#thinking out louddd
saintbarou · 1 year
watching how loud christens are in their belief made me happy to grow up catholic
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b4ddprincess · 25 days
the void state is easyy, but you're still thinking otherwise?
rant, void state explanation, void state induction, you shouldn't allow feelings to hold you back
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i'm sure you all have seen many posts like this. but do y'all just read them and not put any effort into understanding how easy it is to get your dream life?
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the void state is described as conscious with 0 physical awareness or pure consciousness. the void state isn't an otherworldly dimension, or a multiverse, or a different plane you're "entering". the void state is simply another state of consciousness.
but here's the problem.... no matter HOW 👏🏼 MANY 👏🏼 TIMES 👏🏼 y'all read, "the void state isn't an otherworldly dimension, or a magical place you're entering." IT STILL DON'T REGISTER IN Y'ALL HEADS??? why is tht? we literally tell y'all like it is, and y'all like y'all searchin for a specific answer, so you refuse to accept the fact that the void state is just a 🙌🏽 state of consciousness 🙌🏽 LIKE ANY OTHER STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS.
you're NOT going anywhere, you're NOT leaving your body, you're NOT gonna end up sumwhere deep in space, and you're NOT dying! IT'S LITERALLY 👏🏼 JUST 👏🏼 CONSCIOUSNESS 👏🏼 DARLIN! what more of an explanation y'all want?
y'all are reading this post cuz you are conscious, and y'all are aware that you are reading a post, becuz you are aware of your surroundings, and most of us use our 5 physical senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch. pure consciousness is simply you being conscious, but without any physical awareness, and you aren't using your 5 senses.
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now, the "void" state is extremely easy to induce. as in, there are many ways to induce pure consciousness. however, the main way to induce this state is to detach from what you're experiencing/physically feeling. stop hyperfocusing on your surroundings and how your body feel and be in the moment with your thoughts. the only reason why some of us get "kicked out" of the void state is because our awareness is suddenly placed on our surroundings or our bodies. stay calm. you're literally fine. when you try to feel your body, you will tap out of the state because you're bringing awareness to what you're experiencing/physically feeling. that's why you must stay relaxed and still to stay in this state of consciousness.
relax your body -> focus on the darkness behind your eyelids -> affirm/daydream/think -> pure consciousness
guys, guys, guys.... its so EASYYY to induce pure consciousness that y'all should honestly be embarrassed of yourselves...
the void state is described as conscious with 0 physical awareness
👆🏽 the one part y'all often forget. "0 physical awareness." y'all love to hyperfocus on y'all bodies wayyy too much and that's why you didn't induce the void state then. y'all love to rush every single thing, and it's worse when you're rushing at night time? of all times??
just take slow deep breaths until you don't wanna, relax your mind, don't think about the void state, relax your body, swallow if you want to, adjust your body if you want to, focus on your affirmations/thoughts/daydreams, focus on the darkness behind your eyelids and that 👏🏼 is 👏🏼 all! 👏🏼
you will literally induce pure consciousness at that moment. and FOR CRYING OUT LOUDDD it's JUST........ you being conscious with 0 physical awareness. ok? you're not "eNtErInG" anything.
and you're NOT gonna do this with a trying attitude. you hear me?
i DON'T wanna hear it. don't come to me with no crocodile tears, yuh hear me? cuz i literally told y'all what to do, but you wanna rush it and then flood my inbox.
i can understand sum of y'all reasons, but the REST OF YALL..... y'all hadda be jokin..
(my caribbean dialect wanna peek thru on dis post so badly 😒)
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ahh yes... desperation. one of our biggest enemies... followed by impatience... followed by our doubts... and the cycle repeats. but where was this desperation rooted? at the thought of getting all of your desires instantly? at the idea that the void state is hard to achieve, and you must do everything right to "get in" to get your desires? where is your desperation rooted?
and then there's fear....... the biggest enemy here.
what exactly are you scared of? failure? living a new dream life in the outer world? what is making you fearful?
if you're fearful of not being able to induce the void state awake, tht's doubt. if you're fearful of time running out on you, tht's desperation and impatience. fear is the main source of those other feelings you experience. you shouldn't allow fear, to control your actions, cuz you're just holding yourself back. and i know you don't want to be held back, but you keep holding yourself back. you run method to method and you may find yourself circling back to a method, and then you circle back to another method... you keep running away from one of the easiest ways of inducing pure consciousness (the 2nd easiest way is to decide and tht has to do with states/loass, but we're not on tht rn).
how many times do i have to tell you the simple things to do to induce pure consciousness? and how many times y'all gonna ignore and ask for a method and then tell me "i didn't get in 😔"? yall are complicating the void state too much, and it NEEDS to stop!
you can literally induce pure consciousness at this time, but no... you're scared of failure when you actually can't fail. it's either you're focusing on your body, or you're not. it's either you're focusing on time, or you're not.
plus, y'all constantly make the void state sound like this big thing, when it actually isn't.
but anywho, i better see a bunch success stories in my inbox, even if it's just a 1 second experience in the void state. i'm gonna delete any asks tht are already answered in my posts, and i genuinely hope yall reflect on this post and apply 💗
i've said my piece.
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #24
• The moon in your moon persona chart might also be how you act/are by nature when comfortable with people! E.g. natal Aquarius moons with Cancer moon in their moon pc may act very sweet & thoughtful around those closest to them.
• The rising in your moon persona chart is how you might come across emotionally. E.g. Libra rising in your moon persona chart might make you hold back sometimes even if somebody opposes your ideas, to keep things cordial.
• Sidereal Capricorn moons know when to hold back on sharing personal stuff and when to actually share a personal experience that relates to somebody’s situation in order to then give them advice.
• Sidereal Aquarius venuses tend to include their friends/best friends in almost everything!! And they may also be betrayed by those they consider “friends” a lot too.
• Gemini risings who are Venus doms tend to attract a lot of female friends who are jealous of their playful yet soft/aesthetically pleasing personalities! And of their looks too I’ve noticed! 🤭
• Aquarius moons with Virgo risings are a little dry humored & sarcastic but also goofballs who laugh at everything.😭
• Gemini moons with Libra risings and Capricorn mercuries like to make fun of people’s clothes or the way people talk. 😂
• 9H Aquarius moons with Aries mercuries like to make fun of people in general and hit you with the ‘I don’t care.’ 😭🤣
• Composite charts that have prominent Aries/Pisces mixes tend to be those relationships where people or your parents don’t want/like you two being together so you have to keep it hidden from everybody. Especially Aries stellium with a water rising.
• Taurus moon in composite is where you kinda compromise with each other because you might be too different yet you’re willing to stay on subjects you both agree on and it also creates a “home” type feeling between both people that’s not so easy to find with others.
• I feel like 7H Pluto people tend to get hurt the most in relationships. Especially having partners who act unfairly. And they end up learning most lessons from being betrayed by people or from relationships that didn’t go well. However they also have major glow ups after.⬆️
• Sidereal Libra suns HATE unfairness.
• Sidereal Aquarius suns have a quirky yet compassionate aura to them.
• If you have your sidereal/vedic mars in the same sign as your sidereal/vedic moon’s house then you may exude that sign’s personality traits/vibes! E.g if you have a sidereal/vedic 9H moon and a sidereal/vedic Sagittarius mars your opinions/intuition/ideals might manifest stronger in your personality! And you might be more optimistic or the friend that tries to enlighten others often.
• Sidereal Taurus rising at 29 degree gets paranoid if things aren’t in place/aesthetically pleasing and can come off as sassy/bossy to their peers without meaning to.
• Both Tropical & sidereal Leo moons are louddd.😭 Sidereal Leo moons do it subconsciously though.🥲
• Sidereal Sagittarius mars 🤝 getting easily irritated/using cursing as a mechanism.
• 11H mercuries are low key into politics even if it’s something they don’t talk about much.🌚
• Moon at Gemini degree (3, 15, 27) tend to be the biggest overthinkers and self sabotages.😕
• Moon at Capricorn degree (10, 22) low key be thinking bout that money & how they’re going to get rich without doing much.😭
• Leo mars women looove parties/events!
• Fire mars women especially Aries mars women can act very impulsively but they’re also very determined & love a good competition.❤️‍🔥
• I’ve noticed mainly with Libra, Gemini & Sagittarius risings you can kinda spot them out by their cheekbones!
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claritys-silly-things · 2 months
It’s that time again yall
Headcanons! It’s a long one this time
Emetophobia tw
- (I think I can classify this as modern) Rip sodapop curtis you would’ve loved saying “I’m just a girl 🎀”
- Soda never liked haircuts. When he was a small feral child his long hair would get tangled a lot, but he’s tender headed as FUCK so he would scream and cry when his momma brought the brush out. Darry put sodas hair into braids sometimes just for fun and soda didn’t mind bc it kept his hair from getting tangled, and then it didn’t hurt to brush. He’s always had really soft hair and it grows super fast.
- Jealous little soda asksjks (this was about soda being jealous over pony getting attention as a baby but I don’t wanna edit the original ramble I wrote down)
- When ponyboy was born he just kind of STARED. No crying or anything just 👁️👁️. Even Darry cried when he was born. Soda cried a lot.
- Adding on, Darry and pony were pretty quiet babies. They still cried for food and stuff sometimes but not a lot. Soda was a LOUDDD crier, and a frequent one too. It was the type of crying that sounds like it hurts the baby’s throat cause they’re shrieking their head off. Also soda would cry for, like, the first year of his life if he was ever handed to his dad.
- If Johnny survived the fire and got a wheelchair, he’d be running over people’s feet. Constantly. Just because. Or bc they asked for it. Either way, the moment he gets a hang of that wheelchair it is OVER for yall. And probably before that too.
- Ponyboy gets the same. Goddamn. Thing. At EVERY restaurant. Partly because it scares him to order anything else, partly because he’s picky asf. He makes sure it’s there on the menu and has his order memorized by now. “Chicken tenders, fries, and a Pepsi please.” He’s tried to ask for other things in the past like eggs, cuz he likes those, but the moment they asked him “how would you like them done” he just stared at Darry because he didn’t know what all the different types of eggs were, and now he’s scared bc he’s taking longer, and the server is still there, so he just got sunny side up eggs and they were slimy and he wanted to go home and cry (based on a true story sadly)
- Basically pony has anxiety and probably autism (so me)
- Ponyboy likes avocado. That’s it that’s the headcanon. It’s like one of the only healthy-ish things he’ll eat.
- Soda gets suuuper nauseous really easily, and pony gets carsick on occasion. So the first time pony went to a theme park, his family was scared that he would throw up like soda. They go on a ride and he’s like “yall im fine dawg.” Soda is jealous bc pony can go on rides unaffected (soda will still go on rides anyways, he just throws up afterwards)
- Pony is the most PALE ASS BITCH you’ve ever seen. He burns soo easily. His face gets red really quickly, no matter what’s going on. The only time he gets the slightest bit darker is when he burns and tans. Two-bit has been like “you ain’t white you translucent” multiple times because in the right lighting you can see pony’s veins. It’s even worse because soda and Darry tan so wonderfully, and pony looks like he had an allergic reaction if he doesn’t reapply his sunscreen when he’s supposed to. I feel like Mrs Curtis is the reason for this, she didn’t tan. Mr Curtis did tho.
- Pony has mild (severe) ocd
- Marcia’s last name is smith she is white-Hispanic on one side and Native American on the other thank you for coming to my TED talk
- Marcia is Cuban and Native American
- Marcia’s full name is Marcia smith that’s it that’s the end
It’s funny cuz I listed these things like three times and just forgot about the other two
- Twobit is Brazilian end headcanon
- Mr Curtis had autism and Mrs Curtis had inattentive adhd
- Mr Curtis was half Mexican on his mom’s side and half Irish on his dad’s side. Mrs Curtis was full Italian-American.
- Darrys the typa guy to make pony and soda turn off a show or movie if it talks about possession or like demonic stuff/soul stealing stuff
- (Modern au) Darry will get a text from ponyboy about something, like “can I go in your room rq” and he sees it but doesn’t actually open the text message until later and like, two hours later he’ll just respond “no” and thinks it’s the funniest shit ever
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morbidmorbid · 5 months
ok it was all fun and cute at first but my obsession with early seasons daryl (heavy on s1/2) is getting bigger than i can handle .. a crazy stupid infatuation that has me thinking about his lil mean ass every second of the day. like somebody fuck him already! for crying out louddd help that man calm the hell down.
i love every version of him (esp s4 like i just wanna claw my face off looking at him in that season) but idk what it is lately ok please understand
atp i’m gonna start rocking back and forth in the corner of a dark room because of this. if i don’t write about him like this i’ll never heal
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
nsfw headcannons for tangerine? Luv your work!!
I’d love to anon 😇 thank you!!
NSFW under cut, Minors DNI 18+
Probably a switch
Like he’s mostly a dom but sometimes he just gets home and he wants nothing more than for you to take the reins so he can relax some ):
He’s a pleaser more than anything tho,
He’s making sure your needs are met before his
And he’s making sure your okay, like a lot
Before he does anything he’s always asking for consent 😇 literal consent king
And he’s very jealous, I think
so if anyone even tries to hit on you, he’s taking you away and fucking you until your screaming his name for the man to hear
He’s the sweetest
And he’s a gentle lover most of the time (unless he’s pissed off about something)
But no matter what, even if he’s on the brink of sleep he does aftercare for you, you both sitting in the bathtub together
But another thing is he’s LOUDDD….
And he doesn’t care about people hearing at all
Like poor lemon hears it all the time, and you both walk out like nothing happened
“Hear you two had fun. Please just be quiet next time.” He said, looking at you both.
You spit out your water, coughing and stuttering over your words, your cheeks heating up.
get lemon some bleach for his eyes afterwards
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pookiesatoru · 1 year
expand on it. please.
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since you said please i guess i have to say it now :/
g... gojo... gojo n thigh fucking.... GOJO AND THIGH FUCKING. i justdhhehd i just think he would... do it while you're looking into a mirror tbh :/ but he'd make sure you came at least once so your cunt is already messy. likes to feel how your body goes weak in his hold when his cock presses through your folds from the back. likes to watch the head poke out from between them in the mirror. he. he likes it messy. i think he's part of the leaky tip gang. paired with your wetness n how long he edged you for it's messy.
messy and sloppy. sloppy slick sounds every time he pushes his cock back and forth and it's embarrassing how arousing it is. i think he'd be full of praise tbh, a lil pussy drunk too. pussy drunk and thigh drunk (it's a thing now).
"thaaa's it baby, fuck. use me. yeahh, jus' like that." puts his hands on your ass to help you move your hips ohhh my god... gives it a couple of slaps that hurt just right. pushes your face into the mirror when he gets closer to his high. with how big he is, he'd probably end up pushing your entire body against the mirror while he ruts against your thighs :/ his body flushed against your back n your front flushed against the cold mirror. probably has his hand tangled in your hair as he holds you down and finishes with a louddd groan.
thrusts his hips into your thighs a couple more times to properly milk himself. cums so much it's all over the mirror and over your cunt and thighs. just spreads your legs with ease so he can see the mess he made in the mirror and taps his softening cock against your pussy before sliding it in between your thighs n cunt again and makes you close your legs again and andnadndn it jsuttt. twitches.. once he feels... yoru thighs... againmn.. and just... oh my goddd okay eyahH ENOUGH!!!!
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melobin · 2 months
TALKING ABOUT SUNGCHAN CUMMING ON READER'S GLASSES OMG.. i think when you're sucking him off and he's close he'd put his foggy glasses on you.. just to get to see you covered by his cum .. (++and in his glasses) he'd whine so louddd and shoot out thick ribbons of his cum,,, would be so happy seeing you covered in him!! just thinking of tutor sungchan getting paid from you by head!! 🫠
tutor sungchan putting his glasses on you when you’re sucking him off because he loves the smart look on you, has his hand in your hair whilst telling you how cute you look. wraps his hand around the base of his cock to pull it out of your mouth and jerk himself off until he finishes over your face. he wouldn’t even care about making a mess
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asleepygeorgian · 10 months
WTTT as stuff I hear/seen at school pt. 3
Washington: Listen...I'm not gay....I'm just...elegantly fruity
Oregon: So gay?
Washington: Basically
Georgia: Alright lil bro, quit talking to me
Alabama: BRo-ll tideee
Georgia: You think you're so funny
Hawaii: Lowkey nah but lowkey tho.. *does some gestures*
Ohio: Say the hard r rn
Minnesota: *says the n-word*
Ohio: your white...
Minnesota: And?
Michigan: Respect
Texas: Number 6 is crazyyyy
Georgia: stfu
Maryland: Pookie Wookie Dookie
Virginia: Yes Kitten?
Pennsylvania: Oh my fuckin' god...GO GET ON DISCORD
*Illinois walking up happily to Wisconsin*
Illinois: Kys ^v^
*everyone bursting out with laughter*
Vemont: Gov said we're having a pickle party if we pass this little quiz thing
Also Vermont: Ima go tickle everyone's pickle at this party
*Wyoming casually eating his pickle*
*Florida and Louisiana literally sucking on the pickle in front of him*
Wyoming: YALL NASTY-
Alaska: Okay so this might seem crazy what I'm bout to say....
CDC: What?
Alaska: I can't fit in that desk
New Jersey:...why those fifth graders were kinda bad?
New York: Nah- you nastyyy
Maine: Nah it's true but....what about fourth graders
New York: Nah Nah Nah, ya'll tweaking now
Mass: Just think....Kindergartners
New York: WHAT THE HELL???????????????
DC: Okay think, what does light do for you to see yourself in the mirror?
Mississippi: Absorb :D
DC: No-
Mississippi: Wait no.....diffract!
DC: No...'Sippi...no...
Mississippi: :[
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Missouri: Ima milk you
Kansas: Bet go ahead
Oklahoma: Get away from meeeee
(No I'm not okay- save me from this place)
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destinyc1020 · 9 months
Some JE rumours… 👀
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Oh wow.... 👀
BTW, what's the big deal just because he doesn't want to talk about his gf in interviews? 🫤 I don't see the big deal? 🤷🏾‍♀️
I think when you've dated in the public eye before, and then gone through a major breakup, you probably learn NOT to talk about your significant other to the media as much anymore. 👀😔
Plus, he's there to promote his WORK.... NOT his gf/relationship. 🙄 And no offense, but his gf is kind of Notorious now lol... and not in a good way... so her (and her family's) reputation is kinda sus rn. I can see why he wouldn't want to talk about her and open up THOSE cans of worms. 😵‍💫
I'm sorry, but some of the comments in the comments section had me cracking up Rofl 😅 Like this one right here👇🏾 had me literally belly laughing out LOUDDD 🤣
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All jokes aside, in all seriousness, I really do hope that this rumor about him isn't true. 😔 I may not be a huge fan of his, but I hate to see people fall under the difficult trap of substance abuse. 😩
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missamyrisa2 · 7 months
I think I have the perfect tickly weapons to use on Miss Amy. My long purple nails and a purple soft feather. I would love to give the strong gigglemama a taste of the purple tickles. But with a twist 😉 I'll tie you down to a comfy chair, and my nails will do a tippy tap dance on the metal of your flower belt. Make sure to tap on every inch of the metal and get those sweet giggles out of gigglemama. Then, for the grand finale, the purple feather will tickle milk the royal queen and make her "spill" her milk 😉 I think I need to document this so we have a manual of the gigglemamas weaknesses.
Ooooh my gossssh~!! 100% of this post is absolutely forbidden and shall never be invoked again this is like mmmhhh so evil witchery of how to completely melt me into the gigglyyyy etherrrrr~~ okay okayy okayyyyyyy those purple nails are mmmhh making me whimper on sight alone because that colorrrr attached to natural tickle tooolssss ~~ nnh and then on a featherrr tooo! Ghh whyyy are feathers soo swishyyy it's not fairrr it's so not fair these things can visuallly bully meeee!
And that's whyyy you can't tie me downnnn I need to be able to run or rather panic squirm wriggle awayyy from those thingssss because ghhhh I'll need to be totally restrained if you're gonna tap my flowerrr I can'tttt it's gonna make me sooooo absolutely hysterical and I hope you don't mind the vocalizing because i'm just eeee kinda super ridiculously louddd when I'm teased like thattt and it's the mmmh the sound and the touch and the beltttt you don't even understannddddd every tap is like electricity on my bodyyy making it writhe and meltttt and then I can't stop the gigglegaspiessss~!!
Which is not gonna help at alllll your intent to milk meeeee because you seee those thingssss mmmhh it's like gonna draw me out like a magnet my royal part won't be able to resisttttt and I'm gonna try so hard but nnnhh y'knowwwww unnhhh noooo milking the ticklemamaaaaa I was supposed to ticklegasm youuuuu this is nnnhh not necessary not required not regulation not a good aspirationnnn so just quiiiit it with that featherrrrr and mmmmhhh~!!
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alltheselights · 1 year
emma is it rude to think louis will come out soon (between 2024-25 years or so)? And what is your opinion on it? Because Louis has been pretty LOUDDD....
Based on how hard he went with babygate over last year or so and considering how much of a focal point he made it in his documentary, I don't really see it happening. You never know though.
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mixotrophics · 1 year
dug up from blog posts from the dev of a game I played one bajillion years ago whadda heck!!! prophour23 postmortem post 1 and post 2
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this game was very strange and had this old time science illustration aesthetic. the title screen would become visibly infested with leeches the more times you lost (I think? I don’t know what counts as winning... I wasn’t very good at the game, you may gather). it kind of throws you in the deep end, just look at the help menu:
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the music absolutely Schlapped and basically all of my playtime was on the title screen listening to that stuff (because I was bad at the game). The game doesn’t boot up anymore so. rip to that. maybe i should buy the soundtrack.
turns out the art and the music were basically done by the dev’s relatives which is kinda cute.
i found a french language video that doesn’t have narration so louddd it interrupts the weird ambiance the whole thing has. why r the sound effects so tasty
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xxscottpilgrimagexx · 2 years
Ok am back to horny posting
Been in a really subby mood recently idk why, woke up hard thinking abt being on my front and having him on top of me, just sitting up and grinding into my ass while he holds onto my shoulders, not caring if the bed starts to squeak but still just grinding short little thrusts onto my ass. Maybe he'd stop every so often to spread my cheeks and make them jiggle, telling me what a good boy I'm being for him while I make little whiny sounds into the bed since I can feel my ass bouncing from him grinding
If I get too eager and start humping my hand he'd have to spank me, so I'd just have to tease him. id put on a good show for sir, just letting my ass move up and down while I hump my fingers feeling how wet my ass is with sir's cunt. He'd stick to his word and start spanking me, not too hard but over and over and I still don't stop touching myself even though it stings and I'm moaning a little more into the bed as he smacks my ass warm and red for being too much of a slut to hold back, telling me how my slutty little ass looks and how he wishes someone else was here to watch how much of a bratty mess I am just for him as he grabs my hand out from under me and pins it wet to my side
Speeding up he'd keep saying that I can top any guy I want and make them moan but no one but daddy makes you such a pretty little fucktoy, just for daddy, always coming back to me to get properly fucked and scream into the bed for me like I know you need
Id have to be good and shove my face in the pillow with how whiny that would get me, trying to form words but just coming out as one long slutty moan while he makes my ass clap, lifting up and thrusting down into my ass
He slows down, spreading my ass and really pushing into my cunt with his hard tdick and starts fucking me deep, sitting up then laying his full weight down across my back as I moan louddd into the pillow almost going nonverbal with how good it feels to be pressed down into the bed by sir, just loud, long slutty ah ah ahs as he grabs my hips and starts using me properly with my sloppy cunt being rutted into again and again
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horrorfllms · 5 years
i’m sorry i’ve been mia lately! i recently got a part time job and it’s lowkey been hella work but! y’all already know i’m a night owl so you’ll still see some aEstHetic posts here and there
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splattacks · 3 years
me n my sister just watched the new owl house ep together and afterwards I finally worked up the courage to come out to her :]
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