#they're so smaaaaaall
elainemorisi · 1 year
help me help me my child is approaching four and I... sort of... want is too strong a word... but... babies...
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ywpd-translations · 10 months
Ride 753.5: Hayatani-san wants to help
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Pag 1
1: Inside Sohoku High School, there is a school store
Nyarun!! Everyone, how are you!? I'm Hayatani Yuuko (24)!!
(“Nyarun” is a greeting)
2: I run the school store, and I'm kind of an idol among students
Uhm, if you'd like, please read this
3: Apart from my job, I also give love advice to school girls
And I receive a lot of love-letters from school boys
4: Uhm.... how about a meal together next time?
And also the staff members approached me a lot!
Every day is so busy!
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Pag 2
1: Or well, there was a time like that too....
Current Hayatani Yuuko (44)
2: Lately my fingers have gotten a little round
3: They're cute anyway, even round!
Alright! It's time to take the bread for lunch, let's go
5: That day, I saw something that I shouldn't have seen
Unexpectedly, it was happening in the shadow of the school building
6: That's.... I can't be wrong
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Pag 3
1: An appalling scene of bullying!!
2: That tall guy is threatening that boy with glasses!! That must be a “crime scene”; I can't be mistaken
Ah!! Looking better at that boy with glasses... it's the boy who sometimes comes to buy bread with Naruko-kun from the bicycle club!
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Pag 4
1: What should I do!!
Call someone!? But if while I do that, the boy with glasses gets hit....
2: The color of that tall boy's shoes... he's a second year!?
But despite his appearance, the boy with glasses is a third year
3: A second year is bullying a third year!? What kind of guy
4: Ahh, the more I look at him the scarier he looks!!
With those eyes wide, and his mouth open so much it shows his gums, he looks like a wild beast whose shackles came off!!
5: The boy with glasses looks so scared, but he's desperately enduring it!! He's looking down!!
“Hand me your money”
6: “Come on, hand me your money”, he's surely saying that!!
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Pag 5
1: If I don't help him soon-!!
Do your best, Yuuko, summon your courage!!
2: Ple...ease.... sto....p
3: Ahh, but that's a little.... scary
Would I get hit? I'd get hit, and it would definitely hurt, it would deeefinitely hurt!
4: For- for now I'll assess the situation.... let's prick up my ears and listen!!
5: …. please
… please!!
He's speaking formally!? He's bullying him while speaking formally!?
6: …..I don't, please!!
What's with that scary face!!
7: I don't
I don't
I don't have my own money, he's saying!! What a boy!!
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Pag 6
1: I have no..... self-confidence.....
2: Even though I was chosen as a member
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Pag 7
1: Self-confidence1?
Member...? What?
2: It's alright
Because, Danchiku-kun, you ran in that harsh training camp
3: and you defeated Sugimoto-kun!!
5: Kuaaaaa
6: ….yes
7: Yes!!
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Pag 8
1: It's alright, since it's you, Danchiku-kun, you'll do great
3: Ye.... yes!!
4: It's here!! That boy's killer strong smile!!
With that, that boy can capture people heart
5: I found courage!! Thank you so much!!
Yeah... well...
He bowed his head...!!
6: Did he tame the wild beast!?
This was Hayatani-san, who still doesn't know Onoda-kun's name but now deepened her understanding of him
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
Since it was brought up. Why do so many people have this weird protective boner for rich people anyway? You can't call out rich people for being completely out of touch, without someone being like "Yeah but…" I don't fucking care about the "Yeah but…" Why the fuck should I care about the feelings of a rich bitch who can live in the lap of luxury while the asses of myself, friends and family can't afford to fucking live?
Do any people out there actually unironically believe that a queer millionaire has any-fucking-thing in common with poor queer people? POC rich people with poor POC people? Those rich people don't give a shit, they care about their own richness, and then the other rich people, before they even would look at you with their ass. "But they donate money." Yeah, I too would donate if I had the money, and I got that big delicious tax-write off for it. Alas, I don't got fucking money, thanks for asking.
Some dumb rich asshole living in a fucking insane asylum looking home tells us "Get off your ass and work." while she just had someone get off in her ass. "But that isn't whar happened." Don't care, fuck rich people who think that they get to tell poor people "You choose to be poor because you don't work." don't get more respect from me.
Oh wow some chick who was raised rich made her own company by getting some of her parents money and is now even richer. Let's all clap for the "self-made" millionaire. Bet she also got a smaaaaaall loan of a million dollars. I mean, if she failed fuck all would happen because she was rich before, but come on, she's rich and famous, so she's super special. Yeah... how does that work out for people who wanna start a business who DON'T have money laying around for a little ego project?
Some rich boys get to be the star in the show "Nepo baby, when getting popped out into a rich family opens all the doors." but because they're gay and POC, we don't wanna call them out because the poor rich people might feel oppressed for being called rich nepo baby fucks being called out on their privilege.
You remember Hawaii? Who went there and bought land while the natives were still grieving? Rich assholes. Who owns land and properties on Hawaii while not being native, but then also looked all puppy dog sad asking for donations? Oh Oprah? Wow, see how much she cares about the poor POC people in Hawaii. Give back those fucking properties to the Natives. "Oh but she helped by giving 5 millions, and water and blankets." You know what else she could give? The fucking land back to the natives who need it. She and all the other fucko rich people like Bezos, for whom Hawaii is just a little holiday island. 👏Rich👏fucks👏give👏back👏the👏land👏to👏the👏Natives👏and then never come back.
Rich people fucking suck. They don't care for you, they don't care if you're "one of them", if you're not rich, you're worthless. So why the fuck do people of the middle and lower class constantly get into actual fights to play saviour for some ugly ass rich bastard who doesn't give a shit about them? We don't fucking need people who can buy and take away the lands from Natives, and we don't need nepo babies who tell us we choose to be poor.
Fuck rich people.
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treasure-goblin · 7 months
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lemon-inferno · 2 years
Reborn Rich the final episode
What an ending.
It's so bittersweet but I love it. Maybe it's my obsession with Jin Do Jun, but if you follow the actual chronology of things - Do Jun was reborn as Hyun Woo first. Because he died first. And if fate cannot be changed then he was meant to recover his memories as Jin Do Jun, which had alread been burried within him. Even before Hyun Woo "died" (for a week), it was meant to happen. So who is really who at the end? As Hyun Woo called it, you could think of it as repentance, but for me personally, Do Jun existed in Hyun Woo long before Hyun Woo got "reborn" as Do Jun.
All that being said, I do have some very smaaaaaall issues with the ending.
First, it felt rushed. Honestly the last 3 episodes or so felt really rushed compared to the rest of the drama's pace. Everything that needed to happen still happened, but it was just.... I don't wanna say half-baked but.....
Second, Hyun Woo got shot straight in the head point blank. You're telling me he miraculously survived that? Sure there are some miracles that happene even in real life, but it's a patter I hate with tv shows, nto just kdrama. At the very least, he would've needed years to recover. Although, if I really want to defend it, I could say the years he spent as Do Jun somehow changed Hyun Woo's brain's perception of time which afforded him just enough time to recover. Still, between Do Jun's and Hyun Woo's death, Do Jun would've had a much higher survival rate than Hyun Woo. Sure, Do Jun's car got slammed pretty hard, but it's not comparable to getting shot at point blank IN THE FREAKING HEAD, now is it? :/
Also I would've loved to see the actual process of Mr. Oh Se Hyun working with Do Jun's mother, instead of just hearing about all the things they're gonna do..... but we don't get to see them.
Jin Sung Jun's character deserved more too. Sure he was greedy, but he was not guilty of ordering Do Jun's murder. Both times he was innocent. He knew everyone would've suspected him, which is was exactly what his father wanted. It's the reason why he got the company in the first place. Sung Jun deserves some justice too. I feel like it would've been that more epic if the show had gone back to the conversation between Hyun Woo and Sung Jun from episode 1 and committed to the bond that was forming. Imagine if we had Hyun Woo and Sung Jun working together in the final episodes. Hyun Woo gets to finish Do Jun's deed and Sung Jun finally has a change of heart and pays tribute to his grandfather and runs the company with the same heart his grandfather had.
On a more positive note (says anticupid), Hyun Woo did not end up in a relationship with Min Young! Which makes logical sense, for once. I'm not saying I'm happy that they didn't get together, I'm saying it happened for the right reasons. But I'm sure most of the ship's fans will be satisfied that she seemed to recognize Do Jun in Hyun Woo in the end. One could imagine they did end up meeting up and like.... making babies. Idk.
I liked the future Min Young a lot more. Although for her to become the Soonyang Grim Reapper and wear only black because she was mourning for Do Jun, I really would have loved to see more of their relationship developing at least? As it was all based on only a few times they talked? Briefly? But I guess human emotiones are unpredictable, so it's possible. Anyways, there's that.
A little sad the endings of the rest of the characters were rushed by too, but I didn't see anything that made me think "hmm this doesn't make sense". Honestly, is there not going to be a season 2? Now I'm kinda disappointed, because I wish we had spent more time with how the other characters' life continued. As well as more to see of Do Jun with his family. But I get it, it was never the focus of the show.
All my other thoughts about this drama flew out the window.
I can say it was a lovely experience. I enjoyed this so much despite constantly finding something to nag about. I loved following Jin Do Jun's life, and that particular era in South Korea's history. The real footage they used. I loved Jin Yang Cheol's character, I loved Lee Sung Min's acting (as well as Joong Ki's, always).
It made me cry a couple of times and any drama that invokes real emotion in me keeps a spot in my heart. Especially when Ha In Seok went to testify and thought Hyun Woo was Do Jun (was he wrong though?) and wanted to protect him. The unspoken hero of this show. It was a fantastic story, even if we look at it only from Do Jun's perspective, it makes for an amazing story. Had Hyun Woo not even been a part of this drama, I would've still loved just watching Do Jun and his grandpa. Hyun Woo's growth at the end was the bonus for me. I get to exprience something which unlocked his cage and his heart. The boy who grew up in poverty and had many hardships because of it, the boy who willingly walked into a cage because of his trauma caused by poverty. He put his emotions aside, thinking that money was more important than them. Finally, he was freed from it all.
With a new look on life, a new heart and a new dream, he was able to leave all of his hurt behind and live in a way that not only fits him better, as a human, but also a life that Do Jun would be proud to see him live.
Ugh. I'm gonna miss Do Jun's smile though. I know Joong Ki plays both, but that smile is now Do Jun's until the day I die and there's no changing my mind.
Alright, time to go cry in a dark corner. I love-hate this ending.
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the-sloth-woman · 3 years
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 30, 31, 35 & 74 for Alrick and Lilly, please! 😭❤️
ASSDFFGHHJA Thank you for sending so many in anon :'D Just so this post doesn't turn into a million pages long I'm going to break this up into chunks. These asks can be found here~!
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1. What’s a unique skill they have? Is their any reason why they can do it?
Lilly: Let's see... Well, being a Nephilim gives me some pretty neat skills. I can heal small injuries, although it gives me a nosebleed if I try too hard. Since Alrick is a demon and already has an advanced healing factor it's not something I do regularly.
Alrick: I have excellent luck when it comes to card games. It's not exactly a skill, but it's not something that everyone can do~
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2. What are their favourite possessions? Why? (sentimentality, history, price, etc)
Lilly: Hmmm... Maybe my mother's sword. It's the only real thing she ever gave to me when I was little. I carry it with me everywhere I go, and it's come in handy more times than I can count.
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Alrick: When you live as long as I have you come to realize that possessions come and go with the passing of time. I could say my sketchbook and a set of pencils, but what makes this sketchbook so different from one I owned ten years ago? Other than the fact that my Father hasn't burned it yet.
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3. Do they get jealous easily? If so, what usually causes it?
Lilly: Alrick says I get jealous easily, but I do NOT! I just don't like how other girls think they can get with him... They'll flirt with him right in front of me! It drives me crazy...
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Alrick: It's not jealousy, it's a dislike of people who think they're entitled to my things. Especially Lilly.
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5. What’s their reputation like? Does this reputation contrast what they’re really like?
Lilly: Alrick has this reputation of being really mysterious and cool. I've heard girls gossiping about him at school, wondering what kind of things he gets into. There was once a rumor that his family was part of the mafia, although I'm pretty sure it got disproven.
Alrick: Lilly's reputation amongst the demon community is also pretty mysterious. Because she ages at about the same rate as I do, a lot of the demon nobility think she's a human that's been cloned for decades, or that I've put an anti-aging spell on her. Or that she's descended from a long line of girls who all happen to look Like Lilly.
Lilly: Well that's weird...
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6. Do they prefer to have a big social circle, or a few close friends?
Alrick: A small circle, too many people get to be annoying. I already have other demons kissing my ass to get in on my father's good side, I don't need any more.
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Lilly: I don't really have many friends outside of Yui, so a small, smaaaaaall circle is best.
Lilly: But someday it would be nice to have a bunch of friends, don't you think? To have them all together for a big party~?
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