#thinking about soul gems and now im curious
thebanneredmareinn · 2 months
do you think, if a filled soul gem were to be broken (like smashed on the ground or with a rock), that the soul trapped inside would move on to its intended destination? or would it still go to the soul cairn?
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goji-pilled · 2 years
It's ya boi, comin at you with the FLUFF. I know, fluff. Unbelievable. Probably will make you cry anyways because i know i'm gonna! Sorry if some details are incorrect im running off of spite and sugar rn and trying to find the exact details is a mess :pensive: - 2.0 Anon - The Law of Cycles. That's what the magical girls she met always called her. it was a lonely name yet everyone she met looked up to her with joy, with hope. Her wish was making the world a better place and she was so happy for that. But it gets boring sometimes, as a deity who's unseen by all unless they've.. well.. That's just sad and she doesn't wish to think about it right now. She still has time before she and Homura can be reunited but.. She frowned. Was that record always there? In the beginning, when she became this Deity the first thing she did before helping magical girls was preserve Homura's timelines. While they couldn't happen anymore, she made sure to keep them preserved. They had sad memories, but also happy ones. She made them into form of records so she could always be reminded why she did this. But then there was this new, strange one. All of her records were labelled to the dot. What timeline they were, when they began, and what time they ended on the dot. So.. this new one, being unmarked on its end time made her curious. That's never happened before. Sure, she'd made a few accidental records by messing up in the initial ones but.. They always had an end date. Because they all *always* ended. It was odd. But she was curious. So she left the magical girls on her plane of existence to take care of themselves while she watched this record, her curiosity chewing at her until she set for it to play. At first, it was the same. Her and Sayaka meeting Mami and kyubey, Homura and Mami getting off on the wrong foot. She thought back to how they're better friends now. But then there was the first deviation. Charolette, Or Nagisa as she's known now, didn't appear. Odd. She didn't rewind the record yet, wanting to see what happened. Maybe she was just late, It wasn't unusual for Charolette to not appear at the same time every timeline. Sometimes she didn't appear at all, those were the lucky ones. But then Sayaka's downfall came and a ting of sadness came into her chest, only to be reminded she was happier now. A sad smile came to her face while she listened to Kyoko tell the Madoka in the record about her plan to get Sayaka back. She blinked a little, seeing Mami there with Kyoko and even agreeing. Did.. Did she miss something? Probably. But thats not an issue, she has all the time in the world to rewatch this later after she gives it the end time. The Record Madoka agreed to the plan, and so did Mami. Madokami knew it'd fail. It never worked. but. Then it did. The same series of events played out, with Homura rescuing Madoka and Mami before they came to harm. Mami had been knocked clean unconscious from an attack Oktavia did. She expected to watch her two friends meet their end again but.. Just as Kyoko cast out her soul gem, to her total shock Oktavia leapt from her throne and pushed the soul gem back to Kyoko. She blinked, watching Oktavia yell in runnish at Kyoko for being stupid. She paused the record. What.. What was this timeline? This was new. It was unique. None of them had ever been like this. they'd all been unique in special ways but this.. This had never happened before. A smile crept to her lips. She needed to know more. because if this was a timeline where they got to be happy in the old system.. Maybe it didn't need an end time, and it could go on forever. Maybe thats why it appeared, because it was a disconnected reality that came to be through a wish. She takes no credit. But she wants to see more. See how her friends got to live. Got to be *happy*. How she got to be happy with them. .... She misses Homura just that bit more. yet, Looks forward to their reunion with everyone else.
She played the record again, watching with an intent gaze to see how this record played A special timeline. One that'd never end, if she had any say in it. She watched Charolette be brought back just like Oktavia had. She watched them smile. and watched the struggles, the pain. But in the end, they were happy. Their smiles she'd hold in her heart forever. And maybe she'd have to watch how this played out, just a little while longer.
I'm giing to kiss you that is the best fucking thing ever
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gingerbreadmonsters · 2 years
The other MC I've been thinking a lot about is artificial human/homunculus MC. That MC is a crime against humanity probably as there's probably something that's outlawed in regards to make artificial beings. As for the type of homunculus/what they are powered by would probably horrify the angels, and maybe even the demons. Though I'm sure one or two of them would also be curious about what a homunculus could do. Though I'd be learning towards Fullmetal Alchemist/Soul Shard based ones.
The one that I think would have the worst implications is one powered by a soul gem/philosopher's stone. Like maybe they had to take a shard of a real soul to build the stone. I think it being a shard of Lilith's would be so messed up. Because this thing that looks human but isn't is powered by a peace of Lilith. The homunculus looks human enough on the outside, though there might be something slightly uncanny about MC. On the inside though? A mess. Perhaps they bleed something other than normal human blood - old or pale blood. Maybe ichor? Double for if their heart is replaced by the soul gem/philo stone. The body is capable of taking on more extensive/severe damage and surviving. Mostly because it would be so frustrating for Belphie to try and kill.
bro at this point i should just let my anons run this blog, you lot are coming for my GIG and it's beautiful
good god can you imagine lesson 16 with this mc WAIT IM HAVING AN IDEA SPOILERS FOR LESSON 16 (with all of the standard warnings that accompany the events of that lesson, plus this is pretty bloody and gross, quite graphic discussion of desecrating a body, no description of pain or discomfort but you do tear your own body open? like the one that you're currently inside? so definite tw for self harm, but not of the sort that this trigger tag normally accompanies)
(this is kind of related to that other thing from ages ago about mc running into the scene as it happens)
(also i'm thinking some kind of thing where two lilith-cores can't exist in the same timeline at once, for plot convenience ig)
belphie chucks mc down the stairs, they die as normal, enter horrified brothers etc
second timeline mc rushes in, stumbling, staggering, limping over to their now-dead body - they're really not looking well
second mc now starts desperately clawing at original!mc's body, tearing into it almost like a child on the most horrific christmas morning
digging through their insides, blood and tissue and viscera pouring out, elbow deep in their own chest, all horrible sloshing noises and muscles tearing apart as they rifle around
grasping, grabbing hold of something, pulling, tearing, ripping it free - and the onlookers all take a collective step backwards because the energy coming from that... thing, whatever it is that you're holding, that you just - wait, did you have that the whole time? - tore out of your body feels an awful lot like lilith
not sure how you get it back inside your new body - do you swallow it? that's pretty creepy, especially if it's still covered in blood and everything
ooh or maybe you have to cut/tear yourself open to fit it inside you! bonus points if it takes you a few tries because you can't quite get the right place, x2 multiplier if you make one of the brothers help you
you... take it inside yourself, somehow, and suddenly it's clear - that core, whatever it was, is what's been allowing you to look and feel human
belphie's just about ready to keel over, the rest of them are not far behind
hey, wouldn't that be messed up?
(in case you thought it couldn't get worse: mammon is still holding original!mc's body, and has been the whole time)
...this was a very fun ask to answer although i do now feel like i'm in the middle of my villain arc, i'll see myself out
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s1st3r · 3 years
Lol ok so I’m back for another match up because last time i paired me with Cross (which I loved btw) and now I’m curious on a matchup outside tbb so here I am. (That’s only if ur not busy of course and if U want to lol)
I’m 5’8 with short brown curly hair. I’m kinda skinny (only because i have an eating issue) with a slim structure. My eyes are a weird colour, mixed with green, blue with a orange/brown ring around the iris (no it’s not hazel). I enjoy art, listening to music, writing, crafts, and just about anything that I can create. I enjoys cities, especially at night but I do enjoy nature during the day. I love the stars, especially when it’s a clear night and the moon’s out. I’m not very confident and i tend to stutter and get lost for words, can’t always say what’s on my mind because most of the time I’m not even sure what’s going on up there. Im more of a listener than a talker, although when I get really interested in something I’ll talk for hours. Never really had a group of friends or anything, kinda was just there. The social reject or the weird one. Not that i kind of course, i like being different. I’d say I’m a curious soul with an understanding heart. Im a mix between an extrovert and a introvert. I have a horrible sleeping pattern and normally fall asleep at ridiculous times late at night or early in the morning. Sometimes I’m still awake when the sun comes up, which is funny because I’m not really a morning person. I love coffee and tea, mostly tea (earl grey). Bit of a sweet tooth. Tend to do little dances and stim when I’m happy. I like to chew things, especially when anxious, stressed or bored. i also like to snack when I’m bored. I’m pretty chill with anything and everything. Not a fan of loud noises or yelling as it sometimes scares me. And I’m a hoarder/collector, I hoard almost anything and everything.
Ok so I left this for ages because I was really stewing on it you know?
Also, how are you enjoying the Clone Wars series so far?!
So Cherry, my friend, even though I'm pretty set on Crosshair (non-canon Crosshair ofc) to be ur man, I think your Reg ship is...
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You're a sweet tooth, he's a sweetheart, and together you make a pretty sweet pair.
Ok so, here's what I'm thinking:
Jesse is much more confident in his demeanor than you tend to be, but unlike many of his other brothers, he doesn't misinterpret your shy nature as disinterest.
He actually finds it really cute when you go all shy and bashful and your blush spreads from the tip of your ears to your neck.
But he also encourages you to get out of your shell and become more comfortable. And you do.
One time, while you were hanging out in the barracks with Jesse and his brothers, you were snuggled next to him, on his bunk, back leaning against the wall. He had his arm casually slung over your shoulder. When conversation turned to your favorite topic, you couldn't help yourself as you gushed on and on. You didn't notice, but the boys all shared looks of surprise. Jesse just watched with a proud smirk.
You were comfortable; you were home.
I've said this once AnD I'LL sAy iT aGaiN: Jesse is a GENTLEMAN not a cocky player. So he treats you like a gem. In fact, his nickname for you is Opal because your eyes remind him of the beautiful multi-coloured gem he saw off world once.
Hark! Did I hear "horrible sleeping patterns"?? (I know because you're like an hour time difference ahead of me and I see you online same moment as me when it's like 12/1am my time 😂😅)
Fear not! Jesse is a walking heat pack and the moment he holds you, you're like goo in his hands (tho you'll never admit it). Sleeping gradually comes easier and easier until you no longer think twice about it when Jesse pulls you from your office and takes you to the barracks to cuddle.
Honestly, the best moments the two of you share is in silence. Whether it be you're cuddled in the dark and hear each other's steady breathing as you lightly trace his tattoo with your fingertips, or when it's you and him alone smiling softly at each other across the table in the mess hall in the early hours of sunrise/sunset sipping your earl grey or coffee.
~ Sister
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abyssmalice · 3 years
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// genshin 2.0 spoilers 
(people who’ve lost their visions not only lose their ambitions but also their memories related to their ambitions.......................
this is VERY much making me think about the fallen meteorites event - that a person’s constellations could bear their memories and their ambitions. and while we don’t have any canon evidence that the one example we were given about this during the meteorite event also had a vision, for the most part, constellations in the game belong to vision holders.
im going to call it right here and right now that visions are essentially a crystalized piece of the vision holder’s soul. which is why it tends to be close on their person and why taking it away makes the holder forget crucial memories - because it’s taking their darn soul away!!!!!!!!
visions are basically madoka magica soul gems i am calling it RIGHT NOW
the only issue with my current theory is diluc - who had abandoned his vision for a time and left mondstadt, traveling the world without it to enact a burning vendetta against the fatui. we haven’t heard any mention that this caused any sense of hollowness or memory loss while he had been travelling around, which would not only be obvious but also very problematic for a diluc who was acting based off a central figure and event in his life.
then again, his pyro vision probably wasnt super connected to crepus - it was likely a desire to be a good knight protecting mondstadt, though ofc this is just speculation. in any case, it is SORTA explainable why diluc wouldn’t have memory or ambition issues while away from mond and thus his vision might be his vision is unrelated to crepus being a central figure in his life.
buuut a part of me kinda disagrees bc crepus sure sounds like he was influential somewhere on why diluc got a pyro vision but.................. ehhh
alternatively - having and utilizing a delusion in the time he didn’t use his vision might have acted as a stop-gap measure?? somehow????? im doubting this theory too but the new lore around how visions work sure makes me curious again about how delusions are supposed to work...
IN ANY CASE THO i am still definitely abiding by my new hc that visions are crystalized pieces of people’s souls bearing their dreams and haha this is such a fun hc when i think about my tonia muses eheheheheheheheheh)
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brawn-gp · 4 years
I've been listening to your "Alone with the city lights" playlist before I go to bed and on my way to work everyday. It really is amazing! ���� Here's some questions for you: which songs would be in the soundtrack about your life? And who would you choose to direct the film? ✨
mar omg not to be a that girl™ in here but this is my favorite ask i have ever received i love you so so much ♡ ♡ and please excuse my long ass answer bc music + filmography is my favorite thing in the world and i have many thoughts about it (here is the playlist if anyone is curious, i loved making it <3)
alright so i’ll answer the second question first: it would have to be either: wes anderson, greta gerwig or luca guadagnino. first of all i think i love how methodic wes is about photography and cinematic, i love his attention to details and his color palette (here are some examples: x, x), but i also love how real the characters of greta feel, and i really like how she portrays being a woman (some examples from lady bird bc i love that movie with my soul: x, x). and i always felt like nature is very part of my life so luca’s aesthetic of living outside and feeling as one with it has always struck a chord in me (some examples as well: x, x)
now, i know i’m reading way too much into this question, but i feel like music has to be closer to what would be the director’s lens, so i think i would have to say after hours - the velvet underground, bc i feel like it would go good with the aesthetic of it and also the lyrics are painfully accurate, and if i had to choose a composer for the film i would love it if it were ludovico einaudi or close to what keegan dewitt made for this film, they are gems
so that’s it im sorry for the huge rant i just loved it so much and you are amazinggggg
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crvelsovls · 4 years
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ophelia tate has been walking around town. hazelgrove is familiar of the thirty-one year old hunter. she is aware of the supernatural residents in town. the people of hazelgrove can agree that the librarian can be vehement yet still be reticent. let’s just hope things in town can settle down. + delicate fingers adorned with moonstone gem rings, a coy smile spread across peach-tinted lips and a slender form shrouded in an air of mystery and intrigue. 
s’up buttercups ?? ‘tis me again, here with my second gal ; ophelia. she’s my clever lil huntress who’s loosely based on various past muses of mine. she’s a lot more... innocent that delphine but she’s still quite fiery and sarcastic dkjsdsh anyways, i’ll save you all from my pointless babbles but as usual, pls flick that lil grey heart n i’ll shimmy my irish butt into your ims for plots !! : )
full name. ophelia penelope tate.
nicknames. o, phe, & effie.
current age. thirty-one.
birthday. january thirty-first.
gender. cisgender female.
pronouns. she / her.
species. human.
nationality. british.
religion. raised a catholic but no longer practices.
birthplace. london, england.
current residence. hazelgrove, me.
sexual orientation. bisexual.
romantic orientation. demiromantic.
education. english literature degree.
occupation. librarian at hazelgrove public library.
birth mother. natalie tate. †
birth father. alexander tate. †
full blood siblings. astrid tate. †
maternal grandmother. katherine reynolds.
maternal grandfather. marcus reynolds. †
paternal grandmother. anika tate.
paternal grandfather. edward tate. †
maternal aunts. odette reynolds.
maternal uncles. none.
paternal aunts. sophia tate.
paternal uncles. duncan tate. †
spoken languages. english, french, & latin.
negative traits. capricious, ornery, impulsive, guileful, & caustic.
positive traits. ardent, whimsical, intrepid, graceful, & poised.
strengths. etiquette, bold, rational, practical, original, perceptive, direct, & sociable.
weaknesses. dramatic, impulsive, quick-tempered, insensitive, impatient, risk-prone, unstructured, misses the bigger picture, & defiant.
skills. skilled with blades and various knives, hand-to-hand combat, perception, persuasiveness, good judgment, & able to use initiative.
talents. retaining information, memory recall, knife throwing, & quick thinking.
eye colour. blue.
hair colour. blonde.
height. five feet, four inches.
weight. 52 kg.
build. she is of quite a petite stature, and slender with mild curves.
scars. a long, silvery one running along half her spine.
tattoos. n/a.
piercings. earlobes.
glasses. yes, but usually wears contacts.
zodiac. aquarius.
element. air.
house. ravenclaw.
myers briggs type. estp-t.
alignment. neutral good.
enneagram. type seven.
temperament. sanguine
intelligence type. interpersonal.
character label. the orphic.
past mental disorders. post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, & suicidal tendencies.
current mental disorders. undiagnosed.
addictions. nicotine.
vices. wrath, envy, & pride.
virtues. temperance, charity, & diligence.
allergies. penicillin.
diet. vegetarian.
dominant hand. left.
accent. mostly english with a mild twang of notable american.
blood type. b negative.
vehicle. bottle green 2015 volkswagen beetle.
trigger(s). mention of exorcism, mentions of murder, & mentions of death. 
born and raised in london, the tate family seemed picture-perfect. though, underneath, the story was very different from how it seemed. while ophelia and her younger sister were showered with love and affection, their parents remained mostly absent albeit for fleeting moments in time. it wasn’t until ophelia grew older that she became more curious about what led her parents astray for weeks at a time. under the illusion that her parents were simply important figures, perhaps lawyers or detectives, a childish ophelia had never considered that their lives had been tainted by a much more corrupt presence. 
eventually, it transpired that her parents were hunters. more specifically, people who hunted down supernatural creatures and put an end to their existence. or, tried, at least. how ophelia stumbled across this fact was by pure chance. her grandfather had been visiting and she had walked into the basement where she witnessed her father and his father attempting to exorcise what she then described as a ‘man with black eyes.’ nowadays, she’d refer to said man and his kind as demonic bastards. 
of course, with their sights elsewhere, the demon managed to free himself only to murder her father and grandfather in the process. if it hadn’t been for her mother, ophelia would have ceased to exist that night also. it was that night that her mother shipped them off to live with their aunt for a while but eventually, after a week or so, her mother returned.
seemingly, everything had been fine until one night when their home was attacked by a pair of vampires. these vampires having been survivors of their mothers attack on their nest, thus they tailed her and laid low until the most opportune moment where they attacked. how ophelia managed to escape that night was anybody’s guess. though the rest of the household hadn’t been so lucky.
having lost her parents, sister and aunt to supernatural creatures, ophelia grew up with a deep rooted hatred for every creature of the night. it had taken her many years to learn of each creature, their weaknesses, strengths and, most importantly, how to kill them. but once she had mastered the art, she set out on a mission to hunt like her parents before her. admittedly, in the beginning, she’d had some near misses, brushing with death many times. but with more hunts under her belt, the better she became.
eventually, ophelia decided to leave london behind in search of the states where she was certain there would be ample supernatural beings endangering the lives of innocents. she moved around for a few years until she settled in hazelgrove where she soon learned that the town harboured an abundance of things that went bump in the night. it was this fact alone that she opted for staying put where she also works as a librarian; constantly researching and reading up on various creatures.
becoming a hunter hadn’t been something that had ever crossed her mind until she’d lost everything. in fact, it had been a path that she should have never stumbled across if it hadn’t been for her witnessing the demon that night. still, nevertheless, it was the road she’d travelled down now and with resentment deep in her bones, there would be no stopping her.
to all who encounter her, ophelia can appear on the surface an extremely reckless and careless woman with a huge tendency to adopt a sardonic tongue during almost all occasions. given her demeanour and attitude, it would be fair to assess that all the blonde is, is a satirical mouthpiece with a permanent simper corroded into the corner of her lips. despite this all, the shell of ophelia does contain much more substance. regardless of her blasé attitude, a passionate, whimsical girl remains deep within the high walls of her persona. it’s almost safe to say that the facade she paints over herself every day is nothing more than a basic ruse; a temporary fixture to aid in slowly but permanently fixing the broken fractions of her mind. it goes without saying that ophelia is constantly shrouded in mystery, concealing her true emotions and feigning any feelings whatsoever. although a sensitive, vulnerable aspect of her persona remains, it seldom prevails against her impulsive, sarcastic, intelligent nature. the problem with being clever is already knowing the things others try so desperately to hide from you. ophelia knows how others view her, she sees how they look at her. everybody assumes she’s too difficult to reason with and believe she’s even tougher to understand. it is this that enables ophelia to flirt with danger, use her words as a weapon and also a bargaining chip. it is this that gives ophelia an overwhelming sense of adrenaline, swimming through her veins and fuelling the fire that lies within the pit of her stomach.
can drink any man under the table.
smol but fierce.
one of those people who just excels at everything they try their hand at.
has a very high pain tolerance. seriously, it’s kinda freaky.
the only thing she’s truly terrified of is spiders. those eight-legged cretins have her shaking like a leaf.
absolutely adores animals. much prefers them to humans.
was raised a catholic and went to an all-girls catholic school but she no longer practices.
doesn’t drink much as she doesn’t like to be out of control even in the slightest.
she quite likes being a hunter and she does the job very well. attention to detail is key when she’s working.
is a very reckless driver, it’s a surprise she hasn’t been in an accident yet.
looks innocent but really isn’t in every sense of the word.
she’s that bitch that loves reading and has a thing for poetry.
she’s quite adventurous and loves to feel the adrenaline in her blood.
doesn’t take herself or her life too seriously.
a bit meddlesome and a troublemaker.
always up for a good time and is usually the life of the party.
outspoken and quick-witted with a sharp tongue.
for wanted connections and potential plots, i’m open to just about anything so feel free to hmu for connections or any plots you can think of !! some i’d really love are :
best friend ( pls give my girl a bff she can tell everything to and can party with and just do best pal stuff with like platonic soul mates pls. )
childhood friend ( they maybe drifted apart ? )
an on off relationship ( pretty much like a fwb type situation or casual hookup situation that could develop into feelings or just remain casual. )
a potential love interest ( bonus points if it’s angsty. )
exes / past flings / one night stands.
enemies and rivals.
drinking / party buddies.
and obviously connections with fellow hunters and the supernatural oOoOoOo.
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dittolicous · 7 years
know im just gunna talk more reboot!shinzo ideas cuz i feel self indulgent
(also wow this got long soooo under a cut you go!)
world building wise, its more like atla than like canon shinzo. the enterrans/matrixers aren’t all scummy, they’ve just been told lies for 300+ years. they truly believe humans to be evil demons for one reason or another. and while humans arent/werent that, there was a lot of morally gray activities going on, with humans experimenting on enterrans and constantly thinking of them as less sentient. of course there were humans who cared as well, but that didnt stop the bigotry. scuffles turned into fights turned into battles turned into wars. not helped by an actually evil mushrambo.
there were humans and enterrans who wanted peace and worked together, but they were generally looked down on and forced out of their communities. yakumo comes from such humans, who had joined together with enterrans who shared they’re ideals. (notably tho peaceful does not = humans did nothing wrong). it was only thru the two species working together that yakumo is able to be safely hidden away... for the most part.
and of course human/enterran hybrids existed from those same communities, but where of course looked down on. however, you could be a pure blood enterran and end up looking humanoid for one reason or another as well. once humans are thought to be extinct, negative focus is put on the more human looking enterrans. they’re generally seen as pretty demonic and unlucky, as propaganda makes them believe they’re the second coming of humans (they’re not necessarily wrong but...). many dont survive their childhood thanks to parental abandonment, being killed by their communities, etc. both mushra and sago find themselves in this category. 
the only humanoid enterrans to gain followings are those that 1) are extremely powerful and 2) have beast forms. but there are still many who view them negatively.
not ALL enterrans view humanoids are bad, but they’re in the minority, mostly thanks to above propaganda. generally, those enterrans come from hybrids or the past peaceful enterran lineage. all the same, its dangerous to be more human-like.
speaking of humanoid enterrans, this goes back to mushrambo. he’s truly evil because he saw humans as lesser, imperfect version of enterrans. he sought to kill them because of that and also because even in death, they were useless to enterrans (no cards to be absorbed). and as for enterrans who saw worth in humans, he believed them as weak willed, too reliant on humans, and as betraying enterran kind. he wasn’t... necessarily BORN/created evil, but thanks to torment by humans and enterrans alike, he grew into it. ...this needs more tweeking, but all the same, he’s bad to the bone.
but when yakumo’s magic attacks and ‘kills’ him, both his soul and power is split in three pieces. his power, into three gems, his soul, three new enterrans. those three are mushra, kutal, and sago. now it can be said that mushra is the core of mushrambo’s soul. mostly meaning he takes most after mushrambo as he was and thus, if he absorbs sago and kutal, he creates a near mirror image of the old mushrambo. if either sago or kutal mains and absorbs the other two, they would create a mushrambo who takes a bit more after them.
this leads to many, later in their journeys, trying to corrupt mushra and get him to kill and absorb his friends, so as to get the old mushrambo back.
and as for the gems with his power, each soul is draw to one gem in particular, which later gives them the ability to hyper form. there’s also a draw to the other souls and gem, but its much weaker and more subtle. however, it does still lead them feeling drawn to the same locations, even if they dont know or understand it. and because it was yakumo’s magic that split them, they do feel a natural draw to her, but its kinda a... neutral draw? it doesnt make them like or hate her, it just make her stick out to them.
also, they’re not as so straight good. for sago and mushra, there’s a lot of self hate in their humanoid forms/self and in humans, so being around an actual human leave them conflicted. for kutal, he still at first wants to eat yakumo, but as he spends time wit her and the other two, he becomes curious about humans and about the powers they supposedly hold. sago doesnt really trust yakumo and only sticks around because of mushra, in case yakumo turns on him. mushra was, as in canon, saved by her but thanks to a lot of internalized anger and hatred for humans and his humanoid appearance (which ostracized him), the only reason he doesnt attack her is because she saved him and he found it too... scummy and ‘human’ to kill her unprovoked. yakumo being a good person as she is implores about his hatred for humans and such. i havent worked out the details, but shenanigans ensue and they bond a bit, ending with mushra agreeing to help her find shinzo. they’re all a bit more morally grey, and only become better enterrans through they’re friendship with each other and yakumo, and from learning the true history of humans and enterrans.
later when they’re finally all together, they boys always find it easy to find each other, with just a gut feeling and generally get a long pretty well. over time their bonds only get stronger. really i just want them to have an incredibly strong bond not just with yakumo, but each other. they’re basically platonical/familial soul mates. 
yakumo is also less... perfect, must never fight back, type of gal and more... aang like. she prefers non-violence and HATES killing, but she knows things can get... bad. but it eats her up inside when she cant find a way to resolve things peacefully.
aaaand for now thats all i got! yeehaw this got long lol
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thedancingsoldier · 5 years
My Top Songs of The First Half of 2019
⚠️Long Post⚠️
⚠️The Songs I’m writing about we’re more than likely not in the top 40 on the music charts (some might have)⚠️
1. Jax Jones & Years & Years: Play
A lot of these songs I fell in love with on the first listen. This song was one of them. It’s very generic pop with a tropical house beat that’s, for me, very hypnotizing. The song talks about someone falling in love with someone else over song that their dancing to. It’s very, love at first sight. But it works. And the cartoon that goes with this song is so cute!
2. Charity: Millenials
Even though this song was released in October of 2018, I first heard this song in January of this year (thanks Spotify). This song struck a chord with me, with it being so relatable. The songwriter talks all about the struggles millennials are going through and basically telling us we are not alone. All of this over a R&B/ Gospel beat that’s the glue of the whole song. I won’t tell my whole story of what I’m dealing with right now, but this song is basically tells about 70% of my story.
3. Judy Garland: Come Rain Or Come Shine
This song is one of many songs that was released before 2006 that I have’nt heard about until this year. I love it when little gems like this song is revealed to me an any way. This song was revealed to me via RuPauls Drag Race All Stars Season 4 the makeover challenge. The whole episode was Judy Garland themed. I thought I was cultured until I saw that episode and I was like, “I know nothing about Judy Garland.” This song is just one of many thing I’m learning in the way to being the ultimate scholar in LGBTQIA+ history. This song is very quiet in the beginning but the build-up is to die for! It’s like marriage vows, “I’m gonna love you come rain or come shine.” The song says. It’s basically someone’s marriage vows. The trumpets bellowing in the background is the cherry on top and the orchestra itself, is everything. If you know what I’m talking about, thank you Naomi Smalls for introducing this song and immortalizing this song for me and millennials everywhere who just found out about the song when you did an epic lip-sync performance to this amazing song.
4. John Legend: Preach
This song is truly EVERYTHING. Over a slow-tempo pop ballad instrumental, the lyrics tell a story. He talks about, he can’t just preach. Preaching is not enough, there has to be more he can do, to help the problems that this country is facing. With so many shootings happening across the US, there has to be more we can do. I love this song so much. The meaning is so heartfelt and genuine and John Legend just comes through shining and being motivational. I highly suggest this song if you are looking for new songs to listen to. It’s universal, it’s for everyone.
5. Jonas Brothers: Sucker
This song is catchy. It’s everything I love about the Jonas brothers and their recent release of music after their hiatus. It’s a perfect mix of DNCE (Joe Jonas and friends) and Nick Jonas’s style of music. It’s very Alternative rock and generic pop fused together. The lyrics talk about their wives (all of the Jonas brothers are married), and basically being so in love with them that their own personal rules, they break them, for them, because they’re so in love. It also helps that my foot can’t stop moving when I hear this song 😅
6. Kehlani: Buttlerfly
This song is soft and inspiring at the same time. Over a soft R&B/Soul vocals and beat that don’t come in until the second chorus, the lyrics talk speak about a metaphor. Comparing the butterfly, to the feeling you feel your stomach when you’re in love with someone, to finally expressing that love to that special someone. It doesn’t help that the outer of the song is exposing how Kehlani understands this feeling when it comes to virgos and how they process this. It’s chill, slow and the vibe is top notch.
7. Toni Braxton: You Mean The World To Me
This song was released in 1993 but I first heard this song this year as well. I was curious one day, because I’m a big fan of Toni Braxton, I just pressed shuffle on all of her music one day and this song started playing. I just started smiling from the groove and her voice that seemed to float over the instrumental. And the lyrics are EVERYTHING! To avoid being redundant and rambling on about what this song does to me, let’s just say is just wedding vows being recited in the best way possible with Toni Braxton singing.
8. Dash Berlin & Jonathan Mendelsohn: Locked Out of Heaven
This EDM song was definitely made for the club. And it’s music to my ears! The fact that is a Bruno Mars cover that’s mixed in with a whole beat symphony basically is everything. The beat mixes in tropical house & dubstep so well. Dash Berlin did a great job with this one.
9. Beyoncé: Sorry - Homecoming Live
This song is in the list because of 2 reasons:
1. Beyoncé released her 2 performances she did at Coachella as a fabulous documentary this year and she released lemonade on Spotify this year FINALLY.
2. Beyoncé did a mashup of this song with “Me, Myself, and I” at Coachella which she released on her 1st solo album “Dangerously in Love”.
I love this version even more because the marching band being the bulk of the beat in the back is genius, having a skit in the middle is great little break if you want a laugh and some motivation all at the same time. I don’t have to summarize the song for y’all, but for the 10% of people who don’t know this song: The song describes a lady catching her partner cheating, and the lady herself moving on with no regrets. It’s the perfect f**k you song is you in your feeling about your significant other.
10. T. Murray & Dr. Maya Angelou: 1:19 AM
This song is pure poetry. PURE POETRY. The groovy R&B poetry slam beat in the background is such a vibe against the poetic voice that is T. Murray. This song is very inspiring. The writer talks of her soul flourishing after a break up. And then asking for everyone else to spread love and not hate. It’s so powerful and groovy and the epitome of soul.
11. Leikeli47: Post That
“Hit that pose, take that flick, check your angle, post that s**t.” Instagram models everywhere, this is the song for you! That line is everything, this song is everything. I swear I get my life every single time this song comes on. By the way, be prepared to “Naomi Campbell walk” down the hallway my fellow gays when this comes on 🥰
12. Todrick Hall: Glitter
This song rang in my soul when that chorus came in. This song has a disco remnant in it that just has me lost in time. The lyrics have a metaphor in it comparing glitter to love and basically he wants all the love from that special person. Just like glitter, he wants it all. When this song was released it was February or March of this year when it was released, but I didn’t hear it until pride month when Todrick released a whole ep: Haus Party Pt. 1. The whole album is a bop, but this and 2 other songs stuck out and I can’t enough of them. This song is definitely timeless, to me at least I don’t know about y’all. Y’all have to listen to it to determine your decision of course.
13. Todrick Hall: Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels
Todrick has placed this song in the LGBTQIA+ hall of fame as the LGBTQIA+ anthem of the year basically. This song oozes with fierceness with that house beat and the lyrics are everything, “I don’t dance ,I work, I don’t play, I slay”, is just a taste of the lyrics. Todrick also wanted to make a song where if you couldn’t to the dancfloor fast enough for the first 2 minutes of the song the last minute will definitely have you on the dance floor. He wanted to make a “Get Me Bodied” replica if you will, and he succeeded and then slayed us all. YAS.
14. Todrick Hall: I Like Boys
This is me, this is all me. I already came out, im not coming out again, but if I ever did, I would just play this song, because it’s basically describing me and what I like ☺️ It doesn’t help that beat is infectious and works so well with the lyrics.
15. Diana Ross: Swept Away
I was swept away, if you will, when I heard this song fully for the first time. I heard part of it on “Pose” on FX. During the first season of the show, which highlights the underground ballroom scene in 1980s New York, 2 groups were doing a dance battle and this song was playing in the background. I didn’t notice it that much the first time I watched that scene, but the second time I was enthralled by it. I “shazamed” the song and it was love ever since then. Ms. Diana Ross slayed with this song and the scene in “Pose” immortalized the song for me as well. The song has this infectious 80s Pop beat in the back and Ms. Ross’s voice just floats over the beat. It’s entrancing, really.
16. Chloe x Halle: who knew (from Grown-ish)
This song is so smoooooth. Chloe and Halle’s voices just floats in this song so well! When I first heard this song I was in a trance listening to this song, just swaying back and forth. Ugh! It’s so good! The beat is a mix of R&B/Soul and African drums, but slow. The lyrics talk about a girl unknowingly falling in love with another person. It talks of fate bringing the 2 people together.
17. Sabrina Carpenter: In My Bed
This song got me by its beat in the chorus, and then the lyrics got me as well. The beat is a good mellow pop beat to start and then it picks up but mellows out even more during the chorus. It’s so chill but so powerful and relatable as well. The lyrics talks of a situation that gets stuck in your head and when you wake up your still thinking about it and your blowing it out of proportion at the same time. It could be a positive or a negative situation, either way she’s still still blowing it up to a size that it’s not meant be. It’s so relatable because I do that so many times and I’m sure a lot of other people do too.
18. Lebo M.: He Lives In You
To be honest I have heard this song before, but this is the first time I’ve heard it in the Zulu language. This song is absolutely gorgeous, powerful, chilling, and goosebump-making. The fact that Lebo M. decided to remake this song in Zulu, is amazing in so many ways. I want to thank Lebo for remaking this in a native African language, and for having The Lion King full of pan-African languages and references. It’s so powerful that Lebo decided to bring this song to life again and make even more inspiring in 2019. This song I recommended that everyone listen to.
19. Jade Novah: Show Out
I didn’t even know this song existed and I’ve been listening to Jade Novah for 3 years now including obsessing over her debut album last year. This is song is so underrated, and I use that word very loosely. This one is truly underrated. It’s melody and core of the song is a circus-inspired string of notes and over that is a hip-hop that’s infused to perfection over that. The lyrics are no-less than perfection. It’s inspiring using the circus to say show us what you got that’s so awesome. It’s telling you to show out. To show the world what is so special about you, what makes you different. I’m still obsessing over this song. And probably will forever obsess over this song.
20. Beyoncé: BIGGER
The fact that Beyoncé released a lion king inspired album and put a bunch of voice-overs from The Lion King itself in between songs to introduce the next song is absolute perfection. And she has African influences all over this album. Furthermore, this song is no-less than perfection and African inspired. The intro that came before is perfect for the introduction of this song, and this is the first song on the album. And it’s the perfect 1st song on an album like this. It’s powerful, chilling and, inspirational. The beat first and foremost, has African drums in it, which is appropriate. Over the drums is Beyoncé vocalizing in the background and a orchestra that melds so beautifully together to create this masterpiece. “Life is your birthright, they hid that in the fine print. Take the pen and rewrite it.” EVERYTHING. The lyrics seem personal to Beyoncé but also relatable to our lives as well. I almost cried listening to this song for the first time. This song could save a few lives. I’m so serious, this song could save lives. “You are a part of something way bigger.” And we are. Our lives, our problems are nothing compared to what’s happening around us, and our world. Look past, from what you see in the mirror. Look outside up in the sky, the universe, that’s you, the Stars, that’s you too. That’s us, all of us. We are all meant to do big things. Step outside of your little box and thing bigger. You might be surprised what you find out.
Even though some of these song I said already I recommend you listen to, all of these songs are worthy of at least one listen. Some of these a couple of listens. Well that was my top 20 songs of the first half of 2019. There’s so many songs I was unable to just strip it down to 20 songs of the whole year. Plus 40 songs at one time, is way too long. So, enjoy, and remember to always:
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futurepoetlaureate · 7 years
Finally Turning Left Onto Candler Road
Eternal Sunshine I
Living in my eternal sunshine
But still this world is not fine
Young babies are crying
Helping, but no one is trying
Reasons to live are questions
Like why should you be in here?
In my presence
But their not God
Good Lord
These people are lost
Not afraid to sin with no cost
To themselves their God
But in retrospect to it all we’re the same
The anger within can not be tamed
I found myself without a map
All handclaps
From the heavens above
All love
For now it seems
Like the mist in the morning
The steam rises
I am furious
The people are curious
No middle ground to take
Lord who takes the first stride for goodness sake
Once standing in front of the bright lights
Now their the stand-behind-me lights
On the stage of life
It’s just me and my beautiful wife
My eternal sunshine.
The memoirs
Of the new Mr Christian Dior
Pose to be something great
As my heart beats at a rare rate
Speaking volumes
As my pen releases poetic fumes
Never will I be same
Forgoing the fame
For a chance to be behind the scenes
She was interested in the wrong pair of genes
She wanted me for the wrong thing
A chance for a big house and shining ring
My work is overdue
Wiping off the dust and residue
Making them believe it too
Breaking the hatred like Ndamukong Smh
Such a distinctive sound
I had the world wondering who was heaven bound
I’m the break in the clouds
The silence from my mouth has the world wondering why my mind is so loud.
Exhibit B
They’re wondering where we should go
I just remained true to myself
Dusted my shoulders off as I stand down from the shelf
Overlooking the sunrise coming into view
Such beautiful hues
Thoughts of where the sun went last night left me with no clues
After last season we had fell
But now we’re first to spring up
Rushing into everything that comes into mind
But you wasn’t a hard find
I had seen you once before
The feeling of losing once left my heart sore
Skipping a few beats in the process
But now I’m free to hold your hand during recess.
Do Not Disturb
They’re hitting the curb
But I’m the one out of line
Late nights with my mind on do not disturb
After this night, I’ll never be fine
A few floors up from the rest of the world
I never knew any true good girls
I know a few people who think they can outlast me
But they’re not fast see
A few family members are concerning me
Been thinking about sitting down to talk with a pitch of granny’s sweet tea
Please do not disturb me when I’m like this
Last night heaven came down and gave me a kiss
Under the stars
But still no where close to Mars
All in the plans though
I remember when we thought we would go far though
Still not enough
Pushing for a chance to be great
A few more nights on auto-pilot and-
I’ll get there at this rate
11:00 in Georgia
I keep wishing I cosign from Jorja
But back to the regularly scheduled program.
Free Of Smoke
Lord please do not let me choke
As the dust settles all I see is free smoke
This is the moment where I stand tall
And the only time my knees fall
Is when you receive my prayers
Peeling back all of these layers
I knew before I picked up my pen what had to be done
Out of the backdoor we use to have to run
From the darkness as the streetlights can on
Now I know why my parents told me to be home
Through the backwoods trying to make it back Rome
My words are better in tune
Sincerely yours until they know Sweet Magnolia is coming soon.
She’s my gem
She’s not with the blem
A free soul to the world
Dancing into the night skies
Under the stars
Setting the world ablaze
Fireflies respect her for the tribute
I never knew an angel like her
It’s unheard at this point
Her body dancing to tides is a dope joint
I know what I like
Love reigning down on me is a signature Cupid strike
I’m blem for real
Nights like this I could never stay still.
I feel you running scared
Like you really never cared
Posted under my arms late at night
Staring into my eyes looking for a different sight
Knowing I was staring deep into your soul
The guilt took it’s toll
You tried to break it up
But the silence had you shut up
Watching the moon as it shined on us
You watched afar as your mind and heart would fuss
You never had a word to say
You searched for reasons to stay
Like a morning ray you would disappear into the night
The feeling to you felt so right
You stalled
Waiting for a certain person but they never called
Holding your fist
You realized your time was fading into the mist
Poised to return to the Lord
Your silence bared a distinct sound just enough to strike my heart’s chord
And when I asked who?
The Lord set me down to read Isaiah 44:22.
Teenage Fever
I must admit you was clever
When we were young you left me with this teenage fever
Our bodies entwined in a conceptualized heat
Moving to our own bodies’ beat
I use to wonder if I gave you all of my love
Would you comfort me?
Staring into your eyes I thought I could predict the future
Teenage love was a part of the culture
And others were just vultures
Lord walking hand and hand through the valley
But we feared not
I knew we were in it for the long haul
But than I never got her call
We were heading to the heavens
Lord how I could I live life without my lucky seven
This spring I’ll keep my eyes closed to the blooms
The air is filled with love’s fumes.
A Pen Letter To Mr. Keeper
This is the tale of a skilled writer
I protest against the future style biters
Lord I pray they listen to these words
Meant to strike feelings and metaphorical chords
Broken promises become fulfilled
A deer caught in the wrong beams avoids being killed
Picking up pieces before they become crumbled
I prayed every night my heart would remain humbled
Against the grain
The tears swept the dryness off of my lips through the rain
I had to make them believe
Their hearts needed to be relieved
Breaking down the gates of hell
One word loaded in a shell
We needed speakers not readers
Following the followers but we needed leaders
The heavens above became irate
Their stories were something I couldn’t narrate
I did what I thought was right
Smile beneath the stress became extra bright
No need for any validation
Broke down the broken dreams for consolidation
Speaking to the heavens for clarity
Lord my tears represent greatness in it’s rarity
An imperfect form
A link from a lost love with an unidentified charm
In my search I found the garden
In my prayers i found my heart no longer harden
My existences is critical
They’re hatred is pitiful
Behold beauty in the eyes of the beholder
Still in a new day their hearts remain colder
The angels above say, “Oh, what a man!”
Good Lord after my last prayer I say, “Amen”
The thought the failure was deepening
Questions arise about have I been sleeping?
Up before the sunrise to make a simple dollar
The people who hated me before still holler
From the bellows of their soul
The hatred sadly enough has taken it’s toll
Never been this tired before
The pain is vivid enough like sores
I keep wondering when the light will breakthrough
Like whose saving who?
My passion lent me a helping hand
Against the judge and jury my heart remains on the stand
Dreams of being the man
Dreams of being the reason why a young child wanted to be fan
It was never meant for me to be against the world
The thoughts keep my pen in a whirl
Writing what was once on the alls
Like leaves in the autumn my knees fall
The time to be great was yesterday
My breakthrough is like God’s ray
I found my point of no return
The nervous within me are making some good as they churn
My fears were my own Catch-22
I broke the ceiling to greatness at the age of twenty-two
Zombies all around me
Lord, is this the life for me?
I can hear them coming
Towards my direction
They can smell my fears
I know they are here
The smell of money
Sticks to their mind like honey
All I see is zombies feeding around me
I yearn to be free
From the grips of society’s reaches
Money hungry leeches
The thirst for acknowledgement
Broken mirrors
Crushed glass
Watching my step with my back facing them
Lord my bended knees are bleeding as I read your divine hymns
I hear their distaste
Running for freedom but I must quick haste
Into the clouds above
Where even zombies receive love.
I fought with success
Prepared for greatness when others were in recess
Neighborhoods flushed with drugs good Lord it looks like a wreck
If only people were paid in reality checks rather than refund checks
Nothing appears new
We all knew
The government was out for the black men
One shot down the other day was kin
Questions arise
How much for your soul?
It was no surprise
The hatred we lived in
Parents asking me, “Where have I been?”
Taking away more than they could ever give back
A few hundred turns into a few more stacks
Comprised in hands
Where the power stands
Pushing for greatness when nobody is looking out
But still the haters question what your true intentions are about
Too quick to pull the trigger
Whose giving back?
Definitely not the rich niggers
And when the world asking what’s wrong, why do we remain silent?
When we know God is the pilot!
Fear Not
Yeah I am blessed
I found my path in the sunrise
Good Lord it was no surprise
That one day my mother would give to a nation
Patiently waiting
No time for the masses to be playing
I walked with the ones who were hurt
Lord it’s been years since I spoke with Kurt
Or turned onto Don Juan
All I know is I am falling
Scrolling pass numbers I am no longer calling
My chance to be great wasn’t associate with luck
Out of the masses my number was plucked
Called to be great
In a hate-filled state
I’m outside of the norm
Perfected in form
Making my own plans
Lord I need no fans or stans
Even in pain my words never mumble
Power in my hands as the word crumbles
How could my freedom be an illusion
I see no room just yet for conclusion
Embattled emotions
No longer going through the motions
Eyes all red as my red eye lands
Lord my movement has no room to stand
So Im pushing for multiple outlets
More unity in all so I wish nobody ever calls us a gang
Mysteries unraveled
Old roads traveled were once graveled
Now a new path is created
Ambitions placed on a table where peace and love can be plated.
I see both sides like Chanel
These hues in my life are spinning like a carousel
I see both sides of myself
Like a book read from beginning to end on a shelf
Swimming laps in a pool made up of heaven’s clouds
A page torn from a chapter never read aloud
Riding slowly on the side
Where the ocean throws it’s tides
Confusing shades of life’s hues
Green and blue can no longer leave me clues
Pushing pass the moments I’ve lived in
On bended knee asking for forgiveness for my sins
I see both sides of my people
Like a saint on top of a church's steeple
Outside of the norm
Perfected to be fake in their transparent form
Ambition Of A Rider
Lord knows I must to keep going
These past roads kept me slowing
At a stop sign that never existed
Against the grain I resisted
On a path meant for me
Only for my eyes to see
I never knew it would be this hard
I think my younger self picked the wrong card
Under the impression that expression are more than a smile on my face
The day one ambition is more than my own race
Only person sleeping on me is myself
Watching the world beneath while sitting on the shelf
Of course we age like a fine wine
But now it’s my God given right to shine
Lord it’s the birth of new nation
It’s my pure aspiration
Choices made become peace
Oh Lord it’s my sweet release
I haven’t slept since this ordeal started
Running from my fears I ended up being carted
Off of my path set for me
Starring into the mirror I saw who I wanted to be.
Finally Turning Left Onto Candler Road
Feeling so intrigue
Their feeling the fatigue
Their feeling the heat
Following me while I skip keeps the rest off beat
I told my momma I’m about to glow
Cliche individuals still believe they’re going to blow
Under the radar of so many
There is only one of me but that’s plenty
I avoided the shakedown
Emotions within all of us caused a breakdown
Cruising late after midnight
With my eyes shining as bright as the moonlight
The time to rise came to me in a dream
Through my curtains I felt the warmth of sunbeams
But now I’m on bended knee
The pain in me now must flee
Only because I’m about to glow
On new highs while escaping the lows
Now I speak
As my lips leak
My people continue to carry the load
And my faith finally turns left on Candler Road.
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