#things he might not even *realize* aren't healthy or okay
inkykeiji · 5 months
ngl every now and then I do miss shouto. I think the appeal is that hes a todoroki, like physically and mentally. I canon him low key also completely obsessive and jealous and possessive, just way dialed down from touya. even in the beginning of the manga hes kinda a meanie and a total pretty boy. but ofc all my thoughts are him in the future and in uni
i feel u on this anon </3 i completely agree with you, there is just something about the todorokis!!! i’ve touched on this a bit before (here + here, here + here (tags)) but touya and shouto share a LOT of the same traits, even if they manifest within them and their lives differently and to a different degree of severity.
i definitely do think shouto would turn into SOME sort of yandere when he finally gets a girlfriend; something that is finally, finally his and his alone. something he doesn’t have to share with his brothers or his father or his sister and mother, something that is just for him. there’s no way he’s going to let anyone close to her for the very sudden, very new, and, to him, completely inexplicable and entirely subconscious fear that he may lose her. oh no, this is the first time in his entire fucking life that he’s got something to own, something that is his own, and he fully intends to keep it forever, no matter what.
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ventingv · 10 months
I was the one who originally asked about the twins. I was glad someone else requested Dan Heng, but can you also do that request for Zhongli and Neuvillette as well now? Thanks again!
Alright so I forgot to do a head anon of it earlier but I kind of picture the Dragons in Genshin Impact are born in their dragon form and taught how to turn human in their toddler years though they retain some of their dragon features until they get a better control typically it in their teens though some will just say ‘good enough’ and leave some dragon features out such as Neuvillette and his pointy ears.
They also don't have a fixed gender since Zhongli has mentioned he used to go out as a woman in the past so they can pick and choose any gender they want even if some will just pick one gender and may stay with it for their entire lives.
So Bigender Dragons.
I'll still do the twins thing of course it just ain't be with a boy or girl or at least not as babies.
Seeing the egg hatching and twin hatchlings coming out of the egg was a pretty big shock to him since Geo dragons typically aren't born with siblings much less as twins.
Would bring the twins to get checked by Madam Ping regularly since the Hatchlings would be much smaller than regular Geo-Dragon hatchlings and it makes him worried that they aren't as healthy as they should be.
Might dot on one child more than the other. He doesn't mean to but it's his instinct to do so as in regular geo-dragon families, the parents would feed and care for the stronger child with the best chance of survival than the other. If you point it out he realizes what he's doing and tries to correct this behavior.
Probably goes to Cloud Retainer regularly to get advice on how to raise the children. Results vary.
Was pretty shocked about the twins being born but not as bad as Zhongli was due to Hydro dragons having more than a single egg birth.
Doesn't treat them any differently from the other children of his born from a single egg.
Okay, he does sort of, he lets Furina put matching ribbons and little top hats on the twins.
Expect for a lot of matching clothes for the twins in the future. They, the twins, will either love or hate it completely.
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cococaffeinated · 8 months
I have a headcanon that Jax doesn't like being alone- for himself or anyone else- and that's why he suggested Caine create an adventure for Pomni, and later, that they go find something to eat, since those activities would likely keep people together. It could also be why he made sure Gangle and Kinger would stick together, and hid with them after Kaufmo abstracted.
I have a few more reasons for this hc, but I'm not good with words and this already feels clunky to me, so I'm leaving it off here.
(ps I keep reading your name to the tune of 'go go power rangers'. It's not relevant at all but I thought you should know.)
Oh, I enjoy this! I can totally see Jax trying really hard to pull strings as subtly as possible to make sure people aren't alone.
I bet Zooble is always the hardest to convince to be amongst the others, it's probably why Jax was in no hurry to "save them" from the gloinks to cos those humanoid hashbrowns are from Caine's homebrew adventures, so they should be relatively harmless and a cause for mild inconvenience (which would mean Zooble'll be too busy to be in existential dread even if they were alone).
Also, I think it's neat that Pomni got sandwiched between Ragatha and Jax's two opposing attitudes during their breif walk to Kaufmo's room.
Ragatha likes to see the bright side of things or say positive remarks just to avoid the darker side of a conversation. While Jax, on the other hand, just teases Pomni for thinking her situation is still just a dream. It's like a healthy dose of "Technically, this might be shit for you if you're this shocked, kinda funny tho." and "You'll be okay... Probably, Certainly." (I didn't even realize my name had the same syllables as 'go go power rangers, I can't unhear it thank you for this blessed infernal knowlegde)
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darkhairedmenrule · 10 months
would you be oh so kind as to make an
papa's x gn reader with fluff :)))))))))))
pretty please with gay men on top
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Comfort time with the Papas
These are just little comfort headcanons that I came up with, this should be gn! reader because I don't mention any pronouns. I hope you like them Tony <3 All of these are romantic but if anyone wants a platonic or spicy version let me know. Please be gentle, this is my first Ghost fic. Enjoy!
Primo- With Primo, I imagine you two often peacefully coexist in his garden. Whether it be that he is teaching you how to garden and the differences in all of his plants, or you already know about gardening and he trusts you to help. These early mornings or evenings allow you both to just spend time together without having to fill the silence. You always make sure that he actually takes breaks and doesn't push himself too far. You guys only work for maybe an hour or so, nothing strenuous, and after you walk back to your shared rooms hand in hand. After you guys clean up, sharing sweet kisses or hugs depending on what you are comfortable with, he asks you if you want a drink. If you are a tea person, he makes you an absolutely lovely cup of tea ( from leaves that he grew himself, we love a girlboss). If you aren't a tea person he will make you anything that you want, even learn how to make your favorite drink. With your drinks, you cuddle either in bed with a good book or watch a movie that you both like.  All in all, you both enjoy a sweet calm evening after your long often hectic days. He always is generous with his affection, whether that be kisses and cuddling or letting you talk and being there for you physically and emotionally. Primo just wants his darling to be happy and healthy and will do anything to make that happen( even if you have to convince him to get a TV or any new technology in his room). He is simply grateful and honored that he gets to share these sweet moments with you and to let his heart be full of love and affection. Primo is a sweetheart and I just wanna kiss his forehead <3
Secondo- With Secondo, I imagine that he is used to filling his free time with carnal acts of all kinds, which is perfectly fine but we are not focusing on that today. I think that like his older brother, Secondo would crave domestic normalcy and would never pass it up. I imagine you found out about his hobby after he realized that you were interested in more than one night with him. I can see you finding his paintings and asking him if it would be okay if you joined him, and of course, he would want you to join him. He may be more stoic in some aspects than his brothers, but this man has so much affection to give you. Regardless of your skill level, he is going to treasure any and every painting you make with him. I can imagine him either keeping them in your shared room or creating a little gallery that he keeps on his phone( yes he has one but you might have to help him with it sometimes). After you guys have decided to finish painting one evening, you guys clean up and he offers to make you a drink. If you aren't a big fan of alcohol, he has different mocktails, Italian sodas, or anything else you would like. You two would probably cuddle up on the couch or in bed, either enjoying each other's company with a good book, listening to music, or maybe even a movie. Secondo is happy to share the evening with you in any way that you want. He simply just loves to bask in the sweet affection that you two share and remind himself that he deserves this love <3
Terzo- I imagine that quality time with Terzo can be many things. Like his older brother, he enjoys carnal acts, but also just existing together. I imagine that you two would spend some of your free time baking together. Terzo may be clumsy at times but he enjoys baking, especially if he has a personal taste tester. He would love to have you help him or just simply watch him enjoy his process. He loves to fill the time by asking you about your day, what you are excited or upset about, and anything that you would like to talk about. During all of it, he just has a sweet love drunk smile on his face. When whatever he was making is finally ready for you both to eat, he makes sure to give you the first bite, and he wants you to be honest about the taste, texture, and overall experience. He is extremely interested in your thoughts and loves to hear you in general. He always makes sure to take note of your criticism or praise so that if he ever recreates or remakes anything it is the same quality or better. After you two have shared your little treat, he likes to make you a hot chocolate. I know he might not seem like the type, but I know in my heart that he enjoys hot cocoa. Makes it from scratch every time and uses the same recipe that Primo used when he and Secondo were little. Adds any toppings that you like to yours and insist that he made it with love. You both cuddle and enjoy your delicious hot cocoa with either him reading you a book, you reading him one, enjoying some music, or a movie that you enjoy. He adores these evenings where you both can be yourselves, with no expectations or chores to do. You both just get to be close and love each other and know that you are cherished by your beloved Papa <3
Copia-  With Copia, I just have to mention his beloved rat babies. If you are in love with Copia I just imagine you spending the little downtime he allows himself to be with his sweet fur babies. You two are just sitting with them all, giving them the love, treats, and attention that each little cutie deserves. He loves this, he gets to not only decompress and relax with his Amore but he also gets to be with his beloved pets. The rats all have their personalities and love to run around you both, so happy that you are home. If you wear hoodies or =clothing with bigger pockets they love to crawl in and take little naps with their beloved parents because congratulations you are the co-parent to these little rats. After they have their food, cuddles, zoomies, and a few snacks they go back into their cage to rest and cuddle with each other. With your kids all in bed, you both get ready for bed yourselves. You either help Copia with his Papal paints if he hasn't already taken them off or maybe take a quick shower together or separately. Either way, when you both are ready to relax for the evening you grab some of Copia's beloved Juice boxes and relax in bed. Whether your evening ends with playing some video games, watching him play or you both playing, watching a movie, or just cuddling in bed before you sleep, Copia reminds you just how much he adores you. This is where he can let himself be Copia, not just Papa and he is so grateful that you see the real him. He loves to spend his evenings with his favorite person, all cuddled up and cozy in bed, knowing that he is loved and adored.<3
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kimkhimhant · 1 year
honestly I think that the things Kim did were entirely within reason and understandable for his situation, even though he didn't handle it all in the best ways, and his actions hurt people and had consequences. like. I do think his morals are skewed (understandably) and he made mistakes. 
but I genuinely do not understand all the takes i see about him being morally reprehensible and deserving to suffer and grovel at the end of the day
he was raised in a mafia family to be a fighter, and he has watched his brothers suffer horrifically (khun with the kidnappings, kinn with tawan). We don’t even know anything about what he’s gone through personally! Who knows what other traumas he might have. So i think him investigating Porsche and Chay is a very reasonable response to the highly suspicious situation of Korn insisting on hiring Porsche despite his lack of experience etc etc, and to the additional suspicious situation of Chay showing up at the open house and having encyclopedic knowledge of his music.
Although his feelings for Chay before the falling out aren't extremely overt, they're very very much there and you can see them clearly in his expressions whenever he's with Chay or thinking about chay. yeah the "im hungry" was kinda shitty, but based on what canon implies, they weren't dating for long at all (there are polaroids and movie tickets that imply a few dates at most) and even if it weren't for the whole lying thing, for a kid who grew up the way he did, it probably would have been too early for him to say I love you anyway!
And then the breakup – he just witnessed Chay get kidnapped, witnessed tawan back from the dead and causing his brother even more pain and suffering, the bodyguard he was closest with died, and he could no longer just be wik & Kim to chay. The combination of all this, the reality of the suffering in this life, pushing Chay away (even if probably unnecessarily harshly) is a totally understandable response to the situation! And we've already seen that Kim is a person who tends to isolate himself.
When he realized that Chay wasn't able to leave this life (Namphueng being alive and part of the family, Porsche becoming minor family head), and when he realized that Chay was struggling & putting himself in dangerous situations, he tried to help, he tried to fit himself back into chay’s life to protect him and care for him. again, he didn't handle it perfectly. He kinda fucked that up. but. he's still a kid, and he's a kid who's had a very fucked up life and was definitely not able to learn healthy coping mechanisms and social skills (outside of the practiced charisma that is wik).
So yeah, he fucks up, and he gets angry when his (kinda wack) attempt
to reach out at the club goes south and Chay won't give him the time of day. 
I think a lot of people overlook the facts that he is, 1. a kid (21/22! still in college!), 2. a kid with a lot of fucking trauma, 3. very isolated and lacking social connection and skills, and 4. Probably really fucking scared.
Like it's okay that he's not perfect and he fucks up! but almost all of his actions stem directly from fear, paranoia, and love (for his brothers, and later, for chay) and I think that is often looked past.
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bigoltrashpile · 1 year
Hallo, can I get the skeles with an s/o that does not have a very healthy lifestyle? they don't usually leave the house, watch tv/play videogames for hours, don't have a balanced diet and are generally lazy, could be due to depression and really bad self esteem issues.... I know most of them probably wouldn't want an s/o like that but damn, I just wanna live the dream bro 😓 also.. you're pretty cool
Hey, don't put yourself down like that! There's someone for you, I promise!
Mafiatale Sans: Oh that's a mood for sure. He knows how it feels to only want to laze around because it doesn't feel like anything is worth moving. However, he also knows that it's not good for you. Though he definitely will indulge in shitty eating and lazing around, he'll drag you around on some of his errands and little adventures. Not only that, but he'll also take a leaf out of Papyrus's book and encourage you to feel better!
Mafiatale Papyrus: Papyrus has dealt with Sans's nonsense his whole life, he knows how to help! He'll gently encourage you to get up and eat a vegetable every now and then. If you don't feel like getting out of bed, never fear! He'll scoop you out of bed and carry you until you feel better!
Mafiaswap Sans (Lucky): Even if Lucky doesn't understand the feeling, he knows his brother feels the same as you most of the time. So he'll do what he does with Slim: be there for you whenever you need him! He won't try to force you to feel better, that's never going to work. But he'll definitely get you out of the house more, help you make friends and build a support system! But he can definitely be persuaded into staying in bed with you sometimes, turning a depressed morning into a wonderful cuddle session!
Mafiaswap Papyrus (Slim): Oof, that hits too close to home for him. If you tell him how much you don't like your lifestyle, he'll realize that he's maybe a bad echo chamber for you. He'll do his best to change himself for you! He'll "coincidentally" be going out for a walk (no matter how much it shocks Lucky) when you have free time, and encourage you to come with him, buy better food, and maybe even try to get you to talk to a therapist! Until you do, he's always there for you, honey.
Mafiafell Sans (Butch): Yikes, he may not be the best guy to help with this. He definitely has the same habits, but he'll want to help in any way he can. He might help you find a counselor or therapist of some kind, maybe even go to one himself. Stars knows he needs one. If you don't want to though, he'll definitely help with the self esteem. He thinks you're the cutest lil thing in the world, and he's gonna let you know it!
Mafiafell Papyrus (Noir): Though he may not be the most gentle or understanding, Noir will certainly do his best! He loves you, and a few less than healthy habits aren't going to change that! He exercises every morning, and though you may not want to, he'll certainly try to drag you out for a walk in the mornings. Exercise is good for human's health, he thinks, maybe this is a start?
Mafiaswapfell Sans (Scar): Ah, his time has come. He knows all too well what depression looks like, he saw it all the time Underground. He'll instantly see that you need help when you never go outside, laying in bed and losing track of time. If you let him, he'll help you make a schedule that gets you interacting with people more, getting you out of the house, and eating better. If you don't, though, that's okay too. He wants you to be happy more than anything, and if being a listening ear is what you need, that's what he'll be. Even if he doesn't have ears.
Mafiaswapfell Papyrus (Hound): He knows all too well what depression and low self esteem feels like. Even though he doesn't know how to help very much, all he can do is offer his love. Your love helped him, so hopefully his love can help you! He'll tell you how much he loves you, bad habits and all, and help you see the beauty of life. If he can do that, hopefully it will help you!
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shadfinite · 5 months
ok but the thing is shadow and infinite isnt a "healthy" or "good" relationship at first. it takes them years to be good for each other. they shouldn't have been together! they should have broken up years ago! but they didn't and they are working through it and eventually things work out. EVENTUALLY Infinite stops enabling Shadow's self destructive behavior and EVENTUALLY Shadow stops tolerating the admittedly unacceptible way Infinite treats him.
See, Infinite doesn't know what it's like to be with someone who doesn't want to hurt him even a little. Every relationship he's ever been in has been a really unhealthy and dangerous power dynamic (he's been the weak one and the strong one before). It takes him YEARS DECADES maybe even CENTURIES to realize Shadow is NOT LIKE THAT. Shadow didn't even really want to specifically hurt Infinite when they first encountered each other in the Mystic Ruins. He was just doing a job. It takes Infinite such a long time to understand that. He's so obsessed with Shadow but he has this one conflicting core understanding with Shadow that he simply cannot wrap his head around. He needs to stay in control so that "when Shadow tries to fuck him over he has a way to regain the upper hand."
Shadow thinks he's lesser than everyone, even Infinite. Even though Infinite literally started a war and wanted to destroy everything just because he was bored. If Infinite wants all the power over him, Shadow is okay with that because surely he deserves it for being such a miserable creature. When Infinite calls him names and treats him poorly he just lets it happen because Infinite is the first person he's met in a long time who will treat him in a way he understands. To Shadow, this is unfortunately what true love looks like. Being attacked is familiar, and Shadow knows that when people are kind to him he doesn't know how to deal with it. He thinks Infinite is giving him a form of stability that he can't live without.
What's confusing for both of them is that they do have moments of tenderness, and they do have inexplicable boundaries that they never cross with each other. They've never discussed their limits, but there are things they would never do to each other because it'd be too much.
They have moments of vulnerability, where they are just sitting beside each other and Infinite is telling Shadow how beautiful he is. And Shadow believes it because he's pretty sure that Infinite wouldn't waste his time being nice if he didn't mean it. Shadow introduced Infinite to a part of himself he didn't know existed, a part of himself that doesn't want to have to try to hard to reach for the top. But that vulnerability is terrifying at first and neither of them want to acknowledge it. It just happens and then its back to business as usual again. They don't talk about it.
They will do things to each other that cause conflict or anger, enable each other's worst habits, but they won't try to change each other's identities. That's the hard limit. They might have an argument where they harp on each other's bad behavior, but it's just talk. They'd never do anything to each other that would actively contribute to a crisis because one thing they both understand on a fundamental level is that changing the answers to core questions like "What is my purpose?" or "What do I believe is right?" is mind breaking. They never force each other to do things that challenge the status quo or threaten to shake their already deteriorating stability.
But this boundary is also part of the problem. They, for a long time, don't let each other grow and absolutely get worse! They break each other down, but they keep making excuses for why they should stay together. People who constantly fight with each other should not be together!
And when I say "together" I don't really mean together. Their relationship is a situationship at best, but Infinite still refers to Shadow as his boyfriend. Shadow insists they aren't even friends, but doesn't really passionately refute when Infinite says they are together. He just deflects. Of course he wants to be Infinite's partner, but that commitment is terrifying and he doesn't get how Infinite can be ready to commit like that even though it's been YEARS. It feels so impermanent because Shadow's perception of time is based on his immortality. That's one thing Infinite doesn't have (doesn't really think he has).
Two things jade them: time and people.
Shadow and Infinite won't challenge each other's core values, but time and people will. For Shadow, this comes in the form of his admittedly slightly larger support system: people like Rouge Amy and Big especially, but also Sonic to some degree. Infinite stagnates. His only support system is Shadow, really. He also has, like, Big and Sonic and Wave, but he isn't ever vulnerable with them in the way Shadow is with his. Shadow starts to grow, Infinite doesn't.
Infinite is definitely the worse off in this relationship. Shadow always knew that. They both knew it when they got together. Shadow has a savior complex. He thought he could fix it.
It in fact gets worse. Infinite is just bound to break that unspoken boundary they set, and Shadow has to put his foot down. Only then do they break all of their walls down and talk about those unacknowledgable moments. Only then do they get better. They can't work out unless they start to see each other as equals, but it's a really slow process for them to explore what that looks like or how its possible.
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irondad-defensesquad · 7 months
he literally never thought he'd hire a veterinarian, but tony figured he should at least check on the little void's health.
it's a nice young woman who's also very gentle with the cat. funnily enough, the feline doesn't seem to be afraid of her. pets are usually freaked out by vets, aren't they? and considering he's probably never been to one...
apparently, in her words, the cat is "a fighter". he must have been living in the streets for years and she's surprised that he's relatively healthy. he's just underweight for not eating very well and there are a few scars here and there, but they're not obvious.
besides the vaccines, she prescribes a few things for the middle aged cat to eat. tony is about to clarify to her that he isn't really the owner when she asks:
"does he have a name?"
"oh, no, he's- he's not mine." something tells him that the cat is judging him in the meantime. "my kid decided to bring him home and i'm just making sure the cat is okay."
she looks surprised. "you have a kid?"
tony didn't realize what he was saying.
but honestly, at this point... who cares?
"... you could say that," he shrugs.
"oh." she doesn't pry, at least. "well, i still hope you can take care of him even if for a little while. you could foster him and then ask if someone wants to adopt him once he's healthy."
tony hums, "that's not a bad idea, actually."
"personally, though, i think you'd be a good owner."
he's honestly shocked to hear that. why does she think that way? well, he's paying her. but the veterinarian sounds so truthful... she must know about his life, right? and yet she doesn't judge him for having a kid or for presumably owning a cat.
"you let me know if something comes up, okay?" she tells him.
"of course. thank you."
as she's packing her things, she observes tony and the cat for a moment. then the woman is smiling.
"what?" he asks.
"i'm sorry, he just looks so much like you."
tony rolls his eyes but he's not very annoyed, to be fair.
"i've been told that."
she leaves and he stands there with many thoughts in his head. and the little void is just staring at him, like he's pleading tony to give him a name and toys and plastic pots...
"don't look at me like that," tony scoffs. "you're not my cat."
(he knows that if he looks at the cat back, that might as well change.)
he just hopes peter gets here soon to get the little void someone better for him.
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tohisprettyc00l · 1 year
collector alphabets
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
VERY affectionate (Mans hasn't been real friends with anyone in hundreds of years please-)So yeah you being their first friend in a while he is very grateful. They don't have many ways to show their affection besides playing games though. They will still try to do things you want to do as well! It's just their still learning how to talk to people again. Not to mention that they couldn't touch anybody or anything for a fucking while.
B = Best friend
If you're able to become BEST friends with him then your life is so much more fun in every way. Listen he sees everyone he even slightly likes as their friend. But since you are his best friend. Hoo boy. If they're still trapped, he will get unbelievably excited once you show up. He Shapeshifts (or whatever that weird thing he does is) to make you laugh. Once they get out, they're not always by you, but they are enough to the point where people are surprised to see you apart.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He has super fluffy clothes, so it's very comfy. Despite them usually wearing pajamas, they are always energetic. So it's gotta be a special occasion for them to cuddle. Well for most, not for you <3. They quickly snuggle up to you. It's very warm and comfy.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
(These might be kind of different because I refuse to write romance for them) Anyway not gonna answer the settled-down question. They can just snap their fingers and boom food n clean house. But if they have to do it without magic...well... yeah no he's clueless. Though he's a quick learner (well kinda) so teach him and he'll be able to help.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) Okay wow... They're not great with their emotions, so if they need to stop being your friend, they'll kinda just Don't? Like they kinda just stop talking to you. ALSO, I want to say why they would. I have no idea for when they're free, but for when they're still trapped, Belos probably made him do it. Belos either tells him he won't set The collector free, or he comes up with some bullshit excuse why he CAN'T.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I really don't know how to answer this for a person who is basically a child-
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
They try their hardest. I mean he has the powers of a God so, despite what it seems like, they restrain themselves a lot. Cause even the smallest mistake could end with you needing to go to the hospital. When it comes to emotions, he has no fucking clue whan they're mean. Like if you tell him he'll apologize and (try) not to do it again. But he does not know he's being mean. I feel like the dude only knows the basics of right and wrong to like-
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) Tight and lowkey hurts, or soft and gentle, no in-between. If you have been gone for a while, expect a hug that almost breaks your back. Not to mention in those cases he's almost a blur. But, they don't mind giving you a comforting hug. <3. If they've had a long day he'll just kinda collapses on you and slowly turns that into a hug.
I = I love you (How fast do they use the L-word?)
As soon as they realize, like no hesitation. They are scared of losing you, he knows that humans don't live forever. So they need to tell you before it's too late.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
(Everyone is going to have a healthy relationship when it comes to jealousy, A.K.A they aren't jealous because you have other friends and the other person is actually doing something to somewhat warrant it) Whenever he is jealous he acts like a child. Because they are one. Not towards you towards the other person. They'll stick their tongue out at them, never talk or reply to the other person, and all around br petty. It's pretty easy to tell when he's jealous. Just tell them they're still your Best friend and they'll stop.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Child. But they do live to both receive and give platonic forehead kisses.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He is a kid. And can't take care of one
Though if you have a little sibling, expect them to immediately become friends with them no questions asked.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He doesn't need to sleep so they'll probably be like a cat or any 5-year-old. Either pokes at you until you wake up, or they just stand in your doorway. Ominously.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Like said they don't sleep. So they probably ask for a sleepover, just so you stay away longer. Would love to watch scary movies with you late in the night, also despite being thousands of years old he will always be more scared than you.
Side note: they will not tolerate you not getting enough sleep. If you wake up early after the slumber parties he will stop having them.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) They take a while to open up. (for obvious reasons.) But the more they get to know you the more they trust you. They will slowly start to tell you about his trauma if you will listen. Though they end up just dumping everything out at once.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) Pretty patient with his friends, and also cools down pretty quickly after fights. But, when it comes to people who hurt his friends (mentally or physically) they are screwed. No Patience. Like at all. Not that that is a huge issue when people know you're (best) friends with The Collector.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?) They don't remember your favorite color but remember exactly what you did for your 7th birthday. Mainly because they find "normal" questions boring. (Not saying they find you boring but y'know)
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) The first time you won a game, hands down. It doesn't matter if it was the first try, or if it takes you 1,000 tries. Because he thinks games are a lot more fun if he can lose. (let's be honest with ourselves he barely loses when playing with other people)
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) Pretty fumking protective. Not overprotective though. He has seen a lot of insane ways people get hurt, so they will try to get you to be a little more cautious... Whenever they're not around. He can heal and easily protect you when he's around you. Also while he doesn't need protection, he likes to feel protected. Please just hold and cuddle the boy.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) Okay for special occasions they'll get whatever room it is all bedazzled. Nailing all drawings and photos to the walls, have a bunch of songs ready to play, and the room is covered in fairy lights. (please don't ask where he got the lights, he doesn't want to tell you about his crimes on a special day)
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) Like I said they only know the basics of what's right and what's wrong. So sometimes they'll do pretty messed up stuff without knowing it's bad, in the slightest. Also when you tell them what they're doing is wrong they'll sometimes get defensive. But a lot of the time he's also trying to convince himself he's on the right more than he's trying to convince you.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
They've been around so long they don't really care. Both about their looks and yours. Beauty standards are always changing. So what's the point of stressing about them?
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Not necessarily incomplete, just wrong. When you two first met he missed you when you left but didn't care. But as you became closer it felt weird when you left. So anytime they can they can be by you, they are.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) Their favorite game is Hide and Seek. As mentioned earlier they like for it to be 50/50 of who will win.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?) Boring people. I feel like I've made it pretty obvious, but he needs a person to be somewhat fun to even be acquaintances.
Z = Zzz (What is their sleep habits of theirs?) As mentioned before, he doesn't need to sleep. But he can if he really wants to. So when they do they are a heavy sleeper. They NEED at least 10 stuffed animals to sleep. Also, they steal all of the blankets. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them? I don't have the energy to say 'they play games' in a different way again.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them? Your style when it comes to clothes. It doesn't really matter if it's consistent or not, if it's not that just makes it more to see if he can guess what your wearing. He kinda just doesn't care what you're wearing, you could have the most swagless outfit in history and he'd still love it.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Tries to distract you. And when/if that doesn't work he kinda panics as well. They aren't great at comfort, so all they know how to do is rub your back and whisper 'It's okay.'
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o? He never really thinks about the future. In his opinion, it's a lot funner to think of the present.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive? I'm not going to answer this for anyone because it kinda makes uncomfortable I don't know why 😕
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting? Really depends on what the fights are about, if it's anything small he'll forgive after a day or two. But after a bigger fight it would take a week or two for him to forgive you.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them? After being released he's a lot more grateful in general. Saying thank you to strangers more and more, which might seem small but he was worshiped by many people, so it's a big step for him. But after they truly became your friend, hoo boy. He smothers you with attention. Thanks you constantly for everything. You have to tell the boy to stop.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything? already answered
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems? They are a way better person now (as I've stated before-) But it's not until someone points it out when they realize. Now they also try to help you, granted they aren't the best with human problems or mortal problems. He does try though.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Already answered
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
✨ Already answered ✨
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o? I know I said I wouldn't write romance for them,but I just got an idea. So this is more of a one time thing. He accidentally blurts it out. It takes them a few seconds to realize what they said. The collector quickly apologized and tried to play it off as a mistake. They just misspoke is all! But when you say you feel the same they freeze. What? Really!? They are ecstatic! It takes at least half an hour for him to stop hugging you.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
As said before the romance was a one of thing
N icknames - What do they call their s/o? They aren't one for nicknames. Though they do jokingly call you bestie or babygirl (if your okay with it ofc)
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings? Does this count as romance? I don't think it really does in this case. Anyway they're like a stereotype when it comes to having a crush. They are a stuttering and blushing mess. You have to be the most oblivious person in the world to not notice this. But of course, you are. Though they aren't that mad about it.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching? It romance again. (Though they do brag about you-)
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship. He has the powers of a god. Enough said.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative? You've got to be kidding me
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
They try. Granted he's not the best with helping. So half the time their attempts to help do nothing but like I said they try. Also they 110% believe you can do it. And if someone as powerful as him believing in you isn't a confidence boost then I don't know what it is.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Surprisingly they like to have a little order in day to day life. That's not to say they like to have everything planned out, it's just they get kinda stressed if they don't have somewhat of an idea of the days going to be life.
U nderstanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic? They know a kinda creepy amount about you. I'm not expanding on that.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life? I've said it again and again, but you're like the most important thing in their life. He would ( and basically can) do anything for you.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon. They have a stuffed animal collection (they are the Collector after all) and all them have unique names. Also when I say unique names I don't just mean they have their own individual names I mean they have names like shampoo, nail polish, and paper bag.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle? Loves cuddles and (plationic) kisses <3. It's nice to calm down and just be comfy. They are pretty affectionate! Traps you in hugs on the regular.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner? If it's when he was trapped in the walshe just kinda fucks around. distracts himself by shapeshifting. But if it's when he's out, he binge watches shows (mainly kids show obv)
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of? They will kill anyone who hurts you ❤️. Okay that's a bit of an exaggeration but they will do anything to protect you. 
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anonymouslyel · 2 months
pre-slash steddie post-season 4
eddie's now scared of lover's lake, it turns out.
it doesn't make any sense, he thought, but every time he even gets a glimpse of the lake that night plays like a music in his head. no matter if the sun is shining so bright, eddie can see the four of them in a boat in the middle of the lake. steve diving, followed by nancy and then robin. then he dove right in and suddenly everything isn't as simple as some fantasy story dustin told him at the shed.
it doesn't make sense, he thought. the whole him nearly dying thing happened when they entered at gate at their old trailer.
but everything started there, he realized. everything they said is now real.
so he's scared of lover's lake. it's no big deal though except he can't seem to stop himself from going there. he needed to see, monitor, look at the now peaceful lake and know there aren't anymore people that'll try to open the gate just like dustin and robin said.
steve somehow caught him on the way to the lake one night. "you're going to lover's lake, right? i'll come with you."
eddie didn't have time to deny it or even make an excuse why he's going to the lake because now steve's on the passenger seat. he's tense and on the edge, fingers tap tap tapping rhythmically on the window as if he wants to hurry there too.
steve didn't wait for eddie to kill the car and marched on towards the lake. eddie followed suit, now more worried about why is steve acting like this since it's making him think of all the worst possible scenarios.
what if he didn't hear dustin's warning on the walkie and that something is happening again? what if nancy found out the gate is open again?
steve stops at the lake and stares at it hard. as if willing something to happen but the lake stays calm, serene, the moonlight bright on it's miniscule waves. steve sighed, relieved, then sat down by it's shore.
eddie did the same, looked in the middle of the lake, hoping nothing will disturb the calm lake, and sat beside steve.
"how'd you knew i'm going here?" eddie asked.
"i know so," steve replied cryptically.
"seriously, man." eddie elbowed steve gently. "it looks like you were waiting for me by the road."
steve didn't answer and eddie knows how to read the room so he kept quiet. eyes back to the lake until he's satisfied nothing won't happen.
"i used to sit by our pool too after barb," steve said after a while. "i still visit the old mall sometimes too. there're times i'd go to the old junkyard too."
eddie knows about barbara holland and what happened at starcourt, so the one with the junkyard must also be connected with all these upside down shit.
"i'm scared of this lake, by the way, but i just can't stop going here." eddie figured he might as well share things.
"at least it's far from you house. i'm scared of our pool too to the point i fought with my mom when she wanted to use and fill it with water again." steve chuckled but it's hollow.
"damn, can't win with you on that one." eddie tried to lighten up the mood. "you don't need to spend on gas just to make sure nothing is gonn happen at your pool. unlike me."
the laugh steve let out is genuine and eddie joins him. "just tell me and i'll drive you here, munson. i know how it feels, okay?"
several weeks after everything happened and eddie's previous impression about steve has already changed. new slate and new impressions, all that. he's still a rich kid, not a spoiled brat, he's a good dude. even better as a babysitter. he's protective and kind to a fault. he's sweet and has his silly moments sometimes.
those are easy to accept but the new addition to those realizations is not so easy to swallow.
the moonlight casts a healthy shade on steve and for a minute, eddie forgets where he is and why's he at lover's lake. steve's gaze is soft and understanding. his words are kind and genuine and eddie feels his heart skip a beat or two.
"i know, steve. thank you," he replies.
maybe this memory with steve will overwrite the previous memory eddie have on this lake. he hopes so.
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k-she-rambles · 11 months
things I would put in a Sunshine sequel:
• B plot is "Constantine starts a vampire gang"
• Or more accurately, a vampire gang happens to him. Some young masterless vampire notices that Constantine is Old As Dirt and Very Powerful but can still go out in moonlight and speak the names of things bright and alive and decides Constantine's his new master. and then word gets out.
• the kid is very well behaved. It doesn't hurt that he finds Sunshine terrifying
• (Sunshine realizing she still scares Constantine and even MEL has a healthy respect for her power is a brief moment of conflict in the book.)
• Constantine does not want to be the master of a gang. He does not want to share his earth-place. He does not want to share Sunshine. Sunshine is not very sympathetic.
• Constantine has the key to changing the trajectory of the world from vampires taking over the world and managing it BADLY to vampires taking over the world and maybe everything works out okay. He'd better GET okay with sharing his secrets.
• new vampire gang attracts the attention of the SOF, so there's that going on in the background.
• meanwhile, Mel and Constantine have now met. They like each other about as well as two supernatural men who are sort of dating the same girl but aren't going to be heathens about it do.
• That is, Con finds Mel amusing, and Mel tolerates Con. Any fight between them would be mutually assured destruction (and more importantly would upset Sunshine) but they're both still curious about what would happen. If they DID start a brawl.
• (curiosity is a domain of the living. Constantine finds the feeling EXTREMELY unnerving)
• they occasionally share amused or fond looks about Sunshine and have to remind themselves that they only tolerate each other.
• the A plot involves whatever happened to the Blaise Clan during the Voodoo Wars.
• Some kind of legal and/or magical terms have been met and lawyers are trying to track down "Raven Blaise" to give her her inheritance.
• Rae "Sunshine" Seddon has no idea what they're talking about, I make cinnamon rolls (GET OUT OF MY BAKERY)
• Constantine is not very sympathetic. Sunshine has the key to forcing the cooperation of vampires in defense of the living either by destroying them all or enabling them to go out in daylight, she had better get okay with her own secrets
• also he has SO MUCH CRAP inherited from his old master in his earth-place that's related to the Blaises in some way. Funny, he was never curious about how his master got it...
• the Goddess of Pain is also Uncomfortably Curious about Raven Blaise's inheritance. Sunshine might have to deal with it herself to keep the Goddess AWAY from Charlie's.
• Sunshine's little brother wants to join the SOF now, so THAT'S happening
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voidscarredadjudicator · 10 months
Drizzle Season 2023 is out for Splatoon 3. You know what that means?
(Long post warning)
It means me having the totally normal immediate reaction of, "what new ingame content can I use as inspiration for Humanity's Endling and it's side stories?"
This post is gonna sorta double as both a very surface level analysis of new stuff in Splatoon 3 (mainly the new maps) and a brief look into my creative process for how I go about taking what's shown in the game and applying it to the canon of the world Kaleb finds himself in. One of my goals is to keep what happens in HE as close to the canon as presented in the game as possible, while still making very healthy use of the blank space that is things the games nor extended lore don't necessarily address, and quite obviously bending the rules a bit here and there to make the story... well, happen? 'Cause if I were 100% dedicated to preserving canon, the series would look something like this.
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they wasn't lyin, them humanitys really do be endling
Jokes aside, basically what all that means is I enjoy filling in the blanks to make the game world feel more full. Like, if possible, I wanna have the series written in a way where you could easily headcanon it as something that's happening in the background of Splatoon 3 as you are playing it.
...At least until we get to the later acts. HE ain't just a slice of life. But let's not get too ahead of ourselves here :)
But as that statement ominously implies, I have a general idea of the overarching plot for all five acts, and the process of writing is basically me ironing out the details and stringing it together into a cohesive narrative. Luckily for me, details are sometimes filled in for me by Nintendo. Speaking of which, let's look at Crableg Capital!
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You can kind of already see it just barely peeking from behind the crane on the right, but Hagglefish Market is visible from up here, and they actually added this stage into the background of Hagglefish as well, so you can actually see it from down there, too.
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From up here, you can more or less make out the exact route Kaleb came from in Act I, Ch7
I know for certain Crableg wasn't there before; I spent a frankly weird amount of hours doing recon on Hagglefish for Act I. Can't wait for this to become some New Mandela Effect meme or something. Anyways, you can see from up here that there's a lot of green grass in this city that's meant to be in the middle of a desert, so I kinda have this feeling that an ungodly amount of the city's water supply is fed right into keeping that greenery. I can see Kaleb drawing a comparison to Dubai, or maybe even Las Vegas to a lesser extent. Speaking of Vegas, you know what it has? Tons of ads. You know what this stage also has? Tons of ads!
shoutout to the paragliding jellyfish btw
Okay, well, obviously it's nowhere near as bad as Vegas. But I needed a segue, dammit. Now to be fair, I can't read any of these signs, so they might not actually be ads. Like, clearly at least a couple of them are company logos on the bigger skyscrapers. But the concrete building at the end of the clip? I don't know what those signs would be otherwise.
Like, who are they advertising to? The people in the neighboring buildings? The ads face outward, so it couldn't be that. Maybe it's extremely cheap ad space because basically nobody would see it, but then whatever in-universe powers that be decide these stages decided, "yes. of course. the actively under construction highrise. the perfect spot." I'd imagine that ad space probably skyrocketed in value, because there's no way these ink sports aren't televised to at least some capacity in canon.
Speaking of absurd spots for stages...
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Shipshape Cargo Co. At first, it looks like you're on some platform underneath an oil rig or something to that nature. Then you realize that you're somehow moving. Then you notice the bow of the ship on the far end of the stage, then it's like, "Oh shit I'm on one of those half-submersible cargo ships!"
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So not only did the folks running these ink sports decide that an active construction zone was a good spot for a stage, but they also decided to set up a stage on the back of a presumably en-route freight ship. And it's far enough north for there to be goddamn icebergs floating around. If anything, this season's maps have convinced me that an organization equivalent to OSHA does not fucking exist in the Splatoon universe. I'm aware that culturally, turf wars were at first backstreet sports and very unofficial/disorganized, and also there were stages in Splatoon 1 and 2 that would raise the same concerns (i.e. old Hammerhead Bridge, Saltspray Rig, Piranha Pit, etc.), so I really shouldn't be surprised by all this, but... I dunno, it's almost 4 am at the time of writing.
I don't have much more to say about Shipshape, though. Like, it's a very cool concept for a map, and if for whatever reason I need Kaleb to freeze to death, I'll have it in mind. Crableg is... very helpful, though.
Y'know, isn't it interesting that a lot of stories end with the hero scaling a huge tower?
Just a thought. 🙂*
Oh yeah, I also spotted this in the catalogue!
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Lola got to be a model! I'm so proud of her! 🥰
I don't have much else to say right now, though. I might do a follow-up for Big Run if Um'ami Ruins has a cool enough atmosphere to warrant it; otherwise Undertow Spillway having that alarm blaring during the last Big Run was the coolest shit ever and I can't believe I accidentally predicted it as a stage w/ it being half flooded in Act I.
By the way, I am going to be grinding the shit out of this upcoming Big Run for that gold helicopter figure, so if you wanna play with me, I'm still in the 'Endling' pool. Again, if you spot Lola herself, that's me! I tend to go pretty hard in Salmon Run though as it's actually my favorite mode, so uh... if you're not EVP and you join me, it might average out the hazard level to something a lot harder than you may be used to. So fair warning!
*all ominous foreshadowing is subject to change
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hajihiko · 2 years
i love platonic or siblings kuzupeko!! do you have any thoughts on what their post-game reunion might be like or how they would interact with each other afterwards?
Oh my gosh yes hang on
first things first the pre-and-during game
Okay so. My opinion, and something I think the characters might realize themselves, is that Fuyuhiko and Peko love each other very much and good god do they need some time apart.
They almost literally can't live without one another! They've never had to, since they've always been inseparable, and probably never found a reason to either until NWP.
Shit we already know but it's my words on it:
Peko, as I understand it, doesn't want to be apart ever- or at least she thinks they shouldn't be, specifically she should never be far from Fuyu because it's her duty and life purpose to protect him. I'm guessing Fuyuhiko telling her to act as if they're classmates and nothing more is halfway to avoid attention and keep things low, but maybe mostly to give them a chance to be their own people separate from each other. Because he knows their relationship as it is is unhealthy and he WANTS them to be actual friends, but boy literally cannot express how he feels unless it's a life and death thing, so "do it for the mission" it is.
So that's one layer of being overly involved, that Fuyuhiko tries to shake.....at first.
Then the Murder happens, and omg listening to the audio for the trial is so frustrating and also emotional. They're both 100% ready to die and kill so the other is safe (except, in the end, Fuyuhiko can't commit to it). So very very protective of each other to a destructive degree.
Then fast forward in the game, and when Fuyuhiko is losing it, he's about to throw everything away just for the sake of seeing Peko again and not wanting to face the possibility of not seeing her again (even though BOTH choices means he's lost her). They're all ready to make the self-preserving choice, but he specifically is making it for that reason. What's worse to me though, after all the stuff about wanting Peko to be her own person and refusing to see her as anything less, he's still ready to let Junko take over her body just so he can pretend she's still there. That's the opposite of where his development was going! At his worst, when he's pushed to the brink, he's ready to give up her autonomy if it means she's still "alive". That's pretty awful. Bad move, Hiko.
And then Peko (or at least the memory of her) along with Hajime snaps him out of it, Peko by telling him to grow tf up and make the right choice, or something along those lines. Yay we love to see it you tell em Peko
OK so that was just introspection on what we already know.
Now as for the future
I'd like it if Fuyuhiko, maybe with some help, would realize how complicated and messy and probably unhealthy his feelings about Peko are (and vice versa). He was willing to go way, way too far; for Peko's sake partially, but also for his own sake, because he's so intense about his friendship and loyalty.
I'd say it's a lot of him just not wanting to be alone or without his one person that's always been there, but also, he owes Peko a better life than what she got, so there's a lot of guilt there too. But my sweet boy, my darling shithead, just takes it so far. It's not healthy.
So, ideally, Fuyuhiko will spend some time with the Survivors and realize, with less life-or-death-intense-but-still-completely-solid friendships, that he might need to re-evaluate how he approaches Peko from now on.
In the event that she wakes up, man he would really be tested, but after the initial clingy period, might encourage her to seek out other people and develop her own support net that aren't him.
(Hajime, ultimate counselor, will probably have to mediate because God damn they're both so fucking intense about each other and have a hard time being apart.)
I'd *like* it if she managed to form some solid bonds with others (Ibuki is *right there*), to get that basing her entire lif and existence on this one guy isn't the right way to do it. It's not fair to him, even! He feels bad that his best friend sees him as a boss or a lord! She's gotta learn how to be healthy about her own boundaries, her personhood, and relationships in general. I'm assuming she never got the chance to do normal people shit long-term, so here's her chance! Go on silly dates, hang out with your friends, sleepovers, gossip, just!! Have a fun time tbh
Her an and Hajime might even become fast friends! He's everyone's buddy, had a total crush on her, and now they have Fuyuhiko as a mutual Close Friend. Imagine them swapping stories and making fun together aww. Her and Gundham would totally vibe too I can feel it. One Gundham-appointed animal companion, stat! Let Peko have like, an awful little purse dog or sth lol.
Like that extra scene where she splits a melon, I want more of that. Making people happy just because, and people valuing her and her skills at her own pace (not using her as The Sword Lady, but like, appreciating her talents when she decides to show them off; that includes other talents too, like tree climbing hehe)
Ideally, they both just get a little more chill about each other, while maintaining their very special and still super strong bond. They're still attached at the hip and love each other So. MUCH. But they know how to be apart, and maintain close relationships with others, maybe even date people. But they're always each other's #1, I think.
I have a headcanon that they both worry about what they were to each other during their memory gaps (Peko sees that he's missing the same fuckin eye and blames herself for seemingly not protecting him, Fuyuhiko remembers a bit more since he was awake longer and knows how delusional he was and how much he used Peko as an assassin). But it comes to light that actually they stayed together the whole time, as equals mostly, and Fuyuhiko has a tattoo (crossed swords) to confirm it (also one for his sister). So yay they actually never stop loving each other even when they're loopy <3
If I got any game facts wrong plz tell me the playthrough was so long and I can't remember things fully
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taylortruther · 1 year
everything you've been saying is correct.
my own brother recently got out of a ltr of over five years we all SWORE was end game, like, could not imagine either of them with anyone else, did not consider the possibility even when they were struggling, highschool sweethearts, etc etc.
In the span of one week things happened, they broke up, he met someone new, swore she was the one, we all laughed it off, they got married (eloped) within two months, we were all so worried didn't expect anything good...fast forward to now they are so happy, absolutely perfect for each other (at least for what they both want/need currently which is all that matters) and they just celebrated one year of marriage.
Absolutely batshit but once you reach a certain age nothing surprises you and you realize bizzare things happen and they end up okay, good even!
a friend of mine did this too. she got married at 20, divorced at 21, and has been with the guy she met at 22 (with some overlap) for like 8 years now.
another friend of mine hooked up with me in november when i was in my post-breakup ho phase. he told me he was in love with someone else, and then 3 months later, moved in with and popped the question to a different lady entirely. would i recommend this course of action? no. but am i rooting for him? yeah because i want him to be happy and they're treating each other well.
we all do things that aren't healthy by textbook definition. sometimes they'll work out, sometimes they won't. but i feel like if you ask long-term couples about how they met, you might be surprised how common drama is and how it's a total non-issue once it's resolved.
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rubys-domain · 9 months
ladies and gentlemen and nons, it's time for
Doing every single domain* but only with x character/s 2: electric boogaloo
*not actually every single domain but that's not a catchy nameeeeeee
give it up for our guest star of the day: Lyney!!!!!
*camera pans to Lyney as the spotlight shines on him and he bows with a confident yet smug smile on his face*
let's see if this pretty boy can magic his way through all of teyvat's domains, shall we? ;)
(okay i'm dropping the tv show host voice now)
viridescent/maiden's - there were only 5 enemies so it was alright. not the comfiest clear by a long shot, but with better kiting skills than mine it definitely works
noblesse/bloodstained - hoo boy. despite the pyro abyss mage that i knew for a fact lyney had no chance of dealing with completely solo, i did it anyway cuz i'm the graystillplays of genshin players chongyun mains. and. yup. he died. and this is when i realized that an er sands would actually not be a bad idea for solo-ing purposes. since he gets that one stack from his burst, he can still go back up to full health if he ever drops below the usual 60% hp. of course the nre was still essential for me, but this trick definitely helped prolong his lifespan a bit. i did unfortunately have to use my other non-pyro teammates tho, i.e. barbara, candace, and lisa, all lvl >40 (again, i'm doing this to find the most efficient friendship farming strategy for domains). and of course they died too. but i beat the domain in the end. with the tiniest sliver of health on lyney. so yeah.
blizzard strayer/heart of depth - i has donned the er sands. and boy. despite the obvious loss in damage after giving up my atk sands, it was by far the most comfortable clear, despite having to fight a fucking abominable snowman. it's thanks in part to those little moments where the thing will sometimes just stand around not knowing what to do. it's not a slow connection thing it's just. idk, the movement code being wonky or whatever. (i'm not a game dev; don't come after me for not knowing game dev terms.) because of those, i had an easier time dodging, and also getting headshots in. i am not going to redo the previous two with the er sands (even i'm not that masochistic), but it definitely would've made those clears at least a little bit more comfortable
tenacity/pale flame - oh my god, that was actual pain and suffering. he literally died three times — it was awful. -20,000/10 would not recommend. unless you have some kind of shielder or resistance to interruption, these fuckers are a nightmare to fight
shimenawa/emblem - despite the electro abyss mage and his annoying electro ring thing, it was even easier than the blizzard strayer domain. goddamn
husk/clam - this... actually went way smoother than i thought it would. i did not eat a single healing food in this domain, and lyney still cleared it with full hp. his hats actually made for some decent crowd control so i didn't get corrosion as much. my teammates were all on life support tho, that much goes without saying. also that little healing trick with his burst helped a ton, especially now that he gets his burst back every two casts of his skill. the hat taunt + his skill + his burst let me get in quite a bit of aoe damage as well. he did not die once, i did not swap into my other party members the whole time. overall, i'm surprised at how well he can actually clear this domain. he might even be better than the bennet+kazuha duo here
gilded/deepwood - was pretty chill on account of not needing to hug the enemies like bennett and kazuha do. and also the er sands (ergo, way more burst casts) was enough to keep him super healthy without healing food
marechaussee/golden troupe - i mean this domain was basically tailor-made for lyney. so of course he's gonna clear it with ease. his damage wasn't amazing on account of er sands of course. but not needing to eat healing food constantly was nice and comfy. it was also fairly fun kiting practice: the meks aren't the fastest, so there's a decent size window to dash out of range of their attacks when they try to lunge at you. again, the taunt also helped them not come after me constantly. i definitely would do this again cuz i already use lyney to clear this domain anyway; might as well have him solo it and take freeloaders along to soak up the friendship points
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dadzawa004 · 10 months
(is anon wif da gf trubles) (tw vent, sh mention )
Is hards cuz host has strong connection wif his gf an he relly love her so he no wanna break ups wif her, I no relly like her, she seem scary :( an one da protecter no like her either, but host say is good, say she helpy him hurt body less an da she make him happys an stuffs bu protecter tink do more harm den good :( ben lot fighting in headspace lately :( dey always lot fight between host and da protecter, cuz host no do good mently an he do lot thinks da hurt body, he also get rid of us stuffs :( cuz he say da we no real :( bu is real :( I reel girl no fake peoples, has split lot recently so sum thing definly no goodds, is stressful, just not kno wat do :( host say no tell her is system cuz is probly fakeing its an no wan her kno bouts it, I tried front earlier bu host just scream an said bad words to me :( was no fun
Vent reaponse// TW (long post.)
Hey anon. it's nice to see you again, despite the bad circumstances
Please let this be a reminder. You ARE real. You are real, You're here and you're a real person. So is everyone in your system. I know how hard it is, considering the host is having troubles coming to terms with such. No matter what, you're real either way. I'm sorry to hear about the stress the sys is going through at the moment. I'm sure that the host isn't the only person going through denial
As I am apart of a system myself, I can find myself often wondering if its just me or it's really happening. Which is a valid feeling, please don't feel guilty about it (this includes the host and everyone who may feel this way)
I fear that if this is going on, the front may not be safe to front into. I'm not in charge wether when you decide to front or not. But if you want my personal opinion (and maybe something I did when we were in a similar situation) take front breaks. It's okay to take breaks if you can, and it can be extremely healthy when the stress is off your chest.
The most important thing right now is trying to remove the body itself into a place which feels more comfortable to you and the others. So if you want a place to start, start there (safety is your main priority, always remember that)
Like I said before, we had a host who was very similar to yours. And the situation was a huge.. ball of stress to get through. But I promise, eventually (and hopefully) the host and maybe anyone else who has similar mindset will start to understand their situation and how to cope with it
you have the same power as the host, so please don't feel like you're being shut down or kept quiet. Communication is key, but safety is the main focus before proceeding into hot waters like this
It might take hours, days, or weeks, even more. But no matter what the host will come in terms at some point. They can't ignore something that cannot be ignored. And even if being a system is rough, and it's "easier" to try and doubt your situation; it just isn't healthy. Not for them, not for the system or it's alters, not for the body. The most important thing is to find a way to get along, Live with it, and live with your lives. And I'm hoping that terms and realization will come soon
And please remember that there are resources to take if it's an emergency. Wether that he hotlines, therapy, and others (again, if safe to do so). But remember resources are there to help, so whatever the case, please turn to it if you're in a state of emergency. You aren't alone and you shouldn't do this alone.
I hope this helps. If you need more advice or.. just to talk, I'm here for you. So Is the CGS who run the blog. My messages are also open, so if you'd like to continue to talk, you are free to do so. (no pressure, but the option is always there)
I wish you the best of luck, kid. And I hope this reaches out ok
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