#things part of the BSCU:
max-nolastname · 2 years
any media I can relate to black sails is part of the black sails cinematic universe
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
hello, molly!! i've been following you for a while and love your kanthony headcanons and decided i should be reading some of your fics!! which would you consider the most important/your favorites? thank you for all that great creativity you have <3
Welcome, Welcome!
So almost all of my headcanons here are tied to one of my fic universes so if you have something you particularly enjoyed, there'll be a fic based around it for the most part!
I have a fic for... i wold say almost any occasion
Most people here I think, started with my OG Kate and Anthony fic series The Bridgerton adn Sons Cinematic Universe! Which starts with Insufferable. Kate and Anthony are lawyers working at his family firm and after much contention they fall in love.
My most popular fic is Offside Kate is team doctor for Manchester City and Anthony is the team captain whose a grouchy lil boy with a sore knee.
I have a real soft spot for Good Girls Kate and Anthony are teenagers and Kate is the head Girl of their school and Anthony's a teenage rebel!
Or just browse through my Ao3 works here and find something that takes your fancy!
I guess the only other thing to be wary of is the rating The BSCU is pretty tame some of the others are a bit... spicy
Let me know what you like!
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
As someone who has always struggled with staying motivated with writing (and very self critical of my work) would you mind sharing ur tips/view point on writing? Also out of curiosity, how many hours a day and/or week do you spend writing usually?
Hmmmmm I always get questions like this and I'm never really sure how to answer.
I am probably my worst critic. There are some pieces of writing on Ao3 at the moment that I would like to forget exist. I hate them. But for whatever reason some people really enjoy them and I think... people connect with writing for all different kinds of reasons and we as the Author aren't always seeing things clearly, so don't worry about that. And the truly great thing about Ao3 is the anonymity of it.
Writing is a really interesting process and it's different every time. On an average day, depending on what I'm trying to get out I spend... between 2 and 5 hours writing before and wafter work. Weekends Again, depending on what I'm trying to do maybe 5-8 hours. So weekly... maybe 30-40 hours? That includes answering questions here, filming tea and the ton, making moodboards etc.
The reason I love AUs is that each one allows you to... explore a different aspect of the human condition. Our life experiences shape so much of the people we are and every time I write an AU the characters shift a little. Simmering Kate is not the same as ACUPOP Kate is not the same as BSCU Kate. They're all different, and their lives are different their likes and dislikes and experiences have shaped them into the people they are and I guess that's the interesting part for me.
I like to write a list of every characters likes and dislikes before I start a new AU. I think it helps me think of the characters as real people and when I do that it makes it much easier to write dialogue.
Here's the thing about writing... anything: figure out what you're writing about. Not the characters you're using, but what are you trying to show through them? What are you talking about? Grief? Overcoming adversity? Parental struggles? That guides the writing, for me at least.
But... I'm not a writer really so I'm not sure how helpful this advice is.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Sooooo you mentioned in a post of Hyacinth's tiktok something about BSCU's Anthony being a daddy... so maybe we could see that for Spicy Sunday? Pretty please?
As we know, I deeply view all Anthony's as being capable of being a daddy (bless him) but BSCU Anthony is but rarely a Daddy, Only on special occasions I suppose, and only when Kate asks for it
Honestly, Kate didn't really think she was into the whole Daddy thing. No shade to other people who liked it, whatever happened between consenting adults was their own business as far as she was concerned, but she hadn't thought it was for her. Until, like a lot of things in her life, Anthony.
She'd seen him with his siblings before they'd been together, of course, everyone at work had. Little snatches of them when they dropped by, but after they started dating, when she knew how serious she was about them. When part of her recognised that Anthony was the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, meant that to see it made her burn.
She loved watching him with them, soft and gentle, and kind, there was something so nurturing about it, that it clawed at her chest. But even that wasn't it. In the end what did it was Anthony, coming home from the gym, sweat still on his forehead as she lay in his bed, his voice like a growl in her ear as he'd left Don't go anywhere. Sweat clinging to his muscles his shorts tight against his thighs, the sleeves of his shirt tight against his biceps, bulging just a little.
"Hey Daddy." It had just slipped out, though she definitely wasn't sorry she'd said it, heat already lapping at her stomach.
Anthony dropped his water bottle in surprise, his hand running through his hair, his eyes wide, "Ah-me-my-Me Daddy? I'm Daddy?"
Kate raised her eyebrows, "Noone's ever called you daddy before?"
His eyes had darkened, raking over her, as she lay with his bedsheets tucked around her, her head resting on his pillows. "No one's ever called me Daddy before."
Something was building between them, their eyes locked together, stealing the air from the room, thickening it around her, as he took a few steps closer, his shirt pulled over his head, the muscles of his stomach rippling a little, "Do you want to call me Daddy Kate?"
He'd slipped off his shoes before he'd even come upstairs, moving to straddle her on the bed, and she couldn't force the words from her chest, though her mind was screaming Yes yes yes yes yes.
He leaned towards her, his hands on the headboard behind her, on either side of her, their lips nearly touching, so close, brushing when he spoke, his voice so low, it shot right through her.
"Kate, do you want me to be Daddy for you?"
she could barely bring herself to nod, swallowing convulsively.
A feral smile spread over Anthony's face, clicking his tongue, "I'm going to need you to ask. Nicely."
fuck she could hardly breathe, his fingers were tugging the bedsheet down, slowly uncovering her, his hand slipping underneath, warm on her chest.
"Please, Anthony. Please, Daddy."
Anthony was off the bed in seconds, the bed sheet stripped from her with a flourish, Anthony's stubble scraping up her thighs, his fingers tight on her legs, spreading them a little obscenely wide, his eyes locked with hers,
"So ready for Daddy." whispered against her thigh,
A whine building in her chest, her hips already bucking towards him, his chuckle vibrating against her skin. And finally his tongue touched her. A moan ripped through her chest, her throat a little raw as his tongue and teeth nipped at her, sucking a tugging, pulling and pushing, his fingers relentless as they joined his tongue, his free hand rubbing soft circles on the inside of her thigh. Her hips grinding against him and fingertips slipping through his hair felt almost sinful, Anthony's own hips grinding against his mattress a little desperately.
It was too much, too overwhelming, heat burning against her skin when she shattered, shuddering against him, with a silent scream. Kate's shoulders were still heaving desperately trying to get her breath back as Anthony's lips started kissing up her body straddling her again.
His lips claimed hers, tongue sliding against hers, the taste of herself a little overwhelming, already pushing her higher and higher.
"I want you on your hands and knees, babe. Right now."
The only response she could muster was a groan, Anthony's hands gripping her hips tightly, sliding her further up the bed, out from under him, guiding her into place. Her chest felt tight, desperation building in her chest.
"Please, Daddy."
His hips snapped to hers, forcing the air from her chest, Anthony's hands still tight on her hips as she fell to her forearms, the pace relentless, Anthony all around her consuming her her, desperately pushing forward.
Such a good girl, Kate, So perfect, fucking look at you babe,
His voice pushing her higher and higher her own voice cracking through her chest, Yes Daddy, please don't stop, please don't I'm so close.
The end was right there, she could nearly taste it, heat threatening to drag her down, swallow her whole, and then it did. Her scream ripped through the room, collapsing against the bed, Anthony still relentless, his body draped over hers, and then he fell as well, his hips grinding erratically, a sharp cry ripped from him as well and then silence fell.
"Holy fucking shit." Anthony was gasping, collapsed against her, the sweat cooling between them. "I ah- didn't know you were into that."
Kate could still barely breathe, "I wasn't, never used to be. was that okay?"
Anxiety suddenly swarmed in her stomach, worried she'd pushed him too far, into something he hadn't wanted.
Anthony's laughter rumbled through her chest, "I literally blacked out for a second. I'll be daddy whenever you want, babe."
And two weeks later, in her childhood bedroom, she asked again
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
For spicy Sunday….What about Anthony and Kate having a bath together?? 🌶🌶🌶 ps. LOOOOOVED TENSION (can’t wait for next chapter of b&s)
Oh Hello there!
So I don't know if anyone remembers, but! This Coming Friday (25th June) Is Kate and Anthony's BSCU Wedding anniversary! And so, this week's fic will be called Anniversary
Anyway! On with the show!
Anthony + Kate + Rubba Dubb Dubb in the tub (No. Someone sedate me. I'm very tired right now, and very hungover)
It has started as one of those days where for some reason, you can feel the tension tight in your shoulders as soon as you wake up. Everything in your body pulled tight, on edge almost the minute your eyelids flicker open. And Kate knew it was stupid, but she resented it just a little. Resented the stress her job sometimes brought her despite how much she loved it.
She'd woken alone in her bed, tension already coiled tight as she thought about the meeting she had today. The celebrity looking for his new legal counsel, referred by Daphne's PR firm and usually Anthony managed them all but he'd been so busy, and he'd looked at her with so much trust in his eyes when he said You'll be great, Katie! And a not so secret part of her had preened that he thought she was capable, that he trusted her so much. But that didn't stop the anxiety swirling in her stomach as she slowly got ready for work, trying not to think of the dozens of other things also requiring her attention.
Anthony met her in the lobby, just as he always did when they spent the night apart, his lips toughing hers briefly as he held out a croissant to her. "Ugh I love you." She'd murmured against his lips, Her shoulders still tense. Anthony had chuckled, intertwining her fingers. "Are you talking to me or the pastry?" "I can love two things, Honey." She'd quipped back. silence falling over them as they entered the lift. "Are you nervous about today?" His question was light, his thumb leaving comforting circles on the back of her hand, so astute, reading her like a book. "I'm just very... stressed at the moment, I have a lot on." She'd shrugged. "You're going to be brilliant!" He'd said his eyes smiling at her, his confidence bolstering her own. But of course, it had been false.
The meeting had been an absolute disaster. From the very beginning the man had been rude, snapping and snarking and asking where Anthony was, why he wasn't taking his meeting. And Kate had done her best to keep her patience her shoulders rigid, but the man had left, irritated, vowing to never return. Kate had sunk into the chair at her desk, wondering how on earth she was going to tell Anthony that their new client wouldn't be their client after all. Especially after he'd trusted her.
She heard her office door open and close, not able to lift her head from her hands, he heard footsteps and seconds later Anthony's soft hands were firmly on her shoulders, massaging, comforting. She sighed spinning in her chair to face him. "I'm sorry, I really tried." She whispered, barely able to look at the soft expression on his face. Anthony shrugged. "Lucy said he was a dick. I'm worried about you, Katie." His voice firm his eyes searching. "What you need to do, is go home, and take a nice long relaxing bath." It was Kate's turn to let out a strangled scoff now, stress still pounding in her head. "I don't have a bathtub." Anthony let out a mock gasp, his eyes wide with faux astonishment "If only you had a boyfriend who did!"
Which is how Kate came to be where she was now, standing in Anthony's ensuite, biting her lip as she looked at her very sweet boyfriend flitting around lighting candles, the bathtub filling with warm water, sweet scented bubbles forming, steam rising off the water. Anthony smiled up at her gently as he bent to test the water. "All Done." He kissed her cheek, making to leave. Kate caught his hand. "Come in with me." a firm statement wrenched for her chest, the worry still fluttering there despite the flutter at Anthony's soft smile.
He undressed quickly, settling himself against the back of the tub, tugging her down to sit between his legs seconds later, his arms wrapped tightly around her, and finally the tension she'd been feeling loosened, shifted, just a little. Anthony lips were soft against his cheek, her collarbone one hand drawing soft circles against her hip bone under the water, the pther gently holding back her hair from her neck, so soft and tender it made her heart ache. "Can I help you relax Kate?" Anthony asked softly. Kate could feel his eyes burning into her. "Please, I can make you feel so good." And god, it was all she wanted. To feel something other than this relentless anxiety. She nodded softly, and the hand that had bee on her hip bone trailed between her legs.
Kate felt her breath catch, Anthony's lips sucking softly at the juncture of her neck and shoulder. She let out a soft sigh as his hand worked over her, her hips grinding against it, heat settling in her stomach, a different kind of tension building. The water was lapping against the sides of the tub, spilling onto the floor in time with Anthony's movements, a slow crescendo building, Anthony's chest firm behind her his voice rough in her ear drowning out the soft keens and mewls falling from her own lips. Always so beautiful Kate, you feel fucking fantastic. I just want you to feel as good as you make me feel all the time. And then she'd fallen over the edge, Anthony's arms still tight around her grounding her as she fell. Her heavy breathing filling the room as the tension she'd been carrying all day slowly leaked into the water surrounding her.
Anthony kissed her cheek again, humming contentedly. "Isn't that better?" And that was the thing about Anthony, he was so ready to please her, so eager, rarely ever looking for reciprocation. And honestly, that more than anything is what made her want to. Kate spun in his arms, her lips finding his. "Much better. Stop making me fall i love with you." she chuckled lightly in his ear, feeling more than a little stupid. Anthony's eyes were shining with delight, preening just a little. "No, I don't think I will."
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Oh gosh Eddie and Goose are the cutest!!! Two unrelated questions after the episode where they got engaged: 1. What does her bff Eloise think of Goose? Does she grill him about his intention towards Eddie? And 2. What are the aesthetics of the engagement rings in the BSCU?
I have to say, Eddie and Goose are very very sweet. I feel like they barely ever fight, even Edwina’s irritation that Matthew keeps leaving his AirPods in the pocket of his jeans is handled with a Matt, Babe, we need to check our pockets when we take our pants off! We nearly lost another set! And he just yells back very calmly Sorry, Honey!
Let’s be honest, Eloise LOVES Matthew. And there’s actually a connection there that I mentioned only very briefly. Phillip Crane used to work at the Museum with Matthew in the botany department . So he knows him very vaguely, and Eloise is hounding Phillip for info. And poor Phillip is just like
“Eloise, I barely know the man, we hung out like three times. But everyone really liked him?”
Pretty much by the time Eloise watched Matthew skitter after Edwina opening doors for her, and pulling out her chair and offering to carry her bag for her, and saying things like, I know you said you didn’t want a slice of cake so I got two for me because you always want some. Eloise knows there’s no need to interrogate this very sweet man that her friend has somehow found.
“How did you find this adorable little Man?!” Eloise asked Edwina in her kitchen as she watched Matthew Bagwell playing a board game with Oliver and Amanda. And Edwin shrugged as though everyone walks into the Natural History Museum and walks out with a sweet Indiana Jones following them around like a lost puppy.
“How did you find yours?” Edwina quips back nodding in the direction of Phillip who had stood from his place next to Matthew and was spinning his daughter around the living room.
Now for part two Engagement rings!!!!!
I have included some pictures for reference!
Anthony and Kate
Anthony went to like 20 different jewellery stores, dragging poor Violet around all day looking for the perfect ring. He eventually walks into a small antique Jewellery store and comes out with a 19th Century solitaire Diamond. It’s classic and simple and elegant and yes, ludicrously expensive but it’s not flashy or gaudy which is exactly what Anthony wanted. He also has it engraved with the word Insufferable on the inside of the band which makes Kate tear up every time she thinks about it. Later his wedding band has the word Menace engraved on the inside
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Lucy and Gregory
Gregory walks into the first store with Kate with absolutely no idea what he was looking for despite how nervous he was to select one shrugging and saying I’ll just pick the one that seems most like Lucy. He ends up picking an Emerald as the centre stone because it reminds him of Lucy’s eyes, which he whispers to Kate in a completely awe-filled voice that has Kate fussing over Edmund in his pram to hide her tears. Gregory was very nervous when he slid it on Lucy’s finger stuttering out If you don’t like Emeralds I could get you something else as she stares down at it a little stunned. And Lucy shakes her head a little desperately and says Don’t you dare.
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Edwina and Goose
Matthew picked out this ring with the help of his Mum, Judy. He’d very nervously said Mum, I want to ask Edwina to marry me. And Judy had burst into tears immediately. They’d gone out that weekend while Edwina was in Paris for work, Matthew pretending he had to work, and he’d gone to three different shops tutting and whining when he couldn’t find what he wanted, until his eyes fell on a Sapphire ring that was a little unique. A Blue Sapphire surrounded by Diamonds in rose gold, it’s elegant, and pretty and feminine but it’s not too ostentatious.
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Sophie and Benedict
As we know, Benedict bought Sophie’s engagement ring a month into their relationship and waited over a year to give it to her. He was walking passed a Jewellers one day and the ring caught his eye. A pale pink sapphire set in rose gold, that was delicate and soft and just seemed to scream Sophie at him. He’d walked in and bought it with no hesitation. Sophie stared down at it the entire of the remainder of their drive to Kent It’s the most most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. She’d whispered and Benedict had beamed with pride at the fact that oddly enough, it was the most expensive thing he’d ever bought her, and she hadn’t complained a bit.
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Michael and Francesca
Michael bought Francesca’s engagement ring the day after they started dating. Leaves her in bed, to get breakfast and comes back with pastries and a yellow diamond tucked into the pocket of his coat. And he carries it in his wallet everyday until he proposes to her. Unfortunately this leaves Francesca with the opinion that Michael is very odd about money, because every time she goes near his wallet he goes into an absolute panic.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
You seem surprised by the interest in you potentially doing vlogs but I just gotta say, you are a big part of some of our everyday lives ❤️ I know I’m not alone when I say, I have read, poured over, thoroughly enjoyed, and then re-visited etc so many of your posts and you have, at this point let’s be honest, created a BSCU cult (in the best way!) 💁🏻‍♀️ With the best of intentions, I think people would love to see the person behind the passion. Our BSCU overlord, if you will. But having said that, everyone has their boundaries and limits and I would never want you to do something purely because you felt pressured into doing so, in which case we will settle for ‘Sir Gregory Tums everyday eyeliner hacks’ xxxx
Anonymous asked:
Yasss Molly. 'Reacting to S2 while I do my make up', that's what we want and that's what we need!!!!
Honestly, I am genuinely surprised that a small portion of you harbour any interest in me as a person. And I think it might be a little bit of a Stockholm Syndrome situation 😂
You all came here for Kate and Anthony content and now you're trapped here listening to stories about my day, looking at pictures of my makeup. And I know it's entrapment because guys: I'm not an interesting person in any way. I am completely average and boring and ordinary and largely untalented.
I've never really used video as a medium, and... honestly I don't know how I feel about it. Have you guys ever listened to an Australian accent for more than five minutes? It's not that fun. But also, I have a very awkward way I think, with people and communication, not to mention the fact that my makeup skills are subpar at best.
So I don't know. I'm also kind of nervous to give any sort of... opinion on things because... the internet is a wild place. And I already get some... messages and I'm not sure I want to open myself up to more of this in such a public way.
So I don't know. Greggy's going to react first on TikTok, and then maybe I will in a longer form, but that being said, If I do that, I would have to cut down my writing time. Because as much as I love creating for you guys, sadly I don't get paid to do it.
That being said I love all of you, and thank you all for your support and for the love of my works.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
oh my god, you'll have to pry bscu from my cold, dead hands - of course we want to see kate and anthony's first week living together!
Okay, I got a lot of messages about this overnight, Let me just assure everyone that the BSCU isn't going anywhere! Someone said they'd rather see some stuff from my other AUs which is totally cool, and I get that. Maybe I need to work on a schedule where I update the BSCU every second week ad an AU inbetween. But When Anthony Met Kate is wrapping up this week so I will have more time for everything else as well!
(There's more responses to these messages under the cut)
With all due respect to everyone else, I will never tire of the BSCU - as long as you're willing to write it, I will read it <3 That said, if you'd rather write one of your AUs (or not write at all), fully supportive of that. TBH the sound I made when you posted the Princess Diaries AU was unholy, probably only surpassed by my screech when you mentioned an Anastasia AU. I die. Can’t wait to read it! (But also, Kate and Anthony’s first week together – what delightful chaos). Anthony would be Anastasia, Edwina would be Vlad. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. And more Royals is coming!
Please please please continue BSCU my little heart could not take it if it ended now! But also your work seems pretty intense at the moment and Gregory is stunning but puppies can be a handful so take a break if you need! My work is... a disaster at the moment, and Gregory is a furry little terrorist. I love him but it's true.
no no we definitely want BSCU! it’s a classic, a part of history, essential and we won’t part with it Part of history Hey? In 100 years they'll find my Anthony and Kate Fanfiction and be like "Wow! The pandemic was a tough time for people huh?"
Noooooo - I don’t know what the last anon was suggesting but dammit we NEED Bridgerton & Sons! (Well, I do🙊) and Gregory pics plz… Eventually you all are gonna get sick of the BSCU and you'll wish you never said this
I love both the BSCU and your AU’s 😍❤️ I got AUs on AUs on AUs. I really wanna right an AU where Kate did read his instagram message in A Letter That You Never Read and they try ad struggle through starting a long distance relationship
Noooo! I want to see Kate and Anthony living together! I love everything you put out but I’m definitely not ready to stop the bridgerton and sons universe yet! The BSCU is going nowhere! Worry not!
Omg I would love to see that! And I’m still obsessed with BCSU please don’t stop it! It is gonna be full of Anthony and Kate bickering about domestic things, I assure you.
Of course we want more from the BSCU world!! (Don’t listen to that person ) would love to see their first week living together! ❤️ Oh it's gonna happen!
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
"I should hope not, Miss Sharma, but would you allow me to court you?"
When I say I squealed, believe me when I say that I probably woke up half of Europe. What is wrong with me?
Also, don't doubt your writing. You right regency very very very well!
Ahhhhh I’m so glad you liked it ☺️☺️☺️
So, I know I know I have like a million other things to write and the BSCU is still going to continue BUT! I am also going to try and commit to updating When Anthony met Kate on Saturdays
It’s not going to be my priority but I have so many ideas for the rest of the story and I’m unwilling to part with them! So I’ll try my best but please be patient with me as you always are ☺️☺️
And I’m just getting used to writing in Regency but I’m getting there!
Thanks so much!
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
So many to chose from! I’m sure I’ll think of 100 more moments I loved after I hit send, but the first one that popped into my mind is actually a two parter: Kates heart-to-heart with Greg after she gets him out of jail, followed by the next morning, when Anthony realizes what she had done, and goes out and gets her flowers. I think it perfectly captures how much love there is in their family. K&A love each other so much, and they love each other’s families, and they each love how much the other loves their family, and their families all love one another, because the truth is now they are just one big family, and it’s just a great big beautiful lovefest!
Okay! OKAY!
Unexpected is my favourite of the not-exactly-kate-and-anthony BSCU fics.
I think because obviously it was the first one I tried, but I think there's so many moments between Kate and Gregory seeking comfort from each other, but they're family in a different way. And Kate believes in Gregory when he doesn't even believe in himself and she knows how hard it would be for Anthony, to go there and do this, so she does it herself. Takes this tiny burden from Anthony, which is one of my favourite things about their relationship: they're two people very used to doing everything alone, and now they don't have too.
And I mean, Lucy and Greg are super cute, little Jim/Pam vibes in the early days, which I love for them.
Thanks so much for your continued support! And I hope you enjoy Part II of Katie today!
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