#thirsty ellie thots
negasonicimagines · 3 years
I know you're on a break now but i got this idea and just wanted to share with someone!
Okay so reader and Ellie has been dating for a while and been keeping it a secret. But deadpool being deadpool realizes something is going on and drags/forces Colossus with him to spy on reader and Ellie(not in a creepy way, Deadpool even brought pop corn). Anyways the date goes on and reader and Ellie goes in for a kiss, but Deadpool has a typical cinematic *insert funny joke here*moment and spoils it. Ellie becomes aware of his presence and gets a bit mad while reader can't help but laugh.
Welp, thanks for listening to my tedtalk.
omg this is so cute!! btw I don’t mind you guys writing any of my unfinished requests & submitting the posts, or even creating your own post and tagging me so I can reblog it here!!
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tapestry 👑 XVII
Warnings: eventual dark elements (tags to be added as fic continues)
This is dark!(king)Steve and explicit. 18+ only.
Summary: King Steven had a wandering eye but you never thought it would fall upon you.
This Chapter: The trial continues.
Note: What’s up all my thot-lovers and barnacles bitches. 💋 😉 We’re still watching some shit unfold here and this trial is gonna get unreallll. But I’m excited to keep going and to have something to feed you thirsty thirsty ho. Just a little longer... erm, I don’t know exactly how long tho.
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply! Love ya!
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In the days following King T'Challa's testimony, several witnesses were placed on the stand. Though their authenticity was questionable, they were heard with the same silent awe as the first to speak.
Prince Loki had brought a physician from Asgard who had served the royal family since his father, Odin's, reign. He swore to have examined Eleanor before she was sent away to the marry Steven and had found her virtue broken, though the document presented did attribute this to unknown but surely innocent circumstances. What else could he have written when the king's signature would seal the declaration?
Next, a chamber maid who served Eleanor when she was a princess still. The woman had no papers or letters to present and if she did, she'd not have known their contents. 
She stated that Eleanor doted upon her betrothed and spoke of her future as queen with girlish cheer. That she did blush when the prince's name arose. That the princess did divulge that she had "surrendered her heart and body" to him and that she did speak of them as husband and wife already.
Ellis presented several more documents provided by Asgard and its royal prince. A copy of the original betrothal, several letters which upheld its validity over the years between Odin and T'Chaka. 
And the most damning, a letter in Eleanor's hand addressed to her mother written after her departure to marry Steven. In it, she spoke of her lingering feelings for the other prince and her hesitation to marry the second. Though she did not question the union outright, her youthful fears were presented as knowing deception.
You watched, barely able to conceal your despair. The pit deepened in your stomach as you watched the queen stand before her accusers and her judges, head held high despite all she faced. You knew you could never be her; you could never face anything so terrible as such and indomitable force. She hadn’t slipped since her first day on trial. Her shoulders remained still, her figure straight, head held high.
And when the issue of Eleanor’s marital fealty was thoroughly dissected, the court turned its attention to the accusations of treason. On the fifth day, Lord Ellis called forth Ladies Mabel and Diana. Mabel was first, her face drawn and sullen. She was led to the stand as Ellis asked her to tell the truth and nothing more. Marion bent her head as she began to pray quietly beside you.
“Lady Mabel,” Ellis began as he looked up from the podium. “How long did you serve Eleanor of Asgard?”
“Near five years now, my lord,” Mabel answered in a small voice. 
“Mmm,” He looked down and his eyes roved over his notes. “And it was her who did request that the king arrange your marriage to Lord Wilson?”
“It was.” She replied as she brought her hands together before her. “The queen always did see her ladies married well.”
“So you would say she was generous? She has sewn no ill-will between you?”
“I would say that,” Her voice quavered and she looked behind her to the audience. She stared at her husband as a hush took over the court. “She was ever kind to me and all the ladies.”
“All her ladies?” Ellis nodded and flicked the corner of a page with his thumb. “Every single one?”
“Well…” Mabel’s voice trailed off.
“To return to my previous point, as she was so courteous, you would have no reason to speak unkindly of her would you, to lie about her for any reason?”
“No, I w-would not,” She looked to the queen and gulped. Eleanor stared at the dimming window. “I wouldn’t lie, my lord.”
“And so when you say she was kind to all her ladies, would you include in that one Lady Y/N?” You fidgeted at the mention of your name. You hid your face as you listened.
“I only ever saw the queen treat her well.” Mabel said.
“Even as she did meddle with the lady’s saddle on a hunt this past autumn?” Ellis suggested.
Mabel was silent. She gripped the podium before her and hung her head. She did not respond.
“Lady Mabel?” Ellis urged and Mabel shook her head. “Were you aware that Eleanor of Asgard did arrange for this lady to have a wild horse and an altered saddle that day?”
Mabel sniffed and didn’t move. The court waited as her shoulders began to shake. She nodded at last. You could hear her weeping.
“Lady Mabel, you must answer aloud so that the clerk may record your response.” Ellis chided.
“Yes…” She spoke softly at first and lifted her head. She gulped harshly and cleared her throat as she wiped away her tears. “Yes, I did know.”
“And how was it that you knew of the queen’s ploy?”
“She told me of it.” Her voice threatened to crack as she wrung her hands.
“When did she tell you of it?”
“After...after the incident.”
“What incident?” 
“The one in which the lady was thrown from her horse,” The tears bubbled again and Mabel hiccuped. “She didn’t mean her any harm. She didn’t. She only meant to frighten her.”
“And did you ever know Eleanor of Asgard to have any ill intent for anyone else?” Ellis asked.
“I…” Mabel couldn’t answer as she sobbed.
“Did she ever wish harm upon her husband, perhaps?”
Another sob. “I… Only…”
“You may tell the court. You will not be punished for your honesty.” Ellis coaxed. “Did she ever devise any other schemes? Against her own husband?”
Mabel was quaking. She could barely form words as her body rattled. “She… she… she did… send… poison to the king….” She spoke so quietly and yet you heard her clearly, as did the entire audience. 
“And how do you know it was her?” Ellis led her as he leaned on his podium eagerly.
“She… told… me.” Mabel swayed as she clutched her hands together. The queen pushed her shoulders back.
“And why should she tell you that?” Ellis wondered.
“Because she told me everything. Because…” She gasped. “Because… she was…my friend.”
“And did she tell you of why it was she would do such a thing? Of why she would conspire to kill her own husband?”
“Sh-she hated him,” Mabel stuttered. “She said so very often and when he came to her as a husband did, she did deny him because… she could not stand to lay--to lay next to him.” Her voice squeaked and she shuddered as she covered her tear-stained cheeks. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”
She kept her face buried as she repeated the words over and over. She shook so much you were sure she would collapse. The court was deathly and still. Shadows fell over the figures at the centre of the scene as the sun began its descent.
“Please, take the lady away. She is much overwhelmed,” Ellis feigned concern as he touched his chest. “I think that is quite enough, Lady Mabel.”
You looked to the box where the king sat. Steven’s eyes were bright as he watched a guard escort Mabel from the stand. He leaned over to T’Challa who turned to whisper in his ear. Prince Loki did not betray his thoughts as he looked down his long nose. You were startled however to find that he looked upon you. His cheeks twitched as if he would smirk before he drew his attention away.
“If the cardinals and your highnesses should allow it, I should think a brief recess would be in order.” Ellis intoned. “And we shall have our final witness of the day thereafter.”
“I should think it a wise idea,” The cardinal who seemed the leader of the party agreed as he rubbed his large stomach. “A day such as this has been most taxing.”
The royals nodded in approval and Ellis announced the recess. No one moved until the queen was led from her podium and out the side door. You watched her go, her steps as long and certain as any day she had sat the throne. 
You looked away as the door closed behind her. King Steven was the first to rise and the entire chamber was upon their feet within second. He searched between the bodies until his gaze fell upon you and he gave a slight nod. You did not look away; could not for you feared what should happen if you were to offend him. If you were to fall from his favour.
Surely, if these were the consequences for a queen, you could not meet any better.
You were due for another day on the bench. You were tired and did not relish any further testimony. You found it hard not to think of Mabel and her distraught confessions. And Diana who followed with a similar display. Both had implicated their queen and friend, though both those titles would seem to have been relinquished.
You walked with your father. He had come to you early that morning to deliver a letter from the king. You had been want to set it aside and continue to the court if only to have it done with. He did not allow your delay and reproached you until you opened it. He read it after you did and grinned at the king’s still infatuated words. You smiled if only to conceal your distress.
As you swept through the halls beside him, you were quiet. You let him rant until he was silent and clung to the lull of his words. You did not dare fuel his lectures of your future; more importantly, of his. There would be much talking that day, as there was every day.
You turned the corner and came upon another pair in the hall. You nearly faltered as you recognized the dark-haired prince of Asgard and his burly guard just behind him. He stood with his eyes upon a large hanging. As you came upon him, you curtsied and your father bowed. Prince Loki did not look away from the map painted on elk skin.
“Lord Willis,” He said without a glance. “My lady. I assume you are upon the same path as me.”
“We are, your grace,” Your father answered and you tried not to squirm at his weaselly tone. 
“Oh, but they do always find reason to delay, so why hurry?” He mused. “Do you see these mountains?” He pointed to the skin.
“I do, your grace,” Your father turned to look alongside the prince. You peeked over his shoulder but did not near the Asgardian.
“Do you know of their history?” He asked. “Of who does claim them?”
“Why, your grace, I do see that they bear the crest of King Steven and his ancestors on this map.” Your father answered diligently.
“Upon this map, yes,” The prince smirked and you squinted at the pointed range upon the skin. “But not every map.”
“Your grace, is that not The Beak?” You ventured. “The mountains that house your ancestral temples? Those carved by the unblessed?”
He slowly turned his head, at last looking away from the map. He grinned as he stepped back and approached you. “The lady is right. Well-educated, I assume. And do you know then the answer to my first question?”
“The mountains are claimed by many; our people, yours, and those of Wakanda.” You replied. “Though for how many times they have changed hands, it cannot be said to who they belong.”
He nodded and lifted a brow. “Clever lady, indeed. You do prove the rumours true. At least those ones.”
“Rumours?” You repeated.
“I do know of you, my lady,” He affirmed. “And your alleged part in my purpose here.”
“And you would believe the whispers of a court you are unfamiliar with?” You blinked and pressed your lips together before you righted yourself. “Your grace.”
“I do not, but I know there is truth beneath each lie, merely contorted and exaggerated for effect,” He swept a strand of his dark hair back. “And the same can be said of the truth. That it can be bent to fit our needs.”
“Perhaps,” You said evenly as your father returned to your side.
“The line between truth and falsity is thin and not so firm as we should like it,” Loki reflected. “As many lines which constrain us prove to be.” He lifted his chin and looked down at you. “Shall we walk together then? Since we do seek the same destination?”
“As you wish, your grace,” Your father answered keenly but the prince didn’t so much as look at him. You bowed your head in ascent and Loki turned to walk beside you.
“Your grace, are you enjoying your visit?” Your father cajoled.
“As much as I can, given its purpose,” The prince said dully. 
You walked silently between them as they continued their courtly dialogue. The forced amiability of politicians. You did not miss the prince’s green eyes as they peeked at you. You ignored him and carried on. He must have loathed you for your role in his sister’s current circumstance, though he seemed happy enough to sit and watch it unfold.
“Well, my lord, it seems I must be away,” The prince turned as you came upon the doors to the courtroom. “I have lingered far too long. My lady,” He smiled again as he looked to you. “It was… an intriguing meeting. As brief as it was.” He stood straight and resumed his usual cool stature, “Take care.”
You watched him go and took a deep breath as he disappeared through the door. Your father squinted at you as you crossed your arms. He kept away from the other lords and ladies who waited without.
“You do not like the prince?” He asked.
“I haven’t reason not to,” You said. “I find him… cordial enough.”
“But you do seem perturbed by him.” Your father insisted.
“I do find it hard not to wonder how he can be so jaunty as he watches his sister face such an unfortunate ordeal.” You countered. “How he can let his sister stay silent as she is faced with such accusations..”
“His sister did refuse his aid,” Your father lowered his voice and beckoned you away from the crowd. “The Prince and his kingly brother did come with an offer. If she would admit to her crimes, she would be met with exile. Upon their bearing and that of her name, she would walk away to isolation and a slight taint.”
You frowned and stared dumbly at your father.
“But she does insist upon her innocence and if she cannot prove it, then she will face whatever fate the See decides upon.” You father shrugged. “So is the lot of a woman who cannot mind her place.”
“Is it?” You growled.
“It is,” He smirked at you sourly. “On women who would try to outpace a king; who would toy with him and deny his will.” You bristled as he stepped closer. “Remember this, daughter. Remember that if you should fall, we will all fall with you.”
“But you could’ve never risen without me,” You rebutted.
“And we will not remain unless you appease him,” Your father hissed. “So keep him happy and we’ll all be content.” His nostrils flared as he scowled. “And we might just keep our heads long enough to revel in it.”
Your father drew away suddenly and looked over your head. He smiled and you turned to follow his gaze. Lord Ellis and several other council members approached. You stepped back as you were quickly forgotten.
“My lords,” Your father greeted. “I see you are well this day.”
You backed away and shook your head at your father’s act. He was truly repulsive. You joined the other ladies who waited along the wall and clasped your hands together. Even if he was entirely false, your father had played the game well. He knew the court and its deceits better than any. And he was right. 
The only way to save yourself was to keep King Steven happy.
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ao3-spideypool · 5 years
Feel Better Kisses
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NVkmLp
by Panicitsamelon
While waiting for Ellie at the park, Wade meets a young girl who tells him that he needs one of her Daddy's "Feel Better Kisses" to help his scar pain. Peter is a thot.
Words: 4094, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Deadpool - All Media Types, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Marvel
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Morgan OC, Ellie (mentioned)
Relationships: Peter Parker/Wade Wilson
Additional Tags: Parent AU, Dad AU, Fluff, Scars, Feel better kisses, Thought Boxes, Negative Thoughts, Suicidal Ideation, How Do I Tag, Strangers, thirsty boys, Blushing Peter Parker, Wade Wilson Needs A Hug, or a kiss, or Both, Peter is a thot
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NVkmLp
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negasonicimagines · 3 years
How is going? Looking forward to 2022? Hope you arrived in the new year alright
Yeah! I’m getting a new job soon & I think it’s gonna be really good for me. Thank you so much for asking. I hope all of you are doing alright & had a happy holiday season. 🖤
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negasonicimagines · 3 years
yukisonic fluff reader suffers from depression, anxiety, and anorexia they help her ?
ooh I like this! love me some yukisonic comfort. thanks for the request!
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negasonicimagines · 3 years
Why do I feel like the thing you just posted could literally be something Y/N in a friends with benefits situation with Yukio and Elle would say after she walked in on them fighting and instead of leaving like they ask her too she says this and is like "Now continue so I can find out what this is about and can decide whose side I am on"
That was what I pictured, too. Maybe after they’re done hooking up the two start bickering over something and when the reader tries to cut in they get aggravated and she’s like “I literally JUST gave both of y’all head. you liked my mouth then, you gotta deal with it now”
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negasonicimagines · 3 years
Don't worry about not posting!
You shouldn't have to forve yourself if you currently have different interests.
I'm just gonna reread all you previous fics again like I tend to do all few weeks.
Y’all are literally the best. Thank you 🖤🖤
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negasonicimagines · 3 years
So i have this basic idea of a fic where Ellie isn't sure if reader is into girls or not. But then somehiw catches reader listening to girl in red songs. And then it ends up with them listening to the songs together. It is not much to go off but i find the idea kinda adorable... yeah
this is so cute 🥺🖤
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negasonicimagines · 3 years
I just wanted you to know I have your Masterlist saved on my Google Drive and reread a lot of your stuff so often hdjjdhdjd
omg!! I’m honored!! I have something cute and fluffy coming up, I hope you enjoy it!! 🖤💥
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negasonicimagines · 3 years
"Revelation" IS SO GOOD!!!!! I LOVED IT 🏃‍♀️
thank you so much!! poly!yukisonic and babypool!reader is what I love to write the most, so I’m glad at least one person enjoyed it!! feedback like this is what keeps me going 🖤🖤🖤
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negasonicimagines · 3 years
ur small unpopular blog is v special to me and many other ppl tho 💛
omg thank you 🥺🖤
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negasonicimagines · 3 years
Heyooo i was wondering, whenever you had the motivation, if you could make a little story about the reader, Ellie, and Yukio having a romantic/ cute tickle fight? but at one point the reader and Yukio team up and gang up on Ellie because shes the most ticklish, cuz lets be honest, the badass ones are always the biggest softies :))
oh my gosh CUUUUUUUUTE personally I’m not ticklish at all but I think it’s so cute when other girls are KSJSJS
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negasonicimagines · 4 years
have a good day😡😡
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this is a threat
you crack me uppp omg tysm 🥰
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negasonicimagines · 3 years
You.... have some fics done? 👀
Yes, just a couple. They’re not very good, but dear Alpha nonnie helped as she has been for a while. Such a darling 🖤
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negasonicimagines · 4 years
Omegaverse: Alphas Yukio and Ellie with a beta reader, but it turns out that reader is a late-bloomer omega who goes into her first heat unexpectedly.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyy goshhhhhhhhhhh.... I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!
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negasonicimagines · 4 years
I can’t get this omegaverse idea out of my head, and I hope you don’t mind me telling you this. Reader being alone and confused when her heat came, her alphas gone on a mission. During the time they were gone, Reader made a nest of her alphas’s clothes out of instinct on their bed. By the time Yukio and Ellie returned, Reader is a hot mess from trying to get off, moaning their names and begging for her alphas to help her for she don’t know why she feels like this and is scared.
Oh I looooove this! I’ve been thinking about it a lot too. I had the idea that reader has always been a beta that “smelled funny” and that maybe... just maybe... their mom was giving them anti-depressants that were actually suppressants (to hide their real parentage. could be Wade for a little flavor but I won’t be mad if you say no) & the school realized the “anti-depressants” weren’t working for the reader so they helped the reader get a “new” prescription & 3 weeks later BOOM heat. I also think it’d be interesting if the reader has a low libido because of the pills (or just being not fully sexually developed yet if you’re not a fan of the suppressants idea) & is really self-conscious about not providing for them but they’re really awesome and reassuring about it! I really appreciate your ideas nonnie, you’re filling in a lot of the gaps for me. 🖤💥
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