#thirteenth doctor era
zemagician · 1 year
They never had thirteen change her look throughout the start of her era, besides a few historical alterations and disguises and I got use to her slight costume changes throughout season 11 and 12. Then flux happened and to me something about her not changing her look too much felt off. I think the reason it did was because this reflected her mental state. She was not focused on her appearance, and this is good visual storytelling that usually means that the Doctor is reaching the end.
Now we're getting a new season, new promo images of Ncuti's costumes that to me feel like a breath of fresh air. I think having different costumes instead of just one main look makes total sense for The Doctor to decide that after the events of flux, every look is new
They're adapting to change, they're really good at that.
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portuguesedisaster · 1 month
Two stories into The Target Storybook...and this is something.
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isagrimorie · 1 year
Title: Thirteenth Doctor | I loved being me!
Edited by: Margarita Life
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greyhoundone · 2 years
Absolutely thrilled for Chris Chibnall that he went out on his hands-down best script for the show. Absolutely stuck the landing.
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metamorphicrocky · 7 months
at first I thought it was endearing to see the doctor constantly being like "oh do I say things like that now? is this who I am?" because it's an old face but with all the experiences and changes that come with living longer. so unlike ten, fourteen is open about his feelings because there were lingering regrets with not telling people how she felt as thirteen
BUT NOW. not-donna saying you're scared. because of the flux. because the universe destroyed itself just in the chance it could destroy you. and you know now that you're not from gallifrey and that scares you. because the doctor is scared. everything they ever knew is thrown out because on top of everything an old face came back and the doctor can't figure out why
the timeless child and the flux just being MENTIONED brought the doctor to frightened tears and we have never seen anything like that before. the doctor is so so lost and just wants to know who they are. so regenerating into something new but old has thrown them off so much that at every turn he thinks "huh. is this who I am?" and it is so strange to see the doctor unsure about themself, questioning their identity every second. and it is HEARTBREAKING
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The 13th Doctor was so private, she totally didn’t tell her friends her age for probably months. They totally thought she was just a normal aged alien until she slipped up one day and casually said something like “I haven’t had a cheese ball in 400 years”
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olympain · 4 months
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Happy Lunar New Year!
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"oooh doctor who is finally campy and fun again!" tell me you didn't watch 13s era without telling me you didn't watch 13s era, there was a sentient frog, a man birthing a child and calling it avocado, a snarky doctor who keeps forgetting she's not a man, and the master dancing to bony m dressed as rasputin. I cannot wait for the day this era is properly appreciated the way it should have been in the first place
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thirteenisloved96 · 7 days
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Im so tired of the “doctor who is good again!” being used to bash Jodie’s era so i made a meme
Lets stop pitting the doctors against each other, we can enjoy Ncuti’s era without bashing Jodie in the process
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catkingapologist · 22 days
“we’re so back, doctor whos so good now.” did nobody watch 13’s era? the king flirted with ryan. there was history episodes, like actual good ones. earth had alive goo in it. there was an alien who collected teeth and stuck them in his face as a trophy. the doctor and the master were straight presenting but queer. the master did a whole dance to rasputin. there’s MI6. they meet mary shelley. the doctor just keeps finding companions. jacks there and he kisses graham. dan lewis is there and i love him. there’s one too many gravestones. the doctor and yaz have a whole episode which feels like a fanfic. i don’t like chibnalls writing of the doctors backstory but like the seasons are good. we’ve been back for a while. just say you don’t like 13 and move on.
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cynical-canidae · 6 months
One thing Chibs did that was literally peak was whatever that telepathy contact thing the Doctor and the Master had going on. Like yeah Time Lords are telepathic; we knew that. LOVED seeing them have a little conversation!! I know they abused the fuck out of that in school!! I KNOW THE DECA GOSSIP WAS CRAZY!!!!
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quantumshade · 9 months
i'm still so disappointed that potd wasn't a bodyswap episode. think about it. think about it. the master turns on the machine. the machine suddenly stops and the doctor stumbles out. "everything is fine," she says. "the master's plan, it didn't work!" yaz believes this because her faith in the doctor is so absolute that she believes that the doctor would just magically not be affected by the master's plan. they fly off in the tardis together as the doctor smiles. the camera lingers on her smile for just a moment too long. over the next few scenes, as they deal with the cybermen or whatever, it becomes increasingly obvious that this is not the doctor. the things she says, the actions she takes, hell, even her simplest mannerisms aren't hers. and yaz realizes. they're the master's. his plan did work. he lied to her, and now she's in real danger. yaz having to defeat the master somehow while they wear the face of a person she adores, commandeering the tardis from them, and going back to the machine room. and there's the doctor, the real doctor, in the master's body. together they figure out how to reverse the effects and swap back again, but something went wrong. the forced regeneration was too much stress on the doctor's body, and now she's regenerating for real. as she realizes this, yaz looks at the doctor and realizes she will never truly be able to trust the her again because of how the master lied to her, and asks to be taken home.
just think about it. yaz having an actual reason to leave other than the doctor going "bye now!" giving thirteen a reason to regenerate that wasn't "hit by large, slow moving beam". not to mention that whittaker and dhawan playing each other's characters would be so fucking delicious. chibnall i will never forgive you for this absolute waste of an opportunity
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13thdoctorposts · 22 days
It's their month!!
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nightmanatee · 10 months
"she [jodie whittaker] said from the start "i'm not gonna just audition for it. i'm gonna fight for it. i'm gonna represent what that means". and she knew what it would mean to women and girls." - chibnall in the who corner to corner podcast.
that's my doctor.
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stere0typical · 10 months
Say what you want about 13 but her outfits were great. The coat WITH a hood? The cropped pants? The BOOTS? Amazing, practical, wonderful in every way I love her <3
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❤️🧡💛💚💙💜Happy Pride💜💙💚💛🧡❤️
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