#i love ny new science teacher
finnslay · 1 year
Just saw my old science teacher for the first time since May
She wasn't there on the last day and I didn't get to say goodbye
Anyways. Crying now.
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aspenlynch · 1 month
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(SYDNEY SWEENEY, CIS WOMAN, SHE/HER) Oh, is that ASPEN LYNCH? I heard the TWENTY-SEVEN year old is METICULOUS. But don’t let that pretty face fool you, they are also RECKLESS. Makes sense seeing how they are a MONEY LAUNDERER in the SERPENTS gang.
FULL NAME: Aspen Elodie Lynch
NICKNAME(S): Blondie
AGE: Twenty-Seven
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis Woman, She/Her
FACE CLAIM: Sydney Sweeney
HEIGHT: 5′3"
OCCUPATION: Money Launderer for The Serpents / Owner of The Jade Vortex
HOMETOWN: Manhattan, NY
Aspen was born into a family of power, but not the kind she wanted. Atticus Lynch was a Lawyer, Theodora Lynch climbed her way up to be one of the top surgeons in the state — everything was a little too perfect.
She was smart, finding an ease with mathematics and science whenever she bothered to show up for class. Her teachers saw her potential, that and the fact that she passed every test was enough for her to get her diploma.
More often than not she was found behind the bleachers with whoever caught her eye in that moment…smoking, making out, etc. whatever until she grew bored.
When she was 18 she was offered a scholarship, reluctantly she agreed and earned a degree in business with a minor in accounting.
In college she met a man who seemed to have the opposite of her problem, issues at home with him family and he was hanging on to an athletic scholarship by a thread. She took him under her wing, helping him pass as long as he did something for her.
The two moved out together, investing in real estate (Thanks Lynch Family money) to hide what was once petty crimes and small amounts of money. She was the brains and he was the brawn, the executioner. (He obtained the items/money, she got rid of it)
All worked together perfectly for a while until Aspen’s mess up, one small overlooked number, landed her boyfriend and long time business partner in prison.
Since then her talents were heard of around town, quickly being scooped up with an opportunity to join The Serpents and since Aspen was left without a partner, she couldn’t see why she’d say no.
Her time was placed into The Jade Vortex casino, figuring starting fresh with a new line of business was the best way to go especially since the old properties were not on police radar.
She’s still up to her old tricks, making suspicious money disappear but now more careful than ever. She’s gained a very meticulous nature, carefully checking where all the pieces will land before they do and she’s been on top of her game since.
She and her ex haven’t spoken in 3 years, in that time she assumed they were broken up and just went about her day…year, years.
She hasn’t been in a serious relationship since, but there have been numerous flings, hookups, and casual romances sparked since.
She always found fashion as a way to express herself that and the art she chose to decorate the walls of her house.
She traded her apartment buildings for a casino, the apartment buildings were thankfully all in her exes name.
She loved to play chess as a child, figuring that is why she’s always two steps ahead.
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soracities · 1 year
you probably didnt ask for this but quick update on my life:
got scholarship, went to new school to study social sciences
finally made friends. im still insecure and not a good friend, but im better now.
turned 16, dont study math or science anymore, but appreciate them without the stress of marks
realised im trans and am a lot happier now, with a supportive cousin
decided i dont want to do archeology anymore so im confused about uni
got decent marks the entire year, but lost my scholarship
found out abt it just a few minutes ago, and my parents yet again told me i cant do anything at all
I know I shouldn't believe in it at all, because if I came this far I can go further, but I just need someone to believe that if I get good marks this month, I can get back ny scholarship, since I lost it by a narrow margin.
it warms my heart so much to hear how far you've come and how much happier you feel in who you are (i appreciate so much you sharing this with me, truly); i can't imagine the stress and worry of losing your sholarship and i'm very sorry you're going through that right now. but i really want to emphasise that i absolutely believe in all the versions of you that can exist in this world, both today and in the weeks and months and years beyond today. could you have imagined that you'd be here one year ago? would you have believed all the things you've achieved? i hope you have some teachers or others adults in your life you can talk to get some advice and guidance to help you in your next exams but for what it's worth i absolutely absolutely believe in you, simply for being here and being you and that's worth everything. sending you all the love in the world and the best the best of luck 💗
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coalitiion · 2 years
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✘ ╱ oliver jackson cohen + cismale + he/him ╾ better keep an eye on AUGUST ALDERIDGE whenever they are around. Shady gossip describes the FORTY year old as IMMORAL + RUTHLESS, close sources say they’re CHARISMATIC + CUNNING. Can be easily found in CITY HALL working as NY SENATOR.
creative touchpoints: Richard III (Shakespeare), Lestat (Interview with the Vampire), Homelander (The Boys, first season, not the latter), Edward Moore Kennedy (Yes the real politician, we’re talking mostly about the cheating and the murder.)
penned by rey (she/her)
tw: murder, infidelity, just... shitty people.
full name: august alderidge (born august smith)
age: forty
gender/pronouns: cis male, he / him 
sexual orientation: will fuck anything with a pulse :/
birthday: july 23
zodiac: leo
alignment: neutral evil 
hometown: queens, ny
affiliations: neutral, selfish af
occupation: ny senator (two-time)
current residence: manhattan
financial status: upper class (married into) 
familial connections of note: amelia alderidge (wife - deceased),  julian alderidge (5 y/o, son, hidden away at boarding school in switzerland), younger sister, younger brother
other: n/a
BACKSTORY. (to be added to)
I. Maybe the Big Apple is rotten to its core because of the gangs that burrow through it like worms -- but the city is certainly made no better because of the politicians that let it stay that way. August Alderidge has always benefited from the corruption of the city, and, if anything, he’s a man that revels in it. There are seven sins — here is a man that cherishes each and every one.
II. Born August Smith to a lower-middle class family in Queens. His mom is an art teacher, his dad a mechanic. With three kids, August being the oldest of them, there are too many mouths to feed in their single family home. He’s born with no silver spoons but a silver tongue does him just fine. 
III. It’s in his university’s political science program that August meets his future wife, Amelia. He’s there on a scholarship - her family’s name is on the library. The Alderidge’s are the Kennedys reborn, of a different kind of money that August has only dreamed of. The courtship is quick, tactical. When he gets married he takes his wife’s name (”A real feminist” they say) and wears Alderidge like a coat, like it’s always belonged to him.
IV. It would take the might of mountains to make August an honest man, a little band of gold on his ring finger certainly isn’t going to do it. Over the course of their courtship and even their marriage, August keeps Amelia obvious to his numerous affairs, including the one he has with her brother. Publicly though, they are the picture perfect couple. The Alderidge’s are a political family and by marrying into them, August steps into the fold. With his father-in-law a Senator himself, August’s own trajectory to Senator is clear. 
ONE YEAR AGO. And then, one fall evening - one august - Amelia passes in her sleep. ‘Freak accident’ the doctors say and they point to distant family medical history as a possible explanation. Amelia, oldest of the Alderidges, is remembered by her husband and her son. She leaves her money and assets to August. August mourns the appropriate amount of time. His eyes stay dry. 
NOW. August is a two time Senator for New York. He intends on continuing to climb the ladder to political success and doesn’t care who he steps on on the way to get there. He’s neutral when it comes to the gangs and, for a price, is willing to help any of them by keeping New York a place where they can continue their business. 
THE SECRET. There is absolutely no doubt August is behind his wife’s murder. He’s meticulously covered his tracks - no one knows. 
former frat president
loves cars
WANTED CONNECTIONS. (meant to be inspo, more than willing to craft our own!)
HIS WIFE’S BROTHER. (WC, will be sending to main) Amelia’s brother - whom August had an affair with while married to Amelia. Consensual on both sides, but there was a considerable amount of guilt from his wife’s brother. Eventually Amelia’s brother cut it off, leading to an immense amount of bitterness from August.
SIBLINGS. Though he’s left his origins behind, August cares for his siblings. However, that love is maybe not expressed in the best ways.
LUST. August doesn’t date. Publicly, he’s still playing the part of a man who is mourning his wife. Privately, August has one night stands. In his lifetime he’s h ad a string of affairs that he tends to leave high and dry and/or heartbroken. 
BLACKMAIL. August is not above blackmailing people and will happily incur debts from people. 
PRIDE. Fellow political animals. 
WRATH. Gang members he can do business with. 
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neilschapera · 2 years
Manifesting My Dream – Victoria Hyatt Interview
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Listen to the Interview Here: Manifesting My Dream – Victoria Hyatt
Vivien: Hello and welcome to the Schapera Show, where Viv and Neil explore this big adventure called Life. Our guest today is another colleague and friend of mine, Victoria Hyatt, who has conquered her fears to manifest her dream career. Victoria is a dancer, a Physical Therapist and an Alexander Teacher and she has put them all together in a unique way. Hello Victoria, thank you for coming on the show.
Victoria: Thank you for having me!
Vivien: Victoria, I think we should begin with some background info. What’s your backstory?
Victoria: I grew up in the Washington DC area, studying dance quite seriously. Initially I studied Ballet with the Washington Ballet and later my focus shifted toward Modern Dance. I earned my BFA in Dance from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. After completing college, I moved to New York to continue to study and pursue a dance career. In NY, I primarily studied with the Erick Hawkins Dance company and also performed with several independent choreographers. While studying at Hawkins I met Cynthia Reynolds, who was a member of the company and a teacher in the school. She was also an Alexander Teacher and she encouraged me to try lessons in the Technique. I was so impressed by the work that I knew immediately that I had to train to become a Teacher. I completed my training at the American Center for the Alexander Technique in New York in 1992. I earned my Doctorate in Physical Therapy at Duke University in 2001 and now practice both as a PT and as an Alexander Teacher. My specialty area of practice in Physical Therapy is working with dancers, both to prevent and to treat injuries. Working with dancers is a full circle experience for me, as I am able to put my passions for dance, movement study/analysis, and healing together. To further my ability to work with dancers, I am currently in training with Body Arts and Sciences International to become a Pilates Instructor.
Vivien: Were you born to do this? Were you attracted to dance from an early age?
Victoria: Yes! Exactly that. My interest in dance came in early childhood. My mother took me to see a performance of Coppelia at the Kennedy Center. I was enchanted, and hooked! I began classes immediately and was a serious student throughout my childhood. In my senior year of the dance program at UMass, I took a Kinesiology course and I just loved it! I remember feeling that it was the first time in my life that I had felt so engaged by an academic topic. I wanted to find a way to use this information professionally and at that point became interested in PT. However, the requirements to enter PT school required nearly all of the coursework to go Pre-Med and I had done very little of it during college. I felt intimidated, especially by the requirements to study Chemistry and Physics, so I put it on the back burner. I continued to study and pursue dance.
Vivien: Then, what was it about the Alexander Technique that caught your attention?
Victoria: My first experience with the Alexander Technique was life changing. After spending my entire life studying movement and trying so hard to do everything right, I had developed a good bit of tension in my body. The first time I had a hands-on experience with the AT, I was utterly blown away that such a light touch could induce such profound change in me, and that I could experience myself so differently. As I said, I knew immediately that I needed to train. I also was seeking a way out of the starving artist lifestyle of waiting tables and doing temp work to get by in New York.
Vivien: But there’s always more, right?
Get More Info : Alternative and Complementary Medicine Blogs
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kleptonancydrew · 3 years
Nancy Drew and Education
So apparently the Clue Crew is full of teachers? Who knew. Well, as a former homeschooled student, current teacher, and (hopefully) future homeschooling parent/teacher I have been planning on integrating the games into lessons for a long time. Below the cut I have just a few of my many ideas (some more fleshed out than others). Feel free to use, adapt, or add your own! 
-        Braille
o   How blind/vision impaired people navigate the world
§  How we can make it more accessible for them
o   How do braille books and printers work
-        ASL
o   Memorizing the alphabet and basic signs
§  Build up fluency
o   How HOH/deaf people navigate the world
§  How we can make it more accessible for them  
o   Connections of ASL to other signed languages
§  French Sign Language versus British Sign Language
-        Dangers of gas leaks
o   What to do if you smell or hear gas
-        Inequalities between mens and womens sporting opportunities
o   See Women’s Soccer
-        What are performance enhancing drugs
o   What is the difference between #steroids and the steroids your doctor might prescribe
-        How drug running is a gateway crime
-        Why blackmailing people isn’t good
-        More reasons to never move to Florida
-        Why you shouldn’t go to an actual high school part one
-        Television in NYC
o   Soap Operas
o   How television sets work
o   Role of director
o   Teleprompters
o   Props
o   Agents
-        Theatre in NY
o   Broadway
§  Learn a show
o   Carnegie Hall
-        Dangers in the ways we obsess over celebrities
o   Paparazzi
o   Stalkers
o   Respecting privacy
-        NY taxi system
-        NY regional accents
-        NY as a center for immigration – salad bowl
o   Ellis Island
-        History of NYC
o   Geography of NYC
-        Typewriters
-        Towers of Hanoi
-        Encoding  
-        How to make chocolates (with or without poison)
-        Read along:
o   New York the Novel (Edward Rutherford)
o   The Power Broker
o   All of a Kind Family
-        San Francisco Gold Rush
-        Earthquake and Fires in San Fran
-        Golden Gate Bridge
-        Angel Island
o   Asian (Chinese) Immigration to the USA
-        Chinese Zodiac
-        Fortune telling (and why it’s not okay)
-        Bed and Breakfasts
-        San Francisco today
o   Technology boom
o   Overpriced everything
§  How this hurts established residents
§  Homelessness in San Fran
-        Bandits in the American West
-        Hauntings in American buildings
-        How to remove and install tile
-        Renovations – refurbish something
-        Antiques
o   Visit an antique shop
-        Importance of fire safety
-        How to install lighting fixtures properly
-        How to fix a dumbwaiter
o   How not to be a dumb waiter
-        Tangrams
-        What is the Victorian period
o   Significance of Queen Victoria
-        Read Along:
o   Little Brother
o   Paper Son: Lee’s Journey to America
o   Angel Island Gateway to Golden Mountain
-        The French Revolution
o   Marie Antoinette
o   Women and the French Revolution
o   Worldwide effects of the Revolution
o   Historians of the French Revolution
-        Writing history
o   How we can focus on different events in history, how we can be sympathetic to certain people, how we can fulfill different spaces in the historical narrative, criticism of history as a field, entering history as a field
-        Wisconsin Dairy industry
-        Alarm systems and how they work
-        Fingerprinting
-        Elevator safety
-        Ski lifts
o   Skiing
-        Vandalism
-        Taking care of libraries
-        Latitude and longitude
-        Keeping records of good events and bad events
o   Nothing you do will ever stop me from loving you
-        Some people keep different sleep schedules
-        Journalism
-        Making translations  
-        Why France has different holidays – to keep the ski lodges from getting too full
-        History of theatre spaces
-        Use of film at theatres
-        Magicians
o   Houdini
o   Learn a ‘magic’ trick
-        Library of Congress
-        Demolition – wrecking balls
o   What’s involved
-        Plaster casts
-        Historic register of buildings
o   Visit a local historic building
-        Price of concessions and movie tickets today
-        Nickelodeons
-        Celebrity stunts for attention from press
o   Celebrity endorsements
-        Jazz music
o   Dancing
-        Kidnapping stories
o   What to do if someone tries to grab you
-        Rubber vs. electricity
-        Art/artists of the 20s
-        Numbering systems (particularly ones not based on 10)
-        Cultures of South America
o   Maya
§  Cultural understandings
§  Connections to what appears at Beech Hill
o   Aztec
o   Inca
-        Myths of lesser civilizations because of European preconceptions
-        Why do countries have consulates/embassies in other countries
-        What is amnesia and other medical memory issues
-        Provenance and why its important part one
-        Roles and responsibilities within a museum
o   Visit a museum
o   How to be critical of a museum and how knowledge is presented to you
-        Modern art
o   Make your own
o   Visit a modern art museum
-        Periodic Table of Elements
-        Positive and negative molds for casting
-        Prohibition
o   Speakeasys
o   Amendments to constitution
o   Drinking age restrictions
§  Comparison of USA to European countries  
o   Connections to modern drug policies
-        Recognizing and photographing local birds
-        Dangers in the forest – ticks and other pests
-        Why water sources are important
o   Flint water crisis
-        Visit a state park
o   Importance of maintaining public land
-        Alcatraz
-        How to care for dogs
-        Noise pollution
o   Light pollution
-        History of carousels
o   Visit a carousel
-        Lathes
-        Harmonicas
-        Band organs
-        Writing messages with lemon juice and other hidden inks
-        How to iron
o   How not to iron
-        How to make a sundae
-        How amusement park rides are designed
-        Soldering
-        What is parole
o   Welcoming those who have been in prison back to society
o   Problems with the American prison system
§  How it disproportionately affects minority groups
o   What can be done in prison reform
o   Abuses in prison
o   Making mental and spiritual help and guidance more available
o   Making sanitary products available
o   Prison for profit hurts everybody except the prison owner
o   Educational opportunities for those in prison
o   More half-way help
o   Juvenile sentencing reform – more out of system help
o   Respecting humanity of prisoners
o   Ending the death penalty  
-        Depression
o   How to get help
o   How to help others
o   Dealing with loss
-        Native peoples of the Pacific Northwest
-        Orcas and other whales
o   Whaling industry in Northwest and Northeast
o   Things whale products were used for
o   Visit natural history museum with whale exhibition
-        Visit an aquarium with a good reputation
o   Problems with places that do not take care of their sea life – particularly large sea life like whales
-        What is a chowder and how is it made
o   Try or make chowder
-        Crabs
o   Restrictions on different types of crabs – what type is local
o   Try a crab dish
-        Importance of different knots  
o   Get some rope and learn how to tie different knots
-        Know the NATO alphabet and letter flags
-        Boating knowledge
o   Go on a boating trip – know the port and starboard sides
-        Learn how to kayak
-        Try to learn how to skip rocks
-        Visit a lighthouse
o   Importance and histories of lighthouses
-        Smuggling – what is it and why does it happen
-        Shanghaiing
-        Chess
-        The continuous oppression and mistreatment of Native Americans
o   From Mayflower to Pocahontas to Trail of Tears to Dakota to DAPL to Reservations to food deserts to voting rights to much much more
§  How to support current Native voices and concerns
o   Why Native Americans are not a costume
o   “Possession” of Native American objects and land
§  Arrowheads and native jewelry
o   Broad overview of regional Native American groups – using their own voices
§  Special focus on local Native American groups
·       Is there a local museum/educational resource that is either Native created or known for respecting Native voices
o   Current Native Americans of note (ex: politicians, activists, artists)
o   While the previous focuses on Native Americans in the modern day USA – also discuss First Nations from Canada and Native Groups from more southern areas
-        Why temperature and pan matters when baking (show what happens in the oven when it goes wrong)
-        Magnets and how different metals react differently to magnets
-        How to take care of a horse and other farm animals
o   Visit a local farm
o   Try horse-riding
-        Dangers of rattle snakes and scorpions
-        Lassos and how to use them
-        Legends of outlaws in the American West
-        Ghost towns  
-        Flower stitches when knitting/crocheting
-        Petrified wood
-        How to make a campfire
-        Picking fruits and veggies when they are ready
-        Flower language
-        Read Along:
o   Native American folk tales  
o   Motorcycles and Sweetgrass
o   Gone Away Lake
o   Black Beauty?
-        Where are the moors
-        Different regional accents within the United Kingdom
-        British foods
-        Latin
o   Learn fun phrases and prayers
-        Ancestry and genealogy
o   Map your own family tree and recognize family crests
o   How adoption has historically been a binding and irrefutable concept for lineage
o   Find places your family lived
o   Leaving a history for your descendants
§  Write a story book for them
o   British Royal Family
§  Why incest is bad
-        Parrots and their intelligence
-        Secret passages in old buildings
-        Alchemy
o   Connections to modern understandings of science  
o   Historical understandings of elements
-        Astrological signs
-        Witch trials
-        Legends of lycanthropy and other monsters
-        Importance of not taking other peoples medicines
-        Runic alphabet
-        Feeding your pets a healthy diet
-        Typing practice
-        How to embrace the idea that home taught students are evil geniuses
-        Forges and melting points of different metals
-        Carnivorous plants
-        Succulents
-        Constellations in different places  
-        Read Along:
o   The Secret Garden
o   The London Eye Mystery
o   Beastly
-        Great Depression
o   Causes and effects
o   Who was hurt
o   Who was not hurt
o   Areas of America
§  Dust bowl
o   Famous people and literature
o   Homelessness and poverty
§  Bread lines
§  Soup kitchens
§  Anti-homelessness architecture
§  Connections to mental illness and veterans
§  How we can help those who do not have homes today
-        Early Telephones
-        Shakespeare
-        History of Nancy Drew
o   Mildred Wirt Benson
o   Edward Stratemeyer  
-        Fishing – why different fish respond to different bait
-        Orphanages in the early 20th century
-        Gas prices and accessibility of cars through time
-        How to make pie
-        What is jurisdiction and what is significant about crossing state lines
-        How do banks work
o   Safety deposit boxes
-        Identify theft
-        How to use a sewing machine
o   Sew an item of clothing
-        Mini golf – why and what
-        Mirrors and their usefulness
-        Stamp collections
-        Radios and call signs
o   Comparison to modern internet forms
-        Telegrams
-        Read along:
o   Shakespeare
§  Midsummer Night’s Dream
§  Others
o   Pollyanna
o   Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
o   The Grapes of Wrath
-        Trains
o   Steam trains
o   Visit a train museum
o   Take a train ride (if not a normal event)
o   Importance of transcontinental railway
o   Trains around the USA today
o   Trains around the world (TGV, bullet train)
-        Abraham Lincoln
-        Mark Twain
-        How to make a good burger (you leave off the PB&J)
-        Slugs
-        Periodic Table of Elements – abbreviations
-        Gemstones
-        History of Mining
o   England (Newcastle upon Tyne)
o   American West
o   Appalachia
o   Company Store
o   Health issues for miners
o   Danger of mines
o   Current issues for mining
-        Dancing the Hurley Burley
-        People who collect creepy dolls
o   History of porcelain dolls
-        Embroidery
o   How to
o   Patterns/symbols
-        General Stores in the American West
o   Sears
-        How to make taffy
-        Find a well maintained and beautiful tomb and research who is entombed
-        Focusing light through a magnifying glass can start a fire
-        Read Along:
o   Murder on the Orient Express
o   Mark Twain books
-        All lessons in French
-        How using different ingredients and different amounts of ingredients can affect the outcome of your cookies
-        Paris métro
o   History
o   How to read/follow a métro map
o   RER
-        Montmartre and other Parisian neighbourhoods
-        History of Île de la France and Square de Vert Galant Parc and Pont Neuf
-        WWII and the French Resistance
o   Cross of Lorraine
o   Vichy France
o   Abuses of the French gov’t in this period
-        Paris and the fashion world
-        Beauty standards and the rejection of natural beauty by society
o   Dangers of weight and figure standards
o   You are beautiful as you are
-        Catacombs of Paris
-        Famous French Dishes (from this region)
o   Or Bretagne since I know and like them better
-        The French Café
-        Moulin in France
-        Tea and how hot leaf water can taste so bad but still be good for you
-        Buildings of Baron Haussmann
-        Paris History  
-        Decoders
-        Importance of vitraux historically, culturally, and religiously
-        Read Along:
o   Little Kids
§  Madeline
§  Babar
§  Petit Ours
§  Plume
o   High School
§  Hunchback of Notre Dame
§  Les Mis
§  Dale Van Kley
-        History of Hawai’i and her native people
o   How the USA screwed them over and continues to do so
§  Land colonizing today
o   Listen to voices from Native Peoples
-        Pearl Harbor
o   USS Arizona
-        Native myths and legends
-        Local flora and fauna
-        Surfing
-        How to make bead necklaces
-        Snorkeling
-        Entomology
o   Find some local bugs and identify and observe them
-        Horticulture
o   See if you can graft something
o   Watch a carnation placed in water with food dye
o   Regrow a fruit or veggie from the leftovers
-        Go looking for seashells – see how many complete shells you can find
-        Be aware of pesticides and the dangers they offer
o   Dangers of organic food too
-        Make something with pineapple in it
-        Fishing – different kinds of native fish
-        Volcanos
-        Hula  
-        Wolf sanctuaries – respecting wildlife and their place in the wild and not the domestic
o   What to do if you see a wolf in the real world
-        Fur trapping in Canada history
-        Regions and Capitols of Canada
o   Visit Canada?
-        How the Canadian government works
-        Use of French language in Canada    
o   Unique features of Canadian French  
-        Ice fishing
-        How to cook omelets, salmon, etc.
o   How to not add paprika cause like ew
-        Fossils
-        Radiation
o   Marie Curie
-        How to be a good maid
-        Snowballs/ice balls
-        Ice skating
-        Winter weather safety
-        Avalanches  
-        Saunas
-        Birthmarks
-        Fax machines
-        How to not lie about bird watching
-        Frozen water safety  
-        Modern offenses against First Nations by Canadian Government
-        Culture of the Arawak and Caraïbe
o   Voodoo
-        Mardi Gras in New Orleans
-        Hurricane Katrina and aftermath
-        French Influence
-        Eyes and their parts and functions
-        Teeth and their parts and functions
-        Alligators in the Southern USA and how they are dangerous pests  
-        Graveyards/cemeteries and how to be comfortable in them
o   Modern burial practices
o   Why are they above ground in Louisiana?
o   Places where they are running out of space for the dead
o   Historic violations of final resting places
-        Ventriloquism
-        Lizards and how to care for them
-        Rube Goldberg machines
-        Curio shops
-        Crystal Skulls  
-        International crime
-        Organized crime
-        Scopa
-        Italian basics
o   Learn an Italian aria
-        Italian food
o   Not just spaghetti
-        History of Venice
o   Current issues in Venice
-        Carrier pigeons
-        Micro-dots
-        “Observing the architecture”
-        Try to make gelato (or just get gelato, either way you get gelato)
-        Disguising yourself – put on an outfit and try to get me to not recognize you
-        Picking locks
-        Secret codes
-        Solfege
o   With hand signs
o   Learn a song in solfege
-        Carnivale
-        Learn how the sausage gets made
o   How to deal with food poisoning
-        How to secure your living space against burglars
o   Glass breaks, motion sensors, keypads, magnets, and more
-        Read Along:
o   Heist Society
o   The Prince
o   Merchant of Venice
-        Irish lessons (as much of this in Irish as possible)
o   Why the Irish language is important
-        Geography of Ireland
o   Provinces and counties
-        Irish names
-        Why Ireland has disliked and should dislike the UK
o   Historically
o   Famine
§  Emmigration
o   Easter Rising
o   Troubles
o   Present-Day
-        Importance of alcohol in Ireland
o   Uisce beatha
o   Guinness
§  Guinness world records
-        Irish music
o   Irish instruments
o   Learn some Rebel songs
-        Ogham runes
-        Irish foods
o   Something with lamb, who cares what
-        Don’t use friends for land development
-        Bogs
-        Chemical Reactions
-        Rockets
-        Inventions and secrecy during WWII
-        Religion in Ireland
o   Pagan traditions
o   Christianity
o   Catholic/Protestant tensions
-        Irish wedding traditions
-        How printing presses work
-        Irish castles
-        Sheep sheering/raising sheep
-        Irish legends
o   Fae
o   Leprechauns
-        Don’t drive and talk on the phone
-        Why blackface is problematic? (the fact that this needs to be said is problematic in and of itself)
-        Scuba diving
-        Sailing
-        Bermuda Triangle
-        Bats
-        Primates and their intelligence
o   Problems with animal research
o   Koko
o   Jane Goodall
-        Island resort culture
-        Metal detectors
-        Pirates
o   And the Caribbean
o   Their abuses
o   Different kinds
o   Modern day pirates  
-        How do walkie-talkies work
-        US mistreatment of island territories
-        Read Along:
o   Bloody Jack (Meyer)
-        Edgar Allan Poe
o   Stories
o   Baltimore
-        Piano
-        Victorian Dining traditions
o   How to set a place for fancy dining
o   How to fold napkins
o   Table manners
o   How to serve someone at a fancy dinner
o   How courses might work
o   How to use your silverware  
-        Why you shouldn’t go to an actual high school part two
o   Just fyi – that’s not how uniforms work
§  Have a school inspired dress code for a week
-        Bullying and why you absolutely will not be a bully
o   How to respond to bullying
o   Importance of talking to adults and counseling
-        Logic puzzles
-        Research the founding of a local school
-        Stringed Instruments
-        Plagiarism
o   Turnitin
-        Making sandwiches – like a good deli style sandwich
-        Photography scavenger hunt – make a digital (or physical) yearbook
-        Squirrels
-        Orthographic projection
-        DNA/RNA
-        Saving every major project on three different thumb drives
-        Getting along with roommates
-        States and Capitals
o   Countries and capitals of the world  
-        Tornados
o   Technology used to observe tornados
-        Meteorology
-        Prairie dogs
-        Life on the great plains
-        Great Plains Native Americans
-        Small towns in the Midwest honestly be like that
-        Defensive driving
-        Make a disaster kit
-        Know what to do in various natural emergency situations
o   What is the local alert protocol
o   What do local authorities recommend
-        How to maintain and fix a car
-        How to fix a broken device
-        What is tenure
-        How to budget
o   Go to the grocery store on a strict budget (however much you come in under budget is your candy budget)
-        Read Along:
o   Little House
-        Basic Japanese phrases
o   Learn to count
o   Writing in Japanese
-        Sudoku, nonograms, renograms
-        Japanese ghost legends
-        Japanese culture
o   Tourism
§  Ryokans
o   Space – everything small
o   Politeness/formalities
o   Hot springs/baths
o   Tatami and paper walls
-        Japanese cultural dress
o   Kimonos
o   Lolita? Fashion
-        Japanese names
o   Last name first
o   How to address others in Japan
-        Martial Arts
o   Ninjutsu
§  Traditional tools
-        Japanese tea ceremony
-        Schools in Japan
-        Teaching English as a foreign language
-        Japanese subway/train system
-        Pachinko and Japanese gaming
-        Japanese vending machines
-        Robotic animals
-        Bento
-        Japanese foods
-        Origami
-        How to fake a haunting
-        Basic German phrases
o   How to make a German word
o   Connections of German to English
-        German food favourites
o   Especially cakes
-        Storytelling as a cultural entity
o   How memory has worked differently in different times
-        Glass blowing
-        How castles provided for the local community
-        Bavaria in Germany
o   Cultural dress
-        Glockenspiel
-        How to make board games
-        Monster stories of central Europe
-        How to monitor security camera remotely
-        Read Along:
o   Heidi
-        Arson
o   Watching how different accelerants burn a piece of paper
-        All politicians are at least somewhat self-serving
o   But write a letter to a local politician anyway
§  Different ways to contact elected officials, and why some don’t work
-        How to make ice cream
-        How a police investigation works
o   Problems with police departments around the world – specifically USA
o   Ways that police work unfairly targets minorities
§  If Nancy is innocent how many others are
-        How to use matches and lighters safely
-        Why you should not return to the scene of a crime – particularly a fire
-        Making sure smoke detectors work properly and the system is connected
o   We might not go to school but fire drills are still important
-        What is a mass spectrometer
-        Who to call if you’ve been arrested
-        What to do if you get pulled over
-        How the media can skew the truth and make their own narratives
-        Sound mixing
-        Be careful with what you say/post/record
o   Keep receipts and clarify when possible
-        What not to do at an archaeological site
-        Ancient Egyptian History
o   Pantheon, notable figures, relevant events
o   Pyramids, sphinx
o   Pharaohs
-        Modern Egypt
o   Arabic alphabet
-        History of archaeological digs in Egypt
o   Why they’ve been problematic
-        Dangers of the tombs
-        Mummys
o   How they are put together
-        Tomb raiders
-        Importance of water in the desert
-        How to piece together a broken artifact
-        How to gently brush off an artifact
-        There is no such thing as a dictionary for ancient Egyptian
-        Aliens did not build the pyramids
-        Senet
-        Desert life safety
-        How mirrors can be used to light a room
-        Read Along
o   Rick Riordan
-        Nikola Tesla
o   All his fun stuff
o   Tesla Coils
-        3-D printing
-        Gummy fingerprints
-        Faraday Cage
-        Basic electric concepts
o   How to build a circuit board
-        Chemical safety
-        How a lab might work
-        Valuing different skills within academia
-        Ultraviolet light
-        How motorcycles work
-        Freelance photography
-        How to use academic databases
-        Slavery in the United States
o   Origins
o   ‘End’
o   Civil War
o   The connection to “southern culture”
o   Continued abuses of Black people in America
§  Importance of recognizing Black voices and what they are saying
§  Listening even when it’s uncomfortable
§  Checking privilege when you have it
o   Jim Crow Laws
-        Plantations
-        Gone With the Wind
o   The good and the bad
-        Civil War spies – female
-        Carbon monoxide poisoning
-        Burned out houses are not a safe space
-        Do not go digging through people’s coffins – rest in PEACE
-        Understanding that your family can be flawed
-        If you don’t want to get married, if you’re not happy in a relationship, end it
-        When a member of your family is sick you take care of them
-        Make a will, just in case your cousin kills you
-        Bachelor and bachelorette parties should feature activities that everyone is comfortable with
-        Read Along:
o   My Last Skirt: The Story of Jennie Hodgers, Union Soldier
-        Scotland and their identity
o   Celtic Nations
o   Independent Scotland
o   Call a Scottish person
-        Unicorns and other mythical creatures in Scotland
-        Scottish food
o   The appetizing parts
-        History of spies
-        Biowarfare
o   Code Orange
o   Other teenage stories dealing with anthrax
o   Current events and concerns
o   Historical biowarfare (smallpox blankets)
-        Ziplining
-        Archery
-        How to bug someone
-        Tartans and plaids
o   Kilts
-        Augmented Reality Glasses
-        Record players
-        How to reset a circuit breaker
-        Read Along:
o   Gallagher Girls
o   Code Orange
o   Little House (Martha)
o   Little Brother (Doctorow)
-        Don’t meet your heroes
-        New Zealand
o   Maori culture
-        Survivor style game shows and realism
-        I’m not saying Aliens can’t exist, I’m saying they def aren’t involved here
-        Kayaking
-        Submarines and what they can do
-        Turtles
-        Earthquakes
-        Be careful with rope bridges
-        Provenance and why it’s important part two  
-        Greek art and how it was originally painted vibrantly
o   Abuses of Greek art through the ages
-        The British Museum and the issues with that
-        Greek pantheon
o   Legends and notable figures
o   Religious traditions  
-        Iliad and Odyssey
-        Art forgery
-        How to fire clay pots and pottery
-        Memorizing lines for a play
o   Staging for a play
o   Role of a director
-        Theatre
o   Lights
o   Curtains
o   Fly system
o   Sound
-        Greek alphabet
-        Historical importance of the Greek language and culture
o   Alexander the Great and Hellenization
-        Olympics
o   Historic and modern
-        Greece and the European Union  
-        Make something with pomegranates
-        Read Along:
o   Iliad
o   Odyssey
o   The Thief
o   Percy Jackson  
-        Iceland
o   Culture
§  Naming traditions
o   Language
o   Music
o   Food
-        Shipbuilding
o   Historic and modern ships
-        Ice caving
-        Northern Lights
-        Tides
-        Snowmobiling
-        Poetry
-        What is xenophobia
-        Some games just shouldn’t be made
-        American witch trials
o   What actually went down
o   Misconceptions
-        Treating people with albinism as real people
-        Arson is bad
-        Herbal remedies and how they can interfere with modern medicine
-        Witchcraft and how not to
-        Salem MA
-        Ignorance promotes fear and hatred so we do our best to learn about others
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eclecticenvironment · 4 years
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Hi, my name is Emily Hudak!
1. What university do you attend and what is your major? Do you have any minors, concentrations, and/or clubs affiliated? 
I attend the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF) in Syracuse, NY. I'm currently in my junior year and I am studying Environmental Resource Engineering. There are a few awesome clubs I'm involved in at SUNY ESF including the Student Environmental Education Coalition (SEEC) and the Undergraduate Student Association (USA).
2. How do your studies relate to ecology, hydrology, and/or environmental justice? 
Ecology and hydrology are some of the largest parameters associated with environmental engineering. Additionally, my major and studies help with environmental justice because they inspire me to make a change in the world. With the knowledge that I will have coming out of school, I will be able to make things more environmentally sustainable and friendly. Environmental engineering, when applied properly, protects people from adverse environmental effects that are usually caused by humans.
3. What is your favorite source of literature related to ecology, hydrology, and/or environmental justice? 
My favorite source of literature in relation to environmental justice is ‘The Ripple Effect: The Fate of Fresh Water in the Twenty-First Century’. My high school environmental science teacher made my class read this as an assignment and I have never been more thankful.  It really opened up my eyes to the inequality within freshwater supplies and systems. 
4. What has been your favorite academic experience to date? 
My favorite academic experience to date was participating in the NCF-Envirothon. NCF-Envirothon is an annual environmentally-themed academic competition for high school students organized by a program under the National Conservation Foundation. It consisted of a bunch of categorized group exams based upon soils, forestry, and aquatics. There were different levels of the competitions - once your team won counties you qualified for states, each qualification increasing in intensity. This was a big impact on me because this was when I realized environmental science was important to me and I wanted to pursue a career in it.
5. What are some of the biggest struggles you’ve had to overcome while in college? What is one thing you would recommend to incoming freshman or transfer students that you wish you had known? 
The most difficult transition into college for me was becoming in charge of my own actions. I have to say the free time was hard to manage between school and friends.  It does become easier once time goes on though and you get used to what works out for you. What I would recommend coming into school as a freshman is to take advantage of all the school has to offer - tutoring, office hours or even all of the extra curricular activities they have for us to have fun.  There are a lot more opportunities being offered than you think, so you might as well enjoy them.
6. What type of career are you hoping for after you graduate? 
If I am being honest, I am not 100% sure. I am thinking of joining the Peace Corps because I believe that would be a good fit for me and I could see myself becoming very passionate within that field. I am also considering going to get a Masters in Education and becoming either a high school math or science teacher. It's all up in the air still, but that’s the exciting part - there's so many opportunities with this major.
7. What do you like to do for fun apart from your major?
When I am not working, I love to be outdoors. You can catch me hiking, biking and kayaking. I recently started my long journey in hopes of becoming an ADK 46er. I also love to bake and try a bunch of new recipes.
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Serious rant.
My mom has a history of using violent, harsh and extreme punishments on me to push a weaponized “she persisted” narrative on me. She guilt trips me into rejecting my male identity and desire for choosing my own medical care, while she has increasingly stripped away my rights since I was a child (such as making my own artwork, reading science books, and using the internet). She becomes disgusted at the thought of me being male, as she fetishizes my birth gender to push her TERF agenda.
Even worse? My mom is a literal elementary teacher, so ableist Florida says she cannot be taken away from me. She is a danger to me and my dad. She’s been allowed to get away with all this physical abuse, neglect and religious brainwashing since I was a 2 year old in Long Island, NY.
NY government and FL government does NOTHING about it. Even with tight homeschool regulations, NY allows religious cults to be forced on children, allows violent and harsh punishments such as spanking, allows parents to lie and get away with stuff, etc.
I’m scared of meeting new people IRL because of my sheltered upbringing, and my mom told me every stranger in the world is a sexual predator, waiting to rape me. I’m in rural FL, i have NOWHERE to go except a mental hospital or a church/transphobic conversion “therapy”. Almost everybody around me is elderly and religious, which I cannot relate to any longer.
My mother strongly thinks just leaving the internet on at night will give me cancer, even though I miss having the freedom of not having an authoritarian time limit put on my internet usage, and have never had any kind of cancer despite so many bygone nights with active internet (before she imposed this forced turnoff on me). She turns it off as early as 9 or 10 while I’m still busy on it.
She threatens to place me into a mental hospital if I turn it back on at night. I’m 18. I have the current rights of a kindergartner. I have never attended any high school, and am very behind in academics. Mom refused to allow me to choose what state I wanted to live in, forcing me to live in Florida because she cared much more about my youngest sibling. She loves everybody but me.
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davidjjohnston3 · 3 years
The trees are straight and true here, and the help comes without seeming harpoons.  I considered some insane things which were ‘above my pay-grade’ and as is my wont reflected on the state and implications of my former profession and what old friends and pharons meant to me.  Right now think that my core goal in life is not to blow myself up.  As a former would-have-been SecState said, ‘I love so many people.’  I am only sad that trying as I did to uproot that carrot of love just now could have resulted in the demolition of an entire root-network, of at least my own excision therefrom.
‘Some people’ want revenge against life for not going their way or not being the color or fragrance or face shape they like or feel it ought to be - ‘no that is not what I meant at all.’  They will never hold a life reliable which doesn’t resemble their ideal, imago, or ‘soul-idol’ &c.  The meaning of the name ‘Cordelia’ as in King Lear is something like ‘heart’s ideal.’  I was driving and considering a novel that I feel touched absolute supreme greatness without knowing it or in a way that could mislead some readers Mrs. Mary HK Choi’s Yolk a novel I looked forward for a very long time.  I had all these references and fractal coreferences and forgot about actual birds, like what does the chick eat in the egg.
‘Blood is the life’ - I liked etymologies for a long time and my intellectualism caused me acute trouble in Confirmation Class at Morrow Memorial United Methodist Church in about 1998.  ‘Pastor’ Gretchen taught us the word root ‘consacramentum’ which comes from dipping the hand in blood in the concave of a Roman shield - those huge rectangular shields which could be used in formation as ‘testudo’ or turtle to stop projectile weapons and allowed soldiers to make pin-point stabbing attacks from a ‘matrix(?)’ of high protection.  I forget what kind of animal was killed to pool the blood in the shield but it might have been a rabbit.
I was reading ‘Revelation,’ I don’t recall what everyone else was talking about.  Some kind of community service project, interview your parents, buy a wedding-magazine and make a whole plan for how you would get married and how much it would cost (and while you’re at it describe how you would 1) restore a classic Shelby Cobra using newspaper and Krazy Glue 2) drive foresaid drop-top to the Moon).  
The Pastor was a pipe-smoker named ‘Painter’ who used the NY Lotto’s ‘Hey you never know’ slogan to describe sth like Pascal’s Wager; OTOH St. Paul teaches us that everyone is born knowing God exists (Romans).  The problem is that people fail or omit to glorify Him or subsequently ruin or betray their own best efforts through blasphemy, turning or falling away, cowardice, denial, attachment to certain sins or being ‘yoked unequally’ with non-believers.  
I reflected starting in 2008 that I was shy of my ‘first love’ (rather, the woman I fell in love with at 14); at the time I gloried or reveled in the shyness like a Wallace Stevens poem that ends, ‘And not to have written a book.’  I could’ve written a few books by now or walked away from book-writing or changed my mind / specified which kind of book I might have written and for whom.  
I remember always admiring the ‘magic’ of literature and feeling sad I had no characters or world of my own to work magic with.  Star Wars and my own life and later much else supplied ‘materia poetica’ and till the point that I began to think in fiction and became addicted to interpreting my own in ‘story-ideas’ although that is not to say that what happened around me didn’t happen.  
America is trying to become a better country in numerous valences, loving our neighbors, holding each other accountable.  ‘Justice’ with or without the marks is important.  It is a divine Judgment that Covid fell on the world even if eventually we all shall learn who devised the virus or leaked it or modulated its mutations.  I was eager to rejoin the world feeling I might overcome my mental illness but I mishandled specific questions and tests.  I ended up turning people against me and creating monsters more than ever as well as perhaps terminally sabotaging any chance I might’ve had of fulfilling a dream or making good on the past.  I have a lot of opinions on the CCP but should’ve focused on love and family and personal responsibilities as in the past or at least held to my long-standing feeling that Chinese people deserve better rather than associating myself with hard-liners and racists or those who would simplify issues in order to bring about ultimate victory without temperance or concern for the side-effects.
In Milwaukee where I lived for far too long everyone’s spirit - electric, intellectual, visory(?), informational et cetera seemed to be militating against everybody else’s.  There were fake vaccines, radioactive ice cream (or thermogenic ice-cream), gun-battles as usual, lines crossed, all kinds of scores that people tried to settle.  I also realized that the police were probably tracking for years my various attempts to obtain weapons from samurai-swords to handguns though the purpose was defensive and I can only trust at this point that some good lawyer will prevent the bad lawyers and cops from presenting the most damning circumstantial case they could.  People in Milwaukee own AK-47′s, automatic shotguns, probably all kinds of explosives, improvised chemical weapons and (’our Black brothers’ - Schopenhauer) biological weapons - the cops don’t stand a chance that I can tell and even the National Guard perhaps could get outclassed by retired military.  I had told myself for years that it was only the ghetto’s that bore witness to this paramilitary equipage and that the retired SEAL Team 4 member with the ‘Stop Socialism’ and ‘Jobs Not Mobs’ sign on his front lawn would protect me from the Maoist-Covid Night of the Long Knives but I feel I tempted God a lot in the past.  
I read all these books and took to heart that people thought I was just entertaining myself with but now as then I should’ve guarded my heart or not begged the question of what others thought about me or saw in me.  I literally felt of late ‘I am the anti-Christ’ - good-looking at times, preach world peace, ‘form of godliness,’ want to be friends with everyone, build bridges - and had to rack my brains to come up with an ‘anti-Christology’ and science / concept of the Whore of Babylon just to make sure it was more than me alone.  I also wished to simplify my past and help kids ‘get life right the right time’ doing battle with philosophies that opposed this consciously or otherwise but stepped into numerous minefields and also tried running when I should’ve flown over.  
Everyone’s trying to get rich and build back better and I profoundly admired the American President for doing, finally, apparently, what presidents had tried to decades even as I remember ‘Flowers 1881′ a poem that implies that basically teachers can do only so much before turning their kids loose in a world no one has yet fixed and which others keep breaking; from a California almanac that also instructed me that the same old debates and cross-fires and burdens plague teachers as always, not that it is an ‘impossible profession’ but honestly that God won’t let us establish Heaven on Earth or at least not me or at least not America or at least not teachers who savor the experience of being a teacher or the beauty of their students more than the outcomes or commitment or intrinsic value of the work or the confirmed identity / vocation / personhood of the instructor.  There are always new and old at any rate and different cultures all describe the teacher as needing to keep both alive; as do descriptions of higher education and scholarship.  
I questioned my qualifications / background and wondered about re-training but can’t afford tuition anywhere so I am trying to cling to the core of my capabilities / blessings.  ABC and XYZ.  The glory of the soul or souls.  
I kept theorizing Russian literature as well as weapons-systems and ultimate destiny, sailing ships, noble names, divisions, the flaming sword of Archangel Gabriel, the mission of Russia today with respect to the world order.  I am also simply trying to be healthy and stop for a while trying to parse out who was the love of my life or what it still left in terms of action or redemption or justice or surrender or mitigation or meeting new friends or propounding the kind of understand with carefulness I have believed in - ‘saving people from themselves.’  Driving up here I remember being distressed at a gas-station in California when I was about 5 or 6 since the pump was leaking, being very upset with my parents and family.  In those days I also disliked animal-cruelty though the world today seems so depraved and deprived with respect to human interests I would make no bones about neglecting most all animals outside of military or police use.  When I was about 3 I saw white kids set a frog on fire; my mother has a history of running over cats.
I dislike winging it and taking risks.  There is a song I call to myself ‘Run Away’ though its title is ‘Paradise.’  I am not a utopian communist for believing in secular justice and its instrinsic value... I wonder whether when I helped people in the past there were always strings attached or maybe I was just trying to close my case and discharge my responsibilities too rapidly without allowing others to gestate or make an abode in my heart besides and beyond what I could get out of them, glorifying myself, or tell others about.  
What is motherhood?  What is travail?  Is there a kind of problematic ‘female gaze’ as feminists talk of a ‘male gaze’ associated with sadism or fascination / fetishism?  It’s psychology which is not my first love at all since it appeared pretentious and distracting and retarding (in the literal sense of slowing down).
I also remembered reading various things about Victor Hugo whose ‘93′ is an important novel today due to its techno-utopianism, feminism or ‘new model egalitarianism,’ fusion of revolution and religion, etc.  But I had forgotten ‘Les Miserable’ with its themes of ransom or eventual recompense, genealogies, caution, and more none of which is to negate the various complains against me or death-warrant from China or my parents with their partial private readings of Proverbs (’Let’s stone David for embarrassing us / not doing precisely what we want’ - no mention of witnesses, tribunals, questions, mitigation-hearings, actual counsels of judges etc. but just American-German ‘coalitions of the willing’ ‘run and get my gun’ ‘team-building’ etc. which in my experience ends with tanks on the street and military dictatorships as when at the end of the CultRev PLA regulars were gunning down former justice-fanatics who’d been stripping women, kicking pregnant stomachs etc. as in The Vagrants).  Naturally having grown up in a family fascinated with Lee Kwanyew and Arnold Schwarzenegger and conflicted about ‘fascism’ I had reservations about the United States’ ability to suddenly dress up and ‘stand at perpetual moral attention’ but I guess my own problems are just that I am poor with a rich kid’s mind and no one really likes me except strangers and faraway friends who were easily spooked and/or just couldn’t be there.  ‘King of South shall attack and King of North shall crush them  with chariots &c.’ - in the end righteous will prevail whichever side of the line I end up on in the final assessment.  I also remembered today a novel called ‘The Old Capital’ about a bad artist father, a virgin daughter, straight and true pines.  Some other aspects of this novel are silly as well as criminally problematic and there's a lot of that going on in new-old old news America / Babylon or at least to quote my favorite lawyer / leave lawyering movie 'First let's get out of Milwaukee.'  Miss the land of June snow. 
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fpinterviews · 15 years
Liz Goldwyn
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FP: I think of you as an art chameleon; you've had many connected interests in art and fashion and obviously, you're from a film family dynasty-- from my own experience, I'm not keen on categorizing multi-talented artists, however I'm wondering what is the biggest muse for you at the moment?
LG: I don't have a specific muse- I quite like that I cannot be labeled  into a tidy box- I feel most kindred to artists of the Renaissance period, who didn't always fit into specific categories, but experimented with various media depending on what subject matter they were exploring.
I am always interested in history, sexuality, science and of course clothing/ textile- so my " muses" can come from anything I am thinking about, looking at, scoring at a vintage store or dreaming of...
FP: I was recently reminded of your filmmaking upon seeing your billboards around Los Angeles. The images are probably the first set of images I've seen in those digital billboards that really feel like they work there. The "Underwater Ballet" imagery is particularly striking. What led you to the Phantom Camera (captures action at 1000 frames per second--normal frame rate is 24 frames per second)? It is amazing to think that yours is the first film to experiment with this technique. How did you come up with the concept for the film? And have you ever considered using the digital billboards themselves as a medium for your art? I have yet to see that done.
LG: My recent short film   Underwater Ballet came to me in a dream, in fact, and is closely linked to ideas I was exploring in my  personal life. The feeling of alone-ness, floating  in the universe, at the same time being connected to all the matter and stars which surround... Finding your place in the ballet of the galaxy...
For me it is a mournful, meditative piece- a closure to one chapter and a moment of restlessness, the unknown that awaits...
I wanted to use the phantom camera because I liked the challenge of using such high tech equipment in combination with "low brow" old school vfx technique- the "stars" in the sky are in fact, Alka Seltzer in tanks!-  
Also, when I am told something is not possible, technically or otherwise, I cannot stay away! I love to constantly push my learning curve ...
Yes the collaboration with clear channel for the billboards in LA - and also the spectacolor board in Times Square was in fact, public art.
I had been offered a gallery show of the work but I feel strongly about bringing art to the streets/ public  in general and I felt it was a better avenue to beautify my city in a small way.... I am not interested in making things only a select few can enjoy- I am very happy to be able to reach people that may not have access to or feel comfortable going to a gallery or museum-
Art is for the people!  **Press Release for Times Square attached to email
FP: I noticed in your Diary on your site, http://www.lgoldwynfilms.com you have an entry in regards to the merging of humans with machines. I am wondering if you have ever heard of Donna Haraway's Cyborg Manifesto, on the feminist principal of the same idea. Are you interested in the ideas of future technology and the artist?
LG: I don't know that manifesto. I am always interested in developments in technology,  science and virtual reality. A teacher in high school gave me the William Gibson novel Neuromancer to read which helped foster this obsession- I was struck by how a punk poet like Gibson could conceptualize virtual reality without having a computer...  
Perhaps it shows that anything is possible! There are no limits to the human imagination!
FP: I first became a fan of your work with the documentary "Pretty Things"--a documentary on the last generation of American 'Burlesque Queens.' It has often been said that unfortunately burlesque is a lost art in a time of instant gratification and celebrity. Although there is a retro homage with artists like Dita von Teese, what do you consider to be our modern equivalent of the burlesque?
LG: Dita is a great friend of mine and I think she does an incredible job of holding the burlesque torch- and with her costumes and stage shows, brings a new level of sophistication to the medium-  I also like the work of Trixie Minx, Ava Garter, Immodesty Blaise, Narcissister, the 90s incarnation of the Velvet Hammer- gosh- so many-  
But remember, the true root of the word burlesque has nothing to do with striptease- the Latin "burlare" implies satire, and so a modern burlesque could  quite open to interpretation- from Saturday Night Live to youtube parody...
FP: You have mentioned that your interest in burlesque began when you discovered vintage burlesque costumes in NY...and your work has a sensitivity to fashion and costume. Can you talk a bit about this and whether or not you have ever considered designing clothes?
LG: I make jewelry but I love clothes and admire the craft too much to want to design myself! I have done some limited edition t shirts for charity. Am currently working on one for LENY icons www.leny-icons.com. The net proceeds from the sales of the Fashion Icon products will be forwarded to Al Gore's The Climate Project.
I would really like to have my own lingerie line though! Bras, stockings, panties, bedroom slippers, gowns and robes- the works!
FP: Who are your greatest influences?
LG: my family my friends my dreams conversations with interesting people keeping an open mind and continuing to learn whatever I can- life is constantly influencing!
FP: What are you currently working on?
LG:  a huge multi-media installation in Paris which opens in August-  Oct 2009!
** Le Bon Marche Press release attached to email
FP: Thank you so much! I can't wait to see what you do next!
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jamesbeanblog · 5 years
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Merged Into the Ocean of Oneness
The Bhakta devotee Sant Tukarama saw God everywhere and within everyone. The viewer and the image, the lover and the object of worship, the drop and the ocean have become one:
"All of humanity has become God; My virtues and defects have both been removed. Sublime beyond words, it is indeed a blessing; In this great triumph, my heart is at peace. The reflection in the mirror appears a separate being, But the viewer and his image are one and the same. When it merges into the Ocean, O Tuka, The streamlet becomes the Ocean itself."
-- Sant Tukarama, Gatha 3132
"When Beauty shows itself, all the essences of life converge in it as a center, and it therefore has as a tributary the entire universe." (Nina Gitana)
"The center-most part of your being -- THERE is the Supreme Region. It is the sacred temple of the Spirit -- the place where God delights to abide. It is there He manifests Himself to the one He created. He gives Himself in a way that transcends both senses and all human understanding." (Miguel de Molinos, Spanish Mystic, in, "The Spiritual Guide")
"All bliss, peace and glory lie within you, on the Holy Road upon which you are traveling. So please carry on with your meditations with love, faith and devotion, and you will progress within from day to day and enjoy in ever increasing measures the great love and peace that inner spiritual development affords. Master-Power is working overhead and is your ever benign companion giving all feasible help and grace." (Kirpal Singh, Spiritual Elixir, Volume One)
The Art of true living in which the mind and the body reflect the soul more and more deeply is a high and elegant art. The words of Leonardo da Vinci to an aspiring young artist hold true equally for the art of living and the art and science of spirituality.
"If thou wouldst be an artist, leave off all sadness and care save for thy art. Let thy soul be as a mirror, reflecting all objects, all colors and movements, itself remaining unmoved and clear."
Leonardo's advice is the essence of interior solitude and seclusion, and also of meditation and true living (meditation in action). It points to a synthesis, bringing stillness and action together in an appropriate way.
We are leaving the Age of Separation and entering the Age of Synthesis.
(excerpt from a letter written by Nina Gitana to a Satsangi)
"Another common misconception is that prophets, saints and mystics search for 'new' truth. Rather, what they do is to simply remove the layers of dirt -- of accumulated misinterpretations -- that have corrupted the truth. Then the living teacher will bring forth the very same truth in a new light. The original truth must repeatedly be presented to suit the current age." (Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj)
"I was being crushed like seeds in an oil-press -- but the True Guru set me free. Love, old as all my births, flickered once again." (Songs of Kabir in the Adi Granth, Nirmal Dass, SUNY Press, NY)
Making Spiritual Progress During This Life -- This Time Through
Huzur Baba Sawan Singh: "When the Sant Satguru incarnates on this earth to release the souls from the material covers, he first teaches them that this place is not their permanent abode and that their chief function here is to find the means to return to their own home, whence they came in the beginning. Those who accept his teachings and act upon them with love, gradually return to the purely spiritual region under his guidance. Therefore you need not be anxious and you should continually perform the spiritual practice with firm faith and trust in the mercy of the Holy Father, who has kindly disclosed to you the secrets of the true Holy Name, and you will certainly reach the goal one day.
"Should you hear the Sound when retiring to sleep after getting through the daily meditation, you should continue to listen to it while lying in your bed. At that time you must not think of getting up to adopt the sitting position, as it will draw your attention aside and you may not hear the Sound for some time until you work hard again to concentrate your attention.
"You should also try to hear the Holy Sound in your wakeful state for as long as possible, while attending to the daily meditation, because the more time you allow to this work, the more progress you will make."
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tofascinate · 4 years
twenty-twenty reflection
The year is 2020. I distinguish this year from the others. And there will be more. There might be many! I want to remember, if ever asked upon myself, that my year of 2020 was distinct from the mash of living. From the accordion of living, perhaps. From the “bellows” of my accordion life, here is my layer of 2020:
began with a visit from Kellan, the preparation for a long-anticipated trip to Hong Kong with Rohit. I was living at Momma’s. I had been working for her since I graduated in 2019, while I applied for job positions in cities and graduate programs in Europe and the West Coast.
In January I spent almost 2 weeks in Hong Kong with Rohit and his family. This was a life-changing trip. This was amazing. I felt so taken care of, and each day filled with exploration. And snacks. For the first time, Rohit helped me with Cantonese – every single time I asked, which was a lot, considering my personal goal was to learn as much casual Cantonese as I could while there. I recorded all my new vocabulary and phrases in a list on the plane ride back. Here I met Rohit’s family in their home element, spent an afternoon with Rohit’s mom, accompanied Rohit to friend meetups, and experienced a Chinese New Year family celebration (!!). I hiked the most exhausting and thrilling mountain of my life, called Lantau Peak (the second highest peak in Hong Kong). I felt some of my biases melt on this trip, and some of my interests open up and blossom.
I left Hong Kong as the coronavirus became an issue in the Eastern Asian world. I spent a night in Tokyo, not with Rohit, but with my nourishing airport snacks and exhausted schedule until my flight left the next day for the U.S.
In February life moved quickly. I applied to all 4 master’s programs, I had a second interview for a serendipitous job position in Philadelphia (the only job among many that wanted an interview!), I helped Rohit find an apartment in Norwalk, I left Rohit at his apartment in Norwalk, I accepted the job in Philadelphia, I found a place to live in Philadelphia (more magic was to come of that 2-weeks-before-moving FB find), and I moved to Philadelphia!!!
My momma helped me move here. To the city I’d never before been to, but in which I was about to find the happiest home. The first 2 weeks of this month were extremely memorable. I worked in the Comcast Technology Center building (a wow) as a LaunchCode teaching assistant for a 12-student, 14-week intro to computer programming and web development intensive course. I took every opportunity to explore the building, the surrounding city. The first week of connection with students was special. The idea of working the rest of the course remotely was ridiculously unlikely.
On March 14th, the pandemic was real. On March 13th, my co-teacher took home the classroom’s bottle of Purell.
My second roommate, Channing, and her kitty Tycho moved in. Deeksha, Channing, Tycho, and I would become a mini family.
We were in quarantine times, but I hadn’t had so much social interaction, peer interaction, freedom, intellectual stimulation, and work to do since the end of college 2019. It was a blessing to be where I was.
I will use April to say that I loved this job. It was a pinch-myself moment all the way through. I still sometimes can’t believe that I rose to the responsibilities, leadership, and organization required of me. Maybe it’s like that with new jobs that push you outside of your comfort zone and give you so much room to grow. LaunchCode was an extremely supportive and inspiring company to work for. The community of students (Comcast workers transitioning into future software engineering roles) were admirable and kind in how hard they worked, and how they helped each other.
I realized at this time that I was experiencing the dream I had put intention towards. It’s not always obvious realizing this. In fact, at first I thought I was accepting the job because it was the next best and only option. On the outside I didn’t know how meaningful it would be to me once immersed in it. When things all came together, I realized here I was, in the freedom of living independently from my home nest, in a friendly family of roommates, in a new city to explore, with a working position that supported me financially, allowed me to save for grad school, that opened me up to the computer science industry world, that used my strengths and pushed me to grow, that used my creativity, and that felt like I was being paid to learn.
I am sooooo grateful for serving in this role. It served me tremendously.
Also to be noted, Philadelphia spring. And Tycho the kitty made me love cats more than I thought I could love cats (who are now sometimes allowed to sleep under my blankets too).
At some point here, Deeksha, Channing, and I got to be really creative and goofy together. This plus sharing food and Deeksha eating my desserts ♡ ♡ = start of roomie love. Channing’s surprise birthday scavenger hunt.
At some point, I got accepted and not accepted into master’s programs!
And how did it happen that my random roommate’s husband was living and working in Germany following his CS master’s program there? Or that my roommate-friend would eventually move there too?
Work program extended by a week = another week of pay = I justify more so staying in Philadelphia longer… and longer… Staying also meant more time in the magical family and incredible bit of life I knew would end eventually. Staying meant not putting my parents at risk, or having to stay inside to keep them from risk.
In June I saw 6 helicopters flying above the city from my rooftop. I filmed them one night and was captured fleetingly in their search light. I stayed home for 6 and 8 pm curfews. I read ideas and information, and observed the panicked passion of my social media a little hesitantly. I spoke with my family. I read more until I felt settled and inspired with the movement of change. I walked around the city. I saw society a little differently; I saw reasons to question how I saw almost everything. 
The Monday after the big weekend, my coworkers asked me and us all how we were doing, if there were protests in our neighborhoods. It was the first time I saw my coworkers as Black. I didn’t know if I was saying the right thing. 
My co-teacher told me I was “lucky” I’d be moving out of the country. I told him I still wanted my home country to be a welcoming place for all. He was not so confident.
And! Rohit visited for a week :). I had fun and we both couldn’t wait to go back to having individual spaces to be ourselves.
At one point, with my job ended and Channing in North Carolina for most of the month, I was met with the pressure of everything I could do in the calm before the storm of change, and everything I wasn’t doing. A little rough. Oh to be leaving a place that has already been leaving you.
I moved in with Rohit in Norwalk! Took all my Philadelphia belongings in a car with not-friends Deeksha and Channing, and drove (Channing drove) to Norwalk. I was so grateful to them for that trip. We got a glimpse of the no-parking beaches. Specifically, we parked for 15 minutes in the “15 Minute Parking ONLY” spot by the beach at cotton candy sunset while Deeksha and I ran to the warm water and the two of us dove in like happy water pups and not 23- to 30-year-olds. Next day was a rockier beach and I’m still wishing Channing her next sunny beach day. This month was fun and without-a-car adventurous, though the airbnb-turned-rented-apartment that was actually’s Rohit’s didn’t quite feel like my settling in home. My daily purpose was working for my mom again and preparing for my master’s program.
I loved running so much with Rohit.
I did not love figuring out how to acquire a car to stay in Rochester for a month. Haha (thinking about tears). But we did it! And then we packed too many of my things into the car with Rohit’s things and drove 6 hours to Rochester, NY. 
I think we each ran longer distances than we had run before along the river trail in Rochester. We were a little outdoorsy. We had an ample supply of local Chinese bakery goods (that reminded me of Hong Kong bakery items). There was sun, but not in the apartment. By the way, this apartment was a miraculous coincidence from one of Rohit’s (very tidy and kind) friends who hadn’t been living there for months but would have to move out at the end of October. So we could pay him rent!
Also surprise to AriaRay’s patience, calm, and going with the flow acceptance: as a bonus level to the desperately declared plan of packing ahead of time to avoid the overwhelming stress of the previous move, Rohit and I learned we would also be cleaning and clearing out our friend’s apartment first! 
In the end, I had to accept that it was Rohit’s leading responsibility. Whatever we could do would make the experience easier for our absent friend. We moved out and found donation homes for almost everything. We did it! 5 pm and out the door to Burlington! (Extra exclamation points for whirlwind desperation and relief.)
I spent my last day with Rohit in Burlington. Burlington was love. And glorious fall.
I packed for Germany, I found a place to live in Germany, I boarded a plane to Germany. I got on the plane to Germany and went to sleep in Germany and thought, “Haha, isn’t it funny that I’m in Germany? Who thought of Germany?”
A new country and a new day to day life! I was grateful to be finally there and in awe that I had gotten to this point. My childhood self said, “when I’m 23, I’ll be in Europe.” Well, here I am.
We’re still in a pandemic. Meaning my classes are online and my traveling is cautiously limited to grocery store treks and to walks or bus rides around the city.
I have 3 very nice (and extraordinarily clean??) roommates from Ukraine, Russia, Iraq. All studying. One speaks better German than English, which is sometimes amusing as I really do want to have a conversation with her anyway.
Birthday, Halloween. But sometimes I forget and think my last birthday was in 2019. Blurry.
Hmmm studying. It still feels unprocessed to reflect on this. My master’s program can be considered a computational linguistics degree, formally called “Language Science and Technology M.Sc.” because to be more specific, this degree covers broader areas of computer science for language, and linguistics for computer science, than only computational linguistics. 
I do love the subject. It is by far a synthesis of my linguistics and cs interests. I’m learning a little more than what my focus for here initially has been. Is this a good thing? Maybe a nice cushion of knowledge and perspective. Still looking for how to study and process spoken language, how to relate this to second language acquisition. 
I think I get it. My core lectures right now are foundations for this field. I will leap from them into my specific field of interest. My software project is a learning ground for tools and seeds for future ideas, practice with coding group projects again. My seminars are for thinking, reading, discussing, weaving ideas, hearing from others seasoned in the topics and those of my peers investing their newfound or nurtured interests. Three more semesters.
Where will I be next?
I think I should mention one Thanksgiving meal that we cooked for, and shared with the additional guests of Olha’s partner Gaston and his roommate...with a name I can’t place now...from Morocco. This was a widely, uniquely fun night.
Hello cozy holidays, the first, by myself. My roommates and I decorated a tree from our local grocery store. I made cookies and cards, sent 14 gold letters. I spent hours decorating and felt creatively festive. ‘Tis the season :). Hoping everyone can feel the love I’m sending. 
Surprises came after small gifts appeared from each roommate to each other. Olha made us all Christmas gift bags of gingerbread cookies. I strung a decorated card on the tree for each roommate and shared cookies and oranges. Uliana wrapped Russian tea and a scented candle in parchment paper, leftover gold glittered tree ribbon, and a holiday clothespin. She wrote “Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!” in each of our languages: Russian (well, not Ukrainian), English, German. Zhenas gave us each a gift bag of treats. So, there has been magic in my apartment this season.
Happy New Year, and thank you 2020, for all the joy, discoveries, and change you have brought me. Here’s to love in 2021.
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toxoiddiamond · 4 years
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T H E B A S I C S Given Name: Seong Ki-mun Nicknames: He briefly went by the name Kyle in middle school because he was tired of people teasing him about his “weird” name. But by the time he got to high school he didn’t care anymore and was back to going by his real name. (He also started purposely mispronouncing the names of anyone who made fun of his name– think A-a-ron.) Age: 30 Birthday: November 23rd Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Birthplace: Anaheim, California Current Location: NYC, New York Speaks: English, Korean (fluently, but his family teases him about his “American accent” all the time) Dominant Hand: Right Education: He got his Associates Degree from LaGuardia Community College, then transferred to NYU and got his Bachelors in Arts & Sciences. He cheerfully refers to college as the most money he’s ever wasted in his life. Occupation: Teaching Assistant in the English department at CUNY Hunter College. He mostly assists with the Writing and Poetry classes, but also helps out with various Literature classes and acts as a substitute teacher within the department if a professor is out sick or anything. He sometimes ends up being treated more like a personal assistant– sent out for coffee or lunch, asked to type up notes or sort paperwork, but he doesn’t mind. Vehicle: Ki-mun’s aunt and uncle bought him a white 1998 Honda Prelude when he graduated from high school, and he still has it to this day. He doesn’t drive much since it’s so impractical in the city, but he likes having it around as an option for longer trips, road trips, etc. Worldly Possessions: Tons of random art supplies– pencils, charcoal, sketchbooks, clay, paints, brushes, etc. Notebooks completely filled with poetry (with many of the poems scribbled out). A fancy smart TV. A bunch of bean bag chairs. A super nice tablet (Ki-Mun may have a bit of an obsession with having the latest technology~). Tons of socks– like, way too many socks. He has an entire dresser drawer just for his socks. Pet(s): A super adorable calico munchkin kitty named Bugsy.
A P P E A R A N C E Height: He says 5’8”, but he’s closer to 5’7”. Hair: Dark black. Very full, soft and shiny. Always seems to fall perfectly into place even with the bare minimum of effort. He usually just puts a bit of pomade in it and tousles it. Facial Hair: His facial hair is very patchy, so he doesn’t bother growing it out. Eye Colour: Brown Skin Tone: A makeup artist friend of his, Andi, occasionally asks to put makeup on Ki-mun as practice (and also for fun) and has informed Ki-mun that his skin tone is “warm beige.” She also informed Ki-mun that he is an Autumn– Ki-mun doesn’t know what that means, but he likes to share it as a fun fact anytime he has to introduce himself to a group of students. Clothing: Ki-mun dresses like a pretty typical hipster, honestly. Skinny jeans, oversized sweaters, band tees, peacoats, cardigans, leather jackets, etc. He usually wears contacts, but occasionally wears big ol’ glasses. Distinguishing Marks: Does being adorable count as a distinguishing feature? Face Claim: Justin H Min
H E A L T H Physical Health: Not bad. Ki-mun was born HIV positive, but has been taking antiretroviral medications since he was a kid. At this point, his viral load is basically non-existent and he is considered to be in remission, with a very good prognosis. Because of the medication he takes, his immune system is not the best, and he is much more susceptible to getting sick as a result. During cold and flu season, Ki-mun will often wear a mask when he’s out in public– his aunt and uncle ingrained that habit in him from a young age (and also wore masks themselves so he wouldn’t feel like the odd one out). Physical Abilities/Limitations: He’s decent at almost anything to do with art, but is especially good at drawing with charcoal. He also likes doing speed-sketches, figure sketches, etc. He is also weirdly good at baseball, and plays on the New York City Metro Baseball Team as part of the NY Blacksox during the season (June through August). Also, he is great at tossing food directly into people’s mouths– popcorn, M&Ms, etc. He hardly ever misses. Addictions: Definitely caffeine, but no serious addictions. Allergies: He gets a mild rash when he eats or touches strawberries. Mental Health: It’s not horrible? It’s not great, but not horrible. As much as he denies it, Ki-mun is pretty lonely, partly because he has such a hard time letting anyone in. He’s not the most trusting person, and tends to keep people at arms’ length until he’s sure they can be trusted. At the moment, he only has one person in his life that he would actually consider a friend. Everyone else is just an acquaintance to him. Ki-mun has sort of “accepted” the idea that he may end up being alone forever, even though that’s not really what he wants.
H I S T O R Y Summary: Ki-mun was born in Anaheim, California, and got off to a pretty rough start. His mother had AIDS, and unfortunately, it was passed on to Ki-mun. He was fine and had no symptoms for a few months, but eventually began to get sick, though thanks to swift treatment, he recovered quickly and the HIV never progressed. As Ki-mun got older, his mother’s health began to deteriorate, until finally they moved in with Ki-mun’s aunt and uncle so they could help take care of her. She eventually was bedridden and had to stay in the hospital full time. One of Ki-mun’s earliest memories is of visiting his mother in the hospital for the last time, which is absolutely one of his worst memories. After his mother passed away, Ki-mun’s aunt and uncle took him in and raised him as one of their own children. They love him like crazy and were amazing parents to him, and Ki-mun has always been grateful to them– not only for raising him, but for loving him as much as they love their actual children and never making him feel like he mattered less. He had a relatively happy childhood in spite of everything. After high school, Ki-mun decided to move to New York– he wanted a change of pace, and wanted a chance to start over and reinvent himself. He found a job and began taking classes at the community college, managed to get his associate’s degree after a year and a half, and transferred to NYU to get his Bachelors. Ki-mun was a very dedicated student and didn’t spend a lot of time getting to know any of his fellow classmates, going to parties, making friends, etc. Still, he ended up being roped into a friend/study group, which is where he ended up meeting Spencer. Spencer was the first person that Ki-mun had serious feelings for. They were friends for the better part of two years, each attracted to the other but both too nervous to say anything. Finally, a week before graduation, Ki-mun got up the courage to confess how he felt, and they became an official couple for all of one day. Unfortunately, once Ki-mun explained to Spencer about his diagnosis, Spencer flew off the handle and accused Ki-mun of being deceptive, being a liar, being manipulative, etc. He told Ki-mun he was disgusting and to never contact him again, and that was that. Shortly after Ki-mun’s heart was smashed to pieces, he packed up everything he owned and moved to a new area of the city, wanting to put at least a little bit of distance between himself and his old friend group. It was here that he met Andi and became close friends with her, and also found a job at CUNY Hunter College. Although Ki-mun feels that his life is generally good and happy– he enjoys his job, has a really good friend and coworkers he likes, he has gotten really into his poetry lately and has been reading it at open mic nights– he can’t help but feel that something is missing from his life. Job History: He worked in his aunt and uncle’s restaurant from ages fifteen to eighteen. When he moved to New York, he did a little bit of job hopping before finally settling on a job at a grocery store– he stayed at that job until he graduated from college and took his job at CUNY Hunter. Fondest Memories: Despite the fact that his childhood was pretty rough at times, Ki-mun has a lot of great memories as well. Family trips to Korea, various birthdays, his graduation day. He also has fond memories of his job at the grocery store– as much as he didn’t enjoy the work, he really liked his coworkers. Plus, all the various spur-of-the-moment adventures Andi has dragged him into. Worst Experiences: His mother dying when he was four years old. Finally getting to be with the person he’d been hung up on for two years, only to be broken up with after less than a day.
C O M M U N I C A T I O N Speech Pace/Style: Sarcastic. Often sounds like he might be annoyed. He speaks in monotone with most people, even when he’s not in a bad mood, so people often think he’s angry or doesn’t like them (and to be fair, they are sometimes correct). If he’s talking to a friend, he’ll definitely be more animated and not so grumpy. And if, by chance, he’s talking to someone he’s attracted to (*coughDODGERcough*) then he’ll get a little tongue-tied, like he wants to flirt but he doesn’t really know how. Accent: American. When he speaks Korean, his American accent does come through a bit, something his family likes to tease him about. Favorite Phrases or Words: When he’s done listening to someone and wants them to stop talking to him/stop telling him a boring story, he will just say “cool” in the most monotone voice he can manage. It usually works. Usual Curse Words: He says “Jesus Christ” and “oh fuck” a lot.
P E R S O N A L I T Y, M I N D S E T, A N D B E L I E F S Personality Type: ISFP-T Sense of Humor: Definitely sarcastic and dry. He can be mean at times, but usually only if the person deserves it. As a result, Ki-mun has been described as “sassy” more than once. When he’s with people he actually likes, Ki-mun is a lot more lighthearted and not so sarcastic. Habits: Twists his lips a little when he’s thinking hard. Rolls his eyes when someone says something he thinks is dumb. Also rolls his eyes and sighs if he’s stuck in a conversation he really doesn’t want to have. When he’s reading his poetry out loud, he never looks up at the audience/whoever is listening because he’ll get too nervous if he sees everyone looking at him. Fears/Phobias: As much as he tries to act like he doesn’t care what anyone thinks of him, Ki-mun is very secretive about certain aspects of himself, and is very afraid of someone finding out more about him than he wants them to know. He can’t stand having his privacy invaded, and it honestly makes him feel sick to think of the wrong person knowing too much about him (he still hates that he ever let himself be so vulnerable with Spencer, and blames himself for not seeing more clearly what kind of person he was). Strengths: Ki-mun is very creative and has a knack for all kinds of art. Although it’s hard to get to know him, once he becomes friends with someone, he is fiercely loyal and would do anything for them. As a teacher/teaching assistant, he is exceptionally patient– much more so than in other aspects of his life. He is always happy to answer questions and help anyone student who needs it. Underneath his harsh exterior, Ki-mun is a kind person who just has trouble opening himself up to others. Flaws: He has built up a lot of walls around himself in an effort to try and keep himself from getting hurt. Every time he’s let those walls down, he’s ended up regretting it and building them back up even higher. Anyone who wants to get to know him has to be very determined. Ki-mun is also not the type of person to be nice just because social conventions say he should– if he doesn’t like someone, he won’t talk to them. If he thinks someone is boring, he will tell them so. He can’t stand small talk and will never willingly engage in it. This makes him a very difficult person to interact with. Hopes/Desires: He is not entirely sure what he wants to do with his life, but right now, he’s happy just working and exploring his options. All he knows is that he wants to keep writing poetry, possibly get some published, and keep working in a field that lets him play to his strengths. Wildest Fantasy: A cure for HIV/AIDS being found. Self-Esteem: It’s a little complicated. On some level, Ki-mun is confident in himself and proud of all he’s accomplished in his life. But at the same time, he has it in his head that he doesn’t deserve some of the things he wants, such as a romantic relationship, marriage, a family, etc. He kind of views himself as damaged goods, unfortunately. Religion: He was raised Protestant, and his family used to be fairly devout. He went to church every Sunday, they read scriptures and said a family prayer every night, etc. But the older the kids got, the less active in the church the entire family became. His parents and siblings are still casually religious, and Ki-mun has held on to certain aspects of it, but he doesn’t care about going to church or reading the bible or anything.
R A N D O M Sleeping Position: Usually on his stomach, occasionally on his back. Boxers or Briefs?: Briefs Day or Night?: He’s okay with both. He works during the day, which he likes, and in the late afternoon/evening he goes to the cafe and hangs out or reads his poetry. Top or Bottom?: Bottom, but he’s willing to switch if his partner wants to. Partying or Relaxing?: He likes parties, but he really prefers relaxing when it comes right down to it.
R E L A T I O N S H I P S Closest Friend: Andi is currently the only person Ki-mun would call a friend. He has a lot of acquaintances, but no one else that he’s really close to. Relationship History: He dated a couple of people in high school, but it was just puppy love and nothing serious. He had a couple of flings in college as well, just short-lived, purely physical relationships, and the only sexual encounters Ki-mun has ever had. And then there was Spencer. Ki-mun has not even been on a date since that whole debacle. Sexual Partners: Just the two guys Ki-mun had brief flings with. Thoughts About Sex: He enjoys it. He’s also pretty sure he’s never going to have it again, and has come to accept that.
P A R E N T S Name(s): His mother’s name was Seong Bo-ram. His aunt and uncle are named Park Min-ji and Park Kang-dae. Age(s): His mother passed away at the age of 28. His aunt is 57 and his uncle is 60. Social Standing: His mother was very well-liked, but was shunned by a lot of her friends after she not only became pregnant out of wedlock, but ended up contracting HIV. His aunt and uncle are well-respected in their community, and also well-off financially, firmly in the upper middle class. Occupation(s): His mom was a flight attendant. His aunt and uncle run a small Korean restaurant which is extremely popular– on weekends there’s often a line of people outside waiting to get in. Religion: Protestant-ish. Quality of Relationship With Their Children: Ki-mun’s mom loved him a ton– the reason she left him to her sister and brother-in-law is because she knew they would love Ki-mun as much as she did, and she was right. Ki-mun is still very close to his aunt and uncle. Living/Deceased: His mother is dead, but his aunt and uncle are alive.
S I B L I N G (S) Name(s): Park Kang-min,  Jang-mi (aka Jamie) Sanders, and Park Bo-ram (named after Ki-mun’s mother). Age(s): 33, 31, and 27. Social Standing: They’re all doing quite well in life and are upstanding members of society. Occupation(s): Kang-min is a commercial airline pilot, Jamie is currently a stay-at-home mom but plans to go back to work as an RN once her kids are a little older, and Bo-ram is a violinist with the California Symphony. Religion: They’re all sorta Protestant, but Jamie is the only one of them who still goes to church now and then. Quality of Relationship with Character: Even though they are technically Ki-mun’s cousins, they always refer to him as their brother. They’re all pretty close; they don’t talk all the time or anything, but when they do, they get along very well and have always enjoyed each other’s company. Living/Deceased: All living~
D A I L Y L I F E Living Arrangements: Ki-mun lives in a modest studio apartment fairly close to both his work and Central Park. The apartment is well-decorated, with a lived-in, cozy sort of look. He’s very comfortable where he is, not at all bothered by living in a small space, especially considering how much more expensive it would be to upgrade to a one-bedroom.
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belligerentbagel · 5 years
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A 2020 Rant Exposition on Fear-Inciting Media and Fact-Checking the Shit You See: 
A friend posted a link to the above article on Facebook. 
I get it. We’re all nervous and uncertain. The state of the world is changing by the day; the state of your community is changing by the hour. We want information that is either being withheld or is simply not known yet. 
But - and I say this as a biologist and teacher, with love and patience and understanding in my heart - this is the worst time to feed the fear trolls. 
Feeding the fear trolls (ie, any person or group that benefits from social panic and instability) only creates more social panic and instability, and ultimately hurts us all. Remember the toilet paper panic and all the good memes? Ha ha. Now - remember all the photos of older people who were unable to get the supplies they need, or the families who couldn’t find enough food at the store for their kids, or the opportunistic price gougers that swept the aisles clean? That’s what I mean. 
I know this is a scary and uncertain time, but I definitely encourage everyone to keep fact-checking any headlines or news that seem Scarier Than Usual! Here’s a checklist:
Check the source: How credible is the publisher? Do a lot of the headlines sound equally sensational and over-the-top? If so, it’s probably a media company more focused on views/clicks than truth.
Check the subject: Drop that bad boy into Google. Have other major news sources also covered it? Or is it just the one publisher, standing naked in the town square with its junk flapping in the wind, yelling about the end of the world?
Check the science: Have any reliable scientific journals, universities, or government agencies addressed the topic? Remember, the “trustworthy” suffixes are usually .edu, .gov, or .org -- and I still advise caution when checking sites, to see if the organization in charge has *other* interests.
A few tips for checking scientific journals: If an article is marked as “pre-print,” then it has not yet undergone peer review for publication. The publication process for scientific articles is very intense - there’s peer reviews, there’s deciding whether the content is a worthwhile contribution to the scientific community, etc. I also check the publishing year - with the current focus on COVID-19, there’s a rush to push out as much material as possible to try to help other researchers - which has led to some inaccuracies or misdirecting material to slip through. If the publishing year is after 2000 but before 2019, then it is probably safe to consider that article as a non-reactionary piece that has had adequate time to get peer-reviewed (articles before 2000 run the risk of having outdated information).
PSA aside, my rant at the NY Post and this specific article below: 
First off, I am not an epidemiologist. My degree is in biological sciences (specifically evolution, ecology, and biodiversity). I have worked as a lab researcher before. I am currently teaching high school biology, and - because students interact with a ton of information daily and are full of questions and concerns, I have spent the last few months applying my extensive experience in reading & parsing scientific journals.
1) The NY Post is one of the least reliable publications around. A lot of its headlines and articles are poorly-researched half-truths or straight-up sensational lies. It is also owned by Rupert Murdoch (otherwise known for being a big fan of the current administration and the owner/CEO of Fox News).
A very abbreviated summary of the NY Post’s controversial history as a tabloid: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_Post#Criticism - yes, a Wikipedia link, but it references many other external sources:  
The Post has been criticized since the beginning of Murdoch's ownership for sensationalism, blatant advocacy, and conservative bias. In 1980, the Columbia Journalism Review stated “New York Post is no longer merely a journalistic problem. It is a social problem – a force for evil.”
2) Whether or not the dog contracted COVID-19 is still questionable:
The owner did not allow a postmortem. That means there is no confirmation on whether or not the cause of death was COVID-19.
Because the owner contracted COVID (and recovered), several tests were also done on the dog's blood to check for COVID-specific antibodies. The presence of antibodies would mean that the dog's immune system had encountered the virus and was fighting the infection by producing antibodies. A few tests were "weak positives," but the last two tests were negative (which is why the dog was allowed to return home). [Source]
3) A virus "jumping" species is a remarkable (and usually very rare) feat, which requires genetic recombination and probability-driven scenarios. As far as I can find right now, coronavirus ("coronavirus” referring to all coronaviruses - including SARS and MERS) host ranges are only recorded in bats, pigs, dromedaries (camels), and humans. [Source]
I don’t have a good kicky conclusion. Be careful about the information you consume. Take breaks from media (especially if you’re on social quarantine and your primary interactions with people are happening through websites or apps). Make something. Keep washing your hands. 
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cooperhewitt · 4 years
Milton Glaser (1929–2020)
Milton Glaser (1929–2020) was a giant figure in the history of graphic design. Born in the Bronx to immigrants from Hungary, Glaser graduated in 1951 from The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, where he and other students received full-tuition scholarships from the endowment established by Peter Cooper. Glaser also studied in Bologna, Italy, with the painter Giorgio Morandi. This New York kid mixed together commercial art and fine art to create a potent new language. He co-founded Push Pin Studios in 1954 with friends from Cooper Union. Based in New York City, Push Pin became an international force in the 1960s and 70s, with a legacy that continues to inspire designers and illustrators today. 
Glaser is best known among designers for his illustrated posters and album covers. His Dylan poster (1966) became an enduring symbol of a unique era in American pop culture, while his posters for Olivetti mashed together his triple love for Renaissance art, Italian design, and American comic books. “I Love NY” (1977), a campaign promoting tourism in New York State during a dire period of economic crisis, became a global meme subject to endless variation and an indelible symbol of New York City.
Glaser was also a formidable art director and publication designer. In 1968, he started New York Magazine with editor Clay Felker and designer Walter Bernard. In the beginning, they ran the magazine out of the top floor of Glaser’s townhouse on East 32nd Street. New York’s juicy, jazzy typography and ambitious editorial concepts launched a new era in publication design. 
Glaser was a generous teacher. From 1960 to 2002, he taught a course called Design and Personality at New York’s School of Visual Arts, in which any designer could enroll with an interview. After 2002 he taught in the SVA’s MFA Design graduate program. He also taught at Cooper Union. Hundreds of designers had the unique privilege to spend intensive time with this kind, caring critic and educator. 
As a tribute to this legendary designer, we reached out to designers, students, and friends from different generations to find out what he meant to them personally and to the broader practice of graphic design. These tributes not only show what a beloved person Glaser was, they also contribute to our historical assessment of his impact on the field.
  Ellen Lupton is Senior Curator of Contemporary Design at Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum and Director of the Graphic Design MFA program at Maryland Institute College of Art.
“Milton Glaser was a model, mentor, teacher,  and rabbi for so many in a field that we love (and hate and love to hate and want to fix) and love again. He was a father, grandfather, uncle, and medicine man, who opened doors of perception and perceptive thought. I’m reluctant to sum up his life in Twitter cadence (Gov Cuomo did a nice job). But I’ll say this: he never left his opinions unsaid or beliefs dormant. His commitment to social justice was not a brand, and he insisted that if you don’t really believe, don’t waste your time just making a poster. But if you do believe, fight for it with all the strength you can muster in all the media available.”—Steven Heller, designer, writer, and historian
“In the ’60s, Push Pin Studios inspired a whole generation of illustrators and graphic designers, me among them. The work combined eclectic, often historic typography with illustrations that were idea-based, not nostalgic. They were the antidote to ultra-clean, heavily organized Swiss Modernism, which was the language of big corporations. Milton Glaser was the leader of the pack because he was as articulate as he was visually talented.”—Paula Scher, graphic designer
Video montage created by Bobby Martin, June 27, 2020
“At SVA MFA Design, Glaser gave us our assignment before the first class: bring a source of light. We all showed up with some variation on a light bulb. For the next three hours, he taught us to see beyond the obvious and set an expectation for rule-breaking, even when the assignment came from a famous designer like him. Milton Glaser is our source of light.”—Bobby C. Martin, Jr., Champions Design; student of Milton Glaser
“He was generous, not only with his time, but with his ideas about design, love, and especially truth. He reminded us over and over again that our role as designers is to tell the truth and to help people. He also taught me how to really see. Milton had an amazing way of seeing your intent, even if your hands couldn’t get you there. He had x-ray vision.”—Mike Essl, Dean, Cooper Union School of Art and student of Milton Glaser
“Like with all “famous” graphic designers, most people will know him only for his icons—a few posters and the NY logo. He was lucky to have created such iconic pieces, but his influence goes well beyond. Milton’s name stands for a whole school of graphic design that overcame the European, Swiss-dominated influence after the war and showed that design can be useful and fun at the same time. His work proves that design is an intellectual activity which, in the hands of a master like him, can also entertain, amuse, and inform.”—Erik Spiekermann, designer
    “Milton was the first graphic designer I’d ever heard of—as a high school kid in Nebraska in 1971, when I found out that the same guy had created both the poster in my Dylan’s Greatest Hits album and  New York Magazine, which I’d just discovered. After I became editor of New York 23 years later, I met him, which disproved the cliche about meeting one’s heroes being disappointing.”—Kurt Andersen, author
“I consider Milton a pillar of the history of graphic design and of the MoMA collection. On a personal level—as a person who thinks that design is the highest form of human creative expression—I was always struck by Milton’s intellectual and physical stamina. Curious, critical, always ready to argue, generous, truly dedicated, never complacent, never patronizing. No small talk, bless him. Every lunch at Maialino with him was a whirlwind of stories, gossip, questions, and answers.”—Paola Antonelli, curator
“In Brazil, the memorable “I heart NY” concept has been adapted across the nation. In my hometown Porto Alegre, the red heart is replaced with the shape of our traditional drinking cup. A sign in Belém uses two mangos to resemble a heart. Each place picks its own symbol to express love for its community inspired by Glaser’s love for NY.”—Raquel Castedo, designer and historian
“His designs graced the covers of the Shakespeare books I read in school, and the bottles of Brooklyn beer I drank. Milton was also an activist, who spoke out eloquently against the war in Iraq, and created political covers for The Nation and worked for nonprofit organizations like Landmark West!. He was civic-minded, generous of spirit, a humanist.”—Nicholas Blechman, illustrator, author, and art director
“Despite his fame, Milton Glaser always struck me as one of “the people.” His work, his writing, and his teaching all reflected genuine care for others, a desire to make them joyful, enlightened, sympathetic, understood. He was everyone’s graphic designer.”—Louise Sandhaus, design historian and co-founder of The People’s Graphic Design Archive
“I was invited to interview Milton on stage at Cooper Hewitt in 2010. Backstage, I mentioned I was on the fence about creating a book to teach graphic design to children. What did he think of that? His eyes lit up and he said ‘Oh my GOD, do it! That’s a great idea!’ I was so relieved. I had just gotten the best permission ever. Thanks, Milton.”—Chip Kidd, designer and author
“About 17years ago, I decided to build a small house in Woodstock, NY, where Milton lived and was quite revered as a famous artist. Milton immediately decided who would design the house, and told me to please show him photos of the construction. At one point, I sent a picture of the back of the house, saying that I worried the window configuration made the house look like a big grimace. He wrote back, simply saying, ‘No, Gail—that’s not a grimace. It’s a smile.’”—Gail Anderson, designer
“Farewell, my friend. I’ve known you for 45 years, and you have never ceased to inspire me, first as a teacher, next as my first boss, then as a mentor and colleague, and ultimately dear friend to me and my family. What set Milton apart was not his passion, but his compassion, which, with his intelligence, made him a superpower. Rest In Peace, dear friend, you’ve earned it!”—Stephen Doyle, designer
from Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum https://ift.tt/3eLaTB4 via IFTTT
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Schizoid Existential Dread - Explanation by Elinor Greenberg
The Schizoid Dilemma
When you grow up in an oppressive and abusive home where you are treated as a thing and not a person with rights and feelings, you are likely to feel that you have only two choices:
A Master/Slave Relationship: You can be in a relationship, but that means (based on your childhood experiences) that you agree to be treated as a thing and the other person has the right to dominate you and dictate the terms of the relationship. No negotiation is possible.
Complete Isolation: You become completely independent and give up even attempting to make intimate connections, or you settle for partial relationships, or even fantasies of relationships that exist mainly in your mind. No real connection is possible.
(My understanding of Schizoid phenomena is primarily based on the work of Ralph Klein, MD who wrote extensively and exquisitely clearly about the Schizoid Disorder of the Self in, Disorders of the Self: New Therapeutic Horizons—The Masterson Approach, NY: Brunner/Mazel, 1995, pp. 3–142, and who was my teacher at The Masterson Institute and later my colleague).
Existential Dread and a Sense of Meaninglessness
When people with Schizoid adaptations choose isolation over becoming someone else’s puppet, they can go too far. At a certain point it is a bit like a person suffering from anorexia who once chose not to eat, but now cannot eat.
As Schizoid individuals move further and further from the possibility of connecting with other people, life starts to feel increasingly meaningless. If this continues, they begin to feel what they describe as “existential dread.” They fear becoming so disconnected that it is as if they are dead while they are alive and they will no longer have the ability to reconnect.
The Dream of Drifting in Deep Space
Many Schzoid clients report remarkedly similar versions of the same nightmare that metaphorically represents this isolated and disconnected state:
I am in a space ship and I suit up to make a needed repair to the outside of the ship. I am connected to the ship by my air hose. I am crawling over the surface of the ship when I lose my grasp on my handhold. I drift off into space wth only my hose still connecting me to the ship. I am terrified that any moment my hose will break and I will drift off into deep space. I will have no sense of whether I am upright or upside down. I will die all alone screaming for help, but no one will hear me. I wake up terrified.
This same theme often pops up in science fiction movies.
The Existential Philosophers
Many of my Schizoid clients are attracted to the writings of the Existential philosophers. They identify with Jean Paul Sartre’s statement that “Hell is other people” and Franz Kafka’s books, such as The Metamorphosis where a man becomes a cockroach, and The Trial, where a man is prosecuted for an unknown crime by a remote and unreasonable bureaucracy.
The Existential Crisis
The hallmark of severe Schizoid disorders is an existential crisis: life ceases to have meaning, there is nothing of interest to look forward to, and the person questions the whole point of living. This is accompanied by feelings of despair. Sometimes these clients become preoccupied with death and dying.
One client could no longer function. All he reported doing all day was looking at everyone he met and wondering: “When will this person die?”
Punchline: Because only my Schizoid clients report having existential crisises (never Borderline or Narcissistic clients), I consider existential angst and a preoccupation with death and the meaningless of life one of the signs that I am dealing with a profoundly Schizoid client.
Elinor Greenberg, PhD, CGP
In private practice in NYC and the author of the book: Borderline, Narcissistic, and Schizoid Adaptations: The Pursuit of Love, Admiration, and Safety.
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