#this doesn't just have to do with companies who are anti-palestine
fumagus · 4 months
Honestly in regard to last post, this is why I'm sometimes like "Don't even pirate it" even if I'm pro-piracy. I only save piracy for media that's literally difficult to find or not even available in my native language (especially talking about older anime before it went mainstream or 30-year-old games for the PS1 or SNES that have never been ported or translated), or is heavily censored (particularly the dumb shit they used to do with 4kids shows or with spongebob skipping episodes and scenes for overdone reasons), or is difficult to watch in one place (such as the Pokemon series, which is spread out across too many platforms to count, or, better yet, if you want to watch it subbed).
This is also why I want to tell people to not even pirate things made by nasty ideals such as being anti-Palestine, transphobic, antisemitic, anti-Black, and what have you. Or if you actually want to strike against the shows due to workplace abuse, anti-consumer-friendliness, or use of AI.
Because at the end of the day, these large platforms and their shows still win in away by taking your time away from smaller producers who may benefit from you watching their show instead of something heavily advertised by Netflix, even if you're still doing it for free. These companies care just as much about making money as much as they are trying to leave a cultural footprint. And pirating the most recent season of Stranger Things or the latest superhero movie, and then talking about it might as well be free advertising to them, in regards to others who don't know how to pirate, don't want to risk pirating, or already have a Netflix they don't care about cancelling. Even if these companies can and will stop pirates of their favorite shows and shit on their fans.
Even if you aren't paying these disgusting corporations with your money, you're still paying with your time.
So instead consider choosing to watch an obscure movie or TV show made by or featuring minorities vs a more popular one featuring or made by cishet, abled, white bigots or push tired tropes in regard to minorities.
Or choosing an obscure show or video game that's obviously a labor of love by a very small group of people vs a more popular, overfunded one that was either the product of crunch or AI to cut corners.
Or choosing a more obscure show and movie on youtube or game on Itchio that's free, if not consumer-friendly, to begin with vs more popular, overfunded media where you're only getting it for free by pirating it.
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ask-heartslabyul · 5 months
I know this is completely out of the blue but, I just want to let y'all know that the owner behind this account stands with Palestine & supports Palestinian liberation. What is currently happening in Gaza is truly a tragedy and, it is heartbreaking seeing numerous photos and videos of civilians mourning the lost of friends and family.
What's even more heartbreaking is seeing Zionist justify the attacks and defending IDF soldiers who are literally killing and terrorizing innocents. There is no excusing genocide; what Palestinians are going through is an active ethnic cleansing.
What is happening in the north is reminding me of how privileged I am. I can eat, sleep, play games, and carry on about my day without having to worry about bombs and, if I'm going to live to see the next day or not. The innocents in Gaza deserve to enjoy their life. They deserve to do the same things I do without having to worry about the constant air strikes, white phosphorus, and the sound of gunshots that ring their ears. The people of Gaza deserve to sleep comfortably in their beds at night with full bellies. The children deserve to attend school regularly and, play with their friends.
But instead, they're taking shelter inside tents, schools, and hospitals with minimum food, water, and severe injuries. Nobody shouldn't have to be subjected to this kind of torture. What isreal is doing to Gaza should count as a war crime.
For those reading this please continue to boycott companies and corporates that both supports and funds Israel. Continue educating yourself and speaking out about what's happening.
Ignore and don't fall for the propaganda isreal and zionist continue to use. Ignore the notion that being pro-palestine automatically makes you "anti semitic". It doesn't, it makes you pro-human rights. Also if you're pro isreal or "neutral" on what's happening, then you're on the wrong side of history. You cannot be neutral on genocide and human rights. There is NO neutral stance here.
Free Palestine from the apartheid system. Free them from war. Return the land that rightfully belongs to Palestinians.
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angie-da-spoof · 22 days
Listen up
For anyone who is somehow not aware what is going on, or is, in Palestine, I want to inform or remind you with whatever knowledge I have. Right now Palestinians are being bombed, tortured, and misplaced from their families. They are without clean water and little food, and almost all houses have been destroyed. Israel is trying to paint the murder they committed as justifiable because Palestinians are "dangerous", and because they deserve their turn at a genocide too. Promised refuge and safety they fled to Gaza, only to be met with more death. They are STEALING the land away from Palestinians, forcing them bit by bit to either hand over $10,000 per person to evacuate, to resist and survive the best they can, or to die. More than 35,000 Palestinians have died, about 5,100 being children. 100 Palestinian journalists have been murdered in an attempt to silence them, so, if you are supporting companies that are funding the genocide against them, shame on you. If you think or say that speaking out against Israeli is "anti-semitic", shame on you. If you believe that because this doesn't affect you it doesn't matter, shame on you. If you are refraining from speaking out because you "don't know enough", shame on you. If you know what is happening and aren't doing anything, anything at all, Shame. On. You. As said by Elie Wiesel-an author who wrote many books on another very important and sickening genocide, the Holocaust- in his speech accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, "And then I explain to him how naive we were, that the world did know and remained silent. And that is why I swore never to be silent when and wherever human beings endure suf- fering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." Now, I'm asking you to think. Think reeeeaaalll hard about what's going on. Is it right to stay silent? Is it right, to just ignore everything as Palestinians are being bombed and murdered at this very moment? Is it right, to go to Starbucks because you can't go without your fucking vanilla latte? Even what I'm doing is not enough, and if you're wondering, "then what is?" I can tell you: Banding together and protesting, donating, speaking out, doing all of that, ENDING the genocide for fucks sake. That is what would be enough.
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signalspells · 3 months
Please share this but don't use this to be actually anti-semitic to Jews - this is mostly directed from a Jew to other Jews.
I won't let my concerns about that keep me from calling out complicity in my community.The reality is that we Jews have a responsibility to be openly, loudly, visibly pro-Palestine.
Of course, many Jews oppose the occupation. Many are anti-Zionist for a number of reasons. Just to name a few - obviously the ongoing genocide, as well as discrimination against non-ashekenazi jews and non Orthodox jews.
Assuming all Jews are Zionists or benefit from Zionism is is dangerous and untrue (eg countries that participated in the Holocaust pay reparations to Israel instead of individual survivors/their defendants and the actions of the Israeli government often lead to increased anti semitism in diaspora).
But the Israeli government says it is committing these a atrocities in our name. We must speak out against it, we must take action against it.
The truth is that while individual Jews in diaspora may not have any more power end this genocide than the average non Jewish person, our communities often have ties to Israel.
Think of your shul or your family’s - do they facilitate Birthright trips? Do the High Holy Day appeals go to any Israeli organizations? Are any portion of membership dues donated to Israel and/or Israeli charities? Did any IDF soldiers ever speak at Hebrew school?
If so, we have a moral obligation to make clear to our loved ones and our leadership we do not stand for this. Have these difficult discussions - over shabbat dinners if necessary. Communicate with your rabbi(s) and lay leaders.
If you must, make clear the congregation will dwindle and so will funds - we will stop attending. We will not be affiliated with this. We will observe Jewish ritual in other ways - form new communities that are not complicit.
I personally know many anti-Zonist Jews in my city who attend protests, contribute to fundraising and consciousness raising events AND contact their shuls to complain agains/condemn the spreading of propaganda in the Shul’s emails/newsletters and study groups.
I myself made the difficult and painful decision to stop attending until my parents hear changes are made. If I lived in a city such as Chicago with an anti Zionist synagogue I would go there instead. Now, I do home observances and rituals with friends/minyan.
Other Jews may navigate these situations differently. - like I can’t advise you to do your monthly mikvah i’m a river if you live in a freezing climate. I don’t know it’s financially viable for you to stopping buying kosher meat or wine from Israeli companies and source or make Kosher food at home.
But we must do something. We must do more. Buying E-sims doesn't make up for your membership dues funding a settler colonialist theocratic enthnostate.
We cannot simply post online but pray with those we know support and fund genocide. We cannot protest in public and be silent in private.
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crowandtalbot · 8 months
I just got more hate mail calling me anti-semetic for calling Israeli citizens settlers. Meawhile, the same fucking day, Palestine is literally wiped from Google and Apple maps.
Israel is negotiating with Egypt to pay off international debt if Egypt will allow them to force Palestinians into the Sinai Desert. I can only imagine they feel comfortable doing so since, after decades of consistently substantial American aid, the US is considering bills to cut funding to our IRS department to send $14.3 Billion in aid to Israel. They know the money is going to be there.
Israel is a settler colony just like America is a settler colony. The land was taken by foreign powers through death and destruction and then given to people who didn't not previously live there. That is a colony, full of settlers. And just like in America, Israel is ethnically cleansing the land they don't have colonies on. They, in turn, are also trying to force people they find undesirable into a different country.
None of those actions describe Judaism. It describes Zionism. Israel already has people within who refuse to engage in genocide. The IDF just earlier this year had half of its force just refuse to report for duty. There's been protest after protest to completely dismantle the apartheid government and remove Netanyahu's entire administration from power and prosecute for so many crimes.
Israel =/= Judaism just as Palestine =/= Islam
These are false equivalencies that only serve to defend genocide. Israel has a predominantly Jewish population by design. Palestine has a predominantly Muslim population historically. This is not the same as either country representing entire religions.
Zionism isn't even unique or original to Judaism. The largest population of Zionists are Christian Evangelicals. This isn't a secret, this isn't hidden, it's not even refuted. American Christian Evangelicals in particular, want to trigger the Apocalypse by returning Jewish people to Jerusalem. They want Jewish people out of their country. They don't see Jewish people, or Muslim people for that matter, as people and they would prefer it if the whole Levant self destructed in a massive war. The only other thing that effects American foreign policy more is oil. Zionism provides for both American Evangelicals and for American oil companies by creating a puppet government and calling it Israel. This doesn't do anything for Jewish people, especially not Jewish Palestinians.
I refuse to make this about Hamas, because they are no longer relevant. Israel is committing genocide. Israel is on Palestinian land, even if you gave the most generous benefit of land agreements right now Israel today has been breaking international law to occupy land in the West Bank. Israel has been committing the most egregious war crimes daily, including but not limited to attacking refugees and hospitals and UN aid workers and journalists and their families. Israel has maintained Gaza as a concentration camp, blockading the entire city by land and sea and even air. They even control Gaza's access in Egypt despite the fact that Gaza and Egypt share a border. Israel has been dumping sewage into Gaza's water supply for decades. Israel solely controls it's food supply, medical resources, and electrical grid. Gaza had internet structures, that have been destroyed by the continuous bombing since Oct 7th. Israel is currently holding over 10,000 Palestinian prisoners without food or medical care. This includes literal children (157 on Oct 8th).
I stand with Palestine.
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List of people who are revealed to be without brains in the wake of the release of The Rings of Power (count one point for each category that concerns you) :
The ones who use the general tags to tag their hate. They want to make sure their negativity get them as much likes and reblogs as possible, so keeping it to the anti tags wouldn't give them the popularity they're looking for. Who care if there are fans who are actually enjoying the series, loving the gifs, sincerely curious about the discussions about the parallels and differences with the books. The haters are on crusade, they picked their missions and as all greedy and rigid extremists do, won't let true fans have a fandom, a space to enjoy things. Why should real fans have the right to be happy about something if the haters can't?
The ones who hate on the show and curse it for existing without even having watched one episode. They are hoping it will fail and even actively pushing for its fail by creating as many negative and absurd reviews as they can, as if it would change their lives if the people who have worked on Rings of Power - as in it's their paid job for which they're waking up every morning and staying late at night - since 5 years and whose career depend on its success, would benefit from it.
The ones who dismiss and denigrate the quality of the project on the basis of who funded it, as if the people on the creative and artistic side of the project weren't big Tolkien's fan too, as if they didn't put all their skills and talent to create this really fine adaptation of his work.
The ones who scream with rage and determination anticapitalism in the tags as if cinema and tv film weren't industries since their creation with making money as their primary goal. How do they think the films and tv shows they have been gobbling since they are kids have been produced? Who do they think have been funding their favourites films and series? It has been all paid by big studios and big networks since the start. It has always been the only way for the artists (actors, crew, composers, costume designers etc.., ) that are collaborating to those big/popular projects to make a living of it.
The ones that pretend it's an ethical issue to boycott it, while they are drenched from the hair to the toe in capitalism and never thought about the concept of boycott, let alone about actively boycotting any other big companies that are making products and services, that they enjoy daily (from iphones to coffee, from clothes to books) and don't want out of their lives. If you want to do something useful, use boycott to support the important social and political issues that really matter like the fight against apartheid and colonization in Palestine, or the grassroot movements.
The ones who think that because they themselves had enough of Tolkien's world with the books and Peter Jackson's films, no one else need to watch more adaptations. Are they aware that others people exist and they don't share their taste and opinions? This level of self centredness is incomprehensible.
The ones who act like they're the only ones who use critical thinking. As if the producers, writers, and everyone who made choices on the project were just too dumb to see what works or doesn't work on screen, what is consistent or isn't consistent with the books. If the Elves don't have long hair like in the books, it's obviously because it's a editorial choice that could be explained by many arguments like
the cast of elves is very large and it would be confusing to keep for all them the same look considering that the characters have limited screentime, and considering that the series is destined to a large public, most of them having never read the books and thus never met those characters, except the ones who were already in the previous films.
Its' a way to make them closer to the humans, more relatable, which make sense considering that they are the main characters in this story (which is not the same story as told by Tolkien but was strongly inspired by it). It goes hand to hand with the fact that we are supposed to see, despite their elfic nature, their very human flaws/weaknesses and dishonourable/compromising behaviour  and not treat them as weird androgynous sexual fetishes. In this context, nobody care about the aesthetic or the loss of sexual appeal for the actors and characters.
The ones who think that there was a way to make The Hobbits look good on screen. Some things will never translate well from one medium (books) to an other (screens). An entire community of very small people living a very wild and hidden life in the woods is one of them. I'm' not sure it was necessary to include them in an adaptation of the Second Age (i don't remember this part of the lore and can't say if Hobbits were in the books concerned by this period). But i'm certain their accent is not a lowblow to humiliate irish people. It only means: in an alternate world which bears no similarities to ours, people can have similar accents since the context is entirely different. It's grating maybe, but what isn't annoying when it comes to The Hobbits, except Frodo and Sam? The mix of white and black actors to play Hobbits while this type of Hobbits are supposed to be brown people is largely more annoying.
The ones who compare this new branch of the Middle Earth story to the MCU franchise? What is wrong with you people? How can you compare an adaptation of Tolkien's work, even (wrongly) labelled as not satisfying, with the crap produced by Marvel? Even the comics were bad stories! You have eaten this junk food until you reached indigestion and now that you are full, everything else look the same and equally bad, but it's the fault of the creative team of Rings of Power? Seriously, go fast and get a healthy diet for your brain before shitposting about things you don't even know to deconstruct anymore.
There's more in the tags but this level of absurdity is already so tiresome! People just need to learn to pass when they don't feel attracted to something, instead of throwing a tantrum like a 3 years child who is learning to say no.
You don't want it, don't watch it and more importantly MOVE ON.
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goddess-help-us · 2 years
social media truly is toxic for your mental health. I just went through my Instagram and un-followed around 130 people/pages over the last two days because I realized it wasn't doing anything for me to be connected with these people/accounts. I recently saw a meme, of all things, that said something along the lines of, "this thing isn't actually a big deal, you just secretly enjoy being angry." And this really got me thinking about something else I recently saw which was like, "social media companies have figured out that what keeps people engaged are anger and sex and so those things get incorporated into the algorithm to keep you scrolling and scrolling."
I had been following lots of political accounts—some were actual politicians in Congress, others were former politicians, some were advocacy, many were meme accounts, and many many were identity politics accounts. I think when I re-joined Instagram in May 2020 Instagram got flooded with social justice fervor, which then continued through the rest of the summer into the election of November 2020, followed soon thereafter by the Jan. 6 insurrection hysteria, and then again the following spring in April 2021 with the escalation of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Things maybe calmed down for a bit during the summer until the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, then the Texas anti-abortion bill soon afterwards, then Covid Delta surge in October 2021 which then was followed for like a 3-month period between November 2021 and January 2022 of Covid Omicron surge. This was then capped off by the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
Basically, Instagram is now the place of doom-scrolling. I wouldn't say all accounts or content produced surrounding these events are bad either, in fact some of them contained good bits of analysis for all these events. That doesn't mean it's good to be constantly scrolling through there though. Like maybe if you were someone who doesn't extensively use IG or rely on it to stay in touch with people back home or with other long-distance friends, then you aren't actually on there that much so the algorithm's temptation isn't there to exploit you as much. For me, however, I never really stepped away from IG after it blew up with fervor in June 2020. I relied it on since I didn't really know anyone in my new city—and it's tough to meet new people when you're constantly busy with schoolwork anyway—so I was kinda trapped in my room (monk's cell?) through these whole past two years with Instagram being one of my few escapes. And when one of your only escapes is constantly telling you how bad the world is and constantly trying to apply sociological analyses onto every single thing, it really starts to make you feel like everything is hopeless.
And there it is—"you are here because you enjoy being angered, etc.". The algorithm gave me these pages to look at because it profiled me and found out how to keep me engaged. I don't enjoy being angry but social media likes you to be angry while on their platforms so you don't leave. I think part of truly being mindful is understanding when a space is actively working against your wellbeing and, if so, then you need to take action to either reconstruct that space or leave. I've done both. I removed a lot of people who I don't know from my feed and I've had a time limit on IG that I've been following for a few months now (probably February of this year).
There is something very weird. It's almost like if you aren't posting on IG, are you even real? We have our online and in-person personas and I'm not sure it's so good to compartmentalize our minds into these halves if we aren't being paid to do it. Probably the best thing to do is actually leave IG but I don't have the will to do that, just because I have so many people I'm connected with on there that I wouldn't have connection with otherwise. But maybe that's also the point? We'll see.
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itistimetodisappear · 3 years
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I posted 7,509 times in 2021
230 posts created (3%)
7279 posts reblogged (97%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 31.6 posts.
I added 141 tags in 2021
#iconic post - 52 posts
#fishblr - 17 posts
#dune - 15 posts
#eurovision - 13 posts
#me - 13 posts
#anonymous - 10 posts
#outer wilds - 8 posts
#holy shit - 5 posts
#frogs - 4 posts
#free palestine - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#the post said 'people who define themselves as only being attracted to someone personality' are condescending and not queer allies
My Top Posts in 2021
You know how I know billionaires shouldn't exist? I've used the money cheat in sims before. Y’all ever noticed how boring the game is when you can just buy everything? Within an hour or two you're already putting your sims in doorless rooms and watching them shit themselves to death because there is literally nothing else to do. Power corrupts absolutely.  
660 notes • Posted 2021-02-20 11:51:48 GMT
sorry for more obscure hot takes but more women/nbs need to get into aquascaping. My reasons for this are:
It’s a boys club, we need feminism
men are so pretentious about it. Aquascaping is supposed to be fun, they need knocking down a peg
I’ve seen so many videos where the scapers legit don’t realise that their rock layout looks like a penis, like a literal cock and balls. 
726 notes • Posted 2021-01-12 14:36:20 GMT
Stop arguing about whether we should behead millionaires as well as billionaires, or even 100kaires. It's literally missing the point so hard that Karl is whirling in his grave. Guys, he didn't separate ppl into rich and poor, it's the working class vs the owning class.
It doesn't matter how much money you have, it's about how you got it. Did you earn it? by working? by making goods and giving services to society? Then you are the working class. It doesn't matter if your salary is 1m a year. If you got it by taking the value made by others, because you own their business and/or their home, then you are the owning class. That's the bourgeoisie baby!
744 notes • Posted 2021-09-19 22:12:18 GMT
I know we’re all celebrating and I hate to harsh the vibe but.. amazon won the union vote in Alabama. 
I’m so fucking disappointed. To anyone out there who works for amazon, i’m so so sorry. The amount of anti-union propaganda, coercion and straight up threats from amazon during the voting period was fucking illegal. Yall didn’t have a free choice. We support you, we know you’re being abused by that company, and we won’t stop until you’re treated like human beings. 
1101 notes • Posted 2021-04-09 18:37:01 GMT
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I made my own version of ‘The Star Counter’ by Saara Tikka but this time with my celestial pearl danios. I had to, they look just like the night sky.
11568 notes • Posted 2021-01-24 23:59:58 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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shatar-aethelwynn · 3 years
I would love to see you debating publicly Ezzat! But why do you insist on writing about him? True, his book is terrible, but he is at least right on the non-historical character of the Exodus. For the rest, what he says is practically an expression of Egyptian/Arab nationalism, trying to delegitimize historically (I repeat, with terrible arguments) the Jewish/Israeli presence in Palestine. On the other hand, Israeli right-wingers use the Bible to legitimize and promote claims for a "Greater Israel" and try on the same basis to monopolize the history of this region (although in fact Arabs and other non-Jewish peoples were present in Palestine a long time before the Muslim conquest).
hahahaha he doesn't debate. He's a troll and "debate" for him appears to be interrupting every other word to ask for definitions which he wouldn't need if he was familiar with the academic work that he is attempting to refute. And he does this deliberately. I also suspect that he is the type who would refuse to debate unless he controlled the cameras.
As for why. I'm not actually talking specifically about him. I have no desire to research beyond the bio he provides in the book and the few "debates" I've watched. I'm talking about the content of the book, which is so badly written that it's unsurprising that I was unable to find any scholarly reviews, and which somehow is still receiving 5-star reviews in the year 2021.
Nor am I actually arguing for or against a historical Exodus. He is though. He just wants it to have happened elsewhere. I am criticizing and mocking his "research" because it's clear that he didn't. At the end of the day I genuinely do not care if people think the Exodus actually happened or not. If he were actually supporting his argument with actual evidence, or even addressing specific scholars or their works directly so that a curious reader could track down those sources to better educate themselves, then I wouldn't be doing this. But since his sources are Wikipedia, conspiracy theorists, dead 1-page overview sites, and travel companies well..here we are. If he were posting the chapters as blog posts it would be one thing, I just wouldn't bother interacting at all because it's just a blog, and those don't require sources because they are rarely acceptable sources themselves. But this is a published, and apparently popular, book so I feel perfectly within my rights to discuss it publicly. And if he were, hypothetically, using the Bible as pro-State of Israel instead of being anti-Israel and it showed up on my radar then I would probably be doing the same thing (only that would likely get more theological then historical).
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