elysiuminfra · 2 years
pinkeye compilation
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over the years..... amphimal pinkeye has persisted..........
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dayundying · 5 months
Oh btw i just wanna say i dont have a automatically negative stance on detransitioned people, not sure i ever did frankly
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higgs-the-god · 4 months
I love the prego Gordon puppy art!! He’s so cuteee
theyrell prob be more after i zzz :3c
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c10v3r · 1 year
what do you think about seahorses, jellyfish and starfish?
i like the,m
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jewishdainix · 2 years
"בריכות ולכידות"
Something tells me theyrell be some בריחות and some לכידות
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obitv · 2 years
f theyrelate this week ill cry. please
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okay :) so i took an impromptu nap earlier bc yall saw my sleep saturday night and i woke up seconds before book boy called me because i never wake up when someone calls my name but most of the time ill wake up seconds before and have time to respond like i was up the whole time and i woke up seconds before he called and he was like im at the park i have food for you and i was like 🥺 you have food for me and im not a bottom but i have to use that emoji and he was like yea i was going to bring it to your house but something i didnt hear bc ptss (: and i said i appreciate that, him not just showing up, bc trauma and i dont even think he knows about that anyway i told him id be there in a few minutes i just had to tell my mom, if she wasnt asleep, which she was so i told my brother because he was home from school and shushed me when i came down the stairs practically hissing that mom was sleeping so i tip toed down the loudest stairs in existence and walked the block or so to the park and hes sitting on a bench with chick fil a and apparently it took me like an hour to eat a single thing of fries and i have no sense of time right so i had no idea it had taken me that long but thats not important at all but at some point i said isnt it supposed to rain and he was like yea tomorrow and i said i thought it was supposed to rain some time after school today there was a 30% chance and he was like i dunno and that was that but then it did rain and it was Fast like the second we realized it was drizzling, it decided to fully rain on us and we ran to the car because he drove because hes not a block away and we were chilling in there for a while waiting for the rain to stop or when i had to go home for the dreaded scout meeting and we were on my spotify where i went to like my hype playlist that isnt public bc its not long enough to be finished yet anyway misery business by paramore, one of my favorite songs, was at the top and i asked if he knew it and he said no and i told him he had to listen to it right now so he played it and im not sure how much yall know those lyrics but they hit a little too close to home in the worst way and i forgot about that until they started playing so i couldnt look at him but i was also trying not to lose myself bc that song is an absolute banger anyway when the song ended he leaned towards me and we just had our foreheads together sitting in silence as it kept raining and i dont know how long we sat like that and i never understood the phrase ‘didnt trust myself to speak’ thats so common in ya novels until then because sometimes im actually speechless around him and i wasnt positive that my voice would actually come out so i didnt say anything and then he kissed me and he kissed me again and at some point i opened my eyes and the sun was shining right on us, it had stopped raining and the thing is at some point earlier we were looking at our hands and mine looked a little dead next to his like mine had a lot of yellow and green tones with some blues and his was mostly reds with some purples and i was like i looked dead and my hands were apparently very cold but after, mine were warm and colored and alive he literally brings me to life thats so sappy anyway after that we kept chatting and stuff and i was looking for something on my phone but i couldnt find it and he was looking over my shoulder begging me to tell him what i wouldnt tell nick but he just kept saying please so i kissed him and went back to searching and eventually my alarm for impending scouts rang and he went to drive me home but needed his mask on so he leaned into the back to grab it and he was pulling his on and i was pulling mine out to put mine on when he pulled me in for another kiss and i didnt count them or how long or anything because theyrell be more and thats what matters
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musubiki · 3 years
Mochi isnt hot tempered but i think oscars mermaid gf would be good at pushing her buttons
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Mitzi: I think we should just be able to use counterfeit money. Like who cares.
Mitzi: "Oh boo hoo I can't accept this" well. I worked really hard on it
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bones-sprouts · 3 years
anyways origins smp is gonna come back with a bang on wednesday mark my words its gonna be better then ever and theyrell be a really cool plot and tommy will start streaming again an
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twipsai · 3 years
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besties wake up swapcon Mu just dropped!!!
shes swapped with Empress, whos ref will probably come out shortly! once again, co writing with @theskindragon and theyrell be more info under the cut!
The Rogue - After the Mafia (who are also vampires) took over a small city, there was one child who, even after getting bit, survived it all. The Rogue found a small, run-down building to call home, and has made it her life goal to, one, take out the Mafia, and two, help anyone who may come across Mafia City. Easier said than done, though, because the Mafia gets bigger every day and it would be impossible to kill their boss just by walking up to him with a knife and a desire to kill. Lend her a hand, won’t you?
She’s pretty much the same as Empress, but this time you don’t have to fight her! In the finale, she gets kidnapped by the Mafia-- who have been trying to catch her ever since she survived their attack. So she’s roped up kinda like in the Mafia Boss fight in canon!
Her theme would have some motifs of The Empress, but also the chill vibe of Planet Popstar from the Kirby Star Allies OST! Just something that feels like something you could smug dance to, tbh!
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superfart6969 · 7 years
its so mean and nasty and unnecessary its so ugly
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hereforchifuyu · 3 years
guys very serious question here
should i make a tokyo revengers fic? whether or not theyrell be a love interest is unknown to me but. hm. anyways lemme know if i should.
if i do end up making one ill post it here and on a couple other platforms just to give me motivation to actually update it bites lip
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water-mellie-seeds · 4 years
here r a few characters: lucas miller (TAZ balance), indrid cold (TAZ amnesty), nico di angelo (PJO/HOO), and thundermen LLC aka fitzroy maplecourt, argo keene, and master firbolg/bud/unnamed (TAZ graduation). u dont have 2 do all of em if u dont wanna (also most r podcast boys so theyrell be multiple designs)
Lucas id prolly kin
Selfship w nico bc he was my BOY back in the middle school dayez but also kin
And im not v familiar with any taz characters past balance but i will. Look into them
Indrid...hehe mothman...i wanna kis..s
O fitz
My friend minni likes that dude im p sure so i trust him 💞 hand hold undecided
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devilmametchi · 4 years
Q: Whats your favourite season?
A: theyrell really nice!! Fall iz cool bc of thoze nice cozy vibez along with HALLOWEEN BAYBEEEE I LOVE HALLOWEEN VIBEZ. But the only other thing that makez my feelingz towardz the seasonz different iz the weather. Itz alwayz super rainy around winter and spring but I like the cold! Itz refreshing! And walking and singing to myself in the rain iz probably the best. But summer iz... hot. Itz BOILING. Nn That givez me headachez. I hate California weather.
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filenamedotpng · 5 years
Where do you find these files?? They feel so nostalgic and surreal.. like I’ve seen them before but I haven’t. Like do u look anything specific up on google or ?
honestly a lot of the sites i find just by plugging random stuff into the address bar & slapping a .com or a .net on the end of em. if i get lucky and the site works, a lotta times theyrell be links to other old sites, and u just end up going further and further down the rabbit hole.
another way i go about it is by google searching something and scrolling down images till i see a pic that has that specific Vibe to it u kno. and then if the source isnt like, pinterest or social media or some common website or something i’ll check the source out. sometimes i get pretty good sites that way too.
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