#thhe not being able to cry for like 2 weeks
finnslay · 1 year
Just saw my old science teacher for the first time since May
She wasn't there on the last day and I didn't get to say goodbye
Anyways. Crying now.
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reefartandwriting · 6 years
Lapidot human/ghost AU for lapidot AU week. Yes I know I'm like 2 days late SHHHHH
Peridot couldn't believe she had actually agreed to this.
She looked up at the large, dark house. She'd never even thought of it too much till now, but it sent shivers up her spine. There were stories, most likely, but she hadn't cared about it. Why would she? It didn't involve her.
But of course she had agreed, on a bet, to go inside. She had to stay till midnight, and if she didn't come crawling out like a baby, or die, she would get 50 bucks.
She didn't dare glance back at the group of people she had started to call "friends". She doubted she'd still call them that after this. It wasn't like it would be that much of a loss anyway. The group had only talked to her for a few days, and she had the preference to be alone.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before hopping the squeaky fence and walking confidently up the front path. For show, of course. She peeked in the window, feeling her heart sink when she saw nothing but darkness.
"C'MON NERD, JUST FIND A WAY IN ALREADY!" She winced at the loud voice of the ringleader, Lars.
However she didn't want to seem like a wuss, so she faked a smirk and turned. "At least I'm over the FENCE. bet you don't even have the guts to touch it."
Lars narrowed his eyes, and pushed his skateboard into one of the others arms. "I'm not a wimp. I'll even come in with you. But this is your bet, shortstack." He ran and hopped the fence, walking up as peridot moved to try the door. It was stiff, but peridot tightened her grip and grunted, turning it roughly as the door swung open, causing the blonde to fall on the floor just inside.
Lars laughed, stepping over me and putting his hands on his hips as he looked around. "Pff. This is lame. Nothing in here but old torn up furniture. He looked back down at peridot, getting up and dusting herself off while coughing.
"Have fun being in here till midnight." He smirked, turning and walking back to the door. But before he even took a step it slammed closed, making peridot jump up. Lars stumbled back in shock, then moved to the door again, gripping the handle. "Very funny, buck. I'm so gonna get you back!" He attempted to turn the knob, but it wouldn't budge, and he laughed nervously. "C'mon guys! This isn't my bet. Let me out!" He struggled more with the door.
Peridot watched, but felt a shiver and turned, breathing a bit heavier and looking around. "Uh... lars?" She turned around nervously, but the redhead was still struggling with the door, grunting. She swear there were tears in his eyes, and as much as she wanted to laugh, she was too scared to focus on it.
She turned again, walking a bit further into the house, surprised about how clean it was. But the eerie silence made it uncomfortable. She found herself shaking, and glanced back at Lars, who was now beside her, wiping tears away. "What now nerd? This is YOUR bet..."
The blonde gave him a strange look, but faced forward, looking around and then to the stairs. "I don't really think we should be here. I just want the fifty bucks. I'm just gonna stay here." She moved and sat just in front of the fireplace, while the older teen scoffed.
"Boring. I'm gonna go upstairs. There's bound to be something interesting to do. Maybe a few pots to smash..." he marched up the stairs as peridot rolled her eyes. She loosely hugged her knees, closing her eyes and trying to stay calm.
However it was hard when a girly scream came from upstairs, and Lars suddenly half fell, half rolled down the stairs, somehow landing on his feet and rushing to the door yelling. "GUYS THIS IS FUCKED UP SERIOSLY LET ME OUT!"
Peridot jumped up, opening her mouth to say something, but felt the same chill, and a force push her back. She landed in a closet, which slammed shut as well. "LARS. WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!" She pounded on the door, breathing heavily again.
She heard him scream again, followed by a crash. Then the front door opened and closed tightly, as she heard lars's panicked grunts and heavy footsteps
down the front yard. " LARS!" She hit the door a few more times, but just leaned against the back of the closet, panicking.
She slid down the wall, curling up and tightly gripping her jeans. She was trying to stay calm, but she was in A Locked Closet In The Creepiest House In Town. Her thoughts wandered dark, like she could die here. She might never get to graduate, never find someone she liked, never get an actual job. She would die here, ironicly, IN a CLOSET.
"HA! nice one, pumpkin!" The blonde paused as she heard the voice, along with happy light footsteps. "Heh I bet he PISSED himself. That was amazing! Everybody's gonna be talking about it at school!"
Peridot shivered, but moved into more crouch, pressing against the door. A small bark startled her, and she fell back again. While a few more yips came closer, along with the footsteps.
The blonde froze, pressing herself against the back of the loser as the lock clicked and the door was opened. She blinked, relaxing. "L-lapis!?" Her stunning crush stood there, her smile fading a bit. "PERI?"
It was awkward for a second, lapis blushing, but she bent down. "Are... are you okay?" She gently touched peridots knee. Giving a concerned look. "I knew someone else was here... but I thought it was Kiki or something... why were you with LARS?" She sounded a bit hurt, but also a bit angry.
"M-me? What are YOU doing here? Why are you just randomly hanging around in an old creepy house!?" She shot back, but tensing a bit and shakily standing. "Lapis was that you doing all the scares? Why? Wha... I don't understand." She looked into the black haired girls dark blue eyes, struggling to not fall into them again.
"I... well... uh..." lapis stuttered, blushing and kicking her foot a bit. "I don't think you'd believe me... and it's a long story. Look maybe you should just-" before she finished peridot heard another bark, and turned to see...
A... a dog?
But it was kindof see through, and it's small tail was wagging. It looked friendly, a small clear tongue lolling out of its mouth, and it's body slightly shaking with its tail....
But that didn't stop peridot from stumbling back. "WHAT THE HE'LL IS THAT?" She hid behind lapis, her eyes going wide as she looked at the... ghost? Ghost dog?
Lapis was stiff, but turned. "Peridot it's okay! Calm down he uh... uhm..." She struggled to find words to explain it. "This is uh... pumpkin..." She chuckled nervously. But she paused, growing her brows. "Wait... how can you see him?"
Peridot blinked. "Wha... what? What do you mean? Uh... is he a... ghost!? What the hell is HAPPENING? I'm dreaming... right...? Hooooly fuuuu..." She chuckles nervously, pacing a bit before pointing at the dog again. "Ghost. Ghost dog. You have a... ghost dog." She looked back at lapis, keeping her finger toward pumpkin.
Lapis smiled nervously. "Yeah..." She put her hands behind her back. "I... uh... like I said it's a long story..." pumpkin gave a small yup, and peridot blinked again, moving her hands and running them through her already messy hair while still staring at him. Lapis gently moves and puts her hands on peridots shoulder. "Please don't freak out... it's ok... really."
Peridot looked at her. Then laughed, rubbing her face. "Freak out? Lapis it's A GHOST. do you know how much I've wondered about paranormal stuff like this? This is amazing! And actual ghost!" She moved from the surprised girls grip to a crouching position. "How does it work? Like... can he posses things? People? Can he go through walls?"
She moved a hand out and the dogs tail wagged harder as he moved. To her surprise but joy, he rubbed against her hand and barked again. "And I can let him? This is a phenomenon! I can't believe this... oh my god..." She laughed, rubbing the transparent dogss ears and smiling.
Lapis relaxes, feeling her heart get warmer at the sweet sight. "No ones been able to see him begore... except me..." Peridot looked up, a little surprised. "I've been able to see him since I was little... everyone thought I was crazy..." Peridot stood, stepping forward.
Lapis was confused but the blonde lightly wiped a tear off. "I... you're not. Don't cry lapis. It's okay!" Lapis huffed happily, and suddenly wrapped the blonde in a hug.
"You cant tell anyone... for me, please? My dad would kill me..." She tightened thhe hug, and peridot sighed, hugging back. "I promise, lapis. Not like anyone would believe me anyway..." She laughed, then released lapis and felt pumpkin wiggle between them, panting.
"He's so cute... UGH" peridot laughed again, and both girls sqauted and began petting him. "I hope I didn't scare YOU. I just heard Lars talking about smashing stuff and... I got angry. This is his home. It wasn't fair."
"Well No ones gonna mess with it now. I'll help make sure of it." Peridot said seriously, smiling back up at lapis. The girl smiled back, and hesitantly moved and kissed the blondes cheek.
"Thanks, peri."
I know it's not all lapidot but I just got the idea and I thought it was cute.
1606 words.
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