#they're so golden retriever and black cat coded
lilirari · 6 months
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sunshine & moonlight.
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jimmysea · 5 months
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Why did you give me your phone? Well you haven't bought a new phone yet. Let's use mine first. So what will you use? Come on, I really need a new phone, just think of it as welfare. Thank you. The internships here pay very well.
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tending-the-hearth · 1 year
no bc phee really is literally the perfect partner for tech and he's the perfect partner for her bc they're both complete nerds in their own way who will 100% boost and influence each other's nerdiness and geek out just as much
like tech will absolutely be just as excited over a random ancient artifact that phee finds as she will be over a new algorithm that he discovers, they are meant for each other please
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Okay but this scene in the intro is so short but means so much imo?? We NEVER see Nanami being anything other than stoic and responsible. But here, he holds the cold coke can against Yu's face, making the other boy flinch at the cold and laugh.
Like it's such a small thing but idk I think it really speaks volumes about how Nanami felt about Haibara. He was his best friend and his partner for missions. I guarantee Yu saw sides of Nanami that nobody else saw. Heard the normally quiet and reserved Kento laugh or crack an awkward joke.
They're so golden retriever/black cat coded like ffs
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wonuumelody · 9 days
Which pet I would identify the members of seventeen with
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Utonagan : listen this dog is similar to a wolf. So he's a leader. It is one of the rarest breeds of dogs. Utonagans are friendly and intelligent and really sportive dogs as well. I associate Seungcheol with this breed of dog because for me, cheol is a really strong man, physically or mentally. Those dogs are really good for familial life and we know that Cheol is like the best leader father.
Bunny : rabbits are known to be silly, timid, shy, curious, and high spirited and I think that this also describe Jeonghan pretty well. He is very soft, and have perfect visuals. He's shameless : he cheat, is very dramatic and mischievous and often vaguely evil (but as I said he is very soft and gentle). I think that he is rabbit coded because I love watching those funny videos where bunnies are doing crazy stuff, as mush as I love watching funny videos of him
Siamese : hear me out. everyone loves siamese. Those cats are so gentle and kind and graceful? Our Josh Is so siamese coded idk, even with his bunny face he is still a siamese for me. Even though they're really gentle and calm cats they still are cats : which means they often do stupid things and makes everyone laugh.
Snake : hear me out 2. This guy is so mysterious yet fascinating?? He is sooo snake coded I don't know why. Snakes will move away when approached, and this is a really good animal to also show the introvert side of Jun. They also are shy and bold, and we know that Jun have a strong need of authenticity, self-expression. He express himself through his moves and solos. The way he dance is really fluid and smooth to see, maybe even hypnotic, like a snake moving
Hamster : do I have to say anything? My man is convinced he is a tiger but nah cutie you're an hamster. Such a cute and funny animal, like hoshi, a real cutie and funny tiger guy. Hamster are so cute when they're eating and look at our guy, such a cutie with his big cheeks full of food And even a few food stains on the face
Black​ cat : this man is a real black cat. Always quiet and keeping things to himself he tend to have a really big mysterious side, that makes him so interesting and attractive. I think that this mysterious side that he have can be compared to black cats, thanks to their black coat, you can only see their eyes and you have to really be with a black cat to understand how much loving and sweet they are (and a bit silly too)
Grey Persian cat : hear me out for this one!! Persian cat personalities are sweet, gentle, and patient. They're friendly cats that prefer calm environments but can easily adapt to more active households. Woozi fit so much that description. He is a really introvert man and have a need of getting alone time but he still managed to live with the 12 other members, knowing how much active and "loud" some of them could be
Siberian Husky : Dokyeom is so husky coded! He's like a ball of sunshine that's always singing and enjoying life. He is such a great companion. Always bringing joy when the times are sad. He's also very sensitive and I feel like he always can feel when others feel a bit down. He is such a sweetheart
Golden retriever : do I need to explain myself again? This man is a silly goofy tall guy who's always doing crazy stuff. He is the best with everyone and can make everyone laugh with nothing
Ragdoll cat : he really have those sweet and calm vibes. they can tolerate reasonable levels of household noise. They're peaceful, sociable and inquisitive. A Ragdoll cat's personality means they're a delight to be around. Plus I think that this also describe hao and his personality. They're loveable as hell and he is too!
Parrot : I don't really know why, I think that he really gives parrot vibes? Those that are always singing a bit too well for just being an animal and would probably have a singing career as a human. Parrots are social, talkative and optimistic and I think that is also a good way to describe our boo. Always looking at the bright side, Parrots see the best in everyone they meet and can find fun in literally any situation. + Boo have that really creative and fun energy and seems so fun to be around
Ferret : Like all species, the ferret personality is unique to each individual. Ferrets are pretty amazing creatures and Vernon too. They're both effortlessly funny and will make you feel better, without even trying to. Even tho ferrets are pretty extrovert animals, vernon being the opposite I think he still match really well with those cute creatures.
Orange cat : you know? Those cuties that have a lot of energy. friendlier and more affectionate than other cats. He is such a good person to be around and is effortlessly fun. He's also really mature and orange cats are pretty good for handling emotions, and I think Chan is also the type of person to make sure that you are always feeling okay
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cannibalcarcass · 23 days
finally someone who shares my interpretation of femme vaggie/butch charlie I SWEAR they are femme/butch coded if not intentionally than accidentally
Tiny vicious black cat femme and her golden retriever butch? Absolutely your honor that's them
AAAAAAAA I'm so glad you see it too omg!! Butch/femme chaggie is absolutely one of my fave headcanons and idc if it's accidental or not I'm taking butch Charlie and femme vaggie and holding them so softly in my hands 😭
Like imagine Charlie holding doors open for vaggie or laying her coat down in (acid) rain puddles I 😭 vaggie unsure how to deal with these little chivalrous acts, certain at first that Charlie will pull away but she just tugs vaggie closer I'm losing my mind aaaaaaa-
Idk something that really feeds my butch Charlie headcanon is just how kind she is like I don't see butches portrayed as KIND and loving the way they're supposed to be nearly as often as I should 😭
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Random thought
Btw Eli is not even the first (kinda) Stiles coded character. Liam (anger aside) in the first season is clumsy as Stiles ("I fell in a hole"), where Stiles has ADHD Liam has IED, despite being Scott's beta, Liam is not so naive like him, the same thing with Stiles. Not great sense of style.
And both of them have a particular chemistry with a lonley handsome bad were(wolf). And actually this supernatural being is also the leader of his group, he's kinda flirty, has nice smile, dark hair and light eyes, no scruple, fierce, suspicious and hard to trust. Plus some problems with family members.
They have golden retriever and black cat energy or the grumpy/sunshine energy. And they're enemies to lovers too!
All the new characters were kinda a replacement for the original group and if on the one hand Liam could be a mix between Stiled and Scott, on the other hand Theo is "the new Derek".
So, in light of this, Thiam is the new generation Sterek. In my opinion you can't really ship only one of these 'cause are quite the same.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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musicalchaos07 · 9 months
Fun ask to offset the annoying ask: Why is Jancy so amazing (in your opinion)?
Oh Bless!
Reasons I love Jancy, a non-exhaustive list:
Chemistry (off the charts insane, no one is doing it like them I said what I said)
When the communication is good, it's good like they know exactly what the other is thinking (I mean even when it's bad they know but I digress)
Everything isn't magically better because they're together they both still have individual problems that can sometimes bleed into their relationship (also external problems like the end of the world)
Above point being made, despite their problems they're still very much in love with each other (see running into each others arms at the end of s4)
Sleeping in each other's beds and sneaking out the window
I love how much they care about each other's sibling like in s3 Nancy calls about Will and in s4 Jonathan is protects Mike during the shoot out / for the rest of the funky little road trip
Their reasons for loving each other aren't shallow like they each list core elements of the other's character: ambition, compassion, etc. There aren't any lofty expectations or "I love them because they do X for me" it's just all the things they're noticed and admire about each other. (unlike some people 👀)
Anyways, they have similar life goals you know like they know what they don't want their lives to look like (the full "screw that" scene in s1 is a beautiful piece of modern cinema)
She has his poster (and mixtapes) in her room and he has her pictures all over his room (gonna throw up I love them so much)
Flirty so fucking flirty their flirting cannot be contained
They aren't afraid to call each other on their shit
They will absolutely go along with each others hijinks (like s3 Jonathan might have hesitated but he drove them to Mrs. Driscolls' and I FULLY believe if he had been in Hawkins he would've been getaway driver an Pennhurst)
"Free my man he did all of it but I don't care" gf & "free my girl she did all of that + I helped her" bf
Golden retriever boyfriend & black cat girlfriend (fight me on this but canonically she yells at him about the pep talks)
"Most gorgeous big brown eyes you've ever seen + staring into your soul"
She wants to be a journalist and he wants to be a photographer???? hello???? compatible careers?????
Jonathan would rather be miserable than watch Nancy throw her dreams away (like go off King but also get some therapy)
Have I mentioned that they're hot? Like have y'all scene them in the cemetery scene they're serving???
... What if she just doesn't let him go? *muffled sobbing*
I think they have broken the most laws out of anyone one in the show which isn't amazing per se but it is very:
peace by taylor swift coded
they got married in 3x08 fight me
I feel like they can be themselves around each other you know? like it gets back into the expectations thing they're very natural around each other. Jonathan isn't awkwardly stumbling his way through conversation. Nancy isn't buying tops she thinks he might like. They love each other for their authentic selves (I'm gonna go cry again)
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a-a-a-anon · 17 days
the chemistry between sally and vim in bad news - so black cat (sally) and golden retriever (vim) coded btw - is so strong that it has me creating headcanons between two characters who's interaction runtime is probably like 15 minutes or less
vim is preoccupied with fame/heavy metal and is a genuine fan of the music scene in bad news tour so i think he was already familiar with sally/her work before they met, like read her interviews or something
so there's that cut in bad news tour where den starts saying "i was sitting over there..." in the last shot so they all have to rearrange. vim had moved seats to sit next to sally and was inwardly pissed that den made him move back
vim's type is definitely someone who's smarter than him even if he doesn't understand what theyre saying, he definitely wasn't into the enthusiastic-without-substance wannabe groupie type. and sally is EXACTLY his type like she always asked questions he didnt even understand and he was into it. she's also the only one who'll listen to him go off about nothing ("we're more than heavy metal" and she was nodding her head while everyone was disagreeing but inside even she was going this man doesnt actually know what he's talking about /affectionate)
vim got into the spiritual/supernatural weird talking to dead people stuff in more bad news because sally kind of had a gothy aesthetic in bad news tour. that's why he was so excited to tell her. he also thought that having connections to famous muscians (in the afterlife) would impress her, bc she met way more famous musicians than him as an interviewer
in my head sally is genuinely successful as a heavy metal journalist so why agree to go back to interview and spend days with an absolutely trash band no one really cares about in more bad news? subconsciously it was partly to see vim again
during the word association game in more bad news the only band member she uses as a word is vim… she's Thinking of him
i think after she and vim reunited in more bad news they started being friends with benefits while the documentary was filming lmao (i think he still had some maturing to do before they got together for real, but we know they do end up married ofc)
so to me colin's parents (or connections from his parents) must've bailed colin (and den and spider) out in more bad news when they're arrested but colin was probably so pissed at vim he was calling his mummy to tell her to sue vim's ass not bail him out. two possibilities i'm entertaining: either sally bailed vim out (again, she's a successful journalist so she has some funds) or she talked to colin/colin's mummy/the police or something to help get vim out (she's obviously a good speaker and could convince them to ease up)
sally is an intelligent feminist and a good journalist which is why she grilled vim on warriors of genghis khan but she was also slightly... i don't wanna exactly say jealous, maybe like disappointed... that there was some random hot blonde to stand over vim in the music video/for the guys including vim to ogle at, which also motivated her to humble him in that moment
not really a hc but he's trying so hard to impress her with imogen/his "studio" in more bad news its adorable he's so dumb
vim definitely thought his record collection (despite being thrown around haphazardly) was gonna impress her when she came over in more bad news
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hotcat37 · 3 months
✨✨✨Morning/afternoon/evening delivery 4 one AMAZING Hotcat37!! :D
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(looks like todays packages come with a little story,isn’t that adorable :3) 4 the Bo(jan)2 one every photo is like a little memory,the tree where they would always make out at when they’d both run off into the woods when they were tired of the things that come with newfound fame,the cake Bojan (tried) 2 make 4 Jan’s birthday which he ALMOST burnt down the kitchen over,the bouquets of white tulips that Jan got 4 him N Bojan’s first valentines together (N the condom heart Bojci made as a surprise 4 later that night) the picture of two foxes Jan took when he hanging out in the woods that reminded him of them,that time they went on a animal sanctuary date N found a black cat N golden retriever duo which Bojan BEGGED Jan 2 adopt but they couldn’t cuz of how damn expensive it was 2 even GET the two (they do come back 2 see the duo tho sometimes :3)
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The Bojere one on the other hand is just a fic idea that popped into my head at some ungodly hour last night,story goes:Jere finally finds time 2 stay in Slovenia 4 a couple of weeks 2 see his man soo Bojan takes him out on a icecream date + a lil stroll in Ljubljana’s flower field’s,one thing leads 2 another N they end making out then going at it in one of the most romantic spots in the country (stargazing as aftercare cuz who wouldn’t want that ☺️)
That is all,luv ya✨✨✨✨✨
okay, Bo(jan)²: I love the soft vibe to this board and the pic with the heart tree rlly stood out to me. Also ofc they're ouppy/kitty coded <3 🐕🐈‍⬛ I rlly enjoy the fact that it's all little memories they have together and you obviously put a lot of thought into it!! The cake too agh :") Honestly Bojan/Jan is so underrated so I'm happy to see some content of them <3
Bojere: I LOOOVE the pink and the lill fic idea behind it!! The Pikachus are...quite telling 👀😳 But then the gorgeous flower fields and the shooting stars and the softness to this whole board <33 God I love Bojere sm they're so sweet together. Also stargazing as aftercare so true 💕💕
Thx sm for blessing me with these! :D 💞
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acidheaddd · 1 month
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
Tagged by @smulie ♥︎♥︎♥︎ Thank you! I figured I'd do Ian since I haven't done anything for him in a bit.
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What uncommon/common fear do they have? Blood. Any significant amount of blood freaks him out and makes him feel faint. He was afraid to get any tattoos 'cause of this -- he thought he'd see more blood. 😂 That and losing his loved ones. Do they have any pet peeves? Ian's typically pretty patient and permissive of things... but he has a very good method to his madness when it comes to organizing (he's most definitely got ADHD, but was never diagnosed), so anyone moving something can frustrate him pretty quickly. What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? A guitar he rarely plays, his bong, and a perpetual pile of laundry that can be either dirty or clean. What do they notice first in a person? Their ~vibes~. 😂 How easily they'll laugh, how they carry themselves, how they speak, that kind of thing. On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? Not high, but not super low... Maybe 5 to 6? The worst he's experienced is breaking bones (his wrist and ankle, due to skateboarding) and he handled that... okay, so long as he didn't look at it. 😂 Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? He's between flight and freeze more than fight. But if he were completely cornered, I'm sure he'd end up trying his luck with fighting. Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? His family's pretty small, and smaller still since his dad died when he was 18. He basically just has his mom left. They talk sometimes and he'll go visit occasionally, but he doesn't really like to. It's a complicated thing... His mom almost always brings up his dad at least once, and he'd just rather not talk about him at all, lest it bring up ~feelings~. He also feels slightly ashamed whenever he sees his mother, feeling like he's let her down and hasn't been there enough for her. So... instead of forcing himself to make a change, he'd really rather just. Run away from it as much as possible. What animal represents them best? Somehow he is both a golden retriever and a cat... though I'd say he's either got Orange Boy Cat energy or Ragdoll energy. What is a smell that they dislike? Super strong perfume. Especially the ones that smell more... chemical-y than natural. How would a stranger likely describe them? Weird, but... endearing? A little awkward, but in a shameless sort of way. What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? Ian hates anything too bitter. Super dark chocolate? No. Black coffee? No. Brussels sprouts? Ick. But he loves sweet and spicy. Korean food comes to mind. Though his favourite food is pizza. Do they have any hobbies? Drawing... He did it more as a kid, but he still dabbles in it occasionally. He also is pretty good at coding and could probably create his own video game too, but hasn't tried... Apart from that. Uh. Smoking weed? Eating? 😂 Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? Ian loves surprises... so long as they're good ones. But more than that, he loves surprising other people more. Do they like to wear jewelry? He does. He typically wears rings and bracelets. Sometimes he'll wear a necklace or two. Do they have neat or messy handwriting? Slightly messy... but still completely legible. What are two emotions they feel the most? Does devotion count as an emotion...? I'd say playful and devoted. Do they have a favorite fabric? Not really... Ian gets a lot of his stuff second hand. He does have a lot of cotton and denim though. What kind of accent do they have? Slight New York Bronx accent, but nothing super strong.
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babs-babbles · 1 year
Reasons why I ship Tess and Isabel from Fast X (spoilers?? If you like f&f)
- Brie Larson
- they had 1 scene together and didn't even exchange words
- Daniela Melchior
- Their cocky personalities are everything and would be so powerful together. Especially Isa's challenging Tess's
- Brie Larson and Daniela Melchior
- "maybe we can be lonely... together?" Vibes.
- Then cue the iconic "because of family" pipeline showing them they belong somewhere. Officially part of the family and they can be snuggled up together at the bbq
- Tess literally has nowhere to go after she gets shot, so she definitely stays with Isabel. In her house. Where there's one bed.
- or they're able to sneak out of Brazil and hide out to lay low for a while. Maybe one of Mr Nobody's secret locations. Together. Aloooone.
- their outfits scream lesbianism
- Isabel is so lesbian coded
- Isa wears like a million rings + nose piercing + tattoos and Tess has a million ear piercings/cuffs
- Isabel's caring nature flaring up when Tess needed help
- Black cat and golden retriever girlfriends
Bonus: I'm calling their ship name "Tessabel" and isn't that just cute
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