#this blog is officially closed so join the new one in the link
campweehawken · 1 year
2023 Signups Open
Hello Campers! This is the official sign up post for Weehawken 2023!
We are actually going to do Camp in the summer this year woohoo! 
We are ready to open the doors up for another exciting year of camp Weehawken! Camp will officially start on June 2nd, however we are starting signups today!
As with other year there are a handful of new additions to the AU which I will briefly describe in this post.
Returning features-
DISCORD SERVER: The Discord Server is going to be in use again this year for Campfire group RP and general discussion of the AU.
This server was set up to help participants get in touch with each other, discuss the events of Weehawken in a group chat and share art and fics.
Discord is available to computer and mobile users and it’s free to sign up if you don’t already have an account. Requesting a link to the discord will be part of the Weehawken sign up process which I will be detailing below.
Links will be given out for the entirety of the event and won’t close until Camp Weehawken’s conclusion.
Important note: You do not need to join the Discord server to take part in Weehawken. The main posts and character interactions can take place on tumblr between RP/ask blogs. However it is highly recommended that you do so if you don’t want to miss out on a single thing.
New This Year: We are allowing participants to be Discord-exclusive, however we are asking that they have at the very least a text post detailing their character for reference. (full explanation here)
Spectator- If you simply want to spectate on Discord without actually participating in the camp RP, all you need to do is send an ask to this blog requesting a link and we’ll give you access to the server.
If you have any questions, send an ask to this blog. Without further ado, here is everything you need to know about signing up.
Message this blog and give us these three details:
Desired Role: Options are camper, counselor or staff. If you would rather have some other role like camp mascot, send a request! Campers are under the age of 18. They tend to range from 12 - 17 years of age but you can have somewhat younger characters. Only characters 18 years old and up can be staff or counselors. Because this is an AU you can make your character any age you’d like!
Blog Name: You will need to have an RP blog or Info Post to participate in Weehawken and when it’s all set up, tell us the blog name or where to find your Info Post. Tumblr might not let the message through if you type a URL. Just give us the name of the blog, like so: ex. “campweehawken”
Preferred Cabin: (doesn’t apply to staff) Campers and counselors reside in cabins that fit one counselor and a maximum of 8 campers.  If you have any preference for what cabin you want to be sorted into, let us know in your registration. If you supply no preference you will be sorted into a random cabin.
Discord (Optional): If you would like a link to the discord, please ask for it in your signup ask. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not already have access to the discord, discord links will not be given out until June 2nd, as we are still working to finish up the server for official Camp Opening on June 2nd.
Take a look at the 2023 Cabin List to see where you and other campers have been sorted as well at who the staff are! Links to all participant blogs will be available there. The list is constantly updating as more submissions come in.      Discord-exclusive cabins will have links to the info posts for those characters.
If your blog has more than one character, you will be filling up more than one vacancy spot unless your characters happen to be family: cousins, twins, siblings. Then, the characters can share a bed in the cabin and fill up just one vacancy spot.
Since it’s hard for me to cover all of the topics in one little post, I’m going to give you all some resources to help you figure this event out.
-FAQ: Answers to general questions we receive. Also a well of basic information about this event.
-Camp Weehawken Staff Brochure: Information about camp activities and various roles to be played at Camp.
-Camp Tags: The tags that are used on this blog and participant’s blogs for the event.
If you can’t find an answer to your question in any of these places, just drop us an ask and we’ll respond as soon as we can.
All in all, Camp Weehawken is an open ended event! You can be as creative as you’d like. The moderators of the event are always open to suggestions for RP events, streams and more. But keep in mind that this is a public event! Please be respectful.
If you have any issues with other participants, how things are being run or any other problems, the moderators are here to help. You can send messages to this blog to request help with any topic.
Applications are officially open!!
-Camp Weehawken Directors
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etes-secrecy-post · 7 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#Onthisday: Nov 27th, 2018
Title: Cuteness Girl Member - Libty
Libty the squirrel 🐿️ was officially joined with her twin sibling Ribty 🐿️. 🙂 Which is my next reveal, and will get to that very soon.😉 And her "Cuteness Mecha Armor" was the lefty custom close combat from the original Galbaldy-β, called the "Gaz-L" 🤖 - also pronounce as "Gazu-L". But for ME, I think its more like calling "Gazelle" (BTW: no relation to the antelope species animal 😅).
Gaz-L Libty Came from the real: AMX-117L Gaz-L [CLICK ME!]
Hyper Beam Saber • Two hyper beam sabers are stored on the Gaz-L's backpack. Their hilts are larger than most other beam sabers' during the First Neo Zeon War, and are capable of emitting a longer and more powerful beam blade that can easily cut through several mobile suits in a single swing. They can also be used as beam cannons when stored, capable of destroying most armored opponent(s) in one shot, or damage a battleship. Additionally, the two hyper beam sabers can be connected at their hilts to form a twin bladed weapon, the 'Beam Naginata', which is also known as 'Twin Lancer'.
Beam Saber • The beam saber is a small cylindrical device held in the mobile suit's hands when deployed and is powered by a rechargeable energy capacitor. It emits high-energy Minovsky particles to form a blade-shaped I-field (via manipulation of electromagnetic fields), and then fills this I-field shell with superheated Minovsky particle plasma to produce an effective cutting blade. The Gazu-L has two beam sabers stored in the enlarged forearm armor on the left arm.
Heat Lance • As its name implies, the heat lance uses thermal energy to heat up a metal blade to super-high temperatures, similar to the heat weapons used by the Principality of Zeon. The high heat allows the lance to begin melting the enemies armor on contact, which when combined with the force applied to the attack, can inflict significant damage.
Beam Rifle • The main long-range armament of the Gaz-L. The particle beam fired from a beam rifle can penetrate almost any armor that has not been treated with specific counter-measures. While not as powerful as the Beam Cannon, Gaz-L's Beam Rifle has a greater firing rate. Like most beam weapons of the period, it is powered by a rechargeable energy cap.
Libty (HTF OC) - owned by D4RTHSP4RT4N (dA) Armor (Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ) - Gundam Series © Bandai Namco Filmworks, Inc. (SUNRISE), Sotsu
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And That’s A Wrap!
Gifting week is, officially, over! Thank you all for participating in this lovely little event; it was a joy to run and so so magical to see all the gifts that came out of it. So... what’s next?
Well first of all, this blog will continue being active. Not everyone has turned in their gifts, and we’ll be continuing to reblog new posts as they come out. After everything is finished, though, this blog will stay up but stop posting... until next time. 
Because yes, we do want to do this again! We don’t know when, but we’re sure we’ll come back for another dndads gift exchange- maybe even one that isn’t based in winter! This has been a huge success and we’re very, very excited to do something again. Which leads us to our next point:
The goodbye form! 
The goodbye form is another Google Form that is basically asking for everyone’s thoughts on the exchange. It’s where you can give us critique, suggestions, and everything in-between. It’s also open for people who didn’t participate to take! It’ll close when we receive the last gifts, so be sure to get your thoughts in soon! It’s also all anonymous: Here’s a link. 
If you still haven’t received a gift, please message us. We’re keeping track but we aren’t perfect. Thanks again, everyone, for joining this little exchange. See you next time, and have a wonderful 2023! 
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signalwatch · 1 year
20 Years of Blogging, Part 2 - Together, We're a League of Something!
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Editor's note:  This is Part 2 of a series.  You can view the first part with just the click of a button.  
also, this is a cross-post with the OG blog, League of Melbotis
So, yeah.  
By April of 2003, we were blogging.  For a look at the initial form of League of Melbotis on Blogspot/ Blogger, click on over to The Wayback Machine.  
As mentioned in the first post, soon I was emailing and managing comments from friends and strangers.  But, also, some of those pals already had their own blogs or quickly started one.  It was easy, often free, and gave folks a chance to speak their mind.  People were religious about their choice of platform.  Livejournal people developed quite the mythologizing about themselves that arguably continues to this day. WordPress users constantly complained about what they were using but refused to change.  
JimD started his first blog of many.  RHPT joined in.  Soon I was aware of Maxwell (she of the podcast) starting up Cowboy Funk, which detailed her life as a Texas ex-pat in NYC.  I knew her husband before we met via his own web-presence and mentions on the blog.  
Even folks like MikeS who recently did The Raid PodCast here at The Signal Watch kept a blog, along with a number of other people I still keep in touch with one way or another.  We sometimes wound up meeting in person (Natalie showed up to have BBQ with me for my birthday circa 2007!), and sometimes I never knew who folks were on the other end of a handle.  There's still folks I talk to occasionally here in 2023 I've never met.  Meanwhile, some commenters have stayed at my house.  I've been drinking twice with Randy.
Here's a list of then-active links from the blog from 2007.  
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and sometimes Randy is in the Phantom Zone
There were a whole bunch of you!  I don't even remember who was behind some of these.  And, yes, there was briefly a store at Zazzle, I think.  My pal Denby recently sent me a pic of the official mug of the League of Melbotis, making me about spit out my coffee.
And, similarly, by 2007, we were comics-linking.
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There's a mix of comic sites and blogs, including my brief dalliance with writing for another site, the now defunct and gone Comic Fodder.  But there's Bully.  Weird I wasn't linking to Progressive Ruin at the time.  I know I followed Mike.  Ah, the folly of youth.
The first year or so was kind of strange.  I was just doing my thing, but much like when I selected bands to listen to or what books to read or movies to watch, I didn't consult with my folks.  Nor did I tell them "I started a blog".  
I don't recall when I told my brother.  And because I wasn't using my real name, I don't really remember how folks found out about it.  But the internet was a small place in the Naughty Oughties.  But, yeah, soon enough my brother was a regular reader and started his own blog.
Somehow my cousin found the blog, who asked my parents about it, so then they knew.  And... man, one of the weirdest interactions I've ever had with my parents was explaining to them that they didn't get to tell me what I put on the internet.  Especially not at age 29 or so.  I don't even really recall what the topic was, but something rubbed them the wrong way, and I heard about it.  And I welcomed them to not read the blog, and that didn't go well.  But it was a learning moment for all of us.  
It's also worth noting, the first generation of bloggers had grown up with a basic education that included literacy re: journalism.  We understood that your job when going to print was to not lie or bullshit except for comedic effect.  You really did research and worked to get your facts as close to accurate as possible given limited resources, if you were going to tell a true story.  *And* unless you were a classless dick, if someone presented you with contrary evidence, you adjusted.  Sure, there were nasty debates in comments, but if you wanted some integrity, you generally tried.
The monetization of the blogs and news-sites was not yet in place.  The model back in the 00's was not to crank through 10 "stories" per day for pop culture sites.  If you wanted your blog to have any credibility, you kind of needed to adhere to *something* of a journalistic standard.  Unlike most comics and pop sites today, one did not glance at Wikipedia or try to remember what someone told you over beers and then rank starfleet captains from best to worst after lunch before moving on to five more short and badly thought-out articles.
I'm not pretending League of Melbotis was a bastion of journalistic integrity, but I did genuinely grind my teeth when it came to accepting items for review, any contact with creatives lest it impact my opinion of the work, and other things that impact your life less when you're writing about movies from 1945 as my current blogging has slowly morphed into.  
Arguably, I wasn't wrong on the comics-front.  Once CBR and Newsarama decided access to DC and Marvel's talent pool was super important (and they were clearly being played for chumps by the pros), it was the start of the end for either site being worth a look.
But comics weren't the only topic we covered, of course.  We talked TV and movies to a degree, especially if they were about comics.  
We also had some regular features.
Ask Melbotis was a column where folks could write in and ask my dog anything under the sun.  
We had regular interaction events where we'd put out a question to readers and print their response.  Folks would write in about their best Halloween costumes or tell their favorite spooky story.  We did this for Christmas, too, and maybe some other events.  Mostly, I was always delighted at the time and effort folks put in.  I can't imagine any readers doing this now.  Heck, no one comments anymore.
There was a controversial feature named "Dames In the Media the League Once Dug" which was more or less me writing about attractive women from TV and films, and what it lacked in taste, it somehow bottomed-out with being woefully uninteresting.  We *did* give Jamie equal time and a chance to write up on Dudes, but she rarely took me up on it.
There were posts on living a Super Lifestyle that went modestly viral.  The funniest thing to me about this post now is that it's such a 20-something or 30-year-old's take on what it means to have a collection.  Friends, this was but the beginning, and now a fraction of the collection as it currently exists.  Maybe I need to re-do this post for the next Superman film.
And, we also went semi-viral with with a post I wrote about working at Chuck E. Cheese.  The only reason this post exists is that I flew to Minneapolis a day before a conference and forgot to bring my coat and was trapped in the hotel.  And yet, people really took a shine to my no-holds-barred take on my first job.
There were, also, of course, the taste tests.  
I'm not sure "regret" is how I feel about the taste tests, but then people start writing in telling you to eat things you really don't *want* to eat.  And you realize you've become the carnival geek on some level.  I'm not saying they weren't usually kind of fun, but...
Look, one thing that was kind of true was that people started making requests for content.  And that's both very sweet and a slippery slope.  Some ideas you want to do, but most you do not.  And while there's clickable reasons to follow the whims of your readership, I wasn't getting paid for this, so I wasn't really beholden to do anything I didn't feel like doing.  But if you're just writing or doing tricks for readers...  well, that's why YouTubers tend to come off like shrieking morons.
With the current blog, I don't think I've had a request for me to cover anything in the past five or ten years.  I'm watching movies.  The formula is simple.  But with the original formula League of Melbotis, I suppose it seemed like we were up for whatever.  And I am not that guy.  I'm chipper here, but I'm a bit grumpy in the flesh.  We *do* get requests for movies on the PodCast, but generally that just means I extend an invitation to come on, and people do!  It's not bad!
One reason I wanted to just do whatever I felt like was that I needed an outlet .  I haven't talked about it much so far in the prior post, but upon review I'm surprised is mentioned so much on LoM - Jamie was very ill when we lived in Phoenix.  We were in and out of the hospital a staggering amount.  And not just Jamie, it often felt like we were dealing with a variety of issues with friends and family.  I had a whole tag for "hospital".  
So, yeah, part of the pivot from League of Melbotis-style blogging to the media-discussion of The Signal Watch was that I no longer wanted to be as open of a book about our personal business.  I felt like that chapter had closed.  I'd enjoyed the LoM experience and appreciated folks reading and following and reaching out.  But I also wanted to keep our life separate from a blog anyone could stumble onto.  
But rather than end this section on a downbeat note, I'll also remind folks of the Clambake Jake's incident which certainly helped color how I wanted to proceed and shone a light on how being online had real-world impact going both ways. 
Basically, we went to a new Italian All You Care To Eat Buffet, it was bad, I wrote about it, and the owner called the house lightly threatening us.  
In the end, I did agree that I could accidentally torpedo a new business, and I embargoed the post until a couple of years after Clambake Jake's went under.  But it was absolutely a wild ride.
from The Signal Watch https://ift.tt/qRHLy8P
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destiny-moonforge · 2 years
(making a new pinned post so i can get all my socials gathered in one place and keep things organized)
hey there! i’m owen/BAVV, i’m 19, and my pronouns are xe/it. wizard101 and pirate101 are my favorite things in the world and i’ve had this blog since november 2019. i main a life wizard on wiz and a swashbuckler on pirate, and i like to make art.
you can find me on: TWITTER: @/DMoonforge (INACTIVE)
YOUTUBE: Destiny Moonforge
INSTAGRAM: @/destinymoonforge
DISCORD: i run the Empyrean Skies discord server, which revolves around free discussion of story events from Polaris to Empyrea, but there’s a LOT of pirate discussion too! there’s a limited number of invites on the link, though, because i want to keep the place relatively small. if you don’t want to join the server but wanna chat, add me at saturniidaze. you can find me in multiple existing pirate101 and wizard101 community discords as well!
i follow from @saturniidaze!
commissions: closed, in the sense i dont have them officially set up, but ask me! the best way to reach me is over discord.
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The Should Be Muzzled, otherwise known as "the social outcasts who picked up some instruments and started a band", otherwise-otherwise known as "let's talk about Vesemir's friends".
It's a shame we deleted the post explaining Vesemir's backstory in detail when we decided to wipe the blog because it showcased most of his origin story and how he ended up becoming a bard to begin with so I guess I'll just summarize it real quick: Vesemir was born into a privileged family in the Upper City of Baldur's Gate and since he was a small child he was placed on a set path to go into medicine like his parents (a surgeon and a nurse) but he didn't really vibe with that so he cut contact with his (abusive) family when he was old enough to do so and went on to pursue a career in music. This is like the barest of the bare minimum you need to know about Vesemir to understand the rest of this post.
The first person Vesemir linked up with was Delilah. She's a delinquent lupine from the Lower City who had her hands in everyone's pockets and her snout in everyone's business. She traded in gossip, and had a knack for unearthing the dirtiest secrets and the nastiest scandals in all of Baldur's Gate while also nabbing an expensive family heirloom or two to sell for extra coin. In theory, her talents could have landed her a proper job as a journalist for Baldur's Mouth but she preferred to work as a freelancer if she could even be called that since she hated the idea of having a boss over her head and having to somewhat censor herself in order to write official articles for the gazette. She was young, free, and the world was her oyster – she clicked with Vesemir instantly after meeting him in a tavern and helping him out with some lyrics for one of his debut pieces. She tried to charge him for providing him with fresh content for his ballads but he offered her a long-term partnership instead. He liked her spunk and sharp tongue, she liked the prospect of steady income, and so she agreed to be Vesemir's muse as long as he made it profitable for her. With Delilah, Vesemir never ran out of fresh gossip to sing about and with time, Vesemir even taught her how to sing and play the lute so she could perform with him (I forgot to mention that Vesemir's main instrument is the violin).
The second person to join their little group was Achoris. Achoris was a half-angel who made a name for himself as a musician in the Upper City, performing live at parties and other such lavish events for the nobility there. He was a singer and a harpist with a divine voice and killer looks so naturally he was very expensive and booking a performance from him was considered a privilege. Those who didn't know any better thought that he lived a perfect life of luxury as a rich and rather famous artist, but the truth was far grimmer than that. Achoris was a slave to a greedy man named Sisko who acted as his producer or manager to the public eye but behind closed doors, Sisko would abuse and overwork his caged songbird without mercy. Sisko even sold Achoris' body to fanatical fans, whoring him out for profit's sake. Achoris desperately wanted out, so once he heard of a new bard making waves in the Lower City with the help of the nosy lupine Delilah, he saw an opportunity to escape and decided to seize it. He found out the bard's identity and arranged a secret meeting with him through Delilah, asking for their help to free himself from the magical contract that bound him to Sisko. Vesemir truly did feel for Achoris and agreed to help, not only freeing him of the contract – but also killing Sisko and making a public display of the whole thing. Vesemir then whisked Achoris away, and Achoris was more than happy to exchange life in a golden cage for one on the road.
The last one to join Vesemir was Sythaeryn, a human flutist of middling age. Sythaeryn's career as a musician was plummeting prior to meeting Vesemir – he was struggling to come up with new pieces and the old ones were losing their charm, all because Sythaeryn was too grief-stricken to continue performing following the death of his husband, Mavros. Mavros succumbed to a terminal illness and there was nothing too incredibly dramatic about his passing but Sythaeryn felt as if the sky itself has fallen, he couldn't go on living without his other half. Sythaeryn's depression eventually led him to develop suicidal thoughts and he was truly, seriously considering taking his own life but then he heard Vesemir perform a song about exactly that, lost love and suicide. The song touched Sythaeryn's heart and made him second-guess his decision to end his life that night. He approached Vesemir once he could catch him alone and, out of sheer desperation and loneliness, told him his story and how Vesemir's song likely prevented a death that night. Vesemir invited Sythaeryn for a round of drinks and the decision to partner up with him came up naturally after that. Sythaeryn was very awkward and weird for a while around Vesemir's band since he didn't really expect to make new friends at the lowest point of his life but he opened up to them eventually.
And that's that! Also, the name was Delilah's idea. :)
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"Laura Decker on What it Takes to Be a High-Level Fencing Referee"
Our guest today is Laura Decker, one of the top fencing referees in the country and regularly chosen to officiate at the highest levels of national and international competition.
In this episode of First to 15, we're joined by Laura Decker, one of the top fencing referees in the country and regularly chosen to officiate at the highest levels of national and international competition. 
She was recently the lone American referee at the 2022 Fencing World Championships in Cairo, Egypt.
Laura graduated from Caltech, where she was the first female fencer from that school to qualify for the NCAA Championships. She still competes in saber alongside her role as one of the world’s most respected officials.
In this episode, we asked Laura how she became a referee, how she keeps her officiating skills sharp and the "feedback" she gets from coaches and fencers while refereeing. 
Read a transcript for this episode"
"In each episode, we’ll talk to someone interesting within the fencing world, including young fencers just learning the sport, coaches, experts from outside of fencing, fencing parents, referees, Olympians and Paralympians, and many more. Ready? Set? Fence!"
So while this podcast is obviously geared directly towards olympic fencers the fact is that most historical fencing referees and judges can find a lot of information here useful. It's worth listening to, especially for those who haven't even considered judging or those who're new to it, albeit I do think even more experienced folks may find plenty of useful reminders within it if nothing else.
For anyone who hasn’t yet seen the following links:
Some advice on how to start studying the sources generally can be found in these older posts
Remember to check out  A Guide to Starting a Liberation Martial Arts Gym as it may help with your own club/gym/dojo/school culture and approach.Check out their curriculum too.
Fear is the Mind Killer: How to Build a Training Culture that Fosters Strength and Resilience by   Kajetan Sadowski   may be relevant as well.
“How We Learn to Move: A Revolution in the Way We Coach & Practice Sports Skills”  by Rob Gray  as well as this post that goes over the basics of his constraints lead, ecological approach.
Another useful book to check out is  The Theory and Practice of Historical European Martial Arts (while about HEMA, a lot of it is applicable to other historical martial arts clubs dealing with research and recreation of old fighting systems).
Trauma informed coaching and why it matters
Look at the previous posts in relation to running and cardio to learn how that relates to historical fencing.
Why having a systematic approach to training can be beneficial
Why we may not want one attack 10 000 times, nor 10 000 attacks done once, but a third option.
How consent and opting in function and why it matters.
More on tactics in fencing
Open vs closed skills
The three primary factors to safety within historical fencing
Worth checking out are this blogs tags on pedagogy and teaching for other related useful posts.
And if you train any weapon based form of historical fencing check out the ‘HEMA game archive’ where you can find a plethora of different drills, focused sparring and game options to use for effective, useful and fun training.
Check out the cool hemabookshelf facsimile project.
For more on how to use youtube content for learning historical fencing I suggest checking out these older posts on the concept of video study of sparring and tournament footage.
Consider getting some patches of this sort or these cool rashguards to show support for good causes or a t-shirt like to send a good message while at training.
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fahrni · 1 year
Saturday Morning Coffee
Good morning! 🌄
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We had a super soaker of a Friday so it looks like I’m not doing yard work today. Maybe I should haul my dumpster bike out and work on it, work on Stream, or maybe sit on my butt and watch TV all day? Decisions, decisions. 🤔
Better let the coffee do its job. ☕️
Rush Blog
Rush’s Signals 40th anniversary box set officially releases today and is now available for purchase via this link, or via Amazon and other online retailers.
The Rush geek in me wants this, now.
I’ve mentioned it before, Signals was one Rush album I ran into the ground. It was my portable cassette player all the time. I’d list to it on the bus or walking around town. It’s a magical album for me.
Also, 40 years? I’m old. 😳
Swift.org Blog
I’m pleased to announce that a preview of the future of Foundation is now available on GitHub!
It’s nice to see Apple continuing to push deeper and deeper into Swift. I’m very interested to see if Swift will ever become a first class citizen on Windows. That might make getting Stream onto Windows quite a bit easier. Of course bringing the underlying bits to Windows is much easier than wrapping all of WinUI 3 in Swift.
The one downside is its dependency on the Swift 5.9 toolchain which is still in development.
The Mary Sue
After being shouted down by Republicans while trying to debate a harmful anti-trans bill, Zooey Zephyr has again come into the GOP’s crosshairs. But this time, they are not willing to listen to anything she has to say. And to ensure that, they have banned her from speaking on the legislative floor.
Oh, Montana GOP, why? Why do y’all have to be so cruel? Believe it or not our country is made up of a diverse set of people. No, all Americans don’t have to be white cis folks.
Try as you might to eliminate Zooey’s voice, you’ve just amplified it on the national stage.
GitHub Blog
In this blog, we’ve compiled some important tricks and commands that every developer should know from GitHub’s own engineers.
Knowing how to use a terminal — shell — is important for every developer. I love having beautiful UIs to help me do my work but sometimes it’s just a lot quicker to type. a post,l New Republic
Washington State Bans AR-15 Sales: “No Reason Other Than Mass Murder”
Welp, that headline says it all. Assault weapons were made for killing large numbers of people. It’s time we have a nationwide ban on them again. If you want to play with guns join the military. At least they’ll train you how to use them.
The Verge
Apple’s App Store can stay closed but developers can link to outside payments, says appeals court
Emphasis is mine. Even though Apple is being forced to allow outside payments you and I know they’ll still want their cut. Instead of they’re usual 15-30% cut they’ll take 27%. It’s what they did in the Netherlands for dating apps. Don’t expect anything less here in the States.
Phoenix Mercury player Brittney Griner, who was wrongfully detained in Russia for possessing vape cartridges containing cannabis, said Thursday that she would no longer play basketball abroad unless it was for the U.S.
Here’s hoping Ms. Griner has a long happy life free of that kind of nightmare.
The Hollywood Reporter
Dune: Part Two is coming into focus, with filmmaker Denis Villeneuve and stars Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya showing off a new trailer for the Warner Bros. and Legendary sequel at CinemaCon Tuesday.
BRING ON PART TWO! Look, this thing better be epic given Mr. Villeneuve felt the need to split it in two. The first installment was a wonderful film but definitely left me wanting.
It’s been so long since I read the book details have faded and I’ve honestly forgotten how it ends. I can remember the ending of the 1984 version but I don’t remember if it held true to the book?
I enjoyed the ‘84 version and I hope the new one blows it out of the water. ⏳
By 2018, the city and Ford Motor Company were ready to tell another story. That year, Ford announced that it had acquired the station and the area surrounding it, a monument to the kind of transportation past that the automaker and its manufacturing brethren had all but killed.
Detroit was such a beautiful city at one time and it’s great to see Ford invest in its recovery given cars helped destroy it.
I wish I had a bunch of time to go explore the city and its burnt out neighborhoods and buildings.
CNN has parted ways with longtime host Don Lemon. The announcement Monday came without explanation and astonished the media industry.
This caught me off guard as I’m sure it did many others. I hope MSNBC picks him up. 😃
Also, another “news” organization fired their white supremacists “talent.” Good riddance.🫏
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External link establishment Methods First off
As I said in my last article, the greater part the fight for positioning high for specific terms is returning significant connections once again to your site. Building joins from places abroad the web is likely the most concerning issue you will run over while performing Web optimization, so having a short rundown of spots to get going with can give you an incredible early advantage. The most widely recognized external link establishment procedures are index accommodation, article partnership, public statement partnership, social bookmarking, making a blog, and inward connecting.
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Registry Accommodation
Fortunately there are registries all around the web simply asking for you to present your site to them for definitely no expense (some will cost $, however we'll get into that later). There are heaps of free catalogs that you can submit to in only a couple of moments, and this is the most effective way to get going your third party referencing effort. The greatest and best free catalog is Dmoz.org, however you will experience difficulty getting in, as they have permitted not many entries lately, yet regardless this is presumably the best connection you will get from a free registry (see my next post on Dmoz). There are various free catalogs submit to, north of thousands, so on the off chance that you are at any point exhausted and have close to nothing to do, plunk down and submit to a couple of these calm registries (in late May, early June I ought to transfer an understandable rundown with each free registry tracked down on the web). Make certain to have a fast rundown prepared of your URL, Title, Portrayal, and Labels of your site, as this can make the cycle much speedier by essentially replicating and sticking.
Article Partnership
As you are presently finding out, happy creation is vital, and you can never have an adequate number of articles, public statements, blog entries, and even gathering posts. In the event that you have content you wouldn't fret imparting to different destinations, there are various article catalogs to submit to where you can place in a couple of your connections back to your site in either the actual article or the asset box (about the writer). Like registries, there are various article catalogs to be tracked down on the web. Here is a couple to kick you off: EzineArticles.com, ArticlesBase.com, and ideamarketers.com. By composing 20 - 30 articles for partnership purposes, you can return in excess of 1,000 connections once again to your site assuming that you do your best and submit to around 25 - 30 quality article catalogs. Note that article accommodation and article partnership are exactly the same thing, yet I will some of the time utilize one rather than the other.
Official statement partnership
While you should hold your best satisfied restrictive to your own site, public statements aren't one of them. By going to destinations, for example, PRweb.com, you can coordinate your official statements all around the web and get your assertion out. I recommend putting in a couple of bucks to get a couple of public statements partnered on quality PR sites, however on the off chance that you have a limited financial plan, you can pull off submitting to the free ones.
Social Bookmarking
One method for building a few half-respectable connections and get traffic simultaneously is through friendly bookmarking and social news destinations (they go hand and hand, and are essentially exactly the same thing). By submitting connections of the relative multitude of various pages on your site, and by having others vote in favor of them (ex. On digg.com you can "digg" various connections presented by others), you can get web search tools as well as genuine individuals to see you and your website.
Making a blog
Making a blog is something that will require some investment consistently, however it's worth the effort. By making unique substance on a day to day or each and every other day premise, web indexes will pay heed, on the grounds that as said previously - web search tools love heaps of value remarkable substance! The manner in which third party referencing integrates with this is straightforward - connect various catchphrases that surface in your web journals to your ideal pages. Connecting 2-3 connections consistently from your blog assembles a few excellent connections, more so than article partnership connections, and they can accumulate after some time.
Also Read : Produce Quality Traffic With Third party referencing Administration
Inside connecting
A great many people, including specialists, disregard this piece of external link establishment. They're so worried about getting different destinations to connection to theirs, that they fail to remember the mother lode ready to be dug comfortable. Take advantage of the connection juice you've developed in your own site - connect various watchwords in the substance on your own site, and you will see a few extraordinary outcomes. Caution: don't exaggerate this to a degree, since when you are connecting each third word on your page, the two individuals and web search tools could do without this. For instance, I was looking through the web when I found a Search engine optimization website that connected "Website optimization" north of 20 times on its landing page alone! My idea: for a 500 word piece of content, have around 4-6 watchword rich connections.
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best-in-atlantaga · 2 years
Atlanta, GA, Northeastern Suburb
Brookhaven is a nice city in the northeastern suburbs of Atlanta, GA. I like this location; it’s a small-sized suburb that officially became a city in 2012. It stretches to more than 12 square miles, and the population is around 55,000. I love living here because it’s a friendly community with great schools. It’s a classic, family-friendly community with nice shopping, great schools, and restaurants. The small-town feel makes it very nice to live in this community where you know a lot of people in the community. Then it’s only a short drive to the heart of the Atlanta metro.
Fitness studio near me in Atlanta, GA
For a fitness studio near me in Atlanta, GA, and Brookhaven, GA, The Rack is the best. It’s the No.1 gym to go to for different workout programs. Whether you prefer one-on-one, small group, or athletic group, you can find this fitness studio very accessible. I learn a lot from the coaches and trainers. In their blog about the proper warm-up, I learned about what a proper warm-up is and that warm-up is a necessity before strength training. The majority of the individuals that come to this gym to train are previously waking up or coming in from a job. So it’s true that walking into the gym and going right to a bar can be bad for the body, especially if there are an imbalance and mobility problems. If you want a personalized training plan, consult the professionals. The Rack has the best coaches. For inquiries, call (678)-626-7225.
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Athletic gym near me in Atlanta, GA
The best Athletic gym near me in Atlanta, GA, is The Rack. I like the facility; they provide everything we need to train competitively. They have three power racks, four double sides squat racks, six 8x8 platforms, a deadlift platform with a band attachment, and a competitive squat or bench with a combo rack. The Rack Athletic Performance Center specializes in training people from all walks of life, and it’s so amazing to join the best gym today in Atlanta. This athletic gym is open from Monday to Sunday from 5:30 to 7:00 pm except for Saturday and Sunday. Every weekend, the gym opens at 9:00 am and closes at 3:00 pm. During public holidays, the gym is closed. For a consultation, contact +1 (678)-626-7225.
High Museum of Art in Atlanta, GA
High Museum of Art in Atlanta, GA, is a nice museum. It’s located in the heart of Atlanta. It connects with audiences from the Southeast and around the world through its distinguished collection, dynamic schedule of special exhibitions, and engaging community-focused programs. I like this museum because it houses different facility designed by the Pritzker Prize-winning architects Richard Meier and Renzo Piano. I like this museum because it has plenty of collections; there are over 18,000 works of art including an extensive anthology of the 19th and 20th century American decorative arts that are fine, self-taught works, modern, and contemporary collections, and more.
At least 10 suspects were arrested for street racing in Atlanta.
I read from the news that at least 10 suspects have been arrested or received citations for street racing in Atlanta. These suspects are a group of drivers arrested in Atlanta between the night of October 15, 2022, and the early morning of October 16, 2022. Based on WSD-TV Atlanta 2, the police were notified about the group of reckless drivers out near the major intersections nearby the counties performing donuts and burnouts. According to the police, the group of drivers made their way to Atlanta and attempted to continue performing donuts and burnouts throughout the areas in the city. Read more.
Link to maps
High Museum of Art 1280 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30309, United States Get on GA-13 N 3 min (1.0 mi) Continue on GA-13 N. Take I-85 N to I- 85 Access Rd/I - 85 Frontage Rd in North Druid Hills. Take exit 91 from I-85 N 5 min (5.1 mi) Continue on I- 85 Access Rd/I - 85 Frontage Rd to your destination in Brookhaven 2 min (0.7 mi) The Rack Athletic Performance Center 1824 Briarwood Industrial Ct NE STE 2, Atlanta, GA 30329, United States
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janicexcx · 2 years
All About Valorant Lore!
So, you may have heard about this new game called “Valorant”. If you really do not know anything about it, you must have been living under a rock! It is a 5v5 character-based multiplayer shooter game, fresh from gaming company Riot Games. Play with friends from all over the world, fighting to win together through methods of tactical play. With updated maps, this free-to-play game has new characters, anti-cheat, and new modes! In this blog post, I am going to touch on all these bases, recommending computers from a certain company called 3B Systems that specialise in making PCs crafted to run certain games (if you want that straight away, click this link.)
The first thing about Valorant I would like to discuss is the scrapped agents. There are three agents that were scrapped from Valorant: and their names were Joules, Shatter, and Crusader. Joules’ abilities became what is now Killjoy’s Lockdown, Jett’s Tailwind, and Sova’s Owl Drone. Crusader got a lot of updates and eventually became Breach.
Did you know that Killjoy changed gender during her development? Initially, during the development phase, Killjoy was actually intended to be male. At one point, Killjoy was also a robot! This changed during some part of the development, before becoming the agent we know so well today!
Omen changed faces between the beta phase and the official release! During the closed beta phase, Omen actually had sharp light blue eyes, instead of the vertical lines he currently he has on his face.
Before joining the Valorant protocol, Jett worked as a chef in a restaurant in Seoul! Viper, who was born named Sabine, used to be a physician. Phoenix was actually suspended from the school he went to because he set the building on fire.
Did you know that KAY/O is a robot from alternate reality meant to kill the Valorant Agents? His mission as a robot was to neutralise Radiants, so they wouldn’t be used as weapons. In his alternate Earth, KAY/O fought against Astra, Sage, and Skye and killed Reyna. He usually uses military-grade technology – such as KIA (killed in action) – or abbreviations using the NATO phonetic alphabet. The name KAY/O could come from one of his voice lines which says, “Kill All Your Opponents”.
Killjoy is a creative inventor, who actually designed Brimstone’s bracer! She has also invented all of the tools in her kit: a sentry bot, an alarm bot, swarm grenades, and a Lockdown device. While this feature is not available in-game for gameplay reasons, the sentry bot can run around freely.
Killjoy also invented the spike, even if it does feature Kingdom’s logo. A mirrored version of Killjoy created the spike to attack an alternate version of Earth. It features the “K” logo of Kingdom, a powerful organisation in Valorant which uses the power of radianite to produce 75% of the world’s energy.
Well, that concludes my blog post on Valorant! If you would like a computer specifically made to run this game then check out this page, where you will find budget ones so you can get playing today!
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kanaiekla · 2 years
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etes-secrecy-post · 1 year
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Title(s): GM Wubbzy & EWAC GM Walden Custom
Hello, May! Here are my "Secret Art Trades" for my G-Pal, rafacaz4lisam2k4.
• Since the characters of "Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!" are officially joined the team (Do you remember on Jun 4th,2022? [CLICK ME!]), I have plenty of time to work on their armors. Although, I can't do it all in one month, so instead I decided to divide two armored characters in one month & the rest will be coming this June & July respectively.
• With that said, let's start off with Wubbzy & Walden in their armored GMs. One is the regular mass production, while the other is a EWAC type variant, which I've made it by myself inspired by the fictional Mobile Suit. Which, I'll show it the link in EWAC GM Walden Custom's stats.
GM Wubbzy (RGM-79)
Based on the: RGM-79 GM (Mobile Suit Gundam 0079)
• 2 × 60mm Vulcan Gun • 1-2 x THI BSjG01 Beam Saber
• BR-M-79C-1 Beam Spray Gun • FADEGEL RGM-M-Sh-003 Shield
EWAC GM Walden Custom (RGM-79EC)
Inspired by the: RGM-79E EWAC GM (Advance of Zeta: The Flag of Titans)
• 2 x Sensor Unit • Camera Unit
• Beam Saber
• Beam Rifle • Shield
Well, that's all for now. More Cuteness Mecha artworks, soon.
Wubbzy & Walden - Wow Wow Wubbzy © Nickeloden/Nick Jr., Bob Boyle
Armors (Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 & Advance of Zeta: The Flag of Titans) - Gundam Series © Sunrise, Sotsu
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pocketfulofrecs · 2 years
It's the 1st of June. Can you believe half the year is gone?
Anyways, a new month means we have a new trope for you to experiment with! This time, it is-----
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So, what do we mean by opposites? We mean we flip something in the canon story and make it opposite. Want examples? How about-
LanWWX and Jiang disciple LWJ?
GhostKingXL and Heavenly Official HC?
LWJ chases and WWX silently falls in love?
You have free reign. You can flip anything in canon and try to make it make sense. You can even write 'bottomji!' Just try to keep it in character as much as you can because that's the challenging part of this trope!
There are no sign-ups needed for this. We give you a trope to focus on for a month, you write on the trope, we make a masterpost linking all of your fics and add them to our Exploring Tropes Ao3 collection. Tag us on Tumblr/Twitter whenever you publish something based on the trope so that we know what to add to our Masterlist.
All we request is that you follow our blog's theme and keep the characterizations as close to novel canon as possible!
The event is simple-
1. We announce the trope on the first of every month.
2. You create as much or as little content as you like. There is no minimum word count or anything required.
3. There's no need to sign up or even join our Discord for this (though we do encourage you to)
4. You can publish your work anytime during the month but tag us at Pocketful AND add the fic to our collection.
5. If you want to be featured on our Masterpost, please publish your content before 27th of June. It is best if you submit them to our Ao3 collection because it can be difficult to track Tumblr tags and sometimes we can miss things.
6. You can submit your work to our collection at any time, even we move on to the next month's trope. The idea is to have all trope fics in one place.
7. This time we aren't going to make a post of fic recs, only the content written.
That's all! If you have questions, send us an ask or reach out to the mods on Discord.
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week in BL
April 2021 Part 2
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Love Poison 2 Ep 3 - incomprehensible plot, confusing characters, terrible audio, I’m dropping this one. 
Second Chance Ep 2 - they are my adorable babies and I LOVE THEM. Must protect Jeno at all cost. Chris, come on, boy needs you. (They’re the jock/nerd pair.) Then there’s the friend-to-lovers (Paper & Fah) and cafe cute boys (M & Near). We got artful injury tending (finger & lip) and some jealousy or something. Is the script good? Hell no. Is anything happening? Nope. But I’m INVESTED in the nothingness. 
Lovely Writer Ep 7 - mostly set in the past, but the child actors they got were decent. I actually liked how they explained Sib’s behavior (I mean losing your BFF + figuring out you’re gay at the same time gotta mess with your head). We got touch my lip, carry baby to bed, let’s sleep facing, face touch, hair touch, and a hand kiss as well as The Kiss. With so many intimacy and caring tropes, I’m well pleased.  BONUS: NO SOUND EFFECTS. Please make then have fired the sound tech. OHPLEAESEOHPLEASEOHPLEASE. 
Fish Upon The Sky Ep 1 - I like it. Might as well break the 4th wall if you’re gonna do a voice over. Some super cringy moments but I think that’ll improve post makeover. Yet again we have a BL poking fun at its own tropes. 2021 is definitely the year of meta. Oh and Phuwin’s English is really good. 
Call It What You Want Ep 1-2 - it’s slow and more arty than I expected. The actor playing the main character looks eerily like Up (Gene in Lovely Writer) + an ex of mine - it’s disconcerting. 
Brothers Ep 10 - my two got together and ARE ADORABLE. I actually really like how they dealt with Khun’s seme ownership freak out. That’s some sexy communicating, boys! So many couples (and triads) I’m well confused, but I only love KhunKaow so no one else matters.  
Y-Destiny Ep 2 - cute, bit raunchy, kinda fun, about a million tropes in one tiny ep. I’m getting So Much in Love meets something from Strongberry. No bad thing... no real good thing either. But I was expecting a lot worse. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai 
HIStory 4: Close To You (Taiwan) Ep 4 (AKA Ep 7-8) - I don’t wanna blog about it. I can’t even think about it. I’m still gonna keep watching it. Conclusion? I’m trash. 
Word of Honor (China) Ep 22-24 - Wen is as much as a drama queen as Gene (in his own special way). Most of his past is now revealed plus obligatory bathing scene. (Is Gong Jun contractually obliged to be topless in all his dramas or is it just for the good of the planet? Asking for a friend.) A good 60% of the time I have no idea what is going on (so many names! who is this Lovelace putz allasudden?) but I don’t care cause they so pretty. 
Most Peaceful Place (Vietnam) Ep 3 - didn’t drop this week, or was it only 2 episodes? I’m so confused. 
We Best Love 2 (Taiwan) Ep 6 fin - It’s GREAT, they’re great, everyone’s great, the world is great. So pleased to get Shu Yi and his dad talking Japanese. I love it when Taiwan makes use of bilingual actors (see Because of You) almost as much as them flexing their marriage equality muscles. The full circle pool kiss was adorable and this series is officially a favorite. (@heretherebedork your boys don’t end unhappily but they don’t get an HEA either, everyone else does. I think you’d be okay with this one.) 
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Stand Alones 
Tell the World I Love You (Thai BL movie) released into theaters? Or not? Haven’t heard anything about it. 
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Breaking News 
Bite Me got a full trailer and it looks GOOD. Mark Siwat seems to be carrying this one, which is fine, we all know he can (especially if you’ve seen his non-LBC stuff). Quality controls seem relatively high, although this may only be a fund-raising trailer. No eng subs at last check but I’m disposed to be hopeful. It feels like we are in Oxygen territory and that was one of my favorites last year. 
You’re My Sky dropped what they’re calling an “official pilot.” No eng subs. I think this is a tester trailer to raise funds. MDL listing makes this sound like a standard college BL, but trailer portrays a sports romance. Stars almost-familiar new faces from Y-Destiny. It’s like we have a new crop of BL actors chomping at the bit to take over from MaxTul or MewGulf, and with the 91 line aging out*, maybe they aren’t wrong? 
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* Don’t crawl into my craw, they’ve most of ‘em said they don’t wanna keep doing BL after turning 30 and frankly, why should they? 
Nitiman dropped BTS from their publicity shoot. No eng subs. 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
Some shows may be listed later than actual air date for International accessibility reasons. 
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Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
Spring Line Up:
Close Friend the series (Thai trailer) April 22.
2gether the movie (Thai trailer) April 22 to Thai theaters.
Nitiman (Thai) May 7 on One31.
I Told Sunset About You 2 (Thai) May 27 on LineTV
Ossan’s Love (Hong Kong) June to Viu
I joined MDL under this handle AbsoluteBL. Find me there if you like, currently it’s just ratings, tracking, & three lists: 
Japanese BL & Live Action Yaoi Manga
Korean BL
Taiwanese BL
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arcanaeventhub · 3 years
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ASKBOX || EVENT SUBMISSIONS The Arcana Event Hub is a blog dedicated to hosting and promoting events related to the Arcana game fandom. We’re happy to kick off with our first event:
12th October - 14th November
Before joining, take a moment to check out the guidelines!
Who Can Join?
Are you an Arcana fan? Would you like to be part of a gift exchange? Then, congrats, you’re 100% eligible for the event!
Click here or the link above for the form
How Long Are Sign-Ups?/Can I Still Sign Up After This Is Closed?
Sign-ups officially close on 14th Nov and it’s unlikely we’ll accept any applications after, as we want to start match-ups right away to give everyone enough time to work on their gift
I’ve Signed Up...But I Don’t Think I Can Do It Anymore 🥺
That’s perfectly alright! However, please inform us early so we can account this for match-ups
What Gifts Can I Make?
Art and writing are both accepted. There is no minimum requirement in regards to art detail or word count, as effort differs from person to person, but do try to put your best effort forward.
All gifts must be 100% new, meaning it has not been posted before. They cannot be plagiarised or stolen.
What About Other Types of Gifts?
Other types of gifts can be included, but they should be as add-ons, not the main gift. Only art and writing will be accepted as main gifts.
Are Physical Goods Allowed? 
The event itself will not be allowing shipment of physical gifts due to the need for addresses and the sensitivity of such information.
However, once the event is over, participants may discuss between themselves if they wish to carry out physical shipping privately between them. 
How About 18+/Adult Content? 🔞🔞
18+ content is allowed! Don’t forget to tag your gift appropriately.
HOWEVER, this is only allowed between adults ie the gift-giver must be an adult and the gift-receiver must also be an adult. Content must be tagged appropriately.
If any minors are caught falsifying their ages and claiming to be adults, especially in order to obtain 18+ content, they will be banned from the event and possibly from joining any other events hosted by this blog.
When Is The Deadline For My Gift?
The deadline is from 25th Dec 2021 to 1st Jan 2022.
An extra 1-week extension from the final date may be requested, which your partner will be informed of
What Is A Pinch-Hitter?
A pinch-hitter is a back-up contributor. In other words, if someone’s gift is missing, a pinch-hitter will step in and create a substitute gift.
If you haven’t received your gift and there is no news from your partner/your partner dropped out, a pinch-hitter will be assigned to you
I’m a Pinch-Hitter, Do I Have A Deadline?
Unfortunately, yes. We don’t want people to be left waiting for too long after all
Pinch-hitters will be given a deadline of two (2) weeks to complete their gift.
If you have more questions, feel free to drop them in our inbox! Hope to see yall soon~
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