#they're so incosistant
amxrany · 10 months
Ok so posting will be a little incosistent cuz I'm studying for finals but let's get to it (Part 1):
Oh damn Meleanor and the Knight of Dawn are still duking it out ic ic. Sebek couldn't bring himself to leave but Yuu and Grim remind him that they can't change the outcome cuz they're in the past, so they all try to find Lilia
OHHH SO APPARENTLY Sebek hasn't fully mastered his UM yet, that's why he didn't want to use it but had no choice cuz they needed to wake Silver up (this part was funny to think about)
That's when Silver starts to wonder about what the hell is going on with Lilia's dream like just why the hell did we have to go through 2 updates worth of trauma when it's supposed to be a happy ending. That's when Sebek brings up the possibility that Malleus can't monitor what happens in Lilia's dream so that's why all of this is happening. But enough of that cuz they still gotta fight some Silver Owls and while doing that one of the guards told them to go ahead cuz they can handle the rest
Now we're with Baul and Lilia where Baul is telling Lilia to go on ahead with Malleus eggo but Lilia didn't want to cuz he's still not normal over what happened which caused Baul to snap at him. After that moment, Lilia decides to go ahead while Baul fights alone but something happens and Baul ends up injured
Our main gang catches up to him tho, with Baul telling them to go after Lilia BUT SEBEK STAYS AND TELLS THE REST TO GO ON AHEAD CUZ HE WANTS TO PROTECT WHAT'S IMPORTANT TO HIM 😭😭😭(im not normal rn guys) and even if him fighting won't change what has already happened, he doesn't wanna give up (lord what if this is my last straw) and this is where Sebek's latest card comes from (specifically the groovy) cuz Baul blessed Sebek with the eternal night armour
Baul hits Sebek with the question as to why he's fighting with the fairies as a human, but Sebek says that he's not only human but fairy as well. Also this is where we find out that Baul and Sebek's dad don't get along (as well as the fact that Sebek's mom was Baul's only kid and he got mad that she married a human) but Baul doesn't close himself off from his grandkids (he may not be verbal about it but his actions says otherwise) and guys i am slowly dying THEN BAUL ACKNOWLEDGES SEBEK AS A ZIGVOLT JUST KILL ME NOW
We then go to the others who went ahead to find Lilia, who is badly injured because the Silver Owls are after Malleus eggo. Lilia tells Silver to bring the egg into the castle in his place but SILVER ISN'T LEAVING HIM BEHIND SO HE CARRIED LILIA ON HIS BACK (I am not surviving this update) while Yuu holds onto the egg
This is a lot to take in already damn but see you guys in the next part!!
Next: Part 2
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lynaferns · 1 year
Holii! ojala tengas un hermoso dia!! - I been wanting to ask this for a long time now, is there any reason why you add those 3 long marks each time you draw Sun and Moon in any AU? is it like a mark is your desing? or is just for fun? :D perdon si ya respondiste antes!
It's because they do have those marks in the game
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Some people complete misses them or interprete them as dirt, I see them as self provoked scars because well...
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Sun does try to rip his faces of when transitioning to moon. (it also seems to have a bit of edge, so it's dented)
So I just translate that to my artstyle and design for them. It's not an art signature of mine or anything so, if anyone want to add this detail to their design, they're free to do it.
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They don't have the marks for some reason in ruin.
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It made me think that it was actually dirt and that they faded away with the fire or something like that, but then I noticed that the ruin model has some incosistencies with the base game model. They probably just forgot or decided to redesign.
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En verdad eres la primera persona que me pregunta por las marcas.
Así que gracias por preguntar :3 Espero que estés teniendo un buen día también ^_^
If anyone ever has quetions about my art I'll be more than happy to respond!
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sneakydraws · 1 year
Okay so!! Here's a little wap design compilation - not exhaustive, both because of the image limit and because there's many things I'm not settled on but I want to post some of it at least~
Organised by families because familial resemblence or lack thereof is one of my favourite factors in chardes! And because Tolstoy is so good at creating these family dynamics of shared traits! First, the Bolkonskys:
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Lise, Mlle Bourienne and Nikolai jr. not included for now, maybe later. The shared traits I gave them all (therefore presumably coming from Nikolai's side) are sharp, angular features with a beaked nose and high cheekbones, thin figures and straight, dark hair. Both Andrei and Nikolai are described as short, so initially I wanted to apply this to them all, but then I thought it would be cool to emphasise Andrei's similarity to his father AND separate Marya out by making her much taller than them. It works really well because Andrei and Nikolai are both short yet straightened out to their full height while Marya cowers and hunches to hide hers - which also works to create the unattractive figure she's described as having. I use heads to note height - as in, how many heads tall a character is - mostly because numerous manga art tutorials ingrained those in me <:3c Nikolai has his signature bushy eyebrows, and his clothes and hair are inspired by his depiction in the first soviet wap movie because I really liked it!
In general I spent the most time on Andrei, both because he's my favourite and because he has a lot of tantalisingly sparse and at times interestingly contrasting descriptions - he's meant to look unassuming, his small and slender figure hiding his impressive stamina and his cushy administrative position contrasting with the rugged hussars (and his small hands are mentioned as well) but he has sharp features, and his design should showcase his proud, decisive nature as well.
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The Rostovs! Not including the count and countess because while I have some features in mind I haven't made up my mind yet on the overall designs, and excluding Vera for reasons I'll divulge later. These Rostov kids are all energetic, emotionally driven and strong-willed and I wanted to reflect that in their designs - most of all in their hair, which is curly and kind of fluffy, making big, untamed shapes - I decided this they would have inherited from the Count. They're all rather short (I think some of the Rostovs are described as short so I extended it to the whole family) and a little stockier than the Bolkonskys - Natasha's figure is really incosistent because she gains and loses weight a lot over the book, but I settled on the slightly heavier side mostly to contrast with Sonya. I also love freckles and always associate them with energy and youthfulness so they got given to the Rostovs - presumably from the Count's side again. And their eyes and hair are all black or dark brown!
BIG RAMBLING RANT: The Countess is described as having "oriental features" and I wanted to incorporate that into the kids because it's like the most detail we ever get on someone's overall facial features lol but it turned out kind of frustratingly vague. I think my first idea was towards Georgia because Pierre mentions a woman with Georgian features in 1812, and because my ballets russes research included a very orientalist ballet about a georgian queen. I didn't find very good references though and turned next to Armenia, and when I found someone talking about common Armenian features that fit what I already had in mind for the Rostovs I ended up using that. However, later I realised those countries are in Western Asia and don't really fit the descriptor of "oriental (eastern)" from the perspective of Russia... Now I'm looking more towards the Kalmyk and Bashkir people after seeing them mentioned in one of my interlibrary books so I might revise the Rostovs yet. I did get kind of attached to the nose though so I'll do my best to keep it haha
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The odd ones out in the Rostov household!! Sonya is, I believe, related to the Rostovs on the Count's side so maybe it would make sense to give her the fluffy hair and freckles, but she has enough descriptions in the book to form a separate design on her own (and she's only a second cousin to the Rostov kids, so it's pretty far away anyway). She's compared to a graceful kitten, described as almost unattractively thin and with a sallow skin, so I thought it would fit her to have a slightly unwell air, with portruding collarbones and a slight hunch. She also has her dark double braid.
Vera was fun once I got the idea to make her look very different from her siblings - to mirror her personality being completely different (cool, impassionate, meanspirited at times) and to visually reflect how she's disliked by the Countess - perhaps almost looking like she's not her parents' child 👀 She's taller and slimmer than her siblings, with straighter and lighter in colour hair, and her features are more smooth and soft. No freckles either.
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The Kuragins! Those guys are fun. I have Anatole as the tallest in the cast (save for Pierre), and Helene as the tallest woman, with Ippolit the same height as her. Helene and Ippolit in general are described as having the same features so they ended up almost looking like twins! Later I'll talk a bit more about their facial features and hair but in terms of silhouettes, Helene has to have her round shoulders and impressive bosom (and low neckline), while Anatole has to look all broad-shouldered and masculine. He was actually the hardest to draw because I kept feeling like his head was too small and his whole body too long... I might go back and make him a bit broader still. A book I have says the elite life guards of the Russian army were known for their impressive, immaculate appearance, with some men padding their uniforms to add volume to their chest... That made me think of Anatole lmao.
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A little roll call to show everyone's height in relation to each other.
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More about the Kuragins! I tackled Helene with the aim to make her beautiful by the standards of the time, and luckily there's actually an 1812 bust of the Greek Helene! It was too poerfect of a coincidence so I leaned heavily into it. I find that typical features of ancient Greek or 19th century Hellenistic busts are a very straight nose that flows smoothly from the forehead, a very round jawline with a somewhat portruding chin and that particular curve of the neck. I gave Helene all of those along with heavily-lidded, downturned eyes and an expression that hopefully conveys calm confidence and intelligence. Ippolit is supposed to have the same features but made to look ugly by his stupid expression - this actually turned out easier than I thought? Though it might just be that the moustache looks kind of stupid - maybe I should try a version without it. Anatole I thought ought to look impressive and masculine so in the end I kept the squarer jaw and strong forehead (and I couldn't resist the slicked back hair) but I considered a more Hellenistic version too, with the short curls and round jaw. Helene's hair was tricky because none of the styles I saw felt quite right - I settled on a sort of combo of the Hellenistic curls from the statue but a bit looser with the braid she's described to have in the book. She'd also probably wear a lot of hair accessories but I'll have to do more research on those.
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More Natasha and Sonya, and Andrei - Andrei is so difficult!! I always kind of oscillate between "stern, strong-willed soldier", "sharp-featured intellectual" and "soft pampered prince/troubled poet" (where I try and fail to imitate this gorgeous illustration by Vadimir Serov). The Brutus haircut is tempting in its historical accuracy, but I'm just a little bit too fond of the immaculately slicked back hair...
Edit: I completely forgot @visualnoteslibrary was on Tumblr!! Thank you so much for collecting all the descriptions, you spared me quite the Easter egg hunt through the Gutenberg version <3
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haus-mom · 9 months
8, 9, 16 :)
8. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Gonna get my ass kicked for this, but Mizuki is not confirmed nonbinary and their arc is actually very far from being about that. "But they use they/them pronouns!" In the English translation, sure, but I feel like the translators have gotten themselves in some sort of loop they can't come out of. I understand that their gender is officially "?" but others referring to Mizuki with they/them doesn't make sense, since they're fem presenting.
It's so incosistent too! Kanade uses she/her for Mizuki to herself ONCE and then resumes using they/them
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I think I've mentioned this a few times, but I would've done it very differently. N25 is not aware of Mizuki's genderfuckery, and they're fem presenting, so it's likely they'd use she/her. Same with people who are vaguely acquaintanced with them, like Tsukasa, Shizuku or Emu. Akito is aware of the rumours, but him not telling Ena means he couldn't care less, so it's likely he'd use she/her too.
What about An and Rui, who are aware of Mizuki's identity? That's the complicated part, since they'd give away Mizuki's gender. I guess I'd do my best to avoid using gendered pronouns? It'd be kinda hard, but at least it'd MAKE SENSE. If they're talking about Mizuki to other characters, they'd probs use she/her too regardless.
I haven't really read the new JP event, but they probably don't clear anything up when it comes to Mizuki's gender. I was hoping Mizuki's sister would say something like "oh mizuki's my sister/whatever" but in the summary I've read, as sweet as it seems, we're still kept in the dark. Oh well.
"But that'd be misgendering!" YES! THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON'T TELL PEOPLE ABOUT YOUR GENDER! PEOPLE TEND TO ASSUME! Plus, if Mizuki's not a trans girl not saying pronouns = gender, that's not what i'm going for here or nonbinary, and they're just an otokonoko (unlikely, but they can still pussy out, even though they had Mizuki singing villain, but whateeeeeeever), wouldn't they/them be misgendering them too?
It's frustrating, like, if you hc Mizuki as nb that's fine, but can people please stop going for the throats of those who use she/her for them? Not that hard, I promise!
9. Worst part of canon
Canon seems to be hellbent on having some duos as default, with little to no deviations. Leo/Need does this the least, but sometimes they do fall into Ichika+Saki/Honami+Shiho territory.
WxS also doesn't do this often, as it's very well balanced, but when it comes to mix events it's... Not that great. Rui+Emu is surprisingly lacking in content as well, I feel like they're in the background, which is a shame because I like them a lot.
MMJ is truly neutral. We have fun interactions all around, but Airi+Haruka is even worse than Rui+Emu. Please they are THE STRONGEST!!!! give them an event together. I'm sure they'd crush it.
N25 sucks so bad, like so, so, so bad. Most of the time it's Kanade+Mafuyu/Mizuki+Ena. I think they're trying to fix it, but since Mafuyu and Kanade are now roommates, it's... Not really working. Last Kanade event barely had Mafuyu on it, and that's something I really don't like about canon? N25 is overreliant on Mafuyu and sometimes it feels like the other member's problems take a backseat because Mafuyu's are more important. And that sucks. Kanade has it the worst of all because even in events where she miraculously gets away (? from her, she's still thinking of saving her. I get Kanade is very goal-driven and is determined to save her, but... Just Mafuyu? Like in Spojoy when Minori tells Kanade she should take time to herself because she's also important and that she'll be there for her, Kanade instantly thinks "Of course... I want to see Mafuyu smile!" and canon portraying this as a good thing and Kanade improving as a person SUCKS. SUCKS SO BAD. Thanks Kaito for telling her to snap out of it. Samsa is one of the greatest comm songs imo but it's about Mafuyu. The whole event was about Mafuyu's story.
I get it, but they've left Kanade's dad's plotline untouched for TWO WHOLE YEARS, it's what i said about the other member's problems taking a backseat. Mizuki I get, running away is their thing and they seem to be doing good by relating to Mafuyu, but... Augh.
VBS is the poster child for duos. They're the only group where the members don't all use their first names. Just look at their card cameos. And their mix events too... Free them please...
Once I saw someone say "VBS isn't just duos, they have dynamics!" and they sure have them! Wish they got moments to develop them besides card stories and area convos!
16. You can't understand why so many people like this thing
Unironically? Akito x Toya. They're the most milquetoast, boring ship imaginable and nothing interesting ever happens with them. Sometimes you need fluffy ships and I get it, but you can get the same dynamic better within the game itself. To me they're that kind of friends who are super close and thought of dating but they're just so close dating just feels out of the question lol
The way they met doesn't make sense. Like, Akito saw Toya singing and went "oh i want this one", even though he was doing street music just to piss his dad off. Then he sees Kohane and goes "i want that hamster OBLITERATED", because she "wasn't taking it seriously", it just doesn't make sense! If it was called out sure, but Akito being a hypocrite is never brought up ever again. Their conflict in the main story was pretty dumb too. And from then on they just. Go with the flow. I love Toya and Akito separately so please let them be apart.
Whoever has talked to me about proseka for more than 5 minutes knows 2 things: I love Tsukasa Tenma and I really, really dislike Kanade x Mafuyu. The fact that they're the most popular ship for one another evades me. Kanade and Mafuyu aren't good for each other AT ALL.
"But Kanade is doing her best to save Mafuyu!" That's exactly the thing! At the beginning of the game, Kanade was constantly trying her best to save Mafuyu, and Mafuyu in exchange worried about Kanade... Because she's trying to save her. Kanade saw Mafuyu as a big wall, something to prove she's capable of saving others with her music.
"They got better! Kanade sees Mafuyu as a friend now!" ... And Mafuyu is still the same. Ena told her that the least she could do is thank her in Carnation Recollection, but did she? No, she but she was nicer... To Emu. Mafuyu, at least up until Ena's second focus, still wants Kanade to keep composing for her sake. I know she's been bending over backwards to please others since forever and N25 is her safe place to rest, but Ena is right. The least she could do is thank her.
"Since they're living together, Mafuyu is taking care of Kanade!" ... Is she really? She just cleans around a bit, but as for eating and having a better sleeping schedule, Mafuyu is just as bad. Does Mafuyu have to take care of Kanade? Not really, it's not her obligation. But Mafuyu never does anything to stop Kanade from indulging into her unhealthy habits, including overworking herself. Some people keep talking about toxic yuri and... There it is! I have no problem if it's being portrayed like that, but most portrayals have it be wholesome and good, and it isn't, not at all.
Like with Akit-ya I can see why people ship them! They're cute! Kan-mafu though... That's another story.
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megashadowdragon · 1 year
Oda Revealed The MEANING of IMU'S Name But It Was Lost In Translation!! | One Piece 1086 how the etymology of the name
venus being the gold planet makes ghandi gorosei ( nasujiro) being named after it quite fitting since he is likely from wano which was known as the land of gold ev
twitter theory related to the vid
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However, what does "nero" mean? Well, speaking of all the Grecoroman gods among the Gorosei, in Greek "nero" is the word for water. Which could tie with the theory that Imu may be the Mother(flame?) of nature Umi, the Sea (6/9)
But on the other side of the Grecoroman, in Italian, and other languages too, "nero" is the word for the color "black". Which makes sense as Imu is not just always depicted as a black silhouette, but even appears as a dark mass when transformed. But there's more to it; (7/9)
I've previously speculated that Imu may be an opposite to Joyboy. While Nika symbolizes pure white, the light of the Dawn, Imu symbolizes pitch black, the darkness of the night. Both are cartoonish, but while Nika is just goofy, Imu is like a walking nightmare (8/9)
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imu is likely a woman ( given that imu is likely representing umi the mother of life ) and its fitting since mother oda once said in an sbs that mother is the opposite of adventure
youtube comments
Imu Nerona Nerina is a girl’s name meaning “sea god” and is of Italian origin. A Latinized form of Greek Nērinē, from the name of the sea god Nēreus. Imu backwards Umi is sea. Nerona sounds like more foreshadowing for Imu as the the sea devil and the origin of devil fruits.Show less
A nice parallel that might be true as the Figarland family representing the moon might be that it starks as a contrast to the Kozuki. Both are symbolic to the moon while the Figarland are the dark side (standing with Nerona Imu) and Kozuki the lighted part (standing with Joyboy). Maybe they're destined to clash?
Ok so here is a thing I noticed: Oda very weirdly chose the seats for the 5 elders this chapter. If we look at the panel of the introduction, the 2 on the right panel have their names as the actual planets, while the 3 on the left are puns on the planets, which makes me think that Saturn and Mars are older than the other 3. It would also allign with them having gone through the perenial youth operation and explain the incosistency from chapter 1037, since in that chapter, the ones that thought the Nika fruit is a legend are very conveniently the same 3 Gorosei on the left with the planet names mispelled, so the younger ones
I would love for this to go even further and see Imu being the boy that emperor Nero had castrated and made to act like his old wife because of their striking resemblance…it would make sort of sense out of the fact that Imu seems to hate Vivi more than most people, if she was the reincarnation of the person that Imu was first enslaved because of….
( though there are some claims that the story was just slander)
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starry-edits · 4 years
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she stepp This is an edit of a sprite I did for a Saint Snow Collab with Saki and Merobean! Although its still under the works, its totally going up when released!
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marinsawakening · 6 years
I really highkey hate the fact that Magic Kaito is slowly but surely replacing FMA as my hyperfixation because at least FMA is well written and has characters with, oh I don’t know, consistent character development? 
#hmmm gosho aoyama learn how to write challenge#seriously at this point I'm tempted to write a fucking essay on how  t e r r i b l e  this series is written#it has its good parts#otherwise i wouldn't like it lmao#the heists are creative#the characters are fun and memorable even if they're not well developed#and the whole thing is just a fun ride if you turn your brain off#but unfortunately i'm a goddamn media snob and i'm physically incapable of doing that#i mean i like it#but everything about it is just..... so bad from a writing standpoint#(no granted a lot of that is due to the fact that it started in the 80's and has had very incosistent updates since)#(meaning that keeping the internal consistency in tact would honestly be more imporessive than not doing that)#(but also...... stop ignoring you minor characters gosho!!!)#(they're not just filler for kaito they're their own person!!!!!)#(i love kaito and he's my fave but stop underestimating aoko goddamnit)#(and give her akako and hakuba some fucking development that doesn't center around the fucking main please and thank you)#magic kaito#my posts#personal#also the fandom creeps me out#everyone ships That Ship and I happen to find that ship..... fucking creepy#it's shi/nkai by the way#they look... identical#like canon points that out actually they canonically look IDENTICAL to each other#and it's??? kinda creepy to me??? to ship them with each other when they look so alike?????#ESPECIALLY when kaito only knows shinichi as conan#(yes i know movie 3 is apparently maybe kinda canon now but until it's properly confirmed in MK i'm ignoring that for now)#im not trying to claim that it's problematic or whatever bc it's really not#but it creeps me out#and the way it's often portrayed in a fetishized way really doesn't help either
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beaufjords · 6 years
just a reminder on this lovely night that LA Valiant are currently 3rd in the overall standings and it is not for sheer luck so y’all can put them on like 7th on your power rankings but at the end of the day they’re still leading their division :D
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colorfulatlas · 3 years
Cartoon posting... once again!
So today is the day lads! Villanos and Sustos Ocultos de Frankelda are FINALLY out!
watched both today, both. are so. GOOD!!!
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fucking proud, pure mexican talent here!
as I do with my most recent cartoon posting reviews, this one contains SPOILERS! so If you want to watch these completely blind then do so before reading this!
For Villanos and SODF, if u don't have HBO Max or you live outside of Latin America, you can watch both of their pilots/shorts on Youtube for free! Also the first episode of Villanos is completely free 2 watch on Youtube as well. If u REALLY want 2 watch their series, either wait for American Cartoon Network to accept them and make dubs OR get a VPN, whatever fits u best
Now... time for the BEAUTIES!
Villanos (Villanous)
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I waited... 3 YEARS for the series to debut on Cartoon Network, and you know what? The wait was worth it! Amidst all the hardships and well... shitty stuff going on in the studio, I really REALLY still hope everything's better now, for AnimaStudios, the animators and Alan Ituriel itself, you guys did a great job!
As for the series itself... hohoho, I'm just adnajsdnjasnjad AA
It's about this organization, directed by Black Hat, the supreme super villain and the embodiment of pure evil, all episodes are about recruiting villains with the help of Dr. Flug, Demencia and 5.0.5, who together will also fight heroes and serve lord Black Hat (so that they don't fucking die)
I really liked the writing, all the references and cameos, the heroes and the villains, and also the fact that we get juicy JUICY lore! Also what was the deal with Ms.Heed and why she was an important character, I get it now... and I REALLY like the fact that they didn't "softened" Black Hat, he's still pure evil and I FUCKING LOVE THAT (but not in that way...), and I also feel the same way with the other characters, they never changed, Demencia's craziness, wackiness and her obsession with Black Hat, Dr. Flug's reserved, more ethical personality and his silly lines (they're so good) and 5.0.5 is still a wuzzy bear yaya
Now, I'm quite curious if Dr.Flug actually liked Cecilia (Ms.Heed) before she stole his plans and became a hero, cuz it kinda seems that was the deal... and still curious about his face and Demencias and 5.0.5's origins. I'm guessing Black Hat is just the embodiment of pure evil and that's it, tho an origin story about him would be epic too.
Also if you've noticed, I haven't talked about the animation yet like I always do, and about that... that's really the main thing holding it back from becoming the fucking series of Mexican Cartoon Network. The animation is kinda wack, like it's quite nice, some scenes were wonderful! but sometimes it's incosistent, stiff or blobby, BUT that's probably just picky me, I'm guessing the series animation will eventually get better with new seasons and more episodes, but yeah, that's the only thing for me.
Overall, really good, was worth the wait, you guys did a great job, please support for it to continue pretty please :]]]
Sustos Ocultos de Frankelda (The Hidden Scares of Frankelda)
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It's rare to see stop motion animation from other places other than the US but HOHOHO it didn't go behind! Sustos Ocultos de Frankelda is FUCKING AWESOME! Props to the studio behind it and oh my good I really like the concept artist behind the character design, these look so great AAAA
The series is about this ghost named Frankelda, who's trapped in a haunted house with her haunted book, in the series, she tells her spooky scary stories to the audience in hopes to escape the haunted house and for everyone in the world to know her tales and be free.
The animation in this case, the stop motion is VERY good looking and very well served! The models look so pretty and wonderful and the scares (the monsters) designs were also S tier, very very cool and spooky stuff!
As for the stories and the series themselves, they were very interested and hooked me up! I really like how the stories themselves always end up in tragedy in hopes that the kids who watch it learn whatever the lesson is, it adds to the spooky stuff, and I like how they changed it so that's more inclined on good morals and self love more that just be obedient and good for other people's benefit. I wonder if Frankelda will escape or her series will end in tragedy like her stories. Also the design change for the guy that once was Frankelda's partner (and now it's a book lmao), was great, with him just being a guy with wings would've been pretty lacking IMPO, his current design looks coolio and more like a creature than just a pretty boy with wings.
The addition of the songs (I'm guessing to buy time) were quite okay I guess? But I think thats better than elongate the story and for it to become boring if they really wanted each episode to be 14 minutes long, also add to Frankelda somehow, with the last episode singing out the intro song, it just seems that she also has a kack for music writing as well
fucking amazing, loved it, please watch it and continue supporting it, the 5 episodes were worth it, it's just AAA I LOVED IT!!
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ladyvesuvia · 3 years
✧˖°࿐ 🍾 okay ves, this is not exactly a crush but rather a good friend of mine who I thought I liked for a little while (and may have, but not anymore), but circumstances and bad timing have made it clear that nothing will happen (and he has too... rip 🤟). but i was telling the story in the tags of my last post & i need to tell someone! he's a very funny guy and we're bickering all. the. time. like we genuinely barely talk in any way that's not back-and-forth banter to the point that our mutual friends changed his discord name to 'clara's lover' because of how much of an old couple we seem lmfao. but we do have heartfelt conversations when we're kinda... smashed at parties lol and it's like 4am and everyone is passed out and we're quietly talking and i've come to find out he's genuinely dedicated. like i didn't expect it from him but he's very sweet and attentive in his own ways - he's the only one who noticed i was Feeling Bad and checked on me, went to all the lengths possible to care for a friend of ours when she fell and hit her head... just an all-around surprisingly sweet and dedicated guy? and one time we were outside, it was 3am, i had stepped out to look at the stars cause they're my happy place when i'm down and i was feeling like shit lowkey. and he came outside with a few friends and i just started rambling about the stars and planets and constellations and how much i love them, and i was like, "i'm being so boring rn omg" but he just said that it was so cool i knew all of this? and that he didn't find it boring at all but rather loved it? space is super important to me so i was like <3 i feel Loved and Validated right this instant. later on we all laid on deckchairs and we were talking (with 2 other friends, we were 4 in total) and i remember drifting off to sleep in the middle of the conversation (at that point it must've been 4-4:30am) so it's all very hazy but they thought i was asleep and when it was time to get back inside he said, "i could carry her to her room" and i was like DO I PRETEND I'M ASLEEP SO HE DOES,,, and i was this close but they shook me a bit and so i woke up for real lol but it was one of the sweetest nights in my life and the moment i felt the most closure to all my friends and him in particular. rereading this it sounds like i am whipped for the guy but i'm really not, he's a sincerely good friend and we wouldn't work together romantically anyway so i backed down and i prefer it this way. but yeah this was my hot girl summer little romance daydream ♡ THIS WAS SO LONG SORRY AND IM GONNA HIDE BC WHAT IF SOMEONE I KNOW IRL SEES THIS
he sounds so amazing!!! 😔 the clara’s lover is just so sweet and made me blush wtf ma’am you’re y/n right now- this felt so fun to read istg and him validating what you’re passionate about??? I LOVE HIM ALREADY AAAAAAAAA
HE’S JUST- AGH READING THIS GAVE ME BUTTERFLIES IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE!!! the late night talks- 🤧✋🏻 i want this omg a book based on this would be perfect xx
THE I COULD CARRY HER TO HER ROOM OMFG MA’AM I’D SAY MARRY HIM BUT- HSCNFJJRIWA IDK WHAT TO SAY EVEN JUST HE SOUNDS SO GREAT HE SOUNDS FICTIONAL BUT LIKE IN THE BEST WAY like he’s that one fictional character you want to come to life???? agh i have so many questions like do you guys still talk? are you still friends? is his discord nick still clara’s lover? does he like you? did- I JUST HAVE SO MANY PLS DON’T FEEL SHY TO KEEP SENDING THESE IN BECAUSE I’M NOSY AND THIS IS SO ENTHUSIASTICALLY THRILLING TO ME I GET SO EXCITED BUT WHY NOT ANYMORE :<<<
don’t hide bb this made me want to rant about my similar one omfg u don’t have to read this i just saw a lot of parallels to this and i couldn’t help but sjhdejiw because you saying the “we wouldn’t work out romantically” literally broke me because i feel the same way 😔
i know i say i love angst a lot but damn it why can’t things just be easy and always have a happily ever after?2!/&2@ i told him about writing and he literally said that it’s cool and that i’m good at what i do omfg this guy!!:!:&2 AND WE ALSO HAVE LATE NIGHT TALKS like mostly 12am to 4am just laughing and stuff he’s just someone i feel comfortable with but just imagining what we’d be romantically sounds too unorthodox? idk i mean i do like him and i am in fact head over heels for him but the minute i think about us in the same place that the couples my friends are in, IT FEELS SO STRANGER-Y???
i mean he liked me since 2019 but has been incosistent and he confessed to me on the 31st of december, 2019 BUT I DIDN’T SEE IT OK I WAS JUS TRYNNA REPLY TO PEOPLE HAPPY NEW YEAR and i only saw it like just this june 26 where i replied to it and i said “whatthefuck HAHAHAHA” and he freaked out and said DELETE THAT DELETE THAT hdhdueie idk rlly he’s just so great but i don’t wanna ruin our friendship
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captainshyguy · 7 years
god i fucking hate art
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