thatpinkshinobi · 4 years
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Tenten 💖
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Imagine being one of Henry’s closest friends. The paparazzi caught the two of you out to dinner, photographing Henry holding your hand on the way to the car. It was nothing, really - he just knows they make you uncomfortable. In the car, you joke that they’re going to think he finally made a move on his best friend. He stops for a moment, winking at you as he says, “Maybe I should.”
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superuggly · 7 years
Why I'm so freaking excited starfire is being played by a Dark Skinned Black Woman
Growing up being the nerd I am, Ive been exposed to what fiction and society describes as beauty. From starting with Japanese Manga I always wasn't comfy with myself because I read about how the male only fell in love with the short, fair skin skinny as hell girls, and me being hecka tall and thicker in elementary school (the time I was heavily into eastern comics) I pretty much though I was the ugliest thing around. I thought to be pretty my hair had to be straight and my skin had to be light, none of which are true.
Things got a lot better when I got into American comics and saw woman like storm and vixen gracing the covers of comic books and it really made me feel powerful as black woman. Of course though my favorite female character of all time was starfire. Before I had storm and many other powerful black women I had starfire. She was just the coolest thing ever to me. Here she was a freaking outsider yet she was considered the most beautiful woman men had ever laid eyes on!!!!!! She was tall as heck! and I even read somewhere that she was like 200 lbs (which is a really big thing for me as I'm very curvy). She had no set race so of course I always imagined her having black features and curves, because she is thickkkkkkkkkk.
So when I got news of this Titans show, I was almost positive that I was gonna end up watching some white girl with some bad tan prance around with my boy  Dickie G and I was gonna cry myself to sleep. BUT THEN MY GIRL ANNA DIOP WAS CAST AND I GAE MY LONGEST YEAH BOY EVER. Not only is Anna black but she's a gorgeous dark skinned black woman!! (as they all are) In sci-fi and fictional stories if a black character is cast its either by mixed women or light skinned black women,(or if they are black they are turned into CGI aliens @ Star Wars you hooligans) and me being neither of those things, I feel really bad about my skin a lot. so let me tell you, when I saw that Anna, a dark skinned woman, would be playing my favorite female character aka Starfire the most gorgeous woman in the DC universe, I cried real tears of joys.
y'all I'm so happy and wanted to share : ) Anna is gonna do so well
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iamzeked · 7 years
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antoniofuckingsasso · 7 years
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