#firefly (derogatory)
max-nolastname · 2 years
any media I can relate to black sails is part of the black sails cinematic universe
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
I agree with the idea that a lot of humans nowadays have a severe lack of curiosity about the world, but I think there has to be a solution other than shame.
I think about this every day because the fate of our world hangs on curiosity: either we will rediscover the importance and wonders of the soil and bugs and flowers and water and finally with the whole natural world, or this way will be forgotten.
People raised in the great wasteland of the suburbs and roads and buildings have never seen most of the plants and creatures that are supposed to fill every field and meadow. So many humans have never seen with their own eyes more than a scant few of the most common of hundreds of wildflowers that are supposed to surround them. Some live in biomes designated forest and have never witnessed truly mature trees. They do not know what the birds sound like. When they see an ordinary deer, they are awed and amazed by it or even afraid of it. They have never eaten any of the delicious wild fruits that grow in their homeland; all birds except starlings and robins and sparrows are so strange and beautiful that they stare in wonder. They confront insects like people on an alien planet encountering an unknown life form: What is this? Will it hurt me?
I cannot even describe the grief I feel on behalf of humans that grow up and live in the wasteland of pavement and lawn. That we are expected to live in these brutal environments, that we are expected to be content without the right or ability to live alongside living creatures, to walk among wildflowers, to hear birdsong, to feel the plush softness of moss, to see even common bees and butterflies—the fact that we live, work, and raise our children in poisonous wastes where nearly everything has been wiped out, and the simplest and most abundant of natural pleasures are rare privileges—it's cruel. It's a crime against the human spirit. It makes me so angry and sad.
When I started researching plants, I had no idea that I would end up expanding my mind so much that I would be virtually a different person within the year. Before I learned, I could not have imagined the diversity and beauty that exists in the world. My mind did not have the tools to come up with it.
I lived for over twenty years believing that there was only one species of firefly. I lived for over twenty years not knowing that the Southeastern US has native bamboo. I had never tasted the indescribable flavor of a pawpaw or seen the iridescent vibrance of a red-spotted purple butterfly. I had only seen a Pileated Woodpecker out the window of a car. I had never touched true topsoil, the soft, living blanket of rich, sweet-smelling earth full of mycelium, as springy and plush as a mattress. Just one year ago, I knew nothing!
Humans, as creatures, are insatiably curious and hunger for beauty. It is so cruel to deprive a human of relationship with their natural environment.
It is no wonder that we are all addicted to the internet—we have a crucial need that is unfulfilled. Compared with a forest, the world of lawns and buildings is so ridiculously flat and unstimulating. You would expect humans in such a place to feel constantly bored, restless, frustrated, and incurably sad.
I feel that lack of curiosity can be a chosen thing, but it is also a defense mechanism against a world that will feel like sandpaper on the senses of the curious.
But we need curiosity to fix this—we need the ability to notice the living things that have crept in at the edges of the wasteland and be infected and tormented by their beauty. We need to recognize the forest reaching into our cage in the form of tiny saplings. We need to discard the word "weed," not because it is derogatory because it is fundamentally incurious—it designates a plant as needing no identity outside of its unwantedness. We must learn their names. We must wonder what their names are.
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First things first, I'm gonna be rewriting my fic due to new ideas flowing in.
Secondly, let me info dump some things about sparklings in my AU.
The Sparkling's name in this pic is Firefly. She's an Oplita kid.
A Sparkling's gender is in the optic color. Female Cybertronians will have cooler or lighter tones of the color they have. While males will have a more warm hue of said color. As an example of this, Starscream, who was originally forged as female, has a more pink color to the red of his optics. A Cybertronian born as a male with red optics will have more of a fiery orange tint to it, Grimlock and various Decepticons being prime examples. On the rare occasion that a Sparkling is born without an assigned gender, they will have the base color of optics and will be referred to as neutral pronouns. Nightshade is a great example of this. Gender can be changed in the future when and if they decide to.
On the topic of optic colors, the color of the child's optics will be based on the parents. If a Cybertronian with red optics is to forge a Sparkling with a Cybertronian with yellow optics, the chances of that child being born with orange optics is highly likely, with the rare cases of heterochromia occurring with both the eye colors of the parents. 'Pure color' optics, a rather derogatory term, is where a Sparkling has unmixed optics and has had parents with the same optic color, those two being typically red and yellow. Optic colors can also be slightly changed with a film over the optic, much like a colored contact lense, though, it is usually easy to tell.
Sparklings are born with only one base color, a white or light gray (debatable by cyber-parents) this color is the base color of the metal they are made of. A metal that grows with them and allows their bodies to change voluntarily into whatever mode they wish with some limitations based on heritage and age. Typically, they develop the ability to transform once they are six cycles (6 million human years) old.
Sparklings can change their paint jobs when they are old enough to transform. They also can change their colorings whenever they please as adults. The colorings that are typically chosen matter based on the colors of their parent(s)/guardian(s).
Much like human children, they develop to speak coherently at a toddler age. During their infant and newborn stages, they typically babble in unintelligible Cybertronian, which consists of cybernetic sounds and rumbles. Purring is not something only Sparklings possess. Adult Cybertronians also have the ability to purr and do it quite often to convey contentment or happiness to a situation or individual that makes them feel positive emotions. Cooing is something mostly maternal or paternal figures do in front of their offspring or anything they deem fit to be under their care. Typically, those who transform into avian vehicles coo to their young.
Female Cybertronians are typically more aggressive than males. Originally, in Cybertronian history, females were bigger than the males, dominating the planet until they were nearly all wiped out. Over time, and the lack of resources from hiding, they became smaller, some even becoming male to avoid scrutiny. Because of the shortage of females, homosexual relationships are quite common within the males of Cybertron. Some of the females who have managed to escape Cybertron have populated other planets where it is nearly all female.
Avian based infant Sparklings will likely learn how to run or move quickly with the thrusters built into their bodies, typically their backs or feet. While land based Sparklings will learn on their wheels or just like human children.
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kickingitwithkirk · 2 months
Winchester's Folly
Summary: When Dean gets into trouble John decides to hide the truth for his family
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader x Alpha!Sam
WC: 1828
Dark! Fic-don't continue if you are disturbed by the subject matter.
Warnings: A/B/O, dystopian au, canon elements, non/con, dub/con, incest, subjugation, pandemic, mentions of nudity, physical/mental abuse, mention of collaring/leashed, sexual/slavery, rut/heat, physical altercation, death/murder conviction, show level violence, parental dominance, trafficking, branding, panic attacks, bondage, forced mating, dated derogatory terms
*Additional warnings will be added
Square filled: @spnaubingo -Non-Traditional Alpha Traits @spnabobingo -Bed Sharing
A/N: This part has a couple of flashbacks in italics
A/N II: Still working on reigning myself in, keeping each part reader-friendly length, and have no clue how many parts this will end up being.
A/N III: a few notes about designations in A/O sub-genders for this story.
Alphas-Dominant (head of the pack/family) Subordinate (obey Dominant) Breeders (rare & highly coveted by the government. Can challenge Dominant for pack/family leadership)
Omegas -Domestic (mostly wiped out by plague, few natural born left) Feral (government-supplied breeders sold commonly called O's) House O’s (3rd generation+ Feral/Dominant breed. Used as servants/sex workers) Pack (rare & highly coveted by the government)
*Divider by @firefly-graphics
*No Beta-all mistakes are mine
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Partway down the drive, the car sputters and dies, rolling to a stop a few yards from the house. Bobby got up, mumbled idijits straightened his trucker cap, and heard the Impala’s squeaky doors simultaneously open; then Dean's voice was carrying on the night air, “If you’ve screwed up my car, I’m going to kick your ass!” 
Bobby marches towards the car and spits, “Stop giving your brother a hard time.” His rebuff dissipates when the elder brother's scarlet irises lock on him. Dean moves in front of a female sitting in the backseat like a predator protecting its kill and menacingly growls at him. 
Sam quickly rounds the car, blocking the Beta from his line of sight. “Dean, calm down, it’s Bobby. Remember when he'd play baseball with you instead of practicing with the shotguns?” Dean ignores Sam and tries to round-end his equally quick brother when a hand grabs his wrist. Dean halts and peers back at the O, who points to him, her ear, and Sam, who advises, “Listen to your Omega Dean."
Bobby’s jaw drops upon hearing the youngest Alphas' words. He sees the O wince as she holds her arms up and watches Dean quickly shift from aggression, something the younger man is prone to, to the gentleness he remembers from childhood. Once out, she scented the air before making the universal sign for Beta. “Yes, he is. Bobby, this is..," Dean strumbled over what to call her when she held up her hands and, with her fingers, indicated the number 4444968503.
“That’s a helluva lot of numbers for your name, little lady,” Bobby remarks, looking sternly at Dean. “Do I have to worry about you going for my throat while sleeping?” Thoroughly abashed by his reaction toward the man he considers a surrogate father, he responded No, Sir. “Good. We’ll discuss this," gesturing to Deans still scarlet-hued eyes, "later." Bobby peered around his darkened scrap yard. "Let's get inside. I feel like a crow waiting to be picked off here.”
Little did the seasoned hunter know how right he was as two celestial beings observed the group from the shadows.
"You know,” the one in a business suit said, “When they told me the apocalypse had gotten the green light and the job of watching over Michael and Lucifer's vessels to my department, I thought, this is it, this is what’s going to make me more than employee of the month for the fifth, no, sixth consecutive millennium. And I was this close," held two fingers centimeters apart, "To getting the key to the Axis Mundi and mano e mano with the big guy.” His features hardened, “Of course, that was before you. Care to explain why disregarded orders to get rid of that birth defect?”
The other looked across the yard at the parties retreating to the house while his unerring memory returned to the past. 
Castiel was assigned to watch over Dean from his conception. As his charge grew, he was in awe of the boy's perception of others' emotions and intuitive knowledge of how to comfort them.
Shortly before his fourth birthday, John and Mary told their son that he would be a big brother, showing him the ultrasound photograph and Dean got excited, saying he’d be the best big brother to his two siblings. His confused parents again explained there was only one pup but Dean skewed his little face into a fierce expression, continuing to insist there were two amused his father.
On the other hand, Mary felt apprehensive at her offspring's insistence, and the feeling grew throughout the pregnancy. A few months later, she was fixing lunch when Dean came running in and began talking to her middle, saying he would be the best brother in the world to them. He placed his tiny hands on opposite sides of her swollen belly, and Mary felt kicking directly under them.
Several weeks later, Deans bounced off the walls, saying his siblings would be here tomorrow. John and Mary reminded him it would be longer before his brother was ready for his debut, but in the wee hours of the following day, Mary’s water broke.
John found himself juggling a hospital bag, his son, and his mate to the car for the hospital. The angel sat in the backseat gazing at his excited charge and felt—regret, aware that fulfilling his orders to eliminate the extra pup would unduly distress the vessel.
But before Castiel could further analyze this sudden human emotion, he got distracted by the doctor saying there were complications with the pup. They needed John's permission for an emergency procedure. Not detecting any unnatural issue in the mother or pups, he quizzically followed to the delivery room where Mary, despite being drugged, had a quick delivery.
The angel watches the doctor evaluate the slightly sedated pups and deems them healthy before handing them to a nurse. But instead of taking them to the nursery, they detoured to the stairwell, and Castiel quickly realized they weren't a staff member but rather someone intent on stealing both pups. The angel intervenes and then finds him in a quandary. 
Saving Lucifer's vessel left him holding the baby—specifically, the unnecessary pup whose existence puzzled heaven. When the female gazes at him with disturbingly focused eyes, other emotions trigger in the angel, leaving him unable to complete his task. Momentarily searching, he transports her to another state and swaps her with another stillborn pup. 
"You disregard the plan that's been in place for eons because some reject made you feel?!" Zachariah barked out a laugh of disbelief and turned to his companion. “I’m going to ask and don’t lie. What made you grow a conscience this time? Strike that. I don't care. Now, who else knows about your screwup?"
"I told no one."
"Then we've got a mole within our midst." Zachariah is interrupted by the Winchester Alpha pulling into the yard. Pointing a finger at Castiel, the senior angel says, "This is your only chance to return to my good graces. Find out who is behind that thing's reappearance."
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“Okay, thanks.” Bobby tossed the cordless on his desk. “Dr. Stevenson can get it, but it’ll take a day.”
“Good," John says, tossing back his third glass of whiskey. "The sooner that implants back in, the better.” Bobby sipped it on his glass, studying the other hunter he’d known for years. 
Bobby learned the day they meet that John Winchester was an obsessive bastard who’d do anything to get the demon that killed his mate, including dragging his two very young sons into the hunter life.
The first time the boys were left with him, Sam had just turned three and was curious about everything. Dean? Well, he found the seven-year-old rather odd. He would get out of sorts if his training schedule were changed but patient as Job with the toddler, answering every question, no matter how crazy they were, and caring for Sam as if he were his pup. 
One night, screaming woke him up. Rushing to the room the boys were sharing; Bobby stopped dead in his tracks. Dean was sitting on the edge of the bed, rocking a howling Sam, trying to comfort him with tears streaming down his face. When he saw Bobby, Dean panicked and began apologizing, babbling on that Sam didn't mean to do it and he’d clean up the mess, confusing the Beta before noticing Sam had wet himself and the bed.
Reassuring Dean it wasn’t a big deal, Bobby gathered some clean sleep clothes and rustled them into a warm bath. Leaving Dean to watch Sam, he stripped the soiled bedding and tossed it into the washer, making a mental note to get a bed protector, grabbed a lawn bag, split it open, and placed it under the spare bedding.
He had just finished remaking the bed when Dean, carrying his sleeping brother, entered with a weary expression that made Bobby sad and angry. 
Putting on his kindest smile, he helped them back into bed, left a small lamp he’d found on, and told Dean to wake him if they needed anything, no matter how trivial.
Bobby returns to the present when John drops the now-empty bottle on his desk. Reaching into a drawer, he pulls a fresh one. Topping off his glass he remarks, "You wanna tell me why you failed to mention Dean has a fresh claimed Omega, let alone one beat all to hell." He stares John straight in the eye while sliding the bottle toward him.
John suppressed snarling for such an impertinent question, knowing he needed to stay on good terms with the Beta until Dean finished his mandatory probation and told him about Helms's establishment, Sam witnessing the O fighting with his Alpha lugs—explaining why it looked like it went three rounds with a vengeful spirit—to purchasing it for a dollar.
However, John couldn't hide the flash of guilt in his eyes as he skimmed over what happened at the clinic before admitting the judge's enforcement of the claiming statute was his fault, but didn't sugarcoat the details of witnessing Dean's claiming horrified Bobby.
“If everything is like you say, what'd you need Frank's help for?"
John looked directly at him, saying he needed the state order to take Sam erased if Dean failed to fulfill his probation. Bobby knew the Alpha was lying through his teeth but didn't call him out. Instead, he threw his drink back and headed to bed.
Passing the room the boys still occupied when staying; Bobby could hear them talking before loudly closing his bedroom door, giving John time to finish that second bottle. When he reopened it later, he could hear the Alpha's loud snoring, and carefully snagged the keys from his jacket, slipped out the kitchen door, and took the scenic route to the Alpha’s truck.
Bobby knows whenever John is hiding won't be in the regular places, i.e., in the glove box, over the visor, ect; began examining the vehicle's exterior and, finding nothing, opens the weapons catch. Nothing stands out when he spots a curse box and recalls John inquiring about creating one some time ago.
Bobby fiddled around with the unfinished box when, bingo, it popped open, revealing a bunch of rolled papers inside. He crossed to the garage and fired up a printer, making copies of the documents then returned everything to its original position because John would notice if anything were misplaced. Heading back to his room, Bobby noticed light still coming from underneath the boy's door and lightly rapped it before opening it.
The elder brother was spooning his mate from behind, which made sense since Bobby knew from personal experience that lying on bruised ribs dulled the pain. However, it was difficult for the man to process why his brother was sleeping snugly against her front, his fingers twined with Dean's, resting on her hip.
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SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva   @lassie-bird  @nancymcl   @spnbaby-67 @leigh70
Dean/Jensen: @thoughts-and-funnies @stoneyggirl2  @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl
WF: @slamminmine @ladysparkles78 @deans-spinster-witch @ilovetaquitosmmmm @strawblueberrys  @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @kazsrm67
Sam/Jared: @idreamofplaid
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bolithesenate · 2 months
hello i would like you to choose violence. questions 1, 7, and 13?
1 - the character everyone gets wrong
can I say Yoda?
i feel like theres two camps in fandom: either he's a Fun Lil Guy Who Eats Frogs And Talks (sometimes helpful) Riddles OR he is The Source Of All Our Problems (derogatory)
and make no mistake. i've been part of group 2 before and especially in EU material there are a lot of... questionable choices made by the man. deeply questionable. but I lso feel like there's no one really tackling the sheer existential horror that is yoda's life?
he is older than all his peers. if we look at grogu, then he must have, already as a *baby*, seen his friends grow up, live and die like like fireflies, shining bright for only the briefest moment. basically all of his padawans are dead. his padawans' padawans as well.even with the extended livespans that jedi have, he is so old that he literally speaks different
idk, i think i just want to see more people look at this weird green guy and really THINK about why he is how he is, bad sides and all
(and yes, I also could have said Tarre Vizsla here, bc i have some very CHOICE opinions on him. but ive talked about those in length before, so Yoda it is)
7 - character I began to hate bc of how fanon acts about them
well, it's not really hate-hate, but I now find myself actively avoiding fics that have him tagged as a main guy.
idk, i've just grown bored of him?
also i really don't understand why ppl find him so hot. sorry. he looks like a random guy i could see at the train station.
like, guys! expand your horizons a bit! there's so many funny little guys out there in the big gffa, do we really have to sing the praises of the same ginger over and over again? yeah I'm salty but this is revenge for every time a random commenter asks about Obi-Wan in a fic where he isn't even tagged
13 - worst blorbofication
see above.
second worst to me probably is Bo-Katan. idk, i don't get it. this woman was a literal dterrorist and showed no remorse whatsoever about being part of the reason her sister is dead and her planet crumbled. and yet people call her a girlboss?
idk, make it make sense
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frostironfudge · 1 year
Labyrinth - Bucky Barnes - Chapter IX
Summary: labyrinth (noun), a complicated set of paths and passages, through which it is difficult to find your way. Bucky and You would do anything for Steve and Wanda, your respective best friends. In an attempt to avoid a tradition Steve and Wanda come up with a lie involving their best friends.  A lie, that involves building a labyrinth. Bucky and You begin to build but will you two find your way out or be caught in it?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader, (Modern AU)
Word Count: 13.2 k || Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Warnings: chapter contains 18+ moments, minors DNI, fluff, sm/ut, dir/ty talk, p in v, hot bucky, swearing, soft bucky, protective bucky, drinking, a few derogatory comments from sharon and brock, feels cause wedding speeches. discussion about financial troubles, illness and surgery of family members
AN.: last chapter before the epilogue
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New York City greets you with looming clouds, rain and traffic. Parting at the airport with the remaining couples, staring out of the taxi window and at the racing droplets a sigh escapes your lips. 
It isn’t tired, nor is it one of relief but one that serves as a reminder. The reminder made you smile. Your thumb traces the ring, now that harbours a promise. 
A promise of truths instead of lies. 
A promise backed by feelings of love, reciprocated love. 
A promise that Bucky and you would make it out together.
Puffin: Thinking of you, my Sunshine. 
The message makes you giddy with happiness. 
Puffin loves Sunshine. 
Bucky loves you, you! 
Puffin: you look adorable grinning at the screen, I didn’t realise I had that effect on you. 
The grin drops and you search around the packed cars in the unmoving lane. How the hell did he know? 
Puffin: Searching for me in the crowd? I’m in your heart, raza de soare.
Sunshine: You’re incorrigible. Pulling my leg like that. 
Puffin: I had to pull your leg to get you to the edge, you denied me my pre-flight meal. 
You shiver at the reminder, clit pulsing in memory of Bucky’s lips latched around it. Devouring you, the moans he prayed against you. Hands holding your hips, keeping you in place. 
Sunshine: aiwurjd
This fucking man will drive you to the brink of insanity. 
Sunshine: i meant um
Puffin: 🤣🤣🤣
Sunshine: oh you aren’t getting any meals now. 
Puffin: Sunshine, you can’t deny me. 
Sunshine: watch me. 
Puffin: watch you? 
Sunshine: yeah, you will know what I mean. 
You had taken a few pictures in the pretty lingerie that was stuffed deep into your suitcase. It was supposed to be what you wore during your first night there but that turned to well, almost freezing and then being saved by Bucky. 
You had however taken pictures while packing. Selecting three you send them off to Bucky, your face hidden in them but he would know it's you. 
Puffin: qeuejdh
You giggle happily. 
Puffin: where have you been hiding this pretty set? Why was I not allowed to take it off of your body with my teeth? Or rip it? And then buy you a new one and rip it too?
You can just imagine him shifting around in his seat. 
Sunshine: oh just this was in my suitcase…
Puffin: And you did not put it on?????????? Is this how you treat the love of your life? Is this how I am to be treated by the love of my life??? 
Puffin: lots to unpack in that message but I mean every word. 
He begins to video call as you type out the reply. Connecting the headphones you answer. Bucky’s face pops up, his hair is slightly dishevelled but his eyes are bright. A smile on his lips. Those kissable, love confessing lips. 
You smile back, “Hi.”
“Don’t hi, me, I’m mad at you! I could have unwrapped you like the best fucking present and you deny me?” Bucky places a hand on his heart to convey his feelings of betrayal.  
“Overdramatic much?” You shake your head but laugh at his antics. 
“Sunshine, I meant what I said.” He adds, expression turning serious the way it does when he really wants you to listen. 
“I know.” You hope your expression conveys it. 
That he knows, you know because it is true for you too. 
“Good, I was beginning to think I’d have to change cabs.” The camera shifts and you stare at yourself looking into the phone. 
Blinking several times, you look at the side, sure enough Bucky grins and waves. His laugh thrums through you. You wave back at him and shake your head at his antics. The traffic clears and the two of you watch as the roads diverge, taking you to opposite sides of the city.
“I miss you.” You tell him, thumb running over his face.
“I miss you too.” The smile isn’t happy but one of solemn acceptance, “I’ll meet you soon enough okay? Work needs to be–great just got called in for a zoom meeting.” He grumbles, the screen blurring as Bucky switches apps to reply.
The call drops and he sends a string of texts, you assure him that it's okay. Soon enough as your apartment comes into view exhaustion creeps along your body. 
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The couch is covered in pillows. Your delivery app says the food will be here in five minutes. You’re aching to tuck into the comfort food and the comfort film ready to play on your laptop.
Deciding to text a picture to Wanda and Bucky of your plans seems ideal.
Wanda was AWOL understandably so, the family surprised them with a gettogether, luckily Sharon and Brock didn’t make the cut. 
Wanda: ugh, I love my family, but I just want to go home and cuddle stevie.
You: cuddle? [insert corgi giving side eye GIF]
Wanda: we can do things before cuddling
You: there’s my Wanda!
Wanda: any cuddling involved on your end?
You: Bucky’s stuck in Zoom conferences, apparently another client is sceptical and Darcy requested Yusuf to have Bucky come in on board. 
Wanda: [video attached]
You click play, Pietro pops up on screen, you laugh at his grumpy expression.
“You’ve betrayed me, sweet girl.” Pietro huffs, hands on his hips and now sporting a pout on his face.
You giggle. The doorbell rings, the video continues as you head to the door.
“I thought I’d play the long game but no, you had to let the guy sweep in and take what's mine.” He places his hand on his heart, “You wound me, Angel.” Pietro fake cries.
You laugh, “Hey, How are you– Bucky?” 
There Bucky is, hair tied in a low bun, a few strands falling out. He’s holding your take out bag and one of his own, but his pretty blue eyes are narrowed at your phone.
“Pietro.” Bucky says with such disdain. The video continues, “The grumpy man always had your heart.” Pietro continues, “He better keep you happy.”
“Pietro!” Bucky grins, happy with what he’s saying.
“And honestly if he fucks up I’ll sweep in and protect your heart–”
Bucky grabs your phone, shifting both bags to one hand; breaking you out of your stupor and cutting video Pietro off.
“Hey Pietro, her heart is already protected so better luck with someone else because even in another life I’m hers and she’s mine.” Bucky smiles satisfied with the video, sends it and then grins at you.
“I thought you were caught up at work?” You still stare at him.
Bucky shrugs, “I missed my Sunshine.”
You grab the take out bags, setting them on the little cabinet. Immediately you fling yourself at him. Bucky catches you easily, kissing the side of your head. His arms tighten around you. His face is buried in the crook of your neck.
Bucky carries you in, shutting the door with his foot. Your fingers card through his hair, undoing the hair tie he hums then sighs. He’s addicted to the way you feel wrapped up in his arms, no longer does he have to hold back his affection. No longer does he ball his hands into fists so that they do not seek you out more than the little slice of your heaven he allowed himself to be carried toward.
You pull away in the slightest, noses brushing as your eyes meet his, he licks his bottom lip. Eyes closed as your fingers trace his jaw. The entire day your mind went back to the moment he confessed but even more to the way you felt half asleep. 
Dreaming of this happiness. 
“If i’m still dreaming,” You whisper, “If I’m still dreaming Bucky,” he feels your lips brushing over his forehead, “then please,” cheeks, nose, “don’t wake me up.” 
“Sunshine,” He opens his eyes to the crack in your voice and the glaze over your eyes.
You shake your head, “You’re the love of my life too, Puffin.”
Bucky presses his lips to yours with an urgency that moulds into softness. There is heat underneath but neither of you make a move to burn in it. Opting to bask within each other. Hands lost in each other’s hair, trying to be as closely pressed as possible. Tracing over your back upon with stories of pleasure and stolen moments blaming exhaustion were etched.
When the two of you pull away, you’re straddling his lap looking down at his kiss bitten lips. Bucky’s tongue moves over his bottom lip, warm palm cupping your cheek. Blue eyes drinking you in, his heart hammering as your hand encases his own. 
The ring he gave you gleams, he beams brightly. 
“I love you.” He whispers, you lean into his palm. Smiling shyly at him, cheeks warming. 
“I love you.” You whisper back, kissing his palm. 
Bucky’s grin remains upon his features, the crinkles by his eyes have you fall a little more in love with this man.
There is so much more for you to discover and learn, likewise for Bucky towards you. The relationship would begin, not allowing the years gone by to get in the way. To make up for lost time but also not dwell upon it. 
“How’s Alpine?” You ask once the food orders are sprawled across the table, Tangled set to begin on the monitor. 
Bucky eyes the set up warily, using bigger books to prop the monitor, “She’s okay, I checked up on her, fed her treats and told her you’re officially my girl.” 
“Officially your girl?” You turn to him bemused. 
“She was very pleased, you will be getting a be my meowmmy card soon.” Bucky teases, then shakes his head, “I’d rant to her alot about you, usually after our meetings with Wanda and Steve.”
“Alpine’s your confidant isn’t she?” You smile at him, he nods. 
“I didn’t think I would have made a great cat dad, but she's just, she’s part of my whole world you know? She helped me so much it was lonely when I moved out. I had so much anxiety leaving my parents alone. Even though I was on a good paying job and we were out of ‘the financial trouble phase’.” He sets his plate down, you follow, then turn to him. 
In the weeks when lines blurred. He had told you quite a bit about his family life but not this phase. You knew him throughout all of this better never intimately. You never knew what he hid behind the scowls you threw at each other. The burning glares that singed everyone’s eyebrows off their faces. 
“Things were rough, with student loans, Becca’s and mine… Mom working two jobs, Dad’s condition had gotten worse because of the diabetes, ulcer on the leg…” he sighs, you rest your palm upon his, he intertwines your hands. 
“We were worried about surgery, if it became worse an amputation would be the only option.” He sighs yet again. 
“If it turns into gangrene and hampers blood circulation…” You trail off knowing this as well, “My dad had the issue with his foot… had to amputate three and a half toes.” 
Bucky’s eyes widened, his own mind reeling, there was so much you both still had to share, still had to learn, “I can’t imagine what you must have gone through as a family...”
“I’ll tell you all about it, but first I want to listen to you.” You assure him. 
“It healed though in time, I was in and out of the dorm with Steve, most days it was as if I was wasting money paying for the dorm. I worked up the nerve to speak to Steve and what he did was so fucking amazing I’ll never forget it. He told me he won some fucking keg drinking competition and that the frat house was paying for accommodation.” He laughs, 
“He lied ofcourse, covered my end of the expenses for two years while we dealt with things at home. When my laptop gave me shit and broke down. He got three new ones saying his mom ordered two extra on accident for Christmas. He made sure Becca had a new laptop the first year she started uni.”  
“He’s an amazing person.” You commend, your fingers playing with the ends of his hair. Bucky hums softly, urging you to continue. The soft touch provides comfort to him.
“He is, while I took up odd jobs, repairing stuff, call centre jobs, reviewing things, you name it. Steve tutored me in lectures I slept through, what free time I had during uni hours I kept myself in the library or study hall. Whatever I earned I was frugal. I put most of it towards my parents and Becca.” Bucky reminisced with a grin on his face, “She got hired and so did I right during placement week, both jobs are stellar in pay much more than the odd buck earned and things got better.” 
“I’m proud of you, Bucky.” You squeeze his hand. 
“Thank you.” 
“Then I got hired by Yusuf Khan. The commute was brutal from home. So I moved. However, things were good, but I unfortunately harboured too much anxiety that day, technically late at night when I found Alpine; I was contemplating leaving, which is why I was pacing the parking lot. Going back home even though it was at max a 45 minute distance.” Bucky chuckles, 
“Tiny little furball gave me so much love in the first interaction. When I gave her some leftover chicken bits, she stood on the kitchen island as if she owned the place. I knew I had to try. It may sound as if I got instant perspective, but that's not it.”
“She awoke hope within you, in that moment you finally had hope to think that things would get better.” You try to make sense of the feeling he may have had, when he nods you smile. 
“I went to therapy, got myself in order, invested well. Got us in much better positions, bought an additional home on mortgage, flipped it, sold it for a profit, bought a studio with the profit and rented it out to keep some active income for my parents and now its a few years since and I’ve gotten all I wanted, now I just want more with everyone I have.” 
It’s quiet for several moments when you reach for him cupping his face and then hugging him tightly. Bucky envelopes you in his arms, your sighs of contentment are an echo of one another. 
“I didn’t know how much was going on, Wanda let it slip that things were hard but every time I saw you, seeing how much you persevered through it all I always felt proud and happy for you. Even if we bickered or just gave the hostile silent treatment I was proud of what you did for yourself and your family.” You admit to him.
Bucky runs his fingers over your back, he can hear the honesty in your voice. 
“Tell me about your times now. I know we’ve covered why your contact is reduced with them.” He hopes the moment is safe enough for you to share.
A deep inhale and you close your eyes, “They didn’t approve of the baking business, I used to do it on the side for a little extra money and I enjoyed it alot. Pastry chef was the goal but then they convinced me to pursue well…”
“Get a ‘real degree’?” He offers, you nod against his shoulder, “I’m sorry you had to give up on that goal. Do you ever think of going back? Pastry school, I mean.”
“Sometimes I used to but, as I got more settled into the web design field I couldn’t keep it afloat.” You shift back, looking into his blue eyes that watch you with so much tenderness, “I took short courses during university breaks, those cooking for fun classes? Online stuff, books. Just wanted to learn how to make pastries and I did.” You smile.
“That's my girl.” His praise warms your skin and heart.
“The reason I stepped back was when all of dad’s health issues were going on, my brother did not step up to the task. It all fell on me. Mom was a wreck, my brother would rather be anywhere but at home. When I took the call for the surgery, the doctors said he would die because the blood supply had gotten very, very poor. They anticipated embolisms or infection spreading across. It was a split second decision.” You’re transported back to the ICU, monitors ringing, doctor’s words overlapping, and the nurse thrusting the consent form into your hands.
“Your decision saved him.” Bucky repeats what you’ve told yourself over and over, what the doctors told you and your family.
“It did, but my brother turned and twisted everything saying I gave zero respect to my mother or to him to collectively decide. My father thought I took the costliest way out. It got to a point where staying in that house had become horrible.” You sigh, “The year we met all this was going on… When things for us fell apart, it seemed as if it all was falling apart. I just wanted to be saved from it all.” 
“Beck came in then didn’t he? Pretending to be everything you needed?” Bucky hates the venom in his words but he despises the guy.
“He wasn’t everything I wanted or needed, those criterias were only met by you.” You rest your forehead against his, Bucky sighs.
“But he did swoop in. I did get caught up. I did ignore the red flags. All because I didn’t want to feel as horrible as I did. I already moved into the dorm with Wanda, then when I got my own job I found a dude subletting his place, and dating Beck was expensive. Only the finest of things, he’d make a face at handmade cards or mementos for a long time. I didn't realise I lost so much of myself in that relationship. When I went back home because things with Wanda were starting to get rocky, my brother said I should have sucked it up and stayed for the money.”
“That fucking asshole.” Bucky swallows, “I’m sorry–,”
“No he was an asshole and I said that to his face and left.” You nudge Bucky’s nose with yours, he gives you a soft kiss. 
“There’s more but that can wait for another night.” He kisses your temple. 
You nod, still curling up against him, the food for now forgotten as he presses play on the movie.
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Teakwood candles burn in the corner curated by Wanda. The darkwood office is well thought out. Steve watches on as Bucky paces. The brunette riddled with nervous energy, unlike his usual stoic self. The papers that are in Steve’s hands are no longer gazed upon by Bucky. The words and graphs committed to memory. 
“Why are you so nervous? You've done it, the take over is happening.” The ‘corporate lawyer voice’ Steve uses is not unfamiliar. 
“I’m worried about the underlying personal issue,” Bucky finally stops the pacing, deciding to sit on the carpeted floor of his friend’s office, “Beck will retaliate citing that, but I have more than enough to throw him down further. As much as I want to hurt him…”
“You do not want to fight her battles for her?” Steve offers understanding the dilemma.
“Yes… I, It is personal. Beck made comments to me in our Finance Major, but what he put Sunshine through is arguably worse.” 
The two grow quiet again, Steve re-reads the papers, his firm knew of the acquisition, the main buyers had appointed them. The contracts were drafted by him and his firm’s best people. Under ironclad NDAs he couldn’t let Bucky know he was involved in the very deal his best friend was working hard to close. 
“I can’t believe you’re working with Tony Stark though.” Bucky pats Steve’s back, grins forming on their faces.
“I know, they might have us on board contractually, too.”
“Stevie, that's great news!” 
“I know, Buck, just this deal goes well and then we can get that contract. I’m trusting Y/N’s vision board.” Steve chuckles and Bucky’s brows furrowed in confusion.
“Oh yeah, she probably won’t tell you unless what she kept on the board comes true.” Steve explains.
“She had you working with Tony Stark on her board?” Bucky was going to ask you about this board.
“Technically she said she had herself seeing me work with a dream client of mine.” The blond grins, “NDA, I couldn’t tell her who it was just that it’s a big client.”
“So Sunshine has a secret vision board?” Bucky whips his phone out, offended he doesn’t know about the board. It was date night but he would question you. A few days had passed since the night at your house. You had been over at his place as well.
Alpine curling up on your chest as you lay your head on his thigh while watching a movie. Bucky smiles recalling the way your hair felt between his fingers as he carded through them watching you instead of the movie. 
He gazes back down at his device, an unread text awaits him.
Sunshine: I have an activity planned for date night! All the materials ready and we meet at your place
Puffin: I can’t wait, Sunshine.
Steve chuckles, “You aren’t demanding about the board are you?” 
“It can wait.” Bucky dismisses the thought away, typing that he would arrange for the food and drinks asking if you would prefer any cuisine.
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Bucky was fucking glad you both had exchanged keys, because the sight that greeted him of Alpine and you dancing to Taylor Swift in his living room oblivious to his presence as he recorded this moment was worth so much more than he could comprehend. 
You notice Bucky, how could you not feel his presence the minute he would enter close to your orbit? Alpine’s blue eyes gleam at you as you sing off-key to the lyrics while holding her paw in your palm and pretending to waltz. Alpine huffs when she’s had enough pushing away from you and bounding up her dad’s leg to his arms. 
“It is a nice sight to come home to,” Bucky kisses her sweet little nose, the furball purrs happily.
“She is adorable.” You agree with him.
“I meant you, Sunshine.” He meets your gaze, smiling as he can pinpoint the signs of your blush, the way you momentarily break away from his eyes, tilt your head and then look right back at him, your irises not just harbouring the colour he so deeply loves but also a warmth that burns him, consumes him. Your own love for him.
“So what is this date you’ve planned?” He diverts, Alpine leaps out of his arms heading to her water bowl and then to her lounging spot near the window.
“A couple’s vision board.” You grin at him.
“A couple’s vision board?” He raises a brow, his earlier conversation with Steve returning to the forefront.
“Yeah, you basically cut out pictures of things you want to achieve or manifest and well–if you find it stupid we can just paint on the canvas…” You pick at the hangnail by your thumb, trying to divert your mind from chastising you for the stupid idea.
Bucky cups your cheek, making you look at him, his right hand interlaces with your hand that was picking at the hangnail. He squeezes it gently.
“Should we put in a warm, sunny getaway? I think we’ve had enough of a cold climate.” He kisses your nose, making you grin. You nod, kissing his palm.
“Mediterranean?” You wonder, he nods, grinning too.
You lead him to the set up done in the living room, behind the sectional, fully complete with a sheet on the floor to prevent paint spills. 
“Oh and should we sign it off as ‘Sunshine and Puffin’s’ or ‘Puffin and Sunshine’s’ Vision Board?” Bucky questions as he sits down, helping you unwrap the canvas, after he brings in his photo printer to be closer to you two.
“Puffin and Sunshine? Alphabetical?” You hum, going through images to find the perfect couple travel aesthetic. 
The process begins then, finding pictures of each thing listed and settling on an image or a quote the two of you equally adore to print and place onto the board. 
Bucky writes a list of things he wants the two of you to be able to do, he even downloads and prints a small picture of a wedding to sneak onto the board without you noticing. 
After a while of cutting and glueing and smearing paint across each other’s cheeks. Bucky rests his chin on your shoulder, his arms around you. The two of you watch the vision board with awe and then your eyes narrow.
“Did you put ‘Have sex on hotel balcony’ right next to the Eiffel tower picture?” You look at his side profile.
Bucky holds back a laugh, “Well, do you not want to? Be full of me? While the lights shine bright, twinkling? Mimicking the way pleasure thrums through your body?” His hands move then from your waist to your thighs, parting them. 
Calloused fingers moving along your inner thigh, “Tell me Sunshine? Do you not enjoy it when you’re bent over? Feeling me deep within you?”
Your breath hitches as his lips brush over the sensitive spot on your neck.
“People could see us, be oh so jealous of us. Two people so in love it consumes them. They would say our love and lust is brighter than their cities.” He cups your mound, the skirt pushed up to your hips, your panties pushed aside. 
Bucky moans as your arousal coats his fingers, “I want to feel you claim me in every corner of the world. Every city we visit, Sunshine, I want to be yours, I want you to be mine.” Your head rests against his shoulder, his fingers part your folds, his middle finger sinking into you.
“Bucky,” You plead, needing more.
“Right here, baby. You feel so good, taking my fingers so well.” Bucky adds another, you moan, your fingers wrapping around his wrist. When did he move your legs apart further with his knees under yours, you don’t understand.
You fall fully against him when his left hand joins in, fingers rubbing your clit as his fingers thrust into you. Your hips raise and grind against him. Pleasure blooming across you, Bucky watches in the reflection of his balcony window as you fall apart for him.
You come with a cry of his name, panting and bliss dragging you under. He doesn’t stop not until he has made you ride through your orgasm. You watch with a half mast gaze as he licks his fingers clean.
“Decadent, my good girl. My sunshine. Soarele meu.” Bucky watches as you turn, straddling him pushing down his sweats, greed driving the two of you. When he calls you his, it illuminates you brighter, turns you a little feral you won’t lie. You love it, he loves it. 
He smiles into the kiss you tease him with, that you haven't noticed yet, the picture he put of a married couple right next to a picture of the two of you.
Bucky moans into your mouth as you sink down on his cock, inch by inch. You whimper as he nips upon your bottom lip once he’s completely sheathed by you. Hands on your hips, your hands on his shoulders. 
You stay that way for a moment, foreheads pressed to one another's. 
“You tore my panties.” You huff realising through the haze.
“Sunshine, I’m a little preoccupied to even care about them.”
You narrow your eyes, clenching your walls, he hisses, his hands grip your hips and make you grind down. Your clit stimulated–you whimper and moan. He grins, your personal devil.
“Two can play, Sunshine,”
“I won’t move.” 
Soon your back is against the floor, legs around Bucky’s hips. 
“I can do the hard work, you just stay there and moan my name.” His cocky smirk sends a shiver through you, “Oh my pussy loves the idea.” He admires your cunt by softly tracing his fingers over your slick folds, tapping your clit and giving light thrusts.
“Bucky–,” You try to grab onto him, one hand pins down both of yours, you stare up at him. Anticipation pools in your belly.
“I told you, Sunshine. You just lay there and take it like my good fucking girl.” He brushes his lips over yours, you feel him pull his hips away, your walls clamp not wanting to let him go, he thrusts back in, his pace hard but slow. 
The sound of flesh slapping against the other, your moans, his grunts, your whimpers and his groans. Your neediness, his praise, his dirty words and your praise. Your worlds collide and shatter in the best way, pleasure breaks across Bucky and your skies. 
When he feels your orgasm take over your body, triggering his own, his hands grip your jaw making you look at him.
Bucky’s eyes close, he moans a prayer of your name. His hair falls across his cheekbones, your hand reaches up to stroke his cheek, his lips brush over the inside of your palm. 
At night, after your little nap, you go to retrieve the vision board, to tuck it away into his wardrobe. That is when you see it, the wedding picture, you write on a small folded sheet sticking it near the picture. 
It would be a little surprise for him, you’d pretend to not see the pictures, but whenever he sees the folded paper, he would know your answer to the unasked question. Three letters that would make him the happiest. Thereby making you the happiest. 
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You stare at Wanda, really give her a good hard look. She stares right back, her eyes roll yet again as she palpates your reluctance. Her lips part to tell you that it's okay but you hold up a hand.
“I am not using your wedding as bait.” You refuse her plan, she glares at you, “What are you glaring at me for? It’s your day!” 
Steve coughs from the living room.
“It’s your shared day!” You correct, then wince.
“Steve, stop eavesdropping! Go play with Bucky.” Wanda calls out.
“We don’t play–,” Steve begins,
“So why did I scramble to buy the damn PS5?” She counters.
Bucky guffaws and then yelps, then Steve yelps.
“Boys, anywho, come on, no other chance will you get, plus Sharon is planning to wear white.” Wanda adds.
Your mouth drops open, “That bitch!”
“Now will you please let us have their downfall at my reception? It will be my wedding gift.” Your best friend brings out her puppy eyes.
“You have my blessing to absolutely annihilate those shitheads.” Wanda grins happily as she watches your features change from reluctance to consideration.
You sigh, the rehearsal dinner was just done, the ceremony was the day after. Bucky had gotten the merger out of the way the news would break amidst the wedding reception. Steve’s team would take care to keep the ropes tight till he sent the message to allow the news to be published to the public.
“You’re okay with it?” You ask again.
“Look I have the main ceremony and who told you I won’t make it about myself–”
Steve coughs again.
“Myself and Steve! Jeez, will you let me complete sentences?”
“Sorry babydoll.” Steve calls out.
“Okay, let's get back at them.” You nod. Steve and Bucky enter the kitchen area again.
“Alright now, this is exactly how it will go down.” Wanda pulls out a rolled chart, unrolling it across the island top.
Bucky wraps his arm around your waist, “Ready for vengeance?” He whispers.
“With you by my side I’m ready for anything.” You look up at him, he smiles, his dimple showing.
“Aw cute, flirt later, listen to the plan first.” Wanda snaps her fingers.
“It’s all military time coded.” Bucky observes the steps.
“Well duh, I need my sunset beach picture of Steve kissing me as the minister declares us husband and wife. The beach resort was booked for the photo op.” Wanda looks at you with disbelief, “Are you sure you wanna date him?”
“Hey!” Bucky interjects offended.
“Wan.” You huff a laugh, giggling when Bucky looks at you offended as well.
“What I’m just making sure.” She raises her hands in surrender.
“Just tell him the plan, baby.” Steve kisses her forehead, “She’s just excited about being a mastermind.”
“Well no one is taking Sunshine away from me.” Bucky pulls you closer.
“No one can and no one will.” You assure him kissing his jaw.
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Pink roses adorn the aisles, the breeze softly bellows across the resort’s private beach. The event management had put down the makeshift wooden flooring. Sand however had made its way onto sections but the altar was impeccable.
In the conservatory Wanda looks towards you, amidst the final check of her make up, the veil, her something borrowed, old and blue. Her assistant pours out a shot of vodka and the bride grabs it with eager hands. 
The two of you laugh as she downs the shot just before the Wan and Steve’s mothers each enter to check upon their daughter. 
Across, in the other wing of the conservatory Steve and Bucky share a drink. The two reminisce over the conversations about this fateful day. Bucky hands a small box sent over by Wanda to his best friend. The groom cannot help but laugh at the cartoon doodle socks with the note that said, ‘Incase you get cold feet. Don’t.’ 
Steve scribbles his own answering note back to Wanda which Bucky delivers in your hand. He waits as the bride and groom play this little game of passing the note along. The two of you indulge yourselves as well, exchanging kisses each time the note was delivered. 
You hear the soft aw when you pull away from Bucky. Outside the groom’s door. Sarah Rogers and Winnie Barnes stand there with beaming smiles on their faces.
Heat creeps over your cheeks, Winnie only grins brighter at you. Bucky’s arm rests around your waist as he lets you shy away against him. He places a kiss on your temple. His mother was onto his denial of feelings.
Calling him out in Romanian when he told her about your shared confession. The entire time you gazed between the mother son duo confused when Becca walked in, giving you a full translation because she heard the yelling match to her room.
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Three days after returning from the trip
“She’s calling him an idiot.” Becca says, grabbing an apple from the fruit basket and offering you the bowl of strawberries. Your fingers intertwine as you twist them nervously. Gaze bouncing between mother and son.
Bucky says something with an exasperated expression and shakes his head. Winnie clicks her tongue and the back of her hand meets her palm to emphasise her point.
This goes back and forth and Becca keeps translating, its mostly funny to watch and hear because she keeps laughing every time Winnie is calling out the shared stupidity of losing six years.
“He said, ‘Yes, I was dumb to not resolve things before but the two of us were manipulated.’ Then mom said, ‘You were not manipulated you were a dumbass to not approach her directly.’” The mother and son look at Becca.
“And now they will begin to tell me off, Mom come on, you should be happy he’s finally calling her Soare to her face rather than muttering it in his sleep or when he’s absentmindedly telling us about her.” She defends herself and the tips of Bucky’s ears go pink.
“You… How long have you called me Sunshine?” You ask, Bucky glares at his sister, who only grins at him and blows a kiss to him.
“You and Wanda should hang out, she’d love you.” You comment as Becca jumps off the chair.
“I know, I love Wanda, she’s my hero.” 
Winnie had slowly stepped away, her happiness knowing no bounds.
“I’ve thought you were Sunshine since you brightened my day when I saw you first.” Bucky admits, you grin wider. 
The two of you ignore the squeals of his family. Bucky walks around the kitchen island. Hands cupping your face. 
“Sorry about them, they are just a little excited for me.” He brushes his thumb over your cheek bone.
“I think it's adorable. Plus Becca could be a wonderful interpreter.”
Bucky rolls his eyes, but his gaze is soft, “Come on, let's go to the bookstore, I’ll buy you all the books you want.” 
“You both are staying for dinner!” Winnie calls out, “I want to know your mireasă (bride) better.”
You raise a brow to Bucky, he scrambles and you worry about the word’s meaning.
“She said dragă, which means sweetheart. Try it?” Bucky encourages you, his fingertips trace your jaw, left hand, grabs the chair, manoeuvring it so he stands between your legs.
“That didn’t sound like dr-rea-ga?” You attempt to say it correctly.
“Mea Dragă, my darling or my sweetheart. It’s actually said as Dragă mea. Sometimes the rules of English come into other languages when speaking quickly.” Bucky easily covers his mother’s slip up.
“Dragă mea?” It sounds better as you say it this time.
“Good.” Bucky rewards you with a kiss.
“What other words do I need to know?” You ask him, “Wait, the most important words!”
“What?” He tilts his head in wonder.
“I love you! How do I say it in Romanian?”
Bucky chuckles, azure eyes brightening at your eagerness to share his language, “Te iubesc. Two words, eight letters instead of three words.” 
He repeats it, over and over. Letting you follow along as he breaks the word into parts then together. Till you get the pronunciation correct. 
“Dragă mea, te iubesc.” You say to him at the end of the night as he stands at your door, hands in his pockets, cheeks coated in the blush that makes you swoon at his beauty.
“Say it again, Sunshine.”
“Puffin mea, dragă mea, te iubesc.” You hardly get time to recover, his body moulds against yours. Lips hungry, ravenous in the most loving way. His hands are just as eager and wanton as your own.
The door closes, you’re held up by Bucky. Your head moves to the side in pleasure, you don’t notice the frame of the order that saved your business tilts as his thrusts are frantic, the two of you repeating the words in Romanian and English. 
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When the event planner gets a whiff of the notes exchange programme Bucky and you are shooed away and the bride and groom are warned about the time constraints. 
The crowd is seated, cell phones tucked away with a scary looking bouncer to allow only the photographer to take pictures. The bridesmaids and groomsmen walk down the aisle separating at the altar. 
Your arm looped with Bucky’s both of you making sure you had the vows, rings and anything else needed to make the ceremony proceed smoothly. The song changes and you look at Bucky and then at Wanda.
The string instrumental is from the first song the two of you danced at the party, Counting Stars by OneRepublic.
“Our,” your throat constricts, Bucky smiles nodding. “Our song.”
You look back at Wanda with gratitude, she smiles at you, “Now go, I’ll be there in a sec.”
The two of you step out, the chorus of the song plays as the two of you walk towards the altar. Bucky can’t help but feel happiness, he mouths a thank you to Steve who shrugs it off. You part from Bucky with a kiss to his cheek. 
The band changes the tune to the bridal march, Wanda walks down the aisle looking every bit beautiful. Steve begins to cry and looks at Bucky who pats his back and offers him a tissue.
“She’s my dream girl.” Steve tells everyone and sniffles, using the tissue to help himself. Her father sheds a few tears giving her hand into Steve’s. The father and son-in-law share a hug. 
“Son, you’ve been taking care of her for the past many years, I know you will continue doing so, I’m giving you my princess, you treat her as the queen she is to you.” Her father says and Steve nods.
“I will, Sir.”
“I will, Dad.” Her father corrects, Steve can’t help the watery laugh that blubbers from him.
The minister begins the ceremony, you can’t help but tear up as it unfolds. Watching Steve and Wanda go from cheesy flirting to dating to living together and now being married. 
A fairytale romance even though Wanda hated the fantasy association. Steve would agree though. 
The minister smiles then allows for the two to say their prepared vows. 
You hand Wanda her cue cards and take her bouquet from her for the time being. 
“Stevie, I’ve known you through several phases of our lives. In each phase you have been the person I needed and wanted, you have been not just my boyfriend but my best friend, my confidant and above all my everything. When you proposed I knew I wanted to be yours and no I’m not talking about the ring, I’m talking about when you proposed for us to be together all those years ago,” 
Steve chuckles and then sniffles. 
“Steve, I vow to be the partner you need and want, I vow to make my famous butter chicken for you whenever you want,” That earns her laughs.
“I vow to be your friend, I vow to be your date at all boring lawyer events, I vow to be with you in health, in sickness, in happiness and in sadness, I vow to be your everything as you remain my ev-everything. Husband, I know you call me wife whenever you talk about me. I can’t wait until you don’t have to hide that and call me yo-your wife all the time. I vow to love you unconditionally.”
You hand her a tissue, your gaze meets Bucky’s and the two of you are misty eyed. 
Bucky hands Steve his cue cards. 
“Wanda Maximoff, you are my dream girl, baby. Ask Bucky, I would not shut up about you.” Steve smiles at her, she chuckles. 
Bucky nods, “Affirmative.”
“You are everything to me and more, from the first day of correcting my presentation in the middle of my presentation,” Steve sheepishly shrugs it off. 
“You used Comic Sans!” She reminds him not forgetting about it. 
Laughter surrounds the couple. 
“I would have kept using it if it meant I’d have your attention. Wan, you are the light in darkness, you are bewitching as the day that I met you. Whatever love spell we may be under, I hope it never breaks. Somepeople may consider marriage a hex but I don’t, thank you for allowing me to be your everything. Thank you for being my everything.” 
Steve takes a deep breath,
“You have my vow, Wanda, to be yours for always, the way you need and want, through every crest and trough life sends our way. I promise you to be the best that I can be for you. I also vow to keep buying you notebooks for your mastermind plans.” 
She swats him lightly. He only laughs, holding onto her hand that stays on his chest. 
“I vow to be the husband that you, my wife will need and want in happiness, in sadness, in health and in sickness.” He takes a deep breath, smiling through his happy tears.
“I vow to love you, unconditionally.” 
“Beautiful vows,” He goes over asking them for their I dos, both of them grinning widely at the other, “by the authority vested in me by the state of New York; I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The minister smiles, “You may now kiss the bride.” 
“Don’t mind if I do, kiss my wife.” Steve pulls Wanda close, he cups her cheek. Their wedding track is played. Wanda smiles up at him. 
The two of them are still misty eyed. They share a laugh. Before their lips meet.
The guests clap and holler, you can’t help but cheer them on through the happy tears. Bucky finds your gaze once again, reaching over to hand you a tissue without interrupting the couple. 
You wonder what it would feel like standing at the altar with Bucky. The feeling dawns upon you as Steve and Wanda pull away from the kiss but rest their foreheads together lost in the moment.
You raise your gaze to find him looking at you, your heart somersaults. It would feel right.
Bucky knows it would feel right, making you Mrs. Barnes one day.
The fairy lights and candle lights flicker on as the sky grows darker.
“Guests and loved ones of the couple, may I take pleasure in announcing for the first time, Steve and Wanda Rogers!” The minister exclaims as the guests cheer on further. 
Wanda turns to you, excited and she hugs you. You hug her back.
“I’m so happy for you Wan.” You tighten the hug as she does too, both of you sniffle in tandem.
“We have to be careful with eye make up.” She tries to keep her voice even.
“I made them use waterproof mascara.” You tell her knowing tears would happen despite her declaring she would not cry.
“Steve did cry seeing you.” You tell her on the lighter note, she laughs.
“He did good.” Wanda says, “I mean look at me, he won the fucking lotto.” 
“He did win the lotto, he won the world with you Wanda.” Bucky adds and Steve’s wife returns in his arms.
“Aw, Bucky, are you going soft and mushy after all these grumpy years?” Wanda teases him, Steve chuckles.
“Love makes him all soft and mushy.” Steve earns an eye roll from his best man.
“There he is!” Stevepretends to wipe the sweat off of his forehead, “Thought I lost you there bud.”
“Now come on, at 2000 Hours we have a reception to execute.” Wanda reminds you all, the two of them walk back to the conservatory as everyone throws the flower petals.
Bucky offers you his hand, “Honestly, I wouldn’t have missed the wedding as I had planned months ago.”
You link your arm through his, giving him a curious look, you knew he wanted to skip because of the strained history the two of you shared.
“You’d torture yourself?” Your tone is light but the two of you know the heaviness that is held by the words.
The two of you continue your walk, faster paced than the rest to have a moment alone before the chaos. 
“Sunshine, you own my heart even if I did not want you to, so yes. I would put us both through the torture of going through all of this for just a moment to be close to you. I know it sounds mean and selfish–,”
“I’d do it just for a moment of your time too.” You admit, Bucky leads you to a corner, pushing you against the wall.
“What does that say about us? Masochists?” He murmurs, you look to the side. He grips your jaw making you look back at him, “We’ve got time.”
“Unrequited love is painful, we lived with it for years.” You meet his darkening gaze, “We’re the only ones who can erase the pain.” 
“Because we’re the ones that caused it.” He feels your lips brush his jaw, before he can taste your lips upon his own. 
Bucky sighs into your mouth, your fingers run through his hair. His palms grip your waist, the ring digging into your hip. You moan when his tongue meets yours, he’s about to push up your dress to just have a little taste when the clearing of a familiar throat has you both pull away.
Wanda and Steve stand there shaking their heads.
“Your four minute window is up. Bridal party portraits now.” Wanda taps Steve’s watch.
Steve gives the two of you an apologetic look, he did try to distract Wanda.
“Why does no man read the docket? Horny stuff is scheduled for later tonight.” She shakes her head and turns leading the group to the photograph location.
“Please tell me she isn’t responsible for our wedding.” Bucky whispers to you.
“I can hear you and I am responsible. I’m the best damn wedding planner to exist.” Wanda calls out.
Steve and you laugh as Bucky huffs annoyed.
“Well I’d like several bouts of horny time scheduled.” He requests, “You know so Steve and you can blow off steam and not disappear on us.” 
“It’s my wedding so I’ll let that slide, Barnes.” Steve waves a dismissive hand.
“It’s true though.” You not so subtly whisper.
“We heard that.” Is the Rogers' reply in unison.
Bucky and you giggle much to their ire but then straighten up when both of them glare at you both. Feeling as though toddlers are being told off by their parents.
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The first part of the revenge plan was a carefully crafted invite for Sharon and Brock. Wanda had to stop her cackle when the two of them entered the reception area. Much after the couple’s entry. 
“You altered the timing on their card?” Steve whispers, she nods.
“And the theme, I wrote disco.” Wanda adds on, her eyes move to Bucky and you, going over the speech order.
Bucky raises his head to look for Pietro as he would open up the floor for the speeches but what he finds instead he has to bite his cheek. He taps your shoulder several times to pull you away from texting Pietro, he was off wandering around instead of being ready for his speech. 
“What?” You hiss at him because if Pietro fucks up you would be worst than Wanda.
“Look.” He gestures in the general direction.
You look at the direction and your laugh gets caught in a fake cough.
Sharon is dressed in a sparkly silver jumpsuit, her hair in tight curls and a hairband. Brock looks slightly in check with only his sparkly silver jacket being on disco theme. 
You whip in the direction of Wanda and share a non verbal conversation just in looks. 
She giggles behind her champagne glass. Steve shakes his head, chuckling. 
Bucky lets a laugh slip and so do you. 
“Um, did they come for the wedding or the senior’s 80s theme retreat in the other hall?” Pietro appears next to you.
Bucky raises a brow at him, he moves away in the slightest.
“I have no idea…” You try not to laugh.
“Well you gotta think they’re on their way here.” Pietro nods.
Bucky and you turn in time, his arm around your waist and pleasant smiles plastered across your faces.
“Sharon, Brock, we didn't think you were coming.” Bucky begins before they can say anything.
“Why would we not? We’re on time.” Sharon feigned nonchalance.
“You missed the ceremony. Oh Sharon it puts every other wedding I have been to shame.” An aunt of Steve’s walks up to the table.
Sharon laughs dryly, “I mean Brock and I flew everyone, well not everyone out to Spain.” She looks apologetically at Bucky and you. His fingers tighten slightly upon your waist.
“I know darling but the magic of the beach wedding today was beautiful. I was telling the other relatives and they all agreed.” 
“Well they probably will remember the wonderful reception.” Brock intervenes as Sharon gleefully smiles.
“Oh the noise I remember that, anyways, dearest,” She turns to Bucky and you. 
Sharon huffs, “Brocksie, get me a drink please?” 
 “The two of you are so sweet. I need some help with getting my husband’s wheelchair, these chairs aren’t very comfortable.” She explains. 
“Which room are you in Aunt Tara?” Bucky questions, “I can have someone retrieve it back from the room. I know the hotel one isn’t all that comfortable.” 
“Ah yes, let me go fetch the keycard, thank you.” She smiles at you all before turning away. 
“Aunt Tara! Let me help you.” Sharon follows her, “And remind you of the beautiful lantern ceremony.” 
“Alright I think you can.” Aunt Tara says, sighing. 
“I’ll still have the staff help you out.” Bucky adds before she’s out of earshot. 
“Pietro,” You hand him the mic, “You’re up first.” 
“Good luck kiss?” Pietro smirks looking at Bucky. 
“Don’t push your luck, Maximoff.” Your man grumbles. 
“Bucky.” You reach up kissing his cheek. 
Pietro places a hand over his heart. “You’re killing me, Feather.” 
“Feather?” Bucky narrows his eyes. 
“Pietro, stop trying to annoy my man.” You glare at him, he knew about the tumultuous life after one night you went to the Maximoff residence in tears. 
Wanda wasn’t back home yet but Pietro stayed up with you making sure you were okay. The heartbreak you harboured was known to him and even if the two of you never saw each other as anything more than friends, he would always flirt with you. 
“It’s fun, annoying him.” Is all he says before going towards the married couple. 
“Asshole. Fought him off once, I’ll do it again.” Bucky mutters.
“Fought him off?” You raise your brows at him. 
“It was when, well—,”
“Hey, where is Sharon? Also why aren't you guys in themed outfits?” Brock cut the conversation off. 
“Oh hey, um she went with Aunt Tara.” You look around, sure enough both are missing. 
“Then why did she ask me to bring her a drink?” He grumbles and you don’t know what to do. 
Well you do, because Wanda told you to do so, “Hey, why don’t I show you your seat and send over a bottle just for the two of you?” Your offer is met by a nod. 
Bucky squeezes your hand before you leave, he watches as you begin to converse with Rumlow on the way to show him his seat. He waits for your conversation to seem longer and then trails out of the reception hall, quick steps to follow towards where Sharon would be. 
Just how Aunt Tara was told to do so.
Sharon stands there huffing, outside the room as Aunt Tara takes her sweet time to come out. When she spots him, her blonde hair is flipped back to show the skin of her shoulders. Bucky controls his eye roll, fiddling with his ring that solidifies his bond with you. 
“Bucky!” Sharon beams, he gives her a curt nod.
“You were a while, I thought I’d help.” He shrugs, she nods.
“Yeah I think she’s gone to the bathroom, I keep hearing the flush…” Her nose scrunches with disgust, “Also why is no one in the disco theme?” Her gaze trails over him Bucky takes a step back, he was distant enough but her gaze was leering.
“You didn’t know? The printer fucked up with some of the invites… Relatives called because disco was never a theme that Wanda and Steve would choose. You didn’t rectify with Wanda?”
Sharon struggles for an answer, “There was a charity Gala actually, they were on the same theme so Brock and I just shrugged. You know how much I enjoy philanthropy.” 
“I know. Noble of you.” He looks back at the door, pretending to contemplate something.
“Spill?” Sharon encourages.
“I don’t know if I should tell you this, I haven’t even told Steve.” He adds the spice and Sharon eats up the lie that is about to begin.
“What? You can trust me Bucky, I always want what is best for you,” Her gaze drops to his ring, “Even if it isn’t always right for you.” 
“How much has Brock told you about the money coming in from the sale of the company?” The question has Sharon do a double take. 
“Um, what do you mean by that?” 
“Just tell me the number he told you, Steve told me in confidence there were some issues clouding around your family. I want to know if he is being honest to you.” Bucky reaches out to touch her arm as if offering comfort then he pulls it away.
“He’s said it's not a lot of capital appreciation.” Sharon’s lips press into a thin line.
“Sharon, I think he is fooling you. I. Please tell me you won’t speak to him right now, I don’t want you dealing with him alone. If he gets aggressive.”
“I can hold my own.” She smiles, indicating just how vindictive she can be.
Good Bucky thinks this will work out.
“He spilled about the prenup on the trip.” 
Sharon’s mouth falls open, eyes wide and her breathing increases, “What? That fucker!” Sharon seethes, her fists clenching.
“Sharon, you promised to be calm.” Bucky shakes his head.
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“You look as though you want to say something?” Brock chuckles looking at your shifty expression, your eyes dart to the door once more for good measure.
“I actually do…��� You sigh, “I wanted to talk to you about Beck.” 
Brock pauses, the two of you stop walking to his table.
“What not going to work out with, Barnes?” He smirks.
His gaze moving to find Bucky, you grab his arm.
“Brock is about what I overheard Beck say one night. Related to your company.” You feel relief when he stops his search for Bucky.
“What did he say and why are you telling me now?” He narrows his eyes.
“Because I overheard Bucky as well and I could not in good conscience let it go.” You reason, “Look the speeches have a few more minutes, I need to tell you before Sharon comes back.
“What does Sharon have to do with it?” Brock demands, fingers tightening around the glass of alcohol.
“You remember when Beck came back from the joint vacation you guys took?” You add an urgency to your voice, he nods, “Well I had found something in his suitcase when he asked me to get his toiletry bag,”
“Can we go out… I don't want anyone overhearing.”  
The two of you head out to the lobby, Brock rests a hand on his hip, the other beckoning you to speak, then he sips his drink.
“I found a few women’s clothes that matched Sharon’s from the pictures she uploaded to her instagram.”
“You do know I know she’s cheating on me. I told you about Beck’s infidelity too.” He shrugs as if this is old news.
“Well do you know he told her he bought your shares out? Bucky was saying that the deal does not look good at all for you, Brock over the work video call he had. Also, I’m telling you this in confidence, since you have always been honest with me. I want to repay that by telling you this, on girls night back at Aspen, Sharon mentioned a prenup after Wanda got an email from Steve.” 
“You’re speaking in circles, Y/N. So what if she mentioned one?” Brock rolls his eyes, but he fiddles with his collar.
“Brock, she said and I quote, ‘pretty sure Brocksie will have nothing soon, the prenup I have and the proof of his infidelity he loses all the remaining money to me.’” You wait for the words to sink in, you watch on as the emotional colours on his face change.
The calmness turns into shock, into anger, finally into calculative mode.
 You wonder if there ever was love between the two or was it only love for the money?
“Fuck so she’s probably filed for the divorce. She was speaking to the damn lawyer. That liar!” Brock roars and you step back as he throws the glass on the floor.
“Who have you told?” He steps close to you.
“No one! I told you all this in confidence! Because you warned me about Beck and breaking up with him was helpful to me.” 
“Oh please I only told you to break up with him because he would be distraught and not pay attention to any side deals I was doing.” Brock runs a hand through his hair several times. 
“I’m sure he was fine, given his continued trips.” You roll your eyes now, “Anyways, I’ve moved on to better bank balances,” The words sour on your tongue but you have to keep up the charade, “I’m telling you this so you can save yourself and your money from Sharon.” You have to draw attention away from Beck. 
“Good you told me, I’m going to fuck her over in this entire divorce, she fucking cheated on me first.” He pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Look, say nothing during this, keep up the charade. Then get your lawyer to have her pay up.” You advise.
Wanda had seen the prenup, reading through the main reasons had to be whoever cheats loses everything. They now had to just prove who cheated first. Which would be their own battle in this sham marriage of their own.
“You’re right. That bitch shouldn’t see things coming.” He agrees, “I’m going to my table, if I need to get in touch with my lawyer I’ll ask you to cover for me in front of her okay?”
“Okay.” You agree.
“Now calm down and lets head back before she sees anything.” You lead Brock back and Bucky leads pushing the empty wheelchair with Sharon arm in arm with Aunt Tara from the other entrance. Fuck.
Bucky’s eyes widen the same way. They could not see you and Bucky individually interacting with each other’s spouses. It could cause suspicion, they played this game once already. It cost the two of you too much.
You push Brock towards the buffet, “What the fuck?” he trips hands landing in the ice kept for the oysters.
“Your wife.” You whisper-yell at him, waving your hands for him to look away.
“Right. Go.” He mutters and you shake your head, returning to your original place.
Wanda, Steve and Pietro share a glance with you, a subtle nod their way has them speaking in hushed whispers again.
Bucky sighs with relief as they help Uncle Al onto the wheelchair and Aunt Tara gives him a kiss on the cheek. Sharon is already taking her place next to Brock. The two share a loving glance.
Bucky walks to you at the emcee stand you both were to share, “Went as planned?”
“Yeah, hopefully they bicker soon enough.” You look up at him, “I really want them to pay. They played with us and they don’t even respect their marriage.” 
“I know Sunshine. They will. If this plan doesn’t work, we’ll figure something else out.” Bucky assures you cupping your cheek.
You kiss his palm, Wanda coughs. You can hear her tapping Steve’s watch again.
Bucky closes his eyes, “It was enough that I had to deal with her because of Steve.” 
You giggle, “Oh come on you love her.”
“She’s alot like Becca, annoying younger sister.” He huffs, turning to face her and he glares at her. 
She blows a raspberry at him, Pietro laughs and Steve just records Bucky’s bewildered expression.
“Puffin, let’s host this wedding.”
“Best emcees on the planet, Sunshine.” 
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Sarah Roger’s speech has everyone misty eyed, the pictures she showed on the projector of a young Steve, fighting off several ailments and sharing the known fact that it was going to be a miracle if he pulled through his hospitalisations. 
To her retelling of the day she met Wanda in the grocery store and told Steve about a redhead woman who put a racist asshole in place all the while continuing her self check out. Onto the moment that the very same redhead appeared at her doorstep and was introduced as Steve’s girlfriend.
“And today, I get to introduce her as his wife,” She turns to look at Wanda, “You’ve been my daughter for a long time and now it just makes it legally binding.” 
Wanda gives a watery laugh. 
Steve kisses his wife’s cheek. 
The guests clap and cheer. Sarah hands over the mic to Bucky, who hands it over to you. Only Bucky and you remained to give your best man and maid of honour speech. You were excited since the two of you were keeping each other’s words as surprises. 
You’re about to introduce Bucky to take centre stage, when the scrape of a chair draws everyone’s attention.
“Sharon just shut the fuck up for one night!” Brock yells and the scraping of cutlery stops, so does the small murmuring,
“Me? You want me to shut up? Why don’t you shut down your whoring around, asshole!” Sharon demands from Brock.
“Me? What about you sleeping around since fucking college? Then even most of the guys I work with, you’re the one whoring around!” He accuses her and she scoffs.
“Your dick isn’t enough to keep me happy.” 
“Yeah well nor is my money! Beck, seriously? I mean its enough you chase after every guy Y/N manages to get but fuck, going behind my back and having a deal with Beck?” Brock has disgust written all over his face.
“Please, she has no fucking–, the audacity you have? I could get any guy, I’m the prize and fuck you, you’re the one hungry for money!” 
Brock seethes, Sharon’s chest rises and falls both searching for a verbal attack.
Bucky and you exchange a glance, the tensions were rising between them. The loved up display crumbling as the words of trust and love spewed on from the speakers. 
“Sharon–,” Her father begins.
“No daddy! I should have listened to you, he is useless, his money is also gone now! You know I’m wearing the socialite’s second hand outfit? Me! Second hand!” Sharon stops her foot like a petulant child.
“Are you so shallow? Fuck, what the fuck is wrong with you? Mr. Carter your daughter is a fucking mess! She slept with my fucking business partner to one up Y/N! All for losing Barnes’ affections!” Brock points finally at the two of you.
“What about you? You wanted to sleep with her too to one up Barnes and Beck! You thought telling her about the cheating will have her be an easy fuck! You even wanted to fuck Wanda! I even tried getting with ‘illness ridden cousin Steve’ to make that happen for you! You know how disgusting he is!?” Sharon throws her drink on Brock and he smears the mashed potato across her face and neck.
The guests gasp and so does Sharon, “You fucker! Now we won’t be able to get our money back!” 
“Well good you nicked the fucking without insurance rental!” Brock reminds her.
“Excuse me?” Wanda’s voice rings out the mic you held now in her hands. 
Everyone turns to her, she waves at the crowd with a smile. 
“Now, hey hello, thank you all for coming to my wedding. Lovely to have you all here, while I have your attention, security is on its way to take out the trash. Yes I’m talking about you Sharon and Brock. You insult my husband, both my families. You even insult our best friends, hell you’ve been insulting us all for ages. Take your stupid sham of a marriage out of this event hall, hell off of the property. You dare not try and come back.” Wanda smiles as the security comes in escorting the two of them out. 
As they are heading out, the struggle Sharon puts up makes way for a waiter to drop his entire tray of beers for the father’s and uncles onto Sharon and Brock by default. You cover your mouth with your hand and Bucky doesn’t hold back his laugh. Pure karma.
“I wish I could say I planned that.” Wanda giggles. Steve chuckles, “I’m giving you credit.”
Sharon’s parents look apologetic as they move out of the hall as well. 
The crowd breaks into whispers. 
“Are the two of you alright?” Steve questions Bucky and you. 
You’ve held onto Bucky’s hand tightly, his thumb swipes over the back of your hand. 
Bucky still processes everything, there was so much hate they harboured out of jealousy. 
You aren’t upset, just surprised at everything that transpired, surprised at the jealousy people were capable of feeling.
“Puffin?” You find yourself looking into his eyes, “Sunshine?” 
Wanda smiles at the two of you, Steve smiles as well while Bucky cups your cheek, his lips crashing to yours, the kiss is bordering on sweet, happiness felt across the way his lips curve upwards, you giggle as he pulls you closer.
“Alright everyone, back to the speeches.” Wanda says once the two of you pull away staring at each other goofily grinning.”
Wanda hands you the mic back, “Everyone, I would like to introduce the Best Man, James Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers’ best friend and my everything.” 
The guests cheer, the couple take their seats again. Bucky takes the mic standing at the mark.
“Good Evening everyone, thank you for coming out to celebrate one of the sweetest love stories I’ve ever witnessed. Steve and Wanda were a pair probably made in some chaotic portion of heaven.” Bucky chuckles, while Steve and Wanda narrow their eyes at him.
“What I said, heaven not hell, though that would be accurate. Steve used to drag me to these lectures, I understood we were sneaking into Wanda’s class. Now I had my own selfish motivations when it came to attending, I had my sights set on some too.” Bucky looks at you, your cheeks heat.
Bucky smiles at you then continues, “Now Steve realised quite soon that I could be bribed by my crush to do his bidding. Yet again they pulled the same stunt for the wedding under the whole guise of tradition, but Y/N and I would have been their go to people in a heartbeat. I’ve known Stevie since we were kids. I’ve seen him at his weakest and strongest, his will and inner strength however never deterred. When he saw Wanda and asked her out. The first statement he told me while nursing a pint of Ben and Jerry’s was that he would one day marry her.”
Everyone aws, Steve’s face turned red. Wanda’s head rests on his shoulder.
“I knew then that this day would come, I just hadn’t known that I would also have my Sunshine by my side, watching our best friends who fell in love get married. Wanda, I know you will love and care for Steve in the way he deserves. You told me months ago that you’re stealing my best friend. Well Wan, my now annoying sister through marriage to my brother,”
You smile at the happiness that Wanda feels at the acceptance Bucky gives her.
“You’re the only person I trust with Steve’s heart, so even if you steal him away, I won’t fight back, because I know for one, Steve will kill me if I take him away from you. But I also know that when two halves of one soul meet, not even destiny can separate them. So cheers to you for proving soulmates exist and for making us all believe in true love again. Even if we had our hearts clouded about its existence.” 
Bucky raises his glass, the guests follow suit. He goes over to their table. Steve pulls him in the biggest hug and the two laugh and wipe at their eyes. Pulling away and doing a bro hug to offset the emotions.
Wanda hugs Bucky tightly, then whispers something to him that makes him laugh. He pats her head, before turning to the crowd again.
“Everyone, I hope you have space in your hearts for one more speech, from the Maid of Honour, Y/N, bestest friend of Wanda and my raza de soare, my Sunshine,” Bucky holds out his hand for you to take, he kisses the back of your hand while retreating to the emcee stand.
He watches you with the softest gaze, you can’t help but feel a little shy. You look at the crowd, taking in a deep breath.
“Hi everyone, I know you all want to move onto dessert so I’ll try to keep this short.” It earns you a few laughs.
“I met Wanda not as early as I’d like, college was amazing with her and sometimes we would imagine what all stages of school would seem like if we were together back then as well. We have different theories but one thing we know for sure is we would have remained best friends.” 
“When Wanda came over one day gushing over Steve Rogers I remember asking her who? And I swear she almost disowned me for not knowing who I was referring to, it is only after I clarified that I hope you aren’t talking about the blue eyed brunette who was in our class but never spoke, did she tell me ‘no Y/N, I’m speaking of the blue eyed blonde!’ You can imagine my immense relief at that point.”
Bucky shakes his head at you, the college class and finds your gaze again and again playing over in his mind as though it was yesterday.
“Safe to say after that I was dragged to football games, which again as Bucky didn’t mind an extra class, I didn’t mind those matches because he would be here. So we both were a little selfish amidst the love story taking place.” You shrug, “At least Bucky and I don’t take the blame for being kicked out of several places. That’s on the married couple.” 
A few common and old friends laugh knowing all about what you mention.
“When Wanda told me she wanted to propose to Steve, I only asked her if she had the ring size right. I knew that it was the easiest decision she ever made in her life, choosing to spend it with Steve.” You look at Steve then, smiling at him.
“Steve, you're one of my closest friends and not just because Wanda pulls you into one of our gossip sessions or because you think you have to be nice to me on account of Wanda. You’re the elder brother I always wanted, I know I can come to you in happiness or sadness and I know without a shred of doubt you would be there for me.” You swallow the lump in your throat.
Wanda wipes the corner of her eyes.
“I knew one day I’d be Wanda’s Maid of Honour, everyone who knows our friendship knows we decided on the flower arrangement within the first year of becoming besties. What I didn’t know was the maze, Bucky and I would have to conjure to honour the requests of the parents. We were lost in it for so long trying to find our own ways out, but together” You look at Bucky. He looks at you with a smile. You both know this is going off topic.
“But I don’t want to escape it, I want to stay in it with you. I want to fall into it again with you, dragă mea.” You pause your speech, Bucky and your gazes locked upon each other. 
Steve and Wanda share a knowing look, their efforts bearing fruit would never stop feeling fucking amazing.
“So yes, Steve and Wanda,” You break out of your spell with Bucky, “Thank you for reminding us about the fact that true love exists, that bonds can stand the test of time. May we all gather again together to renew your vows because yes, Wan and I have even planned that ceremony.” You look at Bucky, grining, “With military timing.” you add to annoy him. He huffs, but smiles. 
“To Wanda and Steve, from crushes, to first great loves, to marriage, to forever.” You raise your glass, everyone follows suit. Bucky joins you, kissing your forehead. 
The dance floor opens up then, while guests either eat dessert or choose to dance. 
Bucky and you decide to step out on the beach for a quiet moment together, before Wanda comes in tapping away on Steve’s watch. 
Your back against his chest, the music from inside muffled. The waves amplified. Bucky sways the two of you with his arms around you. Ever so often you lean back to share a kiss or just look at eachother with pure love.
The door slides open, amplifying the music, Sarah Rogers and Natalya Maximoff are laughing as they step out for air. Bucky and you shift to let them get some space as well. 
They sigh happily. You both smile at them.
“Wonderful speeches both of you.” Sarah praises, “Really beautiful.”
“Thank you.” The two of you say at the same time.
“I have a question though.” Natalya tilts her head, Sarah grabs her arm.
“What question?” Bucky frowns.
“What was that tradition?” Natalya continues, trying to free her hand from Sarah. 
“The tradition you told Wanda regarding the Maid of Honour and Best Man.” You remind her chuckling, she looks at you still confused.
“Nattie, I think you’re too drunk.” Sarah laughs it off.
“The one where those two title holders have to be married.” Bucky adds on, Sarah chuckles, pulling Natalya away, “Oh look I see Aunt Tara waving at us!” 
They take quick steps in, “There is no tradition like that though, Sar.”
“Oh hush, I know.” Sarah says, but you both hear them.
At that moment the music was switched from pop to a soft ballad. 
You turn in Bucky’s arms, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“That our best friends had a military timing plan for us all this time?” He raises a brow. 
You nod, he grabs your hand. Heading towards the dance floor again, trying to locate the two masterminds, 
Pietro gestures out, the main doors that lead to the aisle. Sure enough the deck has an abandoned wedding dress and suit. The waves carry the moans over making Bucky and you step back inside to a safer place. Heading back to the reception hall.
Bucky stares at you for a moment before grinning, you look at him before remembering.
“I put in ‘abandoned reception for sex’.” You tell him your answer for the bookstore bet.
“I put in the same thing, Sunshine.” He chuckles, the two of you begin to laugh.
“May I have this dance Sunshine?” He offers his hand.
“You may, Puffin, I believe we have six years of dances to make up for,” Your hand fits into his as though made for him. Your other hand is upon his shoulder. Bucky’s free hand moves around your waist, pulling you closer. 
His lips brush over your earlobe, “You sure you want to be stuck in this with me, Sunshine?” He can’t wait to tell you he knows about your ‘yes’.
“We made this labyrinth together, we’ll stay in it together, Puffin. Forever even.” You answer him, the music changes to your shared song. 
The song reaches it’s end with you pressed up against Bucky. Your hearts beating in sync, happiness and love surrounding the two of you.
Sunshine and Puffin finally get to kiss at the end of their song without any interruption.
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A.N.: well we only have the epilogue left! sunshine and puffin are in their labyrinth and love every minute of it.... let me know your thoughts! also brb crying because i love this fic so much
tagging: @slutforsexyseabass @elle14-blog1 @sxnshinebxcky @sebsgirl71479 @pandaxnienke @stevesmewmew @tfandtws @povlvr @tanyaspartak@maggiejackson3@brodymarx @ladylee76 @buckyinluv @buckymcbuckbarnes @almostcontentcreator @alltoounwellread @unaxv @stickyjudgeturtleghost(strikedthrough if unable to be tagged)
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
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Pairing: Jack Russell x female reader (no other specifications!)
Word Count: ~1000 words
Outline: He was your patient yet you were willing to become his whore.
Warnings: dark themes, dub/con, swearing, praise kink, biting, size kink, derogatory names, rough play, facefucking, breast play, sub!reader.
Author's Note: Reader works in the medical field, could be a doctor or a nurse whatever you want. It's dubious consent, with Jack having started to transform.
PS: dividers by @firefly-graphics ​//​ banners by @maysdigitalarts
Main Masterlist ・❥・ Jack Russell Masterlist
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He growls.
The room feels smaller than what you remember yet bigger than you want it to be. You want him to feel closer to you.
Jack tilts his head, a bone-cracking, his eyes narrowing.
Sucks in a breath and lunges himself at you. His kind eyes had longed turned silver and his aura had longed gotten heavier. His grip is tight on you. Placing his hands on your body, feeling and groping your body part, however, he needs to. Hands sneak in underneath your scrubs, tasting the bare skin as his teeth are lunged at your neck.
He is forcibly marking you, leaving his teeth trail there for whenever he might need you again. Making you his own, his own brand of whore. He needs you to become his, to wear his mark, for others to know that now you are part of his, his harem.
He sucks your skin so deliciously that it almost makes you forget that you are not supposed to like this. Guilt overwhelms you as his hand gropes your breast, squeezing it while your eyes shut. Maybe if you can't see him, he is not the one doing this to you. You want to breathe him in, you want him to devour you and have you and it stings your heart to know you shouldn't be feeling this way.
You try to mumble, to push him away but he only growls in response clearly angry and his lips crush yours in a way that makes you shut up. His tongue is battling for dominance inside your mouth as both of his hands are holding your breasts, tearing the fabric down. He is kneading you like his dough, preparing you for your meal. Oh, you wouldn't be able to handle him if you weren't dripping wet and he knew that very well.
"Y/N. My Y/N."
He whispers your name in a way that makes your gut shutter, his voice sounding deeper than you'd ever hear it. Half man and half beast as he is right now, the sound of your name on his lips echoes deep inside his heart making his desire grow stronger. He is going to have you, feel your every nerve and have you forget any one else.
"My beautiful, beautiful Y/N."
He presses a hand on your neck pining you still as his other hand tears the rest of your scrubs in search of your cunt. Your throbbing wet aching cunt.
"I could smell you for hours. Your cunt is so desperate to be touched, she was practically singing to me long before the moon changed. Haven't got anyone to fuck that pretty little thing huh?"
He chuckles, you know he does because he wants you to feel that shame, that urgency, that desperation. He is going to take you anyway but he wants you to beg first. It's not like you have a choice.
"Sitting in your room all alone, your pussy throbbing at the thought of anyone, perhaps someone like that sticking their big fat cock inside you and taking you any way they wanted?"
His grip on your neck is tight, barely allowing you to breathe but the way your pussy now visible to him, responds for you, clearly having a pulse just for him.
"Oh look at her." He smirks looking at you and then down at you. "She's begging. Would be rude not to stuff her. I am a gentleman after all. Do you think that pretty little thing could handle something big?"
His free hand is now caressing your pussy lips tenderly, teasing the skin, watching your juices grow and flow down your thighs. He begins to tease you, stroking you so softly while he's practically choking you which has your mind gets hazy and desperate to be filled.
You try to mumble something, push your lips together to make a sound but before you can even focus on catching your breath when his hand frees your throat, you watch him as he pushes the zipper down of his pants, freeing the biggest cock you could ever see. Where was he hiding this?
Leaking and standing in attention he studies you as your eyes grow wider at the sight, practically salivating for it. You shouldn't want him, not like this, but you'd fall down to your knees, crawl to him, just to have a taste.
And so you do, your body thinking ahead of you, dropping down to your knees, semi-naked, your clothes torn, reaching for his cock. That image jumped up straight from your most forbidden dreams.
"Good girl."
He smiles as you touch his cock, feeling it between your hands before darting your tongue out. You'd want to take your time, feel him down your throat but he doesn't let you. He pushes your head away and grips your chin.
He commands you and it works like a charm on you. You want to follow each and every one of his orders, anywhere he goes, you'd follow. He slowly strokes your chin with his thumb, his cock close to your face, leaking and throbbing.
"Please." You whisper. "Please, let me have your cock, I will take good care of it, I will clean it dry."
"Louder. Could barely hear you."
"Please, please, let me have your cock."
"Too damn quiet. I want the whole building to know you want my cock."
He is clearly not satisfied, he is shaking his head negatively but you have no time to react as he keeps your head still, forcing his cock inside your mouth and you can't help but gag at the sudden movement, trying your best to accommodate him.
"Now you look like my whore."
And by the end of your shift, you'd get fucked any way like one as well.
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For updates please follow my library blog @fluffyprettykittylibrary and you could even turn on post notifications! :)
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grayscale-blep · 8 months
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And here is the product of my delusional mind bc I refuse to let this literal months old idea fade to nothing.
Aight, so instead of just edgifying all the good characters, the protagonists/antagonists roles are actually swapped in the story. I'm doing Florian's redesign first because I absolutely despise the old one I drew.
background info:
So for the main plot(?) it's very similar to the OG game plot, except for the swapped roles. Kid gets escorted to school. Evil Guy shows up & gets rid of keystones. Que magical quest. It will have different scenes and outcomes, but all the characters are going to have most of the core personality traits (Puppet master oversharing, Pippet being extremely loyal, Noot being helpful (ish) sometimes, etc) that they have in-game.
So in this AU Florian is the average Petty Thief with ties to the Order and a sister who hates every fiber of his being for reasons. So almost as SOON as MC enters the forest Flora and Robin (Swap Puppet Master) ask them to help capture him because he stole an important artifact or sumthin.
Hijinks and some of the worst puns known to wizardkind ensue. At the end, Florian confronts the MC head on and loses spectacularly. the MC catches him and tries to bring him back to Flora, buuuut he escapes.
He forgot the artifact though- which happens to be the Firefly Keystone. Bam. OG mission finished.
Summary of character: Theater kid (derogatory). Lowkey kinda narcissistic and overly confident. But hey, the joking nature's still there, and there might be some development.
or not
idk yet
Aaaaaand that's it for now, feel free to comment which character I should do next!
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hanna-shut-up · 2 years
dune: muslims in space
ds9: muslims in space also
all other star trek: centrists in space
star wars: buddhists in space
battlestar galactica: mormons in space
stargate: american militarists in space (even funnier because they're canadian)
the expanse: humanists in space
space 1999: british exceptionalists in space
babylon 5: bureaucrats in space
farscape: antifa in space
yamato: japanese exceptionalists in space
cowboy bebop: proletariat in space
firefly: libertarians (derogatory) in space
harlock: ecofascists in space
red dwarf: anarchists in space
lexx: anarchists in space also
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Part 1: To the Anon who asked the questions about the OC character/Yoru.
Here, as promised, are the answers to the ask you sent.
What is/are Yoru’s…
nickname? Kitten (by Toshi), Sweetheart (formerly by her Dad), Honey (by her Dad), love, darling, etc. Princess (derogatory) by Bakugo. Scarface (by assholes)
relationship status? single (and oblivious to her own feeling?)
comfort food? mhm probably the glass noodle salad her Dad makes or Yakitori
favourite place in the world? home (may very, depends on where her fave people are) alternatively: the little creek Toshi and her used to play at when they were kids
biggest fear? hurting/killing people (again)
special skill? dancing/ballet, singing/playing the guitar/the piano and writing songs
favourite outfit? probably something comfy to lounge around at home, but for leaving the house a mix between feminine and band-shirts, probably
biggest insecurity? her scars and quirk
relationship to their siblings? Yoru doesn't have any siblings (?), so I'm gonna go with Toshi because he might as well be her brother. Absolutely adores that guy and all his little weird traits that make him so uniquely her Toshi. Worries about him, especially regarding the stuff with Samu (Toshi's father). But he's very kind, funny, and supportive, so Yoru tries to be just that to him, too. Has known him pretty much her whole life and vice versa, so they know each other incredibly well
relationship to their parents? For obvious reasons, I'm gonna go with Shota here. So, he's her (adoptive) Dad, obviously. The thing is, he adopted her when he was still pretty young (22!) and he's still very young (early thirties) to be the Dad of a teenage daughter. They basically grew up (there's still a lot of growing up to do in your twenties, I feel like) and into their respective roles together. So they work very well together and can read each other like open books. He obviously plays the Dad-card often (as is his right and in his nature) but Yoru also feels like she can be open with him regarding most things, a bit like a friend, too. Most of the time, she can read between the lines and understands what he means when he's saying harsh shit — doesn't mean it doesn't bother her, though. They have an immense amount of trust and love between them.
most embarrassing memory? she's a teenager, about 90 % of her memories are embarrasing, I bet
favourite animal? cats and fireflies
bed time routine? turning on the string lights over her bed. Yoru, ironically (her name means dark/night), hates the dark
hobbies? used to be dancing/ballet, but she stopped doing that (actively) when she started at U.A. for time-reasons. Now, it's playing and writing music. She also likes reading, I think, and going to those friendship dates with Toshi. Her Dad makes her train a lot, too, so that and Yoga.
biggest weakness? her insecurity about a lot of things (her appearance, her quirk, etc.). Her family, too. She loses a lot of smart decision making skills when it comes to her Dad (for example: USJ) or other loved ones in danger. She makes stupid mistakes/decisions then, and that's a major weakness
favourite swear word? I'd say "fuck"? It's just so versatile
achievement they are the most proud of? probably her first ever medal or award for something dance-related
favourite typ of sport? dancing and ballet. She enjoys training hand-to-hand, too
mode of transportation? well, Toshi's into riding his bike and mountain biking and I'm 100% sure that he made Yoru ride with him a lot. She learned to like it at some point (even if it's not nearly close enough to how much Toshi likes it). Besides that, I'd say she likes walking, too.
Feel free to share your thoughts or add stuff, it's quite possible that I forgot some things. And I love hearing other people's takes on things. 🤍
Part 2 will be up immediately.
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ovrtimelove · 1 month
honestly, honkai star rail environments are so pretty. ive taken screenshots over the months and can i just say- wonderful. i'll even share silly ones lmfao (from recent to oldest)
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these dialogue options were so fucking funny
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creepy ass clockie from dreamflux reef, in front of the first elevator you encounter in the trailblaze quest
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when im broke as fuck (JIAOQIU PLEASE COME HOME)
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all of my characters (the ones at the bottom are luka, pela, xueyi, hook, and yukong who you cant see at all)
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the dreamscape's reverie hotel
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dewlight pavillon
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ruan mei in the xianzhou luofu's exalting sanctum
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the trailblazer (i named him paratus) next to the express phonograph lol
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THE DAY I EVEN GOT RUAN MEI !! WHEN I WON THE 50/50!!!!!!! please jiaoqiu come home
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my herta.. and herta
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my struggle battles during penacony lol
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scenery screenshot (dreamscape reverie)
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this motherfucker (derogatory)
will reblog with more
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smol-stardust · 11 months
Question how did u think of ur url and your online name
*badum tchhhing* LORE TIME
(under cut cuz uh… I rambling again. Oop)
I explained the Sparky lore here, but long story short, it’s one of my (many) irl nicknames that stuck around (if you wanna know other nicknames there’s lore haha)
As for url, close friends me smol bean because of how I stay nice and smol in corners. ALSO!! I made this account summer 2022, a 12 year old was taller than me when I was coaching and called me smol. Anyways, between my actual smallness, the derogatory (yet beloved) term and my random love for the word smol, it ended up here
Old url was me, a bibliophile and my love for fireflies and how they symbolise happy hope for me
This url is me reading too much philosophical books and my wormhole though surrounding how we all need a teeny bit of sorrow in life to truly live and experience happiness and… idk, it was a sporadic moment of me over thinking lmao.
But yea, sparky url lore ig? Hehe
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thetangential · 2 years
Audiobook review: Maya Phillips on her life as a proud “Nerd”
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According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “nerd” is a “mildly derogatory” term that emerged in 1950s America to describe someone who’s “socially inept.” Today, the dictionary allows, it can also describe someone who embraces “a highly technical interest.”
While listening to the confident sweep of Maya Phillips’s Nerd: Adventures in Fandom from This Universe to the Multiverse, I kept returning to the title. Does the mildly derogatory “nerd” still have any meaning, I wondered, in a world where fantasy franchises have consumed the box office and where the fandoms Phillips embraces are avidly explored across the media spectrum? It seems like nerds have become, well, pretty cool.
Then, last night, I had a moment where I realized I was wearing an Ewok onesie, reading The Two Towers, and texting my friends about Star Trek wall calendars while my wife lay beside me reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Nerds.
Not until the very end of Nerd does Phillips explicitly engage with the idea that anyone might question the use of her time to dive deep on anime, comics, and novels about invented worlds. The bulk of Nerd is a series of chapters exploring weighty topics — among them religion, mental health, and race — through the lens of the author’s life. In each, Phillips explains how various imagined universes intersected with her own, providing inspiration and food for thought.
Chapter five, for example, is titled “The Slytherin Firebender of Sunagakure: Self-identification with fandom, racial and national identities in space westerns, and the persistent fantasy of manifest destiny.” It opens during “Christian existence” class in Phillips’s Catholic high school; develops into an examination of the fantasy-universe personality typology trope (Hogwarts houses, Avatar: The Last Airbender nations, Sex and the City characters); considers that phenomenon in the context of real-world signifiers like race and class; rolls back into an evocation of family road trips; and from there launches into a broader consideration of frontiers and identities in vintage westerns, Star Trek, Cowboy Bebop, Star Wars, and Firefly.
The book is so wide-ranging that it could be approached as a geography of contemporary imaginative universes, seen through the author’s individual lens. Unless you’re as well-versed as Phillips is regarding everything from Buffy to Akira, you’re bound to learn something about the fandoms you’re less familiar with. Phillips is generous in providing footholds for people with varying levels of knowledge about her subjects, but Nerd isn’t a 101: readers are expected to know offhand what a mecha is, and what “ship” means as a verb not involving transportation.
Growing up as a gen-X nerd, I scoured my local library shelves for nonfiction books about fantastic universes and found mostly hagiographies of pop filmmakers, dusty histories of Golden Age science fiction, and the occasional behind-the-scenes book. For serious pop culture analysis, I had The Parables of Peanuts and that was about it. From this perspective, it was gratifying to find that Phillips makes the occasional historical reference but isn’t bound by the past. Her emphasis is on the texts she’s encountered, and how they’ve been relevant to her life in real time.
Phillips also takes a dynamic approach to the creator-fan relationship, reflecting the potentially fraught realities of an era when J.K. Rowling can tweet retcons at whim even as her readers share their own takes on the Harry Potter canon. (Phillips and her friends, she writes, won’t entertain the Fantastic Beasts prequels as canon, nor do they credit “the Epilogue That Will Not Be Named.”) Phillips also addresses Rowling’s transphobia, about which Harry Potter’s creator is so resolutely unapologetic that any reference to her formerly ubiquitous fantasy universe is now potentially fraught.
The Nerd author narrates the audiobook herself with a confident, deliberate cadence. It’s gratifying to hear the text in her own voice, but the linear experience of an audiobook can present challenges for listeners who dip in and out. Nerd is a great listen if you have long, uninterrupted stretches of time to spend with it, but in shorter bursts, without the ability to readily flip pages, it can be challenging to hold all the threads of Phillips’s carefully crafted arguments.
Nerd constitutes a testament to the real-world power of imagined universes, and for the importance of remaining critically engaged even while meeting these stories on their own terms. “These worlds only belong to children, we’ve been told for so long, with the understanding that imagination, hope, and dreams may only survive in the innocence of childhood,” Phillips writes, “and yet, if the multiverse can teach us anything, it’s that reality is what we make it. The possibilities are endless.”
It’s a stirring sentiment, and I don’t just say that because I’m wearing a Baby Yoda onesie.
– Jay Gabler
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I See The Danger In Being Unprepared
Lee and Cylas get to the gas station and meet a group of guys, what could go wrong?
Characters: Cylas, Lee (by @kalid-raven)
Words: 2004
Content warnings: Sexual harassment, derogatory comments towards drug addicts, physical violence and violent thoughts
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dividers by firefly-graphics
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It wasn’t long before they pulled up to the gas station, and as she was reaching for the door handle, she looked over at Lee, “Anything I can get you?” 
He shook his head, “No, thanks, I’m good.” 
She shrugged, “Alright then. Be right back.” 
Even though she didn’t stop at this particular stop often, one time she’d been there the owner’s son had pulled up with car troubles, so she’d offered to check it out. Already expecting to be turned down and possibly even mocked, she was surprised when the owner agreed, even though his son seemed wary. It turned out to be only a minor issue she’d been able to fix on the spot, and to repay her – despite her insisting that he didn’t need to – he had given her only half the price for gas and snacks she’d gotten that day. 
The sun had set completely at this point, so the station and rest area were mostly just illuminated by the cold, white light emanating from a few lamps scattered between the parking spaces and fluorescent tubes at the building. The contrast between shadow and light was sharp, and the darkness beyond the illuminated areas seemed impenetrable. The thought of working a whole night out here, all alone, seemed less than desirable. 
“Well,well, well, if it isn’t young Cylas,” a gruff but friendly voice pulled them from their thoughts and they looked up at the middle-aged man just stepping out of the station. The sleeves of his faded red flannel were rolled halfway up his lower arms and atop his head rested an unfamiliar cowboy hat. 
They raised their brows, “Hey Tony. That one new?” 
“Why, jealous?” he shot back, a playful smile on his face. 
“Nah, not my colour. Wouldn’t go with my hair,” she replied, returning his smile, “Thought you didn’t work nights?” 
“I’m actually on my way out, just helped Shelly with some boxes in the back. Guy from the day shift left everything a mess and the poor girl couldn’t move the heavy stuff herself.” 
“So, you came in just to help out?” she asked, though she knew the answer, “You fire the guy yet?” 
He clenched his jaw and his expression grew more serious, “Can’t really afford to, people aren’t exactly fighting each other to get a job here. And you are already taken.” 
“I guess so,” they said, “Anyway, I don’t wanna keep you any longer. Say ‘Hi’ to the wife and kids from me.” 
“Will do,” he replied before continuing to walk to his car, while Cylas entered the gas station. The grey tile floor was reflecting the light and quiet pop music played. Behind the counter stood a timid-looking young woman, hair hiding her face from view. She didn’t even look up, just kept her gaze fixed onto the counter. Cylas immediately felt bad for her and prayed to whatever god would listen that the night would be calm for the woman. 
With a sigh, they turned away and grabbed a bottle of cola and water, before looking around the snack shelf for a moment, searching if anything would strike their fancy. To her surprise, her eyes fell onto a small box of Celebrations. Way overpriced, as was to be expected from a gas station, but... it was a mix of different candy bars and therefore had a higher chance to include something Lee could like, plus she could just offer to share with him. It didn’t have the feeling of an enforced gift or possibly unwanted sign of gratitude. And she had an excuse to buy some chocolate. 
Just as she was paying, the sound of obnoxiously loud music and another car pulling up disturbed the quiet, and she could see the woman flinch away from the noise. It seemed like their prayers had fallen on deaf ears. They wondered if Lee would mind staying around for a while, just until those guys left, but then shook their head. If anything, they would wait alone, not force some random stranger to get involved as well. 
She grabbed the bag with the snacks and left, albeit reluctantly. Four young men got out of the car, laughing and shoving each other, while their music blared across the rest stop. When she looked towards Lee, she was surprised to find him fixated on the men as well. Not because she didn’t expect their presence to draw attention, but due to how focused he seemed, keeping an eye on every move they made. The group, except for the driver who was pumping gas, made their way towards the gas station and Cylas cringed internally when she realised, she’d now have to walk past them. She just hoped they wouldn’t try anything; the day had been going so well and she didn’t want to ruin that now. 
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And everything did seem to be going smoothly, she kept to right and tried to take the shortest possible route to the car while also staying out of the men's way, they passed each other with no interactions whatsoever – and then the small plastic bag ripped. She cursed under her breath and took a deep breath, before crouching down to pick her things up, feeling the men’s stares burning right through her. 
“Hey there, beautiful, not gonna bend over to give us something to look at?” one of the men called and she rolled her eyes, fighting the urge to comment. They’d only make fun of her. 
“Yeah, bet that ass is nice to look at, looks good already from this angle,” another once agreed. 
She wanted to scream. Or puke. Or punch something. Instead, she tried to focus on somehow tying the torn bag together because she really didn’t want to have her arms full around these guys. And then she felt one of them approach her from behind, seemingly trying to move quietly – completely oblivious to the fact that she was well aware of his presence and somehow missing Lee basically staring daggers at him as well. 
With an amount of self-restraint she wasn’t aware she had left, she stood up and was just about to continue walking, when she felt the man behind her move. Her free hand had grabbed hold of his wrist before he had a chance to get anywhere close to her, or her butt. 
“Do not fucking touch me,” she hissed through gritted teeth, staring at him with barely concealed anger. 
The man played dumb, “Dunno what you're talking about, honey. No reason to get all bitchy over nothing.” 
His condescending tone and smug voice told her enough, however, but she also knew that a confrontation would lead nowhere. These kinds of guys didn’t take her seriously, and she didn’t want Lee to get into trouble either. So, even though she really wanted to break the man’s arm, she just pushed his arm away and backed off. She’d managed a few steps at most before he came after her, again, and she turned to confront him before he could make any move. 
“What the fuck do you want?” 
He chuckled, “Come on girly, no need to be such a prude. Just wanna get a feel, a quick squeeze, that’s all. Can’t keep all the goods to yourself, that’s not fair.” 
Before she had the chance to even think of a response, a loud smack sounded, and the man before her jumped in surprise, before turning to face someone behind him, only to feel Lee’s fist connect with his face, hard enough to send the man to the floor.  
“What the fuck dude?” called the man, blood gushing from his nose, and his expression somewhere between shock and anger.  
Lee glared at him and managed to somehow say in a strained voice, “Don't feel so great, does it!? Touch ‘em again, and I'll make you eat your hand!” 
Cylas couldn’t help herself. Despite the seriousness of the situation, the look of complete and utter confusion on the man’s face, plus his friends also just standing by the station’s door and gawking, caused her to break out into laughter. Lee looked over at her in surprise, the burning anger and hatred in his eyes lessening for a moment, before the man spoke up again. 
“Seriously? You losing your shit just cause of this bitch? She your girlfriend or something? With the hair and style, she’d probably a druggy too, really not worth the trou-”   
This time it was Cylas who kept him from finishing his sentence, and cutting his attempt to get up short by delivering a kick to his shoulder. The man lost his balance and fell straight back on his ass.  
Lee chuckled, before glancing up and tensing once again. Cylas followed his gaze and saw that the rest of the group had apparently finally decided to help their friend, including the one who’d been pumping gas. Past the men’s shoulders, she caught the gas station attendant locking the doors, phone between ear and shoulder. 
“Come on, we should leave,” she said, still a hint of anger in her voice, but also knowing that this was a fight now worth fighting, “Don’t bother, they’re just scum and don’t deserve our time or energy. Plus, I think the clerk called the police or something.” 
The second sentence was what seemed to really get through to Lee, and he stepped back, visibly reluctant, before motioning for her to go first. She didn’t fight him on it, at this point she just wanted to get out of here.
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As soon as they were back on the road and had put some distance between themselves and the rest stop, Cylas breathed a sigh of relief. Somehow, they had managed to get out of that situation without any serious injuries. 
But when they glanced over at Lee, they realised that his jaw was still clenched hard enough it must’ve been painful, and he was squeezing the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were white. Well, on his left hand at least, his right was bleeding and bruising already. With a punch like that, he’d be lucky if he didn’t break something. 
“Hey,” they said gently, not wanting to accidentally provoke him, “How are you holding up? You got quite upset back there.” 
He scoffed, “Fucking piece of shit deserved it. I should’ve done more but with all his buddies there and possibly police... I would’ve laughed to beat his face to fucking pulp, all of ‘em, now they’ll just go off harassing others and being disrespectful pigs, don’t deserve to breathe the same air as we do-” 
He paused his rant at this, taking a deep breath himself, “Sorry, I shouldn’t be saying all this shit. I’m not gonna hurt you, but understand if you’d prefer to get out now.” 
“Nah, you’re right,” she said with a half scoff, half chuckle, “I just hope the girl working there is safe and that those fuckers left. She looked scared when it was just me in there, I wouldn’t be surprised if she quit before her next shift.” 
Lee briefly glanced over at her, “You think we’ll get into trouble? With the cops, I mean? That place probably got CCTV and stuff.” 
Cylas shrugged, “I doubt those guys will do anything, nothing in the station got damaged, so I don’t think they could sue us for anything, but I’ll probably hit Tony up anyway.” 
“Yeah, the owner,” she explained, “But I’m sure the biggest trouble for you will be your hand.” 
He lifted his right hand from the steering wheel and stretched out his fingers before clenching it again, grimacing slightly. “I think it’ll be fine, I can move everything and it doesn’t feel like anything’s broken.” 
“You got experience with that kinda stuff?” they asked, brows furrowed. Lee just shrugged. 
It was at this point that Cylas noticed some movement in the side mirror, lights reflecting off of something behind them. “Call me paranoid but... is there someone following us, just out of range of the rear headlights?” 
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@ace-of-hearts-and-spades @bluecoolr @rottent33th @myers-meadow @immortal-velociraptor
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kickingitwithkirk · 11 months
Restless Man -Pt 1
Summary: Beau Arlen finds himself in the middle of a case with more twists than a country road.
Pairing: Beau Arlen x Reina Cetanwakuwa-Stanley
Word Count: 1357
Warnings: cursing, show level violence, derogatory remarks (some in native languages)
Square Filled: @jacklesversebingo -Escaping Their Fate
A/N: The inklings for this started the first time I heard Jensen singing Restless Man. This work is partially from historical information and canon elements from the Big Sky series.
*Set after the series finally 3:13 That Old Feeling.
A/N II: All Native American words/sentences in this part are Lakota resourced from freelang.net and glosbe.com *some algorithmically generated on these sites.
*Translation:  lala -grandfather  Cetanwakuwa -attacking hawk or to hunt and chase
*divider by @firefly-graphics *no beta -all mistakes are mine
prologue masterlist
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“Hoyt slow down!” Arlen grabs the dashboard as the vehicle rounds a sharp curve too fast. “You good? Where’s your head at?”
“Nowhere. I’m all good.”
“All good my ass. You’re still a bad liar, Hoyt, can’t help noticing you white-knuckling that wheel over there. You know I’m here to listen if you want to talk about whatever it is between you and this Rihanna...”
“Her name is Reina and I told you there’s nothing to talk about.” He gives her a look. “Jesus, Beau, you're like a dog with a goddamn bone. Drop it!” The blonde snaps at the handsome man in her passenger seat making him laugh. “Not the first time I've been told that. Okay, I’ll let it go for now. But the offer stands.” Arlen changes the subject yammerin on about his latest video chat with his daughter, reminding Hoyt of their first meeting.
Hoyt walked into the Sheriff’s Department already put out before meeting Walter Tubbs' temporary replacement and Cassie’s warning that Arlen was very Texan proved true. Not to mention the man was a never-ending chatterbox. Eventually, as she constantly reminded everyone, the temporary acting sheriff allowed some of that veneer to peel back, exposing a little of the man underneath.
A man who loved too hard and had too many ghosts clinging to him, something Jenny Hoyt was way too familiar with. Her feelings shifted after a few months of working together and she began contemplating what a relationship with the transplanted Texan would be like.
Then things went sideways when Cassie was hired to find a missing hiker.
Her inquiries led to a glamping excursion run by Sunny and Buck Barnes, where coincidentally Arlen's daughter Emily and her stepfather were staying. The case also reopens a decades old unsolved murder and the discovery of fifteen million in stolen Crypto. They all became intertwined revealing Buck as a serial killer who kidnapped Emily and Denise and ended with his, and several others, deaths.
Arlen paid a surprise visit to Hoyt's home in a quandary the night after their rescue tells her that his ex-wife Carla had taken their daughter back to Texas leaving him unsure about staying in Montana. After a few beers, things started getting close to crossing the professional/private line between them. He left saying neither was clear-headed enough to make any rational decisions that would change them from colleagues and occasional confidants.
A week later, Arlen was served court papers stating that he’d allowed their daughter to remain in a place of known danger and Carla was granted primary custody with all communication between them monitored by a court-appointed third party.
Arlen had what Cassie calls his tantrum then sought legal counsel from a lawyer he knew back in Houston. The lawyer advised with his checkered history in law enforcement and at home, to follow the stipulations to the letter if he hoped for a chance in hell of regaining his parental rights before Emily turned eighteen.
Arlen felt Hoyt’s skeptical side-eye before she asked. “So how much did Denise tell you?”
“That Reina is the black sheep for not going into family business. And something about the Stanleys being descendants of the Four Georgies?”
“The Four Georgians,” she corrected, pulling into the Jefferson City First National Bank’s Park lot. “In 1864, four prospectors found gold in Last Chance Gulch and agreed to keep it quiet. But a few months later, more miners started arriving.” She finished summarizing Helena’s origins as they entered the bank and were assailed by a harassed-looking bank manager.
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Several hours later
Lewis & Clark County Sheriff's Department
Sergeant Madge Crowder greeted the returning duo with, “Got a visitor, sheriff.”
Arlen gestures around the empty waiting area, “There's no one out here,” and she comments, “Was a minute ago.” Before he could ask, Deputy Mo Poppernack popped up nervously glancing between Hoyt and Arlen. “Everything okay, Popcorn? You seem kinda,” Arlen says waving his hand.
“No sir, I mean yes sir...Beau, I’m good. Someone is waiting in your office to see you.” Still eyeing the fidgety deputy, Arlen addresses both, “Let me know if we get anything on the getaway car,” and heads off to meet his mystery guest.
Entering his office, Arlen spies the Stetson from that morning sitting upside down on his desk.
“Hello, I’m Sheriff Arlen. What can I,” and something that rarely happens happens when its owner turns, and Arlen loses his voice. The partially open blinds cast his visitor in light and shadow as his chartreuse eyes drink in every accentuated detail, bone structure hinting of being descended from the indigenous peoples but other ancestries contributing to the lighter hueing of skin, eyes, and hair.
“You must be the infamous Reina Stanley.”
“I see my reputation proceeds me,” her voice has the distinctive native Montanan drawl held out her hand, "I would appreciate it if we could keep this matter between us for now Sheriff.” Arlen shakes the offered hand surprised at the firmness of her grip.
“Call me Beau. Please,” he gestures for her to sit as he settles into his chair, “I assume this has to do with earlier?” She raises an eyebrow and he elaborates. “A friend and I caught some of that public performance this morning and said they thought it was you.” An amused smile graces her lush lips reminding him of pink beautyberry fruit.
“I see Denise Brisbane is still the town gossip.” Arlen chuckled, “She does have her ear to the ground. Denise didn’t go into details but mentioned your family has substantial influence in this state.”
“You’re mama brought you up right. Most people aren’t so polite about saying the Stanleys are not to be fucked with.” Arlen couldn’t stop the flash of surprise crossing his features. “Okay then. I'm guessing your visit has something to do with that brouhaha this morning?”
“Yes and no. I’m here on behalf of lala; my grandfather, who requested I give you this,” she handed him a sealed envelope. “I don’t recall meeting any of your kin.” Arlen remarks pulling out a letter with a small key taped to it reads it out loud. “I had a safety deposit box put in your name Beau Arlen and ask you to take my granddaughter with you when examining its contents. You will understand why I had to take these precautions and do what is necessary with the information enclosed. Gerald Centanwakuwa-Stanley” He looked up in surprise.
“Hold on, Gerald was your grandfather? The same Gerald I’d go trout fishing with?”
“Walter Tubb’s said you were quick on the uptake. Lala Gerald chose to use his given name outside of business.” The sheriff tipped his head. “Right, you're a transplant. The Stanley descendent who settled here left a will stipulating that all direct descendants maintain the family surname to keep their inheritance, including any man marrying in.” Reina paused scrutinizing him giving Arlen a fluttering he hadn't felt in years.
“Tubb also said you have a set of huevos for taking the job even after getting an earful about the undersheriff.” Arlen chuckled, “Yeah, Tubb had a few things to say about Hoyt. But she knows to stay between the lines, I’ll have her back.”
“Jenny Hoyt doesn’t know the meaning of staying between the lines. Excuse me,” she fishes out her phone and frowns, “Fuc...fraken lawyers, ‘cuse my language. When will you be free to check out that box?” There was a knock on the door and Poppernack stuck his head in. “Sorry to interrupt sir. We got a call that the First National getaway cars been spotted headin' down I-15.”
“And that's my cue to leave.” Reina gestures to his phone, "May I?” Arlen nodded, “I’m leaving you my personal number,” she hands it back, “Text me when you’re free to deal with that matter for lala.”
Several officers, along with Arlen and Poppernack, appreciatively watch her retreating form. “Please tell me all female Rangers as good looking as her?” Poppernack asks, “‘Cause if they are, I’m booking my next vacation in Texas.” Arlen turns and says...
“I’m sorry..she’s a what?!”
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SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva  @lassie-bird @nancymcl  @spnbaby-67  @leigh70
Dean/Jensen:  @thoughts-and-funnies  @stoneyggirl2  @akshi8278  @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl
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askglassanon · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes: Glass Addition
Spare Keys (derogatory)
Glass, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here. Firestorm: Hey. Comet: Hello. Prism: Hi! Glass: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only! Serum: We were out of Doritos.
— (Can't think of a funny title)
Glass: Can I be frank with you guys? Firestorm: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help. Serum: Can I still be Serum? Comet: Shh, let Frank speak.
— Glass if she was mortal
Glass: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis. Bee: You're like 15 years old Glass: I MIGHT DIE AT 30!
— Why is this so accurate?
Glass: Bee... Bee: Oh no, 'Bee' in b-flat. Bee: You're disappointed.
— This is low-key interchangeable
Glass, watching the news: Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today! Bee: *walks in covered with ink* Well, maybe the squid was being a dick.
FFR!Glass: If there's going to be a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back. Comet: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself.
— Modern nobody dies AU
Glass, at a restaurant: You guys should get the orange soda, it's amazing. Serum: Okay Waiter: Can I get you guys anything to drink? Glass: Orange soda, please! Serum: I'll have the strawberry soda. Firestorm: Me too, strawberry soda. Glass:
— MND AU Follow up (Oddly in character)
Glass, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him Serum: You did WHAT– Firestorm: William Snakepeare
— MND part 3
Glass: I trust Serum. Firestorm: You think they know what they're doing? Glass: I wouldn't go that far.
— Imagine if Glass was ever this bold (Fun fact this Quote was in the Unshipping category)
Glass: I just wanna be called cute 21/7. Firefly: Why no 24/7? Glass: Snack breaks.
— Hehe >:3
Firefly: *holds a gun out to Glass* Glass: I-I don't believe in guns. Firefly: Well, trust me, they're very real. Now take it.
Bee: Why do you hang out with me? Glass: You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me! Bee: … Bee: I feel a bit sorry for you.
— If Serum had a childhood
Serum: *watching their house burn down* Serum: Serum: *starts filming* Waddup, guys, welcome to my vlog, today's topic: how to get away with accidentally committing arson because you forgot Spaghetti O's cans are metal and thus non-microwavable! Step one: deny everything.
— Four am (original prompt mentioned bread but I don't think Serum would like bread)
Pyrite : *Turns on the kitchen light* Serum: *Sitting at the table, eating sardines from the can* Pyrite : It’s four in the morning. Serum: Turn the light back off.
— Donnie would teach Serum to be a little menace
Serum: DID YOU REALLY THINK THAT JOKE WAS FUNNY? IT WASNT. NOBODY IS LAUGHING. Serum: *pulls up a graph* THIS IS WHEN YOU TOLD YOUR JOKE, YOU HAVE SINGLE HANDEDLY RUINED COMEDY! IVE ALSO ASKED MANY COMEDY SCHOLARS ON THEIR OPINION OF YOUR JOKE AND THIS IS WHAT THEY HAD TO SAY! Pyrite : I've been researching comedy for the past 20 years, and I have genuinely never seen a joke this bad. We have used quantum physics to look into alternate universes to see every joke made, and yours was still by far the worst. Serum: CONGRATULATIONS! YOUVE SINGLE HANDEDLY CREATED THE WORST JOKE IN HUMAN HISTORY! HERES A MEDAL! *pulls up a horrible ms paint drawn star that says "you need help*
— Oh my gosh the Celestial AU!?
Celestial!Glass: Three words. Say them and I'm yours. Celestial!Raph: Three words. Celestial!Glass: ♡
— Seems about right
Glass: I know you’re deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are. Glowbug: It’s not a joke. Glowbug: *sniffles* Glowbug: I’m a legit snack
— Serum wouldn't break and enter casually with zero hesitation
Pyrite : Serum, I am nothing if not a man of principle. Pyrite : Now let’s break into this apartment.
— .. Yeah. Given Potion's genuine and general lack of concern for potions safety this is accurate
Serum: Are you sure this is safe? Potion : Safer than Flintstone vitamin gummies in a bottle. Potion : Keep twisting, junior! All you’re gonna get is clicks.
Comet: Potion , you’ve tried 37 times and you’ve failed every time. Give it a break. Potion : DO I HEAR “FIRST TRY PART 38?”
— Wasp Glass probably
Bee: You shouldn't be using a straw. Glass: I know, I know, it's bad for the environment and stuff. Bee: Yeah, but I mean... it's a weird way to eat spaghetti.
Glass: You ever get so tired that you start seeing spiders? Firefly : Me after I take 17 Benadryl and start seeing the hat man. Glass: THE WHO? Firefly : Oh is this not a safe space suddenly?
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