#this + my niece projectile vomiting like an hour ago after fucking around with the irish credit union is loke
brw · 2 years
sorry to make you scour
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listen... i miss gmw. gimme a lil something something bout the kids' college graduations?? maybe baby penny is sick all over Farkle's diploma and it's ruined for framing and Jennifer can't BELIEVE the AUDACITY of this infant CHILD and maybe joshaya are running late late late late bc whoops impromptu trip to denmark on smthg and the plane was delayed but FSCK WE GOTTA GRADUATE or something. idk. what i do know is that i love ur blog and riarkle, in that order xxxx
You sent this in like maybe a week or so ago and I’ve been ignoring it in fear of becoming Trash once more but I just realized that it’s Riley’s birthday and life is a nightmare so the Trash Is Unleashed™
Okay so Maya stayed in New York for college as we know, but Riley and Farkle fucked off away to some Ivy League out of state
You readers can put them wherever your pretty little hearts desire, I personally like the thought of them in Boston (and I feel like it’d be a nice little circle since Feeny’s from Boston let me live)
But anyway, they’ve stayed as close as ever!!! Time and distance have no power over them!!! We know this!!!
Like we’re talking facetiming, constant texting, a group chat with memes they can’t explain to anyone else, phone calls, they all know what’s up with each other constantly
For the record they are still in touch with Zay, Smackle and Lucas but it’s just like. not CONSTANT communication you know. Like they’re group chat still lives but it’s college + Riley and Farkle have a kid so they’re all busy
But anyway
So Riley’s got her astrophysics and journalism courses aced, Farkle’s fully set to go into politics, and Maya’s art major is done with.
And you know. Our fav ot3 has been together most of their lives. They graduated middle school and high school together and they couldn’t wait to see each other graduate college
But…they were blindsided
No one had ever suspected their colleges would have the audacity to schedule their graduations on the same day
Does Riley pull a Topanga and try to fight her schools dean??? Absolutely 
Does it work? Absolutely not
So now the ENTIRE family is stressed, because most of the Matthews consider Maya part of the family, so does Minkus, Shawn can’t see his goddaughter graduate and Josh is left with the delima of “Girlfriend vs Niece”. They’re all freaking out like holy shit
Riley and Maya are just….in Full Dramatics about this
We’re talking waxing Shakespearean sonnets about the Universe™ trying to tear them apart. They make their way back to all that Sun and the Moon symbolism bullshit
After a literal week of this Farkle is TIRED
Wakes up to his four year old telling him “Mommy’s wearing a lot of eyeliner and said the world is a dark and spiteful place that doesn’t want her and Auntie Maya together and that every moment they share is in blatant defiance of fate. What’s that mean?” and this poor guy is just like,,,,,,for fucks sake,
Like obviously he wants to see Maya graduate too!!! They’re best friends!!! But these girls are EXAHUSTING him lmao
So he has a Plan, but he also knows how his Plans usually go, so he just gives tf in and calls his dad to handle it lmao
Meanwhile: Joshua
Who has just been….literally screaming nonstop since this drama unfolded
Riley’s his BLOOD, even though they’re uncle-niece they have more of a close sibling relationship
But he literally has a ring ready and waiting for Maya!!! 
And the boy is a fucking Matthews so of course HE’S in dramatic throws about this predicament 
He calls Cory for advice and Cory is like “You’re going to Maya’s because you love her and I’m not paying for your fucking flight to Boston” lmao
So it ends up with like. Katy, Shawn, Turner, Josh (+ his four bandmates), and Zay (bc he’s in the city and Broke), and Ava end up going to Maya’s ceremony 
With Cory, Topanga, Stuart, Amy, Alan, Eric, Auggie, Smackle and Feeny going to Riley and Farkle’s ceremony
Jack couldn’t get off work and Doesn’t Super Care and Morgan’s in Europe for work so they’re unfortunately off the list
They forgot to invite  Lucas didnt want anymore choosing between the girls bullshit couldn’t make the trip because of work lol
So anyway: Farkle’s Plan that was funded by Stuart? 
Absolutely got remote controlled robots so they could keep up a video call for both ceremonies 
You know damn well what I mean
Cory thinks this is absolutely the funniest fucking thing he’s ever heard of
Eric thinks this is a sign of the impending Robot Wars™
The girls are still massively upset and think Farkle’s a fucking dork but they’re very touched and love him yadayada so this calms them down a bit
But anyway like, we get to the big graduation day and like….disasters, disasters all around
Josh’s Stoner Friend™ keeps knocking into the damn robot and almost breaks it like thirty times in an hour
Eric is giving the robot at Riley and Farkle’s site a wide berth with suspicious eyes
Auggie, Cory and Penny are all suspiciously sick but are trying to power through the ceremony 
All the other students and people attending these graduations…..you know these whackjobs are getting looks. Some assholes in the crowd keep throwing stuff at the robots
Shawn and Katy are making a HUGE SCENE crying hysterically we all know they would
Jennifer makes a surprise, dramatic appearance at Farkle’s graduation
We’re talking pulling up in a limo, emerging in slow motion, wearing a glittering black evening gown, elbow length black satin gloves, stilettos and a huge hat with peacock feathers on it, making a show of searching the crowds before spotting him (standing directly in front of her) before throwing out her arms and screeching “My baby-!”
Farkle’s like ‘We literally have not spoken in at least six years will you please get the fuck out of here’
She does not, in fact, get the fuck out of there so Topanga is now on duty to make sure she and Stuart don’t get into a fight and ruin this for the kids asdfgj
Feeny keeps fucking falling asleep bc he’s old and doesn’t care about the guest speakers but he SNORES WORRINGLY LOUDLY
Students aren’t technically allowed to have devices™ out during the ceremonies so Riley and Farkle and Maya are trying so hard to be discrete as the watch the feed from each other’s graduations 
They literally end up paying more attention to each other’s graduations than their own lmao
Josh’s bandmates and Zay are all being the rowdiest fucking audience members possible like they’re all those assholes that bring noise makers and scream and clap at random intervals
Stuart and Jen keep shooting each other withering glares and trading insults as Topanga shushes them
Penny, Auggie, and Cory are just feeling more and more like Literal Death the longer this drags on 
Maya finally goes up to get her diploma and Katy literally faints
Riley and Farkle start cheering bc yay Maya!!! Until they remember they’re at their own ceremony and there is LITERALLY A SPEECH HAPPENING SO THEY’RE SCREAMING INTO THE QUIET AND INTERRUPTING EVERYTHING
Get glared back into submission but Maya’s laughing at them 
Maya’s graduation ends soonish after that but the other one is DRAGGING ON STILL so everyone is like crowed around trying to watch on Maya’s tiny screen lol
When the speech finally ends Smackle’s muttering about how everything said was factually incorrect 
Stuart and Jen are still antagonizing each other
Amy and Alan are taking enough pictures to blind people with the flash
So Riley gets called up for her diploma first right
Hard enough to fall off the fucking stage
Had to be helped back up by memebers of the band
Gets back on stage and gets her diploma
Falls again coming down
Amy and Topanga are s c re a m i ng and Maya is literally crying from the effort it takes to not laugh
Jen’s making obnoxious comments about who her son was ‘trapped’ by and Penny wants to know what that means and Stuart is prepared to stab Jen if she bothers to answer
Riley’s literally off to the side getting looked at by a medic when Farkle goes up for his diploma
He gets it fine enough but coming downstage he’s overcome with the urge to do ‘thank you I am farkle’
he didn’t realize the student that was called up after him was right behind him
punches this kid in the face, he falls
the person behind them falls
a fcucking domino effect of ivy league graduates 
Eric is literally crying from laughter watching this. So are his fucking bodyguards like they broke character bc this scene was Too Much
Feeny is back to snoring
The New York crowd is loosing their fucking minds
Farkle’s rushing back to his seat and Jen stands up to get his attention to Yell at him for being embarrassing and
Penny just fucking projectile vomits all over her
Cory opens his mouth to apologize and explain that she’s been sick and HE PUKES. WHICH SETS AUGGIE OFF
Listen it was a huge crowd but three people projectile vomiting is gonna cause a STIR
People are rushing away and it’s a whole mess of a scene
The nyc crowd is Alive watching this all unfold 
Eventually the ceremony ends and Riley and Farkle lowkey lock theirselves in their apartment for the rest of the night
Everyone thinks they’re just embarrassed but they’re fucking cracking up hysterically like it took two hours to give Penny a bath because they couldn’t catch their breath
At some point they settle down a bit and call Maya and the three of them spend the rest of their night drowning in nostalgia 
This is messy as fuck but I’m out of practice anyway
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^ me when I think about gmw these days
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