#they've both existed for sixty years! in SIXTY YEARS no one thought to have them fight each other?????
seth-whumps · 3 months
HELLO KIA!! i am so stoked u posted this bc i definitely thought of your sillies when i saw it......
ok! for both morrigan and jj:
🐈 How do they react to being cat-called?
🤕 What’s the dumbest way they’ve been injured?
for morrigan:
🤑 For a million dollars, would they punch their best friend in the nose? Either way, have the character defend their answer.
and for jj:
😴 If they talked in their sleep, what weird jumble of words would come out?
OK THATS IT vvv excited to hear more about these guys
HI BUG :DDD thank you so so much!!!!
🐈 How do they react to being cat-called?
Morrigan: They would ignore it. If it becomes persistent, threatening or dangerous, they would flirt back, lean into it, and then incapacitate the offender and report the incident. If the offender proves themselves dangerous, they have no problem removing the threat.
JJ: Probably uncomfortably. He's used to pestering from fans, but he still dislikes the attention, especially when it's creepy. He might shrug, try to smile it off, walk away. If it becomes dangerous, he slips into his dealing-with-a-criminal act and threatens, pressures, or intimidates the caller into running.
(Something to note--if one is catcalled with the other present, the cat caller will be a smudge on the ground.)
🤕 What's the dumbest way they've been injured?
Morrigan: In one of the first jobs they and JJ worked together, some mishap had JJ in danger. Something in their code jumbled and they reacted on instinct. JJ jumped out of the way, and Morrigan decided catching the knife blade-first was a good idea. It was the first times Morrigan realized JJ made them act... irrationally.
JJ: See, Jace Vela Journey acts like a big shot, but he came from a small Midwestern rural town. So yes, he did think climbing to the top of the grain bins was smart. In case you aren't aware, grain bin ladders are both very rickety and very tall. And JJ might be strong, but he had no endurance as a seven year old, especially when a ladder snaps and leaves him dangling sixty feet in the air. He fell. Thankfully, his ribs healed pretty fast.
🤑 (Morrigan) For a million dollars, would they punch their best friend in the nose?
Money isn't a big thing for them. They exist in the corners of society regardless, and if they were in need, the tenuous support from CNYN would keep them afloat. (This is an excuse to avoid saying the idea causing any harm JJ crushes them instantly.)
😴 (JJ) If they talked in their sleep, what weird jumble of words would come out?
I think he sleeptalks rather often, and also sleepwalks. He tends to keep somewhat normal conversations up, and forgets about them when he wakes. However, more likely, is mentions of the temperature. "'S cold, too cold," is unfortunately common.
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theorderofthetriad · 2 years
I'd feel better about Loki and Matt Murdock having never interacted if things like "Loki is in a team called 'The Defenders' now! The group has no relation to The Defenders that Daredevil was a part of." didn't happen.
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