#they're so dense it's crazyyy
robo-drake09 · 1 year
Brawl Stars ☆ BeaRosa Short Fic ☆ Monster Academy AU
「 ✦ 1244 Words ✦ 」
Pining sillies who are just gals being pals (not romance quite yet, but just a charming little story of the two of them interacting in this AU!)
Bea is a Biology Major, while Rosa is only pursuing Botany on the side (for now. She later decided to study it fully after some thought.)
"Hey, honeycomb."
Bea jolted awake, her wings suddenly fluttering fast enough to take off. If she hadn't been sitting down, she definitely would’ve gone straight through the ceiling. Instead, her knee hit the bottom of the desk, earning her a yelp, and quite possibly a bruise later. She looked up to see the cheer captain herself, holding two cups from the campus cafe. Rosa looked down at her with that warm smile she liked so much, gesturing to the cups.
"Fancy a cuppa?"
"Oh! Thank you...." Bea nodded, smiling up at her. She looked around, remembering her current setting. One of the many hidden little study areas for the students of the academy. There were just a few around here, but that was just how she liked it.
"And, good afternoon Rosa. I didn't know you had class today," the biology major greeted.
To be woken up by Rosa without any notice… she may as well have just flown off and out the window. It was embarrassing, really, she wasn't prepared at all! Now that she finally saw the cheer captain properly, it was curious that she was wearing the school’s gym uniforms. She didn’t recall her having a fitness class on this day. She had her bag over her shoulder as well, filled to the brim with what she could only assume was equipment.
Rosa stared at her, before laughing softly and setting down the cups carefully on the side.
"Afternoon? It's half past six, mate. It's evening by now."
"What?!" Her antenna stuck straight up, before she clasped her hands over her mouth, remembering they were in the quiet study area. Some murmurs from students around her, followed by slight glances to the two women, before focusing back on their work. "What do you mean six?” Surely it was just a joke on Rosa's part, right? “It was just two when I..."
Rosa hushed another light laugh, taking a seat next to Bea, crossing one leg over the other. "You might've missed ya alarms then... no wonder you didn't pick up when I called ya phone," she picked up her cup, taking a sip.
"It seems so."
"Good thing you didn't have classes this afternoon. Woulda been late if I hadn't gone looking."
Bea nodded, sighing as she looked at the desk she had fallen asleep at. Her books were still open, thankfully no vandalism or thefts as far as she could tell. She put a lavender bookmark in between the pages of the larger textbook, closing it carefully before she put it away in her bag.
"Been up studyin’ again?" Rosa asked, earning an answer with a tiny buzz of confirmation. It wasn’t a new thing where Bea would fall asleep while studying, especially during weeks like this where all nighters were more common.
"You gotta be careful though, remember what happened that one time you fell asleep in the library."
Bea shuddered at the thought, shaking her hand to dismiss the unwelcome memories, "please, don't remind me. I'm actively trying to forget that whole event."
She picked up the cup, taking a sip of the lovely drink her dear friend had brought her. Rosa always knew her order, honeydrop earl grey tea, four added sugarcubes, a swirl of vanilla syrup, and topped with just that perfect squeeze of lemon. It was just amazing that Rosa knew her order down to a T, and on top of that, the fact that she found her here of all places. Speaking of...
"How did you know I was here?" Bea asked, setting down the cup. Rosa set down hers next to her, leaning back in the chair.
"Called you a few times to see if we were still meeting up today, but you didn't answer."
Rosa tapped her cup with her finger, looking at her. Bea blinked in confusion, taking out her phone to see it had been entirely set to silent. On top of that, sixteen missed calls from the cheerleader. Her face reddened, finally realizing.
She missed that many calls from Rosa.
The Rosa.
The same Rosa she had promised to go out with this very same day. The same day she'd foolishly fallen asleep at some desk in the middle of the school.
"We were meeting at the cafe today! I'm so sorry, the time passed me by! You were there for ho—" Rosa ruffled her hair, making the shorter lady stop talking.
"Oi, let me finish! I'm not blaming you or anything."
Rosa's hand remained in Bea’s hair. She had leaned closer to do so, just hovering above her head. Now she could see, very closely she might add, that her hair was a lovely orange, kinda goldish colour, like honey itself. A golden crown atop her head. The curls bounced back as she gave her each pat. Bea had closed her eyes with the pats too.
Rosa pulled back her hand quickly after, fixing her glasses as she fixed herself in her chair.
"It's alright mate, I called so much since I was running late too..." She admitted, scratching the horn on her forehead with one of her nails, a habit she’s picked up when she felt embarrassed. Bea would never comment on it though. How could she, since she did the same in some situations. In all honesty, it was hard to tell which one did it first before the other copied it.
"I figured you got busy somewhere, since the last thing you sent was that you were studying somewhere on campus. So, I went around checking the usual spots you study at. Couldn’t let the drinks get cold, right? Lucky you were in the first few places I checked, or I woulda been here all night."
Bea couldn't help but giggle at the thought of Rosa jogging about the school trying to find her. Mind you, the place is buzzingly big! It was a miracle she'd found her. She'd rather her out of anyone to be the one to wake her up though, and with tea as well? What a lovely, very good friend she was.
"Bea?" The question snapping her back to the moment at hand.
"Oh, yes. Thank you, again, for bringing the drink. It was very sweet of you," Bea said, her warm smile beaming like golden treasure.
Rosa met her eyes for just a moment, before brushing it off with a wave. The cheerleader smiled widely, only growing at Bea's words. The boundless glow of her cheery voice always felt different. Comfortable, one could say.
"Don't worry about it, honeycomb. Now, hm...can you tell me about what you were studyin? You know it helps to see how much you even remember, can’t let all that time go to waste." She suggested, turning in the chair to face her.
Bea's face lit up, the flow of thoughts rushing in as she started to carefully explain everything. Her wings occasionally flapped with each new subject, a very gentle breeze blowing by each time. For Bea, Rosa was just the perfect listener, giving questions after each fact and piece of information that allowed Bea to email all the necessary details of the topic. Rosa leaned closer in her seat, making sure she truly took in all the information as well.
In Rosa’s honest opinion, Bea did a wonderful job of explaining a topic, you know. Perhaps a bit too much to some, but it was all welcome for Rosa. Always would be.
Made it all this way? Thank you for reading! Here's a doodle of my own Bea design for this au:
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I hope I find it in me to write a follow-up with some scene of them confessing 😭😭 they're literally so oblivious it's so silly. Mutual pining is my passion. ❤️
It's been a while since I did any writing, so I'm very happy I was able to gain some inspiration for this piece!
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