#thinking about Hec tonight. miss him
alainas-sims · 1 year
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two Hectors who deserved better
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mercurryblack · 4 years
Chapter 9: Amaryllis
Meanwhile, down in Mistral City proper...
Amaryllis wasn’t the formal type.
Practicality had been the byword that Aunt Isabelline had drilled into her head— and more often than not, that word either meant plate armor or a drab tac-suit of Atlesian make. She’d started wearing a ‘combat’ skirt in her third year, but only at the insistence of that Amaranth girl in the year below her, along with the assertion that it wouldn’t impair her mobility. Even still, her range of clothing options as a Huntress-in-training had always been limited, and it left her with comparatively less concern for her personal fashion.
All that being said, she couldn’t help but feel a little bit regal in her current garb.
The colors fit perfectly with the charity’s motif - black and red. It was a simple outfit; a strapless midnight gown with a banded pattern. She had chosen to pair it with her good pair of knee-high boots, and had even gone the extra mile to put on a bit of makeup. Honestly, she didn’t mind styling herself; it was just the feeling of being stared at that she was a tad unnerved about.
Her boyfriend, of course, was the sole exception to this.
“You look amazing tonight, Ammy.” Gently laying a hand on her shoulder, Hector leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek. She blushed at the sudden public display of affection.
“Thank you, Hector. You’re quite handsome yourself.” she complimented him.
The young man stood in front of Amaryllis, showing off the black dress suit and scarlet tie he had tailor-made especially for the event. “Say, we’re even matching.”
“Why, don’t you two look cozy?”
An older man in a suit with salt-and-pepper hair abruptly appeared from the crowd in front of them. Amaryllis immediately recognized him as Hector’s father, Miller. He was tailed by a shorter boy— who Amaryllis assumed to be Hector’s younger brother— and the boy’s companion, a girl roughly the same age with flowing white hair.
The boy scrunched up his face and raised an eyebrow as he turned to Hector. “Who’s this pretty woman with you, bruv?”
Miller smiled. “Yes, Hector, aren’t you going to politely introduce me to this stunning young lady you have on your arm?” asked the elder Wulfric, though his focus was on Amaryllis as he spoke to his son.
At those words, time seemed to freeze for Amaryllis.
‘Oh no. Oh no. This is it— this is really it, there’s no way I can back out of this now. What if he doesn’t like me? What if he doesn’t approve of me being a Huntress? What if he thinks I’m showing off too much skin?’ she thought, inwardly starting to panic.
Hector coughed, facing a newfound sense of second-hand nervousness from seeing Ammy’s eyebrows scrunch together in fear. “Uhm, yes. Yes, of course. Father, Kodlak, Mori, this is Amaryllis Armilde. She’s my girlfriend. Amaryllis, this is my father Miller, my little brother Kodlak, and his girlfriend, Mori.”
“H-hello!” Amaryllis said weakly, giving the three of them a small wave as she did her best to put on a pleasant expression, rather than a pained grimace brought on by anxiety. She clutched Hector’s shoulder a bit tighter.
Miller nodded, beaming. “Is that so? Well, Miss Armilde, it’s my true pleasure to finally meet you in the flesh. I knew that Hector was keeping something secret from me…”
Mori didn’t speak a word— but not by choice; the girl had been mute since birth. Instead, she responded with a polite smile and a small curtsy.
Kodlak, meanwhile, froze in place, his eyes widening to the size of saucers as his jaw dropped slack in shock. He had never thought of Hector as someone to have a girlfriend— if he was being honest with himself, the mental image of Hector dying as a bachelor was easier to perceive, compared to the very real one of Hector and the redhead standing beside him. After several seconds, he spoke, “You—I— how— Hec, you have a girlfriend?!”
“Yes. The last time I checked, she was my girlfriend.” Hector managed an aside glance at Amaryllis, whose nerves seemed eased by Kodlak’s comically stupefied response.
Kodlak turned to Amaryllis with a look of suspicion on his face. “Please, Miss, tell me he’s not just paying you to act like his girlfriend? Because I’m warning you now, it’s probably not worth—AWK!” The younger Wulfric yelped as his spiel was cut off by an elbow to the ribs courtesy of an annoyed Mori.
“Give it a rest, Kodlak,” scolded Miller. “Honestly, saying such things right off the bat… you could at least give your big brother a fighting chance.”
Mori rolled her eyes, signing with her hands to Amaryllis. I‘m very sorry about my dum-dum here. I’m sure you and Hector have a wonderful relationship.
Amaryllis responded to the girl with a beatific smile. “It’s all right. I like to think we’ve been going along splendidly these last few months.”
“Well then, now that we’ve all met one another, why don’t we take a seat for a second so I can get to know you better?” Miller suggested, pulling himself up a chair from a small table next to them.
In true gentlemanly fashion, Hector swiftly pulled up a chair for Amaryllis. She whispered a small “thank you” to him under her breath.
Seeing this, Miller couldn’t help but smile to himself. His son hadn’t grown up in the best environment for etiquette, but he and his late wife had still made sure that their sons — the younger two, at the very least — had been raised properly.
Well, it was probably more his wife to thank for doing so, but he liked to think he had a role in it too.
“Please, do tell us a little bit about yourself, Miss Armilde.” he asked.
Amaryllis nodded, pursing her lips as she took a deep breath “Well, I’m a student at Haven, just like Hector, but in the year above. We started dating last semester,” she glanced at Hector and smiled. “I’m in a group called LLAC— uh, spelled ell-ell-ay-cee. My twin sister Lillian’s the team leader. We’re in the group together with our friends Harriet and Cait.”
“Your twin sister is the leader?” Miller responded, momentarily turning to Hector. “Not to be rude, but I’m a little surprised you didn’t go for her first.”
Amaryllis laughed at Miller’s remark. “Oh, no, that wouldn’t have worked out. She doesn’t, erm, swing that way.” 
“No worries about that! I understand.” Miller chuckled. “And LLAC… I’ve heard tell of your team. Aren’t you helping with the murder case of those two Huntsmen? I read about it in the morning edition the other day… terrible thing.” he continued, his tone turning solemn.
Amaryllis raised her eyebrows, surprised that Miller was already aware of the event. “Oh, yeah… wow, I guess news travels fast.” she replied. “We’re taking a night off the assistance work today, but I’m not sure that I can really tell you anything besides that.”
Not like there’s much to tell anyway, she thought to herself. Nothing had come up in the day since they had hit a dead end— no leads, no clues, no witnesses.
“That’s alright! Why don’t we make your day off more meaningful and enjoy the night? No more Huntsman talk, just enjoy the event. We have good food, good music, and I’m sure Hector here won’t be afraid to show you a good time.” Miller stood up from his seat and continued, “I’ll have to leave you for now, to attend to some of the other guests, but I must say that it was wonderful meeting you, Miss Armilde.”
“Oh, the pleasure’s all mine, sir— and you can call me Amaryllis.” she smiled.
“Amaryllis, I hope Hector brings you over again for a much more private family dinner. You are more than welcome in our household.” Miller replied. “After all, knowing my son, I see you might just be a future Wulfric.” he continued, winking jauntily at Hector.
Although Hector felt embarrassed by his dad’s remarks, asking for Amaryllis’ hand in marriage had crossed his mind more than once since they had started dating. He knew it was early into the relationship, but being with her made him feel exactly like how Miller always described falling in love felt like. 
Miller patted Kodlak’s shoulder and smiled. “Right then, Kod, I suppose I’d best make small talk with all the politician types. I’ve been hovering over your four for long enough anyway. Enjoy the party!” He gave them a small wave, then turned and walked away into the crowd.
Kodlak, who sat in front of the couple, didn’t respond. Although it felt like his eyes were deceiving him, there was actually a girl sitting beside his brother. A girl that just happened to be his brother’s girlfriend. It was all such a blur to him that he didn’t even notice that he’d had his mouth hanging agape for the past five minutes.
A poke on the shoulder snapped him out of his stupor. Close your mouth already, dum-dum. You’re gonna end up swallowing a fly if you keep it up. Mori signed, tapping the young Wulfric’s chin to close.
“I’m sorry. It’s just, I- How did you do it?” he asked, turning to Hector.
“Do what?” Hector asked.
“You know,” Kodlak said as he rolled his eyes in Amaryllis’ direction, “get her?”
Hector glowered in exasperation at his brother’s question, the joke having already worn itself out. “Damnit, Kodlak, it’s not funny anymo—”
“No, no, I’m serious, I’m serious. I’m not taking the piss, Hec— what led you to her?” Kodlak pressed.
Hector’s brow unknitted as he considered the question. After a moment he replied, “Let’s put it this way. I found that… if you explore more around Mistral and take your mind off of things for a while, you’ll start to see everything in a different way.” he explained. “You never know, maybe someone out there’s just walking around.”
Pausing, he thought a bit further before grinning at Kodlak. “Or maybe, she’s already with you and you just don’t know it yet.” 
“…What do you mean?”  Kodlak asked, tilting his head in confusion.
Hector’s grin widened a bit. “Maybe Mori’s your destiny, Kod.”
“Meep!” Kodlak squeaked as his cheeks turned a violent shade of red. It was no secret that he’d had feelings for the Primrose girl for quite a while, but he was still at an age where the thought of long-term romance flustered him. Reaching over, he smacked Hector’s arm. “Don’t say that out loud! She’s right here!”
Hector, on the other hand, was having a good time of countering his little brother. After a few years of living with him, the little game of one-upsmanship had become his specialty.
Amaryllis chuckled at the repartee of the two brothers. In a way, she saw herself and Lillian in them - having their trivial arguments, but at the end of the day, still having each other’s backs. Glancing at Mori, she asked, “Are they always like this?”
‘More often than not.’ Mori signed with one hand, grinning amusedly.
“Thought so.”
“Now, Mori, why don’t you go enjoy the ball a bit with your boyfriend here?” Hector said. After all, he had intended to have some alone time to talk with Amaryllis at the ball, but he had yet to manage to shake his little brother loose.
“Hey! I still want to know how you guys came to be!” complained Kodlak.
“Come on, the night’s still young. Go on and party.” shooed Hector.
‘You heard your brother.’ Mori signed, tugging on Kodlak’s sleeve as she got up to stand. ‘Come on and dance already, dum-dum.’
“Okay, fine. It was nice meeting you, Miss Amaryllis! Maybe next time you can come over like Dad said, so I can show you all of Hector’s embarrassing baby photos!” Kodlak waved goodbye as Mori pulled him away into the crowd.
“Sounds great,” Amaryllis laughed. She felt happy that Hector’s family liked her, strangely feeling at home with them. Smiling to herself, she held Hector’s hand tighter.
Once they were alone, Hector let out a sigh he hadn’t realized he’d been holding in. “…I’m sorry about that, Am. My family can be such a bunch of bloody jokers sometimes, but they’re great, I swear.”
Amaryllis turned to him, still smiling. “Whatever do you mean? I had a great time talking to them.”
“Wait, seriously?”
“Yeah! I’m having a great night so far. Thank you, Hector.”
Hector looked surprised for a moment, before he breathed a sigh of relief and returned her smile. “Well, you’re welcome. I’m glad to hear that you’re enjoying it.”
Pushing back his chair to stand, he continued, “Now, I think I’ve put this off for long enough— might I have this dance, Miss Armilde?” He lowered himself in a slight bow, raising a hand in offering.
Amaryllis stood up from her seat and extended her arm, allowing Hector to take her hand. “You certainly may, Mister Wulfric.”
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ella--cooper · 5 years
Big & Little Bear | Self - Para
[mentions: @annccoopcr @jennaxcooper @madisonharrow @franmellina @evieblmnt]
“How’d I know I’d find you here, hm?” Hector smirked as he held up the twenty four pack in his hand and patted his pocket where she knew he’d have a few bigass blunts for the two of them. “Some things never change, I guess.”
Ella smiled when she heard the sound of Hector’s voice, part of her feeling like tonight would be the night he finally showed up. It was their favorite spot by the water, the one they’d come to after he’d buy her a snack to make her feel better or rather the place he had first caught her smoking and had taken the time to teach her how instead of letting her cough her lungs out. “I’m a creature of habit, hermano,” she replied with a soft laugh before moving to make room for him to sit with her. 
“Yeah no shit, it’s nice though. Lot of years I came here without you. Wasn’t the same though.” Despite all the shit going on for both of them, Hector felt at home sitting next to Ella, cracking open a beer for her before he did the same for himself. He could still remember the night she couldn’t stop playing with the label on her soda can, desperate to find a way to tell him she was gay. And when she did, he only smiled and hugged her and told her he’d give her some tips on how to hit on girls. It had never occurred to him to be anything other than loving. The Cooper sisters were his family, there was no doubt about that. 
But still the heaviness weight in between them. The reality that Evie was pregnant, that Hector already had a grown daughter, all of the past things they had tried to bury suddenly unearthing itself in time for the two of the to be in great need of a chance to breathe. So they sat there in silence at first, the only sound that could be heard was the opening of the cans or the click of the lighter. They passed it back and forth, watching their smoke in the sky, their bodies finally relaxing back against the hard rocks. Their thoughts still as chaotic but it a bit more filtered, slightly subdued. 
“El, I..” Hector started, but wasn’t sure where to even start, his voice caught in his throat as he tried to express everything on his mind. 
“Evie told me,” she said instead, figuring he might not be able to talk without knowing what she knew. “Think she told me before she told you actually which is not..me trying to be petty I just,” she finally looked at him as she flicked some ash off the end of blunt and handed it back to him. “And it’s fucking weird, dude. I mean, you’re the love of my life’s baby daddy that’s some serious days of our lives shit,” she told hi, but there wasn’t anger in her voice. “Then again, I suppose if someone was going to be a sperm donor, it’s good that it’s you, at least the kid won’t be ugly,” she added and nudged him. 
Her words actually caused a loud laugh to leave his mouth and he remembered why it was that he and Ella got along the way the day. Remembered the ways he had seen himself in her and she had picked up so many of his habits. Luckily she had a much better head on her shoulders and would never make some of the same mistakes he did. “She and I were just messing around, you know? I..I still don’t know what we’re gonna do but you know, let’s be real here, that kid is just as much yours as it is mine. It’s not like she wants to raise a kid with me but if we keep the baby then you know I’m there. I’m gonna be there.” 
Ella nodded along, knowing he was speaking the truth but the situation was still weird. “I guess,” she started and made sure he was smoking as she spoke so he was a bit relaxed. “I guess now would be a good time to tell you I’ve been hooking up with Frankie. And before you say anything..it took me a minute to figure out who she was.” 
Hector’s expression clearly changed at the mention of Fran but all he could do was let out a laugh. “For fucking real? Jesus, El, you really don’t give these ladies a chance.” He let out another laugh that only grew when their eyes met and next thing they knew they were both cracking up. Until Hector stopped and looked at her. “Wait, does that mean you knew Bree was my kid?”
Ella almost spit out the blunt when he spoke, her eyes widening. “Wait what the fuck? You’re Bree’s dad? Nah dude if I knew that you know I would’ve told you ASAP. I mean shit, now it kind of makes sense, like if you look at her for long you can see the resemblance but I just thought that meant Fran had a thing for latinx dudes. Shit, oh shit! So wait, you’re a double dad? Oh damn, dude, drink that beer, I’ll light up my joint,” she told him and did just that, reaching out a hand to give his shoulder a squeeze. “You alright?”
Hector took a breath, grateful that they could just be real with each other and getting a kick out of how they were able to navigate these complex emotions with such ease. “Yeah so I guess we fucked each other’s person, huh? That’s something. And yeah, she’s my kid. Fran kind of told me because she had to. I ran into them at the supermarket. We got into this big ass fight but I’m supposed to see Bree soon. You spent time with her already? I mean I’m alright. My heads all sorts of fucked up, you know? I mean I kind of thought Fran would never come back and not did she only come back but she’s back with a ten year old who’s life I missed out on. It feels fucked up and i dont know how to not be fucking pissed off but also like..shit, am I ready to be a dad? To Bree and to this potential kid? Hell fucking no,” he admitted and took a long drag. “But I’m going to. I ain’t no fucked up dad, I’m gonna be there for her as much as I can. I’m just..fucking terrified to fuck up.”
Ella nodded along, finishing off her first beer before going for the second. She loved when Hector bought the cans and they could just easily drink their way through the pack. “Dude, I’m not even gonna try to act like I have some sage wisdom around this,you know how I feel about kids. But I mean you’re a good fucking person. I know you don’t think that because you like to get all broody and introspective. But compared to a lot of people in this world? You’re good to people. And yeah, I’ve spent some time with Bree. She’s a good kid. Kind of sarcastic and curious like us. Definitely a product of you and Fran. Speaking of are you two...cause if you are then I officially feel weird about still fucking her, cause i mean, you know you’re my guy.”
Hector laughed softly and drank some of his own beer as he thought about it. “I don’t know what she and I are. I mean when we fought she said all this shit and we talked on the phone and it was just, real talk? It’s fucking scary, E. I mean, ten years I spent convincing myself that she just..threw me away, you know? That she woke up one day and just stopped wanting me. And I didn’t blame her. Cause I never thought much of myself. But it thought it would be different with her, things would be different and then they weren’t. Come to find out she had all these like real logical reasons and a daughter and all of these things that turn reality or what I thought was reality just on it’s ass and I’m suppose dto what? Just go with the flow and trust the process and shit? I’m fucking terrified. I mean what if, god what if it starts to get real good and then she decides nah, shit’s too unsafe, I gotta move again and next thing I know, my daughter is gone and Fran is gone and...I can’t just jump back into what we were you know? I’m not 22 anymore. I got shit I need to do, commitments and everything and I don’t know. I dont think she even wants me like that no more. I think she thinks she does because she still sees me as that guy who picked her up for the carnival on our second date and I see myself as...
“A piece of shit? You love calling yourself that,” she told him and cut him off, putting another beer in his hand. “I got tough news for you Hec. You’re not a piece of shit. yeah, you’ve done some..questionable shit, but that doesn’t make you the devil. I mean honestly, I’m too fucking high to give you a pep talk and I know that’s not what you need. So like you’d say to me, nut up or fuck off. You got a daughter, a baby on the way, but at least you got your life and a job, a working car, running water. You got everything you need to give those babies a good life. You can’t keep living with your head in the past or what Fran might or might not think. I mean shit, if you love her, you go with what you feel and i know im not the one to be giving love advice because me and Evie,” she took a breath. “I dont’ know that shit is complicated too but what I do know is that I’ll be by her side however she needs it. Because she’s my girl, always will be.” 
Hector stayed quiet and sipped his beer as she spoke, knowing she was right. “Damn, how’d you get so good at this, little bear?”
Ella let out a loud laugh and shook her head. “Oh my god you haven’t called me that in the longest. Jesus, what a throwback.” Ella shook her head as she laughed before scooting over so she could put her head on his shoulder. “For the record, I’m happy you’re alive, big bear. This life would be pretty shitty without you. You’re one of the reasons Im happy I came home even if I’m still committed to finally getting to you to New York one day. I know you’d love it,” she assured him before passing the joint, watching their smoke disappear over the water. “And I don’t know if I’m good at this, I just talk out of my ass. I learned from the best,” she told him and tapped his side lightly which only made him laugh. 
She wasn’t lying when she said she was grateful for him. After her parents passed, Hector and Kit were really the only two male figures she had any respect for and could actually get through to her. Hector had always been patient, even when she was a little bitch and swore she didn’t need anyone’s help. But he had let her scream, even let her hit him once and only had given her advice on how to pack a bigger punch. He was the brother she had never had and never knew she needed. The person who’d believe in her no matter what, the way Anna did but also wasn’t afraid to be a little honest with her, to see her with more of her flaws. Hector was her family, without a doubt, and he always would be. 
Hector eventually moved his arm to wrap around Ella’s shoulders, smiling softly as he thought about how far they had come. How he had known her since she was born and he couldn’t be more proud. How even though he felt like a fuck up, he knew he would be a good dad because of the way he had been with Ella and Jenna, the platonic partnership he and Anna had over the years. The Cooper girls were his family, without a doubt and always would be. 
“So you know I met Madison, though I like to call her angel, she saved my ass the other night. Got her drunk off lime a ritas and shit,” he told Ella with a laugh. “I shouldn’t be surprised you already on that buts he seems a little heart eyes and shit, you feel the same?” 
Ella laughed softly and nodded, taking the joint from his fingers. “I do. I think I kind of fell half in love with her already,” she admitted and exhaled. “She is an angel. Heaven sent for sure. I mean I’d say I’m unworthy but...I think she and I are going to be exactly what we’re meant to be. Plus, eventually she’ll realize what she really wants it some dick but we’ll always have something special. In the meantime though. I’m going to enjoy those sweet angel lips and that cute as fuck smile. It’s funny though, you know, everyone, even my sisters act like I have all this power. Like Madison is this innocent little thing. But she could just as easily break my heart and she just might but I’m okay with that. I’d love to get my heart broken by her as ass backwards as it sounds. But I know you've seen what I’ve seen. She’s a fighter, got this little fire in her, you know?”
Hector nodded along, knowing exactly what she meant. “Well then protect your heart as much as you can, alright? I mean enjoy the ride and all of that but still, you deserve all that good shit too. Even if you think you’re too smart for it to happen sometimes.” 
She laughed softly and nodded, appreciating the way he said it. She wanted to tell him about Jenna and about Anna and Jared, she wanted so badly to but she knew he was dealing with a lot and in the end, despite how stubborn she was, it wasn’t her place to tell. She just hoped her sisters would feel the trust she had in him, hope they knew that he was someone to lean on, someone who would always protect them. 
“It’s all kind of fucked up, isn’t it? The webs we weave. How connected you and I are. But I guess I wouldn’t want to be fucked up with anyone else, you know?”
Hector laughed softly, “Yeah I know what you mean. Fucked up together,” he told her with a laugh and knocked his can against hers lightly. “You and me, Little B, we gotta keep our fam together, you know? Plus, Tia Ella ain’t so bad, right?” He smiled sweetly and leaned over to press his lips to the side of her head, laughing as she pretended to swat him off. 
“Yeah, yeah, I love you too, Big Bear. I’m gonna get Bree to start calling you that and hey,” she told him and pushed at his head lightly, “You’re gonna be a great fucking dad. I know you will so stop second guessing yourself so much. That shit is lame, alright?”
Hector nodded and held his fist out for her to bump before they did their little handshake. “Big bear and little bear for life, right?”
Ella let out a loud laugh and nodded, “For better or for worse, dude, big bear and little bear for life.” 
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