#they're very...morally grey and into that
devotedfem · 1 day
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«American Psycho»
Synopsis: In the 80's, there's a group of wealthy succesful wall streeter men that are disgustingly greedy. They maintain an appearance of perfection, but they're narcissistic, egomaniacal, competitive and murderers. Unlucky for you, they got infatuated on you, competing with each other to have you.
Hyung line (poly) x f. Reader
4.6K words.
Genre: inspired by American psycho (2000) | yander-ish.
Tags: American psycho au, power imbalance, 80's New York, Period Typical Sexism, murder, rich and powerful hyung line, classic wealthy corporate men, greed for money, college student reader, reader has grey morals, a little bit of gore but just at the beginning, savage capitalism, overworking, yandere hyung line, they're not good people, psychopaths and evil hyung line (but they have a soft spot for reader), end game poly relationship, possessive behavior, dubious consent (because of power imbalance), double penetration (you've been warned lol).
From the series masterlist; Final girl.
Navigation Masterlist.
a/n: this contain very sensitive and triggering topics, like classism and sexism, the movie was inspired by a book that wanted to critize the image of the priviledge american man. I don't agree with any of the triggering topics here, this is fiction, so please read with caution.
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Seokjin put off his face mask to apply his expensive cream on his skin. His face was straight and indifferent, bored even. He styled his hair with gel and he put on his luxurious dress suit, ignoring the gagged sounds of the annoying man tied to a chair in his penthouse.
Seokjin stared down at him without lowering his chin, lifting a brow with displeasure. That man looked too dirty for his polished place.
He grabbed his brand-new axe, covering his body with a plastic protective suit.
The tied and gagged man widened his eyes with horror, shaking his head and wailing with fear, getting nothing in return but a bored expression from Seokjin.
“This will teach you to not bother me. You’re not on the same level as me, you thought you could outdo me? Playing your tricks in my company? Don’t you know what I’m capable of?” Something evil and dark gleamed in his eyes, it was the only emotion he showed since the tied man met him. And it was frightening.
The polished porcelain floor got stained by blood, sparking Seokjin’s evil face. The man’s head rolled out of his body to Seokjin’s brand-new dress shoes.
The taller wrinkled his nose with disgust, annoyed because he has to change his favorite shoes.
“What a burden,” he whispered to himself with a deep sigh.
Meanwhile, in the building next door was Yoongi nursing a drink of his expensive whisky. His mahogany office was barely illuminated because of the curtains hiding the view of New York. Some of his employees say between whispers that the CEO acted like a vampire.
“I-I did what you asked me to, sir,” the employee in front of him trembled with anxiety, intimidated by Yoongi’s heavy gaze.
Yoongi lifted a corner of his lips in a disdain way, his eyes darkening with anger.
“And you think that following my orders like a moron means that you did a good job?” He spat furious, throwing his whiskey glass, shattering it next to the employee’s head.
The man shrinks violently, and he did something pitiful even for Yoongi’s taste. The man dropped to his knees, looking at his boss with pleading eyes.
“Please don’t fire me, I need this job to pay my bills or I’ll be on the streets,” he said with desperation and teared eyes.
Flames of satisfaction and power raises to Yoongi’s lungs. He enjoyed watching the kind of power he holds over other people, it was a shame that his employees were so dumb and inefficient, because he did pay very well to them. So, to him it was reasonable to be demanding, after all it was his money at stake.
Yoongi walked slowly towards the knelt man, with a smirk growing on his lips. Then he took out his gun silencer shooting the man to the head, making his body fall to the side silently.
“One less idiot,” he murmured to himself, nursing another glass of whiskey.
And there it was Namjoon and Hoseok, the feared duo of executives. They were ruthless on their work, the definition of competitive successful man. The greedy representation of privileged man who are at the top of the food chain in the patriarchal New York society of the 80’s.
They were at an executive meeting, looking at each other with knowing smirks, making everyone in the room nervous and tense. Because they haven’t said a single word since the proposal of their work partners.
And they still kept quiet at the end of the meeting, glancing at everyone with boredom, getting out of the room without saying goodbye. After all they have better things to do.
“What a bunch of idiots,” Hoseok huffs rolling his eyes with annoyance. Namjoon chuckled nodding his head.
“I already send the order to kill them,” Namjoon said with a grin.
Anyone that dares to do as much as wasting their time, will get erased.
And there it was you.
A New York student that has to deal with college and rent.
This city was expensive, and you were just a middle-class girl with dreams. You worked many parts time jobs to support yourself and prove to your family that you don’t need to marry a man to be happy, you can be an independent woman.
Well, that was easier to say than to do, it was hard to pay your bills and tuition without anyone’s help. You were exhausted and full of debts. You sighed deep, maybe if you marry rich then you wouldn’t have to worry about these things, but you were too proud to admit that out loud. You have to be the change you want to see in the world, don’t you? You say that to yourself to feel better, and to not to be on the verge of mental breakdown.
You feel like crying, until some miracle happened to you.
You founded 3 job offers as an assistant for 4 men. And the best part of it? Is that the four of them gave you the job. And the pay was quite generous.
They don’t have to know that you’ll be the assistant of other people at the same time, you’ll manage. You’d do anything for money at this point, even if that means overworking yourself.
You got ready for your first day, wearing your nicest pencil skirt and doing your hair in a slick bun. You looked pretty decent, ready to be eaten by corporate men.
You divide your schedule in three, you spent all night making the perfect schedule. You were lucky that those men worked in nearby buildings, otherwise your plan would’ve been impossible.
7:00 am to 11:00 am; Kim Seokjin.
You sighed deep, trying to control your nerves. You knew that the rich men of wall street are insufferable and labor exploiters, so you did prepare mentally for any kind of abuse, you need the money.
You knocked once, twice, but you didn’t receive an answer.
You waited 15 minutes in front of Seokjin’s door, you wanted to cry and break down the door. Your time was gold, literally.
And then a tall handsome man greets you, his face was impassive and serious, like if he has a stick up his ass. But you couldn’t help but feel a little bit intimidated by his heavy and cold gaze fixated on you. He stared down at your body without lowering his chin, with square shoulders and a straight posture. He looked composed in a frightening way. You gulped nervous, trying to give him a smile and swallow your insults.
“Good morning Mr. Kim, it’s a pleasure to meet you, i-“
You were interrupted by him rudely turning around and leaving you alone in the hallway, standing with your lips parted like a fish.
What an ass.
He was way worse than you think.
You sighed deep entering his penthouse, you have no choice but to bear with his attitude, the pay was too good unfortunately.
You cleared your throat taking your notebook out of your bag.
“So, Mr. Kim, I need to know more details about your daily routine and schedule, anything will help,” you said clicking your pen and looking at him expectably.
He arched a brow, looking genuinely pissed. You frowned confused, you didn’t know why that man was so annoyed by your existence.
“I didn’t hire you to be this irritating, stop asking questions and figure it out,” he almost snarled the last words, turning around to fix his tie in front of his living room mirror.
You again, parted your lips. You bit your tongue hard, tasting your iron blood. You wanted to punch that rude ass man, but you just couldn’t. You were powerless right now.
So you sighed again, with a fake and tense smile on your face.
“I’m sorry if I bothered you Mr. Kim, I just want to make my job right. If you please could provide me with your valuable information so I can do the best job you definitely deserve.”
Seokjin went rigid at your words, turning around to look at you with fury and disbelief in his eyes, it was the first emotion he showed to you.
“Are you… are you being sarcastic to me? Don’t fucking get smart with me!”
You widened your eyes at his shout, it was such a rare sight to see him this affected. You won’t lie, it was a bit funny to watch how you can get under his skin so easily. But offending him wasn’t your intention, you don’t want to get fire on your first day of work.
“I would never, sir,” you said trying to not sound bitter, but Seokjin’s narrowed eyes told you that he didn’t believe you.
“Watch your mouth.” He barked, and you almost roll your eyes.
“Please, I just need to know some details of your schedule, then you will never hear my annoying voice again, i swear. I just want to do a good job for a man like you,” your eye almost twitch by your own disgusting words, you felt like a bootlicker, but you have no choice.
Your dignity will not pay your bills.
That eased Seokjin’s tensed shoulder, his eyes softening just a little bit.
“Fine,” he said rolling his eyes.
And he did help you with information about his schedule, you made a list of his priorities and things you should do and not do. Your smile was too big to hide, you definitely can handle this! Not even a jerk like Seokjin will stop you from earning that good money.
“Thanks! I’ll be out of your hair Mr. Kim, you won’t even notice I’m here,” you said grinning ear to ear, maybe you looked insane smiling so happily at a man that treated you so poorly, but you didn’t care.
Seokjin blinked a little taken aback, but you watched how a small smile curled up on his lips.
“It’ll be difficult not to,” he teased you before turning around and fixing his tie again. You stand there speechless.
Surprisingly, it was way creepier to watch him tease you and smile instead of insulting you.
The moment that your watch struck 11 in the morning, you literally ran to the next building where your next boss works.
His building was cold and almost empty, the people there were pretty quiet and distant, you felt shivers when you knocked Mr. Yoongi’s door.
“Come in,” a deep voice said at the other side of the door. At least he doesn’t ignore you like Seokjin.
You entered his office, forcing yourself not to drool by the beauty and luxury of this place. Everything looked so expensive.
“Hello Mr. Yoongi. I’m your new assistant, it’s nice to meet you.” You felt a little bit intimidated by the heavy and dark gaze of Yoongi, his pale face and black suit made him look like a vampire.
Until now, he didn’t act rude towards you, but he sure as hell didn’t seem nice.
He was sitting with one leg crossed over the other, not breaking his piercing stare from you. One of his hands was holding a liquor glass, that must have been the first red flag.
“Before we start, you have to know that if you do as much as bother me, or screw up your work, I’m going to finish you. Literally and figurately.” He threatened with a gulp of his drink. His dark gaze piercing you while the liquor went down his throat.
Your chest deflated with disappointment, your hope of working with a decent man crashed immediately.
You weren’t scared at all by his threat. You know these types of man are powerful and dangerous, you couldn’t risk pissing off one of them without consequences, you live in a patriarchal society so you won’t be fooled by the thought that they’ll play fair. You weren’t dumb, and you know how to play your cards right.
“Good to know Mr. Yoongi. I appreciate when my bosses are direct with me, makes my job easier. Could you please tell me more details about your schedule? So I can get to work and not waste more of your time.” Your clicked pen was the only sound in the quiet office.
Yoongi’s eyes widened just for a split second. But he composed himself by clearing his throat and giving you information that would make your work easier.
You get to work in silence in Yoongi’s office, you felt his heavy stare on your body, but you ignored him, focused on your papers.
It was a bit creepy the way his eyes would follow you across the office, but you can bear a creep man if he pays as half as good as Yoongi do.
Unbeknownst to you, the paled man smirked devilish to himself, he liked you. And that was more dangerous than his dislike.
You almost jumped when the clock struck 3 in the afternoon.
Your stomach twisted a little, you gulped your anxiety down. It was time to meet your next bosses, they were two executives. If dealing with one rich man in 4 hours was difficult, imagine dealing with two at the same time. You won’t lie, you feel nervous.
Namjoon and Hoseok building were different from your other bosses, this place was full of people running everywhere, it looked so chaotic. But at least you won’t get bored.
Nobody paid attention to you, and you had to ask to like 10 people for where your bosses at.
They were in a meeting. Great, just great.
You waited patiently for them to finish. And when they got out of the meeting room, you rush to them crossing their paths. They stopped immediately, the taller one has an irritated expression and the shorter looked offended by your presence.
“Hi good evening. Sorry for startle you both, I’m the new assistant y/n, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” you said a little bit out of breath but that didn’t stop you from smiling at them.
“Excuse me?” The taller arched a brow.
You frowned not understanding the offense.
“Uhmm, sorry?”
The shorter one rolled his eyes with irritation.
“Are you fucking dumb? Who told you that you have any right to bother us? Know your place and go with the others employees and figured it out.” He dismissed you with narrowed eyes.
You stood there frozen, and they ignored you walking past you.
But you composed yourself quickly, their attitude wasn’t nothing new.
And again, you joined them on their walk to God knows where, you were praying to not pushing it too hard and get fired.
“It wasn’t my intention to bother such busy and important men like you, I just wanted to introduce myself and get information to do a good job and to be out of your hairs for an unlimited time.” This time your voice sounded breathless, you were exhausted.
The shorter one snorted in disbelief, his eyes flamed with something wicked.
“Is this thing being sarcastic to us?” He asked looking at you but not speaking directly to you.
Your chest sting with offense at him calling you a thing, but you swallowed your bitter emotions.
“I’m y/n,” you replied with a tense smile, not biting the bait.
“Y/n, get the fuck out of our sights unless you want to disappear, and not only from this company,” the taller one threatened with a dark glint in his eyes. You shivered slightly, he was wider and bigger than the other, looking way more dangerous.
Men and their big egos.
“I… I’m sorry for being this bold and rude. I don’t want to waste your time really, I just want to make a good job, that’s my only purpose. I promise to be out of your sight if you could spare me some minutes of your time, I will make it worth it.”
Silence. An uncomfortable hush.
“Very well then,” said the shorter one, tilting his head to the side and watching you head to toes. A wicked smile curled his lips, and you chose to ignore the alarm bells ringing at the back of your head.
“Follow us,” the taller ordered with a deep voice.
At the end of the day you were exhausted, you made it, you survived corporate exploiters men.
The following weeks went rather smoothly. Yes, they were rude and annoying, but you got used to them. You can’t say that you like them, but you tolerate them (for the sake of your rent and bills of course).
Seokjin underneath his cold and indifferent behavior was like a spoiled brat, sassy and rude, but a little bit endearing at some times.
“Y/n, fix it,” he almost whine looking down at you with frowned lips.
You chuckled rolling your eyes.
“I’m gonna start to think that you just want me near you,” you teased, a little bit bold yes, but over time you learned that Seokjin liked to tease way worse.
His eyes glinted with mischievousness, the corner of his lips curling like the cheshire cat.
“You sure wish that was true, don’t you?”
“Of course,” you replied laughing.
It was all jokes between you two, you got used to this type of interaction with your boss. Sometimes he did get a little too friendly for your like, but you really didn’t care. This job was temporary anyway.
And there it was Yoongi, the intimidating vampire-like boss that in the inside was like a bratty cat.
His feline eyes liked to be fixated on you, watching your every move like an actual cat for your amusement. You didn’t mind his heavy attention on you, he was wary with his employees like any other rich man from wall street. You got used to him too.
“Here are the papers you asked me for, sir,” you said airily, you had everything perfectly arranged, leaving no room for mistakes.
Yoongi hummed, looking at the papers and then looking at you again with eyes full of mischief.
“Are you sure it’s that all I asked for?” He didn’t break his piercing eyes from you, many people get intimidated by his stare but not you.
“Yes, of course,” you said smiling and he nodded to himself.
“There’s one thing you haven’t done.”
You didn’t say anything back, you were sure you did everything.
“And that would be…?”
“Having a drink with me, you never do that when I ask you to.” He asked nonchalant with his eyes on his drink, but you knew he was being serious.
“That’s not professional,” you said and he chuckled at your response.
You sighed biting your bottom lip, indecisive. Your goal was to be on their good side after all.
You said nothing when you sit in front of him crossing your leg over the other, the same way he does when he’s drinking. You smirked when he startled a little, but he tried to hide his surprise by a cough.
He poured you whiskey and you took a sip of your drink, trying not to wrinkle your face by the bitter taste. But Yoongi noticed and laughed, you widened your eyes at the sound. It was the first time you listened to his laugh and it was contagious because you chuckle with him.
Namjoon and Hoseok despite seeming intimidating the first time you met them, they were pretty chill and funny when the three of you become a little more closer.
They were in a meeting, and you were by their sides writing down the relevant things they say.
“See that guy over there? Look how he’s falling asleep,” Namjoon whispered near your ear, too close for your liking. However, you follow his gaze watching the older man’s head tilting to the side with sleepiness. You bit a laugh, the poor man had his eyes half lidded with boredom.
At your other side was Hoseok, he had his gaze fixated on the guy speaking, but he looked at you when he heard your little chuckle, a mischievous smirk curled on his lips. You said “sorry” quietly, but he only winked at you before turning his attention again to the man, returning to his cold expression.
When the three of you get out of the meeting room, Namjoon and Hoseok started to make fun of the guy’s speech and the older man’s attempt of being awake. You laughed genuinely for the first time around them.
“Those two don’t know what awaits them.” Namjoon’s words made your smile fall slowly, erasing any hint of amusement. You almost forgot the kind of men you work for.
“Are you going to… fire them?” You asked quietly, gripping tightly your notebook.
Namjoon only shrugged his shoulders, but you noticed the evil glint in his eyes.
“Firing them is too soft coming from us,” Hoseok replied instead, not without smiling at you. But this time his smile turned your stomach sick.
You chose not to ask more questions. Sometimes being ignorant it’s a blessing.
You settle into a routine with your bosses for a couple of months.
But as they say… lies has no legs. They started to notice that your attention wasn’t completely on them.
Seokjin was the first to notice.
That morning he was staring down at you with narrow eyes, even when you tried to joke with him while fixing his tie he ignored you without breaking his piercing eyes from you.
“You said the other day that you work only for me, is that correct?” His voice sounded harsh, and he stared down at you with dark eyes. You gulped nervously, your smile trembling a little.
“Yes, it’s the truth.”
He didn’t say anything back and you didn’t meet his eyes.
You tried not to snap your eyes up at him with surprise. Does he really believe you?
But then, you felt Seokjin coming near your body, gripping your chin up to met his heavy gaze.
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
He was standing too close to your body, his chest almost touching yours. The grip on your chin tightens when you didn’t reply right away.
“I… don’t,” you couldn’t help but be confused. It wasn’t his business if you have a boyfriend or not.
He nodded slowly, not breaking his eyes from you.
“Good. As long as you work for me, you can’t have a fiancé, neither another boss. I’m paying for your absolute time and attention. Do I make myself clear?”
Your lips parted and your eyes widened. You were shocked and confused, who does the thinks he is?
“Answer!” he barked furious.
“Yes,” you gritted between teeth.
What a jerk.
And Yoongi was the same.
He was sitting with his heavy gaze fixated on you as usual, but this time he wasn’t holding a glass of whiskey.
“Who else do you see after work?” he asked lifting a brow and tapping his foot.
None of your fucking business, you wanted to bark at him, but instead you bit your tongue.
“No one else, sir,” you couldn’t help but sound bitter.
He snorted with the corner of his lip curling up in a disdain way.
“I hope it’s true, because if not you’ll pay the consequences.”
This time you couldn’t bit your tongue back.
“What consequences? Firing me?”
You regretted opening your big mouth immediately.
Yoongi didn’t react, he simply stood up to walk towards you like a predator ready to pounce its prey.
“I usually don’t say this, but you’re a very valuable employee. If you want to keep a roof over your head, you have to be mine,” he growled the last word near your ear, although he was short, he towered over you, making you feel small with his closeness and strong fragrance.
You gulped, nodding without meeting his eyes. And he grinned wide. You swear you saw sharp teeth.
And Namjoon and Hoseok were even worse.
The both of them corned you against the desk of their office, the back of your knees hitting the corner of the desk. You gulped looking up at them.
“We wanted to ask you something, little bird,” said affectionally Hoseok, but you knew better than to fall for his smile.
“Are you fucking working for other people? Are you dating someone?” Namjoon raised his voice at the last words, staring down at you with narrowed eyes.
You widened your eyes and laughed humorless. They were psychos.
“What the-“
“Watch your mouth,” warned Hoseok, his lips turning a thin line.
“No, I’m not dating neither working for someone else. Happy?” you couldn’t help but sound angry.
The both of them went silent, looking at each other as if they’re having a mental conversation.
And they let you go.
You were on your way to your apartment. Their attitude today was the last straw, you got tired of them. You always noticed the red flags, ignoring the alarm bells and turning an eye blind.
You ignored Seokjin’s stains of blood, Yoongi’s silencer gun, and Namjoon and Hoseok erasing people. You told to yourself, out of sight out of mind. But that was your biggest mistake, you let your greed for money to blind you. For the first time you paid all of your bills without struggling, you ate well and wear the best clothes, and you didn’t worry for the tuition fee. But that doesn’t make you innocent or better than them, you were an accomplice, you were as greedy as them for money. You sold your morals in exchange of money, little money. You weren’t even rich.
Your chest stings painfully, and your eyes teared up. Your trembling lips let out ugly sobs, you were so ashamed of yourself.
You promised to yourself to be an independent woman but not be an accomplice of oppressors and criminals, but what choice did you have? Like people said, it’s eating or being eaten in this world.
It’s a man’s world, and you were simply a woman trying to survive.
You entered your dark apartment and grabbed your home phone, your bottom lip quivered when your mom answered the call.
“Mom,” you sobbed, sitting on the floor and gripping tightly the phone.
“Y/n? Dear, what’s happening? Why are you crying, is everything okay?” Her worry only made you cry harder, you didn’t deserve it. She raised a better woman and you were a disappointment.
“I-i’m the worst, I want to go home mom… I’m sorry,” you whispered.
You tasted your salty tears, sniffling and hiccupping.
But then the phone was snatched from you.
You were so into your self-pity that you didn’t notice the four figures lurking in the dark.
The lights turn on, and you blinked confused screaming with terror when you saw all of your bosses staring at you.
Seokjin was the one who snatched and hang up the phone.
“Our little princess misses her mommy,” Seokjin coed with a fake pout, he lifted your body making you scream harder.
He took you to the couch where the others were sitting, the tall man sat you on his lap, gripping tightly your waist in a warning when you tried to squirm out of his grip.
“It’s okay princess, I can be your mommy or daddy if you want me to,” Seokjin mouthed your ear, his hot breath making you shiver. He sniffed your hair, hugging you tightly from your back.
You wanted to throw out.
“Let me go you sickos! I quit!” you screamed at the top of your lungs.
The apartment went painfully quiet. The tension can be cut with a knife.
But then Namjoon and Hoseok lips mouthed the skin of your neck, lapping each side of it.
You cried trying to move away, but they didn’t let you.
Yoongi squatted before you, with his lips brushing yours.
Their bodies were attached to every part of your body, not letting you breathe. Your senses full of them.
“Your ours,” whispered Yoongi against your lips.
And with dread you realized he was right.
You can read the +18 continuation here.
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@demonshauntingthedoves @pynkgothicka @cutequeen00 @nothingsreal420 @ririkookiemonster-archives @cannotalwaysbenight @loumin908 @devilzliaison @uniquecutie-puffs @polarnightmyg
145 notes · View notes
Confession Time!
So, over on Twitter, I'm a member of the Community Notes, and I can write Notes on any post as well as rate other Community Notes on those posts. This is done to fact check people. You have to provide a credible link as the source of your note before you're able to post it, right?
A bunch of M@rauders stans are attacking Tomarry writers, as usual, and because they can't handle that they like morally grey characters who did sus things, they make up all this shit to excuse those characters of their wrongdoings. Maybe that's why they're so jealous, cuz we can like a shitty character while NOT downplaying the bad he did.
Currently, there is an idea going around that Harry Potter was not abused in the canon story, and that everybody just swears he was abused when it was apparently, never addressed or shown and was just not treated the best. But when any M@rauder stans claim that Sirius was very clearly abused, it's unfair how no one agrees with them...
As such, they've been inundated with people pointing out all the abuse Harry has been through, from Vernon choking him out, Petunia trying to hit him with frying pans, them making him sleep in a closet instead of any of their extra bedrooms, lying about his parents, letting Dudley bully him constantly, punishing him when he doesn't understand that magic is at fault, starving him and his pet, putting bars on his window, etc... EXPLICIT ABUSE.
Now, one person gave a whole list of things that Sirius 'suffered' at the hands of his mother, and they're mad because it was pointed out that none of this actually happened in the story, not from anyone's mouth, and that that's just fanfiction tropes to make his parents worse and easier to hate. Harry's abuse is both told to us and shown as early as Ch. 2 of PS. We get to experience it through him in many ways throughout the books.
So usually, I don't get involved in these things, I just watch from the sidelines and laugh. But I thought it would be funny to put Community Notes on all of these people's posts because they're posting literal misinformation. And it's just funny to look at the post making all these claims and immediately see Rate Proposed Community Notes right at the bottom!
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This person is ranting about how there are 'context clues' about Sirius was being physically abused by his family, while claiming that Harry's neglect was never explicit to try and make it seem as if Sirius choosing to leave home because of his parents' beliefs is proof of his suffering and is the same as Harry's blood relations treating him terribly for how he was born, his whole childhood.
When people have to sugarcoat and lessen Harry's experience because they want to uwu their favs so they can feel less bad about what their favs have done in canon... It's the weirdest thing. I'm not borrowing shame from a fictional character over their wrongdoings despite how all my favs are the villains. I'm here for the character, and to be so emotionally distraught over what your fav has done, that you need to gloss over it and invalidate canon over and over, is truly unhealthy behavior.
And then attacking people with different favs/ships than you, is peak madness. Get a life. Go figure shit out. You clearly cannot handle interacting with real people yet.
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proship-polls · 2 days
Do you ship it?
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They're constructed as narrative parallels, both being incredibly powerful espers who found themselves to be second-best and coped with it in very different ways. They're also both incredibly morally grey characters who enjoy fighting, though they're separated ideologically by the choice that Teru has made (in his own mind, whether he's been successful at implementing it or not) to reform and become a 'good guy,' and by Shimazaki's casual acceptance and enjoyment of his designation as a 'bad guy.'
Even after choosing to stop valuing people solely for their esper abilities, Teru still places a great deal of importance on psychic ability and power, and desperately craves recognition and praise for his talent and strength - things which he never receives from any of the characters he respects in the story (this often being played for comedic effect, like when he was trying to nudge Mob to prioritize him as an ally and Mob, oblivious, considered asking his school friends for help first). Despite being an enemy, Shimazaki both recognizes these things that Teru values in himself, and openly and repeatedly praises him for them.
There's also the fact that Teru, who is always performing some idealized version of himself in an attempt to be better liked by the people around him, isn't pretending to be more charming or less ruthless than he really is when he's in front of Shimazaki, therefore affording both the audience and Shimazaki rare access to the most honest version of himself. The poetry of a blind man being more capable of seeing his true self than any of the sighted people in his life, y'know?
They also had one of the (if not THE) best animated fight scenes in the entire anime, and it was incredibly sexy of them.
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sukibenders · 3 months
Me, watching people villainize and hate show!Louis and Claudia for in ways that they didn't in regards to book and movie!Louis and Claudia;
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i3utterflyeffect · 3 months
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Pov: You ask your dad to make a toy for you with his weird drawing powers and you accidentally get a new sibling because your dad is also cursed for whatever reason.
Ok, but like if Alan accidentally made Hangman like that with the intention of them being a plush, Hangman could have like plush physics like their body is generally more limp and ragdoll-like due to being made as a plushie rather than a regular stickfigure. [Sorry any mention of Hangman makes me go insane, they appeared in one short and now I need to see them explored as a character-]
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(don't mind the coloring, i just wanted a way to color code it so i don't get confused by it later........ i'll probably find a better color for hangman later)
that's such a funny idea...... also they'd be extremely small since they're made for the kids but i think it'd be really funny if they were more around Chosen/Dark's initial age actually (which i hc at like. something like 10 or 11.)
their name also almost definitely wouldn't be hangman obv but. yk sklfgslkfjlksg
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 8 months
Is Error in one of the Teams Or is he a loney guy?
And what does everyone fears/likes the most?
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Killer: i like Nightmare (platonically) and i fucking hate paintbrushes Cross: oh, i fear cows and like tacos and chocolate. the only thing i like more than these two things was beating the shit out of Ink. it was funny and worth the scars Dust: abandonment Dust: … Dust: … Dust: i like…d Dust: …when Cross beat the shit out of Ink
(Horror likes making nests out of blankets/pillows and fears not having a steady food source. Currently taking a well-deserved nap.)
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Ok I find it incredibly amusing that people are still reblogging my "Susan Foreman is The One Who Waits" post because it's officially redundant, but I'm calling it now that I was right about Mrs Flood.
Like the “slightly bumbling autistic person who is sometimes accidentally sinister and knows stuff she shouldn't” is… that's the whole plot of An Unearthly Child. That's the exact reason why all this started in the first place - because Susan being like that weirded Ian and Barbara out so much that they followed her home and got kidnapped. Also, Susan was telepathic, so she could have sensed Sutekh's presence.
I'm also still convinced that she's Ruby's mother.
Interested to see where they go with this!
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knucklesex · 2 months
scrolling cancelled, saw someone say that xie lian is not the hero of the story 💀
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nono-uwu · 4 months
Hello hi here is what alignments ons characters would have in path to nowhere :3 (and i give zero context for my reasoning!) Also feel free to add on/make suggestions for other characters!
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(Tierlist maker fried the images holy shit)
Characters not included bc i have no fugin clue where to put them: Mitsuba, Chess, Horn
Characters not included bc I was too lazy to grab their images: everyone else lmao
Explanations for each alignment utc! (aka the flavor text in game)
Violence: Boiling blood torments the body of the violent one. Neither love not hatred matters anymore. - No matter how you try, you will be forever mired in blood
Love: The lover's upturned gaze fixes on the sky above the cliff, as if longing for an unattainable aim of desire. - Fulfill my most frantic loneliness
Greed: Greed will ever expand and snowball into a massive, bone-crushing boulder. - You wish to dominate all, but you will perish a servant
Treachery: Paths of the earth become as fatal as a frozen lake with cracks. Icy demise is at the slightest misstep. - The faithless, the insincere, the dishonest - their soul do not return
Limbo: The limbo one tries to see through Fate's plan, yet has learbed how arduous it is to seek the meaning of life. - Blind idiot, all is vanity
Anger: The angry trudges through mud, searching for a clear path. The answer's not out there; it reflects from within. - The fire of rage may burn out, but I am their fuel
Heresy: Wrath of authority trails closely behind, vowing to chase heretics into the eternal hellfire of the sarcophagus. - Outside of the light, I dwell in shadow
Sloth: The heart of the sloth stays where it is. Even if there are countless roads in front, they shall balk at moving forward. - Cherish the outmoded and preserve the outworn, stubbornly fetering oneself
Fraud: The fraud believes in what they think is true, and therefore feels they can manipulate everything. - The deluded take refuge in the dark, and those who fool others have no place to return to
Immortal: The one who sleeps here is not deceased. Under the light of the red moon, there is an end to death. - Retrograde without return, withered and sunken
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sovamurka · 7 months
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Balor and Yana in Andrey Vasin's style, my beloved <3
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pensivespacepirate · 6 months
is faulkner a morally grey character?
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shigure · 1 year
"the people asking for more evil women are probably not the same people writing callouts for pearl stevenuniverse" i have bad news about the cognitive dissonance present in the minds of people that cannot handle pearl stevenuniverse
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m-v3nus · 2 months
always find it funny when junkrat ride or dies get supprised he is disliked or makes other uncomfortable forget that he is a war criminal no joke, like ofc most of the cast, especially overwatch, is a bit unnerved by him. And to most of the cast he is seen as an uneducated clock is correct only twice a day looney character. He does get his props in the few characters who recognize his natural smarts and love for his craft. But its very few and far in between, most of the overwatch cast believes he is an odd one out (I believe him andhog have joined ow in current lore?).
And while i do understand seeing him desperately form connections only to get shot down(even with the more kind sympathetic characters) is a bit sad, I don't really think its out of character for any of them to not be so warm to him at first
Sidenote: hog and ana's interaction where he calls her nana is top tier lmao
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tasmanianstripes · 1 year
People need to practice minding their own damn business
Don't come into people's inboxes giving unsolicited advice or criticizing their personal stuff. Don't reblog somebody's posts saying how much you hate it and their opinions.
Don't like somebody's characterisation, AUs or the kind of art they post? It might even annoy you?
Okay, cool. Go make your own post. Block them. Be a little hater about it to your friends. It's good for your soul!
But don't be goddamn rude to people. Don't make it their problem.
"I don't like what this artist likes mah mah mah"
Here's a wild idea;
Artists...don't need to cater to you. You are not entitles to their work. Nobody on the internet should coddle you and post only stuff you like.
Shocker, I know.
#thylacines can talk#Yes this is about PK#When you like an antagonist people expect you to be a negative nancy 24/7 and put a disclaimer everytime you make something with them about#how much they suck as a person#Guess what! Having to shittalk your fave all the time to not risk being 'that kind of fan'...isnt fun. It's miserable even!#Anmoying as fuck too! Yes I know he did this unforgivable thing. I'm not an idiot. That's why I like PK. Fucker's got nuance#Is he a bad person? Absolutely. Will I talk about him being a bad person and the horrible things he did? Also yes. When I want to. It's#very fun to explore that part of the story and how it influenced their victims. Will I give you a fucking essay on why he's a bad person#everytime I want to post something funny or lighthearted about him? No. Piss off.#I cannot only focus on angst and heart-wrenching part of the story. I also like to make stuff of the lighthearted parts of my AUs.#And I don't feel like writing down an entire disclaimer and breakdown of how PK's and WL's redemption arcs went to justify it#Having to constantly put disclaimers to justify you liking a morally grey and bad characters is EXHAUSTING. Only being able to talk about#this character with someone when it proteins to how awful they are is EXHAUSTING.#YES they're bad people. But going into peoples dms or inbox or tags and talking to them about how ugly and bad and evil their fave is#exhausting to deal with and NOT fun. Like I. KNOW. LIKE LET ME LIKE A DEEPLY FLAWED NUANCED FUCKED UP CHARACTER IN PEACE WITHOUT HAVING TO#ALWAYS PUT A DISCLAIMER OUT THERE ABOUT HOW AWFUL THEY ARE. GOOD GOD.#It's especially annoying because I like characterisation of PK that is very morally grey. To me purely evil and not compassionate PK is#fun...in a short run. I much prefer a man whos riddled with guilt over what he did even if he believed it to be necessary evil and who dies#Because of his regret. I love the idea of a father who sacrificed his own children so that no parent had to lose their own. And the tragedy#of him deeply loving PV and still doing what he did. A good person who was faced with an impossible choice and committed unspeakable#cruelty for what he believed to be the greater good. A man who doesnt believe he's deserving of redemption not forgiveness and who doomed#himself. I like a nuanced morally grey PK with LAYERS. Treating him as a purely evil uncaring person who never loved his children sucks ALL#the fun out of him for me. And don't get me wrong I LOVE villains who are evil for evil's sake. I LOVE old school Disney villains who are#scumbags just because they can be and have a little bit a swag to it. But PK just. Isn't that kind of villain to me.#I don't even like calling him a villain. An antagonist? Maybe. A morally grey character that kicked off the entire story with his one act#of unspeakable cruelty? Yup. But I don't see him as the villain of HK.#Wow that was a long rant#Well I got that out of my system at least#I love the Pale King and I could talk for HOURS about why I love him as a character and about his actions. It's just tiring when I have to#do it to justify myself and my lighthearted content of him.
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torgawl · 11 months
never thought i'd see people try to argue or analyse wriothesley's murder in regards to his personality. i think people are missing the point. the situation has nothing to do with him and has everything to do with an extremely traumatic environment that made a small boy think the only solution so save himself and the people he cared about was to take the life of his abusers. it's not supposed to be rational, it wasn't premeditated, it wasn't about getting away with it. if you read his description of the murder you can see how out of it he was. his goal was to protect himself and his siblings and that's what he did. that's why he admitted to the crime so easily and why he is keen to associate the fortress as a rebirth place. he was just young, lost and traumatised and that's about it when it comes to the extension of it all.
#people acting like they're disappointed because he's a 'manipulative' and cunning individual or because he's cold and that it doesn't match#the crime as if at that time he wasn't just a kid experiencing extreme distress and without a safe space to seek help#i also don't personally think he's manipulative at all. he isn't like ayato or yae miko. he has very strong values and he does everything#to abide to that. if that means ommiting information at some point to make the best out of a situation he will do so but he doesn't do#things for personal gain and as soon as he can be truthful he lays all the cards on the table#this reminds me of that ayaka situation where people tried to paint her as manipulative when all she did was ask the traveller to hear#people's stories so traveller could take their own conclusions about the situation in inazuma shsjsh#it's also the way wrio isn't even cold. he's serious and composed but goddamn if he didn't show how empathetic he is#also how lightweight his personality is during the archon quest...#at this point i'm just questioning myself if we're even playing the same game#wrio 'i believe in restorative justice rather than punishment' the slay#wrio 'there's a prophecy about a flood dooming the entire country so i'm taking matters into my own hands and building noah's ark to save#my people' the slay#wrio 'i have no reason to trust you but i will still offer you a cup of tea' the slay and people still try to pain him in an obscure light#he's not even that morally grey 😭 he's morally gray in the sense everyone is#wanting to stop people who hurt others isn't controversial or shouldn't be#also because we KNOW that's his last resource#his job is literally to give people a second chance the same way he took his except he actually wants to make life easier for others#than it was for him and people are so vocal about how grateful they are of him like???#he's such a good guy genuinely#and just because he's intelligent and usually composed doesn't mean he isn't emotional sensitive or even prone to being put in situations#where's he's forced to react a certain way because that's just human nature#he's literally just a silly guy with trauma and big responsabilities set him free from the shackles of mischaracterization please 😂#not that i'm better i'm a fool i may just be talking shit really#but seeing people act like the murder is somehow badly written or that he is dark and dangerous make me go ???#having the ability to do something doesn't define you as a person and i feel like judgement without context makes no sense#but maybe that's just me
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duckapus · 7 months
Hey it just hit me how Alyssa is working for an evil company (The Grid) again after leaving a different evil company (CCC). She left CCC thinking that The Grid would be different, and she is right in some aspects, but she's back to being deceived. Her trust is being broken again despite her initial reluctance to trust after the whole mess with Jayin.
Like. Alyssa has every reason to be distrustful towards everyone. Director K especially because of Jayin, but she's choosing to trust them all. And unknowingly, her trust is being broken again.
If the truth ever comes out, it's going to be messy.
Yeah that's
Like she probably at least knows that they're not exactly the good guys since they're not hiding the actions of the field agents like Piper and Kelsie, or their involvement in Tari's abduction that one time, from her (it'd be a bit hard to anyway given their presence in episodes on both channels), but yeah, the eventual reveal of K's true identity and whatever the hell his actual end-goals in all this are (which I admittedly have not come up with yet and probably won't for a while, mostly 'cause I want the chance to have some actual fun with the MRU universe characters for a while before things have get serious), and therefore just how bad they really are, is gonna hit anyone not in-the-know hard, especially her.
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