate anyone triggering anyone intentionally (if you forget to tag it, i will understand, but do be mindful not to do it again). furthermore, i will not write for the following topics: abuse done by the character you're requesting, yandere, s/h and active suicidal intent, pregnancy and its related topics, etc.
✧— do not be hateful towards anyone else. this blog is a safe space, and i will not tolerate cruelty towards the people who visit it. the only exception to this is hate anons; i will not be protecting those people. if you can spread hate anonymously, you can handle the backlash.
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the characters i will write for are as follows:
☆ genshin impact | venti, kaeya, klee, zhongli, yaoyao, baizhu, qiqi, shenhe, ganyu, xianyun, nahida, kaveh, alhaitham, nilou, dehya, furina, neuvillette, navia, clorinde, lyney, lynette, freminet, wanderer/scaramouche, arlecchino, pantalone, la signora, childe, il dottore, kazuha, kokomi, collei, beidou, ningguang.
☆ honkai: star rail | march 7th, dan heng (including il), welt yang, himeko, natasha, hook, clara, serval, gepard, sampo, jing yuan, yanqing, asta, kafka, silver wolf, arlan, yaoshi.
☆ toilet-bound hanako-kun | tsuchigomori, hanako, mitsuba, kou, nene, sakura, yako, teru, tiara.
☆ stardew vally | elliott, leah.
☆ demon slayer | tanjiro, zenitsu, inosuke, nezuko, tengen and his wives, kyojuro, shinobu, kanae, kanao, muichiro, yuichiro, rui, enmu, douma, gyomei, giyuu, obanai, mitsuri.
☆ voltron: legendary defender | shiro, lance, pidge, hunk, keith, krolia, lotor, allura, coran.
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yinorathedragontamer · 8 months
hey everyone, im new to tumbr and i want to try out writing fanfics and headcanons [mainly x reader, though i wouldnt mind writing for a ship]
so far ill write for characters from:
buffyverse [buffy the vampire slayer + angel]
dnd honor among thieves
genshin impact
one piece [live action]
voltron legendary defender [only paladins + allura]
how to train your dragon
tangled the series
acotar [more for the first book, i havent gotten very far yet because im busy with school and other things and therefore i havent had too much time to read]
obey me
spider verse the maze runner book of life [this movie is so underrated i swear, and the soundtrack is sooooo good, my personal favorite is the apology song, look it up if your interested]
good omens
agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
loki [the series]
fnaf movie
the witcher
tangled the series [i love varian so much its insane]
avatar the last airbender
legend of korra
Percy Jackson show! [and i am so sorry, but ill write for litterly any character from the show EXCEPT Luke T.T]
fallout tv show
Dead Boy Detectives
Supernatural (season 1 and 2, will update the further i get)
there are more though its late and i cant think of them right now, but if anyone would like to request anything id love to give it a try.
you can also request for anything that isn't on here if you want since i might be able to write for it anyway, if that makes sense.
what i mean is that even though there is a chance that i cant/wont write for it, there is also a chance that i will so dont be afraid to ask!
i would also like to add that
english is not my first language so if there are any typos or anything you can always let me know
im a beginner in writing fanfic however i really want to get better at it, so if you do have even a vague idea for a request or a trope or au id love to try writing for it
i mainly want to write fluff, id also like to write angst with a fluffy ending or just try out angst in general [i know the first fic i posted here is angst but still-] and i dont mind writing suggestive stuff however i don't write smut, so if you request it anyway it'll end up more like a suggestive fic.
i don't mind writing things that are a little darker (for example things like traumatic events) though only a vague description of having been through it, I WILL NOT write it "currently" happening in the fic.
fics based on songs [or specific parts of lyrics]
poly on that note, here's what i WON'T write (a few will be repeated from the list of what i will write, so apologies for that if it annoys you):
full on smut
graphic fighting scenes (i suck at writing them when i'm not in the mood T.T)
sexual assault (unless it's a vague memory/trauma for a character, for example when a character talks to reader abt why reader has been hesitant for touch and its just a heartfelt moment of opening up to eachother about what happened if that makes sense) i can write for any reader [gn, fem, male, nonbinary, etc]
ofcourse if anyone has any tips or any feedback on any future fics then please do let me know! im open for suggestions to improve my writing skills.
anyway, thats all for now, have a great day!
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a-den-of-demons · 11 months
More Muses!
Allura (VLD)- Personality similar to canon; Secretly slutty
Height: 6'2"
Bust Size: D Cup
Kinks: Blowjobs, Size Queen, Monsterfucker; Submissive
Forms: Angel-blooded
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Sir Integra (Hellsing)- Similar to canon; Very active in bed
Bust Size: C Cup
Kinks: Dominant, Into pegging, Loves sex toys
Forms: Human Hunter
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Lenore (Castlevania)- Same personality as canon; Sultry and Seductive
Height: 5'3"
Bust Size: B Cup
Kinks: Riding, Sweet domination, Leaving marks; Soft Dominant
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Cia (LoZ)- Similar to canon personlity; Very sultry and slutty
Height: 5'7"
Bust Size: E Cup
Kinks: Yandere, Bondage, Mindbreak (Others); Switch
Forms: Changling Mage
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Female Jaune Arc; Alternately Jaune's twin sister Jeanne Arc (RWBY)- Naive, Friendly, Brave; Innocent sexually
Size: 5'10"
Bust Size: E Cup
Kinks: Sensitive Breasts, Spanking, Oral (Giving and recieving); Submissive
Forms: Human hunter
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Raven (DC Comics)- Standoffish, controlled, protective of teammates; Needy, but not slutty
Height: 5'11"
Bust Size: D Cup
Kinks: Bondage, Light BDSM, Breeding; Submissive
Forms: Demon-blooded Human (Soul infected with demon magic)
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Neopolitan (RWBY)- Teasing, Scheming and cunning; Open slut
Height: 4'10"
Bust Size: DD Cup
Kinks: Gangbangs, Rough sex, Egging on her partners; Aggressively submissive
Forms: Human Criminal, Demon
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Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)- Similar to canon; Not slutty til broken
Height: 5'4"
Bust Size: C Cup
Kinks: Missionary, Doggy, Degradation; Switch
Forms: Mage Hunter
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Cornelia li Britannia (Code Geass)- Similar to canon; Knows what she wants in bed
Height: 5'11"
Bust Size: F Cup
Kinks: Reverse Cowgirl, Submissive men, Anal; Dominant
Forms: Angel-Blood Hunter
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lotidge · 9 months
If we had to abide by the canon,(I know that was thrown out of the window a long time ago but for creativity's sake I was curious) How would you handle a Lotige Fic including the fact that Lotor was responsible for the death of Alteans for Generations. Like a redemption or something else. This is my first ask I'm sorry if I did it wrong. Luv your blog!
Oof, that's hard! You did the ask right, but unfortunately, the I (Mod hess) would handle it by leaning into the evil and making him yandere for Pidge.
HOWEVER, if you want actual writing advice: Make the actions Justifiable 'The need's of the many outweigh the needs of the few'.
There is NO WAY to write it to where the actions look good or heroic on Lotor. However If A) the Colony needed the quintessance supply to stay hidden or else the Galra would genocide them, and B) the overabundance of quintessence in those few would've shortened their lifespans anyways... Is it still questionable? Yes... But He's a TAD bit justified in his choices. Cracking a few eggs to make an omelet so the rest of the flock can live happily and healthily.
For redemption, using Allura's knowledge of what Altea used to be, possibly this was an issue during her time and there was a cure or treatment for these alteans. Also having Lotor help transport them OUT of the colony thier on to another safe planet (like Earth) where the altean's can live happily and freely.
And THAT'S not even the part of canon ignore!
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Compromised - Platonic Yandere! Voltron x Reader
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This was a lot longer than what I intended it to be but whatever🔥
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The rapid sound of footsteps echoed through the hallways, a sense of urgency present with each step taken. As the door came into view, the one door that held the most important thing in the universe, a sigh of relief was heard in the now quiet hall. He tried listening through the door for any signs of life, in which he received none, causing him to abruptly open the door.
There you laid on a bed, eyes tracing the ceiling blankly, ignoring the intruding figure at the entrance of your room. “Why didn’t you respond to the communicator Y/N?”
Turning your head, you stared at Shiro for a few seconds before ultimately deciding to stand up. “Sorry Shiro, I was just having so much fun. In this empty room. Doing absolutely nothing. Dying from absolute excitement.” The sarcasm seeped out like venom with each word, causing the man to wince.
Sighing, he responded, “I know staying in here isn’t an exactly ideal situation, but it’s the best way in keeping you safe.” Hopefully you would understand this time.
“Keeping me safe from what? The Galra? Space? You guys aren’t protecting me from anything, you’re only scared of what could happen to me.”
“Y/N.” Shiro just couldn’t understand how you didn’t see all the dangers that lay beyond the castle walls. How they’ve faced death on so many occasions just so they could continue saving the universe.
“No! It isn’t fair that I’m stuck locked in this stupid room with you saying you’re protecting me when you guys willingly throw yourselves in the face of danger! I can defend myself, I’m a paladin of Voltron too!”
“No you cannot Y/N. Remember how Keith had to save you from that Galra soldier who tried slicing you in half? Or how you lost your bayard because you were too busy trying to escape one of the sentrys’ shooting at you? Everything we do is for you, whether you choose to see that is on you.”
In frustration, you grabbed the nearest item (aka a pillow) and threw it against the wall, watching the feathers explode from its case. This wasn’t fair.
“I got my bayard in the end though! And if I lose my bayard again I can always try to summon it back like you did! I’m more than just some item to be kept away forever. I am a part of this team as much as anyone else!”
Dragging his metal hand across his face, Shiro had to take a deep breath before walking fully into the room, sitting on your bed after locking the door behind him. He patted the spot next to him, urging you to sit with him, which you reluctantly did.
“I was only able to get the black lions’ bayard by chance Y/N. In a real situation, if your bayard was taken from you, the chances of you successfully summoning your bayard is extremely low.” This caused you to deflate a bit.
“We know how bad you want to join us during missions, but putting you out in the field is too much of a risk we don’t want to take. Y/n, please, you have to see how important you are to all of us. The thought of you getting hurt physically pains me.”
This caused you to hang your head low, making Shiro think he finally knocked some sense into you. “But you guys get hurt too. Why am I the only exception? If you just give me the opportunity to show you all I can be helpful then I wouldn’t constantly fight against you.”
“You don’t even have a lion Y/N. You know yours was destroyed during the creation of the lions, so even if we were to allow you on missions you wouldn’t be able to do much. It’s better to have you away from battle.
Finally getting fed up, you sprang from the bed onto your feet which surprised Shiro. You didn’t care if they didn’t allow you into battle. You didn’t care if you had to stay with Coran watching and aiding from the sidelines, you just wanted to be out of this room.
Suddenly Allura’s voice rang throughout the castle and in your room from the speakers. “Shiro we need you in the bridge immediately.”
You watched with intense eyes as the man got up from your bed, heading towards the door of the room. “Shiro if you leave without me right now, I promise you I will do everything in my power to leave by myself.”
Shiro hesitated for a moment, hearing how bitter the words were. Looking back, all he could see was the anger in your eyes, as if you already knew what he was going to say.
“I’m sorry Y/N, we’ll continue talking about this when I come back.” This caused you to flop on your bed staring straight up at the ceiling once again, just like how he had originally found you.
Opening the door, he looked back once more, departing with his final words, “Please make sure you respond to the communicator on time.”
Receiving no reply, Shiro walked out, locked the door, and began heading to the control room, completely unaware of your quiet plans.
Sitting up, you listened as Shiro’s footsteps became quieter the further he walked away from your room until there was nothing but silence. Closing your eyes, you began focusing on the one thing you’ve been training yourself for after all this time. Shiro was able to summon the black lions bayard from a vast distance, who’s to say you couldn’t do it either.
Despite Shiro’s past words echoing in your mind, you brushed it off, almost feeling like this will finally be the attempt that will succeed. Having your bayard would mean being able to get out of the suffocating room, and a chance at freedom. You were taking a huge risk in attempting this but at this point, nothing else really mattered. Only the thought of freedom was keeping your fire burning.
Concentrating hard, you began slowing your heartbeat, taking deep breaths, and trying to connect yourself to your bayard. Searching, it took a while before you found the resembling energy of your bayard. It was faint, very faint actually, showing the distance between you and your beacon of hope.
Opening your hand slightly, you began imagining the feeling of the bayard, remembering how it weighed in your hand and remembering the energy it had given you in the short moments you had it.
It was yours, it’s energy finally connecting with your own. The feeling was uncomfortable at first, it was almost like something was being shoved into your body, making you feel a whole new energy present.
A bright light flashed causing your heartbeat to accelerate, praying that the light was really what you thought it was. Slowly opening your eyes, the heavy weight in your hand confirmed your prayers. The bayard was clutched in your hand, gleaming under the light of your room.
“YES! YESYESYESYES YEEESSS!” Jumping on the bed with joy, your eyes slightly filled with tears. You knew you could do it! Everything they’ve said about you was wrong!
“Oh my gosh I actually did it! Haha suck on that Shiro!” Your bayard transformed into your weapon, the feeling of your dagger familiar and comforting as you ran to the door. Forcing the dagger between the wall and the door, you grunted from the force you applied as you tried opening it.
Slowly but surely, it slowly began to slide open, the small opening being forced wide enough for your whole body to fit through.
You needed to get to an escape pod immediately before any of them noticed you were running around the castle freely. You’ll figure out step two once you’re out of the castle.
Sprinting through the corridors, you realized you were on the opposite side of where you needed to be. You could only hope you made it far enough before one of them took notice.
While the others spoke of their next move against the Galra, Coran was busy loading up information onto the system, when he got a small pop up of a small dot traveling quickly through the halls.
“Uh guys? I think we may have a problem.” Quickly tapping around, he pulled up a camera to your room first, eyes widening as he saw the forced opening of your door.
“What’s going on Coran?” Hunk moved next to the shocked man, his own eyes opening wide while the rest of the group gathered around quickly. Keith was the first one to dash out of the room not wanting to waste another second as you ran through the halls of the castle.
“How did they even do that?!” Lance quickly grabbed his bayard, anxiously waiting for instructions. The group watched as Coran replayed the video, seeing you struggling while trying to open the door with your dagger, the one thing their eyes focused on immediately.
“Alright team let’s move out! Coran do you have any idea where Y/N could be heading?” Hunk and Pidge went to retrieve their own bayards while Allura stared at the screen with a blank face.
“Uuummm from what I’m seeing, they’re trying to get to the opposite side of the castle!”
“Y/N is trying to get to the escape pods.” Allura was awoken from her trance like state, running towards the doors of the control room, everyone following after her.
“Here you go paladins! Y/N is a bit ahead of you all but it seems Keith is near them.” A map popped up in the group’s helmets, the red dot a stark contrast against the six blue dots that moved across a map of the castle.
“Alright listen up! Our best bet is to try and cut Y/N off from their path. We need to lead them back to the control room, there we’ll have the upper hand in a more enclosed space!” Shiro’s voice was strong and powerful as he spoke, the others grunting in agreement as they all continued running down the corridors.
“Found them!” Keith yelled out as the group followed to where his and Y/N’s dot were shown on the map.
Quickly turning the corner, Pidge was abruptly shoved into a wall as Allura saved her from the flying knife heading her way.
“WHY CAN’T YOU GUYS JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!” You yelled out in frustration, blocking Keith’s attacks with your much smaller blade. Kicking him back, Keith stumbled onto Lance, causing both of them to tumble onto the ground.
Running around the next corner, the rest of the team followed after you.
“Remember the plan guys! Left!” In confusion, you looked back only to see a blast coming straight for you on your right. Quickly jumping to the left, you turned the left corner in order to avoid Lance and Hunks’ nonstop firing.
Running down the hall, you were about to make a right until Shiro yelled out, “Left!”
You watched with wide and shocked eyes as Keith’s sword flew straight past your head and into the wall in front of you. This caused you to stumble a little into the wall, running towards the left once again.
“WHAT THE HELL KEITH! ARE YOU ACTUALLY TRYING TO KILL ME?!” After running down multiple hallways, it didn’t take you long to figure out they were trying to lead you somewhere as you began recognizing some of the rooms you ran by.
Were they trying to herd you into one of the rooms?! Looking back once again, you noticed how concentrated all of them looked as they followed you down each turn. Deciding to take the ultimate risk, you headed in the opposite direction Shiro yelled out. “Left!”
Taking a breath in, you ducked past Allura’s whip as she threw it rather aggressively, instead heading towards the right. You needed to get to a pod asap, you were beginning to grow tired.
You used your advantage to put as much space between you and the paladins as they stumbled confused into a wall after you didn’t turn into the direction they were leading you to.
“Uh guys! I think Y/N found out what we’re trying to do!” Hunk yelled out as he quickly pushed himself off the wall, huffing a bit as exhaustion began seeping through his bones.
“No kidding! What do we do now?!” Lance could only run so fast before he began falling behind with Hunk.
“Run!” Keith could feel his heart thumping against his chest, watching as you turned the final corner before disappearing from their sight. Pushing harder, he, Allura, and Shiro swiftly followed after you with Pidge close behind.
You finally had made it to one of the escape pods, quickly trying to open it before hearing a loud shout.
“I’m sorry Y/N!” Next thing you knew, a wire was wrapped around your leg and you were yanked off the pod. Grunting out in pain from the harsh landing, you quickly in return yanked Pidge’s cord with all your strength causing her to lose her balance.
“Y/N please! What has gotten into you?!” Allura was huffing a bit yet she was filled with enough energy to fight if needed.
“What has gotten into ME?! I absolutely refuse to be locked up again!” At this, Lance and Hunk busted through and into the room where all of you stood tensely, waiting for someone to make a move.
You stood your ground, clutching onto your dagger tightly, watching silently before noticing Keith eyeing your weapon.
“How did you get that?”
“Doesn’t matter how I got it. Let me go.”
Furrowing his eyebrows, Keith began to run towards you before he felt a hand clamping over his shoulder. You stood in a more defensive position after the abrupt movement. Keith’s angry eyes made contact with Shiro’s narrowed ones.
“You can’t leave Y/N. Even if you get into the pod you won’t be able to get out of the castle.”
You wouldn’t let them see how your hands shook, you won’t let them know that you knew Shiro was right. Not after you came this far. Not when you were so close to freedom.
That’s when an idea came into your head.
Quickly, you pointed the dagger straight over your heart, now knowing you had the upper hand as you heard the gasps coming from all of them. You were only bluffing but with the state you were in, they didn’t know that.
“Y/N!” Hunk gasped in shock, hands suddenly trembling with fear. Allura gulped audibly, her hands now tightly clutching her weapon, hoping that’ll lower her nerves.
“Y/N please. Please take that away from you.” Keith’s voice strained in anxiety, eyes wide as he watched you take a few steps back. Lance lowered his gun, hoping that that might calm you down.
“There’s a better way this could end.” Shiro looked at the group, fear present in all of their eyes. Pidge was the first one to drop her bayard, almost sensing that was the only way to pacify you.
“Thanks Pidge. Now the rest of you, drop your weapons.” They all hesitated until you threateningly moved the dagger closer to your chest. Quickly, Lance dropped his weapon with Hunk following after him. After intensely staring at you, Allura threw down her bayard, hearing it clank loudly against the floor.
Being the last one, Keith looked over to Shiro, seeing the man nod, he dropped his sword, watching it turn back to its original form. You had completely forgotten about his knife, seeing as you soon began to relax a bit.
“We’re willing to work with you Y/N. But not if you’re openly threatening your own life.” Allura’s voice was sharp, yet you could hear the slight tremble in her voice.
Glancing at all of them one last time, you slowly lowered you weapon, letting your arms fall to your side. Walking over to the spacecraft, you leaned against it and had to hold back a chuckle as you saw all of them flinch the closer you got to the ship.
“I don’t want to be locked up anymore.” Was the first thing you said after a few moments of silence. Shiro clenched his jaw, already knowing where this was heading.
“You all say this was for the better but I was slowly going insane trapped in there. You all seem to know me well. You know under normal circumstances, I would never go against you guys.”
You slowly walked up to the group, glancing around to find a camera pointed directly at you all, knowing Coran was watching how this all went down. Like a predator stalking its prey, you circled around them, kicking their bayards further away from them, one by one.
Now standing in front of them, at a distance, you looked at them each in the eyes.
“Now let’s talk.”
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yandere-voltron · 2 years
Yandere! Princess Allura Headcanons
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A little NSFW, I apologize
She can't imagine losing you
She's already lost so much, so she couldn't imagine losing you too
She will do whatever it takes to keep you safe and by her side
She truly believes she knows what's best for you
She has a mommy/dom kink 100%
There is a power imbalance between you both and she uses that to her advantage, much to your annoyance
She loves to hold/cuddle with you
Sometimes she has nightmares that you die/don't exist/leave and she wakes up and immediately looks for you to make sure it's just a nightmare
She would go batshit if someone hurt you
She doesn't want you to be apart of voltron, just in fear of you getting hurt
She loves playing with your hair and will let you play with hers
Lotor threatened you and when Allura found out, she threw that man so hard he broke his back
She will use her past against you and gaslight you
She might even cry just so you'll stay with her
She doesn't want to hurt you, but if you don't leave her a choice
She has her mice watch you whenever she can't
They report to her everything
You are never truly alone and you have no privacy
If you do manage to keep a secret from Allura it won't last long, cause she will always find out
Might as well just tell her yourself because if she finds out you kept something from her, she'll punish you
Have fun
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
How would poly Yandere romantic HCs Lance and pidge work with Altean reader who still grieving her past love ( got killed by galra) would their be patience with them or be mean and tell them to move on and look at us instead ? ( sorry if I got anything it’s been awhile since I watched the show XD )
Sure! I'm not too far into Voltron but I think I understand Lance and Pidge enough to say how they'd feel about this. Correct me if something us too OOC ^^; when it comes to new fandoms I'm still learning. I love the show so far.
Yandere! Lance + Pidge with Altean! Darling who lost their past love
Short Concept/Reaction
Pairing: Romantic - Poly/Sharing
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Grief, Lance is insensitive for a moment, Mature language, Obsession at first sight, Manipulation, Dubious relationship, Yanderes sharing a darling, Slight jealousy, Deception.
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I feel the two would have different reactions.
First of all, Pidge is more understanding.
After all, she's experienced loss before.
She may have trouble connecting and bonding at times, but she can tell that goes for you too.
Lance can be a bit more impatient with your grief.
Sometimes he can't read the room or is so fixated on his crush over you that he ignores your feelings.
Pidge makes him reflect on his behavior, however.
After all, you three are the last of the Altean race.
The two met you through Allura and Conran.
Lance immediately develops an attraction towards you, similar to how he felt with Allura in the show.
With Pidge it takes more time due to her dealing with her own emotions.
They won't know of your loss until you become closer.
Maybe Lance makes you have a breakdown by flirting or something and Pidge gets pissed.
Pidge's obsession sparks more when she hears your story.
Galran forces killed your past love?
That's horrible.
Lance finds this as an... opening.
You and your poor broken heart... don't worry!
He'll put your heart back together!
Their obsessions over you start separately.
Although they soon realize they may care for you the same way... and decide to compromise and share you.
Out of everyone Lance was going to share a darling with, let's be honest, it was either Pidge or Hunk.
The two fight... but in this case it's not over sharing you.
It's usually Pidge trying to make Lance more understanding of your plight.
Lance isn't cold so he focuses more on comforting you rather than flirting under Pidge's direction.
It has been decades yet the idea of love and your long dead lover still stirs tears in your Altean heart.
Allura comforts you as a fellow Altean, she even encourages Pidge and Lance to become close companions with you.
The two care about you and your grief over time.
Pidge relates your issues to hers and offers you heartfelt comfort.
Lance tries to be understanding yet, unlike Pidge, is more interested in making you quickly forget your last love rather than slowly overcoming your issue.
Essentially, the two are opposites in how they help you.
They both have the same goal though.
They want to care for you.
Pidge is the softer yandere while Lance is more intense and impatient.
The dynamic is definitely Pidge keeping things under control.
Over time the two try to heal your broken heart.
They've agreed they want to share you and make things work between the three of you.
Even if you turn down their offers of making you feel better, they don't give up easily.
You tell them you wish to focus on avenging your fallen lover and race, which Pidge understands... but...
"...Then we'll do it together!" Lance pipes up.
"Exactly. The Galra have affected us all deeply, please, we just want to make you feel better again!"
The pair isn't too bad, actually.
Pidge's love is soft and teasing/playful while Lance is over the top yet passionate.
Together they'll find a way to worm their way into your heart.
A lot of it's manipulation....
They're still yanderes with selfish desires, even if they do truly care about your loss.
They disguise their isolation and manipulation to keep you to themselves as comforting you.
You don't need to cry or worry anymore... they'll take care of it.
In fact... they'll take care of everything for you from now on as your paladins.
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wuggy101 · 2 years
Hi, this post is all/stuff about me!
· My name is Wuggy(not irl). It is a nickname.
· I identify as girlflux, and I use she/they pronouns.
· I'm under the age of 15.
· I am a lesbian.
· I am ambiamorous(meaning that I don't care if i'm in a monogamous relationship or a polyamorous relationship).
· I'm a big feminist and I'm all for women's rights.
· I'm athiest.
· I love art and will post some of my art here.
My boundaries.
As I said I am under 15 so DO NOT send me anything that is for 18+ people otherwise I will block you.
If you send me ask's about topics like roe v wade, abortion rights, LGBTQIA+ rights, etc, etc, and SPECIFICALLY SAY that you want me and you to debate about that stuff, I will. Ps: leave something for me to know you by that way I don't get people mixed up.
DNI if you are homophobic, transphobic, and/or ableist.
These are the fandom's i'm in and who I will write for, but please understand that I am not good at writing, and I will not always update because I lose motivation very easily.
· Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel
Stolas, Stella, Octavia, Blitzø, Millie, Moxxie, Luna, Fizzarolli, Asmodues, Verosika Mayday, Charlie, Vaggie, Angle Dust, Husker, Sir Pentious, Alastor, Lucifer, Vox, Velvette, Carmilla Carmine, Rosie, Adam, and Lute.
· Voltron: Legendary Defender
Allura, Lance, Keith, Hunk, Pidge, and Shiro.
· My Little Pony
The mane six, and The princesses.
· My Hero Academia
Class 1A, Class 1B, The teachers, most pro heroes, and the League of Villains.
· Demon Slayer
Almost all of them.
· Death Note
Again, almost all of them.
· She-ra and The Princess of Power
All of them.
· The Dragon Prince
All of them.
· Red Dead Redemption 2
All of them.
60 Seconds game
All characters.
Wednesday 2022
All characters.
Bryce Tankthrust
Hondo, Decon, Luca, Street, Tan, and Chris.
Steven Universe
Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet, Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth.
The Owl House
Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, Hunter, Camila, Eda, Raine, and Lilith.
The Last of Us(HBO)
Joel, Tess, and Ellie.
Sweet Tooth
Gus, Tommy Jepperd, Bear, Aimee, Rani Singh, Dr. Aditya Singh, Wendy, General Abbot, and Johnny Abbot.
The Promised Neverland
All characters.
Yuri!! On Ice
All characters.
My rules for writing.
I will not write smut.
Do NOT ask for NSFW pictures of me. If you do, you will be blocked as soon as I see it.
I will NOT do ANYTHING related to incest or pedophile's.
I don't do character x character things, I only do x reader.
I will only do female stuff as that is what I am comfortable doing.
I will not do ANYTHING related to yandere’s. I fucking hate that shit.
I will write hardcore angst, and maybe gore, IDK.
I will do LGBTQ stuff.
Thank you for reading!
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butterfly-writer · 2 years
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What exactly is allowed? And what’s not?
? Suggestive
? Mental disorder (For awareness and spreading love about them purposes.)
? Yandere/stalking (Not too disturbing)
Ah, so you decided to request a Character x Reader? Lovely choice, reader! Let me show you what I have in store to satisfy your needs!
~ If you would like an AU of the character x reader you requested, you may ask and I will tell you if it’s possible to be written by me!
Gender identity: ~ Male ~ Female ~ Transfem/Transmale reader [Any other gender identity like non-binary, genderfluid, agender, etc, will be referred with they/them pronouns!]
Role: ~ Civilian reader ~ Villain reader ~ Hero reader ~ Vigilante reader ~ Child reader (It must be platonic!) [And so much more! Depending on your request.]
You can’t have a good request if you don’t know what you’re requesting! Here’s a list of fandoms that I know and will do!
~ If you have a character in mind in one of these fandoms and was not mentioned, please let me know in the request!
(?) = Maybe? I don’t know their personality that well
Students: ~ Shoto Todoroki ~ Katsuki Bakugou ~ Izuku Midoriya ~ Ejirou Kirishima ~  Kyouka Jirou ~ Mina Ashido ~ Momo Yaoyorozu ~ Ochako Uraraka ~ Tenya Iida ~ Neito Monoma ~ Itsuka Kendo ~ Hitoshi Shinso
Pro heroes: ~ Hawks ~ Endeavour (?) ~ Mirko ~ Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead) ~ Present Mic ~ Ms. Midnight ~ Sir Nighteye (?) ~ Fat Gum (?) ~ Best Jeanist (?) ~ All Might (?)
Villains: ~ Shigaraki ~ Dabi ~ Himiko Toga ~ Lady Nagant ~ Mr. Compress
Platonic only! ~ Kota ~ Eri
UNDERCITY / ZAUN: ~ Jinx / Powder (From when she was a kid to her current self) ~ Vi / Younger Vi (From when she was a kid to her current self) ~ Ekko (From when he was a kid to his current self) ~ Vander (?) ~ Sevika (?) ~ Silco (?) ~ Victor (?)
UPPERCITY / PILTOVER: ~ Caitlyn ~ Jayce (?) ~ Mel Medara
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Paladins: ~ Keith Kogane ~ Takashi Shirogane ~ Lance Mcclain ~ Hunk Garret ~ Pidge/Katie Holt
Altean: ~ Allura ~ Coran (Platonic only)
Half-blood: ~ Lotor ~ Acxa ~ Narti (?) ~ Ezor (?) ~ Zethrid (?)
And so much more! It all depends on your request!:DD
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bunnieary · 1 year
⎯⎯ guidlines n' rules.…༄ home.
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RULES: - this blog will have 18+ themes, so be mindful - I might start taking requests,
-fem aligned readers only
-generally reader will be written as mixed but anyone can read
-no posting schedule - when writing about a NSFW character in children's media, said media will not be tagged nor character
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before requesting, read below. list are subject to change (not really)
(bold = depending)
What I'll write ♥︎
SFW. fluff. agnst. slight whumpee. cheating. love triangles.
NSFW. top fem. switch fem. bottom fem. mommy kink. dubcon. overstimulation. anal. oral. spit. pegging. humiliation. creampie. toxic relationships. groping. slight bodily fluids. threesomes. sex toys. breeding. feminization.  wlw / lesbian. masturbation. aphrodisiacs. dacryphilia
What I won't write ☠︎
SFW. heavy gore. romanizing self-harm. ed's. explicate mention of today's ongoing politics. real world people.
NSFW. male reader. yandere. self-harm / suicide. grooming. age play. age regression. mental illness. politics. scat. vomit. cnc. rape. incest / step-cest. daddy kink. gore. necrophilia. pregnancy. amab reader. tentacles. abuse. more...
roy mustang. olivier armstrong. riza hawkeye. solf j. kimblee. ling yao. edward elric.
germany(ludwig beilschmidt). america(alfred f. jones). south italy(romano/lovion vargas). hong kong(wong ka lung/leon). hungary(elizabeta héderváry).
mona megistus. rosaira. lisa minci. beidou. candace. ganyu. xinyan. mika schmidt. cyno. xiao.
punchline(alexis kaye). starfire(koriand'r). zatanna zatara. supergirl(kara zor-el) batwomen(kathrine kane). poison ivy (pamela isley). queen nubia. red hood (jason todd). john constantine. batman(bruce wayne). vigilante(adrian chase).
valkyrie(kairi imahara). loba(loba andrade). catalyst(tressa crystal smith). lifeline(ajay che). mad maggie(margaret kōhere). revenant(kaleb cross). caustic(alexander maxwell nox)
hunk garrett. allura. axca. azula. korra. asami sato. bolin. shizuo heiwajima. violet(arcane). dr. franken stein. valeria garza. grell sutcliff(kuroshitsuji).
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