#but once he Realises he is head over heels in love with marcus he simply cannot even say hello to him
mojaves · 2 years
i just think it’s very funny that marcus and jason go through a whole No We’re Not Together I Hate This Guy. yes We Get Railed By Each Other Every Night That’s Just What Guys Do arc. that lasts. a painful amount of time before theyre both eventually like. Wait A Minute.
#oc tag#it's so funny idk how they went that long without actually being like. ah so i do very much enjoy the company of this guy#and dont want to live a life without him or i'll simply pass away#they get kinda weird about it before they Actually get into a relationship bc they realise that there are Feelings There#but theyre both stupid in vastly different but also. somehwhat similar ways and so#they absolutely phsycially mentally emotionally Cannot talk about how they feel about each other#and all the way until that point jason has been flirting Endlessly bc he's Like That#but once he Realises he is head over heels in love with marcus he simply cannot even say hello to him#which is also so funny bc of the amount of times he'd be like. i'd eat you out sweetie pie. just so casually#and now he's like. omg he's sitting next to me?? in MY car?? ohghymymgod. ogh my god#and then theres marcus who's just like. yeah he flirts with everyone it's fine he's just like that#yeah we hold hands sometimes. thats just bc we're good friends (:#yeah ive been fantasizing about kissing him since we first met. thats just guys being dudes (:#and then when they DO kiss but it's the Not Relationship. he's like#wow (: i dont know what im feeling right now! im enjoying it but we are also simply using each other (:#i dont acutally have feelings for him it's just because we're stuck together and going through hell together (: thats all#he says. to himself. constantly. despite the fact he is VERY much in love with jason#my GOD im so sorry i went on so long in these tags HFKJDHFHJ i didnt realise. im sorry
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Ghost of You (Alec Volturi x Reader)
WARNING: Death! Dark Themes! Mentions of possible suicide!
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(Inspired by Simulacra) 
You lay lifelessly on the forest floor. Your knees dirty, dirt buried under your finger nails. He made sure you were dead. You didn’t move, you didn't breathe. There was no heartbeat. You were peacefully silent. Carlisle looked down at your body with a frown on his face. "Carlisle?" Carlisle turned to see Bella, who in turn was then exposed to your body. She gasped, recoiling immediately. She couldn't take her eyes off you. You looked as though you were just sleeping. One of your hands draped across your stomach. However your other arm gave a very different story. It was sprawled out flat on the forest floor with your phone mere inches from your fingertips. "What happened?" Bella felt tears well up in her eyes. Carlisle moved closer to your body picking up your phone before hurrying back and moving towards Bella. "Go and find Edward and then call your father." Carlisle said, putting the phone in his pocket. "Are they...?" "Go. Now." Bella pressed her phone to her ear, barely feeling Edwards fingers rest against her back. "Dad? You've got to come to the woods there's... it's (Y/N). They're dead." 
Carlisle couldn't stop his frown as he watched your body be lifted into a body bag. Arms folded over each other ever so slightly. "So Bella and Edward found them?" Charlie shifted to stand beside Carlisle. Carlisle nodded. "Yes." He had to lie. Charlie couldn’t know he was with the body- not Edward and Bella. "Is there any chance you could make a guess on the time of death?" Carlisle numbly shook his head. "Not for certain, there isn't any decomposition but they're pale so it could be a matter of hours." "Well, we'll get an autopsy and see if we can piece together what's happened." Charlie stated. "How do you do that? If you don't mind my asking?" Carlisle turned his gaze to Charlie. "I'm a doctor, I see so many brutal injuries and conditions. So much worse than (Y/N) looks, yet even now i stand here and don't know what to say or do." The question made Carlisle seem human but that wasn't why he asked. Carlisle knew the secret of his profession. He had lost many patients. He knew you personally though. Whilst you looked somewhat unharmed, Carlisle was finding the image difficult to stomach. Charlie had basically watched you grow up. He knew you since you were born and he, at best, seemed unphased. "I try to focus on it in one perspective. I'm the Chief of Police. People need me right now to keep everyone in the right direction. I'm going to be needed composed for now but when I'm just Charlie Swan, I'm going to feel the loss just as much as everyone else. Their parents, my neighbors- my friends- they're going to need their friend when I have to tell them what has happened." Charlie put a hand on Carlisle's shoulder. "I'll take it from here. Don't worry about this." Carlisle nodded. "Take care of yourself, Charlie." "You too. Oh, and one more thing. When you found them, did you move them or anything else on the scene?" Carlisle shook his head. "No, they haven't been moved since I've been here." Charlie nodded before walking away. Carlisle stared at the empty space you were once in. Now he had to tell Alec the news. The news he'd never want. 
Jane stared at her brother who hadn't moved from his desk. "Alec...Alec please say something." It had been three days since he found out you were dead and Jane could see her dear twin was suffering, even if he didn't show it. "Did you know they don't immediately bury the dead anymore?" Alec spoke up but didn't turn to look at his sister. "They put the bodies in a large kind of freezer. Tight, enclosed spaces for people allocated like drawers." "Alec..." "(Y/N) didn't like small spaces, did you know that?" Alec continued. Jane swallowed, biting her lip. Jane moved to crouch beside him, taking his hand and lightly giving it a kiss as he continued. "You know, when the masters told me I laughed. I don't know why I did, but I did. I didn't find it funny. I just couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that i could go through any more pain. Haven't I suffered enough?" Alec's gaze lowered slightly. "I'm angry at them...at (Y/N). Although I know it’s not their fault. I stood there thinking. ‘how dare you? How dare you leave?’ Then it hit me why I feel so angry towards them. I don’t know how they died.” Alec looked at his twin. “I wasn’t the most loving or approachable person at times but…Jane do you think they would ever…?” Alec trailed off, unable to say the words. However, Jane knew immediately. She firmly squeezed his hand. “No. You two weren’t perfect but you two loved each other very much and I know they wouldn’t never do such a thing. Especially not because of you.” Alec laughed bitterly and quietly to himself. “ 'loved’? That’s the issue isn’t it, sister?” “What do you mean?” “A matter of days ago, they stopped loving me. Yet I still love them.” “Don’t think of it like this was a choice, Alec. (Y/N) died. They didn’t stop loving you because they wanted to. They stopped loving you because they can’t. They’re dead. Besides, perhaps there’s more to death than we realise. Perhaps they still do love you.. wherever they may be.” Alec scoffed. “You don’t want to hear it. I know.” Jane continued. “You and I aren’t very compelled by such things as the 'afterlife’ but if it’s what you have to say for now. Then so be it.” Alec’s empty and unfeeling facade cracked ever so slightly, eyes darkening even more than was thought possible, the red in his eyes no longer visible. “I don’t want to let go and I feel like I have to.” “Alec, you’re already letting go. It’s alright. It’s still early days, you’re going to feel a lot of things but when you’re ready, you’ll say goodbye. No one forces you to let go of someone after they die. You do so on your own.” Jane admitted she wasn’t the best at advice or anything of the sort. However Alec knew that, and for his sister to simply let him speak was enough. Jane rose to a stand. “Be hurt Alec, let yourself feel everything you feel. It’ll be better that way. Just give it time.” She bent over slightly to kiss her brothers forehead before leaving. 
A few days had passed and Carlisle had arrived somewhat unexpectedly for Alec but Aro, Caius and Marcus appeared to have been expecting him. “It’s good to see you all again, even if under such sad times.” Carlisle greeted solemnly. “Yes, dear friend. It is a very sad time indeed.” Aro slowly nodded, his hands clasped in front of him. “I trust your coven are doing well through these difficult times?” “We are doing our best. I can only hope the same goes for the Volturi.” Aro cracked a smile. Carlisle turned to meet Alec’s pitch black eyes. He nodded in greeting. “Hello Alec, I give you my condolences.” “Hello Carlisle. Thank you for the gesture.” Alec replied without a hint of emotion but his eyes spoke volumes. “You also have my apologies. I was unable to bring any of (Y/N)’s things for you. Their death is still in early days of investigation, so all of their things are being inspected.” Carlisle said, guilt in his eyes and sympathy. “You don’t have to worry, Carlisle. I wouldn’t want you to trouble yourself so. I appreciate the sentiment but it’s not your job.” Carlisle nodded. “However, i did get this.” Carlisle dug into his pocket and pulled out a phone. “It was at the scene but I took it before any services arrived.” “Their phone?” Alec tilted his head. “Phones are more advanced in the recent years. They can take photographs, play music, notes, messages, videos. I haven’t looked but I’m certain that a lot of their life is documented in here.” Alec gasped and was inches in front of Carlisle immediately, staring at the device in his hand. Carlisle dug into his other pocket. "This should charge it up. You’ll have to plug it in every now and then for the battery but other than that. It was the best I could do.” “This…” Alec swallowed. “This is more than I could have ever asked for. Thank you.” Carlisle smiled a sad smile and nodded. “Of course.” Carlisle held out the phone toward Alec and Alec could barely move to take it. The possibility that even a piece of you was left in the small device was gut wrenching but also releasing the most wonderful feeling of comfort and relief that just maybe he got to have a memory of you after all. 
Alec stared at the charging phone the whole time. When he had plugged it in, it had a ‘50%’ battery. Finally it hit '100%’ and he remembered which button Carlisle said turned it on. He pressed down on it and it vibrated in his fingertips. Unexpectedly, what he saw made Alec squeeze his eyes shut and cover his mouth, barely able to stifle the noise that escaped him. After a moment he opened his eyes. Your picture smiled back at him, your face angled  up slightly towards a light source with your eyes shut. The phone began to load each application and ran 'anti-virus checks’…whatever that meant. He vaguely remembered Carlisle telling him it was a touch screen. He didn’t really know what that meant either.  So he broke the phrase down and tapped the screen. Nothing. He quickly glided his finger across the screen and a box popped up on the screen asking for a password.
The password seemed to be four digits…that he didn’t know. The receptionist suggested your birthday or birth year. He tried both and hadn’t gotten anything. The receptionist hummed in thought. “Four digits you say?” Alec nodded. She sighed and her gaze passed Alec and drifted to her desk. Immediately she did a double take on Alec. “Let me see. I think I’ve got it.” Alec handed it over, peering around her. “What do you think it could be?” “Your name.” She answered. “But I can only type numbers?” Alec frowned. “Yes, so look, there’s tiny letters under the numbers. So if we spell your name then perhaps that’ll be it? I have a niece around your age, she does the same thing with the boys she falls head over heels for.” Alec said nothing but to his surprise it worked and the phone unlocked. 
Slowly things began to reboot, his thumb accidentally touching the screen to see your music playlist. He saw an arrow at the bottom left and tapped it bringing him back to the home screen. He tapped again and found your pictures. Alec’s jaw twisted slightly. There were many pictures of you, your friends, your family. None of him, Alec nor the Volturi allowed it. So his life with you was hidden. These pictures only showed the first half of your life. Although some wouldn’t open. Carlisle didn’t mention any damage so Alec wasn’t entirely sure what he was looking at. Suddenly, Alec no longer had access to your pictures and was taken back to the home screen. Instead he found your messages. 
He felt this was a bad idea. He was never one to pry. He trusted you and you trusted him, he felt as though he'd be breaking that trust. However he reminded himself of something very important. You were dead. The messages meant nothing now. Silently he tapped the icon and your messages appeared. 
His eyes were immediately caught by your mother's name. When he opened it he smiled. Your mother loved you to the end of the universe and she had no problem letting anyone know.  There were more family members with their own messages were just as casual- none of which expressed so much love as your mother's did. 
Then there were the Cullen's messages. He went through every last one of them and wasn't surprised by their contents. They were all the same. Disapproval for being with Alec. Edward especially seemed to be eager to pick arguments as the messages always grew heated quickly. Alec was glad that you defended yourself and seemed to disregard him and the rest of the Cullen's. That being said, it seemed as though these conversations didn't end on good terms. In fact, Alec remembered you saying that you were not friendly with the family before you...were gone.  Suddenly a tired sigh ran through his ears.  Alec looked up, no one was around. He grew uncertain as to whether he had sighed and not realised it but the sigh didn't sound like him.  Alec was quick to consider it his imagination, if not himself.  The messages could make him sigh, they were so exasperating.  All the messages in the phone had a contact name. All but one.  The messages from the number were brief and your responses gave the very strong impression that you were not friendly with this person. 
Marcus sat Alec down. “I know how you’re feeling.”  “Were you angry with Didyme?” Alec suddenly asked. Marcus was silent.  “I’m angry with (Y/N).” Alec admitted. “Why?” Marcus asked.  “Because they changed everything. They changed the impossibility of any decent humans. They weren’t decent- they were the best. They stayed long enough to change everything i thought i knew and then left. That means another human has hurt me and this hurt, it’s killing me. It kills me and i cant even hate them for it. i can’t bring myself to regret them, i cant bring myself to wish i had never met them because i would do this over and over again just to have a moment with them.”  “Alec,” Marcus said with a pained look. “I’m so sorry.”  “Master...is that really the only thing you can say to me right now?” Alec put his head in his hands. Marcus responded. “It’s the only response you’re ready for right now.”  “What?”  “Alec, you don’t want to hear that (Y/N)’s death isn’t your fault.” Marcus began.  “Because that’s the point!” Alec cried. “I did everything right! I did everything i could and they died anyway!”  “I know, and that’s why i’m sorry.” Marcus said.
Alec was laying on his bed, the phone in his fingers before he sat up sharply. There was an unknown number in the phone, all of the Cullen’s numbers were saved except Carlisle and Esme’s and Alec was told that Carlisle was the one who found you. None of the Cullen’s approved of your relationship with Alec, their relations with the Volturi strained but surely Carlisle wouldn’t have... Alec couldn’t finish the thought. A noise escaped Alec’s throat, dropping the phone in his lap, he slapped his hands over his mouth. Jane was by his side in moments. “Alec...?”  “Jane...” Alec managed out, his eyes pitch black. “tell me, they said, that Swan girl found Carlisle over (Y/N)’s body right? Right?” Alec asked as Jane wrapped an arm around him. “Yes, why?”  “He gave me the phone.” Alec whimpered.  “Alec...” Jane said quietly.  “He gave me the phone, the only thing left! He- he gave it to me when he didn’t have to and now i think i know why. He feels guilty!”  “For what?” Jane turned her brothers face, forcing him to look at her.  “The Cullen’s didn’t approve of (Y/N) and I. Our covens hadn’t forgiven each other. He...he killed them, Jane. He killed my (Y/N).” Jane was silent, watching her brother and Alec continued. “He wanted the human girl gone before she saw (Y/N). He was the first to find them and he gave me the phone, why would he do that? Why would he risk that if he didn’t feel guilty? We know him Jane, we know him. He feels guilt easily. Jane, he killed my (Y/N).” Jane pulled Alec into a hug as he sobbed although no tears would fall. Alec continued. “There’s an unknown number - his number wasn’t saved. (Y/N) was to meet the person in the woods and not tell anyone and Carlisle found them! It was Carlisle!”  “Alec...” Jane whispered. “We have to be certain. We need proof.”  “How?” He asked. “Stay here, alright? I know what to do. Give me the phone.” Alec struggled, unable to hand it over.  “I’ll give it back, I promise.” Jane took the phone from him gently. “Where’s the unknown number?” Alec showed her. “Stay here, okay? I’m going to check the number.”  “How?” Alec asked.  “Carlisle had called us before so we’ll have a record of his number. We’ll know if the number is a match.”  Jane explained before leaving.
Jane returned with the phone about twenty minutes later. “It’s not a match.” Alec stared at his sister. “It’s not?” Jane shook her head. “No. Whoever was communicating with (Y/N)...it wasn’t Carlisle.” 
Alec needed to spend some time alone in the woods and so he did, taking the phone with him. He propped his back against the tree, sitting on the forest floor, looking through the phone. A new picture had resurfaced, blurred green, grey and brown slanted lines. Another picture had nothing but brown and orange leaves, dirt and twigs. The last picture was of nothing, pitch black. However Alec discovered a video. One he hadn’t seen before. 
“I’ve to meet him here.” You said, the camera shaking and the forest floor cracking with every step you took. “I don’t know wh-” The video cut out momentarily.  “He called me, told me to come.” Your voice said as you put the hone down despite you lowering the phone to show brown, orange and green blurs from the forest floor.
The phone suddenly cut off, moving back to the home screen. However suddenly something wasn’t quite right. A number pad came up and to his shock, Alec watched as a number was typed in. One new number at a time, before the loud speaker was activated. The phone began to dial all by itself. Alec couldn’t look away, the same unknown number had been dialled in and the phone was now ringing without Alec touching it. Much to his horror, someone answered.  “Who in the hell is this?” A male voice said, a familiar one. Alec’s eyes darkened, he recognised the voice. His mouth twisted. This whole moment was so surreal, it never really hit him what he was hearing. Instead of him responding another familiar voice spoke for him.  “You can’t forget me yet!” The voice was distorted but undoubtedly and completely yours.  “W-what?” The man staggered.  “Do you remember my face!?” Your voice yelled.  “Got you.” Alec finally said and there was a pause.  “What?” The man responded. Alec responded out of a stiff jaw, seeing red. “I’m coming for you, Vladimir.” 
Jane moved to Alec’s side. “Are you prepared for this?” Jane asked, her hand resting on Alec’s shoulder.  “Yes, sister.” Alec nodded.  “We’ll get him, he won’t get away with this.” Jane promised him. “I’ll make him pay more than i ever have with anyone else.” Alec looked at his sister with a smile. “I’m counting on it, because I intend to make him pay for ever second. We’re going to enjoy this.”  “It’ll be fun and it’ll be for (Y/N).” Jane agreed.  “He’s not getting out of this alive. I wont stand for it.” Alec said.  “No one lays a hand on them without paying the price and no one hurts my brother.” Jane finished. Alec wrapped his arm around his sister before pressing a kiss to her cheek. 
Vladimir was met with Demetri and Felix first, then the twins, all four boxing him in. Jane grinned tossing Stefan’s head to the side.  “Saving the best for last.” Felix grinned maliciously.  “I told you, i’d find you.” Alec growled, his eyes darkening my the minute.  “But while we wait...” Jane smiled at Vladimir before he fell to the ground in agony. Screaming and wailing. Jane’s smile grew, her stare down at him piercing. Alec watched with eyes full of hate. “I want to rip him apart.” Alec finally said amidst Vladimir’s screams.  “We can’t- not until Aro gets here.” Demetri stated, watching Vladimir. Alec was quiet for a moment.  “Nevertheless...” Alec trailed off and in a matter of seconds he lunged grabbing Vladimir’s arm and bending it back in a horrific way it shouldn’t ever bend before completely ripping it off. Vladimir’s screams became more hysteric. Alec dropped the arm beside Vladimir and a few seconds later Aro, Marcus and Caius had arrived. 
“Jane...” Aro said lightly and Jane broke her stare looking to Aro.  “Master.” She acknowledged. Vladimir curled up slightly on the ground, groaning in pain but no longer under Jane’s control. Aro put a hand on Alec’s shoulder and nodding to him, silently asking Alec to trust him. Finally, Aro turned to Vladimir. “Well Vladimir, you’ve certainly gotten yourself into a lot of bother.” Vladimir chuckled amongst his groans of pain. “Good. That was the plan.”  “I hope you still think it’s worth it when you’re nothing but ashes. You understand we simply cannot let you live don’t you? The Volturi don’t give second chances.”  “You don’t scare me.” Vladimir said ruefully.  “What did you do to them?” Caius spoke up.  “To the human?” Vladimir laughed again before turning to Alec. “You want every little detail? You want to know why? Idiots. All of you.”  “Jane?” Caius turned to Jane but Vladimir interrupted.  “You took my mate from me. I want you to know the pain I've felt for a millennia. So when i heard the witch twin had grown attached to a human? The opportunity was too good. After some time and observations, i tracked them down and pin pointed them. When i found the human, I started sending messages. Of course they tried to figure out who i was through the process. Stupid human thought it was one of the Cullens.”  “What did you do to them?” Caius pressed. Vladimir turned to Alec. “I told them to meet me in the woods, telling them i’d reveal who i was.” 
Vladimir was approaching behind you quickly, watching as you put your phone back in your pocket. You barely got the time to turn when a twig snapped behind you before you were kicked to the ground the phone falling out of your pocket and landing among the fallen leaves. It lit up for a moment before turning black. You yelped and Vladimir grabbed you, rolling you over and pinning you down. You screamed and tried to struggle and get him off but to no use. Vladimir grinned pinning your arms down.  You looked terrified. You didn’t know who he was as you were scared for your life.  “Nothing personal, little human. I have to teach your little boyfriend a lesson.” Vladimir knew how he would kill you, it wouldn’t be quick. “It’ll all be over soon, trust me.” 
Confusion along with terror clouded your eyes and Vladimir suddenly wrapped his hands around your neck and squeezed. You gasped, beating at his arms and trying to claw his hands away from your neck but to no use, he was a vampire and significantly stronger. You couldn’t do anything.  “You’ll be found little one. I promise.” Vladimir smiled down at you as panic set in. Your legs kicked under him but to no avail. Your hands failed in attempt to grab anything on the ground. Your outstretched hands brushing against your phone but only nudging it further away. You clawed at Vladimir once more before noticing you were growing weak. Your struggling became weaker and more like twitching. 
Vladimir couldn’t help but smile. “Damn, did it feel good seeing the light fade from their eyes. Now you know what it’s like-” Alec lunged with a scream. Demetri grabbed Alec hauling him back as Alec screamed over and over again. Jane hurried to her brother, trying to get through to him. Alec didn’t respond continuing to scream, his eyes black and full of rage and agony. He couldn’t handle it, knowing the agony you must have endured for minutes. The torture it must have been to struggle to breathe. He couldn’t forgive, he couldn't contain himself. He couldn't say anything and instead could only scream. 
Bella was immediately thrown off to see the Volturi in the Cullen’s sitting room. Edward urged her to sit down. Bella eyed Alec, Aro, Marcus and Caius on the opposite couch. Alec’s eyes never leaving the floor whilst she had the leaders gaze’s boring into her. Edward sat down beside Bella, taking her hand. “It’s been... what’s happening?” Bella finally asked. “The Volturi...Alec figured out how (Y/N) died.” Edward said gently. Bella stared at him and Edward continued. “A long time enemy of the Volturi is the Romanian coven. There is a man in that coven called Vladimir. Bella, Vladimir killed (Y/N).” Bella was still for a moment before shaking her head. “No...no that cant be right. They- they’d never hurt anybody. Why would they be killed? How did they die?”  “(Y/N) was killed as an act of revenge, to hurt Alec. He didn’t have any interest for their blood which is why their wasn’t any wounds but the bruising suggests that...(Y/N) was strangled.” Edward explained. “I didn’t see any bruises- no! No they just- they just stopped breathing! It happens! I didn’t see any-” Bella shook her head. “Bella, the bruises are there, they’re even more prominent after...” Edward trailed off. 
Bella suddenly leapt out of her seat, staggering back under her back hit the wall. Edward immediately reached for her as she doubled over, gagging as she did so.  “It’s okay.” Edward rubbed her back as she covered her face.  “It can’t be. Not (Y/N). Not (Y/N).” Bella shook her head.  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Edward pulled her in.  “No...” Bella sobbed into his shoulder. 
Emmett, Jasper, Felix and Demetri created a bonfire where you body was found. The Volturi and the Cullen’s gathering together to pay their respects and final farewell that night. 
Alec looked down at the flames of the bonfire, the Cullen’s and the Volturi surrounding it. The final goodbye to you. Alec slowly pulled the phone out of his pocket, hearing a beep. He unlocked the phone seeing a small ‘1′ highlighted in the notes app. He opened it to see one had been made only seconds ago. He opened it and swallowed.  ‘Set me free.’ It said. 
Suddenly an urge over took Alec, telling him what he had to do. He tossed the phone into the bonfire.  Sap from the branches snapped and spat slightly but as he looked up, he was met with your gaze directly across from him. You smiled at him, the breeze flowing through your hair and he stared in disbelief. Alec looked around to see if anyone else could see you but they didn’t seem to notice you. When he shifted his eyes back to where you once stood he found you were gone. He exhaled feeling you were finally at peace and since you were, he could be too. Marcus moved to Alec’s side and Alec nodded, silently assuring Marcus he was okay.
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ofgoodmenarchive · 4 years
Blighted Empire: Ch. 7
This repetition had made a home within him since departing camp- hours down the King's Road and Dorian still didn't know who it was directed to. Himself, for his careless actions? Or Evallan for sending him away- and the audacity in which he'd done so?
 He knew what to say.
 That bloody fool knew exactly what to say to me!
The return-journey for the tower seemed to go by in a flash- even with almost losing his direction. Time was consumed by frantic raving, stopping as little as possible, only the darkening sky indicated to Dorian how swiftly it passed. To his sense, it was as if he'd blinked and the old stone bridge materialised before him, welcoming his horse to charge while he hollered.
Whoever was burdened with that duty reacted soon enough for Dorian to avoid ramming into it, sparing not a moment in pouncing from his steed. He simply left the poor, baffled creature to the stable-hand and sprinted for the tower.
 “Pavus! What's going on?!” Someone yelled from the walls- likely a Templar on gate-duty. Paying no mind, Dorian ran up the yard stairs and threw open the great wooden doors.
 “Dorian!” This time it was Fila but he couldn't spare breath for her either- shoving passed some mages queued for dinner, he clambered up the winding staircase.
 “Dorian- wait! What's happening?!” Her voice was shrill now, light feet easily stalking his. With her as his shadow, he ran until the final ascent brought him to Irving's office. Fists slammed upon the door, as unrestrained as his volume.
 “FIRST ENCHANTER! IRVING!” There was no response and the barrage of knuckles became violent- he'd knock the door off its hinges if he had to!
 “He's not here!” Fila said breathlessly, gasping alongside him. “Dorian- what's-”
 “Where is he?!” Whirling around, he spied the terror in her huge eyes and forced himself to compose. Hissing, the heels of his hands shoved into his forehead and he tried to recall how that stupid Dalish song went.
 “I don't know! Some emergency at Redcliffe! He said they'll be back late if they can!”
Exclaiming unintelligibly, Dorian marched for the stairwell and almost knocked into Titus- gulping and slouched on the bannister.
 “You two...” He wheezed. “...are really fast.”
 “I-I'm sorry, Titus,” Falling over his words, Dorian sidled by him. “I love you but I don't have time!”
Still not quite understanding the depth of his surrogate brother's panic, Titus laughed incredulously.
 “You what!?”
 “It's not funny, Titus!” Fila scolded, hot on Dorian's heels. “There's something really wrong!”
All he could do now was wait- either for Irving and the Knight Commander, or Marcus and Evallan. There was the possibility Marcus wouldn't be sent over the edge- not a possibility Dorian would stake coin on. A sense of incredible unease gathered in his chest. Of impending, unavoidable disaster.
Both Titus and Fila badgered him all the way to the yard but he couldn't process their questions until he was outside. Viewing the grounds- still devoid of an enraged Marcus- he opened his mind to the constant inquiries.
 “Dorian, please!” She grabbed his arm, clearly afraid he'd storm off again. “What's happening?! Where's my brother?!”
 “Is the Keeper okay!?” Titus joined the chorus. “Why are you alone?!”
 “There was...an incident,” Words tumbled, unsure how to phrase anything. “And if I can't find someone to stop Marcus...I don't know what he'll do.”
 “What do you mean 'an incident?!'” Fila cried out, jostling him.
 “With your brother.” He stated flatly, staring over her head at the gate. “I...can't explain more.”
He would explain to Irving- and only to Irving.
Then that shameless elf could make no claim of Dorian betraying his word.
Fila's grip loosed, the three speechless for some time. All the while, Dorian watched the gate.
 “What...do we do?” Titus squeaked- Dorian had some thoughts on that.
 “We wait for Irving or Greagoir...” He conveyed in a distant voice, attention never diverting from where he expected Marcus to approach. “If Marcus arrives first, I need you to follow us- to see where he takes the Keeper. Then you return here, and you wait. Hopefully someone will arrive before anything escalates...”
Another pause from the trio, then Fila piping up;
 “What are you going to do...?”
 “I'll protect him,” Dorian answered without hesitation. “However I have to do it.”
 “You shouldn't go alone!” Titus protested- of course he would.
 “Don't get in the way, Titus!” His gaze diverted to the youth, eyes narrowed. “If something happens to either of you...Maker, please, just take care of each other! Leave this to me.”
A bottom lip protruded and Dorian knew he wished to argue- but Fila slipped her hand into his and squeezed. Titus relented with a stubborn frown, probably realising the truth of Dorian's statement- they had to protect each other.
It was Dorian who was sworn to Evallan.
There was no knowing when Marcus would arrive. While the rest of the tower dined and prepared for evening, they stood vigil at the tower entrance. New anxieties sprouted the longer they waited- what if Marcus had executed him on impulse, or taken him elsewhere? For all Dorian knew, he could be transporting the elf straight to Aeonar- or some other mage prison. Then it would become a matter of discovering the location and somehow freeing him- politically, or through other means.
 I'll make apostates out of all of us if I have to.
Fortunately it would never come to that.
Brutish shouts erupted from the other side of the gate, chains creaking in response, giving room for several horses to rush through. Firming his stance, Dorian scanned each rider as they hastily dismounted; Marcus, Augustus- and Evallan.
Crimson in rage and moving with purpose, Marcus left his horse and issued an order to his man, then barked at Evallan.
Dorian's heart plummeted from chest to stomach and nested there. The Keeper was in a sorry state; robes unkempt, hair matted, circlet cracked and the whole pitiful image encrusted in blood. Still he walked with spine rigid and eyes cool, attempting to force dignity where there could be none- especially with Marcus pushing him onward.
Squaring up his shoulders on their approach, Dorian tore into the commander with his eyes, prompting him once they were in earshot-
 “What have you done to him, you madman!?”
 “Out of my fucking way, fairy!” Marcus demanded, Evallan glaring at Dorian alongside him- ungrateful bloody! -
 “The First Enchanter isn't here!”
 “I don't need the blighted First Enchanter!” The Templar barged through, yanking his charge along by the collar. He was delayed by Titus- springing forth with a growl.
 “You don't have the Maker-damned right-!”
True that may be- Marcus hardly cared and his lyrium-addled recruit had no ability to. Responding to some earlier instruction, Augustus smacked the youth aside and this finally provoked the subdued Keeper, Dalish insults exploding from him. Dorian comprehended just enough to conclude Evallan had more or less accused Marcus of bullying a child.
At the same moment the elf was rearing up into the commander's face, challenging him. This was met by a brash headbutt, so forceful it propelled Evallan inside.
Conflicted on who to aid first, Dorian glanced at Titus to ensure he was unharmed and not about to interfere- safely held by Fila. So he bounded after Marcus- the Templar dragging the disoriented mage onto his feet, Augustus latching to the opposite arm when Evallan swayed.
They led their captive through stairwells and Dorian followed, battling on whether to speak or to wait for opportunity- what sort of opportunity, he hadn't decided. He was also conscious of Fila and Titus skulking after some distance away- but made a point to attract no attention.
Marcus' goal became clear. Dorian saw fit to inform him as they traversed a familiar hall;
 “I told you the First Enchanter isn't here!”
 “And I told you,” Marcus spat, boot smashing into the office door. “I'm not looking for the fucking First Enchanter.”
 “That's funny,” Dorian chortled, somewhat crazed. “Because that's his door you're kicking in!”
Unresponsive, the commander kicked until the wood flew off its hinges- then threw Evallan like more debris, so that he stumbled into a kneel before the writing desk. Both Templars marched in after and Marcus made a bee-line for the corner- where a chest sat.
While the elf fought to stand, Dorian barked from the doorway and Marcus assaulted the container.
 “What are you even doing?!”
Glancing at him, the Templar first spied Evallan and snarled.
 “Stay down, Lavellan.”
The Keeper's chest rose and fell in silent annoyance, but he obeyed.
 “As for you...” Narrowing eyes on Dorian, he said simply. “I'm doing my fucking job.”
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