luckyagain · 9 months
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twopoppies · 1 year
Hiii I haven't been on here for ages (literal years hahaha) and now I can't find Amy, and the other big larries I followed apparently unlarried or stopped talking about them (blue, theystudyrainbows...) 😐🙁 I was so happy to see you here tho!!!!!! So so so happy
Hi darling. As far as I know @theystudyrainbows is still around. I don’t follow Blue, but they’re always changing their url, so it’s possible you just can’t find them. Last I saw, Amy was at @amysparkles although I don’t think this fandom is her main priority these days.
Almost everyone I know from the old days is gone. It’s not a whole lot of fun most of the time… The general dynamics of fandom have changed a lot.
But I’m glad you found me! ❤️
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persephoneflouwers · 9 months
Anon, articulate! But don’t forget that 👏 She 👏was 👏never 👏pregnant👏
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daggerandrose · 9 months
Yeah if you’ve been here since the beginning of babygate, then you know that she was never pregnant 🙄
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liamloveslarry · 4 years
51 through to 57 😘
thank you, lovely! 🥰
51. my star sign is pisces!
52. can we class being able to move my ears a talent? i’m one of those people that’s probably like neutral at everything so nothing really stands out!
53. there are loads of things that make me happy and narrowing it down to 5 is hard but probably: thunderstorms, having a brew first thing in the morning, 1D, tattoos and smock dresses :)
54. the last email i sent. i’m worried it came off rude ansksjak
55. oh wow um, i am mutuals with a few people but i don’t know if they’d class me as a friend just yet! 🥺
56. my favourite food is probably my mums roast dinner. i also love pistachio’s!
57. whales and hyenas probably. 🐋 there’s no hyena emoji it makes me sad.
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larriefails · 5 years
28 is not a Larry number - a masterpost
Since @theystudyrainbows has decided to put all the Larrie delusions on this number in one handy masterpost, why not debunk it all in one go?
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Even the introduction is a mess. The 28 is not “a One Direction fandom mystery” at all. It’s Louis’ jersey number that he was assigned at Doncaster Rovers and that he has since then adopted. But then again, Liam’s kidney and the Belfast canceled concert are not mysteries either
How decent of you to say that some of these are coincidences, considering literally all of the following is bullshit
The fact that “too many people to name” contributed to write this drivel makes my heart ache
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Harry has no connection to the number 28 whatsoever
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The problem with you attempting numerology is that there are only 9 possible digits (as the addition of two numbers can never be zero). So, you clown yourselves because it leads to this
Eleanor was born on July 16th 1992:
7+1+6+1+9+9+2 = 35
3+5 = 8
Oh no!
But also, Zayn was born on January 13th 1992:
1+1+3+1+9+9+2 = 26
2+6 = 8
(: Ya see how that’s just not good?
Not only that, but also, as I said, Harry has no connection to the number 28, but for shits and giggles
Kendall Jenner was born on November 3rd 1995:
1+1+3+1+9+9+5 = 29
2+9 = 11
1+1 = 2
So.. basically this is worthless information that you pulled out of your ass. Or I could easily claim that 28 is an Elounor or a Hendall number
You also use this method to count Harry and Louis’ X Factor numbers, but as we’ve established, there are only 9 options, the odds are stacked for this coincidence
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How is that 28? That’s 82.. A completely different number. In the UK the date is written day/month/year. So the “same gig” was the 8th day of the 2nd month. 82. It’s very funny that, since you’re Italian and live in the UK (both countries that use the day/month/year system) you’ve written every date so far that way, but now that you want to say this other random date is connected to 28, you switched to month/day/year.
Also, where is the year in this equation? We’ve been using the entire date so far, but now we’re only focusing on the day and month? (and switching order?) That seems very convenient. Almost like, if you try hard enough, any date can add up to 28 in some way?
November 17th 2011, Louis and Eleanor’s anniversary: 11+17=28! Oh no! DRATS! It’s still an Elounor number!
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And now we’re just ignoring the month and only focusing on the day. And not only that, but ignoring half the time they were there (the 27th) to only focus on the 28th. That is, once again, very convenient
But continuing with your own ridiculous logic. We know that Louis and Eleanor went to V Fest together in 2011, because Eleanor said so on twitter when Sugarscape wondered if the “brown haired girl” holding hands with Louis at V Fest was her
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V Fest was on August 20th and 21st 2011. What do you know? 20+8 = 28! Damn... this is getting suspicious. Louis!!! Did you get the 28 for Eleanor? :)
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This is a whole ass facepalm. I’m going to link the video here just so it’s verifiable how unhinged y’all are
He literally turns for 1 millisecond, and is looking in the general area of his right because that’s where everyone else in the band is standing. The fact that y’all still do this shit is so embarrassing for your life and your soul
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But why don’t you tell the truth? That y’all decided their anniversary was the 28th and then created this completely impossible to prove “receipt”? How is it proof of anything if it came AFTER y’all had decided the 28 was their anniversary? Your circular logic knows no bounds
Harry has not used the 28 number AT ALL. Louis hasn’t used the 28 as his jersey number “often,” he started using it in 2013 when it was assigned to him by the Doncaster Rovers when he was signed as a semi professional player
This is from goal.com, one of the most important sources of soccer information in the world X
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The article is from September 2013 and John Ryan, the chairman of the Rovers, explains that 28 was HIS number, that HE used for a match. Soccer players have assigned numbers throughout the season, and the number 28 had been retired from the line up after John Ryan used it in 2003. He decided to bring it back to give it to Louis. And Louis was signed as a soccer player professionally with that number. That’s why it’s important to him, you bag of nonsense. This was his life long dream in the club he loved. He probably spent hours and hours daydreaming about being signed professionally to play soccer and when he finally accomplished that, it was with the number 28, so of course it’s gonna be important to him!
Find ONE INSTANCE of Louis using the number 28 before the summer of 2013. ONE. You won’t! The tattoo came after that, him wearing it on his jerseys came after that. According to Larrie Lore Harry and Louis started dating in 2011 (apparently September 28th 2011, go figure), but for two full years neither of them did anything related to the number 28 whatsoever!
Why didn’t Louis wear the 28 in his first charity match in 2012?
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The fact that he wore 17, which is his and Eleanor’s anniversary. LMAO can you say ouch? Furthermore, Louis didn’t CHOOSE the 28, it was ASSIGNED to him because it was the symbolic number the chairman had used back in 2003. It was a retired number that no player had used for 10 years, and they decided to give it to him as a gesture. Man, that would be a HUGE coincidence if out of 40 something available numbers in a soccer line up, Louis had wanted exactly the one that was retired and meant a whole lot for the chairman, instead of the chairman offering it to Louis, like LOGIC says. Another HUGE coincidence that he had not bothered with the 28 at all up until that point and then started having it everywhere. But I thought Larries hated those?
After this you list all the times Louis has used the 28, which there are a lot, but all come after 2013, I don’t want to add more pointless screenshots here. Doncaster Rovers jersey (from 2013 on), dodgeball jersey (2015), in ears (2015), tattoo (2015), BTY music video (2017), LTHQ’s first IG username (2017), his playlist (2018/2019)
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How is that... 28? That’s 90028. And this isn’t a date, where you can just pick the number apart as you wish. This is a zip code for a secret show the Rolling Stones played in LA in 2015
Not only that, but Harry (and this is hilariously tragic for you) was ACTUALLY AT THE GIG! THAT’S WHY HE POSTED THE PHOTO!
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Posting the screenshot with the date so you can see. May 21st 2015. Article by the LA Times X
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This is Harry at the actual gig with Mick Jagger you absolute MORON X
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And this is Harry wearing a Rolling Stones shirt the day after the gig because he’s that much of a fanboy
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Why is “professional” in scare quotes?? I can’t believe that you just added 1+2+3+4+5+6+7. Oh my god. I can’t believe I have to say this but *whispers* those are consecutive numbers. They just used consecutive numbers... And why would Harry’s HQ account managed by the team that’s “oppressing them” use a secret code with their beloved 28? How does that make ANY sense?
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The article is wrong. He wore TWENTY-SEVEN Gucci suits. I can’t believe that’s a sentence I just typed, but alas
1- Basel, 2- Copenhagen, 3- Hamburg, 4- Milan, 5- Bologna, 6- London I, 7- Hong Kong, 8- Bangkok, 9- Rio de Janeiro, 10- Mexico City I and II (same suit), 11- Houston, 12- Fort Lauderdale 13- Nashville, 14- Hershey, 15- Philadelphia, 16- Toronto, 17- MSG I, 18- DC, 19- Detroit, 20- Indianapolis, 21- Chicago, 22-St. Paul, 23- Denver, 24- Seattle, 25- San Jose, 26- LA I, 27- LA II
In 60 concerts, he also wore Charles Jeffrey 4 times, Saint Laurent 3 times, Palomo Spain 2 times, a custom kilt, Harris Reed 5 times, Clavin Klein 6 times, Alexander McQueen 7 times, Givenchy 4 times. Just so you don’t think I’m purposefully missing out on a suit to make it 27. The article probably counted Mexico’s suit twice. But it’s not 28 suits, it’s 27. The Mexico suit was the same both nights
I would love to know how this would be relevant to Larry or how this would mean the number 28 is important to Harry. Does he have OCD? I don’t get it
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Here we have another round of “I will MAKE IT FIT 28 IF IT KILLS ME!”
Let’s see the different tactics that you used
Adding day and month
Taking only the day
Adding day month and year. Except you left out the 2 in 2017. Because otherwise it wouldn't add up. I can’t deal with thisodnadmsla
Harry performed track 2, meaning, his lead single that he was still promoting, Sign of the Times, and 8 Ever since NEW YORK because... he was performing in... New York...
Only the day. Wow, you actually repeated tactics once!
Adding two completely different dates together, that have absolutely no correlation. How are Sweet Creature, Harry’s promo single, and the music video for a different single, related in any way? What? Why not Kiwi’s music video? Why not Two Ghosts music video? Why not the release of either of those singles to radio? Can you make it any more obvious that you’re just pulling this completely out of your ass?
You repeat tactics again, except it’s the most ridiculous tactic of adding all the numbers in the date except the 2 of the year and it’s for “Harry posted link to Twitter to Sign of the Times music video PREVIEW.” Oh my god
And now you’re counting days between two dates, because that’s not unhinged. I’m guessing you mean the April 14th not 24th, but that also wasn’t the date? It was the 13th? It depends on the time zone you were in?
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For someone who, according to you, plans with such precise care to match to 28, he didn’t wait until it would be 28 days for everyone. It’s not even because it was tweeted at midnight UK since this is like 3/4 AM UK time. In fact, it wasn’t midnight anywhere relevant (or anywhere, in general since it was at .54 minutes). So not only is this ridiculous, it’s also incorrect
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1. That’s not a fan, that’s his cousin, but Larries know barely anything about Harry if it can’t involve Larry so I’m not surprised you don’t know
2. Imagine him asking “please, make the password add to 28“ to his staff. I have tears in my eyes picturing it
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That’s his Hamburg concert, which you can tell because of his suit, which was on MARCH 25TH 2018 (he posted the pictures the day after)
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AKA 250332018 which is what the password says
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You not only confused an 8 with a 9, but also created numbers out of thin air because of a pixel smudge and failed to realize it was the FUCKING DATE. WHICH DOESN’T EVEN ADD TO 28! 2+5+3+2+1+8= 21
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This is perhaps the most ridiculous thing written in this post, which is already one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever read. Can you imagine Harry counting to 28 in his head in the middle of the concert? I can’t y’all, this is too much. You’re A GROWN WOMAN. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I also found it incredibly suspicious that you didn’t outright link the video which you do throughout the post, and turns out it is because he didn’t pause for 28 seconds (what is this fucking sentence?)
He stops playing and singing at 2.40. Then speaks until 2.43. Then the “pause” which is just him trying to get the audience to stop screaming until 3.07 when he says (I can’t really make it out) “now you” or something like that. And then he says “for your eyes...” and lets the audience sing at 3.09. Literally none of these timestamps add to 28 and he had no way of counting to 28 since he was silencing people the entire time. And just like when he switched “I have love you since we were 18″ to “I have loved you since I was 16″ hitting his own chest, or when he said he fell in love to What Makes You Beautiful, you missed the entire point of this bit, which is Harry’s LOVE FOR HIS FANS
He has loved us since he was 16, he fell in love to us to What Makes you Beautiful, and he was letting us sing that part of the song every concert. He “paused” to shush the nonsensical screams, then he would give the audience the cue and let them sing. Several times he dedicated the song to specific fans in the audience, people with cancer, little kids, a fan that had neck surgery. By making it about Larry, you stripped it from its actual meaning and Harry’s love for his fans. But you always do shit like that
Regardless, he didn’t pause for 28 seconds. Wrong
And you end the post with the most anticlimactic possible tone
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Here’s the video
Harry is talking about anniversaries because he’s reading a sign from the audience... about.. anniversaries
Y’all are the definition of clowns. All that fuss for the 28 and THIS is your proof?
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strangenewfriends · 4 years
theystudyrainbows replied to your post “Today in truly bizarre anons Sabrina gets Like. The fuck?”
I got an anon calling me a solo Harry last night too, I think it’s the same one making the rounds. Maybe they should use their time differently.....
Oh wow they got to you too! Yeah honestly like...they could pick up knitting? yoga? netflix? anything else really.
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lattebiscotti · 4 years
theystudyrainbows replied to your post: not to be l*nd*ners on main but I do miss...
la prossima volta che metto piede a camden piango tutte le mie lacrime 😭😭😭
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cantquitu · 5 years
Larrie birthers
Unbelievably, I’ve got a Larrie in my inbox saying that Larries would never say the disgusting things that they are very much saying. 
This Larrie says that it must have been a troll who linked the death of Eric Clapton’s young son to “babygate” ending, and that I posted it to “cause trouble”. 
The lengths they go to excuse themselves are truly astounding.
Meanwhile, here’s @theystudyrainbows with 63 notes - 
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And @twopoppies’ vile tags on that post:
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Yep, that’s right -she’s  saying “please@ God” in hopes that Louis is sending a coded message about a dead kid to Larries through his t-shirt.
@twopoppies, you sick fuck - what happened to you? How did you get this way??
And Lornasaurusex’s tags on the 1DDiscourseoftheday post, linking it to an earlier Larrie conspiracy theory that claims Harry tweeted on the day Freddie Tomlinson was born to send yet another coded message to Larries about a dead son. Cos that’s just the sort of people Larries are.
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Oh, what’s that, Lorna? You don’t actually want Freddie to die? You just want Louis to pretend he’s dead. 
Oh, phew! For a second there I thought you were yet another sick fuck - 
- Oh wait! Yep, you ARE another sick fuck!
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heriz · 6 years
Season of the Witch
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buscandoelparaiso · 5 years
theystudyrainbows replied to your post: –
È la maglia dei Who con la union Jack!
ce ne sono 200mila ahahah 
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fedtothenight · 6 years
theystudyrainbows ha risposto al tuo post : Sono andata al castello di Agliè lo scorso...
right, i think it is time for a public callout.
 tumblr user @theystudyrainbows has been trying to argue for the past two days that conte fabrizio hot piece of arse ristori looks like aro the volturo from twilight.
can we all agree that she needs her eyes checked? thanks.
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bananastagram · 6 years
theystudyrainbows replied to your post: Hey! I know you’re a user of DECIEM products and I...
Anon, I have switched to using basically only Ordinary products since November and my life has changed, truly. I am yet to find a product that hasn’t worked for me. Totally recommend them!
they have SO MANY PRODUCTS. and they’re super affordable which makes it really accessible in terms of high quality skincare. 
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larriefails · 6 years
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260 Larries thinking Bombay Bicycle Club and Tame Impala are UNKNOWN indie bands will probably be the height of comedy from here to eternity. Probably side by side with the notion that Louis’ playlist is in any way “hipster”
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strangenewfriends · 4 years
theystudyrainbows replied to your post: Some of these anons are starting to look like they...
I got an anon who I’m sure is the same as this one haha they told me that I’m jealous of Harry because I live in a box and can’t buy food everyday. I’m just. Some people truly have issues.
lmaoooooo god how do some people’s brains WORK what are they thinking when they send these things
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theystudyrainbows replied to your photo “Happy 1st Birthday ����”
Awww so handsome!
<3 Thanks! Not that I had anything to do with how handsome he is XD
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