#this cm rewatch is fun.
calcat89 · 2 months
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Me and Derek Morgan every time we remember that Penelope Garcia dated professional whiner Kevin Lynch for like years and years
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aaronwhorechner · 9 months
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ive only had andi swan for 15 seconds but if anything happens to her im killing everyone and then myself
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gothprentiss · 11 months
might fuck around and 🫨 rewatch all of cm
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spencerismydopamine · 2 years
Just realised something super cool in Part 2 of The Fisher King. When Diana visits she picks up a key off the evidence board. Spencer takes it backs and scolds her for moving evidence but slips the key into his pocket to put back later since in the moment he needs to ask his mother about the case.
Later on when the house is on fire and they’re trying to save Rebecca, Morgan tells Spencer he’d better have the key and Spencer still has it in his pocket. Without that key they wouldn’t have been able to save Rebecca before the house burned down. So Diana not only helped solve the case, she helped save the girl too!
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morganprentiss · 1 year
Ok. I can’t provide a visual cause I don’t know how to do that lol but ya know the scene in “Jones” of Emily and Reid where everyone’s like “🥵 this is lesbian and bi solidarity” or whatever. Well like 2 seconds later there’s a similar shot of derek and emily next to each other that I’d like to argue is just as great and gives bi/bi solidarity (cause they’re both bi obviously)
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meowjorie · 1 year
completely forgot and still can’t believe reid 100% seriously threw out the “eviler twin” theory in the angel maker
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insideliascrazyhead · 10 months
High and Low the worst random rewatch thoughts 2 backwards cause that´s how I watched the franchise first time around
-Oochi brothers have one braincell they share and its for fighting any kinda threat to their friends even if they´re in the wrong
-You can see Tsukasas reason to live crawl back into him as soon as he sees Fujio.Aw and he´s smiling too!
-i love the way Tsukasa is like phew no responsibilities anymore hey now you all gotta do whatever that guy over there says
-Yasu- kiyo faction calling Fujio a shrimp but c´mon their leader is Yasushi who´s literally only 2 cm (my crazy ass googled it) taller then Fujio
-Jamou and Sabakan meet once a week to gossip you can´t change my mind
-i love the nickname the crazy bastards its like a trigger warning for a person,fits great
-the moment he realised they´re former neighbours Fujio already planned his force adoption and the creation of his own faction that way
-Yasushi laughing about„Doroki“until Tsukasa´s death glare and he just goes quiet with a slight cough pretending to be all serious is so great
-Sachio kicking crackhead ass is just chefs kiss
-Murayama sleeping with a book on his face he probably never read a page off also saying he got fired again means he´s a menace at work and i wanna know what he did
-Arata my man,you´re a miserable drug dealer,you´re not sneaky and you wear to attention drawing stuff just no also the colorful hair of the other crackheads isn´t helping i also strongly belive they snort the hair color too at least they look like it
-Fujio fcalling force adopting them into his family/faction „Im super busy on my misison right now“is so adorable it´s painful
-that even Oya High has a no drug rule among students made me realise i went to a ghetto ass high school man
-Tetsu being scared of the Oochi brothers.My guy you sit at a table with a angry cobra relax you´re gonna be okay.
-Fujio looks worse after the fall down the stairs then after any fight
-what if Cobra was busy when Murayama called and is just like oh great i can talk to you meanwhile Cobra sits in his underwear with his one night stand impatiently waiting.i mean he was probably getting drunk at the bar or disociating in the diner but its still a fun thought
-no one can tell me Yasushis injury didnt leave damage behind that he just tells no one about until shit goes down badly.
-they could´ve worn crackhead attire and would´ve made a lot more belivable fulltimers.
-I could swear they´re like a block from Yasushi and the wannabe Housen crackheads.
-at least they didn´t accidentally switch and the guys attacked the target they´re dressed up as
-what happened to Yasushi that night?Well that storyline has more cracks than Yasushis head
-Aww look at Tsukasa caring about Yasushi in a if anyone kills this lunatic it´s me kinda way
-look at Fujio being the motivational leader.man´s the definition of fuck shit up but don´t die and Tsukasa will wipe a tear and say it´s so inspirational.
-Tsukasas heart eyes are so bright they glow in the night
-love the beef with Yasu-Kiyo and ChunChun even though i think they already forgot why they wanna fight probably just for entertainment
-Fujio´s „Don´t get injured again“So sweet.
-Yasushi could be missing a fucking limb and still be up to kick ass or at least try
-that´s the movie nerd in me but Yasushi punching the car was just the cue for Shidaken´s actor to start running
-Yasushi.No,you don´t fucking tell them where you´re injured that they can beat you better this man saw Shidaken and suddenly,guy cute,brain empty.
-i love how Shibaman and Tsuji always fight together,also he took that thing with the hair color personally.
-Odajima really goes oh i like that one the others are losers but this one;friendshaped.I mean fight later friend shaped of course.
-why does Shidaken open Yasushi´s wound with pressure and not the force of a kick or hit?!
-after fighting Shidaken did he pass out or why do we not see him anywhere anymore
-Fujio vs.Shidaken reminds me of two ferrets
-Sachio crushed on Fujio at least a little bit
-Murayama with the damn truck has my heart
-Sabakan saving all of them
-Kiyoshi still fighting because he wants revenge for Yasushi those two bastards have such a adorable relationship and a heart of gold man.
-not Yasushi cooling his head with a water bottle thats funnier then it should be like my man you could´ve easily sit this one out
-I will never get over the disgust on Housen´s faces when they see Hope Hill then there´s Yasushi´s ah so many great memories smile
-Sachio,honey I know you love your friend and sympolism or whatever but wearing someone elses dried blood is just weird -Shidaken thinks he´s probably loosing it when they catch fire and don´t give a fuck like I´m not crazy ya´ll seeing this I´m not hallucinating jet my head injury comes next movie!
-i love how they throw rocks and Todoroki just goes well imma throw them right back at you!
-not Jamuo hiding in a damn trash can!I love the little guy so much.
-Fujio could´ve easily ran over the crackheads but no this guy runs over his own people and Housen
-why are the Oochi brother fighting in pimp coats?
-i love how soft Murayama is towards the other half timers
-the coolest introduction will always be Odajima´s Heya!That´s the housen killer corps have fun dying.
-Murayma with his Hyuga impression is adorable
-Fujio,Tsukasa and Jamuo running from Suzuran is the greatest ending ever.
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luveline · 5 months
What is your favorite criminal minds episode? I’m currently debating on whether or not I should rewatch it because I’ve seen so many tiktoks of it and because of your writing, but I don’t know which season to watch.
my favourite episode is mayhem!! Season 4 episode 1 (I think) the really surreal part of the New York terrorist cell attack!! But I think if you’re gonna watch it again you have to watch the episode before too because it’s so good and builds the tension and I always remember my first time watching it and how hard I gasped I was in shock, and how sad it is too. I love those early seasons so much. I also love the two part season finale of season 7 where will is being held inside the bank. The finales are always so fun cos sometimes I think cm gets so formulaic hahaha
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My headcanon about Hotch leaving in Season 12, Reid's reaction, and trying to have it make some kind of sense.
This is the first rewatch of the later seasons I've done since it aired on TV, and I've only just finished Season 12 episode 4 (I do, however, know the early seasons ridiculously well).
From LDSK onwards, I only ever really watched it for Hotch, Reid, and the Hotch/Reid dynamic. I didn't really watch it after Hotch left, but caught bits and pieces because my roomates did.
Yes I know why Thomas Gibson left the show and why they had to suddenly wrap up his character. No, I don't condone violence in the workplace. I also never dove deeply into the behind-the-scenes lore of this show, cast and crew interviews, etc etc. This will purely be relating to the show as it was depicted on screen, and my love for the characters as their own entities.
I am not going back to fully source which eps all my observations come from, cos I'm supposed to be working on an assignment rn and CM transcripts are a ducking nightmare. I just wanted to put this idea out there cos I think we all need a bit of self-soothing after the crap they fed us to write Hotch out of the show.
Also fun story I just came back to finish writing this after being interrupted by what I though was someone trying to break into my house at 4am (heard a noise, gate wide open, can't see anyone but damn, scary. My town's big on crime, too). SO my thoughts may now be even more disorganised thanks to the adrenaline crash headache I'm currently experiencing.
So anyway like I said, just finished watching S12E04 Keeper, during which Reid gets a call we don't hear, is visibly upset by it, and takes a bit of prodding to discuss it with JJ and Rossi. He then reveals that he was just told his mother left her care facility on her own and was found wandering confused around a casino. He takes minimal convincing to head back to Quantico and lines himself up another couple of days off to visit his mum (yes I'm Australian, this is how we spell it lol).
MY HEADCANON: This is when Hotch called Reid to tell him that he was going into witness protection and wouldn't be coming back. (Exactly how much was discussed on the phone vs possibly being discussed/explained later in person is of course open to interpretation, but enough for Reid to know Hotch wanted to say goodbye and to not tell the rest of the team).
I know that his mum's issues are an ongoing valid storyline. But this is why it was also a plausible excuse for Reid to come up with on the spot as to why he was upset.
Another thing that makes it entirely plausible that the phone call was about Hotch is the long, significant staring Reid did at Prentiss as she walked away after they discuss what supposedly happened with his mum. To me that could scream that Reid was actually dealing with something team-related, and was already grieving how it would affect the other members of his team that he's keeping it from. He could have gazed down or elsewhere to communicate his worry for his mum to the audience, but he specifically turned and watched Prentiss leave, looking all angsty.
What's a heck of a lot less plausible:
His mum, who has been in care since Reid became a legal adult, suddenly escaping her care facility, despite having been in care for well over a decade and who now needs even more supervision due to Alzheimer's on top of her Schizophrenia. Yeah, escapes happen, but to make it all the way into a casino and being found in a confused state? When this didn't happen before Reid flew up and got her diagnosed her with Alzheimers? Even though she'd been getting some increased freedoms for doing well on her new meds prior to her sudden worsening with the Alzheimer's onset?
Hotch leaving without saying something directly to Reid first. Yeah, I'm a shipper, and I know Hotch has his son to think about, but I call BULLSHIT. Hotch knows all about Reid's abandonment issues and there is no way he'd want to end up on the same mental list Reid keeps alongside Reid's father and Gideon. When Gideon went AWOL, Hotch returned from suspension, despite the fight he knew it would cause with his wife, because "the team" needed him. Then Haley stressed "no, they need Gideon". Fully believe this was all just about Reid (I also kinda low-key believe Haley had an inkling about Hotch's thing for Reid but anyway). Hotch, Reid and Morgan functioned as a team while Gideon was on leave after the bomber case, Morgan didn't even really want Gideon to come back and would not have been that thrown by his absence. Reid however we all know was very emotionally-involved. And it's Reid that Hotch pulls aside to get his head back in the game (and who then gives them a breakthrough in the case shortly after, at Hotch's encouragement). When Gideon had officially left and Hotch addressed the team about it, he mostly directed what he was saying towards Reid, when he said that he couldn't explain why he'd left the way he did, etc. And when Hotch was trying to decide whether he'd take over as section chief after Strauss left, again he was addressing the team but pretty much turned and spoke directly to Reid when he said something along the lines of "if I decide to leave the BAU, you'll be the first to know". He also saw how much it killed Reid to be lied to about Prentiss (and you can see he felt like shit about it during Reid's assessment). This man. Would NOT. Have left Reid without saying goodbye. That's the hill I'm dying on. On top of that, Hotch is always the most emotionally-compromised whenever Reid is in danger, and he knows it (he let Gideon know he was currently a terrible example of "handling things emotionally" while Reid was being held by Hankel, resulting in Gideon's weak reassurance of "We'll get him"; when Reid got on that train with Elle he tried to stop it then immediately went to chat with the sniper; when Reid was in the cult compound he had to hand off negotiations to Rossi; when Reid was protecting Owen Savage; heck he practically yeeted Morgan out of the way when Reid was trying to talk down Maeve's stalker and they heard a gunshot. Etc etc.). And whenever Hotch gets emotionally affected by other things (eg that defence attorney for amnesia/coma guy, or regarding his brother), Reid is the one who can break through that and keep him steady. Reid is VERY IMPORTANT to Hotch and I don't see him hurting Reid in what to him is the worst way someone could do it.
Reid being so chill about Hotch suddenly leaving without saying goodbye. Goes without saying, yeah? But I'll say it. I get that they've been trying to paint him as more emotionally-mature and that he was able to handle Morgan leaving, but it is SO not the same relationship or circumstance and Reid would not have taken Hotch's departure in stride like that. I get that they also wanted the show and its characters to move on as quickly and as apparently unaffected as possible, but it still clearly flies in the face of proper characterisation. Reid is brilliant and back when he was being held by Hankel, I'm sure he could have found any number of ways to communicate with a specific team member at that moment, but he chose Hotch. He knew Hotch would be the only one capable of putting his ego aside at being "picked to die" and to listen properly to the rest of Reid's message. Once he confirmed that his message was correct and that he was in a cemetery, Reid was so sure that Hotch understood his message and would be coming to save him that he let his guard down for the first time. I think he only picked up that gun and shot Hankel with it in the end to just superstitiously make sure that the bullet never did reach Hotch (and to "free" Tobias, or whatever. Either way Hankel wasn't going for the gun or to use Reid as a shield when he turned to face off with the FBI and any of them could have taken him down easily). They've only been getting closer and closer over the years, on-screen and off (Fist-bump anyone? Always standing close together? Plus Reid's been teaching Jack magic tricks and was the one to get him smiling and laughing after Hotch got arrested by SWAT, which you know would make Hotch even more gooey for him). They're 100% an army of 2/hyper-competent power couple (take for instance the way Hotch and Reid were mirrored against Garcia and Kevin when she referred to her own pairing as the President and Vice-President after the bank blew up?) who can probably achieve 90% of the team's success level on their own. That super-serial-killer chick may have talked about Reid losing a "protector" in Morgan, but Hotch has always been the one Reid has come to or looked to. He was pretty distraught about the idea of Hotch leaving to be Section Chief, not that long ago, too. Also, constant super-crush behaviour which I could list but this post is already very long. Reid would not just immediately go "Prentiss is our leader now, this'll be great!". FFS.
Anyway we all know the way they wrote Hotch off was bullshit, hence the suuuper-long monologue to explain everything that's apparently happened off-screen, and yeah he'd totally enter WITSEC without even telling the team (until he decided to resign) when Peter Lewis had already hacked it once and killed the person on it before the team figured out who he was after and got there 🙄. All of it is super implausible. But to me, nothing more so than Reid's poor imitation of shock/surprise and almost total lack of emotional reaction. Him knowing beforehand, because Hotch already said goodbye to him, is the only thing that will ever make me be at peace with this crap from an in-universe POV.
This could all be shot to pieces in the next ep lol, but for now I'm just glad my brain has a way to make sense of it.
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notasedgyasidliketobe · 7 months
It’s fun rewatching criminal minds after seeing Evolution. I finally understand why i had to guess all the scenes in evolution from context cause i couldn’t see shit in this darkness (oh, we’re in the woods now? i wouldn’t know, i thought this was hell), it’s because in the earlier seasons, it was a cm specialty to put in the most ungodly overlit scenes possible. Everytime they are out it in the sun, it’s like a disney animation movie, where no shadow can exist, we need to see every detail of every face (i get it, they are all very pretty, but still). And now it’s like, why even bother filming the scene when I CANNOT SEE WHATS HAPPENING?
… growth
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bllakcat · 3 months
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alias / name: deax!
birthday:  october 12th
zodiac sign: libra
height: 152 cm
hobbies: writing, gym, video games, pilates
favorite color: my favorite color tends to change, but i like warm, soft beiges, &. warm toned pinks.
favorite book: hard to decide honestly. i like mythology books a lot in general. but perhaps lotr.
last song: melancholy hill - gorillaz. ( i watched the f.low 22 show for the 1000th time bc i miss being there. )
last film / show: i rewatched jjk, &. now started naruto. ( thanks blythe. )
recent reads: i read a bit of percy jackson again, but sadly, also academic books.
inspiration: definitely music!! pinterest helps also, but i've written felicia for so many years, she is just always there for me. many things remind me of her, &. as i go on as a writer, i always find more things i want to write about her etc. also studying her in different verses is fun!
story behind url: this is very much on the nose.
fun fact about me: i've danced on the stage with a finnish band. ( m.ouhous. )
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tagged by: @otlaw &. @feyras thank you sweethearts!! 🖤 tagging: @raytm , @aliasinvestigate , @ow1et , @ofsoul , @thengone , @fortrauma , @diaboelic , @greenelight , @quinfamy , @arkguin , @daylighter &. i know you guys, but i still wanna tag you @gunbash , @warbyrds , @denouemente , @l1sten
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ghostberriezzz · 11 months
all info i have on the drdt characters
i have no idea how to use tumblr help data is accurate for up to chapter 2 ep 11 This took an absolute absurd amount of time, i had to rewatch the whole thing multiple times to get all of this plus digging around the official website and finding secrets. plus for my non americans out there i converted the imperial stuff to metric too! :D
Teruko Tawaki:
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Quote: “I will survive this, no matter what!”
Talent: Ultimate Lucky Student Official Description: The protagonist. Despite having the Ultimate title of “Lucky Student, of her peers. it seems like the only luck Teruko has is bad luck. Accidents and misfortunes constantly plague Teruko and those around her. Despite this, she remains courageous and confident in her own abilities. Teruko has a natural inclination to be a bit distrustful”
Secret Quote: " it is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust no one at all." Mai Description: some years ago, she was searching for someone named ‘teruko tawaki.’ Secret: ? Received secret of: Rose Lacroix
Personal Weapon: Hunting knife
Height: 5'8" / 172.72 cm
Weight: 120 lbs / 54.43 kg
Chest: 36 in / 91.44 cm
Birthday: January 7th
Likes: Ocean breeze
Dislikes: Vehicles
Charles Cuevas:
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Quote: “Heh. It’s a waste of my time talking to an imbecile like you.”
Talent: Ultimate Chemist
Official Description: While there’s no doubt that the Ultimate Chemist is very educated and talented in the field of chemistry, Charles Cuevas has no qualms on using those facts to lord his intellectual superiority over others. He looks down upon those he views as less intelligent. On the flipside, Charles is easy to tease and often loses his cool if made fun of.
Secret Quote: "if you forgot it, then it probably wasn’t important to begin with. none of those memories should ever be kept anyway." Mai Description: a girl who loves her family. Secret: Your older brother died, but you don't remember him at all.
Received secret of: Eden Tobisa
Personal Weapon: Strychnine
Height: 5'9" / 175.26 cm
Weight: 151 lbs / 68.49 kg
Chest: 30 in / 76.20 cm
Birthday: September 5th
Likes: Coffee ice cream
Dislikes: Dogs
Rose Lacroix:
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Quote: “…What are we talking about? I wasn’t paying attention.”
Talent: Ultimate Art Forger
Official Description: As the Ultimate Art Forger, Rose Lacroix paints copies of famous masterpieces that are so realistic that they’re often mistaken for the real thing. She owes her forgery talent to her photographic memory. Despite this, Rose is very absent-minded and rarely pays attention to things. She’ll often zone out in the middle of a conversation, or worse, fall asleep.
Secret Quote: "in the end, the only thing i can do is watch my wretched life go on." Mai Description: she remembers everything that is important to others. Secret: You took on your talent to earn money for your family. But you've since put in them in a lifetime of debt.
Received secret of: Whit Young
Personal Weapon: Turpentine
Height: 5'4" / 162.56 cm
Weight: 121 lbs / 54.88 kg
Chest: 32 in / 81.28 cm
Birthday: November 29th
Likes: Sleeping
Dislikes: Conversation
Arturo Giles:
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Quote: “I only talk to attractive people, so you can get out of my sight.”
Talent: Ultimate Plastic Surgeon
Official Description: Arturo Giles is a Plastic Surgeon who specializes in cosmetic surgery. He worships those who possess beauty, and shuns those who are “ugly,” an adjective that he applies to just about everyone. Arturo is rude, condescending, and has little value for others…unless you happen to be a gorgeous celebrity, in which case he’ll kiss up to you.
Secret Quote: "you hated them, but even that doesn’t justify what you did." Mai Description: a girl who sees the beauty in everyone. Secret: Your younger sister killed herself because of you. You should have never left.
Received secret of: Julia Rosales
Personal Weapon: Scalpel
Height: 6'3" / 190.50 cm
Weight: 178 lbs / 80.74 kg
Chest: 33 in / 83.82 cm
Birthday: May 1st
Likes: Tabloids
Dislikes: Unclean air
Levi Fontana:
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Quote: “I will do my utmost best to make sure that you all are safe.”
Talent: Ultimate Personal Stylist
Official Description: His appearance may be intimidating, but Levi Fontana has the innocuous talent of Personal Stylist. He has a serious nature and rarely displays strong emotions, but he takes care of his classmates and does his best to help them. Levi seems to have a dangerous past that he’s unwilling to talk about.
Secret Quote: " i always believed that a person is defined by their actions alone. but maybe that’s just a poor excuse for my heartlessness." Mai Description: a girl with a floral tattoo on her arm. Secret: ?
Received secret of: Arei Nageishi
Personal Weapon: Brass knuckles
Height: 6'1" / 185.42 cm
Weight: 205 lbs / 92.99 kg
Chest: 49 in / 124.46
Birthday: March 24th
Likes: Suckers (candy)
Dislikes: Unpredictable people
Whit Young:
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Quote: “Pfft, what’s wrong with a little joke every now and then?”
Talent: Ultimate Matchmaker
Official Description: It’s said that if you get the Ultimate Matchmaker to find you a romantic partner, you’re guaranteed to have a happy and stable relationship for life. Unfortunately for Whit Young, he seems to lack all luck when it comes to finding a relationship himself. Whit is seemingly unable to take any situation seriously. He’s always cracking jokes and making light of things.
Secret Quote: "we tend to idolize the dead." Mai Description: a girl with many friends. Secret: Your mother is dead. You always omit that truth.
Received secret of: David Chiem
Personal Weapon: Stationary
Height: 5'6" / 167.64 cm
Weight: 142 lbs / 64.41kg
Chest: 31 in / 78.74 cm
Birthday: Febuary 15th
Likes: Puns
Dislikes: Valentine’s Day
Eden Tobisa:
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Quote: “I hope we all become good friends!”
Talent: Ultimate Clockmaker
Official Description: Peppy, diligent, and always punctual, Eden Tobisa is the cheerful Clockmaker. She has a bit of a tendency to overwork herself as she gets absorbed into her work sometimes. While it may seem that Eden is a tad on the emotional or naive side, in the end she’s still a regular girl who likes hanging out.
Secret Quote: "you can’t go back, no matter how hard you try." Mai Description: a girl who kept calling the number, even though no one picked it up. Secret: Ever since you kissed her, you were afraid your sexuality would ruin your friendships.
Received secret of: Arturo Giles
Personal Weapon: Wrench
Height: 5'2" / 157.48
Weight: 110 lbs / 49.90
Chest: 32 in / 81.28
Birthday: December 31st
Likes: Sweet foods
Dislikes: Bitter foods
Julia Rosales:
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Quote: “Tch, you’re so goddamn annoying.”
Talent: Ultimate Effects Artist
Official Description: Julia “J” Rosales specializes in theatrical special effects, and has worked on many famous plays and musicals throughout her life. She hates actors, believing that all actors are egotistical spotlight-hogs. While she tries to act tough, in truth she’s quite vulnerable on the inside.
Secret Quote: "Please don’t call me your daughter ever again." Mai Description: she kept it a secret, and told no one. Secret: You hide your name and birthright to pretend that you aren't the daughter of Mariabella Rosales.
Received secret of: Charles Cuevas
Personal Weapon: Universal Remote
Height: 5'7" / 170.18 cm
Weight: 139 lbs / 63.05
Chest: 37 in / 93.98 cm
Birthday: April 20th
Likes: Dark clothing
Dislikes: “Girly” things
Hu Jing:
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Quote: “Can you please try and act with a little more maturity?”
Talent: Ultimate Zither Player
Official Description: Hu Jing is an incredibly talented musician who specializes as the Ultimate Zither Player. It’s said that even a listening to a few minutes of one of her performances will bring tears to even the hardest of hearts. Hu possesses a very motherly personality, and does her best to maintain order in the group. At times, her nagging nature shows.
Secret Quote: "i want to pay for what i’ve done, but even then, i still want to live." Mai Description: a girl who wanted to keep everyone safe. Secret: ?
Received secret of: ?
Personal Weapon: Wire
Height: 5'10" / 177.80 cm
Weight: 150 lbs / 68.04 kg
Chest: 39 in / 99.06 cm
Birthday: April 12th
Likes: Daikon
Dislikes: Math
Nico Hakobyan:
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Quote: “A-ah…uhm…I’m sorry…please don’t shout at me.”
Talent: Ultimate Pet Therapist
Official Description: As the Ultimate Pet Therapist, Nico Hakobyan possesses an incredible synergy with animals and works with owners to address behavioral issues in their pets. Yet by spending so much time around animals, Nico may have forgotten how to act around humans. They are quite nervous around others and sometimes struggle to word things correctly.
Secret Quote: "why should i own up for the mistakes someone else made?" Mai Description: everyone confided in her. Secret: No one accepted you because of your identity. You were constantly mocked by your family, your peers, and everyone else.
Received secret of: Ace Markey
Personal Weapon: Laser pointer
Height: 5'5" / 165.10 cm
Weight: 132 lbs / 59.87 kg
Chest: 32 in / 81.28 cm
Birthday: December 19th
Likes: Cat-themed things
Dislikes: Bathtubs
Ace Markey:
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Quote: “The fuck, do you wanna fight? …Wait, shit, don’t actually come over here-!”
Talent: Ultimate Jockey
Official Description: Ace Markey is an incredible Jockey, having won dozens of awards for his jockeying abilities…and yet he completely detests the sport. Ace is incredibly aggressive and constantly lashing out at others, and yet at the same time is a massive coward. He’s all bark, no bite.
Secret Quote: "i don’t know what to do with myself anymore." Mai Description: a girl who had a bright future. Secret: Your body is falling apart, but you still refuse to eat.
Received secret of: Nico Hakobyan
Personal Weapon: Riding crop
Height: 5'5" / 165.10 cm
Weight: 117 lbs / 53.07 kg
Chest: 28 in / 71.12 cm
Birthday: October 31st
Likes: Mint
Dislikes: Meat
Arei Nageishi:
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Quote: “If I tell you a secret, will you promise to keep it?”
Talent: Ultimate Bowler
Official Description:
Secret Quote: "because thats what friends do." Mai Description: she doesn’t like it when her friends fight. Secret: Blackmail, rumors, lying, stealing, slander. You did everything you could to ruin your sisters' lives.
Received secret of: ?
Personal Weapon: Rope
Height: 5'7" / 170.18 cm Weight: 128 lbs /58.06 kg Chest: 33 in / 83.82 cm
Birthday: November 3rd Likes: Gossip Dislikes: Being ignored
Min Jeung:
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Quote: “Sorry, but could you please not disturb me? I’m trying to study right now.”
Talent: Ultimate Student
Official Description: Min Jeung is one of the top school performers in the nation, and as thus has rightfully earned the title of Ultimate Student. Her talents lie in her diligence at studying and her excellent memory. She is almost always seen quietly studying, never wasting a single opportunity to prep for school, and gets annoyed if she is distracted from this task.
Secret Quote: "i wanted to save you." Mai Description: an average girl with nothing special at all about her. Secret: ?
Received secret of: ?
Personal Weapon: Pen
Height: 5'8" / 172.72 cm Weight: 138 lbs / 62.60 kg Chest: 34 in / 86.36 cm
Birthday: July 10th Likes: Tarantulas Dislikes: Children
Alexander Matthews:
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Quote: “Screw the rules!”
Talent: Ultimate Rebel
Official Description: Loud in both voice and personality, Alexander “Xander” Matthews earned the title of Ultimate Rebel through his consistent tendency to go against the status quo and break the rules. Xander has a strong sense of morals, and is constantly trying to right the world’s wrongs. Don’t accuse him of being just a rule-breaking problem child, though. He gets worked up very easily.
Secret Quote: survivor guilt(n): feelings of guilt for having survived a catastrophe in which others died Mai Description: she couldn’t stand to do nothing. Secret: How can I even select what secret to be your motive? Just about everything you've done in your life is worth killing for. The killing game is all your fault.
Received secret of: ?
Personal Weapon: Pistol
Height: 6'0" / 182.88 cm Weight: 170 lbs / 77.11 kg Chest: 36 in / 91.44 cm
Birthday: June 15th Likes: Volunteering Dislikes: Unmotivated people
Veronika Grebenshchikova:
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Quote: “A killing game? Hmm, how interesting…”
Talent: Ultimate Horror Fanatic
Official Description: Veronika Grebenshchikova is in constant pursuit of the thrill of being scared, leading to an interest in horror fiction. Her intense consumption and studies of the horror genre have earned her the title of Ultimate Horror Fanatic. She is embarrassed about her tendency to get carried away when talking about horror.
Secret Quote: "once something has been broken, it can never be pieced together in quite the same way again. the same goes for people." Mai Description: a girl who didn’t foresee the consequences. Secret: ?
Received secret of: ?
Personal Weapon: Horror collection
Height: 5'8" / 172.72 cm Weight: 145 lbs / 65.77 kg Chest: 37 in / 93.98 cm
Birthday: August 7th Likes: Skateboarding Dislikes: Boredom
David Chiem:
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Quote: “You can definitely achieve your dreams, I believe in you!”
Talent: Ultimate Inspirational Speaker
Official Description: David Chiem is a renowned Inspirational Speaker who has motivated many people through his uplifting speeches. As one would expect, David is a constantly optimistic personality who encourages those around him to keep on moving. His true personality may be more pessimistic and lazy than he lets on, according to some (unreliable) sources
Secret Quote: "i hate you, i hate you, i hate you. i wish you would just die." Mai Description: she forgives everyone. Secret: You exist to manipulate others. Everyone else exists to be taken advantage of.
Received secret of: Alexander Matthews
Personal Weapon: Megaphone
Height: 5'9" / 175.26 cm Weight: 152 lbs / 68.95 kg Chest: 32 in / 81.28
Birthday: August 9th Likes: Ready-make oatmeal Dislikes: Expensive things
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Quote: “I’m the most beloved character in the cast!”
Talent: “Ultimate TV Show Host”
Official Description: A strange robot with a television for a head. MonoTV claims to be the “Ultimate TV Show Host” who is in charge of an unheard of reality TV show called “Danganronpa: Despair Time.” Although it says it’s in charge, it seems to incompetent in most things. Also, claims to be a dog despite looking nothing like one.
Secret Quote: "her name is mai akasaki." Mai Description: it’s all your fault.
Height: 2'7" / 78.74 cm Weight: 25 lbs / 11.34 kg Chest: 16 in / 40.64 km
Birthday: January 0th Likes: Sponsorships Dislikes: Being bullied
Mai Akasaki:
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Quote: There’s a way for you to be happy.
Talent: Ultimate ???
Secret Quote: All you have to do is ask for my hand, and I’ll give it to you. Ask for my life, and I’ll give it to you as well. Don’t apologize for asking. I’ll give you my forgiveness too.
Height: 5'8" / 172.72 cm Weight: 124 lbs / 56.25 kg Chest: 30 in / 76.20 cm
Birthday: February 1st Likes: Phone charms Dislikes: Silence
Top 3... (for funnies and sillies)
tallest characters:
#1: arturo giles - 6'3" / 190.50 cm #2: levi fontana - 6'1" / 185.42 cm #3: alexander matthews - 6'0" / 182.88 cm
shortest characters:
#1: eden tobisa - 5'2" / 157.48 #2: rose lacroix - 5'4" / 162.56 cm #3: ace markey/nico hakobyan (tie) - 5'5" / 165.10 cm
heaviest characters:
#1: levi fontana - 205 lbs / 92.99 kg #2: arturo giles - 178 lbs / 80.74 kg #3: alexander matthews - 170 lbs / 77.11 kg
lightest characters:
#1: eden tobisa - 110 lbs / 49.90 #2: ace markey - 117 lbs / 53.07 kg #3: teruko tawaki - 120 lbs / 54.43 kg
biggest chests:
#1: levi fontana - 49 in / 124.46 #2: hu jing - 39 in / 99.06 cm #3: julia rosales - 37 in / 93.98 cm
smallest chests:
#1: ace markey - 28 in / 71.12 cm #2: charles cuevas/mai akasaki (tie) - 30 in / 76.20 cm #3: whit young - 31 in / 78.74 cm (these dont include monotv of course)
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aaronwhorechner · 8 months
not me actually tearing up at alex leaving and spencer's sad little "bye, alex" as he closed the door to his apartment bc he knew yet another person was leaving him
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burninface · 1 month
Weekly Tag Wednesday
thanks for tagging me @lingy910y !
name: face
age: 23
time zone: GMT+8
what do you do for work? OT (occupational therapist)
do you have any pets? no:(
what first drew you into the fandom? well I actually watched this show when I was in middle school (I think it only had 2~3 seasons at that time), but I didn't have much impressions on it. and last year when I didn't know what to watch, I just rewatched all the shows I hadn't caught up on back then, and I suddenly realized: how didn't I notice that the two of them had such an attractive relationship?! how?! and I just want to see more and create more!
are you a morning person or night owl? I stay up till the day light A LOT, so night owl lol
what are your hobbies? writing, drawing, cooking, playing video games, reading, watching documentaries, and playing volleyball.
how tall are you? 172 cm
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? probably one of the scandinavian countries or even in the arctic circle since I don't like interact with people in person, but emm I'm not sure...
favorite color? I can't choose only one so black, it contains all the colors
favorite book? I had different favorite books at different stages, but lately I think it would be How to Invent Everything by Ryan North
favorite movie? A Fistful of Dollars
favorite fic? erm it's hard to just pick one but if I have to choose... The Halfway House by Mintsauce I guess, I read it from the very beginning and it definitely affected my understanding of gallavich relationship. also I once dreamed the scene written in Feeling Sun(I'm no longer one) by merle_p and Love Will Guide Us Home by dancermk.
favorite musical artist? Adam Lambert
what is your average screen time so far this week? a lot lol
what’s the first app you open in the morning? it's duolinguo
how long have you been on tumblr? about 5 years in total I think, I used to use it for about 4 years when I was in middle school and high school, and last year I started using it again
finally (and i know this is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: I'm super good at memorizing routes (I memorize them by observing surroundings, if an area hasn't changed much, I can recognize places I've only seen once or twice, even years later), but suck at memorizing roads' names, so basically every time I give directions to others I only describe the objects around.
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c-kiddo · 7 months
I just watched all of scavengers reign today and I feel like I gotta tell u
I just had to consume all of the cool speculative biology at once,, that was my favorite just seeing so much all the time. I wanna study it. I'd love to hear ur thoughts, if you have any, just about it all, idk. I haven't seen anybody talking about it anywhere cmon guyss. I need to fester. So many emotions
(I also so agree about ghostbird and grace they remind me so much of them)
aa glad u liked it !! ive been scouring the tag on here just to see a few people talking about it lol, even looked on reddit a little bit ago but there wasnt much. also for sure for sure feel that about the speculative biology (rly love speculative biology sm, i recommend CM Kosemen if you want more of that. all tomorrows + all yesterdays are rly interesting. all tomorrows is more scifi horror-y but i rly like the dinosaur/pterosaur stuff in all yesterdays and treating prehistoric animals like the animals they are , which means theyre weird and fat and fuzzy a lot of the time.. i love the therizinosaurs from it lol theyre so cute) . but ye! honestly i think i need to rewatch it because theres so many cool moments when you're like huh thats a weird creature, and then see it fills some odd highly specific niche like collecting berries for another creature or blending into white pillar structures. its just all really cool .the detail is crazy, it looks like it mustve been so fun to work on. its just all pretty fantastic . . im thinking about it a lot.
(also yess sm , when they teamed up i was like No way just like acceptance by jeff vandermeer :-) kajnfkjankjfs autism coded)
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galaxyhanart · 2 years
Your Cabinet Man AU has made me WEAK
But really it's so cool! I was just wondering how you think your AU would react to the Ninja from the actual show? Like its a stupid thought but I always find crossovers, etc. interesting and whatnot
Also is Morro like apart of the Ninja team or more on the side and doing his own thing? Living his life(again). And for Seabound does Morro play a active role and have his powers acting up too since him and Nya are technically “not elemental masters” and are their own thing. I can see Morro feeling so guilty that Nya was the one that went and blaming himself, cause he isn't “needed for the team”(depending on how you're doing this of course and you seem to like angst as much as me). And where does he go when everyone seperates.
I'm just really into Morro’s part for this AU
(My brain has been going a mile a minute thinking about the differences between your AU and the show have and how yours has so much more angst)
WAHHHH THANK U THANK U I saw all your tags on my posts i'm glad you like the AU :DDDDD
I'm not one to think TOO much about how canon characters would react to AU versions of themself, but I feel like Canon Jay would be like oh my First Master is this guy okay (spoiler alert he's not)
Since they both hide their traumas behind jokes, they'd probably see through each other pretty quick and have a mutual trauma dumping session lmao
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i also decided that Skybound wouldn't get undone at the end of the season bc i Really Hate that plot point so Canon Jay (or at least how i draw him) and CM! Jay have different scars and I think it'd be funny for Canon Jay to be like "OH MY GOD THE SCARS FROM NADAKHAN ARE STILL ON YOUR FACE" and CM! Jay responding with "wELL WHY DOES YOURS LOOK LIKE A LIGHTNING BOLT SCRAPED DOWN THE SIDE OF YOUR FACE"
I think Morro would be like a temporary member of the team! He stays with them for a while to recuperate and get used to being alive again, but he does want to work out his own emotions and find a life and purpose outside of trying to be the green ninja. He has a room in the monastery and everything but he's only there like half the time. I DO think it'd be very interesting to have him play a role in Seabound, especially since wind and water would BOTH be affected by everything going down. I'm not sure exactly what that role would be since most of Seabound I was. Sobbing. And I haven't had the heart to rewatch it yet LMAO
Morro's biggest purpose in the AU so far is to help Jay, actually. The two become pretty close as Morro helps Jay go through the same issues HE went through in terms of coping with being an Alive Person again. This is partly self-indulgent bc I want Morro and Jay to be friends so bad so so so bad canon why did you take this from me they could've been pranksters together it wouLD'VE BEEN SO FUN-
also yes! my AU has much more angst than canon heehehehe I like the themes of hurt/comfort that angsty scenarios can provide, so I'm kinda fucking up Jay more than canon does heeheehehehe also it's kind of hard to make "trapped in a video game for half your life and not even realize you're a PERSON" not angsty
Skybound is 100% on me tho I looked at that season and went we did not see Jay suffer enough so it's on me to fix that and also fix the rest of the season too bc it kinda sucks i have a love-hate relationship with it
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