#theyre all reblogged over at my archive blog myers-meadow-archive
myers-meadow · 1 year
Okay, so, I hate to slam this down on you my dear writer, truly, because this is just, so self indulgent.
but I have something called hypersomia, which is basically the opposite of insomnia. I’m always tired, no matter how much I sleep, and for the past couple of weeks I’ve been absolutely Zonked out, like sleeping through the whole day, only waking up to eat or use the bathroom, and then falling right back to sleep (that’s why I’ve been gone for so long, so, I apologize!!) so, how do you think Otis handles this with his S/O?
cause, his S/O isn’t lazy! They can’t help it, really!
do you think Otis would understand, or would he be one of those people like “….just..don’t fall asleep?”
anyways, you don’t have to do this, since this is such a self indulgent ask, and as always, feel free to take out/dilute any part of this if you do choose to write it.
hope your having a great day/night! <3 ❎-
My friend, so glad to hear from you again!
Never worry about being self-indulgent - that's all I'm doing here too ^^. I hope I'm doing this justice! Hope you're alright these days and that you had a good (restful) weekend <3. More explicit thoughts are below the read more.
Otis is an interesting case, since he isn't as overtly doting and sweet as some other slashers, and complains easily - without meaning much by it. His complaints come from a place of missing you, and of concern for you. So yes, he's an asshole sometimes - but he is that regardless or not you sleep very much. If it's not that, he'll find something else to bitch about. (ah how we love him <3) When Spaulding or RJ or anyone else says something like "just don't fall asleep" he's jumping to your defence though!! No one says a bad word about you, or they'll come to regret it.
As for other situations: expect to be dragged out of bed at random times; either to look at his art, or when he's going to the store or picking up take-out so he can ask you if you want anything, or because there's 'visitors' and he needs you to be aware of them. If you explicitly ask him to let you sleep, he won't wake you for the stupid silly shit, but he's not one to be gentle.
Otis comes to your shared room after he's made food, sinking down next to you on the bed, already talking to you as soon as he entered the room, waiting for you to wake up properly to give you food. Other times a plate will be waiting on the nightstand. I head canon his main love languages to be acts of service and quality time, so this is just a given of living with him. Cooking duties are shared between the family members, but he makes sure to always keep food you like around so you don't wake up to empty cupboards.
Quality time counts sleeping together, with arms and legs entangled. When you're asleep and he's awake, he's often working on art, or reading or writing in the same room, glancing over at you every so often - enjoying that he can do his own thing while still being close to you. Him reading in bed, leaning against the headboard, chest bare, your head in his lap, fingers playing with your hair as you sleep, pale early morning light filtering through the cracks in the curtains... 🥺 He has sketchbooks full of drawings of you, part of those drawn while you were sleeping so he could really take the time to study your features.
Sure, he may complain sometimes he doesn't get you awake as much as he'd like, but his eyes turn soft every time he looks at you on the bed while he's skinning some poor guy at the other side of the room.
Imagine getting out of bed at three in the morning, hungry and groggy, and he goes down to the kitchen with you, you sit at the table while he makes you something, yawning, scratching at his shoulder, just wearing boxers, but he doesn't say a word about you woking him up in the middle of the night.
He'll bend you over the kitchen table too, making you promise to be quiet, but teasing you until you're screaming his name and frigthening the sleeping dog.
And I don't know how explicit I can be, but... have you heard of somnophilia? I'm sure you can imagine how this'd go ^^. It's really his thing, and this way he makes sure he doesn't miss out on much. If you wake up sore, he'd enjoy it even more. If you had a wet dream, he's gonna tease you relentlessly and he'll be annoyingly smug about it if he makes you cum in your sleep.
And umm... try telling him you sleep better after an orgasm and see what happens... 😳
This got SO long I'm sorry adlkfjskldjf. I hope that some of these brightened your day and were fun to read! Thank u for always being appreaciative of me and understanding of my limits, it truly goes a long way and I always look forward to seeing the ❎ pop into my inbox <3333
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