#this achievement until 2.1
tthelady · 6 months
Has Gallagher been watching us from the beginning?
(2.1 spoilers ahead)
There is an achievement in star rail called "Zoologist in Fiction," where you have to find 5 hound statues throughout penacony.
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These statues can be found in Golden Hour, The Reverie (Dreamscape), A Child's Dream, Dream's Edge, The Reverie (Reailty).
The statues can't be caught once you investigate them they disappear, but each time its unsettling. This is some of the dialogue that you get once you investigate the statues.
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The staue also seem to be aware of you, and once you get close to them and move around, the statues head will move to follow you where you go.
The statues are constantly watching everything and everyone around them. They are put in places where they have a large view of everything. One of the statues, the one found in The Reverie (Reailty), is found in the Trailblazers room.
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How is this connected to Gallagher? Well, for one , we know that Gallagher is a bloodhound and is associated with a hound and its imagery. In the Harmony Trailblazer splash art, he's even depicted as a hound.
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In Gallagher and Sunday's confrontation, Sunday accuses him of "killing" Robin. And in the last cut scene, Gallagher supposedly "kills" Sunday himself.
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This isn't really a theory but just an observation. The satues like I said before are observing everything and probably saw a lot, if not everything, and the MC even picks up some feelings from the statue itself. Knowing Gallagher association with the hound imagery, could it possible he was using the hound statues to keep watch of everything happening in Penacony. If Gallagher truly is the murderer "killing" all these people or at least helping their "deaths" happen in some way then he probably already knew about all the pratys involved plans or atleats had some ideas how them. That also means he probably knew everything that happened even before the MC met him and told him.
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another-goblin · 3 months
Spoilers for 2.3
Some thoughts, speculations, and headcanons about our little dialogue with Ratio (+more)
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1. This tells me that Ratio and Aventurine are friends (or as close to being friends as both of them are currently capable of, which isn't much, but still). Yes, what Aventurine thinks about TB could have been them discussing their mission. But I choose to think that they just chat with each other sometimes, because they actually enjoy it. Aventurine feels comfortable enough to just share what he thinks about the people he meets, and he knows that Ratio is interested in his opinions, and he's right. He listens and takes note. btw people being actual friends is my favorite trope for romantic couples.
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2. Ratio seeing his relationships with Aventurine, and our TB, and people in general as a teacher and a student and being constantly in his teacher mode made me think. Probably all significant relationships in his life were those of a teacher and a student. He cannot see himself in any other role because he has never experienced it himself. I wouldn't be surprised if even his parents provided him with knowledge and education instead of parental love. This may also be why he's so frustrated with people who don't fit these two roles: normal people not interested in bettering themselves through education, students who don't take studying seriously, most scholars, and especially the Geniuses, for not actively sharing their knowledge or doing anything to uplift humanity.
3. Ratio seeing their relationship with Aventurine in particular this way is appropriately weird and a bit unhealthy, in my opinion (but what did we expect from him), considering that they are undeniably close. But that's probably the only way he knows to show his care for somebody:  to teach them stuff and help them better themselves.
4. On Avenrutine's side, he seems amused by it, in a good way (the way he playfully refers to Ratio in the descriptions of some of the 2.1 quests, "Your professor friend," and so on). He even seems to be a bit proud that an actual professor has taken an interest in him.
5. But what can he teach Aventurine? He might share his actual knowledge. I think the "Death" and "Dormancy" part of his note is him doing that. But he mostly sees his duty as a teacher in showing people that they can achieve a lot by themselves if they stop relying on higher beings who don't care about them and start relying on themselves (with little help from Ratio.)
But "relying on himself and achieving things" is what Aventurine has been successfully doing most of his life. So is it the "little help from Ratio" that matters here? Or is he helping Aventurine stop relying on his supposedly supernatural luck and realize how capable he actually is?
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6. This. (btw 'philosophical zombie' means "a being in a thought experiment in philosophy of mind that is physically identical to a normal human being but does not have conscious experience" (from wiki), so basically just some weird concept in philosophy.) But what an admirably in-depth knowledge of his 'not partner' he's showing here. Are you equally interested in the inner worlds of all your students, doc?…
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7. Anyways, that reminded me of what Jade said about the Stonehearts, even using the same word 'void'. So. Aventurine has a void in his heart, caused by his inability to protect people he cares about. It's very significant that Diamond gave him the power of Preservation specifically to help him fill that void, to be finally able to protect somebody he cares about. The problem is, he doesn't have anyone to protect anymore (he doesn't even see himself as worthy of protection). Until recently. So, and I'm being extremely self-indulgent here, if Ratio got in danger, Aventurine protecting and saving him would fill the void in his heart. And btw what can boost one's self-worth more than protecting somebody who's important to you? I mean, he should snap out of that 'I'm only worth the money my slaveowner paid for me' mentality sooner or later, I hope.
(the problem is, I'm not sure how it can play out now that he doesn't have his stone anymore. And he lost it, not protecting anybody but nearly killing himself and furthering the IPC's agenda. Although doing something like that without the stone would be even more significant)
Also, I hope Ratio won't realize that, and won't deliberately put himself in danger for Aventurine to save him. You know, for educational purposes.
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8. He just runs around helping people, making sure everybody's okay, and, emm, 'enhance their living', that's his thing.  And even broadly speaking, with his scientific discoveries, and him saving people on Herta station. And considering that 'everybody's my student' thing, I feel like he sees himself as responsible for everybody (in his own way).
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And some people still think that he's selfish and egoistic. He even gets angry when we ask for an autograph:
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9. Aaand that's the third time he disappeared in the middle of a conversation involving Aventurine. I understand him, though. As somebody who also 'detests noisy gatherings', group chats aren't much better.
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ok this was supposed to be hidden in tags but i think tumblr found it too scandalous or something i don't know, i'll just leave it here: the more I write about Ratio, the stronger the urge to just call him Rat, you know, lovingly also whoops sorry, I'm physically incapable of writing short posts, it was supposed to be a short comment about their friendship, how much content can I squeeze out of a half-minute long dialogue?, the answer is yes, but I just had to get it out of my system
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sunderingstars · 2 months
☆━━━━━ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☾ ◯ ☽₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ━━━━━━☆
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analysis masterlist
— fandom: honkai star rail
— type: analysis, general
— word count: 1.1k
— overview: (as of 2.3) a look into the potential narrative meaning of eidolons and their various titles. meant to be a companion piece to my eidolon art analysis & sampo eidolon analysis (as well as any other characters i do down the line!)
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As of now, I have four main ideas as to what eidolons mean:
— Linear Development: Tracking from a character's past (or backstory) through the present and sometimes into the future.
— Birth and Rebirth: Following linear development until a "rebirth" moment at E6.
— Cycles of Day/Night: Progressing through different time frames as the character goes about their day.
— Least Vulnerable to Most Vulnerable: Showing the character at their least vulnerable (E1) before bringing them through eidolons where they get progressively "weaker," eventually ending up at their E6 where they are the most vulnerable.
Side Note: While there are characters whose eidolons seem to center around specific fighting styles or moves (i.e. Seele, Yanqing, etc.), there can still be a narrative interpreted from them — i.e. following the linear moves of their weapon as they fight.
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First, I’ll start with the most straightforward — linear development.
When looking through different eidolon sets, I noticed that many of them contained references that lined up with the character’s backstory and development, usually tracking from the “beginning” of their story to the “future,” where they are now, or where they might be going.
As of the time of writing this (2.1), Aventurine is the latest character, so let’s use him as an example:
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Here is my interpretation of E1-E6:
— “Prisoner’s Dilemma” (E1) signals his time in slavery as he tried to figure out how to escape.
— “Bounded Rationality” (E2) describes him operating in these confines to achieve a goal.
— “Droprate Maxing” (E3) refers to his deal with the IPC and him trying to max out his success in joining them.
— “Unexpected Hanging Paradox” (E4) has to do with the new paradox he finds himself in which is how the IPC is yet another cage.
— “Ambiguity Aversion” (E5) leads us into Penacony and his inner self-reflection on why he seems so confident in gambling everything he has.
— “Stag Hunt Game” (E6) describes Aventurine going forward with his mission deeper into Penacony’s depths (with Stag Hunt Game referencing a conflict between safety and social cooperation). For me, this tracks fairly neatly through the stages of his life, eventually ending up at where we know him today.
Similarly, eidolon sets like Welt’s and Clara’s speak to a narrative development as well. Himeko’s is the most obvious, I think, as it literally starts with “Childhood” and ends with “Trailblaze!”:
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This is one of the main features I’ve seen within eidolon sets, with some tracking more neatly than others.
Additionally, I’ve seen a few that continue this development but seem to hit a “rebirth” moment at E6, like with Lynx (which also ties into the idea of a day/night cycle):
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Here, we can see different times of day progressing normally, except instead of ending at “night” it ends at “dawn."
Similarly, Blade’s E6 literally has the word “reborn” in it after progressing linearly from E1-E5:
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My conclusion from this is that this is specific to certain characters like Blade where “rebirth” is technically a part of his linear progression, or Lynx who spends lots of time in the wilderness.
As for the day/night cycle, Lynx and Guinaifen are the best examples I’ve found.
Guinaifen especially seems to have her eidolons as a microcosm of her typical day, tracking from eating breakfast to brushing her teeth to performing various acts for entertainment:
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However, I also believe this to be dependent on Lynx and Guinaifen’s specific character traits, like Lynx operating off of a wilderness survival timeframe and Guinaifen having a regimented life because of social media.
Lastly, it is possible that eidolons are also meant to show a character’s progression from least to most vulnerable (with E6 literally being the most vulnerable physically as there are no clothes on the character).
I find Pela and Herta to be the most interesting in this regard, as they both have E6s that very much remind me of “vulnerability” for different reasons.
For Pela, her E1 starts with “Victory Report,” an act that often shows strength and confidence, yet her E6 ends with “Feeble Pursuit,” something much more vulnerable. Additionally, her eidolons track from “adamant” to “suppressive” to “analysis” to “jeopardy,” which seems to hint at a slow loss of control before reaching “feeble pursuit:"
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On the other side, Herta’s eidolons start with her in a position of authority and security — being able to kick someone while they’re down — but end in the idea that “No One Can Betray Me."
Her eidolons seem to go from a genuine position of safety to a delusional self-confidence, the kind that often leaves people extremely vulnerable; when you assume no one can betray you, that ego can blind you and make you more susceptible to the thing you don’t believe will happen.
We can also see this confidence build from objective strength to hyperbolic self-confidence through the transition from action “Keep the Ball Rolling” and “Hit Where It Hurts” to cussing big (which can often be seen as a cover-up for inadequacies):
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Again, I find these highly dependent on the characters’ personalities, but it is an interesting trend regardless.
Overall, most eidolon sets seem to follow some sort of narrative, whether that be one interspersed with day/night cycles, vulnerability cycles, birth and rebirth, or just plain backstory-to-present references.
I’m sure there can be more interpretations sourced from these (especially the sets in other languages like Ratio’s and Kafka’s) but these are the personal conclusions I’ve reached!
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જ⁀➴ if you’ve read to the end, thank you for listening to my nerdy rambling! i’ll be posting an in-depth analysis of sampo’s eidolons soon, so if anyone is interested please keep a look out for that!
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© analysis by sunderingstars. do not copy, repost, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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Okaokay! What if we flip the situation kinda >:)
So like Sahed has secret crush on reader and reader is like confident and flirts with him however rather than a clap back like he does with Julia he just goes quiet (cuz he’s flustered tehee) so this makes reader jealous of Julia cause they think he doesn’t like them back .·°՞(≧□≦)՞°·.
Blah blah blah reader surprisingly kisses Sahed and he’s all flustered blushing mess happy ending
(ʃƪ ˘ ³˘)♥(˘ ε˘ʃƪ)
-ur strawbewy >;3 🍓
I love it. And I love your request. Let's do this!
Also thank you for requesting again, 🍓 <3
Warnings: jealous reader, reader makes explicit remarks, flustered Sahed, and Rainah is our beloved wingwoman again
Word count: 2.1 k
Cursed lips
"Tell me Sahed..", you spoke when you sat yourself next to the three eyes, and he immediately blushed. You guys were eating dinner, and Sahed ate at a lone corner, so what better way option would you have than to plop down next to him and flirt with him?
"how come you always look so perfect?", you asked, watching his reaction with a sly grin. It was routine by now that Sahed would blush furiously, he would say no syllable back though. He only ate his food in silence.
You huffed, taking a more daring approach. "You know, you are just like a maths book," and out of the corner of your eyes, you saw the Ah'kon momentarily stop shoving spaghetti in his mouth.
'Got him this time!', you thought as you finished your sentence. "Whenever I open that particular book, I just groan and say-"
Sahed quickly stood up and left. "Hmpf! Didn't even get to finish my sentence...", you muttered, as you watched him leave the cafeteria with a hand on your ching and an annoyed expression.
You didn't understand Sahed. You knew him, his past, why he was the way he was, but not how he couldn't even talk back to you.
However, it was a whole other story with Julia, one of the newcomers. Whenever she was around, Sahed cracked jokes left and right, pulled some pranks on her, and... flirted with her very often.
It made you feel like a fool, running after him all these years. Sometimes, Sahed made you think he actually liked you, but before you could be sure about that, he backed away, saying stuff like "I was just joking!", "Did you really believe that?" ...and the worst: "C'mon, we're friends!"
yeah, he made you feel like a lovesick fool, and you hated yourself for not being able to stop your heart to beat for him. You hated feeling invincible whenever he was near, like you could achieve anything in this world.
But, you were not one to back down, no. You'd spoil him rotten, court him, gift him flowers, write him poems, and praise and compliment and flirt with him until the day he'd tell you to stop or reject you.
You were ____ ______, for god's sake!
You'll make Sahed yours!
If only your confidencs would restore faster after each time you see Sahed flirting with Julia. You wished he'd tell you how he felt, but you were always met with silence on the other end, and it knawed at you.
it felt disgusting.
Sahed was having a nervous breakdown, his elbows on his table and his face buried in his face as he groaned loudly .Kamille drew a new design for Rainah and Rainah only stroked Sahed's back in comfort.
"And then she said, "Whenever I open that particular book, I just groan and say-" and that's then I left!", Sahed cried in an exasperated tone as he looked at his sister with a very flustered expression, his face being redder than a tomato and Rainah only laughed.
"Oh my, she must be pulling all the stops now. But I do feel pity for ____. Sahed, you can't just not answer when she talks to you. You'll only hurt her feelings, you know?", she spoke when Sahed looked at her with drooped eyes and a sad frown.
"I-I know, Rainah, and I'm trying! I actually sat up early this morning, just to rehearse what I want to say to her, but when I look at her, or when I hear her voice...", he whined as he rubbed his eyes in frustration.
Rainah only sighed tiredly. "What if you just write her something, instead of trying to speak?", Kamille's voice rang softly, and Sahed raised his head.
"That's...actually a pretty good idea...!", Rainah praised, and kamille smiled bashfully as she looked down at her designs with a blush.
Sahed searched for papers, not the scattered and drawn-on ones. He finally found a lone paper and scrambled around for a pen with ink. Once he found one, he wrote whatever came to mind. He wrote for a solid two minutes, his eyes furrowed in concentration, and the room was filled with Kamille's gentle stroke of her pen against her skecthes, and Sahed's rough handwriting, his wrist flicking after every tenth word.
Then he abruptly stopped. "No. that's not right.", he criticised his work, and fisted the paper in his hand. rainah raised an eyebrow after he threw it to the ground -it missed the bin- and looked for a new paper.
She picked it up and read what was inside, and she gasped.
Dear ____, Not a day, an hour, a minute, or even a second goes by where I'm not thinking of you. Hell, I even see you in my dreams. You always have on that beautiful pink dress on...it really suits you, and I can't help but fall for you every time you bless me in that other world. In my dreams, I am not a cowerd who can't even answer you, no. In my dreams, I am responding to every of your words. I am also flirting with you, looking at you the way you look at me, and even holding, and kissing your delicate, petite hands. If only I could do it too when I am not in the dreamland. If only I could tell you how much you mean to me, how much I crave your attention, how I want you to keep flirting with me, even when I can't always take it, should I faint, is it beccause of the overdose of love you've showered me with. I wish I could speak to you, but I can't and I can't help but think I am cursed. I simply cannot speak when I'm around you. Whenever I look into those beautiful orbs of yours, or smell your perfume, my voice leaves and I am just--standing there like an idiot! Your words make me feel so much better about myself than I'd like to admit. Every word you say, every compliment, every praise, I wish to give right back at you, but I always find myself tongue-tied, & my throat suddenly has a toad in it. I wish I could tell you how I feel and
And that's where he stopped. Rainah looked at her brother, who was looking at the drawn on papers, scratching his head in thought, most likely trying to figure out where his newly purchased ones went.
Without telling him a word, Rainah left the room.
"What?! You're joking, right??", Julia's response came to your question and she was laughing her butt off.
you only stared at her laughing with a saw frown etched on your face. "I'm serious, you know...?", you muttered when you saw her gasping for air.
It couldn't be that asking her if she liked Sahed would be the funniest thing she'd ever heard, but oh well.
"Sor...sorry...phew!...ehehheheheee~...!", Julia laughed while trying to catch her breath. "It's just, I am not the one who likes Sahed, or the one who Sahed likes." "Huh?"
"Listen, ____. I may seem close to that guy, but there's nothing but cameraderie between us.", Julia started, a sympathetic smile on her face. You looked at her with hesitation. "...Really?"
"Really. And I'm surprised that you're actually asking me this when Sahed only has heart eyes for you-"
"____! ____! I need to give you something!", Rainah yelled when she finally spotted you. You look at her confused, having Julia's words not processed yet.
"Woah, Rainah, what happened to you?", Julia asked, and rainah only gave you Sahed's paper. "..here...!", she panted.
"Had to give you this before Sahed gets me! Byeee!", she exclaimed, before dashing away.
Julia put a hand on your shoulder. "I have some business to attend to, okay? Bye."
And gone was she. Now, as you were alone, you read what was written on it. You gasped in shock.
Each sentence made you heart flutter, your eyes widen, and your love for your crush grow.
Sahed sighed. He was getting nowhere with this. Kamille had left to go to the sewer with her sketches, and Rainah left to god-knows-where.
He looked at the dozens of love letters on the ground he wrote as soon as he got his hands on the new paper. He used every single one of them, then he rumpled every single one.
He'd never write a good confession, let alone love letter. However, a knock at his door made him halt in his thoughts, and he opened the door. You stood there, with his first paper in hand.
"May I step in?", you asked gently, and Sahed got red. Without a word, he stepped to the side. You saw the papers on the ground, which were as rumpled as the one in your hand.
"May I look at the other papers?", you looked at him. He looked to the side, and nodded. 'no, no, nononononono...! She's going to read all my papers..!', he thought as he watched you crouch down to the ground to open the crumpled papers on the ground.
You opened the first one, and it left you in shock.
My wonderful lady ____, you have no idea how much I am infuriated with you. Every second next to you feels like heaven, but it ends in a second. I cannot fathom when I started harbouring these feelings, but I know that I cannot stop them, nor do I want to. I enjoy your company, and I wish I would answer you, if it weren't for those ... cursed lips of mine. Whenever I find myself near you, my heartbeat speeds up as if I'd be running a marathon, my hands grow sweaty when I think about holding the ones you have, and I can't utter a single word to you. Whenever you talk to me, whether it be joking, a normal conversation, or you flirting with me, I always find myself at a loss for words. It's like I have lost my tongue, or every language I am capable of speaking is wiped from my brain.
I think it is because I have fallen in love with you, _____, for I can't imagine the sun rising without your presence. I can't imagine going on stage in front of all these people to show my tricks when you're not near, because all these people are only fragments of my past, whereas you are a constant flowing stream in my blood, which rests in my veins and goes into my heart.
I... I love you so much that I can't even speak around you, and I always become a mute fool in your presence. I can't help but grow shy when you're right there, with your glowing aura, your wonderful hair, your charming eyes, and your beautiful smile.
And that was it. The paper anded here. Sahed watched you open and read every single letter from the floor as he grew tense. He was standing behind you at the door, and scratched his head, his blush still evident as he was close to fainting. He sat down on a stool. He watched your body language from behind.
You were just...sitting there, a straight posture, your feet underneat your butt as you sat on your knees and shins, and you occasionally rised a little to take another letter which was a bit further away from you.
No, Sahed couldn't read your body from behind.
He slowly stood up and collected the balls of paper you didn't read yet and gave you one each time you finished reading the last. It took you one hour to finish reading all the letters, and you were grinning from ear to ear. "So...that's how you've been thinking of me...?"
Sahed nodded, his legs being formed criss-cross-applesauce, and he sat next to you. He nodded shyly, his eyes being cast downwards.
"Well...you certainly have a way with words, Sahed. Also...it was really romantic, how you just wrote it all down. I'm flattered from your letters."
Sahed gulped. 'Okay, now or never!'
He took a deep breath as he looked at you with a flustered determined expression. "____, I love you-mmh!"
Yeah, you kissed him. Your one of your hands was on his cheek, the other one on his shoulder. You were facing him with your body as you kissed him, and Sahed's head was just turned down and to your direction.
After you parted, Sahed shyly gave you a little peck on your lips, and smiled sheepishly. "I love you too, Sahed.", you said when you spread your kisses all over his face.
Sahed smiled as he sighed into your affections.
Maybe being not able to talk to you was not so bad.
Hey hey hey! I hope I could write it the way you liked, and if not, please let me know!
Anyways, thanks for reading my post! If you have requests, please let me know!
Read you in the next post!
taglist: @littlegremlinflower
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Murkrow & Honchkrow
Murkrow (#198)
Corvustenebrae americanas
General Information: Murkrow the Darkness Pokémon. They’re startlingly intelligent Pokémon that are even capable of learning human speech.
Murkrows average at heights of 1’08 ft tall (0.5 M) and 4.6 pounds (2.1 kg).
Habitat: Murkrow are native to the New World, nocturnal Pokémon who awaken at dusk in the forests and swamps that they call home. They’re also found in cities and towns, but especially cities with shadowy alleys and tall buildings to perch themselves on, making them particular menaces to society in major cities like Montreal, Chicago, Santiago, Los Angelos, São Paulo, San José, and Guatemala City. They’re occasionally found in wooded mountains and highlands, too.
Life Cycles: Murkrows are born in nests of 3-6 hatchlings every Spring after incubating for 18 days, and tended to lovingly by both parents. Unfortunately, seeing as how baby birds are the snack foods of the food web, many will die before learning to fly. Once flight is achieved around 36 days old, the mortality rates drop drastically.
Murkrows do not become reproductively viable until they are at least 2 years of age (or level 15, whichever comes last), and most do not go on to find mates of their own until they’re 4-5 years old. At which time, they will often leave the nest properly and go on to join or form other murders. During this time, their parents may have more babies, that the previous years’ fledglings will help care for and learn vital parenting skills themselves.
Mated pairs will form groups (“murders”) with each other up to as many as 15 family units at a time. This provides group cooperation and protection to everyone, especially the hatchlings and eggs. These murders stick together as a team and as a family, creating tight social bonds. It’s not uncommon for infidelity to occur within Murkrow murders, but it only serves to strengthen the desire to protect each other’s babies.
Murkrows live for 15-20 years in captivity.
Behavior: As the true menaces to society that they are, Murkrows love anything sparkly and will go to great lengths to procure objects of interest, even going so far as to loot the stashes and caches of Meowths and Gabites. This has caused some intense rivalries in major cities between Murkrow murders and Meowth colonies. These tricksters are known to lose trailers by steering them down dark alleys or dark forest paths, sometimes even doing this on purpose just to be a dick after stealing someone’s precious shiny thing.
Diet: Murkrows are omnivores. They will eat carrion, fruits, nuts, and stolen lunches! Picnickers beware!
Conservation: Least Concern… seriously, they’re crows. Crows are everywhere.
Relationship with Humans: Murkrow are feared as bringers of misfortune and naughty tricksters, though relatively harmless ones in the grand scheme of things. Colonizers of the Americas developed the chant, “Workrum, Workrum—bad luck, don’t come” to protect themselves from Murkrow shenanigans. There is also the saying, “Get home before the Murkrow fly,” that parents often say to children.
Murkrow are often depicted in ghost stories and haunting tales and featured prominently in Halloween decorations.
Classification: Murkrows are passerine bird Pokémon in the genus Corvustenebrae, the same genus as Corviknight.
Honchkrow (#430)
Corvustenebrae magistras
General Information: Honchkrow the Big Boss Pokémon and the evolved form of Murkrow.
They average at 2’11 ft (0.9 M) tall and weigh 60.2 pounds (27.3 kg).
Habitat: Honckrows are native to the New World, living primarily in forests, swamps, and cities.
Life Cycles: On rare occasions, a Murkrow will chance itself into evolving to Honchkrow, where it gains considerable strength, size, and bulk. There is rarely more than one Honchkrow in a flock, if there is one at all. The tight family bonds of Murkrow flocks/murders lends to a Honchkrow’s rise to power—with their newfound power, they become the de facto leader of the flock and primary protector for bigger threats.
Behavior: The Honchkrow is respected as family, and the Honchkrow returns the love of its murder by becoming its most threatening and violent asset. This power comes with some perks, including the ability to summon its flock with a loud command and command them when need be. But power corrupts, and the loyalty that Honckrows feel toward their flock must be returned, and individuals who betray the family/flock/murder will be dealt with mercilessly, and mistakes are not readily forgiven. Murders with a Honchkrow are more likely to be aggressive and violent toward perceived threats and territory infractions, especially to rival Meowth gangs. The Honchkrow also earns the privilege of openly mating with other members of the flock, an activity that functions to deepen social bonds and encourages inter-flock loyalties.
It is rare for a Honchkrow to be ousted by an outsider. If a coup to the leadership does happen, it will be because another Murkrow evolved and wants to take the Honchkrow’s place—but should this new Honchkrow be kin, and the old Honchkrow advanced enough in age, they may just as likely reach a mentorship arrangement, and the flock is at peace again.
Honchkrows like to spend plenty of quality time alone preening themselves—they must look presentable, after all!
Diet: Honchkrow are large omnivores that eat carrion, fruits, and whatever loot they can steal from others.
Conservation: Least Concern
Relationship with Humans: Honchkrows are the go-to Pokémonification (get it?) of the “Big Mafia Boss” stereotype in media. They are far more common on trainer teams than in the wild, but this simply because trainers tend to have easier access to Dusk Stones than wild Murkrows do. A Honchkrow is a reliable partner, who’s loyalty to its trainer knows no bounds—it’ll even try bossing its teammates around like it would a flock, though the success of this varies. “Not all Honchkrows are fit to lead” as the saying goes.
Classification: Honchkrows are named Corvustenebrae magistras. “Corvustenebrae” means “darkness crow.”
Evolution: Honchkrow evolves from Murkrow when exposed to a Dusk Stone or an equivalent.
Hey guess what, if you like my stuff, this is my website where you can find other Pokémon I've written on and more information about the game that I’m slowly making! Check it out! I write books sometimes too.
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jojorice · 6 months
No thoughts, just Aventurine in a dress.
He’s too perfect gah the Aventio brainrot is only getting worse the closer we get to 2.1 jdsjjdjdjdjdejd
Loving your art as always, and sending this to remind you to stay hydrated, feed your mind, get restful sleep and take care of yourself!
I’m curious on if you plan on pulling for Aventurine in the new version?? And if so how many resources do you have saved up?
~ Minie
Ahhh Minie! I just saw this after playing 2.1…
I’m deceased. Dead. In the tomb. Reviving just for aventio because I swear upon my lil heart they are meant for each other 😭😭😭💜💚
I just know there’s gonna be an explosion of aventio brain rot and I am so here for it *hyperventilates* *screeches*
And tysm for the sweet compliments + reminding me to hydrate—we ALL need to hydrate so we can get schmovin’ on our fan fics, theories, art and more LOL 🥹
And I am def planning to pull for aven! Unfortunately I have only 32 pulls and no pity so that means one thing: I’m gonna be grinding achievements until he comes home LMAO
I hope you and everyone who wishes upon him gets him too! With everyone having ratio it’s the perfect chance to have our dream team ✨💅☺️
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cdragons · 1 year
Eternals STEM TRIO: Chaotic Siblings from Infinity to Beyond Part 1 of ???
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Pairing(s): platonic!Phastos x Persephone!Eternal (Sephia) x Hecate!Eternal (Kaetlyn); Phastos x Ben; Ikaris x Persephone!Eternal (Sephia); Druig x Hecate!Eternal (Kaetlyn) Word Count: 2.1 k Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, or Eternals; I only own the two characters I made up and their offsprings. Author's Note: A big shout-out to my girl @ethereal-athalia for indulging my madness! I couldn't come up with half of these ideas without you, and answering all of my manic ideas and questions Warning(s): neurodivergent characters being neurodivergent, Ikaris being an idiot, Druig being a simp for his wife, Kaetlyn being her own damn warning, Phastos being tired, discussion of sexuality and the journey of identifying, Kaet & Sephia having offspring (eventually), some sexual themes (but most crack), profanity
Before Tenochtitlan
Phastos along with our girls make up the ultimate STEM dream team that could literally achieve anything.
Phastos is physics, technology, astronomy, mathematics, architecture, and engineering; Kaet is magic, medicine, biochemistry, healthcare, and anatomy & physiology; Sephia is agriculture, zoology, biology, chemistry, food science, and environmental sciences
But whenever Phastos gets stuck on a math problem, the first person he’ll go to would be Sephia
Oh yeah, this pink flower goddess is huge math nerd. Her mind is wired a bit differently from others, and numbers just make sense to her.
And while sometimes her short attention span will get the best of her, when she is in the zone, she is in the ZONE
One time she and Phastos were stuck on a math theorem during the Renaissance, and didn’t sleep for about a week straight.
Kaet ended up using her shadows to swaddle them straight jacket style for them to sleep, literally to only wake up 3 hours later with Sephia poking her cheek to wake her up to tell her that they proved it.
But Kaet is also the biggest hypocrite because she will research and dissect organisms for days on end with Phastos too.
These three invented the term “insomnia.”
Phastos does typically have a healthy sleeping schedule unless he is really focused, Sephia is the same in a slightly more extreme manner, but Kaet will deliberately not sleep until she has found her answer or satisfied with her work.
 Everyone wants her to sleep, and her reply will probably be something along the lines of “can’t die, won’t sleep, suck my magic dick.”
The only one that can really manage to get her to sleep at times is Druig, and that’s during the times he has to physically pry the tools out of her hands and strip her down and wrangle her into a shower before forcing her to cuddle with him to sleep
He’ll also make sure to sneak in some sexy times with her in the shower for good measure
Honestly, Kaet lowkey really loves the attention and will purposely stay up to late just to rile Druig up
Listen, she can't help it if all that pent up energy transitions to mind-blowing sex
But she also wants to find out the physical limits of her own bodily functions by staying awake as long as possible, and to see if she’ll eventually hallucinate.
"I want to see if this rib cage can turn into a xylophone"
Once it got so bad that Sephia made a sleeping powder of dried gardenias and valerian to blow in Kaet’s face. She immediately conked out, and sleep for a solid week.
When Ajak confronted Sephia, her only response was so fucking chaotic and unhinged.
“Oh, don’t worry, Kaety’s not poisoned. She’s just drugged.”
And everyone just stared at her while Sephia was smiling like there was nothing wrong in the world.
On the plus side, she monitored Kaet’s vitals and functions in her coma and was able to get some really great data on the benefits of those plants used for anti-anxiety and insomnia medication
This launched an era of the two gals cultivating and drying various plants to be used as medicine for various ailments and even pain relievers
They definitely used the other Eternals to test the drugs (mostly Ikaris) and some of the side effects were…interesting to say the least
One-time, Ikaris was so high off this preliminary version of anesthesia from poppy seeds that he might have gone on a 3-hour spiel about how Sephia’s hair was so super pretty, and how it smelled so nice, and how it looked so soft, and how he would cut his own ear if it meant he could see her boobs and cu-
Don’t worry the drugs kicked in again before he could finish (in more ways than one lol)
Speaking of Ikaris, while Kaetlyn is the most protective over she sweet Sephia, Phastos is a VERY close second
This inventor man does not believe for a second that this puffed-up chested man with his dumb quaffed hair is good enough for Sephia
Sephia would be the only Eternal who is genuinely interested and fascinated by Phastos' ideas and inventions, and will ask very good questions
And he's beyond grateful for her
On another note, just imagine the dread that overtook Phastos when Ajak basically assigned him on Kaet & Sephia watch duty.
Poor man just wanted Arishem to send him to another planet right then and there.
So…when Phastos learned that Ajak died, he was extremely sad…but mostly terrified because this meant only one thing now
HE had to be the mother figure of both Kaetlyn and Sephia
Throwback to the image at the top is literally all you need to know about the dynamic between this man and the two gals he’s in between
Fun fact about Sephia: sometimes she will be really quiet, and her mind will be like a million miles away, and then she will think of the most random stuff and start giggling like crazy
Phastos actually thought she was possessed by a demon and wanted Kaet to perform an exorcism…only to remember that Kaetlyn is even crazier
Phastos has seen Kaet do the Naruto run before it was even a thing at the most random times and always with the most chaotic crackling laughter the world has ever known
Kaet has purposely summoned and captured the weirdest monsters and ghosts FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE of freaking out Phastos
Migraines have become a good portion of this man’s daily lifestyle
But luckily, Sephia is there to save his mental health by brewing the most calming tea and shoving a super fluffy animal for him to cuddle with whilst asking him questions about his inventions
The three came up with their own STEM TRIO manifesto around the same time the Magna Carta came out
Phastos and Sephia are each other's worst enable when it comes to missing social engagements because they will literally come up with the worst excuses for their absence when facing Ajak's interrogation
"Phastos, why were you not at the party last night?"
"I-" "He had to help me make a contraption to help an aging ape give birth to a mutated baby"
"..." "..."
"What she said"
"Sephia, these celebrations are in your honor, it offends the chief if you do not make an appearance."
"Maybe the chief should stop mistreating his goats, and then maybe she would consider"
"Yeah! Tell 'em Phastos!"
Meanwhile, Kaetlyn and Druig are watching this entire exchange and feeding each other snacks as Kaet is sitting on Druig's lap
When Kaetlyn and Sephia left with Druig at Tenochtitlan, they secretly came back and begged Phastos to go with them as they were setting up the community
When Phastos refused, the three promised each other that they would always make sure to keep in contact with one another
Lordy Lord, pray for Ben when he's given the shovel talk by these two girls
Although in the end, they are like the sisters he's never had, and only Phastos is the one who is bothered (not really) by their constant unexpected visits
Modern Times:
When Phastos found Ben and started dating him, Kaetlyn and Sephia fully vetted the poor human
They remembered how broken and devastated their brother was in the aftermath of the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and they were not about to let someone else hurt him
By the way, Kaetlyn and Sephia were the first Eternals to know Phastos was gay since they were the only ones he trusted to come out to
It was the same the other way around too
Phastos was the first one ever to help Sephia really understand her sexuality (demisexual) since she thought something was wrong with her since she had never really felt any sexual attraction like that to anyone ever in the 7,000 years she lived on Earth
She has tried throughout multiple occasions tried to have sex, but it never really worked out and she never felt those feelings associated with sexual attraction
For the longest time, she thought she was asexual until Ikaris turned out not to be dead from the sun, and she’s connected with him on a more emotionally intimate level than ever before, and now she’s feeling all these new feelings that are scaring the crap out of her
There were instances that she felt attraction and even had fantasies over certain fictional characters but she to experience something in her head as a fantasy as opposed to experiencing it in reality was a whole different topic of conversation
And she’s even experienced romantic feelings whenever she tried to put herself in relationships, but those romantic feelings only stayed romantic and she never felt any sexual feelings
So, when those new feelings emerged…a conference call was set up between the STEM Trio and it was a chaos call that was primarily about going over literature of the sexuality spectrum and the fluidity of identification
When Ikaris had trouble wrapping his head around it when Sephia came out to him, he ended up getting a whole explanation on it from Phastos and Kaet over Zoom
But yeah, these three are each other’s ride or die at any point of time
They literally choked down their hatred for this man so that their girl could have the chance to be in a happy relationship
On the plus side, these three always went to Pride together
Druig usually stayed at the Amazon during these events because he’s not a big fan of the crowds and despises the practice of rainbow capitalism
Once gay marriage was legalized, both Kaet and Sephia were the witnesses for Phastos and Ben’s courthouse wedding
Phastos DID try to hide Jack’s adoption…only for Sephia and Kaet to already be in the house when the couple brought him home for the first time and announce themselves as Jack’s godmothers
Their disappointment was imminent and their hearts could only be healed by holding their new godson
It’s just one heart attack after another for Phastos with these two girls around
Ben and Sephia get along so freaking well
They are constantly swapping recipes; Sephia crochets baby clothes and stuffed animals for Jack and Ben sends her the pictures; and whenever Phastos and Ben need a night out or are burned out, Sephia will be right there helping out
Sephia would be the one to tell Jack no matter what, he would always be perfect in her eyes, and teaches him that his differences from others are the things that would also turn into his strengths
Kaet is there bringing the chaos for baby Jack; she’s constantly popping her head into view when he least expects it and makes the sweetest giggles in the universe
One time, Phastos caught Kaet’s shadows tossing Jack in the air with him laughing without a care in world…he fainted
But Ben thought it was cute though so he was cool with it
But Kaet would also be the one to teach Jack the importance of staying true to yourself regardless of the pressure of whatever society may force upon him, and always encourages him to think like a mad genius
Seeing Phastos with his family gave Kaet the little push that made her realize that she really wants to start a family with Druig as well as helping her gain hope for humanity by just being around Ben and Jack
It had always been on the back of her mind, she always liked kids
But she had lost so much faith in humanity and the world around her that she was always putting it off
When she and Druig were pregnant, Kaet immediately set up a conference call with Sephia and Phastos to tell them before the rest of the eternals
When the twins (Laoise and Aisling) were born, Kaet asked Sephia and Phastos if they were willing to be the godparents (along with Makkari and Gilgamesh)
Phastos cried just as hard holding his baby goddaughters for the first time as he did when he first held baby Jack, and cried again when he held his godson a few years later
Phastos also became the godfather for Sephia’s and Ikaris’ kids (he also cried when he held all of their kids)
BTW remember Ikaris' drugged out confession from above?
You can bet your entire life savings that Phastos made sure to record every single glorious second of it and then played it Ikaris’ and Sephia’s wedding as part of his toast
Ikaris’ face turned so fucking red and he just wanted to DIE
Sephia thought it was super cute and funny and reassured him that he is the only one who has seen her boobs like that
There’s someone for everyone lol
Also, Phastos was the one to walk Sephia down the aisle since she looks up to him like he’s her tech-savvy older brother who will always teach her how to use her computer because she is terrible with tech
STEM trio became the STEM Parent Trio
When they get together, they trade gossip whilst sipping wine and watching Bluey and playing that fantasy game when you create a map using rice whilst cuddling with their Squishmallows
One-time all three got so plastered, they designed a whole-ass utopian city with modern technology whilst also being environmentally friendly and also filled with magic and affordable healthcare and reusable energy
Muffin reminds Phastos too much of Kaetlyn back in the old days and he straight up got a war flashback in “Faceytalk” and “The Sleepover”
All that being said and done, despite all the headaches and near heart attacks, there isn’t anything in the world Phastos would trade for Kaetlyn and Sephia; he loves his two crazy sisters more than anything
Whenever Halloween came, it became a tradition that Kaetlyn and Druig would go to Chicago so that Laoise and Aisling would go trick-or-treating with Jack
One year Aisling went as Silena Beauregard, Jack as Charles Beckendorf, and Laoise as Clarisse La Rue from Percy Jackson
Phastos made the lightning staff for Laoise to complete her costume
That was a mistake to say the least
But that’s a story for another time
Tagging: @valeskafics , @ethereal-athalia , @bibissparkles , @spacetalbot , @its-actually-minicika , @ineedmyaccountback , @jediruins , @mistresschaos99 , @vikingqueen28 , @idohknow , @hold-my-dragons
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stagehunt · 5 months
some  quick  and  rambling  thoughts  about  2.2  that  are  actually  timely  for  once  yippee      *  only  talking  about  aven  centric  things  here  but  100%  come  scream  and  cry  with  me  about  everything + everyone  else  bc  i  am  still  totally  reeling 
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getting  my  biggest  concern  out  of  the  way  first,     aven’s  current  standing  with  the  ipc.  i  was  working  with  the  assumption  that  while  most  of  what  aven  did  in  penacony   ( his  scheming  in  order  to  smuggle  jade’s  cornerstone  into  the  family’s  territory  +  keep  his  own  on  his  person,   making  some  light  attempts  at  negotiation  with  the  family  to  ensure  there  was  not  a  simpler  course  of  action  that  the  ipc  could  take  before  things  started  to  get  chaotic,   messing  with  the  auctioned  items  &  econ  etc )   all  went  very  smoothly  in  accordance  with  a  pre-approved  plan,   but  that  luring  acheron  out  to  confront  him  was  a  decision  he  made  on  the  fly  that  only  ratio  was  fully  aware  of  /  alternatively  figured  out  on  his  own  before  it  actually  happened     —    what  with  her  presence  in  penacony  being  uninvited  and  his  comment  about  ratio  catching  on  quickly.  however.  i  do  think  that  the  strategic  investment  dept  at  least  predicted  that  he  would  use  the  penacony  assignment  as  an  opportunity  to  find  an  “out”  for  himself  and  in  the  aftermath,   most  definitely  understood  what  he  had  tried  to  accomplish.  they  let  him  believe  that  freedom  might  just  be  attainable,   whether  to  test  him  or  simply  torment  him  i  don’t  know,   but  he  has  very  evidently  not  escaped  the  ipc  and  they  were  never  going  to  let  it  happen. 
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almost  funny  how  reminiscent  this  is  of  the  conversation  between  topaz  and  aven  when  he  was  first  teased  in  game.  i  believe  jade  is  most  definitely  rubbing  it  in  his  face  here  that  his  only  gains  were  for  the  company’s  sake  and  not  anything  personal  or  meaningful    –   there’s  a  quiet  apprehension  that  she  does  know  exactly  what  he’d  been  thinking  he  may  be  able  to  achieve  with  his  grand  death  in  play,   and  also  that  he  has  a  little  more  to  answer  for  than  simply  breaking  the  cornerstone  and  tapping  into  the  emanators  power.  it  will  go  punished,   he’s  already  evidently  been  pulled  from  the  assignment,   but  i  don’t  think  that  this  will  be  a  reason  for  them  to  use  their  power  and  have  him  executed.  if  only  because  jade   ( and diamond )   isn’t  very  likely  to  act  on  that  threat  until  her  “investment”  in  aventurine  has  turned  all  of  the  profit  that  it  can,   or  he  steps  too  blatantly  out  of  line.
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found  this  dialogue  very  interesting  too.  naturally,   aven  isn’t  interested  in  high - risk  low - reward  bets  and  he  knows  that  almost  anything  he  puts  on  the  line  right  now  would  be  inconsequential.  the  ipc  will  not  elinquish  control  of  him  nor  alter  the  agreement  he  made  with  jade     —    it  feels  like  him  being  subtly  put  back  in  his  place  beneath  all  of  the  pretenses  of  their  conversation.  noting  that  he  hasn’t  forgotten  jade  holds  that  power  to  have  him  killed  when  she  pleases,   betting  his  life  in  the  very  next  breath  regardless,   all  the  while  they  are  not  using  the  voice  changers  we’ve  seen  in  official  meetings  before:   jade  doesn’t  have  full  control  over  what  happens  to  him  in  regards  to  the  cornerstone,  but  this  is  purely  between  she  and  him.
*     i’ll  probably  still  write  up  an  au  verse  in  which  aven  did  successfully  fake  his  death  at  that  point  in  2.1  since  a  fair  bit  of  plotting  has   revolved  around  this  general  assumption  that  he’s  won  his  freedom  already,   so  dw  about  that
anyway  moving  onto  more  assorted  things:
argenti  and  aven    …     if  we  don’t  get  any  additional  information  about  them   ( which  i’m  certain  we  will )   i  am  begging  for  plots  +  dynamics  because  i  love  the  energy  of  their little  throwaway  comments  about  each  other  and  i  just ???  think  they  could  be  a  really  fun  duo  to  play  around  with.  what  was  that  about.
boothill and aven … i sincerely sincerely hope we get to see them actually teaming up now and while i’m assuming that would take the form of aven fulfilling the role of an informant to him while still returning to pier point with the ipc, i’m also living for the idea of him going mia and hunting down oswaldo with boothill starting immediately fdgkjh something i was talking to layla about just before the update dropped was how aven speaks of wanting to make his family proud of him before they can be reunited — in his mind he has a lot to reconcile himself with, a lot that he has to make up to them. there are many different ways he could go about doing so and revenge is not the best one but i can see him believing that taking oswaldo out would be a good start, as well as one of the first things he can do for himself in a long, long time. i for one think he MORE THAN deserves to take revenge anyway.
ena.   this  is  more  of  an  interesting  little  observation  than  a  solid  take  on  anything  because  i’m  frankly  too  eepy  to  keep  rambling  for  much  longer  but  trust  i’ll  touch  back  on  the  subject  again  later   dfkjghd   anyway.   given  the  implications  that  sigonia  was  likely  a  planet  under  ena’s  gaze  despite  not  acknowledging  the  aeons   (  what  looks  like  the  planet  being  seen  in  their  art,  sigonia’s  history  lining  up  somewhat  well  with     “the ancient planets that once fervently worshiped order would shine briefly before their total collapse...  perhaps this is the "path" of these planets.”    and  most  obviously  their  eye  being  a  mirror  image  of  the  avgin’s )   AND  thinking  back  to  sunday’s  question  to  aven  about  whether  or  not  he  had  the  ability  to  read  /  tamper  with  or  manipulate  people’s  minds     …     i  just  find  it  very  interesting  that  when  the  puppets  emotional  dials  were  locked  under  the  influence  of  the  order,  that  was  represented  with  ena’s  eyes ??? yeah idk where i'm going with this one either but stay tuned
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alexcaldownapier · 5 months
Keeper - The Hard Work
I really like doing pre-production work. I love nothing more than sitting in a room with Ben, talking through a scene. We spin our wheels, argue, find something and then get excited and hastily write it out. Shot-listing is often where we find the film - we talk more about story than the actual shots. What is trying to be said with each shot and how can it be said? As described in my last post, I was having some trouble getting my head round what Ben wanted, so these early sessions were tough going. One thing Ben was insistent upon was that a camera not be placed anywhere that a camera operator wouldn't be if it was shot as a documentary. This meant that there were times I would want to place a camera in a certain spot to capture one part of the story, but this broke the rule. The camera could only jump around in space if the action was jumping around in time. Again, I wasn't sure this was a limitation that would help the film, so these early shot-listing sessions were slow-going and filled with lots of trying to explain ourselves to each other. Eventually, we kind of gave up on the whole shot-listing together thing, which we'd done for our last two collaborations, and instead, while Ben was away for the holidays, we agreed he would shot-list the entire film as he saw it so that we could get on the same page. He also then developed these shots into storyboards, which we talked through. Once Ben had a rough draft down, I was in a far more secure place to give ideas for shots and notes on the frames presented. After a few more sessions, we arrived at a solid shot list that we were not just happy with, but truly excited to shoot.
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One other consideration we needed to have when shot listing was the dual cameras. In order for Ben to get authentic performances and intercharacter dynamics, we would need to shoot simultaneous frames so that we wouldn't miss a good improvised moment or good reaction. This meant we had to consider each frame, which to prioritise and how both could be achieved without encroaching on each others' frames.
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One thing I do hate about pre-production work is finding "reference images". Even if you find something that has the same lense size, frame size, lighting, angle, etc, they almost never have the correct tone. This still from Midnight Cowboy (1969), was one we used when discussing 2.1, the long shot where Will and his Dad arrive at the club. But the only real things this still has in common is a long lense and a focus on two people. I find it frustrating as an exercise, although I do think it often helps to communicate intentions (although it can also lead to miscommunications). So, in order to be clear in my communication, I thought it best to do a previs of the film. More on this later.
Although we had these ideas of what the shots should be and where the cameras should be, they were entirely untethered until we had a location sorted. Lucy had been searching for a changing room and pitch since early last term so we had a few options coming into this term. We took a day to go down to World of Football and then to Peffermill Playing Fields to see what was up. What was up was that World of Football was not only extortionate, it was also ugly, awkwardly laid out, extremely echoey and the agreement seemed to give us little priority to any of the spaces we needed. But the afternoon was an absolute dream. At Peffermill, we were shown around the entire facility, talked through all the options available and the different allowances that could be made in regard to lighting and crew movement. We were excited and decided to return soon for a full technical recce. But before we left, we took some pictures for the 'gram, the instagram.
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The Keeper HoD team.
Because, of course, in order to make this film, we needed money and lots of it. We had a location to secure, costumes to buy and transport to be covered. We had to look viable for investment so we needed a slick and stylish social media presence that we could parlay into a couple thousand british sterling pounds. I asked to design the instagram posts as I have a secret passion for graphics that burns within me. But Lucy took these designs and ran an excellent social media campaign, followed by a successful crowdfunder.
One part of this campaign that also fed into my pre-production was our crowdfunder video and HoD headshots. We spent a morning in the changing rooms at North Merchiston Football Club, where we'd filmed our test shoot. We wanted use this opportunity to test out this new-fangled approach and shoot and edit the crowdfunder video as we planned to make the final film. This allowed James to dress a space in a similar way to the final film, Rosie to practice recording with changing frames/moving camera and for me to see how it would look, using long lenses and hand-held camera work to create that documentary feeling.
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James being photogenic amongst his production design.
One thing this really helped with was coming up with interesting lighting solutions to the problem of having dual roaming cameras. The main worry for me was that the changing room scenes would need to be entirely top lit, creating a rather one note lighting set-up. But through testing out some lighting set-ups in this space, I ended up quite liking the effect of bouncing a light into the ceiling at an angle to create a fill with a bit more shape that still reads as being from an overhead light. Paired with a hard backlight, it makes for a nice simple lighting setup which has shape, motivation and lets actors move around the space and still be reasonably evenly lit. It was a nice wee test, although I was pretty upset with my camerawork for the final video. I was MASSIVELY overdoing the zooms and shaky feel and was picking some strange frames. Not a great video, but a video nonetheless.
It also let me test out the FS7 which was a camera I was interested in using for the film after the move towards a documentary aesthetic as it has a servo zoom lens, is easy to use handheld and (I'm not sure if this is the camera or the lenses but) it has a certain cold digital feel to its images. We then also tested the workflow through avid, when using XAVC files from the FS7 and got to grips with it, wasn't too complicated at all. I did also want to test the FX6 as it was a smaller, lighter camera with similar lenses and features. However, after testing out the FX6, I realised that its lens was not servo so would have to be zoomed by the barrel and its lighter weight made it more shaky when operating, so I decided to lock in the FS7 as our camera of choice.
I still find the FS7 a little weird - what's with all the buttons, man? What are you trying to prove, huh? All these buttons and no false colour? But I took it out to our two tech recces at Peffermill and we got to know eachother. Spend a night reading through every menu option and you can't not empathise with a camera, love it, even.
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Cradling my baby
The tech recces allowed us to block out the action in the space as well as realise the options we each had afforded to us. The main takeaway for me was the ceiling panels and the single plug socket. I knew then, that to light the two changing room scenes, I would need battery powered lights that I could hide in the ceiling. For the first tech recce, I brought the camera, a nanlite forza 300 and some LED panels. The LEDgos gave out a far too measly kick when on batteries and had quite janky fix points that made me uneasy about suspending them above actors. With those being a dud, we blocked and shot the scene with just the Nanlite and our crew acting out the different roles, giving us some pre-vis that would help inform other parts of our pre-production.
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Pre-vis shots of scenes 4 and 10
One thing we wanted to achieve with these two scenes was a change in tone and feeling of a space, while still keeping a similar set-up, so as to be cohesive, but subtly different. One simple way to achieve this was to move to the other side of the room, closer to our protagonist. This put our key further round the opposite side of Will's face, making for a moodier image. Adding in blackout material as close to our subject as possible helped to add more contrast on the face. Another way that this move changes the feel of the space is losing the accent wall. The room had one wall painted bright red, which was the wall were Graham, the coach, would need to stand, so would need to be in shot in scene 4, but not in scene 10. Losing the bright red creates a more monochromatic colour scheme and a more sombre tone. I also like having the space be introduced as far more colourful, not to mention CoLoUr ThEoRy (which I generally believe to be total shite, but in this case advances my goals, so I'll use it). Red = Passion... but also DANGER.
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"Are you red-y, Will?" *Crowd of players cheer*
This idea was mirrored out on the pitch. We had chosen a pitch on the outskirts of the playing fields so as to give us the best chance of getting clean sound. This meant one side of the pitch looked out onto an endless expanse of pitches while the other looked out into darkness. In order to help bring out the emotion of the final football match, where nothing really happens, story-wise, and is instead a purely emotional sequence, we had to highlight the change in environment for our central character. When we first enter the pitch, we would shoot into the playing fields, making each shot have some busyness in the background, showing the hustle, bustle and excitement of the training grounds. But for the final scene on the pitch, we instead look out into darkness, to isolate our characters and create a bizarre two dimensional, high-contrast environment, like what we'd talked about last term - a sort of realist infinite dark space.
Our tech recce for out on the pitch was a little different, we weren't able to book a slot at night, so instead practiced in the day with a few extras, just so I could practice shooting people moving at pace and playing football. But after all our tech recces, we had most of our film pre-vis'd (is that a word?) and I was far more comfortable in shooting and lighting the scenes.
Otherwise, I finished the rest of my pre-vis at Craiglockhart with Ben, James and some people that Ben recruited (sadly I can't remember their names right now - terrible!). From the pre-vis that we shot, Ben edited a wee something that we could then reflect on and see what was working - our conclusion: most everything. the framing and movement was working well and we were confident that with proper lighting, production and sound design, it would give the desired effect.
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Throughout this time, I was having many, many meetings with the team to talk through the film and discuss what we wanted to do with it. Ben and I stayed in close contact throughout my pre-production work as well as James and I talking through what was to be on screen and how our work would interact - mainly the colour palette and the use of dark clothes in the changing room as negative fill. I also had calls with Andrew to discuss lighting and shooting football games - something he's experienced in. His advice pushed me to do more tests and make sure I was comfortable using the camera in the context which is where the film's use of primarily low-angle shots comes from, as I found that, when shooting football, low angles allowed for more depth as the players weren't flattened against the grass and had room to breathe, compositionally. A wee coffee with my Gaffer, Naimh Gilhooly, was also extremely useful as we were able to talk through all the lighting set-ups I had planned and she gave some advice and options that we could try on the day, meaning she was totally on the ball as soon as she arrived on set. Having met Niamh in the summer on a music video shoot, through a number of other shoots, she's become someone I am very comfortable collaborating with and we have a nice working relationship now, putting me at ease with the lighting for the film. Other than Niamh, I managed to assemble a great team for my camera/lighting department. I steered towards securing people with a mix of experience in drama and documentary. I knew I had to have Eva on board as my main B-Camera operator as I not only love her work, but she is also very experienced and capable in both documentary and drama, not to mention has a deep love for the football film, be it documentary or drama. I called up the king of drama DPing, Cal White to fill in on a day that Eva was unavailable for, and the king obliged. For my 1st ACs I had to have my boy Kushal Dhingra, someone who I have depended on for every short I have shot and has always been incredible. However, due to his busy schedule, I needed another AC for the pitch days, where I called in Angus Webster, a cracking guy I met during the fringe last year where we were working breaking down the venues together. A documentary filmmaker who currently works filming football games - a perfect fit. Last, but in the way that a dessert is last, is Sam Craigie, who had approached me at Shortscape last year asking to work with me on something. Sam as a 2nd AC is a joy, he helped keep everyone excited about what we were doing and he was ever professional and capable. I can't wait to return the favour and assist him some day soon.
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We saw you from across the bar and thought you might want to join our camera team...
I don't want to keep going on and on about the pre-production as I think the "Bible" I prepared speaks for itself. The bible is a compilation of all of the information I, or anyone interested in the visuals, would need on set. It was also designed as a tool of communication for the camera/lighting team, all of whom read it and got to grips with the big picture before focusing in on their individual tasks.
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An excerpt from the holy book, Alex 1:14
I'll go more into the creative choices that went into the film when discussing the shooting and final outcome. Going into the shoot, I felt very happy and prepared, knowing exactly what I was doing for each shot and setup, who was going to be with me and what we were aiming for. But, feeling extremely prepared for a shoot leaves you also feeling that the other shoe is about to drop. Then there is also the horrible idea that what you've dreamed up in your head, the film you want to make, is going to be failed by your own incompetence and you'll never live up to your initial idea.
Wah wah, just shoot the movie. It's not that deep...
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revserrayyu · 6 months
2.1 Penacony thoughts [part3]
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**Spoiler warning** Going up until Aventurine takes the stage I guess, so if not encountered yet then look away. Keeping it rather short this time because I have a feeling things will only be getting more intense from here on out.
So with this letter from Robin to Sunday, it makes me a little worried. Yes I think it’s sweet of hear to inform her brother of what’s happening with her, but how the doctors basically turned her away, claiming that she’s fine when her voice was very clearly bothering her rubs me the wrong way. Perhaps they didn’t her condition serious enough or they knew exactly what’s going in and chose to hide the truth from her. I dunno, there’s something about Robin looking into her issues, realizing that something is wrong with the Harmony and ultimately ending up dead that reminds me of Serval and how she become too close to finding out the truth behind the stellaron and Cocolia dismissing her from the Architects (and thank god she didn’t take a more permanent measure otherwise I would’ve sobbed).
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I trust him less and less each and every time he opens his mouth. These shots we keep getting from him where we only see half of his face don’t help either with how we don’t see whatever emotion he has in his eyes.
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I’ll be completely honest.. I remember little to nothing about this flashback with Jade because I was too focused on how gorgeous she is. I gathered this is probably when Aventurine joined the IPC (and the poor boy is in chains! aw no!) but yeah. She. Very pretty.
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Help.. tiny Aventurine is precious. And it was so sweet seeing how kind our Aventurine was to the kid too.
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I love how much we learn about our dear gambler during this section. He always seems like this confident and successful businessman on the surface and yet he still has fears of losing, whether it be a bet or how his 17 remaining hours of life ticks away.
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Bringing up Elation is interesting considering he does have a follow up attack in his kit, which isn’t common for a Preservation unit. I know March has one herself, but for someone focused on defenses, it’s a moves you wouldn’t think they would have you know? I remember seeing his boss form in the White Night trailer and once thought that Aventurine could secretly be part of the Fools with that mask he had on, but I guess not.
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For context, he found Topaz’s stone lying around and he claims he was only curious as to why. But yeah.. I wish to learn more about the connection between these two.
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I really how that whole conversation with Sunday was an act by Ratio. I know the dude isn’t particularly fond of Aventurine, but they make for a nice team I think.
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Sunday is a menace, but I’m actually kinda enjoying him like this. I would’ve never expected this from him with his angelic and handsome appearance, but his borderline villain arc has me quite intrigued. I can’t wait to learn his motives.
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So the stones Sunday has in his possession isn’t even the real aventurine one but a lighter one of jade? Amazing. It’s this part of the conversation that makes me wonder if Topaz and Jade lended their Cornerstones to Aventurine for this mission of his, for whatever reason I’m not sure yet. I vaguely remember him asking if Tooaz could assist him during his trip to Penacony during their phone call at the end of that Belobog arc, so maybe this was the idea he had in mind?
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They’re setting me up for something real emotional, I can feel it in my bones. It better not rain at the end of this patch. Or death. I will cry.
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Him wanting to put on a good show for his younger self and inspire him.. ah.
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Alright, this achievement.. right away I thought Sibyl was a Psycho Pass reference, but it isn’t. Curiosity struck me so I looked up what the name of it actually meant and.. it links to another achievement where death is mentioned. And I’m not okay.
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(originally written on 3/29)
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gemkun · 6 months
@oneireth said : don't mind sunday as he urges ratio closer with one of his wings, the large appendage curling itself around the scholar's back until his knees are touching the bed. sunday's other wing and arms are open wide for the other, aureate gaze looking at him expectantly. when he lays next to him, the family head gently lays an arm across his side, his wings gently encasing them both like a blanket. a delicate smile seizes sunday's lips, entirely open for the other to see. ❝ do make yourself at home, though i must ask for your forgiveness ahead of time if i drift off into a nap. this is quite... comforting for me. ❞ HSR 2.1 SPOILERS BELOW
      ⸻       for   a   seraphim   with   recently   clipped   wings   ,   his   vitality   is   a   marvel.   eyes   train   on   the   curvature   of   his   extension   ,   drawing   the   scholar   wordlessly.   and   out   of   want   to   not   injure   an   already   wounded   angel   ,   he   moves   with   the   quills   that   beseech   ,   coaxing   the   doctor   into   his   quarters.   though   ,   he   is   not   tired   in   the   slightest   (   or   he   tells   himself   so   )   ,   the   manner   in   which   sunday   swathes   him   in   his   wings   emits   a   certain   warmth.   not   too   much.   not   too   little.   but   enough   to   replicate   the   hug   of   a   mother   to   her   child   or   the   crackle   of   a   fire   housed   in   a   hearth.
  a   rare   comfort   ,   and   hardly   ever   achieved   with   the   variability   of   temperature   across   all   species   and   environments.
  caged   in   purity   ,   the   doctor   runs   a   finger   along   the   shaft   of   a   nearby   feather   ,   eyeing   the   cascade   that   befalls   upon   his   drag.   surely   ,   he   needs   no   invitation   to   explore   the   curtain   of   white   that   surrounds   him.   how   soft   they   are.   like   snowfall   that   melts   the   second   fingers   come   into   contact.   but   fibres   do   not   disintegrate   ,   and   with   that   fact   established   ,   he   settles   amongst   the   quilt   of   ivory.
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  in   repose   ,   lashes   lower   ,   just   shy   of   the   chest   inches   from   his   own   torso.   his   work   glares   at   him   —   a   blemished   spot   ,   painted   down   the   middle   of   what   had   been   unscathed.   were   he   to   focus   on   it   any   longer   ,   sorrow   might   envelop   him   ,   out   of   remorse   for   tarnishing   the   divinity   of   the   halovian.
  ❝   i   expect   you   to   after   narrowly   escaping   death’s   door.   ❞   whispered   ,   his   hushed   voice   curls   around   virtue   ,   usurping   the   role   of   luring   the   other   to   sleep.   and   an   arm   raises   ,   carving   along   the   arch   of   plumage   ,   calling   it   near   as   he   gently   brings   it   to   his   laid   figure.   tucking   the   two   closer   in   ethereal   wings.
  ❝   rest   ,   sunday.   i   will   keep   watch   ,   no   harm   will   come   to   you   again.   ❞
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gwendolynlerman · 1 year
Separatist and irredentist movements in the world
Proposed state: Nevis
Region: Nevis, Saint Kitts and Nevis
Ethnic group: Nevisians
Goal: independence
Date: 1904
Political parties: Concerned Citizens’ Movement, Nevis Reformation Party
Militant organizations/advocacy groups: -
Current status: inactive
1493 - first sighting
1620-1882 - Colony of Nevis
1628 - first settlement
1706 - French attack
1970 - creation of the Nevis Reformation Party
1882 - Nevis joins Anguilla and Saint Kitts
1983 - Saint Kitts and Nevis independence
1987 - foundation of the Concerned Citizens’ Movements
1998 - independence referendum in Nevis 
Before European colonization, Nevis was inhabited by the Arawak and Carib peoples. The British occupied the island in 1620 but did not settle there until eight years later.
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In 1882, Nevis was united with Anguilla and Saint Kitts. They became an associated state in 1967. In 1971, Anguilla seceded and Saint Kitts and Nevis gained independence in 1983.
The roots of the independence movement go back to 1904, five years after the island’s only hospital was destroyed by a hurricane, when the political leaders threatened to seek independence from Saint Kitts. An independence referendum was held in 1998, which yielded a positive result but did not achieve the required two-thirds majority.
There are no separate statistics for Nevis, but the population of Saint Kitts and Nevis is mainly Afro-Caribbean (92.5%). There are also minorities of European (2.1%) and Indian (1.5%) descent.
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The official language is English, but Saint Kitts Creole is widely spoken. Catholicism is the main religion (87.6%), but there are also Hindu, Rasta, and Muslim communities.
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Every Popular GD Player Who Was on Tumblr Before the Twitter Exodus
Hi! This is gonna be a short post about something I catalogued nearly a year ago, just never made into a tumblr post until now.
As a brief introduction, "GmdTumblr" is the unofficial name (from I think Jaye?) given to the community of Geometry Dash players on tumblr. Many actual GD players arrived during the Twitter exodus in April 2022, but some people arrived well before then. So without further ado, here’s all of them I could find.
1. Blitzer
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I've mentioned them a lot before. List demon slayer, GD moderator, verified the update to the extreme demon “Tenth Circle” by DeniPol. They made a tumblr account like six years ago and came back to it occasionally to see GD posts. Of the few that existed back then, I made a bunch, so they found me before I found them.
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2. JoelyMammoth
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Hosted the megacollab “cloup”, which was beaten by players like Sunix and SrGuillester. The level is so bad it’s good, it's one of the highest-quality intentionally bad levels. Also, she's currently hosting a new megacollab, it has 100+ creators and is still open, if you haven't joined it yet and you're a GD player you totally should.
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3. AgentJDN
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This was a wild one to discover. He’s still active.
AgentJDN was a Filipino creator who became popular in early 2.1 for levels such as "Mission Madison" and "Operation Madison". These were demons with custom gamemodes, some of which got over a million views on YouTube.
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I was aware for a while he used to be on tumblr. However, the last post on his blog was dated 2016, and that’s before Update 2.1 even existed (he built his most popular levels after 2.1 released), so I just assumed he was inactive now.
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But to my surprise, he’s far from gone! He just rebranded, and moved on to different games. His tumblr account is still active as of a month ago, and he seems to be an incredibly talented and creative artist. You can find him today in the JSAB and SMW communities, so if any of these present ventures interest you, I highly recommend checking him out. (Though if you do, please don’t bug him about being AgentJDN. He probably doesn’t want to be reminded of his younger self.)
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4. paqoe
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Paqoe joined tumblr in December 2021, so she still counts in this list. She’s an extremely skilled player, beating both extreme demons and challenges, and her achievements include verifying “Silent Clubstep”—a 7-year-old IMPOSSIBLE level—and beating VSC, the #1 hardest challenge in the game.
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Paqoe is friends with Blitzer, with the latter even drawing the thumbnail for her Silent Clubstep verification. The thumbnail now proudly appears alongside the video on the official Demonlist website.
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However, she recently got into some controversy on Twitter, and her public image took a hit as a result. I can’t really comment on it, but it remains to be seen where things will go from here.
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pumpkin-spike18 · 2 years
✨Weekly Progress 2023 #11 & #12✨
Whoops, I was so late on updating last week's progress update that I decided I might as well combine the two. 😅
Week #11
Wrote ~1k words for SYVNH
Generated BGs for EKL
Sketched S1 for EKL
Unfortunately, I didn't get as much as I hope done between the two weeks. I'm running into a bit of writer's block, or, more specifically, writer's fear. I'm sure I'll work through it. Until then, I'll work on anything else I can to continue dev-ing. Benefits of being a jack of all trades, I suppose <:
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The presentation for Exorcist Killing Lie is like a manga and this is an example of the first scene. It's a lot of extra art, but I hope it'll be worth it in the end... assuming I manage to code it all haha...
Week #12
Finished S1 for EKL
Split the VA/sound channels for SYVNH
Added persistent check to SYVNH
Finished drawing balcony scene for EKL
Started on BG for SYVNH
Since I've been having a tough time writing, I decided to start working on the coding! I finally fixed 2 ongoing issues for SYVNH, which is splitting the VA/sound channels. I created a brand new audio channel within renpy to achieve this. I knew it was doable prior to release of Demo 2.0, but I was pressed for time and forgot the exact code to do it so I ended up omitting the update for 2.0.
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P.S: past!Me, how dare you? Some of these files had 1k+ calls for audio and I had to sift out which ones were sound effects and which were VA soundbytes! 😭
I might go through one more pass just to make sure all the sound effects are caught prior to releasing a Demo 2.1.
The second coding change is thankfully a simple one. It slipped my mind to make it easier for players to go back and achieve a perfect run... ;v;" The game will now ask if you want to clear your deaths if restarting the game after a bad end. It won't affect CG progress.
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And one more WIP shot of EKL, the opening scene to the game!
Other than that...
I've also done a lot of brainstorming this week, of odds and ends to various (new) projects. You know... like that meme I retweeted...
Summarized an untitled galge/BL modern day... CEO-intrigue/drama idea I have based on the relationships of some gods and goddesses from Greek mythology. Part of me really wishes I could turn this into a full BL story.
Got tempted to join Blossom Jam with a dark and edgy yuri Spring story about a murder mystery. Cause, come on~ I can't do pink without blood 😃
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adasitecompliance · 2 months
U.S. Department Of Justice
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Public Schools Need A Digital ADA Accessibility Makeover Within 2-3 Years
According to a new federal mandate from the U.S. Department of Justice, public schools must make all digital content accessible to students with disabilities.
The U.S. Department of Justice has issued under Title II of the ADA that stipulates compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) by 2027.
This means schools must ensure that websites, mobile apps, and other digital platforms used for education are usable by students with a wide range of impairments.
The United States Department of Justice has endorsed the WCAG 2.1 to provide clear guidance for ADA compliance for web content and mobile apps.
These guidelines, established by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), are recognized globally and offer a comprehensive framework for creating accessible digital experiences. Although W3C released an updated version of these guidelines in 2023, public schools must adhere to the WCAG 2.1 standards from 2018.
Public schools nationwide face a formidable challenge: ensuring all students can access digital resources by 2027. However, navigating the complexities of digital accessibility can be overwhelming for schools.
Meeting the 2027 deadline for compliance while creating an inclusive online environment requires expertise and precision. At ADA Site Compliance, we simplify the process.
Our team ensures your school’s digital platforms adhere to accessibility standards, preventing legal issues and fostering a welcoming environment for all students. Let us help you create a truly inclusive digital experience.
Schools Face Steep Climb to ADA Compliance
Public educational institutions across the U.S. have two or three years, depending on their size, to ensure their web content and mobile apps meet technical accessibility standards adopted in April under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Smaller school districts have until April 26, 2027, to achieve compliance, while larger districts exceeding populations of 50,000 have till April 24, 2026, to meet compliance.
Attaining ADA compliance is an uphill battle for many educational institutions.
This requirement has placed significant pressure on school districts, many grappling with limited resources and poor technological expertise.
The standards cover a wide range of accessibility features, including providing alternative text for images, ensuring keyboard navigation, and maintaining adequate color contrast.
That’s why some experts say they should start preparing now. The transition to a fully accessible digital infrastructure is a technical upgrade and comprehensive overhaul of existing systems and practices.
Revamping their digital infrastructure to create inclusive online learning environments necessitates strategic planning, substantial investments, and continuous professional development for staff.
Schools must adopt a phased approach to ensure compliance within the given timeframe. This involves thorough audits of current digital assets, identifying accessibility gaps, and implementing necessary modifications.
These principles are not just technical requirements; they are essential for enhancing the educational experience of students with disabilities and fostering a more equitable learning environment for all.
Accessibility: More Than Just Website Compliance
The shift towards accessibility isn’t solely a technological endeavor for schools. It also demands a cultural change within educational institutions, fostering an environment where inclusivity is a core value.
Professional development opportunities will play a crucial role in this transformation.
Staff must have the knowledge and skills to create and maintain accessible digital content. This includes understanding universal design, becoming proficient with assistive technologies, and staying updated with the latest accessibility standards.
Additionally, schools must allocate budgetary resources to support this initiative. This might include hiring accessibility consultants, investing in accessible technology, and ensuring ongoing maintenance and updates to digital content.
Collaboration with stakeholders, including parents, students, and disability advocacy groups, is essential to address diverse needs and gather feedback on accessibility improvements.
Consequences of non-compliance
The consequence of non-compliance with WCAG is the risk of facing potential legal ramifications with time. The legal fees associated with non-compliance can get expensive, much more than the cost of attaining web compliance.
While the Department of Justice has outlined specific exemptions—such as archival information, legacy papers, content from third parties, social media postings, and password-protected files—it’s important to note that these exceptions are limited and may not apply universally.
Educators must thus thoroughly analyze their digital assets to determine which information falls under these exemptions.
Benefits of accessibility to educational institutions
According to CAST, a leading accessibility organization, this regulatory reform is a significant milestone in the quest for accessibility. By integrating accessibility standards into digital content, educational institutions can offer a more equitable learning environment for students with disabilities.
Furthermore, universal design principles benefit all users by making content easier to understand and navigate. Lindsay Jones, CEO of CAST, underscores that accessibility is not just about compliance; it’s about providing a better user experience for the entire school community.
This emphasis on enhancing user experience is the true driving force behind accessibility.
The Ripple Effect of ADA-Compliance on Student Success
Compliance with ADA Title II 504 is more than just a legal obligation; it’s a commitment to fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment. Schools that prioritize accessibility adhere to legal standards and are dedicated to educational equity.
This proactive stance can lead to numerous benefits:
Enhanced Student Engagement: Accessible digital content ensures all students can fully participate in educational activities. This inclusivity can lead to higher levels of engagement and academic success.
Improved Academic Outcomes: Studies have shown that when students have access to resources that cater to their individual needs, their academic performance improves. By removing barriers, schools can help all students reach their full potential.
Positive Institutional Reputation: Schools known for their inclusive practices attract a diverse student body and staff. This positive reputation can enhance the institution’s standing in the community and attract more resources and partnerships.
Legal and Financial Safeguards: Proactively addressing accessibility reduces the risk of legal challenges and the associated financial costs. Schools can avoid costly lawsuits and fines by complying with ADA Title II 504.
Equal access for everyone: ADA compliance ensures that students with disabilities have the same access to educational resources as their peers, which is fundamental for their academic success and overall well-being.
Universal design approach: Accessible digital environments benefit all students, as they promote a universal design approach that can accommodate diverse learning needs and preferences.
Digital accessibility extends beyond the classroom: Accessible online learning platforms and resources prepare students for the future, equipping them with the skills to navigate an increasingly digital world.
A Roadmap to ADA Compliance: Nine Essential Steps for Schools
As schools work towards meeting these compliance deadlines, they must also consider the ongoing training and support for educators and staff to use and create accessible digital content.
To effectively comply with ADA Title II 504 within the given timeframe, schools can adopt these nine practical steps:
Conduct Regular Accessibility Audits: Regularly conduct audits of school websites and mobile apps to identify and address accessibility issues. Use both automated tools and manual testing to ensure a thorough evaluation.
Invest in Training: Educate staff about the importance of digital accessibility and provide training on creating and maintaining accessible content. This includes understanding how to use accessibility features in various software and platforms.
Utilize Accessible Technology: Integrate and support using assistive technologies that can aid students with disabilities. Ensure website compatibility with screen readers, voice recognition software, and other assistive tools.
Engage with the Community: Involve students, parents, and community members in the accessibility planning process. Their feedback can provide valuable insights and ensure that the solutions implemented meet the needs of all users.
Incorporate Accessibility in Procurement: When acquiring new digital tools or platforms, ensure they meet WCAG 2.1 standards. Include accessibility requirements in procurement processes to avoid future compliance issues.
Develop an Accessibility Plan: Create a detailed plan outlining the steps to achieve compliance. This plan should include timelines, responsible parties, and measurable goals.
Policy Development: Develop and enforce policies prioritizing accessibility in all digital content creation and management processes. Make accessibility a core component of the school’s digital strategy.
Fostering collaborations: Collaborating with students, parents, and advocacy groups can provide valuable insights and help identify areas that need attention.
Continuous Monitoring and Updates: Accessibility is not a one-time effort. Continuously monitor digital content for compliance and stay updated with the latest accessibility standards and best practices. Implement regular updates to address new accessibility challenges as they arise.
By following these nine steps, public schools can meet the requirements of ADA Title II 504 and also create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students.
As technology evolves, so should our commitment to accessibility, ensuring no student is left behind.
The journey toward compliance with ADA Title II 504 is challenging but an opportunity for schools to enhance their digital offerings and ensure that all students, regardless of their abilities, have equitable access to educational resources.
By embracing this mandate, schools can foster a more inclusive learning environment that supports the diverse needs of their student population. However, meeting the 2027 deadline for compliance while creating an inclusive online environment requires expertise and precision.
At ADA Site Compliance, we simplify the process. Our team ensures your school’s digital platforms adhere to accessibility standards, preventing legal issues and fostering a welcoming environment for all students. Let us help you create a truly inclusive digital experience!
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altr24 · 2 months
FOOD CRISIS IN EUROPE! ALLATRA knows the solution!
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According to Bloomberg: Europe is teetering on the brink of a food crisis due to escalating climate disasters.
Abnormal weather events regularly damage farmers.
From 1980 to 2022, climate change caused economic damage totaling €650 billion in EU member states.
In 2021, damage amounted to €59.4 billion
and in 2022, €52.3 billion
How does this affect the average person's wallet?
Due to drought, there is a shortage of olive harvest in Spain, Italy, and Portugal. The price of olive oil increased by 50% by January 2024.
2023 was the worst year for grape growing and wine production in Europe.
Productivity decreased:
Italy - by 23%
Spain - by 20%
Germany - by 3.8%
Hungary - by 2.1%
Austria - by 6.5%
This has caused a rise in prices of European wines.
Livestock farmers are also facing difficulties due to climate disasters, leading to rising prices for meat and milk.
For example, due to drought in 2022, Switzerland sent six army helicopters to help shepherds. Over two weeks, they delivered 500,000 tons of water for several thousand cows, sheep, and pigs in alpine pastures.
Organic products are no longer in vogue in Germany due to high prices. After many years of high demand for natural products, their sales volumes are declining.
ALLATRA volunteers are already taking action! 
On May 11, 2024, at the Summit in Prague, *ALLATRA* scientists presented an effective solution for obtaining an unlimited amount of clean and healthy drinking water for the population and agriculture, including livestock. 
This can be achieved through the use of atmospheric water generators (AWGs), which will help remove microplastics from the ocean and improve its ability to remove heat.
The use of AWGs will inevitably lead to a decrease in extreme weather events,
improve the thermal conductivity of the atmosphere, and obtain an unlimited amount of clean and healthy drinking water for the population and use in the agricultural sector.
AWGs technology contributes to the implementation of many Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN General Assembly.
I have a question for the readers: *ALLATRA* is already acting to save humanity,
where are you?
Will you wait until water and bread become luxuries or will you start raising climate issues now?
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