#this episode especiallyyy
guardian-angle22 · 2 years
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TK/Carlos + Looks
↳ 1.01 Pilot
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niteyorb · 4 months
I know they all dressed up and everything for the final battle but I truly think if they'd ended this episode when TBK arrived in the red crystal realm, and then started the next episode (ep 21) getting deeper into TBK's rage reflections, and then we'd had like a whole episode of wrap-up after that, the ending would have been sooo much more satisfying to me. I know that isn't how it works with filming schedules and budgets and stuff but. let me dream
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missamyrisa2 · 1 month
reccently discovered that i can be tickled from words alone?? there's a story behind this discovery, here:
one of my friends gets into these little moods where they just want attention, but also want to cause me or the rest of my friends as many problems as possible. so normally they'll lightly chew on someone's arm, or mess up their hair, or steal their phone, just harmless mischief we all enjoy. but if it's just the two of us hanging out, they normally wind up tickling me if they get into one of those moods.
so i was in their room, and we were talking about a thriller anime we both like. i mentioned an episode of it was hard to get through for me because it had gross thing happen involving, and they like, described those back to me to confirm we were talking about the same bit. and it was a gross description, so i got all shivery and like, was lightly playing with my fingernails because i could kind of feel what we were talking about. so they notice this and give me a look, and say something along the lines of "is me describing it that bad?" to which i just nod. and i look up at them and i can tell whatever i said just triggered one of those moods.
so next thing i know, they've plopped right in my lap and are snuggling super close to me, making me unable to move at all. and they say something about "oh, i bet that works for other sensations too, wanna find out?" and i was like "hmm???" before they started describing like, "imagine my nails slowly running up your arms, just barely touching them. does that feel...ticklish, at all? it'd drive you insane if i was actually doing it...wiggling my nails under your knees, lightly tracing over the kneecaps..." and at this point i'm basically dying but i'm trying to keep it together which was a mistake because they saw it as a challenge. so i'm trying to keep calm as they start listing off different sensations, like blowing air, gently rubbing, and eventually they get to feathers.
so i'm hiding behind my hands because i'm embarrassed and they must've seen me shiver at the mention of feathers, so i know i'm doomed, and they lean in even more, right up by my ear, and whisper "oh...it's the feathers, huh? can you imagine...hmmm...how it would feel to have feathers tracing your cheeks, your ears, your shoulders...what if they got to your armpits? would that tickle? feathers lightly brushing over your armpits?" and i have never gotten giggly from words alone but. but that? like them describing running feathers around my armpits? oh my god. oh my god i've never been so flusteref. i was giggling behind my hands and they looked so proud of themself and were freaking saying how cute that was and i just ghgdhshsjhsjbahbbbb
and their voice gets all deep and raspy when they're tired which makes it so much worse, i nearly died i got so flustered. but yeah thought you might enjoy the story :)
I loveddddd thissss~!! And I'm so sorryyyy this has been in my inbox for a long while. I'm trying to dig back further for stuff that I've read and loved and forgotten to post. Alsoooo a bunch of times I read this and fell apart completelyyy
because I knoww exactly what you're talking about! I've had little convos with people describing the tickles we'd do to one another and there's that like ~ feathery ~ texture that can get on the voice especiallyyy when they're tired, just like you said, and it's like everyyy word is summoning feathers and fingers and brushes to tickle awayyy~
I've had some sessions before which were just like, pure imagination. Where we were snuggled up talking about the wilddd hottt situations we'd put each other in, while mostly being naughty on our own royal parts but occasionally crossing over with an assist. And I completely lost control when they were telling a story about having me in a nightclub, pulling me into their lap and tracing my outfit while tickling in front of all our friends ~ just the tickle voice, the aural teasessss and I fell apart sooo badly~
Ahhhh~! And I know we're not the only onesss ~ maybe I do need to record more audio teases~
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djxiao · 1 year
Not sure why that anon is so pressed about Gong Myung.. he's close with SM as he's been in SM music videos, and helped promote Doyoung and the NCT members on a number of his variety show appearances before enlistment (I remember Jungwoo on GM's Omniscient Interfering episode). I'm not sure why it's weird gthe members went to the premiere. Johnny has talked about hanging out with him a lot, as he goes over to Doyoung's family home for holidays, and is the closest member to GM. Apparently Jaehyun idolises him too, I remember him or Doyoung saying so back when NCT were rookies. Regardless of the closeness of the members, it was a public event a bunch of members attended, it's really not that weird to share a photo of it on their socials... let them be
yes!!! dy and gm are very close and they've always publicly supported each other's projects. the neos are friends with gm too and theyre also just big fans of gm in general especiallyyy jaehyun like you said and johnny's basically an honorary kim brother.
to me it seems like anon wasnt too concerned about them going to the premier and it was more about them wondering why it got a full nct main account post rather than being posted to dy's ig. it seems like a lot of people on twt (i dont know if this is how anon feels but it seems to be a common sentiment among some fans) are resentful of the fact that gongmyung who isnt an sm artist is getting promo from sm when they feel their bias is not being properly promoted. to that i say they need to take their complaining somewhere away from gm because it's not his fault and sm simply posted their artists going to an event just like they do when other members go to events. this qrt basically said it all for me
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readyforit · 5 years
so! i started watching ‘you’, and i honestly don’t really like it? like the characters sort of annoy me for some reason (especiallyyy joe and beck dlxjk), but the story is so interesting that i’m addicted. but it got kinda boring so i skipped to the last episode of season 1 alskjx
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chasethesun18 · 5 years
What is your favorite ship and why?
ah this is like my favorite child. ok i thought about this for awhile cause i have so many ships and i get very obsessed with all of them. but id have to say the one that my obsession with never goes away is tiva. they're also my first ship, so they hold a special place in my heart.
its funny though cause i physically can’t watch old episodes of ncis bc there's too many emotional involved & i don't know which one to feel. so theyre my most painful ship by far, which must mean theyre my favorite 😜
also though they’re probably one of the longest running ships ive had (bc literally every show i watch now gets cancelled) and to be able to see their development over so many years was so amazing. from the beginning, to jeanne, to shepherds death, to rivkin, and SOMALIA ASDFGHJKL. and then especiallyyy from then on like all of the s7-s9 growth and then post elevator us. i swoon. all the way to the great year of 2019 seeing my girl back on my screen. like i will never get over the fact that she’s back and they’re fixing her story and we get to see (hopefully. plz.) canon tiva ??? wonders never cease.
(i do have to add though bellarke is a close second, even though i only caught up w t100 this summer. & they’re my favorite more so bc clarke is probably the first fictional character ive reallyyyy seen myself in so i get very caught up in what's going on in her life)
thanks for asking!😘
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erenjaegur · 6 years
Snk Positivity Day 6: Love Your Series
Im gonna put this under a read more because I cant think of express my feelings on something without turning it into a full length incoherent ass essay so!!
I’ve been in the snk fandom since I was like 12 lol - Im 16 now so that’s like, five years?? I can still remember like I’d see a lot of gifs n stuff of it going around tumblr and for some reason I just really felt I wouldn’t like it like I had smthing lowkey against it?? But then I decided to watch it one day, n i still remember, I was just chilling on my laptop watching it in the sitting room, my family around me and stuff and goddd it was soo good... but it made me tear up... n bITCH I was NOT! about to cry in the sitting room around my family. I was not! prepared for that. That night I stayed up till possibly 1 or 3am just watching it, I must’ve gotten to like around episode 6 I think? I loved it so much I rlly fell in love, I finished it all in just three days.... three days of which I also went to school and stuff and had to go to my friends party.... bitch i was pissed i didnt even like that person....i just wanted to finish snk lmaooo 😭
Im pretty sure Id spend sm of my time invested in snk and looking through snk tumblrs and stuff and other fandom stuff of it, I loved it so much!!! like!! thats all I did and even then I was still forcing my friends to read/watch it. I was really cringey in 6th class wow lmaoo I would literally go around during break with the snk manga like xD!!! eren is my baby!!! saying shit like that yikes.... bitch first of all hes 4 years older than you...your literally 12.....
Especially then, when I was younger it brought me sm happiness like when little me was going through shit then little insecure young me, you know how people say u use entertainment to escape or whatever, a distraction, idk.... like that was rlly it man idk ho to describe it without sounding weird i swear it was like my main source of happiness omg lol
Almost always, its very rare like I’ll be watching a movie, listening to music, anything like that just consuming some piece of media or literally just like. living my life and I see something and im like. omg snk au in which.... or I just somehow relate it back to snk or some of its characters lol. Like even when I was on holiday in Venice last year I was literally like thinking of a fanfic of like, the 104th on holidays in Venice like how wholesome...
Like I really do love snk I think about it every day without fail, and I honestly think I’ll always always always love it, and even if I don’t, it’s always gonna have a special place in my heart. Like, I liked it since i was literally 12 years old and it helped my through shit and I just have so much good memories associated with it. I honestly rlly do picture myself being like a 40 year old woman and still loving snk but like the fandom is dead or something... 😭 I rlly hope that never happens.....bc that will happen my 40 year old ass will b like boiis whens season 10 coming out ? Like I really hope snk is one of those series that kind of just lives on forever, or atleast for a very long time - Like Harry Potter for example
Okay, all that was really personal and I’d be surprised if anyone is reading this anyway, but I love looking back on it and talking about snk like this, I love it :) Butttt, getting to one of the reasons why I think I might love snk so much, and I mean, I can’t really pin it down why I love it so much, I dont think anyone can pin down EXACTLY why they love something, especially a series, but I think one thing I really like, and it becomes really apparent when I look at other series is like, they have a good balance between male and female characters if that makes sense. Like theres not way more men in the show than there is women, like how it is in some series or like, theres not way more men in the show than there is women, and the female characters in the show aren’t just like background characters pretty much, and they’re all good fleshed out and developed characters n shit. I think people have talked about this before but yeah.. And the female characters aren’t sexualised or anything like that and like, theres basically little to no fanservice at all which is nice. Supereyepatchwolf said something about it in his video about snk, how it can appeal to everyone because anyone of any age and gender and such can be in the survey corps n stuff... :P
And the characters just in general of course :) I honestly think the characters is one of snks strongest points, like... im not about to do a full on character analysis on anyone here lol but they’re just so amazing. Like I think on first glance it can probably be easy for people to sort most of them into like a trope or something or just write them off as cliche - mostly eren is victim to this bc people are like typical shounen boy !!! but like. you know anyway. I wish I was better at expressing my feelings and thoughts lol. Like god idk i feel like its so easy for someone who idk might just be a casual fan or smthing to just kinda see the characters on their more surface level without seeing how much depth they actually have - and I feel like that could also easily happen with anime only ppl. Like snk really does have so much great n complex n developed characters, especiallyyy now with the timeskip, more so now than ever. Like you know when you love something so much that you cant just pin point one thing about it... because its like.... everything about it i love n everything within it works to like compliment everything in it if that makes sense u get me?? like i cant just pinpoint ONE THING its the whole thing.... why i love snk? *directs u to link of readsnkmanga.com* or something lol
as for the characters themselves, obviously u can tell, with my url, u can take a guess at who my favourite is :) since the timeskip, i dont like him as much - not that i dislike him, i could literally never - but timeskip eren is basically a whole new person - and im not saying that in a bitter tone or anything, if anything its cool and i appreciate it and i understand why eren is like this now, all the shit hes been through- stuff so singular that barely anyone else would be able to understand, no one, if anything. So i understand why hes like this, and as i said earlier, this’ one of snks strong points its complex and rlly developed characters... The things I admired about Eren is just like... his good and bad, everything. How passionate he is, how he wears his heart on his sleeve - that of which being his most notable quality imo, and he expresses himself in an unapologetic manner like.... the courtroom scene... he rlly shouted that in front of all those people... how headstrong, stubborn and impulsive he is. I relate to Eren alot, thats part of the reason why I love him so much because I think I can kinda see myself in him.. but on the same hand, I think it’s also because he possesses a lot of traits I admire. Eren never backs down even when the whole world seems to be against him. He holds on firmly to what he believes in and never gives in, even when literal guns or canons are being pointed towards him. He’s full of determination and will power and he knows what he wants, and he’s also not afraid to express his opinion, even if he knows that he’ll be laughed at or be largely disagreed with.. And I admire his impulsiveness too. Those are all things I admire and other things I didn’t mention.. like me, I’m a very non confrontational person, I always feel things out before getting to it, and even then a lot of the time I just don’t at all. I might second guess my emotions and feelings when it comes to relationships with people especially, and I can a lot of the time stifle or keep quiet about my own beliefs, not completely keeping quiet, but not speaking them out as firmly as I believe them in my own mind, yielding? more I guess, if people disagree with me, I might step down a little - Which isn’t a completely bad thing, it’s good to be openminded and to see other sides, but when it’s coming from a place of embarassment or insecurity, not so much. So I really admire those traits in Eren :) I relate to him a lot, but I also know that in a lot of ways too, we are veryy different. I’ve even thought before, if I knew someone like Eren irl would I even like them lol?? Who knows lol. But as a character, I love him :) My other two favourtie characters after Eren, Levi and Jean, I won’t go into them as much as I did Eren but with them, and not just that, all of the other reasons they’re my faves.. I have like more of a ‘crush’ on them lmaooo like with them i could read so much /reader fanfic lol... but even though Eren is my #1 I could nEVER...god NO lol. And I think thats also down to the fact, as I’ve been saying I seen myself in Eren... rather than the other way around :))))))))
Like god there have been so many times I’ve laughed, cried at stuff in this fandom, made good memories as a result of it irl too... bullied my friends into watching it.... Like I have nothing but good memories. I really can’t express enough how positively snk has impacted my life like I genuinely can’t, it’d be impossible.. I seriously love it :) I’ve made friends bc of it, gotten closer to friends bc of our mutual interest in it, stuff like that...:) And even if those things didn’t happen, I’d still love the series and its fandom itself. :) I seriously can’t thank enough, the ppl that contribute to this fandom, I really can’t. Everything, and everyone to small and big creators, thank you so much. Well known and lesser known creators, like just everything and everyone, seriously. Everyone is just why this fandom is so great and!! Like I just think how lucky am I to have smthing like snk have such a big fandom and stuff and so many great people in it. Like y’know when you see your favourite fanfic update, you see your favourite artist has put out smthing new, even just see a funny snk text post or something, it all can really brighten and even make your day, and its so good :) There are so many amazing creators in this fandom, fanfics that are honestly better than published books I’ve read - like seriously, some of this stuff seriously deserves to e published or something!! And the fact that so much of these creators are putting their work out there and sharing with us for free, is just so great, and I’ll never not be grateful for it :)
Like seriously, returning back to when I was like 12-14, some days back then when I was younger it really felt like y’know the only things I could take comfort in was this series and its characters and stuff yknow.... and maybe im just being and emo teen but im getting kinda emotional thinking about it just now :’) Like seriously... I feel like im maybe being too much in this post lol but seriously this series means a lot to me.. as I said, I can honestly really picture myself being like 40 and still rlly loving snk like no matter what, whatever happens, wherever the series goes, whatever the hell, it’ll always hold a special place in my heart, because its helped me through a lot, a lot of bad days, I have nothing but good memories associated with it, made friends, seen some of the most beautiful art and read rlly great writing!! Just like yeah. Thank u Isayama and this entire fandom.....
and I was gonna peace out but I also want to appreciate and throw some love @ Isayamas art and art style. Obviously, Isayama was a bit infamous in the earlier days for his art not looking so great (Which also is amazing bc like a manga with not so great art like his in the beginning... grew to become so BIG!! like who would’ve thought) - even so the character design and stuff was all really good?? Like I also think thats a strong point he has too!! And all those years of practicing really shows, because damn!! look at his art now!! It’s really damn nice and im not just saying that lol :P
Anyway!! :) Thats all lol
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