#theyre both also very stupid at times
freerangewhales · 7 months
I have many reasons why I like Aziraphale and Crowleys relationship, but the one reason it's my favorite is because it is bigger than them.
It's not human. It isn't bound by sex, gender, race, place of birth, or nonsense like that. It isn't bound by mortality. It isn't forced or made or found. It just exists within them.
It's human. It's raw and unyielding. It breaks their heart and fixes it back up all neat and tidy. It's blunt when it stabs and sharp when it hurts. It's euphoric when it's domestic and blissful when they survive it.
It transcends humanity, it has survived through all the eras that humans haven't. But it has also flickered and waxed and waned like the most humane love ever seen.
It's pure. It's tainted by authority, but it's still pure.
It's them. It's them who should hate each other but can never bring themselves to. It's clinging on to tiny moments till they're free to not hold back. It's coffee and bentleys and books and Queen. It's so them.
It's almost like it's ineffable.
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pepperpixel · 3 months
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“put me on a pedestal and i’ll only disappoint you
tell me i’m exceptional, and i promise to exploit you
gimme all your money, and i’ll make some origami honey!
i think you’re a joke!!! …but i don’t find you very
More tagr art!!! Assorted stuff this time! Featuring some cute chibi stuff. Some solo gaz’s, a lil uhhh. Comic of an altercation.. and a very belated Halloween pic I started drawing last Halloween and didnt finish lol. Also featuring lyrics from pedestrian at best cuz that song rllly rlly fits my ver of tak lol.
#invader zim#gaz membrane#invader tak#tagr#iz tak#iz gaz#tak#doodles#there toxic yuri!!! they’re all over the place!!! tak is tsundere insane alien who fueled by revenge it’s gonna be rough!#I think. there relationship would slowly grow and develop as gaz is helping tak w all her injuries#but I think they’d end up having a true true falling out sometime after take fully healed and gets her ship back.#and they’d be split up for a few years maybe? idk how long I’d want it to be. but! yeah.#absence makes the heart grow fonder and makes u realize how fucking stupid u are#and eventually they’d reunite and shit would be better lol#I don’t want them to be at each others throats forever that’d suck lol#theyre just definitely are moments where there at each others throats in the beginning#but they r also moments.. where they both feel true belonging and acceptance. like they never have before… and it blows there lil minds…#I also dO want gaz to go into space at some point w tak cuz that’d be fucking awesome#after they reunite again they can go explore the universe a bit#these r all very half baked ideas btw and also my brains mush cuz ive been drawing all day#so please excuse if said ideas suck. also please excuse all the typos lol#I might change my mind on the them separating idk… or maybe make it a shorter amount of time… idk!! I havent thought thru all this shit lol#it’s not like I’m gonna write a story or actually make a comic I’m just drawing random fanart#I don’t need to have all these thoughts all solidified lol
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nvoc · 3 months
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hananono · 18 days
every time somebody reduces the serirei dynamic to "silly one x serious one" an angel loses its wings
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speedydestinydream · 1 year
Tmf isnt very accurate in many ways but I like to think that one of the main accurate things rosy nailed was the fact that the jomies have been bullies for years and still haven't been (onscreen) punished and not even stopped. You'd think that after middle school to junior year of highschool the school would notice and stop them for good, but guess what! Nope!
#very accurate to the real school system#btw this isnt a serious or deep post about the shitty school system#im just making fun of it in both tmf and irl#tmf#the music freaks#the music freaks rosyclozy#tmf rosyclozy#oh and what i meant by the statement that tmf isnt very accurate is that like#i doubt that jake could be forgiven in a single month by drew and hailey#let alone fall in love with hailey while still trying to work out their friendship issues and friendship in general#and vice versa#and also them switching up the club mysic preformance plans last second#i feel like if milly really got into a lot of fights the school would probably just take her out of the music club already#and like (not a nitpick but something else) how the hell did henry and liam climb up to the bully rank??? theyre so fucking goofy#(in a good way) but they dont feel like serious bullies or they arent on the same level as drew#the rest of the music club knew about hailey and zanders bullies (im pretty sure) so why didnt they know about jake??? he literally was#with them all the time and was very persistent in.. idk being an asshole#theres a lot of plotholes in tmf and i could sit here and ramble and rant about them all i want but i wont cause that would be stupid#i still adore the series for what it has and is#plus sometimes you can fill in certain plotholes for yourself to make the story more enjoyable in your point of view#idk idk man i like rambling about tmf A LOT.#this is way too many tags#oops#EDIT: SORRY SORRY i meant i doubt jake could be forgiven in a single month by zander and hailey#*music#goddamned typos
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hellhoundlair · 9 months
venting sorry. i get emotional thinking of the media both me and my dad loved growing up and the father daughter bonds that were the highlights of those movies and tv shows to him and i feel like i failed
#my dad and i used to watch adventure time together and my dad LOVED simon and marcy and he learnt daddy why did you eat my fries on the#guitar and i used to sing it with him. and one time when i was 14 ish and severely depressed and anxious we had people over#and my dad was talking about adventure time lmao and was getting his guitar and wanted me to sing it with him and i just said NO.#because i was mad at him. and embarassed. and we never sung it together ever again. its been too long now. that window has closed.#but i wish we could#my relationships with my dad never really recovered after my teen years and its hard to talk to him.#i wish i could talk to him. we are really similar. in the bad ways too#vent#SORRY GUYS i need to find a therapist#my family just never talks abt their feelings. or when they do its when theyre angry. i dont feel like i can bring this up to them.#i just hate knowing i rejected my dad like that. he probably saw me not wanting to sing w him as very personal. not that hed ever say it#AND FUCKIN INTERSTELLAR me and my dad both loved interstellar at a time when i was -again- severely depressed and locking myself in my room#and the father and daughter go have scenes that feel very similar to things that were going on in my house at the time. where shes#baracading the door and not letting people in. it rly hit home is what im saying#and my dad loved the movie i loved it too but the family relationships in the movie were never discussed whenever we talked abt it#but for christmas one year my dad gave me a watch. like the one fuckin matthew mcconoughey give his daughter in the movie#and i wear it all the time. it makes me fuckin cry sometimes that stupid fucking watch. but it means so much.#i just wish hed talk abt his fucking feelings so i wouldnt need a watch to know my dad still loves me#also this post is about transitioning and my dad feeling like he lost that father daughter bond with me but we wont get into all that
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
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vigilante doodle to Never There (CAKE)- giyuu doesnt have fun at the office's friday night outings</3
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navramanan · 8 months
So tired of continuesly feeling this way I keep trying and failing time and time and time again
#i dont want to feel a profound sadness anytime anyone (especially someone i know) expresses being grateful about their group of friends#i dont want to feel this way every time i find out about them being at a social gathering or whatever together#i feel so awful so so awfully patheticly lonely i feel so stupid and i feel so horrible when admitting it#and i fall into deep worry about my situation never changing bc everyone i know has a network of friends from childhood or school#and pretty much no one from my childhood or school stayed in my life i feel so scared of my future how will i live a life this way#anytime i come across a post talking about long time friends i cannot stomach reading it#it's all so debilitating and i dont know how much longer i can keep on ranting like this#i moved countries i hoped things would change i approached people i talked i asked to hang out three years later i'm left with two#(used to be three but she seems to not care about me at all) seperate friends i'm so grateful for both#but it doesnt work out. it doesnt work this way. i cannot socialize with them since theyre not muslim n we have very different life styles#so i tried finding muslim friends i got associated with the muslim students association went to gatherings joined the book club#i met very lovely girls but nothing more came out of it#i remember the first time i took part in something it was two years ago i talked with a group#it was a group who already were friends and one girl who also had just met them#a year later i find out theyve all become friends and hang out. vallahi i dont know what it is i'm doing wrong i'm so tired and so desperate#it kills me. it's so scary to not have a social network not have friends to lean on to call when youre in need it's so isolating#i've lived my teen years this way i'm continuing to live my 20s this way and cant stop but think it has to do with me#anyways enough of that now bye#nesi rants
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werewerewirewire · 2 years
Papyrus got that autistic and transgender swag, with a dash of being a morally strong and good person. No wonder he's being infantalised, the cis allistics can't comprehend his greatness without trying to figure out how to make him make more sense to them so they figure he's some sort of manbaby /lh
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vaugarde · 2 years
mlp season 9 is so weird tbh. literally feels like a lot of it is just recycled and like a lot of noodles got thrown at the wall to see if theyd stick
#the weird racism plotline between the 3 pony species (which was pointless both in the show bc it was solved quickly iirc#and in the long run bc g5 is in the same canon and that has the same plot)#the 3 villains being recycled from old seasons and uh ohhhh discord messed up and semi betrayed them oh no#if grogar was there for real i feel like itd be better tbh him just being discord was a bigletdown to me#twilight getting a second coronation??? like shes already a princess??? ik its so she can rule but why call it coronation#just felt weird to me. and it defeats the purpose of season 4 where she learns her place among the princesses and gets her own castle#it feels like they put that together just to make it feel more like a finale which ehhhh#ALSO why did they do that whole ''oh twilight doesnt believe in herself because discord helped her with her accomplishments#so that means he probably was behind every other time she saved equestria'' which is like. WHAT. ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT#first of all theyve gotta know at least four of those quests were totally them bc he was in stone for the first and was the second quest#and they did beat sombra on their own the first time so idk why sombra's second defeat was harped on#like twilight ur the smart one use youre head hes literally been either the villain/lockedin stone/drained of magic for most of your quests#and if theyre not implying that discord helped during all those then this plotline is still stupid as hell#oh no twilight discord helped you with ONE defeat so clearly every other quest you took was fake#im sorry i wouldnt be annoyed if the show didnt totally glorify itself with it and make itlike ''twilight has to learn to fight on her OWN''#the ending of mlp is still very sweet its just frustrating i feel like a lot of stuff was just retroactively made less important by this#echoed voice
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1980ssunflower · 1 year
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everyone look at my stupid silly husband 🥺💖
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rohirric-hunter · 1 year
My favorite part of playing Skyrim with mods is when a modder says something 100% incomprehensible in the installation instructions and then tells you that they won't help you if you installed it wrong.
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specters · 1 year
thinking about how i'm going to have to have a conversation with my roommate about their food thieving habits 🧍‍♂️ i don't wanna
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spacebugarts · 10 months
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I personally think Visitors should get silly cat/lizard pupils in their human disguises as a treat :) and that means Saucer Eyes
Also if you wanna read the text in the background it's written in the alt text :)
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star-sim · 3 months
shhh! ☆ jayhoon
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☆ non-idol! jay x fem! reader, non-idol sunghoon x fem! reader ☆ summary: your secret relationship with him (& how you get caught!) ☆ genre: fluff, bullet points ☆ warning(s)? noooo
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jay ☆
okay... hear me out
school au, where you and jay are the class co-presidents
and i'm not talkin goody two shoes dutiful co-presidents
you and jay were the class co-presidents, but you two were also the biggest most arrogant ASSHOLES
like somehow you guys have been put into office 3 years in a row
and even though people lowk hate you both, theyre more scared of ygs than anything
yk how in some animanga there's that corrupt student council trope... thats you and jay
threatening people, bribery, blackmailing, using lackeys....... nothing crazy but yall are NOT clean goody two shoes
im just saying... yall have SO MUCH power and influence
everyone is like legitimately afraid of ygs
on the outside you and jay seem to have an exclusively business relationship
to everyone, you're two power-hungry assholes who use each other to achieve their goals
at council meetings you and jay talk very cordially and formally, everytime you're seen together, you guys always whisper to each other briefly, before putting on your painfully fake smiles again and barely ever speaking to each other again
but behind closed doors....
yall are DATING dating
who knew that you, the condescending bitchy co-president, and jay, the most arrogant bastard of a co-president, were ALL FLUFF FOR EACH OTHER???
you and jay do such a good job of concealing your relationship that there's rumors that you and him actually secretly hate each other
heck, there's even a rumor that you'll stab him in the back later this term
after council meetings, you and jay stay back to "discuss private matters"
yall know damn well that's not what's happening
the moment that your snooty class treasurer shuts the door and leaves the two of you alone, jay's already pushing you against the wall
imagine.... makeout sessions in empty classrooms, and coming out with messed up uniform, swollen lips, and suspiciously timed breathlessness
jay would LOVE it if you grabbed onto his uniform tie and yanked him toward you, he gets the butterflies big time
whenever you pull jay aside to whisper something into his ear, everyone assumes that you're telling him about some confidential or urgent student council matter
nope!! 90% of the time it's you whispering "you look so handsome" "i love you" "let's go on a date later" "i want to kiss you so bad" good lord
and the best part??? whenever you do this, both you and jay keep the straightest, most solemn faces, even though jay is 100% screaming and giggling and kicking his feet inside
and let's be fr right now.... you guys DEFINITELY hold hands under the table
like there will be a meeting about whatever and you and jay are just playing with each other's hands under the table
i think you've almost been caught multiple times but no one necessarily suspects that there's something between you two
everyone genuinely thinks that yall are just some cold-hearted power freaks, too cold to love anyone LOL
the amount of times that you guys accidentally left the door unlocked and someone barged in....
to be clear just bc you and jay are head over heels in love with each other does NOT mean that you guys still aren't crazy assholes
sometimes you guys purposefully don't lock the door and play something that jay likes to call "kissing roulette"
basically, you and jay leave the door unlocked and make out on a busy day when there's a lot of people still roaming the halls, whoever pulls away first out of fear of being caught loses!
you always end up winning lol
i also think that some people are just stupid because there are actually SO many signs of you and him having something
like tell me why jay is out here pulling you close up against him, hands around your waist and all, to whisper something in your ear and the first thing that people think is "oh i think they hate each other"
now..... how ygs get caught: i think you and jay decided to keep your relationship private for the sake of preserving it, like ppl talk too much and they wanna get in the way or wtv
like business must go forward even if you and jay were on top of each other mere seconds ago
like i have emphasized earlier, you and jay were lowk tyrannical
you don't know how it happened but someone in the council leaked one of the being discussed
you and jay didn't really think it was that serious but apparently everyone else was
like.... some of your classmates got HEATED LMAOAO
anyways so you and jay are just having another one of your... ahem... after school sessions
and lets just say that this particular session was errr very passionate... you missed your boyfriend okay?
it was hard to act like jay pracitcally didn't exist when all you wanted to do was kiss him every second of the day
so here you were, between jay's legs with him pressed up against some bookshelf of an empty classroom
his shirt's collar is messed up, probably with lipstick stains all over it
you have his tie scrunched up in your fist, while his hands find the hem of your uniform skirt (😋)
completely unbeknownst to you there's a whole group of students in your year marching around school lookign for you two
apparently to "give the presidents a piece of their mind"
you and jay are LITERALLY about to go a step further (🤭) when the door FLIES OPEN
like particular session you SWORE YOU LOCKED THE DOOR
like that little group of kids were about to start yelling at you to "reconsider your decisions" but they were rendered SPEECHLESS
you and jay are just standing there, still against each other against the bookshelf dissheveled and all, like 😧😧
"s-sorry!" it seems like the sight of you two getting all intimate scared the shit out of those little protestors BECAUSE THEY JUST RAN AWAY AFTER THAT
the next day you and jay are the talk of the school
jay is getting pats on his back from dudes who he literally does not know
and hes like "? do i know you"
and suddenly all the girls are sitting you down with cups of tea to ask you about the story of you and jay
"please girl we want to know all the tea"
???? weren't they just gossiping about you yesterday
it seemed like everyone was weirdly supportive??
like over night everyone seemed to like you guys a little bit more??
somehow yall become the it couple
i dont think jay and you immediately get more affectionate
but jay definitely takes advantage of this
and randomly kisses you throughout the day
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sunghoon ☆
you and sunghoon work in the same department, under the same supervisor, in the same office, at the same table, with the same tasks, with the same pay and same skills
yet only one of you is deemed the company's #1 loser and the other the company's sweetheart
guess who ☠️
well sunghoon is definitely NOT the company sweetheart
ding ding ding! if you guessed that he's the loser you are correct
sunghoon's quiet, and gets his job done efficiently with little trouble
he doesn't mean to make people uneasy with how quiet he is
but sunghoon genuinely does not like anyone enough to be talkative, nor does he want to try to make any friends
emo ass
on the other hand you're the company's joy
everyone wants to hang out with you after work
you're the first person invited to work parties, even when it's from different departments, every guy in that office has had a crush on you at some point
you know damn well the interns are obsessed with you
absolutely NO ONE would expect the residential hot girl to be going home with THE biggest loser every night
but alas look where we are
you and sunghoon were dating waaay before either of you got a job here
you guys decided to keep your relationship secret to avoid any HR complaints or snoopy people
and it was a bit of a struggle
do you have any idea how hard it was for sunghoon to watch every man try to shoot his shot with you and NOT start screaming?
sunghoon really tried to not let his personal life interfere with his professional life
and it was hard for you, too
having people swarm you for after-work plans was a mess
each time, you said that you were going to stay late to finish some extra work, and if you had time you'd join them
you never did
all of your work friends tried to set you up on dates with their own friends
"cmon it will be fun! get out a little!"
and every time you had to politely tell them that you were not looking for a relationship for the time being (only for you and sunghoon to pass silly love notes at the water cooler)
oh sorry did you not hear that?
it’s always the most random ripped pieces of paper with the silliest love notes
like you will rip up a spare legal document nd write “if u were a fruit you’d be a fineapple”
sunghoon tho is the type up a whole document and print it out, it’s filled top to bottom in silliness and he hands it to you like it’s an official important document 😭
every morning he makes you coffee and brings it to your desk
lers be real ppl suspect things
like everyone thinks that sunghoon is this loser that’s in love with you ☠️
i mean cmon… weird quiet guy that talks to no one but makes coffee every morning for that One Hot Girl???
the workplace gossips have a field day w it
in their eyes, it’s really pathetic because sunghoon is this weirdo and ur this hot woman and he’s in love with you oh my gosh this is so embarrassing for him 😭🙏🙏
they keep telling you stuff too
“omg did you see the way sunghoon looked at you?”
“he’s so weird, it’s so obvious that he liked you”
"this is so embarrassing [name] you need to reject him before he gets too eager" FREE HIM
little do they know that when you and sunghoon stay a little bit later than everyone else sometimes, the office becomes really empty
kissing in empty offices… thats it, that’s the tweet
otherwise there's a lot of other small things that you do with/for each other 
when no one's around in the break room, you love to creep up on him and give him a back hug
it scares the shit out of him but the moment that he realizes that it's you he melts right away
idk how ppl didn't notice yet
one time your washing machine malfunctioned so both you and sunghoon's white dress shirts were dyed a subtle pink color
you came into work both wearing your dyed shirts and no one stopped to think "hm why do these people both have washing machine malfunctions that malfunctioned in the exact same way?"
tbh you and sunghoon are just vibing
other than sunghoon needing to conceal his wrath every time someone flirted with you and you having to hide your increasing irritation with the amount of party invitations you got
can i just say tho
being coworkers w sunghoon is a dream
imagine what happens when yall get home tho
i know the gossip goes CRAZY… you both hate your boss so every conversation you have about him rips him a new one
now... how you guys get caught
two words: work dinners
you and sunghoon never go to them
because like... why would you want to hang out with your coworkers when you have each other?
and when you do go to them, you never really have fun
other than eating and chatting a bit you never drink or really open up…. again, because you have sunghoon... why do u need anyone else
same for sunghoon, except he literally never looks like he wants to be there so people are already reluctant to invite him
but there's this one particular work dinner that you and sunghoon are both unable to get out of
it's been a long and tiring week, both of you want to go home and take a nap together but your team had other plans
sunghoon is annoyed, yes, but hes like whatever at least there's you with him
you? youre LIVID
youre barging into that work dinner with a storm cloud around you
you have to deal with coworkers who lack boundaries every day of the week and the one time you can escape them they march back in
youre not having it 😭
you ordered like 3 beers because you were so annoyed
and also bc sunghoon was there... if anything happened you knew that he would protect you
so here you were 3 beers down…. a liiiiittle bit tipsy
okay maybe a little bit MORE than tipsy… como se dice... drunk?
when jinwoo from the sales department comes up to you
sunghoon is sitting RIGHT next to you but jinwoo ignores him
"hi [name]"
you stare at him... thousand yard stare ahhh because your drunk ass does not have it in you to endure him ☠️
"after this, i was thinking about going for karaoke. do you want to go with me?"
normally you'd be polite and decline
even if you were a little bit tipsy you'd normally just laugh and say no
but this time
with you boyfriend right next to you, with all your tiredness, with all your anger...
"fuck no," you say plainly
the way everyone gets quiet ☠️ ppl don't hear you swear that much
but the real thing that surprises them is when you pull sunghoon towards you, hugging his head to your chest
“i have a boyfriend and you’re shamelessly flirting with me”
while sunghoon is like “!!!!!”
everyone is staring liek WHAT???????
jinwoo from sales department is GAGGED BRUH
sunghoon immediately pulls away, all red in the faced
he grabs your hand and begins dragging you out the door
"sorry everyone she's drunk right now we'll be on our way!!" and yall leave
you don't remember anything so when sunghoon explains it to you, looking like a kicked dog, youre just like "okay and? whats the problem i put jinwoo in his place" #girlboss
you're the talk of the office
this still doesn't scare off your multiple suitors
but it does allow sunghoon is be a #hater fr
he's smug
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mojaves · 2 years
i just think it’s very funny that marcus and jason go through a whole No We’re Not Together I Hate This Guy. yes We Get Railed By Each Other Every Night That’s Just What Guys Do arc. that lasts. a painful amount of time before theyre both eventually like. Wait A Minute.
#oc tag#it's so funny idk how they went that long without actually being like. ah so i do very much enjoy the company of this guy#and dont want to live a life without him or i'll simply pass away#they get kinda weird about it before they Actually get into a relationship bc they realise that there are Feelings There#but theyre both stupid in vastly different but also. somehwhat similar ways and so#they absolutely phsycially mentally emotionally Cannot talk about how they feel about each other#and all the way until that point jason has been flirting Endlessly bc he's Like That#but once he Realises he is head over heels in love with marcus he simply cannot even say hello to him#which is also so funny bc of the amount of times he'd be like. i'd eat you out sweetie pie. just so casually#and now he's like. omg he's sitting next to me?? in MY car?? ohghymymgod. ogh my god#and then theres marcus who's just like. yeah he flirts with everyone it's fine he's just like that#yeah we hold hands sometimes. thats just bc we're good friends (:#yeah ive been fantasizing about kissing him since we first met. thats just guys being dudes (:#and then when they DO kiss but it's the Not Relationship. he's like#wow (: i dont know what im feeling right now! im enjoying it but we are also simply using each other (:#i dont acutally have feelings for him it's just because we're stuck together and going through hell together (: thats all#he says. to himself. constantly. despite the fact he is VERY much in love with jason#my GOD im so sorry i went on so long in these tags HFKJDHFHJ i didnt realise. im sorry
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